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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Volume 2, Special Issue 1 (2012), pp. 321-325

ISSN: 2225-8329

Psychology of Communication Between Myth and Reality


Faculty of Touristic and Commercial Management

Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University
Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: [email protected]


Communication is a transaction in which man invents and assigns meanings to achieve

its objectives. In this context, psychological theories of communication emphasize
different components of human communication, including attitudes, intentions and
conditions required for effective communication. In psychological models of
communication, the source is influenced by its communicational abilities, his attitudes,
his knowledge and socio-cultural system to which it belongs, and the receiver has
similar features to those of the source. Also, from a psychological perspective, the
message is organized and structured to ensure the link between intellectual and
emotional components of the personality of the communicator and the context in
which it communicates.


Psychology, communication, behavior, communication, stock relational, human

personality, transactional analysis


D23, D83, Z13

1. Introduction
Communication, social sciences field, presents a variety of poses, generated the rich
literature dealing with the different positions this term. Thus, in the specific literature, there are
many theories of human communication (social) [2]: date theories (C. Shannon and W Weaver,
The mathematical theory of communication, 1949), sign theories (linguists develop specific
communication topics , based on the code), theories of behavior (studying communication at the
interpersonal level and in this respect are known behavioral theories), theories of diffusion (mass
communication studies (Stuart Hall)), systemic theories (with concern for cyber (Wiener,
cybernetics or control and communication in the animal and in the machine, 1948), organization
(Morin, the methode.1. the nature of nature, 1977) and constructivism (Forester)), psychological
theories (Barnlund, 1970), anthropological sociology theories of communication (focus on
addressing social interaction), linguistic theories.
These theories are reflected in the seven existing traditions in research and theorizing
communication organized in terms of complementarities and tension between them (Robert
Craig). Obviously, each tradition is characterized by a different way of approaching human
communication (social), respectively:
rhetorical tradition theorizes communication as practical art of discourse;
semiotic tradition sees communication as inter-subjective mediation by signs;
phenomenological tradition theorizes experience of difference and dialogue in the
communicational process;
cyber tradition focuses on the information in the communication process;

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Volume 2, Special Issue 1 (2012), pp. 321-325
ISSN: 2225-8329

tradition of socio-psychological or social psychology theorizes communication as a process

of expression, interaction and influence;
socio-cultural tradition theorizes communication as symbolic process that produces and
reproduces shared socio-cultural patterns;
critical tradition that real communication occurs only in the discursive reflection.

2. Elements of communication psychology

Obviously, in a sociological sense, communication is a fundamental psycho-social interaction
of people, with the purpose of informational transmission, to achieve stability or a change in
individual and group behavior. Therefore, in the analysis of the communication process should not
be avoided any of its psychological significance. Thus, it can be speak of a psychology of verbal
communication, nonverbal and written communication about managerial and organizational
psychology, about the psychology of mass communication in groups.
According to some authors (Watson and Hill), the communication process begins when the
message transmitter design [11], which is encoded and transmitted through various channels to
the receiver. It will decode the message and will play in the transmission of a message to confirm
or refute the initial understanding of the message. Obviously, the posts will be interpreted
according to education level of the receptor, the existence of prejudice, the expectations they
have of the party.Communication process is always changing, dynamic and reciprocal. Analyzing
different definitions of communication are found in the communication process, the emphasis on
the following [8]:
relationship, connection, interaction;
transfer, transmission;
memory storage;
context of the communicative act;
symbols, speech, language;
intent and power (communication is a means of influence);
receiving messages;
common interests and/or divergent;
But the communication is not so simple at the first seen because, besides the main elements
of communication process, there are other components, sometimes imperceptible to the
participants, but with strong effect on the communication process.
In fact there are simple models of communication, but each communication process is very
complex due to many variables that you define. Thus, one of the most important components of
communication process is the human personality that has a major impact on any communication
process, regardless of the context in which take place.
Context of any individual is formed based on two processes: the individual's inner and outer
it. Usually the process takes place inside the brain and the experience is a function of topic and
structure of the nervous system. External process is influenced both by the situation in which the
subject (place, events etc.) and in which way everyone perceives: in response to their actions or
due to internal characteristics (e.g. personality).


