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Water International

Vol. 36, No. 5, September 2011, 573583

Managing buried treasure across frontiers: the international Law

of Transboundary Aquifers
Gabriel E. Eckstein
Texas Wesleyan School of Law, Fort Worth, Texas, USA; International Water Law Project; and
International Water Resources Association
In recent years, transboundary aquifers have received growing attention in numerous policy-making and negotiating circles. This development suggests an evolution in
customary international law for transboundary aquifers. This article examines recent
international arrangements and pronouncements related to the assessment, use, allocation and protection of transboundary groundwater resources and identifies the legal
trends emerging from these instruments. The article also considers gaps and shortcomings in the emerging regulatory regime and offers recommendations for the further
development of the law.
Keywords: international water law; groundwater; international groundwater law;
transboundary aquifers; water dispute

Until quite recently, transboundary groundwater resources were treated as the neglected
stepchild of international water law.1 Transboundary aquifers were habitually ignored in
projects with international implications, consistently omitted from treaties and cursorily
misunderstood in much of legal discourse. To a large extent, these resources were out of
sight, out of mind, largely because few realized that the resource they pumped was shared
with another county. This neglect now appears to be on the wane.
Over the past few decades, transboundary aquifers have received increasing attention at all levels of civil society in the context of policy and law-making initiatives,
academic exercises and a number of significant negotiations. A highly detailed management and allocation scheme was implemented on the Genevese Aquifer situated along
the FrenchSwiss border (Convention Genevois 2008), while more rudimentary consultative and data-sharing agreements were applied to the Nubian Sandstone and Northwestern
Sahara aquifers in North Africa (NSAS 2002, SASS 2002); a comprehensive cooperative arrangement was drafted for the Iullemeden Aquifer System in West Africa
(Iullemeden MoU 2009), while a less-specific agreement was formulated for the nations
overlying the Guarani Aquifer in South America (Guarani Acuerdo 2010); and a model
transboundary-aquifer agreement was developed by a multidisciplinary group of experts
meeting in Bellagio, Italy, for the MexicoUnited States border (Hayton and Utton 1989).
Furthermore, transboundary groundwater resources have featured prominently in the 1992

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ISSN 0250-8060 print/ISSN 1941-1707 online

2011 International Water Resources Association
DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2011.598642

Electronic copy available at:


G.E. Eckstein

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use
of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UN/ECE 1992), the 1997 UN
Convention on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (UN 1997), the
2000 Revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses in the Southern African Development
Community (SADC 2000) and the International Law Associations 2004 Berlin Rules on
Water Resources Law (ILA 2004). In addition, unofficial arrangements have been forged
by sub-national political entities for the Hueco Bolson Aquifer underlying the cities of El
Paso and Jurez on the MexicoUnited States border (JurezEl Paso MoU 1999), and
for the AbbotsfordSumas Aquifer between the US State of Washington and Canadian
province of British Columbia (AbbotsfordSumas MoA 1996). And in late 2008, the UN
International Law Commission (UNILC) formulated 19 draft articles on the law of transboundary aquifers (Draft Articles) thereby focusing global attention on the legal status of
aquifers that traverse international political boundaries (UNGA Resolution 2008). While
this catalogue is not comprehensive, the breadth of this list indicates that concerns about
aquifers shared by multiple nations are no longer secondary to those of surface-water
resources. Transboundary aquifers have come into their own and are now legitimate topics
of international law, policy and relations.
The escalating interest in transboundary groundwater resources is largely a reflection of
the growing importance that aquifers, especially those traversing international boundaries,
are having in meeting nations development needs and objectives. This is particularly evident in the Middle East where the use and allocation of transboundary aquifers, such as the
Qa Disi Aquifer shared by Jordanians and Saudi Arabians and the Mountain Aquifer shared
by Israelis and Palestinians, continue to be a source of friction among overlying riparians.
The growing interest in shared groundwater resources, however, is also a response to the
realization that few concrete rules exist in international law to govern relations over these
buried treasures. As nations around the world begin to extract (or intensify their withdrawals of) groundwater from aquifers traversing international political boundaries, they
are raising important questions related to the rights and obligations that riparian states can
claim to these shared resources.
State practice and experience pertaining to the utilization of transboundary aquifers are
slowly becoming more prevalent, and nations and scholars are now giving more thought
to the formulation of rules and regulations for the management of these critical resources.
While the law of transboundary aquifers is in an early stage of development, it is already
possible to identify a number of trends, based on the practices of states, which are relevant
to this nascent body of law. In an effort to identify and characterize these trends, this study
reviews some of the activities and procedures states have pursued in the coordination, management and allocation of transboundary groundwater resources as evinced by formal and
informal arrangements that they have entered into in relation to those resources. It also
considers the work-product of international organizations relevant to the topic.
The study begins by addressing the importance of transboundary aquifers as a source
of fresh water for people and the environment. It then examines a number of specific
legal arrangements developed by nations for the assessment, use, allocation and protection of transboundary groundwater resources. By studying these regimes and the practices
of states, this article attempts to identify trends that implicate the emergence of generally
accepted international legal norms applicable to transboundary aquifers. This study concludes that while the law of transboundary aquifers is in an early stage of development,
there is, nonetheless, a growing body of experience and practice indicating the emergence
of accepted legal standards. Lastly, the article considers the gaps and shortcomings in
the emerging international regulatory system and offers recommendations for the further
development of the law.

