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American History
Third Edition

Michael A. Bernstein
University of California, San Diego
Lizabeth Cohen
Harvard University
Hasia R. Diner
New York University
Graham Russell Hodges
Colgate University
David A. Hollinger
University of California, Berkeley
Frederick E. Hoxie
University of Illinois
Pauline Maier
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Louis P. Masur
City College of New York
Andrew C. Rieser
State University of New York, Geneseo
Rolf Achilles
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Philip J. Pauly
Rutgers University


American History
Third Edition

Stanley I. Kutler, Editor in Chief

Volume 4
Girl Scouts to Kwanzaa

Dictionary of American History, Third Edition

Stanley I. Kutler, Editor

2003 by Charles Scribners Sons

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Dictionary of American history / Stanley I. Kutler.3rd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-684-80533-2 (set : alk. paper)
1. United StatesHistoryDictionaries. I. Kutler, Stanley I.
E174 .D52 2003

Printed in United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Volume 1
List of Maps . . . xi
Preface . . . xv
Aachen to Butlers Order No. 28
Volume 2
Cabeza de Vaca Expeditions to Demography and
Demographic Trends
Volume 3
Denominationalism to Ginseng, American
Volume 4
Girl Scouts of the United States of America to Kwanzaa

The Revolutionary War . . . 29

The Early Republic . . . 37
The War of 1812 . . . 42
The United States Expands . . . 45
Texas and the Mexican War . . . 52
Transportation . . . 56
Gold Rush in California . . . 59
The Civil War . . . 65
New YorkThe Development of a City . . . 70
Primary Source Documents . . . 79
The Colonial Period . . . 81
The Revolutionary War . . . 127

Volume 5
La Follette Civil Liberties Committee Hearings to

The Early Republic . . . 153

Volume 6
Native American Church to Pyramid Schemes

Womens Rights . . . 325

Volume 7
Quakers to Suburbanization

Expansion . . . 187
Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction . . . 267
Industry and Labor . . . 339
World War I . . . 363
The Great Depression . . . 375
World War II . . . 393

Volume 8
Subversion, Communist, to Zuni

The Cold War . . . 411

Volume 9
Contents . . . v

The Vietnam War . . . 455

Archival Maps . . . 1
U.S. History through Maps and Mapmaking . . . 2
Early Maps of the New World . . . 6
The Colonies . . . 12

Civil Rights . . . 445

The Late Twentieth Century . . . 481
Volume 10
Directory of Contributors
Learning Guide

Exploration of the American Continent . . . 19

Colonial Wars . . . 25


American History
Third Edition



AMERICA. Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl
Scouts of the United States of America with eighteen
members on 12 March 1912 in Savannah, Georgia. The
British general Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the
Boy Scouts, and his sister Agnes Baden-Powell, founder
of the Girl Guides, inspired Low. In 1915, when the organization was incorporated in the United States, there
were fteen thousand members. At rst, it was closely
modeled on the Girl Guides, but it soon became more
distinctive under Lows leadership.
The purpose of the organization as Low conceived
it was to encourage self-development, citizenship, and
love of the out-of-doors in girls and young women. Lows
marital experience led her to emphasize the ability to be
self-supporting, in part because when her husband died,
he left his estate to his mistress, forcing Low to sue in
court to get her fair share of the inheritance. The organization also reected the period in which she was living.
During the Progressive Era, women were expanding their
roles outside the domestic sphere by joining womens
clubs and organizations. Though the Girl Scouts encouraged enlightened housekeeping and child care, they also
emphasized independence, physical tness, and careers
for women.
Girl Scout activities reected historical changes. During World War I scouts aided the war effort by volunteering in hospitals, growing gardens, and selling war
bonds. In 1917 the rst troop of physically disabled girls
came together in New York City; in the 1920s the rst
African American troops were organized. By 1929 there
were 200,000 Girl Scouts, and in 1930 a troop of Native
American girls was organized. During the Depression,
Girl Scouts collected food and clothing for distribution
to the needy. The fund-raising effort for which the Girl
Scouts has been most well known was launched in 1936
when the rst Girl Scout cookies were sold.
Girl Scouts collected lard and scrap metal during
World War II as their membership soared to one million
by 1944. In 1958 the Girl Scouts purchased a headquarters in New York City that was still its home at the end
of the century. In the 1960s Girl Scouts backed the civil
rights movement and established desegregated troops.

When the womens movement echoed many of the Girl

Scout themes of career preparation and independence in
the 1970s, it was only natural that they would reinforce
one another. Betty Friedan, author of The Feminine Mystique (1963), became a member of the national board. In
the 1980s scouts began to address contemporary problems such as teen suicide and child abuse. Seeking to reach
their goal of nontraditional careers for women, the Girl
Scouts in 1996 entered an agreement with the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers to encourage young
womens achievement in math and science. With regard
to policy on gay membership, Connie Matsui, national
president of the Girl Scouts, conrmed in 200l that the
organization did not discriminate on the basis of sexual
orientation. In 2001 membership was 2.7 million Girl
Scouts and 915,000 adults.
Throughout its existence, the Girl Scouts has been a
progressive force in American society. The organization
has led in movements toward racial, social, and sexual
equality. It has trained many of the nations women leaders. Two-thirds of women serving in Congress in 1999
were former scouts. The Girl Scout message of independence, citizenship, self-sufciency, physical tness, and
love of the outdoors has been inuential in many American womens lives.

Girl Scouts of America. 75 Years of Girl Scouting. New York: Girl

Scouts of America, 1986.
Perry, Elizabeth Israels. The Very Best Inuence: Josephine
Holloway and Girl Scouting in Nashvilles African American Community. Tennessee Historical Quarterly 52 (1993):
Revzin, Rebekah E. American Girlhood in the Early Twentieth
Century: The Ideology of Girl Scout Literature, 1913
1930. Library Quarterly 68 (1998): 261275.
Strickland, Charles. Juliette Low, the Girl Scouts, and the Role
of American Women. In Womans Being, Womans Place:
Female Identity and Vocation in American History. Edited by
Mary Kelly. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1979.

Bonnie L. Ford
See also Boy Scouts of America; Junior Leagues International, Association of.


McCants, David A. Patrick Henry, the Orator. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990.

Henry arose with an unearthly fire burning in his eye.

He commenced somewhat calmlybut the smothered
excitement began more and more to play upon his features and thrill in the tones of his voice. The tendons
of his neck stood out white and rigid like whipcords.
His voice rose louder and louder until the walls of the
building and all within them seemed to shake and rock
in its tremendous vibrations. Finally his pale face and
glaring eyes became terrible to look upon. Men leaned
forward in their seats with their heads strained forward,
their faces pale and their eyes glaring like the speakers.
His last exclamationGive me liberty or give me
deathwas like the shout of a leader which turns
back the rout of battle!
Report of Henrys speech by a witness, an old Baptist
clergyman, reprinted in Patrick Henry: Life, Correspondence,
and Speeches, vol. 1, pp. 267268.


concluded Patrick Henrys rousing speech delivered to
the Virginia Convention on 23 May 1775. In the days
leading up to Henrys speech, the colonies breach with
Britain had become critical. To many Virginians, war
seemed imminent. However, false rumors of the British
ministrys willingness to back away from unpopular policies such as the Coercive Acts had spread, causing some
to consider reconciliation again. The immediate occasion
of the speech was the conventions proposed positive response to the Jamaica assemblys 1774 petition to the
king, which asserted colonial rights but also emphasized
the colonys loyalty and its desire for harmonious relations
with Britain. Henry retorted that Britain would never reconcile with the colonies on terms that would ensure colonial rights and insisted war was the only realistic option.
Rather than have the convention place false hope in compromise, Henry offered a resolution to prepare the colonys defenses for the inevitable clash with Britain. He
rose to defend his motion and enjoyed one of his nest
moments as an orator, giving a speech that was long and
clearly remembered by those in attendance. In concluding, Henry asked, Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to
be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? His answer: Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course
others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me
death! The speech rallied the conventions spirit of resistance, the resolution passed, and Virginia took a major
step toward independence.

Henry, William Wirt. Patrick Henry: Life, Correspondence, and

Speeches. 3 vols. New York: Scribners, 1891.
Mayer, Henry. A Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry and the American
Republic. New York: Franklin Watts, 1986.

Meade, Robert Douthat. Patrick Henry. 2 vols. Philadelphia:

Lippincott, 19571969.

Aaron J. Palmer
See also Coercive Acts; Colonial Policy, British; Revolution,
American: Political History; Virginia; Virginia Resolves.

GLAIZE, THE. An old buffalo wallow on the Maumee River at the mouth of the Auglaize River (at what
later became Deance, Ohio, fty miles southwest of
Toledo), the Glaize emerged as a multicultural settlement
during the late eighteenth century. Although the area was
a hunting ground for the Ottawas and other native groups,
it did not become a place of permanent residence until
the period of the American Revolution, when French and
English traders established a fort and trading post, around
which were founded at least seven Indian villages inhabited primarily by Shawnees, Delawares, and Miamis. The
combined population of these towns at its peak in 1792
was about two thousand persons. In that year, the Glaize
became headquarters for a multitribal confederacy that,
armed and fed by British trading agents, resisted American expansion in the Northwest Territory.
As the areas economic and diplomatic center, the
Glaize became a natural target for the American forces as
they pushed forward in 1794. Troops under General Anthony Wayne scattered the population and razed most of
the communitys permanent buildings in August of that
year and the American general established his headquarters nearby. Final defeat of the Northwest Confederacy
occurred at the Battle of Fallen Timbers on 20 August
1794. Subsequently, the Glaize ceased to be a vital community. Prominent individuals associated with the Glaize
include Blue Jacket, Little Turtle, Big Cat, James and
Simon Girty, John Kinzie, George Ironside, and Billy

Tanner, Helen Hornbeck. The Glaize in 1792: A Composite

Indian Community. Ethnohistory 25 (1978): 1539.

Michael Sherfy
See also Fallen Timbers, Battle of; Greenville Treaty.

GLASS CEILING, a discriminatory barrier to the advancement of women into the upper echelons of business,
the professions, and government. After discrimination by
sex in employment was outlawed by the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, it was understood that women would not
be seen in top jobs in substantial numbers until many had
achieved the necessary experience at intermediate levels.
However, the paucity of women in the highest positions
decades later suggested that they faced persisting barriershence the perception of a glass ceiling. Even in


the absence of an impenetrable barrier at some particular

level, fewer promotional opportunities for women than
for men at each of many levels produced a scarcity of
women at and near the top.

Davidson, Marilyn J., and Cary L. Cooper. Shattering the Glass

Ceiling: The Woman Manager. London: Paul Chapman, 1992.
Morrison, Ann M., Randall P. White, Ellen Van Velsor, and the
Center for Creative Leadership. Breaking the Glass Ceiling:
Can Women Reach the Top of Americas Largest Corporations?
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1992.

Barbara R. Bergmann
See also Discrimination: Sex; Women in Public Life, Business, and Professions.

GLASSMAKING. American glassmaking at the beginning of the twenty-rst century is a vast industry supplying global markets. Flat glass, used for fenestration, the
automotive industry, and television and computer screens,
accounts for the bulk of production; American glass works
provide immense amounts of glass for international building projects. Though basic techniques of the modern at
glass industry have been in place since the mid-twentieth
century, continual improvements are made in manufacturing, especially in developing new combinations of layering and coating glass for specic purposes.
Early American Glassmaking
An early attempt at glassmaking took place in Jamestown,
Virginia, in 1608. Production was probably limited to
blowing crude bottles and glass beads used as barter with
Native Americans. Other glass works came and went in
Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania until 1780,
when a glass factory was established in Glassboro, New
Jersey. This glass works passed through many ownerships
until 1919, when Owens Bottle Company bought and
modernized it with automatic production.
Two names stand out in early American glassware.
The rst is Henry William Stiegel (called Baron Stiegel). Stiegel became, through marriage, the owner of an
iron furnace, and went on to own a second iron furnace
and three glass manufacturing houses. Between 1763 and
1774, Stiegels factory in Manheim, Pennsylvania, produced superior decorated and colored int glassware (also
called lead glass), a heavy, brilliant glass that is used also
to make paste jewelry. Stiegels success inspired other
glassmakers, and glassmaking spread to Pittsburgh and
the Ohio River Valley. These new glass works not only
supplied window and bottle glass to the newly settled
country, but also created table glassware with discernible
Midwestern designs. The second important name in early
American glassware is John Frederick Amelung, who established the New Bremen Glassmanufactory in Frederick County, Maryland, in 1784. Using free-blown, moldblown, cut, and particularly impressive engraved methods,

Glassmaking. In this 1908 photograph by Lewis W. Hine,

taken at the Seneca Glass Works in Morgantown, W.Va., a
glassblower prepares a piece while the mold boys watch and
get ready to detach the mold from the hot glass. corbis

Amelung produced items that were as advanced as highquality European glassware.

New Glassmaking Techniques
In the rst quarter of the nineteenth century, glassmakers
in America began to use two signicant techniques. Factories in New York, New England, and Pennsylvania
adopted a technique called blown three-mold: usually
three molds were needed for each piece, and the glassmaker would blow glass into incised metal molds to
produce imitation cut glass. In Pittsburgh, at the New
England Glass Company in Boston, and at the Boston
and Sandwich Glass Company in Sandwich, Massachusetts, glass was at rst pressed into a mold by hand, but
after 1825 mechanical means were used. This innovation
boosted small family businesses into a ourishing industry
that spread across the country and abroad. Fancy-looking,
inexpensive glassware became readily available as techniques improved. Using coal instead of wood for melting
furnaces gave higher, more consistent temperatures. Natural gas, discovered in western Pennsylvania in 1859,
proved to be even more controllable and cheaper than
either coal or wood. American glassware companies, ben-


eting from increasing numbers of skilled European immigrants, produced distinctive articles in varying shapes,
colors, and effects.
Sheet glass in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was made by blowing glass, using one of two methods. The Boston Crown Glass Company used the crown
method from 1793 to about 1827: glass was blown, rotated to form a large plate, then cut and formed into rectangular sheets. The cylinder method required a large (six
foot by two foot) cylinder to be blown, then opened to
form a at sheet. This became the more popular method
because it created larger panes.
Twentieth-Century Innovations
By the twentieth century, at glass was produced mechanically by drawing glass upward with a metal rod or
bait and onto a metal roller. The glass was then passed
over a attening table to be cut into large sheets and commercially sized panes.
Wherever at glass had to be free from distortion
in mirrors, auto glass, and shop-front windowsplate
glass was formed by rolling, then was polished and buffed
to a high sheen on both sides to an even thickness. Mirrors were made by backing glass with mercury and tin,
later by using silver nitrate. Plate glass with a high proportion of lead was used as safety glass to protect medical
personnel from radiation. A three-layer safety glass was
developed in 1956 for use in atomic-energy plants.
Sheet glass is sometimes made with wire mesh fed into
the molten glass to prevent shattering. Double-glazing and
insulating glass that performs like a thermos is commonly
used for windows as an energy-saving device. Glass rolled
or pressed with gured designs give textured effects, commonly used in bathroom windows. Frosted glass is plate
glass etched with hydrouoric acid to produce a matte
effect, sometimes called obscure glass. Sandblasting gives
a similar effect but makes a weaker pane and is harder to
clean. Safety glass for automobile windows is made by
laminating a sheet of plasticoriginally celluloid, but later
a clear, non-yellowing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) type of
plasticbetween two sheets of plate glass to prevent windows from shattering when struck. Bullet-resistant glass
uses several layers of glass and plastic.
Another innovation, glass brick, became a popular
architectural device in the mid-twentieth century as it let
natural light into such areas as hallways. Pyrex, in use by
1920, is one of several trademarked names for the heatresistant glass-cooking utensils made by adding boric oxide to silica and alkali. Stovetop vessels were introduced
in 1936. Borosilicate glass is resistant not only to high
heat, but also to corrosive materials.
Glass ber (also called ber glass or spun glass) was
used in ancient Egypt to decorate glass vessels. Glass ber
is produced by modern methods to make ne laments,
which can be combined to form single strands and woven
into reproof textiles for translucent undercurtains. Glass

wool is made by forming laments into mats that are used

for heat insulation, electrical insulation, and air lters,
and to reinforce plastics on aircraft parts, boats, buildings,
and cars.
By the end of the twentieth century, with growing
interest in environmental concerns, recycled glass had
been used for various products from soda bottles to road
Fine Glassware and Art Glass
Probably the most recognized (and imitated) American
art glassmaker was Louis Comfort Tiffany. In the last two
decades of the nineteenth century, Tiffany used iridescent
effects and fantastic colorings in his free-blown and manipulated wares.
In the twentieth century, the name Steuben became
associated with high-quality blown glassware. The Steuben factory was acquired by Corning Glass Works during
World War I to help meet wartime need for technical
glass. A chemical formula was developed that could make
glass as pure rock crystal. In 1933, Steuben Glass assembled a design, production, and marketing team that produced ne modern American glassware inspired by colonial designs. Inexpensive American glassware from the
twentieth century includes milk glass usually used in kitchens, and, from the Great Depression of the 1930s, Carnival or Depression glass that was a popular giveaway to
draw the public to gas stations and fairgrounds. This ne
glassware had become a nostalgic collectable by the late
twentieth century.
Much of the American art or studio glass production
was centered just north of Seattle at the beginning of the
twenty-rst century. Renowned glass artist Dale Chihuly
helped found the Pilchuck Glass School in that area in

Glass Association of North America. Home page at http://
Lee, Ruth Webb. The Sandwich Glass Handbook. Rutland, Vt.:
Tuttle, 1985.
McKearin, George S., and Helen McKearin. American Glass: The
Fine Art of Glassmaking in America. New York: Crown, 1941.
. Two Hundred Years of American Blown Glass. Garden City,
N.Y.: Doubleday, 1950.
Morse, Joseph Laffan, ed. The Universal Standard Encyclopedia,
Volume 2. New York: Unicorn, 1954.

Chippy Irvine

GLASS-STEAGALL ACT, an emergency banking

measure passed by Congress in 1932. Its rst two provisions permitted particular member banks to use collateral
normally ineligible for rediscount to borrow from Federal
Reserve banks at one percent above the rate on normally
eligible paper. The act authorized the Federal Reserve


Board to permit Federal Reserve banks to use U.S. government obligations, gold, and eligible paper to secure
Federal Reserve notes. This act stabilized the banking system only temporarily.

See also Church of England in the Colonies; Church and

State, Separation of; Great Awakening; Land Policy.

The following year, Congress passed the GlassSteagall Act of 1933, also called the Banking Act of 1933,
which created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
and separated investment and commercial banking. Congress repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 in 1999,
with the passing of the Financial Services Modernization
Act of 1999 (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), thus removing
the regulations barring mergers among banking, securities, and insurance businesses.

GLIDERS. The military glider, unique to World

War II, became obsolete after the war as aviation developed, especially with the production of successful


McElvaine, Robert S. The Great Depression: America 19291941.

New York: Times Books, 1984; 1993.

Frederick A. Bradford
Cynthia R. Poe
See also Banking; Exchanges; Federal Reserve System.

GLEBES were lands set aside for the clergy by American colonists, consistent with English tradition. The proprietors of townships in the New England colonies, in
drawing lots for their land, reserved a share for a minister
for his support. The presence of a minister, they reasoned,
would induce people to migrate to the new community.
The ministers allotment could be substantialas much
as four lots of 100 acres each, one for his farm and three
that he could sell or rent. Whereas New England glebes
generally passed into private ownership in the rst generation of the communitys development, in the South,
notably in Virginia, glebes ranging from 100 to 250 acres
were intended as permanent farms for the support of the
ministers of the established church and could be rented
but not sold. Members of churches other than the established church resented having to contribute to the purchase of glebes, however. Those opposed to the institution in Virginia, spurred by a wave of evangelical revivals
in the area, succeeded in 1802 in securing the adoption
of the Sequestration Act, which provided for the sale of
glebes by the overseers of the poor for the benet of the
indigent. Not geared to reliance on the voluntary contributions of members as were other churches, the Episcopal
Church was weakened by the new law. In other southern
states the glebes remained in the hands of the church and
were sometimes worked by ministers whose incomes were
small or by tenants.

The Germans conducted the rst glider mission in

1940. Recognizing the possibilities, the British and Americans implemented their own glider programs designed to
discharge, in a small area, large numbers of fully armed
troops ready for immediate combat, thus eliminating the
costly time required to assemble paratroopers. Gliders
also made it possible to deliver vehicles and weapons too
heavy for parachutes.
The Germans made the most imaginative use of gliders to land troops silently on top of the Belgian Fort
Eben-Emael in May 1940. Within ten minutes they
blinded that great fortress, virtually putting it out of action. In May 1941 the only large-scale employment of
gliders by the Luftwaffe played a signicant role in
Operation Merkur, the successful airborne assault on
Crete. A daring, small-scale glider mission liberated Benito Mussolini from imprisonment at Gran Sasso in the
Abruzzi Mountains in Italy in 1943. Elsewhere, minor
glider missions substituted when transport aircraft operations were not feasible.
Allied forces used gliders on a larger scale. The rst
operation, in 1943, a British-American assault on Sicily,
provided valuable experience despite being inept and
costly. Use of gliders on D day in Normandy was largely
successful but indecisive. The largest Allied glider mission, part of Operation Market-Garden in September
1944, employed 2,596 gliders to secure a bridgehead
across the Rhine River at Arnhem, Netherlands, but had
limited success. Operation Varsity, the last glider operation of the war, near Wesel, Germany, on 23 March 1945,
employed 1,348 gliders and was considered a tremendous

Craven, Wesley F., and James Lea Cate, eds. The Army Air Forces
in World War II. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
U.S. Air Force. USAF Historical Studies, Air Force Historical
Research Agency, nos. 1, 97, and 167.

John A. McQuillen Jr. / c. w.

See also D Day; World War II, Air War against Germany.


Hall, David D. The Faithful Shepherd: A History of the New England Ministry in the Seventeenth Century. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1972.

Paul W. Gates / a. r.

GLOBAL WARMING. Gases created through human industrial and agricultural practices (primarily carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and wood, as well
as methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorouorocarbons) in-


crease the heat-reecting potential of the atmosphere,

thereby raising the planets average temperature.
Early Scientific Work
Since the late nineteenth century, atmospheric scientists
in the United States and overseas have known that signicant changes in the chemical composition of atmospheric gases might cause climate change on a global
scale. In 1824, the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Fourier
described how the earths atmosphere functioned like the
glass of a greenhouse, trapping heat and maintaining the
stable climate that sustained life. By the 1890s, some scientists, including the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius
and the American geologist Thomas Chamberlain, had
discerned that carbon dioxide had played a central role
historically in regulating global temperatures.
In 1896, Arrhenius provided the rst quantitative
analysis of how changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide
could alter surface temperatures and ultimately lead to
climatic change on a scale comparable with the ice ages.
In 1899, Chamberlain similarly linked glacial periods to
changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and posited that
water vapor might provide crucial positive feedback to
changes in carbon dioxide. In the rst decade of the twentieth century, Arrhenius further noted that industrial combustion of coal and other fossil fuels could introduce
enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to change the
temperature of the planet over the course of a few centuries. However, he predicted that warming would be delayed because the oceans would absorb most of the carbon
dioxide. Arrhenius further posited various societal benets from this planetary warming.
Developing Scientific Consensus
Over the course of the twentieth century, scientists conrmed these early predictions as they probed further into
the functioning of the earths atmospheric system. Early
in the century, dozens of scientists around the world contributed to an internationally burgeoning understanding
of atmospheric science. By the centurys close, thousands
of scientists collaborated to rene global models of climate change and regional analyses of how rising temperatures might alter weather patterns, ecosystem dynamics, agriculture, oceans and ice cover, and human health
and disease.
While no one scientic breakthrough revolutionized
climate change science or popular understanding of the
phenomenon, several key events stand out to chart developing scientic understanding of global warming. In
1938, Guy S. Callendar provided an early calculation of
warming due to human-introduced carbon dioxide and
contended that this warming was evident already in the
temperature record. Obscured by the onset of World
War II and by a short-term cooling trend that began in
the 1940s, Callendars analysis received short shrift. Interest in global warming increased in the 1950s with new
techniques for studying climate, including analysis of an-

cient pollens, ocean shells, and new computer models. Using computer models, in 1956, Gilbert N. Plass attracted
greater attention to the carbon dioxide theory of climate
change. The following year, Roger Revelle and Hans Suess
showed that oceanic absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide would not be sufcient to delay global warming.
They stressed the magnitude of the phenomenon:
Human beings are now carrying out a large scale geophysical experiment of a kind that could not have happened in the past nor be reproduced in the future.
Within a few centuries we are returning to the atmosphere and oceans the concentrated organic carbon
stored in sedimentary rocks over hundreds of millions
of years. (Cristianson, Greenhouse, pp. 155156)

At the same time, Charles Keeling began to measure

the precise year-by-year rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide from the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. In
1965, the Presidents Scientic Advisory Committee issued the rst U.S. government report that summarized
recent climate research and outlined potential future
changes resulting from increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, including the melting of the Antarctic ice cap, the
rise of sea level, and the warming of oceans.
By the late 1970s, atmospheric scientists had grown
increasingly condent that the buildup of carbon dioxide,
methane, chlorouorocarbons, and related gases in the
atmosphere would have a signicant, lasting impact on
global climate. Several jointly written government reports
issued during President Jimmy Carters administration
presented early consensus estimates of global climate
change. These estimates would prove consistent with
more sophisticated models rened in the two decades following. A 1979 National Research Council report by Jule
G. Charney, Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientic Assessment, declared that we now have incontrovertible evidence that the atmosphere is indeed changing and that
we ourselves contribute to that change. Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide are steadily increasing, and
these changes are linked with mans use of fossil fuels and
exploitation of the land (p. vii). The Charney report estimated a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations would probably result in a roughly 3-degree
Celsius rise in temperature, plus or minus 1.5 degrees.
Global Warming Politics
As climate science grew more conclusive, global warming
became an increasingly challenging political problem. In
January 1981, in the closing days of the Carter administration, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
published Global Energy Futures and the Carbon Dioxide
Problem. The CEQ report described climate change as the
ultimate environmental dilemma, which required collective judgments to be made, either by decision or default, largely on the basis of scientic models that have
severe limitations and that few can understand. The report reviewed available climate models and predicted that
carbon dioxiderelated global warming should be observable now or sometime within the next two decades





















Land-use Change (GI C)



Carbon Emissions








Fossil Fuels (GI C)













Billions of Metric Tons

CO2 Parts Per Million by Volume (ppmv)






















Temperature Change (F)


One Thousand Years of Global CO2 and Temperature Change




Temperature Change







CO2 Concentrations





(p. v). With atmospheric carbon dioxide increasing rapidly, the CEQ report noted that the world was already
performing a great planetary experiment (p. 52).
By the early 1980s, the scientic models of global
warming had established the basic contours of this atmospheric phenomenon. Federal environmental agencies
and scientic advisory boards had urged action to curb
carbon dioxide emissions dramatically, yet little state, federal, or international policymaking ensued. Decades-old
federal and state subsidies for fossil fuel production and
consumption remained rmly in place. The federal government lessened its active public support for energy efciency initiatives and alternative energy development.
Falling oil and natural gas prices throughout the decade
further undermined political support for a national energy policy that would address the problem of global
A complicated intersection of climate science and
policy further hindered effective lawmaking. Scientists
urged political action, but spoke in a measured language
that emphasized probability and uncertainty. Many scientists resisted entering the political arena, and expressed
skepticism about their colleagues who did. This skepticism came to a head in reaction to the government scientist James Hansens efforts to focus national attention
on global warming during the drought-lled summer of
1988. As more than 400,000 acres of Yellowstone National Park burned in a raging re, Hansen testied to
Congress that he was 99 percent certain that the earth
was getting warmer because of the greenhouse effect.
While the testimony brought signicant new political attention in the United States to the global warming problem, many of Hansens scientic colleagues were dismayed by his denitive assertions. Meanwhile, a small
number of skeptical scientists who emphasized the uncertainty of global warming and the need to delay policy
initiatives fueled opposition to political action.
In 1988, delegates from nearly fty nations met in
Toronto and Geneva to address the climate change problem. The delegates formed the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC), consisting of more than two
thousand scientists from around the world, to assess systematically global warming science and policy options.
The IPCC issued its rst report in 1990, followed by second and third assessments in 1995 and 2001. Each IPCC
report provided increasingly precise predictions of future
warming and the regional impacts of climate change.
Meanwhile, books like Bill McKibbens The End of Nature
(1989) and Senator Albert Gore Jr.s Earth in the Balance
(1992) focused popular attention in the United States on
global warming.
Yet these developments did not prompt U.S. government action. With its major industries highly dependent
on fossil fuel consumption, the United States instead
helped block steps to combat climate change at several
international conferences in the late 1980s and 1990s. At
the United Nations Conference on Environment and De-

velopment in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, U.S. negotiators

successfully thwarted a treaty with mandatory limits on
greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, the Rio conference
adopted only voluntary limits. In 1993, the new administration of Bill Clinton and Albert Gore Jr. committed
itself to returning United States emissions to 1990 levels
by the year 2000. The administration also attempted to
adjust incentives for energy consumption in its 1993 energy tax bill. Defeated on the tax bill and cowed when
Republicans gained control of Congress in 1994, however, the Clinton administration backed away from signicant new energy and climate initiatives.
At the highly charged 1997 United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Kyoto, Japan, more than 160
countries approved a protocol that would reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and three
chlorouorocarbon substitutes. In the United States, powerful industry opponents to the Kyoto Protocol, represented by the Global Climate Coalition (an industry association including Exxon, Mobil, Shell Oil, Ford, and
General Motors, as well as other automobile, mining,
steel, and chemical companies), denounced the protocols
unrealistic targets and timetables and argued instead for
voluntary action and further research. Along with other
opponents, the coalition spent millions of dollars on television ads criticizing the agreement, focusing on possible
emissions exemptions for developing nations. Although
the Clinton administration signed the Kyoto Protocol,
strong Senate opposition to the agreement prevented ratication. In 2001, President George W. Bush withdrew
his executive support for the protocol.
Growing Signals of Global Warming
By the end of the 1990s, climate science had grown increasingly precise and achieved virtual worldwide scientic consensus on climate change. The 2001 report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded
that global average surface temperature had increased by
0.6 degrees Celsius during the twentieth century, largely
due to greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere had increased by approximately 30 percent since the late nineteenth century, rising
from 280 parts per million (ppm) by volume to 367 ppm
in 1998.
By 2001, signs of global warming were increasingly
widespread. With glaciers around the world melting, average sea levels rising, and average precipitation increasing, the 1990s registered as the hottest decade on record
in the past thousand years. Regional models predicted
widespread shifting of ecosystems in the United States,
with alpine ecosystems expected largely to disappear in
the lower forty-eight states while savannas or grasslands
replace desert ecosystems in the Southwest. The IPCC
2001 report estimated an increase of between 1.4 and 5.8
degrees Celsius by 2100, a projected increase in global
temperature very likely without precedent during at least
the last 10,000 years.



Christianson, Gale E. Greenhouse: The 200-Year Story of Global

Warming. New York: Walker, 1999.
Council on Environmental Quality. Global Energy Futures and
the Carbon Dioxide Problem. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Ofce, 1981.
Handel, Mark David, and James S. Risbey. An Annotated Bibliography on Greenhouse Effect Change. Cambridge, Mass.:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Global
Change Science, 1992.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change
2001: Impacts, Adaptations, and Vulnerability. Edited by James
J. McCarthy et al. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University
Press, 2001.
. Climate Change 2001: Mitigation. Edited by Bert Metz
et al. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
. Climate Change 2001: The Scientic Basis. Edited by J. T.
Houghton et al. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University
Press, 2001.
McKibben, Bill. The End of Nature. 10th anniv. ed. New York:
Anchor, 1999.
National Research Council. Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientic Assessment. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of
Sciences, 1979.

Paul Sabin

During the forty years of their association, Godeys became

one of the most famous and inuential periodicals in
America. In matters of fashions, etiquette, home economics, and standards of propriety, Godeys was the supreme
arbiter. As did all similar magazines of the time, Godeys
included fashion plates featuring clothing designs from
Paris, then the sole fashion center. Godeys also served as
the model for later home magazines. Shortly before the
Civil War, it enjoyed a monthly circulation of 150,000
copies. The growing American middle class found this
publication most useful. Following the sale of Godeys
interests and Hales retirement in 1877, the magazine
moved to New York, where it nally expired in 1892. In
later years Godeys faced competition from other periodicals, such as Ladies Home Journal, which still publishes

Okker, Patricia. Our Sister Editors: Sarah J. Hale and the Tradition
of Nineteenth-Century American Women Editors. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1995.
Tebbel, John William. The Magazine in America, 17411990.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Tonkovich, Nicole. Domesticity with a Difference: The Nonction
of Catharine Beecher, Sarah J. Hale, Fanny Fern, and Margaret
Fuller. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1997.

See also Climate; Conservation.

E. H. ONeill / a. e.


expression rst used by John Babsone Lane Soule in the
Terre Haute Express in 1851. It appealed to Horace Greeley, who rephrased it slightly in an editorial in the New
York Tribune on 13 July 1865: Go West, young man, and
grow up with the country. When the phrase gained popularity, Greeley printed Soules article to show the source
of his inspiration. The phrase captured the imaginations
of clerks, mechanics, and soldiers returning from the Civil
War, many of whom moved west to take up a homestead.

Cross, Coy F. Go West, Young Man!: Horace Greeleys Vision for

America. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,

J. W. Ellison / c. w.
See also Homestead Movement; West, American; Westward

GODEYS LADYS BOOK. In 1830 in Philadelphia,

Louis Godey rst published Godeys Ladys Book as the
Ladys Book. In 1837 Godey bought the Ladies Magazine
of Boston and made its editor, Sarah Josepha Hale, the
literary editor of his periodical. Despite her publicly active role as an author, Hales writings preached the message of separate-gendered spheres. This combination of
Godey and Hale gave the magazine its high standing.

See also Clothing and Fashion; Literature: Popular Literature; Magazines, Womens.

GOLD ACT. During the Civil War the federal government issued paper money called greenbacks to help
fund the war effort. In 1864 the depreciation of greenbacks was measured by the premium on gold, and speculators were blamed for the uctuations in the premiums.
Congress responded by passing the Gold Act in June
1864. The act made it unlawful to buy or sell gold for
future delivery or to buy or sell foreign exchange to be
delivered after ten days. The result was such an aggravation in the uctuation of the price of gold that the act
was repealed on 2 July 1864.

Friedman, Milton. Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History.

New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992.
Hammond, Bray. Sovereignty and an Empty Purse: Banks and Politics in the Civil War. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 1970.

James D. Magee / a. g.
See also Exchange, Bills of; Gold Exchange; Gold Standard;
National Bank Notes.

GOLD BUGS. Borrowed from the title of the Edgar

Allan Poe story The Gold Bug (1843), this label by the


1870s referred to those who favored basing the U.S. monetary system on gold to the exclusion of silver. As the struggle over monetary issues intensied, generating heated
rhetoric and wonderful cartoons, the term became more
derogatory. After 1893, it was applied especially to gold
supporters within the Democratic Party. That shrinking
group, predominantly urban businesspeople and professionals, supported President Grover Clevelands repeal of
the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, and in 1896 they
bolted the party to create and support the National Democratic ticket of John Palmer.

Friedman, Milton, and Anna Jacobson Schwartz. A Monetary

History of the United States, 18671960. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1963.

Philip R. VanderMeer
See also Gold Standard.

GOLD CLAUSE CASES, Norman v. Baltimore and

Ohio Railroad Company, 294 U.S. 240 (1935); Nortz v.
United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935); and Perry v. United
States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935). In order to prevent a potentially disastrous run on U.S. gold reserves during the
Great Depression, Congress enacted legislation canceling
the governments obligation to repay certain of its debts
in gold. When the new law was challenged as unconstitutional under the Constitutions contracts clause, the
U.S. Supreme Court upheld it by a 5 to 4 vote. By doing
so, the Court reafrmed Congresss plenary authority
over monetary policy and prevented further harm to the
national economy.

Hall, Kermit L., ed. The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court
of the United States. New York: Oxford University Press,

Katherine M. Jones

GOLD DEMOCRATS. Repudiating the free-silver

platform of the Democratic presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan, Gold Democrats organized the National Democratic Party in September 1896. They nominated Senator John M. Palmer of Illinois for president
on a conservative, gold platform, thus providing an antiBryan ticket for those Democrats who could not stomach
voting for Republican candidates. Nevertheless, many
Gold Democrats either voted for Republican William
McKinley or avoided voting, with the result that Palmer
polled only 134,635 votes. Gold Democrats did not nominate candidates in 1900, because some drifted back to the
Democratic Party and others turned to the Republican



Glad, Paul W. McKinley, Bryan, and the People. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1964.
Jones, Stanley L. The Presidential Election of 1896. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1964.

Jeannette P. Nichols / a. g.
See also Free Silver; Gold Standard; Silver Democrats.

GOLD EXCHANGE was organized in New York

City in 1862. Wall Street brokers had bought and sold
gold in exchange for greenbacks since the rst of that
year, but early makeshift arrangements proved inadequate. Upon establishing the exchange, the founding brokers provided that any respectable citizen could become
a member by paying $100 a year to defray expenses, and
450 men joined. At rst, gold was actually delivered, but
after 1863, traders exchanged Treasury Department certicates of deposit. When business increased signicantly,
sales and purchases were cleared daily through the Gold
Exchange Bank. The gold exchange was a commercial necessity and served a useful purpose until the United States
resumed gold redemption at the beginning of 1879.

Shapiro, Eli, Ezra Solomon, and William L. White. Money and

Banking. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.

Frederick A. Bradford / c. w.
See also Gold Standard; Greenbacks; Treasury, Department
of the.


the United States began in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina following the chance
discovery of a nugget of free gold in 1799. Limited but
continuous activity there and in Georgia after the opening of gold deposits in 18281829 resulted in the production of an estimated $24.5 million in gold in the years
before 1848. This record was completely and dramatically
eclipsed in the goldelds of California after the discovery of gold at Coloma by James Wilson Marshall in January 1848. The gold akes that Marshall found in the run
at John Sutters mill were not the rst gold found in California; Mexicans had worked placer deposits near Los Angeles since 1842. But the Coloma strike touched off a
mass migration to the goldelds of the newly acquired
territory. The rst decade of California mining, 1848
1858, saw some $550 million in gold extracted.
The early California mines were placer deposits of
free, or pure, gold mixed with sand and gravel. The mining pan became the basic tool of the placer miner. He
recovered the gold by agitating water and debris in the
pan; the gold, being heavier than the sand or gravel, settled to the bottom of the pan. Renements such as the
rocker, sluice, tom, dredge, and hydraulic nozzle are all


Most of the gold discovered was free gold, and mechanical methods of separation were sufcient for recovery. Even so, as mines were extended farther and deeper,
more extensive methods were required to extract the ore.
Fortunately, through borrowings from abroad and on-site
innovations, technology kept pace with need. The Comstock operations in Nevada in 18651875 were especially
noted for application and adaptation of new techniques.
The compressed-air drill and the diamond-studded rotary
drill were borrowed from France; the new explosives nitroglycerine and dynamite, used for blasting, were introduced from Sweden; and A. S. Hallidie of San Francisco
perfected the at, woven-wire cable used in hoists.

Golden Rule Mine. The entrance to a mine in Tuolumne

County, Calif., east of San Francisco. National Archives and
Records Administration

devices employing the same principle as the panthat of

washing the gold-bearing debris with water. The only
chemical process used was mercury-gold amalgamation.
Mercury and gold have a natural afnity for each other
and, when brought into contact, form an amalgam. Separated from other debris, the amalgam can be heated, driving the mercury off as a vapor, leaving a residue of free
In time, as the easily worked California placer deposits began to be exhausted, interest turned to lode mining, the mining of free gold in streaks or veins embedded
in quartz or rock. Lode mining called for relatively complicated and expensive methods of crushing the ore, and
early tools such as the Spanish arrastre were soon replaced
by steam-powered stamp mills. Washing and amalgamation followed the pulverizing of the ore to recover the
gold. The Empire and the North Star mines at Grass
Valley were Californias most successful lode mines.
The California gold mining initiated a continuing series of gold strikes in the trans-Mississippi West, and the
experiences of California miners proved valuable lessons
in the new camps. Mining laws and mining methods, with
many ingredients borrowed from Spanish mining via Mexico, were exported from California to the new elds. In
1859 the Comstock lode in Nevada, with its rich gold
and silver ores, gave rise to the boomtown of Virginia
City. The year before, small placer deposits had been
found near Cherry Creek in what was to become Colorado, touching off the Pikes Peak rush in the spring of
1859. In the following decade camps were opened in Idaho
and Montana, and the Black Hills region of South Dakota
experienced the same pattern in the years after 1875. The
Alaska elds were rst mined in the 1880s, with later and
richer discoveries in 1898 near Cape Nome and in 1902
1903 in the Fairbanks region. Goldeld and Tonopah
provided Nevada with a second rush in 19031905.

Where gold is found in combination with other elements, the problems of extraction are more complex. Advances in metallurgical chemistry were necessary before
such ores could be protably worked. One of the rst
successful chemical processes for separation of refractory
ores was the cyanide process, perfected in 1887. This process involved the placing of nely crushed gold ores in a
solution of potassium cyanide, where the gold cyanide
that formed could be removed either with zinc or by electrolysis. This process and others such as chlorination and
oil-otation were available when the Cripple Creek elds
of Colorado were opened in 1891. The nations richest
mining district developed from the telluride ores of Cripple Creek; the two biggest producers, the Portland and
the Independence mines, accounted for more than $100
million in gold in the years after 1891. The new chemical
processes also made possible the reworking of older mines
to recover gold from low-grade ores and the development
of new areas in which low-grade ores existed, such as the
San Juan region of Colorado, with its Camp Bird, LibertyBell, and Smuggler-Union mines.
Mine production reached its highest levels in the decade 19051915, when an annual average of 4,513,480
ne ounces of gold was produced in the United States.
After World War I gold mining decreased markedly.
High-grade ores had been exhausted, and the costs of extraction and rening had increased. After 1920 the Homestake mine at Lead made South Dakota the leading
gold-producing state. In 1970 three states (South Dakota,
Nevada, and Utah) mined 84 percent of the 1,743,000
ne ounces of gold produced in the United States.

Gudde, Erwin Gustav. California Gold Camps: A Geographical and

Historical Dictionary of Camps, Towns, and Localities Where
Gold Was Found and Mined, Wayside Stations and Trading
Centers. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.
James, Ronald Michael. The Roar and the Silence: A History of
Virginia City and the Comstock Lode. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1998.
Paul, Rodman Wilson. The California Gold Discovery: Sources, Documents, Accounts, and Memoirs Relating to the Discovery of Gold
at Sutters Mill. Georgetown, Calif.: Talisman Press, 1966.

Carl Ubbelohde / a. g.



Gold Miners. The dream was of easy riches; the reality, hard work with rewards for only a few.
Granger Collection, New York

See also Forty-Niners; Merchant Adventurers; Mining Towns;

and vol. 9: The Vigilantes of Montana.

GOLD PURCHASE PLAN, formulated by President Franklin D. Roosevelts nancial adviser, George F.
Warren, and sometimes referred to as the Warren Plan,
was put into operation in October 1933 and ended in January 1934. Under this plan the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation was authorized to buy gold newly mined in
the United States and, if necessary, on the world markets
at prices to be determined from time to time after consultation with the president and the secretary of the treasury. The theory of the Gold Purchase Plan, apparently,
was to bring about an increase in the domestic commodity
price level by raising the price of gold. In this respect it
was a failure.

GOLD RESERVE ACT. In response to the Great

Depression, and at the request of President Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Congress passed the Gold Reserve Act on 30
January 1934; the measure nationalized all gold by ordering the Federal Reserve banks to turn over their supply
to the U.S. Treasury. In return the banks received gold
certicates to be used as reserves against deposits and
Federal Reserve notes. The act also authorized the president to devalue the gold dollar so that it would have no
more than 60 percent of its existing weight. Under this
authority the president, on 31 January 1934, xed the
value of the gold dollar at 59.06 cents.

Friedman, Milton, and Anna Jacobson Schwartz. A Monetary

History of the United States, 18671960. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1963.

Erik McKinley Eriksson / a. g.


Friedman, Milton, and Anna Jacobson Schwartz. A Monetary

History of the United States, 18671960. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1963.
Leuchtenburg,William E. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal,
19321940. New York: Harper & Row, 1963.

Frederick A. Bradford / a. g.
See also Banking: Banking Crisis of 1933; Federal Reserve
System; Gold Exchange; Gold Standard; Hard Money.


See also Banking: Banking Crisis of 1933; Federal Reserve

System; Gold Exchange; Gold Standard; Hard Money.

GOLD RUSH, CALIFORNIA. When James Marshall looked into the American River and saw gold alongside John Sutters sawmill on 24 January 1848, he unintentionally initiated a set of events that dramatically
transformed both California and the United States. Al-


San Francisco Bay, c. 1851. A steady procession of ships transformed San Francisco almost overnight from village to city,
ethnically diverse and initially lawless, until tamed by vigilante justice. The Gamma Liaison Network

though Marshall and Sutter attempted to prevent news of

their discovery from spreading, within a few months word
had reached San Francisco. A visitor in June found the
city nearly abandoned because of gold fever. By September eastern newspapers offered their readers breathless reports of the incredible riches ready for the taking.
The term rush is appropriate. By 1850, Californias
American- and European-born population had increased
tenfold, with San Francisco alone growing from a sleepy
village of 1,000 to a bustling city of 35,000. Ships that
docked in San Francisco Bay at the height of the fever
risked losing their entire crews to the goldelds. The
states non-Indian population increased from about
14,000 before the discovery to nearly 250,000 in 1852
even though an average of 30,000 prospectors returned
home each year. Although 80 percent of the forty-niners were from the United States and all states were represented, this migration also was a global event, drawing
gold seekers from California Indian bands, East Asia,
Chile, Mexico, and western Europe. For the United
States it was the largest mass migration to date, ooding
the previously lightly traveled trails to the West Coast as
more than 1 percent of the nations population moved to
California in just a few years.
The apparent availability of wealth drew so many so
fast. In a time when farm workers could expect to earn a
dollar for a long days work and skilled craftspeople
earned perhaps half again as much, it was not uncommon
for early arrivals to the goldelds to make $16 a day. The
chance for such prosperity struck many Americans as not

merely a potential individual windfall but as a fulllment

of their rapidly expanding countrys promise of economic
democracy. Just nine days after Marshalls discovery, California, ceded in the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo by a
defeated and occupied Mexico, formally became a part of
the United States. It seemed that average Americans,
whatever their previous backgrounds or origins, were
reaping natures bounty.
The hordes of newcomers made gold rush California
a society distinct from the migrants various homelands.
The diversity of nationalities, the sharp uctuations in
economic prospects, and the overwhelming preponderance of men all kept social life in the goldelds unsettled.
At the time gold rush California was for many a sharp
contrast to the sobriety and respectability of middle-class
America. But they were rough, wrote Mark Twain of
the forty-niners in Roughing It. They fairly reveled in
gold, whiskey, ghts, fandagos, and were unspeakably
It was for good reason that mining camps and towns
instantly acquired reputations for wildness. Probably half
of the women in early mining camps were prostitutes.
Alcohol, isolation, and struggles over access to gold made
for high rates of homicide and other violence. Gender
roles were less predictable and more exible than in the
homes of most migrants. The small percentage of women
meant that men had to perform traditionally feminine domestic tasks or pay others, often women entrepreneurs,
good money to do so, and this may have given married
women more power and options. But the quick end of



But what destroyed Sutter and Marshall created

American California, with important consequences for
the nation as a whole. The gold rush made the Golden
State the most populous and prosperous western territory
even as it removed tens of thousands of men from their
families and communities for years. Connecting the West
Coast to the rest of the country added to the impetus to
build the transcontinental railways, to defeat the last independent Indian nations on the Great Plains, and to settle the interior West. Finally, the wealth it produced, even
greater and more easily acquired in legend, made thousands ock to later discoveries of gold in Nevada, Colorado, and Alaska.

Roughing It. Miners often paid deluxe prices for meager

accommodations. corbis

easy riches and the arrival of signicant numbers of white

women in the 1850s signaled the end of gold rush society.
Newly arrived middle-class women saw themselves as
taming California, curtailing gambling, drinking, prostitution, and much of the openness in gender roles that
had characterized the region.
While the promise of easy riches drew many migrants, the reality was often not what they had hoped.
Miners worked long hours in remote places, generally living in ramshackle accommodations and paying exorbitant
prices for food, shelter, and clothing. The gold deposits
accessible to hand digging quickly played out, and all that
remained were buried veins that could be exploited only
by well-capitalized ventures employing hydraulic equipment and other expensive machinery. Most miners who
remained were no longer independent prospectors but
rather the employees of large mining companies. Indeed,
most of the gold rush fortunes were not made by extracting the nearly $300 million in gold dug in six years but
rather by marketing supplies to the miners. The German
immigrant Levi Strauss, for example, sold so many work
pants to gold diggers that his name became the generic
term for jeans (Levis).
For others the gold rush was an outright disaster.
The numbers, diseases, and violence of newcomers overwhelmed most of the states Native American peoples, initiating a demographic collapse that brought them to the
edge of extinction. White discrimination, embodied most
clearly in heavy taxes on foreign miners, kept most Chinese, Latin American, and African American prospectors
out of the choice diggings. Even the rushs originators
failed to prot. Marshall and Sutter were soon overtaken
by the course of events and were ruined. Their sawmill
was idled by the ight of able-bodied men to the diggings,
and squatters occupied much of Sutters expansive lands,
killing most of his livestock and destroying his crops. Both
men died in poverty and anonymity.


Holliday, J. S. The World Rushed In: The California Gold Rush

Experience. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981.
Johnson, Susan Lee. Roaring Camp: The Social World of the California Gold Rush. New York: Norton, 2000.
Roberts, Brian. American Alchemy: The California Gold Rush and
Middle-Class Culture. Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 2000.
Rohrbough, Malcolm J. Days of Gold: The California Gold Rush
and the American Nation. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1997.

Benjamin H. Johnson
See also California; Forty-Niners; and vol. 9: Constitution of
the Committee of Vigilantes of San Francisco.

GOLD STANDARD. The gold standard is a monetary system in which gold is the standard or in which the
unit of valuebe it the dollar, the pound, franc, or some
other unit in which prices and wages are customarily expressed and debts are usually contractedconsists of the
value of a xed quantity of gold in a free gold market.
U.S. experience with the gold standard began in the
1870s. From 1792 until the Civil War, the United States,
with a few lapses during brief periods of suspended specie
payments, was on a bimetallic standard. This broke down
in the early days of the Civil War, and from 30 December
1861 to 2 January 1879, the country was on a depreciated
paper money standard. The currency act of 1873 dropped
the silver dollar from the list of legal coinage but continued the free and unlimited coinage of gold and declared
the gold dollar to be the unit of value. There was a free
market in the United States for gold, and gold could be
exported and imported without restriction. Nonetheless,
for six more years the United States continued on a de
facto greenback standard. In accordance with the provisions of the Resumption Act of 1875, paper dollars became ofcially redeemable in gold on 2 January 1879.
Under the gold standard as it then operated, the unit
of value was the gold dollar, which contained 23.22 grains
of pure gold. Under free coinage, therefore, anyone could
take pure gold bullion in any quantity to an American
mint and have it minted into gold coins, receiving $20.67


(less certain petty charges for assaying and rening) for

each ounce.
The Gold Standard Act of 1900 made legally denitive a gold-standard system that had existed de facto since
1879. This act declared that the gold dollar shall be the
standard unit of value, and all forms of money issued or
coined by the United States shall be maintained at a parity
of value with this standard. That meant that the value of
every dollar of paper money and of silver, nickel, and copper coins and of every dollar payable by bank check was
equal to the value of a gold dollarnamely, equal to the
value of 23.22 grains of pure gold coined into money.
Thenceforth global trends would contribute to domestic
cycles of ination and deation. If the supply of gold
thrown on the worlds markets relative to the demand increased, gold depreciated and commodity prices increased
in the United States and in all other gold-standard countries. If the worlds demand for gold increased more rapidly than the supply of gold, gold appreciated and commodity prices in all gold-standard countries declined.
Until the Great Depression there was general agreement among economists that neither deation nor ination is desirable and that a stable unit of value is best.
Since then, some economists have held that stable prices
can be achieved only at the expense of some unemployment and that a mild ination is preferable to such unemployment. While gold as a monetary standard during
the half-century 18791933 was far from stable in value,
it was more stable than silver, the only competing monetary metal, and its historical record was much better than
that of paper money. Furthermore, its principal instability
was usually felt during great wars or shortly thereafter,
and at such times all other monetary standards were highly
During the late nineteenth century, the major nations
of the world moved toward the more dependable gold
coin standard; between 1873 and 1912 some forty nations
used it. World War I swept all of them off it whether
they were in the war or not. At the Genoa Conference in
1922, the major nations resolved to return to the gold
standard as soon as possible (a few had already). Most
major nations did so within a few years; more than forty
had done so by 1931.
But not many could afford a gold coin standard. Instead, they used the gold bullion standard (the smallest
coin was a gold ingot worth about eight thousand
dollars) or the even more economical gold exchange standard, rst invented in the 1870s for use in colonial dependencies. In the latter case the country would not redeem in its own gold coin or bullion but only in drafts on
the central bank of some country on the gold coin or gold
bullion standard with which its treasury banked. As operated in the 1920s, this parasitic gold standard, preferentially dependent on the central banks of Great Britain,
France, and the United States, allowed credit expansion
on the same reserves by two countries.

It was a hazardous system, for if the principal nations

central bank was in trouble, so were all the depositor nations. In 1931 the gold standards of Austria, Germany,
and Great Britain successively collapsed, the last dragging
down several nations on the gold exchange standard with
it. This was the beginning of the end of the gold standard
in modern times. Many of the British, notably economist
J. M. Keynes, alleged that both the decline in Great Britains foreign trade and its labor difculties in the late
1920s had been caused by the inexibility of the gold
standard, although it had served the nation well for the
previous two centuries. Others argued that Britains problems were traceable to its refusal to devalue the depreciated pound after the war or to obsolescence in major industries. In any event, Britain showed no strong desire to
return to the gold standard.
Meanwhile, in the United States the gold coin standard continued in full operation from 1879 until March
1933 except for a brief departure during the World War I
embargo on gold exports. At rst the panic of 1929, which
ushered in the long and severe depression of the 1930s,
seemed not to threaten the gold standard. Britains departure from the gold standard in 1931 shocked Americans, and in the 1932 presidential campaign, the Democratic candidate, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was known to be
inuenced by those who wanted the United States to follow Britains example. A growing number of bank failures
in late 1932 severely shook public condence in the economy, but it was not until February 1933 that a frightened
public began to hoard gold. On 6 March 1933, soon after
he took ofce, President Roosevelt declared a nationwide
bank moratorium for four days to stop heavy withdrawals
and forbade banks to pay out gold or to export it. On 5
April the president ordered all gold coins and gold certicates in hoards of more than a hundred dollars turned
in for other money. The government took in $300 million
of gold coin and $470 million of gold certicates by 10
Suspension of specie payments was still regarded as
temporary; dollar exchange was only a trie below par.
But the president had been listening to the advice of inationists, and it is likely that the antihoarding order was
part of a carefully laid plan. Suddenly, on 20 April, he
imposed a permanent embargo on gold exports, justifying
the step with the specious argument that there was not
enough gold to pay all the holders of currency and of
public and private debts in the gold these obligations
promised. There never had been, nor was there expected
to be. Dollar exchange rates fell sharply. By the Thomas
Amendment to the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 12
May 1933, Congress gave Roosevelt power to reduce the
gold content of the dollar as much as 50 percent. A joint
resolution of Congress on 5 June abrogated the gold
clauses to be found in many public and private obligations that required the debtor to repay the creditor in
gold dollars of the same weight and neness as those



borrowed. In four cases the Supreme Court later upheld

this abrogation.
During the autumn of 1933, the Treasury bid up the
price of gold under the Gold Purchase Plan and nally
set it at $35 an ounce under the Gold Reserve Act of 30
January 1934. Most of the resulting prot was subsequently used as a stabilization fund and for the retirement
of national bank notes. The United States was now back
on a gold standard (the free gold market was in London).
But the standard was of a completely new kind, and it
came to be called a qualied gold-bullion standard. It
was at best a weak gold standard, having only external,
not internal, convertibility. Foreign central banks and
treasuries might demand and acquire gold coin or bullion
when the exchange rate was at the gold export point, but
no person might obtain gold for his money, coin, or bank
deposits. After France left gold as a standard in 1936, the
qualied gold-bullion standard was the only gold standard left in a world of managed currencies.
Although better than none at all, the new standard
was not very satisfactory. The thirty-ve-dollar-an-ounce
price greatly overvalued gold, stimulating gold mining all
over the world and causing gold to pour into the United
States. The golden avalanche aroused considerable criticism and created many problems. It gave banks excess
reserves and placed their lending policies beyond the control of the Federal Reserve System. At the same time
citizens were not permitted to draw out gold to show their
distrust of the new system or for any other reason. As for
its stated intent to raise the price of gold and end the
Depression, the arrangement did neither. Wholesale prices
rose only 13 percent between 1933 and 1937, and it took
the ination of World War II to push them up to the
hoped-for 69 percent. Except for a brief recovery in 1937,
the Depression lasted throughout the decade of the 1930s.
The appearance of Keyness General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936 and his inuence on
the policies of the Roosevelt administration caused a revolution in economic thinking. The new economics deplored oversaving and the evils of deation and made controlling the business cycle to achieve full employment the
major goal of public policy. It advocated a more managed
economy. In contrast, the classical economists had stressed
capital accumulation as a key to prosperity, deplored the
evils of ination, and relied on the forces of competition
to provide a self-adjusting, relatively unmanaged economy. The need to do something about the Great Depression, World War II, the Korean War, and the Cold
War all served to strengthen the hands of those who
wanted a strong central government and disliked the trammels of a domestically convertible gold-coin standard.
The rising generation of economists and politicians held
such a view. After 1940 the Republican platform ceased
to advocate a return to domestic convertibility in gold.
Labor leaders, formerly defenders of a stable dollar when
wages clearly lagged behind prices, began to feel that a
little ination helped them. Some economists and poli-


ticians frankly urged an annual depreciation of the dollar

by 2, 3, or 5 percent, allegedly to prevent depressions and
to promote economic growth; at a depreciation rate of 5
percent a year, the dollar would lose half its buying power
in thirteen years (as in 19391952), and at a rate of 2
percent a year, in thirty-four years. Such attitudes reected a shift in economic priorities because capital seemed
more plentiful than before and thus required less encouragement and protection.
There remained, however, a substantial segment of
society that feared creeping ination and advocated a return to the domestically convertible gold-coin standard.
Scarcely a year passed without the introduction in Congress of at least one such gold-standard bill. These bills
rarely emerged from committee, although in 1954 the
Senate held extensive hearings on the Bridges-Reece bill,
which was killed by administration opposition.
After World War II a new international institution
complemented the gold standard of the United States.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)agreed to at a
United Nations monetary and nancial conference held
at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from 1 July to 22
July 1944 by delegates from forty-four nationswent
into effect in 1947. Each member nation was assigned a
quota of gold and of its own currency to pay to the IMF
and might, over a period of years, borrow up to double
its quota from the IMF. The purpose of the IMF was to
provide stability among national currencies, all valued in
gold, and at the same time to give devastated or debtridden nations the credit to reorganize their economies.
Depending on the policy a nation adopted, losing reserves
could produce either a chronic ination or deation, unemployment, and stagnation. Admittedly, under the IMF
a nation might devalue its currency more easily than before. But a greater hazard lay in the fact that many nations
kept part of their central bank reserves in dollars, which,
being redeemable in gold, were regarded as being as good
as gold.
For about a decade dollars were much sought after.
But as almost annual U.S. decits produced a growing
supply of dollars and increasing short-term liabilities in
foreign banks, general concern mounted. Some of these
dollars were the reserve base on which foreign nations
expanded their own credit. The world had again, but on
a grander scale, the equivalent of the parasitic goldexchange standard it had had in the 1920s. Foreign central
bankers repeatedly told U.S. Treasury ofcials that the
dollars being a reserve currency imposed a heavy responsibility on the United States; they complained that by running decits and increasing its money supply, the United
States was enlarging its reserves and, in effect, exporting
U.S. ination. But Asian wars, foreign aid, welfare, and
space programs produced decits and rising prices year
after year. At the same time, American industries invested
heavily in Common Market nations to get behind their
tariff walls and, in doing so, transmitted more dollars to
those nations.


Possessing more dollars than they wanted and preferring gold, some nationsFrance in particulardemanded gold for dollars. American gold reserves fell from
$23 billion in December 1947 to $18 billion in 1960, and
anxiety grew. When gold buying on the London gold
market pushed the price of gold to forty dollars an ounce
in October 1960, the leading central banks took steps to
allay the anxiety, quietly feeding enough of their own gold
into the London market to lower the price to the normal
thirty-ve dollars and keep it there. When Germany and
the Netherlands upvalued their currencies on 4 and 6
March 1961, respectively, their actions had somewhat the
same relaxing effect for the United States as a devaluation
of the dollar would have had. On 20 July 1962 President
John Kennedy forbade Americans even to own gold coins
abroad after 1 January 1963. But federal decits continued, short-term liabilities abroad reaching $28.8 billion
by 31 December 1964, and gold reserves were falling to
$15.5 billion.

and all other nations held on to their gold reserves. Several European nations, notably France and Germany, were
willing to return to a gold basis.

Repeatedly the Treasury took steps to discourage foreign creditors from exercising their right to demand gold
for dollars. The banks felt it wise to cooperate with the
Americans in saving the dollar, everyones reserve currency. By late 1967, American gold reserves were less than
$12 billion. In October 1969 Germany upvalued the mark
again, and American gold reserves were ofcially reported
at $10.4 billion. The patience of foreign creditors was
wearing thin. During the rst half of 1971, U.S. shortterm liabilities abroad shot up from $41 billion to $53
billion, and the demand for gold rose. On 15 August 1971
President Richard M. Nixon announced that the U.S.
Treasury would no longer redeem dollars in gold for any
foreign treasury or central bank. This action took the nation off the gold standard beyond any lingering doubt and
shattered the dollar as a reliable reserve currency. At a
gathering of nancial leaders of ten industrial nations at
the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., on 17
to 18 December 1971, the dollar was devalued by 7.89
percent in the conversion of foreign currencies to dollars,
with some exceptions. In 1972 gold hit seventy dollars an
ounce on Londons free market for gold, and the United
States had its worst mercantile trade decit in history.

A period of severe ination followed the Nixon administrations decision to abandon the gold standard.
Nevertheless, despite the economic turmoil of the 1970s,
the United States did not return to the gold standard,
choosing instead to allow the international currency markets to determine its value. In 1976 the International
Monetary Fund established a permanent system of oating exchange rates, a development that made the gold
standard obsolete and one that allowed the free market
to determine the value of various international currencies.
Consequently, as ination weakened the American dollar,
the German Mark and Japanese Yen emerged as major
rivals to the dollar in international currency markets.

In early 1973 another run on the dollar began. The

Treasury announced a 10 percent devaluation of the dollar on 12 February, calling it a means toward easing the
world crisis and alleging that trade concessions to the
United States and greater freedom of capital movements
would follow. The new ofcial price of gold was set at
$42.22, but on the London market gold soon reached $95
and went to $128.50 in Paris in mid-May. A third devaluation seemed possible but was avoided, at least outwardly. The nine Common Market nations all oated
their currencies, and Germany and Japan announced they
would no longer support the dollar. By midsummer the
dollar had drifted another 9 percent downward in value.
The U.S. Treasury refused to discuss any plans for a return to gold convertibility. Nevertheless the United States

In the 1970s opponents of the gold standard insisted

that the monetary gold in the world was insufcient to
serve both as a reserve and as a basis for settling large
balances between nations, given the rapid expansion of
world trade. Supporters of the gold standard distrusted
inconvertible paper money because of a strong tendency
by governments, when unrestrained by the necessity to
redeem paper money in gold on demand, to increase the
money supply too fast and thus to cause a rise in price
levels. Whereas opponents of the gold standard alleged
there was insufcient monetary gold to carry on international tradethey spoke of there being insufcient liquiditysupporters stressed that national reserves did
not have to be large for this purpose, since nations settled
only their net balances in gold and not continually in the
same direction.

In the 1990s the American dollar stabilized, and, by

the end of the decade, it had regained a commanding position in international currency markets. The robust global
economic growth of the 1980s and 1990s appeared to vindicate further the decision to vacate the gold standard. In
2002 the European Union introduced into circulation the
Euro, a single currency that replaced the national currencies of nearly a dozen European nations, including major
economic powers such as Germany, France, and Italy.
The Euro quickly emerged as a highly popular currency
in international bond markets, second only to the dollar.
Although the long-term direction of international currency markets remains unclear, it seems certain that neither the United States nor Europe will ever return to the
gold standard.

Chandler, Lester Vernon. American Monetary Policy, 19281941.

New York: Harper & Row, 1971.
De Cecco, Marcello. The International Gold Standard: Money and
Empire. New York: St. Martins Press, 1984.
Eichengreen, Barry J. Golden Fetters: The Gold Standard and the
Great Depression, 19191939. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1992.



Golden Gate Bridge. A view of the renowned San Francisco bridge in 1936, the year before its
completion as one of the longest suspension bridges in the world. corbis-Bettmann

Gallarotti, Giulio M. The Anatomy of an International Monetary

Regime: The Classical Gold Standard, 18801914. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1995.
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter. Gold and the Gold Standard: The Story
of Gold Money, Past, Present and Future. New York: McGrawHill, 1944.
Mehrling, Perry G. The Money Interest and the Public Interest:
American Monetary Thought, 19201970. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1997.
Ritter, Gretchen. Goldbugs and Greenbacks: The AntimonopolyTradition and the Politics of Finance, 18651896. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Schwartz, Anna, and Michael D. Bordo, eds. A Retrospective on
the Classical Gold Standard, 18211931. National Bureau of
Economic Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,

Donald L. Kemmerer / a. r.
See also Banking: Banking Crisis of 1933; Bimetallism; Debt,
Public; Free Silver; Gold Bugs; Gold Purchase Plan;
Gold Reserve Act; Great Depression; Inflation; International Monetary Fund; Keynesianism; Money; Specie Payments, Suspension and Resumption of; Treasury, Department of the.

GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE, erected across the entrance of the harbor at San Francisco, California, at a cost


of approximately $35 million, by the Golden Gate Bridge

and Highway District, created by the California legislature (1923, 1928). The bridge links San Francisco peninsula with counties along the Redwood Highway to the
north. The central span is 4,200 feet long, supported by
towers that rise 746 feet from the waters surface; and the
total length, including approaching viaducts, is one-andthree-quarter miles. The bridge has six lanes for motor
trafc and sidewalks for pedestrians. Construction began
5 January 1933, and the bridge was opened to trafc 28
May 1937.

Petroski, Henry. Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and

the Spanning of America. New York: Knopf, 1995.
Van der Zee, John. The Gate: The True Story of the Design and
Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1986.

P. Orman Ray / a. r.
See also Bridges; California; New Deal; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Roads; San Francisco.

GOLDEN HIND, originally named the Pelican, the

rst English vessel to circumnavigate the globe, sailed
from Plymouth, England, on 13 December 1577. It was


rechristened the Golden Hind by its commander, Sir

Francis Drake, in Magellan Strait. Sailing up the South
American coast, it plundered Spanish treasure ships and
reached the vicinity of present-day San Francisco on 15
June 1579. The Golden Hind sailed home around the Cape
of Good Hope, reaching Plymouth on 26 September

Roche, T. W. E. The Golden Hind. London [Serial]; New York:

Praeger, 1973.

Louis H. Bolander / a. r.
See also California; Explorations and Expeditions: British.

GOLF originated in England and Scotland, and though

American colonists played, the game quickly disappeared
from the United States after the Revolutionary War. It
came back in the 1880s, when the founders of the rst
country clubs discovered that golf suited their needs better than the traditional pastimes of horsing and hunting.
Until the 1970s, private courses outnumbered municipal
and daily-fee courses open to the public. The link between golf and the country club largely determined how
the game developed, who played it, and how it has been
Elites developed country clubs in the late-nineteenth
century to restore social order in the face of rapid immigration, industrialization, and urbanization. Country
club members found golf especially appealing because it
promised to revive the health of upper-class Victorians,
some of whom believed they were suffering from a collective attack of nerves called neurasthenia. By the 1920s,
country clubs had become appealing to the middle class.
Modest clubs marked class, religious, and social distinctions as surely as wealthy white Protestant clubs did, but
they also introduced golf to a wider audience. In 1916,
there were fewer than 1,000 courses; by 1930, there were
almost 6,000.
Golf also provided some of the earliest opportunities
for women in sport. Though some clubs discriminate
against women even today (by restricting weekend play
to men, for example, or requiring wives or daughters to
join in the names of husbands or fathers), many allowed
women to play from the beginning. Men considered golf
appropriate for the feminine constitution and temperament. It required more nesse than brute strength, and
golfers competed against themselves and the course, not
each other. Given the chance to play, however, women
established themselves on their own terms. Olympic champion Babe Didrikson Zaharias pursued golf later in her
career because she believed it would soften her unpopular
androgynous image, but she immediately became famous
for her powerful drives.
In 1894, representatives of the leading clubs created
golf s rst governing body, the United States Golf Asso-

Golf Legends. Early American superstars (right to left) Gene

Sarazen, Walter Hagen, and Bobby Jones (standing with
Johnny Parnell at far left) pose at the Woodland Country Club
in Newton, Mass., on 5 September 1928. AP/Wide World

ciation (USGA), to promote the increasingly popular

game, set rules, and sponsor tournaments. In 1916, a
group of professionals, fed up with USGA policies that
clearly favored amateurs, formed the Professional Golfers
Association (PGA). The Ladies Professional Golfers Association was constituted in 1950.
American golfers lagged behind Europeans until 1913,
when Francis Ouimet shocked the golf world by defeating
Englands best at the U.S. Open. Ouimet, who learned
the game as a caddie, was the rst of many working-class
kids who taught themselves golf by carrying equipment
at private clubs that would never accept them as members.
The list also includes Walter Hagen, Gene Sarazen, Ben
Hogan, and Byron Nelson. Hagen and Bobby Jones, an
aristocratic amateur, dominated the game in the 1920s
and became Americas rst golf superstars. Hagen won
eleven majors in his career: two U.S. Opens, four British Opens, and ve PGA Championships. Jones, who in
the 1930s founded the fourth major, the Masters, took
three British Opens and four U.S. Opens, plus ve U.S.
amateur titles. Together they established golf as a spectator sport.
During the Depression and World War II, golf s reputation suffered. Americans were feeling sober, and nothing seemed to symbolize the frivolous leisure class better
than rich men in knickers chasing a ball around the manicured lawn of a private club. In the 1950s, the civil rights
movement focused attention on the games racism and on
the segregation of most country clubs. As private organizations, the clubs were not required to integrate, and



most did not. Many cities transferred public courses to

private owners to keep them white. The golf establishment did not confront its race problem until 1990, when
civil rights groups threatened to picket the PGA Championship, scheduled for the all-white Shoal Creek Country Club. Shoal Creek quickly admitted a black member,
and the PGA promised to hold subsequent tournaments
only at integrated courses. The same year, the U.S. Open
champion Tom Watson resigned from his club because it
refused a Jewish member. The desire for PGA events has
encouraged most clubs to open their admission policies,
but actual progress remains slow.
Nevertheless, golf has enjoyed years of fantastic
growth. In the 1960s, Arnold Palmer, whose loyal fans are
known as Arnies Army, and Jack Nicklaus, the Golden
Bear, helped make televised golf a success. At the beginning of the twenty-rst century the game thrives internationally, with celebrated players from all over the world
and Ryder Cup competition between national teams. In
2002, Tiger Woods led the surge in the sports popularity. As the games most dominant player and rst African American star, he introduced golf to a much wider
demographic. With about 10,000 municipal or daily-fee
courses and only half that many private courses, golf has
become more accessible than ever.

Cayleff, Susan E. Babe: The Life and Legend of Babe Didrikson

Zaharias. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995.
Chambers, Marcia. The Unplayable Lie: The Untold Story of
Women and Discrimination in American Golf. New York:
Pocket Books, 1995.
Lowe, Stephen R. Sir Walter and Mr. Jones: Walter Hagen, Bobby
Jones, and the Rise of American Golf. Chelsea, Mich.: Sleeping
Bear Press, 2000.
Moss, Richard J. Golf and the American Country Club. Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 2001.

Jeremy Derfner
See also Recreation; Sports; Victorianism.

GONE WITH THE WIND. Both the novel (1936)

and the motion picture (1939) are signicant icons of the
1930s, revealing a great deal about the decade of the
Great Depression. The novel won the Pulitzer Prize in
1936. Gone With the Wind depicts important intellectual
and cultural developments. First, the Lost Cause conceptthe romantic tragedy of the Confederacys defeat
in the Civil Warwas popular with the public and academic community in the South. The notion that Yankee
capitalism had defeated the Souths genteel plantation life
naturally led to the second equally popular ideathe
Needless War doctrine. According to this theory, abolitionists, with their xation on slavery, had caused the
conict between the states. These sentiments, alone and
in combination, contributed to the myth that the South
was a gracious but doomed alternative to heartless mod-


Gone With the Wind. A reissue poster for the 1939

blockbuster, showing Clark Gable (as Rhett Butler) and
Vivien Leigh (as Scarlett OHara). The Kobal Collection

ern America. Slavery and the role of African Americans

in the Civil War were ignored in the popular culture and
by many historians. Despite protests from the African
American press, black entertainers were assigned their
traditional roles as either villains or clowns, though actress Hattie McDaniel did win an Academy Award for her
role in the lm. The hardships of the Great Depression
and the coming of World War II, which prompted a bitter
struggle between isolationists and internationalists, added
to the distant charm of the Old South as portrayed in Gone
With the Wind.

G O N Z A L E Z , E L I A N , C A S E

The novel by Margaret Mitchell was an instant success. Published by Macmillan in 1936, the 1,057-page
tome was a hymn to the Lost Cause, despite the authors
intent to combine an F. Scott Fitzgerald approach with
historical recreation. The book sold more than fty thousand copies in a single day, was a bestseller for two years,
and, by 1965, had sold more than 12 million authorized
Mitchell was born in Atlanta in 1900 to an established
Georgia family. She grew up with tales of the Lost Cause
and a romantic ideal of the Civil War. Well-educated and
witty, she wrote for newspapers and magazines. She married twice but had no children. A delightful storyteller,
she was a gracious presence on the Atlanta social scene.
With the novels great success, Mitchell was thereafter
known as the author of Gone With the Wind. She never
wrote another novel and directed that upon her death most
of her literary manuscripts be destroyed. Mitchell died in
1949 after she was struck by a speeding automobile.
Selznick International Pictures bought the screen
rights to Gone With the Wind for $50,000. The classic
motion picture features a moving musical score and talented cast, including Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Olivia
De Havilland, and Leslie Howard. The movie had a spectacular debut in Atlanta in 1939 and continued to be a
leading money producer long after its release. Filled with
assumptions of the Lost Cause and the Needless War
doctrine, the movie does not ignore the sexual tension
between the heroine and the hero. The movie has a minor
but clear feminist subtext.
Historical interpretations come and go but, undoubtedly, Gone With the Wind endures as a monument to the
Lost Cause. It is also a product of the 1930s, when many
Americans sought an escape from the twin horrors of
economic depression and the impending European war.
Though not great literature, the story endures as a vital
example of how some Americans prefer to think about
the Civil War.

Harwell, Richard. Gone With the Wind, as Book and Film. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1983. Good collection of contemporary reviews and essays.
Pressly, Thomas. Americans Interpret Their Civil War. Princeton,
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1954. A brilliant analysis
of how historical interpretations interact with other aspects
of the culture.
Pyron, Darden Asbury, ed. Recasting Gone With the Wind in
American Culture. Miami: University Presses of Florida,
1983. A far-ranging analysis of how the novel and movie t
into American culture.
Pyron, Darden Asbury. Southern Daughter, The Life of Margaret
Mitchell. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. A solid
biographical study.

Donald K. Pickens
See also Film; Literature: Popular Literature.

GONZALEZ, ELIAN, CASE. On Thanksgiving

Day 1999, two men shing off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, spotted a small boy oating in the ocean,
supported by an inner tube. The boy was taken to a hospital, where he recovered. His mother and a dozen others
had drowned in an attempt to escape Cuba and reach the
United States. Elians relatives in Miamithe closest being a great-unclesought to keep the boy with them.
They did this in the face of Cuban demands that he be
returned, and despite the likelihood that the U.S. family
court system would try to reunite him with his father, Juan
Migueleven though the father was a Fidel Castro loyalist. Hundreds of sympathizers kept vigil at the relatives
small house in Little Havana, forming prayer circles, and
damning Attorney General Janet Reno for maintaining
that the family courts should rule on the case.
At rst, opinion among Cuban Americans was mixed.
Jose Basulto, a Bay of Pigs veteran and leader of the
prominent anti-Castro Brothers to the Rescue, initially
said he thought the boy should be reunited with his father.
Some younger Cuban Americansself-described as Gen argued that the issue should be settled in fameration N
ily court. Once Castro began using the case as a pretext
for a series of anti-American tirades, however, the lines
were drawn: the communitys economically and politically
powerful militant right wing used support for Elians right
to remain in Miami as a litmus test, and most Cuban
Americans either publicly backed the Keep Elian position or kept silent.
Anonymous donors gave Elians relatives a car, trips
to Disneyland, and a lavish assortment of toys and clothes
for the bewildered boy. He was sent to a private school,
one of a chain owned by a hard-line anti-Castroite, but
when reporters and photographers hounded his every
move, he had to be taken from school and kept at his
great-uncles home. The intense media presence in Miami
encouraged demonstrations staged by community leaders, who beseeched the crowds to defend Elian at all costs.
On one occasion, a large group of demonstrators attacked
a radio talk show host from Portland, Oregon, for wearing a T-shirt that read, Send the Boy Home.
On Holy Saturday, 22 April 2000, Attorney General
Reno ordered in a special team of agents from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, who stormed the
house around 5:00 a.m. Most were dressed in military uniforms and carried weapons. Despite negative publicity
created by a journalists photograph of the terrorized boy
facing an angry, armed soldier, outside of Miami most
Americans strongly supported reuniting the boy with his
father, who had come to the United States to wait out the
judicial process. Even after Elian was seized, media coverage, especially in Miami, continued its feeding frenzy,
although the hundreds of photographers and reporters
camped day and night across the street from Elians house
began to dwindle away. When Elian and his father, stepmother, and stepbrother returned to Cuba after being
turned over by the FBI, Castro made the boy into a hero



and had hundreds of thousands of Cuban schoolchildren

rally in mass support of the little boy. He then settled the
family in the quiet city of Cardenas.

Domnguez, Jorge. Your Friend, Fidel. Harvard Magazine 102,

no. 6 ( JulyAugust 2000): 3539.
Levine, Robert M. Secret Missions to Cuba: Fidel Castro, Bernardo
Benes, and Cuban Miami. New York: St. Martins and Palgrave, 2001.

Robert M. Levine
See also Cuba, Relations with; Cuban Americans.

GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY. The Good Neighbor Policy grew out of the experience of the administrations of Presidents Calvin Coolidge (19231929) and
Herbert Hoover (19291933), but it was formally promulgated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933
1945). In his 1933 inaugural address, Roosevelt asserted,
In the eld of world policy I would dedicate this nation
to the policy of the good neighborthe neighbor who
resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others. The Good Neighbor Policy
centered on nonintervention and noninterference. It also
came to be associated with trade reciprocity. By the time
Roosevelt was elected to the presidency, there was growing Latin American opposition to U.S. military intervention and some searching criticism of U.S. policy in the
United States itself.
The Good Neighbor Policy owed in signicant
measure from the calculation that U.S. goals in the Caribbean and Central America, in particular, could be better served by strengthening diplomatic and commercial
relations instead of engaging in the gunboat diplomacy
and military intervention of the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries. For example, the experience of Henry
L. Stimson, Coolidges special representative to Nicaragua in 1927, and other ofcials involved in U.S.-Nicaraguan relations in the late 1920s and early 1930s played an
important role in the reorientation of U.S. policy in the
region after 1933. U.S. marines had operated in Nicaragua from 1912 to 1925, helping to establish and train the
Nicaraguan National Guard. Following a brief withdrawal,
the United States sent marines back to Nicaragua in 1926
after renewed ghting between political factions there.
Washington reacted in particular against the Mexican
governments support for the political faction opposed to
the pro-U.S. grouping. The second military intervention
brought criticism from some politicians in the United
States who thought that it undermined Washingtons status
and power in the eyes of Latin Americans and actually encouraged opposition to the United States in Latin America.
As the 1930s progressed, the Good Neighbor Policy
was elaborated via a range of public treaties and private
directives in the context of rising U.S. political and eco-


nomic inuence in the region. Despite the stated antiinterventionism of the Good Neighbor Policy, the United
States operated within a structure of Pan-American cooperation that was often more interventionist than before.
U.S. intervention in the 1930s, however, was carried out
by ambassadors, foreign service ofcers, and economic
and military advisers backed up by economic assistance
and private capital, instead of by the marines and gunboats of the past. For example, Roosevelt established the
Export-Import Bank in 1934 to loan money to U.S. exporters in order to facilitate overseas sales; by the end of
the 1930s, it was funding projects throughout Latin America. The United States also negotiated reciprocal trade
treaties with a number of Latin American republics that
often had important political implications. The countries
of Central America, for example, increased their imports
from the United States in this period, becoming more
dependent on U.S. agricultural products in particular, in
exchange for political recognition and support. By the
end of the 1930s, Washington had also set up new structures linking the U.S. military with its Latin American
The Good Neighbor Policy was, and often still is,
viewed as successful for a variety of reasons, including the
fact that it strengthened hemispheric relations in the lead
up to, and during, World War II. However, Roosevelts
Good Neighbor Policy also gave direct and indirect support to dictatorships in the region. For example, Roosevelt and his successors provided sustained support for the
authoritarian regimes of Anastasio Somoza (19361956)
in Nicaragua, Rafael Trujillo (19301961) in the Dominican Republic, and Fulgencio Batista (19341958) in Cuba.
This was a major contradiction of the Good Neighbor
Policy, and it became more pronounced with the onset of
the Cold War after 1945. The formal violation of Roosevelts pledge of nonintervention, which was understood
to mean the actual landing of U.S. soldiers, did not occur
until troops were sent into the Dominican Republic in
April 1965, where they remained as an occupation force
until July 1966. However, in the context of the Cold War,
the United States had already instigated or carried out a
number of covert interventions in the 1950s and early
1960s. The most well known are probably the Central
Intelligence Agencyorchestrated overthrow of the democratically elected government of Guatemala in 1954 and
the unsuccessful invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in
1961, both of which involved the training and equipping
of exiles and the provision of logistical or air support by
the United States.


Gellman, Irwin F. Roosevelt and Batista: Good Neighbor Diplomacy

in Cuba, 19331945. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1973.
. Good Neighbor Diplomacy: United States Policies in Latin
America, 19331945. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1979.


Green, David. The Containment of Latin America: A History of the

Myths and Realities of the Good Neighbor Policy. Chicago:
Quadrangle Books, 1971.
Roorda, Eric Paul. The Dictator Next Door: The Good Neighbor
Policy and the Trujillo Regime in the Dominican Republic,
19301945. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1998.
Wood, Bryce. The Making of the Good Neighbor Policy. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1961.
. The Dismantling of the Good Neighbor Policy. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985.

Mark T. Berger
See also Caribbean Policy; Cuba, Relations with; Dominican
Republic; Guatemala, Relations with; Latin America,
Relations with; Nicaragua, Relations with.

GOTHIC LINE. In June 1944, when the Germans

gave up Rome to the Allies, Adolf Hitler ordered his
troops in Italy to retreat north and make a defensive stand
in the Apennines near the Po River valley. The Gothic
Line, as it came to be called, was a belt of fortications
ten miles deep and about two hundred miles long, in naturally strong defensive terrain, across Italy from Carrara
to Pesaro. Impressed laborers from occupied countries
began construction in mid-1943, and work to strengthen
the positions continued even after German combat troops
occupied the line in mid-1944. By August, 2,400 machinegun posts, 500 gun and mortar positions, 120,000 meters
of barbed wire, several Panther tank-gun turrets embedded
in steel and concrete bases, and many miles of antitank
ditches had been incorporated into the line.
After entering Rome on 4 June, the American and
British armies drove north. Two months later they were
near Pisa, Arezzo, and Ancona and on the Gothic Line
approaches. On 25 August the Allies attacked. Against
stiff resistance, the British captured Rimini on 21 September, and the Americans took the Futa and Giogo passes
on the road to Bologna. Winter weather forced the Allies
to halt their offensive operations until April 1945, when
they broke the Gothic Line. American troops entered the
Po River valley and took Bologna on 21 April. Unable to
stop the Allied advances, the German commander, Gen.
Heinrich von Vietinghoff, agreed to an unconditional surrender on 29 April, thereby bringing to an end the bitterly
fought Italian campaign of World War II.


American economic and political ideology, government is
supposed to keep its distance from the private sector, and
on the whole it does. The government owns much less in
the United States than in Europe, where many countries
have taken over airlines, mines, and telecommunications
systems. Nevertheless, the United States has never been
a perfect haven for private interests. Each of the 90,000
American governments (federal, state, county, city, water
district, etc.) owns something, be it land, buildings, resources, or a business. The government can own entities
that it runs as regular departments (such as local sanitation departments), or it can own what are known as public
enterprises or government corporations, which are created and wholly or partly owned by the government but
are run essentially as businesses (for example, the New
Jersey Turnpike Authority).
Government ownership is as old as the United States.
The post ofce has existed since the nations founding,
and the rst Bank of the United States (1791) was partially
funded by the federal government. On the local level,
Philadelphia built one of the rst public waterworks in
the country in 1799. In the early nineteenth century, governments chartered many corporations to build internal
improvements. For example, New York created the Erie
Canal Commission in 1816 to pay for and manage the
states canal system.
In the rst half of the nineteenth century, government also came to own a considerable amount of land as
it purchased (Louisiana) or conquered (California) territory. Congress and the president typically gave away federal land or sold it cheaply. The Homestead Act (1862)
offered 160 acres to any person willing to live on and work
the land for ve years. By the 1870s, however, the edgling conservation movement had inspired governments to
limit the private acquisition of public land. In 1872 Yellowstone became the rst national park, and forest preserves were set aside starting in 1891. Despite the psychic
importance of property ownership in the United States,
the federal government still owns about a third of all land
(much of it in the West), though private businesses and
individuals are permitted to use much of it for various
purposes, including recreation, grazing, and mineral

Martin Blumenson / a. r.

In the late nineteenth century, cities (and counties)

started creating public companies to deliver important
services such as education, water, re protection, sanitation, electricity, and mass transit, all of which had once
been private. The transition was piecemeal. New York,
for example, offered public water and sewers in the 1830s
and 1840s, took over street cleaning in 1881, and bought
out two private subway companies in 1940, but it never
owned utilities. Since the 1980s, a movement to reprivatize government-owned services has borne fruit with the
rise of charter schools and private prisons.

See also Anzio; Gustav Line; Monte Cassino; Salerno; World

War II.

Government corporations, which are created by government but run as businesses, took off during the New


Clark, Mark Wayne. Calculated Risk. New York: Harper, 1950.

MacDonald, Charles Brown, and Sidney T. Mathews. Three Battles. Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, U.S.
Army, 1993.
Orgill, Douglas. The Gothic Line: The Autumn Campaign in Italy,
1944. London: Heinemann, 1967.



Deal. The pioneering Tennessee Valley Authority (1933),

which still provides electric power, forced energy companies to lower costs. In the late 1990s, there were more
than 6,000 government corporations in existence, including the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie
Mae), Amtrak, the Legal Services Corporation, the Empire State Development Corporation, and the United
States Postal Service (converted from government department to corporation in 1971). These public enterprises compete with private lenders, transit companies
(such as Greyhound), lawyers, real estate developers, and
shipping companies (for example, United Parcel Service,

Hibbard, Benjamin H. A History of Public Land Policies. Madison:

University of Wisconsin Press, 1965.
Mitchell, Jerry. The American Experiment with Government Corporations. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1999.

Jeremy Derfner
See also Privatization.


divisions of the federal government produce a vast collection of documents on an enormous range of subjects.
In addition to common publications such as the federal
budget and presidential papers, government departments
write reports about everything from beekeeping and naval
history to crime trends and national health disasters.
Many of these documents are available to the public either
directly through the Government Printing Ofce (GPO)
or in one of more than 1,000 federal depository libraries
across the country. In 2001 GPO distributed tens of millions of copies of about 15,000 different government publications. Nevertheless, most Americans underuse these
documents because they tend to be hard to nd. Libraries
give them a separate classication system and shelve them
in their own section, and very few bookstores sell them.
The U.S. Constitution mandates the printing of a
single government publication, the journals of House and
Senate proceedings. Congresss printing needs increased
quickly, but it continued to hire private printers on a contract basis for the rst half of the nineteenth century. Private rms tended to produce sloppy work and to overcharge for it, and Congress was rarely satised with its
makeshift printing arrangements. In 1795, for example,
Congress hired a printer to produce a multivolume set of
federal statutes, but he nished less than half of it. Twenty
years later, another printer was hired and failed to do the
same job, which was not completed until 1845, when the
contract nally went to a Boston rm. Congressional
business could be stalled for days while members waited
for crucial documents.
Congress experimented with various solutions to its
printing problem. The rst proposal for a formal govern-


ment body in charge of printing appeared in 1819, but

both houses hired full-time private printers instead. The
poor service persisted, however, and Congress restored
competitive bidding on a per-job basis in 1846 and created a Joint Committee on Printing to oversee the process. But even after a superintendent of public printing
was appointed in 1852, service failed to improve. In 1860,
after two investigations, Congress nally created the
Government Printing Ofce, which bought a large plant
and hired a staff of 350.
At rst, GPOs major responsibility was to the members of Congress, who needed the quick and accurate
turnaround of key documents to conduct their business.
The ofces mission changed radically, however, with the
passage of the Printing Act of 1895. GPO would continue
to address the governments printing needs, but it would
also be responsible for disseminating information to the
public. Congress appointed a superintendent of public
documents, who was responsible for compiling detailed
indexes, selling documents, and sending them to libraries.
GPOs structure and objectives have remained largely the
same since then. Its formal mission is to inform the Nation, and the superintendent still administers the distribution of publications and puts together a comprehensive
list of available documents, the Monthly Catalogue of United
States Government Publications.
Well before GPO adopted its public service function,
however, the government had been interested in making
sure documents were available to people. The Federal
Depository Library System was created in 1813, when
Congress required the secretary of state to send a copy of
the House and Senate journals to every university, college, and historical society in every state. But as the government generated more material, such a comprehensive
provision proved unworkable. In 1859, senators and representatives selected a limited number of libraries from
their states and districts to participate in the system, and
by 1922 the libraries were asked to request the specic
classes of publications in which they were most interested.
In 2001 there were about 1,300 federal depository libraries.
Government documents are also available to the public through GPOs Monthly Catalogue, through GPOs extensive Web site (GPO Access), and at eighteen GPO
bookstores in big cities throughout the country. GPO Access was established in 1994 by an act of Congress, and
by 2001 it included 225,000 free government publications, and visitors were downloading an average of 30 million per month. GPO also pioneered the use of microlm
and CD-ROM to cope with a deluge of paper, but it still
produces more than 100,000 tons of paper documents a
Though the modern GPO belongs to the legislative
branch of government, it runs mostly like a business. It
employs a unionized staff of about 3,000, and the president appoints its chief executive ofcer, known ofcially
as the public printer. The ofce gets two appropriations,
one for congressional printing and another for legally re-


quired distributions. Otherwise, it pays for itself. About

130 federal government departments hire GPO for their
printing needs, including passports and census and tax
forms. In 2001, GPO revenue exceeded $700 million.
Government documents are striking in their volume
and variety. In 2001, GPO divided its publications into
131 categories, including wildlife (116 titles), arms control (127), aging (39), earth science (160), Civil War (192),
radiation (48), music (221), and voting and elections (245).
Since 1873, GPO has printed the Congressional Record,
which contains the verbatim transcript of all business conducted on the oors of both houses. Every morning, it
sends out 9,000 copies of the previous days debates. In
1935 the ofce started printing the Federal Register, which
collects a tangle of executive rules and regulations. Other
notable publications include: U.S. Supreme Court decisions, various censuses, the Congressional Directory, numerous annual reports, government periodicals, and the
Statistical Abstract of the United States. In the late 1990s,
GPOs two most important documents were the Starr Report and several rulings in the Microsoft antitrust case.

Kling, Robert E. The Government Printing Ofce. New York:

Praeger, 1970.
Relyea, Harold. Title 44, United States CodePublic Printing and
Documents: A Brief Historical Overview. Washington, D.C.:
Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 1979.
Schmeckebier, Laurence Frederick, and Roy B. Eastin. Government Publications and Their Use. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1969.
Smith, Culver H. The Press, Politics, and Patronage: The American
Governments Use of Newspapers, 17891875. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1977.

Jeremy Derfner
See also Census, U.S. Bureau of the; Libraries.

GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF BUSINESS. Since colonial times, government has regulated

business. The need for more responsive and effective
business regulation was at least part of the reason for the
ght for independence and the establishment of the federal government. As the U.S. economy became more industrialized and the United States grew to be a world
power in the nineteenth century, the federal government
passed business laws that favored social reforms over the
interests of big business. In the twentieth century, government involvement continued to expand until the 1970s,
when both business and the public began to call for less
regulation. At the beginning of the twenty-rst century,
the ruinous effects that utility deregulation had on Californias economy and the corporate accounting scandals
that came to light in late 2001 raised the possibility of a
new era of federal intervention into business practices.

Business Regulation and the Birth of a New Nation

In 1649 the British Parliament passed the Navigation
Acts to regulate trade with and within the North American colonies. During the rst one hundred years these
trade laws were in effect, the British did little to enforce
them. Colonial Americans north of Maryland proted
from a thriving trade with other colonies in North America and the West Indies. The British, who exported cotton
from the southern colonies, dominated commerce in that
By 1764, however, England had incurred signicant
war debts, and the British Parliament decided to nance
this debt by enforcing the long neglected Navigation
Acts, which tipped the balance of trade in Englands favor.
In that same year, the Currency Act banned the American
colonies from printing their own paper money, which
they had been doing since 1690. As a result, the colonies
were forced to pay debt in gold and silver. Reserves of
these precious metals were quickly drained, and a depression ensued. Economic conditions were worsened by
a series of new taxes that further serviced Englands war
debts. In 1765 the Stamp Act taxed most legal and
printed documents, as well as dice and playing cards. The
Townshend Acts of 1767 levied duties on glass, pigment
for paint, paper, and tea.
For nearly a century, the American colonists had
been able to develop and regulate their economic system.
Suddenly the British Parliament began to impose a series
of regulations that the colonists had no part in formulating. The regulations themselves, the lack of legislative
participation, and the manner in which these rules were
enforced in the colonies sparked resentment that amed
to open hostility as the British responded to colonial protests with ever-stricter regulations and methods of enforcement. The northern trading centers, which had enjoyed the greatest degree of independence, were hardest
hit by Englands new policies, and Boston soon became
the center of opposition to British rule. By 1771 the trade
decit with Britain grew to 2.86 million. In response to
the economic hardship these regulations created and the
authoritarian manner in which the rules were enforced,
the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775 at Lexington
and Concord, Massachusetts.
During the colonial period, provincial legislatures
capped wage and commodity prices, and master craftsmen
had to secure municipal licenses. After the Revolutionary
War, the new state governments continued most local
regulation and, in addition, imposed tariff duties. The
central government that was created under the Articles
of Confederation from 1781 to 1789 lacked certain basic powers to regulate commerce between the states and
to enforce contractual obligations. These aws were
among the factors that led to the current form of federal
government created by the U.S. Constitution, which
vested the U.S. Congress with authority to regulate interstate commerce. The adoption of the Constitution
ended state tariff regulation and imposed a moderate fed-



eral system of protection, with discriminatory tonnage

taxes favoring American ships and subsidies for New Englands sheries.
From State Regulation to Federal Regulation
Aside from wars and its uctuating tariff policies, the federal government at the beginning of the nineteenth century was chiey important to business in guaranteeing a
uniform national currency and security for contracts,
making gifts of land, and offering the protection of the
due process of law. During this century, states actively
began to promote business. Incorporation by special act
was relatively easy, and starting with New York State in
1811, manufacturing was encouraged by general incorporation laws requiring only the payment of a small fee.
State courts soon gave corporations the benet of limited
liability. Pennsylvania in particular bought stock in scores
of manufacturing and transportation enterprises. Many of
the states went into banking and canal construction. Subsequently, railroads received much state and local assistance and often had directors representing the public
In 1824 the Supreme Court strengthened the federal
governments power to regulate interstate commerce with
its decision in Gibbons v. Ogden, which involved the authority to license shipping. Steamboat operator Thomas
Gibbons had secured only a federal license to run his business in New York State waters, which were controlled by
a monopoly created through a state licensing system. A
member of this monopoly, Aaron Ogden tried to shut
down Gibbonss business by suing him for failing to have
the proper New York State licenses. The Court ruled in
favor of Gibbons and declared that commerce involved
not only buying and selling but also transportation and
navigation. By giving Congress the sole authority to regulate interstate transportation, this decision cleared the
way for the United States to create a national transportation system that has continued to benet business.
By 1860 only a few transportation and banking enterprises remained in state hands. As the railroads enabled
Americans to travel more easily from state to state, new
state regulations were enacted to protect the interests of
local businesses. Stricter licensing laws kept out-of-state
doctors, lawyers, and even barbers from competing with
local practitioners. Laws governing the quality of major
export products protected the reputation of a city or state.
Regulation of railroad rates was attempted to benet local
shippers, but here the states ran into trouble with the
commerce power of Congress.
In 1866 the Fourteenth Amendment secured citizens
against the deprivation of property or equal protection of
the law without due process. By the 1880s the amendment
was being interpreted by the Supreme Court to mean that
property included the return on such intangible assets as
stocks or bonds and that due process meant judicial review
of the substance of law. This interpretation rendered the
state regulation of national business completely ineffec-


tive and further encouraged federal action to correct problems in interstate commerce. This power permitted a long
series of railroad regulatory acts, starting in 1887, that
were generally advantageous to shippers. In the twentieth
century, these acts would leave the railroads in a weak position in competition against the automobile and airplane.
Antitrust Law
The 1880s saw the advent of the trust, which enabled a
handful of businesses to gain nearly complete control over
many commodity-based industries. The founder of the
Standard Oil Company, John D. Rockefeller, was the rst
to achieve monopoly-like domination over an industry.
He had gained this power under his companys so-called
Trust Agreement. In 1882 the public learned of this
agreement, and the term trust entered the American
vocabulary as a word signifying monopoly. At one point
Standard Oil controlled more than 90 percent of the nations petroleum rening. The huge prots that Standard
Oil earned under its Trust Agreement drew the attention
of other investors, and by 1887 there existed the Cotton
Oil Trust, the Linseed Oil Trust, and the Distiller and
Cattle Feeders Trust, which was also known as The
Whisky Trust. The way trusts concentrated wealth and
economic power in the hands of a few business tycoons
so alarmed the American public that Congress passed the
Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890.
Despite this legislation, almost fty other trusts were
formed by 1897. The Supreme Court dealt a serious blow
to the federal governments ability to enforce the Sherman Act with its 1895 decision in United States v. E. C.
Knight Company, also known as the The Sugar Trust
Case. The Court took the position that rening sugar
was an activity conned to a specic locale and that the
federal government therefore could not use its power to
regulate interstate commerce as a means to break up the
trust. The Court ruled against the federal government
although E. C. Knight controlled nearly 98 percent of the
sugar rening industry and was able to set the retail price
of sugar throughout the entire country.
Efforts to curb trusts languished until Theodore Roosevelt was elected to the presidency in 1904 on a trustbusting platform. By that time 185 trusts had been
formed; their creation had been aided by an 1889 New
Jersey law that allowed companies chartered in that state
to hold the stock of other companies. Similar legislation
was enacted in several other states including Delaware
and Maine, and trusts took the form of holding companies. One such holding company was the Northern
Securities Company, which monopolized railroad transportation from the Great Lakes to the Pacic Coast. Roosevelt successfully invoked the Sherman Act to break the
monopoly, which was dissolved by order of the Supreme
Court in 1904. When the Court ordered the dissolution
of the Standard Oil and American Tobacco trusts in 1911,
it ruled that these trusts placed unreasonable restraint
on trade. This implied that the Court would tolerate rea-


sonable restraints, and monopolistic-like business entities continued to grow. Congress passed further antitrust
legislation with the Clayton Act in 1914, which outlawed
unfair methods of competition. The act created the Federal Trade Commission to enforce this legislation. Business eventually responded to this type of regulation by
creating conglomerates that diversify holdings instead
of concentrating them in a single sector of industry.
Regulation and Deregulation in the
Twentieth Century
At the turn of the nineteenth century, the publics dismay
at business practices fostered further federal regulation.
In 1906 writer and social activist Upton Sinclair published
The Jungle, a novel that exposed the unsanitary practices
of the meatpacking industry. The public furor created by
this book motivated the federal government to pass the
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), which Congress continued to strengthen throughout the rst half of the twentieth century.
Social activists also promoted the cause of child labor reform, which was embraced by the Congress and
presidents. The rst child labor laws were passed during
the administration of President Woodrow Wilson (1913
1921), but they were struck down by the Supreme Court.
Similar laws passed in 1919 and 1935 were also ruled unconstitutional by the Court, which held that Congress
had overstepped its authority by directly placing controls
on state and local commerce. An amendment to the Constitution protecting children against abusive labor practices was passed by Congress in 1924 but failed to gain
state ratication. The 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act,
which regulated child labor and afforded other worker
protections, nally stood up to constitutional scrutiny by
the Court in 1941.
President Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal legislation, enacted in an effort to revive the U.S. economy
suffering from the stock market crash of 1929 and the
ensuing Great Depression of the 1930s, effectively made
the federal government the nations chief regulator of
business and the economy. Roosevelts legislation reformed the banking system and securities industries,
which had practically collapsed during the decade. He
tried to jump-start the economy through massive government employment programs, many of which served to
improve the countrys business infrastructure. The massive military expenditures needed to ght World War II,
however, were what provided the economic stimulus
needed to end the depression. Apart from building and
maintaining a national highway system, military spending
continues to be the federal governments greatest direct
involvement with the business community.
As the twentieth century wore on, regulation by federal or state act with subsequent judicial interpretation
was largely replaced by control through administrative
orders of commissions. Between 1887 and 1940 the federal government created a score of commissions and boards

governing aspects of business and labor, and from about

1900 on, the states followed suit. The most important of
the national agencies came to be the Federal Trade Commission, which had broad regulatory powers over corporate practices. On the whole this change in regulatory
enforcement pleased business. Commissions came to be
staffed by members of the enterprises they regulated, who
understood the problems involved. Appearance before a
commission was quicker, cheaper, and generally more satisfactory than the slow and costly processes of legal proceedings in state or federal court.
The federal government had been continually expanding its role in regulating business since the Sherman
Act. After ninety years of almost uninterrupted growth,
the 1970s proved to be a transitional period for federal
regulation. The start of the decade saw the creation of
three new federal regulatory bodies: the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Consumer
Protection Agency. From 1971 to 1974 the government
directly intervened into the private sector with a series of
wage and price controls designed to curb ination that
had been plaguing the U.S economy since 1965. However, ination, combined with social programs and business regulations often criticized as excessive, and the huge
federal budget decits incurred to nance these programs
and regulations resulted in political pressure that ended
the expansion of federal business regulation. By the end
of the decade, several regulatory agencies, including the
Interstate Commerce Commission and the Civil Aeronautics Board, had been abolished, and the airline, telecommunications, railroad, trucking, and television and radio broadcasting industries had been deregulated.
The 1980s and 1990s saw further deregulation.
Consumers as well as business have beneted from this
trend, but there have been notable failures. Deregulation
of the savings and loan industry led to a series of bank
failures in the late 1980s that cost the federal government
more than $1 trillion. In 2001, deregulation of Californias power industry created electricity shortages, raised
wholesale and retail prices, and forced two of that states
largest utility companies to declare bankruptcy. The energy trading company, Enron, along with other energy
brokers, which were all created because of deregulation,
has been accused of conspiring to manipulate Californias
power supply and creating the states energy crisis.
In December 2001 Enron became the center of another scandal when its bankruptcy, the largest to date in
the nations history, revealed that the company had used
deceptive accounting practices to inate its earning reports and stock price. This was the rst in a series of
corporate bankruptcies to involve fraudulent bookkeeping that shook an already weak stock market in 2002. To
restore investor condence, the federal government exercised its regulatory authority to promote greater scrutiny
of the securities, accounting, and power utility industries.



