CNC Milling

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Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Milling is the most common form of CNC. CNC
mills can perform the functions of drilling and often turning. CNC Mills are classified
according to the number of axes that they possess. Axes are labelled as x and y for horizontal
movement, and z for vertical movement, as shown in this view of a manual mill table. A
standard manual light-duty mill (such as a Bridgeport) is typically assumed to have four axes
as table x, table y, table z and milling head z.

A five-axis CNC milling machine has an extra axis in the form of a horizontal pivot
for the milling head, as shown below. This allows extra flexibility for machining with the end
mill at an angle with respect to the table. A six-axis CNC milling machine would have
another horizontal pivot for the milling head, this time perpendicular to the fifth axis. CNC
milling machines are traditionally programmed using a set of commands known as G-codes.
G-codes represent specific CNC functions in alphanumeric format.


The history of CNC milling dates back well into the 20th century, and it is interesting
to note that the very first CNC machines were actually almost as complex as the ones you
find today in modern CNC machine shops. The very first CNC technology came about just
after the Second World War, and it was initially used to manufacture parts for the aerospace

The precursor to the history of CNC milling was indeed numerically controlled
machines, and NC was developed by John Parsons. Working at his fathers factory, he first
developed rotor blade templates that would be used for helicopters. This very first attempt at
NC allowed data to be punched onto cards. Parsons would then go on to work on many
projects within the Air Force, and he started work with the MIT in 1949. It was here that the
first experimental CNC machine would be constructed.


Be sure that all machines have effective and properly working guards that are always

in place where machines are operating.

Replace guards immediately after any repair.
Dont attempt to oil, clean, adjust or repair any machine while it is running, stop the

machine and lock the power switch in the off position.

Even after the power is off, dont leave the machine until it has stopped running.

Someone else may notice that it is still in motion and be injured.

Dont operate any machine unless authorized, to do so by the instructor or under his

Dont try to stop the machine with your hand or body.
Always see that work and cutting tools on any machine are clamped securely before

Keep the floor clean of metal chips or curls and waste pieces, put them in container

provided for such things.

When working with another student only one should operate machine or switches.
Dont rest against the machine.
Concentrate on the work and dont talk unnecessary while operating machine.
Be sure you have sufficient light to see clearly check with the supervisor if you dont

Always wear safety glasses or face shields designed for the type of the work operating

any machine
Always wear safety shoes inside and around the workshop.
Wear clothing suited for the job.
Dont wear neck ties or loose turn clothing of any kind.
Dont leave tools or work on the table of a machine even if the machine in not

turning. Tools or work may fall off and cause the fact of injury.
Put tools always when not in use.


CNC Milling Machine

Rough Stock
Machine Controller
NC Program
Cutting Tool
Work Holding Device


Design the Part: CAD

1. Determine machine limitations. Make sure that CNC mill can machine the part to
2. Determine cutting tool limitations by examining which cutting tools are available and
what their geometries and limitations are. It may be impossible to machine certain
designs with these tools.
3. Procure the material that will mill.
4. Use Rhino and some other programs for this, but these instructions are assuming you
will be using AutoCAD.
5. Milling from a rectangular prism, begin with a rectangle of the stock's width and
depth. Use the "right hand rule" for determining axes and directions.
6. Draw geometry that will later be used to create toolpaths.

7. Design was show to the instructor or lab supervisor for approval.

8. Save the AutoCAD file in its native format on own removable medium. Next, use the
Save As command and select Other Formats, then select AutoCAD 12 dxf. Those
using Rhino would likewise save their file as an AutoCAD dxf file, and then choose
AutoCAD 12 Normal as the file type to save.

9. Once the design is approved, cut stock to size. Follow all safety guidelines for this,
and if need help or instruction, ask the instructor or lab supervisor.

Identify the Toolpaths and Parameters to Create the NC Code

1. On one of the computers controlling a milling machine in AT 141, open SpectraCAM
Milling and open your dxf file. These, and the instructor's computer in AT 157, are the
only machines containing this software, along Dr. Flowers' office computer.
2. Under Setup, specify the correct:

Material Type (for wood, use the Machinable Wax setting)


Stock Size

3. Think through the operations and determine their sequence.

4. For each operation, select the appropriate operation type:








Surface of Revolution

5. Click the Setup button at the top left of the screen.

6. Specify the critical parameters of the cut. Most important is the "Z Final" amount,
which is the bottom of the cut. If the top of the work piece has a z coordinate of zero,
then all of the machining will be in the z-negative direction. The Step Size refers to
how much material is removed per pass, so in the illustration above, the cut would be
made in a single pass since .05" is less than .0625". Again, if the top of the stock is at
Z0, then Z Final will be negative.
7. When all of the parameters are correct, click OK to exit the Setup dialog box.
8. Select the geometry. (This could have been done prior to clicking Setup.) Use the
Shift key to select multiple geometries. Selected geometries show up as dashed lines.
9. Click the "Go!" button. If the red lines indicating the centerlines of tool paths look
correct, then accept the tool paths.

