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Faculty of Technology
Masters Degree Program in Chemical and Process Engineering

Alina Lozhechnikova



Examiners: Prof. Andrzej Kraslawski

Dr. Sc. (Chem) Yuri Avramenko

Lappeenranta, 2011

Lappeenranta University of Technology
Faculty of Technology
Masters Degree Program in Chemical Technology
Alina Lozhechnikova
Determination of slurrys viscosity using case based reasoning approach
Masters Thesis
57 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables and 2 appendices

Professor Andrzej Kraslawski

Dr. Sc. (Chem) Yuri Avramenko

Keywords: slurry, Case-Based Reasoning, Newtonian fluid, Bingham plastics

fluid, viscosity, CBR.
Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a recent approach to problem solving and learning
that has got a lot of attention over the last years. In this work, the CBR
methodology is used to reduce the time and amount of resources spent on carry
out experiments to determine the viscosity of the new slurry. The aim of this work
is: to develop a CBR system to support the decision making process about the
type of slurries behavior, to collect a sufficient volume of qualitative data for case
base, and to calculate the viscosity of the Newtonian slurries.
Firstly in this paper, the literature review about the types of fluid flow, Newtonian
and non-Newtonian slurries is presented. Some physical properties of the
suspensions are also considered. The second part of the literature review provides
an overview of the case-based reasoning field. Different models and stages of
CBR cycles, benefits and disadvantages of this methodology are considered
subsequently. Brief review of the CBS tools is also given in this work. Finally,
some results of work and opportunities for system modernization are presented.
To develop a decision support system for slurry viscosity determination, software
application MS Office Excel was used. Designed system consists of three parts:
workspace, the case base, and section for calculating the viscosity of Newtonian
slurries. First and second sections are supposed to work with Newtonian and
Bingham fluids. In the last section, apparent viscosity can be calculated for
Newtonian slurries.

This Masters thesis was carried out in the Lappeenranta University of
Technology. I am very grateful to Professor Andrzej Kraslawski that he gave me
an opportunity to work under his control. His complete assistance, inexpressible
help and also support during my illness were very important for me.
I would like to express my gratitude to D. Mendeleev University of Chemical
Technology of Russia for great knowledge base, which helps me to continue my
education. Special thanks to Natalia Menshytina, my supervisor from MUCTR for
this fantastic possibility to study at LUT.
And of course, my very special thanks go to my family and friends. Thanks to my
mother and my father, to my lovely grandmother, and my best friend Marina.
These people support me all the time and make my staying in Lappeenranta great.
Thank you dears!
This research work is dedicated to my grandfather. I hope that you are proud of
Lappeenranta, 2011
Alina Lozhechnikova

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 8
2. CLASSIFICATION OF FLOW BEHAVIOR ..................................................... 9
2.1 Newtonian flow...................................................................................... 9
2.2 Non-Newtonian flow ........................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Bingham plastic fluids .......................................................... 12
2.2.2 Pseudo-plastic fluids ............................................................. 12
2.2.3 Yield pseudo-plastic fluids.................................................... 13
2.3 Classes of slurries according to the type of flow ................................. 13
2.4 Time-dependent flow behavior ............................................................ 14
3. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SLURRIES ..................................................... 15
3.1 Density ................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Concentration ....................................................................................... 16
3.3 Viscosity .............................................................................................. 16
4. INTRODUCTION TO CASE-BASED REASONING ..................................... 18
4.1 History review of CBR field ................................................................ 18
4.2 Case-based reasoning conception ........................................................ 19
5. THE CBR PROCESS ........................................................................................ 20
5.1 Case-based interpretation ..................................................................... 20
5.2 Case-based problem-solving ................................................................ 21
6. REVIEW OF CBR MODELS ........................................................................... 22
6.1 Kolodners CBR model ....................................................................... 23
6.2 Aamodt & Plazas CBR model ............................................................ 24
6.3 Six-REs CBR model ............................................................................ 25
6.4 Finnie & Suns CBR model ................................................................. 25
7. REPRESENTATION OF CASES ..................................................................... 26
7.1 The dynamic memory model ............................................................... 27
7.2 The Category-Exemplar Model ........................................................... 29
8. CBR CYCLE ..................................................................................................... 30
8.1 Retrieval in CBR .................................................................................. 30
8.2 Reuse in Case-Based Reasoning .......................................................... 35
8.3 Case revision ........................................................................................ 38
8.4 Retention in Case-Based Reasoning .................................................... 39
9. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF CBR .................................... 40
9.1 Benefits ................................................................................................ 40

9.2 Disadvantages ...................................................................................... 41

10. CBR SOFTWARE TOOLS ............................................................................. 42
11. RESULTS ........................................................................................................ 45
12. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 49
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 50
Appendix 1. Workspace part of system ..................................................... 56
Appendix 2. Case base part of system ....................................................... 57
Appendix 3. Working interface for viscosity calculations......................... 64

Figure 1: Newtonian flow .................................................................................. 9
Figure 2: Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids ............................................ 10
Figure 3: Flow curves for a Thixotropic and Rheopectic fluids ...................... 15
Figure 4: Ratio of viscosity of mixture versus viscosity of carrier ................. 18
Figure 5: Relationship between problem and solution spaces in CBR ............ 22
Figure 6: The CBR cycle by Kolodner ............................................................ 23
Figure 7: The CBR cycle by Aamodt & Plaza ................................................ 24
Figure 8: The CBR cycle by Ian Watson ......................................................... 25
Figure 9: The CBR cycle by Finnie & Sun ..................................................... 26
Figure 10: Structure of cases and generalized episodes .................................. 28
Figure 11: The structure of categories, features and exemplars ...................... 29
Figure 12: Workspace section of decision support system .............................. 45

Table 1: Companies developing and applying CBR technology ...................... 42
Table 2: The results of system test ................................................................... 46

Nowadays a variety of industrial processes involve various operations with
slurries and suspensions. First of all, to be able to perform design and modeling of
industrial process, it is necessary to research the properties of the slurry, which
will be used in industrial process. And in this case the apparent viscosity is one of
the most important characteristics of slurry. However, in some cases it is quite a
difficult task to measure the slurrys viscosity. Especially when dealing with NonNewtonian rheological fluids, whose behavior depends on time. Also some
suspensions require special handling, due to their chemical and physical
properties, concentration of solid particles, and tendency to aggregation or
degradation under the deformation, etc.
To reduce the time and amount of resources spent on carry out experiments to
determine the viscosity of the new slurry, it is possible to use the Case-Based
Reasoning (CBR) approach. And today, the CBR approach is not simply an
isolated research area, but a methodology that is widely used in various fields.
The aim of this work is: to develop a CBR system to support the decision making
process about the type of slurries behavior, to collect a sufficient volume of
qualitative data for case base, and to calculate the viscosity of the Newtonian
Firstly in this paper, the literature review about the types of fluid flow, Newtonian
and non-Newtonian slurries are presented. Some physical properties of the
suspensions are also considered. The second part of the literature review provides
an overview of the case-based reasoning field. Different models and stages of
CBR cycles, benefits and disadvantages of this methodology are considered
subsequently. Brief review of the CBS tools is also given in this work. Finally,
some results of work and opportunities for system modernization are presented.

