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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. L-59298 April 30, 1984
HON. PACITO G. MUTIA, as Presiding Judge of the Municipal Court of Plaridel, Misamis
Occidental and PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents.

This is a petition to review by certiorari the order dated December 21, 1981 of
respondent Pacito G. Mutia, then Presiding Judge of the Municipal Court (now
Municipal Trial Court) of Plaridel, Misamis Occidental, which imposed as a condition in
granting probation to petitioner Florentina L. Baclayon that she refrain from continuing
with her teaching profession.
Petitioner, a school teacher, was convicted of the crime of Serious Oral
Defamation by the Municipal Court of Plaridel, Misamis Occidental, then presided by
respondent Pacito G. Mutia for having quarrelled with and uttered insulting and
defamatory words against Remedios Estillore, principal of the Plaridel Central School.
Her conviction was affirmed by the Court of Appeals (now Intermediate
Appellate Court) and the appellate court, taking into account the aggravating
circumstance of disregard of the respect due the offended party on account of
her rank and age and the fact that the crime was committed in the office of the
complainant in the public school building of Plaridel, Misamis Occidental where
public authorities are engaged in the discharge of their duties during office hours,
increased the penalty imposed by respondent judge and sentenced petitioner to one
year, 8 months, 21 days of arresto mayor in its maximum period to 2 years and 4
months of prision correccional in its minimum period.
The sentence was promulgated on September 9, 1981. On the same date
petitioner applied for probation with respondent judge who referred the
application to a Probation Officer. The Post-Sentence Investigation Report
favorably recommended the granting of petitioner's probation for a period of
three (3) years.
On December 21, 1981, respondent Judge issued an order granting petitioner's
probation, but modified the Probation Officer's recommendation by increasing the
period of probation to five (5) years and by imposing the following conditions: t.
(a) To present herself to the probation officer designated to undertake her
supervision at such place as may be specified in the order within seventytwo hours from receipt of said order;
(b) To report to the Probation Office or any specified place designated by
the Probation Officer at least once a month in person;
(c) To reside at the premise approved by the Probation Officer and not
change her residence without prior written approval;

(d) To permit the Probation Officer to visit her house and place of work or
an authorized Social Worker;
(e) To refrain from drinking intoxicating liquor to excess;
(f) To pay the cost;
(g) To satisfy any other condition related to the rehabilitation of the
defendant and not unduly restrictive of her liberty or incompatible with her
freedom of conscience; and
(h) To refrain from continuing her teaching profession.
Petitioner's plea for deletion of the last condition was rejected by respondent judge.
Hence, the petition at bar alleging grave abuse of discretion in the imposition of
the said condition that petitioner should "refrain from continuing her teaching
profession." The petitioner submits that said condition is not only detrimental and
prejudicial to her rights but is also not in accordance with the purposes, objectives and
benefits of the probation law and prays that the said condition be deleted from the order
granting her probation. On petitioner's motion, the Court issued a temporary restraining
order enjoining respondent judge from enforcing the said questioned condition.
The Court finds merit in the petition.
The conditions which trial courts may impose on a probationer may be classified
into general or mandatory and special or discretionary.
The mandatory conditions, enumerated in Section 10 of the Probation Law,
require that the probationer should (a) present himself to the probation officer
designated to undertake his supervision at such place as may be specified in the
order within 72 hours from receipt of said order, and
(b) report to the probation officer at least once a month at such time and
place as specified by said officer.
Special or discretionary conditions are those additional conditions, listed
in the same Section 10 of the Probation Law, which the courts may additionally
impose on the probationer towards his correction and rehabilitation outside of prison.
The enumeration, however, is not inclusive. Probation statutes are liberal in
character 2 and enable courts to designate practically any term it chooses as long
as the probationer's constitutional rights are not jeopardized. 3 There are
innumerable conditions which may be relevant to the rehabilitation of the probationer
when viewed in their specific individual context. It should, however, be borne in mind
that the special or discretionary conditions of probation should be realistic, purposive
and geared to help the probationer develop into a law-abiding and self-respecting
individual Conditions should be interpreted with flexibility in their application and each
case should be judged on its own merits on the basis of the problems, needs and
capacity of the probationer. 4 The very liberality of the probation should not be made a
tool by trial courts to stipulate instead unrealistic terms.
Petitioner is a teacher and teaching is the only profession she knows and as such she
possesses special skills and qualifications. Thus, she was designated as District
Guidance Coordinator and always designated as District-in-Charge whenever the
District Supervisor is out of town. She is usually selected to represent her district in
seminars, meetings and conferences. She also excelled in her study of Child Study and

Development. It also appears that she is an outstanding member of the Misamis

Occidental Girl Scout Council, having served as Physical Education & Girl Scout Field
Advisor of the District, Adviser of the District Girl Scout Leaders Association, Adviser of
the Distinct Federated Girl Scout Barangay Troop Committee, acts as resource person
in District and Division Level Girl Scout encampments and re-elected Board Member of
the Misamis Occidental Girl Scout Council. To order the petitioner to refrain from
teaching would deprive the students and the school in general the benefits that may be
derived from her training and expertise. While it is true that probation is a mere
privilege and its grant rests solely upon the discretion of the court, this discretion
is to be exercised primarily for the benefit of organized society and only
incidentally for the benefit of the accused. 5 Equal regard to the demands of justice
and public interest must be observed. 6 In this case, teaching has been the lifetime and
only calling and profession of petitioner. The law requires that she devote herself to a
lawful calling and occupation during probation. Yet, to prohibit her from engaging in
teaching would practically prevent her from complying with the terms of the probation.
Respondents contend that petitioner's final conviction carries with it the accessory
penalties in addition to the principal penalty of imprisonment; and since petitioner was
sentenced to arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum
period,that she must likewise suffer the accessory penalties of suspension from public
office and from the right to follow a profession or calling, and that of perpetual special
disqualification from the right of suffrage. This cannot apply to petitioner, however,
because she was granted probation. The imposition of her sentence of
imprisonment was thereby suspended and necessarily, the imposition of the
accessory penalties was likewise thereby suspended.
An order placing defendant on "probation" is not a "sentence" but is rather in effect a
suspension of the imposition of sentence. 7 It is not a final judgment but is rather an
"interlocutory judgment" in the nature of a conditional order placing the convicted
defendant under the supervision of the court for his reformation, to be followed by a
final judgment of discharge, if the conditions of the probation are complied with,
or by a final judgment of sentence if the conditions are violated. 8
In view of all the foregoing, the Court grants the petition and hereby orders that
paragraph (h) of the questioned order granting probation which requires that
petitioner refrain from continuing with her teaching profession be deleted. The
temporary restraining order is hereby made permanent. No costs.
Melencio-Herrera, Plana, Relova, Gutierrez, Jr. and De la Fuente, JJ., concur.

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