10. Re-set the parameters for each machining operation. After adding additional tool
paths, and deleting erroneous ones, export the numerical control code by clicking the
NC button.

Verify the Code

1. At a computer controlling a mill, turn on the mill's power supply now so that
the control program does not start in simulation mode.
2. Fill out the machine log for this mill.
3. At the Benchman controlling computer, open Benchman MX, and click
through any error messages. Then at the computer controlling the ProLight
1000 or at any computer not connected to a milling machine, open CNC Base
for the ProLight 1000 Machining Center program. This is essentially identical
to the Benchman control software, and it is used on computers not connected
to the Benchman for verification, even if you later will do the machining on
the Benchman.
4. Open your NC file within that program.
5. If the NC code screen has a grey background, click Edit, Lock, to unlock it
and allow editing. Rearrange the windows as needed.


Click Tools, Select Tool, and select the appropriate tool. If it is not available, add it to
the library and then select it.


Click the red Verify button. Click Verify Options and then make sure that the stock
size, origin, and initial tool position are correct.


Fix the program as necessary. Typically, the program will leave the tool embedded in
the stock. If it does, add additional lines to extract the tool and send it back to its
starting position. Make other changes as needed, but with each of them, be sure to
verify the program after making changes, and then to save the verified version.

Some Common Numerical Control Codes





Name, Description, and Notes


Rapid Traverse: Moves at top speed to the identified


location, not necessarily in a straight line. This should never

to be used to remove material. It is for repositioning only.



Linear interpolation: Removes material at a specified feed


rate in a straight line motion.

G2[endpoint xyz][center ijk]

Circular interpolation arc CW. Removes material at a


specified feed rate in a truly circular clockwise arc from the

previous position to the endpoint, given the specified center

G2[endpoint xyz][radius]

point. Please make sure the starting point (which is not in the
syntax but is where the tool is after the previous line) and the
endpoint are equidistant from the center point.

G3[endpoint xyz][center ijk]

Circular interpolation arc CCW. Removes material at a


specified feed rate in a truly circular counter-clockwise arc

from the previous position to the endpoint, given the specified

center point. Please make sure the starting point (which is

G3[endpoint xyz][radius]

not in the syntax but is where the tool is after the previous
line) and the endpoint are equidistant from the center
point or you will get a bad points error.


Dwell. This causes a momentary delay for the specified


number of seconds, and is useful in allowing a spindle to

reach operating speed prior to material removal.



Pause. This causes a temporary stop in the program that can

be resumed with the F5 keyboard key.

G90 G90

Absolute Coordinates. From this line in the program

forward, all coordinates are based on the object's absolute
origin point.

G91 G91

Relative Coordinates. From this line in the program forward,

all coordinates are based on the tool's position at the
beginning of each line.



Program Stop. Halts the program.



Program End. Ends the program. Include this on the final




Spindle On CW. This turns on the spindle at a given number


of revolutions per minute (RPM). As it might take a moment

to achieve that spindle speed, it is customary to include a
dwell command on the same line.



Spindle Off. This turns the spindle off. It is useful in allowing

the spindle speed to wind down after the final material
removal operation as the final rapid traverse occurs.


M6T3 (Neither the Benchman Tool Change. Switches to the specified tool in the turret.
nor PLM 1000 is equipped Please make sure that you first move to a safe place, because
with a tool change feature. Do as the turret turns, some other tool might be sticking out too

not use this.)

far and contact your workpiece.


Block Number. This is for the user's convenience only, as it is

sometimes possible to have duplicate, missing, or incorrect
block numbers, but the program would still execute from the
top line to the bottom line.

for feed rate:

Feed Rate. Specify the feed rate in inches-per-minute prior to

the end of the line containing the first material removal

for dwell:

operation. This remains in effect until a new feed rate is

Dwell Duration. F is also used to specify the number of
seconds for a dwell.



Spindle Speed. This specifies the speed of the spindle in

RPM and is used after the command that turns the spindle on.

M6T1 (Neither the Benchman Tool Designation. Used after a Tool Change command, T
nor PLM 1000 is equipped identifies the number of the tool to insert.
with a tool change feature. Do
not use this.)

G2[orG3][endpoint xyz]

Radius Designation. This is an alternative to specifying the


coordinates of a center point in circular interpolation.



Remark. Within a single line, all characters after the

N1; Part Name: GearHousing1 semicolon are ignored by the NC machine, allowing the
author to add comments and annotations.

Prepare the Mill


Safety glasses are required in AT 141. Turn on the Benchman MX milling machine,
so put them on and ask those around to do the same. If have not yet done so, turn on
Benchman power with the Green ON button; if using the Prolight 1000 Milling
Machine, be sure to turn on its power supply /
controller box.