Slurry is a mixture of solids and liquids. Technical term slurry contains a wide
range of solid-liquid blends. So, if a solid-liquid mixture has some liquidity, we
can call it slurry. Solid particles can be different sizes: from very fine colloidal
particles to coarse particles, which can precipitate. The solid concentration and
materials of solid and liquid phase have a great influence on viscosity and other
flow characteristics. The following parameters also affect the slurry properties:
size and shape of the particles, level of turbulence, temperature, the particle size
distribution, the diameter of the pipe and the surface properties of the solid
particles. /1, 2/


Fluids can be divided on Newtonian and Non-Newtonian. The difference is how
the fluid viscosity changes with the velocity gradient in a pipe.
2.1 Newtonian flow
In case of Newtonian liquids, the shear stress is proportional to the velocity
gradient. And the constant of proportionality is called absolute or dynamic
viscosity of the liquid. Figure 2.1 represents the Newtonian model in terms of plot
of shear stress versus velocity gradient. /3/

Figure 2.1

Newtonian flow /4/


The classical Newtons equation for Newtonian fluids is this relationship between
shear stress and shear rate (also known as velocity gradient). Equation 2.1
represents the Newtonian model.


where is a viscosity of fluid, shear stress, and dV/du is a shear rate. /4/
For Newtonian liquids the slope of the shear stress versus shear rate is constant
while the velocity is constant at a given pressure and temperature. Also at zero
shear rate, the shear stress is equal to zero for Newtonian fluids, and thus the
graph passes through the origin. Non-Newtonian fluids mostly dont satisfy these
conditions. Thus, for them shear stress versus shear rate could be curved line and
could have positive value at the origin. This is illustrated in Fig.2.2. /3, 5/

Figure 2.2

Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids /4/

As you can see on the Fig.2.2, Newtonian and Bingham plastic fluids have
straight lines on the plot, due to constant dynamic viscosity. And in contrast with
them, pseudo-plastic and dilatant fluids have curved plots and inconstant viscosity
which depends on the shear rate. Also Dilatant, Newtonian and Pseudo-Plastic
liquids have zero shear stress at a zero shear rate, so they dont need minimum
shear stress to start flow. Slurries are basically non-newtonian fluids, but if
concentration of particles decreases, they can become Newtonian fluids. /4, 6, 7/


2.2 Non-Newtonian flow

Liquids containing finely ground solids and long-chain polymers, with a nonlinear
relationship between the rate of shear and the shear stress under laminar-flow
conditions display non-Newtonian flow properties /8/. Usually, non-Newtonian
fluids are divided into two groups:

fluids, which properties are independent from time or rate of shear;

more complex fluids, the duration of shear affects on the relationship

between shear stress and shear rate. /9/

On the Fig.2.2 were shown several possible rheograms for non-Newtonian liquids
with different flow types.
Factors influencing non-Newtonian flow behavior:

Size and shape of particles. The smaller the size of the particles, the
greater the chance, that fluid will show a non-Newtonian behavior. But too
small particles which are suspended by Brownian motion may flocculate
and reduce the degree of behavior. If slurries with the same solids
concentration, the slurry with fine particles will have higher consistency.
Also with concentrations higher than 35% by weight, particle shape affects
the consistency of slurry. Slurries with round-shaped solids have smaller
consistencies than substances with chaotic-shaped particles. /9, 10/

Concentration. The level of non-Newtonian behavior is increasing with

grows the concentration of solids. While concentration is increasing,
consistency (apparent viscosity) increases proportionally with the specific
gravity of the suspension, until a critical concentration will be reached. At
this point consistency grows a little faster. After reaching the critical
concentration, even a small change in the specific gravity will leads to the
significant changes in consistency, until flow stops finally. /9, 10/

Reynolds number. In turbulent flow of non-Newtonian fluid, the inertial

forces increase compared with viscous forces. Therefore, the nonNewtonian characteristics or behavior of liquids decreases with high


Reynolds numbers. And vice versa, the non-Newtonian behavior of liquids

increases in laminar flow and at low Reynolds numbers. /9/
2.2.1 Bingham plastic fluids
Bingham plastic fluids are characterized by a constant slope of the shear stress
versus shear rate curve and by positive shear stress with zero shear rate. These
fluids maintain a rigid structure and do not flow, if the shear stress less than yield
stress. Its only at stresses in excess of the yield value that flow occurs /13/.
Equation 2.2 represents the shear stress for the Bingham plastic model:

= 0 +


where is a shear stress at distance y from pipe wall, 0 is a yield stress,

rigidity coefficient, dV/dy is a shear rate.
The coefficient is called also plastic viscosity and has the same units like an
absolute viscosity. This type of liquids includes concentrated suspensions of fine
particles and pastes. There are some examples of Bingham plastic fluids: fly ash,
paint, coal slurry and clay suspended in water. /4, 14, 15/
2.2.2 Pseudo-plastic fluids
When the flow curve is non-linear and passes through the origin, the Power-law
model is used to characterize the shear stress versus velocity gradient relationship.
The equation for a power-law (or Ostwald-de-Waele ) fluid is:


where is a shear stress at distance y from the pipe wall, n power law exponent,
K is a power law coefficient and dV/dy velocity gradient.


K and n are parameters that describe the rheology of the power-law fluid in
Eq. 2.3. Parameter K is also known as fluid consistency index. The higher the
viscosity of the fluid, the greater the coefficient K. The constant n is also called
the flow index; n is a measure of difference from Newtonian fluid behavior. For
pseudo-plastic (shear thinning) fluids, coefficient n < 1; for dilatant (shear
thickening) fluids, parameter n > 1 /4, 18/. Rather small values of power-law
index are encountered in the fine suspensions, such as kaolin in water, bentonite
in water, water mixtures of limestone and hydrocarbon grease, etc. And logically,
that the lower the value of n, the more shear-thinning is the material. /3, 4/
2.2.3 Yield pseudo-plastic fluids
Yield pseudoplastic fluids are time-independent liquids; they follow the powerlaw model, but have a positive intercept on the axis, representing the yield stress

0. Thus, if the power-law fluid has a yield value, we can describe it by the
equation, which was suggested by Herschel and Bulkley:

= 0 +


where is a shear stress at distance y from the pipe wall, 0 is a yield stress, K power law coefficient, n power law exponent, dV/dy velocity gradient. /4, 18/
If the parameters values will be equal to as follows: n = 1 and K = , Bingham
plastic fluid equation will be obtained, this can be seen from the Eq. 2.4 and
Eq. 2.2. /4/
2.3 Classes of slurries according to the type of flow
In general there are two types of solid-liquid suspensions (i.e. slurries) according
to the type of flow:

Homogeneous slurries. This type of mixtures flows like a single-phase

fluid, and has a uniform concentration of particles along the pipe axis. This


definition includes non-settling suspensions and also those which are

homogeneous only in a turbulent regime. In pipeline flow, homogeneous
mixture behaves as a pure liquid which has the same density, as a slurry
and the viscosity depending on the concentration of particles. /8, 10/

Heterogeneous slurries. This type of liquids behaves as a multiphase fluid.

