Design and Fabrication of Tricycle For Physically Challenged and Elder People

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Title: Design and Fabrication of Tricycle for Physically Challenged and Elder

1. Abstract
In this project the development of traditional manual operated tricycle is rear wheel
drive in which chain drive mechanism replaced with single slider drive mechanism. The
design concept of this model is taken from manually operated tricycle and railroad car.
This wheelchair cum tricycle is useful for handicapped person. This modified tricycle
gives the both advantages of wheelchair (for short distance or in-door use) as well as
tricycle (for long distance use) in one machine. The transmission power and motion takes
place from steering bar to rear wheel through linkages and rotating disc. Modification of
this tricycle by single slider drive mechanism is used to transmit power that make the
tricycle faster at fewer efforts as compared to existing tricycle. This paper provides the
details of components used & designing parameters takes in consideration while
designing tricycle. This wheelchair cum tricycle is very efficiently design and can be
proved as better replacement for tricycle having chain drive mechanism.
2. Introduction
The conventional hand powered tricycle in the Indian market used by the aged and
differentially abled (orthopedic) person considered for evaluation in this work. The
existing conventional tricycle consumes high energy for paddling. In case of terrain
climbing more energy is required for driving. So the orthopedic person gets exhausted.
The current design also lacks ergonomic comfort as the crank is kept fixed and the non
adjustable seat which leads to back pain and muscle fatigue. This paper aims at proposing
new alternate design which overcomes all the limitations in the current design. The new
design is provided with features of adjustable back rest, foot rest, and adjustable crank
and related accessories. Thus the improved design meets the ergonomic issues which
were lagging in the current design.
In terms of mechanical efficiency and cardio-respiratory response, arm-crank
propulsion is superior to hand-rim propulsion. During all operations such as mounting,

dismounting and riding including sitting, pedaling, steering and braking, the arm-crank
propelled tricycle is ergonomically suitable and comfortable to the user.
3. Literature review
Physical term of every human are not the same and as up to date always. Due some
mishap or some medical problem some have to suffer for his rest of the journey with uncomforts. To serve such peoples the project is just a beginning. Due to the enormous
number of disabled people in the society, a wheelchair cum tricycle has been fabricated
and designed to specification. In response to demand of wheelchair user for equal access,
hand-propelled tricycle, electrically controlled tricycle, and automated guided tricycle
have been developed. However, because upper body strength is required, a hand
propelled tricycle does not permit an older or severely disable person on extensive range
of travel. Single slider mechanism works on four bar mechanism. In this mechanism one
link is fixed and other is movable. In single slider mechanism there are three parts. First
is crank second slider and third is connecting rod. The crank is rotating disc, the slider
which slides and connecting rod which joins the parts together [1].
Author designed by adding an electric power train and control system to the current
hand-powered tricycle to provide tricycle users with improved levels of mobility. The
design objectives required a simple and affordable design for the power train and
controls, a design that needed to be reliable, sustainable, and functional. The design of the
Electric Tricycle is adaptable to the current hand-powered tricycles with little
modification. The design consists of an electric motor, a drive system, motor and steering
controls, and a power supply [2].
Author embodied the design to ease mobility for the physically challenged and also
provide adequate comfort they desire. This is achieved using a specially designed
platform that allows the wheel chair to be wheeled up or down. The prototype of this
tricycle has been fabricated. The anthropometrics data that need to be considered in the
design of the platform and frame of the tricycle have been taken into consideration at the
design stage of the tricycle [3].
Author modified a tricycle by the addition of an electric motor and battery to help
power the vehicle. The motor controller can adjust the speed in five different settings and

