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Friday Newsletter Friday

A Good Week in Sacramento

Legislative Victories for Long Beach

June 4, 2010
City of Long Beach Memorandum
Working Together to Serve

Date: June 4, 2010

To: Mayor and Members of the City Council

Patrick H. West, City Manager
Suzanne Frick, Assistant City Manager
Subject: Friday Newsletter

Legislative News

Long Beach secured a couple big legislative wins to protect local revenues this
past week. For starters, the City will be exempt from the current round of short-
term state borrowing of gas tax funds. This win is worth $6.4 million to the City,
as our public works operations and capital projects depend on these funds. The
City's bill to gain a permanent exemption from State borrowing in the last three
months of our fiscal year passed the Assembly and is moving forward.

Second, Long Beach and our Regional partners defeated an effort by groups in
the upper Los Angeles River to create a third funding source to fund upper L.A.
River projects, which could have been a detriment to the momentum we have
gained cleaning stormwater in the lower Los Angeles River.

Miracle on Maine Street

Attached are some before and after pictures of a wonderful neighborhood

improvement at 7th and Maine Street in District 1. Previously, there was a red
and white-boarded fence at the end of the cul-de-sac, which had a blighted effect
on the neighborhood. The neighborhood group worked with Public Works and
the Council office to eliminate the fence and put together a beautiful landscaped
planter area. It even includes a City bench. All of the material was picked up as
expendable materials from our Public Works Service Yard. The residents are
extremely pleased and it makes a huge difference in the neighborhood.

Sea Festival Begins

Today was the official opening day for our Sea Festival Program. It started with
a 10K ocean swim in Marine Stadium. Several countries are represented as we
are attempting to use Marine Stadium as a qualifying international course for this
new Olympic event. There will be many other open water events occurring on
Saturday and Sunday followed by over 100 events throughout the summer. One
of the key goals of Sea Festival is to get as many youth as possible to visit our
coastline and beaches and participate in beach and aquatic related activities.
June 4, 2010
Page 2

Phil Hester

Everyone has read the articles about Phil announcing his retirement. We are
blessed that Phil will stay with us throughout the summer. I do want to take this
opportunity to highlight that Phil is truly one of the most respected Parks &
Recreation Directors throughout the United States. He has put the City of Long
Beach on the national stage in regards to both park developments and recreation
programs. He will be sorely missed.

Airport Award

We were having fun with Mario this week. The airport is being presented with a
significant award at the next Council meeting. The award is for “Best Asphalt.”
We are hoping Mario will bring us a sample of his best asphalt. That said, a
proper runway is obviously one of the most important things to create and protect
in an airport and we are lucky to have an airport director who cannot only get our
parking garages and terminals built, but also keep the tarmac maintained with
federal and grant dollars.

Vacation News

I will be on vacation Monday-Wednesday of next week. Suzanne Frick will be

acting in my place for those three days.

Memos to the Mayor and City Council

We sent up the following memos to the Mayor and City Council this week:

• Quarterly Police Crime Statistics

• Long Beach Airport Terminal Project Labor Agreement
• Long Beach Transit Proposed FY 2011 Budget
• Banking Services Request for Proposals (RFP)
• Historic Preservation Element of the General Plan (Citywide)
• Hoarding Task Force
• Police Staffing and Recruit Academy Options
• Naples Seawall Funding

Willmore City Heritage Association's Photos
7Th & Maine Beautification



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