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Water International


The importance of transboundary aquifers

In places like North Africa, the Middle East and the MexicoUnited States border, transboundary aquifers often serve as the primary or sole source of fresh water for human
and environmental sustenance. Libya, for example, which has no meaningful surfacewater resources, obtains the majority of its fresh water some 6.5 million cubic metres
of water daily from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer, a vast underground reservoir that
also underlies sections of Libyas neighbours (Chad, Egypt and Sudan) (Watkins 2006).
Similarly, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza obtain the great majority of their
water from aquifers shared with Israel: the Mountain Aquifer underlying the West Bank
and eastern Israel and the Coastal Aquifer underlying Gazas and Israels Mediterranean
coast (World Bank 2009). In addition, transboundary aquifers serve as the sole source of
fresh water for many of the communities along the MexicoUnited States border, including the Mexican cities of Puerto Palomas, Naco, Nogales, Sonoyta and Tecate, and their
respective American sister cities of Columbus, Bisbee, Nogales, Lukeville and Tecate
(Eckstein 2011).
Although the exact number of aquifers traversing international political boundaries
around the world is still unknown, transboundary aquifers underlie the territory of nearly
every non-island nation (Puri and Aureli 2009). An ongoing study has, to date, catalogued
273 transboundary aquifers globally (UNESCOPRESS 2008), including more than 155 on
the European continent, 38 in Africa, 68 in the Americas and 12 in Asia (Stephan 2009).
In comparison, there are 263 watercourses crossing national boundaries (UNEP 2002).
Additionally, while the extent to which states and peoples around the world rely on groundwater resources traversing sovereign borders has yet to be precisely quantified, groundwater
today is the most extracted natural resource in the world. Groundwater provides more than
half of humanitys freshwater for everyday uses such as drinking, cooking and hygiene, as
well as 20% of irrigated agriculture (UNESCO and World Water Assessment Programme
2003). In Europe, between 60% and 99% of drinking water comes from groundwater
(Almssy and Buss 1999); in the United States, that figure is between 50% and 97%
(Burchi 1999). Accordingly, it is now quite evident that groundwater resources generally,
and transboundary aquifers specifically, are a crucially important source of fresh water
globally, and that the sound management and regulation of these shared resources are
critical for ensuring the sustainability of human communities and the environment.
Examples of regulatory mechanisms for transboundary aquifers
Historically, groundwater resources were omitted from or neglected under international law
and cursorily misunderstood within the legal community (Eckstein 2003). This, in turn,
resulted in a blatant disregard for subsurface waters in projects with transboundary implications. Over the past few decades, though, largely in response to growing populations
and expanding economies, interest in groundwaters traversing international borders has
increased considerably, especially as nations intensified withdrawals from known aquifers
and expanded their search for new sources of fresh water. As a result, there is now a
growing international concern with the use, allocation, management and protection of
transboundary aquifers. In a number of cases, this interest has spawned coordinated efforts
and mechanisms, of which the most notable were identified in the Introduction. Given space
limitations, only four of these efforts are examined in more detail.
The best known, and still the only treaty managing and specifically allocating the waters
of a transboundary aquifer, is the Convention relative a la protection, a lutilisation, a la
realimentation et au suivi de la Nappe Souterraine Franco-Suisse du Genevois (Genevese