Liquid and solid phases are separated after some time. There is no uniform
distribution of particles across the pipe cross-section. Also particles can
settle and form a stationary bed at the bottom of the tube at low velocities.
Usually the size of the particles in heterogeneous mixtures higher than in
homogeneous. /8, 9/

2.4 Time-dependent flow behavior

In practice some fine particle slurries show not only the non-Newtonian behavior
but also time-dependent flow characteristics. Sometimes with increase of shear
rate, slurries show the time-dependent decrease of apparent viscosity. But when
the slurry is settled at rest, viscosity will recover its initial value /2/. Thus,
apparent viscosity could depend not only on the rate of shear but also on the time
during which the liquid was subjected to shearing. There are some examples of
time-dependent fluids: bentonite-water suspensions, red mud suspensions, crude
oils, cement paste. When these materials after a long period of rest are sheared at a
constant rate, their apparent viscosities become less as the internal structure of the
material is broken. Because the number of structural bonds capable of being
broken down reduces, the rate of change of viscosity with time drops to zero. And
vice versa, when part of the linkages is destroyed, the rate at which bonds can reform increases. Thus, the dynamic equilibrium is reached when the rates of
formation and destruction of linkages are balanced.
Time-dependent fluid behavior can be divided on two groups: thixotropy and
rheopexy (or negative thixotropy) /6/. Figure 2.3 shows a schematic shear stress
versus shear rate behavior for time-dependent fluid.


Figure 2.3

Flow curves for a Thixotropic and Rheopectic fluids /6/

In case of thixotropic fluids, the apparent viscosity decreases with the continuance
of shearing, when fluid is sheared at a constant rate. If thixotropic material after
shearing is allowed to stand for some hours, the original viscosity will be
recovered. Sometimes if these liquids have too high apparent viscosity, they can
recover their structure only partially. This could be because of incomplete
dispersion of the particles, for example. /13/
Rheopectic fluids behavior is much less known than thixotropic behavior. In this
case, apparent viscosity is increasing during the shear. With these fluids, small
shearing motions lead to the formation of structure, but above the critical value
decay occurs. The structure doesnt form, if the shearing is too rapid. Most
rheopectic liquids restore to their original viscosity very quickly. Vanadium
pentoxide, sols of bentonite and aqueous gypsum suspensions are some examples
of rheopectic liquids. /3, 13/


3.1 Density
The density of slurry it is a function of some variables: the density of the solid
particles, the density of the liquid, the concentration of the solid phase by volume.


The density of the slurry could be calculated with the following equation:

= (

)+ 100


where m is a density of slurry mixture, C solids concentration by weight (%),

L is a density of solid particles in mixture and s is a density of the liquid phase

in mixture. /1, 4/
The density of the solid particles is determined through many experimental
methods. For some materials, density also is a function of particle size, due to
their packing ability. Due to precipitation of particles in heterogeneous
suspensions, the measurements of density are performed after intensive mixing.
Otherwise, the results of the measurement will be incorrect. /1/
3.2 Concentration
Amount of solids in the mixture by weight is represented by the C variable. In
the case of the volume value the variable C should be used. The concentration of
solids by volume and the concentration of solids by weight are related by the
following Equation 3.2:

+(100 )


The concentration by weight of solids in a mixture is expressed as:

+(100 )


By using volume concentration, its possible to calculate approximately the

viscosity of a dilute suspension consisting of solids in a liquid phase. /1, 4/
3.3 Viscosity
The shear stress is proportional to the shear rate and the constant of
proportionality is the coefficient of viscosity, but its only for Newtonian fluids.


Viscosity is constant parameter, if temperature and pressure are constant too.

Non-Newtonian fluids do not obey to this rule /13/. Absolute (or dynamic)
viscosity for Newtonian slurries could be determined by using some equations
given below.
Absolute viscosity of mixtures with volume concentration smaller than 1%. For
these diluted slurries Einstein created the following equation for the viscosity of
laminar slurry:
= (1 + 2.5 )


where m is a absolute (dynamic) viscosity of the slurry mixture, L is a absolute

viscosity of a liquid phase; and is a total solid volume fraction ( = C /100).
This equation is based on the assumption that solid particles are sufficiently rigid
and there is almost no interaction between them, due to dilute solution. /1, 20/
Absolute viscosity of mixtures with volume concentration smaller than 20%. To
calculate the viscosity of more concentrated solutions of Newtonian slurries, its
possible to use a modified Einstein equation (Eq. 3.5). In this equation, the
interactions between solid particles in the solution were taken into account. /1, 2/
= (1 + 2.5 + 14.1 2 )


Absolute viscosity of mixtures with high volume concentration of solids. Thomas

/21/ suggested the following equation with an exponential function for calculating
the viscosity of slurry with a high concentration of solid particles:
= (1 + 2.5 + 10.05 2 + 0.00273 16.6 )


Based on Eq.3.6, was built a graph, which is very widely used in slurry industry
for heterogeneous mixtures of a Newtonian rheology. Ratio of viscosity of
mixture versus viscosity of a carrier liquid phase, in accordance with the Thomas
equation for coarse slurries is shown on the Figure 3.1. For Non-Newtonian
slurries the term viscosity has no meaning unless it is related to a particular shear


rate. For such fluids the shear stress vs. shear rate is not a constant, but a function
of shear rate and is called the apparent viscosity. /22, 23/

Figure 3.1

Ratio of viscosity of mixture versus viscosity of carrier /1/


Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a very successful technology developed in recent
years. CBR is based on the idea that new problems can be similar to some old
problems, solutions for which have already been found. And consequently, these
solutions can be used in the current new situation. Nowadays CBR is commonly
used for diagnosis (in a more general meaning for classification tasks), for
assessment tasks in the finance domain, also in decision support and process
design. Industrial and commercial applications can be developed very quickly and
existing databases can be used as data and knowledge sources. /24/
4.1 History review of CBR field
The roots of Case-Based Reasoning are found in the Schank and Abelson works
in 1977. The work on dynamic memory defines that in problem solving and
learning, the most important part is remembering of previous situations (cases,
episodes) and situation patterns. Development in this area was also accompanied


by works on analogical reasoning, decision making theory and experiments in

psychology and philosophy. /25/
CYRUS was the first system which can be called a Case-Based reasoner. It was
developed by Janet Kolodner in 1983 at Yale University. Basically it was a
question-answering system with knowledge of the various travels and meetings.
The case memory model of this system later was used for some other CBR
systems (such as MEDIATOR, CHEF, JULIA etc.). /25/
4.2 Case-based reasoning conception
Case-Based Reasoning approach is based on two principles. Firstly, the world is
regular and similar problems have similar solutions. Therefore solutions for
similar past problems can be a good starting point for finding solutions to new
problems. Secondly, the types of problems have a tendency to occur again. In
such a way, it can be assumed with high probability, that future problems will be
similar to existing problems. When the two tenets hold, its expedient to
remember and reuse the current reasoning; in this case CBR will be a quite
effective method. /26/
The basic idea of Case-Based Reasoning is quite simple: A case-based reasoned
solves new problems by adapting solutions that were used to solve old problems
/27/. In CBR, a reasoner remembers preceding situations similar to the current one
and uses them to solve new problems. CBR can mean adapting old solutions to
satisfy new requirements, using old cases to critique new solutions, using old
cases to explain new situations; and reasoning from cases to interpret a new
situation or generate an equitable solution to a new problem. /28/
In CBR terminology, case can be considered as an experience situation. For
example, case can be presented as a rule, advice, general law or simple past event.
If the episode of experience provides some solutions, which could be useful, its
necessary to record this episode to the case. In decision making applications, a
case usually means a problem-solving episode, which includes a problem and
solution for it. In such a way, one record is represented as a pair: the problem and


solution. But in many commercial applications, problem and solution parts of the
case arent distinguished, and case means a record with piece of experience,
which includes a set of special features. All cases are collected together to form a
case base. /29/


