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Set A (For SNs ending in 0, 1, 2, and 3)

I. Determine corresponding eduction and truth value based from the given
statement (2 points each).
Ex. Republicans are advocates of lowering tax rates to increase economic
(Convert E from A if A is true)
Ans. A: All Republicans are advocates of lowering tax rates to increase
economic growth.
E: No Republicans are advocates of lowering tax rates to increase
economic growth. (F)
Conversion: No advocate of lowering tax rates to increase economic
growth is a Republican. (F)
1. Poets are closeted communists.
(Contraposition O from A if A is false)
2. One who cannot tolerate the opinion of others is a bigot.
(Conversion A from O if O is false)
3. Politicians are the scum of the earth.
(Obvert I from A if A is true)
4. Teenagers are generally temperamental.
(Convert O from E if E is true)
5. Those who have mental illnesses are often misunderstood.
(Contraposition A from O if O is false)
II. Following Aristotelian Logic, determine the truth value (or lack thereof)
of the following statements given the base statement. (6 points each)
1. All gentlemen are proponents of gender inequality. (True)
a) Some non-proponents of gender inequality are not non-gentlemen.
b) All non-gentlemen are non-proponents of gender inequality.
c) No gentlemen are are non-proponents of gender inequality.
d) No proponents of gender inequality are non-gentlemen.
e) Some non-proponents of gender inequality are gentlemen.
2. No

UP student is mediocre. (False)

All UP students are mediocre.
Some non-mediocre people are non- UP students.
All non- mediocre people are non- UP students.
No non-mediocre people are non- UP students.
Some mediocre people are not scientists.

3. Some non- drug user are not drug pushers. (True)

a) Some non- drug pushers are not drug user.
b) No drug pushers are drug users.
c) All non-drug pusher are non-drug user.
d) No drug users are drug pushers.
e) Some non-drug users are non- drug pushers.
4. Some activists are phony. (False)
a) No activists are non-phony.
b) No non- activists are phony.
c) Some non-phony people are activists.

d) All activists are non-phony.

e) Some activists are not non-phony.
III. Taking into consideration Boolean logic, provide the truth values (or
lack thereof) of the second statement provided the first. (2 points each).
1. All children who lived with criticism are taught to condemn. (True)
No non-children who lived with criticism are taught to condemn.
2. Some children who were subjected to a hostile environment growing up
are fighters. (False)
Some fighters are not non-children subjected to a hostile environment
growing up.
3. Some children living with acceptance are not loving. (False)
Some non-loving persons are children living with acceptance.
4. No non- achievers are children living with a goal. (True)
All non-children living with a goal are not non- achievers.
5. Some children who lives with encouragement are not non-confident.
Some confident people are not non-children who lives with
IV. Determine the mood (nomenclature) of the argument below and state
whether or not they are valid. (3 points each)
1. All people are secretly egoists, provided that all people love themselves
more than they love others and all egoists are those who love themselves
more than they love others.
2. Some past lovers are not worth taking back, yet some who are worth
taking back should do everything to deserve it. Ergo some who does
everything to deserve it are past lovers.
3. All internet trolls are disrupting the community values, for no one who
disrupt the community values are prudent with their facts and some who
are prudent with their facts are not internet trolls.
4. No small gestures of kindness goes by unnoticed, and some things not
worthy of recognition goes by unnoticed. Therefore, some small gestures
of kindness are not worthy of recognition.
5. Some people want it all, but all who want it all will die miserable and
alone. So, some people will die miserable and alone.
V. Bonus. (1 point)
Anong sagot sa tanong kung bakit ka mahalaga? Explain.

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