The accounting scandals of the early twenty-rst

century recall the business scandals of the late 1800s and
early 1900s when antagonism between business and government regulators became ingrained. Despite this antipathy, the two sides have, in fact, beneted from each other.
Government regulations ensuring the enforceability of
contracts and property rights are such basics that business
in the United States could not function properly without
them. Likewise, without the economic growth created by
private business, the U.S. government could not sustain
itself. Although the current system of federal and state
regulations may sometimes be self-contradictory, and, in
addition, confusing to the business community, it is a relatively loose one, leaving the United States as one of the
nations whose business welfare depends most on the decisions of private entrepreneurs.

Laffont, Jean-Jacques, and Jean Tirole. Competition in Telecommunications. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000.
Lai, Loi Lei, ed. Power System Restructuring and Deregulation.
New York: Wiley, 2001.
Macey, Jonathan R., Geoffrey P. Miller, and Richard Scott Carnell. Banking Law and Regulation. 3d ed. Gaithersburg, Md.:
Aspen Publishers, 2000.
Peritz, Rudolph J. R. Competition Policy in America, 18881992:
History, Rhetoric, Law. New York: Oxford University Press,
Singer, Jonathan W., and Keneth E. Montague, eds. Broken
Trusts: The Texas Attorney General Versus the Oil Industry,
18891909. Vol. 12, Oil and Business History Series. College
Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2002.
Viscusi, W. Kip, John M.Vernon, and Joseph E. Harrington Jr.
Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, 3d ed. Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 2000.

John Wyzalek
See also Constitution of the United States; Enron Scandal;
Interstate Commerce Laws; Interstate Highway System; Pure Food and Drug Movement; and vol. 9:
Women in Industry (Brandeis Brief ).

GOVERNORS. The term governors describes the

chief executives of the American colonies and, later, of the
states of the Union. The governors role has evolved over
the course of American history, but on the whole it has
been relatively weak as governors lost power struggles at
turns to state legislatures, other executive ofcials, and the
federal government. Since about 1970, however, as the
considerable legal restraints on their authority have been
loosened, governors have steadily gained power and
The Colonial Era
In the early seventeenth century, when the colonies were
still owned by private charter companies, governors served
primarily as corporate managers and were vested with


only vague political authority. But as the Crown began to

assert greater control over its possessions in America,
governors were given an expanded role as the kings colonial proxies. By the middle of the eighteenth century
only Connecticut and Rhode Island survived as charter
colonies and they elected chief executives annually. The
rest of the English territories were proprietary colonies
or royal provinces, with governors who were either approved or appointed directly by the king.
On paper, proprietary and royal governors enjoyed
broad powers over all the functions of colonial government. They were given the authority to appoint judges
and other ofcials, veto legislation, and adjourn the assembly. Their political dominance, however, was greater
in theory than in practice. Governors served at the pleasure of the king, who often tried to make day-to-day
decisions about colonial administration. Moreover, colonial assemblies (like the English Parliament) were given
the power of the purse, and they could wring signicant
concessions from uncooperative governors by withholding money and even refusing to pay their salaries. Governors grew increasingly vulnerable as the Revolution approached. As representatives of the Crown, they had to
enforce the succession of unpopular laws, such as the
Stamp and Coercive Acts, that would lead to war. In the
mid-1770s, the colonists removed royal and proprietary
governors from ofce and paved the way for the creation
of independent state governments.
The Early Republic
The rst state constitutions provided for strong legislatures and weak governors. The framers recent experience
with the Crown and its colonial representatives had convinced them that executive power led inevitably to despotism, whereas legislative power was impervious to tyranny because it was republicanthat is, accountable to
the people. Though rules differed in each state, in general
governors were appointed to brief terms by a legislature
that they could no longer summon or dissolve. Governors
lacked veto power and could make decisions only with the
advice and consent of an executive council chosen by the
legislature. By and large, the rst state constitutions envisioned governors who merely administered the laws
passed by the assembly.
These early state governments, however, were so ineffectual and chaotic that the new Republic was forced to
reconsider the rejection of executive power. Philadelphias
Constitutional Convention of 1787 created a presidential
ofce with more independence and authority over national government than any governor had over state government (then or later). Gradually, the individual states
tried to approximate the federal model, adopting new
constitutions that vested executives with greater authority. For example, Illinoiss rst constitution, passed in
1818, provided for a popularly elected governor with
four-year terms and signicant appointment powers. New
Yorks 1821 constitution granted the gubernatorial veto.


Nevertheless, the ofce of governor remained comparatively powerless, and the persistent weakness of American
governors can be traced to the precedent set in the early
The Jacksonian Era
In the 1830s and 1840s, a new political philosophy held
that all white men, not just elite landowners, were the
proper guardians of American democracy. In this view,
voters mattered more than legislators, and the already aging model that gave assemblies authority over governors
fell completely out of favor. Most states, reecting the
new importance placed on voters, wrote new constitutions that sought to free governors from legislative authority and make them directly accountable to the people.
In general, the new constitutions gave governors veto
power and made the ofce an elected rather than appointed one. Both reforms validated governors claims of
authority. With a powerful weapon to use against the legislature and a popular mandate, the governors had gained
political independence.
A third reform, however, signicantly reduced governors control over their own executive branch. In the
spirit of popular democracy and suffrage for all white
men, most states adopted some form of what became
known as the long ballot, whereby voters selected a large
number of state ofcers. For example, New Yorks 1846
constitution called for the election of not only the governor but also a lieutenant governor, secretary of state,
treasurer, comptroller, attorney general, three canal commissioners, three prison inspectors, and a state engineer.
These elected executive ofcials claimed their own
popular mandates, articulated their own political visions,
worked to achieve their own objectives, and often belonged to their own party factions. Governors had little
hope of putting together an efcient administration with
a clear chain of command or a single set of goals. The
problem only worsened as state governments grew more
complex with the passage of time and the accretion of
responsibilities. Progressive-Era administrations demonstrated a special fondness for proliferating bureaucracy.
Illinois, for example, supported just twenty state agencies
in 1850, but by 1925 that number had increased to more
than 170. Governors found it nearly impossible to administer such sprawling organizations.
The Progressive Era
Government grew so rapidly during the Progressive Era
(about 1890 to 1920, though historians continue to debate
the dates) because Americans faith in the power of government was exploding. Industrial society seemed to be
spinning out of control, and Progressives turned to government to x a host of problems from alcoholism and
corruption to child labor and corporate monopoly. Despite the often-crippling hodgepodge of agencies, then,
state executives were empowered to take aggressive action

on a range of issues, and governors temporarily escaped

their narrow spheres of inuence.
Woodrow Wilson began his political career serving as
governor of New Jersey from 1910 to 1912, and he pushed
through several good-government measures. Hiram Johnson, Californias governor from 1910 to 1917, passed the
Public Utilities Act, giving an independent state commission the power to regulate the powerful Southern Pacic
Railroad. Robert La Follette served as Wisconsins governor from 1900 to 1906; he became the most renowned
Progressive governor, and his state was regarded as a
model for the rest of the nation. Wilson, Johnson, and La
Follette achieved power earlier governors could only have
imagined, and the reputation of state government in general improved. Future presidents Theodore Roosevelt,
Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, and Franklin D.
Roosevelt all gained prominence as governors during the
rst third of the twentieth century.
The Great Depression and States Rights
When the Great Depression hit, however, the brief moment of gubernatorial power ended. States did not have
the resources to cope with the huge demand for government services, and governors who still lacked coherent
authority could not respond adequately to the crisis. During the New Deal, Washington, D.C., became rmly entrenched as the center of American government, and the
foreign policy crises of World War II and the Cold War
kept all eyes on national affairs. Governors again sunk into
relative powerlessness and obscurity, and for thirty years
after World War II no governor was elected president.
In the 1950s and 1960s, governors generally made
news only in their embarrassing capacity as spokespeople
for segregation and states rights in the South. Southern
senators and representatives urged their constituents to
defy the Supreme Courts Brown v. Board of Education decision that outlawed segregation in public education, but
it fell to governors to implement the legal and political
strategy of massive resistance. Governors such as Orval
Faubus of Arkansas, Ross Barnett of Mississippi, and
George Wallace of Alabama symbolized southern racism
and provincialism. But the governors empty rhetoric of
states rights also forced the federal government to display
its supremacy to the humiliation of the states.
In 1957, when Faubus refused to enforce a federal
court order desegregating Central High School in Little
Rock, President Dwight Eisenhower called in the army
and troops remained on campus for the entire school year.
Similarly, Wallace famously stood in a doorway at the
University of Alabama to prevent the enrollment of black
students, but he was forced to relent when federal marshals arrived.
The Modern Governor
In the 1960s, states nally addressed their collective governor crisis by reorganizing and consolidating executive
administration. Between 1965 and 1975, forty states un-



derwent at least a partial reorganization. Many states were

unable to get rid of the long ballot that remains a favorite
target of reformers, but they eliminated most of the other
checks on their governors. States have consolidated and
rationalized their labyrinthine bureaucracies, collapsing
hundreds of agencies into dozens and placing them under
accountable department heads. They have given governors the authority to make annual budgets, and almost all
states have extended the term of ofce to four years and
allow governors to serve at least two consecutive terms.
Many experts argue that these changes have attracted more
talented candidates and produced the innovative administrations that now serve as models for national government.
From 1976 until the end of the twentieth century,
every president except George H. W. Bush had been a
former governor. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush modeled their presidencies closely on their experiences as
governors. It may still be too soon to conclude that American governors have nally emerged from ineffectiveness,
but without question they are more powerful than ever

Black, Earl. Southern Governors and Civil Rights: Racial Segregation as a Campaign Issue in the Second Reconstruction. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976.

elaborate pieces, short for masterpieces, usually wrote

on subway cars, which had the advantage of moving their
writing across the city.
Grafti elicited strong opinions. To grafti writers,
it was a thriving subculture. To many intellectuals, it was
a new and vital art form. To city ofcials, however, grafti was illegal vandalism. New York established an antigrafti task force and an undercover grafti police unit
and spent many millions of dollars on experimental solvents and train yard security improvements. By the mid1980s, New York had cut down on grafti, but by then
the art form had spread across the United States and to
Europe. A new kind of gang grafti that marks territory
and sends messages to rival gangs became common in Los
Angeles in the late 1980s.

Abel, Ernest L., and Barbara E. Buckley. The Handwriting on the

Wall: Toward Sociology and Psychology of Grafti. Westport,
Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1977.
Phillips, Susan A. Wallbangin: Grafti and Gangs in L.A. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Powers, Stephen. The Art of Getting Over: Grafti at the Millennium. New York: St. Martins Press, 1999.

Jeremy Derfner

Kallenbach, Joseph E. The American Chief Executive: The Presidency and the Governorship. New York: Harper and Row,

See also Art: Self-Taught Artists.

Lipson, Leslie. The American Governor: From Figurehead to

Leader. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1939.

GRAIN FUTURES ACT. The Grain Futures Act,

passed on 21 September 1922, reestablished government
control over commodity exchanges, which had been nullied by invalidation of the act of 24 August 1921 (Hill v.
Wallace, 259 U.S. 44 [1922]). Omitting tax provisions,
Congress reenacted similar regulations, based solely on
the power to regulate interstate commerce, which were
upheld by the Supreme Court in an assertion of the
stream-of-commerce doctrine (Chicago Board of Trade v.
Olsen, 262 U.S. 1 [1923]). The Grain Futures Administration assisted the secretary of agriculture in enforcement of the provision that all trading in grain futures must
be at grain exchanges designated as contract markets submitting daily reports. The Commodity Exchange Act of
15 June 1936 further expanded federal control over other
agricultural products by eliminating the exemptions for
owners and growers of grain and their associations. This
act was superseded in 1974 by the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission Act.

Osborne, David. Laboratories of Democracy: A New Breed of Governor Creates Models for National Growth. Boston: Harvard
Business School Press, 1988.
Ransone, Coleman Bernard. The American Governorship. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982.
Sabato, Larry. Goodbye to Good-Time Charlie: The American Governor Transformed, 19501975. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1978.
Sanford, Terry. Storm over the States. New York: McGraw-Hill,

Jeremy Derfner
See also State Constitutions.

GRAFFITI. From the Italian grafto (scribbling), the

practice of drawing symbols, images, or words on private
or public surfaces without permission. Ancient Romans
wrote grafti, as have many of the worlds cultures. The
modern grafti movement, associated with the hip-hop
culture of break dancing and rap music, started primarily
among black and Latino teenagers in Philadelphia and
New York in the late 1960s. In 1971, the New York Times
ran a story about Taki 183, a messenger who had been
writing his tag, or stylized signature, all over New York,
and grafti took off. Taggers and burners, who painted



Fite, Gilbert Courtland. George N. Peek and the Fight for Farm
Parity. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954.
Saloutos, Theodore, and John D. Hicks. Agricultural Discontent
in the Middle West, 19001939. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1951.

George C. Robinson / t. m.
See also Agriculture; Commerce Clause; Exchanges.



ofcially the Balanced Budget and Emergency Decit
Control Act, was championed by Republican U.S. Senators Philip Gramm of Texas and Warren Rudman of New
Hampshire, and Democratic U.S. Senator Ernest Hollings of South Carolina. Passage of this bipartisan legislation was spurred by concern over large and growing
federal decits during the 1980s and the inability of Congress and the administration to raise taxes or cut spending
sufciently to resolve the problem. The act specied a
schedule of gradually declining decit targets leading to
a balanced budget in 1991. It also specied that if the
administration and Congress were unable to reach agreement on a budget decit that came within $10 billion of
the targets specied in the bill, automatic and across-theboard spending reductions would be implemented in all
programs except social security, interest payments on
the national debt, and certain low-income entitlements.
In the years following passage of the bill, Congress
revised the decit reduction schedule and the target year
for balancing the federal budget. The most signicant revision occurred in 1990, when Congress, faced with a deficit of $110 billion, enacted the Budget Enforcement Act,
which cut the decit substantially, made the decit targets
more exible, and extended the target date for balancing
the budget until 1995. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 established new limits on discretionary
government spending for scal years 1996 through 1998.
In 1998 the budget decit was eliminated and the
federal government ran a surplus for the rst time in more
than a quarter of a century. Despite the balanced budgets
of the late 1990s, federal decits remain a major issue in
American politics, particularly in light of the impending
retirement of the baby-boom generation in the early
twenty-rst century.

Congressional Budget Ofce. The Economic and Budget Outlook:

Fiscal Years 19951999. Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Ofce, 1994.
Hahm, Sung Deuk, et al. The Inuence of Gramm-RudmanHollings Act on Federal Budgetary Outcomes, 19861989.
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 11 (1992): 207
Masters, Nicholas A. The Congressional Budget Process. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Ofce, 1993.

Michael H. Spiro / a. g.
See also Budget, Federal; Congress, United States; Debt,
Public; Demography and Demographic Trends.


founded in 1866 for veterans of all ranks of the Union
Army, became the rst mass organization of American
veterans to exercise signicant political inuence. Although theoretically a non-partisan organization, it func-

tioned, in fact, as if it were an adjunct of the Republican

Party whose leaders urged veterans to vote as you shot.
Important national commanders included Senator John
A. Logan (18261886) and Wisconsin governor Lucius
Fairchild (18311896), both former generals who became
highly partisan Republican politicians. The latter called
upon God to palsy President Grover Cleveland for ordering some captured Confederate standards returned to
the appropriate southern states.
Relatively slow to grow in the immediate postwar
years, membership spurted during the 1880s, rising from
87,718 members in 1881 to a peak of 409,489 in 1890,
after which an inevitable decline set in. At its nal encampment, in 1949, only six members attended. The last
member died in 1956.
The GARs political inuence was demonstrated by
its successful advocacy before Congress of ever more generous pensions. Initially, it stressed benets it provided
for members. In many ways it resembled the proliferating
fraternal benet organizations, with which it competed
for members. But by the later 1870s, its stress shifted to
gaining governmental benets for its members. At the
time of the GARs rst major victory in Washingtonthe
passage of the so-called Arrears Act of 1879the cost of
veterans benets was about ten cents of every federal dollar; by 1893, such costs had risen to forty-three cents of
every dollar. Civil War pensions were then restricted to
benets for disabled veterans and widows of veterans.
In 1904, however, Theodore Roosevelts commissioner of
pensions issued an order declaring that old age is, ipso
facto, a disability, so that, at age sixty-two, veterans were
deemed 50 percent disabled, at age sixty-ve, 75 percent
disabled, and at age seventy disability was total. Any veteran who reached that age was entitled to twelve dollars
a month, a signicant amount for most Americans at a
time when the average annual wage was $490. By the eve
of American entry into World War I, the top pension had
risen to thirty dollars a month and a veterans widow was
entitled to twenty-ve dollars a month.
Most Southerners, many Democrats, and mugwumps
of every variety had long condemned the GAR and its
pension lobby. Carl Schurz, for example, a Union veteran
himself, wrote articles about The Pension Scandal, while
Charles Francis Adams insisted that every dead-beat, and
malingerer, every bummer, bounty-jumper, and suspected
deserter sought a pension.
During World War I, largely in reaction to their
memories of GAR-inspired pension abuse, two Southernborn Democrats, Woodrow Wilson and his son-in-law
William Gibbs McAdoo, tried to take the pension issue
out of postwar politics with a prototypical Progressive
measure. It provided military personnel with family allotments and the opportunity to purchase special cut-rate
war risk insurance, which Congress approved overwhelmingly. This did not, of course, prevent postwar
veteran-related legislation from becoming a political issue
until well into the Great Depression.




Daniels, Roger. The Bonus March: An Episode of the Great Depression. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1971. Chapter 1,
Something for the Boys, surveys veterans benets through
World War I.
Davies, Wallace E. Patriotism on Parade: The Story of Veterans and
Hereditary Organizations in America, 17831900. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1955. Relates the
GAR to its predecessors.
Dearing, Mary R. Veterans in Politics: The Story of the GAR. Baton
Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1952. Reprint,
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1974. A history that
focuses on the GARs lobbying role.
McConnell, Stuart C. Glorious Contentment: The Grand Army of
the Republic, 18651900. Chapel Hill: North Carolina University Press, 1992. A modern history, stressing the social
history of the GAR.
Skocpol, Theda. Americas First Social Security System: The
Expansion of Benets for Civil War Veterans. Political Science Quarterly 108 (1993): 85116. An imaginative interpretation.

Roger Daniels
See also Pensions, Military and Naval; Veterans Organizations.

GRAND BANKS. Several parts of the continental

shelf off the eastern coast of North America lie under less
than six hundred feet of water. Covering over fty thousand square miles, Newfoundlands Grand Banks is the
most extensive of these areas. Here, conditions favor the
growth of phytoplankton, minute organisms which are
the rst link in a food chain that includes a small sh
known as capelin, northern cod, and humans. In the
spring, the cod pursue the capelin when they move close
to the coast to spawn. It is here, inshore, that people have
been shing for cod for the longest time. Whether aboriginal Newfoundlanders, who rst arrived ve thousand
years ago, shed for cod is unclear. According to a 1529
account, the Beothuks did not do so. Possibly on the basis
of information dating from the earlier Viking voyages to
Newfoundland and points beyond around a.d. 1000, English and Portuguese vessels seem to have happened upon
these shing grounds even before the ofcial discoverer
of Newfoundland, John Cabot, noted their fabulous abundance in 1497. Soon, shers and merchants from the European Atlantic kingdoms had developed a seasonal inshore shery producing for southern European markets.
In this dry shery, crews split, salted, and dried the cod
on shore over the summer before returning to Europe.
Beginning around 1550, the French pioneered the wet
or green shery on the Banks proper, heavily salting the
cod on board and returning home directly. By the 1570s,
hundreds of vessels and thousands of men were active in
the two sheries.
In the seventeenth century, some of the French and
English who now dominated the shery began wintering


in Newfoundland. French residents were forced to leave

the island in the eighteenth century, although the French
migrant shery continued in northern Newfoundland. By
1815, English-speaking Newfoundlanders had largely replaced English migrant shers inshore. Offshore, schooners based in New England and Newfoundland had begun to make inroads on the Europeans vessels share of
the catch. By the later nineteenth century, the Europeans
were generally French, and Brazil had joined Europe and
the Caribbean as a major market. Pressure on the resource would increase over the long term. But it was no
doubt twentieth-century technology, especially the voracious factory-freezer ship introduced in the 1950s, that
put it at risk. Europeans, some of them from as far away
as Russia, returned in force to the Banks and even inshore
in the postWorld War II period, catching unprecedented
quantities of an already dwindling sh stock. Catches of
cod peaked in the late 1960s. Experts continue to weigh
the long-term effects of climatic change on cod populations, but they now agree that overshing was the primary
factor in the decline of the inshore and Banks sheries.
International sheries organizations and even the Canadian government, which imposed a two-hundred-mile
management zone covering most of the Grand Banks in
1977, were slow to act decisively to conserve the resource.
By 1992, the stock was so depleted that Canada was forced
to close its Grand Banks shery, putting thousands out of
work. Reopened in the late 1990s, the cod shery operates
in the early twenty-rst century on a severely reduced
scale. Recovery, if it happens at all, will take decades.
Meanwhile, in 1997, a consortium of companies began
tapping another of the Banks riches, the vast Hibernia
oil eld, discovered in 1979.

Gentilcore, R. Louis, ed. Historical Atlas of Canada. Vol. 2, The

Land Transformed, 18001891. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Harris, Michael. Lament for an Ocean: The Collapse of the Atlantic
Cod Fishery. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1998.
Historical Atlas of Canada. Vol.1, From the Beginning to 1800. Vol.
2, The Land Transformed, 18001891. Vol. 3, Addressing the
Twentieth Century, 18911961. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987, 1990, 1993.
Marshall, Ingeborg. A History and Ethnography of the Beothuk.
Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 1996.
Vickers, Daniel. Farmers and Fishermen. Two Centuries of Work in
Essex County, Massachusetts, 16301850. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994.
Wright, Miriam. A Fishery for Modern Times: The State and the
Industrialization of the Newfoundland Fishery, 19341968.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Thomas Wien
See also Cod Fisheries.

GRAND CANYON, a gorge of the Colorado River,

from four to eighteen miles wide and in places more than


Grand Canyon. A view of the Colorado River and a portion of the spectacular canyon walls.
National Archives and Records Administration

a mile deep, winding some 280 miles from Marble Canyon, near the Arizona-Utah line, to Grand Wash Cliffs in
northern Mohave County of Arizona.

headed a drive to prevent the erection of a dam at the

lower end of the canyon.

The rst written description of the canyon is Pedro

de Castanedas account of a small group of Spanish explorers who found it after hearing stories of a large canyon during a visit to the Hopis in 1540. The canyon was
little known until Lt. Joseph C. Ives and Dr. J. S. Newberry visited its lower end in April 1858 and brought back
the rst geological description of the region. Maj. John
Wesley Powell made the rst journey down the Colorado
River through the canyon with nine men, 24 May30 August 1869. Congress created Grand Canyon National
Park, 673,575 acres, on 26 February 1919, and two years
later the completion of a railroad from Williams, Arizona,
facilitated tourist travel to the canyon. In 1932, an additional 198,280 acres encompassing Toroweap Point of the
canyon was set aside as the Grand Canyon National
Monument. In 1966, the Sierra Club successfully spear-


Morehouse, Barbara J. A Place Called Grand Canyon: Contested

Geographies. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1996.
Pyne, Stephen J. How the Canyon Became Grand: A Short History.
New York: Viking, 1998.

Rufus Kay Wyllys / c. w.

See also Colorado River Explorations; Explorations and Expeditions: Spanish; National Park System; Tourism.


Street and Park Avenue in New York City, stands as a magnicent Beaux Arts monument to Americas railroad age.
At the heart of the terminal, the Grand ConcourseNew
York Citys secular cathedralserves as the crossroads for



Hailed at its opening in 1913 as the greatest railway

terminal in the world, the new Grand Central transformed the area around Forty-second Street into a harmonious blend of hotels, ofce buildings, and apartments,
many connected directly by underground passageways to
the terminal. Park Avenue, north of Grand Central, became New York Citys grand boulevard, lined with luxury
apartments and hotels built over the underground train
Despite Grand Centrals success, the New York Central and all of the nations railroads soon entered a period
of rapid decline. Grand Central suffered as the railroad
struggled for decades to remain solvent. As decline continued after World War II, the railroad in 1954 announced plans to destroy the terminal and replace the
Grand Concourse with a tall ofce building. New Yorkers
rallied to save Grand Central and New York City passed
its landmarks preservation law designating the building a
landmark. A bitter court battle ensued until the U.S. Supreme Court in 1978 upheld Grand Centrals landmark

Grand Central Terminal. Sunbeams shining through high

lunette windows illuminate parts of the vast Grand Concourse.
Hulton-Deutsch Collection /corbis

Deterioration continued during the long court battle

until the newly formed Metro-North Railroad assumed
operation of the terminal. Restoration plans were formulated and nancing secured to restore Grand Central.
On 1 October 1998, after the restoration was completed,
a rededication drew dignitaries and ordinary New Yorkers
to celebrate the rebirth of one of the citys glories: Grand
Central Terminal, the crossroads of New York City.
Kurt C. Schlichting

midtown Manhattan. The terminal and two-story underground train yard, stretching from Forty-second to Fiftysixth Streets between Madison and Lexington Avenues,
replaced the rst Grand Central constructed in 1871 by
Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt and his New York Central and Harlem Railroads.
In 1901, William J. Wilgus, the New York Centrals
chief engineer, proposed a multifaceted plan of stunning
complexity for a new facility. The railroad planned to
build a new terminal building and a two-story underground train yard and to electrify operations in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Westchester Counties. To pay for the
enormous cost, Wilgus proposed developing the air rights
over the two-story underground train yard by creating
luxury hotels, commercial ofce space, and apartments.
Excavation removed three million cubic feet of rock
and dirt. Construction of the underground train yard consumed thirty thousand tons of steel, three times more
than needed for the Eiffel Tower. Electrication proceeded in parallel with the construction. Whitney Warren
and the partnership of Charles Reed and Alan Stem of
Minneapolis designed the complex. Warren, trained at
the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, drew the plans for the
monumental terminal building on Forty-second Street to
serve as a magnicent gateway to New York.


See also New York City; Railroads.

GRAND OLE OPRY began in Nashville, Tennessee,

in November 1925 as weekly radio broadcasts playing old
time, or hillbilly (later called country and western), music
from the fth oor of the National Life and Accident
Insurance Company building. Founded by George Dewey
Hay, known on air as the Solemn Ol Judge, who had
helped organize a similar program in Chicago, the program was originally called the WSM (We Shield Millions) Barn Dance and became the enduring Grand Ole
Opry in 1928. The show thrived during the radio era of
the 1920s and grew with the emerging recording industry
and the advent of television. The popularity and expanded
exposure of Opry performers gave birth to live tours and
Opry lms. Many bluegrass and country and western performers were launched or promoted by the Opry, including Hank Williams Sr., the Carter Family, Ernest Tubb,
Bill Monroe, Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, Patsy Cline,
Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, and the comedienne Minnie
Pearl. One of the most enduring Opry careers was that of
Roy Acuff, who was with the Opry from the 1930s until
his death in 1992. In 1943, the Opry, after moving to successively larger venues, became a live stage show at the
Ryman Theater Auditorium in Nashville. It remained


there until 1974, when it moved to the 4,400-seat Grand

Ole Opry House at Opryland Amusement Park, an entertainment center on the outskirts of Nashville.

Dawidoff, Nicholas. In the Country of Country: A Journey to the

Roots of American Music. New York: Vintage Books, 1997.
Malone, Bill C. Country Music U.S.A. Austin: University of Texas
Press, 1985

Deirdre Sheets
See also Music: Bluegrass; Music: Country and Western.

More specically, through seven southern state constitutional amendments passed from 1895 to 1910, grandfather clauses exempted men who had the right to vote on
1 January 1867 or, in some states, those who had fought
in American wars and their descendants, from literacy or
property tests for voting. Proponents contended that poor,
illiterate whites would still be able to vote, while African
Americans, who could not vote in the South in 1866,
would again be disfranchised. Grandfather clauses were
temporary and were declared unconstitutional under the
Fifteenth Amendment by the U.S. Supreme Court in
Guinn and Beal v. United States (1915).

GRAND PORTAGE received its name from voyageurs, who found the nine miles between Lake Superior
and the Pigeon River the longest portage in their regular
canoe route from Montreal to the Rocky Mountains.
About 1780 the name came to mean the British North
West Company post at the lake end of the portage. At the
height of its prosperity, about 1795, Grand Portage had
a stockade, sixteen buildings, a pier, a canoe yard, a garden, domestic animals, and schooner connection with
Sault Ste. Marie. In 1804 the transfer of activities from
Grand Portage to Fort William, Ontario, occurred in accordance with Jays Treaty of 1794, thus ending Grand
Portages heyday.

Lass, William E. Minnesota: A History. New York: Norton, 1998.

Grace Lee Nute / a. e.

See also North West Company; Voyageurs.

GRAND PRAIRIE, a geographical division of north

Texas extending about 200 miles south from the Red
River, two to three counties in width. The Grand Prairie,
in combination with the Black Prairie, formed the Cretaceous Prairies of Texas. Deep, clay subsoil covered most
of the Grand Prairie, and, along with the dense root structure of prairie grasses, posed a formidable challenge to
early settlers interested in farming. The Grand Prairies
period of settlement and county organization was 1846
1858. Its luxuriant grass made it the rst important cattlegrazing region of Texas, and the quality of its soil and
nearness to timber made it an early prairie farming area.

Connor, Seymour V. Texas: A History. New York: Crowell, 1971.

Greer, J. K. Grand Prairie. Dallas, Tex.: Tardy, 1935.

L. W. Newton / f. h.
See also Agriculture; Cattle; Prairie.

Kousser, J. Morgan. The Shaping of Southern Politics: Suffrage Restriction and the Establishment of the One-Party South, 1880
1910. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1974.

J. Morgan Kousser
See also Disfranchisement.

GRANGER CASES. In the face of increasing activism calling for the regulation of railway rates by the
Grangers (members of the National Grange of the Order
of Patrons of Husbandry) and other groups, several Midwestern states asserted regulatory authority over the railroad industry, enacting what were known as the Granger
Laws. Illinoiss 1870 constitution called for the state legislature to prevent unjust discrimination and extortion
in freight and passenger rates, and Illinois, along with
Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota moved to regulate railroads and warehouses within their borders. Most of the
state laws were poorly drawn and were eventually appealed as the railroads created uniform rates by raising
them to the maximum allowed by law.
Illinoiss regulations were the strongest and became
the subject of Munn v. Illinois (1877), the most important
of the eight Granger Cases. Fourteen Chicago warehouses, including that of the Munn Brothers, stored the
grain produced by seven states. In Munn v. Illinois, the
Court was asked to determine whether the state could
regulate a private industry that served a public function.
In a 5 to 4 decision, the Court sided with Illinois and
established the Public Interest Doctrine, declaring that
states could properly regulate private entities that served
a public function. Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite, writing for the Court, declared that when one devotes his
property to a use in which the public has an interest, he,
in effect, grants to the public an interest in that use, and
must submit to be controlled by the public for the public
good. Nationwide, other states followed suit, and the
movement eventually gave rise to federal regulatory entities such as the Interstate Commerce Commission.

GRANDFATHER CLAUSE, a legal provision exempting someone from a new qualication or regulation.

Cashman, Sean Dennis. America in the Gilded Age: From the

Death of Lincoln to the Rise of Theodore Roosevelt. New York:
New York University Press, 1993.



Ely, James W., Jr. The Chief Justiceship of Melville W. Fuller,

18881910. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press,

R. Volney Riser
See also Interstate Commerce Commission; Public Interest

GRANGER MOVEMENT. The Granger movement grew out of a farmers lodge, the Patrons of Husbandry, founded in 1867 by Oliver Hudson Kelley. While
employed by the Department of Agriculture, Kelley made
a tour of the South and was struck by the enslavement of
southern farmers to outworn methods of agriculture. He
believed the situation could best be remedied by an organization that would bring farmers together in groups
for the study and discussion of their problems. Accordingly, with the help of a few interested friends, he devised
a secret ritualistic order, equally open to women and to
men, and became its rst organizer. Each local unit, or
Grange, was admonished to select among its ofcers a
lecturer, whose duty should be to provide some educational diversion, such as a lecture or a paper, for every
In 1868 Kelley started west for his home in Minnesota and began recruiting among his former neighbors.
His organization won adherents, less for its social and
educational advantages than for the opportunity it presented for farmers to unite against railroads and elevators
and to institute cooperative methods of buying and selling. By the end of 1869 there were thirty-seven active
Granges in Minnesota. A year later, the order expanded
into nine states. During the panic of 1873 there were
Granges in every state of the Union but four. Membership claims reached a maximum during the mid-1870s of
about 800,000, with the total number of Granges estimated at about 20,000. The center of Granger activity
remained during the entire period in the grain-growing
region of the upper Mississippi Valley.
The grievances that drove the northwestern farmers
into these organizations grew out of their almost complete dependence on outside markets for the disposal of
their produce and on corporation-owned elevators and
railroads for its handling. The high prices that accompanied the Civil War in the United States and the Bismarckian wars in Europe enabled the farmers, during
those wars, to pay the high charges the corporations exacted. After these conicts, when prices began to drop,
the grain growers found themselves in acute distress. In
1869 they paid at the rate of 52.5 cents a bushel to send
grain from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic seaboard
and nearly half as much to send it from an Iowa or
Minnesota farm to Chicago. Elevators, often owned by
the railroads, charged high prices for their services,
weighed and graded grain without supervision, and used
their inuence with the railroads to ensure that cars were


not available to farmers who sought to evade elevator

Rumblings of farmer revolt began in the late 1860s,
and in 1869 the legislature of Illinois passed an act that
required the railroads to charge only just, reasonable,
and uniform rates. The act, however, provided no adequate means of enforcement, and nothing came of it. The
next year, Illinois adopted a new constitution in which the
legislature was authorized to make laws to correct railway
abuses and extortions. Acting on this authority, the legislature of 1871 set maximum freight and passenger rates
and established a board of railroad and warehouse commissioners to enforce them. These laws the railroads atly
refused to obey, a position in which they were sustained
by the state supreme court. In late 1873, however, a more
carefully drawn law ran the gauntlet of a revised supreme
court, for in the meantime at a judicial election the angered farmers had replaced one of the offending judges
with a judge more Granger-minded.
By that time, the Grange had become far more political than educational in nature and, ably assisted by a
host of unafliated farmers clubs, was in the thick of the
ght for state regulation of railroads and elevators. At
Granger lodge meetings and picnics, farmers exhorted
one another to nominate and elect to ofce only those
who shared their views. In case corporation control over
the Republican and Democratic Parties could not be
overthrown, they planned to form independent, reform,
or antimonopoly parties through which to carry on the
ght. So many farmers made Independence Day 1873 an
occasion for airing these views that the celebration was
long remembered as the Farmers Fourth of July. On that
day, many rural audiences listened with approval to the
reading of a Farmers Declaration of Independence,
which recited farmers grievances and asserted their determination to use the power of the state to free themselves from the tyranny of monopoly. Victories at the polls
led to the passage of a series of so-called Granger laws for
the regulation of railroads and warehouses, not only in
Illinois but also in several other northwestern states.
These measures were not always well drawn, and for the
most part they were soon repealed or drastically modied.
Nevertheless, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Munn v. Illinois
and a number of other cases, all decided in 1877, sustained
the Granger contention that businesses of a public nature
could, in accordance with the federal Constitution, be
subjected to state regulationa precedent of far-reaching
Equally important as the political activities of the
various Granges were their business ventures. Granges
founded numerous cooperative elevators, creameries, and
general stores, although most of these establishments
failed to survive the ruthless competition of private business. The Granges tried many other experiments also,
such as buying through purchasing agents or through
dealers who quoted special prices to Grangers, patronizing mail-order houses, and manufacturing farm machin-


ery. The last-mentioned undertaking, ill conceived and

overdone, resulted in serious nancial reverses and had
much to do with the sudden decline in Granger popularity that, beginning about 1876, brought the movement to
an untimely end.
Despite its short span of life, the Granger movement
had taught farmers many things. They had learned that
their political power, when they chose to use it, was great.
They found that business cooperatives, although hazardous, might limit the toll paid to middlemen and that such
social and educational activities as the Grange had fostered could greatly brighten rural life. The Patrons of
Husbandry as a lodge survived the Granger movement,
won new eastern adherents to replace the western deserters, and in the twentieth century even recovered some
of its inuence in politics.

Buck, Solon J. The Agrarian Crusade. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1920.
. The Granger Movement. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1963.
Cartensen, Vernon R., ed. Farmer Discontent, 18651900. New
York: Wiley, 1974.
Marti, Donald B. Women of the Grange. New York: Greenwood
Press, 1991.
Nordin, Dennis S. Rich Harvest: A History of the Grange, 1867
1900. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1974.
Woods, Thomas A. Knights of the Plow: Oliver H. Kelley and the
Origins of the Grange in Republican Ideology. Ames: Iowa State
University Press, 1991.

John D. Hicks / h. s.
See also Agrarianism; Farmers Institutes; Munn v. Illinois; Patrons of Husbandry; Populism.

GRANTS-IN-AID. A general term for money given

to state or local governments by Congress. In many cases,
grants are earmarked for specic purposes (these are called
categorical grants). The federal government uses grantsin-aid to induce states and cities to fund programs they
show little interest in or cannot afford. The rst grants
(1862) were land grants to states for public universities.
During the New Deal, impoverished cities received federal money for a variety of initiatives (public housing
and unemployment insurance, for example). Since World
War II, the practice has grown increasingly common. In
the late-1990s, Congress appropriated more than $200
billion annually (about 15 percent of federal spending) for

Brown, Lawrence D., James W. Fossett, and Kenneth T. Palmer.

The Changing Politics of Federal Grants. Washington, D.C.:
Brookings Institution, 1984.

Jeremy Derfner

GRASSHOPPERS regularly destroyed crops from the

start of American agriculture to the early 1950s. These
insects fall roughly into migratory and nonmigratory
groups. Although migratory grasshoppers (locusts) generally did the most damage, every species caused problems in some part of America. Locusts usually attacked
sparsely settled regions, while nonmigratory species typically struck more settled regions. Especially serious attacks
occurred in New England in 1743, 1749, 1754, and 1756
and recurred into the nineteenth century, especially in Vermont and Maine. California missions suffered heavily several times in the 1820s, as did farms in Missouri and Minnesota. Grasshoppers appeared in the Great Basin and
on the Great Plains in 1855 and at odd intervals thereafter. The great grasshopper plagues of the Plains occurred in 18741876. The need for research to prevent
attacks factored signicantly into the 1863 creation of the
Division of Entomology (renamed the Bureau of Entomology in 1904) in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The hopperdozer, a device for catching and killing
insects, made its rst recorded appearance in 1878, but it
may have been used as early as 1858. It consisted of a
shallow pan on skids with a large screen behind the pan,
which farmers pulled across elds. Grasshoppers jumped
up, hit the screen, and fell into a pan lled with kerosene
or poison. Farmers used hopperdozers well into the twentieth century. Control by bran and molasses mixed with
arsenic remained the chief means of effective control until
the discovery of the hydrocarbon insecticides, such as
chlordane, in the mid-1940s.
In the twentieth century the worst grasshopper attacks occurred in 1931, 1934, 1936, and 1939. The worst
of these was the 1936 invasion, which destroyed crops
and forage on a grand scale throughout the Midwest and
South and especially on the Great Plains. The menace of
grasshoppers declined during World War II, and thereafter the use of new insecticides has kept grasshoppers in

Schlebecker, J. T. Grasshoppers in American Agricultural History. Agricultural History 27 (1953): 8593.

Sorensen, W. Conner. Brethren of the Net: American Entomology,
18401880. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1995.

John T. Schlebecker / c. w.
See also Agriculture, Department of; Insecticides and Herbicides.

GRAY PANTHERS. In 1970, Maggie Kuhn organized a group of recently retired friends to discuss the
challenges facing retirees, including loss of income, uncertain social roles, and lack of networking opportunities,
but also a newfound independence, such as speaking out
against the Vietnam War. After a New York talk show
producer nicknamed them the Gray Panthers, Kuhns



group struck a nerve with other retirees, who wanted to

join. The Gray Panthers used the media to gain a national
forum for issues ranging from race relations to healthcare reform. As membership grew, the group organized
local networks and in 1985 opened a public policy ofce
in Washington, D.C.

Kuhn, Maggie. No Stone Unturned: The Life and Times of Maggie

Kuhn. New York: Ballantine, 1991.

Bob Batchelor
See also Old Age; Retirement.

GREAT AWAKENING. Some historians denominate essentially all revivalistic activity in Britains North
American colonies between 1740 and 1790 as the Great
Awakening, but the term more properly refers only to
those revivals associated with the itinerant Anglican
preacher George Whiteeld that occurred between 1739
and 1745. Evangelicals in Britain as well as America attended to Whiteelds perambulations on both sides of
the Atlantic, giving the Awakening an international dimension; indeed, American events made up just one portion of a trans-European movement among eighteenthcentury Protestants to exalt spiritual experience as faiths
hallmark as opposed to adherence to systematized creeds
and catechisms.
The Awakening elaborated upon strains of revivalism
that had been developing piecemeal within Reformed
Protestant traditions. As far back as the 1680s, Solomon
Stoddard had hosted refreshings within the Congregational church in Northampton, Massachusetts, elevating parishioners religious and moral commitment by
heightening their fear of hell while emphasizing that salvation could be obtained only through conversion (the
New Birth)the Holy Spirits infusion of grace into the
soul. His grandson, Jonathan Edwards, anatomized the
process, detailing how, with Gods help, a minister heading a settled congregationthe New England norm
might inspire multiple conversions relatively quickly. During the 1720s, Theodorus Frelinghuysen initiated a similar
interest in heart-religion among New Jerseys Dutch
Reformed churches. His example animated Gilbert Tennent, a Pennsylvania Presbyterian whose father, William,
similarly advocated the importance of conversion at his
Neshaminy seminary. The Tennents preaching warmed
Presbyterian settlers from Scotland and Ulster who were
accustomed to holding Sacramental Seasonsfour-day
devotions climaxed by highly affective celebrations of the
Lords Supper. Reformed churches had thus independently discovered various means of inducing collective
conversions through heightened religious excitement before Whiteeld commenced his second American tour in
1739. Whiteelds unique contribution was to foment religious excitement in all of these traditions simultaneously,
make them each fully cognizant of the others, exaggerate


George Whitefield. The English evangelist. Nominally an

Anglican priest but in practice a Reformed Protestant who led
the Calvinistic Methodist Church for a time, he spread the
revivalism called the Great Awakening throughout the
American colonies and England between 1739 and 1745.
Getty Images

the behavioral manifestations of the New Birth, and demonstrate the degree to which highly effusive appeals to
large audiences could stimulate conversion and recruit the
Whiteeld appropriated secular culture in order to
challenge it. Condemning the stage for diverting playgoers from God, he dramatized both the Word and himself theatrically. Critical of the Consumption Revolution brought about by both middle-class arrogations of
aristocratic taste and burgeoning industrial production
because it lured people into luxuriousness, he took advantage of the emerging transatlantic press, itself a market
phenomenon, to advertise the Gospel while commodifying himself. An apostle for spontaneously seizing grace,
he calculated his evangelical campaigns carefully, pioneering the use of advance men to announce his movements and the printed wordhis own journals and others press reportsto trumpet his progress. In less than
two years, he visited every province from Georgia to New
Hampshire, attracting the largest crowds anyone in those
colonies had ever witnessed. His ordination notwithstanding, Whiteeld preferred Reformed Protestant predestinarianism to the Church of Englands Arminianism, but
in the pulpit he downplayed dogma and minimized the
importance of denominational afliation to stress the necessity of being born again. He wanted just Christians,
he said, and anyone willing to take Christ by faith would


qualify. Capable, remarked contemporary actor David

Garrick, of moving audiences to paroxysms simply by
pronouncing Mesopotamia, Whiteeld excited thousands to manifest their conversion by shrieking, groaning,
laughing, or singing. Preaching often to people who, unlike New Englanders, belonged either to churches that
did not emphasize conversion or to no church at all, he
characterized the New Birth as a decision for Christ that
any believer could make in deance or in the absence of
clerical authority, an act manifested by a brief, highly
charged (even convulsive) experience that conferred salvation but did not, as for Puritans, also energize the believer to reform society morally. This shift toward a normative understanding of conversion as occurring outside
a settled ecclesiastical order identies an emergent evangelical conception of the New Birth as essentially an individualized experience.
Whiteeld did not fare well in the South, where he
angered Anglicans by chastising them for ignoring conversion and slaveowners for keeping Christ from their
slaves (though he never condemned slavery itself ). He enjoyed greater inuence among northern Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and German Reformed,
all churches with conversionist traditions. Anglicans,
Quakers, and German sectarians, all non-Reformed Protestants, paid him little heed, as of course did the smattering of Roman Catholics. Increasingly, however, Whiteeld in particular and revivalism in general came under re
for promoting discord rather than godliness. In his wake,
churches were disrupted by itinerant preachers inveighing
against unconverted ministers and by New Lights censoring congregants deemed unregenerate. Under such
strains the Presbyterians schismed from 1741 to 1758,
and the Congregational Standing Order lost one-third of
its churches, many of which ultimately became Baptist.
Whiteeld suffered a tepid reception when he returned
to America in 1744, and by the next year, the colonists
had turned their attention to saving their skins from the
French rather than their souls from the Devil.
The Great Awakening created a new denition of a
revival of religion as a specic event manifesting Gods
gracious dispensation toward a church, town, or people.
It elevated the rate of conversion, but a drop in succeeding
years suggests that it accelerated the pace of church membership only temporarily, by lowering the age at which
people already likely to convert claimed Christ rather
than by attracting a substantial number of outsiders to
the churches. Discovery that church-formation continued
briskly before and after the 1740s intimates that the
Awakening did not have such a prominent impact on
Christianizing the American people as had been supposed. The Awakening did mark an important attempt to
proselytize Amerindians and Africans, though the numbers baptized were quite small, but it had no discernible
effect on the American Revolution, none of whose ideology, politics, or organization of protest can be traced
directly to revivalism. Most important, the Awakening did

demonstrate the revivals power to recruit large numbers

of church members during a short period of time. The
Whiteeldian modelmore effective for spurring conversion and cohering churches among the trans-Appalachian
Wests dispersed, unorganized populations than its Edwardsean counterpartwould become the engine driving
the evangelization of nineteenth-century America.

Crawford, Michael J. Seasons of Grace: Colonial New Englands

Revival Tradition in Its British Context. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1991.
Lambert, Frank. Inventing the Great Awakening. Princeton,
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999.
Schmidt, Leigh Eric. Holy Fairs: Scottish Communions and American Revivals in the Early Modern Period. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1989.
Ward, W. R. The Protestant Evangelical Awakening. Cambridge,
Mass.: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Charles L. Cohen
See also Evangelicalism and Revivalism.

GREAT BASIN. On his rst expedition to the

189,000-square-mile region that he named the Great Basin, 18431844, John Charles Fremont explored the rim
of that area, which lies between the Wasatch Mountains
on the east and the Sierra Nevada on the west, including
most of Nevada and the western third of Utah. Fremont
was in search of the mythical Buenaventura River.
The second expedition, 18451846, was organized
for the purpose of exploring the Great Basin more fully.
Fremont and his party set out south and west of the
Great Salt Lake and crossed the Great Salt Desert into
central Nevada. There he divided his party. Edward Kern
went southwest, while Fremont and his group went northwest to California. The expeditions collected scientic
data, made sketches of the scenery, and noted unusual
physical features. Fremont named many rivers, lakes,
springs, mountains, passes, and deserts in the Great Basin,
generally after the members of his expeditions.
The early emigrant trails and cutoffs across the Great
Basin branched off the Oregon Trail at South Pass, Wyoming. The Salt LakeLos Angeles road turned southwest at Salt Lake, continued to the Virgin River, and extended southwest over the Old Spanish Trail. At the
Virgin River, Williams short route, or light-hand road,
turned west across Nevada to Death Valley. Another important offshoot, the Humboldt Trail, crossed the FortyMile desert to the Carson River and from there followed
mountain passes into California. The Great Basin was
threaded with ramications of these trails and cutoffs and
was heavily traveled by early emigrants.

Coy, Owen Cochran. The Great Trek. Los Angeles: Powell Publishing, 1931.



Faragher, John Mack. Women and Men on the Overland Trail. New
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979.
Unruh, John D. The Plains Across: The Overland Emigrants and
the Trans-Mississippi West, 184060. Urbana: University of
Illinois Press, 1979.

Efe Mona Mack / a. r.

See also Fremont Explorations; Gold Rush, California.


professor John Erskine began teaching a radical course
on literatures great books, discarding the weightiness
of scholarship to allow students to engage in critical conversation about the texts. In 1931 his former student Mortimer Adler, with President Robert M. Hutchins of the
University of Chicago, began a similar course. Combating
trends toward academic specialization, they sought to provide core humanistic training and a democratic foundation for society. Widely implemented by universities, programs based on the Great Books remain a key part of
core curricula. Hutchins and Adler created a program for
adults in 1947 with the establishment of the Great Books
Foundation. Based on cooperative learning, or shared
inquiry, the program motivates participants to think critically about the texts, spurred by curiosity rather than the
proddings of an instructor. Great Books discussion groups
were especially popular with the middle class through the
1950s1970s, but interest tapered off in the 1980s. The
foundation started its Junior Program in 1962, expanding
it to the classroom in 1992 to integrate reading, writing,
and discussion. The foundations goals include enlarging
the Great Books canon to include non-Western works
and rejuvenating interest in discussion groups. Hutchins
and Adlers legacy continued through their editions of the
Encyclopaedia Britannicas Great Books of the Western World,
used extensively in seminar courses and discussion groups.

Adler, Mortimer J. Reforming Education: The Opening of the American Mind. New York: Macmillan, 1988.
Ashmore, Harry S. Unseasonable Truths: The Life of Robert Maynard Hutchins. Boston: Little, Brown, 1989.
The Great Conversation Continues: The Great Books Foundation 19471997. Chicago: Great Books Foundation,

Meaghan M. Dwyer


United Kingdom and the United States have shared a
faith in commercial and geographic expansion and in
rights guaranteed by written laws, commonalities of religion and language, and a belief that each was a chosen
people destined to rule whole continents. Commercial
competition and conicting aspirations for the Western
Hemisphere made the two frequent rivals throughout the


nineteenth century. It took opposition to common adversaries through two world wars and the Cold War to develop the special relationship with which they entered the
twenty-rst century.
In 1776, 90 percent of white colonists traced their
roots to Protestant immigrants from Britain. After the
French and Indian War (17541763), however, London
damaged these bonds by limiting westward expansion and
through heavy taxation. Armed with predictions that their
population would double in every generation, revolutionaries such as Benjamin Franklin preached that demography held the key to independence and to eventual continental dominance.
More than 30 percent of Americans remained loyal
to the British Crown throughout the Revolution (1775
1783), and rebel leaders justied their revolt as a defense
of rights guaranteed to free Britons. Theirs was not a fratricidal attempt to sever ties with the British people,
Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, it was instead a war waged solely against Britains
tyrannical King George III. This intermingling of loyalties and war aims has led many historians to consider the
conict more a transatlantic British civil war than a traditional revolution.
Americas 1778 accord with France, Britains traditional enemy, marked the diplomatic turning point of the
war. French money and naval power enabled George
Washingtons continental armies to win a decisive victory
at Yorktown in 1781. London soon sued for peace, and
American diplomats agreed to terms on 30 November
1782, breaking their promise to France that they would
not sign a separate accord. Franklin and his fellow diplomats believed their country needed British trade to
prosper and an accessible frontier to grow, and the 1783
Peace of Paris promised both. It gave Americans access
to valuable Newfoundland shing grounds and a western
boundary of the Mississippi River in exchange for guarantees protecting loyalists and British debts. With peace
in hand, a bitter Parliament moved immediately to contain future Yankee expansion, by refusing to relinquish
forts on the American side of the Canadian border, and
by closing the lucrative West Indies to American traders.
Peace only reinforced the new countrys position as
Britains economic vassal, as Americans purchased three
times what they sold to Britain in 1783 alone. A postwar
depression brought on in part by Parliaments punitive
measures invigorated investment in domestic manufacturing and spurred the search for alternative markets,
however, while also aiding proponents of a federal government powerful enough to regulate foreign trade. By
1795, the percentage of American imports originating in
Britain had declined from nearly 90 percent to a more
manageable 35 percent (where it remained until the 1850s),
accounting for nearly 20 percent of Britains overall trade.
Across the Atlantic, the embarrassing defeat in North
America prompted Parliament to implement naval and
nancial reforms, and helped reorient Londons imperial


aspirations toward India and Asia, changes that enabled

Britains eventual triumph over Napoleonic France. The
defeat at Yorktown, therefore, paradoxically sewed the
seeds of victory at Waterloo, just as British economic efforts to weaken and divide its former colonies after 1783
helped spawn the more cohesive federal constitution.
Relations with the New Nation
Dependence on Atlantic trade soon brought Europes troubles to America. The 1789 French Revolution sparked a
series of bloody wars that ravaged Europe for a generation. Many Americans initially saw opportunity in the Old
Worlds woes, but dreams of political isolation vanished
as French and British raiders preyed on American vessels.
Britain seized 250 American ships in 1793 alone, risking
war and disrupting the tariff fees considered vital to Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamiltons national nancial
program. President George Washington dispatched Chief
Justice John Jay to London in search of a peaceful solution, but Britain refused to cease badgering American
ships or to halt the hated impressment of American crews
into the Royal Navy. Jay did win trade concessions in India and procured another British pledge to relinquish its
Canadian strongholds. His work was harshly criticized at
home for his failure to secure neutral shipping rights, but
Jays Treaty solidied American claims to the Ohio Valley and opened commercial routes so lucrative that American vessels carried 70 percent of Indias trade by 1801.
The Napoleonic Wars drew America deeper into the
European conict, and French and American ships waged
an undeclared war by 1799. British warships temporarily
convoyed Yankee vessels lled with grain for British soldiers ghting in Spain, but this Anglo-American rapprochement was short-lived. Britain embargoed European ports controlled by Napoleon in 1807, in counter to
Frances 1806 embargo on British trade. Trapped between
two European juggernauts, the United States could do
little to protect its vessels against a British eet that possessed three ships for every American cannon. President
Thomas Jefferson responded with an embargo of his own
on European trade in 1807, but when sanctions failed and
British naval impressment continued to rise, a sharply divided Congress declared war in 1812.
The War of 1812 solved little, but, although British
marines burned Washington, D.C., the United States
proved its permanence. Britain could not conquer it, nor
would Americans forsake their claims to Maine and the
Northwest. Freed from the fear of European invasion after hostilities ended with the 1814 Treaty of Ghent, the
United States could nally turn its attention fully toward
development and expansion. By 1820, more people lived
in states formed after 1789 than had lived in the entire
country in 1776. The focus of Anglo-American relations
moved west as well. Settlers from both countries poured
into new territories as distant as Oregon, aided by boundary settlements such as the 1817 Rush-Bagot Pact, which
demilitarized the Great Lakes and the United States

Canadian border in the East, and the Anglo-American

Convention of 1818 that established the forty-ninth parallel as the border to the Rocky Mountains in the West.
These were mutually advantageous pacts: stability allowed
Britain to save money and troops for more daunting imperial trouble spots, while Americans believed their demographic advantages ensured eventual dominance over any
accessible land.
British ofcials hoped to counter Washingtons territorial gains with growing commercial power throughout
the Western Hemisphere. In 1823, Britains foreign minister, George Canning, offered President James Monroe
a joint declaration forbidding further European colonization in the New World in exchange for a promise that
neither country would annex more Latin American territory. Monroe refused. He longed for Texas and Cuba,
and realized that London would prevent further French,
Spanish, or Russian expansion into potential British markets no matter what America promised. Monroe therefore
unilaterally declared the New World off limits, a policy
later called the Monroe Doctrine.
Anglo-American expansion into Oregon Territory, a
landmass larger than France, Germany, and Hungary
combined, brought the two countries close to war in the
1840s. London could not stem the tide of American settlers, and American hawks urged President James Polk to
claim the entire region, Canadian areas included, but he
blinked rst when London mobilized its eet for war.
The ensuing 1846 Oregon Treaty peacefully extended the
Canadian-American border along the forty-ninth parallel
to the Pacic, providing the United States with the Columbia River and Puget Sound, while Britain retained
Vancouver Island. Growing British and American interests
in Latin America prompted the 1850 Clayton-Bulwer
Treaty, whereby each nation promised equal access to
any future isthmian canal. When coupled with the Monroe Doctrine, this accord highlights each nations willingness to work together rather than see a third power gain
inuence in the New World.

The American Civil War and the Path to

Americas bloody Civil War (18611865) nearly extinguished the trend toward Anglo-American cooperation.
Britain had banned slavery in 1833, and pervasive abolitionism made Britons overwhelmingly supportive of the
Union cause. Yet Confederate statesmen presumed Britains ravenous appetite for cotton (more than 80 percent
of which came from the South) would bring London to
their aid. They were terribly mistaken. Londons recognition of the Confederacy as a warring belligerent infuriated the North, however, and British ofcials vigorously
protested the Unions seizure of two Southern diplomats
from the British ship Trent in 1862. President Abraham
Lincolns release of the men defused the crisis, though not
before Britain had dispatched troops to protect Canada.



Following the war, friendly diplomacy ruled AngloAmerican relations for thirty years. Diplomatic lethargy
did nothing to halt growing Anglo-American ties, including the fashionable trend of intermarriages between Americas nouveau riche and the upper crust of British society
that produced the prime ministers Winston Churchill and
Harold Macmillan, among others. Anglo-American culture fused during this period as at no time since the
Revolution. Nathaniel Hawthorne and Ralph Waldo Emerson were read as frequently as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and John Greenleaf Whittier in both countries,
and actors from London and New York plied their trade
equally in each. It was not until 1896 that a crisis threatened these amiable relations, when Washington exed its
growing might in Latin America by demanding arbitration for a boundary dispute between British Guinea and
Venezuela. London eventually conceded to Washingtons
demands, a symbolic concession that America had become the hemispheres dominant power.
The Venezuela crisis marked the last instance Britain
and America threatened each other with war. In all, arbitration diffused 126 Anglo-American disputes before
1900, and the twentieth century began with talk of AngloSaxonism and of shared Anglo-American strategic interests. In 1898, Secretary of State John Hay termed friendly
Anglo-American relations the one indispensable feature
of our foreign policy. British leaders wholly agreed with
Hays assessment, ceding control of the Western Hemisphere to the United States in the 1900s (after gaining
access to Americas future isthmian canal through the
1901 Hay-Pauncefote Treaties) by removing their last
troops from Canada and the West Indies in 1906. Britains
support of Hays 1899 call for an open door in China
for foreign investment symbolized Londons growing willingness to follow Washingtons international lead, and
British and American troops fought side-by-side to suppress Chinas 1901 Boxer Rebellion.
Allies of a Kind
Europe plunged once more into war in 1914, and President Woodrow Wilson declared his country neutral, in
thought as well as in action. Most Americans, however,
sided with the Allied cause. Germany threatened American interests in Latin America and the Pacic, and whereas
the Allied blockade of the Central Powers (mildly) hindered American trade, Germanys submarine (U-boat) assaults on transatlantic shipping risked American lives and
livelihoods. When Berlin began unrestricted submarine
warfare in 1917, the United States entered the conict.
Anglo-American nancial ties made American intervention inevitable. Britain engaged $3.5 billion in American loans to nance the war, and American exports to the
Allies doubled in every year of the conict, reaching $4
billion by 1917. The Central Powers received less than
one-tenth that amount. These fruits of Americas industrial might, and the service of more than one million
American infantrymen in France (where some 50,000 lost


their lives) helped secure the Allied victory, while the conict transformed the United States from a net debtor to
a net creditor. Americas share of world trade rose from
12.5 percent in 1914 to 25 percent in 1920, while Britains
share tumbled from 15.4 percent to 11.8 percent. This
nancial reversal highlights the wars most signicant affect on Anglo-American relations, as the United States
nally became unquestionably the stronger power.
Victory revealed Anglo-American divisions and the
limits of American power. Wilson rejected the imperialist
war aims of Britain and France, and called America their
wartime associate rather than their ally. He considered
the devastating war an opportunity to reform Europes
devious diplomatic style in favor of a more democratic
international system, though he was not above using
Americas newfound nancial might to get his way. Armed
with Fourteen Points with which to remake the world,
Wilsons idealism ran headlong into European pragmatists, chief among them Britains prime minister, Lloyd
George. His constituents demanded spoils for their victory, George said. They had suffered three million dead
and wounded, while in America not a shack had been
destroyed. He rejected Wilsons demands for a lenient
German peace settlement and for decolonization, leaving
the British Empire intact and the president without a
treaty acceptable to his Senate.
Despite isolationist claims to the contrary, Americans
in the 1920s engaged the world as never before. New York
replaced London as the worlds nancial center and the
globes leading investor, and the number of American visitors to Europe leaped from 15,000 in 1912 to 251,000 in
1929. These newcomers were not always welcomed, especially after Washington refused to cancel Londons war
debt. British critics considered their spilled blood to be
payment enough, and they railed against the commercial
invasion from across the Atlantic. They complained
that 95 percent of movies shown on British screens in
1925 came from Hollywood, and rebuffed visiting Yankee
executives preaching efciency and standardization
as replacements for traditional production techniques.
Americanization itself became a profane word in many
British circles, though Americas commercial and cultural
inuence seemed omnipresent.
These economic tensions did not preclude AngloAmerican cooperation, and the two nations led the charge
for naval disarmament throughout the 1920s. Yet, hamstrung by the Great Depression and by Americas failure
to join the League of Nations, the two countries refused
to coordinate in punishing Japans invasion of Manchuria
in 1931, or to enforce German compliance with postwar
treaties. By the mid-1930s, London and Washington had
each erected restrictive trade barriers in self-defeating efforts to combat the global economic contagion. Convinced that trade had pulled their country into Europes
past wars, Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts limiting future American nancial ties to warring nations.


Americans could therefore only watch as Europe moved

once more toward war.
The Special Relationship
Unlike Wilson a generation before, President Franklin
Roosevelt rejected strict neutrality when war broke out in
1939. He considered Britain to be Americas best defense
against Germany, and he circumvented the Neutrality
Acts by authorizing cash and carry sales, whereby London paid up front for goods and transported them on
British ships. Roosevelt went even further a year later,
directing the transfer of fty aging destroyers to the Royal
Navy in exchange for British bases. Such aid proved insufcient. The moment approaches when we shall no
longer be able to pay, Prime Minister Winston Churchill
secretly cabled Roosevelt in 1940, who responded with
the lend-lease program, which ultimately provided nearly
$21 billion in wartime aid.
The two countries were de facto allies long before
the United States entered the war. They had coordinated
military policy since 1938, especially for protection against
a new generation of U-boats, and they shared war aims
published as the Atlantic Charter four months before
the Pearl Harbor attack. They promised victory would
bring worldwide self-determination, freedom of the seas,
freedom from want and fear, and unfettered access to
global resources, each of these attacks against fascism but
also against colonialism. A sworn imperialist, Churchills
need for American aid forced him to accept Washingtons
leadership in dening these goals, and this pattern of
American dominance continued throughout the war. An
American, Dwight D. Eisenhower, commanded Allied
troops in Europe, while Washington controlled the war
in the Pacic and the eventual occupation of Japan. Britain left the war in nancial ruin; America left the war as
the worlds most powerful state.
American diplomats again hoped to remake the world
in their image. They began with Britain, and demanded
that London open its empire to American goods as the
price of postwar aid. Just as in 1918, Washington proved
uninterested in absolving British war debts as payment for
wartime sacrices, and Britain reluctantly negotiated a
further $3.5 billion in much-needed American reconstruction aid in 1945. Three years later, their funds exhausted, British diplomats led the way in seeking Marshall Plan aid for Europe as a whole. In atomic weapons,
too, Britain gave way, this time to an American monopoly,
despite their collaborative wartime effort to split the atom,
and despite American assurances that atomic energy would
be a collaborative affair at wars end.
The Cold War gave London and Washington little
recourse but to work together against global communism,
and indeed the story of their Cold War relationship is one
of long-term mutual dependence trumping short-term
disagreements. They jointly broke the Soviet Unions
blockade of Berlin in 19481949; they led the United Nations effort in the Korean War (19501953); and they

Special Relationship. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

(left) and President Ronald Reagan, close conservative allies in
the 1980s, pose with their respective spouses, Dennis Thatcher
and Nancy Reagan, at the White House. UPI/corbisBettmann

helped charter the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(NATO), designed to thwart Soviet advances in Europe.
Although publicly allied at nearly every turn, Americas
dominance and seemingly excessive anticommunism rankled British policymakers. Successive Whitehall governments strove to decrease their economic dependence on
Washington by developing their own atomic bomb in the
1950s; by diminishing their reliance on American aid; by
refusing to support American anticommunist trade restrictions, particularly Washingtons complete embargo of
communist China; and by pursuing a European solution
to the troubled Middle East. This last effort ended in
failure, after Gamal Nassers 1956 nationalization of the
Suez Canal imperiled Europes access to Middle Eastern
oil. London moved to retake the canal by force, but it
never coordinated these moves with Washington, where
furious policymakers criticized Britains old-fashioned imperialism, which mocked Americas anticolonial rhetoric.
President Eisenhowers brief refusal to support the faltering pound ended Britains involvement in the debacle,
proving once more Londons dependence on the United



Americas Cold War plans equally relied on British

political and strategic support. Britains economy ranked
third largest in the world (behind the United States and
the USSR), and only Washington contributed more to the
free worlds defense. President John F. Kennedy consulted
with Prime Minister Harold Macmillan every night of the
Cuban missile crisis in 1962, for example, and successive
British leaders took seriously their responsibility to temper American power with Londons long global experience. In truth, each power needed the other. Their mutual
interests in expanding democracy and trade overshadowed their divergent anticommunist approaches, even
when British support for the Vietnam War never matched
American expectations.
Britons gained a measure of cultural revenge for
Hollywood and Coca-Cola in the early 1960s, when an
unceasing stream of rock-and-roll bands (the British invasion) ooded American airwaves, beginning with the
Beatles in 1964. The pound was never as strong as this
musical inuence, however, and American policymakers
repeatedly propped up the faltering currency throughout
the 1960s and 1970s. The two nations extended the
breadth of their diplomatic relationship when London
supported President Jimmy Carters innovative emphasis
on human rights diplomacy in the late 1970s. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and President Ronald Reagan,
two like-minded conservatives, reinvigorated the special
relationship in the 1980s: Reagan supported Thatchers
decision to defend the Falkland Islands from Argentina in
1982, and the prime ministers 1984 advice to trust the
Soviet Unions Mikhail Gorbachev helped move the
United States toward a new detente. The end of the Cold
War did little to change this perception. British and
American forces led the Allied effort in the 1991 Gulf
War, and jointly struck Iraqs military throughout the ensuing decade. Indeed, the two countries moved seemingly
in unison from the conservatism of Reagan-Thatcher to
the new liberalism of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, arguably the closest pair of Anglo-American leaders ever, their
personal alliance symbolic of two nations whose nancial
and cultural development was, in the end, separated only
by distance rather than ideology. Indeed, as nal proof of
Anglo-American intimacy, when terrorists destroyed the
World Trade Center towers in September 2001, Britain
lost more citizens than any other foreign nation.

Allen, H. C. Great Britain and the United States: A History of

Anglo-American Relations, 17831952. New York: St. Martins, 1955.
Collier, Basil. The Lion and the Eagle: British and Anglo-American
Strategy, 19001950. New York: Putnam, 1972.
Dobson, Alan P. The Politics of the Anglo-American Economic Special Relationship, 19401987. New York: St. Martins, 1988.
Dunning, William A. The British Empire and the United States: A
Review of Their Relations during the Century of Peace following
the Treaty of Ghent. New York: Scribners, 1914.


Kunz, Diane B. The Economic Crisis of the Suez Crisis. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1991.
Ovendale, Ritchie. Anglo-American Relations in the Twentieth Century. New York: St. Martins, 1998.

Jeffrey A. Engel
See also British Debts; Colonial Policy, British; Ghent, Treaty
of; Neutrality; Revolution, American; World War I War
Debts; and vol. 9: Address to President Lincoln by the
Working-Men of Manchester, England; Madisons War

GREAT DEPRESSION, the longest, deepest, and

most pervasive depression in American history, lasted
from 1929 to 1939. Its effects were felt in virtually all
corners of the world, and it is one of the great economic
calamities in history.
In previous depressions, such as those of the 1870s
and 1890s, real per capita gross domestic product (GDP)
the sum of all goods and services produced, weighted by
market prices and adjusted for inationhad returned to
its original level within ve years. In the Great Depression, real per capita GDP was still below its 1929 level a
decade later.
Economic activity began to decline in the summer of
1929, and by 1933 real GDP fell more than 25 percent,
erasing all of the economic growth of the previous quarter
century. Industrial production was especially hard hit,
falling some 50 percent. By comparison, industrial production had fallen 7 percent in the 1870s and 13 percent
in the 1890s.
From the depths of depression in 1933, the economy
recovered until 1937. This expansion was followed by a
brief but severe recession, and then another period of economic growth. It was not until the 1940s that previous
levels of output were surpassed. This led some to wonder
how long the depression would have continued without
the advent of World War II.
In the absence of government statistics, scholars have
had to estimate unemployment rates for the 1930s. The
sharp drop in GDP and the anecdotal evidence of millions
of people standing in soup lines or wandering the land as
hoboes suggest that these rates were unusually high. It is
widely accepted that the unemployment rate peaked
above 25 percent in 1933 and remained above 14 percent
into the 1940s. Yet these gures may underestimate the
true hardship of the times: those who became too discouraged to seek work would not have been counted as
unemployed. Likewise, those who moved from the cities
to the countryside in order to feed their families would
not have been counted. Even those who had jobs tended
to see their hours of work fall: the average work week, 47
to 49 hours in the 1920s, fell to 41.7 hours in 1934 and
stayed between 42 and 45 until 1942.


The banking system witnessed a number of panics

during which depositors rushed to take their money out
of banks rumored to be in trouble. Many banks failed
under this pressure, while others were forced to merge:
the number of banks in the United States fell 35 percent
between 1929 and 1933.
While the Great Depression affected some sectors of
the economy more than others, and thus some regions of
the country more than others, all sectors and regions experienced a serious decline in output and a sharp rise in
unemployment. The hardship of unemployment, though
concentrated in the working class, affected millions in the
middle class as well. Farmers suffered too, as the average
price of their output fell by half (whereas the aggregate
price level fell by only a third).
The Great Depression followed almost a decade of
spectacular economic growth. Between 1921 and 1929,
output per worker grew about 5.9 percent per year,
roughly double the average in the twentieth century. Unemployment and ination were both very low throughout
this period as well. One troublesome characteristic of the
1920s, however, was that income distribution became signicantly less equal. Also, a boom in housing construction, associated in part with an automobile-induced rush
to the suburbs, collapsed in the late 1920s. And automakers themselves worried throughout the late 1920s that
they had saturated their market ghting for market share;
auto sales began to slide in the spring of 1929.
Technological advances in production processes (notably electrication, the assembly line, and continuous
processing of homogenous goods such as chemicals) were
largely responsible for the advances in productivity in the
1920s. These advances induced the vast bulk of rms to
invest in new plants and equipment In the early 1920s,
there were also innovative new products, such as radio,
but the decade after 1925 was the worst in the twentieth
century for new product innovation.
Causes of the Great Depression
In 1929 the standard economic theory suggested that a
calamity such as the Great Depression could not happen:
the economy possessed equilibrating mechanisms that
would quickly move it toward full employment. For example, high levels of unemployment should put downward pressure on wages, thereby encouraging rms to increase employment. Before the Great Depression, most
economists urged governments to concentrate on maintaining a balanced budget. Since tax receipts inevitably fell
during a downturn, governments often increased tax rates
and reduced spending. By taking money out of the economy, such policies tended to accelerate the downturn,
though the effect was likely small.
As the depression continued, many economists advised the federal government to increase spending, in order to provide employment. Economists also searched for
theoretical justications for such policies. Some thought

Hard Times. A couple of men call San Franciscos Howard

Street home. As Dorothea Langes photograph indicates, the
Great Depression still had not run its course as of February
1937. Library of Congress

the depression was caused by overproduction: consumers

did not wish to consume all that was produced. These
analysts often attributed overproduction to the increased
disparity in income that developed in the 1920s, for the
poor spend a greater percentage of their income than do
the rich. Others worried about a drop in the number of
protable investment opportunities. Often, these arguments were couched in apocalyptic terms: the Great Depression was thought to be the nal crisis of capitalism, a
crisis that required major institutional restructuring. Others, notably Joseph Schumpeter, pointed the nger at
technology and suggested that the Great Depression reected the failure of entrepreneurs to bring forth new
products. He felt the depression was only temporary and
a recovery would eventually occur.
The stock market crash of 1929 and the bank panics
of the early 1930s were dramatic events. Many commentators emphasized the effect these had in decreasing the
spending power of those who lost money. Some went further and blamed the Federal Reserve System for allowing
the money supply, and thus average prices, to decline.
John Maynard Keynes in 1936 put forward a theory
arguing that the amount individuals desired to save might
exceed the amount they wanted to invest. In such an
event, they would necessarily consume less than was produced (since, if we ignore foreign trade, total income must
be either consumed or saved, while total output is the sum
of consumption goods and investment goods). Keynes
was skeptical of the strength of equilibrating mechanisms
and shocked many economists who clung to a faith in the
ability of the market system to govern itself. Yet within a
decade the profession had largely embraced his approach,




The study of the human cost of unemployment reveals
that a new class of poor and dependents is rapidly rising among the ranks of young sturdy ambitious laborers, artisans, mechanics, and professionals, who until
recently maintained a relatively high standard of living
and were the stable self-respecting citizens and taxpayers of the state. Unemployment and loss of income
have ravaged numerous homes. It has broken the spirit
of their members, undermined their health, robbed
them of self-respect, and destroyed their efficiency and
employability. Many households have been dissolved,
little children parcelled out to friends, relatives, or charitable homes; husbands and wives, parents and children separated, temporarily or permanently. . . . Men
young and old have taken to the road. Day after day
the country over they stand in the breadlines for food.
. . . The law must step in and brand as criminals those
who have neither desire nor inclination to violate accepted standards of society. . . . Physical privation undermines body and heart. . . . Idleness destroys not only
purchasing power, lowering the standards of living, but
also destroys efficiency and finally breaks the spirit.
From the 1932 Report of the California
Unemployment Commission.

in large part because it allowed them to analyze decient

consumption and investment demand without reference
to a crisis of capitalism. Moreover, Keynes argued that,
because a portion of income was used for taxes and output
included government services, governments might be
able to correct a situation of decient demand by spending more than they tax.
In the early postwar period, Keynesian theory dominated economic thinking. Economists advised governments to spend more than they taxed during recessions
and tax more than spend during expansions. Although
governments were not always diligent in following this
prescription, the limited severity of early postwar business
cycles was seen as a vindication of Keynesian theory. Yet
little attention was paid to the question of how well it
could explain the Great Depression.
In 1963, Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz proposed a different view of the depression. They argued
that, contrary to Keynesian theory, the deationary actions of the Federal Reserve were primarily at fault. In
the ensuing decades, Keynesians and monetarists argued for the supremacy of their favored theory. The result
was a recognition that both explanations had limitations.
Keynesians struggled to comprehend why either consumption or investment demand would have fallen so pre-


cipitously as to trigger the depression (though saturation

in the housing and automobile markets, among others,
may have been important). Monetarists struggled to explain how smallish decreases in the money supply could
trigger such a massive downturn, especially since the price
level fell as fast as the supply of money, and thus real
(ination-adjusted) aggregate demand need not have
In the 1980s and 1990s, some economists argued that
the actions of the Federal Reserve had caused banks to
decrease their willingness to loan money, leading to a severe decrease in consumption and, especially, investment.
Others argued that the Federal Reserve and central banks
in other countries were constrained by the gold standard,
under which the value of a particular currency is xed to
the price of gold.
Some economists today speak of a consensus that
holds the Federal Reserve, the gold standard, or both,
largely responsible for the Great Depression. Others suggest that a combination of several theoretical approaches
is needed to understand this calamity.
Most economists have analyzed the depression from
a macroeconomic perspective. This perspective, spawned
by the depression and by Keyness theories, focuses on
the interaction of aggregate economic variables, including
consumption, investment, and the money supply. Only
fairly recently have some macroeconomists begun to consider how other factors, such as technological innovation,
would inuence the level of economic activity.
Beginning initially in the 1930s, however, some students of the Great Depression have examined the unusually high level of process innovation in the 1920s and the
lack of product innovation in the decade after 1925. The
introduction of new production processes requires investment but may well cause rms to let some of their
workforce go; by reducing prices, new processes may also
reduce the amount consumers spend. The introduction
of new products almost always requires investment and
more employees; they also often increase the propensity
of individuals to consume. The time path of technological
innovation may thus explain much of the observed movements in consumption, investment, and employment during the interwar period. There may also be important interactions with the monetary variables discussed above: in
particular, rms are especially dependent on bank nance
in the early stages of developing a new product.
Effects of the Great Depression
The psychological, cultural, and political repercussions of
the Great Depression were felt around the world, but it
had a signicantly different impact in different countries.
In particular, it is widely agreed that the rise of the Nazi
Party in Germany was associated with the economic turmoil of the 1930s. No similar threat emerged in the
United States. While President Franklin Roosevelt did
introduce a variety of new programs, he was initially
elected on a traditional platform that pledged to balance


the budget. Why did the depression cause less political

change in the United States than elsewhere? A much
longer experience with democracy may have been important. In addition, a faith in the American dream,
whereby anyone who worked hard could succeed, was apparently retained and limited the agitation for political
Effects on individuals. Much of the unemployment experience of the depression can be accounted for by workers who moved in and out of periods of employment and
unemployment that lasted for weeks or months. These
individuals suffered nancially, to be sure, but they were
generally able to save, borrow, or beg enough to avoid the
severest hardships. Their intermittent periods of employment helped to stave off a psychological sense of failure.
Yet there were also numerous workers who were unemployed for years at a time. Among this group were those
with the least skills or the poorest attitudes. Others found
that having been unemployed for a long period of time
made them less attractive to employers. Long-term unemployment appears to have been concentrated among
people in their late teens and early twenties and those
older than fty-ve. For many that came of age during
the depression, World War II would provide their rst
experience of full-time employment.
With unemployment rates exceeding 25 percent, it
was obvious that most of the unemployed were not responsible for their plight. Yet the ideal that success came
to those who worked hard remained in place, and thus
those who were unemployed generally felt a severe sense
of failure. The incidence of mental health problems rose,
as did problems of family violence. For both psychological and economic reasons, decisions to marry and to have
children were delayed. Although the United States provided more relief to the unemployed than many other
countries (including Canada), coverage was still spotty. In
particular, recent immigrants to the United States were
often denied relief. Severe malnutrition aficted many,
and the palpable fear of it, many more.
Effects by gender and race. Federal, state, and local governments, as well as many private rms, introduced explicit policies in the 1930s to favor men over women for
jobs. Married women were often the rst to be laid off.
At a time of widespread unemployment, it was felt that
jobs should be allocated only to male breadwinners.
Nevertheless, unemployment rates among women were
lower than for men during the 1930s, in large part because
the labor market was highly segmented by gender, and
the service sector jobs in which women predominated
were less affected by the depression. The female labor
force participation ratethe proportion of women seeking or possessing paid workhad been rising for decades;
the 1930s saw only a slight increase; thus, the depression
acted to slow this societal change (which would greatly
accelerate during World War II, and then again in the
postwar period).

Breadline. Out-of-work men wait to receive foodin this

instance, cabbage and potatoesfrom a federal relief agency in
Cleveland, Ohio, 1933. Associated Press/World Wide Photos

Many surveys found unemployment rates among

blacks to be 30 to 50 percent higher than among whites.
Discrimination was undoubtedly one factor: examples
abound of black workers being laid off to make room for
white workers. Yet another important factor was the preponderance of black workers in industries (such as automobiles) that experienced the greatest reductions in employment. And the migration of blacks to northern
industrial centers during the 1920s may have left them
especially prone to seniority-based layoffs.
Cultural effects. One might expect the Great Depression to have induced great skepticism about the economic
system and the cultural attitudes favoring hard work and
consumption associated with it. As noted, the ideal of
hard work was reinforced during the depression, and
those who lived through it would place great value in
work after the war. Those who experienced the depression were disposed to thrift, but they were also driven to
value their consumption opportunities. Recall that through
the 1930s it was commonly thought that one cause of the
depression was that people did not wish to consume
enough: an obvious response was to value consumption
The New Deal. The nonmilitary spending of the federal
government accounted for 1.5 percent of GDP in 1929



the depression. They argue that many of those on relief

would have otherwise worked elsewhere. However, there
were more workers seeking employment than there were
job openings; thus, even if those on relief did nd work
elsewhere, they would likely be taking the jobs of other

Soup Kitchen. Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the president-elect,

helps feed unemployed women at the Grand Central
Restaurant in New York, 1932. Associated Press/World Wide

but 7.5 percent in 1939. Not only did the government

take on new responsibilities, providing temporary relief
and temporary public works employment, but it established an ongoing federal presence in social security (both
pensions and unemployment insurance), welfare, nancial
regulation and deposit insurance, and a host of other areas. The size of the federal government would grow even
more in the postwar period. Whether the size of government today is larger than it would have been without the
depression is an open question. Some scholars argue for
a ratchet effect, whereby government expenditures increase during crises, but do not return to the original level
thereafter. Others argue that the increase in government
brought on by the depression would have eventually happened anyhow.
In the case of unemployment insurance, at least, the
United States might today have a more extensive system
if not for the depression. Both Congress and the Supreme
Court were more oriented toward states rights in the
1930s than in the early postwar period. The social security
system thus gave substantial inuence to states. Some
have argued that this has encouraged a race to the bottom, whereby states try to attract employers with lower
unemployment insurance levies. The United States spends
only a fraction of what countries such as Canada spend
per capita on unemployment insurance.
Some economists have suggested that public works
programs exacerbated the unemployment experience of


The introduction of securities regulation in the

1930s has arguably done much to improve the efciency,
fairness, and thus stability of American stock markets. Enhanced bank supervision, and especially the introduction
of deposit insurance from 1934, ended the scourge of
bank panics: most depositors no longer had an incentive
to rush to their bank at the rst rumor of trouble. But
deposit insurance was not an unmixed blessing; in the
wake of the failure of hundreds of small savings and loan
institutions decades later, many noted that deposit insurance allowed banks to engage in overly risky activities
without being penalized by depositors. The Roosevelt administration also attempted to stem the decline in wages
and prices by establishing industry codes, whereby
rms and unions in an industry agreed to maintain set
prices and wages. Firms seized the opportunity to collude
and agreed in many cases to restrict output in order to
inate prices; this particular element of the New Deal
likely served to slow the recovery. Similar attempts to enhance agricultural prices were more successful, at least in
the goal of raising farm incomes (but thus increased the
cost of food to others).
International Effects
It was long argued that the Great Depression began in
the United States and spread to the rest of the world.
Many countries, including Canada and Germany, experienced similar levels of economic hardship. In the case
of Europe, it was recognized that World War I and the
treaties ending it (which required large reparation payments from those countries that started and lost the war)
had created weaknesses in the European economy, especially in its nancial system. Thus, despite the fact that
trade and capital ows were much smaller than today, the
American downturn could trigger downturns throughout
Europe. As economists have come to emphasize the role
the international gold standard played in, at least, exacerbating the depression, the argument that the depression
started in the United States has become less central.
With respect to the rest of the world, there can be
little doubt that the downturn in economic activity in
North America and Europe had a serious impact. Many
Third World countries were heavily dependent on exports and suffered economic contractions as these markets dried up. At the same time, they were hit by a decrease in foreign investment ows, especially from the
United States, which was a reection of the monetary
contraction in the United States. Many Third World
countries, especially in Latin America, responded by introducing high tariffs and striving to become self-sufcient. This may have helped them recover from the de-


pression, but probably served to seriously slow economic

growth in the postwar period.
Developed countries also introduced high tariffs during the 1930s. In the United States, the major one was
the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930, which arguably encouraged other countries to retaliate with tariffs of their
own. Governments hoped that the money previously
spent on imports would be spent locally and enhance employment. In return, however, countries lost access to foreign markets, and therefore employment in export-oriented sectors. The likely effect of the increase in tariffs
was to decrease incomes around the world by reducing
the efciency of the global economy; the effect the tariffs
had on employment is less clear.

Barnard, Rita. The Great Depression and the Culture of Abundance:

Kenneth Fearing, Nathanael West, and Mass Culture in the
1930s. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Explores the impact of the depression on cultural attitudes and
Bernanke, Ben S. Essays on the Great Depression. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 2000. Emphasizes bank panics
and the gold standard.
Bernstein, Michael A. The Great Depression: Delayed Recovery and
Economic Change in America, 19291939. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Argues for the interaction
of technological and monetary forces and explores the experience of several industries.
Bordo, Michael D., Claudia Goldin, and Eugene N. White, eds.
The Dening Moment: The Great Depression and the American
Economy in the Twentieth Century. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1998. Evaluates the impact of a range of
New Deal policies and international agreements.
Friedman, Milton, and Anna J. Schwartz. A Monetary History of
the United States, 18671960. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1963.
Hall, Thomas E., and J. David Ferguson. The Great Depression:
An International Disaster of Perverse Economic Policies. Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998.
Keynes, John M. The General Theory Of Employment, Interest, and
Money. New York: St. Martins Press, 1964. Original edition
published in 1936.
Margo, Robert A. Employment and Unemployment in the
1930s. Journal of Economic Perspectives 7, no. 2 (spring
1993): 4159.
Rosenbloom, Joshua, and William Sundstrom. The Sources of
Regional Variation in the Severity of the Great Depression:
Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing 19191937. Journal of
Economic History 59 (1999): 714747.
Rosenof, Theodore. Economics in the Long Run: New Deal Theorists and Their Legacies, 19331993. Chapel Hill: University
of North Carolina Press, 1997. Looks at how Keynes,
Schumpeter, and others inuenced later economic analysis.
Rothermund, Dietmar. The Global Impact of the Great Depression,
19291939. London: Routledge, 1996. Extensive treatment
of the Third World.

Schumpeter, Joseph A. Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical,

and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1939.
Szostak, Rick. Technological Innovation and the Great Depression.
Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1995. Explores the causes
and effects of the unusual course that technological innovation took between the wars.
Temin, Peter. Did Monetary Forces Cause the Great Depression?
New York: Norton, 1976. Classic early defense of Keynesian explanation.
. Lessons from the Great Depression. Cambridge, Mass.:
MIT Press, 1989. Emphasizes the role of the gold standard.

Rick Szostak
See also Agricultural Price Support; Banking: Bank Failures,
Banking Crisis of 1933; Business Cycles; Keynesianism; New Deal; and vol. 9: Advice to the Unemployed in
the Great Depression, June 11, 1932.

GREAT GATSBY, THE, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald

that, over the several decades after its publication in 1925,
came to be regarded as one of the most elegant, efcient,
and profound pieces of ction ever written in the United
States. The Great Gatsby is a concentrated meditation on
the American dream, understood as the faith that anyone, even of the most humble origins, can attain wealth
and social standing in the United States through talent
and individual initiative. Fitzgerald explores the compelling appeal of this dream, and the circumstances that render it as deceptive as it is enduring.
Fitzgeralds protagonist is a young man from North
Dakota, James Gatz, who changes his name to Jay Gatsby
and manufactures a persona out of his own Platonic selfconception. While in his soldiers uniform just prior to
service in World War I, Gatsby falls in love with Daisy, a
beautiful, rich young woman whose voice has the sound
of money. After the war, Gatsby pursues Daisy, even
though she has by then married a gruff and tasteless man
of her own class. Gatsby buys a huge, garish mansion on
Long Island near Daisys home and tries to impress her
and her social set with lavish parties nanced, as some of
his guests rightly suspect, by the illegal sale of alcoholic
beverages. But Daisy rejects Gatsbys suit, as her feelings
and behavior are controlled by the conventions of her
class in ways that the innocent American dreamer does
not understand. In the end, it is inherited wealth and social standing that determine much more of ones destiny
than is determined by talent and individual initiative,
readers of The Great Gatsby are led to conclude.
Much of the power of The Great Gatsby derives from
Fitzgeralds having provided readers with an opportunity
to simultaneously see through the pretenders illusions
and identify deeply with his aspirations and even love him
for having made the effort. Gatsby himself turned out
all right in the end, Fitzgeralds narrator insists. The
problem was the foul dust that oated in the wake of
Gatsbys dreams, meaning the particulars of American



history, the class structure, and all the webs of social circumstance in which an individuals capacities for hope are
embedded. The generic human impulses that drive us to
better ourselves often impel us to foolish pursuits, and to
ignore the conditions under which our striving actually
takes placebut those impulses themselves are to be

Sklar, Robert. F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Last Laocoon. New York:

Oxford University Press, 1967.

David A. Hollinger
See also Jazz Age.

GREAT LAKES. The Great Lakes, also called the Inland Seas, consist of ve connecting freshwater lakes in
east central North America that straddle the international
border between Canada and the United States. Collectively they constitute the worlds largest body of freshwater, with a surface area of 94,000 square miles (244,000
sq. km) and 5,500 cubic miles (23,000 cu. km) of water.
The lakes contain approximately 18 percent of the worlds
supply of freshwater, with only the polar ice caps having
more. From west to east, the lakes are Superior (the largest and deepest of the lakes), Michigan, Huron, Erie (the
shallowest), and Ontario (the smallest); they collectively
extend about 850 miles (1370 km) west to east and 700
miles (1125 km) from north to south. The Great Lakes
form the western portion of the greater St. Lawrence hydrographic system, extending from Minnesota to the Atlantic Ocean.
Lake Superior connects to Huron through Sault
Sainte Marie (St. Marys River), and Lake Michigan joins
Huron via the Straits of Mackinac. A major inlet north of
Lake Huron is Georgian Bay, which lies entirely within
Canada. Waters from the three upper Great Lakes (Superior, Michigan, and Huron) ow through the St. Clair
River, Lake St. Claire, and the Detroit River into Lake
Erie, which in turn is connected to Lake Ontario through
the Niagara River and Niagara Falls. The ve lakes then
drain northeastward into the Atlantic Ocean through the
St. Lawrence River. The Great Lakes drainage basin covers 295,200 square miles (764,570 sq. km) and includes
portions of eight states (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan,
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York) and
the Canadian province of Ontario, which extends along
the north shore of four of the lakes. Lake Michigan lies
entirely within the boundaries of the United States; the
international boundary bisects the other four lakes.
Geologically, the Great Lakes system began to develop three million years ago, during the Precambrian
Era, a time of volcanic activity and geological stress that
formed major mountain systems that later eroded. Most
of central North America was covered by marine seas during the Paleozoic Era, and major continental glaciers ad-


vanced over the Great Lakes region beginning about one

million years ago. As a result of a series of glacial formations and retreats, glacial deposits and large volumes
of meltwater created a basin larger than the present-day
Great Lakes. The most recent Great Lakes basin formed
between 32,000 and 10,000 years ago; lake levels stabilized about 2,400 years ago. Five biotic provinces are
dened on the basis of oral and faunal characteristics,
and include Hudsonian to the extreme north, Canadian
(Georgian Bay, Lake Nipissing, and the Ottawa River),
Carolinian-Canadian Transition (present-day Wisconsin,
Michigan, and southern Ontario), Illinoisan (southern
Lake Michigan basin), and Carolinian (Ohio, Pennsylvania, and western New York).
Paleo-Indian hunters and gatherers occupied the
Great Lakes basin before 9500 b.c.e. and were followed
by semisedentary Early Archaic peoples who exploited a
wider variety of large and small fauna and diverse ora.
More populous and technologically advanced Late Archaic peoples formed small sedentary communities beginning in 3,000 b.c.e. The Archaic-Woodland Transition
(1500100 b.c.e.) was characterized by large sedentary villages, plant domestication, the development of pottery,
and cultural adaptations to diverse econiches. The Middle
Woodland period (c. 200 b.c.e.500 c.e.) saw the development of Hopewell culture in Ohio and adjacent states,
characterized by circular and serpentine earthworks, enormous articial mounds, elaborate burial practices, and
long-distance trade systems for exotic goods used in burials, such as marine shells from Florida and obsidian from
Wyoming. Other areas of the Great Lakes continued an
Early Woodland pattern.
The subsequent Late Woodland period (5001600
c.e.) saw the incursions of peoples and ideas from the Mississippi Valley; an emphasis on the cultivation of maize,
beans, squash, and sunowers; larger populations and settlements; and territorial conicts between tribes. At European contact a number of major tribes were established
in the Great Lakes basin, among them the Ojibwe, Menominee, Winnebago, Miami, Potawatomi, Fox, Sauk,
Kickapoo, and Mascouten tribes in the upper Great Lakes
region, and the Erie, Iroquois (Seneca, Oneida, Cayuga,
Onondaga, and Mohawk), and Wenro south of lakes Erie
and Ontario, with the Ottawa, Petun, Huron, and Neutral tribes north of those lakes. Miamis, Mascoutens, Mesquakies, and Shawnees occupied the area around Lake
The French explorer Jacques Cartier, seeking a northwest passage to the Orient, located the St. Lawrence River
during the years of 1534 and 1535. Samuel de Champlain
visited lakes Ontario and Huron in 1610, initiating a period of French exploration characterized by missionaries,
fur traders, and territorial conicts between the emerging
New France and British colonies along the Atlantic seaboard. The Ottawa River provided a route for Jesuit missionaries and French trappers and traders, who soon visited the upper lakes. Jean Nicolet reached the shores of


Great Lakes: Physical Features and Population

Elevationa (feet)
Length (miles)
Breadth (miles)
Average Deptha (feet)
Maximum Deptha (feet)
Volumea (cu mi)
Water Area (sq mi)
Land Drainage Areab (sq mi)
Total Area (sq mi)
Shoreline Lengthc (miles)
Retention Time (years)
Population U.S. (1990)
Canada (1991)






St. Marys

Straits of

St. Clair

Niagara River/
Welland Canal

St. Lawrence





a. Measured at Low Water datum.

b. Land drainage area for Lake Huron includes St. Marys River; for Lake Erie includes the St. Clair-Detroit system; for Lake Ontario includes the Niagara River.
c. Including islands.
d. These totals are greater than the sum of the shoreline length for the lakes because they include the connecting channels (excluding the St. Lawrence River).

Government of Canada and United States Environmental Protection Agency (1995), 4.

Lake Michigan in 1634, and Isaac Jogues and Charles

Raymbault ventured to Sault Sainte Marie seven years
later. By 1672 the Jesuits had compiled and published an
accurate map of Lake Superior. The Iroquois Wars (1641
1701) and a period of French incursion, settlement, and
fortications (17201761) followed. By 1673 Louis Jolliet
and Jacques Marquette had begun explorations of the upper Mississippi River, followed by Robert Cavelier, Sieur
de La Salle, and his expedition (16781684). By 1683 a
highly accurate map of all the Great Lakes, based on these
and other expeditions and journeys, was compiled by Father Louis Hennepin.
Drawn by the fur trade and seeking new lands, English traders from Albany began to explore the upper
Great Lakes in the 1690s. To counter this, in 1701 Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac established Fort Pontchartrain
du Detroit, which commanded the narrow river between
Lake Erie and Lake Huron. It became the focus of French
control of the upper lakes and denied access to English
traders and exploration. The conict between the English
and French for the control of North America, which centered on the Great Lakes, involved a series of wars and
minor conicts that covered a period of seventy-ve years
and included participation by Native Americans on both
sides. The French and Indian War culminated with the
surrender of French Canada to the British in 1760. Pontiacs War (17631764) heralded a transitional period with
American exploration, migrations, and settlement of the
region along the southern shores of the Great Lakes. Notably the Denitive Treaty of Peace signed between Britain and the United States in 1783, ending the Revolu-

tionary War, included an article that called for control of

the lakes to be shared between British Canada and the
American colonies.
The War of 1812 (18121815), between the Americans and the British, also involved Native Americans on
both sides in the region of Detroit and the Niagara Frontier. Many of the engagements were fought on and adjoining the Great Lakes. A major naval engagement, the
battle of Lake Erie (10 September 1813), was won by the
Americans and helped to ensure the sovereignty of the
United States through the Treaty of Ghent (1814) and
the Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817), which established
limitations on naval forces on the Great Lakes.
The promise of agricultural land was a major attraction for immigrants; hence agrarian settlements and sheries developed on both the American and the Canadian
sides of the border during the 1800s. City building, nation
building, and industrialization were hallmarks of the nineteenth century as dairying, fruit and vegetable cultivation,
logging, and forest exploitation gave way to iron and steel
production, papermaking, and chemical manufacture in
the twentieth century. The forests around the Great
Lakes provided hardwoods and pine, while the Lake Superior region yielded high-quality iron ore and copper.
Major agricultural products included corn, wheat, soybeans, grapes, pork, and beef cattle. The industry of the
region was, and remains, highly diversied, but signicant
quantities of iron ore, coal, minerals, grain, and manufactured products are transported throughout the Great
Lakes and shipped overseas. Notable transportation im-



provements included the construction of the Erie Canal,

from Albany to Buffalo, New York (completed in 1825);
the Canadian Lachine Canal, bypassing rapids in the St.
Lawrence River; and the Welland Canal (1829), joining
lakes Erie and Ontario. The latter two were surpassed in
1959 by the completion of the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Commercial shing began about 1820 and peaked
between 1889 and 1899 but native sh diminished and
have been replaced by introduced species. Sport shing,
water recreation, and cultural tourism have become economically signicant in spite of a deterioration in water
quality and habitat that accompanied urbanization and industrialization. Pollution, pathogens, eutrophication, toxic
contaminants, diminished oxygen levels, the introduction
of exotic ora and fauna (such as zebra mussels), and a
recent drop in lake water levels are of major concern to
inhabitants of the Great Lakes basin.
Perhaps surprisingly, a number of upper Great Lakes
cities were founded earlier than many of the settlements
situated along the shores of the lower lakes. In the main
lakes the early settlements were fur trading posts, such as
Green Bay in modern Wisconsin at the mouth of the Fox
River, established in 1634 and with a population of more
than 103,000 by 2000. Other posts were established at
Chicago in 1673; at Thunder Bay, Ontario, in 1678; and
at Duluth, Minnesota, in 1692. In the lower lakes Hamilton, Ontario, was established in 1669 and by 2000 was
an industrial center with 320,000 inhabitants; Buffalo,
New York, a former Seneca Indian village settled by Europeans in 1679, was by 2000 an industrial city with more
than 300,000 inhabitants. Detroit, settled in 1701, has become a center of automotive production and has a population exceeding 1,045,000 in 2000. Established in 1720,
Toronto, now the capital of the province of Ontario and
a nancial and commercial center, had a 2000 census of
640,000. Because explorers, missionaries, and travelers
could bypass Lake Erie by venturing from Lake Ontario
and the Ontario River to the upper lakes, settlements
along Lake Erie were founded late in the regions history.
These include Erie, Pennsylvania, in 1753 (in 2000 an
industrial and agricultural community of 105,000); Cleveland, Ohio, in 1786 (a major center of heavy industry with
a population exceeding 506,000 in 2000); London, Ontario, in 1792 (by 2000 an industrial and agricultural center with more than 303,000 persons); and Toledo, Ohio,
in 1794 (another industrial community, with 323,000
persons in 2000). Rochester, New York, now a center for
imaging science, was founded on the Genessee River,
which ows into Lake Ontario, in 1789; Milwaukee, Wisconsin, situated at the mouth of the river of the same
name, was founded in 1800 and was a major center of
the brewing industry. In 2000 Rochester had a population
of 217,000, and Milwaukees census exceeded 617,000.
Chicago grew from a trading post to become a leading
rail and lake transport hub, as well as an industrial and
commercial center with a population of 2,840,000 in



Ashworth, William. Great Lakes Journey: A New Look at Americas

Fresh-water Coast. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,
Bogue, Margaret B. Around the Shores of Lake Superior: A Guide
to Historic Sites. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,
. Fishing the Great Lakes: An Environmental History, 1783
1933. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2000.
Burns, Noel M. Erie: The LakeThat Survived. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld, 1985.
Cantor, George. The Great Lakes Guidebook, 3 vols. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, 19781980.
. The Great Lakes Guidebook: Lake Huron and Eastern Lake
Michigan. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1985.
. The Great Lakes Guidebook: Lakes Ontario and Erie. Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1985.
Gentilcore, R. Louis, ed. Historical Atlas of Canada, vol. 2: The
Land Transformed, 18001891. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990.
Government of Canada and United States Environmental Protection Agency. Great Lakes Factsheet No. 1. In The Great
Lakes: An Environmental Atlas and Resource Book, 3d ed.,
1995. Available from
Harris, R. Cole, ed. Historical Atlas of Canada, vol. 1: From the
Beginning to 1800. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
Hatcher, Harlan H. The Great Lakes. London and New York:
Oxford University Press, 1944.
. Lake Erie. Indianapolis and New York: Bobbs-Merrill,
1945. Reprinted Westport, Conn: Greenwood, 1971.
Hatcher, Harlan H., and Erich A. Walter. Pictorial History of the
Great Lakes. New York: Crown, 1963.
Hough, Jack L. Geology of the Great Lakes.Urbana: University of
Illinois Press, 1958.
Karpinski, Louis C. Maps of Famous Cartographers Depicting
North America: An Historical Atlas of the Great Lakes and
Michigan, 2d ed. Amsterdam: Meridian, 1977. First published 1880.
Kerr, Donald, ed. Historical Atlas of Canada, vol. 3: Addressing the
Twentieth Century, 18911961. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Kuchenberg, Tom. Reections in a Tarnished Mirror: The Use and
Abuse of the Great Lakes. Sturgeon Bay, Wis.: Golden Glow,
Landon, Fred. Lake Huron. New York: Russell & Russell, 1972.
First published 1944.
Ludwigson, John O. Two Nations, One Lake: Science in Support of
Great Lakes Management. Ottawa: Canadian National Committee for International Hydrological Decade, 1974.
Mason, Ronald J. Great Lakes Archaeology. New York: Academic
Press, 1981.
McGucken, William. Lake Erie Rehabilitated: Controlling Cultural
Eutrophication, 1960s1990s. Akron, Ohio: University of
Akron Press, 2000.


Ofce of the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Trends: Into the New Millennium. Lansing: Michigan Department of Environmental
Quality, 2000.
Pound, Arthur. Lake Ontario. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat
Press, 1970.
Skaggs, David C. A Signal Victory: The Lake Erie Campaign.
18121813. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press. 1997.
St. John, John R. A True Description of the Lake Superior Country.
Grand Rapids, Mich.: Black Letter-Press, 1976.
Tanner, Helen H., ed. Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press for The Newberry Library, 1987.
Thompson, Mark L. Graveyard of the Lakes. Detroit: Wayne
State University Press, 2000.
Thwaites, Reuben Gold. The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. 73 vols. Cleveland: Burrows Brothers, 18961901.

Charles C. Kolb
See also Expeditions and Explorations: French; Michigan,
Upper Peninsula of; Tribes.


After the fall of New France in 1760, the British navy
ruled the Great Lakes. Its undisputed authority of the
northern waters proved valuable during Pontiacs War
(17631764) and the American Revolution (17751783).
Following the advent of American authority on the lakes
(1796), both governments supported armed vessels as necessary to maintain their authority.
A potent challenge to British naval supremacy came
during the War of 1812. After losing two schooners to
the British at Sackets Harbor in the early months of the
War of 1812, the Americans realized the need to establish
adequate naval protection on the northern waters. When
Commodore Isaac Chauncey arrived at Sackets Harbor
on 6 October 1812 to assume command of American naval operations, he ordered Lt. Jesse D. Elliott to purchase
vessels for a new eet. On 8 October two British ships
cast anchor across the Niagara off Fort Erie. Seeing an
opportunity, Elliotts force boarded the ships early the following morning; the Caledonia was captured, and the Detroit grounded and was burned.
One month later, Chaunceys reconstructed squadron of ten vessels left Sackets Harbor to intercept the
British eet returning southward from Fort George. The
agship Royal George was pursued into Kingston harbor,
at the eastern end of Lake Ontario, but there, with the
aid of the shore batteries, it drove off the American eet.
On 11 October the British schooner Simcoe was destroyed,
and before the campaign closed, three merchant ships were
captured by the Americans. In September 1813 Commodore Oliver Hazard Perrys American eet won the Battle
of Lake Erie, thus securing American control of Lake Erie
and making an invasion into Canada possible.
With the return of peace, both nations faced the necessity of building new eets on the lakes to safeguard their

respective interests. This prospect was averted through an

agreement initiated by President James Monroe in 1815
and made formal two years later with the Great Lakes
Disarmament Agreement.