In general, all Case-based reasoning tasks are divided into two groups:
interpretive CBR and problem-solving CBR. To classify or describe new
situations, interpretive CBR uses previous cases as an anchor points. Problemsolving CBR uses old cases to propose solutions that might apply to new
situations /26/. Both styles will be considered in this chapter. Interpretive and
problem-solving CBR are dependent on the mechanism of retrieval of cases that
can recall useful cases at the relevant time. For both of them, the storage of new
situations in memory allows to learn through experience. In order to create new
solutions, to interpret the processes, and to judge derivatives solutions, problem
solving case-based reasoning heavy uses adaptive processes. /28/
5.1 Case-based interpretation
In this type of CBR, reasoner classifies new situations and forms judgments about
them, by comparison with old cases. Interpretive style can be used during problem
solving, for situation classification, evaluation of a solution, argumentation,
justification of a solution, and for diagnosis tasks. For example, to determine the
best diagnosis, current symptoms can be compared and contrasted with the old
Interpretive CBR includes four stages. Firstly, in order to decide which features of
the new situation are really important, reasoner has to perform an assessment of
the situation. Then, based on the results of situation evaluation, reasoner retrieves
a relevant prior case. Thirdly, the reasoner needs to decide which interpretation
applies, by comparing the obtained cases with new situation. The last task is to
save current situation and interpretation as a new case for further reasoning. /26/


The interpretive style uses cases to ensure substantiation for solutions, to evaluate
solutions when clear-cut methods not available, and to interpret the situations with
open-ended or fuzzy boundaries. There are usually a lot of unknowns in these
situations, thus even if computational methods are available there is not enough
knowledge for their work. In that case, reasoner justifies his lack of knowledge
with the assumption, that the world is consistent. /28/
5.2 Case-based problem-solving
Like previous type, problem-solving CBR includes situation assessment, retrieval
of the case, and similarity evaluation. Similarities and differences between old and
new cases are used to determine how the previous solution can be adapted to the
new situation. In addition, old solutions can prevent potential warnings and
failures in the future, as well as provide almost right solutions for new problems.
Case-based problem solving can be used for wide range of tasks, such as
diagnosis, planning, and design. /28/
There are two different types of similarity, which are used in case-based problemsolving. These two types belong to two different spaces: the space of problem
description and the space of problem solutions. Both spaces are illustrated in
Fig. 5.1. When new problem enters the CBR system, it makes the assessment of
the situation to obtain a description of problem, and then searches for problems
with similar descriptions. To generate a solution for new problem, the solutions of
those problems are used as a starting point. If the right way to describe the
problem was chosen, it will be easier to adapt solutions to the new situations,
because similar problems have similar solutions. /26/
In this work, the term similarity considered as a fuzzy relation between two cases.
It is intended to adapt available knowledge about previous problems to solve new
ones. There are two different techniques to determine the similarity in CBR. The
first one is computational approach. In this approach, an explicit similarity
function is calculated for all cases in the case base. New problems and cases from
past are vague matched, to determine their degree of similarity. The degree is


determined by a numerical calculation and result is a single number, which

reflects all aspects of the similarity. The second one is representational approach.
The case base is pre-structured for this method. Retrieval is done by traversing the
index structure. And it is assumed that neighboring cases according to the index
structure are similar. Some techniques combine both these methods. /30/

Figure 5.1

Relationship between problem and solution spaces in CBR /26/


Several models have been developed to describe the CBR process. The most well
know are presented below.


6.1 Kolodners CBR model

On the Fig. 6.1 the structure of CBR cycle proposed by Kolonder (1992) is
shown. She offered that for case-based reasoners, the major processes are case
retrieval and case storage. New ballpark solution is proposed by extracting the
solution from retrieved cases. This is followed by adaptation process fixing of
old problem to fit a new situation. The next step is criticism, it is necessary to
preliminary evaluate the new solution. This is followed by justification creating
an argument for the proposed solution and criticism again. After that reasoner
need to ensure that poor solutions are not repeated with the good ones, and it
requires an evaluation stage. /28/
Propose ballpark



Figure 6.1

The CBR cycle by Kolodner (1992) /28/

The described steps in a certain sense could be recursive; for example adapt and
criticize steps frequently require new cases to be retrieved. Process also can have
some loops. For example: when the process of reasoning goes bad with chosen
case, it might be necessary to choose new case and to restart procedure from the
beginning; also sometimes after criticism or evaluation stage additional adaptation
is required. /28/


6.2 Aamodt & Plazas CBR model

Classic Aamodt & Plazas (1994) problem solving cycle is shown on Fig. 6.2. The
individual steps in the CBR cycle, i.e. retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain, are
known now as the 4 REs.

Figure 6.2

The CBR cycle by Aamodt & Plaza (1994) /25, 31/

CBR can be described as a cycle of the four following processes:


Retrieve old cases, the most similar to new one, from the case base;

Reuse retrieved cases to fit the new case;

Revise the proposed solution;

Retain the final solution as a part of a new case.

A new problem is compared with the cases in the case base and one or more cases
are retrieved. Then solution from case base is reused and tested for success. If the
retrieved case is a close match, the solution could be retained. Thus the new case
is formed, which can be retained subsequently.
Revision may include other methods of reasoning, such as the use of the proposed
solutions as a starting point to search for a solution. Adaptation in an interactive
system also could be done by human. After that new case with the solution can be
retained during last stage. /32, 33/


6.3 Six-REs CBR model

Ian Watson /34/ considers CBR process as a cycle from six activities; they are
presented on the Fig. 6.3. As you can see, in comparison with Aamodt & Plazas
model, two new steps were added to this model review and retain.

Figure 6.3

The CBR cycle by Ian Watson (2001) /34/

The six-REs of the CBR cycle can be mapped to the activities required by a
knowledge management system. In this cycle, first three steps (retrieve, reuse and
revise) are completely the same with previous model steps, so only last three steps
(review, retain, refine) will be considered further:

Review the new case by comparing it against cases already retained in the
case base;

Retain the new solution (if it was founded useful);

Refine the case-based index and feature weights as its necessary. /34/

6.4 Finnie & Suns CBR model

This model is an enhanced version of Aamodt & Plaza model. The main steps are:
repartition, retrieve, reuse, revise and retain. Repartition step builds a satisfactory


case based on utilizing similarity relations to the possible world of problems and
the world of solutions. This five-REs model, unlike previous ones, takes into
account the fact, that to build a case base it is also important CBR task. Thus in
their model, Finnie and Sun have included the process of preparation of case
bases /29/. The whole cycle of five-REs model is shown on the Fig. 6.4.

