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Critical Analysis
A Blogger in their Midst

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Neerja Pande

Jaskaran Singh Gulati IPMX09027

Situation Analysis:
Will Somerset, the CEO of Lancaster-Webb Medical Supply, a manufacturer of disposable
gloves and other medical products, is about to launch a new line of medical gloves called the
nitrile gloves. As he prepares to unveil the new line of gloves, he sees that the room is only
partially filled. This is because he is upstaged by an internet sensation, a blogger called,
Glove Girl, who is speaking in the adjacent ballroom. Glove Girl is actually one of his
employees. She has become famous for her blogs about the medical glove community.
Recently, she has posted negatively about Lancaster-Webbs customer, Houston clinics
caesarean rates due to which Samuel Taylor, medical director of Houston clinic has not
attended the product launch.
Will is concerned about the influence of Glove Girl's blog on the deal and on his Customers.
The blogs influence can be in favor or against Company's performance and Goal. Moreover, the
information shared on her blog is sometimes incorrect and very sensitive for the business.

Problem Definition:
What should Will Somerset do about Glove Girl?
How Should Will Somerset handle social media and external communication for his

Prevent Information Asymmetry:
Information presented on Glove girls blog is sometimes inaccurate & misleading. Her readers
trust the information. The trust is evident from the fact that there were spikes in sales of
positively blogged about products. Therefore, the right & accurate information should reach the
general public and consumers & potential customers
Protect Sensitive Information:
Sensitive information such as the potential deal with Houston Clinic has to be kept confidential.
This information can be of use to competition.
Increase Engagement with Customers through Social Media
Use the power of social media to inform customers about the latest happenings, initiatives,
product launches and customer voices. These moves would help in more customer engagement
and may result in better sales. In a way Glove Girl may be of big importance in this context.
Communication is more effective if the communication medium has the appropriate social
presence required for the level of interpersonal involvement required for a task.

Options :
A Full time Blogger Role to Glove Girl
Glove Girl is already popular name in blogging. She is perceived to be an independent voice.
The issue with her blog is of posting of inaccurate and sensitive information. If she is made
aware of the right information and sensitized to the importance of not sharing confidential

information online, she can help engage a lot of people online. Moreover, she not only writes
about the products that she promotes or analyzes, but she also throws in tidbits about her own
life. The personal touch is what ultimately keeps her readers coming back to her blog because
people become aware of her as a real person in the mediated environment.
Information Security:
The confidential information can be protected by introducing policy guidelines and clauses in the
employees terms of work/appointment letters. All employees may be prohibited in disclosing
company specific information on social media, print media etc. without the explicit permission of
the employer
Information on Company Website/Blog/Social Media
Information blog can be developed on the companys Website. This blog can present accurate
information about the company products etc.
Below table provides relationship of Solution Options to Decision Criteria, with respective weightage:
Strong relationship:
10 points
Medium relationship: 7 points
Weak relationship:
3 points

OPTIONS Full Time Blogging

role to Glove Girl
Prevent Information
Protect Sensitive
Increase Engagement with
Customers on Social
Total Weightage

Information Security

Information on
Company Website/Blog









From the table, giving a full time blogging role to Glove Girl seems the best option.

Action Plan :
1. Will Somerset should have a one on one dialogue with Glove Girl and explain about the
impact of her blog on the minds of the readers and on the reputation/business of the
company. He can then offer her the role of a full time blogger for the company. She can
continue to post the verified information and remain honest with her audience.
2. Will Somerset should also introduce information security guidelines for the company so
that no confidential information is leaked to the press or on social media.

Contingency Plan :
If Glove Girl does not want to take up the role, then Will Somerset has to look for an alternative.
The following contingency plan needs to be ready
1. Keep a tab on Glove Girls blog and through the Information Security Policy, refrain
her from writing unverified information or leaking sensitive information on her blog.
2. Identify other bloggers who may blog about the company products and news on
companys website or their personal blogs.

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