Coles, Henry L. The War of 1812. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965.
Morison, Samuel Eliot. Old Bruin: Commodore Matthew C.
Perry, 17941858. Boston: Little, Brown, 1967.
Pratt, Fletcher. Prebles Boys: Commodore Preble and the Birth of
American Sea Power. New York: Sloane, 1950.

Robert W. Bingham / a. r.
See also Canadian-American Waterways; Great Lakes; Lake
Erie, Battle of; Navy, United States; Niagara Campaigns; Ships of the Line; War of 1812.


when the rst such ship, the Canadian Frontenac, entered
service, followed by the American Walk-in-the-Water in
1818. During most of the nineteenth century, sailing ships
continued to haul most of the bulk cargoes (iron ore, coal,
stone), whereas steamships took over most of the package
freight and passenger business. Most of the wooden ves-



sels on the Lakes served a dual role as package freight and

passenger carriers.
To avoid paying track usage fees to competing railroads, many East Coast railroad companies used these
boats as connector lines between where their rail lines
ended along Lakes Ontario and Erie and debarkation
points at Milwaukee, Chicago, and other western Lakes
ports, where they either had arrangements with subsidiary
lines or business partnerships with other carriers. These
early vessels were rst side-wheel-powered like river vessels (including the Frontenac and the Walk-in-the-Water),
but by the 1850s, John Ericssons invention of a submerged propeller became increasingly popular. Passenger
quarters were located along the upper decks, and cargo
was carried below the main deck, with large gangway
doors in the sides to facilitate ease of movement. Fire
remained an ever-present danger, as were storms, which
frequently occurred with little warning on the Lakes.
As the lumber regions of Michigan, Wisconsin, and
Minnesota became active in the 1870s, a new type of vessel was used to haul this type of awkward cargo. At the
same time, this design also served in the iron ore, the
stone, and the coal trade and quickly became the dominant vessel arrangement for these routes. The rst of
these vessels, the R. J. Hackett (1869), conceived of by
Cleveland ship owner E. M. Peck, placed the navigating
cabins at the bow and the engines and crews quarters at
the back of the hull, leaving a long, open deck broken by
hatches to provide access to the vessels holds. The high
bow and stern cabins protected lumber cargos stored on
deck from the wind and waves, and provided ready access
to the holds for other bulk cargos. While the R. J. Hackett
and many other vessels of this type were still built of
wood, iron and steel would follow in time.
A landmark use of iron occurred in 1843 with the
construction of the gunboat USS Michigan, a vessel that
served until the 1920s. The Michigan skirted the limits of
the Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817), which declared the Great
Lakes a nonmilitary zone. The iron Onoko (1882) and the
steel Spokane (1886) served on the Lakes for over thirty
years, far exceeding the average life of wooden vessels. By
the twentieth century, iron was replaced with cheaper and
stronger steel vessels, which continued to grow in size
from the 1880s to the present day.
By 1927 the number of vessels had grown to 765 and
their gross registered tonnage to 2,887,427 tons, according to a report of the Lake Carriers Association. The
members of this group included major U.S. ag carriers.
Together with its Canadian counterpart, the Dominion
Marine Association, it formed an important lobbying
group. The number of vessels cited above includes those
in the bulk, package, and automobile trade of the United
States and Canada, but excludes passenger steamers and
railroad car ferries. About thirty passenger lines operated
on the upper Great Lakes, although after the 1920s their
number dropped precipitously, and passenger trafc ended
by the late 1960s. Bulk cargoes consisted primarily of iron


ore, coal, limestone, and wheat. Vessels reached a length

in excess of 600 feet with a carrying capacity of 10,000
tons. Package freight carriers lost their ties to railroads
through a court case in 1916 and had to survive on their
The standard bulk carrier was a long, narrow, and
deep vessel with machinery in the stern, navigating bridge
forward, and crew quarters both forward and aft. Cargo
was handled through large hatches extending nearly the
full width of the deck. Though the vessels were almost
identical in prole to the R. J. Hackett, a number of innovations had taken place to provide either an alternative
or to improve the basic design. One alternative, called a
whaleback, was created by a Scottish immigrant, Alexander
McDougall, in 1888. The design featured a rounded upper
deck, at sides, and a bottom that tapered to points or
snouts at the ends. McDougall envisioned a vessel sitting low in the water that waves would simply wash over,
limiting the resistance offered by a conventional hull.
Fewer than fty of these vessels were built, as they proved
economically unsuccessful, and only one remains, the Meteor, as a museum in Superior, Wisconsin.
The disastrous storm of November 1913 that sank
over a dozen vessels and cost 250 sailors lives prompted
other changes, such as improved lifeboats, stronger onepiece hatch covers (pioneered by McDougalls whalebacks), and the slow adoption of radio communication.
Continued sinkings, highly sensationalized, indicated the
glacial nature of change in the vessel industry.
The heyday of the Great Lakes steamship took place
between 1890 and 1929 as hundreds of new vessels steamed
out of shipyards, most to serve in the rapidly expanding
iron ore routes for lower Lake steel mills. The steel industry grew into a vertically integrated business with owners controlling mines, vessels, and mills during the 1890s.
Fierce competition eventually resulted in the formation
of the United States Steel Corporation, the largest steel
producer, in 1901. From that point on, independent vessel
owners declined for the next several decades as major steel
companies built their own eets and consolidated their
hold on the shipment of ore. World War I and the boom
of the 1920s stimulated the growth of the industry and
made many owners feel that continual expansion was possible. The Great Depression erased that vision and nearly
two-thirds of the ore-carrying eet became inactive along
with the passenger vessels and package freight carriers
throughout the 1930s.
The demand for vessels to serve in the Atlantic
brought an end to package freight carriers, which were
already losing business to the speedier and year-round
operations of railroads and trucks. Bulk freighters were
more successful, although they were affected by the decline in the output of Mesabi Range high-grade iron ore
and the opening of the Saint Lawrence Seaway in 1959.
Before its opening, Great Lakes steamships remained conned to the lakes above Lake Erie since vessels built especially for the iron ore and coal trades were too large to


pass through the Welland Canal at Niagara Falls. The

projected earnings of the Seaway never fully materialized,
and with the growth of container shipping and cargo airlines, the Seaway will continue to experience declining

Pennsylvania, Penn attempted to legislate a perfectly moral


High construction and labor costs, intensied railroad competition, and the midwinter icing conditions
made owners prefer to convert to diesel fuel and install
automatic boiler controls and bow thrusters for older vessels rather than place new building orders. That changed
with a new vessel, the Stewart J. Cort, put into operation
in 1972, which was the forerunner of the 1,000-foot, selfloading vessels of capacity 58,000 gross tons, three times
that of the older bulk carriers, but operated by crews of
the same size. This shipbuilding spurt was triggered by
the Merchant Marine Act of 1970, which extended oceangoing tax and subsidy benets to lakers, demand for which
subsequently increased for transporting low-sulfur Rocky
Mountain coal for Midwest utilities and iron to meet a
projected shortage of steel.

Lockridge, Kenneth A. Settlement and Unsettlement in Early

America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

The collapse of the American steel industry in the

early 1980s shattered these hopes for the ship owners and
put many venerable companies out of business. Consolidation and dismantling of many vessels, even those of recent vintage, reduced the U.S. and Canadian eets to
fewer than one hundred vessels, with only half to twothirds of those operating in any given year. The drive for
economy prompted a new innovation with integrated tug
and barge units operating instead of traditional ships and
their large crews. Self-unloading vessels have also become
the rule on the Great Lakes since they offer the exibility
of delivery to suitable locations. Great Lakes steamships
have operated for nearly two hundred years, but their future has never been more uncertain.


Geiter, Mary K. William Penn. New York: Longman, 2000.

Robert Fortenbaugh / s. b.
See also Colonial Settlements; Religious Liberty; Suffrage:
Colonial Suffrage.

GREAT MEADOWS, ten miles east of present-day

Uniontown, Pennsylvania, was the site of the rst battle
in the French and Indian War. On 2 April 1754 a force
of Virginians under Col. Joshua Fry, with Maj. George
Washington second in command, embarked from Alexandria to engage the French at Fort Duquesne, Pennsylvania. Washingtons rst experience as a military commander occurred at dawn on 27 May, when he launched
a successful surprise attack on a small French force north
of Great Meadows. By June Fry had died and Washington
was in command. Bunkered at Fort Necessity near Great
Meadows, Washingtons force was attacked on 3 July by
about ve hundred French and four hundred Indians. His
provisions almost gone, Washington capitulated. After a
prisoner exchange, the English force marched with its
wounded back to Virginia.

Cleland, Hugh. George Washington in the Ohio Valley. Pittsburgh:

University of Pittsburgh Press, 1955.
Washington, George. Washington and the West. New York: The
Century, 1905.

Solon J. Buck / a. r.


LesStrang, Jacques. Cargo Carriers of the Great Lakes. New York:

Crown, 1982.
. Great Lakes/St. Lawrence System. Boyne City, Mich.:
Harbor House, 1985.

Matthew L. Daley
See also Canadian-American Waterways; Shipbuilding; Trade,
Domestic; Transportation and Travel.


7 December 1682 by an assembly of freeholders called at
Upland (Chester) by William Penn shortly after his arrival in Pennsylvania. It expanded upon a body of laws
that Penn had submitted, known as the Laws Agreed
upon in England (also known as Penns Frame of Government). The Great Law established liberty of conscience, extended manhood suffrage, and limited the
death penalty to relatively few offenses. Through these
statutes, which remained the basis of law in colonial

See also Braddocks Expedition; Colonial Wars; Duquesne,

Fort; French and Indian War; French Frontier Forts.

GREAT MIGRATION. In March 1630, the Arbella

set sail from Southampton, England, for America, thus
beginning an unprecedented exodus of English men,
women, and children to North America that lasted for
ten years. Of the eighty thousand who left England between 1630 and 1640, approximately twenty thousand
sailed to New England. The other emigrants sailed to the
Chesapeake Bay region, the West Indies, and other areas.
Most but not all of the Great Migration immigrants
to New England were Puritans from the eastern and
southern counties of England who wanted to escape a
situation they considered intolerable. King Charles I
(reigned 16251649) dissolved Parliament and insisted on
ruling England without interference. Archbishop William
Laud, a staunch Anglican, began to purge the Church of
England of Puritan members. Finally, a depression in the
cloth industry caused economic stress in the counties



where the Puritans lived. Hoping to ee this persecution

and economic depression, the Puritans joined the ranks
of those attempting to organize companies and obtain
charters to establish colonies in the New World. The
most successful of these companies, the Massachusetts
Bay Company, received its charter from Charles I on 4
March 1629.
Although the Massachusetts Bay Company was organized as a joint-stock company, it had a dual purpose
from the beginning. Some investors were interested in
earning prots through trade, while others hoped to
establish a colony that would provide a refuge for persecuted Puritans. Unlike the separatist Pilgrims who preceded them to the New World, the Puritans were nonseparating Congregationalists who hoped to reform the
Church of England. Like the Pilgrims, however, they immigrated in family groups rather than as individuals. With
the signing of the Cambridge Agreement in August 1629,
twelve Puritan members of the Massachusetts Bay Company, led by the future governor of Massachusetts, John
Winthrop, shifted the focus of the colony away from trade
and in so doing secured a safe haven for Puritans in
Less than a year after the signing of the Cambridge
Agreement, Winthrop and approximately one hundred
people set sail in the Arbella. The ship reached Salem,
Massachusetts, in June 1630 and was soon joined by several more ships in the Winthrop eet. The Puritans originally settled in Salem but relocated to Charlestown before nally founding a capital in Boston in October 1630.
By the end of 1630, seventeen ships carrying close to two
thousand passengers had arrived in Massachusetts. The
Great Migration came to an abrupt halt in 1640, but by
then almost two hundred ships carrying approximately
twenty thousand people had left England for Massachusetts.

Fischer, David Hackett. Albions Seed: Four British Folkways in

America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Pomfret, John E., with Floyd M. Shumway. Founding the American Colonies, 15831660. New York: Harper and Row,

Jennifer L. Bertolet
See also Cambridge Agreement; Colonial Settlements; Massachusetts Bay Colony; Puritans and Puritanism.

GREAT PLAINS, a geographically and environmentally dened region covering parts of ten states: Montana,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. Running between Canada and Mexico, the region stretches
from the 98th meridian (altitude 2,000 feet) to the Rocky
Mountains (altitude 7,000 feet). This eastward-sloping,
treeless, semi-arid, shortgrass plateaus annual rainfall is


Great Plains Farmstead. This 1942 photograph by John

Vachon of a stretch of Dewey County, S.D., captures the
regions often bleak, challenging, and endless vistas. Library of

between thirteen and twenty inches, and the regions continental climate creates an environment of extremes: excessive heat and cold, and violent weather patterns. Along
with deep, rich soils, its other valuable resource is the
Ogallala Aquifer, a large, nonrenewable water source underlying much of the region. The regions culture, its
boom and bust economy, and its importance to American
history cannot be understood apart from its environment.
Evidence suggests that the rst human occupation of
the Plains occurred at the end of the last ice age (around
10000 b.c., when the Clovis and then Folsom peoples inhabited the region). Between 5000 and 2000 b.c., a long
drought made the region uninhabitable. Around 1000
a.d. the drought receded and the Eastern Woodland culture entered the central Plains to farm stream bottoms.
The climate shifted again and many of its inhabitants
withdrew, as others took their place.
The rst documented European visit to the Plains
was made in 1540 by the Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado. One hundred and fty years later, the
French investigated trading opportunities with Plains
tribes in the region. American interest in the Plains was
cemented with its purchase from France in 1803. In the
twenty years after the Louisiana Purchase, three government expeditions led to the common perception of this
region as the Great American Desert. Trails were blazed
through the Plains from the 1830s, taking settlers to California and Oregon, and, by the late 1870s, the military
had forced many Indian nations such as the Arapahos,
Cheyennes, and Apaches onto reservations.
Euro-American settlement began at the close of the
Civil War. Peace, the sense of manifest destiny, technological developments, and an unusually generous period
of rainfall between 1878 and 1887 made the Plains appear
especially inviting. Relying on free access to land and wa-


ter, cattle ranching boomed in the 1870s and 1880s, but

later declined as a result of the increasing number of small
farmers and the harsh winter of 18861887. Boom times
came in the mid-1910s, as Plains farmers increased production to supply World War I. An economic bust followed due to overproduction, and this, combined with the
prolonged drought of the 1930s and poor agricultural
practices, led to the regions most terrible ecological and
social catastrophe, the Dust Bowl.
PostWorld War II farmers sought to minimize
weather unpredictability by mechanizing irrigation in order to utilize the Ogallala Aquifer. From 1940 to 1980,
production tripled even as crop prices declined. By 1990,
40 percent of Americas beef was fattened and slaughtered
within a 250-mile radius of Garden City, Kansas. The
decline in the aquifer, combined with low commodity
prices, led to a depressed regional economy, and a decreasing and aging population at the turn of the twentyrst century. Unlike many other American regions, the
Great Plains resists the traditional story of progress: its
environment sets the context for repetitive boom-andbust economic cycles.

square miles) and salinity uctuate widely with precipitation patterns. The fur trader James Bridger visited the
lake in December 1824, becoming the rst documented
non-Native to do so, though another fur trapper, Etienne
Provost, may have visited two months earlier. Native peoples had lived in the area for at least 10,000 years. Shoshone and Ute Indian territories overlapped on the eastern shore. John C. Fremont explored the lake in 1843,
followed by Howard Stansbury in 18491850. Salt, magnesium, and chlorine are extracted commercially. The
lake is an important stopover for migratory birds.

Madsen, Brigham D., ed. Exploring the Great Salt Lake: The
Stansbury Expedition of 18491850. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1989.
Morgan, Dale L. The Great Salt Lake. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska, 1986. Original edition was published in 1947.
Stum, Marlin. Visions of Antelope Island and Great Salt Lake. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1999.

Steven M. Fountain
See also Utah; and vol. 9: An Expedition to the Valley of the
Great Salt Lake of Utah.


Opie, John. Ogallala: Water for a Dry Land: A Historical Study in

the Possibilities for American Sustainable Agriculture. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1993.
Webb, Walter Prescott. The Great Plains. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, 1981. Reprint of the original 1931 edition.
West, Elliott. The Contested Plains: Indians, Goldseekers, and the
Rush to Colorado. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1998.

Amanda Rees
See also Archaeology and Prehistory of North America; Dust
Bowl; and vol. 9: Across the Plains to California in 1852;
Living in the Dust Bowl, 1934.

GREAT SALT LAKE in northwestern Utah is relatively shallow (about 35 feet), and its size (about 2,000

GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS, part of the Appalachian Mountains that run along the North Carolina
Tennessee boundary, are about fty miles long with sixteen peaks above six thousand feet. Originally known as
the Iron Mountains, they were inhabited by Cherokee
Indians until about 1789. Little about the Smokies was
recorded until Samuel B. Buckley, Thomas L. Clingman,
and Arnold Henry Guyot explored them in the 1850s.
Guyot published the rst comprehensive scientic study
of the whole region. The mountains are so called because
of a blue haze that looks like rising smoke, characteristic
of the region. The Great Smoky Mountains became a
national park in 1934.

Brown, Margaret Lynn. The Wild East: A Biography of the Great

Smoky Mountains. Gainesville: University Press of Florida,
Frome, Michael. Strangers in High Places: The Story of the Great
Smoky Mountains. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1966;
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1980, 1993.
Pierce, Daniel S. The Great Smokies: From Natural Habitat to
National Park. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press,

Hugh T. Leer / h. s.
See also Appalachia.

Great Salt Lake. A 1972 view of the east shore of this vast,
shallow lake in Utah. Library of Congress

GREAT SOCIETY, the program of liberal reform

put forward by President Lyndon Johnson in his 1964
commencement address at the University of Michigan
that proposed expanding the size and scope of the federal



The Great Train Robbery. Two outlaws coerce the engineer in

a scene from this historically signicant, and very inuential,
1903 short lm. corbis-Bettmann
Architect of the Great Society. President Lyndon Johnson
and the rst lady, Lady Bird Johnson, take part in a State
Department Salute to Congress, 7 October 1965. Library of

government to diminish racial and economic inequality

and improve the nations quality of life. Johnson sponsored legislation that strengthened African American voting rights and banned discrimination in housing and public service provision. The War on Poverty, a collection
of community empowerment and job programs, directed
resources toward the inner cities and the Medicare and
Medicaid programs provided health insurance to the poor
and elderly, respectively. While many Great Society programs were subsequently abandoned, in the early 2000s,
Democrats continued to defend the social insurance and
civil rights changes Johnson enacted.

Andrews, John A. Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society. Chicago:

Ivan R. Dee, 1998.

Richard M. Flanagan

GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY, THE, a motion picture

released by the Edison Manufacturing Company in 1903,
was written, directed, and photographed by Edwin S.
Porter. Based on a Butch Cassidy robbery, its cast included Gilbert M. Bronco Billy Anderson, who became
one of the rst stars of western lms. This twelve-minute
silent movie, one of cinemas earliest narrative lms, used
fourteen shots to tell the story of a robbery and the ensuing chase. The lm features several innovations, including a panning shot, but the true cinematic breakthrough involves Porters use of cuts, in which he avoided
dissolves and fades, to create a continuous narrative that


shows events happening simultaneously but in different

places. Other lmmakers were using similar techniques at
the time, but the incredible commercial success of The
Great Train Robbery has given it a special historical and
cinematic signicance. Arguably the rst western lm, it
was denitely the rst inuential one and the forefather
of the genre. This tale also greatly inuenced early crime
and chase lms. Its famous ending, in which a bandit res
a pistol at the camera, provided contemporary audiences
with a thrill. Permanent movie theaters, then called nickelodeons, began to spread after this lm, when investors
saw the nancial potential of movies.

Cook, David A. A History of Narrative Film. 3d ed. New York:

Norton, 1996.
Musser, Charles. Before the Nickelodeon: Edwin S. Porter and the
Edison Manufacturing Company. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1991.

Justin Cober
See also Film.

GREAT VALLEY is a term applied to the region in

California between the Sierra Nevada and the Coast
Ranges, drained by the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Jedediah Smith rst explored and trapped in the valleys in 1822, but, on his second attempt in 1827, the
California authorities ordered him to leave. The Hudsons Bay Company then sent trappers in for ten years
(18291838), by the Willamette Valley from Fort Vancouver, and reaped a rich harvest. The valleys, now known
usually as the Central Valley, are the agricultural heartland of California.



Howard, Thomas Frederick. Sierra Crossing: First Roads to California. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.
Phillips, George Harwood. Indians and Intruders in Central California, 17691849. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,

Carl L. Cannon / s. b.
See also California; Fur Trade and Trapping; Hudsons Bay
Company; West, American; Westward Migration.

GREECE, RELATIONS WITH. The primary factors in Greek-American relations are American philhellenism, Greek emigration to the United States, and U.S.
foreign aid to Greece.
During the Greek War of Independence (1821
1832), the United States supported Greece, with heartfelt
speeches on its behalf delivered in the American Senate.
Over time, though, Greece came to view American support with ambivalence, as the line between support and
intervention blurred. In the nineteenth century, Greeces
foreign policy was based on the Great Idea, a neverrealized expansionist program that called for the Greek
conquest of Asia Minor. The United States, along with
the Great Powers, opposed it, lest its success lead to a
disastrous shift in the regions power balance.
In 1924 the United States passed the Johnson-Reed
Act, limiting the immigration of southern Europeans.
Greece, sunk into economic depression by the worldwide
postwar slump and a dramatically burgeoning population
(between 1907 and 1928 the Greek population went from
about 2.6 million to 6.2 million), could no longer nd
relief in emigration, as it had in past times of economic
difculty. Historically, Greece has relied heavily on the
income sent home by its Greek-American emigre population. Such receipts plunged in the interwar period.
During World War II and the Greek Civil War
(19461949), U.S.-Greek relations intensied as Greece
became a critical pawn in the emerging Cold War. Allied
with the United States during World War II, Greeces
resistance to German occupation turned to civil strife
when the two main groups of the resistanceone communist and the other royalistturned against each other.
The United States proclaimed the Truman Doctrine in 1947, funneling huge amounts of nancial and
military aid into Greece. Greece was consequently allied
with the United States during the Korean conict and
throughout the Cold War. Between 1946 and 1996, the
United States provided Greece with more than $11.1 billion in economic and security assistance. Direct aid programs ceased by 1962; military assistance continued. In
1995, for example, Greece was the fourth-largest recipient of U.S. security assistance, receiving loans totaling
$255.15 million.
In 1953 Greece and the United States signed a defense cooperation agreement and established American

military installations on Greek territory. The Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement provides for U.S. military
assistance to Greece and the operation of a major U.S.
military facility in Crete.
Toward the end of the twentieth century, links between the two countries became more economic and cultural than diplomatic. The United States is the single
largest foreign investor in Greece, with investments of at
least $900 million in 1994; more than one million Americans are of Greek origin. Diplomatic and economic ties
underwent some restructuring with Greeces integration
into the European Community at the end of the twentieth

Allison, Graham T., and Kalypso Nicolaidis, eds. The Greek Paradox: Promise vs. Performance. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,
Gallant, Thomas W. Modern Greece. New York: Arnold, 2001.

K. E. Fleming
See also Truman Doctrine.


Expedition, marketed to the public as the rst attempt by
the United States to begin a new era of scientic research
in the Arctic, was instead largely another expedition in
the tradition of romantic polar exploration and tragedy.
Its intent was rst to act as a search party for the lost naval
expedition aboard the Jeannette, and second to establish a
scientic station on Lady Franklin Bay as part of the U.S.
contribution to the rst International Polar Year (IPY), a
systematic simultaneous study of the Arctic environment
slated for 18821883. But the ulterior motives of the expedition, decided long before it was folded into the IPY,
were to beat the record set by the English for farthest
north, and to attempt the North Pole itself.
Except for two Eskimo hunters, no one in the twentyve-man party had previous Arctic experience. But Lieutenant Adolphus W. Greely had wisely planned his provisions for his stay in the Arctic; the tragedy of the
expedition came not from their stay, but their means of
egress. In the summer of 1881, Greely and his men landed
on the far northern shores of Ellesmere Island on Lady
Franklin Bay. Here they established Fort Conger; but
scarcely before the ship that dropped them off left the
harbor, there were signicant tensions in the party. The
friction was in part the result of personality conicts and
jealousies, but also because Greely had alienated his men.
From October 1881 through February 1882, the men
passed the time carrying out their scientic duties; for
example, they made meteorological, magnetic, tidal, and
pendulum observations. In April 1882, a smaller party
reached the farthest north. Greely himself surveyed Grinnell Land, in the middle of Ellesmere Island. In August
1882, they waited for a supply ship that never arrived; it



was caught in the ice two hundred miles south. Another

relief ship had splintered in the ice pack. They spent another winter; the summer of 1883 passed, again without
a relief ship. Although game was plenty at Fort Conger
and supplies would have lasted another winter, Greely followed orders and left by boat in the beginning of August
1883. But Greely did not know that the relief ships, in
their haste to nd them, did not adequately provision the
caches toward which they retreated.
On their southward journey, the party became trapped
on a free-drifting ice oe at the mercy of the winds, currents, and tides. After thirty-two days, the oe began to
break up, and nally they reached the shores of Ellesmere,
near Cape Sabine. The only remaining rations would last
a mere fty days; with rations cut, the starving crew began
the slow suffering from frostbite, scurvy, and infections,
and men died throughout the winter and spring.
The next rescue was planned amid public debate on
the folly of polar exploration; Congress had difculty
passing the appropriations bill. But a relief party left in
late April, and by late June they reached the seven survivors, although one died shortly thereafter. The highly
publicized dramas of the Greely Expedition overshadowed much of its scientic achievement, and that of the
International Polar Year itself.

Barr, William. Geographical Aspects of the First International

Polar Year, 18821883. Annals of the Association of American
Geographers 73, no. 4 (1983): 463484.

The Receiver. An appropriate statue in Green Bay, Wisc.,

home of the Green Bay Packers football team. Green Bay Area
Visitor & Convention Bureau

Greely, A. W. Three Years of Arctic Service: An Account of the Lady

Franklin Bay Expedition of 188184, and the Attainment of the
Farthest North. New York: Scribners, 1886.
Vogel, Hal, Steve Shapiro, and Daniel Zimmerman. The Rise
and Set of Arctic Moon. Polar Record 27, no. 160 (1991):

Annette Watson
See also Polar Exploration.

processing site for dairy, agricultural goods, and paper

products. The city has a total land area of 43.9 square
miles. Its population rose from 87,899 in 1980 to 96,466
in 1990 and 102,313 in 2000. Green Bay, like many other
northern cities, has continued to experience growth despite its location in the Rust Belt.

GREEN BAY is a city in Wisconsin at the mouth of

the Fox River on Green Bay inlet, separated from Lake
Michigan by the Door Peninsula. Originally called La
Baye and La Baye des Puans by the French explorers who
came there in the 1630s, the settlement was renamed
Green Bay in 1839 after it was merged with a trading post.
It is the oldest settlement in the state. The area served as
a French trading post and fort during conicts with the
British and had permanent settlers only sporadically until
1745, when the trading post there became permanent.
Situated at the end of the Fox River system of portages
to the Mississippi River, the settlement was particularly
attractive to settlers after the opening of the Erie Canal
in 1825. The settlers platted a village in 1829 and incorporated Green Bay as a city in 1854. It served as a major
port for lumbering from about 1850 and, from 1890, as a


Martin, Deborah B. History of Brown County, Wisconsin, Past and

Present. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke, 1913.
Thompson, William Fletcher, ed. The History of Wisconsin. 3 vols.
Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 19731985.

Matthew L. Daley
See also Wisconsin.

GREEN BERETS. See Special Forces.

GREEN CARD. Alien registration receipt cards, colloquially called green cards, are issued to aliens who
qualify as lawful permanent residents as proof of their
status. The 2002 version of the card was actually light pink


in color. Cards issued before 1976, however, were green.

All older versions of the green card expired in 1996. The
I-551 cards expire after ten years and need to be renewed
before expiration. Permanent resident children must apply for a new card when they reach their fourteenth birthday. Expiration of the card does not affect an individuals
status as a lawful permanent resident, but an expired card
cannot be used to establish employment eligibility or as
a visa for travel.
The current card is machine readable and contains
the aliens photograph, ngerprints, and signature as well
as optical patterns to frustrate counterfeiting. If a residents card is lost, mutilated, or destroyed, a replacement
card may be issued. If the permanent resident is naturalized, permanently leaves the country, is deported, or dies,
the card must be surrendered.
To qualify for permanent resident status and receive
a card, an alien must t into one of several categories.
The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended,
established a set of preferred immigrant categories, each
limited by a numerical quota. An alien may be sponsored
by certain family members in the United States. An
employment-based status is granted to workers with
extraordinary ability, people with advanced degrees,
people whose labor is needed in the United States, religious workers, foreign employees of the government,
and entrepreneurs who create employment opportunities
for Americans. The so-called diversity category includes
immigrants from underrepresented countries. Refugees
and people granted asylum may also apply for permanent
residence after one year.
The card serves as a permit for employment in the
United States and a visa. Permanent residents may use
the card to return to the United States after a temporary
absence not exceeding one year. If more than a year passes
before the resident returns to the United States, the card
is no longer valid as a reentry permit. If the permanent
resident has been abroad for more than one year but less
than two, he or she must obtain a reentry permit from
the INS. If the resident is absent from the United States
for longer than two years, he or she must obtain a special
immigrant visa from a U.S. consulate, usually after establishing that he or she has not abandoned his or her permanent resident status.
The potential use of the card to reenter the United
States should not be confused with the maintenance of
lawful permanent residence status. To maintain lawful
permanent resident status while abroad, an alien must
demonstrate the intent to remain in the United States as
a permanent resident. The INS generally examines the
length of and purpose for the residents absence; whether
or not the resident continues to le U.S. tax returns,
maintains a U.S. address, bank account, and drivers license; the location of the residents close family members;
and the location and nature of the residents employment.
For the holder of a green card to be eligible for naturalization, he or she generally must reside in the United

States continuously for ve years following establishment

of permanent residence. The required period is reduced
to three years if the resident is the spouse of a U.S. citizen.
If the resident is absent from the country for more than
six months but for less than a year, the continuity of residence is broken unless the resident can supply a reasonable explanation for the absence. An absence of one year
or more destroys the continuity of residence unless the
resident takes appropriate steps prior to the expiration of
a year.

Aleinikoff, Thomas Alexander, David A. Martin, and Hiroshi

Motomura. Immigration: Process and Policy. 4th ed. St. Paul,
Minn.: West Group, 1998.
Gordon, Charles, Stanley Mailman, and Stephen Yale-Loehr.
Immigration Law and Procedure. New York: Matthew
Bender, 1988; supplemented through 2002.
Legomsky, Stephen H. Immigration and Refugee Law and Policy.
Westbury, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1997.

Daniel Kanstroom
See also Immigration.

GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS. Beginning in 1749,

the New Hampshire governor Benning Wentworth issued numerous patents to land in the Green Mountains,
counting on a vague border with New York to at least
temporarily make the claims protable. Settlers, moving
in orderly, family-centered groups, took advantage of the
new patents and moved into the area, establishing towns
that were, although varied in religion and ethnic background, far from a wild frontier. In 1770, New Yorkers
attempted to use a 1764 royal decision that the land belonged to them to move in Dutch settlers on new patents.
Reacting to this incursion, Ethan Allen, a recent immigrant, formed the Green Mountain Boys, a group of men
determined to protect their families lands, who used intimidation, violence, and harassment to drive off the hated
Yorkers. Allen and his men successfully evaded the authorities, even posting a mock reward for their enemies
in retaliation for bounties posted on their heads.
When the American Revolution began, Allen volunteered the Green Mountain Boys for service, transforming them into soldiers, not just outlaws. Using their
knowledge of the area and Fort Ticonderogas weaknesses, Allen and Henry Knox seized the fort and its cannon, which eventually forced the British out of Boston.
When Allen volunteered for the ill-fated Montreal expedition, the rest of the men stayed behind under Colonel
Seth Warner and fought at the Battle of Bennington. Ira
Allen, Ethan Allens brother, led the Green Mountain
Boys to declare an independent Vermont in 1777, ghting
off claims by both New Hampshire and New York while
politically maneuvering for support within the Continental Congress. Although Ethan Allan died in 1789, his fam-



ily and his Green Mountain Boys survived to see Vermont

become a state in 1791.

Bellesiles, Michael A. Revolutionary Outlaws. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1993.

Hoyt, Edwin P. The Damndest Yankees. Brattleboro, Vt.: Stephen
Green Press, 1976.

Margaret D. Sankey
See also Bennington, Battle of; New Hampshire; Ticonderoga, Capture of; Vermont.

GREENBACK MOVEMENT. To meet the enormous demands of the Civil War, the federal government
in 1863 began issuing large quantities (as much as from
$300 to $400 million in circulation between 1862 and
1879) of greenbacks, notes not redeemable for gold. At
the close of the war, scal conservatives expected a return
to the gold standard and a constriction in the monetary
supply. However, the increased cash available was attractive, not as a wartime expediency but as a monetary policy,
to a growing group of Greenbackers. Frequently westerners and southerners, they were alienated by the limited supply of specie-backed notes available through the easterndominated national banking system, and felt that the
conservative policies of the system limited their ability to
expand entrepreneurial activity, particularly in the newly
settled West. Many Greenbackers sprang from the Jacksonian tradition of agrarian and antimonopolistic politics,
and far from being the yokels and bumpkins that their
political rivals depicted, they campaigned for an imaginative and dynamic new system of scal management in
the United States.
As early as 1868, Greenbackers saw a political proposal from Ohio Democrat George Pendleton (The
Pendleton Plan), which suggested that greenbacks be
continued, tied to an incontrovertible bond scheme. The
bonds proposed would widen the supply of cash, and because the amount of money could be expanded or contracted by the number of bonds sold, make the countrys
money supply respond to the demands of the population.
Although this plan was not adopted, the bond plan remained a priority for Greenbackers until the return to the
gold standard in 1879. Greenbackers were a disparate and
organizationally dispersed group, which was both advantageous and a drawback for the Greenback Party, which
emerged as a political entity by the early 1870s. Positively,
the party could draw on the organizational resources of
various groups, such as the Grange, for meeting space and
nancial support. Negatively, as a third party, it lacked the
patronage and machinery required to compete with the
Republicans and Democrats, especially as many supporters of greenbacks were often concerned with other issueslike Reconstruction in the southern states, womens
rights, and labor problemsand divided by them as well.
Some candidates, like Daniel Russell of North Carolina,


ran for Congress on both the Greenback and Republican

ticket, but otherscaught between the two major partieswere successful at only the state level. (The partys
candidates were particularly successful in Illinois, where
they enjoyed tremendous agrarian support.)
During the 1870s, the debate over greenbacks remained a clash between the conservative goldbugs, as
Greenbackers derisively called their opponents, and the
Greenbackers, who dened themselves as antimonopolist,
entrepreneurial, democratic, andwith these values
representing the best of America. Their detractors accused them of being the least desirable of citizens: shiftless
debtors who saw in easy money a way to quick riches.
The debate ofcially ended when, with Republican organizations in the Midwest winning over voters and
Greenbackers unable to push for a national policy, the
gold standard was returned in 1879. Many followers of
the movement, however, continued their political activities under the banner of the Populist Party.

Ritter, Gretchen. Goldbugs and Greenbacks: The Antimonopoly Tradition and the Politics of Finance in America. Cambridge,
U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Unger, Irwin. The Greenback Era: A Social and Political History of
American Finance, 18651879. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1964.

Margaret D. Sankey
See also Gold Bugs; Granger Movement; Farmers Alliance;

GREENBACKS, the popular name for the U.S. notes

issued during the Civil War as legal tender for all debts
except tariff duties and interest on the public debt. They
served as the standard of value in ordinary commercial
transactions after their issue in 1862. The $450 million in
greenbacks that was authorized was later permanently reduced to $346,681,016. Although heavily depreciated
during the Civil War, greenbacks were much favored by
rural proponents of inationary monetary policies, who
rallied for their continuance in the late 1860s and 1870s.
Organized as the Greenback Party, the proponents succeeded in postponing the resumption of specie payments
until the Resumption Act of 1875, which by 1879 had
returned the greenback to a value on par with metallic

Ritter, Gretchen. Goldbugs and Greenbacks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Unger, Irwin. The Greenback Era. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1964.

Elmer Ellis / a. r.
See also Currency and Coinage; Resumption Act; Specie Payments, Suspension and Resumption of.


expensive houses. In Greenbelt, where far more unoccupied land lay within the town boundaries, residents formed
a housing cooperative and purchased the original town
and a large section of the surrounding territory. Frustrated by attempts to manage and develop the unoccupied
land, the cooperative decided to sell it to private developers, who covered the property with housing units and
commercial centers. By the year 2000 Greenbelt contained 10,180 houses and 21,456 residents. Greendale had
6,011 houses and 14,405 residents, and Greenhills had
1,639 houses and 4,103 residents. In spite of their inability
to control the postwar development of the lands surrounding their towns, the greenbelters continued to exhibit the strong sense of community spirit that characterized their actions during the New Deal era and passed
this spirit on to many of the new residents.

Innovative Community. In this 1946 photograph by

Gretchen Van Tassel, children play on a pedestrian path
alongside row houses and open space in Greenbelt, Md.
Library of Congress

GREENBELT COMMUNITIES. Among the numerous public works projects undertaken by the New
Deal during the 1930s, one of the most innovative was
the three greenbelt towns: Greenbelt, Maryland, outside Washington, D.C.; Greenhills, Ohio, north of Cincinnati; and Greendale, Wisconsin, near Milwaukee. The
towns took their names from the wide belt of open land
surrounding each, separating them from adjacent suburban developments and reinforcing their sense of local
cohesion. The New Deals Resettlement Administration
constructed the towns between 1935 and 1938, giving
jobs to twenty-ve thousand unemployed workers. Exemplifying the most advanced planning ideas, Greenbelt,
the largest of the three towns, received the most public
attention. Its 885 dwellings were carefully arranged on
super blocks with generous amounts of open space. The
town center contained a municipal building, retail stores,
a movie theater, a gas station, a swimming pool, and a
public school that also served as a community center. Pedestrian paths wound through each neighborhood, passed
safely under major roads, and linked all the dwellings to
the town center. Greenhills (676 dwellings) and Greendale (572 dwellings) followed the same general plan as
Greenbelt but on more modest scales.
The greenbelt communities received widespread
praise for their innovative designs, but because inuential
private real estate interests strongly opposed such development, no others were built. Following World War II,
Congress ordered the U.S. Housing Administration to sell
the towns. Many residents of Greenhills and Greendale
purchased their dwellings. The greenbelt lands, nearly all
of which lay outside the village boundaries, were bought
by real estate developers, who covered them with more

Alanen, Arnold R., and Joseph A. Eden. Main Street Ready-Made:

The New Deal Community of Greendale, Wisconsin. Madison:
State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1987.
Arnold, Joseph L. The New Deal in the Suburbs: A History of the
Greenbelt Town Program, 19351954. Columbus: Ohio State
University Press, 1971.
Knepper, Cathy D. Greenbelt, Maryland: A Living Legacy of the
New Deal. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Miller, Zane L. Suburb: Neighborhood and Community in Forest
Park, Ohio, 19351976. Knoxville: University of Tennessee
Press, 1981.
Williamson, Mary Lou, ed. Greenbelt: History of a New Town,
19371987. Norfolk, Va.: Donning Publishers, 1987.

Joseph L. Arnold
See also Resettlement Administration.


Museum and Greenfield Village.

GREENVILLE TREATY of 3 August 1795 resulted

directly from General Mad Anthony Waynes victory
over a confederation of Native warriors at Fallen Timbers
(near modern Toledo, Ohio) in 1794. Over 1,100 Indians
attended Waynes council, which began in earnest in midJuly. Wayne read the Indians copies of the Treaty of Paris
(1783) and the new Jays Treaty (1794) to drive home the
point that Britain had abandoned the Ohio Country, and
the United States was now sovereign in the region. Jays
Treaty, in which Britain promised to evacuate its forts in
American territory, proved crucial to Waynes case. This
agreement (this was probably the rst the Indians had
heard of it) convinced most of the confederacys chiefs and
warriors that the British material aid necessary for continued resistance would cease, and that they should therefore make peace with the Americans and cede the Ohio
Country to the young nation.



served numerous small plots of land for the United States

and the old French holdings, which became the subject
of later dispute.
The Greenville Treaty established a general peace
between Americans and Indians in the Old Northwest
that held until 1811. It inexpensively opened most of
Ohio to rapid American settlement, and proved that Indian lands could be purchased, rather than merely taken.
The treaty also, through the annuity system, increased
Indian dependence on manufactured goods and established some chiefs, like Little Turtle, as prominent leaders. American ofcials would later force these tribes into
land cession treaties by threatening to withhold their
Greenville annuities. While it seemed Wayne had negotiated with the confederation, in reality he met with disgruntled, feuding villagers who could not even agree on
the distribution of their annuities. A great many of the
chiefs who attended the treaty died soon after from disease, further compromising Indian leadership in the Old
Northwest. Waynes use of bribery, spies, and threats of
force helped him play one tribe against another to secure
the treaty. His aide-de-camp, William Henry Harrison,
utilized all these tactics when he became governor of Indiana Territory in 1800.

Kappler, Charles J., ed. Indian Treaties 17781883. New York:

Interland, 1972.

Many of the Indian leaders present accepted the

American terms. Chief Little Turtle of the Miamis delivered a rebuttal speech denying former British claims to
Ohio. He proposed a compromise, in which the new
boundary would extend no farther north than Fort Recovery (in present-day Mercer County, Ohio). Wayne insisted on his original proposal, however. He made extensive use of liquor, presents, spies, and bribes to further the
American agenda, and on 3 August, representatives from
all the tribes present marked the treaty. Little Turtle held
out until 12 August, but then relented in a private council
with Wayne.
The treaty allotted annuities (yearly payments) of
$1,000 in trade goods (minus the cost of shipping) each
to the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawnees, Miamis, Ottawas, Chippewas, and Potawatomis. A $500 annuity (minus shipping) went to the Kickapoos, Weas, Eel Rivers,
Piankashaws, and Kaskaskias. Ideally, the annuities went
to the chiefs who had signed the treaty and were then
distributed to their people, though this was not always
the case in practice. The Kickapoos disdained what they
saw as an inconsequential annuity, and declined even to
collect it for several years. The United States received
all of modern-day Ohio, minus the northwest quadrant.
Wayne further reserved 150,000 acres on the Ohio River
opposite Louisville, Kentucky, for the veterans of George
Rogers Clarks Vincennes campaign. The treaty also re-


Sword, Wiley. President Washingtons Indian War: The Struggle for

the Old Northwest, 17901795. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985.
White, Richard. The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 16501815. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Robert M. Owens
See also Fallen Timbers, Battle of; Indian Land Cessions; Indian Policy, U.S.: 17751830; Indian Treaties; Jays

GREENWICH VILLAGE. Called Sapokanikan by

the original native inhabitants who used the area mostly
for shing, Greenwich Village is one of the most vibrant
and diverse neighborhoods in Lower Manhattan. During
the 1630s, Dutch settlers called this area Noortwyck and
used it for farms. It remained sparsely populated until the
English conquered it in 1664. By 1713 it had evolved into
a small village renamed Grinwich. Because of its proximity to the commercial activities centered near the Hudson River, it began to take on a more commercial orientation after the American Revolution. A series of epidemics
between 1803 and 1822 increased the areas population
when residents from more crowded parts of the city ed
north. By 1840 the area had been transformed from a
small farming hamlet to a thriving business and residential
center. Land developers bought up and divided the remaining farmland, and the marshy tracts were lled in.


lage townhouse. In the 1980s, the Village became a center

for the mobilization against the AIDS epidemic. At the
start of the twenty-rst century, the Village is a major
tourist mecca and continues to be one of the most dynamic and diverse neighborhoods in New York City.

Burrows, Edwin G., and Mike Wallace. Gotham: A History of New

York City to 1898. New York: Oxford University Press,
Gold, Joyce. From Trout Stream to Bohemia: A Walking Guide to
Greenwich Village History. New York: Old Warren Road
Press, 1988.
Miller, Terry. Greenwich Village and How It Got That Way. New
York: Crown, 1990.

Faren R. Siminoff
See also New York City.

Greenwich Village. Outside Cafe Bizarre on West Third

Street, 1959. Bettmann/corbis

Fashionable Greek Revivalstyle townhouses sprang up

around Washington Square Park.
During the nineteenth century the Village was transformed not only by its afuent residents but also by the
many educational and cultural institutions that ourished
there. New York University was founded in 1836 and private galleries, art clubs, and learned societies abounded.
The neighborhood began another transformation by the
end of the nineteenth century when German, Irish, and
Italian immigrants ooded into the area to work in the
manufacturing concerns based in the southeastern part of
the neighborhood. As these immigrants moved in, many
single-family residences were subdivided into smaller units
or demolished and replaced by tenements. By World
War I, a range of political and cultural radicals and bohemians had moved in, and the neighborhood began to
take on the character that has marked it since as a home
to and focal point for diverse social, cultural, educational,
and countercultural movements.
In the 1950s, the Village provided a forum for the
beat generation and produced such literary luminaries as
Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. The 1960s through the
early 1970s marked the arrival of an openly gay community, hippies, antiwar activists, and an assortment of
countercultural and underground movements. In 1969,
police and gay residents met in a violent confrontation
known as the Stonewall Rebellion. The next year members of a radical terrorist group, the Weathermen, blew
themselves up while building a bomb in a Greenwich Vil-

GRENADA INVASION. The United Kingdom

ruled the Caribbean island of Grenada from 1763 until
independence in 1974. The countrys rst prime minister,
Sir Eric Gairy, ruled until 1979, when a coup led by Maurice Bishop overthrew his government. By late summer
1983, Bishops New Jewel Movement had split into two
factions. On 19 October the more left-wing element, under Deputy Prime Minister Bernard Coard and General
Hudson Austin, which favored closer ties to communist
states, arrested and subsequently executed Bishop and
some of his ministers. Two days later, the Organization
of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) met and voted to
intervene militarily to restore order. Lacking adequate
forces, the OECS appealed to nonmember states Jamaica,
Barbados, and the United States. A 23 October meeting
of British and U.S. diplomats with Grenadian ofcials
proved unproductive.
Amid growing concern in Washington for the safety
of U.S. nationals in Grenada, President Ronald Reagan
authorized the commitment of U.S. forces. On 25 October a combined force of six thousand troops from the
United States and one thousand troops from Jamaica,
Barbados, and the OECS landed on Grenada in a military
action named Operation Urgent Fury. By 28 October the
troops had secured the island. The operation was a military success, although not free from error. U.S. public
opinion narrowly supported the Intervention, but the
United Nations Security Council and later the General
Assembly voted to deplore the action as a agrant violation of international law. Depending on ones viewpoint,
Operation Urgent Fury either destroyed a democratic regime or ended a growing threat to regional and U.S. security interests.

Hopf, Ted. Peripheral Visions: Deterrence Theory and American

Foreign Policy in the Third World, 19651990. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, 1994.



Payne, Anthony, Paul Sutton, and Tony Thorndike. Grenada:

Revolution and Invasion. New York: St. Martins Press, 1984.
Weber, Cynthia. Simulating Sovereignty: Intervention, the State,
and Symbolic Exchange. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1995.

Richard W. Turk / a. e.
See also Caribbean Policy; Latin America, Relations with.

gardless of discriminatory intent and placed the burden

of proof on the employer to show that the conduct was
based on business necessity. The Court shifted the burden of proof back to the plaintiff in Price Waterhouse v.
Hopkins (1989) and Wards Cove Packing Co., Inc., v. Atonio
(1989), but the Civil Rights Act of 1991 reinstated the
Griggs theory. Thus, Griggs helped sustain afrmative action programs in the employment eld.

GRIFFON, rst sailing vessel on the upper Great

Lakes, was built in 1679 by Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La
Salle, above Niagara Falls to transport men and supplies
between Niagara and his projected Illinois colony. In August of that year, the Griffon carried La Salle, accompanied by Father Louis Hennepin, to Green Bay, from
which the ship was sent back to Niagara laden with furs
for La Salles creditors. Vessel and crew disappeared on
the voyage, and their fate remains a mystery. Frequent
reports of the discovery of its remains have been published, but all have lacked substantial foundation; the numerous pictures of the Griffon are likewise ctional.

Gray, C. Boyden. Disparate Impact: History and Consequences. Louisiana Law Review 54 ( July 1994).
Halpern, Stephen C. On the Limits of the Law: The Ironic Legacy
of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1995.
Nieman, Donald G. Promises to Keep: African-Americans and the
Constitutional Order, 1776 to the Present. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1991.

Tony Freyer / a. r.
See also Affirmative Action; Civil Rights Movement; Wards
Cove Packing Co., Inc., v. Atonio.


MacLean, Harrison J. The Fate of the Griffon. Toronto: Grifn

House, 1974.

M. M. Quaife / a. r.
See also Explorations and Expeditions: French; La Salle Explorations; Mackinac, Straits of, and Mackinac Island.


424 (1971). Prior to the passage of Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited employment discrimination, employers throughout the South and elsewhere in the United States used racial classications to
intentionally discriminate against African Americans in
hiring decisions. The 8-0 Supreme Court decision in
Griggs established new denitions of employment discrimination, inuencing wide-ranging areas of public policy. The issue was whether the new law prohibited Duke
Power Company from requiring a high school education
and the passing of a standardized general intelligence test
as conditions of employment when the standards were not
signicantly related to job performance. Blacks were disqualied by the standards at a substantially higher rate
than white applicants, and the jobs at issue had previously
been lled only by whites as part of a long-standing practice of discrimination. The district court had decided that
the companys examination program was not intentionally
The Supreme Court reversed the decision, holding
that the law prohibited not only overt discrimination but
also practices ostensibly neutral but discriminatory in
operation, such as screening tests, that result in a disparate
(unfavorable) impact on blacks. This disparate impact
precedent established the right to sue under Title VII re-


GRISTMILLS. From colonial times and into the rst

half of the nineteenth century, gristmills ourished in
America by meeting an important local need in agricultural communities: grinding the farmers grain and levying a toll, usually in kind, for the service. In some especially productive localities, mills grew large and millers
operated as merchants, buying and exporting the areas
surplus grain. Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century,
however, the opening of the great grain-producing areas
of the West, railroad construction, steam power, and the
growth and concentration of industry eventually drove
most of the small local mills out of business. Relics of the
once decentralized American milling industry can still be
found along the streams of many of the older states. The
massive grinding stones of gristmills were once much
sought after as ornaments for courtyards or gardens.

Lockwood, J. F. Flour Milling. Liverpool, N.Y.: Northern Publishing Company, 1945.

Storck, John. Flour for Mens Bread. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 1952.

W. A. Robinson / c. w.
See also Agriculture; Cereal Grains; Corn; Elevators, Grain;


(1965). When the state Planned Parenthood League
opened a clinic in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1961, two
staff members were arrested and ned under a rarely used
law for giving advice and a prescription for a contraceptive to a married couple. The law, a legacy of Anthony


Comstocks anti-vice campaign of the late nineteenth century, had been interpreted to ban the use of contraceptives
and the opening of public clinics, which meant that
women could not attain access to reliable contraception
unless they could afford private physicians.
The Supreme Court decision in Griswold v. Connecticut reversed the Connecticut law by extending constitutional protection to the individuals right to Privacy.
However, the Supreme Court was uncertain about the
source of this right. The plurality opinion, written by
Justice William O. Douglas, argued that several provisions
of the Bill of Rights combine to create penumbras that
is, rights not explicitly set forth but nonetheless guaranteed
by implicationand thus protected zones of privacy. A
married couples choice about parenthood lay within that
zone. Two dissenters from the right of privacy, Hugo Black
and Potter Stewart, accused the majority of writing their
personal opinions into constitutional doctrine and violating
the principle of judicial self-restraint. It was a curious decision: No one publicly opposed the legalization of birth
control, but many legal scholars agreed with the dissenters
accusations. Eight years later, Roe v. Wade (1973) revealed
the explosive potential of Griswold and other privacy decisions as precedents by ruling that the right of privacy included a limited right to elective abortion.

Baer, Judith A. Women in American Law: The Struggle toward

Equality from the New Deal to the Present. New York: Holmes
and Meier, 1996.
Ball, Howard, and Phillip Cooper. Of Power and Right: Hugo
Black, William O. Douglas, and Americas Constitutional Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Judith A. Baer / a. r.
See also Birth Control Movement; Roe v. Wade.


297 U.S. 233 (1936). To stie criticism from his political
enemies, U.S. senator Huey Long of Louisiana persuaded
the legislature of his state to place a 2 percent license tax
on the sale of advertising in newspapers with a weekly
circulation of more than twenty thousand (which covered
most of the states opposition newspapers). Nine Louisiana newspaper publishers challenged the law in court. In
Grosjean v. American Press Company, Justice George Sutherland wrote for a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court, holding the Louisiana law unconstitutional under the due process clause of the U.S. Constitution because it abridged
the freedom of the press.

Hair, William Ivy. The Kingsh and His Realm: The Life and Times
of Huey P. Long. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University,

GROUP LIBEL LAWS. Otherwise known as hate

speech laws or codes, group libel laws penalize speech or
other communication that attacks or defames a particular
group on the basis of its race, ethnicity, gender, sexual
orientation, religion, or other such characteristic. These
laws are typically based on the belief that group libel, particularly against groups that suffer from social prejudice
and discrimination, cements the groups subordinated
status, helps create a social climate that encourages violence against the group, and causes the targeted group to
curtail its own speech.
These statutes and codes, when enacted by governmental bodies or public institutions such as public universities, raise serious First Amendment issues. Since the
speech is categorized and penalized because of its content,
the statutes must overcome the general constitutional presumption against content-based restrictions on speech.
Nevertheless, in Beauharnais v. Illinois (1952), the U.S.
Supreme Court narrowly upheld the constitutionality of
a state statute criminalizing the libel of a group of citizens.
The Court said that, like ghting words (words that
would cause the average addressee to ght), libel against
individuals or groups was not within a constitutionally
protected category of speech.
While Beauharnais has never been expressly overruled, a number of cases have so weakened its rationale
that its holding would not likely survive if tested. Indeed,
in R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul (1992), the Court struck down
a local ordinance that made it a crime to place on public
or private property a symbol or object likely to arouse
anger, alarm, or resentment . . . on the basis of race,
color, creed, religion, or gender. The defendant had
been charged under the ordinance after burning a cross
in the yard of an African American family. Even though
the speech at issue fell into the analytical category of
ghting words, which the Court had previously maintained was of low constitutional value, the Court held that
the ordinance was viewpoint based and thus on its face
unconstitutional. R.A.V. thus suggests that group libel
laws and hate speech codes will fail constitutional attack,
absent some special context that would allow the speech
restriction to satisfy strict scrutiny.


Freedman, Monroe H., and Eric M. Freedman, eds. Group Defamation and Freedom of Speech. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1995.
Matsuda, Mari. Public Response to Racist Speech: Considering
the Victims Story. Michigan Law Review 87 (1989): 2357
Sunstein, Cass R. Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech. New
York: Free Press, 1993.

Kent Greeneld

R. Blake Brown
See also Due Process of Law; First Amendment.

See also Hate Crimes; Libel.



GUADALCANAL CAMPAIGN. To check the Japanese advance and open the way for a strategic offensive
against Rabaul, the Allies planned to seize bases in the
southern Solomon Islands. On 7 August 1942 Maj. Gen.
Alexander A. Vandegrifts First Marine Division landed on
Guadalcanal and nearby Tulagi, scattering small Japanese
forces on both islands. The Japanese reaction was swift.
First, Japanese aircraft struck at the beachhead. Then, in a
surprise night attack against Allied naval forces early on 9
August (the Battle of Savo Island), seven Japanese cruisers
and a destroyer sank three American cruisers, an Australian
cruiser, and an American destroyer. Rear Adm. Richmond
K. Turner and Adm. Frank J. Fletcher were forced to withdraw ships from the area, leaving the marines alone to defend the Guadalcanal aireld. Undaunted by the loss of the
aircraft carrier Ryuto at the battle of the Eastern Solomons
(August 2325), the Japanese landed thousands of troops
on the island in nightly destroyer runs (Tokyo Express).
In mid-September, the Japanese, now about a division
strong, attacked the marine positions (the Battle of Bloody
Ridge), only to be repulsed with heavy losses.
For the next month, heavy air and sea battles took
place in the Guadalcanal area. While further Japanese reinforcement efforts were frustrated in a series of naval
actions, the marines were soon replaced by more than fty
thousand army troops under Maj. Gen. Alexander Patch.
The Japanese, short on supplies and weakened by disease,
fell back before heavy American attacks. In early February
1943, the thirteen thousand Japanese survivors were evacuated in night operations, leaving Guadalcanal in American hands.

In April 1847, President James K. Polk had sent Trist,

a loyal Democrat, to spy on Scott, a Whig whom Polk
feared might oppose him in the election of 1848. After
Scott gained the capital, Polks appetite for Mexican territory seemingly increased, and he considered demanding
all of Mexico. In early October 1847, Polk ordered Trist
recalled. When Trist learned in November of the recall,
he stalled, informed Mexican authorities he had to leave,
and got Mexican leaders on 24 January 1848 to agree to
earlier U.S. land demands. Trist signed the Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo nine days later and sent it to the
president. Thus, he negotiated and signed a treaty on
behalf of the United States after he had been dismissed
from his position.
The treaty called for Mexico to cede more than half
its original territory, including the present-day states of
California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah and parts of New
Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. It also made adjustments to the Mexico-Texas border (the Rio Grande became the boundary instead of the Rio Nueces). In all,
Mexico ceded more than 500,000 square miles. In return,
the United States paid Mexico some $15 million, most of
which went to Americans with claims against the Mexican
The gain of land from this treaty caused problems in
the U.S. Senate because of the deepening debate over the
expansion of slavery. Subsequent problems in establishing
the U.S.-Mexican border in southern Arizona and New
Mexico would be resolved with the Gadsden Purchase in
1853, establishing what is the current boundary.


Frank, Richard B. Guadalcanal. New York: Random House,

Grifth, Samuel B., II. The Battle for Guadalcanal. New York:
Lippincott, 1963.
Hammel, Eric M. Guadalcanal, Decision at Sea: The Naval Battle
of Guadalcanal, November 1315, 1942. New York: Crown,

Stanley L. Falk / a. r.
See also Aircraft Carriers and Naval Aircraft; Bismarck Sea,
Battle of; Bougainville; Marine Corps, United States;
Rabaul Campaign; World War II; World War II, Navy in.


2 February 1848, a senior State Department clerk, Nicholas P. Trist, signed a treaty at the town of Guadalupe
Hidalgo (just outside of Mexico City) ending the war with
Mexico. The previous fall, Gen.Wineld Scott had completed his advance from Vera Cruz along Mexicos Gulf
coast, through the mountains and into the capital, Mexico


Bauer, Karl Jack. The Mexican War, 18461848. New York: Macmillan, 1974.
Drexler, Robert W. Guilty of Making Peace: A Biography of Nicholas P. Trist. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America,
Eisenhower, John S.D. So Far from God: The U.S. War with Mexico, 18461848. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,
Francaviglia, Richard, and Douglas W. Richmond, eds. Dueling
Eagles: Reinterpreting the U.S.-Mexican War, 18461848.
Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 2000.

Charles M. Dobbs
See also Compromise of 1850; Gadsden Purchase; MexicanAmerican War; Wilmot Proviso.

GUAM, the westernmost territory of the United

States, was captured by American forces in June 1898 during the Spanish-American War, and ceded to the United
States by the Treaty of Paris, signed 10 December 1898.
Ferdinand Magellan is credited with discovery of the island in 1521. The island, which is about thirty miles long
and four to ten miles wide, is the southernmost of the
Mariana Islands. It was then inhabited by natives who had


migrated from Asia, probably the Malay Archipelago,

about 3,500 years earlier. Following its cession in 1898,
Guam was administered by naval ofcers, pursuant to executive orders of the president. On 1 August 1950, its
administration was transferred to the Department of the
Interior under the Organic Act. Until 1970, under this
act, the chief executive of Guam was a governor appointed
by the president, but a 1968 amendment provided for
popular election thereafter. A unicameral legislature (one
legislative chamber) of twenty-one members is the lawmaking authority. A court with the jurisdiction of a federal
district court and local jurisdiction has been established,
its decisions subject to appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals. The people of Guam have been citizens of the
United States since 1950.
During World War II, Guam was occupied by Japanese forces from December 1941 to 21 July 1944 when
it was recaptured by United States Marines. It has since
played a key role in U.S. Pacic defenses. In 2000, its
population of approximately 150,000 was largely employed
in military-related pursuits, but tourism continues to provide a lively and increasing source of economic activity.
Major exports include petroleum products, construction
materials, and sh, and Guams largest trading partners
are the mainland United States and Japan. English and
Chamorro are the principal languages on the island, and
more than 98 percent of the population is Roman Catholic.

Carano, Paul, and Pedro C. Sanchez. A Complete History of

Guam. Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle, 1964.
Rogers, Robert F. Destinys Landfall: A History of Guam. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1995.

Ruth G. Van Cleve / a. g.

See also Japan, Relations with; Spanish-American War, Navy
in; Territorial Governments; Territories of the United

GUANO, nitrate-rich bat dung that is an excellent fertilizer, was rst imported into the United States in 1824
by John S. Skinner, a proponent of progressive agriculture
and the editor of the rst U.S. farm journal, American
Farmer. The agricultural press, picking up on progressive
farming techniques that made use of various fertilizers
(composed of bones, seaweed, rock phosphate, night soil,
or various manures) to boost production, began to focus
attention on the value of guano as an almost magical fertilizer. Its advocates urged farmers to try it, regaling them
with fabulous stories of its productive power, but its use
was insignicant until the 1840s and never spread far beyond the relatively small, if inuential, group of progressive farmers. Its high price, owing in part to a Peruvian
monopoly of the principal source, led to declining use
after 1854.


Mathew, W. M. The House of Gibbs and the Peruvian Guano Monopoly. London: Royal Historical Society, 1981.
Skaggs, Jimmy. The Great Guano Rush. New York: St. Martins
Press, 1994.

Fred Cole / c. w.
See also Agriculture; Fertilizers.

GUANTANAMO BAY, U.S. naval base, naval air

station, and U.S. Marine Corps base near the eastern end
of the south coast of Cuba. This 36,000-acre compound
fell under American control under the terms of the Platt
Amendment of 1901, by which the United States obtained the right to intervene in Cuba and to buy or lease
territory for naval stations. A new treaty in 1934 eliminated the right of intervention but reasserted prior stipulations in regard to Guantanamo Bay. The Cuban
Communist government of Fidel Castro later denied the
validity of the treaties, but the United States retained the
base. The site has an excellent deep-water land-locked

Fitzgibbon, Russell H. Cuba and the United States, 19001935.

Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing, 1935; New York:
Russell and Russell, 1964.
Paterson, Thomas G. Contesting Castro: The United States and the
Triumph of the Cuban Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Charles B. MacDonald / a. r.
See also Caribbean Policy; Cuba, Relations with; Treaties
with Foreign Nations.


the most populated Central American country, has historically been the most economically powerful nation in
the region, though that power rested with a select elite
and U.S. business interests. United States policy in Central America has consisted of defending and promoting
American trade and security. In Guatemala, the United
States enjoyed considerable inuence through informal
interests that until 1954 made military intervention unnecessary. The United States held sway over the economy
through its dominance in trade and commerce, made possible by authoritarian and dictatorial regimes. The U.S.
United Fruit Company (UFCO) was the single largest
landowner. Through its banana monopoly, UFCO controlled the railroad, harbors, and steamships vital to national commerce. To the detriment of most Guatemalans,
the company prospered by accommodating dictators who
kept exploited laborers under control and satised the
United States desire for order and stability.
In 1944, a middle-class, student-supported revolution put an abrupt end to dictator Jorge Ubico. This



brought about a period of reforms and democratization,

including the 1944 elections, the freest the country had
seen, and, in 1952, far-reaching land reforms. The banana
company vigorously objected to the expropriation of its
unused lands. Predictably, UFCO and the U.S. government claimed communists, not maldistribution of national resources, were causing Guatemalan social and political problems. In 1954, the United States organized,
funded, and directed a coup to topple the constitutionally
elected Jacobo Arbenz Guzman government. The United
States wanted to discourage nationalists from challenging
American interests, especially in its own backyard. Although the United States justied its covert intervention
on Cold War grounds, close ties between UFCO and the
administration of President Dwight Eisenhower provided
additional incentive.

See also Alliance For Progress; Cold War; and vol. 9: Maya in
Exile: Guatemalans in Florida.

The militarys return to power lasted more than thirty

years and was supported by U.S. funding, which exceeded
that of any other Central American country between 1954
and 1970. John F. Kennedys Alliance for Progress attempted to force Guatemalan reform, but U.S. plans favored big business, caused a growing disparity between
rich and poor, and perpetuated Guatemalan dependence.
Despite U.S. aid and failed attempts at reform, worsening
social conditions and political repression fostered growing rebellion. Beginning in the late 1960s, the U.S.trained Guatemalan military brutally and often indiscriminately repressed the political opposition, the death toll
reaching more than fty thousand by 1976. Attempting
to promote human rights, President Jimmy Carters administration ceased military aid, but Guatemalan military
leaders found other suppliers in western Europe and Israel. The Ronald Reagan administration revived the Cold
War and was willing to forgive the abuses of authoritarianism, but Congress blocked arms shipments until a civilian headed the Guatemalan government. In 1985, the
Guatemalan military selected its civilian gurehead. Congress resumed military aid and increased economic assistance, but after thirty years of warfare, the rebels still operated throughout most of the country.

American guerrilla warfare during colonial times, the

Revolution, and the War of 1812 was based to a large
degree on knowledge of the Indian tactics of hit-and-run
raids, ambush, and cover and concealment. During the
Revolutionary War, for example, Francis Marion, the
Swamp Fox of the southern campaign, used these techniques against the more traditionally organized British
forces. In the war with Mexico (18461848), enemy guerrillas caused the U.S. army much trouble. The 1850s saw
the rise of partisan bands on both sides of the borderstate issue, who carried on guerrilla activity that was more
often banditry than support for a cause. This activity continued through the Civil War, enlarged by deserters on
both sides who raided for prot. Many of these groups
the James and Younger gangs were the most notorious
continued their brigandage well after the war ended.


Dosal, Paul J. Doing Business with the Dictators: A Political History

of United Fruit in Guatemala, 18991944. Wilmington, Del.:
SR Books, 1993.
Gleijeses, Piero. Shattered Hope: The Guatemalan Revolution and
the United States, 19441954. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1991.
Immerman, Richard H. The CIA in Guatemala: The Foreign Policy
of Intervention. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982.
LaFeber, Walter. Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America. 2d ed. New York: Norton, 1993.
Leonard, Thomas M. Central America and the United States: The
Search for Stability. Athens: University of Georgia Press,

Dominic A. Cerri


GUERRILLA WARFARE. Guerrillas is a term

originally applied to quasi-military and irregular groups
of Spanish partisans who fought against Napoleon in the
Peninsular War (18081814), but the type of warfare implied by the term is found everywhere in history, from the
most ancient times to the present. The spectrum of guerrilla activity runs from conventional military operations
by organized groups to uncoordinated, spontaneous, individual acts of sabotage, subversion, or terrorism carried
out against an enemy. Guerrillas normally operate outside
of constituted authority.

Until 1917, American troops engaged in guerrilla and

partisan activities while ghting Indians in the West and
while aiding those ghting for independence in Cuba.
They also fought Boxers in China, insurrectionists in the
Philippines, and bandits on the Mexican border. Not until
World War II were Americans again involved in guerrilla
warfare. In the Philippines especially, many American soldiers and civilians, nding themselves cut off, fought with
Filipino guerrillas against the Japanese. In all theaters,
troops furnished assistance to partisans ghting their
homelands invaders. Most often, the Ofce of Strategic
Services carried out this aid.
In the Korean War, Americans participated in a number of activities either directed at the enemys guerrilla
campaign in the south or in support of South Korean
guerrilla operations in the north. In the Vietnam War,
commanders directed a major part of the pacication effort at eliminating communist guerrilla activities in the
countryside. Small numbers of insurgents effectively tied
down major elements of both U.S. and South Vietnamese military forces in every province and district in the
country. The ability of the insurgents to blend into the
populace and the terror tactics used to ensure their security made their dislodgment and elimination extremely



Appleman, Roy E. South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu; June

November 1950. Washington, D.C.: Ofce of the Chief of
Military History, Department of the Army, 1961.
Morton, Louis. Decision to Withdraw to Bataan. Washington,
D.C.: Center of Military History, U.S. Army, 1990. Originally published in Greeneld, Kent R., ed., Command Decisions, Center of Military History, U.S. Army, 1960.
Zook, David H., and Robin Higham. A Short History of Warfare.
New York: Twayne, 1966.

John E. Jessup Jr. / c. w.

See also Booby Traps; Special Forces; Terrorism; Vietnam

GUFFEY COAL ACTS. Sponsored by the United

Mine Workers of America and guided through Congress
by Pennsylvanias Senator Joseph Guffey in August 1935,
the Bituminous Coal Conservation Act formed an integral part of the Franklin D. Roosevelt administrations
effort to create federal regulatory power under the National Industrial Recovery Act. Intended to stabilize an
historically chaotic industry, the act sought to establish
price controls and production quotas; afford protection
to labor; retire marginal coal lands; and, generally, treat
the bituminous coal industry, a major source of the nations heat and fuel, as a public utility. Before portions of
the act became operative, the U.S. Supreme Court, by a
5 to 4 decision in the case of Carter v. Carter Coal Company
(1936), declared sections of the 1935 act unconstitutional.
Recast and amended in light of New Deal political
victories and fresh judicial possibilities, it was redesignated the Guffey Coal Act of 1937 and easily passed
through Congress. The new act retained key provisions
of the original 1935 act, such as federal price-xing and
using taxes to compel compliance with its provisions. Administration of the act, embodying the most complex and
comprehensive administrative power ever granted a regulatory agency in peacetime, was vested in the National
Bituminous Coal Commission. Although Congress subsequently extended the act through 1943, it was largely
unsuccessful. Unfortunate compromises, multiple standards, and the bafing complexities and rivalries of the
bituminous coal industry, led Congress to allow the Guffey Act to expire in 1943.

Brand, Donald Robert. Corporatism and the Rule of Law: A Study

of the National Recovery Administration. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell
University Press, 1988.

C. K. Yearley / c. w.
See also Carter v. Carter Coal Company; Codes of Fair Competition; National Recovery Administration.

GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, located on the Upper East Side of
Manhattan in New York City, is an international showplace for twentieth-century art, that is committed to the
exhibition of nonobjective art and a movement from the
materialistic to the spiritual . . . from objectivity to nonobjectivity. The Guggenheims holdings began with the
private collection of the American mining magnate Solomon R. Guggenheim (18611949). He began actively
collecting art in 1928, after a visit to Wassily Kandinskys
studio in Dessau, Germany. Inspired by Kandinskys active, abstract style, Guggenheim spent much of the second
half of his life building a robust collection of European
and American conceptual and abstract art in collaboration
with the German avant-garde artist Hilla Rebay. Guggenheim amassed paintings, sculptures, and collages by many
of the twentieth centurys most radical artists, such as Kandinsky, Marc Chagall, Rene Magritte, Willem de Kooning,
Jackson Pollock, Alberto Giacometti, Pablo Picasso, and
Constantin Brancusi. These holdings, in combination with
important later acquisitions, such as the Thannhauser Collection of Impressionist and post-Impressionist art, serve
as the core of the contemporary Guggenheim Museums
At the Guggenheim collections rst exhibition space,
a former automobile showroom on East Fifty-fourth
Street in New York City, called the Museum of NonObjective Painting, Rebay oversaw exhibitions of revolutionary new forms of art developed by artists like
Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Piet Mondrian. In 1943, Guggenheim commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design
and build a permanent home for the collection. Wright
conceived of his spiral design as a space where the visitor
could view art truthfully. He believed that the building
would force visitors to rethink their ideas about architecture in much the same way that nonobjective art forced
viewers to reconsider the denition of painting and sculpture. The planned building immediately became the locus
of considerable controversy. After signicant nancial,
political, and intellectual struggles, the museum opened
in 1959, four months after Wrights death. It remains one
of the worlds most profound architectural expressions.
In addition to the Guggenheim New York, Guggenheim museums include the Venice-based Peggy Guggenheim Collection, a rich collection of objects ranging in
style from cubism to surrealism to abstract expressionism
accumulated by Solomons niece. The Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin opened in 1997. The Frank O. Gehry
designed Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain, which also opened
in 1997, is an undulating titanium-clad structure that
further stretches the denition of the modern museum.
Special exhibitions as well as multimedia and hightechnology art are shown at the Guggenheim Las Vegas,
designed by Rem Koolhaas. Also in Las Vegas is the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum, a collaboration with the
State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.



Guggenheim Museum. Frank Lloyd Wright displays a model of his dramatic design for the art museums second home, 1945; it
was nally completed and opened to the public fourteen years later. AP/Wide World Photos


Art of Tomorrow: Fifth Catalogue of the Solomon R. Guggenheim

Collection of Non-Objective Paintings. New York: Solomon R.
Guggenheim Foundation, 1939.
Davis, John H. The Guggenheims: An American Epic. New York:
Morrow, 1978.
Krens, Thomas. The Genesis of a Museum. In Art of the Century: The Guggenheim Museum and Its Collection. New York:
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1993.
Stern, Robert A. M., Thomas Mellins, and David Fishman. New
York 1960: Architecture and Urbanism between the Second
World War and the Bicentennial. New York: Monacelli Press,

Joshua Perelman
See also Architecture; Art: Painting; Museums.

wallis, General Nathanael Greene retreated northward

through North Carolina into Virginia, collecting recruits
as he went, then turned south again. At Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina, Greene arranged his 4,404 men
3,000 were militiafor battle. On the afternoon of 15
March 1781, Cornwallis, with 2,213 veterans, attacked.
In the ensuing battle, Greene lost 79 men, and 184 were
wounded, while nearly 1,000 militia dispersed to their
homes. Cornwallis lost 93 men, 413 were wounded, and
26 were missingnearly one-fourth of his force. The
British held the eld, but the battle was a strategic victory
for the Americans. Cornwallis soon withdrew to Wilmington, North Carolina, abandoning all the Carolinas
save for two or three coastal towns.

Middlekauff, Robert. The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 17631789. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.


March 1781). Pursued closely by General Charles Corn-


Rankin, Hugh F. The North Carolina Continentals. Chapel Hill:

University of North Carolina Press, 1971.


Thayer, Theodore. Nathanael Greene: Strategist of the American

Revolution. New York: Twayne, 1960.

Nelson Vance Russell / a. r.

See also Revolution, American: Military History; Southern


U.S. 347 (1915), grew out of the attempt by the State of
Oklahoma to include in its constitution, on a permanent
basis, the grandfather-clause principle, a legal device that
had been used by white southern legislators since the
1890s to prevent black Americans from voting. The Supreme Court decided that the provision represented a
clear violation of the purpose and intent, if not the express
provisions, of the Fifteenth Amendment.

Elliott, Ward E. Y. The Rise of Guardian Democracy. Cambridge,

Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Nieman, Donald G. Promises to Keep: African-Americans and the
Constitutional Order, 1776 to the Present. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1991.

W. Brooke Graves / a. r.
See also Disfranchisement; Grandfather Clause; Suffrage: African American Suffrage.


1981). As part of a response to Libyas support of international terrorism, two U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat ghter
planes deliberately ew over the Gulf of Sidra, claimed
by Libya as its own territory. When two Libyan warplanes
red a missile at the U.S. planes, the Tomcats shot down
both Libyan planes. President Ronald Reagan celebrated
by pantomiming a gunslinger shooting from both hips
and reasserting that the gulf was international waters.
Libyas support for international terrorism continued
nonetheless, leading to further incidents in the Gulf of
Sidra and eventually the U.S. bombing of Tripoli and
Benghazi in April 1985.

Davis, Brian L. Qadaf, Terrorism, and the Origins of the U.S.

Attack on Libya. New York: Praeger, 1990.
El Warfally, Mahmoud. Imagery and Ideology in U.S. Policy toward
Libya, 19691982. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh
Press, 1988.
Simons, Geoff. Libya: The Struggle for Survival. New York: Macmillan, 1993.

J. Garry Clifford / t. d.
See also Arab Nations, Relations with; Pan Am Flight 103;

GULF STREAM. A powerful, warm, surface current

in the North Atlantic Ocean, east of North America, the
Gulf Stream is one of the strongest known currents. It
originates in the Gulf of Mexico as the Florida Current,
with an approximate temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit, a breadth of no more than fty miles and a depth of
a mile or more. It passes through the Straits of Florida
and up along the eastern coast of the United States to the
Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada, driven northward by southwest winds.
As the Gulf Stream reaches Cape Hatteras, North
Carolina, the cold Labrador Current that ows from the
north separates it from the coast. At this conuence, the
warm Gulf Stream waters combine with the cold winds
accompanying the Labrador Current, forming one of the
densest concentrations of fog in the world. Because of this
immense heat transfer, atmospheric storms tend to intensify in this region. Also at this location, the Gulf Stream
is split into two currents: the Canary Currents, which are
diverted southeast and carry cooler waters to the Iberian
Peninsula and northwestern Africa; and the North Atlantic Drift, which ows northwest toward western Europe,
providing temperate waters to the western coastal areas
of Europe. The water temperature decreases with the
northward ow and the breadth of the current spans several hundred miles at its widest. The average speed of the
Gulf Stream is four miles per hour, slowing to one mile
per hour as the current widens to the north. The Gulf
Stream transports as much as 3.99 billion cubic feet of
water per second, an amount greater than that carried by
all of the worlds rivers combined. The currents core, or
jet, follows the contours of the continental rise.
The Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon was the
rst to describe the Gulf Stream in 1513 as he searched
for the fountain of youth in what is now Florida. The Gulf
Stream played a major role in the settling of southeastern
regions of the United States. North Americas oldest city,
St. Augustine, sits on the coast of eastern Florida where
the Gulf Stream ows. It was founded during the Spanish
period, fty years or so after De Leons trek. When the
United States acquired Florida, land speculators quickly
moved in and formed large plantations. Tourism in the
region escalated soon after, and continued to thrive in the
early 2000s, especially along Floridas Treasure Coast. The
Gulf Stream was also popularized in art, as evidenced in
Winslow Homers 1899 painting The Gulf Stream.
Another major contribution of the Gulf Stream is its
warming effect on the climates of adjacent land areas that
it passes, especially in northern latitudes, where the coastal
weather is quite temperate, even in winter. The Gulf
Stream is known as a western-boundary current, a current
that is located on the western side of every ocean basin.
It is part of a clockwise-rotating system of currents in the
North Atlantic. The Gulf Stream is the most extensively
studied ocean current in the world, but many questions
about it remain unanswered.


G U L F WA R O F 1 9 9 1


Groves, Donald G., and Lee M. Hunt. The Ocean World Encyclopedia. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.

Mary Anne Hansen

See also Climate; Grand Banks; Oceanography.

GULF WAR OF 1991. See Persian Gulf War.

GUN CONTROL laws impose restrictions, limitations, or prohibitions on the ownership and use of rearms.
Colonial Era
The rst American gun control laws were mandates that
families own rearms, that they carry rearms on certain
occasions (such as when going to church), and that they
train with rearms periodically. These laws sometimes
overlapped with militia laws, which required most ablebodied males to participate collectively in the military defense of their communities, using rearms supplied by
themselves. However, the state gun control laws tended
to go further, requiring gun ownership of people who
were not part of the militia (for example, female heads of
In England gun control laws had frequently been imposed to disarm religious dissidents or the lower classes,
especially during the restoration of the Stuart kings from
1660 to 1688. Colonial America had no analogous laws,
although the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s did
disarm the supporters of the religious dissident Anne
Hutchinson, whose antinomian heresy favored a less rigid
interpretation of the Bible.
Unlike religion, race has been a long-standing concern of American gun control laws. In 1640 Virginias rst
recorded legislation about blacks barred them from owning guns. Fear of slave revolts led other southern colonies
to enact similar laws. Southern militias enforced the laws
preventing blacks from bearing arms, although this was
far from the only function of the militia. Many colonial
governments attempted to forbid trading rearms with
Indians, but these laws were frequently evaded. Similar
state and territorial laws in the nineteenth century also
had little success.
Nineteenth Century
In antebellum nineteenth-century America, there were
very few gun control laws of any kind that applied to white
people. The major exception was a restriction on carrying
concealed weapons, which was especially common in the
South and which may have been an effort to suppress
An 1822 Kentucky decision, Bliss v. Commonwealth,
interpreted the state constitution to declare a concealed
handgun ban unconstitutional. Most courts, however,
ruled that concealed handguns were an exception to the


general right to bear arms under the Second Amendment

and its many state constitutional analogues.
In 1846 with its Nunn v. State decision, the Georgia
Supreme Court ruled that a ban on the sale of most handguns violated the Second Amendment of the Constitution. During the nineteenth century, several states enacted special restrictions on edged weapons that were
considered suitable only for criminal use (especially bowie
knives and dirks). State courts often but not always upheld
these laws against constitutional challenges. Usually courts
interpreted the state constitution to parallel the federal
Second Amendment, and ruled that both state and federal
constitutions protected an individuals right to bear arms
primarily the type of arms useful for civilized warfare,
such as ries, shotguns, muskets, handguns, and swords,
but not billy clubs or bowie knives. A minority of courts
went further, and extended protection to arms that were
useful for personal protection, even if not useful for
militia-type service.
In the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford case, U.S. Supreme
Court chief justice Roger B. Taney defended his holding
that free blacks could not be citizens, for if blacks were
citizens, they would have the right to the full liberty of
speech in public and private upon all subjects upon which
its [a states] own citizens might speak; to hold public
meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms
wherever they went. As with most other laws regarding
free blacks, state-based restrictions on gun ownership by
free blacks grew more severe in the decades leading up to
the Civil War. In the early republic North Carolina had
enrolled free blacks in its militia, but such a policy had
become unthinkable by the 1850s.
Immediately after the Civil War several southern
states enacted black codes, which were designed to keep
former slaves in de facto slavery and submission. To provide practical protection for defensive gun ownership by
the freedmen, the Republican Congress passed the Freedmens Bureau Acts (1866 and 1868) and the Civil Rights
Act of 1871, and sent the Fourteenth Amendment to the
states for ratication. Many southern states, however, reacted by passing gun control laws that were facially neutral, but designed to disarm only blacks. For example,
Tennessee in 1871 banned all handguns except the Army
and Navy models. Former confederate soldiers already
owned their high-quality service pistols. Freedmen were
precluded from obtaining the inexpensive pistols that
were beginning to proliferate in the American market.
Other southern states enacted licensing and registration
laws. Class violence was the main motive for gun control
in the North. For example, an 1879 Illinois law forbade
mass armed parades, a measure targeted at fraternal labor
organizations. In Presser v. Illinois (1886), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that such parade bans did not violate
the Second Amendment.
Twentieth Century
Concerns about anarchists, immigrants, and labor unrest
became a powerful basis for gun control in the early twen-


tieth century. South Carolina banned handgun sales and

carrying in 1902, allowing only sales to and carrying by
sheriffs and their special deputies (company goons).
The ban was repealed in the 1960s. In 1911 Timothy Sullivan, a state senator from New York, authored the states
Sullivan Law, making a license a requirement for owning
handguns and a separate, difcult-to-obtain license a requirement for carrying handguns. The law was sparked
by concerns about gun crimes being perpetrated by immigrants, especially Italians and Jews. The Sullivan Law
has usually been enforced with great stringency by the
New York City Police Department, making it nearly impossible for New Yorkers to obtain a permit to own a
Oregon (1913) and Hawaii (1934) enacted handgun
controls because of labor unrest tied to immigrant radicals. In 1934 California enacted a one-day waiting period
(later expanded to fteen days) for handgun purchases because of concerns about communism, as exemplied by
San Franciscos Red Raids. Many states enacted restrictions or prohibitions on gun possession by aliens.
Racial tension remained an important motive for gun
control. Although blacks had been disarmed by the police
and did not ght back against white mobs in the East St.
Louis riot of 1917, the Missouri legislature still enacted
a law requiring a police permit to obtain a handgun. In
Michigan handgun permit laws were enacted after Dr.
Ossian Sweet, a black man, shot and killed a person in a
mob that was attacking his house because he had just
moved into an all-white neighborhood. The Detroit police stood nearby, refusing to restrain the angry crowd.
Defended by the civil rights attorney Clarence Darrow,
Sweet was acquitted in a sensational 1925 trial.
Nationwide alcohol prohibition and the resulting
gangster violence led to demands for additional gun control. The rst federal law, banning the mail-order delivery
of handguns, was enacted in this period. A number of
states enacted licensing laws for the carrying of concealed
weapons. Based on the model Uniform Pistol and Revolver Act, the laws were usually supported by gun rights
advocates as a successful tactic to defuse calls for handgun
prohibition. Federally, the National Firearms Act of 1934
imposed a $200 tax and a registration requirement on the
ownership of machine guns, short-barreled shotguns, and
other weapons thought to be favored by gangsters. A 1938
federal law required rearms dealers to possess federal
Gun conscation laws in fascist and communist countries were widely reviled in the United States, and almost
no gun control laws were enacted in the 1940s and 1950s.
In 1941 Congress amended the Property Requisition Act
(allowing the president to seize material needed for war)
with specic language to protect the Second Amendment
and to prevent the conscation of personal rearms.
President John F. Kennedys assassination in 1963 did
not immediately lead to more gun control laws, but the

[T]his is one of the fundamental principles, upon which

rests the great fabric of civil liberty, reared by the fathers
of the Revolution and of the country. And the Constitution of the United States, in declaring that the right
of the people to keep and bear arms, should not be
infringed, only reiterated a truth announced a century
before, in the act of 1689, to extend and secure the
rights and liberties of English subjectsWhether living
3,000 or 300 miles from the royal palace. . . .
If a well-regulated militia is necessary to the security of the State of Georgia and of the United States,
is it competent for the General Assembly to take away
this security, by disarming the people? What advantage
would it be to tie up the hands of the national legislature, if it were in the power of the States to destroy this
bulwark of defence? In solemnly affirming that a wellregulated militia is necessary to the security of a free
State, and that, in order to train properly that militia,
the unlimited right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be impaired, are not the sovereign people of
the State committed by this pledge to preserve this right
inviolate . . .
The right of the whole people, old and young,
men, women and boys, and not militia only, to keep
and bear arms of every description, and not such
merely as are used by the militia, shall not be infringed,
curtailed, or broken in upon, in the smallest degree;
and all this for the important end to be attained: the
rearing up and qualifying a well-regulated militia, so
vitally necessary to the security of a free State. Our
opinion is, that any law, State or Federal, is repugnant
to the Constitution, and void, which contravenes this
right, originally belonging to our forefathers, trampled
under foot by Charles I. and his two wicked sons and
successors, re-established by the revolution of 1688,
conveyed to this land of liberty by the colonists, and
finally incorporated conspicuously in our own Magna
Charta! And Lexington, Concord, Camden, River Raisin, Sandusky, and the laurel-crowned field of New Orleans plead eloquently for this interpretation! And the
acquisition of Texas may be considered the full fruits
of this great constitutional right.

Excerpt from Nunn v. State, 1846

urban riots of 19651968, sharply rising violent crime

rates, and the 1968 assassinations of Martin Luther King
Jr. and Robert Kennedy spurred a massive wave of gun
controls. Illinois and New Jersey enacted statewide gun
licensing; California, aiming at the Black Panthers, restricted the unconcealed carrying of rearms. New York
City required the registration of long guns; and many



other states and localities enacted laws, especially restrictions on gun carrying.
The federal Gun Control Act (GCA) of 1968 greatly
tightened restrictions on rearms dealers, and created a
federal list of prohibited persons (including convicted
felons, persons dishonorably discharged from the military, and drug users) who were barred by federal law from
possessing rearms. Concerns about abusive enforcement
of the GCA led Congress in 1986 to pass the Firearms
Owners Protection Act, which invoked the Second,
Fourth, and Fifth Amendments and restricted search and
seizure powers of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms. The 1986 law also eased the 1968 restrictions on interstate sales of long guns and ammunition.

that is contained in forty-four state constitutions. Most gun

control laws, however, have withstood legal challenge.

Carter, Gregg. The Gun Control Movement. New York: Twayne,

Cottrol, Robert, ed. Gun Control and the Constitution. New York:
Garland, 1993.
Cramer, Clayton. For the Defense of Themselves and the State: The
Original Intent and the Judicial Interpretation of the Right to
Keep and Bear Arms. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1994.
Halbrook, Stephen P. Freedmen, The Fourteenth Amendment, and
the Right to Bear Arms, 18661876. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1988.
Kopel, David B. The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy: Should
America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies?. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus, 1992.

During this time the rst enduring national gun control groups were founded. After a series of name changes,
the groups became known as the Brady Campaign and
the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Several other national groups were formed in the 1980s and 1990s, as well
as many state or local afliates of the national groups.
Some celebrities became public advocates for gun control,
including the comedian Rosie ODonnell.

See also Brady Bill.

The two terms of the Clinton administration saw an

explosion of gun control activity, with the enactment in
1993 of the Brady Act (imposing a waiting period that
sunset in 1998) and the requirement that gun sellers use
the National Instant Check System (a Federal Bureau
of Investigations database of convicted felons) before selling guns to a customer at retail. The manufacture of socalled assault weapons (guns with a military appearance)
was banned in 1994, as was the manufacture of magazines
holding more than ten rounds. About a half dozen states
have some kind of assault weapon law. The administration imposed many other restrictions, especially on gun
dealers. According to President Bill Clinton, an antigun
control backlash delivered the U.S. House and Senate to
the Republicans in the 1994 elections and cost Al Gore
the presidency in the 2000 election.

GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY can be dened in a general way as any aggressive diplomatic activity carried out
with the implicit or explicit use of military (usually naval)
power. However, the term is most often associated with
the activities of the Great Powers in the second half of
the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century.
In this period, the construction of steel-hulled vessels of
relatively shallow draught (gunboats) that were heavily
armed provided new opportunities for the projection of
power on the part of rival imperial powers. In the case of
the United States, gunboat diplomacy is probably most
closely associated with Washingtons diplomatic and military interventions in the Caribbean during the early decades of the twentieth century.

By the early twenty-rst century almost all states

adopted some kind of preemption law to limit or abolish local-level gun controls, thus reserving gun control
legislation exclusively to the state legislature; preemption
laws became especially popular after handguns were
banned by the city of Washington, D.C., and by two Chicago suburbs, Morton Grove and Oak Park.
In 1988 Florida started a trend which by 2002 had
led 33 states to adopt shall issue laws, requiring authorities to issue concealed handgun carry permits to all
adult applicants who pass background checks and (in most
states) a safety training class. During the early and mid1990s when concern about youth violence was especially
intense, many states enacted restrictions on juvenile gun
(especially handgun) possession.
Over the years, about two dozen court cases have
found a local, state, or federal gun control law to violate
the Second Amendment or the right to bear arms clause


Young, David, ed. The Origin of the Second Amendment. Ontonagon, Mich.: Golden Oak, 1995.

David B. Kopel

With the promulgation of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine in 1904 by President Theodore Roosevelt, the use of naval power as an instrument
of U.S. foreign policy in the Caribbean and Latin America
was explicitly foregrounded. Roosevelt, who had fought
in the Spanish-American War (1898), wanted to make
the United States the dominant power in the circumCaribbean and across the Pacic. The U.S. Navy grew in
size by ten battleships and four cruisers during Roosevelts
presidency. Under his stewardship the United States
played a key role in Panamas break with Colombia and
the building of the Panama Canal. He also presided over
direct naval intervention in the Dominican Republic. Between 1905 and 1907, gunboat diplomacy ensured U.S.
nancial supervision and control in that nation while
avoiding, at least initially, both the costs and the enmity
that went with the establishment of a formal colony. The
use of gunboat diplomacy, including the deployment of
marines, in support of direct U.S. control over govern-


ment nances was also central to Washingtons involvement in Nicaragua between 1916 and 1933. Meanwhile,
the United States intervened in Haiti in 1915, ostensibly
out of concern that Germany was planning to establish
submarine bases there; U.S. Marines remained in Haiti
until 1934.
The high period of gunboat diplomacy can be said
to have ended in 1933 with the adoption of the Good
Neighbor Policy by President Franklin D. Roosevelt
(19331945). In the years prior to and immediately after
World War II, the United States generally sought to exert
its inuence in Latin America and other parts of the world
without resorting to the explicit use of military force that
had characterized gunboat diplomacy.
With the onset of the Cold War, however, Washington turned increasingly to overt and covert forms of naval
and military intervention in the Caribbean, Latin America, and beyond. Although Cold War conict was governed by new imperatives, a number of Washingtons
post-1945 interventions are still regarded by some observers as updated forms of gunboat diplomacy.

Cable, James. Gunboat Diplomacy, 19191991: Political Applications of Limited Naval Force. 3d ed. New York: St. Martins
Press, 1994.
Challener, Richard D. Admirals, Generals, and American Foreign
Policy, 18981914. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 1973.
Healy, David. Drive to Hegemony: The United States in the Caribbean, 18981917. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,
Langley, Lester D. The Banana Wars: United States Intervention
in the Caribbean, 18981934. Rev. ed. Lexington: University
Press of Kentucky, 1985.

Mark T. Berger
See also Caribbean Policy; Dominican Republic; Good
Neighbor Policy; Haiti, Relations with; Latin America,
Relations with; Nicaragua, Relations with.

GUNBOATS, in the simplest sense, are tiny men-ofwar that are extremely overgunned in proportion to size.
Their inuence dates to the 1776 Battle of Valcour Island
on Lake Champlain when Benedict Arnold, with fteen
green-timber boats with cannon, halted a British invasion
from Canada. (The Philadelphia, one of eleven gunboats
sunk during the battle, was raised and restored in 1935
and is exhibited in the Smithsonian Institution. Search
teams subsequently found the remaining sunken gunboats, the last being discovered in 1997.)
The gunboats sent to Tripoli during the rst Barbary
War typically carried twenty to twenty-three men and two
twenty-four- or thirty-two-pound cannons in a hull seventy feet long. The boats were effective only along a coast,
since, for them to be stable on the open sea, their crews

had to stow the cannons below deck. To President Thomas

Jefferson, anxious to avoid entanglement in the Napoleonic Wars, such a limitation seemed a virtue.
Congress authorized further commissions, and 176
gunboats were at hand for the War of 1812. The gunboats were almost entirely worthless. Since the token two
dozen U.S. blue-water frigates and sloops were highly effective at sea, the U.S. Navy learned an important lessondo not overinvest in any single type of man-of-war.
In the Civil War, improvised gunboats were found
on embattled rivers everywhere. Often, their heavy guns
inhibited Confederate movement or prevented such Union disasters as those at Shiloh and Malvern Hill. In the
decades before the Spanish-American War, European neocolonialism introduced gunboat diplomacy, calling
for larger, hybrid craft that could safely cross oceans, assume a year-round anchorage on a foreign strand, and
possess sufcient shallow draft to go up a river. The 1892
U.S.S. Castine, for example, on which Chester W. Nimitz
(who became U.S. commander of the Pacic Fleet in
World War II) served as a lieutenant, was 204 feet overall, weighed 1,177 tons, and had eight four-inch ries,
making it a far stronger man-of-war than the famous destroyer type then emerging. Of the score of American
gunboats before World War II, the half-dozen-strong
Chinese Yangtze River patrol was immortalized in the
novel Sand Pebbles by Richard McKenna. In real life, the
Panay was sunk without provocation on 12 December
1937 by Japanese bombers. The others in the Far East
were destroyed early in World War II.
The inshore ghting of World War II led to the
building of forty-one small gunboats (patrol gunboat, or
PG) and twenty-three still smaller motor gunboats (patrol
gunboat motor, or PGM), with the emphasis on a multiplicity of automatic weapons and on rocket launchers
for shore bombardment. The Soviet Union became particularly interested in such vessels, and, by 1972, had at
least 200 gunboats.
The U.S. Navy had no interest in modernizing gunboats until the Vietnam War spawned a variety of tiny
types used in swarms, either to police the shoreline or to
penetrate the riverways. The heaviest types revived the
name of monitor. Since the Vietnam War, the U.S.
Navy has developed heavily armed and computerized hydrofoil gunboats capable of exceeding seventy knots and
tted for nighttime amphibious operations.


Friedman, Norman. U.S. Small Combatants, Including PT-Boats,

Subchasers, and the Brown-Water Navy: An Illustrated Design
History. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1987.
Lundeberg, Philip K. The Gunboat Philadelphia and the Defense of
Lake Champlain in 1776. Basin Harbor, Vt.: Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, 1995.



GUNPOWDER. See Explosives.

GYPSIES is the general term as well as a selfdesignation for a number of distinct ethnic groups that
differ from one another socially, politically, and economically. Each group maintains social distance from each other
and from non-Gypsies. A source of fascination and suspicion, itinerant Gypsies were subject to expulsion by authorities. Between 1859 and 1931, twelve states passed
laws, subsequently repealed, to tax or regulate roving
bands of nomads, commonly known as gypsies.

GUSTAV LINE, a belt of German fortications in

southern Italy during World War II. Hoping to halt the
Allied invasion of Italy south of Rome, in November 1943
Field Marshal Albert Kesselring ordered the formation of
three defensive belts forty miles deep. The Barbara Line
and the Bernhard Line were forward positions designed
to gain time to build the nal and strongest Gustav Line.
Allied troops called all three the Winter Line. Running
from Minturno, through Cassino, across the Apennines,
and behind the Sangro River to the Adriatic, it blocked
the approaches to Rome through Avezzano in the east and
through the Liri Valley in the west.

The Romnichels emigrated from England as families

primarily from 1850 to 1910. Some purchased land and
created settlements or Gypsy corners; land ownership
provided an assured camping place, loan collateral, or
supplementary income. Romnichel immigrants were cutlers, basket makers, and rat catchers, but with the increased use of horses in agriculture and urban transportation, this groups primary occupation became horse
trading. They traded horses while traveling and shipped
animals by rail to urban sales stables. When the horse
trade declined following World War I, they resorted to
previously secondary occupations, such as manufacturing
rustic furniture, basketry, fortune-telling, driveway paving, and septic tank cleaning.

Tucker, Spencer. The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1993.

R. W. Daly / a. r.
See also Barbary Wars; Navy, United States; Panay Incident;
Warships; World War II, Navy in.

The Germans rooted the Gustav Line in the high

ground of Sant Ambrogio, Monte Cassino, and other
peaks that gave them perfect observation over the valleys
of the Rapido and Garigliano rivers. Veteran troops had
concrete bunkers, machine-gun emplacements, barbed
wire, mines, mortars, and artillery to employ against
Trying to enter the Liri Valley and advance to Anzio,
the U.S. Fifth Army attacked the Gustav Line in midJanuary 1944. British units crossed the Garigliano but
were unable to break the defenses, while American attempts to cross the Rapido and to surmount Monte Cassino failed. After air bombardments destroyed the abbey
on Monte Cassino, attacks by New Zealand troops on 15
February and 15 March also failed.
On 11 May, General Alphonse Juins French Expeditionary Corps broke the Gustav Line, enabling Polish
troops to take Monte Cassino, British and Canadian
forces to move up the Liri Valley, and American units to
advance up the coast to Anzio. Having fought magnicent
defensive battles in the Gustav Line, Kesselring withdrew,
abandoned Rome, and moved into new defensive positions along the Gothic Line in the northern Apennines.

Blumenson, Martin. Bloody River: The Real Tragedy of the Rapido.

Boston: Houghton Mifin, 1970, 1998.
DEste, Carlo. Anzio and the Battle for Rome. New York: HarperCollins, 1991.
Fisher, Ernest F., Jr. Cassino to the Alps. Washington, D.C.:
United States Government Printing Ofce, 1977, 1993.

Martin Blumenson / a. r.
See also Anzio; Gothic Line; Monte Cassino; Salerno.


Although their religious preferences were conventionally Protestant, many formed fundamentalist Christian congregations. Kindreds, identied by surnames, are
associated with distinctive cultural and psychological traits
that are important in social evaluations based on an ideology distinguishing ritually clean from unclean behavior.
Rom families emigrated from Serbia and the Russian
empire during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in groups as large as two hundred persons. Although
Rom occupations included horse trading, fortune-telling,
and repairing industrial equipment, coppersmithing, the
wipe tinning of copper kettles, was a specialty. When new
technologies replaced copper vessels and horses, Roma
developed urban fortune-telling businesses, using vacant
stores for both houses and businesses and contracting
with amusement parks and carnivals. Local ordinances
and Rom territoriality based on the fortune-telling business dictated population density. Driveway sealing and
paving, trade in scrap metal or used vehicles, and auto
body repair also became common occupations. During
the Great Depression, spurred by the Rom leader Steve
Kaslov and Eleanor Roosevelt, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and social service agencies in New
York City established short-lived adult education classes
and a coppersmith workshop for this group.
Rom kinship is strongly patrilineal, and household
organization is patrilocal. Conicts are resolved by juridical systems that impose nes or the threat of banishment.
Their ideology separates pure from impure, good luck
from bad, male from female, and Gypsy from non-Gypsy.
Marriages are arranged by families and include a bride
price, or couples elope. Roma generally are Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox, and their communal rituals
echo Serbian Orthodox practices. However, some Roma


founded Pentecostal Christian churches that preached

against earlier practices.
Ludars immigrated to the United States between
1880 and 1910 from Bosnia and speak a Romanian dialect.
Animal exhibitors, they arrived with trained bears and
monkeys. Initially, they worked in horse trading and industrial wage labor. The Great Depression forced some
to take WPA-sponsored road construction work, while
the WPA circus employed a Ludar showman and his performing bear. Subsequent occupations included carnival
concessions, manufacturing outdoor furniture, driveway
paving, and seasonal agricultural work.
From 1908 to 1939, Ludars established permanent
camps on leased land, particularly in the Bronx and
Queens, New York; Stickney Township near Chicago; and
Delaware County, Pennsylvania, from which they made
seasonal journeys or commuted to tell fortunes from house
to house. Ludar religion is traditionally Eastern Orthodox, and marriages, arranged by parents with a bride price,
are performed by a justice of the peace or in Orthodox or
Catholic churches.
Slovak Gypsies, historically sedentary, immigrated to
the United States during the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries primarily from Saros County in eastern Slovakia. Speaking a dialect of Romani, the men arrived singly or in small groups, and their wives and children followed later. Dened by musical performances,
some settled in New York City, where they played in sa-

loons, hotels, and theaters. Others, including the WPA

Gypsy orchestras, established settlements in western Pennsylvania; Youngstown and Cleveland, Ohio; Detroit; and
Chicago, where they played for ethnic and general audiences and performed industrial labor. Most remained Roman Catholics.

Gropper, Rena C. Gypsies in the City: Culture Patterns and Survival. Princeton, N.J: Darwin Press, 1975.
Lockwood, William G., and Sheila Salo. Gypsies and Travelers in
North America: An Annotated Bibliography. Cheverly, Md.:
Gypsy Lore Society, 1994.
Salo, Matt T. Gypsy Ethnicity: Implications of Native Categories and Interaction for Ethnic Classication. Ethnicity
6, no. 1 (1979): 7396.
Salo, Matt T., and Sheila Salo. Gypsy Immigration to the
United States. In Papers from the Sixth and Seventh Annual
Meetings, Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter. Edited
by Joanne Grumet. New York: Gypsy Lore Society, 1986.
. Romnichel Economic and Social Organization in Urban New England, 18501930. Urban Anthropology 11, no.
34 (1982): 273313.
Sutherland, Anne. Gypsies: The Hidden Americans. Prospect
Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press, 1986.

Matt T. Salo
Sheila Salo
See also Ethnohistory; Immigration.


