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Baguio City)S.S
I JUAN DELA CRUZ, of legal age, Filipino citizen, with residence and
postal address at __________________________, Philippines, after having been
duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and state THAT:
I am the Applicant-vendee in LTFRB Case No. ______________ for
Approval of SALE & TRANSFER of a CPC to Operate a PUJ/TAXI SERVICE
within/on the line/route:____________________________& VICE-VERSA, with the
use of one (1) authorized unit;
That the Applicant-vendor, __________________, had voluntarily sold his
authorized unit, including its FRANCHISE/CPC, in my favor. The Applicantvendor had manifested that he will not interpose NO opposition or objection
whatever in the transfer of his franchise in my name as Applicant-vendee;
The Applicant-vendor had voluntarily waived his right to be present
during the hearing of the above-captioned case in my favor as Applicantvendee, and had authorized me to represent him during the hearing of this
case, submit documentary exhibits in support of our application, and
prosecute this case before the LTFRB, DOTC-CAR located at Pacdal, Baguio
In my capacity as applicant-vendees, I do hereby undertake to bind
myself to be held solely responsible for any legal claims and/or problems
which may arise in the transfer of the vendors authorized unit, including
franchise, in my favor and to forever and to forever free and discharge the
LTFRB, DOTC-CAR, and its personnel from any obligations or claims
whatsoever arising therefrom;
I hereby undertake and give my oath to observe and comply with the
requirements of the Honorable Board, the Public Service Act, as amended
and pertinent policies, rules and regulations issued by the Board or as may
thereafter be issued; and
I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truthfulness and veracity of
the foregoing facts and statements for all legal intents and purposes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ___________at
Baguio City, Philippines.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this ___ day of April, 2012 at

Baguio City, Philippines.
Doc. No.:_____;
Page No.:_____;
Book No.:_____;
Series of 2012.

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