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Agreement), commenced in 1978 and revised in 2008 (Convention Genevois 2008). This
singular arrangement addresses groundwater quality, quantity, abstraction and recharge
largely through the creation of a joint Genevese Aquifer Management Commission. While
the Commission has only consultative status, its recommendations and technical opinions carry considerable weight in the modification of existing and development of new
water-extraction works. The regime also recognizes the Swiss artificial-recharge obligations created in the original 1978 agreement, allocates expenses between the countries
for the Swiss recharge efforts, and places strict withdrawals limits on the French side
(see Preamble, Arts. 2.3, 8, 1114, and Annex to the Convention on the Inventory of
the recharge equipment and existing extraction works). The Genevese Agreement is
particularly significant because it strikes a balance between state sovereignty and state
responsibility in its management scheme, which is based almost exclusively on principles
of transparency, good faith and cooperation. Moreover, the agreement is unique in proffering a purely technical mechanism that is devoid of any provisions directly related to
nations sovereign rights to the underlying aquifer or its waters.
Another fascinating arrangement, albeit one still undergoing development, is the 2009
Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Setting up of a Consultative Mechanism
for the Management of the Iullemeden Aquifer System (Iullemeden MoU) entered into
by Mali, Niger and the Republic of Nigeria (Iullemeden MoU 2009). While not a binding instrument, the details and language used in the Iullemeden MoU reflect an intention
by the parties to comply with the terms of the resulting agreement once it comes into
force. As noted by its title, the focus of this arrangement is the creation of a Consultative
Mechanism tasked with promoting cooperation over the management of the Iullemeden.
More specifically, the Mechanism is responsible for, inter alia, formulating opinions related
to water-management and utilization operations, coordinating Iullemeden-related activities
and harmonizing procedures and policies, and developing action plans for implementing its
recommendations (see Art. 5). In contrast to the purely consultative status of the Genevese
Aquifer Management Commission, the Consultative Mechanism would have legal personality and authority to contract, acquire and dispose of property, seek and obtain loans,
gifts and technical assistance, and be a party in legal proceedings (see Art. 6). In addition,
and in stark contrast to the Genevese Agreement, the Iullemeden Memorandum explicitly relies on the well-known international water-law and environmental-law principles of
equitable and reasonable utilization, no harm, exchange of data and information, prior notification, protection of the environment, public participation, precautionary approach, and
polluter and user pays (see Arts. 1317, 1922 and 24). Nonetheless, like the Genevese
Agreement, the Iullemeden Memorandum focuses more on balancing state sovereignty
and state responsibility, yet avoids any explicit mention of sovereignty in its formulation.
The memorandum of understanding (Jurez-El Paso MoU) entered into by the municipal water utilities of the City of Jurez in Mexico and the City of El Paso in Texas, United
States (JurezEl Paso MoU 1999) is an especially unique transboundary aquifer arrangement. This mechanism is distinctive in that it was entered into by sub-national political
entities without the oversight of the respective federal governments. While legally unofficial and unenforceable, the purpose of the arrangement is to encourage cooperation over the
management and exploitation of the Hueco Bolson Aquifer, which as a result of population
growth and development in the overlying region has been overexploited, raising concerns
for the aquifers viability as an ongoing source of fresh water for the area (Eckstein and
Hardberger 2008). The Jurez-El Paso MoU seeks to identify the mechanisms between
the parties to increase communications, cooperation, and implementation of transboundary projects of common interest. Moreover, in its general objectives, the arrangement

