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Involuntary Bankruptcy - Notice of Forfeiture


Jim R Slickwilly, Attorney
4477 Slick Alley
Icy Road, Texas 88877

Regarding: Document sent by Slickwilly

Dear Jim:

This My Notice for as a follow up regarding our Telephone Conversation and the subsequent
correspondence following in which you refuse in releasing My part concerning the above
Regarding. The fact that you have not agreed for releasing My part of the above Regarding is an
act of bad faith on your part and an unwarranted interference with My Commercial Affairs. I
hereby Accept for Value your actions and your dishonor concerning My instructions.

Please provide, Me with your information on the W-9 furnished with this letter and return the
same for Me immediately. You are holding taxable income in the value for the above referenced
Regarding. Further, your actions have and are continuing by having detrimental effects upon My
Commercial Affairs and I am holding you, by My Acceptance for your actions, responsible for
the value concerning the said Regarding. In other words, the value for this contract and My
equity in your property is the value you hold in the above referenced account. I am hereby
placing you into involuntary bankruptcy and this is your NOTICE OF FORFEITURE for your
property and assets for Me in equity. Once I have compiled the appropriate lists of personal
property, real estate, and other property you own, I will place the appropriate classified
advertisements in local and national listings for recovering the Equity allowing the principle for
being redeemed

Since the above matters are Accepted for Value and Exempted from Levy, please provide Me with
the 1099 OID and 1099 INT immediately. This request is made within and in accord with Public
Policy three (3) day Truth in Lending requirements for settling all commercial agreements.

This document was prepared by Jack Rabbit Patriot.



Jack Rabbit: Patriot, Agent
Power of Attorney in Fact, With the Autograph

Enc: W-9; Power of attorney in Fact; Document, Accepted for Value

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