Figure 6.4

The CBR cycle by Finnie & Sun (2003) /35/

Furthermore, repartition provides the theoretical basis for case retrieval, because
of one-to-one correspondence between the similarity relations and the partitions.
In this way, both case-base building and case retrieval can be considered as a
similarity-based reasoning in a uniform way. Thus, the proposed model can unify
case base building, case retrieval, and case adaptation process. /35, 36/

The efficiency of CBR process is very dependent on the structure of its collection
of cases, the so-called case memory. Problems are solved be recalling a previous
experience suitable for solving new problems, so searching process should be both
effective and reasonably fast. The process of storing new cases in the case base
must also satisfy these conditions. The representation problem in CBR is
primarily the problem of deciding what to store in a case, finding an appropriate


structure for describing case contents, and deciding how the case memory should
be organized and indexed for effective retrieval and reuse. An additional problem
is how to integrate the case memory structure into a model of general domain
knowledge, to the extent that such knowledge is incorporated /25/. The dynamic
memory model of Schank and Kolodner, and the category-exemplar model of
Porter and Bareiss are the most well-known case memory models. Both of them
will be briefly reviewed in this chapter.
7.1 The dynamic memory model
In this method, the case memory model consists of memory organization pockets
or MOPs. MOPs are the basic unit in dynamic memory. MOPs are a form of
frame and they are used for knowledge representation about classes of events.
There are two groups of MOPs:

Instances. Group represents cases, events and objects;

Abstractions. This class represents generalized versions of instances or of

other abstractions. /30/

As it was mentioned before, Kolodners CYRUS system /37/ was the first system,
which could be called case-based reasoner. The system was based on Schanks
more general MOP theory /38/. The case memory in this model is a hierarchical
structure of what is called episodic memory organization pockets or E-MOPs,
from other sources known as generalized episodes. The basic idea is to organize
specific cases which share similar properties under a more general structure (i.e. a
generalized episode). There are three different types of objects which constitute a
generalized episode, they are: norms, cases and indices. Features, which are
common to all cases indexed under a GE, are called norms. Indices are features
which discriminate between a GEs cases. An index may point directly to a case
or to a more specific generalized episode. An index consists of two parts: an index
name and an index value. /39, 40/
Structure of cases and generalized episodes is shown on Fig. 7.1. The figure
illustrates a complex generalized episode, with its underlying cases and more


specific GE. Whole case memory is a kind of discrimination network, where a

node is either a GE, an index name, index value or a case. Each index-value pair
leads from one generalized episode to the case or to another generalized episode.
One index value may only leads to a single case or a single GE /25/. The figure
illustrates that the indexing scheme is redundant, since there are multiple path to a
particular case, i.e. case1 on the picture.

Figure 7.1

Structure of cases and generalized episodes /25/

GE is an indexing structure, primarily intended for storing, searching and retrieval

of cases. If during the case storage, feature of new case matches with previous
case feature, a new generalized episode is created. Both cases are then
discriminated by indexing them under different indices below the new GE (it is
assumed that cases are not identical). Thus, similar parts of two cases are
dynamically generalized into a new GE and cases being indexed under the GE by
their differences; in accordance with this, memory is called dynamic. However,
for practical purposes, most CBR systems using this method limit the number of


allowed indices to avoid their explosive growth when number of cases is

increases. /30/
7.2 The Category-Exemplar Model
Alternative way to organize cases in a case memory was proposed by Ray Bareiss
and Bruce Porter in their PROTOS system /41/. This model organizes cases based
on the view that the real word should be defined extensionally with cases being
referred to as exemplars. The case memory proposed to be a network structure of
categories, semantic relations, cases and index pointers. Every case is linked with
a category. In describing a cases membership to a category, each feature is
assigned its own degree of importance. In this model tree types of indices are
provided, which may lead to a case or a category. They are listed below:

Feature links pointing from problem descriptors (features) to cases or

categories (called remindings);

Case links pointing from categories to its associated cases (called

exemplar links);

Difference links pointing from cases to the neighbour cases that only
differs in one or a small number of features. /30/

Usually, a name-value pair describes a feature. Inside the category, a categorys

exemplars are sorted according to their level of prototypicality. On the Fig. 7.2 a
part of memory structure (i.e. links between features, cases and categories) is

Figure 7.2

The structure of categories, features and exemplars /25/


In this model, the categories are interrelated within a semantic network, which
also includes the features and intermediate states (such as subclasses of target
concepts) related to by other terms. This network represents a background of
general domain knowledge, which enables explanatory support to some of the
CBR tasks. For example, a core mechanism of case matching is a method called
knowledge based pattern matching. /30/
Searching for case, which matches an input description, in the case base is done
by merging the input features of a problem case into a pointer to the case or
category that shares most of the features. If a reminding points directly to a
category, the links to its most prototypical cases are traversed, and these cases are
returned. In such a way, the general domain knowledge is used to allow matching
of features that are semantically similar. A new case is stored be searching for a
matching case, and by establishing the corresponding feature indices. If a case is
found with only slight differences to the input case, the new one may not be
retained or the two cases may be combined by following taxonomic links in the
semantic network. /25/

8.1 Retrieval in CBR
Retrieval algorithm finds the most similar cases to current situation or problem,
given the description of the problem and by using the indices in the case-base
memory. Searching for potentially useful cases directly depends on the indices
and memory organization. The problem of choosing the best cases many times
has been the subject of research in the area of analogy. At that time some
algorithms were developed, such as: serial search, hierarchical search and
simulated parallel search. /40/
The purpose of the conventional database search it is a certain number or record.
Unlike a traditional database search, retrieval of cases from case-base should
include partial matches, because full coincidence of a new case with old one is


practically impossible. And only when the retrieval algorithms will be effective
for processing thousands of cases, the CBR system will be ready to solve largescale problems. /40/
Similarity assessment
Assessment of the similarity of the stored cases can be done by using their surface
features (surface features are those which are the part of description and usually
are attribute-value pairs). If cases are represented by complex structures (e.g.
graphs), retrieval could require an assessment of their structural similarity. By
using structural similarity, more relevant cases could be retrieved, but its
computationally expensive. Use of carefully crafted indexing vocabularies to
describe cases will help to avoid extra computations. Therefore an explicit
description of the case captures the features that determine its relevance. /31/
There are a lot of different ways how to measure a similarity. According to case
representation, one or another approach could be selected. For example, if each
case is represented as a simple feature vector (or set of attribute-value pairs), local
similarity measure is determined for every attribute. Global similarity can be
calculated as weighted average of the local similarities. Different weights allow
various attributes to have different degrees of importance. /25, 31/
Nearest neighbor, induction, knowledge guided induction and template retrieval
are widely known methods for retrieval of cases from case base. They can be used
separately or combined into one hybrid strategy /40/. A brief description of these
methods will be given further:

Nearest neighbor. This technique is perhaps the most common, because it

is used in the main part of CBR applications. All algorithms of this group
operate approximately the same way. Firstly, the similarity between new
problem and case from case based is defined for every case attribute. This
value is multiplied by a weighting factor. The similarity between a new
case and an old one is calculated by summation of similarity values for all
attributes. This technique can be represented by the following equation:


, =

=1 ( , )


where T is the target case, S is the source case; n the number of attributes
in each case, i an individual attribute from 1 to n; f is a similarity function
for attribute i in case T and S; w the importance weighting of attribute i.
This calculation is repeated for each case in case library, to rank the cases
according to their similarity with the target case. Usually, when
calculations are already completed, similarities are normalized to fall
within a range of zero to one. Where one is an exact match and zero is
totally dissimilar (percentage similarity is also used, where 100% is an
exact match). /42/