HABEAS CORPUS, WRIT OF, is a legal procedure
by which a court inquires into the lawfulness of a persons
connement. It takes the form of an order from a court
or judge requiring the custodian to produce the prisoner
in court for a judicial investigation into the validity of the
detention. In the words of Chief Justice John Marshall,
The writ of habeas corpus is a high prerogative writ,
known to the common law, the great object of which is
the liberation of those who may be imprisoned without
sufcient cause. It is in the nature of a writ of error, to
examine the legality of the commitment (Ex Parte Watkins, 1830).
Habeas corpus is celebrated as the great writ of liberty, and has a special resonance in Anglo-American legal
history, because the availability of the procedure means
that if an individual is found to have been imprisoned
illegally the court can release him or her, thus enforcing
the rule of law and frustrating governmental oppression.
Its root principle is that in a civilized society, government
must always be accountable to the judiciary for a mans
imprisonment: if the imprisonment cannot be shown to
conform with the fundamental requirements of law, the
individual is entitled to his immediate release (Fay v.
Noia, 1963).
The use of the writ against the Crown can be traced
to the fteenth century, with the judges drawing their authority both from the common law and from statutes.
The most signicant English legislation was the Habeas
Corpus Act of 1679, which was widely copied throughout
the American colonies and remained inuential well into
the nineteenth century. All states today retain the procedure in one form or another. Reecting the importance
attached to the writ, the U.S. Constitution (Article 1, section 9, clause 2) forbade its suspension unless when in
Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it, and the Judiciary Act of 1789 authorized the
federal courts to issue it. Pursuant to this authority, the
early Supreme Court ordered the release of prisoners
taken during the Whiskey Rebellion (United States v.
Hamilton, 1795) of an individual detained in the District
of Columbia for no better reason than that he was an
evil doer and disturber of the peace (Ex Parte Burford,
1806), and of two of Aaron Burrs alleged coconspirators

who had been arrested by the army (Ex Parte Bollman,

While there have been limited suspensions of the
writ on several occasions, the most widespread occurred
during the Civil War under orders from President Abraham Lincoln, for which he subsequently received congressional authority. In 1867, the Reconstruction Congress passed a statute explicitly authorizing the federal
courts to adjudicate petitions led by state prisoners asserting that they were being held in custody in violation
of the Constitution or law or treaties of the United
States. The current federal habeas corpus statutes (28
U.S. Code, sections 2241, 2254) are direct descendants of
the 1867 act.
Like other Reconstruction legislation, the act was
narrowly construed by the Supreme Court during the last
decades of the nineteenth century. This attitude underwent a change in the rst quarter of the twentieth century,
as exemplied by Moore v. Dempsey (1923), in which the
Supreme Court held that the writ should issue to investigate allegations by black petitioners that their state convictions for murder in the wake of a massive race riot in
Phillips County, Arkansas, had been procured by egregious government misconduct, including physical torture.
While the Supreme Court broadened its recognition
of substantive constitutional rights against the states during the second half of the twentieth century, the occasions
for the use of the writ of habeas corpus in federal court
by state prisoners increased, especially in criminal cases.
As a result, there were a number of unsuccessful efforts
through the 1940s and 1950s to amend the federal statute
so as to limit the writs availability. Such proposals reappeared frequently during the 1970s and 1980s. In 1996,
following the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma
City, Congress passed the Anti-Terrorism and Effective
Death Penalty Act. This act rewrote the procedural rules
governing the writ in an effort to speed up judicial proceedings, particularly in capital cases. Interpretations of
the statute by the Supreme Court during the rst ve
years of its effectiveness reected the view that these
changes were not, however, intended to work any fundamental changes in the scope of the rights that prisoners
could vindicate through the writ. For example, in the case
of Immigration and Naturalization Service v. St. Cyr (2001),



the Court ruled that the act did not repeal habeas jurisdiction over immigrants conned pending deportation.

Freedman, Eric M. Habeas Corpus: Rethinking the Great Writ of

Liberty. New York: New York University Press, 2001.
Liebman, James S., and Randy Hertz. Federal Habeas Corpus
Practice and Procedure. 4th ed. Charlottesville, Va.: Lexis
Law Publishing, 2002.

Eric M. Freedman
See also Constitution of the United States.


which met at the Hague in the Netherlands, reected a
contemporary peace movement, alarm over the growing
alliance system and arms race, early agitation for some
type of world organization, and desires to codify international law. The rst conference was prompted by Tsar
Nicholas II of Russia, who in a rescript issued on 24 April
1898 sought the progressive development of the present
armaments and the most effective means of insuring to
all peoples the benets of a real and durable peace.
Delegates from twenty-six states, including the
United States and Mexico from the Western Hemisphere,
assembled for the rst conference from 18 May to 29 July
1899. The U.S. delegation was headed by Andrew D.
White, the U.S. minister to Russia and former president
of Cornell University. The conference reached modest
agreement on rules of land and maritime warfare. The
agreements outlawed three innovations in weapons (asphyxiating gases, expanding or dumdum bullets, and
projectiles or explosives from balloons), but the conferees
failed to make headway on limiting arms. On 29 July
every participating nation agreed to the Convention for
the Pacic Settlement of International Disputes, which
advanced the concept of resolving differences through
mediation by a third party, international commissions, or
the international tribunal at the Hague. It was stipulated,
however, that the arbitration was not compulsory and did
not extend to questions involving national honor or integrity. The U.S. delegation insisted on a reservation concerning disputes involving application of the Monroe
Doctrine. To facilitate arbitration, the delegates created
the Permanent Court of Arbitration, essentially a list of
judges from which powers could select a panel if the need
The second conference met from 15 June to 18 October 1907. In 1904, fteen representatives of the Interparliamentary Union, an association of legislators from
various nations, had met in St. Louis, Missouri. Under
the leadership of Representative Richard Barthold (Republican from Missouri), the legislators agreed to work
toward a second conference. In his 1904 annual message,
President Theodore Roosevelt proposed the meeting but
graciously allowed the tsar to take credit. Forty-four gov-


ernments sent delegates, this time including nineteen

from the Americas. Joseph H. Choate, a former ambassador to Great Britain, headed the U.S. delegation. Armament discussions again failed, but conventions developed on laws of war, naval warfare, and neutrality, plus
one renouncing the right to use force to collect debts.
The 1907 convention renewed the declaration prohibiting the charge of projectiles from balloons but did not
reafrm the declarations concerning gas and bullets. A
revised Convention for the Pacic Settlement of International Disputes included a provision for an International Court of Prize, which served as a court of appeal
in case neutral ships were captured in wartime. Delegates
could not agree on how to create a court of arbitral justice,
something strongly supported by the United States, but
the relevant commission unanimously adopted a resolution supporting the principle of obligatory arbitration.
The conference adopted a revised version of the Drago
Doctrine, formulated on 29 December 1902 by Louis M.
Drago, the foreign minister of Argentina. That doctrine
specied that European powers must not use armed force
to collect national debts owed by American nations to
foreign creditors.
Peace workers anticipated a third conference in 1915,
because the delegates in 1907 had believed periodic meetings were the best way to handle international problems.
Although World War I ended that hope, suggestions for
another assembly appeared well into the 1930s. The assumptions implicit in such thinking, plus the precedents
of 1899 and 1907 in the form of conventions, declarations, and stated desires, contributed substantially to later
and more fully developed international institutions, including the League of Nations, the United Nations, and
international courts of justice.

Davis, Calvin D. The United States and the First Hague Peace Conference. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1962.
. The United States and the Second Hague Peace Conference:
American Diplomacy and International Organization, 1899
1914. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1975.
Kuehl, Warren F. Seeking World Order: The United States and
International Organization to 1920. Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press, 1969.

Justus D. Doenecke
Warren F. Kuehl
See also International Court of Justice; International Law;
Peace Conferences.

U.S. Supreme Court in 1939 on a ve to two vote, Hague
v. Committee on Industrial Organization enjoined Frank
(Boss) Hague, mayor of Jersey City, and other city ofcials from enforcing local ordinances to harass labor
organizers. The case marked a victory for the new in-


dustrial union organization, known as the CIO; it also

marked the rst time that the Supreme Court invoked the
First Amendment to protect labor organizing. The case
is signicant as the source of the public forum doctrine,
as the Supreme Court repudiated its own older doctrine
that government ownership of the land on which streets
and parks are situated gave ofcials the same right as private landlords to refuse access to those public spaces.

Kaplan, Benjamin. The Great Civil Rights Case of Hague v.

CIO: Notes of a Survivor. 25 Suffolk University Law Review
25 (1991): 913.

William E. Forbath
See also American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations; Trade Unions.

HAIRSTYLES throughout U.S. history have reected

political, social, and cultural trends as well as personal
taste in grooming.
The Puritans, who were among the rst European
settlers in the United States, cut their hair in a way that
expressed their staunch Christian beliefs and antimonarchist politics. In their native England, Puritan men were
known as Roundheads because they cut their hair short

in contrast to their monarchist enemies, the Cavaliers,

who sported the courtly style of long, owing locks. As
the Puritans secured their base of power in seventeenthcentury colonial Massachusetts, they passed such laws as
the one in 1634 that banned long hair if it was uncomely
or harmed the common good.
As the colonies grew and were settled by other Europeans, the Puritan hair ethic was replaced by a hair aesthetic that to date is unique in American history. Early
eighteenth-century hairstyles, rooted in European royal
fashions, were distinctive for their extravagant use of wigs,
hair extensions, curling, crimping, and powdering for
both men and women. The 1700s was the only period in
U.S. history when it was socially acceptable for men to
wear long hair and wigs. Even military men styled their
hair long, tied back into a pigtail, and powdered it white
or gray. In the decades just prior to the Revolution, American women of the upper class mirrored the high hairstyles of their European counterparts and used cushions,
pads, wigs, and wires to have their hairstyles reach new
heights. Patriotic fervor felled these towers of hair, which
had become synonymous with the English royalty, and
womens hairstyles became more modest. By the end of
the eighteenth century, men were also opting for simpler
hairstyles and were abandoning their wigs, powder, and

A Line of Curls. Women show off hairstyles featuring curls and ringlets at a convention of hairdressers in Hartford, Conn. AP/
Wide World Photos


H A I T I , R E L AT I O N S W I T H

In the nineteenth century, more elaborate hairstyles

gradually returned for women. Chignons, curls, and braids
all had their moment of style, and women often used wigs
or hair extensions to achieve their coifs. Between 1859
and 1860, $1 million worth of hair was imported into the
United States for wig making. By the end of the century,
womens hair reached another high note when hair extensions were commonly used for a top-knotted style that
later became known as the Gibson girl.
In the early 1800s, two hairstyle controversies involved men. The rst occurred in 1803 when Lieutenant
Colonel Thomas Butler was court-martialed for favoring
the longer style of the previous century and thereby disobeying General James Wilkinsons 1801 decree that military mens hair be cropped. The second occurred in 1830,
when James Palmer, who wore a beard, moved to Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Since the colonial era, beards were
uncommon on men, and Palmers beard so outraged the
townspeople of Fitchburg that he was physically assaulted,
refused communion in church, and eventually jailed.
Palmer was, evidently, slightly ahead of his time in
the United States. At about the same time as his arrest in
Massachusetts, European Romantic writers were growing
beards as a sign of the Romantic movements revolutionary character and its deep tie to nature. The American
Romantic poet Walt Whitman, like his European counterparts, wore a full beard. By mid-century, however,
beards became such commonplace fashion that in 1853
the War Department ofcially issued regulations about
how military men could wear beards. Civil War general
Ambrose Burnside popularized the style of side-whiskers
that became known by the corrupted version of his last
name, sideburns. As the 1800s drew to a close, so did the
fashion of facial hairstyles for men.
During the twentieth century, hairstyles were often
used as symbols of social revolution. At the beginning of
the century, women began to experience unprecedented
social freedom. In the 1920s newly liberated women demonstrated the cut with past social restrictions by having
their hair cut into bobs. Later in the twentieth century,
long hair was a symbol of the 1960s peace and counterculture movements. The Black Liberation Movement also
expressed its revolutionary Black Is Beautiful stance
with the full and natural hairstyle known as the Afro,
which was popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In
prior decades, fashionable black hair was conked, or
chemically treated to straighten its natural tight curl. In
the 1980s and onward, black Americans expressed a renewed pride in their ancestry by wearing braided styles
traditional to African countries.
Throughout the twentieth century, hairstyles were
generally less formal and easier to maintain than they had
been in previous centuries. The 1950s and 1960s bouffant and beehive styles, which required quantities of hair
spray, hair extensions, and padding, were notable exceptions and recalled the high hairstyles of the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries. In general, as the formalities


and conventions of American society have relaxed over

time so have Americans hairstyles, which in the early
twenty-rst century have mainly required a cut and combing to be fashionable.

Corson, Richard. Fashions in Hair: The First Five Thousand Years.

New York: Hastings House, 1965.
Simon, Diane. Hair: Public, Political, Extremely Personal. New
York: St. Martins Press, 2000.

John Wyzalek
See also Clothing and Fashion.

HAITI, RELATIONS WITH. Relations between

the United States and Haiti, the two oldest republics in
the Western Hemisphere, have often been troubled. For
most of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, race
played a key role in the contact between the two nations.
During the last several decades, other issuesimmigration, security, and narcotics trafckinghave dominated
their relationship.
In 1804, following years of rebellion against their
French masters, Haitians were able to declare the independence of their island nation (which also encompassed
the present-day nation of the Dominican Republic until
1844). Despite protable trade relations with Haiti, the
United States did not recognize the new republic.
Southern congressmen, and their slave-owning constituents, were appalled at the thought of the negro republic
and the dangerous message it might send to the millions
of enslaved African Americans in the United States. It was
not until 1862, during the Civil War, that the United
States extended formal diplomatic recognition to Haiti.
Still reecting the intense racism in America, however,
the Department of State appointed mostly African Americansincluding Frederick Douglassto head the U.S.
diplomatic mission in Haiti in the postCivil War period.
In the years following the Civil War, the American
focus on Haiti began to sharpen as the United States pursued aggressive commercial and territorial overseas expansion. American industry, which needed both markets
and sources for raw materials, saw Haiti as a relatively
untapped resource. United States ofcials and businessmen worked assiduously to secure the Haitian market,
and by the turn of the century, the United States ranked
second only to France in trade with the Caribbean nation.
The United States also developed a keen strategic interest
in Haiti, for the American navy was clamoring for a Caribbean port to serve as a coaling station and base from
which to protect Americas lines of trade in the region.
Mole St.-Nicolas, the nest port in Haiti, t the bill
nicely. Throughout the late nineteenth century, the United
States attempted to secure a lease on the port, but Haiti

H A I T I , R E L AT I O N S W I T H

During the early 1900s, U.S. concern with Haiti intensied. Part of the concern revolved around the increasing German economic presence in Haiti that threatened
in some instances to displace American interests. Both the
French and German governments were not above using
diplomatic pressure and threats of intervention to induce
Haiti to pay its debts or offer concessions. In 1910, the
United States attempted to blunt the Europeans penetration of Haiti by convincing the Haitian government to
accept a major loan and offer American businesses profitable economic concessions. In 1915, Haitian political
instability exploded into violence and the nations president was seized and murdered by an angry crowd. In response, President Woodrow Wilson ordered U.S. marines
into the nation to restore order and protect American interests. Thus began an American occupation of Haiti that
lasted until 1934. During those years, American control
of the Haitian economy became complete, despite occasional revolts by Haitian peasants.
By the late 1920s and early 1930s, with the Great
Depression in full swing, the costly, and sometimes bloody,
occupation of Haiti became extremely unpopular with the
American people. President Franklin Roosevelt, as part of
his Good Neighbor policy, promised to end the American
military presence. With the withdrawal of U.S. forces in
1934, the Haitian militaryarmed and trained by the
United States during the occupationlled the political
void. The key gure who emerged from the political
uncertainty in Haiti following the U.S. withdrawal was
Francois Papa Doc Duvalier, who used the military to
gain election to the presidency in 1957. Duvalier soon
proved himself to be a completely corrupt and brutal dictator, who used his secret police force (the Tonton Macoutes) to intimidate and murder his opposition. He managed, however, to maintain good relations with the United
States because of his professed tough stance against communism. In 1971, the old dictator passed away and was
immediately replaced by his teenage son, Jean-Claude.
Beginning in the 1980s, U.S.-Haitian relations began
to deteriorate rapidly. A new emphasis on human rights
by President Jimmy Carter was part of the reason, and
the American government began to hammer away at the
blatant human rights abuses in Haiti. However, other factors were also involved. Drug trafcking became a widespread problem in Haiti, and U.S. ofcials chided the
Haitian government for its ineffective measures to stem
the ow of narcotics into America. Hundreds, and then
thousands, of Haitian boat people, attempting to ee
the brutal political repression and poverty of their homeland, ooded into the United States. Most were immediately returned to Haiti, resulting in a cry of racism from
Haitian American groups who compared the cold shoulder turned to Haitian immigrants to the warm welcome
enjoyed by Cuban refugees. These and other issues increased American concerns about the security of Haiti
and fears of radical forces taking control from the Duvalier regime.

Haitian Refugees. One of the many boatloads of Haitians

who ed their country and triednot always successfullyto
reach the United States during the three years before the U.S.
military and other forces restored the deposed president JeanBertrand Aristide to power in 1994. AP/Wide World Photos

In 1986, Duvalier ed Haiti amidst growing political

instability and frequent riots. His departure did little to
improve the lot of the average Haitian or to soothe American concerns for the future of the nation. What followed
was a confusing procession of juntas, provisional governments, and postponed, cancelled, or rigged elections, all
under the savagely brutal hand of the Haitian military.
Under intense diplomatic and economic pressure from
the United States, Haitian elections were held in December 1990, resulting in the selection of Jean-Bertrand Aristide as the new president. Within a year, however, Aristide was forced from ofce by the military. The United
States responded with economic sanctions and threats of
intervention if Aristide was not restored to power. As
chaos and violence engulfed Haiti, the United States, with
support from the United Nations and the Organization
of American States, organized and led a multinational
force into Haiti in September 1994. Aristide was restored
to power. He was succeeded by Rene Preval, who was
elected in 1996.
Most of the multinational force was withdrawn from
Haiti, leaving a United Nations peacekeeping force of six
thousand. The goal of the UN force was to maintain or-



der, train a new Haitian police force, and oversee future

elections. The United States pumped millions of dollars
of economic assistance into Haiti during the late 1990s.
While many of the worst examples of political corruption
and brutality began to come to an end following the U.S.led intervention, the situation in Haiti remained tense and
uncertain. Despite American and international economic
assistance, the Haitian economy continued to perform
badly, and Haiti remained one of the poorest nations in
the world. As of 2002, illegal immigration from Haiti remained a source of friction with the United States, as did
the issue of drug trafcking. It seemed unlikely that any
of these problems would disappear in the years to come.

Logan, Rayford W. The Diplomatic Relations of the United States

and Haiti, 17761891. Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 1941.
Plummer, Brenda Gayle. Haiti and the United States: The Psychological Moment. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1992.
Renda, Mary A. Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture
of U.S. Imperialism, 19151940. Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press, 2001.
Schmidt, Hans. The United States Occupation of Haiti, 19151934.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1971.

Michael L. Krenn
See also Caribbean Policy; Intervention.

HAKLUYTS VOYAGES, the short title of a collection of original records of English voyages overseas before
1600. The full title is The Principall Navigations, Voiages,
and Discoveries of the English Nation (published, folio, 1589;
expanded to three volumes, 15981600). The editor was
Richard Hakluyt, clergyman, geographer, and promoter
and historiographer of the English expansion. The materials he collected after 1600 were in part included in the
more ambitious, but much less careful or complete, work
of Samuel Purchas, Purchas his Pilgrimes (1625, four volumes, folio).
Hakluyts American section, volume 3 of the Voyages
and part 2 of Purchas, is an admirable body of source
materials for the early history of the English in the New
World, the rst such collection published for any European nation. For virtually every voyage of importance,
Hakluyt procured a full narrative by a participant and
added many ofcial documents and private letters. He
thus preserved the original and often unique records of
the voyages of Jacques Cartier, Sir John Hawkins, Sir
Francis Drake, Sir Martin Frobisher, John Davys,
Thomas Cavendish, Sir Walter Raleigh (to Guiana), and
(in Purchas) Henry Hudson and William Bafn. He also
preserved the records of the colonial projects of French
Florida, Adrian Gilberts Newfoundland, and Raleighs


Hakluyts Voyages. The 1598 title page of Richard Hakluyts

rich collection of material on the earliest English voyages to
the New World. North Wind Picture Archives


Parks, G. B. Richard Hakluyt and the English Voyages. New York:

Ungar, 1961.

George B. Parks / a. r.
See also Explorations and Expeditions: British.

HALF MOON, the ship the Dutch East India Company provided for the voyage of exploration made by
Henry Hudson in 1609, in the course of which the Hudson River was discovered. A vessel of eighty tons, it was
a at-bottomed two-master. Called by the Dutch a
vlieboot, a term derived from the island of Vlieland, it has
been translated into English, without reference to its der-


ivations, as yboat. Later employed in the East India

trade, the Half Moon was wrecked in 1615 on the shore
of the island of Mauritius, then owned by the Dutch.

for the enemies of compromise in the state Democratic

convention the following August.

Syme, Ronald. Henry Hudson. New York: Marshall Cavendish,


Holt, Thomas C. Black over White: Negro Political Leadership in

South Carolina During Reconstruction. Urbana: University of
Illinois Press, 1977.

A. C. Flick / a. r.

Zuczek, Richard. State of Rebellion: Reconstruction in South Carolina. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1996.

See also Albany; Explorations and Expeditions: British; New

York State.

Francis B. Simkins / a. r.


HALF-BREEDS. See Indian Intermarriage.

HALFWAY COVENANT. As the second generation

of Puritans began to move away from their parents exceedingly strict denition of sainthood, church elders
were faced with a serious problem. If, as they reached
adulthood, children of the founders of Massachusetts and
Connecticut gave no acceptable proof of that spiritual
experience called regeneration, should they be granted
full church membership? In June 1657, an intercolonial
ministerial conference at Boston attempted to answer
through the Halfway Covenant, whereby membership
was granted to the children whose parents had experienced regeneration but, pending regeneration of their
own, participation in the Lords Supper and voting in the
church were withheld. Although a Massachusetts synod
proclaimed it for all Massachusetts churches (1662), controversy continued for more than a century.

See also Reconstruction; Red Shirts; Riots.


Congress created the Department of the Treasury, including the cabinet post of secretary of the Treasury, and required the secretary to report directly to Congress. President George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton
as the rst secretary of the Treasury.
During 1790 and 1791, Hamilton embarked on an
ambitious plan of economic nationalism. He intended the
plan to solve the economic problems that had plagued the
United States since the American Revolution and to provide the means to defend the new republic. Beginning in
January 1790 with the Report on the Public Credit, he
advanced his plan in a series of reports to Congress. His
plan contained seven central elements.

See also Congregationalism; Meetinghouse; New England

Way; Puritans and Puritanism; Religion and Religious
Affiliation; Religious Thought and Writings.

Foreign Debts
The rst element called for paying off in full the loans
that foreign governments had made to the Continental
Congress during the Revolution. In 1790 the principal on
these loans amounted to roughly $10 million. The United
States owed two-thirds of these debts to France, one-third
to the Netherlands, and a small amount to Spain. In addition, unpaid interest of about $1.6 million had accrued.
Hamilton proposed that the federal government pay the
interest out of tax revenues and borrow, over a fteenyear period, enough capital to repay the principal of the
loans. No one in Congress or the administration challenged Hamiltons arguments that the United States had
a legal and moral obligation to pay off these debts, and
that it had to do so in order to establish the credit of the
United States, and its citizens, in European nancial

HAMBURG RIOT (8 July 1876), the pivotal clash in

the struggle between the Radical Republicans and the
Democrats for the control of South Carolina. Several
hundred armed white men gathered in Hamburg to force
the disarming of a black militia company accused of obstructing the streets. In the melee that followed, one white
man and seven black men were killed. Daniel H. Chamberlain, the Republican governor, called the affair a massacre engineered for political purposes. His remarks alienated the governors white supporters and assured victory

Domestic Debts
The second element was more controversial. This was
Hamiltons proposal for repaying the debts that the Continental Congress and the Confederation government had
incurred by borrowing domesticallythat is, from individuals and American state governments. These debts,
amounting to about $42.4 million, had resulted from the
selling of bonds to supporters of the Revolution and the
issuing of various notes to pay soldiers and farmers and
merchants who had supplied the revolutionary armies.
This proposal consisted of two parts.


Foster, Stephen. The Long Argument: English Puritanism and the

Shaping of New England Culture, 15701700. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1991.
Rutman, Darrett B. Winthrops Boston: A Portrait of a Puritan
Town, 16301649. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965.

Raymond P. Stearns / a. r.



quence, the central government would be strong and able

to nance wars or fund major national projects. In addition, the permanent debt, because its owners could readily
convert it into money or other assets, would provide capital to meet the needs of an expanding economy.

Alexander Hamilton. The rst secretary of the Treasury.

Library of Congress

Members of Congress generally agreed with Hamilton that the new federal government had a legal obligation to pay the domestic debts that the Confederation
government had incurred. Article VI of the Constitution
provides that All Debts contracted . . . before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the
United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. But many in Congress, including James
Madison, argued that the federal government ought to
negotiate down the domestic debts and take into account
the interests of those who had rst owned the securities.
Critics pointed out that the ination of the war years and
the depressed conditions of the 1780s had forced many
of the original owners, including revolutionary war soldiers, to sell them at substantial losses. The speculators,
including wealthy American merchants, Dutch investors,
and even British investors, who had bought these deeply
discounted notes, stood to reap huge windfall gains under
Hamiltons redemption program. The critics wanted
Hamilton to scale back the redemption of debts held by
speculators and provide some compensation to the original owners of the domestic debt. Madison proposed offering speculators only the highest price which has prevailed in the market and distributing the savings to the
original owners.

First, Hamilton recommended redemption of the

debt at full value. By redemption, he meant offering to
trade the complicated morass of notes and bonds of varying durations and interest rates for new, long-term federal
bonds. These new securities would pay xed, attractive
rates of interest. Second, Hamilton recommended that
the federal government maintain this new debt as a permanent feature of the scal landscape. To demonstrate the
commitment of the federal government to maintaining
the value of this permanent debt, Hamilton proposed creating a sinking fund, based on the method used by the
British government to manage its debt. The Treasury
would establish this fund within a national bank (which
Hamilton promised to propose soon) and supply it with
surplus revenues of the post ofce and the proceeds of a
new European loan. A management committee consisting
of the secretary of the Treasury, the vice president of the
United States, the speaker of the House, the chief justice,
and the attorney general would then use this fund to purchase public securities if they circulated below their par
value. In so doing, the committee would maintain a oor
under the price of these securities.

Hamilton, however, believed that the federal government would be unable to determine who had been the
original owners of federal securities. Moreover, he was
convinced that the best way of demonstrating the trustworthiness of the federal government was to pay back the
debts at something close to their full value. This demonstration was necessary, Hamilton was certain, in order
for the federal government to borrow in the future without having to pay excessive rates of interest. Hamilton was
persuasive, and nearly half of the members of the House
of Representatives owned the domestic debt that Hamilton sought to redeem. In February 1790, the House
voted down Madisons plan.

Hamilton believed that the two parts of the plan

would work together. The plan would create a class of
wealthy citizens who, because they were long-term creditors of the new national government, would be loyal to
it and take an active interest in its affairs. As a conse-

All of the states had debts from the war, but their
efforts to pay off the debts had varied greatly. Massachusetts and South Carolina had been sluggish in paying off
their war debts and had much to gain from assumption.
Four southern statesGeorgia, North Carolina, Vir-


Debts of the States

The third element of Hamiltons policies was the proposal
that the federal government take over the $25 million in
debt that the state governments had accumulated during
the Revolution. With this assumption program, Hamilton sought to strengthen further the nations nancial
reputation, to bolster the nations stock of capital, and to
enhance the nancial power of the federal government.


ginia, and Marylandhad been aggressive in paying off

their debts. For them, assumption threatened to be costly,
requiring them to subsidize the plan through new federal
Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson was worried
about the cost of assumption, and about Hamiltons political intentions. To Jefferson, assumption threatened the
Republic by dangerously centralizing nancial power.
Madison agreed with Jefferson, and in April 1790 they
were able to defeat assumption in its rst test within the
House of Representatives. By July, however, Madison and
Jefferson had softened their opposition. For one thing,
Hamilton had lowered the assumption program to $21.5
million and agreed to adjust the accounts so that Virginias
net payments to the federal government would be zero.
For another, he agreed to support moving the nations
capital from New York to a site in Virginia on the banks
of the Potomac River after a ten-year interlude in Philadelphia. Madison and Jefferson hoped the move would
stimulate economic development of their state, weaken
the kind of ties that Hamilton sought to promote between
the federal government and the nancial elites of New
York and Philadelphia, and bring the government more
under the inuence of Virginias leaders. In addition,
Madison and Jefferson became worried that if the edgling government failed to pass a funding bill the divergence of sectional interests might break up the new union.
They allowed southern votes to shift to support for Hamiltons plan for assumption of the state debts, and in July
it won congressional endorsement in what historians later
called the Compromise of 1790.
The fourth central element of Hamiltons nancial program was taxation. On 4 July 1789, even before Congress
had created the Treasury, President Washington signed
into law a tariff act designed to raise revenues for the new
government. The act established a complex set of duties
on imports, rebates for re-exported goods, and special favors for imports carried in American vessels. The act
yielded more than $1 million per year, but this was far
less than the $3 million that Hamilton estimated would
be required each year for interest payments to the holders
of federal debt. Therefore, in January 1790 in the Report
on the Public Credit, Hamilton recommended an increase in tariffs and the introduction of internal taxation
in the form of an excise tax on distilled spirits. However,
he stopped short of proposing direct taxesby which he,
and the Constitution, meant poll taxes and property taxes.
He worried that these taxes would create a popular backlash, and he wanted to encourage state cooperation with
his nancial program by leaving direct taxation as the exclusive province of state and local governments.
In August 1790, Congress passed four separate acts
that adopted, with only minor changes, Hamiltons proposals for paying off foreign debts, redeeming domestic
debts, assuming state debts, and increasing tariffs. At the

same time, Congress asked Hamilton to submit a formal

proposal for establishing the tax on distilled spirits. In
December 1790, Hamilton advanced a formal proposal
for the tax and, in March 1791, with little debate, Congress adopted it in the Excise Act of 1791.
The Bank of the United States
In December 1790, Hamilton also proposed the fth element in his nancial plan: the federal chartering and
funding of a powerful institutiona national bank, which
would be called the Bank of the United States and modeled to some extent on the Bank of England. The bank
was to be a commercial bank, which was a rare institution
in America. State governments had chartered only four of
them. Like these four, the Bank of the United States
would accept deposits, issue bank notes (as loans or as
evidence of deposits), discount commercial paper, and
loan short-term funds to the government. But Hamilton
wanted more. The Bank of the United States, in Hamiltons view, would be very different from the other commercial banks. One difference would be its sheer size.
Hamilton proposed capitalization for the bank that would
make it ve times the size of all the other commercial
banks combined. This meant that the bank could expand
signicantly the size of the nations money supply and
thus enhance economic activity.
In contrast to the other banks, the Bank of the United
States would conduct business on a national scale and thus
be able to expedite the movement of federal funds around
the nation. In an era of slow communication, this ability
promised to enhance the efciency and power of both the
federal government and the nations capital markets. Another difference, the participation of the federal government as a partner in the banks ownership, would enable
the government to share in the returns from the banks
operations and thus enhance federal revenues. A nal difference, the requirement that investors in the bank use
long-term obligations of the federal government to purchase bank stock, would support the price of government
bonds. Hamilton meant for these differences, taken as a
package, to reinforce other elements in his economic
In February 1791, Congress passed a bill that
adopted most of Hamiltons specic ideas for the new
bank. Congress provided for a twenty-year charter, a
pledge that the government would not charter another
bank during that period, a capitalization of $10 million,
20 percent ownership by the federal government, a requirement that 75 percent of the stock subscribed by private parties be purchased with United States securities,
and a provision for locating the headquarters of the bank
in Philadelphia.
During the congressional debates over the bank,
Madison and other Virginians became concerned that locating the bank in Philadelphia for twenty years might
interfere with moving to the permanent capital in ten
years. They demanded that Congress reduce the term of



the charter to ten years, but Pennsylvania supporters of

the bank blocked the reduction. Madison then claimed
that Congress had no power to charter the bank, or any
corporation. In so doing, he advanced a narrow interpretation of the powers of Congress under the Constitution. While Congress rejected Madisons claim, President Washington took his argument seriously. In addition,
Washington worried about jeopardizing the move of the
capital to the Potomac site, which was near his home of
Mount Vernon. However, Hamilton made a powerful
case to Washington that the Constitution implied the
power to create corporations and this broad interpretation swayed the president, who signed the bill creating
the Bank of the United States.
The Mint
In January 1791, while the Bank of the United States was
still under debate, Hamilton submitted the Report on
the Establishment of a Mint. The creation of a mint, the
sixth element of his economic program, followed the call
of the Constitution for a national coinage. Hamiltons
goal was to create a system of coinage that would be uniform across the United States and provide monetary stability. Uniformity and stability would promote commerce, enhance the credit worthiness of the United
States, and protect the value of tax revenues. Hamilton
personally preferred gold coinage but he recognized the
political reality that many members of Congress worried
about the shortage of gold and the potential deationary
impact of a gold standard. Hamilton proposed, instead, a
bimetallic standard based on the minting of both gold and
silver coins. Both gold and silver coins would be legal
tender, and the mint would buy gold or silver at an ofcial
ratio of fteen ounces of silver to one ounce of gold. The
most common coin in circulation was the Spanish silver
dollar, and it had provided the unit with which the new
nation valued its debts. To ease the transition, Hamilton
recommended adopting the dollar as the basic unit for
the coinage of the new republic, and keeping the silver
content of the new dollar close to that of the Spanish one.
In addition, to facilitate small transactions, he recommended an elaborate fractional coinage. Congress adopted
almost all of Hamiltons proposals in the Coinage Act of
Promotion of Manufacturing
In January 1791 the House of Representatives asked
Hamilton to prepare a plan for the seventh element of his
program: the encouragement and promotion of such
manufactories as will tend to render the United States
independent of other nations for essentials, particularly
for military supplies (Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 15 January 1791, quoted in Jacob
E. Cooke, ed., The Reports of Alexander Hamilton, p. 115).
In December of that year, Hamilton responded with the
last of his reports, the Report on Manufactures. Hamilton went beyond the charge to consider preparations for
war; he recommended an ambitious, national program of


industrial advancement. Hamilton made a case that, complementing Americas vast agricultural sector, manufacturing, and especially the introduction of machine production, would contribute to The Produce and Revenue
of the Society (Alexander Hamilton, Report on Manufactures, quoted in Cooke, ed., The Reports of Alexander
Hamilton, p. 127). He concluded that the development of
modern manufacturing in America would be difcult because of fear of want of success in untried enterprises
(Hamilton, Report on Manufactures, p. 140) and competition from European manufacturers, who had reaped
the benets of the mercantilist policies of European
To overcome these obstacles, the federal government
should, Hamilton argued, adopt a broad range of policies
that would encourage Americans to spend their money
and their energy on the advancement of technological
change in industry. The policies included, in addition to
the public nance measures that Hamilton had already
championed successfully, tariffs crafted to protect new industries; exemptions from tariffs for raw materials important to industrial development; prohibitions on the exporting of raw materials needed by American industry;
promotion of inventions; award of premiums and bonuses
for the prosecution and introduction of useful discoveries by a federal board; inspection of manufactured
goods to protect consumers and enhance the reputation
abroad of American manufacturing; and improvement of
transportation facilities.
In response, in March 1792, Congress passed most
of the tariff program Hamilton had proposed: increases
in tariffs on manufactured goods, including the iron and
steel of Pennsylvania, and reductions in tariffs on raw materials. However, Congress rejected the rest of Hamiltons
policy for manufactures. Jefferson and Madison hated the
prospect of an industrial revolution and believed that
Hamilton had already gained excessive power and might
even be plotting to replace the Republic with a monarchy.
(Their suspicion was incorrect.) In addition, prominent
merchants feared that Hamiltons industrial program
would disturb their protable trade with Great Britain.
The Aftermath
Some of Hamiltons economic policies, especially the
creation of the Bank of the United States and excise taxation, stimulated the development of organized opposition to the Washington administration and led to the formation of what became the Republican Party of Thomas
Jefferson and James Madison. Particularly troublesome to
Hamilton was the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, in which
thousands of farmers in western Pennsylvania challenged
the legitimacy of the excise tax on distilled spirits. They
waved banners denouncing tyranny and embracing liberty, equality, and fraternity, the ideals of the French
Revolution. With Hamiltons enthusiastic support, President Washington mobilized 15,000 troops to suppress
the rebellion.


Hamiltons economic policies may have undermined

the future of the Federalist Party, but they established a
scally strong federal government, just as Hamilton had
planned. In 1793, under Hamiltons tax regime, the federal government collected enough revenue to pay off interest on the public debt ($2.8 million in 1793), fund the
army and navy (over $1 million in 1792), and still balance
the federal budget. By 1795 the regular payment of interest enabled the Treasury to oat new loans in the
Netherlands and pay off its debts to Spain and France.
Meanwhile, Hamilton redeemed the domestic debts, including the debts of state government, and the new securities circulated at close to par value. Vigorous capital
markets, in turn, contributed to a dramatic economic expansion that began in the early 1790s and continued for
a decade. Finally, Hamiltons economic policies established a model of a central government that worked creatively, positively, and effectively to unleash the nations
economic energies. For the next two centuries, Hamiltons model would inuence the development of the
federal government as an integral part of American

Brown, Roger H. Redeeming the Republic: Federalists, Taxation, and

the Origins of the Constitution. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1993. Emphasizes the role of scal concerns in the movement for the Constitution.

phens, representing the Richmond government, met with

President Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of State William Seward on the River Queen in Hampton Roads, Virginia, to discuss terms of peace. Lincoln offered peace on
the basis of (1) reunion, (2) emancipation, and (3) the disbanding of Confederate troops, with a personal promise
of sympathetic treatment. The Confederate representatives were not empowered to accept any terms except independence, and the conference adjourned without further agreement. In April, Richmond fell to the Union
army, and, by May, the nal Confederate armies in the
eld had surrendered.

McPherson, James M. Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Thomas, Emory M. The Confederate Nation: 18611865. New
York: Harper and Row, 1979.

James Elliott Walmsley / a. g.

See also Civil War; Confederate States of America; Emancipation Proclamation; Peace Movement of 1864; Unconditional Surrender.


See Disabled, Education of the.

Bruchey, Stuart. Enterprise: The Dynamic Economy of Free People.

Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990. Contains an incisive assessment of Hamiltons program.
Cooke, Jacob E., ed. The Reports of Alexander Hamilton. New
York: Harper and Row, 1964.
Elkins, Stanley, and Eric McKitrick. The Age of Federalism: The
Early American Republic, 17881800. Oxford and New York:
Oxford University Press, 1993. Best book on the rise and
fall of the Federalists.
Ellis, Joseph J. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation.
New York: Knopf, 2001. Contains insightful essay on the
Compromise of 1790.
Ferguson, E. James. The Power of the Purse: A History of American
Public Finance, 17761790. Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press, 1961. Best history of the nancing
of the American Revolution.
McDonald, Forrest. Alexander Hamilton: A Biography. New York:
Norton, 1979. Intertwines Hamiltons ideas with the development of his political career.
Mitchell, Broadus. Alexander Hamilton: The National Adventure,
17881804. New York: Macmillan, 1962. Contains lucid
and detailed discussion of Hamiltons program.

W. Elliot Brownlee
See also Bank of the United States; Compromise of 1790;
Currency and Coinage; Mint, Federal; Revolution,
American: Financial Aspects; Sinking Fund, National.

HAMPTON ROADS CONFERENCE. In February 1865, Confederate Vice President Alexander Ste-

HANGING, a method of execution brought over from

England by the early settlers of America. Other severe
practices of inicting death, while not extensive, were occasionally resorted to during the colonial period. With
the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibited
cruel and unusual punishment, these other methods
were abandoned. Hanging remained the sole legal means
of effecting capital punishment until the innovations of
electrocution, gas, and lethal injection.
Notwithstanding the provision in the Constitution,
hanging, as it was conducted, was cruel. Not only was it
the occasion of festivities, during which a body was often
left suspended for an entire day, but also it lacked the
slightest essentials of science. The condemned man or
woman was frequently ung from a ladder, or placed on
a cart that was wheeled out from under the body; instead
of sustaining a quick, painless death, the victim suffered
the agonies of slow strangulation.
The historical signicance of hanging stemmed, in
part, from its public display. Hangings in antebellum
America were local community events in which residents
were taught important societal lessons, including the perils of a life of crime and the power of the authorities.
Hangings, however, were not always sanctioned by the
state. Lynch mobs enforced extralegal and barbarous death
sentences of hanging and mutilation on thousands of African Americans, primarily in the South.



Opponents of the death penalty and critics of public

executions joined forces in the mid-nineteenth century.
For the latter group, the efforts were a success, as many
northern states began relegating hangings to jails. As late
as 1965, however, six states still used hanging for capital
punishment. However, merely removing executions from
the witnessing gaze of large crowds was not the goal for
antideath penalty advocates, and they continued to ght
for abolition altogether. They won a victory in Michigan
in 1846, when that state became the rst in the nation to
outlaw execution as a method of punishment; Rhode Island and Wisconsin followed with similar laws in the
Rather than abolishing the death penalty, many states
changed the method of execution. New York became the
rst state to construct an electric chair, which, in 1888,
replaced the gallows. State hangings continued into the
1930s. The last public hanging occurred in Covington,
Kentucky, in 1936.
In the early twenty-rst century, public outcry against
the death penalty began to rise. Among the movements
participants are opponents in the two states that still allow
hanging as a method of execution: Montana and Washington. (Washington hanged two inmates in the 1990s.
Delaware used hanging as a means of execution in 1996
though the state outlawed the method for those people
sentenced after 1986.)

Banner, Stuart. The Death Penalty: An American History. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002.
Bedau, Hugo. The Death Penalty in America: An Anthology. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1967.
Marquart, James W., Sheldon Edland-Olson, and Jonathan R.
Sorensen. The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 19231994. Austin: University of Texas
Press, 1994.
Sellin, Johan Thorsten, ed. Capital Punishment. New York:
Harper and Row, 1967.

Lewis E. Lawes
Caroline Waldron Merithew


Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Robert Hanssen
pleaded guilty in federal court to fteen charges of spying
for the Soviets and the Russians. His action resolved the
most serious case of spying in the history of the FBI and
the worst in the United States since the former Central
Intelligence Agency ofcer Aldrich H. Ames received life
in prison in 1994. Hanssen, a Chicago native, spent much
of his twenty-ve-year FBI career in counterintelligence,
where he had access to highly sensitive cases and documents. Beginning in 1979 and continuing off and on until
his arrest in 2001, the self-taught computer expert hacked
into ultra-secret government databases to obtain his information, which he passed on to his handlers via dead


drops near his suburban Washington, D.C., home. The

materialsome six thousand pages of highly classied
documents and more than twenty-ve computer disks
included information on nine double agents (two of whom
were later executed) and details about several top-secret
communications programs and U.S. nuclear war preparations. For his efforts, Hanssen received $1.4 million in
cash and diamonds, which he apparently used to nance
the education of his six children. A former stripper said
that Hanssen, a devout Roman Catholic, gave her cash,
expensive gifts, and a trip to Hong Kong. Hanssens motivation for spying remains murky, although in a 1999
letter to his handlers he claimed to have made his decision
as early as age fourteen. His arrest in February 2001 and
the severity of his crimes sparked an intense debate within
the federal government over whether or not Hanssen
should be executed. Instead of asking for the death penalty, however, federal prosecutors opted for extensive debriengs to determine the extent of his espionage. On 10
May 2002, after the debriengs, Hanssen was sentenced
to life in prison without parole.

Havill, Adrian. The Spy Who Stayed Out in the Cold: The Secret
Life of FBI Double Agent Robert Hanssen. New York: St. Martins Press, 2001.
Richelson, Jeffrey T. A Century of Spies: Intelligence in the Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Vise, David A. The Bureau and the Mole: The Unmasking of Robert
Philip Hanssen, the Most Dangerous Double Agent in FBI History. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2002.

Mary Jo Binker
See also Spies.

HANTAVIRUS refers both to a family of biological

viruses that can be transmitted from animals to humans
and to hantavirus pulmonary syndromethe highly fatal
infection caused by the viruses. Most often transmitted by
exposure to the droppings of rodents, especially deer
mice, infected individuals experience fever, nausea, vomiting, muscle and head aches, and, if left untreated, respiratory distress that can result in death. Other hantaviruses produce kidney disease.
As of 2003, an effective treatment for hantavirus was
not yet available. Although long recognized in other
countries, the disease was fairly rare in the United States,
and the likelihood of infection was low. The rst outbreak
in the United States occurred in May 1993 in the Four
Corners area of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and
Utah, and by April 2001, 283 cases of the disease had been
reported in thirty-one states.

Hjelle, B., S. Jenison, G. Mertz, et al. Emergence of Hantaviral

Disease in the Southwestern United States. Western Journal of Medicine 161, no. 5 (1994): 467473.


Schmaljohn, C. S., and S. T. Nichol, eds. Hantaviruses. Berlin

and New York: Springer Verlag, 2001.

D. George Joseph
See also Epidemics and Public Health.

McFaul, John M. The Politics of Jacksonian Finance. Ithaca, N.Y.:

Cornell University Press, 1972.
Timberlake, Richard H. Monetary Policy in the United States: An
Intellectual and Institutional History. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1993.

Donald L. Kemmerer / a. r.

HARD MONEY is specie, that is, gold and silver coin.

During much of the eighteenth century, the Revolution,
and the Confederation, many Americans suffered from
the ination of paper money. The Constitution says that
No State shall . . . make any Thing but gold and silver
Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts (Article I, Section
10), which put the United States on a hard money basis.
Since then, debtor classes and some business groups have
repeatedly tried, often with success, to modify the intent
of these words.
Those who favored hard money have at different
times fought different opponents. In the 1830s the ght
was against banks, particularly the second Bank of the
United States, which President Andrew Jackson and
Senator Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri alleged defrauded the people and mixed in politics. Jacksons followers, including President Martin Van Buren, set up the
Independent Treasury System in 18401841, but the
Whigs abolished it. President James K. Polk founded a
more enduring system in 1846. Van Burens and Polks
systems put the treasury on a hard money basis, although
some modications soon had to be made.
For Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase (1861
1864), also a hard money proponent, it was a bitter pill to
have to ask Congress for three issues of legal tender notes
(greenbacks) to carry on the Civil War. Later, as chief
justice, Chase said that making paper money legal tender
was unconstitutional (Hepburn v. Griswold [1870]).
In the later 1860s and 1870s hard money advocates
demanded a return to the gold standard, which was nally
achieved on 2 January 1879; an 1873 law had already eliminated silver as part of the monetary base. The hard money
advocates opposed any expansion of government paper
money, in contrast with the views of the Greenback Party.
But they did not oppose national bank notes if these were
redeemable in specie.
When the United States abandoned the gold standard in the spring of 1933, American citizens lost the right
to demand redemption of paper money or bank deposits
in gold coin, and they did not regain it with the limited
return to a gold standard in January 1934. The era of hard
money had ended. On 15 August 1971, the United States
took the nal step in establishing an irredeemable paper
money standard.

Friedman, Milton, and Anna Jacobson Schwartz. A Monetary

History of the United States, 18671960. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1963.

See also Currency and Coinage; Inflation; Mint, Federal; Specie Circular; Specie Payments, Suspension and Resumption of; Treasury, Department of the.

HARDWARE TRADE refers to hardware stores that

sell a number of basic hardware lines such as tools, builders hardware, paint, glass, housewares and household appliances, cutlery, and roong materials, no one of which
accounts for more than half the sales of the establishments. These products are sold to individual family consumers, farmers, large and small builders, industrial plants
that use many such items as components in their own
products, and other enterprises. Only a few of these products, such as some hand tools and building xtures, have
strong brand identication. They originate in a variety of
manufacturing sources. They tend to be heavy, and dealers must maintain substantial inventories that turn over
slowly. All these factors complicate the distribution system.
During the colonial and revolutionary periods, American settlers used hardware they had brought with them,
along with goods imported from abroad and a small
amount manufactured in this country. Businesses were
not sharply differentiated. Producers often sold small
quantities direct to consumers and to distributors. Large,
prosperous iron merchants in New York and other major
coastal importing centers sold to all types of customers,
including country general stores.
During the early nineteenth century, rms began to
take on more specialized roles. Manufacturers sold directly to industrial users and to wholesalers. The wholesalers in turn concentrated more on selling to retail stores,
including general stores, and to some types of industrial
users. Generally they expected the retailers to travel to
the wholesale centers, often during specially designated
market weeks, to purchase their supplies for the selling
season. As population density increased and transportation facilities improved, suppliers began sending out traveling nancial agents to help collect bills and, eventually,
traveling salesmen to collect orders. In 1830, Scovill Manufacturing Company of Connecticut, a manufacturer of
brass ttings and buttons, became one of the rst hardware companies to employ traveling salesmen.
Competition increased sharply for local hardware
stores and wholesalers with the growth of mail-order
houses and large downtown department stores in the later
decades of the century. Retailer attempts to organize boycotts and obtain punitive tax legislation on these new
forms of distribution were unsuccessful in hindering their
growth. During the 1920s and 1930s, the opening of ur-



ban retail department stores by mail-order companies such

as Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward provided additional competition for the independent hardware stores.
After World War II, yet more competition emerged in
the form of discount department stores such as Kmart and
Wal-Mart, then by the growth of home building supply
stores such as Home Depot and Lowes, which sold lumber as well as hardware items in warehouse-like big box
In the 1920s and 1930s many of the independent
hardware retailers formed cooperative chains in which independently owned stores engaged in joint wholesaling
and purchasing activities, shared advertising campaigns,
and other commercial activities. Prominent among these
ventures were Cotter and Company and American Wholesale Supply, both of which eventually merged into the
TrueStar organization. Retail census gures for 1997 show
15,748 establishments with sales of $13.6 billion.

Barger, Harrold. Distributions Place in the American Economy Since

1869. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1955.
Cory, Jim. Mom & Pop in the 90s. Hardware Age (October
1990): 5867.
Marber, Allen. Eighteenth Century Iron Merchants, A Modern
Marketer. In Marketing in Three Eras. Edited by Terence
Nevett and Stanley C. Hollander. East Lansing: Michigan
State University Department of Marketing, 1987.

Stanley C. Hollander
See also Iron and Steel Industry; Retailing Industry; Stores,
General; Traveling Salesmen.

Puerto Rican immigrants established El Barrio in East

Harlem, known today as Spanish Harlem.
At rst, Harlem represented great promise for blacks.
Unlike most northern ghettos, it featured beautiful new
buildings on wide streets. In the 1920s, the Harlem Renaissance brought together a talented group of artists,
writers, and musicians that included Aaron Douglas, Romare Bearden, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes,
and Duke Ellington. Harlem also established itself at the
center of black political culture in the United States. The
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the National Urban League, as well
as Marcus Garveys nationalist Universal Negro Improvement Association (see Black Nationalism) and the labor
leader A. Philip Randolphs Brotherhood of Sleeping
Car Porters maintained headquarters there. Later, Malcolm X worked primarily out of Harlem, and the community elected two of the most prominent African Americans in congressional history, Adam Clayton Powell Jr.
(19441970) and Charles Rangel (1970 ).
By the eve of the Great Depression, the huge inux
of people had overwhelmed both the housing market and
the job market; the latter made even tighter by racist hiring practices. Gradually, Harlem became a slum. The depression hit hard, and unemployment approached 50 percent. Despite a number of ill-conceived urban renewal
efforts, Harlem has struggled with unemployment, poverty, health crises, and crime since World War II. The
sweeping economic prosperity of the 1990s renewed interest in Harlem and sections of the neighborhood were
rebuilt, but its core remains very poor.

HARLEM. The New York City neighborhood

bounded by the Harlem River to the northeast and Washington Heights to the north, and by 110th Street to the
south and Morningside Heights to the southwestthat
eventually became the biggest and one of the most important black communities in the United States. Harlem
began as a farming village in Dutch New Amsterdam. It
remained an agricultural community until after the Civil
War, when rapid population growth pushed New Yorkers
uptown. By 1880, elevated trains ran as far north as 129th
Street, and the neighborhood attracted tens of thousands
of upper-class whites, with poorer Italians and Jews settling to the east and south.
Real estate speculators turned quick prots in booming Harlem, but in 1905, the market collapsed and blacks
ooded into the overdeveloped neighborhood. Black New
Yorkers desperately needed a place to go at the beginning
of the twentieth century. The black population was growing even faster than the rest of the city, and increasing
racial violence made most neighborhoods unsafe. During
the 1920s, roughly 120,000 blacks, most new arrivals from
the Caribbean and the South, migrated to Harlem, and
an equal number of whites moved out. At the same time,


Greenberg, Cheryl Lynn. Or Does It Explode?: Black Harlem in

the Great Depression. New York: Oxford University Press,
Hamilton, Charles V. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.: The Political Biography of an American Dilemma. New York: Atheneum,
Markowitz, Gerald E., and David Rosner. Children, Race, and
Power: Kenneth and Mamie Clarks Northside Center. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1996.
Osofsky, Gilbert. Harlem: The Making of a Ghetto: Negro New
York, 18901930. New York: Harper and Row, 1968.

Jeremy Derfner
See also African Americans; New York City; Puerto Ricans in
the United States.

HARLEM, BATTLE OF (16 September 1776). After

the Battle of Long Island, George Washington withdrew
his demoralized troops to Manhattan Island and established a line from the mouth of the Harlem River across
the island to Harlem (now Morningside) Heights. On the
morning of 16 September 1776, about one thousand British appeared on the Harlem Plains. Washington ordered


a company of Connecticut Rangers and three Virginia

companies to strike at the enemys rear. Although the
leaders of both companies were killed, reinforcements
sent down from the heights drove the British back. This
small victory greatly heartened the American troops, and
Washington held his position for another month.

Bliven, Bruce, Jr. Battle for Manhattan. New York: Holt, 1956.

Alvin F. Harlow / a. r.
See also Harlem; White Plains, Battle of.

HARLEM RENAISSANCE. Known also by the

names Black Renaissance or New Negro Movement, the
Harlem Renaissance represented a cultural movement
among African Americans roughly between the end of
World War I (1918) and the beginning of the Great Depression (1929). The names given to this movement reveal its essential features. Certainly the words black and
Negro mean that this movement centered on African
Americans, and the term renaissance indicates that something new was born or, more accurately, that a cultural
spirit was reawakened in African American cultural life.
Although most historians remember the Harlem Renaissance as a literary movement, in fact, African Americans
during the 1920s also made great strides in musical and
visual arts, as well as science. Finally, the focus on Harleman old Dutch-built neighborhood of New York
Cityindicates that this renaissance was something of
an urban phenomenon. In fact, the exciting developments
in African American cultural life of the 1920s were not
limited to Harlem, but also had roots in other urban communities where black Americans migrated in great numbers: East St. Louis, Illinois; Chicagos south side; and
Washington, D.C.
The artists of the Harlem Renaissance forwarded two
goals. Like the journalists and other crusaders of the
Progressive era, black authors tried to point out the injustices of racism in American life. Second, newspaper editors, activists, authors, and other artists began to promote
a more unied and positive culture among African Americans. Early efforts to publicize a more unied consciousness among African Americans included two publications
in 1919: Robert Kerlins collection of editorial material in
Voice of the Negro and Emmett Scotts Letters from Negro
Migrants. On the political front, leaders such as Marcus
Garvey began to put forth plans for black economic selfsufciency, political separatism, and the creation of a crossnational African consciousness.
Several important developments during the World
War I era gave rise to the Harlem Renaissance. First,
black southerners since the turn of the century had been
moving in large numbers to the Norths industrial cities.
As a result, southern blacks who had been denied their
political rights and had resorted to sharecropping as a

Zora Neale Hurston. The author of Their Eyes Were Watching

God (1937), other ction, and collections of African American
folklore. AP/Wide World Photos

means of livelihood came into contact with northern African Americans who were more often the descendants of
free blacks and, therefore, had better access to education
and employment. Additionally, black Americans moving
to the cities had much to complain about. World War I,
the so-called war to make the world safe for democracy,
had been a bitter experience for most African Americans.
The U.S. Army was rigidly segregated, race riots broke
out in many American cities during or immediately after
the war, and the North was residentially and economically
segregated like the South, despite the absence of Jim Crow
Not all of the forces driving the Harlem Renaissance
were negative, however. An inuential anthropologist of
the time, Zora Neale Hurston, observed that many white
American artists began to employ aspects of African American culture in their works; she called these people Negrotarians. Signicant among these were Frank Tannenbaum, author of Darker Phases of the South (1924), and
Paul Green, whose 1926 production of In Abrahams Bosom
with a mostly black cast won the Pulitzer Prize.
The literary works of the Harlem Renaissance were products of their writers racial consciousness but also dem-



to satirical short stories on black life with a collection

entitled The Ways of White Folks (1934).
Perhaps one of the best ction writers of the Harlem
Renaissance was Jessie Redmon Fauset. Well educated at
Ivy League schools, Fauset represented the talented
tenth of African Americans that W. E. B. Du Bois hoped
would excel to the point of proving blacks value to American society. Fittingly, Fauset represented blacks in her
novels as mainstream Americans, choosing to weave race
issues within her wider interest in cultural problems such
as social status and economic well-being. Her most important works included There Is Confusion (1924), Plum
Bun (1928), and Comedy: American Style (1933). Other
writersE. Franklin Frazier and Alain Locke, for examplehoped to advance the position of African Americans
through scholarship by exposing the problems facing black
Americans to induce change, as progressive journalists and
novelists had done with health and safety issues before.

Nella Larsen. A nurse and a writer, best known for her rst
novel, Quicksand (1928). The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript

onstrated a profundity and beauty that placed many of

these writers among the great literary gures of the century. An important originator of the movement, James
Weldon Johnson, gave impetus to other black writers in
1922 by publishing the work of contemporary black poets
in a volume entitled The Book of American Negro Poetry.
Writing throughout the 1920s, Johnson published his reections on the decade of black artistic creation in his autobiographical Black Manhattan (1930). Johnson was joined
by another early and inuential writer, Jamaican-born
Claude McKay. McKay gained notoriety with awarenessraising poems such as The Lynching. McKay, like fellow Caribbean native Marcus Garvey, displayed the deance and anger felt by black Americans in the wake of
World War I.
The most inuential African American poet of the
1920s would prove to be the eloquent Langston Hughes,
called the Poet Laureate of the Harlem Renaissance. Early
Hughess poetry such as The Negro Speaks of Rivers
and Mother to Son reected his roots in African American culture; these poems were published in The Weary
Blues (1926). Later Hughess workfour poems on the
infamous (mis)trial of nine black men accused of rape in
Alabamarevealed his heightened political consciousness
and were published as Scottsboro Limited (1932). In the
waning years of the Harlem Renaissance, Hughes turned


Black Americans during the 1920s excelled in elds other
than literature. We often remember jazz as the product
of black migration to New Orleans, but the other cities
that black artists called homeNew York, Chicago, St.
Louis, for examplewitnessed the development of jazz
music as well. Important jazz pianists such as the unofcial mayor of Harlem, Fats Waller, and Art Tatum
played music at house parties and other gatherings in
Manhattan, making music an integral part of the black
experience in the urban North. African American bandleadersDuke Ellington, Count Basie, and Fletcher Hendersonand vaudeville blues singersGertrude Ma
Rainey and Bessie Smithperformed for black and white
audiences, thereby inuencing popular music in general.
Like Jessie Fauset, composer William Grant Still
brought to the Harlem Renaissance a background in
American higher education. Trained at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Still used traditional African American musical idioms to create European-style symphonic
music. He was the rst black composer to have a symphony played by a major orchestra, the rst to conduct a
major orchestra, and the rst to have an opera produced
by a major opera company. In 1931, Still legitimized Afroinspired aesthetics in Western musical forms in premiering a tribute to the Harlem Renaissance aptly entitled the
Afro-American Symphony.
Visual Art
In the world of visual art, the leading graphic artist, and
illustrator for many of James Weldon Johnsons works,
was Aaron Douglas. In northern cities, black artists such
as Douglas wanted to capture their peoples movement,
energy, and soul as jazz musicians had. One of the most
successful artists to do this was Archibald J. Motley Jr.
Using vibrant color and owing shapes, Motley reected
in his work the fast-paced urban life he observed in


Kramer, Victor. The Harlem Renaissance Re-Examined. New York:

AMS, 1987. A large volume of scholarly essays on a wide
range of topics within the movement.
Perry, Margaret. The Harlem Renaissance: An Annotated Bibliography and Commentary. New York: Garland Publishing,
Inc., 1982. A wonderful research tool on nineteen inuential period authors, complete with citations of published
Singh, Amritjit. The Novels of the Harlem Renaissance: Twelve Black
Writers, 19231933. University Park: The Pennsylvania
State University Press, 1976. Literary study of wide crosssection of black authors.
Waldron, Edward E. Walter White and the Harlem Renaissance.
Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1978. A monograph on the inuential civic leaders role during the period.

R. A. Lawson

Countee Cullen. The prolic poet and one of the most

prominent gures of the Harlem Renaissance. AP/Wide World

The Harlem Renaissance as a movement represented

a rebirth of African American culture in the United States.
As a product of black urban migration and black Americans disappointment with racism in the United States,
the renaissance was aimed at revitalizing black culture
with pride. In political life, literature, music, visual art,
and other cultural areas, African Americans in the 1920s
put forth their individual and collective sense of dignity
in the face of an American culture that often considered
them second-class citizens.

Franklin, John Hope, and Alfred A. Moss Jr. From Slavery to

Freedom: A History of African Americans. 8th ed. Boston:
McGraw-Hill, 2000. See chapter eighteen, 400417. Classic, and still excellent, account of the Harlem Renaissance,
balancing narrative with interpretation of primary evidence.
Huggins, Nathan Irvin. Harlem Renaissance. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1971. Standard monograph on the
, ed. Voices from the Harlem Renaissance. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1976. Vast collection of primary documents from the period.
Kellner, Bruce, ed. The Harlem Renaissance: A Historical Dictionary for the Era. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984.
A useful reference tool on people, places, and a variety of
other subjects pertaining to the movement.

HARPERS FERRY, CAPTURE OF. On 9 September 1862, in Frederick, Maryland, General Robert E. Lee
issued his famous lost order. To clear the enemy from
his rear, Lee directed General Thomas J. (Stonewall)
Jackson to capture the garrison at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
(now West Virginia), and then hurry northward to rejoin
the main army. The combined forces would then move
through Hagerstown into Pennsylvania. But the lost order had come into the Union general George B. McClellans possession. The defenders of Harpers Ferry put
up unexpected resistance against Jacksons siege on September 14 and did not surrender until the following day.
Jackson rejoined Lee at Sharpsburg twenty-four hours
late, a delay that nearly led to disaster at the Battle of

Gallagher, Gary W., ed. The Antietam Campaign. Chapel Hill:

University of North Carolina Press, 1999.
Teetor, Paul R. A Matter of Hours: Treason at Harpers Ferry.
Rutherford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,

Thomas Robson Hay / a. r.

See also Antietam, Battle of; Maryland, Invasion of.

HARPERS FERRY RAID. The Harpers Ferry raid

from 16 to 18 October 1859 was led by the abolitionist
John Brown. Brown captured the U.S. arsenal at Harpers
Ferry, Virginia (subsequently West Virginia), at the conuence of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers. With the
weapons seized there, he intended to arm the great number of slaves he thought would join him. But the plot was
a failure, and Brown and most of his followers were either
killed outright or captured and later executed. Nevertheless, the raid, and the myth of John Brown it created,
accelerated the sectional divide over slavery and indirectly
helped achieve Browns agenda.



John Brown. The wounded abolitionist lies down among his captors after his failed attempt to seize the federal arsenal at Harpers
Ferry, Va., and provoke a mass insurrection by slaves; his raid was a contributing factor leading to the Civil War, and many
Northerners came to regard him as a beloved martyr.

John Brown was born in Connecticut in 1800. He was a
deceitful businessman, a defendant in litigation in twentyone separate cases. However, he was able to inspire loyalty
among low and inuential men alike. He had become an
ardent sympathizer of the slaves by the 1830s. In 1855 he
moved with ve of his sons to Kansas, where the slavery
issue was bitterly contested. On 24 May 1856, Brown led
a party on a raid of Pottawatomie Creek, a frontier community near Lawrence. In what has become known as the
Pottawatomie Massacre, Brown and his followers killed
ve proslavery men. The massacre exacerbated national
tensions over slavery by suggesting that antislavery forces
were willing to commit violence. It also suggested that
Brown saw himself as an agent of God. Murky evidence
about Pottawatomie allowed Brown to avoid arrest. From
1856 to 1859 he traveled between Kansas and New England, organizing antislavery raiding parties. In early 1858
he began seeking support for the Harpers Ferry raid.
The Plot
By 1858 Brown had cultivated support among leading
northern antislavery and literary gures. That year he approached his contacts with a plan to take an armed force
into Virginia to rally the slaves, and resist by force any
effort to prevent their being freed. Evidently Brown


viewed Virginia, a slave state, as ready for black revolt.

Brown consulted with Frederick Douglass, Gerrit Smith,
George Stearns, Franklin Sanborn, Thomas Wentworth
Higginson, Theodore Parker, and Samuel Gridley Howe.
Several tried to dissuade Brown, but all except Douglass
ended up agreeing to provide him with the money necessary to launch the Harpers Ferry raid. They became
known as the Secret Six.
John Browns intentions at Harpers Ferry are mysterious. After his capture he asserted that freeing slaves
was his only object, not killing slaveholders. On the other
hand, on 8 May 1858 in Ontario, Canada, he shared with
several dozen Negroes and white men a provisional constitution that provided for conscating all the personal
and real property of slave owners and for maintaining a
government throughout a large area. Since Brown did not
expect to have more than a hundred men in his striking
force, the large army necessary for this operation would
have to be composed of liberated slaves. Moreover, Browns
little band already had plenty of guns at its disposal.
Therefore, the only thing to be gained by attacking the
federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry was weapons, presumably
to arm thousands of slaves. We can conclude that Brown
did not intend to kill people in the Harpers Ferry raid
unless they got in his way. But he also intended to en-


courage a great many slaves to defend their freedom and

to give them the means to do so.
Brown planned to strike at Harpers Ferry in the summer of 1858, but his plans were interrupted by Hugh
Forbes, an English soldier of fortune he had hired to train
troops. Disenchanted by Browns reneging on his wages,
Forbes publicized the plot by describing it to U.S. senators Henry Wilson and William Seward. Wilson chastised
the Secret Six, warning them that Browns scheme would
compromise the antislavery cause. The Secret Six told
Brown that he must go back to Kansas, which he did in
June 1858. In December he led a raid into Missouri,
where his band killed a slaveholder and liberated eleven
slaves whom they carried (in midwinter) all the way to
Ontario. This was Browns most successful operation ever.
It could have capped his antislavery career and gained him
a solid footnote in Civil War history books. But Brown
saw his destiny in Virginia.
The Raid
In the summer of 1859, Brown went to Maryland and
rented a farm ve miles from Harpers Ferry. There he
waited, mostly in vain, for additional men and money. By
mid-October 1859 he had twenty-two followers and probably recognized that his force never would be any stronger.
On the night of 16 October, he and his band marched
toward the Potomac with a wagonload of arms, cut the
telegraph wires, crossed and captured the bridge, and
moved into Harpers Ferry. Brown quickly seized the armory and its rie works. He then sent out a detail to
capture two local slaveholders along with their slaves.
This mission was accomplished. Meanwhile, Browns men
had stopped a Baltimore and Ohio train, inadvertently
killing the African American baggage master, but then allowed the train to go on its way. On the morning of 17
October, Brown took a number of the armorys employees
hostage as they came in for work. Otherwise he remained
in the engine works of the arsenal, perhaps waiting, in his
mind, for the slaves to rise. By mid-morning, Maryland
and Virginia militia were on their way to Harpers Ferry,
and the president of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad reported to Washington that some sort of insurrection was
in progress. By the afternoon of the 17th, the militia had
gained control of the bridges, driving off or killing Browns
outposts. By 10 p.m., Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. Lee,
U.S. Cavalry, with his aide Lieutenant J. E. B. Stuart, had
arrived to take charge.
Lee followed military protocol for the situation. He
offered the Virginia militia a chance to capture the engine
works (which they declined), gave the insurrectionists a
chance to surrender, and was careful to avoid shooting
Browns prisoners. On 18 October, Lee sent Stuart to negotiate with the leader of the raid. A veteran of Kansas,
Stuart was astonished to recognize Brown. Once Brown
refused to surrender, Stuart waved in a dozen marines
who charged with bayonets. It was all over in moments,
without a shot red. One marine and two of Browns men

were killed. Brown himself was wounded but was saved

from death because his assailant, in command of the assault team, had only a dress sword. Altogether, Browns
force had killed four civilians and wounded nine. Of his
own men, ten were dead or dying, ve had escaped the
previous day, and seven were captured.
Browns schemeleading an army of twenty-two
men against a federal arsenal and the entire state of Virginiawas amazingly amateurish. He left behind at his
Maryland farm many letters that revealed his plans and
exposed all of his confederates. He seized Harpers Ferry
without taking food for his soldiers next meal. Most bizarrely, Brown tried to lead a slave insurrection without
notifying the slaves. As an abolitionist, he took it as an
article of faith that slaves were seething with discontent
and only awaited a signal to throw off their chains. But
the Harpers Ferry raid was so poorly planned and executed that slaves, even had they been as restive as Brown
assumed, could not participate.
The Consequences
In the six weeks that followed the raid, Republican and
Democratic leaders denounced Browns act. But he had
shown a courage that won him grudging admiration in
the South and legendary status in the North. Brown recognized that the manner of his death might be a great
service to the antislavery cause. After a one-week trial,
during which he lay wounded on a pallet, he was convicted of murder, treason, and insurrection. When he received his death sentence, he uttered words that became
oratory of legend:
Had I interfered in behalf of the rich, the powerful, the intelligent, the so-called great . . . every man
in this court would have deemed it an act worthy of
reward rather than punishment. . . . Now, if it is
deemed necessary that I should . . . mingle my blood
. . . with the blood of millions in this slave country
whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, I say, let it be done.

When Brown was hung at nearby Charles Town, on

2 December 1859, church bells tolled in many northern
towns, cannons red salutes, and prayer meetings adopted
memorial resolutions. The execution dramatically deepened moral hostility to slavery. Such expressions of grief
turned southern enchantment with Brown into panic.
Southerners identied Brown with the abolitionists, the
abolitionists with Republicans, and Republicans with the
whole North. Abraham Lincolns election in 1860 fed rumors that the Republicans were letting loose dozens of
John Browns on the South. Radical southern newspapers
claimed Harpers Ferry showed that the South could have
no peace as a part of the Union. John Browns raid moved
southern sentiments from mediation toward revolution.
Once the Civil War erupted, the ghost of John
Brown inspired the Northern armies through the popular
song John Browns Body. Its best-known version spoke
of John Browns body moldering in the grave, of his de-


H A R R I S V. M c R A E

parture to become a soldier in the army of the Lord, and

of hanging the Confederate president, Jefferson Davis, on
a sour apple tree. In November 1861, Julia Ward Howe,
the wife of Secret Six member Samuel Gridley Howe,
visited an army camp and heard the song. She awoke in
the middle of the night with a creative urge to write down
the words of The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Upon
publication, this version of the John Brown song became
exalted. The words of the Battle Hymn have come
down through the years as the noblest expression of what
the North was ghting for in the Civil War.

Oates, Stephen B. To Purge This Land with Blood: A Biography of

John Brown. New York: Harper and Row, 1970. The best
overall work among many.
Rossbach, Jeffery. Ambivalent Conspirators: John Brown, the Secret
Six, and a Theory of Slave Violence. Philadelphia: University
of Pennsylvania Press, 1982. Evaluates Browns and his supporters assumptions about the slaves responsiveness.
United States National Park Service. John Browns Raid. Washington, D.C.: Ofce of Publications, National Park Service,
1974. Good visual representation of key locations at Harpers Ferry at the time of the raid.

Timothy M. Roberts
See also Antislavery; Battle Hymn of the Republic.

HARRIS V. McRAE, 448 U.S. 297 (1980), a case in

which the Supreme Court upheld by a 5 to 4 vote the
power of Congress to exclude elective abortions from coverage under the Medicaid program. The Hyde Amendment, named after Representative Henry Hyde and passed
in several versions since 1976, barred the use of federal
funds for abortions except when the mothers life was in
danger or when the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest (the latter clause was later repealed). Although a Republican, Hyde received enough bipartisan support for
the bill to be enacted by a Democratic Congress and
Cora McRae was one of several pregnant Medicaid
recipients who brought suit, alleging that the Hyde Amendment violated the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment and the religion clauses of the First Amendment. At
the time, the plaintiffs had reason for optimism because
the Supreme Court had held that the government must
subsidize other rights, such as the right to counsel, for the
indigent. In addition, Congress had established the Medicaid program in 1965 under Title XIX of the Social Security Act specically to give federal aid to states choosing
to reimburse the indigent for medical treatments they
could not afford. McRae contended that Title XIX obligated states receiving Medicaid funds to fund medically
necessary abortions despite the Hyde Amendments provisions. Indeed the federal district court granted McRae
injunctive relief, ruling (491 F. Supp. 630) that although


the Hyde Amendment amended (rather than violated)

Title XIX, it nevertheless did violate both the Fifth and
First Amendments.
In 1977, however, the Supreme Court upheld state
laws similar to the Hyde Amendment, suggesting that
abortion would not be treated like other rights. Harris v.
McRae applied the same reasoning to the national government, reversing and remanding the district court ruling while holding the Hyde Amendment constitutional.
Although government may not place obstacles in the
path of a womans exercise of her freedom of choice,
wrote Justice Potter Stewart, it need not remove those
of its own creation. Indigency falls in the latter category.
The dissenters, especially Thurgood Marshall, argued
that the decision ignored another world out there in
which poor women could not get abortions without assistance from Medicaid. The Hyde Amendment foreshadowed a number of attacks on abortion rights after
1989, both in individual state legislatures and, in 1995, in
a federal ban on abortions in military hospitals and for
those covered by federal health plans. The Hyde Amendment was still in effect in the early 2000s, although states
retained the right to subsidize abortions with their own

Baer, Judith A. Women in American Law. New York: Holmes and

Meier, 1991.
Bingham, Marjorie. Women and the Constitution. St. Paul, Minn.:
The Upper Midwest Womens History Center, 1990.
Hoff-Wilson, Joan. Law, Gender, and Injustice. New York: New
York University Press, 1991.

Judith A. Baer / a. r.
See also Abortion; Medicare and Medicaid; Pro-Choice
Movement; Pro-Life Movement; Womens Health.


of 1824 proved unsatisfactory to the woolen interests and
following the defeat of the Woolens Bill of 1827, the
friends of protection called a convention at Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, to agree on a new bill. Protectionist advocates held meetings throughout the northern states and
sent 100 delegates from thirteen states to the convention
at Harrisburg, from 30 July to 3 August 1827. The convention produced a memorandum to Congress that set
forth the special needs of the woolens manufacturers and
the general value of protection. Because the tariff bill of
1828 was drafted and passed for political ends, the demands of the memorandum were ignored.

Stanwood, Edward. American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Russell and Russell, 1967.

Robert Fortenbaugh / c. w.
See also Tariff; Textiles; Wool Growing and Manufacture.


HARTFORD CONVENTION. From 15 December 1814 to 5 January 1815, a convention of delegates

from throughout New England met at Hartford, Connecticut, to plan regional opposition to the Republican
Partys federal policies. Its members hoped to bring an
end to a string of defeats for the Federalist Party in general and for New England Federalists in particular. In addition, they sought to gain increased governmental support for a New England destabilized by the ongoing War
of 1812.
The convention numbered twenty-six delegates. They
were sent by the legislatures of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, and by county caucuses in Vermont and New Hampshire. Some radical Massachusetts
Federalists had lobbied for such an event since at least
1808, but more moderate men controlled the convention.
British military successes in northern New England had
prevented a fuller deputation from the newer New England states.
The agrarian, expansionist, anti-British cast of the Republican Virginia Dynastys policies inured to the detriment of the New England states. Those states economies
relied heavily on foreign trade and an expanding manufacturing sector, and their self-conception was strongly shaped
by the Puritan experiments at Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. Unlike Virginia, New England stood in federal
politics for hostility to the French Revolution, for foreign
trade, and for a stand-pat position on westward expansion.
Following President Thomas Jeffersons 1803 Louisiana Purchase, New Englanders began to fear that a huge
new swath of territory would be settled by southerners
and fall under permanent Republican control. What might
have been a Republican interregnum now appeared to be
only the onset of New Englands permanent reduction to
minority status in the Union. The Jeffersonian embargo
on foreign trade in 1807, keystone of Jeffersons second
presidential term, did great damage to New Englands
economy. What made it worse was that the Republicans
in Congress, who less than a decade before had complained of the Alien and Sedition Acts arbitrariness, gave
the president extremely broad enforcement powers.
New England opposed the War of 1812, and this opposition went so deep that Massachusetts Governor Caleb
Strong refused to deploy his states militia to defend the
District of Maine against invasion. Part of the Hartford
Conventions purpose, however, was to urge the federal
administration to defend New England more vigorously,
and in response to Strongs actions, Madison deployed
volunteers to counter potential insurrection in Massachusetts. Nonetheless, one Hartford Convention delegate,
former Secretary of State Timothy Pickering, expected
Union forces to be defeated by the British in Louisiana
regardless of what the convention might decide.
The convention met in secret, which aroused great
hopes and anxieties, depending on the observer. In the
end, it merely called for a second convention in June in

case the war had not ended and proposed a set of amendments to the federal Constitution. It also lent its prestige
to the notion of interposition, formerly associated primarily with the Republican Party.
On Christmas Eve 1814, in the midst of the convention, the Treaty of Ghent was concluded, and on 8 January 1815, Andrew Jacksons forces won their famous victory at New Orleans. Amidst the paroxysms of patriotism,
the Hartford Conventions participants found themselves
branded traitors and suspected of wanting to break
apart the Union, something none of its members had considered in 1814. The Federalist Party, which had played
a pivotal role in founding the Republic, was permanently
wrecked by the Hartford Convention. By decades end, it
virtually had ceased to exist.

Banner, James M., Jr. To the Hartford Convention: The Federalists

and the Origins of Party Politics in Massachusetts, 17891815.
New York: Knopf, 1970.
Ben-Atar, Doron, and Barbara B. Oberg, eds. Federalists Reconsidered. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1998.
Dwight, Theodore. History of the Hartford Convention: With a
Review of the Policy of the United States Government, Which
Led to the War of 1812. New York: N. and J. White; Boston:
Russell, Odiorne, 1833.
Ketcham, Ralph. James Madison: A Biography. New York: Macmillan, 1971.
Rutland, Robert A. The Presidency of James Madison. Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 1990.

K. R. Constantine Gutzman
See also Federalist Party; Republicans, Jeffersonian; War of

HARTFORD WITS. Originally the Connecticut

Wits, this group formed in the late eighteenth century as
a literary society at Yale College and then assumed a new
name, the Hartford Wits. Their writings satirized an outmoded curriculum and, more signicantly, society and the
politics of the mid-1780s. Their dissatisfaction with the
Articles of Confederation appeared in the The Anarchiad
(17861787), written by David Humphreys, Joel Barlow,
John Trumbull, and Lemuel Hopkins. In satirizing democratic society, this mock-epic promoted the federal union delineated by the 1787 Federal Convention at Philadelphia. After the ratication of the Constitution, most
of the Wits, including Timothy Dwight, became Federalist spokesmen for order and stability. Barlow, however,
became a radical Republican. From a common origin, the
Wits ultimately took up positions across the early Republics ideological spectrum.

Elliott, Emory. Revolutionary Writers: Literature and Authority in

the New Republic, 17251810. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1982.



Howard, Leon. The Connecticut Wits. Chicago: The University

of Chicago Press, 1943.

John Saillant
See also Articles of Confederation; Federalist Party; Yale

HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Puritans so dreaded an

uneducated ministry that in 1636, only six years after the
founding of Massachusetts Bay, the colonys General Court
voted money towards a schoale or colledge. Named after the Reverend John Harvard, a private benefactor, Harvard College opened in 1638 in a house inside a cattle
yard donated by the town of Cambridge, and in 1642, it
graduated the rst class of nine men. In 1650, the legislature granted an ofcial charter providing for governance
by a small, self-perpetuating corporation and a larger
board of overseers to be chosen by the magistrates; half
were to be ministers.
The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
The colleges charge was the education of youth in all
manner of good literature Artes and sciences. This meant
four years of grammar, rhetoric, logic, ethics, natural science, metaphysics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and
history as well as Latin, Greek, and (for interpreting the
Old Testament) Hebrew. Prospective ministers, the majority of Harvards graduates for several generations, studied theology for an additional three years. But the established Congregational Church seldom interfered in either
curriculum or training.
Following the English (rather than the European)
model, students lived in dormitory rooms and ate meals
with tutors at commons. The tutors, ill-paid and often
no older than the students, answered to the president of
the college, who also taught. Henry Dunster was a formidable early president (16401654), as was Increase
Mather (16851701), a famous Boston divine. Order was
a chronic problem. Harvard students, many of whose
families paid their tuition with farm produce, consumed
much beef, bread, and beer and fathers frequently had
to pay for broken windows. During a somnolent eighteenth century, posted student social rankings were a chief
Major Changes and Enhanced Independence
Under the presidencies of John T. Kirkland (18101828)
and especially Josiah Quincy (18291845), Harvardnow
with a medical college (1782) and law school (1817)
erected new buildings, established permanent professorships, and increased its enrollments. Fewer boys came
from the New England hinterlands, and more from Bostons economic and cultural elite, grown rich from commerce, nance, and manufacturing. Scions of the plantation South arrived. By the time of the Civil War, faculty
were better paid, even afuent, mixing easily with Boston
society. Ministers were increasingly rare and serious re-


searchers and men of letters more common, as in, for

example, the elds of criticism ( James Russell Lowell),
chemistry ( Josiah Cooke), geology (Louis Agassiz), and
economics (Francis Bowen). President James Walker
(18531860) remarked, Now a professor is as much a
layman as a lawyer or a physician is. Instruction itself
grew more secular; only 10 percent of antebellum Harvard graduates became ministers, a startlingly low gure
for nineteenth-century America.
At midcentury, Harvardstill state chartered and
partially state fundedfaced two challenges: one from religious conservatives opposed to the universitys religious
liberalism, and another from political liberals opposed to
its exclusiveness and its hostility to abolitionism. In response, the institution moved to insulate itself from political interference by severing its relation to the state
government, forgoing funds but jettisoning politically appointed overseers. The corporation and president dealt
with a lesser challengethis from faculty demanding
greater controlby rmly grasping (as a professor put it)
the money, the keys, and the power.
The Regimes of Charles W. Eliot and
A. Lawrence Lowell
Charles W. Eliots presidency (18691909) witnessed further change. Student numbers rose to fteen hundred.
Students from the defeated South largely disappeared, to
be replaced by representatives of the new economic power
centers, New York City in particular. Raised in privilege,
students led gilded lives at Harvard, immersed in clubs,
sports, and society and earning gentlemens Cs. Private
gifts, from wealthy alumni and others, increased dramatically. President Eliot, trained in chemistry, introduced an
elective system that relaxed the traditional college curriculum. But the most profound innovation came when Eliot
laid the foundations of the graduate school in 1872. The
stress on advanced instruction and research produced unrivaled departments of history (Henry Adams, Edward
Channing), philosophy ( Josiah Royce, William James),
ne arts (Charles Eliot Norton), and English (George Lyman Kittredge), among many others. Eliot strengthened
the law and medical schools and established a professional
school of business administration. By the end of Eliots
term, Harvard, with its illustrious alumni, lavish patronage, national reach, and distinguished faculty, was the premier institution of higher education in the country, a position it has largely maintained.
President A. Lawrence Lowell (19091933), a political scientist, established new professional schools (public
health, engineering) but elsewhere modied Eliots legacy. Focusing anew on undergraduates, Lowell introduced
major elds, the tutorial system, and the house plan, which
lodged the three upper classes with tutors in residential
units, partly as a way to undermine the inuence of the
Harvard clubs. Lowells defense of the right of students
and faculty to dissentto oppose U.S. entry into World
War I or be prolaborled to tension with the corporation


but enhanced Harvards reputation for academic integrity.

Lowell tolerated new ethnic groups, making Harvard perhaps the most tolerant of American universities. Yet he
also helped impose a quota on the admission of Jewish
students, fearing that they would crowd out Protestant applicants and develop inappropriate ethnic consciousness.
Research Science, Student Radicalism, and
an Enlarged Endowment
The presidencies of the chemist James B. Conant (1933
1953) and the classicist Nathan Pusey (19531971) marked
a deemphasis on undergraduates and a dramatic shift in
resources toward research science at the expense of the
traditional liberal arts. Harvard became a chief recipient
of federal research grants during World War II and the
Cold War, which triggered the appointment of top researchers in key scientic and engineering elds and the
construction of substantial new facilities for them. As of
1967, Harvard had trained 16 percent of Nobel Prize winners, more than any other university. By 1971, total enrollments were 40,000 and the operating budget was $200
The struggle to maintain high academic standards
while addressing radical activist demands and the needs
of a suffering Cambridge consumed much of the administration of President Derek Bok (19711991), a lawyer
who expanded Harvards global presence and applicant
pool. His successor, Neil Rudenstine (19912001), concentrated on increasing the universitys endowment, which
rose from $1.3 billion in the early 1970s to over $15 billion by the end of the century. This made Harvard the
wealthiest university in the United States by a substantial
margin, which prompted criticism of its high yearly tuition ($35,000) and low pay rates for janitorial and other
staff. Lawrence Summers, an economist and former secretary of the Treasury, was appointed Harvards twentyseventh president in 2001.

Hawkins, Hugh. Between Harvard and America: The Educational

Leadership of Charles W. Eliot. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1972.
Hershberg, James. James B. Conant: Harvard to Hiroshima and the
Making of the Nuclear Age. New York: Knopf, 1993.
Morison, Samuel Eliot. Three Centuries of Harvard, 16361936.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1936.
Story, Ronald. The Forging of an Aristocracy: Harvard and the Boston Upper Class, 19001970. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan
University Press, 1980.
Yeomans, Henry A. Abbott Lawrence Lowell, 18561943. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1948.

Ronald Story
See also Education, Higher: Colleges and Universities, Denominational Colleges, Womens Colleges; Ivy League;
Law Schools; Medical Education; Science Education.

HAT MANUFACTURE, COLONIAL RESTRICTION ON. Colonial manufactures, stimulated by the

abundance of furs in New England and New York, made
and exported hats to neighboring colonies, the West Indies, and southern Europe through the early eighteenth
century. But in 1732, the inuential Company of FeltMakers in London persuaded Parliament to forbid colonial exportation of hats, require a seven years apprenticeship, exclude blacks, and limit each manufacturer to
two apprentices. New York exported hats labeled British from 1733 to 1735 and John Adams stated that Massachusetts hatmakers disregarded the law, but the industrys rapid growth after independence in 1783 suggests
that the law had an inhibiting effect during the colonial

Kammen, Michael G. Empire and Interest: The American Colonies

and the Politics of Mercantilism. Philadelphia: Lippincott,
McCusker, John J., and Kenneth Morgan, eds. The Early Modern
Atlantic Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press,

Lawrence A. Harper / b. p.
See also Beaver Hats; Colonial Commerce; Colonial Policy,
British; Fur Trade and Trapping; Mercantilism; Navigation Acts.

HATCH ACT (1939), as amended, regulates partisan

political activities by U.S. civil servants. The Democratic
senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico, protesting the political involvement of federal employees in primaries and
general elections, sponsored the bill that became the
Hatch Act in order to ban federal employees from participating actively in political campaigns or from using
their positions to coerce voters.
The Pendleton Act of 1883 and several executive
orders limited partisan political activity by career civil servants. But the number of federal government workers ballooned from 14,000 in 1883 to 560,000 in 1926, so that
by the 1930s, conservative Democrats and Republicans
feared that these restrictions were insufcient, and that
civil servants might shape elections of presidents, senators, and representatives. Also, they believed that the administration of Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt
was using relief monies to inuence elections. New Deal
liberals seeking renomination or attempting to unseat
conservative Democrats in Kentucky, Tennessee, and
Pennsylvania were accused of diverting Works Progress
Administration funds to enhance their prospects at the
polls. In January 1939, the Senate Campaign Expenditures Committee upheld those accusations.
Hatch complained that the Democratic National
Committee was obtaining gifts from persons working
forand corporations having contracts withthe federal
government, and that several relatives of rival New Mex-



ico Democratic senator Dennis Chavez had coerced WPA

ofcials. In January 1939, Hatch introduced legislation to
neutralize the federal civil service. While permitting federal employees to vote, his measure prohibited the assessment or solicitation of funds from WPA employees or
the removal of any personnel because of refusal to change
political afliation. Section 9 prevented federal ofcials
and workers from using their position to interfere in presidential or congressional elections. Non-policymaking
federal ofcials could not be removed for partisan reasons. Enforcement was left to department heads, with a
one-thousand-dollar ne or one-year term of imprisonment for violators.
In April 1939 the Senate adopted his measure with
little fanfare, but the House Judiciary Committee infuriated Hatch by deleting section 9. The full House, however, restored much of it in July. President Roosevelt, who
privately harbored reservations about section 9, reluctantly signed the bill into law on 2 August. The Hatch
Act magnied the inuence of local bosses, rural legislators, and labor unions. The original measure, therefore,
was broadened in 1940 to include 250,000 state employees paid wholly or partially from federal funds and to require the nonpayment and removal of violators. A 1950
amendment reduced the penalty to ninety days suspension without pay.
Hatch Act supporters considered a politically neutral
civil service the best way to achieve an impartial government and protect federal workers from coercion or threats
by superiors. They regarded a government employees attempts to inuence the votes of others as inconsistent
with the spirit of the Constitution and wanted to limit the
growing inuence of government employee unions.
In United Public Workers v. Mitchell (1947), the U.S.
Supreme Court by a 43 vote upheld the constitutionality
of the Hatch Act, stating that public employment was a
privilege subject to reasonable conditions. The Commission on Political Activity of Government Personnel in
1966 recommended relaxing restrictions and penalties. A
1972 U.S. district court ruled that the Hatch Act was
vague, overly broad, and contrary to the First Amendment, but the U.S. Supreme Court in June 1973 again
upheld it.
Critics claimed that the Hatch Act denied millions of
federal employees the First Amendment rights of freedom
of speech and association and discouraged political participation among people who otherwise would be vigorous political activists. Democratic President Bill Clinton
encouraged Congress to overhaul the Hatch Act, and. the
Federal Employees Political Activities Act of 1993 permitted most federal civil servants to run for public ofce
in nonpartisan elections, contribute money to political organizations, and campaign for or against candidates in
partisan elections. Federal ofcials, however, were still
barred from engaging in political activity while on duty,
soliciting contributions from the general public, or running as candidates for ofce in partisan elections.



Eccles, James R. The Hatch Act and the American Bureaucracy.

New York: Vantage Press, 1981.
Ponessa, Jeanne. The Hatch Act Rewrite. Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report (13 November 1993), 31463147.
Porter, David L. Senator Carl Hatch and the Hatch Act of
1939. New Mexico Historical Review 47 (April 1973): 151
. Congress and the Waning of the New Deal. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1980.

David L. Porter
See also Campaign Financing and Resources; Civil Service.

HATE CRIMES. Hate crimes are crimes committed

because of the victims race, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or other protected status. The
federal government, most states, and many localities have
enacted laws or regulations to dene such acts as separate
crimes in themselves or to augment penalties for existing
crimes when motivated by hatred or bias. Because denitions vary across jurisdictions, acts as disparate as lynching, assault while calling the victim derogatory names,
cross burning, or making intimidating threats on the basis
of the victims race or other protected status might be
considered hate crimes. Whatever the denition, statistics
show that incidences of hate crime were on the rise in the
late twentieth century.
On the federal level there is no hate crime law per
se, though legislative efforts to enact such a law came
close to succeeding in the late 1990s. Prior to 1994, federal prosecutors combating hate crimes depended primarily on civil rights statutes, including those protecting
voting activities, fair housing, and the enjoyment of public
accommodations. In 1994 Congress added to federal authority to prosecute hate crimes by providing sentence
enhancements for any existing federal offense if the defendant selected the victim because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation of the victim. Also
in 1994, Congress passed the Violence against Women
Act, which provided a civil cause of action for gendermotivated violence. The Supreme Court, however, voted
5 to 4 in United States v. Morrison (2000) to strike down
the relevant provisions as being outside Congresss legislative authority under the commerce clause and the
Fourteenth Amendment.
During the last two decades of the twentieth century,
nearly every state enacted a hate crime law of some kind.
Most of these statutes took the form of sentence enhancements for existing crimes. Others dened new substantive
criminal offenses or created new private causes of action.
Hate crime statutes raise a number of serious policy
and legal questions. Some critics believe that hate crime
statutes pose serious First Amendment difculties by distinguishing among criminals based on their beliefs. Other


critics charge that the statutes are unconstitutionally vague

or send the inappropriate message that crimes committed
for reasons other than bias are not as serious. Supporters
of hate crime statutes assert that the constitutional concerns can be surmounted and that the statutes are necessary to make clear societys strong belief that biasmotivated crimes are particularly detrimental to the social
Some of the constitutional issues raised by hate crime
statutes were the focus of two Supreme Court cases in the
early 1990s. In R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul (1992), the Court
struck down a local ordinance that outlawed placing on
public or private property a symbol or object likely to
arouse anger, alarm, or resentment . . . on the basis of
race, color, creed, religion, or gender. The defendant had
been charged under the ordinance after burning a cross
in the yard of an African American family. Even though
the speech at issue fell into the analytical category of
ghting words, which the Court had previously maintained was of low constitutional value, the Court held
that the ordinance was viewpoint based and thus facially
In Wisconsin v. Mitchell (1993), the Court upheld,
against a First Amendment challenge, a state statute that
increased a defendants punishment for battery because he
selected his victim on the basis of the victims race. In a
unanimous opinion the Court rejected the defendants argument, adopted by the lower court, that the penalty enhancement represented punishment for bigoted thought.
The state could legitimately punish criminal conduct motivated by bias more than the same criminal conduct without such motivation because of the greater harm likely to
ow from the former. After R.A.V. and Mitchell, hate
crimes statutes in the form of penalty enhancements became the preferred form at both the federal and the state

Jacobs, James B., and Kimberly Potter. Hate Crimes. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1998.
Symposium: Federal Bias Crime Law. Boston University Law
Review 80 (2000): 11851449.
Wang, Lu-in. Hate Crimes Law. St. Paul: West, 1993. Comprehensive reference source on federal and state hate crime law.

Kent Greeneld
See also Crime; Discrimination; Group Libel Laws.

HAWAII. When Captain James Cook arrived in the

Hawaiian Islands in the 1770s, he found a people living
in the most isolated location on earth who had developed
a highly sophisticated agriculture based mainly on the cultivation of kalo (taro), some of which was grown in impressive irrigation systems. The subsistence economy was
based on agriculture and the harvest of products from the
sea. Items moved between farmers and shermen through

reciprocal gift exchanges that were not driven by values

or timetables. Absent any metals, pottery clay, or textile
bers, the people developed a highly advanced culture
based on the materials provided by the islands.
Politically, the people were ruled by regional moi
(kings) of whom there might be several on one island.
Religiously and legally the society was regulated by a religion based on a kapu (tabu) system that consisted of prohibitions, restrictions, and directions, all of which depended for their enforcement on the authority and punitive
powers of the kahuna (priests). Under this system, women
were prohibited from eating certain foods or dining with
men and were restricted in other ways. The daily life of
Hawaiians was also regulated by the konohiki (landlords),
under whom they lived in a semifeudal status.
The makaainana (commoners) were subject to arbitrary exactions from the alii (chiefs) in whose presence
they were required to prostrate themselves, and were also
subject to a formal tax annually during the makahiki season, which occurred late in every year and brought concentrations of people from the surrounding area. The
burden of taxation was lightened through its accompaniment by a festival that included sports and games. It was
during the makahiki festival that Captain Cook sailed into
Kealakekua Bay, where he later met his unfortunate end,
and the presence of the unusually large number of people
may have caused him to exaggerate the population of the
Early Merchant Trade
Despite their discovery by Cook, the islands at rst
seemed to offer nothing of economic benet to the West,
and their location away from established trade routes discouraged follow-up voyages. John Ledyard, an American
who accompanied Cook, was struck, however, by the potential prots to be gained by trading the furs of the Pacic Northwest for the products of China at Canton.
Ledyards efforts to interest American businessmen in
such a venture were met with skepticism until his stories
were conrmed by the publication of the journals of the
expedition, whereupon both English and American merchant ships set out to exploit the trade.
It was the fur trade between the Pacic Northwest
and Canton that made the Hawaiian Islands a desirable
way station and a convenient stopover between trading
seasons. Thus began the rapid transformation of the islands and their people. Reciprocal gift exchanges quickly
gave way to barter, then to trade and the beginnings of a
commercial agriculture that focused on growing the products sought by the Westerners, many of them newly introduced to the islands. The reliance on stone and other
indigenous products for tools and weapons was now supplemented by the use of metals. Western rearms were
also introduced. These were used, with the help of Western advisers, by Kamehameha, a moi of the island of Hawaii, to unify all of the islands under his control as king
of Hawaii.



Calvinist missionaries in their efforts to replace all traditional culture with the Calvinists own version of acceptable diversions, laws, and institutions; (6) the introduction
of Western laws, practices, and institutions that were easily understood by the Westerners, but which increasingly
placed the Hawaiians at a disadvantage in coping with
these alien devices; (7) the blurring of class distinctions
between commoners and chiefs that resulted in the loss
of power and inuence by the traditional leadership of
the Hawaiian people, creating a vacuum increasingly lled
by the missionaries and other Westerners; and (8) the integration of Hawaii into the global economy, with the
accompanying globalization of Hawaiian culture and daily

The discovery of sandalwood in the islands, and its

marketability in Canton, gave Hawaii an economic value
it had not previously possessed and brought Western
(mainly American) merchants to Honolulu to deal in this
precious commodity, especially after Kamehamehas death
in 1819 ended his monopoly over the trade. The alii
scrambled to exploit the sandalwood forests for access to
the goods of the West that the fragrant wood provided,
incurring debts with foreign merchants to be paid later in
deliveries of sandalwood. The beginnings of a monetary
economy began to intrude into the traditional subsistence
way of life even in the most remote areas.
Forced Westernization and the Rise of the
Sugar Industry
After Kamehamehas death, the traditional kapu system
was thrown out by his successor, Liholiho, under the inuence of Kamehamehas widow, Kaahumanu, whom he
had appointed as kuhina nui (regent, prime minister) to
advise the new king. The overthrow set the Hawaiian
people adrift in a particularly chaotic time. In 1820, two
events occurred that would further contribute to the transformation of the islands and to the stresses on the Hawaiian people: the arrival of the rst Puritan missionaries
from New England and the introduction of the rst whaling ships to Hawaiis harbors. Their arrival accelerated
the revolution in Hawaiian life that had been inaugurated
by Cooks arrival, the main features of which would be:
(1) the transition from a society in which wealth, power,
and status were based on land to one in which they were
increasingly measured in money; (2) the increasing control of that monetary economyand the wealth and power
and status associated with itby Westerners rather than
by the Hawaiian alii; (3) the transition from a rural,
largely subsistence lifestyle to an urban, consumerist one,
with the accompanying rise of individualism at the expense of the traditional communalism; (4) the replacement of the traditional religion and its related social controls by a religion ill-suited to the Hawaiians in the form
of Calvinist Christianity; (5) the destructive effects of the


By the 1890s, commercialism, urbanization, and individualism had replaced subsistence agriculture and rural
communalism as the key features of life in the islands,
while large sugar plantations marketing their products in
foreign lands had largely supplanted the kuleana (small
elds) of Hawaiian farmers. The Hawaiian religion had
been replaced by Christianity, and the kapu system by Puritan law codes, while the traditional prerogatives of the
alii and of the moi had been usurped by a new white
alii ruling in the name of a Republic of Hawaii within
which the franchise of Hawaiians had been so sharply restricted that they were a minority of voters.
While there were many milestones in the march toward this fate, a major one certainly was passage by the
kingdoms legislature of the alien land law in 1850, which
made it possible for foreigners for the rst time to own
land in fee simple. Before this act, the economic penetration by foreign interests had been limited largely to commerce. Once the security of land ownership was provided,
however, foreign interests, mainly American, were willing
to undertake the investment in productive ventures like
sugar plantations and mills. As declining demand for
whale oil and whalebone caused whaling to die out in the
1860s and 1870s, the growing, processing, and exportation of sugar rose in importance. The ratication by the
United States in 1875 of a reciprocity treaty with the
Kingdom of Hawaii enormously accelerated the growth
of the sugar industry. The effect, however, was to make
the kingdom almost totally dependent on sugar for its
prosperity, and the sugar industry, in turn, almost totally
dependent on the American market. Like the tentacles of
an octopus, the sugar plantations reached out everywhere
for lands on which to grow the valuable crop.
Another effect of the reciprocity act was to accelerate
the importation of laborers (mainly Chinese and Japanese) to work on the plantations, since there were not
enough Hawaiians to do the work. The Hawaiian population, estimated at between 300,000 and 500,000 at the
time of Cooks arrival, had shrunk by the end of the 1870s
to fewer than 60,000, while between 1876 and 1890 the
sugar planters imported 55,000 Chinese and Japanese laborers. In 1876, the Hawaiians, despite their reduced
numbers, still accounted for 90 percent of the population


of the islands. By 1890, they were not even a majority in

their own land.
The combination of the reciprocity act and the bayonet
constitution forced by the white oligarchy on King Kalakaua in 1887 solidied the position and prosperity of
that oligarchy in Hawaii. The reciprocity act permitted
the shipment of sugar to the American market duty-free,
thus putting it on the same basis as domestically produced
sugar and at an advantage in competition with other foreign sugar. The 1887 constitution assured these planters
and businessmen of control over the government of the
kingdom, thus making them secure in their extensive investments in the islands. In the early 1890s, however, both
prots and power were undermined by two events, one
in Washington and one in Honolulu.
The rst was the passage into law of the McKinley
Tariff in 1890, which deprived Hawaiian sugar of all the
advantages it had received by granting duty-free status to
all foreign sugar while providing a bounty to domestic
sugar producers. The second was the death of King Kalakaua and the succession of Liliuokalani as queen, who
came to the throne determined to recover for the crown
the powers it had lost in the 1887 constitution.
In January 1893, a combination of circumstances
centering on the queens proposal to promulgate a new
constitution on her own initiative touched off a virtually
bloodless coup. At a critical moment, U.S. forces were
moved ashore from the USS Boston, then in Honolulu
harbor, at the instigation of the U.S. minister to Hawaii,
John L. Stevens. A provisional government was established under Sanford B. Dole and a mission was dispatched to Washington, D.C., to negotiate a treaty for
annexation of the islands by the United States.
The timing was unfortunate, for a Republican sympathetic to annexation, Benjamin Harrison, was about to
turn over the White House to an unsympathetic Democrat, Grover Cleveland. The treaty negotiated with the
Harrison administration was stalled in the Senate until
Clevelands inauguration, whereupon Cleveland launched
an investigation that seemed to reveal the culpability of
the preceding administration in the overthrow. Denied
the support of the White House, the annexation treaty
drew dust in the Senate until the election of Republican
William McKinley in 1896 and the Spanish-American
War brought the renewed enthusiasm for expansion that
made possible Hawaiis annexation by joint resolution of
Congress. On 12 August 1898 the ag of the United
States was raised over Iolani Palace in Honolulu.
Once under the U.S. Constitution, the sugar planters
might have been more secure in their prots, but their
political power was eroded by the guarantee of franchise
to all Hawaiian adult males, which made up the majority
of eligible voters. In the rst territorial election, the Hawaiians own Home Rule Party elected a majority of the
legislature and also the territorys delegate to Congress.

