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All Colleges 2015 Prelims P1 Questions

ACJC Prelims 2015

1. A career as an artist is more attractive now than ever before. Comment.
2. How important is it for people in your society to embrace uncertainty?
3. Consider the view that affluence poses more problems than it solves.
4. Is a world without borders a cause for celebration?
5. Environmental conservation should be made compulsory. Do you agree?
6. To what extent can we rely on newspapers to keep us well-informed?
7. Is increasing the strength of the police force the best way to combat crime?
8. Scientific advancement makes us less human. Do you agree?
9. Discuss the claim that education guarantees progress.
10.How far should the government interfere with personal decisions?
11.Out of sight, out of mind. Is this an accurate description of your societys attitude
towards the less fortunate today?
12.There is no room for the weak in competitive sport. Comment.
AJC Prelims 2015
1. Consider the view that more could and should be done to ease the problems resulting
from the relocation of people.
2. Skills are more important than academic qualifications in todays world. Discuss.
3. To what extent does the law ensure justice is served?
4. Not enough has been done to address the global outbreak of diseases. Is this a fair

Does religion do more harm than good in todays world?
How far does technology have an impact on the popularity of the arts?
The ability to make difficult decisions is the key to success. How true is this?
Examine the extent to which alternative lifestyles should be encouraged in your society.
People should help the poor in their own country rather than those elsewhere. How far

do you agree?
10.Discuss the claim that too much faith is placed in democracy.
11.Is there any value in suffering for a cause?
12.Should we be concerned about the increasing use of artificial intelligence?
CJC Prelims 2015
1. How far are we justified in making decisions for those who cannot?
2. The more attention men give to their roles at home, the less problems there
would be in the family. Discuss.
3. Discuss the view that it is increasingly difficult to engage in ethical business
4. Is green technology the most effective solution to the environmental problems in
5. Consider the view that it is more important for a leader to be a visionary than a

6. Money ultimately determines every success in sport. Do you agree?
7. Real power lies with the one who controls the media. Comment.
8. How important is it for people in your society to possess a sense of belonging?
9. Do museums have a future?
10.Society is obsessed with being the best. To what extent is this true of your
11.How far should Science be held accountable for perpetuating discrimination?
12.A long life does not necessarily mean a good life. Do you agree?
DHS Prelims 2015
1. The roles of men and women should be complementary rather than equal. Discuss.
2. To what extent is cultural heritage really important in your society?
3. The world would be a better place if we had a universal language. Comment.
4. Technology has produced a generation unable to distinguish what is worth reading. Is
this true?
5. We cannot expect individuals to save the environment. Do you agree?
6. Consumers are at the mercy of corporations. Discuss.
7. Does tragedy always unite a nation?
8. Politicians today are too obsessed with the art of persuasion. Discuss.
9. A little rebellion now and then is a good thing. Comment on the validity of this
10.The truth should never be hidden from the public. Discuss.
11.The harsher the punishment, the more effective it is. Discuss.
12.Modern art is merely the expression of ones imagination, and is of little significance.
Do you agree?
HCI Prelims 2015
1. What valuable lessons do you think your country could learn from some of its
2. Do your duty! Explore both the possible merits and potential drawbacks of always
obeying this directive.
3. Should we be extremely excited or seriously alarmed by the rapid progress being made
in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence?
4. Rather than broadening our minds, most foreign travel only serves to reinforce our
prejudices! How far do you agree?
5. The greatest happiness for the greatest number. Is this the best principle to adopt as
the basis for good government?
6. Do you agree with the criticism that charities are ineffective organisations that usually
do more harm than good?
7. Mother Nature knows best. To what extent do you agree with this piece of traditional
8. Most non-conformists are merely attention-seekers. How true is this in your society?

9. Nothing happens by chance there is no such thing as luck. Discuss.

10.Parents should decide for themselves how many children they want to have
governments have no business trying to influence their decision. What are your views?
11.There is nothing special about our species mankind is merely a slightly more
intelligent chimpanzee. Discuss.
12.Do you agree with the view that art and politics should never mix?
IJC Prelims 2015
1. It is better to be a man than a woman. How far is this true in today's world?
2. Do written examinations serve any useful purpose?
3. To what extent should genetic research be supported?
4. People are too pragmatic. How true is this of your society?
5. 'The mass media are to be blamed for perpetuating stereotypes.' Do you agree?
6. 'When it comes to the environment, we have failed to walk the talk.' How far is this
7. The performing arts have little value beyond entertainment. Is this a fair comment?
8. Can freedom of expression be too much of a good thing?
9. Parents know best. To what extent is this true in a world of rapid change?
10.Should developing the young be the main focus of your country?
11.Medical science has extended life and prolonged suffering. Do you agree?
12.Regress to progress. How far is this true?
JJC Prelims 2015

Are certain languages superior to others?