Template retrieval. This method is often used before other methods, to

make the first approach and limit the search area to a specific section in
case base. In this way, template retrieval returns all cases which match
certain parameters. Queries are similar with SQL-queries. /40/

Induction. Induction algorithms generate a decision tree type structure in

order to organize cases in memory; and determine which features are the
most important in discriminating cases. This technique is used when
solution is only single case feature and when this feature is dependent
from others. There is also Knowledge guided induction method, which
uses application of knowledge to the process of induction, by manually
identifying the parameters of the case, which are known or suspected to
affect the primary case features. /43/

Some approaches were also investigated to reduce retrieval time. For example,
Stanfill & Waltz /45/ suggested using massive parallel computers. This approach
is guaranteed to find the most similar cases, but requires a lot of expensive
equipment. Some other researchers, in their attempts to reduce the search time,
relied on the organization of cases in memory. Certain of these methods will be
considered below:


k - d trees. Binary tree is used to separate cases in memory to the groups,

so that in one group there will be similar cases, according to a given
similarity measure. To verify, that the most similar cases are retrieved, the
algorithm computes similarity bounds in order to define, which group of
cases should be considered first. The biggest advantage of this approach is
the ability to combine CBR techniques and inductive learning methods.
Therefore, this process is very suitable for diagnostic tasks. /46/

footprint-based retrieval. This method was suggested by Smyth &

McKenna /47/. It consists of two stages. Firstly, the first footprint case is
identified, which is the most similar with the target case. Secondly, other
small subset of cases, which are related to the reference case, is retrieved.
Lastly, the final case is selected from retrieved ones. The approach is
good, because it is searching for a small proportion of cases in case base
and at the same time provides a high level of similarity with the target.
This method is related to fish and shrink strategy. /31/

fish and shrink. In this model, properties are associated in accordance

with specific aspect of similarity. Approach assumes that if the case
doesnt satisfy the request, it will lead to a decrease in the usefulness of its
neighbors. This assumption allows to eliminate a large number of useless
cases during the retrieval. Method could be very useful in areas, where it is
necessary to work with highly structured cases (e.g. design). /46/

However side by side with reducing the searching time, some investigators tried
to improve the solution quality. It is also important aspect of case retrieval.
Methods of quality assessment for founded solutions depend on the type of
problem-solving task for which the system is designed, e.g. recommendation,
classification or planning. For example, evaluation in terms of classification
accuracy is possible only if the outcome classes are represented in the training set.
But in such domains like product recommendation, this is not the case, because
every outcome class (a unique service or product) is represented by a single case
in the case memory. Estimation of classification accuracy is similarity


compromised in conversational CBR, where for most cases its common to have
unique solutions. /31/
There are several problems that could affect the solution quality. Here are some of
them: using of inappropriate measures of similarity, missing values in cases,
noise, unknown values in target problem description, and so-called problem of
heterogeneity, which occurs when different features are used to describe different
cases. Some possible strategies for handling missing information in similarity
assessment were proposed and evaluate by Bogaerts & Leake (2004) /49/.
Retrieval based on incomplete information is an important challenge in
conversational CBR, where a description of the target problem is incrementally
(and often incompletely) elicited in an interactive dialogue with the reasoner.
Aha et al. in their work proposed an incremental query elicitation approach that
takes into account the heterogeneity, which is typically found in such areas like
fault diagnosis /50/. In his work, McSherry suggested a conversational CBR
approach to product recommendation. The method includes a mechanism, which
ends the dialogue only if it is known that more similar cases will not be found in
the future. /51/
Nowadays, similarity plays an impressive role in case retrieval, but similarity
increasingly being combined with other criteria, such as how effectively the
solution space is covered by the retrieved cases, how easily old solutions could be
adapted to solve target problem, and how easily the proposed solution can be
explained /52, 53/. Some alternatives to similarity-based retrieval will be
considered below:

Adaptation-guided retrieval. I this method, the adaptation requirements of

cases are explicitly assessed during retrieval by means of domain-specific
adaptation knowledge. Unlike the traditional approaches that relied on
heuristics in order to predict how easily a given case could be adapted. To
ensure that the best case is selected, adaptation-guided retrieval combines


local and global measures of adaptability. This approach can considerably

reduce adaptation failures and adaptation costs. /31, 55/

Diversity-conscious retrieval. The most similar cases are usually very

similar to each other, so that the reasoner is offered a limited choice. Thus,
the recommended cases may be lacking in diversity. To solve this
problem, some algorithms have been proposed, which combine measures
of similarity and diversity in the retrieval process to achieve a better
balance between these characteristics. Experiments have shown that by
even a small decrease of similarity, significant increase in diversity could
be achieved. /56/

Compromise-driven retrieval. This approach is based on the assumption

that a given case is more acceptable than another, if it is more similar to
the users query and it involves a subset of the compromises that the other
case involves. For example, no case is included in the retrieval set, if there
is a more similar case that involves a subset of the compromises it
involves. /53/

Order-based retrieval. This approach offers an expressive query language

to define and combine ordering relations. The result of query estimation is
partially order of cases in case base. Since the set of retrieved cases is
quite diverse, there is no need for an explicit measure of recommendation
diversity. /31, 57/

Explanation-oriented retrieval. For CBR systems sometimes it is needed

to explain their reasoning and justify their solutions. This approach
remains precedent-base, but once a classification or diagnosis has been
retrieved on the basis of the nearest neighbors, the system performs an
additional retrieval step, using an explanation utility metric, to obtain the
explanation case. /31, 52/

8.2 Reuse in Case-Based Reasoning

Sometimes, reusing of a retrieved case can be done very easily, and it consists in
returning the unchanged retrieved solution as a proposed solution for the new
problem. This is often takes place for solving classification tasks. This way, each


solution is likely quite often represented in the case base; thus, the most similar
retrieved case, if similar enough, is likely to contain a relevant solution. But if
there is big difference between the new problem and the retrieved cases problem,
reuse becomes much more complicated. Under these conditions, to take the
difference into account, it might be required to adapt the old solution to solve new
problem. There are some areas, where the process of adaptation is needed:
medical decision making, design, configuration, and planning. /31/
As soon as the coincident case is retrieved, the CBR system should adapt an
existing solution for new problem needs. Adaptation looks for difference between
the current case and retrieved one, and then applies rules of formulas, which can
take into account these differences. Basically, there are two types of adaptation in

Structural adaptation. In this approach, adaptation rules are applied

directly to the solution, stored in a retrieved case. The most popular
technique is to replace a component of the retrieved solution with an
alternative value, which may be granted by an additional source of
knowledge. CHEF system is a good example of this approach. /43, 58/

Derivational adaptation. In this technique, some algorithms, methods, and

rules, which generated the original solution, are reused. And it is the way
to produce new solution to the current problem. PRODIGY system is a
good example of this approach. Derivational adaptation, sometimes
referred to a re-instantiation, can only be used for cases that are well
understood. /43, 59/

In order to generate complete solutions from scratch, the ideal set of adaptation
rules should be strong enough. Sometimes an effective CBR system is able to use
both types of adaptation. For example, structural adaptation rules can be used to
adapt poorly understood solutions, and derivational method to adapt solutions of


cases that are well understood. Several techniques have been used in CBR
systems for adaptation, some of them are listed below:

Null adaptation. Simple and direct technique, which applies any retrieved
solution to the current problem, without adaptation. Suitable for problems
with complex reasoning, but quite simple solution.