International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Volume 2, Special Issue 1 (2012), pp. 321-325
ISSN: 2225-8329

This is because communication is primarily an interaction between individuals and each

individual's personality determines the communication behavior. Maybe that's why research is
needed over the relational rules which communication process creates. In fact, communication
relations group is developing a series of norms, rules and patterns of behavior, communication in
such groups can be positive or negative, depending on network effects thus created. Experts agree
that in such networks, the mental health of members is better than the individuals that rarely
relate with other people, loneliness is considered the most common and stressful condition of
human life. Therefore people, depending on their personality, have the ability to create
interpersonal relationships and to maintain and develop.
Specific literature defines relational stock as the ability to develop, but also to maintain
interpersonal relations, which are beneficial to all parties involved [8]. However, in the
communication process often individuals are in a relationship of influence. In the early 1970s
scientists have been concerned with the building of performance models in communication on the
relationship of influence [4]. The result was what is today called Neuron Programming (NLP).
Influence can be defined as the action of a social entity (person, group etc.), change - oriented of
action and other manifestations. It is estimated that, in the narrow sense, social influence can be
considered as a specific form of power. Influence occurs when the initiator process has an
acceptable level of influence and information competence, good intentions are animated and
influence relationship is based on a tacit consensus of those involved, on shared values and the
effects. Influence relationship represents the essence of communicational relationship established
between individuals. Influence can be achieved through persuasion and manipulation.
Persuasion, activity of influencing attitudes and behaviors of some individuals in achieving
the interests of the initially agent, is actually an activity of organized belief. Therefore, experts
agree that persuasion can be achieved if one takes into account the characteristics of openness
and responsiveness of the people affected. Organizing activity of the influencing process aimed at:
the communication process, those relations between its components: source, message, channel,
receiver, context, noise, feedback.
Manipulation is the opposite persuasion, because it is based on deception by the initiate, the
false arguments and emotional, the influence of the modification actions and events of the latter,
according to the interests and opposed to the initiators own interests. Individuals are constantly
engaged in exchanging information, ideas, and feelings, especially with symbolic content, use
different media and communication. These can be considered: technical means for securing and
transmitting information, skills, competencies and forms of knowledge used in the production,
transmission and reception of information and symbolic content and symbolic capital, ie
accumulated prestige, recognition and respect to certain actors. We can say that, at the
organizational level, ability to influence others, that power is imposed by authority, rationality,
compliments, coalitions etc. resorting to hierarchical authority.
Another important aspect of communication psychology refers to psychology of
communication situations.

3. The impact of human personality on the process of communication

In an effort to explain the human ability, to perceive words and relationships, to encode and
decode physical realities and meanings, some plan to conduct and understand the advantages of
repercussions in the neuro-physiological area, the specialists did have build hypotheses and

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Volume 2, Special Issue 1 (2012), pp. 321-325
ISSN: 2225-8329

theories as possible explanations of the human personality influence on the process of