Placed on the defensive, the planters negotiated an agreement with Prince Jonah Kalanianaole Kuhio, an heir to
the throne of the defunct monarchy, to run on the Republican ticket for delegate to Congress, thereby attracting enough Hawaiian voters to the Republican side to give
the planter-controlled Republicans effective political domination until World War II.
During the next forty years, however, conditions were
created for the political transformation of Hawaii by the
arrival of tens of thousands of new immigrants, mainly
now from the Philippines; by the coming to voting age of
the sons and daughters of these and earlier immigrants;
and by the rise of a labor movement in Hawaii. The Great
Depression and New Deal of the 1930s did not impact
Hawaii as much as they did the mainland United States,
but they did exert an inuence. Hawaii received a share
of the public-works and work-relief spending that improved its infrastructure just in time for the needs of
World War II. These programs were administered by federal ofcials from the mainland that breathed new life into
the Hawaii Democratic Party. Legislation like the National Industrial Recovery Act and the National Labor
Relations Act gave enormous stimulus to the unionization
of Hawaiis workers. At the same time, the tendency on
the part of some in the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration to deal with Hawaii as an insular possession like
the Philippines and Puerto Rico, rather than as a territory
of the United States, as in the case of the Jones-Costigan
Sugar Act, convinced many that only statehood could
provide the security that Hawaiis economy required.
World War II and Postwar Political Change
Within twenty-four hours of the Japanese attack on Pearl
Harbor on 7 December 1941, life in the islands changed,
as the territory came under a rigorous martial law that
worked closely with the white oligarchy (generally referred to as the Big Five, which consisted of Alexander
and Baldwin, American Factors, C. Brewer and Company,
Castle and Cooke, and Theo H. Davies and Company).
On the surface it appeared to be only a brief interruption
of normal conditions and that the 1930s status quo would
return after the war. But numerous new factors were introduced during the war years that accelerated the changes
already under way in the 1930s. For one, the war brought
many new workers from the mainland who brought their
union loyalties and an antipathy to the big businesses that
ruled Hawaii and the political party that represented them.
Many of these workers stayed after the war ended, as did
many servicemen who had been exposed to the islands for
the rst time. Another factor was that many of Hawaiis
minorities went off to ght in the war, most notably the
Americans of Japanese ancestry (AJAs) who made up the
famed 100th Infantry Battalion, and 442d Regimental
Combat Team. Taking advantage of their veterans benets after the war, many would go on to receive college
degrees and even postgraduate and professional degrees
and would commit themselves to bringing reforms to



By 1954, a Democratic Party that had been reinvigorated by the leadership of former policeman John A.
Burns, working with AJAs like Daniel K. Inouye and others, was able to capture control of both houses of the
territorial legislature. (By 2002, the Democrats were still
in control of both houses.) The loss of the Big Fives political control was soon followed by the weakening of their
economic control as well. As Hawaiis delegate to Congress, Burns worked tirelessly in behalf of statehood for
the islands. He was nally successful in 1959, when Congress approved a statehood bill. On 17 June of that year
the voters of Hawaii ratied statehood by a margin of 17
1, and on 21 August, President Dwight D. Eisenhower
signed the bill admitting Hawaii as the ftieth state in the
Hawaii since Statehood
In a special 1959 election, the last appointed governor of
the territory, Republican William Quinn, became the rst
elected governor of the state, when he staged a surprising
victory over John Burns. But in 1962, Burns defeated
Quinn, ushering in an unbroken succession of Democratic governors for the remainder of the twentieth century. Meanwhile, the Democratic Partys strategy changed
from that of a working-class party to one racially oriented,
based on appeals to the descendants of Hawaiis immigrant plantation laborers of whatever class.
Statehood did not save Hawaiis sugar industry. The
combination of rising costs and foreign competition
brought the demise of the industry by the end of the
twentieth century. Left at least temporarily without a viable industry, the state of Hawaii was forced to rely almost
entirely on tourism for its prosperity, with tourists sought
from all over the world, particularly Asia. Tourism, however, was dependent on economic conditions in the source
countries. Frequent economic crises on the U.S. mainland and in Asia during these decades revealed how fragile
Hawaiis economic base had become when they triggered
severe recessions in the islands that continued into the
twenty-rst century.
Meanwhile, traditional Hawaiian culture, so long dormant that its very survival was being questioned, staged a
renaissance in the 1970s, inspired in large part by developments on the U.S. mainland including the civil rights
and ethnic studies movements of the 1960s. The Hawaiian renaissance encompassed both cultural and political
elements, with a resurgence of interest in both traditional
and more recent Hawaiian culture and language, together
with the beginnings of Hawaiian political activism in opposition to development on Oahu and the U.S. Navy
bombing of the island of Kahoolawe. Two laws passed
during the Lyndon Johnson presidency contributed to
both aspects of the renaissance. The creation of the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities in 1965
provided money to encourage the growth and understanding of arts and humanities. With government patronage available, Hawaiians and others interested in tra-


ditional Hawaiian culture were stimulated to undertake

creative activities, pursue traditional arts and crafts, and
learn and disseminate information about the culture. The
Model Cities program inaugurated by the federal government in 1966 encouraged grassroots political activism and
provided broader opportunities for the participation and
leadership of Hawaiians.
The inuence of the Hawaiian renaissance profoundly
affected the states constitutional convention in 1978, particularly the Hawaiian package of amendments that the
new constitution included. The new constitution recognized the Hawaiian language as one of the ofcial languages of the state (just eleven years after its use was still
prohibited), conrmed the Hawaiians in various traditional rights, and established the Ofce of Hawaiian Affairs to represent the interests of native Hawaiians. Four
years later, the leader of the Hawaiian forces within the
convention, John Waihee, was elected lieutenant governor of the state, and in 1986, he was elected to the rst
of two terms as governor.
The twentieth century ended with many Hawaiians
seeking the culmination of the renaissance in some degree
of sovereignty, and many others continuing the resurgent
interest in Hawaiian culture and language amid new opportunities available in the states schools and colleges. It
also ended with signs of a possible resurgence of the Republican Party as an apparent result of decades that Hawaii had spent in the economic doldrums.

Daws, Gavan. A Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian Islands.

New York: Macmillan, 1968.
Fuchs, Lawrence H. Hawaii Pono: A Social History. New York:
Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1961. Reprint, San Diego:
Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich, 1983.
Kuykendall, Ralph S. The Hawaiian Kingdom. 3 vols. Honolulu:
University of Hawaii, 19381967.

Gary Dean Best

See also Honolulu; Sugar Industry.


18 November 1903 by Secretary of State John M. Hay
and Philippe Bunau-Varilla, a French canal investor who
had helped organize the Panamanian revolt against Colombia and acted as the new ruling juntas envoy to Washington. The treaty provided that the United States guarantee the independence of Panama, while receiving in
perpetuity a ten-mile-wide strip of territory for the construction of a canal. The United States was made fully
sovereign over this zone and retained the right to intervene elsewhere in Panama as necessary to keep order. In
return, the United States agreed to pay Panama $10 million and an annuity of $250,000 from canal revenues. The
U.S. Senate ratied the treaty on 23 February 1904. Because of U.S. support for Panamanian secession, relations


with Colombia remained fragile until Washington paid

that country $25 million in restitution, or canalimony,
under the Thomson-Urrutia Treaty of 1921.

LaFeber, Walter. The Panama Canal: the Crisis in Historical Perspective. Updated ed. New York: Oxford University Press,
Major, John. Prize Possession: The United States and the Panama
Canal, 19031979. Cambridge, U.K., and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Schoonover, Thomas D. The United States in Central America,
18601911: Episodes of Social Imperialism and Imperial Rivalry in the World System. Durham, N.C.: Duke University
Press, 1991.

Colombian sovereignty. President Theodore Roosevelt

was furious at the Colombian action, and in November
1903 a revolution broke out in Panama that resulted in
its independence from Colombia. Shortly thereafter, the
United States signed an agreement with Panama giving
America the right to construct a canal through that

Lael, Richard L. Arrogant Diplomacy: U.S. Policy Toward Colombia, 19031922. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources,
Miner, Dwight C. The Right for the Panama Route: The Story of
the Spooner Act and the Hay-Herran Treaty. New York: Columbia University Press, 1940.

Max Paul Friedman

See also Panama Canal.

Michael L. Krenn
See also Panama Canal.

HAYBURNS CASE, 2 Dallas 409 (1792), refers to

one of the earliest assertions of the independence of the
American judiciary, and one of the rst instances of federal judicial review. A 1791 federal statute granting pensions to Revolutionary War veterans mandated that the
U.S. circuit courts determine whether petitioners qualied. The act gave the secretary of war the power to deny
pensions if he believed the courts to be in error. Circuit
judges protested that the act, in giving an executive ofcial power to overrule a judicial determination, violated
the Constitutions principle of separation of powers. The
appeal lodged before the Supreme Court of circuit judges
refusal to act was rendered moot when a new statutory
pension plan did not involve judges.

Casto, William R. The Supreme Court in the Early Republic: The

Chief Justiceships of John Jay and Oliver Ellsworth. Columbia:
University of South Carolina Press, 1995.

Stephen B. Presser
See also Judicial Review.

HAY-HERRAN TREATY was signed by Secretary

of State John M. Hay and Dr. Tomas Herran, the Colombian minister, on 22 January 1903. It allowed the Frenchcontrolled New Panama Canal Company to sell its option
on a canal route through Panama to the United States. In
addition, Colombia would give the United States a 100year lease on a ten-kilometer-wide strip of land across
Panama for construction of a canal. The United States
agreed to pay Colombia $10 million and an annuity of
$250,000 starting nine years after ratication of the treaty.
The U.S. Senate approved the treaty in March 1903. In
August of that year, however, the Colombian Senate rejected the treaty. The primary arguments against the
treaty centered on the question of money and issues of

HAYMARKET RIOT. In April and early May 1886,

the idea of a national strike for the eight-hour day gained
momentum among the labor activists of Chicago. On 3
May police red on strikers at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, killing four. August Spies, editor
of the semianarchist Arbeiter-Zeitung, issued circulars demanding revenge and announcing a mass meeting the
next evening at the Haymarket Square. About 1,300 people attended the meeting, although many dispersed when
it began to rain. Amid general anticipation of violence,
large police reserves were concentrated nearby. Mayor
Carter H. Harrison attended the meeting, but he soon
left, judging the speeches innocuous. Contravening Harrisons advice, 180 police advanced on the meeting and
ordered the crowd to disperse. At this point, a bomb,
thrown by an unknown hand, fell among the police, leaving seven dead and seventy injured.
Popular fears of a general anarchist plot made an impartial investigation impossible; eight alleged anarchists
were convicted on a conspiracy charge, and four were
hanged. The eight-hour movement collapsed beneath the
stigma of radicalism. Governor John P. Altgeld pardoned
the three surviving prisoners in 1893, declaring that the
trial had been a farcean opinion severely condemned
by the conservative press but highly praised by organized

Avrich, Paul. The Haymarket Tragedy. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton

University Press, 1984.
Nelson, Bruce C. Beyond the Martyrs: A Social History of Chicagos
Anarchists, 18701900. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1988.

Harvey Wish / a. r.
See also Anarchists; Chicago; Labor; Strikes; Wages and Salaries; Work; and picture (overleaf ).



Haymarket Riot. An engraving published in Harpers Weekly on 15 May 1886 depicts the chaos
touched off by the fatal explosion, during a mass meeting at the Chicago square on 4 May. Library
of Congress

HAY-PAUNCEFOTE TREATIES. The rst HayPauncefote Treaty, signed 5 February 1900 by Secretary
of State John Hay and Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British
ambassador, modied the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of
1850, which provided for a joint protectorate by England
and the United States of any trans-isthmian canal. It permitted the construction and maintenance of a canal under
the sole auspices of the United States. The U.S. Senate
amended the treaty to have it supersede the ClaytonBulwer Treaty and to give the United States the right to
fortify the canal. Great Britain declined to accept the Senate amendments, and the second Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
was negotiated, signed on 18 November 1901. Article I
declared that it should supersede the Clayton-Bulwer
Treaty. Article II provided that a canal might be constructed under the auspices of the United Sates and that
it would have all the rights incident to such construction
as well as the right to regulate and manage the canal. Article III stipulated that the canal should be free and open
to the vessels of all nations on terms of entire equality
and that the charges of trafc should be just and equitable. The United States was virtually accorded the sole
power to assure the neutrality of trans-isthmian transit.
Fortication of the canal was not mentioned, but during
the negotiations the British foreign secretary admitted
that the United States would have the right to fortify.
This treaty made feasible the construction of a canal
through Central America by the United States and enabled it to consider the Nicaragua route as an alternative
to the Panama route. On 16 December the Senate over-


whelmingly ratied the second treaty. Acquiescence of the

British reected their preoccupation with growing German power in Europe, acknowledgment of Washingtons
predominance in Central America, and the rise of the
United States to great power status.

LaFeber, Walter. The Panama Canal: The Crisis in Historical Perspective. Updated ed. New York: Oxford University Press,
Major, John. Prize Possession: The United States and the Panama
Canal, 19031979. Cambridge, U.K., and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Schoonover, Thomas D. The United States in Central America,
18601911: Episodes of Social Imperialism and Imperial Rivalry in the World System. Durham, N.C.: Duke University
Press, 1991.

Max Paul Friedman

William Spence Robertson
See also Panama Canal.

HAYS, FORT (1867), one of a system of military posts

established in Kansas to support the governments campaign against Plains Indians. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan for
a time made his headquarters at Fort Hays, as did Gen.
George A. Custer in 18671869. Hays City, a railroad
town nearby, looms large in western mythology. There,
in 1869, frontier marshal James Butler (Wild Bill)


Hickok maintained order with his revolvers. The following year, he killed three soldiers in an altercation and ed
to escape execution by Sheridan. As late as 1874, residents
fought a street battle with black soldiers from the fort, in
which six of the latter were killed.

Oliva, Leo E. Fort Hays, Frontier Army Post, 18651889. Topeka:

Kansas State Historical Society, 1980.

Paul I. Wellman / a. r.
See also Army Posts; Cow Towns; Military Service and Minorities: African Americans.


of the great criminal cases involving organized labor in
the United States. Developing in 1905 after Harry Orchard planted a bomb that killed former Idaho Gov. Frank
Steunenberg, the case involved the principal ofcers of
the old Western Federation of Miners. The assassin
turned states evidence and accused the three union leaders, Charles H. Moyer, president; William (Big Bill)
Haywood, secretary-treasurer; and George A. Pettibone,
formerly prominent in the union but at that time retired.
Using questionable methods, these men were extradited
from Colorado to Idaho. A jury of farmers and ranchers
acquitted Haywood, the rst to be tried. Pettibone, too,
was acquitted, and Moyer was released without trial.

Grant, Luke. Idaho Murder Trial, Outlook, vol. 85, and The
Haywood Trial: A Review, Outlook, vol. 86.
Hayes, Arthur G. Trial by Prejudice. New York: Covici, Friede,

Gordon S. Watkins / c. w.
See also Coeur dAlene Riots; Extradition.

HAZARDOUS WASTE is a by-product, usually of

manufacturing, medical and scientic research, and consumer detritus (disintegrating materials), that is dangerous to human health and wildlife. The substances dened
as hazardous received their initial analysis in the industrial
hygiene movement between 1900 and 1930, which focused on substances in the workplace. The movements
concern with hazardous industrial substances seldom extended beyond the factory walls. Although public health
authorities in the late nineteenth century considered industrial pollution a major problem, the focus shifted after
the acceptance of the germ theory of disease. Public health
ofcers and sanitary engineers focused on bacterial wastes
as the primary threat to human health. When they considered industrial wastes, they concentrated on their nonpathogenic effects. It was only after World War II that
professionals began to pay greater attention to health and
the environment.

Hazardous Waste Site. Signs warn visitors away from Times

Beach, Mo., a town so badly contaminated by dioxin in the oil
sprayed on streets to control dust, that the federal government
spent $30 million to move the towns 2,000 residents elsewhere
in 1983, demolish all the buildings, and burn the soil before
creating the 500-acre Route 66 State Park there. Greenpeace

The rst federal legislation regarding hazardous waste

was the 1970 Solid Waste Disposal Act. Section 212 required that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
investigate the storage and disposal of hazardous wastes.
The resulting 1974 report to Congress on the disposal of
hazardous wastes led to the passage in 1976 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which
dened hazardous wastes that can cause illness or pose a
hazard to health and to the environment when improperly
stored, transported, or managed. In 1980, the EPA announced regulations implementing cradle-to-grave controls for handling hazardous wastes.
RCRA did not touch on the dangers of wastes buried
in industrial and municipal landlls. For decades, industries had disposed of hazardous materials in landlls.
Land disposal of wastes increased in the post-World War II
period, as states put limits on water disposal. These older
sites, in many cases abandoned or closed, posed a threat
to groundwater supplies. The case of Love Canal, a
chemical waste dump formed by the Hooker Chemical
and Plastics Corporation in Niagara Falls, New York, and
from which toxic chemical wastes migrated to endanger
neighboring residential areas, focused public and governmental attention on the problem in the late 1970s.
Congress responded to the perceived danger of these
sites in 1980 by approving the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA), or Superfund, which provided $1.6 billion
for the cleanup of toxic wastes. Under CERCLA, the EPA
established procedures of site-specic risk assessments to
determine whether the hazardous wastes were a threat to
human health. The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act in 1986 increased the fund to $9.6 billion.
The Superfund Act and its amendments sought to cover
the costs of cleanup by requiring retrospective liability.



That is, it made those people and companies responsible

for creating hazardous waste sites liable for the costs of
cleanup. The amendments also required that rms that imported, processed, or produced more than 50,000 pounds
per year of any of the EPAs listed chemicals and compounds, register them in the EPAs annual Toxics Release
Inventory. The slow pace of cleanups, however, as well as
cumbersome procedures, convinced many experts that
Superfund was not only underfunded but imposed unreasonable standards of cleanliness, given future site uses.

ingful results. Most classes operate ve days a week, with

sessions of half and full days. In the 1970s the target population was broadened to include children with handicaps
and children whose rst language is not English. Established during the Democratic presidency of Lyndon B.
Johnson, Head Start has received bipartisan government
support, and, in 1991, it received its largest allocation
evernearly $2 billionwith passage of the Head Start
Expansion and Quality Improvement Act to ensure availability of Head Start to every eligible four-year-old.

One of Superfunds main tools was a trust fund that

contained money contributed by corporations that were
taxed to help pay for cleanup operations at Superfund
sites. In 1995, that legislation expired. In the following
years, Democratic President Bill Clinton annually attempted to renew the legislation, but the Republicancontrolled legislature consistently blocked his efforts. Once
Republican President George W. Bush came into ofce,
the White House ceased to agitate for renewal. Many critics see the Superfund program as fundamentally awed
because it spends too much money in court battles to determine who is responsible for cleaning up hazardous
sites. Furthermore, they argue that taxing the chemical
and petrochemical industries to clean up sites that they
did not pollute is unfair. In 2001, $860 million was available for Superfund cleanup, but that amount was projected to fall to $28 million by 2003.

Supported by the U.S. Department of Education,

Head Start offers a child development program to improve health, social and emotional adjustment, intellect,
and self-esteem. Although a federal agency oversees Head
Start, the program is administered through local organizations, mostly community action agencies, which submit
proposals for funding. In 1995 grantees ran approximately
24,000 classes. Each program site must meet several requirements, including the provision of educational activities, health care, and meals and snacks as part of an overall nutrition program. Classes resemble a nursery school,
with activities modied to meet the needs of individuals
and the group. Families receive instruction in areas such
as nutrition and the use of community services and resources. Parents are encouraged to participate as members of advisory boards and as volunteers and staff members. A family-needs assessment and annual home visiting
are mandated. Because the program concentrates on meeting the needs of each child, it necessitates a high adultstudent ratio, the ideal being one adult (including volunteers) to every ve children. As of 1994, every class was
required to have at least one teacher with a child development associate degree (CDA) or other early childhood
degree or credential. The CDA degree is one of many
offshoots of Head Start, developed out of the programs
need for an affordable body of well-trained caregivers.
Some programs are attempting to recruit teachers with
bachelors degrees, but low salaries are a deterrent. Several states supplement federal allocations to narrow the
gap between Head Start and public school salaries.


Anderson, Terry L., ed. Political Environmentalism: Going Behind

the Green Curtain. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press,
Barnett, Harold C. Toxic Debts and the Superfund Dilemma.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994.
Hird, John A. Superfund: The Political Economy of Environmental
Risk. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.
Mazur, Allan. A Hazardous Inquiry: The Rashomon Effect at Love
Canal. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1998.
Switzer, Jacqueline Vaughn. Environmental Politics: Domestic and
Global Dimensions. New York: St. Martins Press, 1994;

Joel A. Tarr / a. e.
See also Energy, Department of; Energy Industry; Environmental Business; Environmental Protection Agency;
Times Beach; Waste Disposal; Water Pollution.

HEAD START, an antipoverty preschool program

initiated in 1965 under the Economic Opportunity Act,
was designed to serve the needs of children from lowincome families. It was based on the philosophy that early
intervention, coupled with compensatory education, would
enable children from impoverished backgrounds to adjust
to school and community. Originally a summer program,
it expanded to full-year sessions comparable to a regular
school year after educators and psychologists determined
that the short program was not sufcient to obtain mean-


Head Start has produced mixed results. Difculty in

carrying out studies has led to an appraisal of specic
program elements. During the programs early days, researchers found improvement in IQ scores, but follow-up
studies in New York City public elementary schools revealed that six months after leaving Head Start, participants scored no higher on achievement tests than nonparticipants with similar socioeconomic backgrounds. A
widely publicized 1969 study by the Westinghouse Learning Corporation concluded that full-year Head Start
programs barely affected achievement and that summer
programs yielded negative effects. Analysis of these data
several years later, corrected for sample selection bias,
found positive effects. Most analysts agree that Head
Start produces immediate benets for childrenimproved health, higher scores on academic tests, and increased self-esteem. Many parents receive training and


become directly involved in their childrens education.

Long-term results are less dramatic and clear-cut. Data
from a 1987 study of 3,500 Philadelphia Head Start children showed no lasting effect on achievement scores, but
the children were more likely to attend school regularly
in the age-appropriate grade. Studies conrm that Head
Start graduates fare better than their counterparts on such
measures as repeating a grade and placement in special
education classes. Edward Zigler, a psychologist and proponent of Head Start, contends that, although the program can be viewed as highly successful, particularly if
evaluations consider family changes, it cannot compensate for decits attributable to a wide range of community
problems. Despite its growth, Head Start serves fewer
than half of all eligible students. In 2002 it served about
915,000 children.
Home Start is an evolving program that works with
parents and children directly in their homes and provides
a combination of home and center activity. Behind this
approach is the premise that intervention with parents,
the rst and primary educators of children, can produce
positive effects on their families. Home Start is considered particularly effective with children in rural areas
where resources and transportation are scarce.
In 2002 President George W. Bush announced his
intention to strengthen and improve Head Start and other
early childhood development programs, but he failed to
include funding for such improvements in his 2003 budget. Childrens advocates argued that without increasing
child-care funding and funding to other early childhood
programs, no progress would be made.

Ellsworth, Jeanne, and Lynda J. Ames, eds. Critical Perspectives

on Project Head Start: Revisioning the Hope and Challenge. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998.
Lacy, Gary L. Head Start Social Services: How African American
Mothers Use and Perceive It. New York: Garland, 1999.
Mills, Kay. Something Better for My Children: The History and People of Head Start. New York: Dutton, 1998.
Peters, Barbara J. The Head Start Mother: Low-income Mothers
Empowerment Through Participation. New York: Garland,
Zigler, Edward, and Susan Muenchow. Head Start: The Inside
Story of Americas Most Successful Educational Experiment. New
York: Basic Books, 1992.

Myrna W. Merron / d. b.
See also Child Care; Childhood; Education; Education, Cooperative; Education, Experimental; Family; Maternal
and Child Health Care; Poverty; War on Poverty.

Human Services (HHS) ofcially opened on 4 May 1980
after the Department of Education Organization Act of

1979 removed the education components from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. As the federal governments chief organization for the provision
of health care and social welfare services, in scal year
2002, HHS operated through eleven divisions, employed
65,000 people, and had a budget of $460 billion. Its major
responsibilities included administering Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, a state-federal welfare program
that succeeded the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program, and the Medicare and Medicaid healthcare programs that reached about one in every four
The Federal Security Agency
The origins of the department go back to 1937, when the
Presidents Committee on Administrative Management
recommended that President Franklin D. Roosevelt be
allowed to submit reorganization plans to Congress that
would have the effect of law if Congress failed to act in
sixty days. Although Congress refused to grant the president the power to create cabinet-level departments in
this manner, it did allow him to start subcabinet agencies.
Hence, in April 1939, Roosevelt sent Congress a reorganization plan that included the creation of the Federal
Security Agency (FSA). The agency brought together the
federal governments health, education, and welfare programs. In particular, it included the previously independent Social Security Board, which ran the nations major
social insurance and welfare programs; the public works
programs of the New Deal; the Ofce of Education from
the Department of the Interior; and the Public Health
Service from the Department of the Treasury.
President Harry Truman tried and failed to elevate
the FSA into a cabinet-level department of welfare. Congress decided not to enact the presidents proposal in part
because of fears that the FSA administrator, Oscar Ewing,
would use the new department as a vehicle to promote
the cause of national health insurance. In the meantime,
the conguration of the department changed as the Food
and Drug Administration was added from the Department of Agriculture in 1940 and the Childrens Bureau
was added from the Department of Labor in 1946.
The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Although President Dwight Eisenhower was no supporter
of national health insurance, he nonetheless submitted
plans for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) in March 1953 and presided over the creation of the department in April. The name for the new
department reected in part the preferences of the Republican senator Robert Taft of Ohio, who strongly opposed starting a department of welfare and believed that
an alternative, a department of human resources, sounded
too totalitarian. Oveta Culp Hobby, the former commander of the Womens Air Corps and the publisher of
the Houston Post, became the rst secretary of health, education, and welfare. Her successors have included Marion
Folsom (19551958), Arthur Flemming (19581961),



John Gardner (19651968), and Elliot Richardson (1970

The most celebrated events during the life of HEW
included the licensing of the Salk polio vaccine in 1955,
the expansion of the social security program to include
disability protection in 1956, the passage of major new
welfare legislation to reorient Aid to Dependent Children
(renamed Aid to Families with Dependent Children) from
income maintenance to rehabilitation in 1962, the beginning of signicant federal responsibility for funding the
nations public schools after enactment of the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and the passage of
Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. This last event created
a major new federal presence in the area of health care
nance and made the federal government the single largest health insurer in the country. Within HEW, it led in
1977 to the creation of the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), an important new operating agency
that would hire more than four thousand employees by
1993. Along with the commissioner of social security, the
director of the National Institutes of Health, the surgeon general, and the administrator of the Food and Drug
Administration, the HCFA administrator became a prominent ofcial within the department.
During the era of HEW, the social security program expanded to reach more people and pay more generous benets to the elderly, people with disabilities, the
families of the elderly and the disabled, and the survivors
of workers who died before reaching retirement age. As
one indication of its growth, the program collected $3.9
billion from the nations workers in 1953 and $103 billion
in 1980. Congress passed major social security legislation
in 1954, 1956, 1958, 1965, 1968, 1969, 1971, and 1972,
each time making the program more generous. During
this same period, the federal government spent a growing
amount of money to fund medical research. The budget
of the National Institutes of Health, for example, grew at
an annual rate of 30 percent during the 1950s and 1960s.
President Jimmy Carter supplied the impetus for
breaking up HEW and starting the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS). Pressure to create a department of education came from the National Education Association, which had 1.8 million members and had endorsed Carter in 1976. Joseph A. Califano, Carters choice
as HEW secretary, tried to talk the president out of recommending the education department, arguing that it
would only increase interest-group pressure on the president and that none of the groups that had studied
government reorganization had recommended a federal
department of education. Califano lost the internal argument within the Carter administration in part because
of the enthusiasm of the Democratic senator Abraham
Ribicoff of Connecticut, a former HEW secretary who
had found the department to be unmanageable. Congress
then agreed to create the Department of Education.


Health and Human Services in Operation

On 4 May 1980, Patricia Roberts Harriss job changed
from secretary of HEW to secretary of HHS. She presided over a department with 140,000 employees and a
budget of $226 billion. The structure of HHS in 1980
was the same as the structure of HEW in 1979, with only
the Education Division and the vocational rehabilitation
program missing. The four major operating agencies of
HHS were the Ofce of Human Development Services,
the Public Health Service, HCFA, and the Social Security
Administration (SSA). Through February 2002, six people followed Harris in the job, including Otis R. Bowen,
Louis Sullivan, and Tommy Thompson. During the
1980s, the major events at HHS concerned health care
nance. President Ronald Reagan chose Richard Schweiker, a former U.S. senator, as his secretary of HHS.
Schweiker worked on changing the way in which the federal government reimbursed hospitals under Medicare
from retrospective, or payment after the fact based on
costs, to prospective, or payment in advance determined
by the diagnosis of the person being treated. Margaret
Heckler, a former U.S. representative, took over on 9
March 1983 and implemented the reforms that Schweiker
had put in place. She also coped with the political controversy surrounding the removal of thousands of people
from the disability rolls maintained by HHS. The disability controversy related to a larger political dialogue
over whether the Reagan administration had been fair in
the cuts it had made in many social welfare programs as
part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981.
During the 1990s, HHS lost one of its major operating agencies when the SSA became an independent entity on 31 March 1995. The Democratic Senator Daniel
Moynihan of New York was a major sponsor of this legislation. The departure of SSA left the Public Health Servicewith such major subdivisions as the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
as the largest operating division of the department.
President William Clinton made health insurance
and welfare reform his two priorities in the HHS realm.
Despite a major publicity campaign and the active support
of Donna Shalala, a former university president who
served as his HHS secretary, the president failed in 1993
to get his health insurance proposals through Congress.
He fared better with his initiative to end welfare as an
open-ended entitlement and to substitute a program that
left more discretion to the states than previously and
made a job, rather than an income maintenance grant, the
central objective of the welfare program.
Although presidents tried to highlight different issues at different times, the fact remained that HHS was
the agency of the government responsible for federal policy in a bewildering number of areas, from curing and
caring for those affected by acquired immune deciency
syndrome and leading public health campaigns to discourage people from smoking, to preserving the health


insurance rights of people with disabilities, assessing the

risk of cancer from additives to the nations food supply,
and assuring the long-range solvency of the Medicare

Altmeyer, Arthur J. The Formative Years of Social Security. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1966.
Califano, Joseph A., Jr. Governing America: An Insiders Report
from the White House and the Cabinet. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1981.
Miles, Rufus E. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
New York: Praeger, 1974.
Strickland, Stephen P. Politics, Science, and Dread Disease: A Short
History of United States Medical Research Policy. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972.
Sundquist, James L. Politics and Policy: The Eisenhower, Kennedy,
and Johnson Years. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1968.

Edward D. Berkowitz
See also Education, Department of; Epidemics and Public
Health; Health Care; New Deal; Welfare System.

HEALTH CARE. The term health care system refers to a countrys system of delivering services for the
prevention and treatment of disease and for the promotion of physical and mental well-being. Of particular interest to a health care system is how medical care is organized, nanced, and delivered. The organization of care
refers to such issues as who gives care (for example, primary care physicians, specialist physicians, nurses, and alternative practitioners) and whether they are practicing as
individuals, in small groups, in large groups, or in massive
corporate organizations. The nancing of care involves
who pays for medical services (for example, self-pay, private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid) and how much
money is spent on medical care. The delivery of care
refers to how and where medical services are provided
(for example, in hospitals, doctors ofces, or various
types of outpatient clinics; and in rural, urban, or suburban locations).
Health care systems, like medical knowledge and
medical practice, are not xed but are continually evolving. In part, health care systems reect the changing scientic and technologic nature of medical practice. For
instance, the rise of modern surgery in the late nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries helped create the modern
hospital in the United States and helped lead to the concentration of so many medical and surgical services in
hospital settings. However, the rise of minimally invasive surgery a century later contributed to the movement
of many surgical procedures out of hospitals and into doctors ofces and other outpatient locations. A countrys
health care system also reects in part the culture and
values of that society. Thus, physicians in the United
States, Canada, France, Germany, and Great Britain fol-

low similar medical practices, but the health care systems

of these nations vary considerably, reecting the different
cultural values and mores of those societies.
Traditional Medical Practice in America
For the rst century of the republic, almost all physicians
engaged in general practicethe provision of medical
and surgical care for all diseases and for all patients, regardless of sex and age. Typically, doctors engaged in
solo practice, whereby they practiced by themselves
without partners. Doctors ofces were typically at their
homes or farms. Reecting the rural makeup of the country, most physicians resided in rural settings. House calls
were common. Payment was on the fee-for-service basis. Doctors would give patients a bill, and patients would
pay out of pocket.
Medicine at this time was not an easy way for an
individual to earn a living. Many physicians could not be
kept busy practicing medicine, and it was common for
doctors to have a second business like a farm, general
store, or pharmacy. Physician income, on average, was not
high, and doctors often received payment in kinda
chicken or box of fruit rather than money. Doctors also
experienced vigorous competition for patients from a variety of alternative or lay healers like Thomsonians, homeopaths, and faith healers.
In the last quarter of the nineteenth century and rst
quarter of the twentieth century, fueled by the revolution
in medical science (particularly the rise of bacteriology
and modern surgery), the technologic capacity and cultural authority of physicians in the United States began
to escalate. Competition for patients from alternative
healers diminished, and most Americans thought of consulting a doctor if they needed medical services. The location of care moved to doctors ofces for routine illnesses and to hospitals for surgery, childbirth, and major
medical problems. Indeed, the hospital came to be considered the doctors workshop. In 1875, there were 661
hospitals in the United States containing in aggregate
about 30,000 beds. By 1930, the number of acute care
hospitals had increased to around 7,000, and together
they contained about one million beds. Since most hospitals were concentrated in cities and large towns, where
larger concentrations of patients could be found, doctors
were increasingly found in larger metropolises. In the
1920s, the U.S. population was still 50 percent rural, but
already 80 percent of physicians resided in cities or large
Before World War II (19391945), about 75 to 80
percent of doctors continued to engage in general practice. However, specialty medicine was already becoming
prominent. Residency programs in the clinical specialties
had been created, and by 1940 formal certifying boards
in the major clinical specialties had been established. Decade by decade, fueled by the growing results of scientic
research and the resultant transformation of medical practiceantibiotics, hormones, vitamins, antiseizure medica-




cancer rather than that of standing by helplessly watching

their children suffocate to death from diphtheria.

Specialization in Medicine
American Board of Ophthalmology
American Board of Pediatrics
American Board of Radiology
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
American Board of Orthopedic Surgery
American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery
American Board of Urology
American Board of Pathology
American Board of Internal Medicine
American Board of Anesthesiology
American Board of Plastic Surgery
American Board of Surgery
American Board of Neurological Surgery


tions, safer childbirth, and many effective new drugs and

operationsthe cultural authority of doctors continued
to grow. By 1940, competition to regular medicine from
alternative healers had markedly slackened, and the average U.S. physician earned 212 times the income of the
average worker. (Some medical specialists earned much
more.) Most physicians continued in solo, fee-for-service
practice, and health care was not yet considered a fundamental right. As one manifestation of this phenomenon, a two-tiered system of health care ofcially existedprivate rooms in hospitals for paying patients, and
large wards for indigent patients where as many as thirty
or forty charity patients would be housed together in
one wide open room. In many hospitals and clinics, particularly in the South, hospital wards were segregated by
The Transformation of Health Care, 19451985
The four decades following World War II witnessed even
more extraordinary advances in the ability of medical care
to prevent and relieve suffering. Powerful diagnostic tools
were developed, such as automated chemistry analyzers,
radioimmunoassays, computerized tomography, and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. New vaccines, most
notably the polio vaccine, were developed. Equally impressive therapeutic procedures came into use, such as
newer and more powerful antibiotics, antihypertensive
drugs, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, kidney dialysis machines, mechanical ventilators, hip replacements,
open-heart surgery, and a variety of organ transplantations. In 1900, average life expectancy in the United
States was forty-seven years, and the major causes of
death each year were various infections. By midcentury,
chronic diseases such as cancer, stroke, and heart attacks
had replaced infections as the major causes of death, and
by the end of the century life expectancy in the United
States had increased about 30 years from that of 1900.
Most Americans now faced the problem of helping their
parents or grandparents cope with Alzheimers disease or


These exceptional scientic accomplishments, together with the development of the civil rights movement
after World War II, resulted in profound changes in the
countrys health care delivery system. Before the war,
most American physicians were still general practitioners;
by 1960, 85 to 90 percent of medical graduates were
choosing careers in specialty or subspecialty medicine.
Fewer and fewer doctors were engaged in solo practice;
instead, physicians increasingly began to practice in
groups with other physicians. The egalitarian spirit of
postWorld War II society resulted in the new view that
health care was a fundamental right of all citizens, not
merely a privilege. This change in attitude was nanced
by the rise of third-party payers that brought more and
more Americans into the health care system. In the 1940s,
1950s, and 1960s, private medical insurance companies
like Blue Cross/Blue Shield began providing health care
insurance to millions of middle-class citizens. In 1965, the
enactment of the landmark Medicare (a federal program
for individuals over 65) and Medicaid (joint federal and
state programs for the poor) legislation extended health
care coverage to millions of additional Americans. Medicare and Medicaid also brought to an end the era of segregation at U.S. hospitals, for institutions with segregated
wards were ineligible to receive federal payments. Thirdparty payers of this era continued to reimburse physicians
and hospitals on a fee-for-service basis. For providers of
medical care, this meant unprecedented nancial prosperity and minimal interference by payers in medical
Despite these accomplishments, however, the health
care system was under increasing stress. Tens of millions
of Americans still did not have access to health care.
(When President Bill Clinton assumed ofce in 1993, the
number of uninsured Americans was estimated at 40 million. When he left ofce in 2001, that number had
climbed to around 48 million.) Many patients and health
policy experts complained of the fragmentation of services that resulted from increasing specialization; others
argued that there was an overemphasis on disease treatment and a relative neglect of disease prevention and
health promotion. The increasingly complicated U.S.
health care system became inundated with paperwork and
red tape, which was estimated to be two to four times
as much as in other Western industrialized nations. And
the scientic and technological advances of medicine created a host of unprecedented ethical issues: the meaning
of life and death; when and how to turn off an articial
life-support device; how to preserve patient autonomy
and to obtain proper informed consent for clinical care
or research trials.
To most observers, however, the most critical problem of the health care system was soaring costs. In the
fteen years following the passage of Medicare and Medicaid, expenditures on health care in dollars increased


U.S. Health Care Costs

$12.7 billion
$40 billion (est.)
$230 billion
$1.2 trillion

Percentage of GDP


nearly sixfold, and health care costs rose from 6 percent

to 9 percent of the countrys gross domestic product
(GDP). Lee Iacocca, while president of Chrysler in the late
1970s, stunned many Americans by pointing out that U.S.
automobile companies were spending more per car on
health premiums for workers than for the steel that went
into the automobiles. Public opinion polls of the early
1980s revealed that 60 percent of the population worried
about health care costs, compared with only 10 percent
who worried about the quality of care. Millions of Americans became unwillingly tied to their employers, unable
to switch to a better job because of the loss of health care
benets if they did so. Employers found their competitiveness in the global market to be compromised, for they were
competing with foreign companies that paid far less for
employee health insurance than they did. In the era of the
soaring federal budget decits of the Reagan administration, these problems seemed even more insurmountable.
The Managed Care Era, 1985Present
In the mid-1980s, soaring medical care costs, coupled
with the inability of federal regulations and the medical
profession on its own to achieve any meaningful cost control, led to the business-imposed approach of managed
care. Managed care is a generic term that refers to a
large variety of reimbursement plans in which third-party
payers attempt to control costs by limiting the utilization
of medical services, in contrast to the hands off style of
traditional fee-for-service payment. Examples of such costsavings strategies include the requirement that physicians
prescribe drugs only on a plans approved formulary, mandated preauthorizations before hospitalization or surgery,
severe restrictions on the length of time a patient may
remain in the hospital, and the requirement that patients
be allowed to see specialists only if referred by a gatekeeper. Ironically, the rst health maintenance organization, Kaiser Permanente, had been organized in the
1930s to achieve better coordination and continuity of
care and to emphasize preventive medical services. Any
cost savings that were achieved were considered a secondary benet. By the 1980s, however, the attempt to
control costs had become the dominant force underlying
the managed care movement.
Unquestionably, the managed care movement has
brought much good. It has forced the medical profession
for the rst time to think seriously about costs; it has

encouraged greater attention to patients as consumers

(for example, better parking and more palatable hospital
food); and it has stimulated the use of modern information technologies and business practices in the U.S. health
care system. In addition, the managed care movement has
encouraged physicians to move many treatments and procedures from hospitals to less costly ambulatory settings,
when that can be done safely.
However, there have been serious drawbacks to managed care that in the view of many observers have outweighed its accomplishments. Managed care has not kept
its promise of controlling health care costs, and in the
early years of President George Walker Bushs administration, the country once again faced double-digit health
care ination. In the view of many, the emphasis on cost
containment has come at the erosion of the quality of
care, and the dollar-dominated medical marketplace has
been highly injurious to medical education, medical
schools, and teaching hospitals. Managed care has also
resulted in a serious loss of trust in doctors and the health
care systemcreating a widespread fear that doctors might
be acting as double agents, allegedly serving patients
but in fact refusing them needed tests and procedures in
order to save money for the employing organization or
insurance company. As a result, the twenty-rst century
has opened with a signicant public backlash against managed care and a vociferous patients rights movement.
Ironically, many of the perceived abuses of managed
care have less to do with the principles of managed care
than with the presence of the prot motive in investorowned managed care organizations. Nonprot managed
care organizations, such as Kaiser Permanente, retain
about 5 percent of the health premiums they receive for
administrative and capital expenses and use the remaining
95 percent to provide health care for enrollees. For-prot
managed care companies, in contrast, seek to minimize
what they call the medical lossthe portion of the
health care premium that is actually used for health care.
Instead of spending 95 percent of their premiums on
health care (a medical loss of 95 percent), they spend
only 80, 70, or even 60 percent of the premiums on health
services, retaining the rest for the nancial benet of executives and investors. Some astute observers of the U.S.
health care system consider the for-prot motive in the
delivery of medical servicesrather than managed care
per sethe more serious problem. However, since 90
percent of managed care organizations are investor-owned
companies, the for-prot problem is highly signicant.

Future Challenges
The U.S. health care system has three primary goals: the
provision of high-quality care, ready access to the system,
and affordable costs. The practical problem in health care
policy is that the pursuit of any two of these goals aggravates the third. Thus, a more accessible system of highquality care will tend to lead to higher costs, while a low-



cost system available to everyone is likely to be achieved

at the price of diminishing quality.
Certain causes of health care ination are desirable
and inevitable: an aging population and the development
of new drugs and technologies. However, other causes of
soaring health care costs are clearly less defensible. These
include the high administrative costs of the U.S. health
care system, a litigious culture that results in the high
price of defensive medicine, a proigate American practice style in which many doctors often perform unnecessary tests and procedures, the inationary consequences
of having a third party pay the bill (thereby removing
incentives from both doctors and patients to conserve
dollars), and the existence of for-prot managed care organizations and hospital chains that each year divert billions of dollars of health care premiums away from medical care and into private wealth. Clearly, there is much
room to operate a more efcient, responsible health care
delivery system in the United States at a more affordable
Yet the wiser and more efcient use of resources is
only one challenge to our countrys health care system. In
the twenty-rst century, the country will still face the
problem of limited resources and seemingly limitless demand. At some point hard decisions will have to be made
about what services will and will not be paid for. Any efforts at cost containment must continue to be appropriately balanced with efforts to maintain high quality and
patient advocacy in medical care. Better access to the system must also be provided. Medical insurance alone will
not solve the health problems of a poor urban community
where there are no hospitals, doctors, clinics, or pharmacies. Lastly, the American public must be wise and
courageous enough to maintain realistic expectations of
medicine. This can be done by recognizing the broad determinants of health like good education and meaningful
employment opportunities, avoiding the medicalization
of social ills like crime and drug addiction, and recognizing that individuals must assume responsibility for their
own health by choosing a healthy lifestyle. Only when all
these issues are satisfactorily taken into account will the
United States have a health care delivery system that
matches the promise of what medical science and practice
have to offer.

Ludmerer, Kenneth M. Time to Heal: American Medical Education

from the Turn of the Century to the Era of Managed Care. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Lundberg, George D. Severed Trust: Why American Medicine
Hasnt Been Fixed. New York: Basic Books, 2000.
Mechanic, David. Painful Choices: Research and Essays on Health
Care. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1989.
Rodwin, Marc A. Medicine, Money, and Morals: Physicians Conicts of Interest. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Rosen, George. The Structure of American Medical Practice, 1875
1941. Edited by Charles E. Rosenberg. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983.
Rosenberg, Charles E. The Care of Strangers: The Rise of Americas
Hospital System. New York: Basic Books, 1987.
Starr, Paul. The Social Transformation of American Medicine: The
Rise of a Sovereign Profession and the Making of a Vast Industry.
New York: Basic Books, 1982.
Stevens, Rosemary. In Sickness and in Wealth: Americas Hospitals
in the Twentieth Century. New York: Basic Books, 1989.

Kenneth M. Ludmerer
See also Health and Human Services, Department of; Medicare and Medicaid.


industry, a $4-billion-dollar-a-year business in the early
1990s, was founded on the fact that American consumers
increasingly regarded health as a primary concern when
buying food. The average food bill per individual at that
time was more than four thousand dollars per year, of
which almost half was spent on food away from home. As
people became more concerned about healthful food in
the 1980s and 1990s, consumption of organic foods increased. Because they are cultivated without synthetic additives, fertilizers, or pesticidessome of which are proven
carcinogens that often leach into public water supplies
organic foods are better for consumers because many pesticides are systemic, meaning that the food absorbs so that
they cannot be washed off. Organic coffee began gaining
popularity as an alternative to conventional coffee sprayed
with synthetic chemicals. From the late 1970s, increasing
numbers of U.S. consumers turned to bottled water as an
alternative to alcohol and chlorinated tap water as part of
a health regimen.

Gray, Bradford H. The Prot Motive and Patient Care: The Changing Accountability of Doctors and Hospitals. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1991.

Beside natural foods, food supplements such as vitamins and herbal products made up a large part of the
health food industry. These supplements constituted a
form of alternative medicine for people disenchanted with
over-the-counter drugs and concerned about side effects
of pharmaceuticals. Despite Food and Drug Administration regulations prohibiting the manufacturers of food
supplements from making specic medical claims, sales of
herbal supplements rose 70 percent to $22.7 million in
supermarkets alone during 1993.

Hiatt, Howard H. Americas Health in the Balance: Choice or

Chance? New York: Harper and Row, 1987.

The health food industry bonanza was largely based

on the connection made by the scientic community be-


Fox, Daniel M. Health Policies, Health Politics: The British and

American Experience, 19111965. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1986.
Fuchs, Victor R. The Health Economy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1986.



tween disease and fatty foods, and on the fact that the
average consumer in the United States ate more than
sixty-ve pounds of fat each year. Many manufacturers
began to make processed foods with low-fat and lowcalorie ingredients and claimed that these products were
more healthful and more nutritious than the more standard
options. In the 1980s and early 1990s, the food industry
reduced fat content in meat, cheese, dips, dressings, and
desserts. A number of rms promoted vegetarian burgers.
Mail-order businesses for natural foods thrived. Some
rms produced natural and organic meats by raising drugfree animals; others produced meat alternatives based on
soy and wheat protein. Alternative restaurants came in
four types: vegetarian, vegan, health food, and organic.
Foods such as venison, buffalo, odorless garlic, and
quinoa became popular in these restaurants. McDonalds
Corporation experimented in the 1990s with a healthful
burger, the McLean, developed by replacing fat with an
algae product called carrageenan, a gum-like substance
used to bind ingredients. A fat substitute, Simplesse, was
developed in the form of frozen ice cream with half the
calories of regular ice cream. Another 1990s trend in fast,
healthful food was called sous-vide food, consisting of
food items sealed in vacuum-packed bags, in which they
could remain fresh for weeks and were prepared by boiling water. The use of irradiation to kill harmful bacteria
in foods was being reexamined as a result of fatalities from
tainted hamburgers.

Belasco, Warren J. Appetite for Change: How the Counterculture

Took the Food Industry, 19661988. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell
University Press, 1993.
Grad, Lauri Burrows. New Foods for the 90s. Redbook (May
1992): 136138.
Sims, Laura S. The Politics of Fat: Food and Nutrition Policy in
America. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1998.

John J. Byrne / c. w.
See also Fertilizers; Food, Fast; Food and Drug Administration; Hydroponics; Organic Farming; Vegetarianism.

HEALTH INSURANCE. Most Americans believe

medical care should be available to every citizen. Yet the
United States is the only wealthy democracy that does not
insure millions of its citizens, and Americans pay higher
health care costs than patients in any other country. From
1970 to 1996 the percentage of Americans without medical insurance climbed from 10.9 to 15.6. At the turn of
the twenty-rst century over 40 million Americans lacked
any type of coverage and roughly the same number were
underinsured against serious illnesses.
A poorly designed health care system explains why
so many either lack coverage or must worry about losing
insurance if they lose or change jobs. In the United
States, health insurance is closely linked to employment.
Government-sponsored programs cover only certain

groupsveterans and military servicemembers, the elderly and the poor, and Native Americans. Most Americans enroll in a plan offered by their employer. Coverage
therefore depends on both government policies and the
ability of private employers to offer job-related benets.
In the early twentieth century, most Americans
lacked health insurance. In 1915, the American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL) urged state lawmakers
to provide coverage for low-income families. Fifteen
states were considering legislation before opponents of
government-sponsored insurance attacked the proposals
as un-American forms of socialism. Although critics
defeated the AALL legislation, Congress established a national hospital system for veterans in 1921.
In the 1930s the depression put medical care beyond
the reach of many middle-class Americans. The inuential American Medical Association (AMA) nevertheless
opposed both private and public insurance plans, and
AMA opposition forced President Roosevelt to exclude
health care provisions from his Social Security Act. Over
AMA objections, cash-strapped hospitals nevertheless began implementing new prepayment schemes. At Baylor
University, a plan devised by Dr. Justin Ford Kimball offered hospitalization benets in exchange for monthly
prepayments. By 1940, fty-six Blue Cross programs
were offering hospital benets to 6 million subscribers.
In 1943 the AMA itself established Associated Medical
Care Plans, the model for Blue Shield, to maintain
some control over the reimbursements paid to doctors.
After World War II, President Truman called on a
Republican-controlled Congress to enact universal health
coverage. When Congress did not act, Truman won the
1948 election, and the Democrats won back Congress.
Truman renewed his campaign for universal coverage, but
the AMA spent millions to thwart him. Weak support
among voters and political divisions among Democrats
contributed to the plans defeat. So, too, did the relative
availability of private insurance after the war. Many employers now offered benets to attract scarce workers, and
tax policies encouraged them by exempting revenues used
to pay employee premiums. Moreover, after labor unions
won the right to bargain for health insurance, many union
members gained employer-nanced coverage.
In the 1950s many elderly, unemployed, and chronically ill Americans remained uninsured. When Democrats swept Congress and the presidency in 1964, Lyndon
Johnson made government-sponsored health insurance
for the elderly a top priority. In 1965 Congress amended
the Social Security Act to create Medicare and Medicaid,
providing health coverage for the elderly and the poor.
Under Medicare, age and social security status determined eligibility; under Medicaid, income determined eligibility, and benets varied by state.
Since the 1960s, health care costs have consumed an
ever larger percentage of the gross national product, and
the problem of cost containment has dominated health



care discourse. President Nixon elevated health maintenance organizations, or HMOs, to the top of his health
care agenda. In 1973 Congress passed the Health Maintenance Organization Act, which nanced the creation of
HMOs (prepaid group practices that integrate nancing
and delivery of services) and required employers to offer
HMO plans. Since then, the number of Americans insured by HMOs has skyrocketed.
In 1960 fewer than 50 percent of Americans had
health insurance; at the beginning of the twenty-rst century roughly 85 percent were covered by private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. In 1992, 38.9 million Americans still lacked health insurance. Upon his election,
President Clinton kept a campaign promise by introducing a plan to reform health care nancing, control costs,
and extend coverage to the uninsured. Clintons Health
Security plan featured universal coverage, employer
mandates, and complex regulatory mechanisms.
Health insurance companies and other interest groups
spent millions of dollars to defeat the Clinton initiative.
Republican Party strategists feared that Democrats would
earn the condence of middle-class voters if Health Security became law. Antigovernment conservatives used
moral suasion and grassroots mobilization to undermine
the Clinton plan. Opponents successfully portrayed Health
Security as a choice-limiting takeover of the health care
system by liberals and bureaucrats. The Clinton plan
would have guaranteed every American a choice, however,
of at least three different plans, including a fee-for-service
option. From 1992 to 1997 enrollment in HMOs and
other health plans that limit ones choice of doctors soared
by 60 percent. By the beginning of the twenty-rst century, over half of all insured American workers were enrolled in employer-sponsored HMOs.

Bok, Derek. The Trouble with Government. Cambridge, Mass.:

Harvard University Press, 2001.
Gamble, Vanessa Northington. Health Care Delivery. In Encyclopedia of the United States in the Twentieth Century. Edited
by Stanley I. Kutler et al. Vol. 2. New York: Scribners,
Skocpol, Theda. Boomerang: Health Care Reform and the Turn
Against Government. New York: Norton, 1997.

Justin Suran
See also Health Care; Health Maintenance Organizations;
Insurance; Medicare and Medicaid.


(HMOs), combining both provision of service and insurance functions in the health industry, have organizational
antecedents in the late nineteenth century with doctors
who provided medical care to members of fraternal organizations in return for a xed periodic fee per member.
By the early 1920s, Washington and Oregon hosted doz-


ens of clinics that offered prepaid medical care, often to

employees of specic rms through the employers. These
built on models developed in the regions lumber mills.
In the Midwest, a few doctors nanced hospitals in the
1920s by selling shares in return for guaranteed access to
the facilities.
In the early 1930s, the successful industrialist Henry
Kaiser responded positively to the physician Sidney Garelds suggestion that the doctor treat Kaisers construction rm employees in return for a modest fee per employee. This practice spread to other Kaiser facilities. The
construction boom of World War II expanded Kaisers
rms and also his demand for labor; his health plan took
on the general outline of a modern health maintenance
organization with its own medical and hospital sites and
paid physicians providing group practice care to the insured employees. At the end of the war, the plan opened
membership to the general public. This Kaiser Foundation Health Plan owned medical facilities, clinics, and
hospitals, and employed doctors to provide medical care
in return for a xed fee. In contrast with a health maintenance organization, formal health insurance allows the
insured to select the provider and then pays the provider
a fee for service. Blue Cross, established at Baylor University in 1933, was among the rst to offer health insurance. Blue Cross provided insurance for physicians services; Blue Shield, to cover hospital costs, began a few
years later.
Although the precursors of the modern HMO existed well before World War II, the number of persons
covered by the organizations was relatively small. This
reected the relatively low demand, and cost, of medical
care. Physicians primarily diagnosed and provided palliative care; patients either recovered or they didnt. After
the war, successes in developing anesthesia and antibiotics
began to revolutionize medical care for ordinary citizens.
Surgery became more tolerable and more successful. The
intense competition for labor during the war led rms,
kept by wage and price controls from raising wages, to
offer health insurance to attract and keep workers. The
government deemed this fringe benet nontaxable. As
this form of compensation spread during the war and continued afterward, it provided the nancial wherewithal to
expand demand for the amazing services that new medical
technology could provide.
In explaining why competitive markets likely would
fail to provide an efcient level of medical services, economists in the mid-1960s pointed to these demandincreasing features combined with the information asymmetry between sellers (physicians) and buyers (patients).
Under this argument, relatively ill-informed patients depend upon well-informed doctors as their agents to provide appropriate care. Because patients increasingly carried health insurance, often through their employers, they
did not have incentives to question the physicians advice.
Doctors hence could create demand for their own services. Third-party payments led to moral hazard, with


neither seller nor buyer motivated to monitor costs. Adverse selection, as those consumers most likely to need
insurance opted for more generous programs, joined moral
hazard as factors inating demand. Rapid changes in medical technology focused on doing more, not on containing
costs. The expansion in 1965 of federal government programs to provide access to medical care for the poor
(Medicaid) and the elderly (Medicare) further expanded

ditures as a percentage of GDP dropped slightly between

1993 and 1998. Despite hopes for stabilization, costs began to rise in 2000, accounting for 13.2 percent of GDP.
As the U.S. population ages, pressure mounts for more
extensive insurance coverage of prescription drugs, and
other payment and provision models remain even more
unpopular, continued evolution of health maintenance
organizations seems likely.

The term health maintenance organization originated in the 1970s and is credited to Paul Ellwood, a policy adviser to the federal government on medical care.
The term became institutionalized with the HMO Act of
1973, as the federal government struggled to control rapidly expanding medical costs. Other political and economic problems in the 1970s superseded concern for
medical care costs, but by 1980, these costs accounted for
8.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and were
rising rapidly. In response, both private rms that paid for
employees health insurance premiums and governments
that were nancing care for the poor and the elderly
sought mechanisms to control costs. Managed care organizations looked attractive. Managed care attempts to
manage the cost and quality of medical care directly, in
contrast to the passive role played by insurers under a feefor-service arrangement. Managed care runs a full gamut
of options, from managed indemnity to preferred provider organization (PPO) to point-of-service (POS) arrangements to a full health maintenance organization.
Thus, the HMO is a subset of managed care.


Increasingly, however, medical plans offer a continuum of plans including an HMO, PPO, and POS. HMOs
and closely related organizations do share the characteristic of providing medical care for a prepaid periodic fee.
Care comes from either medical employees of the HMO
or from medical practitioners with whom the HMO contracts. In some cases, the medical practitioners own the
organization. Typically, customers access the medical community through an oversight doctor, the primary care
physician (PCP). The PCP guides the patient via referrals
if necessary to specialists in the organization or on a list
approved by the organization.

See also Health Care; Health Insurance; Medicare and


As medical costs in 1993 hit 13.4 percent of GDP

and industry analysts predicted a rise to 20 percent of
GDP within a decade, interest in health maintenance organizations continued to grow. The loosely afliated state
and regional Blue CrossBlue Shield organizations had
been shifting since 1960 from fee-for-service insurance
organizations to health maintenance organizations. HMO
membership increased from roughly three million in the
late 1940s to about six million in the mid-1970s. By the
early 1990s, the plans enrolled about thirty-seven million
people. In 2000, HMO membership was slightly greater
than eighty million, down a little from 1999s almost
eighty-one million. The slight decline represents an exodus of HMOs from the Medicare market in response to
limits on federal government payments. Medical expen-

Arrow, Kenneth. Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of

Medical Care. American Economic Review 53 (1963): 941
Birenbaum, Arnold. Managed Care: Made in America. Westport,
Conn.: Praeger, 1997.
Cutler, David. A Guide to Health Care Reform. Journal of
Economic Perspectives 8 (1994): 1329.
Dranove, David. The Economic Evolution of American Health Care:
From Marcus Welby to Managed Care. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Miller, Irwin. American Health Care Blues: Blue Cross, HMOs, and
Pragmatic Reform since 1960. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 1996.
Robbins, Dennis A. Managed Care on Trial: Recapturing Trust,
Integrity, and Accountability in Healthcare. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Wong, Kenman L. Medicine and the Marketplace: The Moral Dimensions of Managed Care. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of
Notre Dame Press, 1998.

Ann Harper Fender

HEART DISEASE. See Cardiovascular Disease.

HEART IMPLANTS. Because of the high rate of
congestive heart failure, physicians in the United States
sought to solve the problem through cardiac transplants.
In 1964, James Hardy attempted the rst such operation,
inserting a chimpanzees heart into a terminally ill patient
who died three hours after the surgery. After Christiaan
Barnard of South Africa made the rst successful human
cardiac transplant in 1967, university hospitals in the
United States began using Barnards method. Among the
most successful were Norman Shumway and his team at
Stanford Universitythey developed a combined heart
and lung transplant in 1980. Meanwhile, Denton Cooley,
in 1969, implanted the rst completely articial heart in
a human, and in the early 1980s, Willem Kolff and Robert
Jarvik produced articial hearts to keep patients alive until
donor hearts became available.
By the late 1980s, cardiac implants had become the
established treatment for terminal heart disease. With immunosuppression therapies and the curtailment of infectious diseases, cardiologists overcame most implant rejec-



tions and greatly prolonged survival rates of transplant

patients8090 percent after one year, and 7080 percent after ve years by the early 1990s. A Kentucky man
successfully received the rst fully self-contained articial heart on 3 July 2001, marking a new era in heart
Medical ethicists have raised questions about priority
lists for receiving heart transplants. Some physicians believe in assigning priority to primary transplant candidates because repeat transplant patients have poorer survival chances than rst-time candidates. While 2,299
patients received heart transplants in 1993 in the United
States, more than 3,000 remained on the waiting list at
the end of that year.

Fye, Bruce W. American Contributions to Cardiovascular Medicine

and Surgery. Bethesda, Md.: National Library of Medicine,
Ubel, Peter A., et al. Rationing Failure: The Ethical Lessons
of the Retransplantation of Scarce Vital Organs, Journal
of the American Medical Association 270, no. 20 (November
1993): 24692474.

Ruth Roy Harris / c. w.

See also Bioethics; Cardiovascular Disease; Medicine and
Surgery; Transplants and Organ Donation.

HEATING. House warming continued to depend on

the primitive replace, often without a chimney, through
the seventeenth century. In the mid-eighteenth century, the rst steps were taken in developing a science of
heat as the thermometer came into use and the effect of
absorption and release of heat on evaporation and freezing (latent heat) was observed. By the end of the century,
scientists were measuring the heat generated by combustion and other chemical and physical processes. Stoves
were being designed on these new scientic principles,
especially in France.
In 1744 Benjamin Franklin issued a pamphlet describing his famous Pennsylvania replace. Stoves were
already in use in America, especially by German immigrants, but they were not scienticFranklins stove
was, thanks principally to information previously published in Europe. Invented in 1739 or 1740, Franklins
replace, while set into the existing house replace, projected into the room to achieve the maximum possible
heat radiation. The smoke followed a circuitous route in
reaching the chimney so as to extract the maximum possible heat from it.
In Europe ancient architectural traditions inhibited
the introduction of stoves, which were usually as unaesthetic as they were utilitarian. In America, Franklins replace was not particularly popular either, but it ushered
in a fever of invention of what came to be called Franklin
stoves, Rittenhouse stoves, or Rumford stovesthe sec-


Heating. A woman dressed in Puritan garb does her spinning

close to the hearth to stay warm in this photograph from
c. 1906. Library of Congress

ond being a more efcient version of the rst, and the

third, a by-product of the multifarious activities of Benjamin Thompson, an American Tory living in Europe
(where he was known as Count Rumford). Rumfords activities ranged from the study of the science of heat to the
organization of public soup kitchens that incorporated
elaborate cooking stoves. Most complicated of the new
stoves, perhaps, were those designed by Charles Willson
Peale and his son Raphael to heat Independence Hall,
where Peale had his museum. Through the above inventions the stove gradually became independent of the replace, which it replaced as the household hearth. Stove
platesthat is, the sides and backs of stovesbecame the
largest single product of the American iron industry.
Central heating, the warming of entire buildings, had
been known in ancient times to both the Romans and the
Chinese, both of whom made hollow heating ducts in the
oors and walls of houses. The American architect B. H.
Latrobe made such an installation in the U.S. Capitol
building in 1806. But more common was the kind of central heating introduced by Daniel Pettibone in 1808 in
the Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. It was a stove
in which the smokepipe was enclosed within a larger pipe
through which hot air circulated to ve upper-story
rooms. In either case the principle of convection was used:
hot air expands on heating, causing it to be lighter and to
rise, thus inducing a vacuum that cold air rushes in to ll
(and to be heated). A general circulation and mixing of
the air results.
Heating by passing hot water through pipes had been
used in European horticultural greenhouses in the eighteenth century, and this method was subsequently used to
heat buildings as they became too large to be heated efciently by stoves. The U.S. Capitol, which seems to have
seen experimentation with all types of heating, was
adapted in 18571867 to hot-water heat. At the same


time, many factories came to be heated by the waste

heat from the steam engines with which they were powered, and piped steam became an alternative to hot water.
Both systems were installed in the skyscrapersfar too
large to be heated by stoves or by the natural convection
of hot airthat began to appear in Chicago in the 1880s.
The heating properties of natural gas were known as
early as the nineteenth century, but transporting the gas
proved a technical barrier until after World War II when
advances in metallurgy and welding allowed the construction of thousands of miles of pipe by the close of the
The 1973 oil crisis caused many families to investigate alternative heating strategies for their homes. Some
turned to natural gas and new solar technology, while
most individuals began investigating how to seal door and
window leaks that increased heating bills. The trend
formed the foundation of the rst U.S. Department of
Energy weatherizing assistance program, which continued to operate through the close of the twentieth century.

Beattie, Donald, ed. History and Overview of Solar Heat Technologies. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997.
Clark, John G. Energy and the Federal Government: Fossil Fuel
Policies, 19001946. Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
Goodwin, Crauford, ed. Energy Policy in Perspective: Todays Problems, Yesterdays Solutions. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981.
Vietor, Richard H. K. Energy Policy in America Since 1945: A
Study of Business-Government Relations. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.
Wright, Lawrence. Home Fires Burning: The History of Domestic
Heating and Cooking. London: Routledge & K. Paul, 1964.

Robert P. Multhauf / a. r.; f. b.

See also Air Conditioning; Energy, Renewable; Energy Industry; Franklin Stove; Kerosine Oil; Oil Crises; Petroleum Industry.

HELENA MINING CAMP. In September 1864

John Cowan and Robert Stanley, after spending the summer in unsuccessful prospecting, discovered gold at Last
Chance Gulch, Prickly Pear Valley, thus opening the Helena Mining Camp, the most productive in Montana.
Gold seekers from Bannack, Alder Gulch, and elsewhere
hurried to the new diggings, which soon adopted the
name Helena; the district became known as Rattlesnake.
Red Mountain, Ten Mile, and Unionville also produced
large quantities of gold. On Silver Creek, Thomas Cruse
developed the Drum Lummon mine, which he sold in
1882 for $1.5 million. As prospectors exhausted the placer
mines, quartz mining developed, and silver and lead became important.


Malone, Michael P. Montana: A History of Two Centuries. Seattle:

University of Washington Press, 1991.
Smith, Duane A. Rocky Mountain West: Colorado, Wyoming, and
Montana, 18591915. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.

Paul C. Phillips / a. e.
See also Gold Mines and Mining; Lead Industry; Mining
Towns; Montana; Prospectors; Silver Prospecting and

HELICOPTERS. Few inventions have changed

transportation and military aviation as rapidly and dramatically as the helicopter. The quest for powered ight
assumed two formshorizontal takeoff and vertical takeoffand helicopters and their cousins autogiros, emerged
as solutions to the problem of vertical ight. Researchers
who pursued vertical ight options sought to capitalize
on the increased battleeld surveillance and reconnaissance potential that such craft could provide. Additionally,
helicopters promised to offer an inexpensive method of
maintaining liaison between central command centers
and subordinate units. Experiments with autogiro and
helicopter designs occurred throughout Europe, Russia,
and the United States from the early 1900s through the
interwar years. In 1939, Igor Sikorsky successfully tested
his VS 300, the rst helicopter with a main rotor that
provided lift and a tail rotor that provided directional stability. Sikorskys solution to the problems of simultaneously lifting and controlling the aircraft launched the
helicopter industry in the United States.
Although U.S. forces gained some experience with
helicopters late in World War II, the rst substantial use
of the vertical-takeoff craft came in the Korean War. Between 1950 and 1953, helicopters proved their worth in
casualty evacuation, search and rescue, troop insertion,
cargo transport, and reconnaissance. In 1950, General
Douglas MacArthur requested an increase in the number
of helicopters for use as organic aircraft within division,
corps, and army headquarters units. U.S. Marine Corps
units also used helicopters as organic airlift and combat
support assets to bolster tactical combat effectiveness.
Perhaps the greatest contribution helicopters made to the
war effort in Korea came in the form of aeromedical evacuation. Countless numbers of wounded soldiers owed
their survival to dedicated helicopter crews who carried
them to eld hospitals for emergency medical care. By
the end of the Korean War, the U.S. military was committed to developing the helicopters potential for nearly
every conceivable mission.
After the war, helicopter designers concentrated on
developing powerful craft that could carry greater payloads
over longer distances. Certain industriesoil exploration,
for examplecame to depend on the economical transportation ability inherent in helicopter technology. The
military concentrated on making helicopters an integral



the roof of the U.S. embassy in Saigon (now Ho Chi

Minh City) as the South Vietnamese government collapsed in March 1975. In the post-Vietnam era, the U.S.
military continued to develop robust helicopter forces.
The U.S. Navy in the twenty-rst century continued to
rely on a wide range of helicopters to support eet operations in such roles as antisubmarine warfare, troop insertion, countermine operations, search and rescue, and cargo
movement. U.S. Air Force special operations units relied
on the high-tech Sikorsky MH-53 J/M aircraft, and the
U.S. Army developed the Boeing AH Apache Longbow
to dominate the combined arms battleeld.

Helicopter. Rangers exit a U.S. Marine helicopter to attack

Vietcong positions around Da Nang, South Vietnam, on 30
April 1965, near the start of American escalation in the
Vietnam War. National Archives and Records Administration

Civilian use of helicopters exploded after the Vietnam War. The same characteristicsspeed, mobility, and
vertical takeoff and landingthat made helicopters attractive to military forces also appealed to police, emergency
services, and reghting institutions. Law enforcement
helicopters from federal to local levels assisted ground units
in surveillance and pursuit operations. Emergency service
helicopters supported myriad tasks that produced dramatic
lifesaving results. Helicopters enhanced reghting efforts
whether in large-scale wildres or in combating hazardous
industrial res.

Allen, Matthew. Military Helicopter Doctrines of the Major Powers,

19451992. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1993.

maneuver element of land warfare. The French use of

helicopters to patrol and pacify large territories in the
Algerian War foreshadowed the U.S. Armys airmobile
concepts that came to typify the Vietnam War between
1964 and 1973. Moreover, U.S. army doctrine contained
an implicit comparison between lightly armed, mobile
guerrilla forces and the mobility that conventional forces
obtained using heliborne troops. With this in mind, the
army created air cavalry divisions with an assortment of
assault, attack, heavy and medium transport, command
and control, search and rescue, and medical evacuation
The vision of helicopters as organic aviation assets in
nearly every army echelon characterized U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Army leaders attempted to use
helicopters to achieve vertical envelopments of Vietcong
and North Vietnamese regular forces. According to this
concept, ground reconnaissance missions would locate and
x enemy forces until air cavalry units arrived to launch
the main American assault. The strategy rst emerged in
the dramatic Battle of the Ia Drang Valley in 1965, involving the First Cavalry Division (Airmobile) in which U.S.
forces engaged and defeated two North Vietnamese army
regiments in South Vietnams central highlands.
Heroic search and rescue crews penetrated heavily defended Vietcong and North Vietnamese positions throughout the war to pluck downed aircrews and wounded soldiers from certain imprisonment or death. Fittingly, the
last images of U.S. involvement in Vietnam included helicopters evacuating embassy personnel and refugees from


Boyne, Walter J., and Donald S. Lopez, eds. Vertical Flight: The
Age of the Helicopter. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984.
Fay, John. The Helicopter: History, Piloting, and How It Flies. 4th
ed. New York: Hippocrene, 1987.
Francis, Devon F. The Story of the Helicopter. New York: CowardMcCann, 1946.
Futrell, Robert Frank. The United States Air Force in Korea, 1950
1953. Rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: Ofce of Air Force History, 1983.
Momyer, William W. Airpower in Three Wars: World War II, Korea, Vietnam. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Air
Force, 1978.

Anthony Christopher Cain

See also Air Cavalry; Air Power, Strategic.

HELL ON WHEELS, a term applied to the temporary rails-end towns, or construction camps, of the
Union Pacic Railroad. Construction westward along the
42d parallel began in 1865, laying a record-setting average
of over a mile of track a day using only picks, shovels, and
mules. The term reected the rough work camps of the
all-male, largely Irish laborers, who fought, drank, and
caused general hell along the rail as they progressed westward over the prairie and through the mountains.

Bain, David Haward. Empire Express: Building the First Transcontinental Railroad. New York: Viking, 1999.


Williams, John Hoyt. A Great & Shining Road: The Epic Story of
the Transcontinental Railroad. New York: Times Books,

Dan E. Clark / h. s.
See also Railroads; Transcontinental Railroad, Building of.

HELLS ANGELS. A motorcycle club founded by

Arvid Olsen and a group of World War II veterans in San
Bernardino, California. Attempting to duplicate the sense
of excitement and brotherhood they felt in the military
(they had Hells Angels painted on their ghter planes),
the group turned to motorcycles and donned the leather
jackets, boots, helmets, and goggles that they wore during
the war.
The group gained notoriety on 4 July 1947, when it
attended an American Motorcycle Association rally in
Hollister, California. A riot broke out, and the Hells Angels ransacked the town, leading to the state police being
called in to restore order.
Stanley Kramer immortalized the Hollister incident
in The Wild One (1954), starring Marlon Brando and Lee
Marvin. The movie made the Hells Angels famous around
the world and turned the motorcycle into a symbol of
social deviance. Hunter S. Thompsons 1967 book, Hells
Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga, perpetuated the groups
outlaw mystique. Hired as bodyguards for a Rolling Stones
concert in 1969, they killed a man who pulled a gun, thus
symbolizing the violence of the 1960s.
A 1997 court afdavit claimed the motorcycle gang
had 1,800 members worldwide, with international headquarters in Oakland, California. A decentralized organization that constantly battles the federal government,
branches of Hells Angels have faced criminal charges
from drug trafcking to racketeering.

Barger, Ralph Sonny. Hells Angel: The Life and Times of Sonny
Barger and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. New York: Morrow, 2000.
Thompson, Hunter S. Hells Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga.
New York: Ballantine Books, 1967.

Bob Batchelor

HELPERITES. See Impending Crisis of the South.

HELSINKI ACCORDS. As part of the emerging
East-West detente, in November 1972 talks opened in
Helsinki to prepare for a Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Between 3 July 1973 and 1 August
1975, representatives of thirty-ve states, including the
United States, Canada, the Soviet Union, the Vatican, and
all of the European states except Albania, discussed the
future of Europe.

On 1 August 1975 leaders from the participating nations signed the Helsinki Final Act. It included three baskets. Basket I contained a Declaration on Principles
Guiding Relations between Participating States. It legitimated the present borders within Europe, outlawed the
use of force, prohibited intervention in the internal affairs
of any state, and required respect for human rights and
the self-determination of peoples.
Basket II addressed Cooperation in the Field of
Economics, of Science and Technology, and of the Environment. It sought to encourage increased East-West
trade, scientic collaboration, and industrial management,
and recognized the interdependence of societies across
Basket III dealt with Cooperation in Humanitarian
and other Fields. It provided a basis for increased personto-person contacts between Eastern and Western Europe,
encouraged the freer movement of peoples and ideas, and
promised to facilitate the reunication of families long
separated by Cold War conict.
Critics were quick to point out that these agreements
lacked enforcement mechanisms. Moreover, they gave the
communist governments in the Soviet Union and Eastern
Europe legitimate standing as equals with the democratic
regimes in the West. The Helsinki Accords, however, also
legitimized human rights in the most repressive parts of
Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Dissidents, like the
founders of Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia, used the language of the Helsinki Accords to justify their criticisms
of communist governments. Many of the dissidents inspired by the Helsinki Accords led the anticommunist
revolutions of 1989. In addition, many of the new thinkers in the Soviet Union who attained power after 1985
including Mikhail Gorbachevexplained that they hoped
to build a more humane European civilization, as outlined
in the Helsinki Accords. Seeking stability, Soviet leaders
signed the Final Act in 1975; in so doing they unleashed
domestic forces they could not control.

English, Robert. Russia and the Idea of the West: Gorbachev, Intellectuals, and the End of the Cold War. New York: Columbia
University Press, 2000.
Garthoff, Raymond L. Detente and Confrontation: AmericanSoviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan. Washington, D.C.:
The Brookings Institution, 1994.
Maresca, John J. To Helsinki: The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 19731975. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1985.

Jeremi Suri
See also Cold War.

HEMP. Although England sought hemp from its American colonies to rig its sailing ships, and although the British government and colonial legislatures tried to encourage


H E N N E P I N , L O U I S , N A R R AT I V E S O F

its production by bounties, it never became an important

export crop. But the virgin clearings and moderate climate of America did invite its small-scale cultivation.
Many colonial homesteads had hemp patcheshemp and
tow cloth were familiar household manufactures, and local cordage supplied colonial shipyards.
After the American Revolution, when settlers began
developing the rich Ohio Valley bottomlands, hemp became a staple crop in Kentucky. Lexington erected mills
for manufacturing it, and Southwesterners used hemp
cordage and bale cloth to pack their cotton crops. Output
peaked around 1860 at about 74,000 tons, of which Kentucky produced 40,000 tons and Missouri 20,000 tons.
Thereafter, the advent of the steamship, the substitution
of steel for hemp cordage, and the introduction of articial bers lessened demand. American production of hemp
for ber ceased shortly after World War II.
With some twenty-ve thousand uses, industrial hemp
has undergone a revival in many countries such as France
and Canada. The United States, however, continues to
ban commercial hemp production because of fears by the
Drug Enforcement Agency that the plant, which belongs
to the same species as marijuana, would be put to illicit
use. Agricultural advocacy groups have protested the DEA
policy, pointing out that the THC content of hemp is so
low that it would be useless as a drug and that the prohibition places American farmers at competitive disadvantage, depriving them of the income from a highly useful and potentially lucrative crop.

On 11 or 12 April 1680 Hennepin and his two companions were taken prisoner by the Dakotas, who resided
in what is now Minnesota. They traveled to a major Dakota village near Mille Lacs, in central Minnesota. The
Dakotas took them bison hunting in the western prairies
and provided Hennepin with a view of their daily lives
and customs. The trio was eventually rescued by a Frenchman, Daniel Greysolon, Sieur du Luth.
Description of Louisiana, his rst narrative, was a bestseller by the standards of the day, and encouraged a dramatic increase of interest in the Upper Mississippi region.
It was translated into Italian, Dutch, and German almost
immediately. His narrative recounted the adventures of
the trip and described the geography, ora, and fauna of
the Upper Mississippi. To appeal to readers he tended to
stress the more sensational aspects of Dakota life. He was
the rst European to see Lake Pepin, and he described
and named St. Anthony Falls in what later became Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is widely believed to be a fairly
truthful account of the expedition, although there are remarkable similarities between his account and the ofcial
account of de la Salles trip written by Claude Bernou.
Hennepin went on to write at least two other narratives. New Discovery of a Very Large Country was published in 1698. In this narrative he claimed for himself the
exploration of the Lower Mississippi and the discovery of
the mouth of the great river, discoveries usually attributed
to de la Salle and Louis Jolliet. His third narrative, The
New Voyage, was also published in 1698 and was a compilation of his and others earlier works.


Hopkins, James F. A History of the Hemp Industry in Kentucky.

Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1951.


Nader, Ralph. Farm Aid: The DEA Should Get Out of Regulating Hemp Agriculture. San Francisco Bay Guardian, April
3, 2000. Available at

Hennepin, Louis. Father Louis Hennepins Description of Louisiana:

Newly Discovered to the Southwest of New France by Order of
the King. Translated by Marion Cross. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1938.

Victor S. Clark / c. w.

Polly Fry

See also Bounties, Commercial; Narcotics Trade and Legislation; Shipping, Ocean.

See also Explorations and Expeditions: French; La Salle Explorations.


Hennepin narratives consist of the three known narratives
of exploration written by Father Louis Hennepin, a Franciscan friar born in Belgium around 1640. He migrated
to Canada, then known as New France, in 1675. Here he
engaged in missionary activities among the Native Americans located along the Lower St. Lawrence River near
Kingston, Ontario. Late in 1678 he accompanied Robert
Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, on his expedition to the mouth
of the Mississippi River. Hennepin wrote an account of
this expedition, Description of Louisiana: Newly Discovered
to the Southwest of New France by Order of the King (1683).
When the party reached the mouth of the Illinois River,
Hennepin and two Frenchmen left de La Salle to explore
the Upper Mississippi in 1680.

HENRY, FORT (now Wheeling, W. Va.), originally

Fort Fincastle, was built in June 1774 by Col. William
Crawford from plans drawn by George Rogers Clark. In
1776 it was renamed Fort Henry in honor of Patrick
Henry, governor of Virginia. On 10 September 1782,
Fort Henry was attacked by Indians and British in one of
the nal battles of the American Revolution.


At the outbreak of the Civil War, the fort fell into

Confederate hands. On 6 February 1862, seventeen thousand Union troops under General Ulysses S. Grant, supported by gunboats under Commodore Andrew Foote,
moved by water against Fort Henry on the Tennessee
River. Confederate General Lloyd Tilghman safely evacuated most of his small garrison and surrendered after a
brief ght.



Cooling, B. Franklin. Forts Henry and DonelsonThe Key to the

Confederate Heartland. Knoxville: University of Tennessee
Press, 1987.
Selby, John E. The Revolution in Virginia, 17751783. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1988.

Charles H. Ambler / a. r.
See also Donelson, Fort, Capture of; Revolution, American:
Military History; Shiloh, Battle of.


VILLAGE. An indoor-outdoor museum of American
history in Dearborn, Michigan, the Henry Ford Museum
and Greeneld Village was founded by Henry Ford in
1929 as the Edison Institute. The twelve-acre Henry Ford
Museum focuses on American innovation. Greeneld Village consists of eighty-one public acres of historic homes
and buildings.
While other wealthy Americans were collecting ne
art, by 1912 Henry Ford was assembling a collection of
objects produced and used by ordinary Americans, including spinning wheels and steam engines. Ford believed
that these objects told the real history of America, a history that was not reected in textbooks. Fords agents also
began collecting buildings of both ordinary and great
Americans, such as the homes of the Wright brothers and
Noah Webster. The public, learning of Fords interest in
everyday things, began shipping objects to Dearborn as
well. The centerpiece of Greeneld Village was Thomas
Edisons reconstructed Menlo Park, New Jersey, laboratory. Ford, who idolized Edison, named the museum in
his honor and dedicated it on 21 October 1929, the ftieth anniversary of Edisons invention of the electric
light. The international publicity arising from the 1929
event generated more interest in Fords historical venture,
although regular visiting hours for the public did not begin until 1933. Following Fords interest in learning by
doing, students at the Edison Institute School studied in
the buildings and learned from the collections. More than
270 students were attending kindergarten through college
by the late 1930s.
After Fords death in 1947, the pace of collecting
slowed and the staff struggled to fund the operation. In
1966, the institution was reorganized as an independently
supported educational organization. The school system
closed in 1969. The museums highest attendance was
over 1.7 million in 1976, sparked by the celebration of the
American bicentennial. In the 1980s, the museum began
a process of institutional self-evaluation, wrote its rst
mission statement, and developed a rigorous collections
program. At the beginning of the twenty-rst century, the
mission focuses on developing educational experiences
centered on themes of American ingenuity, resourcefulness, and innovation.

Anniversary and Birth. Thomas Edison, seated with (left to

right) his associate Francis Jehl, President Herbert Hoover,
and Henry Ford, joins in celebrations marking the ftieth
anniversary of Edisons electric light and the birth of the
Edison Institute, the core of what would become Greeneld
Village. Schenectady Museum; Hall of Electrical History

In 2000, Henry Ford Museum and Greeneld Village was Michigans leading cultural attraction with 1.6
million visitors. In 1997, the museum opened the Henry
Ford Academy, a public charter high school, serving four
hundred students from Wayne County, with classes held
in the museum and the village. Recent additions to the
complex included an operating railroad roundhouse in
Greeneld Village, Buckminster Fullers futuristic Dymaxion House, and a 400-seat IMAX Theatre in the Henry
Ford Museum. The Benson Ford Research Center opened
in 2002.

An American Invention: The Story of Henry Ford Museum and

Greeneld Village. Dearborn, Mich.: Henry Ford Museum
and Greeneld Village, 1999.
Barnard, Eunice Fuller. Ford Builds a Unique Museum. New
York Times Magazine (5 April 1931).
Upward, Geoffrey C. A Home for Our Heritage: The Building and
Growth of Greeneld Village and Henry Ford Museum, 1929
1979. Dearborn, Mich.: Henry Ford Museum Press, 1979.
Wamsley, James S. American Ingenuity: Henry Ford Museum and
Greeneld Village. New York: Abrams, 1985.

Judith E. Endelman
See also Science Museums.

HEPBURN ACT. Congress passed the Hepburn Act

to clarify and increase the authority of the Interstate



Commerce Commission over railroads and certain other

types of carriers. It authorized the commission to determine and prescribe just and reasonable maximum rates,
establish through routes, and prescribe and enforce uniform systems of accounts. The law also strengthened the
Elkins Act of 1903, dealing with personal discrimination;
forbade railroads from transporting, except for their own
use, many commodities in which they were nancially interested; restricted the granting of free passes; and increased the number of commissioners from ve to seven.
The commissions orders were made binding without
court action, thus requiring carriers to assume the burden
of initiating litigation that tested the validity of the orders.

Cooper, John Milton, Jr. Pivotal Decades: The United States, 1900
1920. New York: Norton, 1990.
Eisner, Marc Allen. Regulatory Politics in Transition. 2d ed. Interpreting American Politics Series. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 2000. The original edition was published
in 1993.
Kolko, Gabriel. Railroads and Regulation, 18771916. Princeton,
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1965.

Hobart S. Perry / c. p.
See also Elkins Act; Interstate Commerce Commission; Railroad Rate Law.

HERMITAGE, the estate of Andrew Jackson, near

Nashville, Tenn., bought by Jackson in 1795. He moved

to it in 1804, selling all but 6,000 acres of the original

28,000-acre tract. The log cabin that served as Jacksons
home was replaced by a brick house in 1819; when this
burned in 1834, the present Hermitage building, in a
Greek Revival style, was erected on the old site. After
Jacksons death the Hermitage was occupied by Andrew
Jackson Jr., until 1888, although it had been bought by
Tennessee in 1856 to be preserved as a shrine.

Horn, Stanley F. The Hermitage, Home of Old Hickory. Richmond,

Va.: Garrett and Massie, 1938.
Perry, Lewis. Boats Against the Current: American Culture Between
Revolution and Modernity, 18201860. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1993.

R. S. Cotterill / a. r.
See also Architecture; Jacksonian Democracy; Old Hickory.

HERPETOLOGY. Contributions to the study of

American reptiles prior to 1800 were made primarily by
European travelers. Notable among the earliest contributors were the Englishman Mark Catesby and the Philadelphian William Bartram, who traveled throughout the
southeastern United States making natural history observations on many organisms, including the alligator. Some
American reptiles were described by Carolus Linnaeus in
his Systema Naturae (1758).
In the late 1700s and early 1800s, a number of foreign
naturalists and European scientists worked on American
reptiles that had been sent to them, thereby adding to the

Hermitage. An early view of the grounds of Andrew Jacksons estate near Nashville, Tenn. corbis



knowledge of existing forms. Additions to the growing list

of American reptiles were also made by John Eaton
LeConte of the U.S. Army; Thomas Say, who traveled
with the Stephen H. Long expedition to the Rocky
Mountains (1820); and Richard Harlan, a practicing physician. Harlan attempted to draw together the body of
information on American reptiles with his Genera of North
American Reptiles and a Synopsis of the Species (182627) and
American Herpetology (1827), but these contributions only
partly alleviated some of the confusion regarding taxonomic matters that had developed by that time.
John Edwards Holbrook, a Charleston, S.C., physician, produced the rst major contribution to U.S. knowledge of American reptiles. Holbrooks North American
Herpetology (1836, 1842) was a milestone in herpetology.
The success and inuence of his work probably related to
its completeness for the time and to the superb color lithographs drawn from living examples by talented artists.
His work caught the attention of European scientists and
brought a measure of recognition to the rise of science in
In the period immediately after the appearance of
Holbrooks North American Herpetology, a number of expeditions sponsored by the U.S. government were organized to explore the American West. Notable among
these were Charles Wilkess expedition to the Pacic
Northwest, Howard Stansburys expedition to the Great
Salt Lake, George M. Wheelers explorations west of
the 100th meridian, Maj. William H. Emorys Mexican
boundary survey, Capt. Randolph B. Marcys exploration
of the Red River, Capt. Lorenzo Sitgreavess expedition
down the Zuni and Colorado rivers, and the Pacic Railroad surveys. Spencer Fullerton Baird brought back large
collections of reptiles to museums, in particular the U.S.
National Museum, which he helped establish in 1857.
The reptiles collected by the U.S. exploring teams were
studied by a number of scientists, including Baird. By
1880 most of the expeditions to the West had been completed and the results published, providing a rst glimpse
of the diversity and extent of the American reptile fauna.
Several herpetofaunal surveys were published by
eastern states, including those by David Humphreys Storer for Massachusetts (1839) and James E. DeKay for
New York (18421844). Louis Agassiz of the Museum of
Comparative Zoology at Harvard added much to the
knowledge of the embryology of the turtle in his Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America
From the 1880s to the early 1900s a number of individuals made important contributions to the study of
American reptiles. Samuel Garman of the Museum of
Comparative Zoology compiled from scattered reports of
various U.S. expeditions an important treatise on American snakes, North American Reptilia, Part I, Ophidia
(1883). This work remained of considerable value to scientists until outdated by the appearance of The Crocodilians, Lizards, and Snakes of North America (1900) by Edward

Drinker Cope. Leonhard Hess Stejneger of the U.S. National Museum introduced the careful designation of type
specimens and type localities into the description of new
species, produced an important treatise entitled The Poisonous Snakes of North America (1895), and later wrote with
Thomas Barbour ve editions of A Check List of North
American Amphibians and Reptiles (1917). These checklists
provided a concise synopsis of the known species of reptiles and amphibians and reference for other workers. In
The Reptiles of Western North America (1922), John Van
Denburgh of the California Academy of Sciences described new species of western reptiles and provided information on geographic distributions.
Since the 1920s, scientic investigations, centered in
American universities, have been made on every conceivable aspect of the biology of reptiles. Some of the more
important contributors have been Frank N. Blanchard,
who was a pioneer in eld studies of reptiles and developed marking techniques; and Henry Fitch, who subsequently produced some of the most complete eld studies
of reptiles to date. Clifford H. Pope and Archie Carr
greatly expanded the knowledge of North American turtles; Carr later made pioneering contributions on sea turtles and their conservation. Alfred S. Romer contributed
to the work on fossil reptiles; his Osteology of the Reptiles
(1956) was still the standard reference for that eld of
research twenty years later. Laurence M. Klauber made
many contributions on western reptiles and introduced
rened statistical techniques. His book Rattlesnakes (1956)
remained the most complete herpetological monograph
produced by the mid-1970s. Detailed lizard population
studies were published by W. Frank Blair, in The Rusty
Lizard (1960).
During the 20th century several scientists produced
semipopular works that served to generate wide interest
in reptiles. Raymond Lee Ditmars probably did more to
stimulate interest in the study of reptiles than any other
individual. He routinely lectured to a wide variety of audiences and published many books, but his Reptile Book,
rst appearing in 1907, was one of the most stimulating
to young naturalists. Karl P. Schmidt produced the Field
Book of Snakes (1941) in coauthorship with D. Dwight Davis. Roger Conant wrote the rst of the newest type of
eld guides, A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians
(1958), that contained range maps, color illustrations, and
synoptic information about the organisms. Robert C.
Stebbins further improved the eld guide format with his
Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians (1966). In
addition to eld guides, herpetofaunal surveys have been
written for most of the states and have stimulated interest.
Some of the better state surveys are those by Paul Anderson, The Reptiles of Missouri (1965), and Philip W.
Smith, The Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois (1961).
Few American reptiles have attracted more scientic
and popular attention than the rattlesnake, a venomous
snake of the pit viper family. The rattlesnake emerged as
a central revolutionary icon and appeared frequently in



patriotic propaganda; a ag featuring a coiled rattlesnake

on a yellow background, with the caption Dont Tread
on Me, was presented to the Continental Congress by
Col. Christopher Gadsden of South Carolina and unofcially adopted by Capt. Esek Hopkins as a commodores
ag. The rattlesnake holds an important place in American folklore: for example, the legendary virtue of rattlesnake oil for rheumatism; the cleverness of the roadrunnerwhich really does kill rattlesnakesin corralling a
sleeping rattler with cactus joints and then making him
bite himself to death; or the thousands of authentic stories
told around camp res every summer. A few people die
from rattlesnake bites annually, but the spread of land developments is steadily diminishing the snake population.
Three major societies sponsor periodicals to handle
the great increase in the number of scholarly contributions within the eld of herpetology: Copeia (1913 ) is
published by the American Society of Ichthyologists and
Herpetologists, Herpetologica (1936 ) is published by the
Herpetologists League, and the Journal of Herpetology
(1968 ) is published by the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.

Adler, Kraig, ed. Contributions to the History of Herpetology. Oxford, Ohio: S.S.A.R., 1989.
Gillespie, Angus K., and Jay Mechling, eds. American Wildlife in
Symbol and Story. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press,
Kessel, E. L. A Century of Progress in the Natural Sciences, 1853
1953. San Francisco: 1955.

J. Frank Dobie
Richard D. Worthington / a. r.
See also Museums; Science Museums; Science Education.

HESSIANS. See German Mercenaries.

HIDDEN PERSUADERS, THE, was the rst of a
series of best-selling books by Vance Packard, a social
critic and former journalist. Published in 1957, the book
attacked the advertising industry for using controversial
new psychological techniques to inuence consumers.
Packards critique sold more than a million copies, a remarkable accomplishment for a nonction work of the
time, and its three-word title soon became an established
part of the nations vocabulary. The centerpiece of Packards attack was a consumer analytical technique called
motivation research, which had been developed from psychoanalytic theory. Advertisers used the technique, according to Packard, to probe the psyches of American
consumers in an effort to identify their unconscious desires. He claimed that the results of these investigations
were used to manipulate consumers to buy the products
and services being promoted by the advertisers corporate


Not surprisingly, the advertising industry contested

Packards charges. It claimed that motivation research
had played a positive role in advertising by helping it identify the complex motives underlying consumer behavior.
Moreover, industry spokespersons argued that Packard
had overstated the power of motivation research, a circumstance they contended had resulted from his naive
acceptance of advertisers enthusiastic accounts of their
successes with the psychological technique. Despite these
industry responses, The Hidden Persuaders hit a responsive
chord with many members of the American public in the
1950s who evidently found compelling Packards Orwellian portrait of the advertising industry as Big Brother,
secretly but powerfully exploiting the postwar prosperity
of American consumers.
Monroe Friedman
See also Advertising.

HIDE AND TALLOW TRADE. In California under the Spanish regime, missions and ranchers depended
chiey on the sale of hides and tallow for a livelihood. In
1822 William A. Gale, a former fur trader, interested Bryant, Sturgis and Company of Boston in the products from
the regions large cattle herds, and Boston ships took over
the trade. The discovery of gold in California threatened
to destroy the trade until the coming of the railroad induced a gradual revival.
In the region east of California and west of the Mississippi River, the cattle trade boomed after the Civil War,
although few cattle were killed for hides alone. Buffalo
hide had long been an important article of commerce, and
with the coming of the railroad, buffalo were slaughtered
in huge numbers. Both whites and Indians became hide
hunters, and from Texas to Canada the plains were strewn
with carcasses, until by the mid-1880s the vast herds had
been extinguished.

Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of California. 7 vols. San Francisco: The History Company, 18841890. Reprint, Santa
Barbara, Calif.: W. Hebberd, 19631970.
Isenberg, Andrew C. The Destruction of the Bison: An Environmental History, 17501920. Studies in Environmental History Series. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Frank Edward Ross / c. w.

See also Buffalo (Bison); Fur Trade and Trapping.

HIGHER CRITICISM is a term applied to a type

of biblical studies that emerged in mostly German academic circles in the late eighteenth century, blossomed in
English-speaking academies during the nineteenth, and
faded out in the early twentieth. Early modern biblical
studies were customarily divided into two branches.


Lower or textual criticism addressed critical issues surrounding the Bibles extant manuscripts, canon, and variant readings. The other genre was called higher criticism, which, as Benjamin Jowett of Oxford University
once said, sought to investigate and interpret biblical documents like any other document of antiquity. Higher critics were interested not only in the Bibles primal literary
sources but also in the operative and undisclosed assumptions of biblical writers themselves.
Inevitably, the same intellectual energies that fueled
the burgeoning historical studies in nineteenth-century
Germany and England were applied to the biblical studies
as well. By the mid-nineteenth century the term higher
criticism was employed to describe the application of the
historical-critical method derived from other historical
disciplines to the Bible and its many authors. These newer
biblical studies were also inuenced by prevailing Enlightenment presuppositions, especially those espoused
by Kant and Hegel. For these reasons, higher criticism
came to be viewed as a radical departure from earlier biblical studies in the precritical eras. In established Catholic,
Protestant, and Jewish religious communities, the term
came to be associated with the desacralizing of the Bible.
Scholars in academic circles, however, employed the newer
critical methods while trying to free biblical studies from
the heavy hand of theological conviction.
By the 1830s American Protestant scholars in Cambridge, Andover, and Princeton were well aware of the
German higher critics. Each of these three academic centers responded differently, however, to the higher critics
writings. At Harvard, Joseph Buckminster and Andrews
Norton heeded a donors generosity and promoted a
critical knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. At Andover
Seminary, Moses Stuart and Edward Robinson cautiously
endorsed liberal scholarship from Germany. At Princeton
Theological Seminary, a young Charles Hodge returned
from studies in Germany and mounted a countermovement to higher criticism through his journal, The Biblical
Repertory and Princeton Review. Other religious communities, such as Protestant theologians in the South, conservative Jewish scholars, and traditional Roman Catholic
academics, usually responded to the higher critics with
suspicion and distaste.
By the late nineteenth century, increasing numbers
of English-speaking scholars viewed the newer critical
methods as promising, responsible, and liberating. William Rainey Harper of the University of Chicago, Charles
A. Briggs of Union Theological Seminary, Charles Bacon
of Yale, and William Robertson Smith in Scotland incorporated the higher critics revisionism into their writings
about biblical hermeneutics. In sharp and deepening opposition, conservative Roman Catholic, Protestant, and
Jewish scholars wrote feverishly to counter the growing
consensus of higher critics. At stake were contentious issues such as Julius Wellhausens hypothesis of multiple
authorship of the Pentateuch, David F. Strausss analysis
of the role of myth in the narratives about Jesus, and F. C.

Bauers recasting of historical background of the Pauline

By the end of the nineteenth century two responses
to higher criticism seemed inescapable: in academic circles there was no returning to the precritical methods of
biblical hermeneutics; in ecclesial circles, however, there
was deepening reluctance to trust the assured results of
higher critics scholarship. Both of these positions came
to poignant focus when the Presbyterian professor Charles
A. Briggs of Union Theological Seminary was tried for
heresy for his more modernist views about the Bible in
18921893. By the opening decade of the twentieth century the term higher criticism was deemed too simplistic and amorphous. By then biblical scholars from divergent religious traditions and university doctoral studies
were eager to broker the hermeneutical insights adapted
from a wider and more secular scholarship in the elds of
history, literary criticism, modern philosophy, and science.

Brown, Jerry W. The Rise of Biblical Criticism in America, 1800

1870. Middletown: University of Connecticut Press, 1969.
Coggins, R. J., and J. L. Houlden, eds. A Dictionary of Biblical
Interpretation. London: SCM Press, 1990.
Fogarty, Gerald P. American Catholic Biblical Scholarship. San
Francisco: Harper and Row, 1989.
Hayes, John H., gen. ed. Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation. 2
vols. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1999.
Sarna, Jonathan, and N. H. Sarna. Jewish Biblical Scholarship
and Translations in the United States. In The Bible and
Bibles in America. Edited by Ernest S. Frerichs. Atlanta:
Scholars Press, 1988.

John W. Stewart
See also Bible.

HIGHER LAW is that purported body of legal principles, partaking of the divine, that is eternally and universally valid in human society. As the Roman orator Cicero explained it, it is right reason in agreement with
nature . . . [it is] one eternal and unchangeable law . . .
valid for all nations and all times, and [there is] . . . one
master and ruler, that is, God, [who is] the author of this
law, its promulgator, and its enforcing judge. Christian
legal theorists, such as St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, gave similar descriptions of this all-encompassing system. Under the rubric of natural law, the jurist Sir
William Blackstone recognized it as a part of the English
common law in his famous Commentaries (17651769),
which profoundly inuenced American common law, and
its expositors such as Joseph Story and James Kent. The
nature of the American legal system, and whether it admits
of higher law, or whether it simply consists of the temporal
pronouncements of the American people and their legislatures, has been a much-mooted question throughout
American history. In the late eighteenth century, higher-



law notions were used to explain the presence of natural

rights in America, and higher-law principles were said, by
the abolitionists, to justify resistance to the provisions of
the U.S. Constitution that permitted slavery. Higher-law
notions fell into disrepute following their use in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, particularly
through the doctrines of freedom of contract, to frustrate
state and federal regulation of the economy. In the late
twentieth century, pursuant to the doctrines of legal realism, which became ascendant in American legal education beginning in the 1960s, American constitutional
and private law has generally been understood only to be
the product of American legislators and judges. Still,
when, in 1974, President Gerald Ford pardoned the disgraced former President Richard Nixon, he claimed that
he did so on the basis of a higher law than the Constitution, and when the Supreme Court, under Chief Justice
Earl Warren, rendered a series of decisions dramatically
enhancing individual rights, the Courts critics and supporters recognized that the Court was turning to higherlaw notions of fairness and justice to support its rulings.
The higher-law notion of inalienable rights granted by a
Creator was acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence, and in the late twentieth century, several scholars sought to demonstrate that the Constitution itself was
created to secure those rights.

promising that it would be the rst of many steps toward

a more beautiful America.
One of the nations rst modern environmental laws,
the act prohibited the construction of new billboards on
scenic and rural federal-aid highways and required the
removal of illegal billboards erected without proper permits. Billboards not meeting established standards were
to be removed. To carry out these provisions, the act offered federal funding and nancial incentives to the states.
Despite limited amendments in 1975 and again in 1991
to strengthen the act, the act has so far failed to meet
expectations. As one marker, by the turn of the millennium there were an estimated 450,000 billboards on federal-aid highways, compared to 330,000 billboards in
The act has failed for several reasons. First, exceptions built into the act itself limited its effectiveness. Second, by mandating that sign rights be compensated rather
than amortized, Congress increased the cost of billboard
removal beyond expectations. Eventually, federal funds
for the program simply evaporated from the budget. Finally, the act imposed nancial penalties for state actions
that did not conform to the acts framework. In the end,
the act failed because of loopholes, insufcient federal
funding, and because the act hobbled state initiatives.


Corwin, Edward S. The Higher Law Background of American

Constitutional Law. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University, 1955.
Gerber, Scott Douglas. To Secure These Rights: The Declaration of
Independence and Constitutional Interpretation. New York: New
York University Press, 1995.
Sandoz, Ellis. A Government of Laws: Political Theory, Religion,
and the American Founding. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State
University, 1989.

Stephen B. Presser
See also Common Law.

Albert, Craig J. Your Ad Goes Here: How the Highway Beautication Act of 1965 Thwarts Highway Beautication.
University of Kansas Law Review 48 (2000): 463.
Floyd, Charles F., and Peter J. Shedd. Highway Beautication: The
Environmental Movements Greatest Failure. Boulder, Colo.:
Westview Press, 1979.

Shannon C. Petersen
See also Conservation; Great Society.

HIGHWAYS. See Interstate Highway System; Roads;

Transportation and Travel.