Water International


alludes to data and information sharing related to transboundary natural resources, and
cooperation in the management, use and protection of natural resources that traverse an
international boundary (see final paragraph of Recitals). Furthermore, the MoU obligates
the sister cities to develop and coordinate a compatible plan to secure water supplies and
extend the life of the Hueco Bolson (see para. 3[a]). Given its parochial origin and perspective, it is understandable that the JurezEl Paso MoU makes no reference to principles
of international law or notions of sovereignty.
Possibly the most profound effort to develop an international regulatory system for
transboundary aquifers is that undertaken by the UN International Law Commission
(UNILC). In late 2008, following six years of intense work, the UN General Assembly
(UNGA) adopted a resolution containing 19 draft articles on transboundary aquifers that
were prepared by the UNILC (UNGA Resolution 2008). Modelled largely on the 1997
Watercourses Convention, the chief substantive state obligations are the well-respected
rules of equitable and reasonable utilization and no significant harm. Those principles,
however, are tailored to the unique qualities that differentiate surface waters from groundwater resources. For example, the list of factors for assessing what constitutes equitable
and reasonable utilization includes the natural characteristics of the aquifer or aquifer system, the contribution to the formation and recharge of the aquifer or aquifer system, and
the role of the aquifer or aquifer system in the related ecosystem (see Arts. 5[1][c], [d]
and [i]). Likewise, the no significant harm rule obligates aquifer states not to cause significant harm through activities other than utilization of a transboundary aquifer . . . that have,
or are likely to have, an impact upon that transboundary aquifer (see Art. 6). This latter
modification specifically relates to the distinct likelihood that non-aquifer utilization activities undertaken above or around aquifers could detrimentally affect those aquifers, such as
industrial and agricultural operations in the recharge zone, mining activities in the aquifer
matrix, and construction, forestry and other activities that might affect the normal recharge
process (Eckstein 2007). Other notions found in the Resolution include obligations to regularly exchange data and information, safeguard ecosystems, protect recharge and discharge
zones, prevent pollution, monitor the aquifer and prior notification of planned activities (see
Arts. 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15). The future form (that is, convention or guidance document)
of the 19 articles has been scheduled for consideration by the UN General Assembly at its
66th session in autumn of 2011 (UNGA Resolution 2008).
Developing international law for transboundary groundwater resources
The international law for managing and allocating transboundary groundwater resources
is still in a nascent state. Nevertheless, the increasing number of agreements and related
activities, as well as the growing international interest in the subject, suggests the evolution
of customary international law in this area. Customary international law refers to international law that is based on accepted practice rather than codified rules. It emerges from the
broad and consistent conduct of states that is undertaken by a belief that such behaviour is
both legally appropriate and mandated (Brownlie 1998). While the extent of the practice
relating to the management of a transboundary aquifer is still somewhat limited, a review
of the arrangements discussed above nevertheless indicates a number of emerging trends
in customary law applicable to transboundary aquifers. In particular, three procedural and
two substantive norms can be identified.
Possibly the most palpable customary obligation to emerge from the evolving state
practice is the procedural duty to regularly exchange data and information about a transboundary aquifer. Appearing in all of the arrangements discussed in this study, the duty