Parameter adjustment. Structural adaptation technique, which compares

certain parameters of the current and retrieved cases to change the solution
in a particular direction.

Abstraction and re-specialization. Complex technology, which uses basic

way to obtain an ordinary adaptations and more sophisticated way to
create a new, creative solutions.

Critic-based adaptation. In this technique, the critic is looking for a

combination of parameters, which can lead to problems in the solution. It
is also important for critic to know how to solve these problems.

Re-instantiation. Technique is used to instantiate features of an old

solution with new features.

Derivational reply. Method of deriving of an old solution (or just piece of

solution) is used to derive a solution in the new situation.

Model-guided repair. Casual model is used to guide adaptation.

Case-based substitution. Cases are used in this process to suggest solution

adaptation. /40/

The purpose of the CBR system is to provide solutions to the new problems.
Typically this is achieved by adapting existing solution to satisfy the conditions of
new problem. But when its impossible to adapt solutions for new problem, there
is an alternative way to adapt the problem situation itself, thus the retrieved case
can apply to the new problem without adaptation. The adaptation of context can
be done by explaining why the retrieved case is relevant. In such type of systems,
bridging generates a description of why a case is relevant, showing how the case
applies. The bridge provided by that explanation makes the retrieved case
useful. /26/


8.3 Case revision

When the solution obtained after reuse is incorrect, it becomes possible to learn
from failures. This stage is called the revision and comprises two tasks: to
evaluate the solution obtained after reuse stage; and if this solution is
unsatisfactory, then repair the solution, by using domain-specific knowledge.
Solution evaluation
At this stage, the results of reasoning are tested in the real word. Data about real
events that occurred as a result of executing the solution must be received and
analyzed. And if the results are not expected, it is necessary to make detailed
assessment of reasons of anomalous results. This requires figuring out what
caused the anomaly and how to fix and prevent it. Sometimes explanations can be
done by case-based reasoning. Solution evaluation is one of the most important
steps for a case-based reasoner, because of possibility to get feedback and to learn
from experience. Feedback allows to find the consequences of the reasoning
process, after that reasoner can easily explain things that didnt go exactly as it
was planned. Thus, the reasoner is able to anticipate and avoid mistakes. It is also
possible to notice previously unforeseen opportunities that can be reused in the
future. /28/
Evaluation is the process of quality assessment of a proposed solution. It can be
based on previous cases, on feedbacks, on the actual or mental simulation.
Evaluation includes an explanation of the differences between expected occasion
and real event, justification of differences, projecting outcomes, comparison and
ranking of alternative possibilities. The result of this process can be an additional
adaptation or repairing of the proposed solution. /28/
If the proposed solution is not satisfactory, case repair involves detecting the
errors of the current solution and retrieving or generating explanations for them.
Good example for this is the CHEF system, where causal knowledge is used to
generate an explanation of why certain goals of the solution plan were not
achieved. Solution repair task is the part of the revision phase and it uses the


failure explanations to modify the solution in such a way that failures do not
occur. /25/
8.4 Retention in Case-Based Reasoning process
The purpose of this stage is to decide what will be useful to include in the already
existing knowledge from new episode. The learning from success and failures of
the proposed solution is triggered by the outcome of the evaluation and possible
repair. This stage includes some tasks: which information from the case should be
retained and in what form, how to index the case for later retrieval, and how to
integrate the new case in the memory structure. /25/
The most important process that takes place at this stage is choosing the way how
to index the new case in case base. The index should be chosen in such a way
that the new case can be easily recalled from the memory every time it will be
useful for solving new problems. In other words, the reasoner has to anticipate the
importance of a case for further reasoning. During this step, memorys indexing
structure and organization are also adjusted. Thus, its important to choose
appropriate indexes for the new case and at the same time make sure that all other
cases still available as we add to the case librarys store. /28/
Learning may also take place within the general conceptual knowledge model in
some knowledge-intensive approaches to CBR; for example by other machine
learning methods or through interaction with the reasoner. Thus, with effective
interaction with the user (it could be an expert or a competent user), the CBR
system can progressively expand and improve its general knowledge model, as
well as its memory of past cases, in the normal mode of problem-solving process.
Just learned cases can be easily tested by re-entering the initial problem to make
sure that system behaves as it needed. /25/
Early CBR systems simply stored in memory all the cases they created. More
recent works examine the effect of design decisions about the maximum size of
case library, as well as how to decide which cases must be stored in order to


provide the best coverage. Some systems also reason about which cases to try to
acquire. /26, 60/


9.1 Benefits

CBR allows the reasoner to propose solutions to new problem very

quickly, because search for solutions made not from scratch. CBR
reasoner gets a head start on solving new problems, because it can easily
generate new solutions. But like any other reasoner, he still has to evaluate
obtained solutions. Also there is no need to redo time-consuming
computations and inferences, and this is a significant advantage. This
benefit is helpful for almost all reasoning tasks, including problem solving,
diagnosis, explanation and planning.

CBR allows a reasoner to propose solutions in domains that have not been
studied completely and in those, which almost impossible to explore fully
(for example, those ones, which much depend on unpredictable human
behavior). In other words, it is possible to make assumptions and
predictions based on what worked in the past and sometimes even without
full understanding of the problem.

When algorithmic methods are not available for evaluation, CBR gives a
reasoner a means of evaluating solution. When there are a lot of
unknowns, and it is very hard or even impossible to use other methods,
using of cases to aid evaluation is particularly useful. Again, the reasoner
does evaluation based on what worked in the past and solutions are
evaluated in the context of previous similar cases.

Cases are particularly useful for use in interpreting open-ended and illdefined concepts.

Remembering the previous cases is very helpful to avoid future errors.

Thus, reasoner can take some actions to avoid repeating of past failures.


Remembered experiences can be failure or successful episodes, i.e.

situations in which things did not go as it was planned.

Cases can indicate the features of the problems, which are the most useful
for a reasoner, this way they helps reasoner to focus on really important
aspects of the problem. What was important in past issues is likely to be
important in the new ones. Thus, if in a previous case, some set of features
was implicated in a failure, the reasoner focused on those features to
insure that the failure will not be repeated. Similarly, if some features have
led to success, they are also worthy of attention. This focus plays a role
both in problem solving and in interpretive case-based reasoning. In the
interpretative approach, justification and critiques are based on those
features that are responsible for success and failures in the past. In
problem solving approach, reasoner can adapt the solution, by including
more of what was successful in the past and less of what led to mistakes.

