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Preventing Problems

at the Polls: North Carolina

By Rebecca Buckwalter-Poza and Liz Kennedy

October 17, 2016

The struggle over voting rights in North Carolina has captured national attention,
as have recent tensions over the so-called bathroom bill that targets transgender
Americans1 and the shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott by police.2
The U.S. Supreme Courts June 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder eliminated the
Voting Rights Acts preclearance requirement for changes to voting procedures in states
with a history of voter suppression. Just weeks after the decision was announced, the
North Carolina legislature, which had requested data on voting practices by race while
drafting a voter ID bill, passed an expanded version of that legislationa monster voter
suppression law3restricting voting and registration in multiple ways that disproportionately affected African Americans. No other state combined so many voter suppression measures into a single bill. The new law, along with other problems at the polls,
kept at least 30,000 voters from voting in the 2014 election.4
A federal district court upheld the law in April 2016,5 but the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals reversed the decision in July, striking key provisions of the lawnamely, the
voter ID requirement and cuts to early voting, same-day registration, out-of-precinct
voting, and preregistration.6 The state was found to be intentionally targeting African
American voters, designing restrictions on voting rights with almost surgical precision
so they would be most disadvantaged.7 The Rev. William Barber II characterized this ruling as a peoples victory that sends a message to the nation.8 North Carolina asked
the U.S. Supreme Court to stay that ruling, but the Court declined to intervene, leaving
the 4th Circuits decision intact.9 However, county-level decisions have continued to
endanger ballot access, particularly for black voters.
In the 2008 election, turnout of eligible voters was 67.1 percent.10 Four years later,
turnout was 68.3 percent.11 Black turnout grew from 67.1 percent to 80.2 percent from
2008 to 2012.12 Record early turnout during the March 2016 primary bodes well for a
continued rise, but voters will face a number of obstacles as a result of increasingly overt
efforts to impede registration and voting.13

Center for American Progress | Preventing Problems at the Polls: North Carolina

The integrity of elections in the United

States demands that every eligible American is able to cast a ballot and trust that it
will be counted. Americans have the right
to choose their representatives and take
part in electoral decision-making. But across
the country, thousands of voters have not
had their voices heardeither because of
targeted voter suppression laws or poor
election administration decisions.1 While the
vast majority of Americans will vote without
encountering diculties, in recent election
cycles, voters have faced preventable problems and unnecessary hurdles. Failures at
the polls may deny individuals their right to
participate in the democratic process.
This series of issue briefs assesses potential
problems for voters in states that have experienced issues with election administration
or recent changes to voting rules. Each brief
analyzes steps to improve election performance and the voting experience. Ongoing
lawsuits have led to significant changes in
recent weeks, as federal judges have ruled
that many provisions of new voting laws
discriminate against voters of color and collectively burden voting rights for hundreds
of thousands of Americans.2 Understanding
the potential burdens that voters may face
is a first step toward ensuring that voting is
free, fair, and accessible for all Americans.

A 2015 Center for American Progress report ranked North Carolina 47th in the country
for accessibility of the ballot. This ranking was based in part on the lack of online or
portable voter registration, as well as the voter ID requirement and preregistration ban
established by the monster voter suppression law.14 While the 4th Circuit eliminated
some of the provisions affecting ballot accessibility in North Carolinawhich will likely
improve overall accessibilityother provisions remain in effect and continue to jeopardize voting rights in North Carolina, particularly for people of color.
Unfortunately, the State Board of Elections has declined to extend the voter registration
period despite Hurricane Matthew and flooding that devastated many communities and
displaced many North Carolinians.15