1965 State of the Union Address, President Lyndon Johnson called for the creation of a Great Societyan ambitious legislative agenda to improve the quality of American life. Inspired by his wife, Lady Bird Johnson,
President Johnson made highway beautication one of
the signature themes of the Great Society and introduced
legislation in Congress to preserve scenic beauty by removing and regulating billboards along Americas highways. During congressional deliberations, the administration received support from urban planners, garden clubs,
and a edgling environmental movement. An alliance of
advertisers, business owners, sign operators, and landowners, however, substantially weakened the proposal.
Dissatised, President Johnson nevertheless signed the
Highway Beautication Act into law on 22 October 1965,


HIJACKING, AIRPLANE. Often known as skyjacking, airplane hijacking is a form of air piracy usually perpetrated against commercial aviation. It can range from
acts of individuals motivated by personal reasonssuch
as escaping the political, social, or economic conditions
of their homelandto violent acts of political extortion
committed by highly organized terrorist groups or criminal organizations. A distinction is usually drawn between
hijacking, involving an unauthorized person or group of
people seizing control of an aircraft, and other acts of
airplane-related terrorism such as bombing. The ability
of airplanes to traverse oceans and national borders, along
with the publics marked increase in reliance on air travel,
has led many terrorist organizations to choose airplane
hijacking as a means for publicity or extortion. This has


confronted governments with a truly global security problem as authorities struggle to keep pace with the ingenuity
and brazenness of terrorist groups.
By the turn of the twenty-rst century, over one
thousand hijackings of commercial airplanes had been reported worldwide. The rst reported act of airplane hijacking was committed on 21 February 1931 in Peru. The
rst reported hijacking of a U.S. airplane occurred on 1
May 1961, when a hijacker forced a domestic ight to
detour to Cuba. Hijackings were relatively rare, however,
until the period between 1967 and 1972, when they
reached epidemic proportions, peaking in an eleven-day
period in early September 1970, when six hijackings were
reported worldwide among the eighty for the year. Although hijacking during this period was chiey identied
rst with Cuba and then the Middle East, U.S. domestic
aviation was not immune. One notable incident occurred
on 24 November 1971, when a mysterious gure known
as D. B. Cooper parachuted out of a plane after having
extorted $200,000 from the airline. Despite a massive
manhunt he was never found, although would-be emulators proved decidedly less successful.
In response to the rash of hijackings, new security
measures were implemented by the U.S. Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), the airlines, and various government law enforcement agencies. These included searches
of passengers and their luggage prior to boarding and a
sky marshals program involving armed law enforcement ofcers aboard some ights. In 1973 metal detection and X-ray devices became mandatory at all airports.
Although the new security measures led to longer checkin times and some passenger inconvenience, they also led
to a dramatic reduction in the number of U.S. hijackings.
By the 1990s, however, death tolls worldwide were
rising. The hijacking of a domestic Chinese ight on 2
October 1990 resulted in 132 deaths. On 23 November
1996, a hijacked Ethiopian ight resulted in 123 deaths.
But by far the worst case of airplane hijacking occurred
on 11 September 2001. It was the rst hijacking in the
United States in a decade and the rst one with fatalities
since 1987. In a coordinated attack, four U.S. domestic
ights were hijacked and, without warning or demands,
two planes were deliberately crashed into the two World
Trade Center towers in New York City and another into
the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The fourth plane
crashed in rural Pennsylvania. The 266 passengers and
crew in the planes died instantly, nearly 200 people at the
Pentagon were killed, and some 3,000 people in the
World Trade Center towers perished when the buildings

Arey, James A. The Sky Pirates. New York: Scribners, 1972.

Criminal Acts against Civil Aviation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Ofce of Civil Aviation Security, 1986.

David G. Coleman
See also Terrorism.

Hindu Temple. The white towers of this brown brick temple,

seen during construction in St. Louis in 1998, are covered
with deeply carved gures and situated over shrines to the
primary Hindu deities. G. John Renard

HINDUISM. Americans learned about Hinduism in

the late eighteenth century from European scholars and
from missionaries and traders returning from India. Henry
David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson incorporated
Hindu themes in their transcendental philosophy in the
1830s and 1840s. The rst Indian to successfully promote
Hinduism in America was Swami Vivekananda, who represented Hinduism at the Worlds Parliament of Religions
in Chicagos 1893 Columbian Exposition. He went on to
establish Vedanta Societies in major American cities, teaching a variety of Hinduism that emphasizes social reform,
religious tolerance, and the unity of self (atman) and Absolute (Brahman). Swami Paramahansa Yoganandas SelfRealization Fellowship, established in 1935 to teach kriya
yoga, soon surpassed Vedanta in popularity. In the 1960s,
transcendental meditation and the International Society
of Krishna Consciousness, or Hare Krishna Society, gathered large numbers of followers among Americans seeking spiritual alternatives to mainstream religion, and the
civil rights movement drew inspiration from Indian nationalist Mohandas K. Gandhis interpretation of the
Hindu tradition of ahimsa (nonviolence).
After the passage of less restrictive immigration laws
in 1965, a large inux of Asian Indian immigrants brought
a new plurality of Hindu practices to the United States.
They contributed the rst major, Indian-style Hindu
temples, built to accommodate immigrant Hindus, to
the American landscape. In 2000, there were approximately one million Hindus in the United States.

Jackson, Carl T. The Oriental Religions and American Thought:

Nineteenth-Century Explorations. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981.
. Vedanta for the West: The Ramakrishna Movement in the
United States. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.



Tweed, Thomas A., and Stephen Prothero, eds. Asian Religions

in America: A Documentary History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

See also Antiwar Movements; Counterculture; Youth Movements.

Susan Haskell
See also Asian Religions and Sects.

HIPPIES. On 5 September 1965, in an article in the

San Francisco Examiner about the new Bohemian scene
developing in the Haight-Ashbury district, Michael Fallon labeled its members hippies. The label stuck and
was thereafter applied to any young person who experimented with drugs, exhibited an unconventional appearance, enjoyed new forms of acid music and art, expressed disdain for mainstream values and institutions,
investigated exotic religions, or espoused a philosophy
that combined the beats existentialism with a colorful,
expressive joie de vivre all their own. Although initially
treated as a harmless curiosity by the media, Ronald Reagan, then governor of California, spoke for many Americans when he dened a hippie as someone who dresses
like Tarzan, has hair like Jane, and smells like Cheetah.

Lee, Martin A., and Bruce Shlain. Acid Dreams: The Complete
Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond. New
York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1992.
Perry, Charles. The Haight-Ashbury: A History. New York: Vintage Books, 1985.
Wolfe, Tom. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. New York: Farrar,
Straus and Giroux, 1968.

Rick Dodgson

Hippies. Flower children play with the world in Golden

Gate Park, San Francisco, to celebrate the start of the Summer
of Love, 1967. AP/Wide World Photos


HISPANIC AMERICANS. According to the 2000

Census, Hispanic Americans make up 12.5 percent of the
total population of the United States and are now the
nations largest ethnic minority group, surpassing African
Americans by a margin of 0.2 percent.
The nations 20.5 million Hispanics of Mexican heritage (often called Chicanos) constitute 66 percent of the
Hispanic American population and make up about 7.3
percent of the total U.S. population. At nearly 3.5 million,
Puerto Ricans living in the United States are the second
largest Hispanic American group; Cuban Americans are
third largest, with a population of just over 1.24 million.
Hispanics in the United States also come from all the
countries of Central and South America including El Salvador, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, Uruguay,
Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic. Each Hispanic
subgroup has its own culture, language, customs and way
of life.
From the Los Angeles barrios populated mostly by
Chicanos to Cubans in South Florida, Puerto Ricans in
New York City to Brazilians in Boston, Hispanic peoples
and cultures have become part of American cities and
Spanish Exploration and Conquest
The Spanish presence in the United States dates back to
the early days of European exploration of the Americas.
In 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon discovered
a sunny spit of North Americas southeastern coast that
he dubbed La Florida (Land of Flowers). In 1565, the
Spanish nally began settling Florida with the founding
of St. Augustine. In the 1540s, Francisco Vasquez de
Coronados expeditionary force traversed what is now
Americas Southwest; in 1610, Santa Fe, New Mexico, was
established as the Spanish provincial capital. Spains oppression of the native peoples resulted in the bloody
Pueblo Revolt of 1680. A decade later, when the Spanish
returned, they were more careful in their treatment of the
indigenous peoples; the centuries-old blend of Native
American and Spanish culture remains deeply rooted in
that area.
The Spanish claim on Alta California was rmly
established in 1769 when Father Junipero Sera, a Roman
Catholic priest, founded San Diego de Alcala, the rst of
Californias twenty-one Spanish missions. For some sixtyve years, until the end of Spanish rule in the region, the
powerful, well-nanced missions infused the region with
Catholicism and Spanish culture. After Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821, it allowed the indigenous
peoples who had worked the mission lands to settle them
as ranches.


United States Expansion

Mexicos territorial disputes with the aggressively expansionist United States resulted in the Mexican-American
War, which began in 1846 and ended in 1848 with the
signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The terms
of this treaty had Mexico ceding 55 percent of its territory
to the United States. Mexican residents of the ceded
landswhich encompassed modern-day Texas, Arizona,
California, and New Mexico and portions of Colorado,
Utah and Nevadabecame U.S. citizens.
The brief Spanish-American War of 1898 further
expanded the U.S. sphere of inuence into formerly Spanish territories. As Spain relinquished its faltering grip on
Cuba and Puerto Rico (both of which had been battling
for independence for years), as well as Guam and the Philippines, the United States stepped in as a new colonial
In July 1898, the United States invaded Puerto Rico
as a prelude to the anticipated hand-off by Spain already
being brokered by negotiators. The island, which had
been colonized by the Spanish after its discovery by Columbus in 1493, had been on the verge of instituting its
own long-anticipated independence from Spain. The arrival of the American military, which controlled the island
until a civilian government was established in 1900, effectively transferred Puerto Rico from one colonial steward to another.
Puerto Rico
In 1917, the Jones Act granted residents of Puerto Rico
U.S. citizenship. Puerto Ricans were allowed to elect their
own governor in 1948; in 1952, Puerto Rico adopted a
constitution and became a commonwealth. Spanish was
recognized as Puerto Ricos ofcial language after fty
years of English-speaking rule. Puerto Ricans, however,
lack some privileges of true citizenship: those who live in
Puerto Rico cannot vote in U.S. presidential elections
(though they participate in party nominating conventions) and have only shadow (non-voting) representation in Congress. They also pay no U.S. income taxes.
Puerto Rican Americans have long walked a tightrope of loyalties made taut by the tension of pride in their
dual cultures and frustration over Americas continued
rule of their homeland. The Puerto Rican Nationalist
Party, founded in 1936, has been and continues to be an
active and sometimes violent voice for independence; more
moderate activists have sought statehood for Puerto Rico.
In 1950, a crackdown on Nationalist protestors in
Puerto Rico left more than thirty dead,and the violence
soon spread to Washington, D.C. On 1 November 1950,
a pair of armed Puerto Rican Nationalists stormed Blair
House, where President Harry S. Truman and his family
were living during White House renovations. The president was unharmed, but a Secret Service agent was killed
and several others were wounded. In 1954, four Puerto
Rican Nationalists opened re on the oor of the House
of Representatives, wounding ve congressmen. Political

strife and revolution often preceded Hispanic migrations

to the United States in the twentieth centurythose
events, themselves, were often inuenced by U.S. military
involvement in Central or South America.
Hispanic Immigrants and Political Muscle
Revolutions in Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, and civil wars in Guatemala and El Salvador during the twentieth century were among the many
violent upheavals that led millions of people to seek sanctuary in the United States. With these immigrants came
the same rich, yet dividing languages and cultures, ethnicity and social strata that had marked their former lives.
Thus, the different groups found it difcult to stand together under such broad labels as Hispanics or Latino. Facing increased anti-immigration sentiments and
movements such as the English First effort to make English the ofcial language of the United States, Hispanics, especially recent immigrants, are often torn between
devotion to the culture of their homelands and the need
for political and social clout in American lifemost easily
gained by joining forces with others who share similar,
though far from identical, backgrounds and experiences.
The Washington, D.C.based National Council of
La Raza (NCLR), founded in 1968, is on the leading edge
of advocacy for Hispanic rights. Through lobbying and
public education, leadership development and community support, the NCLR is actively building the political
and societal muscle of Americas largest growing minority

Acuna, Rudolfo. Occupied America: A History of Chicanos. 4th ed.

New York: Longman, 2000.
Bonilla, Frank, et al., eds. Borderless Borders: U.S. Latinos, Latin
Americans, and the Paradox of Interdependence. Philadelphia:
Temple University Press, 1998.
Clayton, Lawrence A., ed. The Hispanic Experience in North
America. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1992.
Cruz, Jose E. Identity and Power: Puerto Rican Politics and the Challenge of Ethnicity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press,
Gonzalez, Juan. Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America.
New York: Viking, 2000.
Horner, Louise L., ed. Hispanic Americans, 2002: A Statistical
Sourcebook. Palo Alto, Calif.: Information Publications, 2002.
Noble, Judith, and Jaime Lacasa. The Hispanic Way. Lincolnwood, Ill.: Passport Books, 1991.
Rodriguez, Clara E. Changing Race: Latinos, the Census and the
History of Ethnicity in the United States. New York: New York
University Press, 2000.
Suro, Roberto. Strangers Among Us: Latino Lives in a Changing
America. New York: Knopf, 1998.

Laura A. Bergheim
See also Cuba, Relations with; Cuban Americans; Guadalupe
Hidalgo, Treaty of; Latin America, Relations with;



Puerto Ricans in the United States; and vol. 9: Chicano

Nationalism: The Key to Unity for La Raza; Pachucos
in the Making.

HISS CASE. The Hiss case, which spanned the years

from 1948 through 1950, helped pave the way for McCarthyism and, in particular, the Cold War search for
communists thought to have inltrated the State Department during the administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt
and Harry S. Truman. The principals included Alger Hiss,
a former State Department ofcial; Whittaker Chambers, a self-confessed former Soviet agent; and Richard
Nixon, a freshman congressman and member of the
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC).
The Hiss case broke during the HUAC hearings in
the summer of 1948 when Chambers accused Hiss of
membership, some ten years earlier, in a communist cell
with a mission to inuence New Deal policies and programs. When Chambers repeated the charge on the Meet
the Press radio program without benet of congressional
immunity, Hiss sued for libel. Chambers then expanded
his charge, accusing Hiss of passing State Department
documents for transmittal to the Soviet Union. As proof,
he produced microlm and other documents (some of
which were allegedly typed on a Woodstock typewriter
once owned by the Hiss family). Some of these documents
were hidden in, among other places, a hollowed-out pumpkin on Chamberss Maryland farm.
With Nixon and HUAC doggedly pursuing Hiss
through a detailed comparison of his statements under
oath compared to those of Chambers, the case quickly
moved into federal courts. As the statute of limitations
had run out on any possible espionage charge, Hiss was
tried twice on two counts of perjuryhaving denied under oath the passing of documents and that he had seen
Chambers after 1 January 1937. The rst trial ended in a
hung jury. On 21 January 1950, the second trial ended in
conviction. Less than a month later, in a Lincolns Day
speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, Senator Joseph R.
McCarthy claimed to have a list of 205 additional communists (he later reduced the number to fty-seven) who
had also inltrated the State Department.
Hiss served nearly four years of a ve-year sentence
and steadfastly maintained his innocence until his death
on 15 November 1996. To some partisans, the case symbolized a generation on trial, as Hiss appeared to be the
prototypical New Dealer. A former clerk for Supreme
Court justice Felix Frankfurter, he worked in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration before joining the
State Department. He accompanied President Roosevelt
to the World War II summit at Yalta, and served as secretary general of the United Nations founding conference. He then moved on to the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace. When Senator McCarthy spoke of
twenty years of treason, his reference was to the Dem-


Alger Hiss. The former State Department ofcial, accused of

espionage, swears to tell the truth; people remain divided over
whether he did, though many consider that Soviet archival
material made available to some researchers after the breakup
of the Soviet Union proves his guilt. AP/Wide World Photos

ocratic Party, in particular to ofcials in the RooseveltTruman administration who seemed to cherish the popular front world that had produced men like Hiss.
The Hiss case has continued to stir controversy. The
Nixon White House tapes revealed the presidents obsession with the case as Watergate spun out of control. Then,
after amendments in 1974 to the Freedom of Information
Act of 1966, Hiss received some forty thousand pages of
FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and State Department
documents pertaining to his civil service career and subsequent prosecution. These documents, particularly the
FBI les, led Hiss to le a petition in federal court for a
writ of coram nobis. His request that the perjury verdict be
overturned because of prosecutorial misconduct was denied on 15 July 1982 by Judge Richard Owen (who had
been appointed by President Nixon). Hiss carried his appeals forward to the United States Supreme Court, which
on 11 October declined to hear his suit. A few months
later, on 26 March 1984, President Ronald Reagan posthumously awarded Chambers a presidential Freedom
In the 1990s, the Hiss case was kept alive by the National Security Agencys release of decoded Soviet mes-

H I S T O R I O G R A P H Y, A M E R I C A N

sages transmitted to and from Moscow during World

War II (the Venona cables); document searches by Dmitri
Antonovich Volkogonov, Russian president Boris Yeltsins
military adviser and overseer of Soviet intelligence archives; and the release, after fty-one years, of grand jury
transcripts, including the testimony of Hiss, Chambers,
and Nixon.

Chambers, Whittaker. Witness. Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1984.

Hiss, Alger. Recollections of a Life. New York: Holt, 1988.
Theoharis, Athan. Beyond the Hiss Case: The FBI, Congress, and
the Cold War. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982.
Tiger, Edith, ed. In re Alger Hiss: Petition for a Writ of Error
Coram Nobis. 2 vols. New York: Hill and Wang, 1979, 1980.
Weinstein, Allen. Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case. New York:
Knopf, 1978.

Kenneth OReilly
See also Cold War; House Committee on Un-American Activities; McCarthyism.

HISTORIOGRAPHY, AMERICAN. Historiography refers to the history of historical writing. It also encompasses the philosophy, scope, and methods employed
in historical work.
The Colonial Period
American historical writing has a long, if sporadic, history
until the middle of the nineteenth century. Initial works
of history in the seventeenth century were often composed by men who had participated in the events described. Typical of this genre was John Smiths The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England and the Summer
Isles (1624). Captain Smith described his years in the
Jamestown wilderness, the starvation endured by the settlers, and his rescue by the Indian princess Pocahontas.
Smiths vivid descriptions and personality coexisted with
his desire to settle scores and to fabricate material.
In the colonies to the north, a group of capable
chroniclers described the early history of settlements in
New England. Between 1630 and 1650, William Bradford
wrote his History of Plimoth Plantation, although the work
was not published in full until 1856, with a denitive edition appearing in 1912. Bradford, who began his journey
to the New World from Holland and who served as governor of Plymouth Colony, covered the controversies of
the early years of the colony: the natural disasters and near
starvation of the settlers until the kindly intervention of
local Indian tribes. John Winthrops journal, covering the
Massachusetts Bay Colony for the period 16301639,
chronicled religious disputes with Anne Hutchinson and
Roger Williams, the growth of a theodicy, and the daily
life of the community.
A handful of other signicant works of history appeared in the seventeenth century, most notably Edward

Johnsons The Wonder-Working Providence of Sions Savior

in New England (1654); Increase Mathers A Brief History
of the War with the Indians (1676), his account of King
Philips War; and Cotton Mathers Magnalia Christi Americana (1702). The method employed in most of these histories combined documents with occasional reections on
them. The narrative holding them together was a descriptive thread designed to capture the trials and tribulations
of colonial settlement. Among the Puritan historians especially, a philosophy of history animated each line of the
text. In their work as settlers and historians, these men
announced that they were following Gods divine plan,
founding, as Winthrop famously stated, A City Upon a
Hill. Their work was intended to help lay the foundation
for that endeavor.
Revolutionary War Era
In the years leading up to the American Revolution, loyalist historians condemned the colonial movement toward
independence from Great Britain. George Chalmers, William Smith, and Thomas Hutchinson, most famously, in
History of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay (1764),
offered interventions, through history, into the politics of
the era. They failed, however, to stem the tide of revolutionary fervor and their inuence in America was minimal.
The revolutionary period and its immediate aftermath was dominated by attempts to move away from local
histories toward national ones. David Ramsays The History of the American Revolution (1789) was notable for its
strident nationalism and Federalist perspective, as well as
for its tendency toward plagiarism. Despite the patriarchy
that marked American society in this era, two women
contributed importantly to the historiography. Both of
them were wealthy and well connected. Hannah Adamss
A Summary History of New England (1799) demonstrated
an Enlightenment view on religious affairs, condemning
the intolerance of her Puritan forefathers. Mercy Otis
Warrens History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the
American Revolution (1805) was a work that rendered
moral and political reections upon the leading actors of
the Revolution. Fiercely democratic and idealist, Warren
used her study to speculate on human nature, on the passions and reason. Warren followed her ancestors in positing that human action was part of a providential plan.
Thus she combined aspects of Calvinist and Enlightenment thought within her history of the gures of the
Romantic History
American historical writing blossomed in the 1830s during the period of the American literary renaissance associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman. Writers turned to the American
continent to record the romance of America and the unfolding of a new type of individual, the American democrat. Although their politics differed somewhat, both
George Bancroft and Francis Parkman were Romantic
historians with a vision of American progress. Trained in


H I S T O R I O G R A P H Y, A M E R I C A N

Germany and conversant with transcendental strains of

philosophy, Bancrofts ten-volume History of the United
States (18341874) was a paean to the development of
freedom and equality. American nationalism, exemplied
by the populist revolution in American democracy associated with Andrew Jackson, of which Bancroft was an
adherent, is written on every page of his history. Parkmans historical writing was a literary event of the highest
order. He rendered judgments like an Olympian deity.
His major theme, captured most famously in the volume
Montcalm and Wolfe: The French and Indian War (1884),
depicted the American wilderness as an arena where the
French empire, associated with the decay of absolutism,
was inevitably pushed aside by a British empire on the
cutting edge of colonial American liberty and democracy.
For Parkman, history was a tale of heroic gures locked
in struggle. But great white men were invariably caught
up in forces and circumstances not of their own choosing.
Parkman, in particular, was quite conversant with the
frontier, and he was attentive to nature as a force in history. His histories, however, slighted the importance of
Native Americans, except in their role as savage combatants in larger colonial contests. The work of Bancroft and
Parkman, for all of its self-conscious literary concerns,
was built upon diligent research and concern with getting
the facts right, although sometimes the quest for narrative
power and political meaning got in the way.
History as a Science
The Romantic school of historians was soon to become a
minor element in American historical writing. In the
postCivil War years, American society began a search for
institutional authority and expertise. In eld after eld,
professional scholarship, dedicated to the ideals of liberal
capitalism, progress, and objectivity, came to the fore. In
1884, the American Historical Association was founded,
an organization devoted to the advancement of historical
research in America. Initially, the organization was populated with both professional and gentleman scholars. Indeed, at the time of the founding of the association, there
were fewer than two dozen full-time teachers of history
in Americas colleges. By the turn of the century, with the
explosion of higher education in America, historical study
had become a central part of the curriculum. With this
development came graduate programs, such as the one at
Johns Hopkins University, where seminars trained scholars in the latest in European historical research, dedicated
to the collection of sources, the careful scrutiny of documents, and employment of the scientic method.
By the 1880s, practicing historians in America, be
they university trained or not, were attracted to the idea
of a scientic history. Historians were practicing their
craft, after all, under the long and imposing shadow cast
by Darwinian and other evolutionary theories. The very
notion of evolution, of development from a simple to a
complex organism, had predated Darwin and was part of
the legacy of Romanticism. Historians, in any case, were
determined to demonstrate that history, rather than being


cyclical or hodgepodge, had an interior logic, no less so

than biology. For some historians, history could be reduced to a set of scientic rules. John Fiske, in his popular
works of history inuenced by the evolutionary views of
the French thinker Auguste Comte and the English philosopher Herbert Spencer, attempted to chart American
development as a necessary process, one exemplifying
laissez-faire economics and individualism. His The Discovery of America (1892) was an archaeological and ethnographic analysis of the development of a continent,
with the ascendancy of the white settlers assured by the
logic of scientic evolutionary forces. Science, as law and
method, was the operating belief among diverse historians. All celebrated John William Draper and Andrew
Dickson Whites view of history as the triumph of science
over superstition. Herbert Baxter Adams at Johns Hopkins University was convinced that history was a natural
science and the seminar was a laboratory for the application of scientic methods to the study of history. Adams
and his followers maintained that history was rightly the
study of political institutions, their development over
time from a germ (with origins in Germany) to the democratic communities of Puritan New England.
No historian grappled more with the philosophical
implications of scientic history than Henry Adams. Adams began as a reasonably conventional historian, focusing his energies on the period of American history between the presidential administrations of his grandfather,
John Adams, and his father, John Quincy Adams. With
an eye for detail, historical research, and literary craftsmanship, Adamss nine-volume History of the United States
During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James
Madison (18891891) was an exhaustive work of professional history. In articles addressed to the profession and,
most famously, in his autobiography, Adamss relation to
science soured. Unlike many of his colleagues who viewed
evolution and history as progressive and optimistic, Adamss science mirrored his growing pessimism in the face
of social change and dislocation in the 1890s. Science revealed chaos as much as order, devolution more than progress. Adamss philosophy of science seemingly led historians into an intellectual and philosophical cul-de-sac.
The Progressive Historians
At the moment when Adamss philosophy of history indicated a downward spiral, a new generation of historians
committed to social change and professionalism came to
the fore. With Adams, they were well aware of the clash
of interests that had dened American history, and they
too rejected the genteel tradition in America that celebrated America as the apotheosis of liberty and freedom.
In their vision of history as present politics, historians
such as Frederick Jackson Turner, Vernon L. Parrington,
and James Harvey Robinson revolutionized the study of
history. These Progressive Era historians, often inspired
by the political reformism of their age and the scope of
the developing social sciences, attempted to capture the
forces that had created, and that continued to inform, the

H I S T O R I O G R A P H Y, A M E R I C A N

economic and political reality of America. Their historical

assumptions were akin to those of the muckrakers in politics: exposure of the reality hidden from view would open
up the possibility of reform. Knowledge was possibility
and power.
The Progressive historians were professionally trained
and joined only loosely in their political allegiances. But
they were all dedicated to using history to understand the
dynamics of American society. Turner began the revolution in historical thought with his important address,
The Signicance of the Frontier in American History
(1893). In a relatively short piece, Turner proclaimed that
understanding the frontier and sectional nature of America explained American democracy, individualism, and
self-sufciency. He rejected any reliance on the evolution
of British or Germanic traditions (the germ theory) in
America, focusing instead on how the American character
was shaped by the savage challenge of the frontier. His
large theories were sketched deftly and presumptively.
Turners essay ended in tantalizing fashion: the fourhundred-year history of the American pioneer being
molded by the frontier environment was over: what was
to happen next?
The clash between the pioneer and frontier that dened Turners histories was less prominent in the work of
other Progressive Era historians. Parrington and Charles
A. Beard, for instance, viewed the American past as a series of conicts between various interest groups. Working
from this perspective, they overturned pietistic visions
about the motives of the founders and the openness of
American society. Beards most important work, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
(1913), argued that economic interests rather than abstract ideals underwrote the Constitution. And the subtext of such an argument was apparent: economic interests were continuing to dene American politics in the
twentieth century. Building upon the Populist and Progressive critique of the monied interests, Parrington presented in his Main Currents in American Thought (1927) a
Jeffersonian, liberal critique of aristocratic power and
capitalist concentration of wealth. His was a political
reading of American literature, in the American grain.
The native-born radicalism of Beard and Parrington
was particularly appealing in its methodology. Beard and
Parrington presented many examples of class and interest
conict in America but without the apparatus of Marxian
terminology. With the exception of work by W. E. B.
Du Bois on Reconstruction and by Herbert Aptheker on
slave revolts, little historical writing in America until the
1960s was explicitly Marxist in methodology. Yet the clash
of interests and classes was present in some of the best
historical writing from the 1940s. The liberal activist historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., for instance, in The Age
of Jackson (1945), forthrightly presented the Jacksonian
revolution in terms of its conict of interests, while also
undermining earlier interpretations that simplied the
sectional dynamics of the revolution. Moreover, Schle-

singers Jacksonian thrust represented an intervention into

contemporary politics, a stirring defense of Franklin D.
Roosevelt and the New Deal.
Consensus History
Focus on the clash of interests with hints of class conict
in historical writing diminished in the years after World
War II. With the conict of ideologies between the
United States and the Soviet Union, in the midst of sustained economic growth, and under the dark cloud of McCarthyism and conformity, historians came to emphasize
the factors that held Americans of all classes and nationalities together. Consensus history was a wide tent, holding within it works as diverse and inuential as Richard
Hofstadters The American Political Tradition (1948), Daniel J. Boorstins The Genius of American Politics (1953),
David Potters People of Plenty (1954), and Louis Hartzs
The Liberal Tradition in America (1955). These works were
of a piece in their observation that the history of America
was marked by a lack of ideological conict. Hofstadter,
for all of his emphasis on consensus, was too much of an
ironist to rest content in the recognition that the pull of
American politics was toward the middle. Hartz demonstrated how Americas lack of a feudal past forced it to be
a nation of Lockean individualism. He found this problematic in many ways. Boorstin and Potter were less ironic
in their depictions of consensus. For Potter, abundance
of land and material goods, as well as opportunity, benecently shaped the American character. Boorstin, the
most conservative of the consensus historians, celebrated
the lack of ideological thinking in America. He concentrated on the genius of an American polity rooted in
opportunity and historical circumstance; Americans did
things rather than relying on abstract and inherited
thought. Boorstins view supported both American consensus and exceptionalism.
History and the Social Sciences
The postwar period and the early 1960s were marked by
historical writing that was deeply inuenced by the social
sciences, especially psychology and sociology. This was
hardly new, since in the 1910s, James Harvey Robinson
had called upon historians to employ social science in
their writings. But in the 1960s, the turn to social science
inuenced history exploded. This new interest may have
been an attempt by historians to add the cachet of social
scientic rigor to their analyses. In the best cases, it gave
historians new ways of conceptualizing historical data; in
the worst cases, it reduced historical complexity to formulae. Hofstadters deeply inuential The Age of Reform
(1955) employed the concept of status anxiety to explain
the motivations and rhetoric behind the Populist and Progressive movements. This sometimes led Hofstadter to
play down the importance of real grievances in favor of
psychological explanations of displacement, nostalgia, and
conspiracy as the motivating factors in history. The work
of Erik Erikson and other psychologists marked a signicant turn in history. Erikson paved the way with his


H I S T O R I O G R A P H Y, A M E R I C A N

groundbreaking work of psychohistory, Young Man Luther

(1958), where he demonstrated how Martin Luthers religious protest and intensity were rooted in his childhood
experiences. Soon historians followed suit with interpretations that seemed less beholden to historical causation
than to psychological reduction. David Donalds biographical examination of the abolitionist Charles Sumner
seemed to care more for Sumners psychological quirks
than for his devotion to a great cause.
Perhaps Stanley M. Elkinss Slavery: A Problem in
American Institutional and Intellectual Life (1959) was the
most daring, and problematic, application of psychological and sociological concepts to a historical problem. Elkins maintained that slaves had acted in a docile, lazy, and
nonrebellious manner. But he revised traditional racist
historical interpretations of the slave personality by Ulrich B. Phillips and William A. Dunning by rejecting such
attributes as inherent to any racial group. Instead, using
concepts such as signicant other and work done by
psychologists of the concentration camp experience, as
well as comparative historical analysis of slave institutions,
Elkins contended that the Sambo personality was the result of a psychological breaking of the individual, akin to
that which occurred in concentration camps. Yet, as later
historians demonstrated, despite all of the social science
paraphernalia that informed Elkinss work, he missed
much of the complexity of slavery and the disjuncture between the concentration and the slave camp experiences.
Interpretations of Slavery
Elkins stepped into an arena of American historiography
that had been transformed by Kenneth M. Stampps The
Peculiar Institution (1956). Borrowing from anthropology,
Stampp demonstrated respect for the sophistication of African cultures, and he recorded the injustice and inhumanity of slavery at the moment when the modern civil
rights movement was in motion. Moreover, Stampp was
clear in his liberal conviction that African Americans were
not different from individuals of other races. Of course,
Stampp was not the rst historian to condemn slavery.
Important work by African American historians such as
W. E. B. Du Bois had examined the plight of blacks in
America with great depth. But their work had been largely
ignored by the profession. With the rise of the civil rights
movement, and in the wake of the controversy of Elkinss
interpretation, the institution and personality of the slave
and the role of the African American in American life
became central to historical investigation. Important works
by John W. Blassingame, George Rawick, and Lawrence
Levine redened and expanded the study of slavery. This
was in marked contrast to the earlier excision of blacks
from serious historical analysis.
The most sophisticated work of analysis, building
upon Marxian and Hegelian foundations, was by Eugene
Genovese. In Roll, Jordan, Roll (1974), Genovese argued
that the slave system was based upon negotiations between master and slave. The paternalistic ideology of the


slaveholders allowed the slaves some room in which to

take control of their lives. The unwritten contract between slave and slaveholder, as dened by Genovese, permitted slaves to retain their humanity and the slaveholders to be viewed as antagonistic to the capitalist
model of production. While inuential, Genoveses analysis came under attack, especially as a new generation of
historians of the slave experience began to focus on the
complexity of slavery in different regions, the imposition
of work rules upon slaves, the prevalence of slave resistance and running away, and on the distinctions in the
slave experience on account of gender and position within
the plantation hierarchy.
The Radical Reinterpretation of America
By the 1960s, the days of consensus history had been shattered, replaced by a new skepticism and widening of the
subject matter of history. A new generation of radical historians would build upon the work of Howard Zinn,
Staughton Lynd, Gabriel Kolko, and, most importantly,
William Appleman Williams. Williamss The Tragedy of
American Diplomacy (1959) and The Contours of American
History (1961) echoed themes that had appeared in Beards
history. Williams argued that American diplomacy, while
not evil in intent, was often misdirected and distanced
from its presumed ideals. Williams wrote radical history
in an American idiom. He would have a wide audience
with an emerging generation of radical historians in the
1960s that confronted an America distanced from its ideals of freedom and equality. The war in Vietnam, the
prevalence of American racism, and economic inequality
fed into the radical critique of America. This critique began to turn upside down all areas of historical inquiry.
Earlier visions of the Progressives as reformists were replaced by interpretations of the era as corporate capitalist.
If initial accounts of the dropping of the atomic bomb at
the end of World War II had been supportive of the act,
analyses of New Left historians pictured the use of the
bomb less as a military necessity than as the rst strike in
the Cold War against the Soviet Union. If early accounts
of the Cold War had invariably blamed the Soviet Union,
the history of the New Left attempted to demonstrate, at
the least, that the United States imperial goals played a
signicant role in the onset of conict. If earlier histories
of labor had focused on the hierarchy of unions, New Left
historians celebrated history from the bottom up.
History from the Bottom Up
The desire to move away from elitist history, to get to the
experiences of the common person and to undermine historical myths, informed much of the social history of the
1960s and 1970s. Labor history became an important eld
of study. Inuenced by the stirring call of the British historian E. P. Thompson in The Making of the English Working Class (1963) to study the class consciousness of workers as it developed, American historians such as Herbert
Gutman and David Montgomery contributed important
work. Armed with sophisticated methods of quantitative

H I S T O R I O G R A P H Y, A M E R I C A N

analysis and the turn to census records, historians sought

to test whether America was an upwardly mobile nation,
as myth would have it. In works such as Stephan Thernstroms Poverty and Progress (1964), a new generation of
urban historians argued that upward mobility was less
common than imagined, that Americans were constantly
on the move, and that economic success was often uncertain for most Americans.
The New Left had a revolutionary impact on the
scope of historical analysis and on the politics of the profession. If some of their analyses have since been found
to be problematic, especially in terms of Soviet intentions,
the movement opened the profession to new elds of analysis, shattered many prevailing assumptions, and demonstrated that historical analysis has relevance to contemporary problems.
Womens and Gender History
In the 1970s, another major gap in the historical record
began to be bridged. Although Mary Ritter Beard and
Eleanor Flexner had done important earlier work on the
history of women in America, the study of women in
American history by the 1970s emerged as a major revolution in historiography. Gerda Lerner led the way toward womens history as a central element to the study of
history. This was the initial phase in womens historyto
put women back into the picture of history. The second
phase of womens history, as outlined by Joan Wallach
Scott, was to apply gender analysis to the past. Now the
history of labor unions, politics, and the family came under critical scrutiny to establish how womens identities
were forged. Despite the impositions of a patriarchal society, as Carroll Smith-Rosenberg noted, women were
able to build networks of mutual support and encouragement. As gender analysis came into the profession, many
traditional interpretations of major movements in American history were revised. Thanks to the work of Theda
Skocpol, Nancy Cott, Ellen Carol DuBois, and Kathryn
Kish Sklar, twentieth-century liberalism came to be seen
as an outgrowth of a maternalist consciousness, connected
with the important work of women in social reform.
A More Inclusive History and the Problem of
A new willingness to challenge assumptions and to be
more inclusive came to dene historical practice. In the
eld of Western historiography, thanks to the work of
Patricia Nelson Limerick, Donald Worster, Richard
White, and Quintard Taylor, which built on an older, outsider tradition exemplied by the popular historian Bernard De Voto, triumphalist interpretations of the settlement of the West were rejected. Now the history of the
West was comprehended in terms of the displacement of
the Native American, the battle over land and water
rights, and the inclusion of women, African Americans,
and Mexicans as major players in the history of Western

By the 1980s, the profession of history had been

transformed in a host of ways, not only by dint of the
expansive subject matter that now fell under the purview
of history, but also in terms of the implications of historical analysis for American society. Gone was the ideal
of consensus; in its place was a vision of American history
rent by class, racial, and gender division. For some conservative historians, this shift represented the triumph of
a radical agenda, the undermining of traditional values,
and an assault upon foundational assumptions. But other
historians, many with liberal politics, began to worry that
something had been lost, as well as gained, in the new
historical focus and the owering of specialized studies.
Thomas Bender, in an inuential article, noted that with
the fragmentation of historical analysis the ideal of a synthetic history had fallen by the wayside. Social history
seemed disconnected from analyses of power and politics.
Historians appeared unwilling to offer generalizations
that could transcend the academic specialties that historians had so carefully cultivated. Gone was the possibility
of a common core of knowledge for historians. Few articles in the leading historical journals could speak across
disciplinary lines or offer a new vision of an American
public culture. But the call for synthesis fell on deaf ears,
in part because of the diversity of the historical profession
and the fear of an imposed and articial order on the new
data of history. Most importantly, concerns shifted in the
wake of a linguistic challenge to history in the 1980s that
provoked a new set of issues and concerns for historical
Postmodern Challenges
The greatest challenge to historiography came from a
theoretical questioning of the foundations of historical
practice and method. Certainly historians such as Charles
Beard and Carl Becker had already questioned the ideal
of objectivity. They were well aware that present interests
inuenced the subject matter to be studied and the interpretations to be applied to the past. A broader methodological attack appeared in Peter Novicks That Noble
Dream (1988). Epistemological issues dealing with the
theory and philosophy of historical study had traditionally
been ceded to philosophers, and they rarely intruded
upon the consciousness of practicing historians. Instead,
historians, borrowing models from the social sciences, upheld the need to be fair to the sources and to strive for
objectivity. Postmodernist theories, especially in the hands
of Hayden White and others, began to challenge the practice and patience of historians. Historians were forced to
confront the argument that history is a narrative endeavor, that all social reality is understood through language, and that our comprehension of the facts is not a
knowledge of something but a representation of something. This understanding of the linguistic nature of social reality, in its best moments, forced historians to become more reective about their own assumptions, about
how their work constituted a narrative. It also led some
historians, such as Simon Schama, James Goodman, and


H I S T O R I O G R A P H Y, A M E R I C A N

John Demos, to attempt to tell a story from multiple perspectives and to diminish the lines between historical fact
and ction. In its worst moments, the postmodern turn
seemed to strip historians of any special relationship to
truth claims and perhaps to turn history into an exercise
in futility.

the need to balance diversity with synthesis will have to

be met.

For many historians, the solution to the challenge of

postmodernism was to split the differences. Historians
could no longer practice history without attention to language and representation, nor could they claim that the
contextualization of data was an unproblematic endeavor.
But in the view of Thomas Haskell, David A. Hollinger,
and others, the new historical consciousness was pragmatic, open to a plurality of methods, and based upon the
willingness of historians to recognize that context was
plural, rather than singular. The truth claims of historians, in the pragmatic mode, were open to debate with the
presumption that certain contexts could be demonstrated
to be compelling for particular and discernible reasons.

Bender, Thomas. Wholes and Parts: The Need for Synthesis

in American History. Journal of American History 73 ( June
1986): 120136.

The challenge and opportunity of diversity and postmodernism and the need for larger synthesis led, by the
end of the twentieth century, to new areas of study premised on an emphasis on the interrelatedness of groups.
Gender and queer theory are predicated upon the belief
that identity is constructed and relational. The work of
George Chauncey and Leila Rupp established new connections between outsiders and dominant society. Ann
Douglass study of the Harlem Renaissance demonstrated
how interracial relations (mongrelization, in her terminology) brought together white pragmatist theorists
and African American thinkers and artists. In the new eld
of whiteness studies, as pioneered by David Roediger,
Eric Lott, Noel Ignatieff, George Lipsitz, and Matthew
Frye Jacobson, historians have demonstrated how racial
categories were constructed and how they shifted over
time, thus allowing certain excluded groups to later be
subsumed under the designation white. Whiteness is
no longer a term of neutrality but a concept laden with
power and privilege. These works have placed the dynamic between different groups in American society at
the center of historical analysis. But grand syntheses or
compilations of historical data have not been driven from
the eld of history. In the initial volumes of the Oxford
History of the United States, begun in 1982, the historians
James McPherson, James T. Patterson, and David M.
Kennedy have attempted to bring together political and
diplomatic with social and cultural history.
The profession of history, and historiography, changes
with the times. In the age of the Internet, the scope of
the profession expands. Hypertext computer programs
may render problematic traditional historical emphasis on
linear development. The coming of the computer book
and Web publishing may allow monographic historical
studies with small readerships to become nancially feasible and easily accessible. The precise future of historical
research may be impossible to predict, but the challenges
of the Internet, popular lm histories by Ken Burns, and



Appleby, Joyce, Lynn Hunt, and Margaret Jacobs. Telling the

Truth about History. New York: Norton, 1994.

Cotkin, George. Hyping the Text: Hypertext, Postmodernism, and the Historian. American Studies 37 (Fall 1996):
Diggins, John Patrick. Consciousness and Ideology in American History: The Burden of Daniel J. Boorstin. American
Historical Review 76 (February 1971): 99118.
Harlan, David. The Degradation of American History. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Haskell, Thomas L. Objectivity Is Not Neutrality: Explanatory
Schemes in History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1998.
Higham, John, with Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert. History:
The Development of Historical Studies in the United States. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1965.
Hofstadter, Richard. The Progressive Historians: Turner, Beard,
Parrington. New York: Knopf, 1968.
Hollinger, David A. In the American Province: Studies in the History and Historiography of Ideas. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985.
Holt, W. Stull. Historical Scholarship in the United States and Other
Essays. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1967.
Jameson, J. Franklin. The History of Historical Writing in America.
1891. Reprint, New York: Antiquarian Press, 1961.
Kraus, Michael, and David D. Joyce. The Writing of American
History. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985.
Loewenberg, Bert James. American History in American Thought:
Christopher Columbus to Henry Adams. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1972.
Novick, Peter. That Noble Dream: The Objectivity Question and
the American Historical Profession. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Ross, Dorothy. Historical Consciousness in Nineteenth-Century
America. American Historical Review 89 (October 1984):
Scott, Joan Wallach. Gender and the Politics of History. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1988.
Singal, Daniel Joseph. Beyond Consensus: Richard Hofstadter
and American Historiography. American Historical Review
89 (October 1984): 9761004.
Smith, William Raymond. History as Argument: Three Patriotic
Historians of the American Revolution. The Hague: Mouton,
Van Tassel, David D. Recording Americas Past: An Interpretation
of the Development of Historical Studies in America, 1607
1884. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960.
White, Hayden. Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in
Nineteenth-Century Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975.


Wish, Harvey. The American Historian: A Social-Intellectual History of the Writing of the American Past. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1960.

George B. Cotkin
See also Ethnohistory; Progressive Movement; Romanticism;
Sociology; Womens Studies.

HIV. See Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

HO-CHUNK. See Winnebago/Ho-Chunk.

HOCKEY in the United States originated during the

summer of 1894. American and Canadian college students
participating in a tennis tournament in Niagara Falls,
Canada, learned that during the winter months they
played different versions of the same game. The Canadians played hockey, the Americans a game they called
ice polo. Boasting of their prowess, the students challenged each other to a competition. In a series of matches
staged that next winter in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto,
and Kingston, the Canadians won all the hockey games
and managed to tie two of the ice polo contests. Within
a few years American colleges and amateur clubs along
the Eastern Seaboard had forsaken ice polo for hockey.
At approximately the same time, Minnesotans learned
about hockey from their neighbors in Manitoba; players
from the upper peninsula of Michigan also challenged
Canadians in hockey games. The debut of the Western
Pennsylvania and Interscholastic Hockey leagues brought
hockey also to Pittsburgh and its environs. By the turn of
the twentieth century, hockey had become popular in
three separate regions of the United States.
Early Leagues
In 1904, a northern Michigan dentist named J. L. Gibson
found enough eager investors from mining companies to
form the rst professional hockey league. Although the
International Professional Hockey League (IPHL) enjoyed some success, it survived only three seasons, disappearing in 1907.
Two years later, in 1909, mining entrepreneur Michael John OBrien and his son Ambrose joined forces
with P. J. Doran, owner of the Montreal Wanderers whose
team had been excluded from the Canadian Hockey Association (CHA), to organize the National Hockey Association (NHA), the immediate predecessor of the National Hockey League (NHL). When the NHA began
play on 5 January 1910, it had ve teams based in three
small Ontario towns, Colbalt, Haileybury, and Renfrew,
and two teams in Montreal, the Wanderers and an all
French-Canadian squad known as Les Canadiens.

Hockey. Youngsters play hockey at a park in New Ulm,

Minn., 1975. National Archives and Records Administration

So popular did the NHA become that it competed

effectively against the CHA. When representatives of the
rival leagues met to discuss a merger, NHA ofcials
agreed to take only two clubs from the CHA, the Ottawa
Senators and the Montreal Shamrocks, causing the collapse of the CHA. The now seven-team NHA became
the top professional hockey league in North America.
Because they could not afford to neglect the family
business in British Columbia to play hockey in eastern
Canada, Frank and Lester Patrick left the NHA and
founded the Pacic Coast Hockey Association (PCHA)
in 1911. The PCHA carried out innovations in the rules
and style of play that have been incorporated into the
modern game, such as tabulating assists (the NHA did the
same in 1913), permitting goaltenders to sprawl to make
saves (the NHA required them to remain standing), and
adding blue lines to divide the ice into zones (the NHA
left the ice surface unmarked). PCHA rules also permitted
the players to pass the puck forward while in the neutral
zone, whereas the NHA permitted only backward passing
and required skaters to carry the puck (that is, to push the
puck along the ice with their sticks) toward the opponents
goal. In 1913 the NHA and the PCHA agreed to play an
annual ve-game series to determine the championship
of professional hockey and claim the coveted Stanley Cup,
named for Lord Frederick Arthur Stanley, the governorgeneral of Canada.
The Advent of the National Hockey League
During the World War I the NHA teams lost players to
military service, attendance declined, and owners reduced
salaries. With so many players in the armed forces, the
NHA board of directors voted to dismantle their partnership and, in November 1917, reorganized as the National Hockey League. The National Hockey League inaugurated play on 19 December 1917 as a four-team
circuit, with the Canadiens and Wanderers based in Montreal, the Senators in Ottawa, and the Arenas in Toronto.
(Quebec had received the rights to a franchise, but the
owners did not put a team on the ice in 1917). After a re



on 2 January 1918 reduced the Westmount Arena to ashes

and left the Wanderers homeless, the team withdrew from
the league, having played only four games.
Survival of the ttest was the law for both franchises
and players during the early years of the National Hockey
League. The teams struggled to ll their arenas and to
make prots. The players endured a vicious brand of
hockey in which sts and sticks took their toll. They also
accepted extraordinarily low salaries, even by the standards of the day. Harry Cameron, the highest paid player
on the Stanley Cup champion Toronto Arenas in 1918,
earned a paltry $900 per year. The Montreal Canadiens
and the Ottawa Senators dominated the NHL from 1917
until 1926. Between them, they represented the league in
six of the rst nine Stanley Cup series played against
teams from the Pacic Coast Hockey Association or the
Western Canada Hockey League.
Growth and Contraction
In 1924 the NHL expanded into the United States when
the Boston Bruins entered the league. Before the 1925
1926 season, the New York Americans and the Pittsburgh
Pirates came in, and Canadians feared that the Americans
were about to steal their national game.
Between 1926 and 1942 the NHL grew from a tiny
circuit of Canadian teams into the major North American
professional hockey league. The growth of the NHL was
not lost on the owners of teams in the Pacic Coast
Hockey Association and the Western Canada Hockey
League. In 1926 the Patrick brothers concluded they
could no longer compete with the NHL and so dissolved
their league, selling many of the players contracts to
NHL teams.
With the onset of the Great Depression in 1929,
teams from smaller markets, such as the Ottawa Senators
and the Pittsburgh Pirates, struggled to compete and
eventually suspended operations. In 1941, after moving
to Brooklyn, the New York Americans also withdrew
from the NHL. The six surviving NHL teams were the
Boston Bruins, the Chicago Black Hawks, the Detroit
Red Wings, the Montreal Canadiens, the New York
Rangers, and the Toronto Maple Leafs. Many regard
the twenty-ve year period between 1942 and 1967 as the
Golden Age of Hockey. Yet competition among the
Original Six was uneven. The Bruins, Black Hawks, and
Rangers struggled; the Maple Leafs, Red Wings, and
Canadiens dominated.
The stability that had characterized the National
Hockey League between 1942 and 1967 gave way to the
tumult of the years 1968 through 1979. The prospect of
substantial prots and the threat of a new professional
hockey league combined to induce NHL owners to add
six new teams: the Los Angeles Kings, the Minnesota
North Stars, the Philadelphia Flyers, the Pittsburgh Penguins, the Oakland Seals, and the St. Louis Blues. In 1970
the NHL expanded to fourteen teams, adding the Buffalo
Sabers and the Vancouver Canucks, and split into two


divisions, with the Original Six clubs playing in the East

and the expansion teams in the West. Predictably, the
Original Six teams dominated the NHL immediately after
expansion. The Montreal Canadiens won Stanley Cups in
1971 and 1973, and then enjoyed a sting of four consecutive championships between 19751976 and 19781979.
The World Hockey Association, 19721979
The invention of Gary Davidson and Dennis Murphy,
who had also organized the American Basketball Association, the World Hockey Association (WHA) began play
in 1972 and for seven years competed with the NHL.
With franchises in Chicago, Cleveland, Edmonton,
Houston, Los Angeles, Minnesota, New England (later
Hartford, Connecticut), New York, Ottawa, Philadelphia,
Quebec, and Winnipeg, the league gained immediate
credibility when such established NHL stars as Gordie
Howe, Bobby Hull, Frank Mahovlich, and Jacques Plante
signed with association teams. Along with the NHL players who vaulted to the new league, the WHA advertised
a host of young talent, including Mike Gartner, Mark
Howe, Mark Messier, and Wayne Gretzky, each of whom
later made his mark in the NHL.
The WHA operated on a slender budget before going out of existence in 1979, with four franchises, the Edmonton Oilers, Quebec Nordiques, Hartford Whalers,
and Winnipeg Jets, joining the NHL. During its existence, however, the league offered an exciting brand of
hockey, only slightly inferior to the quality of play in the
NHL, and the inter-league competition for players succeeded in raising the average salaries in both leagues. The
principal response of the NHL to the WHA was additional expansion, planting franchises in Atlanta (later Calgary) and Long Island in 1972, and in Kansas City (later
Colorado and New Jersey) and Washington in 1974. Such
preemptive strikes forestalled the establishment of WHA
teams in those markets.
The Europeans Arrive
The American Olympic hockey squad excited new interest in the sport with the celebrated Miracle on Ice in
1980, while the New York Islanders and the Edmonton
Oilers ruled the NHL throughout the decade. More important, the demographic composition of the NHL began
to change. The percentage of Canadian players declined
from 82.1 percent in 1980 to 75.5 percent by 1989, while
the number of U.S. and European players rose.
The Russians arrived in force during the late 1980s
and early 1990s, especially after the disintegration of the
Eastern Bloc in 1989 and the collapse of Soviet Union in
1991. By 1998, 22.5 percent of NHL players came from
outside Canada and the United States. Swedes, Finns,
Czechs, Slovaks, Latvians, Russians, and a smattering of
Germans composed the international roster of the NHL.
The inux of Americans, Europeans, and Russians resonated with fans. NHL attendance grew throughout the


decade. In 1979 average attendance was 12,747 per game.

Ten years later, it had climbed to 14,908.

Diamond, Dan, et al., eds. Total Hockey: The Ofcial Encyclopedia

of the National Hockey League, 2d ed. Kansas City, Mo.: Andrew McMeel, 2000.

Problems and Prospects

Fundamental changes also took place off the ice during
the 1980s and 1990s, especially in the reorganization of the
National Hockey League Players Association (NHLPA).
By the end of the 1980s, many players feared that Alan
Eagleson, the executive director of the NHLPA since its
inception in 1967, had grown too close to management
to represent the players effectively. Eagleson survived two
attempts to oust him in 1989. Only after his resignation
in 1991, however, did players learn that he had embezzled
from the pension fund and committed fraud in the process
of arranging international hockey tournaments. Convicted
of these charges in January 1998, Eagleson was ned and
imprisoned, becoming the rst Honored Member to have
his plaque removed from the Hockey Hall of Fame.

Falla, Jack, et al. Quest for the Cup: A History of the Stanley Cup
Finals, 18932001. Berkeley, Calif: Thunder Bay, 2001.

On 1 January 1992, lawyer and agent Bob Goodenow assumed control of the NHLPA. In April 1992, after only four months in ofce, Goodenow called the rst
players strike in league history. The strike cost NHL
president John Ziegler his job, and the NHL Board of
Governors elected Gary Bettman, the former senior vice
president of the National Basketball Association, as the
rst commissioner.
Even before Bettman assumed control of the NHL,
team owners determined to increase its exposure. That
aspiration was, in part, the rationale for expanding the
league again during the 1990s. Two new franchises, the
Tampa Bay Lightning and a second version of the Ottawa
Senators, began play in 1992, and the Board of Governors
also awarded franchises to Anaheim and Florida.
Despite its growing popularity, the NHL suffered
through a series of crises during the 1990s, including franchise relocations, the nancial and legal problems of various NHL owners, and a damaging lockout in 19941995
that shortened the regular season to 48 games. The lockout temporarily halted the momentum that Bettman had
kindled, but during the late 1990s the league still managed
to expand into new markets and attract new fans. The
Nashville Predators began play in 1998; Atlanta also received an expansion franchise, the Thrashers, in 1999. For
the 20002001 season, Minneapolis-St. Paul, which had
lost its team when the North Stars moved to Dallas in
1993, got the Minnesota Wild, while the Blue Jackets began play in Columbus, Ohio. Although continuing to
prosper, at the beginning of the twenty-rst century, the
NHL was threatened by the nancial instability of smallmarket Canadian teams, dramatically escalating player salaries, and the prospect of another protracted labor dispute.

Bernstein, Ross. Frozen Memories: Celebrating a Century of Minnesota Hockey. Minneapolis: Nordin Press, 1999.
Diamond, Dan, et al. The NHL Ofcial Guide and Record Book.
New York: Total Sports Publishing, 2000.

McFarlane, Brian. The History of Hockey. Champaign, Ill.: Sports

Publishing, 1997.
McKinley, Michael. Etched in Ice: A Tribute to Hockeys Dening
Moments. Vancouver, B.C.: Greystone, 2002.
. Putting a Roof on Winter: Hockeys Rise from Sport to Spectacle. Toronto: Douglas and McIntyre, 2000.

Mark G. Malvasi
See also Recreation; Sports.

HOGS are not indigenous to the Western Hemisphere.

In 1493 Christopher Columbus rst introduced them to
the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. Some forty-six years
later, they arrived in what is now the continental United
States with Hernando de Sotos expedition. It is likely that
de Sotos expedition left behind some of the hogs, either
deliberately or accidentally.
The rst important importation of hogs into the thirteen original colonies accompanied the establishment of
Jamestown in 1607. Their introduction in the Massachusetts Bay area by the English and in the Delaware River
region of Pennsylvania and New Jersey by the English,
Germans, and Swedes soon followed. Thus, by the end
of the seventeenth century, hogs were well established in
the Middle Atlantic and New England colonies.
American breeds of hogs emerged from these early
sources, but more signicant development of breeds took
place after the extensive importations from western Europe during the rst half of the nineteenth century. The
eight leading breeds are the Chester White, Duroc,
Hampshire, Poland China, Spotted, Berkshire, Yorkshire,
and American Landrace. Purebred hogs, while relatively
small in number compared to the total commercial production in the United States, serve as an important seedstock source for commercial nonpurebred herds.
Marked changes in the type and conformation of
hogs raised in the United States have occurred since the
1930s as a result of changes in consumer preference and
a decline in the use of lard. Breeders have developed a
meat-type hog: a lean, meaty animal providing an increased yield of preferred lean cuts and a reduced yield of
fat. Improved breeding and selection programs have been
applied to all breeds of hogs with advances in nutritional
knowledge that permit the maximum expression of the
animals potential for lean tissue development.
Marketing patterns continue to change. During the
early 1800s, herds were driven to cities on the eastern
seaboard. Later, with population shifts and the development of transportation systems, packing centers arose in
Cincinnati and Chicago. The latter eventually became the
center of the industry. After World War II, as other stock-



yards located throughout the Midwest became increasingly important, that of Chicago declined; hogs were no
longer marketed in Chicago after 1970.
The production of hogs continues as one of the major U.S. agricultural enterprises. Iowa, which was home
to fteen million hogs in 2001, easily leads the nation in
pork production. North Carolina is in second place with
9.5 million hogs. Especially in North Carolina, however,
an increasing number of American hogs are raised not on
family farms but rather on large-scale factory operations.
Promoters of the practice claim that it improves efciency
and brings jobs to economically depressed areas. Critics,
by contrast, dispute that factory hog farms are more efcient and also worry about the environmental, economic, and health implications of this style of production.
Most frequently, they argue that factory farms have yet
to discover a suitable way to deal with hog waste, which
can pollute groundwater and smell unbearably strong.

Hallam, Arne, ed. Size, Structure, and the Changing Face of American Agriculture. Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 1993.
Horwitz, Richard P. Hog Ties: Pigs, Manure, and Mortality in
American Culture. New York: St. Martins Press, 1998.
Tansey, Geoff, and Joyce DSilva, eds. The Meat Business: Devouring a Hungry Planet. New York: St. Martins Press,
Thu, Kendall M., and E. Paul Durrenberger, eds. Pigs, Prots,
and Rural Communities. Albany: State University of New
York Press, 1998.

R. J. Davey / a. e.
See also Agriculture; Livestock Industry; Meatpacking.

HOHOKAM is the name given by archaeologists to a

prehistoric culture centered along the Salt, Gila, Verde,
and Santa Cruz Rivers in the low, hot Sonoran desert of
southern Arizona between approximately 300 b.c. and
a.d. 1450. The name Hohokam means those who have
gone in the language of the Oodham, the contemporary
Native American inhabitants of southern Arizona. The
Hohokam cultural sequence initially was dened at the
site of Snaketown in the lower Gila Valley southeast of
Phoenix, by the early twentieth century archaeologists
Harold Gladwin and Emil Haury. Since the 1980s, knowledge of the Hohokams has greatly expanded as a result of
cultural resource management archaeology projects conducted in the Phoenix and Tucson basins. Hohokam chronology is subdivided into four periods: Pioneer (a.d. 300
775), Colonial (a.d. 775975), Sedentary (a.d. 9751150),
and Classic (a.d. 11501350). The Red Mountain phase
predates the Pioneer period, and the El Polvoron phase
post-dates the Classic period.
By the beginning of the rst millennium a.d., prehistoric hunters and gatherers in southern Arizona had
begun to experiment with agriculture and to settle in


small villages along the major river systems. The Hohokam culture emerged from this substrate. During the Preclassic (Pioneer, Colonial, and Sedentary phases), the
Hohokams lived in semi-subterranean pit house villages.
Houses were clustered together around courtyards with
associated work areas, trash mounds, and cemeteries. Public architecture included ball courts and mounds capped
with caliche. The Hohokams grew maize, squash, cotton,
beans, agave, and tobacco. They built extensive networks
of irrigation canals along the Salt and Gila Rivers. They
produced buff, brown, and red-painted pottery using the
paddle-and-anvil technique. Frogs, lizards, birds, and other
animals were commonly depicted on pottery as well as in
shell and stone. Exotic artifacts of the Hohokams include:
groundstone palettes, bowls, and gurines; baked-clay gurines; carved and acid-etched Pacic marine shell jewelry; iron pyrite mirrors; and turquoise mosaics. The Hohokams cremated their dead and sometimes placed the
remains inside ceramic vessels. The Preclassic reached its
zenith during the Sedentary phase, when Hohokam culture extended from northern Mexico in the south to Flagstaff, Arizona, in the north. Mexican inuences are seen
in the presence of ball courts, copper bells made using the
lost-wax casting technique, macaws, and cotton textiles.
Changes in settlement patterns, architecture, ceramics, burial practices, and trade relations occurred during
the Classic period. Ball courts were no longer constructed. Aboveground adobe houses were grouped into
walled compounds surrounding rectangular, earthen platform mounds. Platform mounds were built at regular intervals along river and irrigation canal systems, suggesting
these sites were administrative centers allocating water
and coordinating canal labor. Polychrome pottery appeared, and inhumation burial replaced cremation. Shell
and other exotic trade continued, but on a smaller scale
than during the Preclassic. Social and climatic factors led
to a decline and partial abandonment of the area after a.d.
1400. During the Postclassic El Polvoron phase, people
lived in dispersed ranch-style villages of shallow pit
houses. Large-scale irrigation systems were abandoned,
and farming was replaced by a mixed subsistence strategy.

Gumerman, George J., ed. Exploring the Hohokam: Prehistoric

Desert Peoples of the American Southwest. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1991.
Haury, Emil W. The Hohokam, Desert Farmers and Craftsmen:
Excavations at Snaketown 19641965. Tucson: University of
Arizona Press, 1976.
Reid, Jefferson, and Stephanie Whittlesey. The Archaeology of Ancient Arizona. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1997.

Ruth M. Van Dyke

See also Ancestral Pueblo (Anasazi).

HOLDING COMPANY. A holding company is characterized by its ownership of securities (generally com-


mon stock) of other companies for the purpose of inuencing the management of those subsidiary companies,
rather than for investment or other purposes.
Some holding companies, often called pure holding companies, conne their operations to owning and
managing other rms, whereas other holding companies
are themselves operating companies. This distinction was
formerly of greater signicance than it is now, because
until the passage of the rst limiting legislation in the
1930spure holding companies that controlled operating companies in several regulated industries, including
banking and public utilities, were free of state and federal
regulations imposed on operating companies. Through
acquisition of separate rms, holding companies could
enter activities and geographical areas barred to regulated
operating companies. Many loopholes in regulations governing these industries were closed by the Public Utility
Holding Company Act of 1935 and the Bank Holding
Company Act of 1956.
The holding company emerged as a common form
of business organization around 1900, some decades after
its rst use in railroads (1853) and communications (1832).
The earliest holding companies had charters granted by
special acts of state legislature that explicitly permitted
them to control stock of other corporations; the courts in
most states usually ruled that this power had to be granted
by explicit legislative enactment. However, a few early
general incorporation acts did provide for charters granting such powers. Nevertheless, the widespread use of
holding companies followed, especially upon liberalization of general incorporation acts by New Jersey and several other states starting in 1889. This development suggests that the wide use of charters in New Jersey and,
later, in Delaware stemmed from other factors, including
favorable tax treatment and the nancial, technological,
and marketing demands and opportunities of large-scale
The holding company, depending upon circumstances, offers nancial, administrative, and legal advantages over other forms of business organization. It usually
has better access to securities markets than do the member operating companies individually, making it easier to
secure the capital necessary to conduct large-scale operations. It permits a combination of rms with control of a
smaller portion of voting stock than is necessary for a
merger of those rms. (One objection to the holding
company, however, is the sometimes meager protection it
provides to the rights of minority stockholders.) It affords
a convenient method of centralizing control of the policies of different businesses while leaving control of their
operations decentralized. Pyramidingthe use of a number of holding companies placed on top of each other
especially when combined with a heavy reliance on borrowed funds at each level, permits business organizers to
acquire control of a large volume of assets with relatively
little investment. Separate incorporation of properties located in different states or engaged in different activities

often simplies the holding companys accounting, taxation, and legal problems and may free the holding company of legal restrictions to which it might otherwise be
As business organizers moved to exploit these advantages toward the turn of the twentieth century, the holding company device became the dominant form of largescale business organization. Long used in the railroad
industry, it was extended there, notably with formation of
the Northern Securities Company in 1901. The formation, also in 1901, of United States Steelthen called the
worlds greatest corporationsignaled the adoption of
holding company organizations in mining and manufacturing. Somewhat later, extensive holding-company systems were formed in banking and nance and in public
utilities. Many of the latter were noted for their extensive
pyramiding and their combination of diverse, widely scattered holdings.
Under attack from the beginning, holding companies
have remained controversial and the subject of continuing
demands for public control. Those formed around the
turn of the twentieth century were enveloped from birth
in the antitrust agitation of the period. The public utility
holding companies of the 1920s were likewise attacked as
monopolistic. The attack on them, which gained intensity
and focus with the failure of a number of the systems in
the early 1930s, led to the passage in 1935 of the Public
Utility Holding Company Act. Corporations controlling
two or more banks were brought under federal control in
1956. Attention in the 1960s and early 1970s shifted to
the conglomerate (the highly diversied holding company), and to the nancial congeneric (the bank-centered
one-bank holding company, which limited its operations
to banking and other closely related nancial services).
Both were subjected to a measure of federal control in the
early 1970s: the Justice Department initiated a number of
antitrust suits to block some acquisitions of the former,
and Congress, in 1970, amended the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 to circumscribe activities of the latter.
In the late twentieth century, federal regulators continued to scrutinize anticompetitive or monopolistic acquisitions, especially in the media and telecommunications industry. In the year 2000 alone, the government
blocked a potential merger between American Telephone
and Telegraph (AT&T) and the media giant Time Warner,
and another proposed merger between long-distance telephone providers WorldCom and Sprint.


Berle, Adolf A., Jr., and Gardiner C. Means. Modern Corporation

and Private Property. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction
Publishers, 1991.
Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1977.



Means, Gardiner C. The Corporate Revolution in America: Economic Reality versus Economic Theory. New York: CrowellCollier Press, 1962.

Wm. Paul Smith / t. g.

See also Antitrust Laws; AT&T Divestiture; Conglomerates;
Corporations; Leveraged Buyouts; Mergers and Acquisitions; Monopoly; Restraint of Trade; Trusts.


broadly to periods of time free from work, the word holiday is derived from the word holyday, and refers generally to special days of celebration and commemoration.
These can be based on religion, politics, or regional, ethnic, or racial afliation, and may or may not be ofcially
recognized. For instance, neither Halloween (31 October) nor Valentines Day (14 February) are ofcial holidays in the sense that businesses and government agencies
close down or that the government acknowledges them
as special. However, both are widely celebrated in the
United States. Other holidays receive government recognition at the local level (such as Evacuation Day, 17
March, in Suffolk County, Massachusetts), the state level
(such as Juneteenth, 19 June, in Texas), or the national
level (for example, Independence Day, 4 July).
Some holidays, such as Halloween and Valentines
Day, have been celebrated in Europe and America for
centuries and a number of them are related to preChristian celebrations. Among those on the American
calendar having ancient origins is Valentines Day. Moreover, many distinctly American holidays were heavily inuenced by preexisting festivals. The American Thanksgiving, for instance, commemorates a feast at Plymouth
Colony in 1621 that was most likely inspired by British
harvest home traditions. Other holidays, however, are
created in America as social circumstances demand. Examples are Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday and the African American holiday of Kwanzaa.
Holidays and Controversy
Holidays are frequently contested. The holiday for Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday, for instance, was resisted
by President Ronald Reagan and the ofcials of several
states. Likewise, while Kwanzaa is regarded by its participants as reinforcing a sense of community, it is seen as
divisive by those not participating.
Kwanzaa is celebrated from 26 December through
1 January. It was invented in the mid-1960s by Dr. Maulana Kerenga. Believing that African Americans were
alienated from the Eurocentrism and the commercialism
of Christmas, he adapted some African symbols and harvest traditions to construct a festival for African Americans. It is intended not to supplant, but to complement
Christmas. Many families celebrate both. Kwanzaa is not
a religious holiday; rather, it speaks to ethnic and racial
identity and tradition within the United States. In this


sense Kwanzaa involves the cultural dynamics of identity

politics, reects the growing awareness of pluralism in the
United States, and helps create that sense of pluralism as
well. Invented to express ethnic and racial identity, the celebration is sometimes a site of racial debate and exclusion.
Similar dynamics can be seen in the increasingly national celebration of Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican celebration of a military victory. In the United States it has
become something of a pan-Latino holiday. Some regard
it as a conation of a great variety of national and regional
Latin American cultures and therefore as doing an injustice to their real differences. Similarly, traditional occasions such as the Day of the Dead (Da de los Muertos)
are growing in popularity in the United States. A manifestation of a culturally diverse population, it can also be
seen as a standardization, since the Day of the Dead traditions presented in schools, museums, and cultural centers are largely based on phenomena found mostly in central and southern Mexico.
The adaptation of traditional celebrations in the
United States indicates that they serve different purposes
under different circumstances, and that meanings change
with personal, social, and cultural contexts. Still, even the
major, long-standing holidays such as Independence Day,
Thanksgiving, and Christmas are sites of identity politics
and contestation. For instance, in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries African Americans, free and slave,
held countercelebrations near the Fourth of July as an
ironic commentary on the celebration of freedom in a
land of slaves. Subsequently, Native Americans declared
Thanksgiving a National Day of Mourning.
Cyclical and Noncyclical Observances in
Early America
Throughout history, peoples around the world have
marked important occasions, signicant times of year, and
important points in the life cycle with rituals, festivals,
and celebrations. For example, European colonists found
elaborate ceremonial systems in place among Native
Americans. They reected the hunting, pastoral, and agricultural economies of the tribes. The American Thanksgiving is often thought to be modeled entirely on the British Harvest Home festival, but the Native peoples who
taught the colonists how to grow food also inuenced the
1621 celebratory meal with their own harvest celebration
traditions. Their foods remain staples of the symbolic
meal eaten every Thanksgiving.
Although harvest celebrations were allowed in early
America, thanksgivings were actually days of fasting and
prayer in recognition of nonrecurring events both in Puritan New England and elsewhere. President George
Washington declared 26 November 1789 as a national
thanksgiving holiday to thank God for victory in the War
of Independence as much as to commemorate the Puritans of 1621. The holiday was not regularized as the
fourth Thursday of every November until 1863.


The Puritans of Massachusetts believed that holidays
were not biblically justied, and therefore did not observe
them or allow others to do so. Christmas, for example,
was banned in Massachusetts from 1659 to 1681. It was
in the middle colonies, where Anglicanism held sway, that
Christmas developed. At rst a rowdy occasion, Christmas was in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
a carnivalesque celebration. During the nineteenth century, however, Christmas changed into a more demure
and domestic family holiday. The Christmas tree tradition
was borrowed from Germany. Santa Claus derived from
European traditions of St. Nicholas, the British Father
Christmas, and other mid-winter gift bearers. But the
American Santa Claus also owes much to American authors such as Washington Irving, who described him in
Knickerbocker Tales (1809); Clement Moore, who is said by
some to have written A Visit from St. Nicholas; and
cartoonist Thomas Nast.

ethnic celebrations, such as St. Patricks Day, have become nationally celebrated; some, such as the Mexican
Cinco de Mayo, are growing in popularity.

Independence Day
Independence Day was celebrated from the day on which
the Declaration of Independence was adopted and read
before the population of the colonies: 4 July 1776. Before
independence and as late as 1800, British customary holidays such as Guy Fawkes Day were observed in New
England, as were ofcial commemorations in honor of
the monarchy. The Fourth of July continued the bonre
and reworks customs of those celebrations. Soon, it became an occasion for lengthy oratory, picnics, sports, and
a reading of the Declaration.

HOLLYWOOD. An area of the city of Los Angeles

famous primarily for its association with the lm industry,


Cressy, David. Bonres and Bells: National Memory and the Protestant Calendar in Elizabethan and Stuart England. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1989.
Litwicki, Ellen M. Americas Public Holidays, 18651920. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press, 2000.
Santino, Jack. All around the Year: Holidays and Celebrations in
American Life. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994.
. New Old-Fashioned Ways: Holidays and Popular Culture.
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1996.

Jack Santino
See also Christmas; Flag Day; Independence Day; Kwanzaa;
Labor Day; Memorial Day; Thanksgiving Day.

African American Celebrations

African Americans celebrated these holidays by putting
their own historically and culturally derived spin on them.
Africans in bondage, for instance, were usually allowed
Christmas or New Years as a holiday. From all accounts,
the celebrations were very much African in nature, with
masquerading and musical performances. Such festivals
were found throughout the African diaspora. Similarly, a
Dutch Easter celebration in New York State known as
Pinkster became an occasion for an African American
celebration in the African-derived style. For African Americans as well as whites, the Fourth of July entailed speech
making, feasting, and sports, but might be celebrated on
a different day, perhaps in implicit protest. In addition,
emancipation celebrations were held. The rst of August
recognized the abolition of slavery in Haiti in 1837. Since
the Civil War, emancipation celebrations have been held
at different times around the country. In Texas, 19 June,
known as Juneteenth, is a legal holiday.
Other Holidays
The Civil War begat Memorial Day. The period between
the Civil War and World War I gave rise to many other
holidays, including Flag Day and Labor Day. Along with
these ofcial holidays, the United States hosts a wide variety of festivals that reect its multiculturalism. Some

Hollywood. The movie star Eddie Murphy puts his footprints

in cement on the Walk of Fame. AP/Wide World Photos



Hollywood was originally a small independent agricultural community. It merged with Los Angeles in 1910 in
order to obtain an adequate water supply. At approximately the same time, the lm industry began to locate
in the region, seeking to take advantage of natural sunlight that allowed year-round lming and a diverse southern California landscape that provided cheap scenery. In
1914, the director Cecil B. DeMille decided to locate his
studio in Hollywood permanently, and other companies
followed. By the 1920s, Hollywood had beaten out rivals
such as Culver City and Burbank as the place most associated with the lm industry, although in fact movie lots
were scattered throughout the Los Angeles area. The
growing power and romance of lm made Hollywood a
cultural icon and a major tourist attraction. In the 1950s
and 1960s, Hollywood also began to attract television studios and record companies. While still home to many
entertainment-related companies and remaining a popular destination for starstruck visitors, the areas actual role
in lm production began to lag in the 1970s. Soaring production and living costs in Los Angeles led many companies to seek opportunities elsewhere, and Hollywood
itself struggled with problems associated with urban blight.

Friedrich, Otto. City of Nets: A Portrait of Hollywood in the 1940s.

New York: Harper and Row, 1986.
Starr, Kevin. Inventing the Dream: California through the Progressive Era. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.
Torrence, Bruce T. Hollywood: The First 100 Years. Hollywood,
Calif.: Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, 1979.

Daniel J. Johnson
See also Film; Los Angeles.

HOLMES V. WALTON, a case decided by the Supreme Court of New Jersey in 1780. It is cited as one of
the precedents for the doctrine of judicial review. The
court declared unconstitutional a statute that provided in
certain classes of cases that a jury might consist of six men.
The legislature subsequently repealed the voided portion
of the act. Thus, the right of the courts to pass upon the
constitutionality of legislation was not denied, but the
legislature claimed the nal power to dene the functions
of each department of government.

Hall, Kermit L. The Supreme Court and Judicial Review in American History. Bicentennial Essays on the Constitution.
Washington, D.C.: American Historical Association, 1985.

William S. Carpenter / a. r.
See also Hayburns Case; Judicial Review; Jury Trial.

HOLOCAUST MUSEUM. The dedication of the

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washing-


Holocaust Museum. The entrance in 1993, the year the

museum opened. AP/Wide World Photos

ton, D.C., on 22 April 1993 brought to fruition a process

begun on 1 May 1978, when President Jimmy Carter announced the formation of the Presidents Commission on
the Holocaust, chaired by the Holocaust survivor and
eventual Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel. Motivations for the
project were complex: it was a political response to the
administrations tension with American Jews, and it was a
cultural response to the increasing power of Holocaust
memory among both American Jews and the wider culture.
The commission envisioned a living memorial that
would include memorial, museum, and educational space,
and it proposed a civic ritual, the Days of Remembrance
ceremonies, which would become an annual part of the
nations ritual calendar. Early struggles hinted at the enduringly volatile nature of the project. The commission
and the Carter administration argued bitterly about the
proper balance between Jewish and non-Jewish Holocaust victims in an attempt to construct an ofcial denition of the Holocaust and in the selection of members
for a body designed to implement its recommendations:
the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, which
rst met on 28 May 1980, also chaired by Elie Wiesel.
Those tasked with the creation of the museum had
to address issues about the location and representation of
the Holocaust in a national American museum. Should
this be an ofcial American memory? Why? If so, where
should the memory be located? In New York, home to
the largest Jewish community outside of Israel, or in the
nations capital, on space adjacent to the national Mall,
suggesting the Holocaust memory should be enshrined as
a central American memory? Should the building be a
neutral container, or should the architecture itself be expressive of the event?
After visiting Holocaust sites in Europe, the New York
architect James Ingo Freed created an evocative building
that removed visitors from American space, through what


some called an atrium from hell, windows that never allow a full view of the Mall, and elevators that transport
visitors into the cold and dark exhibition space.
The creators of the museum also struggled with issues of Holocaust representation. What is the proper relationship between Jews and other victim groups in a
museum exhibition? Do photographs taken by Nazis victimize the dead yet again? Is womens hairshorn from
victims before gassingan appropriate artifact with which
to tell the story?
Supported in part by federal funds, the museum has
become an inuential model of an activist memorial environment, seeking to awaken civic sensibilities through
the telling of a cautionary tale. The Oklahoma City National Memorial was consciously modeled after the
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Linenthal, Edward T. Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create

Americas Holocaust Museum. New York: Viking, 1995. Reprint, New York: Columbia University Press, 2001.
Novick, Peter. The Holocaust in American Life. Boston and New
York: Houghton Mifin, 1999.
Weinberg, Jeshajahu, and Rina Elieli, The Holocaust Museum in
Washington. New York: Rizzoli, 1995.
Young, James E. At Memorys Edge: After-Images of the Holocaust
in Contemporary Art and Architecture. New Haven, Conn.:
Yale University Press, 2000.
. The Texture of Memory: Holocaust Memorials and Meaning.
New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1993.

Edward T. Linenthal
See also Genocide; Jews; Museums.

HOLY CROSS, PRIESTS OF, are members of the

religious congregation of the same name (in Latin, Congregatio a Sancta Cruce). The congregation was formed in
1837 by Basil Anthony Moreau near Le Mans, France, to
assist in local parishes, hospitals, and educational institutions and to work in foreign missions. In 1841 Edward
Sorin, C.S.C., introduced the congregation into the
United States and the following year founded the University of Notre Dame near South Bend, Ind. The Priests
of Holy Cross teach and assist at Kings College in
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Stonehill College in North Easton,
Mass.; and the University of Portland in Portland, Oreg.;
and from 1865 to 1970 they published the popular weekly
magazine The Ave Maria. They serve as parish priests in
several dioceses throughout the United States and assist
as missionaries in Asia, Africa, and South America. There
were approximately 1,100 priests in the Congregation of
Holy Cross in 1974, more than half of whom are members of the three provinces of the United States. By 2000,
there were approximately 1,700 members of the Congregation of Holy Cross, made up of roughly 900 priests and
800 brothers.


Armstrong, Philip, C.S.C. A More Perfect Legacy: A Portrait of

Brother Ephrem ODwyer, C.S.C., 18881978. Notre Dame,
Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1995.
Sorin, Edward. Chronicles of Notre Dame du Lac. Notre Dame,
Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1992.

Thomas E. Blantz, C.S.C. / a. r.

See also Catholicism; Missions, Foreign.

HOLY EXPERIMENT. Holy Experiment was

William Penns term for the ideal government he established for Pennsylvania in 1681, when he obtained the
charter for that colony from King Charles II of England.
Penn believed that the charter was a gift from God, that
an example may be set up to the nations: there may be
room there, though not here, for such an holy experiment. This experiment, Penn believed, would be a success only if the colony was settled with people of virtue,
whose spirituality would shape Pennsylvania society, law,
and politics. A member of the Religious Society of Friends,
or Quakers as they were derisively called, Penn shared with
his coreligionists a belief that, by virtue of their direct
knowledge of and communion with Gods divine authority, their precepts of religious liberty, political freedom,
and pacism were bound to take root in the new colony.
The rst law the assembly passed guaranteed religious liberty and toleration for all who shall confess and
acknowledge one Almighty God to be the Creator, Upholder and Ruler of the world. The spiritual, legal, and
political commitment to religious toleration loomed large
to those Friends who had been persecuted in England.
Economic, political, and religious divisions, however, undermined the colonys spiritual foundations within a few
years of its establishment. An ineffective council, designated by Penn to be the executive branch of government
in his absence, could do little to uphold the experiments
ideals. Most historians agree that between Penns departure for England in 1684 and his return to the colony in
1699, the political ideals inherent in the Holy Experiment
largely failed.

Bronner, Edwin B. William Penns Holy Experiment: The Founding

of Pennsylvania, 16811701. New York: Temple University
Press, 1962.
Illick, Joseph E. Colonial Pennsylvania: A History. New York:
Scribners, 1976.

Leslie J. Lindenauer
See also Pennsylvania; Quakers.


middle-class America the Home Owners Loan Corporation, founded in 1933, was a crucial New Deal benet.
Americans had always held to an ideal of individualism



that included a home of ones own; but in the years leading up to the New Deal, only four out of every ten Americans managed to attain that status. A key reason for the
majoritys failure was the restrictive mortgage system.
Usually, borrowers were required to make down payments averaging around 35 percent for loans lasting only
ve to ten years at interest of up to 8 percent. At the end
of that brief loan period, mortgage holders had to hope
they could renance or else come up with the remaining
cost of the property. The minority of home buyers who
could manage such terms assumed the additional risk of
dealing with local institutions that did not offer loan
mortgage insurance and were often dangerously underfunded, especially in areas outside the main cities.
This shaky system was unable to withstand the shock
of the 1929 economic collapse. The number of mortgages
issued nationwide dropped from 5,778 in 1928 to a mere
864 in 1933, and many banks went under, dragging homeowners down with them. Faced with this dire situation,
the New Deal had a basic choice. It could follow the urging of the Federal Reserve Board chairman, Marriner Eccles, echoing the most inuential economist of the age,
John Maynard Keynes, that money should be pumped
into the lagging building trades in order to gain both
work for the unemployed and badly needed public housing. Or it could follow the lead of Herbert Hoover, who
in 1932 had created the Federal Home Loan Bank to provide federal funding for lenders in the private housing
market. Franklin Roosevelt, when he succeeded Hoover
as president, inclined toward the latter course, but with
government oversight and a focus on hard-pressed homeowners, rather than on the institutions controlling their
In June 1933, the Home Owners Loan Act, following the presidents lead, sailed through Congress. The law
authorized $200 million to set up the Home Owners
Loan Corporation (HOLC) with authority to issue $2
billion in tax-exempt bonds. The money raised would
enable the HOLC to rescue imperiled mortgages by offering nancing up to 80 percent of assessed value, to a
maximum of $14,000. There followed a rush to le
applications in 1934 by those holding 40 percent of all
mortgaged properties, of which half with lowest risk were
accepted. As intended, the main beneciaries were homeowners at the lower end of the middle class with incomes
in the $50 to $150 monthly range, persons who in the
private market would have lost their homes.
The HOLC permanently changed the prevailing
mortgage system. It offered money at 5 percent, provided
insurance for its loans through the Federal Housing Authority and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, and allowed up to twenty-ve years for repayment. To reach far-ung clients the HOLC dispersed into
regional centers. Every loan situation was handled individually, including personal visits to prevent default. Given
wide discretion to act, agents improved the chances clients would meet their obligations by helping them nd


work, collect insurance claims and pensions, attract tenants for rental space, qualify for public assistance, and
even locate foster children to take in for a fee. The success
of this sympathetic outreach was best demonstrated by
the fact that the foreclosure rate for HOLCs risky mortgages was no greater than that for much safer mortgages
accepted by banks and insurance companies.
HOLC policies favored single-family homes outside
the central cities, thus setting in motion the rapid growth
of suburbs after World War II. The suburban ideal of
privately nanced housing also inclined toward segregation on the grounds that racially homogeneous areas were
most stable and thus posed the lowest credit risk. That
bias, shared by private sector bankers and realtors, excluded most minorities from much consideration. The
HOLC Loan Experience Card specied race and immigrant status as a consideration, and the records of the
agency showed that from 1933 to 1936, the period it was
authorized to issue loans, 44 percent of its help went to
areas designated native white, 42 percent to native
white and foreign, and 1 percent to Negro. Typifying
the plight of the cities, the half of Detroit where blacks
lived was excluded outright, as was a third of Chicago.
Despite its shortcomings, New Deal innovation
helped account for home ownership rising from 40 percent of the population in the prosperous 1920s to almost
70 percent by the mid-1990s, with vast new tracts outside
the cities of the Northeast and in new, sprawling urban
areas in the South and Southwest setting the most conspicuous example. The historian David Kennedy did not
exaggerate in claiming that the HOLC and the housing
legislation it set in motion revolutionized the way Americans lived.

Gelfand, Mark I. A Nation of Cities: The Federal Government and

Urban America, 19331965. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1975.
Harriss, C. Lowell. History and Policies of the Home Owners Loan
Corporation. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1951.
Jackson, Kenneth T. Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of
the United States. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Alan Lawson
See also Building and Loan Associations; New Deal.

HOME RULE is the principle or practice of selfgovernment by localities. The U.S. Constitution makes
no mention of local jurisdictions, so a state legislature
must grant a city or county a charter, or the right to draft
its own charter, to create a structure and powers for local
government. Into the nineteenth century most American
towns and counties functioned in the English tradition of
local self-government on most matters, often by establishing municipal corporations empowered to provide


public services and regulate local economic matters. As

urban populations expanded with immigration and industrial development, many municipal governments found
their ability to deliver services such as re and police protection overwhelming and the process of awarding city
contracts (especially in public utilities) increasingly corrupt. State legislatures, many still dominated by rural and
agricultural interests, were often unresponsive, and bossrun political machines entered the void in many big cities.
Reformers calling for good government promoted home
rule as one remedy, theorizing that government closest to
the people would hold public ofcials accountable and
eliminate corrupt and inefcient politics from the businesslike formation of effective policy. The Missouri Constitution of 1875 included the rst state provision of the
right of municipalities to draft their own charters, and
many states followed suit throughout the Progressive Era.
A version of this home rule movement for counties
gained some momentum in the mid-twentieth century,
but only 129 of more than 3,000 counties ever adopted
any kind of charter.
The specic character of home rule varies by state.
As of 2000, forty-six states allowed some form of home
rule for municipalities (the exceptions being Alabama,
Hawaii, Nevada, and New Hampshire) and thirty-seven
for counties. Thirty-seven states provide for structural
home rule, permitting communities to incorporate and
create local governments, while thirty-one allow functional home rule, in which city or county governments
may exercise power in such areas as public works, social
services, and economic development.
Advocates of the expansion of home rule claim that
local control makes government more responsive, allows
for exible and innovative approaches to local problems,
and relieves state legislatures of parochial issues. Detractors emphasize, however, that few issues are strictly local
in nature, especially as the populations of central cities
decline and metropolitan areas become more important.
Enhanced local autonomy may hinder cooperation among
neighboring localities and exacerbate tensions over policies
involving overlapping state-local jurisdictions, especially in
the areas of taxation and public spending.
The nations capital is a special case of the home rule
question, as the governance of Washington, D.C., sometimes involves conicts between local and national interests. An elected city council and/or mayor governed
Washington for much of the nineteenth century, until
Congress took direct control of legislation for the District
for a century starting in 1874. The limited home rule
charter governing the District since 1974 allows an
elected mayor and council to make laws for local affairs
but reserves veto powers to Congress, even though citizens of Washington have no voting representative in the
national legislature. A constitutional amendment to grant
full home rule for the District failed in 1978, reecting
the stalled aspirations of home rule advocates nationwide.


Harris, Charles Wesley. Congress and the Governance of the Nations Capital: The Conict of Federal and Local Interests.
Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1995.
Krane, Dale, Platon N. Rigos, and Melvin B. Hill Jr. Home Rule
in America: A Fifty-State Handbook. Washington, D.C.: CQ
Press, 2001.

Jeffrey T. Coster
See also Charters, Municipal; Local Government.

HOME SCHOOLING, the practice of educating

ones own children, saw dramatic growth over the last two
decades of the twentieth century. Home schoolers numbered about 15,000 in the 1970s; by 1999 850,000 children were learning at home. Long the normative practice
on the American frontier, parent-directed education was
almost entirely eclipsed with the accomplishment of universal compulsory schooling in the early twentieth century. But in the wake of the anti-Establishment cultural
ferment of the 1960s and 1970s, home schooling reemerged, championed by advocates across a wide ideological spectrum.
The contemporary home school movement has a dual
history. One branch began in the left-liberal alternative
school movement of the 1960s, a cause that sought to
democratize teacher-student relationships and give students greater discretion in directing their own educations.
John Holt, long an advocate of alternative schooling, began to promote home education (which he called unschooling) in the 1970s. Before his death in 1985, Holt
nurtured a national grassroots network of home school
converts. Another branch grew out of the conservative
Protestant day school movement, specically through the
work of Raymond and Dorothy Moore, whose several
books and national speaking tours advocating home education reached a ready audience of religious families already skeptical of public schools.
One of the rst tasks of the edgling movement was
to secure the legality of the practice. Spurred by a small
but well-organized home school lobby, judicial and legislative activity throughout the 1980s rendered home education legal throughout the United States by the end of
the decade. The process of legalization was facilitated by
the distinctive jurisdictional structure of American education. Because authority over schooling is largely in the
hands of state and local governments in the United States,
activists were able to wage localized battles and win victories in piecemeal fashion.
By the beginning of the twenty-rst century, home
education was not only legal but also broadly accepted in
the United States. Home schooling was made easier by
favorable laws, an elaborate network of support and advocacy groups at the local and national levels, and a vital
sector of small businesses that supplied curriculum materials of all kinds to a growing home school market.



While the home school movement is a nominally international one, with at least a few adherents in most
nations of the industrialized world, it is a distinctively
American invention. The basic ideas that animate home
educationthat each learner is unique, that government
schools are not doing their job well, and that educational
professionals are unnecessary for sound instructionare
in keeping with the individualism and skepticism of formal authority that have characterized the national culture
throughout its history.

Bielick, Stacey, Kathryn Chandler, and Stephen Broughman.

Homeschooling in the United States: 1999 (NCES 2001-033).
U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C.: National Center for Education Statistics, 2001. The rst nationally representative survey of the U.S. home school
Moore, Raymond, and Dorothy Moore. Home Grown Kids.
Waco, Tex: Word Books, 1981. A popular defense of home
Stevens, Mitchell L. Kingdom of Children: Culture and Controversy
in the Homeschooling Movement. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 2001. A sociological account of the rise
of home education in the United States.

Mitchell Stevens


retailing, began in the 1980s in the form of television
hucksters selling cubic zirconia jewelry and various knickknacks. Then came lengthy infomercials, costly television advertisements, often with celebrity hosts, that gave
the impression of regular programming. By the 1990s the
increase in the number of two-income families with little
time for leisure; new concerns about poor service and rising crime rates at shopping malls; and the desire for quality merchandise at bargain prices had boosted interest in
home shopping. These changing demographics and consumer attitudes gave televised home shopping a new prestige, and the industry earned $3 billion a year and reached
more than 100 million homes.
The two largest services in the mid-1990s were QVC
Network and Home Shopping Network, Inc. The popularity of home shopping was evidenced by Joan Riverss
Can We Shop show; Softbank on Hand, a CD-ROM with
more than a hundred commercial programs for software
shoppers; and the purchase by Home Shopping Network
of the Internet Shopping Network to establish home
shopping via computer. Some shopping channels use
high-pressure tactics, such as horn blowing and whistle
blasting to get viewers attention, while others use more
low-key marketing approaches. Large retail companies,
such as Macys and Spiegel, began their own cable channels, which combined programming and entertainment
with selling. These retailers expressed great interest in
interactive television shopping, in which the home consumer can call up any product at will, view it from various


sides, obtain detailed information about the product, order by punching in a credit card number, and have it delivered within twenty-four hours. The next stage in interactive television may be virtual shopping, in which
the viewer will be able to try on a garment by creating
a computerized self-image on the screen, realistic to skin
tone, color of hair and eyes, and body measurements.
By the end of the twentieth century, television home
shopping channels continued to generate a brisk trade for
retailers. However, corporate mergers between retail, media, and Internet companies had all but ensured that future innovations in home shopping would be oriented
around the information appliance, the much anticipated
marriage of television and the Internet. Moreover, in the
heated race to gain footholds in electronic commerce, the
traditional television-based home shopping networks did
not always fare well. In May 1999, investors in the profitless online portal Lycos rejected a proposal to merge
with Barry Dillers Home Shopping Network, even
though the latter made a prot.

Evans, David S., and Richard Schmalensee. Paying with Plastic:

The Digital Revolution in Buying and Borrowing. Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1999.
Kare-Silver, Michael de. E-Shock, the Electronic Shopping Revolution: Strategies for Retailers and Manufacturers. New York:
AMACOM, 1999.
Wice, Nathaniel. Lycos Shareholders Scare Off Suitor.Time
Digital (May 10, 1999).

John J. Byrne / a. r.
See also Electronic Commerce; Internet; Mail-Order Houses;
Television: Programming and Influence.

HOMEOPATHY, a system of medicine developed by

the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the 1790s,
was introduced in the United States in the 1820s by Hahnemanns colleagues and students. One of these, Constantine Hering, founded the worlds rst homeopathic
medical school in Allentown, Pennsylvania, in 1835. With
Hering and his students in the vanguard, American homeopathy became the world leader in the eld for the rest
of the nineteenth century. After falling into relative obscurity after the 1910s, homeopathy has enjoyed a signicant revival among consumers and medical professionals
since the 1970s.
Homeopathy is based on an ancient medical principle, the law of similars, from the observation that a substance that causes a particular set of symptoms in a
healthy person can cure those symptoms when they arise
in the process of an illness. Homeopathic medicines are
investigated in provings, standardized trials in healthy human subjects; information from accidental overdoses and
poisonings and from veried clinical cures is also included
in the prole of a medicines sphere of action. A second


fundamental principle is the minimum dose: homeopaths

have found that the most effective medicinal dose is the
smallest one capable of causing a curative response. Homeopathic medicines are manufactured by potentization,
a process of serial dilution and agitation that produces
microdoses of the natural substances from which the
medicines are derived. A nal principle is holism and individualization: the medicine is selected on the basis of
the total symptom picture of the particular case.
Professionalizing early through the establishment of
schools and hospitals, homeopaths formed the rst national medical organization in North America, the American Institute of Homeopathy, in 1844. Throughout the
rest of the nineteenth century, homeopathic medical
schools in Philadelphia, New York, Cleveland, Chicago,
and cities as far west as San Francisco produced a steady
stream of practitioners, with a high of almost 500 graduates in 1897; on average, 12 percent of graduates were
women. Resistance from orthodox physicians continued
throughout the century in the form of professional ostracism, although by 1902 it was estimated that 15,000 licensed American physicians included homeopathy in their
Homeopathys success in the nineteenth century can
be attributed to several factors. Its efcacy in epidemics
of cholera, yellow fever, and inuenza as well as in the
treatment of chronic and intractable diseases was striking
and converted many physicians; its adaptability for home
care attracted mothers, who carried it into their communities; and its perceived afnities with Swedenborgianism, a mystical Christian philosophy, made it popular
among the intellectual and social elite. Many prominent
gures used homeopathy, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, James Gareld, and the family of William and Henry
Historians have argued that ideas derived from homeopathy inuenced the direction of conventional medicine in the second half of the nineteenth century, with
the concept of the minimum dose encouraging the turn
away from the drastic treatments of conventional medicine and the law of similars leading, in a creative misreading, to the development of vaccination. The assimilation of certain aspects of homeopathy by orthodox
physicians is one factor cited for its decline, others being
controversy among homeopaths about therapeutic techniques, the growing acceptance of empiricist laboratory
science and especially bacteriology as medical authority,
and the economic dominance of the orthodox medicalpharmaceutical industry. The 1910 Flexner Report on
American medical education may have hastened the closing of some homeopathic colleges. It seems clear that the
homeopathic medical schools, employing orthodox practitioners among their faculty, produced a hybrid profession that could not maintain a separate identity in the face
of an increasingly powerful orthodox medical system.
Homeopathys eclipse during the twentieth century is
measured by a steep decline in its number of practitioners

and by the homeopathic colleges closing or conversion

to conventional training. Still, professional organizations
provided education for practitioners and consumers, and
a handful of physicians kept the discipline alive. In the
1970s, disenchantment with the conventional medical system led consumers and practitioners to explore homeopathy among other forms of alternative and complementary
medicine. Since then the shift from crisis intervention to
preventive medicine, the concern over increasingly prevalent chronic disease, the search for cost-effective treatments, and the rejection of materialist philosophies in
health care have fueled homeopathys swift growth in
Developments since the 1980s include the establishment of postgraduate and comprehensive training programs throughout the United States; the 1991 founding of
the Council for Homeopathic Certication, a professionwide board that sets standards and conducts testing of
practitioners; and the steady growth of membership in the
National Center for Homeopathy, an educational organization for consumers and professionals. An increase in
the amount of legal action against practitioners has paralleled the rebirth of the profession, as some licensing
boards consider homeopathy to be outside their licensees
scope of practice. However, leading medical journals have
published articles on clinical and scientic research in homeopathy; the number of medical schools offering some
exposure to homeopathy is increasing; and many states
have moved to license naturopathic physicians, making
homeopathy more widely available. Its cost effectiveness
has attracted some insurance companies attention, but
homeopathys ultimate position in relation to the conventional medical system remains to be seen.

Coulter, Harris. Divided Legacy: A History of the Schism in Medical

Thought. 4 vols. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 1973,
1975, 1977, 1994. See especially vols. 3 and 4 for treatment
of homeopathy in the United States.
Rogers, Naomi. An Alternative Path: The Making and Remaking
of Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1998.
Winston, Julian. The Faces of Homeopathy: An Illustrated History
of the First 200 Years. Tawa, N.Z.: Great Auk Publishing,

Ann Jerome Croce

See also Medicine, Alternative; Swedenborgian Churches.

HOMESTEAD MOVEMENT. It is difcult to x

a starting date for the movement that culminated in 1862
with the passage of the Homestead Act. The notion of
free land had been ingrained in the thoughts and minds
of settlers moving westward since colonial days, but until
the West became politically powerful, the demand passed
unheeded. The revenue motive was basic in determining
the public land policy of the new nation, and more than



three-quarters of a century elapsed between the passage

of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the passage of the
Homestead Act.
Nevertheless, since its establishment, Congress had
received petitions requesting that free land be given to
settlers. In 1797, the settlers of the Ohio River area submitted such a petition, and two years later the residents
of the Mississippi Territory followed suit. In 1812, Representative Jeremiah Morrow of Ohio presented a request
from the True American Society, arguing that every American was entitled to a piece of free land. A few years later,
in 1825, Senator Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri proposed a law that would give free land to settlers. By the
1830s and 1840s, the movement for free land had gained
support from the president, organized labor, and the newly
formed National Reform Party. In 1832, President Andrew Jackson weighed in on the issue when he stated,
The public lands should cease as soon as practicable to
be a source of revenue. Thus, the basic doctrines of
homestead legislation steadily attracted adherents.
In 1846, Felix G. McConnell of Alabama and Andrew
Johnson of Tennessee introduced homestead bills in Congress. The latter was an ardent supporter of the homestead movement until nal passage of the bill in 1862. A
general bill for free land had come to a vote in Congress
in 1852, but it was defeated in the Senate. At the same
time, Horace Greeley, publisher of the New York Tribune,
presented his views on the matter, stating that the public
land system should be so modied that every person
needing Land may take possession of any quarter-section
not previously located, and that none other than a person
needing land shall be allowed to acquire it at all.
The homestead movement became a central political
issue in 1848, when the Free Soil Party voiced its support
for free land for settlers in consideration of the expenses
they incur in making settlements in the wilderness . . .
and of the public benets resulting therefrom. Four years
later, the party supported the ideal even more vigorously
but on different grounds. In 1852 it asserted that all men
have a natural right to a portion of the soil; and that, as
the use of the soil is indispensable to life, the right of all
men to the soil is as sacred as their right to life itself.
Therefore, the party contended, the public lands of the
United States belong to the people, and should not be
sold to individuals nor granted to corporations, but should
be held as a sacred trust for the benet of the people, and
should be granted in limited quantities, free of cost, to
landless settlers. These two platforms contained the primary arguments used by advocates of free land, namely,
reward for public service and natural right.
Although the homestead movement had numerous
supporters, it also faced strong opposition, as evidenced
by the failure of a bill to pass before 1862. Many southerners opposed homestead legislation because they feared
it would result in the peopling of the territories by antislavery settlers. On the other hand, many easterners disapproved of the movement because they feared its success


would adversely affect the eastern economy. They contended westward migration would increase, thereby lowering land values in the East and depriving the federal
government of an important revenue source. The KnowNothing Party and other anti-alien groups opposed the
movement because it would give free land to foreign
In 1860, the homestead movement experienced both
a setback and a small victory. In that year, Congress passed
a bill that would have sold land for 25 cents an acre, but
President James Buchanan vetoed the bill, arguing that it
was unconstitutional. At the same time, however, the new
Republican Party demanded that Congress pass a homestead bill. A Republican victory and southern secession
enabled the party to carry out its program. On 20 May
1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead
Act, and the goal sought by generations of westerners
since the inception of the public land policy was nally
The Homestead Act allowed any person who is the
head of a family, or who has arrived at the age of twentyone years, and is a citizen of the United States, or who
shall have led his declaration of intention to become
such the right to claim 160 acres of land, a quartersection, for free. The claimant need only pay a small ling
fee and live on and improve the land for ve years. If he
so chose, the homesteader could buy the land for $1.25
an acre after six months. Originally, settlers could only
homestead on surveyed land, but in 1880, Congress extended the act to include the unsurveyed public domain.
Although approximately 274 million acres were
claimed and 400,000 farms were established under the
Homestead Act, the law never came close to meeting the
expectations of its supporters. The lands of the West were
too arid to support traditional farming techniques, and a
farm of 160 acres was simply too small. Congress attempted to address the problems with a series of acts
passed between 1873 and 1916. The Timber Culture Act
(1873) granted 160 acres to the head of a family who
agreed to plant and maintain forty acres of trees for ten
years. The Desert Land Act (1877) encouraged irrigation
of arid lands by granting 640 acres at $1.25 an acre to
anyone who agreed to irrigate the land within three years
of ling. In 1909, the Enlarged Homestead Act expanded
the original act to 320 acres instead of 160. The StockRaising Homestead Act (1916) authorized homestead entries of 640 acres on grazing lands. Congress even applied
the homestead principle to Indian lands with the passage
of the Dawes General Allotment Act in 1877. These acts,
however, also failed to achieve the desired results.

Fite, Gilbert C. The Farmers Frontier, 18651900. New York:

Holt, Rinehart, 1966.
Hibbard, Benjamin Horace. A History of the Public Land Policies.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1965.


Shannon, Fred A. The Farmers Last Frontier: Agriculture, 1860

1897. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1945.
White, Richard. Its Your Misfortune and None of My Own: A
History of the American West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.

Jennifer L. Bertolet
Dan E. Clark
See also Free Soil Party; Land Acts; Land Policy; Timber Culture Act; Westward Migration.

HOMESTEAD STRIKE, at the Carnegie Steel

Company plant at Homestead, Pennsylvania, in 1892, was
one of the most violent labor struggles in U.S. history.
The company, owned by Andrew Carnegie and managed
by Henry Clay Frick, was determined to break the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers union, which represented 750 of Homesteads 3,800 laborers. Frick closed the mill and locked the workers out on
1 July, after they rejected his proposed 22 percent wage
cut. While Carnegie remained at his castle in Scotland,
Frick hired three hundred Pinkerton Detective Agency
guards to battle the workers. A gunght erupted when
the Pinkertons attempted to land at the Monongahela
River docks, and altogether at least sixteen people were
killed and more than sixty wounded. The ghting ended
on 12 July, when Pennsylvania National Guard troops arrived. The lockout continued for almost ve months,
while steel production continued at Carnegies other
plants. The Amalgamated Association was ultimately
driven from Homestead, forcing the remaining desperate
workers to return to their jobs. In the following decade,
the average workday rose from eight to twelve hours, and
wages dropped an average of 25 percent. By 1903 all other
steel plants in the country had defeated the union as well.

Most of the cattle driven north each year grazed on

ranges in the public domain throughout western Kansas,
Nebraska, Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and other western states and territories. Ranchers held them there for
growth and fattening. The unwritten law of the range
known as cow custom determined the boundaries of
each ranchers pasturelands. Usually, the ranchs headquarters lay near the center of the range, and along the
ranchs borders were cow camps from which riders looked
after the cattle and kept them within the limits of their
own range. Despite their efforts, some would stray across
the line onto the pasturelands of neighboring ranchers,
which made it necessary to hold roundups each spring and
autumn. At the spring roundup, cowboys branded calves.
At the fall roundup, grazers separated their fat, mature
animals from the remainder and sent them to market for
Cowboys drove cattle over the state lands of western
Texas and northward from Texas over the great Indian
reservations of Indian Territory, as well as those farther
north, and over the public domain of the central and
northern plains. All of this huge region constituted the
so-called cow country. Settlers taking up homesteads
steadily advanced westward along its eastern border, but
for a time, ranchers could replace the erstwhile grazing
area lost to farmers by opening large tracts of hitherto
unwatered lands for use as pasturage with the construction of dams across ravines and the drilling of deep wells
from which windmills pumped water.