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is fundamental to the cooperation over and sound management and protection of transboundary aquifers. Without the sharing of such information, aquifer states activities will
be hampered by an inability to fully project and mitigate any deleterious consequences
that might result from the utilization of a particular transboundary aquifer (Eckstein 2007).
Accordingly, the duty requires aquifer states to share collected information on the aquifer
and its functioning on a continuing basis. While the precise types of data and information
that must be shared is not always spelled out, it is obvious that they should relate to the
character, use and functioning of the aquifer. Draft Article 8 of the UNGA Resolution on
the law of transboundary aquifers provides that it should include material of a geological, hydrogeological, hydrological, meteorological and ecological nature and related to the
hydrochemistry of the aquifers or aquifer systems, as well as related forecasts (UNGA
Resolution 2008).
A corollary procedural obligation to the duty to regularly exchange data and information is the requirement to generate supplemental data and information on an ongoing basis
through monitoring and related activities. Found in a majority of the arrangements considered in this study, this obligation is indispensible to fulfilling the duty to exchange data and
information. The obligation also acknowledges the need to maintain vigilance in managing a transboundary aquifer and the need to continuously check on activities related to the
aquifers utilization and the possible impact they may have on people and the environment.
Under the UNGA Resolution on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers, aquifer atates shall,
wherever possible, carry out these monitoring activities jointly with other aquifer States
concerned and, where appropriate, in collaboration with competent international organizations (see Art. 13). Implementing this approach in some detail, the Genevese Agreement
mandates, inter alia, that all quantitative and qualitative monitoring activities shall be performed jointly by Swiss and French authorities on their respective territories, and water
pollution analyses shall be made at regular intervals (see Arts. 10 and 16).
The obligation to monitor and continuously generate additional data accords with
the comparable duties imposed on riparians of transboundary surfacewaters. In his separate opinion in the Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project before the
International Court of Justice (ICJ), Judge Christopher Weeramantry argued for the emergence of a principle of continuing environmental-impact assessment. In that opinion,
Judge Weeramantry opined that: As long as a project of some magnitude is in operation, [an environmental-impact assessment] must continue, for every such project can have
unexpected consequences; and considerations of prudence would point to the need for
continuous monitoring (ICJ 1997, p. 111). More recently, in the Case Concerning the
Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay, the ICJ asserted that: Once operations have started
and, where necessary, throughout the life of the project, continuous monitoring of its
effects on the environment shall be undertaken (ICJ 2010, p. 205). While both cases
applied this recurring obligation in the context of the use and development of a transboundary watercourse, the logic applied is equally and undeniably applicable to transboundary
groundwater resources.
Another related procedural obligation found in a majority of the above-noted instruments is the duty of prior notification of planned activities. In essence, where a planned
project has the potential to adversely affect either the territory of another aquifer state or
the transboundary aquifer itself, the acting state must notify other aquifer states of its plans.
This obligation is designed to allow potentially affected states to evaluate the possible consequences and to seek an understanding or compromise with the acting state (Eckstein
2007). While the precise procedures required under this principle vary among the instruments, the basic notions of advance notification are well accepted in international water

Water International


law. Under the UNGA Resolution on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers, aquifer states
would be obligated to provide timely notification accompanied by available technical
data and information . . . to enable the notified State to evaluate the possible effects of
the planned activities (see Art. 15). In contrast, the Iullemeden MoU proffers a more
rigorous process of notification that includes: provisions relating to a time period during
which the acting state must refrain from proceeding with the planned activity while the
Consultative Mechanisms and the informed state review the information; authorization
to proceed with the planned activity in the absence of a response from the Consultative
Mechanism; consultation and negotiations in good faith where the acting and notified states
disagree about the expected consequences of the planned activity; measures in the absence
of prior notification; and an emergency exception to these obligations (see Arts. 2428).
Among the substantive obligations found in the various arrangements discussed in
this article, two well-known rules appear in a majority of instruments; those of equitable and reasonable utilization and of no significant harm. Recognized broadly as the
cornerstones of transboundary surface water law, these two principles now appear to
have been extended to transboundary aquifers through various academic and legalistic
pronouncements. According to the first doctrine, aquifer states must ensure that their utilization of transboundary aquifers is both equitable, in terms of the benefits derived from
the use of the aquifer, and reasonable with regard to the use itself. A non-exhaustive
list of factors is typically provided in these instruments to aid in determining whether
a particular use confirms to these criteria. Similarly, aquifer states are bound to ensure
that their activities related to shared groundwater resources do not result in significant
harm to other aquifer states. Like their application in the context of surface waters,
none of the transboundary aquifer arrangements elaborate on the implementation of these
principles. Nonetheless, they represent the nascent state of the law of transboundary
Although the instruments discussed in this article present other rules and procedures
for transboundary aquifers, the lack of their consistent appearance across the various
instruments and arrangements suggest that these additional concepts do not yet represent a trend in the development of customary international law for transboundary aquifers.
Nonetheless, the presence of these additional rules and procedures such as obligations
to safeguard aquifer-dependent ecosystems, protect the recharge and discharge zones of
aquifers and prevent aquifer pollution should not be discounted. Rather, their use and
effectiveness as regulatory and management mechanisms should be reviewed and assessed
periodically, as should their applicability for other transboundary-aquifer agreements.
Considerations for the continued development of international law for transboundary
groundwater resources
While surface and groundwater resources share numerous similarities, groundwater possesses a number of unique characteristics that must be considered carefully when contemplating regulatory tools for managing these resources. For example, groundwater is
typically more vulnerable than surface water to agricultural, industrial and municipal pollution as well as other forms of contamination. This is so because water in aquifers generally
flows at much slower rates than in rivers and lakes, typically measured in distances of
centimetres or metres per day (Hamblin and Christiansen 2001). This slower flow rate
greatly diminishes the natural filtering capacities of aquifers and, thereby, their ability to
reclaim and cleanse themselves. In addition, because of the geographic extent of most
aquifers and the difficulties associated with monitoring and working with underground