Past voting problems

Although average voting wait times in North Carolina during the past two general presidential elections were within reason21 minutes in 2008 and 13.5 minutes in 2012
problems at the polls and confusion created by the new voting law resulted in long wait
times in several jurisdictions. In 2014, while 88 percent of voters waited less than 10
minutes, voters in 13 counties waited for more than an hour.16 During the March 2016
primary, voters in Wake and Durham counties had to wait three to four hours to vote,17
and Wilmington votersmany of whom were elderlywaited more than an hour.18
The bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration, formed after long
lines plagued polling locations across the country in 2012, recommends that no citizen
should have to wait more than 30 minutes to vote.19
Voter registration errors have also contributed to problems at the polls. One North
Carolina voterSherry Denise Holverson, an Army veteran who lives in Fayetteville
had to cast a provisional ballot in 2014 because she was missing from the rolls, despite
having updated her address in person at the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles,
or DMV. I did the paperwork, but they said they had no record of me registering,
Holverson said. Concerned about the high rate of rejection of provisional ballots, she
continued, they neglected to say that provisional ballots really dont count. So Im
pissed, very angry. My vote could have been the one that made the difference.20

Problems in the 2016 primaries

During the March 2016 primary, more than 29,000 North Carolinians21 were able to
vote only because a court suspended the voting laws bans on same-day registration
and out-of-precinct voting, pending a ruling in the case.22 Other voters faced significant challenges.

Center for American Progress | Preventing Problems at the Polls: North Carolina

More than 1,400 voters were forced to cast provisional ballots as a result of the voter
ID requirement, and these votes were not counted.23 Other voters were denied provisional ballots altogether even after demonstrating, as allowed by law, that they faced a
reasonable impediment to obtaining the required identification.24 In Carteret County,
poll workers denied provisional ballots to voters who showed up in the wrong precinct.
Some poll workers also told voters not to vote provisionally. A poll worker in Guilford
County turned away voters and told them that 90 percent of provisional ballots would
not be counted.25 In Johnston County, people did not receive notice of a polling place
change; poll workers also did not respond to voters in the curbside voting area when
they pushed the curbside call button.26
In Durham County, voters could not find their precinct polling place after the county
board of elections did not post a notice of a location change until 4:00 p.m. on
Election Day, and two of the three voting computers were not operational, even as at
least 50 people waited in line.27 Close to a dozen counties did not report results until
after midnight.28

What to watch for at the polls

The fight over election protocols and policies has become particularly heated this year,
the first presidential election in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting
Rights Act. The state requested that the Supreme Court reinstate both the voter ID
requirement and the reduction in early voting days, but the request was declined. The
executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party, however, openly encouraged
Republican county board of elections officials to effectively bypass the court ruling and
restore these restrictions at the county level by enacting voting plans that reduce early
voting hours, limit polling sites, and close polls on Sundays.29 These cutbacks disproportionately affect African American voters, as many black churches organize nonpartisan
voting engagement activities on Sundays.30
In most of North Carolinas 100 counties, the three-member county boards of electioneach of which is comprised of two Republicans and one Democratreached
unanimous decisions on early voting hours.31 Seventy counties expanded early voting
hours.32 But 23 out of the 100 county boards in North Carolina attempted to reduce
early voting opportunities as compared with 2012,33 despite nonpartisan state election
officials attempt to strongly encourage county boards of elections to be mindful of
expected turnout and historical use of one-stop early voting in their respective counties.34 Nine of the 21 counties that offered Sunday voting in 2012 proposed to close
sites on Sundays this year. 35