See also Steel Strikes.

The rst shipments of dressed beef to Europe, especially Great Britain, began in 1875. Shipments steadily
increased until Europe imported more than 50 million
pounds in 1878 and more than 100 million pounds in
1881. The enormous inux of American beef so alarmed
the cattle raisers of northern Britain that a parliamentary
commission came to the United States to visit the range
area and report on conditions. Its report, publicized in
1884, told of great prots to be made in ranching, which
encouraged British investors to send huge sums of capital
to the United States for investment in ranching enterprises. Many Britons came to the cow country to give
their personal attention to ranching. By 1884 British investors had placed more than $30 million of capital into
ranching on the Great Plains. Among the large British
enterprises were the Prairie Land and Cattle Company,
the Matador, and the Espuela Land and Cattle Company.

HOMESTEADERS AND THE CATTLE INDUSTRY. Beginning in the late 1860s, cattle grazing
on the open range of the western plains from Texas to
Montana became the major industry. During the years
following the Civil War, a vast stream of cattle poured
north out of Texas to cow towns in Kansas and Nebraska.
From these towns, fat, mature animals went to market
while young steers and breeding animals traveled farther
north or west to stock new ranges.

An enthusiasm for grazing cattle on the open range

amounting almost to a craze had also swept over the
United States before 1885. Prominent lawyers, U.S. senators, bankers, and other businessmen throughout the
eastern United States formed cattle companies to take advantage of the opportunities offered for ranching on the
great open ranges to the west. The destruction of the
buffalo herds made it necessary to feed the many large
tribes of western Indians, and this resulted in the awarding of valuable beef contracts for that purpose with the
privilege of pasturing herds upon the various reservations.


Demarest, David P., and Fannia Weingartner, eds. The River

Ran Red: Homestead 1892. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992.
Krause, Paul. The Battle for Homestead, 18801892: Politics, Culture, and Steel. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press,

John Cashman



The invention of barbed wire and the rapid extension of its use after 1875 brought about the enclosure of
considerable tracts of pastureland. Congress enacted laws
that forbade the fencing of lands of the public domain,
and orders of the Indian Bureau prohibited the enclosure
of lands on Indian reservations. While the United States
government and its various agencies could not strictly enforce such laws and orders, they were not without effect.
Perhaps the year 1885 marks the peak of the openrange cattle industry. By that time, most of the range was
fully stocked and much of it overstocked. During the
summer of 1886, ranchers drove large herds north from
Texas and spread them over the ranges in the most reckless fashion possible. Then came the terrible winter of
188687 in which hundreds of thousands of cattle died of
cold and starvation. Spring came to nd nearly every
rancher on the central and northern plains facing ruin.
The open-range cattle industry never recovered from the
results of that tragic winter.
Moreover, homesteaders, contemptuously called nesters by ranchers, rapidly were settling the range area, including large Indian reservations. Ranchers largely had
kept homesteaders to the east between 1867 and 1885,
but on 25 February 1885, Congress passed a law that prohibited interference with settlers. On 7 August 1885,
President Grover Cleveland followed it with an enforcement proclamation. Beginning in the spring of 1886, settlers, who streamed west in covered wagons on a 1,000mile front, occupied the public domain on the plains. In
many regions, sheep were replacing cattle anyway. The
struggle between ranchers and farmers continued in some
isolated parts of the mountain states until the early twentieth century, but in most areas, the end of the open-range
cattle period arrived by 1890.

Evans, Simon M., Sarah Carter, and Bill Yeo, ed. Cowboys, Ranchers, and the Cattle Business: Cross-border Perspectives on Ranching History. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2000.
Jordan, Terry G. Trails to Texas: Southern Roots of Western Cattle
Ranching. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1981.
Massey, Sara R., ed. Black Cowboys of Texas. College Station: Texas
A & M University Press, 2000.
Patterson, Paul E. Great Plains Cattle Empire: Thatcher Brothers
and Associates, 18751945. Lubbock: Texas Tech University
Press, 2000.
Remley, David A. Bell Ranch: Cattle Ranching in the Southwest,
18241947. Albuqerque: University of New Mexico Press,

Bliss Isely / a. e.
See also Agriculture; Cattle; Cattle Brands; Cattle Drives;
Chisholm Trail; Livestock Industry; Meatpacking; Rodeos; Trail Drivers.

HOMEWORK. Schoolwork assigned to be done outside of the school hours. The history of homework in the


United States is a varied one, both in substance and in

perceived value. Over the years, its presentation has
changed markedly, and its popularity has waxed and waned.
In the early 1800s, in an agrarian society, the school
year was short and homework was of little signicance.
There was little time for it, because children living on
farms had a multitude of chores. In the late 1800s, as a
result of the industrial revolution, families moved to the
cities and became more urbanized. At this time, educational philosophers perceived the mind as a passive, blank
slate upon which learning would be imprinted. The formal learning of the time, in large part, consisted of a classroom experience that entailed much memorization, drill,
and recitation. Homework, which was structured similarly, was deemed an important reinforcement of what was
learned. Many people, however, believed that homework
could cause physical, emotional, or mental illness, since
it kept children from fresh air and physical exercise.
In the early 1900s, educator Edward Bok was instrumental in addressing and supporting concerns about the
value of homework. In his writings he suggested that no
homework should be assigned to those students less than
15 years of age and only one hour per night to those students 15 and older. The Progressive Education Movement had begun to ask questions about the structure of
teaching. Supporters of this movement viewed learning
as an active process of problem solving, far different from
the passive learning philosophy of the past. This change
in perception caused memorizing and reciting to lose its
place as the primary approach to education. In 1930, the
Society of the Abolition of Homework was established.
This group stressed its concerns about the health risks
that members felt homework presented, including eyestrain, lack of sleep, limited development in certain areas
due to lack of free play, and even physical deformities.
In response to Russias launching of the space satellite
Sputnik in 1957, the pendulum swung again. A fty-year
trend toward less homework came to a halt. As the United
States became committed to compete with the Russians,
a cry came out for more and better education in both
math and science. The vast majority of educators and parents called for more homework. The National Defense
Education Act supported this effort and, in turn, the value
of homework. By the 1960s, homework was seen as a major factor in scholastic achievement, although in 1966 the
National Education Association (NEA) did suggest some
limits in amount. The NEA suggested no homework for
the early elementary school child; no more than one hour
a day, four days a week, for upper elementary and junior
high school students; and approximately one and one-half
hours a night for senior high school students.
In the 1980s, policymakers continued to encourage
educators to increase the amount of homework given. In
1983 the governments document, A Nation at Risk, declared that much of what ailed the U.S. economy could
be attributed to the inadequacies of the schools and
stressed the need for more homework and a longer school


day. Even though researcher Harris Cooper reported in

1989 that his extensive studies indicated the amount of
homework done in the elementary grades has little or no
effect on later academic achievement, homeworks value
at all levels was continually supported by the vast majority
of educators. Comparisons to the educational approaches,
school hours, and the amount of homework assigned by
other countries became prevalent. Although ongoing research is inconclusive, studies have indicated that students
in other countries (whether they are assigned more homework than U.S. students or not) still outperform U.S. students on tests in math and science. This would bring into
question the value of increasing homework for students
in U.S. schools.
The debate continues. At the beginning of the twentyrst century, new questions and concerns about homework and approaches to homework have evolved. Among
them: Is a more intensied approach to education, including a great deal of homework, necessary for us as a
nation to compete in a global marketplace? and Is it fair
and healthy for the schools to impose more work on families who are generally overworked and who already have
their free time overtaxed?
Studies done at Carnegie-Mellon University show
that real competence is the result of extensive practice.
An additional nding from the 1999 National Assessment
for Educational Progress concludes that 17-year-olds who
typically spend more that two hours a day doing homework have higher average reading scores than those who
spend less than an hour per day or no time at all on
Experts perceive that homework is a good way to
review, reinforce, and practice what has been taught.
Homework is also considered to be a good way to assimilate new information related to what has been studied.
In addition, homework is judged as an avenue that allows
teachers to assess students understanding of what has
been presented. It is also seen as a method of preparation
for the next days work and a valuable way to study for
tests. In addition, it is purported to teach direction following, organizational skills, time management, and research skills, as well as supporting the communication between parents and the school. Some feel that homework
builds character.
Negative arguments include that homework suppresses creativity and chokes the desire to learn. Many
also observe that it creates unnecessary anxiety for the
child and the family and can have a negative impact on
the family as a whole. Others feel that assigning homework is unfair without support available to children whose
families have little time or little knowledge about the
technology taught and the approaches to teaching that are
considered valuable today.
At the beginning of the twenty-rst century, homework was given in greater quantities than in the past, in
part due to the increased difculty in getting into top

colleges and the more challenging job market that faced

graduates. The resources available to students who wished
support with their homework also grew. Homework hotlines were available, as were special homework tutors and
tutorial programs offered in learning centers. In addition,
numerous Internet nodes offered homework support, and
many schools had afterschool programs where time was
set aside for children to work on their homework under

Cooper, Harris M. The Battle over Homework. Thousand Oaks,

Calif.: Corwin Press, 1994.
Kralovec, Etta, and John Buell. The End of Homework. Boston.
Beacon Press. 2000.
National Center for Educational Statistics. The Condition of Education 2001. Washington, D.C.: Department of Education,

Dawn Duque`s
See also Education.

HOMOSEXUALITY. See Sexual Orientation.

HONKY-TONK GIRLS were women with no particular skill who entertained cowboys in saloons, later
called honky-tonks, during the 1800s in the state of Texas.
They would sing and dance and drink alongside any cowboy they met in the saloon. They were carefree, happy
people who made the cowboys feel important for the
The spirit of the honky-tonk has evolved into
modern-day country music. The songs of country singer
Loretta Lynn, whose rst big hit in 1960 was titled,
Honky Tonk Girl, are classic examples of honky-tonk
music. Most honky-tonk music contains stories about religion, family, and hard luck. Its roots are with the common people, similar to the roughhouse cowboy.

Honky-Tonk Music, Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, 2002.

Rice, James, Texas Honky Tonk Music, 1985, available from

Donna W. Reamy

HONOLULU. Honolulu, the capital of the state of

Hawaii, is on the southeast coast of the island of Oahu.
Its name means sheltered harbor. This crossroads of
the Pacic between the Americas and Asia is an exportimport site for goods and people.
As a consequence of high-rise construction, Honolulu is Americas most crowded city. According to the
2000 Census, about 80 percent (876,156) of Hawaiis res-



idents live in Honolulus 60 square miles. This is about

1,460 persons per square mile, compared to 79.6 persons
per square mile in the United States overall. This ranks
Honolulu among the fty largest U.S. cities, and counties
and fty-rst largest Standard Metropolitan Statistical
More than 21 percent of Honolulus residents are
foreign born. (Only Los Angeles and New York City have
higher percentages.) English is a second language for
more than 26 percent. Twenty-one percent are white and
10 percent are Hispanic, African American, or Native
American. More than 65 percent are Asian. The largest
Asian immigrant populations are Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese.
Diversity is not new. Tahitians arrived in pre-recorded
history, mixing with already-present islanders. The British discovered the bay settlement in 1794. Honolulu became a world hub for traders, whalers, and shermen.
Western missionaries followed in the 1820s; Chinese and
Filipino plantation laborers came in the 1830s. By 1884,
Honolulus Chinatown had ve thousand inhabitants and
Chinese owned 60 percent of wholesale and retail establishments and 85 percent of restaurants. Military occupationsRussian (1816), British (1843), and French (1849)
added variety. From 1845, Honolulu was home to Hawaiis monarchy. American investors moved in after the
treaty of reciprocity between Hawaii and the United
States in 1875.
Incorporated as a city in 1907, Honolulu is the states
commercial and industrial hub and the headquarters for
county, state, and regional federal government institutions.
Its economy is tied to Asian and American markets. Military installations, including Pearl Harbor naval base, are
important strategically and economically; Japan considered
Pearl Harbor important enough to bomb in 1941. Honolulu International Airport is among the busiest U.S. airports. Tourism contributes to skyscraper hotels, shopping
centers, and retail businesses. Honolulu harbor bustles
with luxury cruise liners, freighters, and intra-island barges.
Extensive docks and warehouses serve pineapple canneries, sugar reneries, garment manufacturers, dairy enterprises, and aluminum, cement, oil, and steel industries.
Educational institutionsthe University of Hawaii,
Chaminade University, and Hawaii Pacic University
contribute to research and development industries in astronomy, biomedicine, geophysics, oceanography, and
satellite communications. World-class cultural institutions include Bishop Museum, a premier resource for
Pacic culture studies; the Honolulu Academy of Arts,
among the worlds most beautiful museums; and the Iolani Palace, the only royal palace in the United States.
A temperate climate of from seventy-two to seventyeight degrees year-round supports agriculture and outdoor recreation. But like most cities in the early twentyrst century, Honolulu faces environmental and social
issues such as urban sprawl, water quality, and open space



Beechert, Edward D. Honolulu: Crossroads of the Pacic. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1991.
Stone, Scott C. S. Honolulu: Heart of Hawaii. Tulsa, Okla.: Continental Heritage Press, 1983.

Ellen Sue Blakey

See also Asian Americans; Hawaii; Pearl Harbor.


December 1864). After the evacuation of Atlanta, Confederate president Jefferson Davis visited General J. B.
Hoods army and proposed a move northward to cut General William Tecumseh Shermans communications to
Chattanooga, with the possibility of moving on through
Tennessee and Kentucky to the banks of the Ohio.
In an effort to lure Sherman west, Hood marched in
early October to Tuscumbia on the Tennessee River. He
waited there for three weeks anticipating Shermans pursuit. Instead, Sherman, forewarned by a speech from Davis, sent the Army of the Ohio under General J. M. Schoeld to reinforce Colonel George H. Thomass force at
Nashville. On 15 November, Sherman began his ruinous
raid to the sea.
Hood ignored Sherman and pushed into Tennessee
to scatter the Union forces gathering at Nashville. On 29
November, he failed to cut off Schoelds retreating army
near Spring Hill; the next day, Hood was repulsed with
heavy losses at the Battle of Franklin. Schoeld hurriedly
retreated into Nashville. Hood followed, but delayed for
two weeks, awaiting Thomass move. On 15 and 16 December, Thomas attacked with precision, crushed the left
of Hoods line, and forced the Confederate army to withdraw to shorter lines. For the rst time, a veteran Confederate army was driven in disorder from the eld of
battle. Thomass cavalry pursued vigorously but was unable to disperse Hoods army, which crossed the Tennessee River and turned westward to Corinth, Mississippi.
Hood soon relinquished his command to General Richard Taylor. The war in the West was over.

Ash, Stephen V. Middle Tennessee Society Transformed, 18601870:

War and Peace in the Upper South. Baton Rouge: Louisiana
State University Press, 1988.
Groom, Winston. Shrouds of Glory: From Atlanta to Nashville: The
Last Great Campaign of the Civil War. New York: Atlantic
Monthly Press, 1995.
Hay, Thomas R. Hoods Tennessee Campaign. New York: Neale,

Thomas Robson Hay / a. r.

See also Nashville, Battle of; Shermans March to the Sea;
Tennessee, Army of.


Hoosac Tunnel. The west portal, North Adams, Mass., as

seen in a photograph taken c. 1900. Library of Congress

HOOSAC TUNNEL, opened in 1876 after 22 years

of construction that claimed nearly 200 lives, extends 4.73
miles through the Hoosac Mountains of Massachusetts, a
southern extension of the Green Mountains. It was
started in 1855 by the Troy and Greeneld Railroad as
part of a plan to divert western trade to Boston. The state
aided the railroad but was forced to take over the tunnel
when the railroad failed in 1863. In 1887 the tunnel was
turned over to the Fitchburg Railroad, which became a
part of the Boston and Maine. Compressed air drills were
rst used in the United States in 1866 in the construction
of this tunnel.

chambers of the U.S. Congress. Appointed by President

Harry S. Truman, former president Herbert Hoover
served as chairman of the rst commission, which functioned from 1947 to 1949 to deal with the growth of government during World War II. Under President Dwight
D. Eisenhower, Hoover chaired the second commission
(19531955), dealing with government growth during the
Korean War. Both commissions sought to reduce expenditures to the lowest amount consistent with essential services and to end duplication and overlapping of government services and activities. The commissions were
nonpartisan. Of the personnel for each, four were named
by the president, four by the vice president, and four by
the Speaker of the House.
The rst commission created twenty-four task forces
of experts to study as many phases of government; the
second created nineteen. Task forces reported to the commission, which, after studies by their staffs and members,
reported their ndings to Congress. The rst commission
made 273 recommendations; the second, 314. Of these,
about half could be carried out by administrative action;
the rest required legislation. More than 70 percent of the
recommendations were put into effect.
Hoover estimated that the rst commission brought
a total savings of $7 billion and the second more than $3
billion yearly. Among reforms resulting from the commissions studies were passage of the Military Unication
Act of 1949; creation of the General Services Agency; formation of the Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare; cost accounting and modernized budgeting; reduction of government competition with private business;
development of a federal career service; coordination of
federal research; and a general reduction of red tape.

Best, Gary Dean. Herbert Hoover: The Postpresidential Years,

19331964. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press,
Smith, Richard Norton. An Uncommon Man: The Triumph of
Herbert Hoover. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984.

Neil MacNeil / a. g.
See also Bureaucracy.


Carman, Bernard R. Hoot Toot & Whistle: The Story of the Hoosac
Tunnel & Wilmington Railroad. Brattleboro, Vt.: Greene
Press, 1963.
Cleveland, F. A., and F. W. Powell. Railroad Promotion and Capitalization. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1981.

James D. Magee / a. r.
See also Allegheny Mountains, Routes Across; Railroads;

HOOVER COMMISSIONS. In the mid-1900s, two

commissions on organization of the executive branch of
government were set up by unanimous votes of the two

HOOVER DAM. Located in the Black Canyon on

the Colorado River, Hoover Dam lies about thirty miles
southeast of Las Vegas, Nevada. The federal government
built it for ood control, navigation, irrigation, water
storage, and power generation. Farmers in the region experienced disastrous Colorado River oods before the
dam was constructed.
Herbert Hoover rst proposed a dam for the Colorado River when he became secretary of commerce in
1921. At the time his plan involved a dam in Boulder
Canyon. After he became president, Hoover proposed an
upper and a lower basin, a compromise that made a
dam possible by dividing the water among the states af-



walls by hand. Four tunnels diverted the ow of the river,

and a ton of dynamite was required to dig fourteen feet.
The dam itself was made up of columns lled slowly with
concrete. To cool the chemical heat released by the concrete, ice water ran through the equivalent of 582 miles
of one-inch diameter pipes embedded in the concrete.
After the columns were lled and cooled, grout was poured
between them to make the structure monolithic.
The Hoover Dam was seen as a triumph of humans
over nature. It was the rst human-made structure to exceed the masonry mass of the Great Pyramid of Giza. By
the twenty-rst century the dam was regarded ambivalently, sustaining environmentalists criticism that it in
fact damaged or destroyed an ecosystem.

Carothers, Steven W., and Bryan T. Brown. The Colorado River

through Grand Canyon: Natural History and Human Change.
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1991.
Dunar, Andrew J., and Dennis McBride. Building Hoover Dam:
An Oral History of the Great Depression. New York: Twayne,
Stevens, Joseph E. Hoover Dam: An American Adventure. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1988.
Hoover Dam. An aerial view of the impressive engineering
feat, which impounds the vast reservoir called Lake Mead.
Charles E. Rotkin/corbis

Ruth Kaplan
See also Conservation; Hydroelectric Power.


fected by the river and its tributaries. Arizona, California,
Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming
entered the Colorado River Compact in 1922, and in
1928 Congress authorized the construction of Boulder
Dam, which later became the Hoover Dam.
During the Great Depression the government contractor, Six Companies, six formerly independent companies that had merged to get the job, constructed the
dam, the highest concrete arch dam in the United States.
Lake Mead, the reservoir the dam impounds, is one of the
largest human-made lakes in the world, with an area of
247 square miles. The dam itself is 726.4 feet from the
foundation rock on the roadway to the crest, with towers
and ornaments extending another 40 feet above the crest.
It weighs more than 6.6 million tons. With 17 turbines,
the power facility has a nameplate capacity of 2.074 million kilowatts.
Of the thousands of people who worked on the dam
between 1930 and 1936, ninety-six workers died from accidents directly relating to the building of the dam and
dozens more from related ailments. Before the dam could
even be started, Boulder City had to be built to house the
workers, and miles of highways and railroads from the
dam site to Boulder City and from there to Las Vegas had
to be constructed. In the rst step of building the dam,
men attached to ropes were hoisted over the edge of the
canyon, where they scraped loose rock from the canyon



HOPEWELL is the name given to a distinctive, widely

shared cultural expression ourishing between a.d. 1 and
400 among locally rooted societies from the Kansas City
area to upstate New York, and from southern Ontario and
northern Wisconsin to peninsular Florida. Hopewell has
no single point of origin, being drawn from diverse cultural traditions. Single autonomous small villages dominated cultural and political life. However, these interconnected prehistoric cultures have a common identity based
upon their distinctive artifacts and the equally distinctive
style with which these artifacts were decorated. Much of
this artwork has been found in graves and graveside areas
in and under burial mounds, and unmounded structures
connected with burial rites. The singular decorative style
developed in the Lower Mississippi Valley centuries earlier. During the Hopewellian Period, the Marksville cultural tradition of the Lower Valley exerted particularly
strong inuences upon the Havana Tradition of the Illinois Valley and adjoining Midwest. A hallmark of this period was far-ung trade in ritually important materials
such as obsidian from western Oregon, silver from Ontario, native copper from the Kewennaw peninsula of
Michigan, shark teeth, alligator teeth, and marine shells
from the Gulf Coast of Florida, and sheets of mica from
the Appalachians of North Carolina.


Hopewell. An aerial view of the Great Serpent Mound in southern Ohio (now in a state park): about 1,330 feet long, 20 feet wide,
and an average of 3 feet high. Library of Congress

Religion was dominated by shamanic practices that

included tobacco smoking. Stone smoking pipes and other
carvings evince a strong afnity to the animal world, particularly in the depictions of monstrous human and animal combinations. These artifacts mark the earliest archaeologically documented use of domesticated tobacco.
Hopewells distinctive technological accomplishments
include various objects of cold hammered native copper
such as prestigious ornaments (breastplates, skullcap headdresses, mica cutouts, and copper beads and bracelets),
ritual equipment (pan pipes), and utilitarian pieces (ax and
adze heads, and awls). Spool-shaped ornaments hammered
from copper and secured in the earlobes required intricate
fabrication and represent the apogee of Hopewellian technical expertise. Other distinctive artifacts included clay
gurines, meteoric iron nodules, and atlatl weights.
Hopewell also produced some of the most noteworthy earthen architecture of the Eastern Woodlands.
The most distinctive stamp to earthen constructions in

this era are the geometric embankments that enclose

communal ritual areas. The famous octagon embankment
at Newark, Ohio, measures a maximum of 1,720 feet
across. Large squares and circles often conjoined in complex but geometrically regular congurations testify to
the knowledge of a simple but sophisticated mathematics
that was applied to a complicated symbolism. Most
mounds were dome-shaped creations of circular or oval
ground plans, and some attained enormous size. The earliest platform mounds make their appearance during this
period. Notable examples of earthworks include Mound
City (Ohio), Seip (Ohio), Fort Ancient (Ohio), Marksville
(Louisiana), and Pinson (Tennessee).
Hopewells agriculture was based upon domesticated
plants native to the Eastern Woodlands including squash,
sunower, sumpweed and chenopodium. In this period,
maize, the tropical grain that was to become so important
a thousand years later, made its rst appearance in small




Brose, David S., and Nomi B. Greber, eds. Hopewell Archaeology:

The Chillicothe Conference. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1979.
Kennedy, Roger G. Hidden Cities: The Discovery and Loss of Ancient North American Civilization. New York: Free Press,
Pacheco, Paul J., ed. A View from the Core: A Synthesis of Ohio
Hopewell Archaeology. Columbus: Ohio Archaeological Council, 1996.
Romain, William F. Mysteries of the Hopewell: Astronomers, Geometers, and Magicians of the Eastern Woodlands. Akron,
Ohio: University of Akron Press, 2000.

James A. Brown
See also Archaeology and Prehistory of North America; Indian Mounds.

HOPI. The name Hopi is derived from the word Hopituh, which best translates as people who are mannered,
civilized, and adhere to the Hopi way. The Hopi way is a
marvelous and complex system of relationships, behavior,
language, industry, philosophy, and thought. Hopis believe that humankind emerged into the present world
from another place. The emergence story begins with a
covenant made with Maasaw, a deity who rst occupied
this world. The story recounts the time when Hopis asked
Maasaw for permission to live on this land. Maasaw responded, It is up to you. All I have to offer you is my
planting stick, a pouch of seeds, and a gourd of water. My
life is simple but hard. If you commit to this way of life,
you may live here with me. Maasaw laid several ears of

corn before the different groups of people who emerged

with the Hopis and asked the leaders of each group to
choose one ear of corn apiece. The Hopi leader did not
rush forward but waited until others made their selection.
The only remaining ear was a short ear of blue corn. Maasaw said to the Hopi leader, You did not rush forward,
you have shown patience and humility, which is symbolized by this short ear of corn. Here, take this and become
my people. The Hopis took the stubby ear of blue corn,
which represented a long life but one full of challenges
and hard work. They agreed to live according to Maasaws
instructions, which became a spiritual covenant that has
guided Hopis since the earliest times to the present.
Hisatsinoms (Earliest People), the ancestors of
present-day Hopis, built and occupied communities
throughout the greater Southwest. Monumental architectural remains can be seen at locations such as Mesa Verde
in Colorado, Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, and Wupatki in Arizona. These and other sites were settled by extended families or clans who, over time, migrated to the
center of the Hopi world. Clans remain as the single most
important unit of organization and identity for Hopis.
Bear, Tobacco, Sand, Snake, Flute, Roadrunner, Sun,
Snow, Corn, and Spider are examples of clan names. Each
has its own history, specializations, and ways that it interacts with other clans. The last point is particularly important as one can only marry outside of ones clan. To
do otherwise would be considered incest.
In the twenty-rst century, the Hopis resided in
twelve independent villages in northeastern Arizona. Oraibi, the oldest of the villages, is also considered the oldest
continuously inhabited community in all of North Amer-

Hopi Pueblo. Amid typically harsh Hopi land in northeastern Arizona, 1920; the pueblo is Walpi,
the oldest settlement (c. 1700) atop First Mesa. Library of Congress



with Maasaw. Colonial jurisdiction over the northern

reaches of New Spain remained until 1821, when Mexico
declared independence from Spain. Hopis lived under
Mexican rule until 1848, the year that also marked the
signing of a treaty between the United States and Mexico
at the close of the Mexican War. In 1882, the Hopi Indian
Reservation was established by executive order of President Chester A. Arthur. The reservation land base is
nearly 3,000 square miles. The Hopi Tribal Council and
Government was organized in 1935, and its constitution
was approved by the secretary of the interior in 1936.
Hopis are now federally recognized as the Hopi Tribe.
In 2001, the Hopi Tribes Enrollment Ofce reported
a total population of 11,095. Between 75 and 80 percent
of this population lived in the Hopi area. Others lived and
worked in urban areas or were in college or military service. Hopi children attended community schools staffed
by Hopi and non-Hopi educators and governed by local
school boards. At about age eight, boys and girls begin
their traditional Hopi religious education and training
with the supervision of a close adult adviser.
Agriculture is central to Hopi culture. In fact, Hopi
culture is often referred to as a corn culture. With an
annual precipitation of twelve inches or less, the Hopis
have employed dry farming technology to sustain themselves and adjust to an arid land that can be harsh and
unpredictable. Dry farming requires patience, humility,
hard work, and most of all, a heart full of prayer. Harvest
time is a joyful time and everyone partakes of the new

Hopi Bride. A woman in traditional dress for a wedding;

Hopis can marry only outside their own clan. Library of

The Hopis are among the most studied groups of

people in Native North America. In 1980, there were well
over 3,000 books and monographs published about Hopis. Since 1980, that number has probably increased exponentially. Recent scholarship has involved a number of
Hopi scholars. The Hopi Dictionary published in 1998, for
example, is a monumental work that includes more than

ica. The villages range in age from Oraibi, which is more

than a thousand years old, to communities such as Polacca, which was settled in the early part of the last century. Most of the villages were established on mesas or
escarpments that extend southward from a larger land formation known as Black Mesa. These village sites were
strategically selected according to a plan that would help
to protect residents and their way of life from marauding
enemies and unwanted visitors.
In 1540, Spanish soldiers reached the Hopi area and
defeated a group of Hopis who were defending an early
village site. During the next 140 years, the Spanish attempted to colonize and missionize the Hopis. In 1680,
indigenous populations over a wide geographical area
staged a revolution against the Spanish government, and
its military, missions, and civilians. For the Hopis, the
Pueblo Revolt of 1680 was not only a revolution against
a colonial government, it was a concerted effort to rid the
area of forces that threatened Hopituh and their covenant

Hopi Hairstyles. A woman arranges the hair of a girl, c. 1909.

Library of Congress



30,000 terms and was developed by Hopi and other language specialists. Hopis speak a Shoshonean language
that is a branch of a larger language family known as UtoAztecan. The Hopi Dictionary is intended to help Hopi
speakers to write and read the language. The Hopi Tribe
publishes the newspaper Hopi Tutuveni, which uses both
English and the Hopi syllabary. In 2001, the rst Hopi
public radio station went on the air. The stations call letters, KUYI, symbolically translate to water.
The Hopi artistic expressions in jewelry, pottery,
painting, textiles, and basket making are well known to
the art market and the world of collectors. Visitors are
welcome to visit the Hopi Cultural Center on Second
Mesa and may also arrange for guided tours of some of
the villages. However, the Hopi people also desire to protect their rights to privacy and safeguard their religious
knowledge and ceremonies. The Hopi Cultural Preservation Ofce is charged with the responsibility of representing Hopi interests both within and outside the Hopi
reservation. This responsibility requires the involvement
not only of the Hopi government, but also of the Hopi
villages, clans, and religious societies, which must cooperate with each other as well. This is in keeping with the
covenant between Maasaw and Hopituh.

HORNBOOK, the primer or rst reading book used

in colonial schools. Long used in England, colonists
brought it with them to America. The hornbook was not
really a book at all but simply a sheet of paper mounted
on a board and covered with transparent horn. The board
ended in a handle that a child held while reading. The
handle was perforated so that it might be attached to the
childs belt. Hornbooks contained the alphabet in capital
and small letters, followed by combinations of vowels
with consonants to form syllables, the Lords Prayer, and
Roman numerals.

Beatty, Barbara. Preschool Education in America: The Culture of

Young Children from the Colonial Era to the Present. New
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1995.
Cohen, Sheldon S. A History of Colonial Education, 16071776.
New York: Wiley, 1974.

Charles Garrett Vannest / s. b.


Hopi Dictionary Project. Hopi Dictionary/Hop`ikwa Lava`ytutuveni: A Hopi-English Dictionary of the Third Mesa Dialect.
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c. 1998.
James, Harry C. Pages from Hopi History. Tucson: University of
Arizona Press, 1994.
Ortiz, Alfonso, ed. Southwest. Vol. 9 of Handbook of North American Indians. Edited by William C. Sturtevant. Washington,
D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979.
Secakuku, Alph H. Following the Sun and Moon: Hopi Kachina
Tradition. Flagstaff, Ariz.: Northland Publishing, 1995.

Hartman H. Lomawaima
Stewart Koyiyumptewa
See also Agriculture, American Indian; Indian Languages; Indian Oral Literature; Indian Religious Life; Pueblo

HORIZONTAL TARIFF BILL, a federal tariff law,

effective 1 May 1872, that cut protective duties by 10 percent. Another act admitted tea and coffee free. The bill
was a compromise that allowed protectionists to prevent
more drastic cuts in protective duties. The reduction was
repealed in 1875 to meet an alleged need for more

Goldstein, Judith. Ideas, Interests, and American Trade Policy. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1993.

James D. Magee / a. r.
See also Tariff; Trade, Foreign.


Hornbook. This early primer includes the alphabet and the

Lords Prayer. Folger Shakespeare Library


See also Colonial Society; Dame School; Education; New England Primer.

HORSE. The horse in America dates at least from the

single-hoofed Equus caballus that emerged in Pleistocene
times, about 1 million years ago. Ancestors of the modern
horse began a westward migration from North America
across the land bridge between the north coast of Alaska
and that of Siberia. Some paleontologists suspect that the
horse disappeared in America not more than, and possibly
less than, 10,000 years ago.
The horse was reintroduced into the Western Hemisphere with the voyages of discovery by Christopher Columbus for Spain at the end of the fteenth century.
These Spanish steeds, derived from Moorish stock, rst
landed in the Caribbean in November 1493. The Spanish
horses acclimated rapidly and within twenty years formed
the chief supply for the Spanish mainland expeditions.
Other European explorers brought horses to eastern and
western parts of the New World in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. English colonists imported European
horses. In the British colonies as a whole, horses were
valued for riding, hunting, and racing.
The adoption of the horse by Native Americans, after
the initial impact, increased rapidly and proved a major
implement of change for the nomadic Plains tribes. By
1660, Indians had learned the value of horses and had
begun to use them. During the next forty years the horse
spread into the plains and mountains with great rapidity.
In 1805 and 1806 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
noted the use of horses by Indians. With horses, the Kiowa ranged more than 1,000 miles in a summer. Some
eastern forest tribes, once partially agricultural, moved
out into the grassland with acquired horses and turned to
hunting. The equestrian tribes were often at war with one
another and raided white settlements to steal more horses.
Horses were crucial for transportation and inland migration prior to the development of the railroad. Extractive industries, manufacturers, and city distributive systems were all dependent on horsepower. The stagecoach
was the rst inland interregional utility, and the post rider
opened communication with outlying settlements. Horses
drew canal boats and railcars and served hunters, trappers,
and miners. Cow horses carried cowboys on long cattle
drives, herding livestock. The night horse was used to
stand guard. Cavalry mounts and supply teams were adjuncts of military organizations and campaigning on every
front. Approximately 1,500,000 horses and mules died
during the Civil War (18611865).
The twentieth-century revolution worked by the internal combustion engine resulted in a displacement of
horses for power and transportation. Tractor-drawn corn
planters could plant an average of seventy acres of corn,
compared to a horse-drawn average of only sixteen acres.
From about 26 million farm horses and mules in the

United States in 1920, the number declined to slightly

more than 3 million horses and mules on farms in 1960.
American Breeds
American horse breeders carefully selected breeding stock
and monitored pedigrees in an attempt to cultivate desired characteristics. Sometimes especially swift or capable horses were produced by chance. Superb horses were
occasionally discovered and of unknown parentage. These
animals were retained as studs or broodmares in the hopes
that their talents or physical attributes would be transmitted to offspring. As a result, breeds unique to the
United States were developed, especially in the twentieth
century, to meet performance needs. Breed associations
were formed to preserve genetic records and promote
specic types of horses.
The American Quarter Horse is the rst horse breed
distinctive to the United States. Descended from a mixture of American breeds and imported bloodstock during
the colonial period, Quarter Horses are exceptionally
sturdy, muscular, versatile, and fast. They accompanied
Americans from Atlantic colonies to the western frontier,
where they were valued for their cow sense. Cattlemen,
including those at the famous King Ranch in Kingsville,
Texas, developed outstanding lines of Quarter Horses.
One of the King Ranch Quarter Horses, Wimpy, was
named grand champion stallion at the 1941 Fort Worth
Exposition. The American Quarter Horse Association,
founded in 1940, assigned Wimpy its rst registration
number, and he became a leading foundation sire. Quarter Horses ll many roles. The All-American Futurity at
Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico, distributes a $2 million
purse to Quarter Horses that sprint 440 yards. The American Quarter Horse Heritage Center and Museum at Amarillo, Texas, preserves this breeds history.
Justin Morgans horse Figure, foaled in Massachusetts in 1793, founded a line notable not only for speed
but also for light draft. Rhode Island developed one of
the most distinctive and noted types of the period in the
Narragansett pacer, a fast, easy-gaited saddle horse, but
one not suited for driving or draft purposes. The stylishly
moving American Saddlebred represents a mixture of
Narragansett Pacer, Arabian, Standardbred, and Thoroughbred ancestors. Established in 1891, The American
Saddle Horse Breeders Association (later renamed American Saddlebred Horse Association) was the rst American breed association, and Denmark was designated the
main foundation sire.
Tennessee Walking Horses represent a conglomeration of breeds which produced a gaited horse that is renowned for its running walk. This breed is based on the
line of foundation sire Allan F-1. The Racking Horse has
a comfortable, natural four-beat gait which southern planters valued. Ozark settlers bred the Missouri Fox Trotter,
which had a sliding gait that eased travel in hilly areas.
Most modern Appaloosas are related to the horses
bred by the Nez Perce Indians. These spotted horses of-



one-third of horses are used primarily for shows and competitions. An estimated 725,000 horses race or are used
as broodmares and studs on racehorse farms. Slightly
more than one million horses ll working roles such as
agricultural laborers and police mounts. Others are used
as rodeo stock or for polo teams.
Although horses are found throughout the United
States, Kentuckys Bluegrass region is specically identied with equines. The center of American horse racing
activity, Kentucky is home to major racing stables and
tracks. The Kentucky Horse Park and the International
Museum of the Horse were established at Lexington,
Kentucky, in 1978 to educate people about horses and to
host signicant equine-related artistic, cultural, and sporting events. This thousand-acre site includes the Hall of
Champions and the grave of the famous racehorse Man
o War. The museum is the worlds largest equestrian museum and examines the history of human-horse interactions, providing online access to exhibits via the Internet.
The daily Parade of Breeds highlights representatives of
distinctive American horse breeds.

Horses. Augustus Kollners lithograph, c. 1872, depicts what

he identies as the principal breeds of horses in use in North
America (clockwise from upper left): American trotter, Arabian
horse, Normandy horse, racehorse, Morgan horse, and heavy
English draft horse. Library of Congress

ten also have Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred, and Arabian

ancestry. Joker B. and Colida were two of the Appaloosa
Horse Clubs outstanding foundation stallions after that
association was formed in 1938. The Pony of the Americas (POA) was created by crossing an Appaloosa mare
and a Shetland pony stallion. The resulting foal, Black
Hand, became the POA foundation sire, establishing a
breed especially for children to ride and show.
The American Cream Draft Horse is the sole draft
breed created in the United States. Representatives of this
breed are descended from a pink-skinned, cream-colored
Iowa mare named Old Granny. After mechanization resulted in the slaughter of many draft horses, the American
Minor Breeds Conservancy cited the American Cream
Draft Horse as an endangered breed.
Horse Culture
By the beginning of the twenty-rst century, 6.9 million
horses were living in the United States and were used by
1.9 million horse owners for recreational or commercial
purposes. Approximately one-half of American horses are
kept for their owners to enjoy and ride for pleasure. About


Pony, 4-H, and local riding clubs offer opportunities

for equestrians to learn about horses. Riders barrel race
at rodeos. Equestrians also compete at such prestigious
events as the National Horse Show, held annually at
Madison Square Garden in New York since 1883. Members of the United States Equestrian Team participate in
international equestrian sporting events including the
Legislation and Statistics
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals was organized in 1866 to protest horse abuse.
During the late nineteenth century, George T. Angell established similar humane groups in Massachusetts to protect horses. Congress passed the Horse Protection Act
(HPA) in 1970, then amended it in 1976 with further revisions in 1983 to provide legal measures to prevent abusive treatment of horses. Specically, the HPA forbids
people from soring horses. This procedure involves application of stimulants, such as chemical pastes or sharp
chains, to make a horse step higher or perform more spectacularly than normal in order to win competitions or
earn higher prices at sales. After receiving training and
being licensed by a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)approved horse agency, a Designated
Qualied Person (DQP) monitors horses at shows and
auctions to inspect, detect, and bar any animals that have
been sored.
The HPA declares that soring of horses for exhibitions or sales as well as the interstate transportation of
sored animals to horse shows is prohibited. People convicted of soring horses are usually prevented from participating in future shows and sales for a specic time
period, occasionally being disqualied for life, ned as
much as $5,000, and sometimes sentenced to as much as
a two-year prison term. State and local governments often


prosecute people for committing acts that violate regional

animal welfare legislation.

Zeh, Lucy. Etched in Stone: Thoroughbred Memorials. Lexington,

Ky.: Blood-Horse, 2000.

In 1996, the American Horse Council Foundation,

created in 1969, commissioned a study to evaluate how
the horse industry impacts the U.S. economy. The study
determined that the American horse industry contributes
annually $25.3 billion of goods and services to the national economy and pays taxes totaling $1.9 billion. The
horse industry provides more income to the gross domestic product than such signicant industries as furniture and tobacco manufacturing, motion picture production, and railroad transportation.

Tom Fulton
Elizabeth D. Schafer

Throughout the United States, breeding, training,

and boarding stables, horse show arenas, racetracks, and
auction barns hire workers for various tasks, ranging from
grooms and stable hands to jockeys and stable managers.
At least 7.1 million people participate in some aspect of
the horse industry. More Americans are employed by the
horse industry than work in media broadcasting, railroad,
or tobacco, coal, and petroleum manufacturing positions.
Millions more are active as spectators at equine events.


American Horse Council Home page at:
American Quarter Horse Association. Home page at http://
Appaloosa Horse Club. Home page at
Kentucky Horse Park and the International Museum of the
Horse. Home page at
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association. Home page at
Cypher, John. Bob Kleberg and the King Ranch: A Worldwide Sea
of Grass. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.
Denhardt, Robert M. The Quarter Running Horse: Americas Oldest Breed. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979.
Edwards, Elwyn Hartley. The Encyclopedia of the Horse. Photography by Bob Langrish and Kit Houghton. Foreword by
Sharon Ralls Lemon. London and New York: Dorling
Kindersley, 1994.
Gray, Bob. Great Horses of the Past. Houston: Cordovan Corp.,
Hillenbrand, Laura. Seabiscuit: An American Legend. New York:
Random House, 2001.
Horse Industry Directory. Washington, D.C.: Published annually
by the American Horse Council in cooperation with American Horse Publications, 1976.
Mellin, Jeanne. The Complete Morgan Horse. Lexington, Mass.:
S. Greene Press, 1986.
Ward, Kathleen Rauschl. The American Horse: From Conquistadors to the 21st Century. Belleville, Mich.: Maple Yard Publications, 1991.

See also Horse Racing and Showing; Indians and the Horse;
Mule; Mustangs; Pony Express; Rodeos.

HORSE MARINES is a term that refers to cavalrymen doing the work of marines or vice versa. The expression became associated with an episode in Texas in
1836, following the Battle of San Jacinto. As Maj. Isaac
Burtons Texas Rangers made a reconnaissance along the
coast to establish the extent and speed of the Mexican
withdrawal, they sighted and captured three Mexican supply ships. Burtons detachment became known as the Horse
Marines. In a broader sense the term designates, with humorous derision, almost any military or naval incongruity.

Robinson, Charles M. The Men Who Wear the Star: The Story of
the Texas Rangers. New York: Random House, 2000.
Winders, Richard Bruce. Mr. Polks Army: The American Military
Experience in the Mexican War. College Station: Texas A&M
University Press, 1997.

Jim Dan Hill / h. r. s.

See also Marine Corps, United States; Mexican-American
War; San Jacinto, Battle of; Texas Rangers.


racing and horse showing antedate the history of the
United States. The rst settlers in the early colonies, particularly in Virginia, engaged in horse racing, one of the
few accepted sports of the time. These races tended to be
ad hoc affairs. Typically, they were run over the comparatively short distance of a quarter mile and took place
because of the lack of an established courseon whatever
pathways through the forest were available or over the
roads of settlements. Colonists began breeding horses
that could sprint over the quarter mile distance in the late
seventeenth century and early eighteenth century. Institutionalized racing began in New York shortly after it became a British colony, when Governor Richard Nicolls
held horse races in the late 1660s at Hempstead on Long
Island; the winners were awarded the rst known sporting
trophies in America. Thoroughbred racing following the
British example was introduced by Governor Samuel Ogle
of Maryland and rst staged at Annapolis in 1745, fteen
years after the rst thoroughbred stallion had been imported from England. Despite its attraction for local audiences, organized horse racing on a large scale did not
begin before the end of the Civil War. Horses had been
used extensively by both sides during the conict, and
after 1865 horse breeding in the South, particularly in the
state of Virginia, was devastated. Kentucky took over as



the leading state in horse breeding, and New York soon

was unsurpassed in racing. Over the next thirty-ve years
until the turn of the century, horse racing, particularly
thoroughbred racing, grew rapidly, with more than three
hundred tracks operating across the nation.
Two main types of horse racing have evolved since
the Civil War. The rst employs jockeys, who ride either
on a at trackoften an ovalfor distances mostly between three-quarters of a mile and two miles or on the
turf course used in the steeplechase, a race in which obstacles must be jumped. The other type is harness racing,
in which a horse pulls a small two-wheeled carriage, or
sulky, with a driver over a one-mile course. Here, the
horse is not permitted to gallop. Harness racing is governed by the United States Trotting Association, formed
in 1938, and its notable races include the Hambletonian,
the Kentucky Futurity, and the Little Brown Jug.
Horse racing became a year-round activity during the
1930s when winter racing was organized in Florida and
California. The interwar period also saw the rst introduction of technology into horse racing with the adoption
in 1929 of the mechanical starting gate, which was followed in 1936 by the photo-nish camera. In 1942 the
Thoroughbred Racing Associations of the United States
was founded in Chicago. During the late 1960s, the rst
female jockeys were licensed. The heyday of thoroughbred racing came after World War II when track attendance increased from 26 million in 1946 to 53.3 million
people in 1974; purses went up from $56 million to $5.2
billion during that period. By the start of the twenty-rst
century, the number of racetracks had declined to approximately 150, used both for races with jockeys and for
harness races.
The number of foals registered each year increased
dramatically after World War II, from almost 6,000 to
more than 51,000 in 1986. Since 1986 that number has
steadily declined to less than 37,000 in 1999. This decline
is due no doubt to the fact that racehorses have become
a considerable investment. The price for the most traded
group of future racehorses, yearlings (about 9,000 horses),
increased by more than 100 percent between 1991 and
2001. In 2001 the average cost of a yearling was $52,549,
but prices can be well over $1 millionin 1981 the European champion Storm Bird was sold for $30 million.
While only a handful of horses from each years crop will
ever win a raceand still fewer will ever generate considerable incomelarge purses have been won by star equine
performers. Kelso earned $1,977,896 in eight seasons of
racing (19591966), and Secretariat earned more than
$1.3 million in only two seasons (19721973). Secretariat
generated even more income from stud duty at a price of
more than $6 million. In the 1970s three horsesSecretariat (1973), Seattle Slew (1977), and Afrmed (1978)
for the rst time after a quarter of a century won the famous Triple Crown (the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and
Belmont Stakes). The 1985 American champion Alysheba
generated total earnings of more than $6.6 million; Ci-


garnamed Horse of the Year in both 1995 and 1996

earned $9,999,815.
Betting was a traditional ingredient of horse racing even
in the early colonies. At many races, each owner of a horse
put up a stake, and the total amount made up the winners
purse. Spectators participated in auction pools in which
contestants were auctioned off, and the purchaser of the
winner collected the pool minus a commission. After the
Civil War, bookmakers took over and made betting a
protable business that soon attracted criminals who realized the opportunities for foul play. One form of foul
play was the manipulation or doping of horses, which led
to much public indignation. In 1894, to eliminate corruption, prominent track and stable owners formed the
American Jockey Club, modeled on the English Jockey
Club. The sport spread as the nation grew, despite being
outlawed in a number of states because it was considered
too close to gambling.
Bookmakers paid a at fee to the racing association
for the privilege of operation, and some of their fee
money, plus some of the income from admissions, was
used to supplement purses. A direct tie between purse
money and volume of wagering, however, did not exist.
Purses were modest and not sufcient to make winning a
race more protable than a betting coup at good odds. In
1908, however, the pari-mutuel system of wagering regained a foothold in the United States after having been
tried and discarded during the nineteenth century. In this
system, the odds are based on the relative amounts that
have been bet on a horse, and the wagerer stakes his
money on whether a particular horse will win the race,
nish second, or come in third.
Betting transformed horse racing from a semi-private
sport into a very large public entertainment business in
which not only racing associations, owners, and jockeys
but also state governments derived income directly proportional to the volume of wagering. Tracks now were
able to offer larger purses, which attracted more horses
and stimulated wagering. Although the number of races
has declined since the late 1980s from almost 75,000 to a
little over 55,000 in 2001, gross purses have increased
from about 700 million to over one billion dollars in 2001.
Handle (the total amount bet) in pari-mutuel wagering
on U.S. thoroughbred racing increased by 55 percent between 1990 and 2001 from $9.385 billion to $14.550 billion. While horse racing is still a major spectator sport,
ontrack betting has gone down during this period. Offtrack betting has increased to make up more than 85 percent of all bets in 2001. The relatively easily extracted
pari-mutuel tax has become an important source of state
revenue since the Great Depression of the 1930s, when
states were desperately seeking revenue. The generated
annual gross revenues exceeded more than $3.25 billion
in 1998. States have not only allowed offtrack betting to
make up for the decline in ontrack betting, they have also


Judge Roy Bean. The law west of the Pecos, in western Texas, 18821902; here (seated, facing
right) he tries an accused horse thief outside his saloon (named for the English actress Lillie
Langtry, the Jersey Lily, whom he knew only from illustrations). National Archives and Records

permitted ontrack betting on races taking place at other

locations, which bettors monitor via simulcast satellite
television transmissions. Some states also now allow account wagering that permits bettors to telephone their
wagers from anywhere. The latest development is Internet betting.
Pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing is legal in
forty-three U.S. states. These states have increasingly
supplied subsidies to purses to make horse racing more
attractive and to secure the ow of revenues. In New Jersey, for example, purses were boosted by a one-time $11.7
million subsidy from the state legislature in 2001. California has become the state with most races (5,107 in
2001, with gross purses of over $172 million), followed
by West Virginia (4,379 races, with gross purses of around
$66 million), Pennsylvania (3,992 races, with gross purses
of around $50 million), and Florida (3,968 races, with
gross purses of around $83 million). New York now ranks
fourth in number of races (3,851) but second in gross
purses ($145 million).
Horse Shows
Horse shows have developed alongside racing into a large
number of different disciplines, including dressage, jumping, vaulting, and endurance. The rst attempts to organize the sport were made in 1918, when the Association
of American Horse Shows was formed on the eastern seaboard of the United States. By 1924 the Association had
spread across the nation, enrolling sixty-seven shows.
With seven recognized divisions, the Association incor-

porates the American Royal, Devon, and National horse

shows as member competitions. In 2001 it adopted the
name USA Equestrian. It recognizes twenty-six breeds
and disciplines, and has over 80,000 individual members
and more than 2,700 member competitions.
In 1999 there were 725,000 horses involved in racing,
and almost 2 million in horse showing. Horse racing and
showing remains an important industry and is the second
most frequented spectator sport in the United States, surpassed only by baseball.

Duke, Jacqueline, ed. Thoroughbred Champions: Top 100 Racehorses

of the 20th Century. Lexington, Ky.: Blood-Horse, 1999.
Hickok, Ralph. The Encyclopedia of North American Sports History.
New York: Facts on File, 1992.
Longrigg, Roger. The History of Horse Racing. London: Macmillan, 1972.
National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame Online. Homepage at
Thalheimer, Richard, and Mukhtar M. Ali. Intertrack Wagering and the Demand for Parimutuel Horse Racing. Journal
of Economics and Business 47, no. 4 (October 1995): 369383.

Michael Wala
See also Horse.

HORSE STEALING, often punishable as a crime

against property, was signicant throughout American



history. Widely practiced by Ohio Valley Indians and banditti alike against eighteenth-century western settlers, it
was difcult to trace and punish. Further west and southwest, populations were even more dependent on horses
than the easterners. The culture of the Plains Indians was
a horse culture; they raided horses from Mexico, from one
another, and from settlers. Here, horse thieves were severely punished and, without benet of trial by jury, were
often hanged from the limbs of cottonwood trees. Following the Civil War, gangs of organized horse thieves
operated out of Texas, using hideouts for stolen horses
and selling them after driving them hundreds of miles
from home.

Dobie, J. Frank. The Flavor of Texas. Austin, Tex.: Jenkins, 1975.

Howard, Robert W. Horse in America. Chicago: Follett, 1965.

J. Frank Dobie / h. r. s.
See also Fencing and Fencing Laws; Horse.

HOSPITALS. Hospitals are institutions in which illnesses, injuries, and disabilities are diagnosed and treated.
Deploying advanced medical technology, modern American hospitals are capable of providing medical services
beyond those available in physicians ofces or outpatient
facilities. In the United States, hospitals are operated either privately or by government entities. Some private
hospitals operate for prot; others are operated by religious or secular charitable organizations on a nonprot
basis. Hospitals may function independently or participate in multihospital systems or networks.
The rst American hospital was established in 1752.
Subsequently, sustained growth in the quantity and quality of American hospitals has been fostered by technological and educational advances, government policies, and
public and private health insurance mechanisms that
have generally shifted the burden of paying for hospital
services away from the individual patient.
The development of American hospitals may be traced
through ve historical stages. In the formative stage (1750
1850), private charitable organizations established voluntary hospitals that treated patients free of charge while,
at the same time, public almshouses (which also provided
nonmedical social services to poor, mentally ill, dispossessed, and disabled individuals) were gradually transformed into public hospitals. Next, the era of specialization (18501890) gave rise to specialized hospitals (for
example, childrens hospitals) and nursing emerged as a
trained profession. The subsequent era of surgery (1890
1930) was spurred by the introduction of anesthesia and
aseptic practices, which facilitated rapid growth in surgical practice, and thereby expanded the role of for-prot
hospitals. In the era of insurance and expansion (1930
1975), the emergence of hospital insurance, Medicare,
and Medicaid changed the way hospital care was -


nanced. These programs, along with expanded federal assistance for the construction of new community hospitals
and Veterans Administration hospitals, nanced a proliferation of new and expanded hospitals. Finally, in the era
of cost containment (19752000), earlier trends toward
expansion and deployment have been largely reversed and
replaced by countervailing trends towards hospital consolidation, diversication, and integration.
17501850: The Formative Era
Traditionally, care for the sick was one of many social
services that public almshouses provided to the poor and
dispossessed. In the eighteenth century, certain public
almshouses evolved into public hospitals by focusing on
caring for the sick. In this manner, Philadelphia Almshouse
became Philadelphia General Hospital, New York Almshouse became Bellevue Hospital, and Baltimore County
Almshouse became part of Baltimore City Hospitals.
In 1752, the Pennsylvania Hospital became the rst
permanent general hospital specically chartered to care
for the sick. In 1791, New York Hospital followed; in
1821 came Massachusetts General Hospital. These voluntary hospitals did not generally charge fees, but instead
were supported by charitable donations. Although most
patients admitted for treatment in voluntary hospitals
were poor, the admissions process was selective. Patients
deemed contagious, immoral, or otherwise undesirable
(alcoholics, for example) were transferred to almshouses.
Such selectivity was designed to reduce the hospitals
mortality rate and to improve its reputation. Despite
these efforts towards respectability, however, people of
means generally stayed away from hospitals.
18501890: The Era of Specialization
For several reasons, the ability of hospitals successfully to
treat illness and injury substantially improved during the
mid-nineteenth century. First, Florence Nightingales success in promoting cleanliness and proper ventilation on
hospital wards improved hospital mortality rates years before germ theory explained why. Second, nursing schools
were established during this period, graduating trained
professional nurses who made indispensable contributions
to hospital care. Third, in the 1870s, Johns Hopkins University adopted systematic clinical instruction and investigations. Consequently, hospitals became central to medical
education and scientic training as well as treatment.
As hospitals became more successful at treating illness and injury, they gradually transformed from storehouses where the impoverished could convalesce (or die)
into medical treatment centers of choice for individuals
from across the social spectrum. As part of this transformation, specialty hospitals emerged. Some were developed to pull children, mentally ill, and disabled people
out of almshouses and into institutions dedicated to serving their particular needs. In addition, specialized religious and ethnic hospitals were established by certain religious and immigrant groups. These hospitals arose in


response to actual discrimination and also to satisfy certain unique needs of group memberslast rites among
Catholics and kosher meals among Jews, for example.
During this time, ward-style hospitals in which relatively poor patients were attended by the hospitals onstaff physicians remained the norm. Slowly, however,
private rooms were added, attracting middle-class and
wealthy patients who retained their choice of physician.
18901920: The Era of Surgery
The groundwork for the era of surgery was laid by two
important mid-nineteenth-century developments. First,
in 1846, Dr. William Morton introduced anesthesia at
Massachusetts General Hospital. Then, in 1867, Dr. Joseph Lister demonstrated antiseptic surgery in London.
These two demonstrations set the stage for the emergence of surgery, which would thrust hospitals into their
central role in treating illness and injury.
Dr. Listers method of performing antiseptic surgery
was soon superseded by aseptic surgery, which involves
creating a sterile surgical eld rather than sterilizing at
various points during a procedure. As aseptic surgery proliferated, surgical mortality rates plummeted. However,
sterile surgical elds required a more complex environment than most home kitchens or doctors ofces could
provide. Consequently, by 1900, almost all surgery was
performed in hospitals. Pressure on hospital bed space
caused by the increase in surgical admissions forced hospitals to admit sick patients only during the acute phase
of their illness rather than for their entire treatment. With
sicker patients in residence for shorter periods, the costs
of providing hospital care predictably increased.
As mortality rates fell and positive results emerged,
more people were willing to pay for surgery. Accordingly,
patient fees gradually replaced charitable donations as
hospitals primary source of revenue. This shift generally
enabled physicians to wrest control over hospital admissions away from hospital board members. However, not
every physician was able to obtain hospital admitting
privileges. In response, some physicians built their own
hospitals or increased pressure on existing hospitals to
open their facilities to all physicians.
1930s1960s: The Era of Insurance and Expansion
Until 1929, private hospitals were nanced exclusively by
charitable contributions, patient fees, or both. In 1929,
however, Baylor University Hospital successfully introduced prepaid hospital care when it offered fteenhundred schoolteachers the opportunity to purchase up
to twenty-one days of hospital inpatient care per year
(whether used or not) for six dollars per person. Other
hospitals followed suit, some issuing joint offerings that
allowed subscribers to preserve greater choice among
hospitals and physicians.
The need for prepaid hospital care became more
acute during the Great Depression, when private voluntary hospitals faced a crisis of declining occupancy and

decreased charitable contributions while public hospitals

swelled with nonpaying patients. To survive this crisis, in
1932 a number of private hospitals agreed to provide certain hospital services for a xed payment regardless of the
cost of delivering the services. These prepaid services
plans, which functioned like hospitalization insurance,
provided blanket coverage for a list of services rather than
reimbursing the hospital for each service provided. The
plans, known as Blue Cross Plans, remained under the
control of the voluntary hospitals.
Blue Cross Plans charged standard rates without regard to a policyholders income. Not surprisingly, the
plans attracted mainly middle-class subscribers. Yet Blue
Cross Plans proved viable, and kept the voluntary hospitals viable too. Indeed, the nancial success of Blue
Cross Plans induced commercial indemnity insurers to
offer similar hospitalization coverage to groups and individuals. By the 1950s, more Americans obtained hospitalization coverage from commercial insurers than from
Blue Cross. Even while Blue Cross plans and private hospitalization insurance proliferated, however, many poor
and elderly Americans who were the most vulnerable to
sickness and its costs remained uninsured.
Beginning in the late 1940s, public and private hospitals began to receive additional nancial support from
Congress. In 1946, the Hospital Survey and Construction
Act (Hill-Burton Act) funded the construction of many
new community hospitals nationwide. In 1965, Congress
authorized the federal Medicare program, which pays for
hospital and medical care for individuals aged sixty-ve
or older and those with long-term disabilities. Shortly
thereafter, Medicare was supplemented by Medicaid, a
joint federal-state program that provides medical and
hospital insurance to low-income people under sixty-ve
and to those who have exhausted their Medicare benets.
19752000: The Era of Cost Containment
The introduction from the 1930s through the 1960s of
Blue Cross Plans, private health insurance, Medicare, and
Medicaid all contributed to pushing consumer demand
for medical and hospital care to unprecedented levels. As
the overall demand for health services escalated, so did
overall costs, which consumed 15 percent of the gross
domestic product in 2001.
Insurers responded to escalating health care costs by
creating new mechanisms, including managed care, to
control costs and access to services. Some managed care
plans employ utilization review, require pre-authorization
of hospitalization, or negotiate for reduced fee payments
to participating providers in exchange for patient volume.
Alternatively, to discourage excess medical services, other
managed care plans pay participating physicians a xed
monthly fee per patient, regardless of the services used.
These new insurance mechanisms have reduced average
hospital lengths of stay and occupancy levels. By moving
health services from hospitals to outpatient settings wher-



ever possible, managed care plans have diminished the

role of hospitals in the American health care system.
Hospitals have responded to these changes by diversifying their activities, increasing on-site outpatient services or even providing outpatient services off-site. Hospitals also have afliated with one another to create
multihospital systems and networks, and have vertically
integrated with physicians through a variety of organizational structures. These organizations were intended to
offset the negotiating power of the insurers, but have met
with only limited success, if that.
At the start of the twenty-rst century, hospitals continue to play an unparalleled role in providing essential
medical services, facilitating medical research, and training new physicians. However, whether hospitals will retain their central role in American medical care is open
to question.

Starr, Paul. The Social Transformation of American Medicine. New

York: Basic Books, 1982.

Linda Dynan

HOSTAGE CRISES. While taking hostages has been

widespread throughout history, a spate of international
hostage crises involving Westerners in the 1970s and
1980s caused the practice to become chiey identied
with Middle East terrorist organizations. Taking hostages
gave such organizations leverage over their state enemies
in the form of direct extortion or publicity. For the United
States, hostage crises have often posed severe national security and political threats. Since the early 1970s the public has become aware of a psychological phenomenon
known as the Stockholm syndrome, in which some hostages come to display an emotional attachment toward
their captors.
The 1970s saw several international hostage crises,
including the terrorist group Black Septembers seizure of
eleven Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. All of the hostages and ve of the eight terrorists
died. In late February 1977 the Ugandan dictator Idi
Amin initiated a somewhat unconventional hostage crisis
when he banned all Americans in Uganda, numbering approximately two hundred, from leaving the country. The
crisis was resolved peacefully within a few days. American
involvement in the turmoil of the Middle East led to a
wave of more conventional and more violent terror attacks in the late 1970s, including the Iran hostage crisis
of 19791981, that continued through the mid-1980s.
On 4 November 1979 militant students loyal to the
Muslim leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, fearing a
U.S. plot to restore to power the recently deposed shah,
Reza Pahlavi, stormed the U.S. embassy in Teheran and
took sixty-ve Americans hostage. When Khomeini endorsed the action and provided Iranian government sup-


port, the stage was set for a prolonged international crisis.

President James Earl Carters administration attempted
to free its diplomats by several methods, including an
abortive rescue mission, all to no avail. The crisis lasted
over a year and Carter paid a heavy political price for the
failures in the 1980 election campaign, which he ultimately lost to Ronald Reagan. As a nal humiliation for
Carter, the hostages were nally released on 20 January
1981, only hours after Reagan was sworn in as president.
Reagan, however, had his own hostage problems with
Shiite Iran as the Middle East situation deteriorated.
Shortly after Israel invaded Lebanon in June 1982, extremist Shiite groups with ties to Iran, including one
known as Hezbollah (Party of God), began to seize Western hostages and demand the release of Islamic activists
from Israeli jails. By early 1985 Hezbollah had seized
seven U.S. citizens. In response, the Reagan administration devised a complicated, secret, and constitutionally
questionable process of ransoming the hostages with secret arms sales involving Israel and Nicaraguan rebels
(contras). The plan was a net failure, and leaked news of
the transactions sparked a serious political scandal and a
highly publicized congressional investigation that ultimately tainted the second Reagan administration. The
last of the U.S. hostages, the Associated Press journalist
Terry Anderson, who was held hostage for over ve years,
was released in December 1991.
Another unconventional hostage situation arose during the Persian Gulf crisis of 1990 and 1991. The Iraqi
dictator Saddam Hussein held approximately two thousand Westerners hostage as human shields against bombing raids by the U.S.led coalition.

Christopher, Warren, et al. American Hostages in Iran: The Conduct

of a Crisis. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1985.
Walsh, Lawrence E. Firewall: The Iran-Contra Conspiracy and
Cover-Up. New York: Norton, 1997.

David G. Coleman
See also Iran Hostage Crisis; Iran-Contra Affair; Persian Gulf
War; Terrorism; and vol. 9: Interrogation of an Iran

HOTELS AND HOTEL INDUSTRY. The primary purpose of hotels is to provide travelers with shelter,
food, refreshment, and similar services and goods, offering on a commercial basis things that are customarily furnished within households but unavailable to people on a
journey away from home. Historically hotels have also
taken on many other functions, serving as business exchanges, centers of sociability, places of public assembly
and deliberation, decorative showcases, political headquarters, vacation spots, and permanent residences. The
hotel as an institution, and hotels as an industry, trans-


formed travel in America, hastened the settlement of the

continent, and extended the inuence of urban culture.
Hotels in the Early Republic
The rst American hotels were built in the cities of the
Atlantic coast in the 1790s, when elite urban merchants
began to replace taverns with capacious and elegant establishments of their own creation. They hoped thereby
to improve key elements of the national transportation
infrastructure and increase the value of surrounding real
estate, while at the same time erecting imposing public
monuments that valorized their economic pursuits and
promoted a commercial future for the still agrarian republic. Unlike earlier public accommodations, hotels were
impressive structures, readily distinguishable as major public institutions due to their tremendous size, elaborate ornamentation, and sophisticated academic styles. They were
often designed by important architects like James Hoban,
Charles Bulnch, and Benjamin Latrobe. Hotels also had
a distinctive internal arrangement incorporating grand
halls for the use of the public and featuring dozens of
bedchambers, which for the rst time offered private
space to all guests. Building on such a massive scale was
tremendously expensive, and hotels cost from eight to
thirty times as much as had been spent on even the nest
taverns. Early hotels quickly became important centers of
politics, business, and sociability. The City Hotel in New
York, for example, became the center of the Gotham
elites business pursuits and elegant society balls, and
Washingtons Union Public Hotel housed the U.S. Congress in 18141815 after the British army destroyed part
of the Capitol. The rst generation of hotel building continued into the rst decade of the nineteenth century before being brought to a close by the nancial failure of
many of the rst projects and the economic disruptions
surrounding the War of 1812.
Nineteenth-Century Hotels
A second period of hotel construction began around 1820,
driven by the American transportation revolution. Steam
navigation and the coming of the canal age, especially the
opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, extended the range
of movement along the nations internal waterways and
greatly increased the volume of travel in America. Urban
merchant-capitalists constructed a new generation of hotels as part of their mercantilist strategy to claim expanding economic hinterlands for their cities and states. The
rst of these hotels appeared in leading commercial centers along coastal trade routes, beginning with Baltimores
City Hotel (1826), Washingtons National Hotel (1827),
Philadelphias United States Hotel (1828), and Bostons
renowned Tremont House (1829). These were followed
by similar establishments built at key points along the
Ohio and Mississippi rivers, notably Cincinnatis Pearl
Street House (1831), Louisvilles Galt House (1834), and
the St. Charles in New Orleans (1837). These and other
second-generation American hotels were much larger and
more numerous than their predecessors and established

the rectilinear, city-block hotel as a set architectural form

that would be repeated in locations all across the growing
nation. This phase of hotel development was brought to
a close by the prolonged depression that followed the
panic of 1837.
The third generation of hotels was catalyzed by the
rapid growth of the American railroad system in the decades after 1840, a development that freed long-distance
travel from the limitations of the river system and recongured the nations transportation network along an eastwest axis. Hotels continued to multiply in the East and
also proliferated along the advancing frontier of settlement, rising over the prairies and plains in the 1840s and
1850s and appearing in the mountain West in the 1860s
and 1870s. The westward advance of hotel construction
soon linked up with a counterpart that had originated
with Anglo settlement of the Pacic coast and extended
eastward. By the time of the centennial, America boasted
both a transcontinental railroad and a continental hotel
network. Hotelkeepers had meanwhile come to see their
operations as constituting an integrated national system.
In the 1840s, they embraced new theories and methods
of hotel management based on closer supervision and regimentation of employees and regularized contact among
managers. In the 1850s, hotel proprietors began to organize their rst local trade associations, and in the 1870s
they established specialized publications like Hotel World
and the National Hotel Gazette that served the industry
nationwide. Visitors from overseas constantly commented
on the size, extent, and excellence of the nations hotel
system, revealing that as early as midcentury, the American hotel had surpassed the hostelries of Europe and
become the leading international standard for public
Hotel development also involved diversication of
hotel types. Most early hotels had been large urban luxury
establishments, but newer variants quickly emerged. Resort hotels, designed to accommodate the rising tide of
tourists, were built in scenic rural landscapes far from the
cities where the hotel form had been born. Commercial
hotels, more simply furnished and less expensive than the
luxury variant, served the growing ranks of traveling salesmen and other commercial workers set in motion by the
burgeoning economy. Railroad hotels were built at regular intervals along track lines to provide passengers and
crews with places to eat and rest in the decades before the
introduction of sleeping cars. Residential hotels, dedicated to the housing needs of families increasingly unable
to afford private houses in expensive urban real estate
markets, served as the prototypes for apartment buildings.
And a frontier hotel form, characterized by wood construction, whitewash, and tiered porches, was built in
hundreds of new settlements where travelers and lumber
were common but capital was scarce. These and other
hotel types soon far outnumbered luxury hotels, though
the latter variety received the most attention from jour-



nalists, authors, and printmakers, and therefore tended to

stand for all hotels in the popular imagination.
Hotels were vital centers of local community life in
American cities and towns. Their role as important public
spaces was in part a continuation of traditional uses of
taverns, one that was further amplied by hotels conspicuous architecture, central location, and spacious and
inviting interiors. Merchants and other businesspeople
continued to use hotel space for ofces, commercial exchanges, and accommodations, but the popular uses of
hotels far transcended their economic function. Wellappointed hotel parlors and ballrooms were favored venues for card parties, cotillions, and other sociable events
that involved seeing and being seen in rened public settings. By the same token, voluntary associations ranging
from debating societies to ethnic brotherhoods and charitable organizations regularly hired hotel assembly rooms
and dining halls for their meetings and banquets. Hotels
also became major loci of political activity. Political parties and factions often set up their headquarters in hotels,
where they held caucuses and made nominations. Hotels
served as important public forums, a fact revealed by the
large number of published images of political gures
making speeches from hotel windows and balconies, hobnobbing in lobbies, and raising toasts in crowded halls.
Indeed, such was the political importance of hotels that
they were often attacked in periods of domestic strife.
The Civil War era, for example, was marked by the burning or cannonading of numerous hotels by Southern
Hotels also extended their inuence over distances
because they functioned as a powerful system of cultural
production and diffusion. Their role in accommodating
travelers made hotels into a frontier between individual
communities and the world beyond, with hotel guests acting as cultural emissaries who carried new ideas about
aesthetics and technology along the routes of their journeys. Innovations in interior decorative luxury were among
the ideas most commonly transmitted. Hotelkeepers spent
heavily on rened furnishings as part of their efforts to
attract guests, and in so doing transformed decor into a
showcased capital good. Because a hotel could afford to
spend far more on amenities than could a private family,
its interiors constantly tempted guests to emulate a higher
standard of living. Midwestern travelers who stayed at ne
hotels in St. Louis or New York City, for example, were
impressed with the elegance of their surroundings and
sought to reproduce them back home in Illinois, Iowa, and
Nebraska. Hotels similarly became showcases for household and communications technologies. Indoor plumbing,
central heating, elevators, and gas and electric lighting
rst saw wide public use in hotels, as did the telegraph
and the telephone. Authors from Stephen Crane to Bret
Harte recognized the ways in which hotels were setting a
new pace in American life, and in his classic The American
Scene (1907), Henry James found himself verily tempted


to ask if the hotel-spirit may not just be the American

spirit most seeking and most nding itself.
Hotels in the Age of Auto and Air Travel
The rise of the automobile in the early twentieth century
reordered the nations transportation regime and marked
the beginning of a new hotel age that lasted for more than
two decades. The nineteenth-century American hotel system had been predicated upon long-distance, point-topoint, steam-driven water and rail transportation, and the
gradual transition to automobility wrought major changes
in the hotel industry. In an effort to secure the patronage
of drivers, existing hotels added parking facilities, and
new establishments incorporated them into their building
plans. Other developers created the motor hotel, or motel, a new hotel variant which, instead of being located in
cities and other travel destinations, was typically sited on
inexpensive land along the roads in between. The automobile also inuenced the hotel industry in construction
and management techniques, as Fordist mass production
fostered a corresponding drive for standardization and
scale in hotels. E. M. Statler was the foremost gure in
this cause. In 1908, he opened the rst chain of hotels
dedicated to his belief that hospitality should be made as
similar as possible in every location. Statlers success with
a business model based on cost cutting and scientic management made him the leading hotelier of his time and
an important inuence upon twentieth-century hotel administration. By 1930, as the Great Depression was putting a denitive end to this period of hotel building, the
Census Bureau counted more than 17,000 hotels in the
United States.
The American hotel industry expanded at a previously unseen pace following World War II. The threedecade economic boom of the postwar years increased the
incidence of commercial travel and sent incomes soaring,
and the success of organized labor distributed wealth
more evenly and made paid vacations a reality for millions
of workers. Meanwhile, the creation of the interstate
highway system and the emergence of safe and reliable
passenger aircraft made travel easier and more broadly
subscribed than ever before. Hotels emerged as an important terrain of struggle in the conictual domestic
politics of the era. When civil rights activists demanded
an end to racial discrimination in public accommodations,
the special legal status of hotel space became a crucial
consideration in the litigation strategy of the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP). It was no coincidence that the constitutionality
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was denitively established by the Supreme Courts ruling in Heart of Atlanta
Motel v. United States.
Hotels were similarly implicated in international politics. Americans ventured abroad in increasing numbers
during the postwar years, and the nations hotel industry
expanded globally in order to accommodate them. In the
context of Cold War geopolitics, American-owned hotels


in foreign countries also served as exemplars of the benets and vitality of capitalism. Conrad Hilton in particular
spoke of his companys overseas properties, particularly
those along the Iron Curtain, as valuable assets in the
ght against communism. In a world simultaneously divided by politics and connected by transportation, hotels
were important symbolic sites.
The American hotel industry beneted greatly from
the uneven prosperity of the 1980s and 1990s and entered
the twenty-rst century as a large and fast-growing segment of the national economy. The hotels of the United
States employed well over 1.4 million people and collected more than $100 billion per year in receipts. They
formed a dense network of 53,000 properties comprising
some 4 million guest rooms nationwide. Internationally,
the industry operated more than 5,000 overseas hotels
with over half a million rooms.
From its beginnings as an experimental cultural form,
the American hotel became a ubiquitous presence on the
national landscape and developed into an immense and
vital national industry. The hotel system transformed the
nature of travel, turning it from an arduous and uncertain
undertaking of the few into a predictable and commonplace activity of the many. On the way, the hotel became
instrument, ornament, symptom, and symbol of Americas continental and international empire.

Boorstin, Daniel. Palaces of the Public. In The Americans: The

National Experience. New York: Vintage, 1965.
Groth, Paul. Living Downtown: The History of Residential Hotels
in the United States. Berkeley: University of California Press,
Harris, Neil. Living with Lobbies. In Cultural Excursions:
Marketing Appetites and Cultural Tastes in Modern America.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
Raitz, Karl B., and John Paul Jones III. The City Hotel as
Landscape Artifact and Community Symbol. Journal of
Cultural Geography 9 (1988): 1736.
Sandoval-Strausz, A. K. For the Accommodation of Strangers:
The American Hotel, 17891908. Ph.D. diss., University
of Chicago, 2002.
Wharton, Annabel Jane. Building the Cold War: Hilton International Hotels and Modern Architecture. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 2001.

A. K. Sandoval-Strausz
See also Resorts and Spas; Taverns and Saloons; Transportation and Travel.

was estimated at about 700 individuals living in upwards

of 150 cabins. They were closely related to the Choctaw,
Chickasaw, and Chakchiuma tribes. Baton Rouge, the
capital of Louisiana, was named for the red pole on the
Mississippi that established the southern boundary of
their hunting territory.
The Houmas remained steadfast allies of Louisiana
throughout the French period (16991766), helping not
only to feed New Orleans by selling goods in the public
markets, but also as military allies; their villages constituted the rst line of defense from the north for New Orleans and the settlements just upriver of the city (known as
the German Coast). The French alliance cost the Houmas
dearly: not only did they suffer from epidemics, but they
had conicts with neighboring and regional tribes, and
were targets of slave raiders from South Carolina. They
moved near New Orleans after 1706, although over the
next decade or so they moved upriver into present-day
Ascension Parish, near the head of Bayou Lafourche. As
early as 1739, due to their continually dwindling numbers, the Houmas were reportedly combining with other
local tribes.
There are few accounts of the Houmas during the
Spanish period (17661803), and they virtually disappear
from the historical record within a decade of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Some time later, they moved down
Bayou Lafourche into present-day Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes. By the early twentieth century, the anthropologist John Swanton had visited them and written
a report for the Smithsonians Bureau of American Ethnology that concluded that the historic Houmas were all
but extinct as a people. He characterized the people who
called themselves Houmas as a tri-racial isolate who identied themselves as Indian, but who were so intermarried
with whites and blacks that they were racially little different from the Cajuns among whom they lived.
During the 1970s and 1980s the Houma organized
themselves as the United Houma Nation, Incorporated,
and sought federal recognition as an Indian tribe. Although they have been denied federal recognition, they
were recognized by the state of Louisiana, and they continue to press their status as American Indians and to seek
federal recognition. As of 2002, the tribal council claimed
to represent over 20,000 tribal members.

Bowman, Greg, and Janel Curry-Roper. The Houma Indian People of Louisiana: A Story of Indian Survival. Houma, La.:
United Houma Nation, 1982.
Davis, Dave. A Case of Identity: Ethnogenesis of the New
Houma Indians. Ethnohistory 48 (2001): 473494.

HOUMA. The Houmas (Ouma) are an American Indian tribe of the Muskogean language family rst encountered in 1682 by Rene-Robert Cavalier de la Salle
on the east bank of the Mississippi River, opposite from
the mouth of the Red River. Their population in 1699

Swanton, John R. The Indians of the Southeastern United

States. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 137. 1946;
Reprint ed. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution,

Michael James Foret




ACTIVITIES. The House Committee on UnAmerican Activities (HUAC) searched for communists
and other suspected subversives for nearly forty years.
Founded in 1938 as the House Special Committee to Investigate Un-American Activities and chaired by a conservative Texas Democrat, Martin Dies, HUAC became
a standing committee of the House in 1945. In 1969 it
announced a new focus, domestic terrorism, and received
a new name, the House Internal Security Committee. Six
years later, in the wake of Vietnam and Watergate, the
full House abolished the committee.
Prior to HUACs founding, congressional investigations of subversion were episodic. The most notable occurred in 1919, 1930, and 1934, and the sponsor of the
committees founding resolution, Samuel Dickstein, a
New York Democrat, had been involved in several of
those efforts. Where Dickstein was primarily concerned
with native fascism and all other forms of anti-Semitism,
however, the committee came to focus on ostensible leftwing subversion. Its basic charge was that communists
and their sympathizers had inltrated nearly all of the
New Deals alphabet agencies.
During the Cold War years, HUAC made its mark
on two fronts. First, beginning in 1947, the committee
held hearings on President Harry S. Trumans Federal
Employee Loyalty Program. The most important of these
investigations involved Edward Condon, director of the
National Bureau of Standards, and Alger Hiss, a former
State Department ofcial. When Chairman J. Parnell
Thomas, a New Jersey Republican, asked to see Condons
loyalty le, President Truman declinedciting both privacy and constitutional grounds, namely the separation of
powers. That refusal not only allowed HUAC to charge
the administration with covering up a sham of a loyalty
program; it also broadened the debate. Could a sitting
president refuse a congressional request for information?
This debate over executive privilege would continue
and eventually involved a freshman congressman sitting
on the committee, Richard M. Nixon.
Nixon was also the HUAC member who most determinedly pursued Alger Hiss. When Hiss was convicted
of perjury in January 1950 for having denied under oath
the passing of documents to a self-confessed Soviet agent,
the committees basic point about the adequacy of a loyalty program run by a Democratic president appeared, at
least to its partisans, a proven fact.
The second front on which HUAC made its mark
was investigating communist inltration of the lm industry. The initial hearings were orchestrated with the
help of J. Edgar Hoovers FBI. The FBI identied both
unfriendly witnesses who were not expected to answer
the committees questions during the televised hearings,
and friendly witnesses who could be counted on to cooperate fully. Screen Actors Guild president Ronald Reagan, who actually had an FBI informant code designation,
was among those in the latter category. Ultimately, these


hearings resulted in a First Amendment challenge to the

committees authority by the so-called Hollywood Ten.
The Supreme Court rejected that challenge.
Thereafter, HUAC played a substantial role in establishing and policing the Hollywood blacklists. Any actor,
writer, director, or other lm industry employee named
as a communist would nd himself or herself without work,
and the only way off the blacklist was to appear as a friendly
witness before the committee and name namesthat
is, inform on friends and acquaintances. A witness who
received a committee subpoena could remain silent only
by citing the Fifth Amendments protection against selfincrimination. Citing free speech or any other constitutional protection would result, as the Hollywood Ten
discovered, in both the blacklist and a federal prison sentence for contempt of Congress.
In the 1960s, the committee kept at communist inltration while adding hearings on such new subjects as
the Ku Klux Klan and Students for a Democratic Society.
However, with the decline of McCarthyism and the gradual eroding of the Hollywood blacklist, HUACs heyday
had passed. There would be no more klieg lights and
screaming newspaper headlines. The committee spent its
last years toiling in relative obscurity.

Goodman, Walter. The Committee: The Extraordinary Career of

the House Committee on Un-American Activities. New York:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1968.
Navasky, Victor S. Naming Names. New York: Viking Press,
OReilly, Kenneth. Hoover and the Un-Americans: The FBI,
HUAC, and the Red Menace. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1983.

Kenneth OReilly
See also Anticommunism; Blacklisting; Cold War; Hiss Case;
and vol. 9: The Testimony of Walter E. Disney before
the House Committee on Un-American Activities 24
October 1947.

HOUSE DIVIDED. When he accepted the Republican nomination to the U.S. Senate at Springeld, Ill.,
on 16 June 1858, Abraham Lincoln paraphrased a sentence from the Bible (Mark 3:25) in order to emphasize
his belief that eventually slavery had to be extinguished:
A house divided against itself cannot stand. Lincoln
continued, I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolvedI do not expect the house to fall
but I do expect it will cease to be divided. Lincolns
opponent, Stephen A. Douglas, favored allowing the people of each state to determine whether to allow slavery
within their midst.



Foner, Eric. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the
Republican Party Before the Civil War. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1995 (orig. pub. 1970).
Johannsen, Robert W. Lincoln, the South, and Slavery: The Political
Dimension. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,
Oates, Stephen B. With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham
Lincoln. New York: Harper & Row, 1977.

Theodore M. Whiteld / c. p.
See also Antislavery; Equality, Concept of; Irrepressible Conflict; Lincoln-Douglas Debates; Republican Party; and
vol. 9: A House Divided.

independence from Great Britain and wrote the states

rst constitution.

Grifth, Lucille Blanche. The Virginia House of Burgesses, 1750

1774. University: University of Alabama Press, 1970.
Morton, Richard Lee. Colonial Virginia. Chapel Hill: University
of North Carolina Press, 1960.
Quitt, Martin H. Virginia House of Burgesses, 16601706: The
Social, Educational, and Economic Bases of Political Power. New
York: Garland, 1989.

Michelle M. Mormul
See also Assemblies, Colonial; Chesapeake Colonies; Virginia.


HOUSE MADE OF DAWN by N. Scott Momaday
was published in 1968 and won the Pulitzer Prize for ction in 1969, the only book by a Native American to receive this honor. It is widely regarded as his masterpiece.
Momaday, who is of Kiowa and Cherokee-Anglo descent,
was born in Lawton, Oklahoma, in 1934 and later lived
on reservations in the southwest. A scholar as well as a
writer, he received a bachelors degree from the University of New Mexico and a Ph.D. from Stanford.
Taking its title from a Navajo ceremonial song, the
book details the life of a young Indian man named Abel,
who is caught between the traditional Navajo life and the
more destructive, urban world of postwar America. The
novels structure is intricate and combines a modernist
form with references to Native ceremonial practices to
create a haunting and redemptive work. The book has
earned Momaday comparisons to William Faulkner and
James Joyce. House Made of Dawn is now considered one
of the signicant novels of the twentieth century and the
impetus for the renaissance in American Indian literature.

Schubnell, Matthias. N. Scott Momaday: The Cultural and Literary

Background. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985.

United States.


U.S. relations with both Germany and Great Britain became more tense, President Woodrow Wilson sought to
mediate an end to the conict in Europe. The rst effort
was the House-Grey Memorandum negotiated by Wilsons trusted adviser, Colonel Edward M. House, and the
British foreign secretary, Sir Edward Grey. The memorandum, issued on 22 February 1916, called for the United
States to invite the warring powers to a peace conference,
and if the Allied Powers accepted and the Central Powers
rejected this invitation, the United States would probably enter the war against Germany. Nothing came of this
initial effort. Wilson toned down the guarantee of American physical force, while the belligerents still had hopes
of victory.

Williams, Joyce G. Colonel House and Sir Edward Grey: A Study

in Anglo-American Diplomacy. Lanham, Md.: University Press
of America, 1984.

Charles M. Dobbs

Stephanie Gordon
See also Literature: Native American Literature.

HOUSE OF BURGESSES, the rst popularly elected

legislature in America. It rst met as a one-house assembly in Virginia on 30 July 1619, with a governor, Sir
George Yeardley, four members of the council, and two
burgesses from each of the boroughs, to preserve the same
rights as the residents of Britain for Virginias freeholders,
the white male property holders. The house determined
the eligibility of its own members, passed local laws, carried out the provisions of the governor and the charter,
and regulated taxes. It developed into a two-house legislature, with little English inuence by the mid-seventeenth
century. On 29 June 1776, the house declared Virginias

Native American and Colonial Housing
Native Americans built a wide variety of houses on the
North American continent thousands of years before European colonization. Some were simple triangular tipis,
engineered to resist the wind and keep out the cold but
easily moveable; others were earthen, wood and covering,
stone, or adobe houses. Often the shapes of these dwellings reected the features of the land around them as their
builders sought a safe accommodation with nature. Native Americans lived in single-family structures, extendedfamily structures, and multiunit structures. In the midsixteenth century Spaniards explored the Southwest, where
they found Native Americans living in remarkable cliff
dwellings and pueblos. The Europeans added their own



Aleut House. An early-twentieth-century Indian shelter in Alaska: a hole in the earth, covered by
a framework of driftwood that is held up with whalebone. Library of Congress

concepts of housing to indigenous materials and methods

of construction to create a distinctive style still common
in the Southwest. European colonists arriving on the eastern seaboard in the seventeenth century built houses of
masonry or wood that imitated Old World houses. The
few remaining from the colonial period are readily identiable as Dutch, French, or English. In forested New
England, colonial houses were built of wood. In Virginia
and Maryland the colonists built masonry houses, using
the clay soil to make bricks and oyster shells to make mortar. The earliest colonial houses were simple one- or tworoom, one-story buildings.
During the colonial period there emerged several
types of American houses that incorporated distinctive
environmental adaptations. New England houses were
designed for difcult winters with sharply sloped roofs,
low ceilings, small rooms, and small windows. The houses
of the Southwest faced inward onto courtyards, had thick
adobe walls, high ceilings, and small windows in outer
facades. The houses of the Middle Atlantic states and the
South were built with high ceilings, large windows, central halls, and long porches. Houses were placed on hills
to capture breezes or sheltered to avoid harsh winds. Not
until central heating and air conditioning did such adaptations to climate become less crucial.
Settlement of the West and the Urbanization of
Nineteenth-century settlers beyond the Appalachians at
rst built modest houses that utilized the resources available to them. Those in woodland areas built log cabins.


Faced with treeless prairies, the immigrants who settled

the Great Plains in the second half of the nineteenth century built dugouts or sod houses and sometimes houses
of stone. However, when the railroads brought cut lumber
and other building supplies, wood-framed houses in styles
popular on the east coast became typical in the interior
portions of the country.
In 1860 four times as many people lived in rural as
in urban areas, but by 1920 rural and urban populations
were approaching parity. Industry transformed America
between the Civil War and the early twentieth century
from a rural agricultural nation to one in which cities were
growing rapidly as people came to them from both foreign countries and rural areas. The Census of 1890
counted some 12.7 million families in the United States.
That number was 11 percent more than the number of
dwelling units, with an even worse housing ratio in the
eastern industrialized cities. For example, in 1900 threequarters of New York Citys population lived in squalid,
overcrowded tenements. In 1890 Jacob Riis published
How the Other Half Lives, a shocking description of slum
life among New York City immigrants.
On the other hand, the houses of the more prosperous were being equipped with electric lights, central heating, and indoor bathrooms by the 1880s. New forms of
public transportation, primarily electric streetcars, made
possible the development of housing away from city centers. A nationwide speculation boom in land acquisition
and subdivision of building lots developed in the 1880s,


and by the end of 1892, the housing market in the United

States was oversupplied.
At the end of the nineteenth century, the new American industrialists began displaying their wealth by building showplace houses in cities and more rural settings.
Newport, Rhode Island, was a favorite location for the
fabulous summer homes of the wealthy. The elegance and
luxury of this housing stood in sharp contrast to city tenements and the shacks of the poor in the South.
Frank Lloyd Wright and Suburbanization
Before World War I, a comprehensive movement of social
and political reform known as progressivism took a stand
against the ostentatious lifestyles of the wealthy and condemned the wretchedness of slum housing. Frank Lloyd
Wright envisioned the ideal suburban house for the independent American family, a free-standing house on its
own plot of ground. Wright proposed that American
housing development be spread over the entire country
with each family occupying one house on one acre of land.
A vast network of roads could link it all together in a
culture without cities. It is this pattern of sprawl, so
sharply in contrast to the centralized settlements brought
to the United States from Europe, that has come to prevail in the United States.
Wrights Prairie Houses incorporated a new form of
interior design that featured large replaces in the center
of the house and an open owing oor plan. The symbolism of the houses was sanctuary for the American family, natural surroundings, escape from the crowded conditions of the city, and rejection of the articiality of
overwrought design. Wrights designs were part of a
movement away from the formal Queen Anne houses so
dominant in the second half of the nineteenth century and
toward the simpler Craftsman or bungalow styles.
Prosperity, Depression, and World War II
Between 1923 and 1927 a period of economic prosperity
brought with it one of the greatest housing booms in the
history of the country. The new availability of automobiles stimulated construction of houses in the suburbs,
where land was relatively cheap. More than seven million
new dwelling units were started in the 1920s; annual
housing peaked at 937,000 units in 1925, a gure that
would be unsurpassed for the next twenty years. By 1932,
housing production had fallen to 134,000 units and the
industry, along with the rest of the economic and nancial
structure of the country, was spiraling downward. Property values fell by more than 25 percent from 1929 to
1932, eliminating homeowner equity and increasing mortgage debt from 36 percent of value in 1928 to 61 percent
in 1932. As foreclosures increased, approximately one
million people were forced into homelessness. The administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt drew
housing into the purview of the federal government during the 1930s by creating, along with several other pro-

Apartment House. The upscale Beresford Apartments,

completed in 1929 and located on Central Park West on the
Upper West Side of Manhattan. Lee Snider/corbis

grams, the Federal Housing Administration to provide

federal insurance for home loans.
The crisis of World War II produced the rst mass
production of prefabricated houses. Builders devised
factory-built, standardized building components such as
wall and ceiling panels, and utilized light metal framing
with girders and trusses that allowed for greater spans.
Poured concrete foundations became standard. Many
technological advances were made with the help of leading universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. This cooperative effort established the basis
for the hugely expanded postwar construction industry.
The small, craft-oriented, homebuilding industry became
more like the rest of American industry in general.
Postwar Prosperity, the Flight from the Cities, and
Racial Discrimination
Americans came out of World War II with higher incomes to buy better houses. Housing starts in 1946, at
1,023,000, were higher than they had been in 1925, the
previous record year, and they reached nearly 1.5 million



in 1949. During this boom period the average cost of

building a house rose from $4,625 in 1945 to $7,525 in
1949. Veterans Administration guaranteed loans were a
major factor in helping to house the millions of servicemen returning from the war. The proportion of nonfarm
home ownership rose from 41.1 percent in 1940 to 50.8
percent in 1945, the fastest increase of such magnitude to
take place in the twentieth century. By 1956 the owneroccupied portion of nonfarm occupancy would be 59 percent, a huge increase from that of 1940.
The 1950 Census showed an improvement in the
physical condition of the countrys housing. Based on a
standard of more than one person per room, overcrowding was reduced from 20 percent in 1940 to 15 percent
in 1949. As the country continued its emergence from the
depression and war years, those who could afford it
largely ed the cities, leaving behind a poor minority
population, a diminished commercial core, and growing
slums. An American Public Health Association Report in
1948 recognized racial segregation and substandard housing in central cities as major problems. The Housing Act
of 1949 favored a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family, but it was years
before racial segregation in housing was addressed comprehensively. In 1962 President John F. Kennedy issued
an executive order barring discrimination in the sale,
lease, or occupancy of residential property owned or operated by the federal government. The Civil Rights Act
of 1964 barred racial discrimination in any housing requiring federal funding assistance and the Fair Housing
Act of 1968 established equal housing opportunity as ofcial U.S. policy.
Expanding Suburbs, More Apartment Buildings
The new American middle class wanted the suburban
houses that prosperity could make available to them in
the postwar period. The ideal was a single-family house
for the nuclear family on a large lot away from the deteriorating inner city. Builders acquired large tracts of land
relatively inexpensively at the perimeters of towns and
cities, secured government-insured advance nancing, installed streets and other infrastructure, and mass produced standardized ranch-style housing. Production of
mobile homes, which had been around since the 1930s
when they were called trailers, began to expand rapidly in
the 1960s as assembly-line techniques were improved.
The development of the elevator and steel frame
construction had promoted intense multistory apartment
building construction in the late nineteenth century in
large cities where land was too expensive to justify singlefamily houses. Yet in 1960 only about 5 percent of housing
units were in apartment buildings of ten or more units,
except for New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami,
and Washington, D.C. Apartment construction increased
in the 1960s as a result of smaller households and higher
per-household income. There was a surge of luxury apartment buildings with balconies, swimming pools, large


lobbies, and tenant services such as guest screening, message and package reception, and security features. In addition to rental units, condominium and cooperative
apartments, which had some of the features of home ownership, became popular.
Seeking the American Dream
Despite the energy crisis of the mid-1970s and decreasing
family size, houses became larger as they were recognized
as the best hedge against ination and the most important
source of wealth creation for families. Three bedrooms
and two bathrooms became standard. Total housing starts,
including shipments of mobile homes, reached an astonishing 21,482,000 in the 1970s. This production level was
at the rate of approximately one new dwelling unit for
every ten people in the country. The median price of new
conventional single-family dwellings rose from $23,400
to $62,900 during the decade. Economist Alan Greenspan
estimated in 1977 that the market value of the nations
entire stock of single-family, owner-occupied houses was
increasing at an annual rate of $62.2 billion, almost all of
which was being converted to cash through mortgages.
This money was recirculating in the economy, bringing
the United States out of the mid-1970s recession and
spurring more housing production. Capital gains from
housing outstripped by three to one the gains taken by
private investors in the stock market at this time.
In the late 1970s builders began to create new types
of housing clusters including duplexes, triplexes, and
four-plexes. Large landscaped developments often included a mix of detached houses, apartment buildings,
and townhouses around a central feature such as a golf
course or other recreational facility. Eventually the more
expensive of these developments would become socially
segregated gated communities with access limited to
residents and their guests.
By the 1980s the national homeownership rate was
nearly 65 percent, with the highest rate among people
from ages fty-ve to sixty-ve. The incidence of new
two-story houses increased, and all new houses had more
bedrooms, bathrooms, and replaces. At the other end of
the scale were the homeless whose numbers reached an
estimated 500,000 to 750,000 during the 1980s.
By 1999 the average new house had two or more
stories, three bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, central heating
and air conditioning, a working replace, and a two-car
garage. Its average size was 2,250 square feet, 50 percent
larger than the average new house in 1970.
The number of housing units in the United States at
the end of the twentieth century was nearly 116 million,
with 91 percent of these occupied on a full-time basis.
Approximately one-third of the remaining 9 percent were
seasonal, recreational, or occasionally used dwellings, an
indication of the housing prosperity of Americans. More
than 66 percent of the units occupied on a full-time basis
were occupied by their owners; in 1900 only 36.5 percent
of dwelling units were owner occupied. The average


household size at the end of the century was 2.6, a number

that had been 4.8 in 1900 and 3.7 in 1940.
Housing is an essential component of the nations
economy and a prime indicator of national economic direction. Home ownership is usually the major form of
investment for individuals and households, and a key to
nancial stability and upward social mobility. Home ownership has long been the American Dream, the goal toward which many strive.

Doan, Mason C. American Housing Production: 18802000, A

Concise History. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America,
Ford, Larry R. Cities and Buildings, Skyscrapers, Skid Rows, and
Suburbs. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.
Kostof, Spiro. America by Design. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1987.
Welfeld, Irving. Where We Live: A Social History of Americas
Housing. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988.
Wright, Gwendolyn. Building the American Dream: A Social History of Housing In America. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,

Judith Reynolds
See also Apartment Houses; Architecture; Architecture,
American Indian; Electrification, Household; Greenbelt Communities; Plumbing; Suburbanization; Tenements; Urbanization; and vol. 9: In the Slums, 1890.


DEPARTMENT OF. The Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) has a broad and complex mission, accomplished through a number of programs and in conjunction with such entities as Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac as well as the Federal Housing Authority. HUD coordinates and regulates housing loans
under these entities, provides subsidies for public housing
throughout the United States, assists in providing loans
to health care facilities, and has numerous programs to
assure the provision of adequate housing particularly in
urban areas and to under-served populations in the United
States. In addition, HUD is active in assuring the maintenance of the Fair Housing laws in federal programs,
provides grants to various entities involved in providing
housing, and continually adds programs in these areas.
When President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the legislation creating the Department of Housing and Urban
Development on 9 September 1965, he envisioned that
HUD would be responsible for federal participation in
the thinking and planning of large urban areas and would
provide a focal point for innovation and imagination related to the problems of Americas growing cities. He also
anticipated that HUD would strengthen the federal governments relationship with states and cities on urban
issues. He hoped that the department would be able to

encourage growth while retarding the decay of the expanding urban centers throughout the country. It was a
vision that was originally introduced by President John F.
Kennedy in his 1961 State of the Union address. In 1966,
the statutory objectives of HUD were translated into the
Model Cities and Metropolitan Development Act, and
then in 1968 the Housing Act was passed, followed in
1970 by the Housing and Urban Development Act.
From Kennedy and Johnsons vision of the federal
governments participation and cooperation in providing
adequate housing and urban development that protects
and promotes opportunities of diverse ethnic populations
and the poorest families in the country, HUD made signicant strides during its rst three years. It made the
Federal Housing Administration a key part of HUDs
mission to develop low-income housing, initiated crosscommunication between programs so that related issues
could be addressed in a coordinated way, involved neighborhood groups in spearheading inner-city rehabilitation
through the Model Cities program, and looked for innovative ways to fund private housing for lower-income
families. Unfortunately HUD has failed to capitalize on
its strong beginnings. Since the Johnson presidency, HUD
has proven to be a department that has become the poor
cousin within the cabinetunderfunded and racked with
scandal, fraud, and abuse. Virtually all of the presidents
since Johnson have disagreed with the fundamental aims
and purposes for which HUD was established and have
attempted to undermine both the power and prestige of
the department. Even those who have supported HUDs
goals have been unable to overcome its now long history
of failure.
President Nixons HUD secretary from 1969 to 1973,
George Romney, actually placed a moratorium on all federal housing programs in 1973, and during Nixons abbreviated second term, James T. Lynn, Romneys successor, oversaw HUDs decline to a second-tier position
within the cabinet.
During the administrations of Gerald Ford and
Jimmy Carter, HUD was not able to overcome this reputation. Fords administration was caught up in postWatergate caretaking, and Jimmy Carters administration
was quickly besieged by the Iran hostage crisis that came
to dene his presidency. Carters post-presidency commitment to and activist role in the nonprot organization
Habitat for Humanity suggests that signicant opportunities for strong presidential leadership on the issues of
community renewal, fair housing, and innovative programs
for nancing low-income housing were missed during his
In 1981, President Reagan appointed Samuel R.
Pierce Jr., a New York attorney, to be the new secretary
of HUD. Pierces termlasting the full eight years of the
Reagan presidency, the longest of any HUD secretary
since its inceptionresulted in the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate corruption within the
agency. This led ultimately to seventeen criminal convic-



tions, including that of Pierces former executive assistant.

During the same time period, HUDs operating appropriations were cut from $24.9 billion in 1981 to $7.5 billion in 1989with fraud and corruption taking an estimated $2 billion of the dramatically reduced funds over
the eight-year period. (The criminal convictions netted
$2 million in criminal nes but only returned some $10
million in squandered HUD monies.) While tainted by
the gross mismanagement of the agency, Pierce himself
was never charged with any of the corruption that characterized his term at HUD.
The gutting of HUD programs and the ensuing
scandals made recovery for HUD in the 1990s problematic at a time when a national economic recession and the
spiraling effects of inner-city decay, drugs, and gangs in
public housing stretched limited resources and existing
programs to the breaking point. Jack Kemp, secretary of
HUD in George H. W. Bushs administration (1989
1992), had the difcult two-prong task of trying to respond to the independent counsels investigation of the
previous HUD administration while initiating a comprehensive audit and extensive reform of existing HUD programs and policies. At the same time, he was attempting
to promote aggressive programs to assist those mired in
the cycle of inner-city poverty and still remain true to his
conservative beliefs that market-based policies provided
the best long-term hope for the poor to pull themselves
out of poverty. Kemps program HOPE (Home-ownership
and Opportunity for People Everywhere) was launched
on 10 November 1989 and under its umbrella included
programs such as enterprise zones and low-income housing tax credits for rst-time home buyers. HOPE, along
with a Senate initiative to generate new housing construction called HOME, were folded into the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990. Underfunding and lack of
congressional support caused many of these programs to
wither and die quietly on the legislative vine.
In 1993, Bill Clinton won the presidency, and with
his down-home roots and populist support, particularly
among African Americans, many had great hopes for a
return to the Kennedy-era Camelot with a focus on the
renewal of Americas dilapidated and struggling cities
where large populations of ethnic minorities were trapped.
Clinton tapped Henry Cisneros, the former mayor of San
Antonio, Texas, to be the secretary of HUD. However,
scandal again enveloped the secretarys ofce when Cisneros became the target of an independent counsels investigation for misuse of government funds. Ultimately
Cisneros was indicted on charges that he had lied about
the money he had spent supporting his former girlfriend
and pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor.
Despite the scandal, the Clinton administration did
focus attention on the massive drug problem that had
turned many public housing projects into war zones. In
his 23 January 1996 State of the Union address, Clinton
announced what would become HUDs one strike and
youre out policy, with zero tolerance for drug-related


activities or violence for those living in public-assisted

housing. While the program had detractors, and the zero
tolerance policy led to some Orwellian results, Clintons
new HUD secretary, Andrew M. Cuomo, worked with
Congress to implement the program along with tightening the reins of HUD to overcome the years of mismanagement.
The twelfth secretary of Housing and Urban Development, appointed by President George W. Bush, was the
rst Cuban American cabinet member in U.S. history.
Mel Martinez arrived from Cuba in 1962 during an airlift
of children. He began life in America in a foster home,
not speaking a word of English. From these humble beginnings, he assumed leadership of HUD, charged with
implementing policies and programs that address the
needs of some 5.4 million families. Unfortunately, by
2002, housing and urban issues had once again taken a
backseat to more pressing national and international concerns, and observers thought it unlikely that HUD would
become a priority in the Bush administration.