Human communication is complex and inherently imprecise, and messages have multiple
meanings. In this context, poor communication forms, such as misunderstandings,
misconceptions, disobedience party, noise, lack of attention, confusion, etc. may be due to the
personality of the participants in the communication process, because meanings are in people, not
in messages [1].
Specialized literature, records that the brain hemispheres are largely responsible for
different types of communication. Thus, right hemisphere controls and understands body
language and language processing in the left hemisphere is articulated. In other words, the left
cerebral hemisphere governs all forms of symbolic communication and digital ones [1]. Experts
believe that women excel in interpersonal communication because both cerebral hemispheres
participate, among them there is a greater communication, which increases the communication
skills because at least the ability to listen and understand body language.
Personality, symmetric with individuality, is a concept that includes all system attributes,
structures and values that a person has [7]. It is based on traits that are partially inherited
(individual genes) and in part are learned. By learning, personality changes through the influence
of culture, practice and experience. People are unique, but psychologists (CG Jung, and HJ Eysenck
1994) have found over years of research five general dimensions, the core of their personality:
socially-opened, emotional stability, degree of approval, conscientiousness and openness to new.
Extroverts do well in society and are sociable and talkative. Emotionally stable people are
confident in their own, are optimistic and not easily lose the challenge. Those who are
approachable and friendly, cooperative and tolerant are those who have a high degree of
agreement. People oriented achievements are those that can be trusted, reliable and responsible
and are therefore well motivated. Those who are curious and original are innovative and creative,
open to new ideas.
Beyond these general dimensions to explain human personality there are other personality
characteristics that affect and influence organizational behavior. For example, temperament is a
combination of inherited traits that affect communication behavior. The temperament literature
grouped individuals in the four basic types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.
Individuals of blood type is exuberant in communication and have a reduced capacity to listen,
because they speak before thinking and have short attention spans. These people are expressing
emotional rather than logical. Where shall have a major influence on their communication
behavior. People are sometimes insensitive to such violent emotions party as seeking the essence
of the message. In the arguments emphasize communication, being very practical. Melancholic
individuals are introverted, endowed with exceptional analytical thinking, which makes the
communication process pays attention to details. Being dominated by his emotional side, the
melancholic individual goes from one extreme to another relatively quickly which has a major
impact on the communication process. His extremely sensitive nature has trouble expressing real
feelings, experiences, realities and meanings. The Phlegmatic individual is a slow and deliberate
communicator. Calm approach of any communication process, regardless of context, makes the
emotions are more intense and more difficult to decipher body language. The orderly thinking and
dry humor, the phlegmatic individual gives the impression of being aloof and insensitive to the
emotions and feelings party.


International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Volume 2, Special Issue 1 (2012), pp. 321-325
ISSN: 2225-8329

But people cannot be assigned to a single temper, but is a mixture of the four basic types,
the predominant type. Maybe that's why it cannot be communicated to temperamental type
better than another. But each temperamental type communicates different from the others and
the style of communication is seriously determined by the predominant temperamental type.
In analyzing the impact of personality on communication must be taken into account the
personality structures and levels of expression (self, self, superego) and the main components of
personality (affectivity, motivation, attitude, behavior) that interfere with the communication.
It should be noted that any communication process involves the establishment premises as
two elements: the objective reality (inside and outside the organization) and the human subject.
Man endorses the objective world in accordance with nature's own, in the spiritual, but it must
transform the environment, not just by his presence, but by knowledge. The origin of any act of
human communication is dissatisfaction with the situation found and aspiration towards a goal,
the ideal toward which changes the existing fact. Of course, the observed situation is not only the
objective reality, but is a function of culture, because the objective existent it is viewed from the
impersonal, human socio-cultural, subjective perspective. Along with human nature,
communication is the key factor that creates and develops personalities and meanings.

4. Conclusions
The Psychology of communication (managerial, organizational, mass, group, verbal,
nonverbal etc.) is a reality that must be taken into account in all areas of life. Especially because
interpersonal relations are relations of influence and people influence others by personality,
behavior, attitudes, skills and experiences, through persuasion or manipulation.

[1] Andersen, P.A., "Body Language" Teora Publishing House, Bucharest, 2006, p 10;
[2] M. Dinu, "Communication. Fundamental Benchmarks "Algos Publishing, Bucharest, 2000;
[3] Fiske, J., "Introduction to Communication Sciences" Polirom, Science, 2003;
[4] De Lassus, R., "Neuro-Linguistic Programming and The Art of Communication" Teora Publishing
House, Bucharest, 2004;
[5] McQuail, D., Windahl, S., "Models of Communication", Publishing House,
Bucharest, 2001;
[6] O `Sullivan, T., et al.," Fundamental Concepts in Science Communication and Cultural Studies
"Polirom, Science, 2001;
[7] Smith - Neveanu P., M. Zlate, T. Cretu, "Psychology" Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House,
RA, Bucharest, 1997, p 159;
[8] Smith, M., "Communication and Negotiation. Theoretical and practical approaches ", Pro
Universitaria Publishing, Bucharest, 2007;
[9] Trevisan, D., "The Psychology of Marketing and Communication", Ed Irecson, Bucureri, 2007;
[10] Van Cuilenburg, JJ, Scholten, O., Noomen, GW, "Science Communication", Bucharest, Humanitas
Publishing House, 2004;
[11] Watson, J., Hill, A., "A dictionary of communication and media studies", 4th Edition, Arnold,
London, 1997, p 251.


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