Center for American Progress | Preventing Problems at the Polls: North Carolina

It is important to note that while opportunities for early voting improved overall,36 African
American voters have been disproportionately affected by the cutbacks, not in the least
because the counties that made the most restrictive changes to early voting have a largerthan-average black population.37 Cuts made to so-called off hoursvoting hours outside
of traditional working hourswill affect 44 percent of the states black voters, compared
with just 36 percent of non-Hispanic whites.38 County-level voting plans effectively ended
Sunday voting for 4 percent of the states African American voters.39
For example, Lenoir County offered 443 hours of early voting in 2012.40 But this year, its
board of elections attempted to pass a plan that would have reduced early voting to the
minimum number of hours required by law, which is less than one-quarter of the 2012
total.41 Had the North Carolina State Board of Elections not stepped in,42 the countys
nearly 39,000 voters, 43 percent of whom are black,43 would only have been able to vote
early at a single site and only then if they could make it there during weekday business
hours or the Saturday morning before the election.44
The State Board of Elections determined early voting schedules in the 33 counties in
which board members could not agree.45 Fortunately, in most of those counties, the state
board expanded voting hours, added polling places, or both expanded hours and added
sites.46 Voting rights advocates filed an emergency motion in federal court to expand
early voting in five counties in which county boards passed restrictive plans, arguing that
the plans violate the 4th Circuits ruling by trying to accomplish on a county-by-county
basis what the court prohibited the state legislature from doing.47 But the district court
denied their request.48 Voters in all counties can expect the voting process to take longer
as a result of the monster voter suppression bills elimination of straight-ticket voting.49
North Carolina used the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Programa system that
checks states voter registration data to identify potential duplicate votersto compile a
list of more than 35,000 voters who it claims may have voted in both North Carolina and
another state in 2012.50 The state hired a former FBI agent to investigate these individuals.51 An Interstate Crosscheck list from 2014 that ostensibly identified nearly 600,000
potential duplicate voters52 has yet to yield any confirmed double voters.53

Voter challenges and voter intimidation

In North Carolina, voters may also face challenges and attempts at intimidation at the polls.
Any registered voter may challenge any other registered voter in the same county more
than 25 days before the day of the primary or election.54 There are some procedural protections for voters: Pre-Election Day challenges must be made in writing, under oath, and
must specify a reason for the challenge.55 Unfortunately, returned mail is accepted as evidence that the voter no longer resides at a residence, a rule that facilitates voter cagingthe
practice of sending mass mailings for the purpose of compiling lists of voters to challenge.56

Center for American Progress | Preventing Problems at the Polls: North Carolina

On the day of a primary or election, any voter, including an observer, may enter the
voting enclosure to challenge the registration of any other voter registered in the same
county.57 The new law also allows political parties to appoint up to 10 observers per
county, in addition to the two to which they were already entitled for each polling place,
which may increase the threat of voter intimidation at polling places.58
Fortunately, North Carolina law requires a buffer zone around polling places in which
no electioneering is allowed and voter harassment is barred.59 State law also prohibits
interfering with or attempting to interfere with voters inside the voting enclosure and
during the ballot-marking process, although the definition of voting enclosure is troublingly narrow.60 North Carolina also has strong protections requiring judges to enforce
peace and good order in and about the place of registration and voting and ensure that
voters have access to the polling site.61

Use of provisional balloting

In 2008, 1.2 percent of ballots cast in North Carolina were provisional ballots, and 50.9
percent of all provisional ballots cast were rejected.62 The 2012 election saw similar
numbers: 1.1 percent of ballots were provisional, and 54.4 percent of all provisional ballots were rejected.63 In 2008, North Carolina also had an extremely high rate of rejecting
mail-in ballots submitted for counting at 11.9 percent,64 although that figure dropped to
1.1 percent in 2012.65
A 2014 Center for American Progress report found a correlation in 16 states, including
North Carolina, between the use of provisional ballots in the 2012 election and counties
with the most voters of color.66

Election technology
Officials in North Carolina have expressed the need for new voting machines in the next
four years but do not have the funding to replace the existing machines.67 At present,
North Carolina is one of a few states in which jurisdictions use different voting machine
models.68 Legislation requiring counties to phase out strictly electronic voting machines
in favor of those that generate paper ballots will strain budgets and further complicate
the states election technology landscape.69 North Carolina permits the use of electronic
poll books in lieu of or in addition to paper pollbooks.70

Center for American Progress | Preventing Problems at the Polls: North Carolina

Although voting rights advocates won a major victory for North Carolina in the courts,
voters may still face issues at the polls and battles ahead in the legislature. Without
greater investment in election administration and new voting systems, there is no guarantee that the same glitches that plagued Marchs primaries will not recur next month.
Voting rights advocates should anticipate confusion on the part of both voters and poll
workers over which aspects of the voter suppression law remain in effect and will need
to work to mitigate that confusion with outreach and education efforts. The integrity of
the electoral process and civic engagement will be all the more critical to voters in North
Carolina following the troubling events and conflicts of the past year.
Rebecca Buckwalter-Poza is a Fellow at the Center for American Progress. Liz Kennedy is the
Director of Government and Democratic Reform at the Center.