the tricycle can be driven forward or backward. The wheels are arranged with one fixed
direction drive wheel in front and two pivoting wheels for steering in the rear. Two
handles beside the seat are used for hand control of the steering. A large sprocket 25.4 cm
in diameter located in front of the driver is connected with two crank handles for the
drivers hands to power the vehicle [4].
The final output is a wheel chair which gives multiple options to the user that
adjustable back rest, arm rest; leg rest provides comfort for the patient while resting. The
adjustable arm rest provide ease of shifting the patient from chair to the bed or to the
vehicle. Facility provided for keeping plate while having food, reading and keeping water
bottle. Additional to this alarm facility is provided to inform the attendee that there is a
need of user presence to the patient. Validation of the prototype is done and usage is
found satisfactory [5].
In this paper author used a four bar mechanism is to design climbing wheels for the
desired performance output of the machine. A four bar lift can be used by old or disabled
person to climb one floor as subjected to lift. Hence a four bar mechanism to be
implemented on every wheel to make the frame to be moved and to make synthesis &
simulation for same mechanism to track its actual path & to understand its motion [6].
The design of wheelchair cum tricycle is an improvement on the existing ones. It is
carried out to benefit the user conveniently, physically, and comfortably such that when a
little effort is exerted, a greater output (movement) is achieved as a result of the fast
transmission generated by the single slider mechanism. In this project chain drive
mechanism is replaced by using single slider mechanism which allows the user much
more efficient propulsion than would be provided by the hand pedal wheelchair. This
tricycle gives both advantages of wheelchair and tricycle in one machine to handicapped
person. The projects goal is to provide a good living condition for people considered to
be physically challenged (disabled), to transport themselves around their environment.

4. Objective of the project

To study the various types of tricycle

Describe the construction and working of various parts of our project
Design the various parts of our project
Fabrication of the demonstration model

5. Working of tricycle
The tricycle accelerates to go in forward direction by pulling and pushing the steering
rod in backward and front direction as shown in figure 1.
For reverse motion apply the force on steering bar in front direction as shown in
figure 2. Then pull the steering bar in backward direction and continue the process of
pulling and pushing the steering rod in backward and front direction to accelerate the
tricycle in reverse motion as shown in figure 2.

Fig. 1: Different position of single slider mechanism for forward direction.

Fig. 2: Different position of single slider mechanism for reverse direction.

6. Testing of Machine

Materials used basically in mechanical design and construction seldom requires

various test and balance in both its static and dynamic as well as its physical and
mechanical properties to enable their state standard and efficient use in load bearing with
or without load application.
As a result of the testing factors, static test has confirmed the tricycle stability,
properly aligned, since all the extra weights was installed as low as possible to the centre
of gravity of the tricycle.
7. Conclusion
Chain drive mechanism is replaced by Single slider mechanism is used to transmit
power for driving tricycle which is most useful and economical as compared to the other
tricycle. This tricycle is mostly useful for elder and handicapped people. Design of
tricycle is simple, easy to operate and maintenance is very less. The operational efforts
required less and hence single slider mechanism is an advantage of the tricycle.
[1] A textbook of machine design by R. S. Khurmi & J. K. Gupta (pp 507-586)
[2] Daniel Dourte, David Sandberg, TolU Ogundipe, Electric Tricycle: Appropriate
Mobility, Final Design Report, 10 May 2004.
[4] Abdulkadir Baba Hassan (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University
of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria) Design And Fabrication of a Motorized
Prototype Tricycle for the Disable Persons IOSR Journal of Engineering , Vol. 2,
May 2012 (pp. 1071- 1074).
[5] Shuh Jing Ying, Stephen Sundarrao, Power Assist Hand Tricycle with Battery for
Disabled Persons International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and
Science, Volume 02, Issue No. 06, June 2014, (pp. 173-177).
[6] Mohan Kumar, Lohit, Manas Ranjan Mishra, Md. Basheer Ahamed, Design of
Multipurpose Wheel Chair for Physically Challenged and Elder People, SASTECH
, Volume 11, Issue 1, Apr 2012, (pp. 107-117).
[7] R. Gurpude, P.Dhopte, K. Chimote, A. Bhambulkar, Design, Synthesis & Simulation
of Four Bar Mechanism for Wheels for Climbing, International Journal of

Computer Technology and Electronics Engineering (IJCTEE), Volume 2, Issue 2,

April 2012, (pp. 218-220).
[8] A. A. Mohekar, S. V. Kendre, T. N. Shah, P. D. Sonawane, S. T. Chavan. Design of
an Innovative Retrofitted Tricycle for a Disabled Person, International journal of
advance research in science and engineering, vol. no. 4, issue 07, July 2015 ISSN
[9] B. D. Shiwalkar, Design Data Book for Machine Element, Central techno
publications, 2014 edition, (Page No.35, 38, 39, 109, 110, 111).
[10] S. Dwivedi, D. Yadav, A. Mishra, M. Jaiswal, S. Singh, S. Kumar, Design and
Fabrication of a Motorized Tricycle for Physically Challenged Persons,
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, April 2014 Volume 3 (Page
No. 29-32)

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