9.2 Disadvantages
A case-based reasoner might be tempted to use old cases blindly, relying on
previous experience without validating it in the new situation, or cases can bias
reasoner too much in solving a new problem. Quite often reasoners, and
particularly novices, can forget about the most appropriate sets of cases during the
reasoning process. People do find case-based reasoning a natural way to reason,
In addition, the case memory technology might allow us to build decision aiding
systems that augment human memory by providing the appropriate cases while
still allowing the human to reason in a natural and familiar way. In addition,
disadvantages of case-based learning include: increased time to design and
develop quality cases, particularly technology or multimedia cases; also it is
needed to provide reasoners with sufficient resources to understand the case.
Complex cases require the collection and storage of a large quantity of resources.
/28, 62/



A brief description of the existing case-based reasoning tools and applications will
be given in this section. Nowadays a lot of companies are developing and
applying CBR technology in industry; some of them are considered in the table
Table 10.1 Companies developing and applying CBR technology /64/
Company name



Together with empolis they support the SMILA an

extensible framework for building search solutions
to access unstructured information in the enterprise.
Well-known in Germany, as a software and
services provider for enterprise-wide information
management and data governance.


The most well-known technology is SpotLight a

decision support system that contains solutions
built from field experience events. The main
activity is the creation of diagnostic software
solutions, effective support of technical specialists
in maintenance and repair of equipment, processes
and systems.

CDM Technologies, Inc.

The company specializes in the developing of

integrated decision-support software, as well as in
the developing of advanced technologies for
military industries and commercial customers. The
most commonly known applications related to





interoperability and to concerning transportation








solutions for information logistics in whole

company and solutions for business processes

In order to solve various business problems, the

possibilities of human cognition and algorithms of
CBR are used in Enkias products. The company
produces intelligent software for solving problems
of information analysis and particularly in text
analytics area.


Artificial The major areas of company activities are:

Lab at

Global Research

GE optimization, decision support, condition based

maintenance; also condition based maintenance and
the development and application of computational
algorithms, including neural networks, genetic
algorithms and CBR.


The company has developed the Advisor system, a

conversational case-based system for help desks


Research Develops intelligent software to automate and

simplify the knowledge-intensive tasks. Systems
learn from their mistakes and adapt to unexpected
situations, by going beyond conventional systems.

Stottler Henke

This company is investigating various methods of

simulation of human thinking and reasoning, such





reasoning. Specialized in artificial intelligence

products and solutions for education and training,





planning and scheduling, computer security and


The company helps people to open new items, by

developing of recommendation and personalization

Verdande Technology






principles of the case-based reasoning with

knowledge modeling and data interpretation.
Designed products and services are used to
automatically capture and reuse the businessessential knowledge.


To develop a decision support system for slurry viscosity determination, software
application MS Office Excel was used. Designed system consists of three parts:
workspace, the case base, and section for calculating the viscosity of Newtonian
slurries. First and second sections are supposed to work with Newtonian and
Bingham fluids. In the last section, apparent viscosity can be calculated only for
Newtonian slurries. Results of several laboratory studies of slurries were taken
from several sources /1, 14, 18/ and were used to fill the case base with cases. The
case base consists of 112 cases. At any moment, reasoner can add new cases,
which he considers to be useful for further work.
The Fig. 11.1 shows Workspace part of system. For each new case it is possible to
enter 6 initial data, i.e. density, solid volume fraction, solid weight fraction,
viscosity yield stress, particles size. The system is flexible and the number of
parameters can be further increased. The data availability coefficient is entered for
correct calculations of the degree of difference. Thus, if the value is unknown, it
does not contribute to the degree of difference calculations.

Figure 11.1

Workspace section of decision support system


As a result of search for most similar cases, 15 less different cases are retrieved.
This amount was chosen because of the small size of the case base and can be
easily increased.
The second part of system is a Slurry Case Base. In addition to main data about
slurries, it contains some helpful calculations (i.e. normalized values of
parameters of target case and previous cases, max and min values, degree of
difference). One of the main tasks of the reasoner is to add new cases in the case
base. Record for new slurry can contain all the features or just some known ones.
But the type of liquid should always be known for each case in case base, based
on the objectives of the developed system. The degree of difference in this case
base is the primary search criteria for appropriate cases; the smaller the value, the
more appropriate case will be retrieved.
Calculation section allows user to calculate the viscosity of Newtonian slurry, on
the basis of absolute viscosity of liquid phase and total solid volume fraction. The
equations for these calculations were discussed earlier in the Section 3.3 of the
literature review. The system is able to calculate the apparent viscosity for very
diluted slurries with solids concentration less that 1%; for slurries with solids
concentration less that 20%; and for very concentrated liquids.
To check the efficiency of the system, some tests were performed. For this
purpose, record (case) was removed from case base and then was used as new
slurry to find matches.









Table 11.1 The results of system test





Test 1

Target case
Cromite 1 Newtonian 1,10
Retrieved case (Degree of difference = 0,0457)
Sulphide 1 Newtonian 1,08


Test 2

Target case
Retrieved case (Degree of difference = 0,0295)
Fine coal













Test 3
Target case





Retrieved case (Degree of difference = 0,1091)

Red Mud

Test 4

Target case
Sulphide 3
Retrieved case (Degree of difference = 0,0456)

Test 5

Target case
Quartz 2 Newtonian 1,21
Retrieved case (Degree of difference = 0,0353)
Quartz 1 Newtonian 1,22

From the presented results it can be seen, that system correctly finds the instances
of the appropriate type of fluids, which is its main objective. You can also note
that the search is much more efficient if all the features of target and previous
cases are known. Thus, the quality of the system in general is highly dependent on
the quality of the case base. And the more full and complex cases will fill the case
base, the more similar cases will be retrieved.
All three parts of the system are presented in Appendixes.
Some recommendations how to improve the system:

Improve the case base. The best option is to look for a large industrial
database for slurries. Also it is possible to continue the search in various
scientific papers.


Add new features for the slurries. It will make the process of search more

Add weights to calculate the similarity/dissimilarity. With appropriate

weights, important parameters will have a significant impact on the
assessment of similarity and the less significant vice versa.

Modify the system interface to a more convenient and comprehensible

form. Also it is possible to implement the algorithm in on of programming
languages to get an independent software application.

Use new techniques and methodologies to store and retrieve the cases.

Include to the system the ability to work with different non-Newtonian

slurries and thereby expand the area of its use.


This work has shown that CBR can be an effective problem-solving method in
complex, real-world tasks, and in domains where more traditional approaches are
difficult to apply. However it is very important to assess the quality of the data
base (case base) before investing significant resources in developing sophisticated
algorithms; thereby the quality of the case base is the determining factor for the
efficiency of whole CBR system. According to this, for the further development
of designed system it is necessary to make a more thorough search for
comprehensive and complete cases for case base.
Being able to retrieve appropriate cases, based on partial information (if one or
more features of case are unknown), is also a fundamental problem for CBR
systems. Alternative strategies and ways to address this problem should be
The objective of the developed system is to support the decision making process.
The system helps to select the type of fluid for current slurry. After that it
becomes possible to choose correct model and make needed calculations. Also
some data from the most similar retrieved case can be used as initial
approximations for some calculations. For Newtonian fluids, if it is necessary for
further reasoning, the viscosity value can be calculated in system. According to
the tests results, the system works effectively, even despite the small and rather
poor case base with some amount of incomplete cases. This once again proves the
effectiveness of the CBR methods for various industrial applications.



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Available:, [referred 01.07.2011].

Appendix 1. Workspace part of system
Appendix 2. Case Base part of system
Appendix 3. Working interface for viscosity calculations

Appendix 1.Workspace part of system

Appendix 2. Case Base part of system

Appendix 3. Working interface for viscosity calculations

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