Center for American Progress | Preventing Problems at the Polls: North Carolina

1 Elizabeth Leland, Gov. McCrory says HB2 protects public
safety. These victims would say otherwise, The Charlotte
Observer, October 12, 2016, available at
2 Trip Gabriel, Keith Scotts Killing by Police Emerges as
Issue in Tight North Carolina Race, The New York Times,
September 22, 2016, available at
3 Alice Miranda Ollstein, A Key Swing States Monster Voter
Suppression Law Is Back on Trial, ThinkProgress, June 21,
2016, available at
4 Isela Gutierrez and Bob Hall, Alarm Bells from Silenced Voters (Durham: Democracy North Carolina, 2015), available at
5 Alan Blinder and Richard Fausset, Federal Judge Upholds
North Carolina Voter Rules, The New York Times, April 25,
2016, available at

18 Mary Thatch, Too many problems in NC March 15 elections,

The Wilmington Journal, March 23, 2016, available at http://
19 Presidential Commission on Election Administration, The
American Voting Experience: Report and Recommendations
of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration
(2014), available at
20 Alice Miranda Ollstein, North Carolinas Voter Registration
Errors Hit Veterans and the Poor, ThinkProgress, July 22,
2015, available at
21 Jen Jones, March primary signals big problems for North
Carolina voters, NC Policy Watch, May 27, 2016, available

6 Anne Blythe, 4th Circuit Judges Overturn North Carolinas

Voter ID Law, The News & Observer, July 29, 2016, available

22 Brennan Center for Justice, Major Voting Litigation that

Could Impact Voting Access (2015), available at http://

7 Ibid.

23 Jones, March Primary Signals Big Problems for North Carolina Voters.

8 David A. Graham, North Carolinas Deliberate Disenfranchisement of Black Voters, The Atlantic, July 29, 2016,
available at
9 David A. Graham, The Supreme Court Wont Intervene
in North Carolinas Voting Law, The Atlantic, August 31,
2016, available at
10 William H. Frey, Ruy Teixeira, and Robert Griffin, Americas
Electoral Future: How Changing Demographics Could
Impact Presidential Election from 2016 to 2032 (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2016), available
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid.
13 Craig Jarvis and David Raynor, Early voting in NC draws
record turnout, The News & Observer, March 14, 2016,
available at
14 Center for American Progress Action Fund, Health of State
Democracies: North Carolina, available at
(last accessed October 2016).
15 Associated Press, Democrats, civil rights groups want more
registration time, The Times News, October 13, 2016, available at
Vann R. Newkirk II, Hurricane Matthews Voting-Rights Challenge, The Atlantic, October 12, 2016, available at http://
16 Pew Charitable Trusts, North Carolina Releases Study
on Wait Times, April 16, 2015, available at http://

17 Will Doran, Long lines, confusion over voter ID reported in

NC primary, The Charlotte Observer, March 17, 2016, available at

24 Ibid.
25 Jennifer L. Patin, The 2016 Primaries In-Review, Lawyers
Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, August 4, 2016, available at
26 Ibid.
27 Doran, Long Lines, Confusion over Voter ID Reported in NC
28 Ibid.
29 Colin Campbell, NC Republican Party seeks party line
changes to limit early voting hours, The News & Observer,
August 17, 2016, available at
30 Jessica Nelson, Souls to the Polls to Promote Voting, TWC
News, March 7, 2016, available at
31 Campbell, NC Republican Party seeks party line changes to
limit early voting hours.
32 Colin Campbell, Early voting reduced in 23 NC counties;
9 drop Sunday voting after NCGOP memo, The News &
Observer, September 6, 2016, available at
33 Ibid.
34 Campbell, NC Republican Party seeks party line changes to
limit early voting hours.
35 Campbell, Early voting reduced in 23 NC counties; 9 drop
Sunday voting after NCGOP memo.
36 North Carolina State Board of Elections, Early Voting
Hours, Sites Increase from 2012, Press release, October
10, 2016, available at