Engage the red emergence stop button by pressing it


Secure the workpiece to the table, possibly using the

precision vise. If use the precision vise, check to make
sure it is installed properly. Aligning the left end of a
small block with the left of the vise can facilitate remachining. Be sure to press down so that the block has
a level top. Tighten the vise and make sure your
workpiece will not come loose during machining.


Install the correct tool.


After inserting the correct cutting tool, be sure to

remove the wrench and the shaft lock.


Close the door/cover. Make sure the door on the

Benchman latches.Disengage the emergency stop.


On the ProLight 1000 mill, make sure the selector is on

the right pointing to Computer rather than CNC.

Prepare the CNC Base Software Environment


Select Tools, Select Tool, and then select the correct tool for this job. If it is not there,
you might need to add it to the list and then select it.


Select Setup, Set/Check Home, and click Home.

Establish Known Coordinates


Establish the Z coordinate:

a. Use the Jog Control window or the keyboard to
move the tool. (To use the keyboard, click
"Keypad" on the Jog Control window. The
keyboard's cursor keys operate the X and Y
motions, and the minus and plus keys move the
spindle up and down in the Z axis.) Move the
tool so it is in the

center of the stock but slightly

above it.
b. Open the door to
c. Use a piece of



the Benchman.
paper as a feeler gage, and
down .001" at a time until it

just touches the paper. The paper should still slide, but with some resistance.
d. If don't see a readout of the X, Y, and Z coordinates, click View, Position.
Then right click on that position readout (and on earlier versions on the
Machine Info window pictured below) and select Set Position.


Enter the position of the tool along the Z axis. If the top of your stock is at Z0,
and the paper is .004" thick, you would enter a positive .004 as the Z position.
All of your machining would be in the Z negative range.


Move the tool up to about .1" above the stock so you

can later move it to find the X and Y coordinates
without scratching the stock.


Establish the X and Y coordinates:

a. Move the tool so that the very center of the tool is
directly over the front, left corner of the block.
b. Assuming this is X0 Y0, right click on the coordinates in the Machine Info
window or on the X, Y, and Z coordinate read out, select Set Position. (Do not
click Zero Position because this would lose the value of the Z axis.)
c. Type in the value of 0 for each the X and Y positions. Click OK.


Close the door and on the Benchman make sure it latches.


Move the tool to the starting position. Do this by right clicking on the Machine Info
window and then clicking Go To. Type in the coordinates of the starting position and
double check these. If flip any positions, make a mistake with plusses and minuses, or
leave out a decimal place, the tool could crash into the vise and break. When sure the
coordinates are accurate and the path to them is clear, click Go Rapid.

Make Final Preparations


Verify the code one more time and save the verified


Make sure that "Single Step" is not selected in the run



Check again to make sure the tool is held securely, the stock is held securely, and both
the spindle wrench and the spindle lock cylinder have been removed.


Make sure the door is closed and latched, the emergency stop is disengaged, and the
override control dials are near their center positions.


Make sure the readout of the coordinates on the screen matches where the tool is.


Make sure that you and everyone around is wearing safety glasses.


Get the lab supervisors approval to machine before you run the program for your first

Run the Program, Clean Up & Power Down


If received the lab supervisor's permission and you are confident in work, then click
on the green Run button. There may be two built-in delays that require keyboard
action, so take that action.


While the part is machining, stay with it and monitor it; your hand should be on the
Red Emergency Stop button for the first time you run the part. If anything goes
wrong, like the stock coming out of the vise or the tool heading in the wrong
direction, press the emergency stop button. There are two additional emergency stop
icons on the software that function in the same way.


When the milling machine has come to a complete stop at the very end of the
program, press in the Red Emergency Stop button, lift the cover, and remove your


Repeat the milling procedure as needed for additional parts and re-establish
coordinates for each piece.

Finishing a Milling Job


When you are done for the day, please clean the mill. Vacuum out the debris. Put all
tools and materials away. Power-down the computer and the mill.


Finish entry in the machine log.


As needed, post-process your product. If there are any problems, report these to the
lab administrator right away.




Provide a high degree of quality because of Costs quite a lot more than conventional
their accuracy and their ability to reuse machinery
Once the first piece has passed inspection, Costs quite a lot more than conventional





on machinery

subsequent parts



and Parts (ie machines and tooling) are costly

programming capabilities allow for complex and





machining operations to be more easily justification.

Enable the operator to make changes or Expensive to repair.
improvements with a minimum of delay or
Reduce waste as errors due to operator CNC machines do not totally eliminate
fatigue, interruptions and other factors are errors. Operators can still push the wrong
less likely to occur

buttons, make incorrect alignments and fail

to locate parts properly on a jig.

Improve production planning as they can

often perform work at one setting that


conventional machines





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