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formations, the artificial reclamation of a polluted aquifer can be prohibitively complex

and expensive. The result is that once contaminated, an aquifer may be rendered unusable
for years, decades or longer (Eckstein 2007).
Accordingly, these unique aspects must be taken into account in order to formulate
appropriate regulatory mechanisms for the sound management of transboundary aquifers.
For example, special attention must be paid to the functioning of an aquifer, which refers
to how particular aquifers work or behave as aquifers. Aquifers typically store and transport water, dilute wastes and other contaminants, provide a habitat for aquatic biota and
serve as a source of fresh water and nutrients to aquifer-dependent ecosystems. Some
aquifers even provide geothermal heat. Each of these characteristics comprises a function
of the aquifer that is dependent on the particular aquifers hydrostatic pressure, hydraulic
conductivity, and mineralogical, biological and chemical attributes, all of which may be
interdependent with each other to the extent that the aquifers sustained operation as a
dynamic hydrogeologic system depends on the continuation of a particular function or
series of functions (Heath 2004). If any component related to an aquifers natural behaviour
is impaired or destroyed, it could result in serious consequences for the viability and
integrity of the aquifer as a whole, as well as to communities and ecosystems dependent on that aquifer. Accordingly, regulatory mechanisms must be developed to ensure
the identification, maintenance and protection of the functioning of transboundary aquifers
that incorporate functional characteristics on both sides of a border, tasks that can best be
achieved in a coordinated and cooperative process.
Highly related to the functioning of aquifers, recharge and discharge zones of aquifers
also require special attention since, with the exception of some deep, non-recharging,
aquifers, these zones are integral components of aquifers. Recharge and discharge zones
regulate the flow and quality of water moving into and out of aquifers and, thereby, the
functioning of aquifers themselves. Hence, the recharge and discharge process, as well as
the geographical area in which they operate, must be maintained and protected. In the case
of recharge zones, this consists of ensuring both the quantity and quality of water flowing
through the recharge zone and entering the aquifer. Thus, recharge-zone protection might
include limitations on industrial and municipal development projects in the recharge area
that could diminish the amount or affect the quality of water percolating through the zone
into the aquifer. It also might include restrictions on industrial and agricultural activities
that might pollute the recharge area and thereby pollute the water flowing into the aquifer.
In the case of discharge zones, protective action could include restrictions on construction
and other activities that could detrimentally affect the discharge process, water flow within
the aquifer, the location of the water table or the aquifers natural cleansing abilities. In both
zones, it could also include constraints on mining activities that remove or modify strata
within the recharge and discharge areas. Moreover, limitations in the two zones should be
pursued regardless of whether or not the targeted activities are related to the use of the
aquifer itself.
Finally, a conceptual notion that is inherently tied to the transboundary characteristic of
these aquifers pertains to the perception, held by some nations, that they have unqualified
or near-absolute sovereignty over the portion of an aquifer that lies within their jurisdiction. The belief, which harkens back to the long-discredited Harmon Doctrine, suggested
that states are free to exploit resources within their jurisdiction without regard to the
extraterritorial effects of such action (McCaffrey 2007). While a number of the instruments
reviewed here appear to subscribe to this notion, the suggestion that a liquid resource
which is in a near-constant state of motion moving within the hydrologic cycle in surface waters, subsurface strata and the atmosphere, transforming between gaseous, liquid