Center for American Progress | Preventing Problems at the Polls: North Carolina

37 Insightus, The Fair Places 2016 Project (Part I), October 3,

2016, available at

53 Palast, The GOPs Stealth War Against Voters.

38 Ibid.

55 Ibid.

39 Ibid.

56 Ibid.

40 Campbell, Early voting reduced in 23 NC counties; 9 drop

Sunday voting after NCGOP memo

57 N.C.G.S. 163-87.

41 Ibid.
42 Michael Wines, North Carolina Elections Board Settles Fight
Over Voting Guidelines, The New York Times, September 9,
2016, available at
43 North Carolina State Board of Elections, NC Voter Statistics
Results, September 3, 2016, available at
44 Campbell, Early Voting Reduced in 23 NC Counties; 9 Drop
Sunday Voting After NCGOP Memo.
45 Ibid.
46 Wines, North Carolina Elections Board Settles Fight Over
Voting Guidelines.
47 Mark Binker, NC voting law challengers want court to expand early voting in Nash, Forsyth, Guildford, Mecklenburg,
and New Hanover counties,, October 2, 2016,
available at;
Becca Heilman, Early voting plans in five N.C. counties are
contested, The Daily Tarheel, October 6, 2016, available at; Gary D. Robertson, Lawyers tell judge
early voting changes arent necessary,, October
7, 2016, available at;
48, Judge refuses to require more early voting in
North Carolina October 13, 2016, available at; North Carolina State Conference of
the NAACP, et al. v. McCrory, et al, Nos. 1:13cv658; 1:13cv660;
1:13cv861, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North
Carolina, filed October 13, 2016, available at
49 Dan Boylan, Elimination of straight-ticket voting could
leave more ballots incomplete, The News and Observer, August 12, 2016, available at
50 Greg Palast, The GOPs Stealth War Against Voters, Rolling
Stone, August 24, 2016, available at
51 Ibid.

54 N.C.G.S. 163-85.

58 Democracy North Carolina, Summary of NCs New Voting

Law, available at
NewVotingLawSummaryAug2013.pdf (last accessed October 2016).
59 Liz Kennedy and others, Bullies at the Ballot Box (New York:
Demos, 2012), available at
N.C. Gen. Stat. 163-166.4.
60 Kennedy and others, Bullies at the Ballot Box; N.C. Gen.
Stat. 163-273; N.C. Gen. Stat. 163-165.
61 Kennedy and others, Bullies at the Ballot Box; N.C. Gen.
Stat. 163-48; 163-47.
62 U.S. Election Assistance Commission, 2008 Election Administration and Voting Survey (2009), available at
63 U.S. Election Assistance Commission, 2012 Election Administration and Voting Survey (2013), available at
64 U.S. Election Assistance Commission, 2008 Election Administration and Voting Survey.
65 U.S. Election Assistance Commission, 2012 Election Administration and Voting Survey.
66 Joshua Field, Charles Posner, and Anna Chu, Uncounted
Votes: The Racially Discriminatory Effects of Provisional
Ballots (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2014),
available at
67 Lawrence Norden and Christopher Famighetti, Americas
Voting Machines at Risk (New York: Brennan Center for
Justice, 2015), available at
68 Ibid.
69 Adam Wagner, 2015 Legislation in North Carolina Bans
Strictly Electronic Voting Machine, Star-News, September
6, 2016, available at
70 N.C.G.S. 163-166.7.

52 Ibid.; Greg Palast, Voter purges alter US political map, Al

Jazeera America, November 14, 2014, available at http://

Center for American Progress | Preventing Problems at the Polls: North Carolina

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