Population pressure is the root cause of conflict. How far do you agree?
How far should governments exercise control over scientific development?
The Arts should play a significant role in your society. How far do you agree?
Discuss the view that, in an increasingly connected world, international issues must take


precedence over national issues.

Women will always be losers in the fight for equality. Comment.
Consider the view that social media undermines the truth and should be regulated.
Politicians merely react to events. Is this a fair comment?
Countries have far more urgent priorities than protecting the environment. Do you

10.To what extent is the value of sport determined by its profitability?
11.How far is your country prepared for a serious outbreak of disease?
12.Discuss the value of music.

MJC 2015 Prelims


A good government is measured solely by the freedom of its people. Discuss.

Do you agree that we have less control over our health today?

How justifiable is it for poor countries to be concerned with the preservation of their
historical monuments?

People, not technology, must solve mankinds problems. Is this a fair comment?

How far should migrants conform to the culture of their host country?

Being a small country is as much a good thing as a bad thing. Discuss.

Is it ever justifiable to break the law?

Should an education in the arts be encouraged as much as the sciences in your society?

Is there any point in caring about environmental problems in countries other than your

10 Research in the life sciences presents more dilemmas than solutions. Do you agree?
11 Consider the view that humility is unnecessary for one to succeed in life.
12 To what extent is the welfare of the elderly in your society the responsibility of the

NJC 2015 Prelims

1. More than anything else, history instills a sense of belonging. Is this true?
2. Parents are mainly responsible for their childrens success and failure in life. Comment.
3. The most valuable commodity in modern life is time. Do you agree?
4. Religion divides rather than unites in todays world. Discuss.
5. Discuss the importance of understanding and appreciating the power of the written
6. How far is healthcare a matter of personal responsibility rather than the business of the
7. To what extent does your society celebrate diversity?
8. Despite all the technological or medical advancements that we have made, we have
not create a better world for mankind. Do you agree?
9. Consider the view that there is too much importance placed on freedom of expression.
10.To what extent do women in your society face discrimination?
11.Experimentation on animals is necessary for scientific research. How far do you agree?
12.Uncertainty may not necessarily be a bad thing. Discuss.
NYJC Prelims 2015
1. Should










2. Migration should be discouraged, not embraced. Discuss.
3. Assess the impact of the digital age on the way business is done today.
4. Religion has no place in politics. Do you agree?

5. Should more emphasis be placed on traditions in your society?

6. Let bygones be bygones. Is this good advice?
7. There is nothing to fear about growing old when the government is paying increased
attention to the needs of the elderly. Is this true in your society?
8. People no longer read for pleasure. Discuss.
9. Consider the view that security is more important than democracy.
10.Assess the effectiveness of international efforts at addressing crises today.
11.Photography has little artistic value today. Is this a fair comment?
12.To what extent is it acceptable for science to be used in the pursuit of human

PJC 2015 Prelims


Has technology brought about a highly disconnected world?

Learning beyond grades. To what extent is this a realistic goal in your society?
Kindness cannot be legislated. What is your view?
Stand up for your rights. Is this sound advice?
Is singlehood an attractive option in todays world?
Do you agree that scientific research should not be limited by ethical

7. Language is the key to cultural identity. To what extent is this true in your
8. The artist, not the government, should be regulating what is appropriate for the
audience. Do you agree?
9. The integrity of the game is everything. Is this true of sports today?
10.How important is it for people in your society to retain a sense of nostalgia?
11.In todays world, has ethics taken a backseat where food is concerned?
12.Security is far more important than liberty. Discuss.
RI Prelims 2015
1. Disease is the greatest threat facing mankind today. To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
2. In the digital age do newspapers still have a role in society?
3. To what extent can Mathematics be considered a form of art?
4. Is the study of History increasingly losing its relevance in todays world?
5. Unlimited scientific research is the only way to make real scientific progress. Do you
6. The State has no place in the private lives of its citizens. Do you agree?
7. The developed world should bear the burden of climate change. Discuss.
8. How far is your society prepared for the challenges that diversity brings?
9. Consider the view that science serves mankind better than religion.
10.There are enough opportunities in your society to improve ones life. Do you agree?