Water International


and solid states, and traversing local and international political borders can be subject
to a states sovereignty defies logic. Moreover, the idea is contrary to the basic tenets of
international water law, including those of equitable and reasonable utilization and of no
significant harm, which clearly espouse a more limited conception of sovereign rights over
transboundary freshwater resources (McCaffrey 2011).
While the Draft Articles on Transboundary Aquifers adopts the notion of sovereignty
in Draft Article 3, it also includes a provision in the same article that could temper states
claims and obligate them to exercise their sovereign rights in accordance with international law and the present articles (UNGA 2008). In essence, states that agree to the terms
of the Draft Articles would relinquish some measure of sovereignty to the extent that they
give up their right to act contrary to other provisions and obligations contained in the Draft
Articles. This is because the principles contained in the Draft Articles such as equitable
and reasonable utilization, no significant harm, exchange of data, monitoring and others
clearly place considerable restrictions and obligations on what aquifer states can do with
regard to the utilization of a transboundary aquifer (Eckstein 2007). While this saving
grace may be unsatisfactory for some (McCaffrey 2011), others suggest that it reflects an
unavoidable compromise between nations seeking to preserve sovereignty over resources
found within their territory, and those who argued for a more collaborative approach to
resources that traverse international boundaries (Yamada 2011).
Until quite recently, concerns over aquifers traversing international boundaries were rarely
raised in international fora. With the advent of drilling technology and the growing global
need for additional sources of fresh water, transboundary aquifers are now the focus of
considerable international attention, including scrutiny by the UN General Assembly. As
such, they are also becoming the focus of new treaties and other arrangements and, thereby,
the development of international standards. While this evolutionary legal process is still in
its infancy, a number of trends can be identified from the practices of states (as reflected
in instruments formulated to manage specific transboundary aquifers) that indicate the
emergence of customary international norms. One of the purposes of this study was to
identify these nascent trends.
As the number of such arrangements grows, as is certain to happen, many of these
trends will become more evident and will lead to the development of a regime for the
management of transboundary groundwater resources. In the meantime, numerous gaps
and shortcomings exist in the absence of such a regime that must be considered, as states
formulate new agreements for other transboundary aquifers. Hence, the second purpose of
this article was to develop recommendations for the further development of the law.
The recommendations offered here, however, do not cover the gamut of issues and
aquifer characteristics that require attention within an international regulatory and legal
context. Others concerns and topics that should be considered include, inter alia: the
threshold of harm necessary to trigger a violation of the no significant harm standard as
it applies to transboundary aquifers; the aspects of an aquifer, in terms of functions and
geographic scope, that should be covered by a regulatory or cooperative transboundary
regime; harmonization of metadata and methodologies among aquifer riparians for generating information about shared aquifers; and the rules that should govern the exploitation
of non-recharging aquifers. Nevertheless, this article provides a starting point from which
to further the conversation about the characteristics of transboundary aquifers that must be
considered, as well as the regulatory and legal mechanisms that might develop.


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This article expands on a prior paper that appears in UNESCO (2010).

AbbotsfordSumas MoA, 1996. Memorandum of Agreement related to referral of water right
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Washington as represented by the Department of Ecology and the Province of British
Columbia as represented by the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks, 10 October
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Almssy, E. and Buss, Zs., 1999. UN/ECE task force on monitoring & assessment guidelines on
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Brownlie, I., 1998. Principles of public international Law. 5th ed. New York: Oxford University
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Salman, ed. Groundwater: legal and policy perspectives. Proceedings of a World Bank Seminar.
Washington, DC: The World Bank, 5567.
Convention Genevois, 2008. Convention relative a la protection, a lutilisation, a la realimentation et au suivi de la Nappe Souterraine Franco-Suisse du Genevois [online]. Geneva, 18
December 2007; in force on 1 January 2008. Available from:
documents/regionaldocs/2008Franko-Swiss-Aquifer.pdf [Accessed 16 June 2011].
Eckstein, G., 2003. A hydrogeological approach to transboundary ground water resources and
international law. American University International Law Review, 19 (2), 201258.
Eckstein, G., 2007. Commentary on the UN International Law Commissions Draft Articles on
the Law of Transboundary Aquifers. Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law &
Policy, 18 (3), 537610.
Eckstein, G., 2011. Buried treasure or buried hope? The status of MexicoU.S. transboundary
aquifers under international law. International Community Law Review, 13 (3), forthcoming.
Eckstein, G. and Hardberger, A., 2008. State practice in the management and allocation of transboundary groundwater resources in North America. Yearbook of International Environmental
Law, 18, 96125.
Guarani Acuerdo, 2010. Acuerdo sobre el Acufero Guarani [online]. San Juan, Argentina, 2 August.
Available from:
Agreement-Spanish.pdf [Accessed 16 June 2011].
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