11.Tradition does more harm than good. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
12.Should international aid only be given to others during times of economic prosperity?
RVHS Prelims 2015
1. Love for ones country is always a good thing. Comment.
2. Education produces a population able to read but unable to think. Discuss.
3. One cannot have ones cake and eat it too. Consider this statement in view of the
issues faced by women today.
4. Happiness is in your own hands. How far do you agree with this claim?
5. To what extent should the success of your society be measured by its economic growth?
6. Do you think the world will be a better place if everyone has a religion?
7. The traditional roles of a father are no longer relevant today. Do you agree?
8. To what extent has the media advanced the cause of conservation?
9. Can the car as a form of private transport ever be eliminated?
10.Science requires as much faith as it requires logic. Comment.
11.There is no greater threat to countries today than terrorism. Do you agree?
12.How far is elitism a problem in your society?
SAJC Prelims 2015

Good character hinders success. Discuss.

Consider the importance of architecture and city planning.
Should the pursuit of environmental causes be embraced at all costs?
Money is the only motivator for people today. Comment.
Compassion has no place in a competitive society. Is this true?
Is it true that the more interconnected the world becomes, the more

danger there is?

7. Does tourism impoverish us?
8. A world without religion will be a better one. Do you agree?
9. Should we always accept opportunities that come our way?
10.Parenting today is an impossible task. Do you agree?
11.Is it possible to forgive and forget?
12.Can your society do without the Arts?
SRJC Prelims 2015
1. To what extent is it mankind's duty to save endangered species?
2. 'Democracy is not for every country.' Discuss.
3. There has never been a better time than now to be a woman. Comment.
4. We cannot eradicate poverty without first eliminating discrimination. Do you agree?
5. 'No one dares to be different.' Is this true of your society?
6. Should the press be completely free?
7. There is no reason for society to spend on the Arts when people are still suffering in
poverty. Do you agree?

8. To what extent is the development of a country affected by geographical factors?

9. Technology has made learning easier, not harder. To what extent do you agree?
10.'There is too much emphasis on economic development.' Is this true in your society?
11.'Competitive sports bring out the best not worst in people.' Do you agree?
12.Should countries that are suffering from economic crises still try to save the
TJC 2015 Prelims
1. Do you agree that ethical considerations only get in the way of medical progress?
2. In your society, is there any point in learning a foreign language?
3. Examine the view that the Arts are only for the wealthy.
4. Do superheroes serve any useful purpose?
5. Celebrities should stay out of politics. Comment.
6. Does the notion that big businesses do more harm than good still hold true today?
7. Do you agree that social media has given rise to a more divided world?
8. Is genetically modified food the answer to world hunger?
9. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. How well does this describe the attitude of young
people in your society today?
10.How tolerant is your society of alternative views and lifestyles?
11.Is lack of education the root cause of crime today?
12.Age is no barrier to success. How far do you agree?
TPJC 2015 Prelims

Should wild animals be kept in captivity?

Leaders must keep their eyes more on the present than the future. Comment.
Should fathers today stay at home and look after their children?
Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity. How far is this true of the

elderly in your society?

5. It is impossible to contain conflict within national borders in todays world. Discuss.
6. Is it true that humour makes the world a better place?
7. Examine the claim that people in your society are too dependent on their government.
8. Having designer babies is our right. Do you agree?
9. Consider the view that the arts will play a more significant role in your society.
10.Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Is this good advice?
11.Healthcare is the responsibility of the individual, not the government. Do you
12.Is international cooperation the most effective way of reducing poverty?
VJC Prelims 2015
1. Political leaders should ignore public opinion. How far do you agree with this
2. The preservation of culture has been overlooked in the arts. Discuss.
3. Is the study of History increasingly irrelevant in todays world?
4. Should science be the primary focus of education in your country?

5. Have children today lost their childhood?

6. Should developed countries be expected to do more to solve the water crisis?
7. Are we taking sport too seriously?
8. With the emphasis on technology, will the elderly in your country be left behind?
9. We lack role models who can inspire our young to make change. Comment.
10.Do choices actually make our lives better?
11.How far is it acceptable for the public to mete out justice for wrongdoing?
12.Do museums still have a role to play in society?
YJC Prelims 2015
1. Consider the view that the good of the society should not be sacrificed for that of the

Animals should have the same right to life as humans. Discuss.
Do you agree that only the rich can appreciate the Arts?
Examine the extent to which terrorism is a threat to global security today.
How far should individuals be blamed for global environmental problems?
Free speech entails the right to offend or provoke. Is this a fair comment?
The pursuit of money necessarily results in an ungracious society. Discuss.
Examine the extent to which the young in your society should be allowed to make their

own decisions.
9. Horrific events are the only catalysts for social or political change. Discuss.
10.Is there any point in trying to regulate social media?
11.Historical records are questionable, being based as much on perception as on fact. Is
this a fair comment?
12.To what extent do new technologies enhance the quality of education in your society?

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