Kotlowitz, Adam. There Are No Children Here: The Story of Two

Boys Growing Up in America. New York: Doubleday, 1991.
Nenno, Mary K. Ending the Stalemate: Moving Housing and Urban
Development into the Mainstream of Americas Future. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1996.

Karenbeth Farmer
M. H. Hoeich
Broadus Mitchell
See also City Planning; Corruption, Political.

HOUSTON. The city of Houston, Texasfourth

largest city in the United States, world petroleum and
petrochemical capital, national corporate center, and major international porthas long been noted for its ag-

Houston Oil. This 1939 photograph by Russell Lee shows a

renery along the Houston Ship Channel. Library of Congress


gressive business leadership and impressive record of economic growth. Houstons phenomenal development ranks
as one of the most astonishing examples of urban growth
in United States history.
In 1836, only John and Augustus Allen, the visionary
New Yorkers who founded the city on the coastal prairies
of southeast Texas, fty miles inland from Galveston Island, glimpsed Houstons potential. Hampered by its location on Buffalo Bayou, a scarcely navigable, sluggish
little stream, Houston was overshadowed in importance
by the seaport of Galveston. Southeast Texas itself was
only a peripheral area of the Deep South whose longdominant urban entrepot was New Orleans.
Named after Sam Houston, hero of the ght for
Texas independence, the city served briey as capital of
the Texas Republic (18371839), but its future did not lie
in becoming a seat of government. Like other southern
inland cities Houston specialized in rail development,
serving as a railhead for Galveston and as a collection and
shipment point for cotton and other agricultural goods
produced in the region. Before the Civil War, Houston
became a regional railroad center with ve rail lines fanning out in all directions. Postbellum expansion linked
the city to the national rail network in 1873.
After the Civil War, Houston businessmen determined to make Houston a major port city. Buffalo Bayou
was difcult to navigate even for small boats, so Houston
boosters began a drive to dredge a navigable channel toward the Gulf of Mexico. Charles Morgan, a Gulf Coast
shipowner, headed the project, which resulted in the opening of a twelve-foot-deep waterway to Clinton. Houston
entrepreneurs enlisted federal assistance to resume the ship
channel project in 1881 until the waterway cut through
Galveston Bay and Buffalo Bayou to a turning basin above
Harrisburg in 1914. The Houston Ship Channel, subsequently widened and deepened, made Houston a major
inland port.
Houston was spared the fate of Galveston, which was
completely destroyed by a hurricane in 1900. With the
elimination of its rival to the south, the path was clear for
Houston to develop into the dominant urban center in
southeast Texas. The cornerstone of the citys bid for regional dominance and national prominence was set with
the advent of the Texas oil boom that followed the discovery of oil at nearby Spindletop in 1901. The oil boom
led to the formation of three of the worlds major oil companies: Texaco (originally the Texas Company), Gulf, and
Exxon (originally Humble). Houston became the national
capital of an integrated industry consisting of energy business headquarters, drilling operations, producing wells,
pipelines, reneries, and port facilities. The Houston
Ship Channel developed into a major world petrochemical industry corridor.
The citys extraordinary growth, interrupted by the
Great Depression of the 1930s, resurged with the onset
of World War II. As wartime industrial production ex-

Urban Houston. A panoramic view of the citys skyline, 1910.

Library of Congress

panded into the South, Houston shared in the largesse by

acquiring numerous new defense plants and contracts in
the petroleum, petrochemical, and shipbuilding industries. These new and expanded industries acted as a catalyst for postwar growth. Postwar Houston experienced
rapid urban population and spatial growth. The city, having incorporated several surrounding suburbs in the late
1940s, surpassed New Orleans in population in 1950. The
Bayou City was on its way to becoming a major national
metropolis. By 1984, it had surpassed Philadelphia as the
nations fourth largest city behind New York City, Los
Angeles, and Chicago.
In the 1960s, the emergence of the economic phenomenon known as the Sunbelt witnessed enhanced economic diversication and growth. Houstons private and
public leaders could boast of many accomplishments. Securing the Manned Spaceight Center (later the Johnson
Space Center) in 1960 was a dening achievement of the
The oil boom of the 1970s brought even greater
prosperity, but collapsing oil prices in the 1980s produced
Houstons most severe economic downturn since the
Great Depression. A return to former prosperity in the
1990s meant greater population, spatial and economic
growth, and also created a movement toward greater economic diversication that included such elds as business
services, medical research, health services, international
banking, and tourism.
Houston was still the fourth most populous city in
the United States in 2000. With 1,953,631 people, it is
part of the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Consolidated
Metropolitan Statistical Area, the nations tenth most
populous CMSA, with 4,669,571 people in 2000.
The only major American city to eschew zoning as a
planning tool, Houston is generally regarded as one of
the best examples of a private enterprise city in a nation
where the public sector receives its cues from business
leadership. Nevertheless, it has managed to adapt well to
new political trends. In 1981, the citys voters elected
Houstons rst woman mayor, Kathryn J. Whitmire; in
1997 they chose its rst African American mayor, Lee P.





Angel, William D., Jr. To Make A City: Entrepreneurship on

the Sunbelt Frontier. In The Rise of the Sunbelt Cities. Edited by David C. Perry and Alfred J. Watkins. Beverly Hills,
Calif.: Sage Publications, 1977.

Kemp, Giles, and Edward Clain. Dale Carnegie: The Man Who
Inuenced Millions. New York: St. Martins, 1989.

Johnston, Margurite. Houston, The Unknown City, 18361946.

College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1991.
Kaplan, Barry J. Houston: The Golden Buckle of the Sunbelt.
In Sunbelt Cities, Politics and Growth Since World War II. Edited by Richard M. Bernard and Bradley R. Rice. Austin:
University of Texas Press, 1983.
McComb, David G. Houston, The Bayou City. Austin: University
of Texas Press, 1969.
Parker, Robert E. and Joe R. Feagin. Military Spending in Free
Enterprise Cities: The Military-Industrial Complex in
Houston and Las Vegas. In The Pentagon and the Cities.
Edited by Andrew Kirby. London: Sage Publications, 1992.

Conrad L. Rein
See also Petrochemical Industry; Petroleum Industry; Texas.


PEOPLE. Dale Carnegie (18881955) was a Missouriborn teacher, sprung from a struggling farm family. After
a brief, unsuccessful acting career, he began to offer
public-speaking classes in a New York YMCA in 1912. In
1936, his book How to Win Friends and Inuence People,
based on two and a half decades of teaching classes in
speech and assertiveness, succeeded spectacularly and
went on to sell 15 million copies. It was essentially a book
of advice to salesmen and executives who wanted to manipulate their customers and employees. Its commonsense
advice included the injunctions to gaze intently on your
interlocutor, to use a dazzling smile, to remember his
name, and praise him lavishly. Above all, said Carnegie,
make the people you meet feel important and they in turn
will respect and admire you. He added that the feeling must
come from withinif it was insincere, it was worthless.
The author had changed the spelling of his name (originally Carnagey) to match the name of industrialistmillionaire Andrew Carnegie, whom he idolized. He littered the text of his book with the older Carnegies
sayings, jostling them against quotations by John D.
Rockefeller, Jesus, Lao-tzu, and Confucius.
Carnegies success is attributable partly to the fact
that his book appeared in the depths of the Great Depression and offered solace and hope to a generation of
discouraged businessmen. It also contributed to the growing literature of industrial psychology and welfare capitalism, which emphasized the importance of good human
relations in a smoothly operating commercial system.
Ironically, it had little to say about making friends (hostile
reviewers treated it as a manual on the cynical perfection
of insincerity) but did describe methods for avoiding confrontation and strife. Carnegie himself disarmed critics by
insisting, Ive never claimed to have a new idea. . . . I
deal with the obvious.


Meyer, Donald. The Positive Thinkers: Religion as Pop Psychology

from Mary Baker Eddy to Oral Roberts. New York: Pantheon,

Patrick N. Allitt
See also Psychology; Self-Help Movement.

HOWARD, FORT, built in 1816 on the site of the

former French Fort La Baye and of the British Fort Edward Augustus, was the rst American post at Green Bay,
Wis., and was for many years the lone Americanizing
force in a predominantly French settlement. Its garrison
was called out in the Red Bird uprising (1827) and in the
Black Hawk War (1832). The garrison was withdrawn in
1841; troops were again brought there at the close of the
Mexican-American War, when Lt. Col. B. L. E. de Bonneville was the last commandant.

Kellogg, Louise Phelps. Old Fort Howard. Wisconsin Magazine of History 18 (1934).
Prucha, Francis P. A Guide to the Military Posts of the United States,
17891895. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1964.

Louise Phelps Kellogg / a. r.

See also Army Posts; Fox-Wisconsin Waterway; Green Bay;

HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE. Although astronomer Lyman Spitzer rst suggested the idea of a spacebased telescope in 1946, it was not until 24 April 1990
that one was placed in orbit around the earth. Named
after the pioneering astronomer Edwin P. Hubble, it
promised to overcome distortions caused by the earths
atmosphere. The forty-three-foot-long telescope could
look seven times farther into space than the most powerful terrestrial observatories.
Computer problems in 1982 thwarted the $2 billion
telescopes initial launching. Rescheduled for October
1986, its launch was again delayed by the tragedy in January 1986 that killed the crew of the space shuttle Challenger. Four years later, the Hubble Space Telescope nally was lifted into space. Two months after the telescope
was placed in orbit, scientists announced that its 94.5-inch
primary mirror, polished to incredible smoothness, was
awed, resulting in blurred images. Ironically, the telescope was myopic. Investigation showed that engineers
easily could have detected this problem prior to launch.
Scientists had to delay or cancel experiments.
In December 1993 the crew of the space shuttle Endeavour tted the telescope with corrective optics and


sachusetts, became the rst institution to ban the novel.

Twains use of the word nigger later led some schools
and libraries to ban the book. Huckleberry Finn was rst
attacked during Twains day because of what some described as its indecency; later, it would be attacked as racist. But by the end of the twentieth century, its status as
one of the greatest of American novels was almost universally recognized.
Huck Finn, the protagonist and narrator of the novel,
is around thirteen or fourteen years of age. He is being
raised by Miss Watson and the Widow Douglas, both of
whom blindly accept the hypocritical religious and moral
nature of their society and try to help Huck understand
its codes and customs. They represent an articial life that
Huck wishes to escape. Hucks attempt to help Jim, a runaway slave, reunite with his family makes it difcult for
him to understand what is right and wrong. The book
follows Hucks and Jims adventures rafting down the Mississippi River, where Huck gradually rejects the values of
the dominant society, especially its views on slavery.
Hubble Space Telescope. The device has expanded the
frontiers of the visible universe. corbis


Blair, Walter. Mark Twain and Huck Finn. Berkeley: University

of California Press, 1960.
Smith, Henry Nash. Mark Twain: The Development of a Writer.
Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1962.

made other repairs. After this $629 million outer-space

repair job, the telescope worked perfectly. It took detailed
views of nebulae and star clusters. In October 1994 astronomers announced that data from the telescope
showed that the universe was between eight billion and
twelve billion years old, younger than earlier estimates by
nearly half. Astronomers announced in January 1996 that
the telescope was detecting hundreds of galaxies never
before seen, which they speculated could be the most distant and oldest galaxies ever observed.

Fischer, Daniel, and Hilmar Duerbeck. The Hubble: A New Window to the Universe. Translated by Helmut Jenkner and
Douglas Duncan. New York: Copernicus, 1996.
Peterson, Carolyn Collins, and John C. Brandt. Hubble Vision:
Further Adventures with the Hubble Space Telescope. 2d ed.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Brent Schondelmeyer / a. r.
See also Challenger Disaster; Observatories, Astronomical;
Space Program.

HUCKLEBERRY FINN. Ernest Hemingway wrote

that all modern American literature comes from one
book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. . . . All
American writing comes from that. There was nothing
before. There has been nothing as good since.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published in
1885, and in that year the public library in Concord, Mas-

James Varn

HUDSON RIVER. From its Adirondack origin in

Lake Tear of the Clouds to its southern terminus in upper
New York Bay, the Hudson River, 306 miles in length,
drains an area of about 13,370 square miles. While its
waters were long traveled and shed by Indians, the rst
European to see the Hudson was probably Giovanni da
Verrazano, an Italian sailing for the French, who explored
the area in 1524. Although other Europeans reached the
Hudson during the sixteenth century, settlement occurred
only after Henry Hudsons September 1609 voyage of exploration. Hudson, an Englishman in the employ of the
Dutch East India Company, was seeking a northwest passage to the Far East. On his ship, the Half Moon, he sailed
about 150 miles up the river that now bears his name.
After Hudson reported on the availability of furs
along the river, Amsterdam fur traders established a
Dutch trading post at Fort Nassau (near present-day Albany) in 1613. In 1623, the newly created West India
Company took over the fort, renaming it Fort Orange,
while the vast territory claimed by the Dutch was called
New Netherland, with its principal settlement, New
Amsterdam, at the southern tip of Manhattan Island.
Much of the settlement of New Netherland was concentrated on the Hudson River, with a few large patroonships
established along its banks. The river and the territory
remained in Dutch hands until 1664, when Sir Richard



Hudson River. Steamboats like Robert Fultons Clermont, launched in 1807, revolutionized transportation and accelerated New
York States economic growth. UPI/corbis-Bettmann

Nicolls led a force of Englishmen who seized the territory

and renamed it New York.

the literary works of such American writers as Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper.

The Hudson played a signicant role during the

American Revolution, with both the British and the
Americans seeking to maintain control of the waterway.
On 12 July 1776, Admiral Lord Richard Howe sent two
British warships, the Phoenix and the Rose, thirty miles up
the Hudson to Tarrytown. To prevent the British from
moving further north, logs were used to oat an iron
chain across the river from the fort at West Point to Constitution Island.

The river has paid a price for progress and development. By the twentieth century, the Hudson had become
a polluted waterway. The river was the focal point for
conservationists when, in 1962, Con Edison made a proposal to build a hydroelectric plant on the river at Storm
King Mountain. Opposition to the plant prompted the
U.S. Court of Appeals to insist that the planners consider
the effects of the plant on the environment. In the ensuing
battle, the pressure brought by environmental groups led
Con Edison to drop the Storm King project in 1980. A
later environmental battle concerned the dumping of over
one million pounds of the carcinogenic substance polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) in the Hudson by major corporations situated on its banks. In 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency ordered General Electric to
begin a $500 million dredging operation of the Hudson
River to remove the PCBs.

New Yorks most dramatic growth followed the end

of the Revolution, when the Six Nations of the Iroquois
ceded most of their territory to the state, permitting settlers to move up the Hudson and then west. Growth was
further accelerated with the 1807 invention of the steamboat. Steamboats sparked the states economic development and eventually fostered a tourist industry by attracting wealthy city residents north to the Catskills and
Adirondacks. Even more rapid economic growth followed
the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, as goods from
Lake Erie ports were moved through New York State and
then down the Hudson to shipping facilities in New York
City. The completion of the Hudson River Railroad in
1851 further spurred trade and encouraged wealthy New
Yorkers to build homes along the Hudson.
The beauty of the Hudson River valley sparked a revolution in American art with the development of the
Hudson River school of painters. By the early nineteenth century, artists such as Thomas Cole, Asher Durand, John Kensett, Thomas Doughty, Jasper Cropsey,
George Inness, and John Casilear created American landscapes that celebrated the natural beauty of the area. The
river and its mountains also served as a favored locale in



Carmer, Carl. The Hudson. New York: Fordham University

Press, 1992.
Dunwell, Frances F. Hudson River Highlands. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992.
Lossing, Benson J. The Hudson. Hensonville, N.Y.: Black Dome
Press, 2000.

Mary Lou Lustig

See also New York State.


a group of
nineteenth-century painters inspired by the American


landscape. In the realm of the arts, nineteenth-century

Americans were torn between a conviction that their
country was possessed of unique virtues and a belief that
they should copy European masters. In one respect, what
painters could learn from the Old World tted exactly the
conditions of their new land. The European Romantic
movement taught a reverence for nature at its wildest, and
along with that an awe in the presence of power, darkness,
and mystery, all of them evocable in scenes of natural
grandeur. Americans possessed a landscape such as the
Romantic imagination sought, presenting itself not in quiet
and domesticated detail but in great spaces broken into
by deep forests, wild waters, and violent storms.
Painters were discovering similar moods on the European continent, to be sure. But the peculiar mating of
Romanticism, transmitted to the United States in the
form of transcendentalism, with a wilderness that Americans saw as their unspoiled and inviting heritage awakened a distinctive artistic sensibility. In the second and
third quarters of the nineteenth century, American nature
was captured particularly by a group of painters known
collectively as the Hudson River school. The designation
Hudson River school was rst applied dismissively late
in the century, but has since become an honored name.

Early in the nineteenth century, much of the American concept of good painting took its denition from the
American Academy of Fine Arts, which drew on formal
European composition. The National Academy of Design, founded in 1825, was an instrument for the propagation of the Romantic venture. Practitioners traveled
into remote regions to make sketches; much of their nished work took place in studios in New York City. Albert
Bierstadt drew on western scenery, notably in his Rocky
Mountains, Landers Peak (1863) and his Lower Yellowstone
Falls. Frederic Edwin Church mined landscape in Ecuador, including an active volcano. Others included Thomas
Doughty, Thomas Cole, George Inness, and Asher Brown
Durand. Adherents to the new aesthetic had faith in the
instruction given by nature on its own terms. Some of the
Hudson River paintings do not depict an exact geographic
scene but one heightened by the painters imagination.
However, they were generally of a mind with Henry David Thoreau, whose writings depict spiritual patterns in
nature yet describe them in the most exquisitely precise
detail of a veined leaf, a colony of ants, a rivulet of water
tracing downhill. The result, or at least the effort of such
an apprehension of nature, therefore brought together
enterprises that coexist uneasily: an intellectual construct
in Romanticism, scientic inquiry, and artistic execution.
In the mid-1830s, the British immigrant Cole carried
out a more abstract and idealized work in his ambitious
series The Course of Empire, an essay on canvas describing
through stages the hope and folly of human endeavor. It
goes from the violent landscape Savage State through Pastoral or Arcadian and Consummation of Empire to Destruction to Desolation, depicting ruined colonnades amid a reasserted nature. Such explicit instruction in the evils of
overcivilization was the exception. More common were
presentations of a nature of commanding force yet lifegiving to humanity if it will accept it in itself. Durands
familiar Kindred Spirits, painted in 1849, puts the gures
of Cole and William Cullen Bryant atop a crag looking
over a rugged yet benign wilderness. Their communion
with each other and their surroundings catches the transcendentalist perception of a oneness between mind and
By the centurys last quarter, artistic aims and techniques were changing. Part of the reason, doubtless, was
a decline in Romanticism in its transcendentalist American form, which intellectuals had for a time adopted as
virtually a reigning American ethos. A new aesthetic developed in France, the Barbizon school, was competing
with the manner of the Hudson River painters. One artist,
George Inness, bridged the shift. Artists continued to seek
majesty and refreshment in nature; but they sought a freer
and more personally experimental rendering of natural

Kindred Spirits. This 1849 painting by Asher B. Durand is

typical of the Hudson River schools transcendentalist
reverence for nature. Francis G. Mayer/Corbis


Cooper, James F. Knights of the Brush: The Hudson River School

and the Moral Landscape. New York: Hudson Hills Press,



Howat, John K. The Hudson River and Its Painters. New York:
Penguin Books, 1972.
Lassiter, Barbara Babcock. American Wilderness: The Hudson River
School of Painting. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1977.

David Burner
See also Art: Painting.


Company resulted from the western explorations of Pierre
Esprit Radisson and Medard Chouart, Sieur de Groseilliers, in the mid-seventeenth century. On trips into Wisconsin and Minnesota country, they learned from Native
Americans of a great fur country northwest of Lake Superior that might be reached via Hudson Bay. This idea,
linked with one of a probable northwest passage through
Hudson Bay, led the Frenchmen to England in the middle
1660s. There they assembled a sort of syndicate of wealthy
and inuential men that grew into the Hudsons Bay Company, and received its charter on 2 May 1670, as the Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading
into Hudsons Bay. Under that charter and supplemental
charters the company still operates, making it one of the
oldest commercial corporations.
Much of the companys effect on the United States
sprang from a bitter struggle that raged between it and
the North West Company. During the heyday of the fur
trade, the company had posts in most parts of what is now
Canada and a few forts on U.S. soil, mostly along the
boundary line west from Grand Portage. Near the Red
River of the North (now Manitoba), Thomas Douglas,
fth Lord Selkirkone of the North West Companys
largest stock ownershad established a colony on company lands in 1811. The Hudsons Bay Company and the
North West Company resolved many of their differences
by merging in 1821, but Selkirk died in the same year,
leaving the company to administer his colony. Members
of Selkirks colony had contributed to the establishment
of Fort Saint Anthony (now Fort Snelling) in 1819, and
the misfortunes of the colonists continued to lead many
of them to emigrate to Fort Snelling, making them some
of Minnesotas earliest European settlers. Red River cart
trafc with Minnesota settlements, proximity to U.S.
soil, and the colonists discontent with company rule led
to annexation hopes and schemes on both the part of the
colonists and the United States between 1849 and the
nal surrender of the companys territories in 1869.
Missionaries provided the second major effect of the
Hudsons Bay Company. Operating under the aegis of
the company, they not only attempted to convert Native
American and mixed-race groups, they also played an important part in the companys expansion into Oregon
country. Company men appeared in Oregon in 1821 to
carry on the fur trade begun years earlier by the North
West Company. Although a joint occupation agreement
existed between the United States and Great Britain from


1818 to 1846, Dr. John McLoughlin, the companys chief

factor, helped Oregon become American by welcoming
American traders, explorers, missionaries, and settlers.
The decline of the fur trade and the threat of war were
the nal factors that convinced Great Britain in 1846 to
abandon its claims south of the forty-ninth parallel. The
Hudsons Bay Company continues to operate today, albeit
without its monopoly of trade, its territory, and administrative rights in the West that were granted under its
rst charter.

MacKay, Douglas. The Honourable Company: A History of the Hudsons Bay Company. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill, 1936.
Newman, Peter C. Company of Adventurers. New York: Viking,
Rich, E. E., ed. The History of the Hudsons Bay Company 1670
1870. London: Hudsons Bay Record Society, 19581959.

Grace Lee Nute / f. b.

See also Corporations; Fur Companies; Fur Trade and Trapping; North West Company.

HUGUENOTS. The term Huguenot, of unknown

origin, was rst applied to French Calvinists during the
religious struggles of the sixteenth century. Henry IV
granted religious toleration to his Protestant subjects
by the Edict of Nantes (1598), but Louis XIV revoked it
in 1685. During periods of persecution, approximately
300,000 French Protestants ed to Prussia, Switzerland,
Holland, England, and the Dutch and English colonies.
Fewer than 3,000 Huguenot refugees arrived in America
before 1710. In America, the label Huguenot came to refer more broadly to French-speaking Calvinists, whether
French, Swiss, or Walloon.
Attempted Huguenot settlements in Florida and
South Carolina in 1562 and 1564 failed. In 1623, Huguenots, largely Walloons, settled New Amsterdam. Peter
Minuit, the rst director general of New Netherland, was
a Walloon, and Jean Vigne, the rst white child born on
Manhattan Island, was French and probably Huguenot.
Fort Orange (Albany), Kingston, and New Paltz in New
York were Huguenot settlements. Some 200 or 300 Huguenot families came to Boston after Louis XIVs Dragonnades, which persecuted Protestants by billeting unruly soldiers in their homes.
After 1685, increasing numbers of Huguenots came
to America, settling in Rhode Island, in Hartford and Milford in Connecticut, and in New Rochelle, New York.
They mingled with other settlers in Delaware, Maryland,
and Pennsylvania, where they were called Dutchmen and
confused with German settlers. In Virginia, the rst of
the French Protestant Refugees, as the name appears
ofcially in Virginia records, was Nicholas Martiau. He
arrived before 1620 and is the earliest known Virginia
ancestor of George Washington. The shipload coming to


Manakintowne on 23 July 1700, and two more shiploads

in the same year, made up the largest single settlement of
Huguenots in America. King William Parish was set aside
for them, but this group with its local church and pastor
was absorbed into the Church of England. The parishioners soon intermarried with the English people of the
Huguenots began coming to South Carolina in 1670,
played a large part in the settlement of Charleston in
1680, and by 1687 had established four settlements largely
or wholly French: Jamestown on the Santee River, the
Orange Quarter on the Cooper River, Saint-Johns in
Berkeley County, and Charleston. In 1732, 360 FrenchSwiss Protestants settled Purysburg on the Savannah River,
and in 1764 the last French colony was founded, New
Bordeaux in Abbeville County.
Traditionally, historians have emphasized the rapid
assimilation of the Huguenots into American society, linguistically, religiously, and economically. The most recent
interpretations are more circumspect. While the Huguenots did indeed learn English, conform to Anglicanism,
and contract exogamous marriages, such behavior may
better be described as acculturation, in that Huguenot
values inuenced the evolution of the dominant AngloAmerican culture. The process of assimilation may also
have been more gradual than earlier historians believed.
Huguenots transacted public business in English but continued to use French in private correspondence through
most of the eighteenth century. Among merchant families, exogamous marriages served to maintain and expand
their place within the Atlantic commercial network known
as the Protestant International. Calvinist religious practices persisted despite conformity, giving a low-church
tone to the Church of England.
The late nineteenth century witnessed a revival of
Huguenot ethnicity as exemplied in the creation of Huguenot heritage societies and the adoption of a Huguenot
ag (a Maltese cross and dove against a blue background).
In Charleston at the end of the twentieth century, Huguenot descendants continued to take pride in their Huguenot church, the only one still in existence in America.

Bosher, John F. Huguenot Merchants and the Protestant International in the Seventeenth Century. William and Mary
Quarterly, 3d ser., 52 ( January 1995): 77102.
Butler, Jon. The Huguenots in America: A Refugee People in New
World Society. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
Van Ruymbeke, Bertrand. The Huguenots of Proprietary
South Carolina: Patterns of Migration and Settlement. In
Money, Trade and Power: The Evolution of South Carolinas
Plantation System. Edited by Jack P. Greene, Rosemary
Brana-Shute, and Randy J. Sparks. Columbia: University of
South Carolina Press, 2001.

Leslie Choquette
James Elliott Walmsley
See also New Amsterdam; Walloons.



HUMAN GENOME PROJECT. The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an ambitious international effort
to understand the hereditary instructions that make each
human being unique. Its original goal was to locate the
100,000 or so human genes and read the entire genetic
scriptall three billion bits of informationby the year
2005, although technological advances moved up the expected completion date to 2003 and allowed the project
to release a working draft of the human genome sequence in June 2000.
Launched in 1990, the project is supported in the
United States by the National Institutes of Health and
the Department of Energy. The HGP expects to identify
the genes involved in both rare and common diseases,
perhaps enabling early detection and treatment of disease
and new approaches to prevention. In addition, gene discovery might predict someones likelihood of getting a
disease long before symptoms appear. In some cases, preventive actions can then be undertaken that may avert
disease, as with familial breast cancer; or they can detect
disease at its earliest stages, when treatment tends to be
more successful. Errors in human genes cause an estimated three thousand to four thousand clearly hereditary
diseases, including Huntingtons disease, cystic brosis,
sickle-cell anemia, neurobromatosis, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Moreover, altered genes play a part in
cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers disease, and
many other common illnesses.
The HGP is designed to provide tools and techniques to enable scientists to nd genes quickly. The rst
of these tools are maps of each chromosome. The ultimate goal is to decode, letter by letter, the exact sequence
of all 3 billion nucleotide bases that make up the human
genomea daunting task that spurred researchers from
many elds (biology, physics, engineering, and computer
science, to name a few) to develop automated technologies to reduce the time and cost of sequencing. The ability
to probe genes could be a double-edged sword, however.
For some diseases, for example, ability to detect a nonfunctional gene has outpaced doctors ability to do anything about the disease it causes. Huntingtons disease is
a case in point. Although a test for high-risk families has
been available for years, only a handful of individuals have
decided to be tested. The reason seems to be that, because
there is no way to cure or prevent Huntingtons disease,
some would rather live with uncertainty than with the
knowledge that they will be struck some time in midlife
with a fatal disease. There is also the uncertainty of what
might happen if a health insurance company or a potential
employer learns that an individual is destined to develop
Huntingtons disease. Might that person be denied coverage or turned down for a job? Because of such concerns,
the HGP has, since its inception, devoted about 5 percent



of its $3 billion budget to inquiry aimed at anticipating

and resolving the ethical, legal, and social issues likely to
arise from its research. This marks one of the rst times
scientists are exploring the consequences of their research
before crises arise.
Controversy enveloped the HGP in 1998 when Craig
Venters Celera Genomics, a private corporation, announced its attention to compete with the governmentfunded project and to beat it in the race to decode the
human genome. Some observers doubted the value of the
private effort, pointing to duplication of effort between
Celera and the HGP. Others criticized Celeras goal of
seeking patents on individual genes. Despite a joint 2000
statement by U.S. President Bill Clinton and British Prime
Minister Tony Blair declaring that the basic information
on the human genome should be considered public property, by June 2000 the U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofce
had granted some two thousand gene patents and was
considering twenty-ve thousand more.
On 12 February 2001 HGP and Celera issued a joint
statement stating that they had learned that humans have
about thirty thousand genesmany fewer than scientists
had anticipatedand that the nal decoding might be
possible within a few years.

Clark, Carol. On the Threshold of a Brave New World. CNN

Interactive, 2001. Available at
Cooper, Necia G., ed. The Human Genome Project: Deciphering
the Blueprint of Heredity. Mill Valley, Calif.: University Science Books, 1994.
Davis, Joel. Mapping the Code: The Human Genome Project and the
Choices of Modern Science. New York: Wiley, 1990.
Lee, Thomas F. The Human Genome Project: Cracking the Genetic
Code of Life New York: Plenum Press, 1991.

Leslie Fink / c. w.
See also DNA; Energy, Department of; Genetics; Medical Research; National Institutes of Health.

HUMAN RESOURCES. See Industrial Relations.

HUMAN RIGHTS. The concept of human rights has
evolved over time, and various countries have emphasized
different aspects of human rights principles and policy.
Some nations have emphasized traditional civil and political rights (both individual and collective), whereas othersparticularly communist and socialist regimeshave
emphasized the concept of economic and social rights.
Some governments have embraced both sets of principles.
In the United States, the concept of certain individual and collective rightsin particular, civil and political
rightsas natural or unalienable can be traced back
to colonial times, reecting the inuence of John Locke
and other political theorists. This concept was clearly set


forth in the Declaration of Independence and was codied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The
United States has long regarded international human
rights standards as universal. It has rejected the arguments
of nations such as China, which claim that such standards
can be discounted as mere Western concepts and argue
that human rights should be viewed through the prism of
each nations history and culture. Unlike many governments, the United States acknowledges that some human
rights problems persist within its territory despite its generally good record and accepts that universal human rights
standards involve study and criticism of such matters.
Initiatives since World War II
World War II (19391945) gave impetus to the modern
development of basic principles of human rights and to
the general acceptance of the idea that the human rights
practices of individual countries toward their own citizens
are legitimate matters of international concern. The 1945
United Nations Charter included a general commitment
to respect for human rights, but it was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted by the UN General
Assembly in 1948) that provided the basic statement of
what have become widely accepted international human
rights standards. The former rst lady Eleanor Roosevelt
played a key role in the formulation of the Universal
Human rights principles, policy, and practices became an increased focus of popular and public attention
in the United States during the last quarter of the twentieth century. Several inuential nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) were formed during this period to
monitor and report on human rights matters. For example, both Human Rights Watch and the Lawyers
Committee for Human Rights were formed in 1978, and
Physicians for Human Rights was formed in 1986. In addition, both the legislative and the executive branches of
the U.S. government took signicant steps during this
period to make the promotion of human rights a government priority.
The new emphasis on human rights led to a congressional requirement for the annual submission by the
Department of State of a full and complete report on
the status of human rights practices around the world.
The rst of the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices was submitted in 1977 (covering 1976). It surveyed
the situation in eighty-two countries in less than 300
pages. By 2000, 194 individual reports were included,
covering virtually every country in the world, and the
overall report was more than 5,000 pages. The Country
Reports evolved and expanded over the years, covering
many of the rights included in the Universal Declaration
and multilateral accords to which the United States is a
party, as well as some rights in internationally accepted
covenants to which the United States is not a party. Over
time, the Country Reports added coverage of specic
problems that became matters of public concern. For ex-


ample, in the 1990s, Congress mandated coverage of children, indigenous people, refugees, and worker rights, and
the State Department itself expanded coverage of womens
rights, people with disabilities, and religious, national, racial, and ethnic minorities. Problems noted in the Country Reports can lead to the denial of aid and trade preferences. The Country Reports were initially subject to
criticism as biased in some cases by policy concerns, and
for many years the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
published an annual critique. However, by the late 1990s,
the Country Reports were widely acknowledged to be a
comprehensive and credible account of global human
rights practices, and the Lawyers Committee had ceased
publishing its critique.
In 1976, Congress established within the State Department a coordinator for human rights and humanitarian affairs; in 1977, under the Carter administration,
which established human rights as a foreign policy priority, this position was upgraded to assistant secretary. In
1994, the Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian
Affairs was reorganized and renamed the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, to reect both a
broader scope and a more focused approach to the interlocking issues of democracy, human rights, and worker
Broadening Human Rights Concerns
American efforts to encourage respect for human rights
increased signicantly during the 1990s. The United States
ratied the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR) in 1992 (however, by the early twentyrst century it had not yet ratied the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, or a
number of other key international conventions). While
the Universal Declaration did not entail any legal obligations, the ICCPR bound nations to respect its provisions and report on their observance; the United States
submitted its rst report under the ICCPR in 1994.
Also in 1994, Congress created the position of senior
adviser for womens rights in the State Department, and
womens rights became a major focus of U.S. activity. In
1995, First Lady Hillary Clinton played a leading role in
equating womens rights and human rights at the Fourth
World Conference on Women in Beijing. In 2000, the
focus on womens rights was reected in the Victims of
Trafcking and Violence Protection Act, which required
a State Department report to Congress; the rst report
was submitted in 2001. Trafcking in personsparticularly women and childrenis a signicant transnational
human rights problem, which became the focus of increased international attention in the late 1990s.
In the mid-1990s, growing public and congressional
concern about religious persecution abroad led to calls for
increased government action and reporting about such
abuses. In 1996, Secretary of State Warren Christopher
established the Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad to advise the secretary and the president on

integrating the protection and promotion of religious freedom into U.S. foreign policy. In 1998, Congress passed the
International Religious Freedom Act, which provided for
an ambassador-at-large, a bipartisan U.S. Commission on
International Religious Freedom, an annual State Department report, and possible sanctions against nations
that restricted religious freedom.
During the 1990s, the United States placed increasing emphasis on encouraging democratization, promoting justice and accountability, and assisting the development of civil society. Through both direct assistance and
the work of the National Endowment for Democracy, the
United States promoted the development of key institutions and processes that provide the foundation for democratic governance, including support for free elections,
free media, and free trade unions, training in the rule of
law and the administration of justice, the empowerment
of women, and the creation of NGOs and other institutions of civil society.
The United States also worked extensively with
NGOs and international organizations to promote and
protect human rights. The development of transnational
human rights networks and a global human rights community, particularly after the 1993 World Conference on
Human Rights in Vienna and the Beijing Womens Conference, facilitated international debate over issues of democratization and justice. The 1998 arrest of General Augusto Pinochet in London at the request of a Spanish
judge who wanted to try Pinochet in Spain for torture
and political killings during his seventeen-year rule in
Chile marked a watershed development. Although the
British government ultimately allowed Pinochet to return
home, his sixteen-month detention was a precedent for
the globalization of efforts to assure justice and accountability. His near extradition helped generate a worldwide
movement to hold heads of state accountable for human
rights abuses committed while they were in power.
The U.S. government has played an active role in
multilateral forums such as the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva, pressing for resolutions critical of human rights abuses in countries such as China and Cuba.
The United States has supported the efforts of regional
bodies such as the Organization of American States and
the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and has worked to build multilateral coalitions for
human rights sanctions, monitoring, and relief efforts.
The United States also has worked to build new institutions to advance the protection of human rights. It
supported the creation of the ofce of the UN high commissioner for human rights in 1993. Abuses and atrocities
in Europe and Africa in the 1990s, including genocide in
Rwanda and ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, led to sustained
efforts to further accountability and justice. In response
to these crises, the United States played a key role in the
establishment of the International Criminal Tribunals for
the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. The United States
also supported the establishment and efforts of national



or international truth commissions, where internal conicts and the transition from authoritarian rule made
them an essential part of the peace process. Such truth
commissions can provide a forum for victims to detail
atrocities committed and discredit the perpetrators, particularly if prosecution is impractical or impossible, as in
South Africa.

bor affairs. In 2000, the United States played a leading

role in the development and adoption of a business code
of conduct aimed at preventing abuses by governments in
developing nations where international corporations operate. A group of major energy and mining companies
joined with human rights organizations in adopting this
voluntary statement of principles.

However, at times, the United States has not fully

supported some international institutions. Although in
late 2000 it signed the treaty to establish an International
Criminal Court, concern in Congress in particular that
the court might be able to prosecute U.S. service personnel abroad has prevented ratication. In 2001, the U.S.
government renounced the accord. Also in 2001, concern
that some nations would seek to use the World Conference against Racism for political purposes led the United
States to limit its participation.

At the start of the twenty-rst century, the cause of

democracy and respect for human rights continued to
progress. In its 20002001 survey, Freedom in the World,
Freedom House reported that there were 86 free countries, 58 partly free countries, and 48 countries rated not
free (in which basic political rights and civil liberties were
denied). This represented an improvement compared with
the gures of 65, 50, and 50, respectively, in its 1990
1991 survey. Nonetheless, violations of basic human rights,
severe persecution, and egregious abuses, still form a systematic pattern in much of the world.

The United States played a major role in developing

the Convention against Torture, which it signed in 1992
and ratied in 1994. Subsequently, the executive branch
established regulations to ensure that those who were
likely to be tortured if returned to their country of origin
could not be extradited or deported. The National Institute of Mental Health has provided signicant funding
for research into the problems of survivors of torture, and
the Ofce of Refugee Resettlement in the Department of
Health and Human Services has provided funding to organizations in major cities to identify torture survivors
among refugee communities. The U.S. Agency for International Development has supported programs around
the world to assist torture victims, and the United States
has been the largest single donor to the UN Voluntary
Fund on Torture. Since 1980, the United States has supported civil claims by torture victims. In 1992, the president and Congress worked together to enact the Torture
Victims Protection Act and, in 1998, the Torture Victims
Relief Act to support the efforts of torture victims who
sought refuge in the United States to seek justice and
compensation for their suffering.
The United States has focused increasingly on issues
of worker rights and, particularly in the late 1990s, on
problems such as forced labor (including forced child labor) and sweatshop labor. As part of its anti-sweatshop
initiative, the U.S. government has awarded millions of
dollars in grants to organizations that promote justice in
the workplace. During the 1990s, the United States increasingly sought to promote corporate social responsibility in the global struggle for human rights. This concept
entailed recognition that prots could not be considered
apart from human costs, in terms of human rights, labor
standards, and environmental issues, and that these factors should be integrated into business practices. The
United States has worked closely with the International
Labor Organization on worker rights problems around
the world. The Department of States Advisory Committee on Labor Diplomacy was established in 1999, as was
the position of special representative for international la-



Andreopoulos, George J., and Richard Pierre Claude, eds. Human Rights Education for the Twenty-First Century. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997.
Brown, Peter G., and Douglas MacLean, eds. Human Rights and
U.S. Foreign Policy: Principles and Applications. Lexington,
Mass.: Lexington Books, 1979.
Claude, Richard Pierre, and Burns H. Weston, eds. Human
Rights in the World Community: Issues and Action. 2d ed.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992.
Dunne, Tim, and Nicholas J. Wheeler, eds. Human Rights in
Global Politics. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University
Press, 1999.
Hannum, Hurst, ed. Guide to International Human Rights Practice.
3d ed. Ardsley, N.Y.: Transnational, 1999.
Human Rights Watch World Report 2000. New York: Human
Rights Watch, 1999.
Koh, Harold Hongju, and Ronald C. Slye, eds. Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1999.
Meron, Theodore, ed. Human Rights in International Law: Legal
and Policy Issues. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984.

Marc J. Susser
See also Bill of Rights in U.S. Constitution; United Nations;
and vol. 9: Human Rights Not Founded on Sex, October
2, 1837.


295 U.S. 602 (1935), restricted the presidents power to
remove members of the so-called independent agencies.
In October 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt removed Federal Trade Commissioner William E. Humphrey, not for neglect of duty or malfeasance, as stipulated
in the Federal Trade Commission Act, but because of differences of opinion. Humphrey denied the validity of this
action, and, in a suit that continued after Humphreys
death, the Supreme Court held unanimously that Con-


gress intended to create the Federal Trade Commission

as an independent body and therefore meant to limit the
presidents removal power to the causes enumerated in
the act, and that such limitations were not unconstitutional. Congress has authority, the Court declared, to require such a body to act independently of executive control and may forbid removal except for cause.

1850 failed to elect Horatio Seymour governor. By 1853

the terms Hards and Softs were being used to replace
the labels Hunkers and Barnburners.


Donovan, Herbert D. A. The Barnburners: A Study of the Internal

Movements in the Political History of New York State and of the
Resulting Changes in Political Afliation, 18301852. New
York: New York University Press, 1925.

Herring, E. Pendleton. Public Administration and the Public Interest. New York: Russell and Russell, 1967. The original
edition was published in 1936.
Leuchtenburg, William E. The Case of the Contentious Commissioner: Humphreys Executor v. U.S. In Freedom and
Reform: Essays in Honor of Henry Steele Commager. Edited by
Harold M. Hyman and Leonard W. Levy. New York: Harper
and Row, 1967.

Ransom E. Noble Jr.

Andrew C. Rieser / a. r.
See also Federal Agencies; Myers v. United States; Removal,
Executive Power of.

HUNDRED. The hundred was a colonial administrative unit based on its English counterpart: an area occupied by one hundred families and served by local ofcials.
In Virginia, the hundred began as a settlement of one
hundred families but soon became a strictly territorial
unit for judicial, military, and political purposes. In Maryland, hundreds were territorial units for elections, public
levies, and preservation of the peace. In Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, the establishment of larger administrative units such as boroughs and counties diminished
the function of hundreds, although they remained important subdivisions and continued to exist in many places
in the early 2000s.

Carr, Lois Green, Philip D. Morgan, and Jean B. Russo, eds.

Colonial Chesapeake Society. Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press, 1988.

Shelby Balik
Percy Scott Flippin
See also Borough; Colonial Settlements.

HUNKERS, the name applied to the conservative faction of New Yorks Democratic Party in the 1840s. The
Hunkers favored spending state surpluses on canals, making internal improvements, and liberally chartering state
banks. They supported James K. Polk for president, and
they deprecated antislavery agitation. Patronage disputes
promoted discord with the progressive element of the
party, known as the Barnburners. The Barnburners withdrew from the state Democratic convention in 1847 and
the national convention in 1848. A coalition formed in


Benson, Lee. The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy: New York as a

Test Case. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,

Philip G. Auchampaugh / a. g.
See also Barnburners.


library of rare Anglo-American books and manuscripts;
an art museum specializing in eighteenth-century English, American, and French paintings; and a botanical
garden. The railway magnate Henry Edwards Huntington (18501927) and his second wife, Arabella Duval
Huntington (18501924), created and developed the
Huntington Library and Museum. Located in San Marino, California, the library and museum became both a
visitor attraction and a research center.
Huntingtons original collecting ideal, to document
British and American history as expressed in art, literature, politics, and ecology, remained the objective of the
institution after his death. Highlights of the collection
include the Ellesmere manuscript of Chaucers Canterbury
Tales (c. 1410); a Gutenberg Bible (c. 1455); Thomas
Gainsboroughs The Blue Boy (c. 1770); the Hastings correspondence; eighteenth-century material relating to the
British civil war, Oliver Cromwell, and colonial interests;
as well as rst editions and letters of Shakespeare, William
Blake, Mary Shelley, and John Ruskin. Similarly the collection features American documents dating from the
original colonies onward. Examples include papers relating to the signing of the Declaration of Independence and
many of its signatories; Native American treaties and land
grants; and papers, letters, and documents of such gures
as Benjamin Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel
Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harriet Beecher
Stowe, Mark Twain, and Henry James. The library also
houses a collection of over 400,000 rare titles relating to
women and womens history from 1455 onward.
Established by Huntington as a trust in 1919 and
opened to the public in 1928, the library and museum are
situated on the grounds of Henry and Arabella Huntingtons former estate. The museum occupies the Huntingtons beaux arts mansion, while the library resides in a
separate building. Both were designed by the architect
Myron Hunt.
Born in Oneonta, New York, Henry E. Huntington
established his fortune as a railroad magnate and land


H U R O N / W YA N D O T

Hurons. Members of this now widely scattered Indian confederation pose in tribal costume on a reservation near Fredericton,
New Brunswick, Canada. University of Pennsylvania Museum Archives

speculator in California. His career began as a manager

for his uncle Collis Huntington, who shared ownership
of the Central Pacic and Southern Pacic Railroads. After Collis Huntingtons death in 1900, Henry Huntington
expanded the family interests to include the municipal rail
system in Los Angeles and property development along
his lines. At the same time he cemented his control of Los
Angeless urban development by investing in water and
Although he began collecting books and manuscripts
in 1903, Huntington emerged as a major book and manuscript collector after his retirement in 1911, when he purchased much of the Hoe collection of illuminated manuscripts and the E. Dwight Church Library of English
literature and Americana for a reputed $1.3 million. The
prizes of his early collecting were one of only two known
1603 editions of Hamlet and a large amount of material
relating to the American Revolution, including hundreds
of pamphlets and selections from George Washingtons
correspondences. After this purchase Huntington collected voraciously. A year later his library ranked as the
third largest private library in the United States. Considered the premier American book collector by 1915, Huntington decided to create a permanent house for his collection on his San Marino ranch.



Cannon, Carl L. American Book Collectors and Collecting from Colonial Times to the Present. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1941.
Dickinson, Donald C. Henry E. Huntingtons Library of Libraries.
San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library, 1995.
Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. The Huntington
Art Collections: A Handbook. San Marino, Calif.: Huntington
Library, 1986.
Schad, Robert O. Henry Edwards Huntington: The Founder and
the Library. San Marino, Calif.: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1931.
Thorpe, James. Henry Edwards Huntington: A Biography. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

Joshua Perelman
See also Collecting; Libraries; Museums.

HURON/WYANDOT. The Hurons were a confederation of four or ve tribes, whose foundation originated
in the fteenth or sixteenth century. At the time of European contact, there were twenty thousand Hurons living close to the banks of Georgian Bay in the modern
province of Ontario, Canada, in semi-sedentary farming
communities, which relocated every fteen to twenty


years when the grounds were no longer productive and

wood for heating fuel was exhausted.
This matrilineal and matrilocal society traces its origins back to a rst woman, Aataentsic, who is at the core
of the creation myth. Clan segmentsthe groupings of
people related to the women lineage living in the same
longhousewere the basic social units. The political system was based on councils representing kinship networks
at the village, tribe, and confederation levels. The Hurons
played a central role in the commercial and diplomatic
networks of their region.
Starting in 1634, misfortunes descended on the Hurons. Terrible epidemics followed by Iroquois attacks
brought about the complete destruction of Huronia by
1650. Most of the survivors were reduced to captivity; a
few hundred survivors took refuge close to the French
settlement at Quebec. A similar number of traditionalist
Hurons, together with the Tobacco Indians, formed the
Wyandot community of the Great Lakes region, rst at
Michilimackinac and later in Detroit. Within this group,
the Huron chief Kondiaronk played a decisive role in the
conclusion of the 1701 Great Peace in Montreal, which
ended the war with the Iroquois. In 1697, the Quebecregion Hurons settled in Lorette (now Wendake), Quebec, to become a prosperous community of approximately
two thousand people. The American removal policy forced
the Great Lakes Wyandots to settle in Oklahoma. Only
a few hundred still live in that state, where they have no
reservation territory. The remainder of the three thousand Wyandots of the United States are scattered throughout the country.

Barbeau, Marius. Huron and Wyandot Mythology. Ottawa, Canada: Government Printing Bureau, 1915.
Heidenreich, Conrad. Huronia: A History and Geography of the
Huron Indians, 16001650. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1971.
Trigger, Bruce G. The Children of Aataentsic. A History of the Huron People to 1660. 2 vols. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 1976.

Denys Delage
See also Warfare, Indian.

HURRICANES, intensely powerful storms that originate at sea in tropical waters. Hurricanes are characterized
by circular wind patterns, in which violent winds spiral
around the eye of the storm, and they can be hundreds of
miles wide. Hurricanes travel great distances and most
never reach land, but those that do often devastate coastal
areas. The combination of high winds, torrential rains,
and tidal surges can cause many deaths and massive property damage. By denition, a tropical storm becomes a
hurricane when its sustained winds reach 74 miles per
hour. Hurricane winds have reached 150 and even 200

Hurricane Fran. An enhanced satellite photograph, taken

from a television screen at the National Hurricane Center in
Miami, shows the swirling vortex apparently headed for
Charleston, S.C., in September 1996; in fact, the storm made
landfalland caused heavy damagein North Carolina. AP/
Wide World Photos

miles per hour, but the most deadly aspect is the tidal surge.
Sea levels can rise 15 or even 20 feet, with storm surges
ooding low-lying areas and drowning many people.
Scientists use the term tropical cyclone to describe
these violent storms. The word hurricane is derived
from the languages of native peoples of the Caribbean,
and refers to Western Hemisphere storms. Tropical cyclones also occur in the Eastern Hemisphere, developing
in the Pacic Ocean, where they are called typhoons or
cyclones. The term tornado, however, describes a different phenomenon; tornadoes originate over land and
are typically 700 yards in diameter.
Because warm water is their energy source, tropical
cyclones are seasonal. Hurricane season in the Atlantic
lasts from June through November. Most storms occur
between August and October, and early September is the
riskiest period for major storms. Hurricane season is a
serious matter throughout the Caribbean and Central
America, and nations from Cuba to Honduras have suffered terrible losses. The high-risk areas in the United
States lie along the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida, and
the Atlantic coast from Florida to the Carolinas, but New
England has also experienced deadly storms.
Hurricanes are classied by intensity: category 1
storms have sustained winds of 7495 mph, while category 5 storms have winds over 155 mph and tidal surges
over 18 feet. Scientists believe that two category 5 storms
hit the modern United States, the most intense being the
1935 Florida Keys storm, when barometers dropped to
26.35 inches. This powerful hurricane was neither the
deadliest nor the costliest in American history. There
have been several storms of greater national signicance.
Of course, every town that experiences a hurricane is
changed, and the storm becomes part of local history.


H U R T A D O V. C A L I F O R N I A

Most communities buried their dead, rebuilt their buildings, and moved forward. Certain hurricanes, however,
rose beyond local signicance and are considered national
tragedies with relief efforts much like San Franciscos
earthquake and Chicagos re.
The Galveston storm ranks rst among American
hurricanes. The hurricane that struck Galveston, Texas,
in September 1900 killed over 8,000 people, including
6,000 in the island city, and remains the deadliest natural
disaster in U.S. history. The tidal surge rose rapidly,
ooding much of the barrier island. Galvestons highest
elevation was only 8.7 feet above sea level, and when the
waves receded, a wall of wreckage and bodies remained.
The nation rallied to Galvestons relief, and Galvestonians
adopted the new city commission form of government to
manage the recovery. Galveston constructed a massive sea
wall and pumped in sand to raise the entire citys grade.
In 1915, another category 4 hurricane hit Galveston, but
the seawall held and the rebuilt city survived.
In one decade, three major hurricanes battered southern Florida, arriving in 1926, 1928, and 1935. The September 1926 storm directly hit Miami, as the eye of the
storm passed over the young city. Scientists estimate that
if this hurricane followed the same path today, it would
cause an astounding $70 billion of property damage. The
storm surge ooded Miami Beach and ravaged Moore
Haven, an agricultural settlement on Lake Okeechobee.
Well over 300 people drowned, and the response included
stronger building codes for southern Florida. The 1928
storm struck near Palm Beach, but also did its deadliest
work in Floridas low-lying interior. Lake Okeechobee
rose 15 feet, devastating Belle Glade, a community of
black migrant farm workers. This natural disaster was
Americas second deadliest, and estimates range from
1,800 to 2,500 dead. Relief came slowly, but eventually
included a vast canal system and a huge rock levee to prevent Lake Okeechobee from overowing. This federal
ood control program dramatically altered the Everglades ecosystem. The third major hurricane in this era
was the category 5 storm that hit the Florida Keys in
1935. Hundreds of war veterans were building highway
bridges between these islands on a federal work relief program. Winds rose to 200 miles per hour and the tidal
surge topped 18 feet. The train sent to evacuate the workers arrived too late, and over 400 people died, including
250 veterans. Many Americans were outraged that the
veterans were left in harms way, and pressure grew for
better hurricane warnings.
There were other deadly storms between 1935 and
1960, including the unusual 1938 hurricane that killed
600 people in New England. Radar became a tool for
tracking tropical storms in the 1950s, and hurricanes were
given womens names starting in 1953. Few large hurricanes struck the United States in the 1960s, 1970s, and
1980s. But in 1989, a category 4 hurricane pounded the
Carolinas. This storm was named Hugo (mens names
were added in 1978) and it caused more property damage


than any prior hurricane. But Hugos record did not stand
long. In August 1992, Hurricane Andrews 16-foot storm
surge hit southern Florida, setting a new record with
property losses of $2530 billion. Andrew battered Homestead, Florida City, and Miamis outskirts, killing nearly
fty people and seriously damaging over 100,000 homes.
Hugo and Andrew exposed a new generation to the deadly
threat of hurricanes.
While property damage has increased in recent hurricanes, fatalities have fallen due to earlier warnings by
the National Hurricane Center, better evacuations, and
safer buildings. However, many more Americans have
moved to coastal locations, and areas like the Florida Keys
are increasingly difcult to evacuate. Gulf and Atlantic
coast communities remain at risk each hurricane season,
and a direct hit on Miami, New Orleans, or Houston
could be catastrophic. Tropical storms remain unpredictable, and there is no more deadly example of natures
power than the hurricane.

Barnes, Jay. Floridas Hurricane History. Chapel Hill: University

of North Carolina Press, 1998.
Bixel, Patricia Bellis, and Elizabeth Hayes Turner. Galveston and
the 1900 Storm: Catastrophe and Catalyst. Austin: University
of Texas Press, 2000.
Elsner, James B., and A. Birol Kara. Hurricanes of the North Atlantic: Climate and Society. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1999.
Steinberg, Theodore. Acts of God: The Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in America. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2000.

William C. Barnett
See also Disasters; Galveston; Mexico, Gulf of; Miami; Tornadoes; Weather Service, National.

HURTADO V. CALIFORNIA, 110 U.S. 516 (1884).

The issue in this case was whether a conviction for murder without grand jury indictment was a violation of the
due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The
State of California had provided a criminal procedure
based merely on information or formal accusation by the
prosecution. In 1884 the Supreme Court held that such
conviction was not forbidden by the Constitution. In line
with this principle, the Court in Twining v. New Jersey
(1908) exempted the states from guaranteeing another
Fifth Amendment civil liberty, freedom from compulsory

Kelly, Alfred H., Winfred A. Harbison, and Herman Belz. The

American Constitution: Its Origins and Development. 7th ed.
New York: Norton, 1991.

Leonard C. Helderman / a. r.
See also Due Process of Law; Jury Trial.


HUTCHINSON LETTERS, between Massachusetts Governor Thomas Hutchinson and ofcials in Londonparticularly Thomas Whatelydiscussing colonial
unrest and urging abridgment of colonial liberties. For
the rest of his life after the publication of these letters
which effectively destroyed his careerHutchinson doggedly pursued the mystery of who had turned the letters
over to colonial agent Benjamin Franklin, who in turn
sent them to Massachusetts. Between 1768 and the end
of 1771, Hutchinson wrote Whately at least thirteen letters, six of which were published in America in 1773. Although the letters were for the most part restrained and
merely cautionary, and contained little that the public had
not heard Hutchinson express before, their publication
provided a catalyst for colonial protest.

Bailyn, Bernard. The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson. Cambridge,

Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Pencak, William. Americas Burke: The Mind of Thomas Hutchinson. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1982.

Leslie J. Lindenauer
See also Colonial Policy, British.

HYDROELECTRIC POWER. The capability to

produce and deliver electricity for widespread consumption was one of the most important factors in the surge
of American economic inuence and wealth in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Hydroelectric
power, among the rst and simplest of the technologies
that generated electricity, was initially developed using
low dams of rock, timber, or granite block construction
to collect water from rainfall and surface runoff into a
reservoir. The water was funneled into a pipe (or penstock) and directed to a waterwheel (or turbine) where
the force of the falling water on the turbine blades rotated
the turbine and its main shaft. This shaft was connected
to a generator, and the rotating generator produced electricity. One gallon (about 3.8 liters) of water falling 100
feet (about 30 meters) each second produced slightly
more than 1,000 watts (or one kilowatt) of electricity,
enough to power ten 100-watt light bulbs or a typical
There are now three types of hydroelectric installations: storage, run-of-river, and pumped-storage facilities.
Storage facilities use a dam to capture water in a reservoir.
This stored water is released from the reservoir through
turbines at the rate required to meet changing electricity
needs or other needs such as ood control, sh passage,
irrigation, navigation, and recreation. Run-of-river facilities use only the natural ow of the river to operate the
turbine. If the conditions are right, this type of project
can be constructed without a dam or with a low diversion
structure to direct water from the stream channel into a
penstock. Pumped-storage facilities, an innovation of the
1950s, have specially designed turbines. These turbines

have the ability to generate electricity the conventional

way when water is delivered through penstocks to the turbines from a reservoir. They can also be reversed and used
as pumps to lift water from the powerhouse back up into
the reservoir where the water is stored for later use. During the daytime when electricity demand suddenly increases, the gates of the pumped-storage facility are opened
and stored water is released from the reservoir to generate
and quickly deliver electricity to meet the demand. At
night when electricity demand is lowest and there is excess electricity available from coal or nuclear electricity
generating facilities the turbines are reversed and pump
water back into the reservoir. Operating in this manner,
a pumped-storage facility improves the operating efciency
of all power plants within an electric system. Hydroelectric developments provide unique benets not available
with other electricity generating technologies. They do
not contribute to air pollution, acid rain, or ozone depletion, and do not produce toxic wastes. As a part of normal operations many hydroelectric facilities also provide
ood control, water supply for drinking and irrigation,
and recreational opportunities such as shing, swimming, water-skiing, picnicking, camping, rafting, boating, and sightseeing.
Origins of the Hydroelectric Industry 18801930
Hydroelectric power technology was slow to develop during the rst ten years of the hydroelectric era (18801889)
due to the limitations of direct current electricity technology. Some pioneering hydropower developments using direct current technology are described below.
The Grand Rapids Electric Light and Power Company in Michigan connected a dynamo to a waterwheel for the Wolverine Chair Factory in July
1880 and this installation powered 16 brush-arc
A dynamo was connected to a hydropower turbine at
Niagara Falls in 1881 to power the arc lamps for
the city streets.
The rst hydropower facility in the western United
States was completed in San Bernardino, California, in 1887.
By 1889 there were about 200 small electric generating facilities in the United States that used water for some or all of their electricity production.
The potential for increasing hydroelectric development was dramatically enhanced in 1889 when alternating
current technology was introduced, enabling electricity to
be conveyed economically over long distances.
The next 30 years of the modern era of hydroelectric
development, 1890 to 1920, began with the construction
of individual hydroelectric facilities by towns, cities, cooperatives, and private manufacturing companies for their
own specic needs, and ended with the organization of
the rst utility system in the country. Cities and towns
used hydroelectric facilities to provide electricity for trolley systems, streetlights, and individual customers. Co-



in response to the dramatic expansion of consumer demand and industrial production throughout the decades
of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, many new electric generating facilities, including hydroelectric developments,
were constructed.

Opening of Boulder Dam. A view from an airplane of the

result when President Franklin D. Roosevelt pressed a button
on the other side of the country on 11 September 1936:
millions of cubic feet of water per minute pouring into the
Colorado River from outlets on both sides of the dam.

operatives brought together groups of individuals and

businesses to establish a customer pool that could nance
and construct hydroelectric facilities for their own needs.
Hundreds of small factories and paper mills in New England, the South, and throughout the Midwest constructed
hydroelectric facilities for their own specic industrial
use. Just prior to World War I, Southern Power Company
purchased a large number of hydroelectric facilities from
cites, towns, cooperatives, and factories, and consolidated
them into the rst regional utility power system in the
United States. By 1920 hydroelectric facilities supplied 25
percent of the electricity used in the United States.

In the 1930s, major federal funding for new dam and

hydroelectric facility development was allocated for three
locations: the Tennessee River under authority of the
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the Colorado
River under authority of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
(Bureau), and the Columbia River under authority of the
Bureau and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE).
The TVA was established during the Great Depression
in 1933 to develop multiple-use water resource projects
in the Tennessee River system and spur economic development in Tennessee. It began construction in 1935 on a
series of dams with hydroelectric facilities, which included
almost 30 dams by the time the system was completed in
1956. Most of the TVA growth took place during World
War II when the electrical demand necessary to develop
the atomic bomb in the region surged by 600 percent
between 1939 and 1945.
The Bureau, established in 1902 to promote the development of the western United States through the construction of federal irrigation dams, completed the world
famous Hoover Dam on the Colorado River in 1936.
Hoover Dam, which opened three years ahead of schedule, was a public works project intended to relieve unemployment during the Great Depression and provide
critical electricity to meet the growing needs of the City
of Los Angeles, California. At the same time, the Bureau
and COE undertook the development of the great dams
on the Columbia River in the northwestern United States.
Within six years of the initial operation of Hoover, the
Bureau completed Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia

The hydroelectric industry matured between 1920

and 1930. During this period, electrical grid systems expanded, reaching more customers who were eager to receive and use electricity. Industrial production grew to
satisfy the demand for consumer goods, requiring additional electricity. To meet the increasing demand, town
and city electrical systems and regional utility systems
grew in number and size throughout the more populated
areas of the country. By 1930 hydroelectric facilities were
delivering almost 30 percent of the nations electricity
The Hydroelectric Industry Prospers 19301980
The hydroelectric industry prospered from 1930 to 1980
for a number of reasons. Considerable federal funding
was provided from 1930 through the 1960s for the construction of large federal dams and hydroelectric facilities.
A major percentage of the massive increases in electricity
required for wartime production during the 1940s was
met by the construction of a sizable number of hydroelectric facilities; and to meet escalating electricity needs


Boulder Dam Power Unit, 1941. An atypical picture by the

nature photographer Ansel Adams: one of a series showing
electrical equipment and wires associated with Boulder Dam
(renamed Hoover Dam in 1947). National Archives and
Records Administration


Shasta Dam. In Russell Lees 1942 photograph, workers hose away dirt and rock during
construction of the dam, which opened in 1945 on the Sacramento River in Northern California.
Library of Congress

River, still the largest dam in the northwestern United

States. During the mid-1940s, Grand Coulee supplied the
electricity needed to produce planes and other war material to support U.S. victory in World War II. Bonneville
Dam, completed in 1938 by the COE and also located on
the Columbia River, was a public works project to help
relieve regional unemployment during the Great Depression. Like Grand Couleee, Bonneville also supplied critical electricity in support of World War II production efforts. In 1940 hydroelectric plants supplied more than 35
percent of the nations electricity.
Grand Coulee and Bonneville, along with the other
large hydroelectric projects constructed in the northwest
region from the 1940s through the 1960s, supplied between 80 and 90 percent of the electricity consumed in
the states of Washington and Oregon by 1980. However,
the portion of the nations electricity supplied by hydroelectric facilities had declined to 12 percent. Federal support for constructing dams where a hydroelectric plant
could be included was declining and initial steps were being taken to alter the primary mission of the Bureau and
COE from developing new projects to operating and maintaining existing facilities.
Regulation of the Hydroelectric Industry 18991986
Hydroelectric power development has always been closely
linked to political inuences. Federal recognition of the
necessity to control development on the nations water-

ways began with the passage of the Rivers and Harbors

Act in 1899, less than twenty years after the appearance
of the rst hydroelectric facility. The rapid expansion of
interest in natural and water resources led to the creation
of the Inland Waterways Commission in 1907. This Commission issued a report advocating a national policy to
regulate development on streams or rivers crossing public
lands. A White House Natural Resources Conference the
following year proposed increased development of the nations hydroelectric resources. As a result, the Federal Water Power Act (FWPA) was passed in 1920, establishing
the Federal Power Commission (FPC) with the authority
to issue licenses for non-federal hydroelectric development on public lands and waterways. Recognizing that the
FWPA did not extend to all waterways, Congress enacted
the Federal Power Act (FPA) in 1935 to amend the FWPA.
The FPA extended the FPCs authority to all hydroelectric projects built by utilities engaged in interstate commerce. The FPA also required that the effects of a project
on other natural resources be considered along with the
electricity to be produced by the project.
From 1940 to 1980, twenty-two federal laws were
passed that affect the hydroelectric licensing decisions of
the FPC (renamed the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [FERC] in 1977). Included among these laws are
the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Wilderness Act,
National Historic Preservation Act, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered



Species Act, Federal Land Policy and Management Act,

Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act, Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act, and Energy Security Act. The
enactment of these laws coincided with increasing concerns that negative environmental consequences result
from dam construction. These concerns included ooding large land areas, disrupting the ecology and the habitat of sh and wildlife, changing the temperature and
oxygen balance of the river water, creating a barrier to the
movement of sh upstream and downstream, and modifying river ows. By 1980 concerns that the salmon runs
in the Columbia River system were in jeopardy prompted
congress to pass the Pacic Northwest Power Planning
and Conservation Act. This Act established the Northwest Power Planning Council, which is responsible for
the protection and recovery of salmon runs in the Columbia River system. The implementation of many of these
laws resulted in a more complex and expensive process to
obtain a license for a hydroelectric facility.
The Hydroelectric Industry Stabilizes 19862000
The Electric Consumers Protection Act (ECPA) of 1986,
which increased the focus on non-power issues in the hydroelectric licensing process, has contributed to an increase in development costs to the point where new hydroelectric facilities are often only marginally competitive
with other conventional electric generating technologies.
Since 1986, the time required to obtain a hydroelectric
license has grown from two years to four years and the
licensing cost has doubled for projects of all sizes. Even
with more efcient technology, hydroelectric generation
increased only slightly between 1986 and 2000. By 1986,
the average size of all hydroelectric projects in the United
States was about 35,500 kilowatts. After 1986, new projects completing the licensing and construction process
average less than 5,000 kilowatts in size.
The recent availability of cheap natural gas and the
minimal permitting requirements for gas-red electricity
generating plants has resulted in a dramatic increase in
the construction of these plants. These gas-red plants
are meeting the increasing electricity demand more economically than other generating resources.
In todays climate of increased environmental awareness, the construction of new dams is often viewed more
negatively than in the past. Therefore, the construction
of a new dam for hydroelectric generation is rare. Only
six hydroelectric projects were constructed between 1991
and 2000 with new dam or diversion structures and all of
these structures are less than 30 feet (10 meters) in height.
Hydroelectric facilities are installed at only about 2 percent of the nations dams.
Present Geographical Distribution of the Industry
Almost 70 percent of all U.S. hydroelectric generation is
produced in the western United States during an average
water year. The northwestern states of Washington,
Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho generate about


50 percent of all hydroelectric output. The mountains are

high and water is plentiful in this region, yielding optimal
conditions for hydroelectric generation. Another 20 percent of the nations hydroelectric output occurs in the
southwestern states of Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, and New Mexico. While these states have
terrain similar to those in the northwest, the climate is
drier. The southeastern states of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida contribute about 10 percent of U.S.
hydroelectric production. This region includes large TVA
and utility dams with hydroelectric plants. The State of
New York produces over 8 percent of the nations hydroelectricity. At a capacity of 2,500,000 kilowatts, the New
York Power Authoritys Robert Moses Niagara hydroelectric project is the primary contributor of this electricity. The remainder of the country produces 12 percent of
U.S. hydroelectric generation.
The Financial Picture of the Hydroelectric Industry
The nancial status of the hydroelectric industry is generally healthy due to long equipment life and low maintenance and operating costs. Hydroelectric facilities in the
United States had total capital value in 2000 of about
$159 billion based on average new facility costs compiled
by DOE of $1,700 to $2,300 per kilowatt of capacity. The
gross revenue for the industry in 2000 was about $18 billion based on U.S. electricity production of 269 billion
kilowatt hours and DOEs $0.066/kilowatt hour estimate
for the national average value of electricity. Using DOEs
data, net prot for the industry in 2000 was calculated to
be about $11 billion after deducting licensing and regulatory costs (about $500 million), capital costs (about $4.6
billion), and operation and maintenance costs (about $1.9
billion). In the mid-1990s, the hydroelectric industry directly employed nearly 48,000 people and their earnings
totaled approximately $2.7 billion according to DOE.
Another 58,000 people indirectly provided services and
material needed to operate and maintain hydroelectric
dams and generating facilities. Few businesses that are
125 years old are as efcient and as important to the U.S.
economy as the hydroelectric industry.
Future Directions for the Hydroelectric Industry
The hydroelectric industry has been termed mature by
some who charge that the technical and operational aspects of the industry have changed little in the past 60
years. Recent research initiatives counter this label by establishing new concepts for design and operation that
show promise for the industry. A multi-year research project is presently testing new turbine designs and will recommend a nal turbine blade conguration that will allow safe passage of more than 98 percent of the sh that
are directed through the turbine. The DOE also recently
identied more than 30 million kilowatts of untapped hydroelectric capacity that could be constructed with minimal
environmental effects at existing dams that presently have
no hydroelectric generating facilities, at existing hydro-


electric projects with unused potential, and even at a

number of sites without dams. Follow-up studies will assess the economic issues associated with this untapped hydroelectric resource. In addition, studies to estimate the
hydroelectric potential of undeveloped, small capacity,
dispersed sites that could supply electricity to adjacent
areas without connecting to a regional electric transmission distribution system are proceeding. Preliminary results from these efforts have improved the visibility of
hydroelectric power and provide indications that the hydroelectric power industry will be vibrant and important
to the country throughout the next century.

Barnes, Marla. Tracking the Pioneers of Hydroelectricity. Hydro Review 16 (1997): 46.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Hydroelectric Power Resources of the United States: Developed and Undeveloped. Washington, 1 January 1992.
. Report on Hydroelectric Licensing Policies, Procedures, and
Regulations: Comprehensive Review and Recommendations Pursuant to Section 603 of the Energy Act of 2000. Washington,
May 2001.
Foundation for Water and Energy Education. Following Natures
Current: Hydroelectric Power in the Northwest. Salem, Oregon,
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and United States Department of EnergyIdaho Operations Ofce. Hydroelec-

tric Power Industry Economic Benet Assessment. DOE/ID10565. Idaho Falls, November 1996.
. Hydropower Resources at Risk: The Status of Hydropower
Regulation and Development 1997. DOE/ID-10603. Idaho
Falls, September 1997.
United States Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. Annual Energy Review 2000. DOE/EIA-0384
(2000). Washington, August 2001.
United States Department of EnergyIdaho Operations Ofce.
Hydropower: Partnership with the Environment. 01-GA50627.
Idaho Falls, June 2001.

Richard T. Hunt
See also vol. 9: Power.

HYDROGEN BOMB, a type of nuclear weapon, also

known as the superbomb, that derives some of its energy from the fusion of the nuclei of light elements, typically isotopes of hydrogen. Physicists recognized the fusion or thermonuclear reaction as the source of the suns
energy as early as 1938. During World War II, scientists
of the Manhattan Project saw the possibility of creating a
thermonuclear weapon, but they decided to concentrate
rst on building a ssion or atomic bomb because any
fusion bomb would likely require a ssion device to initiate its thermonuclear burning.



Although by 1945 the United States had developed

and used the atomic bomb, only modest theoretical research on fusion was done before the rst Soviet atomic
test of August 1949. Many of the scientists of the U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission and its General Advisory
Committee opposed development of the hydrogen bomb
on both practical and moral grounds, but advocates
within Congress, the military, and elsewhere argued that
any restraint shown by the United States in the matter
would not be reciprocated by a Soviet Union still ruled
by Joseph Stalin. Following a theoretical design breakthrough in February 1951 by Stanislaw Ulam and Edward
Teller, the United States conducted the worlds rst thermonuclear test in November 1952. The device exploded
with a force equivalent to more than 10 million tons of
TNT, approximately seven hundred times the power of
the ssion bomb at Hiroshima. Within hours of the blast,
the resulting mushroom cloud had spread across one hundred miles of sky, its stem alone measuring thirty miles
across. In August 1953 the Soviet Union detonated its
rst boosted ssion weapon, a bomb that used thermonuclear fuel to increase in a limited way its explosive yield,
and in November 1955 the Soviet Union tested its rst
true thermonuclear weapon. By the 1960s, largely due
to the hydrogen bomb, both superpowers had acquired
the ability to obliterate as much of the other as they
wished in a matter of hours. The world had entered the
era of mutual assured destruction.

In the early 2000s hydroponic systems ranged from

small home setups to large enterprises. Advocates saw hydroponics as a way to increase the worlds food supply and
as a form of cultivation suitable for the connes of spacecraft. However, most people viewed hydroponics as a supplement to traditional growing methods rather than as a
replacement. It is not suitable for all plants, must be done
carefully, and can require large amounts of water.

Nicholls, Richard. Beginning Hydroponics: Soilless Gardening.

Philadelphia: Running Press, 1990.
Resh, Howard M. Hydroponic Food Production: A Denitive Guidebook of Soilless Food-Growing Methods. 5th ed. Santa Barbara,
Calif.: Woodbridge Press, 1995.

John Townes / c. w.
See also Agriculture; Gardening; Organic Farming.


Federation of American Scientists. The High Energy Weapons

Archive: A Guide to Nuclear Weapons. Available at http:/
Hewlett, Richard G., and Francis Duncan. A History of the United
States Atomic Energy Commission. Volume 2: Atomic Shield,
19471952. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1972. Comprehensive ofcial history.
Rhodes, Richard. Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1995.

Richard G. Hewlett
David Rezelman
See also Arms Race and Disarmament; Nuclear Weapons.

HYDROPONICS, a method of growing plants in nutrient solutions, without soil. Under normal conditions,
soil captures and stores nitrogen, potassium, and other
mineral nutrients, which plant roots absorb gradually.
Hydroponics, in contrast, immerses roots directly in liquid nutrient solutions. Plants are either suspended above
water with their roots submerged, or they are placed in
sand or in sterile growing mediums and regularly ooded
with liquid nutrients. Proponents say this minimizes nutrient loss and allows more precise control over the nutrients the plants receive.
The principles of hydroponic gardening have been
used since ancient times. They were brought to popular


attention in the United States in 1937 by Dr. W. F.

Gericke, who introduced the word hydroponic (from the
Greek words for water and work) and publicly displayed immense tomato plants cultivated by this method.
Hydroponics became a brief fad. Although popular interest subsided, hydroponic methods continued to be
developed and studied. In World War II, soldiers on Pacic islands grew their vegetables hydroponically, and in
the 1960s large commercial hydroponic greenhouses and
multiacre hydroponic farms were established in many locations around the United States.

HYGIENE. Before the eighteenth century, physicians

and priests were the principal students of health science
in Europe and the New World. For centuries, the study
of medicine had been divided into theory and practice.
Theory included physiology, etiology, and semiotics,
whereas practice included hygiene and therapeutics. Traditionally educated physicians understood and employed
hygienic practices as well as therapeutic ones.
Priests, often viewing disease as punishment for sin,
assumed major roles as health educators during the early
Middle Ages, and they dispensed moral advice hand in
hand with medical advice. Accordingly it was a clergyman,
Thomas Thatcher, a pastor at Weymouth, Massachusetts,
who prepared the rst medical tract in the North American colonies during the third quarter of the seventeenth
In the eighteenth century, as superstition declined
and social roles were secularized, teachers and government authorities assumed responsibilities as health educators. Simon-Andre Tissot, a Swiss physician, wrote his
Advice to the People in General with Their Health (1761),
declaring that owners of estates and schoolteachers should
be instructed in matters of health and disease and should
be expected to teach the uneducated. Sustaining this emphasis, Bernard Faust, a German physician, issued his
Catechism of Health in 1794. Four years later, with the en-


thusiastic recommendation of Benjamin Rush in Philadelphia, an English edition of Fausts book was published
in New York.
Faust had lived in a political system that championed
effective health care. Ofcials in the absolutist states of
western Europe believed that an enlightened government
should protect the health of its people. Several of these
governments established systems of medical police that
regulated the personal lives of their citizens from the cradle to the grave with a plethora of laws and administrative
agencies. Most nineteenth-century political leaders in the
United States rejected the rigid paternalism of these systems. Nevertheless, with the lobbying of interested physicians, health legislation did appear in numerous states
before the Civil War.
Thomas Cooper (17591839), trained as a lawyer
and physician, saw a need for regulation of such nuisances
as gambling, swearing, public drunkenness, lth and sewerage, vagrants and beggars, careless and desperate drivers of stagecoaches, and the ring of guns in the streets.
Two outstanding New York City physicians, David Hosack and John Griscom, encouraged politicians to adopt
legislation relating to epidemic diseases, constructing
houses, locating cemeteries, and protecting sources of
water. By 1832, most of the larger American cities had
created boards of health that enacted various kinds of regulations, and twenty states had adopted licensure regulations for practitioners.
However, in caring for patients, American practitioners as a profession did not honor traditional attention to
hygienic practices. Only a few individual physicians, beginning with Benjamin Rush, evinced a special interest
in hygiene. These physicians acknowledged new British
works on health and translated some key European treatises. Elisha Bartlett (18041855), John Bell (17961872),
and Robley Dunglison (17981869) prepared original
monographs on personal hygiene. An underlying theme,
expressed succinctly by Bell, was the belief that rules for
the preservation of beauty were the same rules to be
followed for the support of health, both physical and
mental; these rules were also in entire harmony with
those by which each individual was required to maintain
his ethical and religious relations with his fellow men.
Like other physician-authors of the period, Bell discussed
skin care, dress, exercise, diet, longevity, and certain aspects of public hygiene. Encouraged by such physicians,
a democratization of health education occurred and some
citizens, at Boston in 1837, founded the American Physiological Society in order to learn that part of Human
Physiology which teaches the inuence of air, cleanliness,
exercise, sleep, food, drink, medicine, etc., on human
health and longevity. Although short-lived, this group
reected the growing concern among American citizens
for an understanding of human physiology and appropriate hygienic practices.
By 1876, there was still no comprehensive American
treatise on hygiene. The situation changed abruptly with

the emergence of a preventive medicine based on the bacteriological discoveries begun by Louis Pasteur and continued by many others during the last quarter of the century. These discoveries offered a rational basis for many
of the sanitary reforms that legislatures began to enact
and provided justication for new kinds of specic hygienic practices, both personal and public. Although public
health workers were primarily concerned with the control
of contagious and epidemic diseases well into the rst decades of the twentieth century, the National Committee
for Mental Hygiene was organized in 1908. Eight years
later ( June 1916), the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene
and Public Health incorporated mental hygiene into its
original prospectus. An emerging interest in occupational
hygiene reinforced attention to mental hygiene.
Although a few doctors studied health problems associated with the work of miners, metalworkers, shoemakers, bakers, and numerous other craftsmen during the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, it was not until the
turn of the twentieth century that American physicians
and other health professionals began to give signicant
attention to occupational hygiene and the prevention of
diseases associated with particular occupations.
Between 1870 and 1930 bacteriological discoveries,
statistical surveys of disease, health regulations of industrial workers, and other forms of health legislation led to
a conceptualization of hygiene as a public concern rather
than a strictly private matter. The rst texts on hygiene
and public health were written, and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology established the rst school of
public health in 1912. In medical schools, hygiene became
part of the curriculum in public health or preventive medicine courses. Most authorities considered personal hygiene primarily a matter of infectious disease control.
A redenition of health began to emerge in the midnineteenth century, reected in the World Health Organizations view of health as a complete state of physical,
mental, and social well-being. With the mushrooming demand for medical care among citizens who saw health
care as a right rather than a privilege, the emergence of
multiple new groups of professionals providing health
care, and the surge of scientic knowledge about ways to
prevent disease and maintain health, hygiene resumed its
original position as an integral component of medical and
liberal education.


Bennett, James T. From Pathology to Politics: Public Health in

America. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers,
Bullough, Bonnie. Preventive Medicine in the United States, 1900
1990: Trends and Interpretations. Canton, Mass.: Science
History Publications, 1992.
Duffy, John. The Sanitarians: A History of American Public Health.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990.



Rosen, George. A History of Public Health. Baltimore: Johns

Hopkins University Press, 1993.

Chester R. Burns / c. w.
See also Epidemics and Public Health; Health Care; Johns
Hopkins University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Medicine, Occupational; Mental Illness.

HYLTON V. UNITED STATES (1796). The question of whether a tax on carriages imposed by an act of
Congress (5 June 1794) was a direct tax and therefore
subject to the constitutional rule of apportionment to the
states, was decided in the negative. Three justicesSamuel Chase, William Paterson, and James Iredellsitting
without their colleagues, decided unanimously that the
tax was an excise or duty and not a direct tax. The case is
chiey important for the implied assumption that the
Court had the authority to review the constitutionality of
an act of Congress.

Brown, Roger H. Redeeming the Republic: Federalists, Taxation, and

the Origins of the Constitution. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1993.
Currie, David P. The Constitution in Congress: The Federalist Period, 17891801. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,

Phillips Bradley / a. r.
See also Income Tax Cases; Judicial Review; Taxation.

HYMNS AND HYMNODY. The separatist Mayower Pilgrims brought to Plymouth a book titled The
Booke of Psalmes: Englished both in Prose and Metre (1612),
by Henry Ainsworth. The Massachusetts Bay Puritans
brought with them a version of the 150 psalms by Thomas
Sternhold and John Hopkins. Eventually perceived as too
inaccurately translated, in 1636 the Puritans began creating a psalmbook more suited to their ideology. In 1640,
The Whole Book of Psalmes Faithfully Translated into English
Metre, eventually known as The Bay Psalm Book, became
the rst book printed in British America, and marked the
beginnings of American psalmody. No tunes were included in the book until the ninth edition, printed in
1698, which had fourteen tunes.
Isaac Wattss Hymns and Spiritual Songs (1707) was
reprinted in America in 1739, while his The Psalms of
David Imitated (1719), with Wattss free translation of the
psalms, was reprinted there in 1729. In 1712, the Reverend John Tufts published his Introduction to the Art of Singing Psalm Tunes, the rst music instruction book printed
in America. The second edition contained thirty-seven
tunes and was bound with The Bay Psalm Book. The Reverend Thomas Prince, pastor of the Old South Church
of Boston, signicantly revised it; he included fty hymns,
all but eight attributed to Isaac Watts. American hymns


before 1720 in the New England Protestant churches

were primarily psalms sung in either common meter
(composed of stanzas alternating eight and six syllables
per line), short meter (two lines of six syllables each, followed by one line of seven syllables and one line of six
syllables), or long meter (each line with eight syllables),
employing the same few tunes repeatedly. A technique
known as lining out, in which a leader would read a line
and the congregation would then sing it, was developed
in England in the 1600s for a mostly illiterate people who
lacked psalmbooks. It evolved in America, assisted by educated New England ministers who had studied music. A
controversy developed among colonial churches involving regular singing of the psalms as written and the
lining out method of singing, eventually giving rise to
singing schools. The American singing school movement,
begun in New England around 1720, arose from schools
organized by local ministers. They later turned into social
events held in taverns and private homes. American folk
hymns derived from secular folk songs set to sacred texts
by rural singing school teachers. John Wyeths Repository
of Sacred Music, Part Second (1813) is the earliest singing
school tunebook to contain a signicant number of folk
hymns. Folk hymns from the oral tradition were published in numerous shape-note tunebooks. These employed diamonds, squares, ovals, and triangles to represent different notes. Two such systems of notation were
published, one by William Smith and William Little in
1798 (The Easy Instructor) and one by Andrew Law in 1803
(The Musical Primer). Smith and Littles book, which used
staff lines, was the more popular. This system of reading
and singing became quite popular, especially in the antebellum South, at least partially because of the publication of John Wyeths Wyeths Repository of Sacred Music
(1810). Shape-note singing endures as Sacred Harp
The text of many hymns was considered too severe
for American children and so compilations of Sunday
School songs became quite popular around 1860. They
emphasized the joys of heaven, the love of Christ for the
person singing, and the satisfaction gained in living the
Christian life.
Camp meeting songs, or spirituals, were a type of folk
hymn associated with camp frontier meetings of the early
and middle 1800s. They drew a broad mix of people from
a vast area, including slaves, whose music was an important ingredient in the mix. The songs often employed the
text of such well-known hymn writers as Isaac Watts and
Charles Wesley, and were characterized by free rhythms,
a chorus, simple harmonic progressions, and the use of
minor keys.
By the 1880s, Sunday School songs had given way to
the gospel song. The American gospel song developed
within the framework of the evangelicalism emerging
from the urban north, and was characterized by simplicity,
an emphasis on personal experience, the absence of adoration and worship, and an admonition to turn away from


sin and sorrow. Gospel songs had fewer stanzas than camp
meeting songs, and were always sung in a major key.
Frances Jane Crosby was a prolic gospel hymnist, producing more than nine-thousand texts. During the latter
half of the twentieth century, gospel hymnody became
more popular along with the rise in fundamentalism and

At the turn of the twenty-rst century, churches have debated traditional versus contemporary styles of worship,
a debate encompassing the types of music used in worship

Early in the twentieth century, a revival of hymn

writing occurred in the United States. Some of the greatest hymns in the English language were written after 1965
during the period known as the New English Renaissance.
In 1922, the Hymn Society of America was founded and
it continues to encourage the composition of new works.

Ninde, Edward S. The Story of the American Hymn. New York:

Abingdon Press, 1921.


Bealle, John. Public Worship, Private Faith: Sacred Harp and American Folksong. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1997.

Christine E. Hoffman
See also Bay Psalm Book; Camp Meetings; Music: African
American, Gospel.


I LOVE LUCY, a television program that aired weekly
on the CBS network from 1951 to 1957. This half-hour
situation comedy was among the most popular shows in
television history, ranking rst in the Nielsen ratings for
four of its six seasons. Reruns have continued to air since
the late 1950s, making this one of the best known of
American television series. The program was created and
produced by Jess Oppenheimer, who also wrote for the
show with Madelyn Pugh Davis and Bob Carroll Jr.
Desi Arnaz starred as Cuban American bandleader
Ricky Ricardo, who worked in a New York City nightclub. Lucille Ball, Arnazs wife on the show and off, played

Lucy Ricardo, his childlike and mischievous wife. Vivian

Vance and William Frawley portrayed Ethel and Fred
Mertz, the Ricardos neighbors, landlords, and best friends.
Lucille Ball emerged as a master of physical comedy; her
slapstick routines were well suited to the small television
The extraordinary popularity of I Love Lucy had a
dramatic impact on American television. It was shot on
lm in Los Angeles at a time when most TV shows were
broadcast live from New York City. Before long, however,
and partially as a result of Lucys success, most prime-time
television production moved from New York City to Hollywood and from a live, theatrical aesthetic to a lmed,
Hollywood style. Because I Love Lucy was on lm, it could
be sold perpetually in reruns. Within a few years, most of
the TV industry had moved its productions to lm.

Oppenheimer, Jess. Laughs, Luckand Lucy: How I Came to

Create the Most Popular Sitcom of All Time. Syracuse, N.Y.:
Syracuse University Press, 1996.

Robert Thompson
See also Television: Programming and Influence.

ICE SKATING, a sport brought to North America

from Europe in the 1740s, takes three basic forms. Figure
skating, solo or in pairs, includes jumps and spins with
varying degrees of difculty, combined with movement
and dance. Speed skating (and short-track speed skating)
is racing on ice. Ice hockey is a team sport played on ice.
In the mid-nineteenth century, skates were made of steel
with straps and clamps to fasten them to shoes. Later in
the century, the blade with the permanently attached shoe
was developed by the American ballet dancer and vanguard gure skater Jackson Haines, who also introduced
the elements of dance and music into the previously rigid
form of gure skating.
I Love Lucy. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in a scene from their
comedy series, one of the most popular, inuential, and
enduring in the history of television. The Kobal Collection

British soldiers stationed in Canada introduced a game

called shinty, which combined eld hockey with ice
skates. The game was originally played with a ball, but in
the 1860s a puck was introduced. Regulations and associations quickly developed to govern the popular and reck-



Ice Skating. In this 1875 print, recreational skaters move together in New Yorks Central Park. Bettmann/corbis

less sport, and in 1892 the Canadian governor general,

Frederick Arthur, Lord Stanley of Preston, donated a cup
to be given to the top Canadian team after an annual playoff. The Stanley Cup is still the object the National
Hockey League (NHL) competes for in its championship
games. Professional womens hockey debuted in the late
The rst recorded speed-skating race in England was
in the Fens during 1814. World championships for speed
skating (men only) began in the 1890s. In 1892, the world
governing body of both speed and gure skatingThe
International Skating Union (ISU)was founded. Six
years later, the rst ISU-sanctioned event was held. In
1914, pioneer gure skater George H. Browne organized
the rst International Figure Skating Championships of
America under the sponsorship of the ISU of America.
In 1921, the United States Figure Skating Association
(USFSA) was formed to govern the sport and promote its
national growth.
As an Olympic sport, gure skating (considered an indoor sport) debuted in the 1908 Olympic Summer Games
in London, with competitions held for men, women, and
pairs. It became a winter sport at the rst-ever 1924
Winter Games in Chamonix, France. Originally, gure
skating was executed in a stiff, formal style. Compulsory


movements consisted of curves and turns, in or against

the direction of movement, and executed to form several
circle forms in a row. Although music, more uid movements, pirouettes, spins, and ever-increasing athleticism
were continually added to the performance roster, compulsory gures remained a part of Olympic competition
until 1991. Ice hockey was included in the summer Olympics in 1920 and in the inaugural winter games of 1924,
where mens speed skating was also an event. Womens
speed-skating championships were rst held in 1936 and
included in the Olympics in 1960. Ice dancing, a gureskating discipline, became an Olympic event in 1976 and
short-track speed skating in 1992.
American skaters have won more Olympic medals to
dateforty by 2002than competitors from any other
country. The rst American Olympic skating gold medal
winner was Charles Jewtraw, who won the 500-meter
speed-skating event in 1924. That same year, Beatrix
Loughran took the silver medal for womens gure skating. The winning tradition continued through the turn of
the twenty-rst century, with Tara Lipinski winning the
gold in 1998, and Sarah Hughes winning the gold in 2002.
During the last decades of the twentieth centuries, many
Olympic medallists such as Dorothy Hamill, Peggy Fleming, and Scott Hamilton enjoyed lasting popularity, and
gure skating competitions became highly watched events.



Brennan, Christine. Edge of Glory: The Inside Story of the Quest

for Figure Skatings Olympic Gold Medals. New York: Penguin, 1999.
Smith, Beverley. Figure Skating: A Celebration. New York: St.
Martins Press, 1994.
United States Figure Skating Association. The Ofcial Book of
Figure Skating. Introduction by Peggy Fleming. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1998.

Deirdre Sheets
See also Olympic Games, American Participation in.

ICELAND, U.S. FORCES IN. After the invasion of

Norway and Denmark in April 1940, Great Britain realized that Germany might take over Iceland. Therefore,
on 10 May 1940 the British occupied the island without
the consent of the Icelandic government. The Icelanders
hoped, instead, to entrust their protection to a nonbelligerent and asked the United States to place the island
under its jurisdiction. The U.S. government, deciding
that national security required the survival of Britain and
that this could be maintained only by a secure convoy line
across the Atlantic, agreed to station troops in Iceland.
The rst American troops arrived on 7 July 1941.
American forces increased prodigiously after the United
States declared war on Germany in December 1941. By
mid-1943 the military force peaked at approximately
40,000 troops and seventy-ve ghter-interceptor planes.
After mid-1943, as the war turned against Germany, the
United States gradually reduced its Icelandic garrison. By
September 1944 the troops numbered 8,500; by the end
of the war, a mere 1,000. This remaining force left in April
1947, after the United States turned over the American
air base at Keavik to Iceland in return for postwar landing rights for U.S. military aircraft.
American forces returned in February 1951, when
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, of which Iceland
had become a member, sought to bolster its defenses in
Europe. The number of American troops stabilized during the 1970s at approximately 1,000, serving as personnel
for antisubmarine defenses, a ghter squadron, and a radar base. The almost continuous presence of U.S. forces
in Iceland after World War II helped connect the previously isolated island nation with the rest of the world.

Bittner, Donald F. The Lion and the White Falcon: Britain and
Iceland in the World War II Era. Hamden, Conn.: Archon
Books, 1983.
Neuchterlein, Donald E. Iceland, Reluctant Ally. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University Press, 1961.

John J. Hunt / e. m.
See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

IDAHO. Few states are as dramatically differentiated,

both geographically and culturally, as Idaho. According
to the 2000 census, just 1,293,953 people inhabited its
82,751 square miles, or 15.6 people per square mile. Idaho
stretches 479 miles from north to south. It has eighty
mountain ranges, and at 5,000 feet above sea level, is the
fth highest state in the Union. Forests cover 41 percent
of the state and 82 percent of land in the north, and the
state receives 100 million acre-feet of water annually in
the form of rain and snow, to supply 16,000 miles of rivers
and streams. The most important tributary is the Snake
River, which ows for 1,000 miles before draining into
the Columbia. Culturally, the state is divided between the
Mormon southeast, the new high-tech industries of Boise
and the southwest, and the north, formerly devoted to
mining and lumbering, and now working to develop tourist attractions.
Indians and Trappers
Native American settlement in Idaho was split between
the Shoshones of the Great Basin in the south, who had
access to the resources of the Snake and Boise Rivers with
their sh and game, and the Nez Perce and Coeur dAlene
tribes in the north. The arrival of the Lewis and Clark
Expedition in 1805 preceded the entry of trappers and
traders into the region. In 1810, Fort Henry was erected
as the rst American habitation. A trade war was pursued
between the Hudsons Bay Company and independent
American trappers, which lasted into the 1840s. Fort Hall
and Fort Boise were established as part of this competition, but ultimately came to be staging posts on the
Oregon Trail. The rise of Oregon fever in the 1840s
led 53,000 settlers to take the trail in the next two decades.
Miners and Mormons
Idaho Territory had no formal settlements until the incorporation of Franklin in 1860. In the north, however,
there were a set of mining camps, which were illegally
established on the Nez Perce Indian reservation to service
the diggings at Orono Creek and Pierce City. The gold
rush proved alluring to depression-hit farmers, and the
territory produced $3 million of gold dust by 1861. Such
communities were unstable and had a large proportion of
saloons and theaters. Mormon pioneers made their rst
permanent settlement in Idaho in the 1860s as part of
Brigham Youngs plans for colonization. Theirs was a
much harder existence but a more stable community life,
centered on family and religion, with homesteads clustered around a ward meetinghouse and supported by cooperative organizations.
State Formation
In 1853, Washington Territory was separated from Oregon
and the future Idaho Territory was divided between them.
Six years later, Oregon became a state and southern Idaho
was added to Washington Territory. Idaho Territory was
created in 1863, with only 32,342 residents. Congress removed portions of the future territories of Montana and



Wyoming in 1868, but Idaho was still too sprawling to be

well administered. The north fought to be annexed by
Washington Territory in the 1880s, but President Grover
Cleveland vetoed a bill to separate it. The territorial legislature propitiated the north by locating the state university at Moscow. In 1889, Idaho held a special convention and drafted a constitution that Congress approved,
and a year later it became a state.
Developing the Land
There was little active government in Idaho during the
Civil War, and many Confederate sympathizers and migrants from the border states settled in the region. In
1864, the legislature moved the capital to Boise, a site
with much fertile land and a mild climate. Boise became
a trade and transportation hub and two-thirds of Idaho
farms were located in the Boise area by 1870. Cattle raising became common in the 1860s, and farming succeeded
mining as the principal occupation in the 1870s, although
it was as dependent as mining on outside nancing. With
irrigation, the Snake River valley became capable of development, and in the northern region of the Palouse,
wheat growing was developed on a grand scale.
Silver Mining and Lumber Production
Lead and silver strikes at Wood River (1880) and the
Coeur dAlene (1883-1884) produced a new source of
wealth for Idaho. The town of Hailey near Wood River
had Idahos rst electric lighting and rst telephone service. Initial placer methods were succeeded by hard-rock
mining nanced by outside investors, most notably the
Sunshine Mine in the Coeur dAlene, with the largest recorded silver production in the world. Eastern and Californian demand for timber spurred the creation of the


Clearwater Timber Company by Frederick Weyerhaeuser in 1900, and by 1903, most private timberland was in
the hands of the big timber companies. In 1904, production had reached 350 million board feet and by 1925,
1,100 million board feet.
Building a Transport Network
Mining, lumbering, and wheat growing companies required an effective railroad network to transport their
products. In 1882, Pocatello, in the southeast, became a
major railroad center, with a complex of railroad shops
that was more unionized and ethnically diverse than other
parts of the state, and far less Mormon than most towns
in the east. The expansion of the network continued into
the twentieth century, and by 1918, there were 2,841
miles of track in Idaho. Railroad stations were a matter
of community pride and stimulated town growth, even
though they also created dependency on the railroad
Immigration and Anti-Mormonism
The changes of the 1880s brought newcomers to Idaho.
These included the Basques, who were known to work as
shepherds but often worked in mining and dam construction; they developed their own hotels and boardinghouse
culture. The 1880s also saw the rise of anti-Mormonism,
because of the perception of the Latter-day Saints as outsiders who tended to vote as a bloc for the Democratic
Party. Under the leadership of Fred Dubois, a campaign
was waged against the Mormon practice of polygamy, and
the legislature passed a measure in 1882 that barred Latterday Saints from voting, holding ofce, or serving on a
jury, although most of these restrictions were abandoned
in 1893.


The Politics of the 1890s

During the 1890s, miners support for silver monetization
made Populism a political force in Idaho. Organized labor
grew rapidly, and in 1907, there were forty-ve unions
with 2,240 members. In the Coeur dAlene in 1892 and
1899, there were violent attacks on mine property. In
1899, Governor Frank Steunenberg declared martial law
and many miners were imprisoned. In 1905, Harry Orchard planted a bomb at Steunenbergs home that killed
the governor. The subsequent kidnap and prosecution of
miners leader William Haywood in 1906 set the stage in
the following year for one of the more colorful trials of
the century, with Senator William Borah as the prosecutor and the radical lawyer Clarence Darrow for the
Idaho in the Progressive Era
Violent protest was not, however, the only means of
bringing about reform. During the 1890s, Boises Columbian Club created the rst traveling library in the West.
In 1900, there were about fteen reform clubs in Idaho
that pushed for progressive legislation. Although the Republican Party was strong in the state, Idaho saw the introduction of the direct primary, initiative, referendum,
recall, and workers compensation, as well as prohibition.
Equally important was the irrigation of the Snake River
plain, with the assistance of the federal Reclamation Bureau. By 1915, over 19 million acres (about 35 percent of
state) had been formed into twenty-two national forests.
Such assistance, however, created a problem of dependence on federal resources and technological expertise.
The rise of irrigated land led to the selling of Idaho in
the East by communities and railroads. Tourism was also
pushed through such instruments as National Geographic.
Idaho in the 1920s
During World War I, Idaho contributed 20,000 men to
the armed forces; produced food, minerals, and timber
for aircraft; and purchased many war bonds and savings
stamps. The state also fought the syndicalist Industrial
Workers of the World, who were campaigning in the mining towns and lumbering camps for an eight-hour day and
higher wages. Governor Moses Alexander asked for federal troops to quell unrest in the towns of Wallace and
Lewiston, and the state legislature passed a criminal
syndicalism law. The agricultural depression of 1921
prompted some out-migration and twenty-seven banks
failed in the 1920s. Nevertheless, Idaho completed a basic
network of highways and electric railroads for a number
of communities, including Boise. Motorization spurred
the creation of all-weather roads and then larger schools,
and caused the demise of many remote villages. A northsouth highway was completed by 1920, making possible
direct communication between the two halves of the state.
During the 1920s, Idaho experienced a farm revolt that
led to the creation of the Progressive Party, which elected
candidates in 1922 and controlled three county governments. But the Republican Party remained dominant.

The Great Depression

Of the Pacic Northwest states, Idaho suffered most during the Great Depression. Farm prices fell 44 percent between 1929 and 1930; the Snake River plain experienced
severe drought and declining production through the
early 1930s; and average income fell 49.3 percent between
1929 and 1932. The Democrat C. Ben Ross was elected
governor in 1930 and Idaho voted strongly for the Democrats in 1932. The state was fth in the nation in New
Deal per capita spending, with programs for construction,
electricity in the countryside, and agricultural relief. The
development of hydroelectric power by the federal government was a serious political issue in the Pacic Northwest, but Idaho proved less keen on the idea of public
power than Washington and Oregon, and the legislature
rejected public utility districts in 1937.
World War II and the Transformation of Idaho
During World War II, 60,000 Idahoans11 percent of
the states populationserved in the armed forces. Air
bases were established at Boise and Pocatello, while the
largest inland naval base was located at Sandpoint, training 293,381 sailors. After the war, the Strategic Air Command maintained Mountain Home Air Force Base for refueling, while on the Snake River, the federal government
built the National Reactor Testing Station with fty-two
reactors, which produced the rst electricity from nuclear
power in 1951.
Postwar Reconstruction
After 1945, Idaho saw the rise of manufacturing and of
rms like Morrison-Knudsen, a construction company
that had worked on Hoover Dam, Albertsons grocery and
drugs, one of the largest retail outlets in the United
States, and the J. R. Simplot Company, with interests in
food processing, fertilizers, and ranching. Other employers included Boise Cascade, one of the nations largest
producers of plywood; Micron Technology, a semiconductor company founded in 1978; and Hewlett Packard.
The federal Idaho National Engineering Laboratory employed 10,000 people in the early 1990s or 5 percent of
the states jobs. Boise emerged as a major northwestern
city, experienced suburban growth, and retained its smalltown ambiance. It was the only city in the central Northwest with more than 100,000 residents. Big growth in the
1970s was followed by a recession in the early 1980s, especially in mining and timber. Resource-based communities turned to tourism for salvation and a large inmigration took place, mostly from California, during the
late 1980s and early 1990s. During the 1990s, the states
population grew 28.5 percent.
Politics in the Late Twentieth Century
Despite holding the governorship from 1971 to 1994 and
producing inuential gures like Senator Frank Church,
the Democratic Party became increasingly irrelevant in
Idaho. The Republicans held the majority of seats in the
state legislature from 1961 to the beginning of the twenty-



rst century. During the 1980s, union power declined,

and Idahos rst right-to-work law was enacted. Idahoans
voted for Republican Bob Dole over Democrat Bill Clinton by a margin of 18 percent in 1996 and for Republican
George W. Bush over Democrat Al Gore by a margin of
39 percent in 2000.

Arrington, Leonard J. History of Idaho. 2 vols. Moscow: University of Idaho Press, 1994.
Ashby, LeRoy. The Spearless Leader: Senator Borah and the Progressive Movement in the 1920s. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1972.
Ewert, Sara E. Dant. Evolution of an Environmentalist: Senator Frank Church and the Hells Canyon Controversy.
Montana: The Magazine of Western History 51, no. 1 (Spring
2001): 3651.
Fahey, John. The Inland Empire: Unfolding Years, 18791929. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1986.
Malone, Michael P. C. Ben Ross and the New Deal in Idaho. Seattle:
University of Washington Press, 1970.
May, Dean L. Three Frontiers: Family, Land, and Society in the
American West, 18501900. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Schwantes, Carlos A. In Mountain Shadows: A History of Idaho.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991.
Wells, Merle W. Gold Camps and Silver Cities: Nineteenth Century
Mining in Central and Southern Idaho. Moscow: Idaho Department of Lands, Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1983.

Jeremy Bonner
See also Coeur dAlene Riots; Oregon Trail; Silver Prospecting and Mining; Tribes: Northwestern.

ILLINOIS. The fertile plains of Illinois have served as

a center for commerce and transportation since prehistoric times. Located in the center of the North American
continent, Illinois has boundaries that are largely dened
by three great riversthe Mississippi, Ohio, and Wabashand by the southern shore of Lake Michigan. A
Paleo-Indian culture existed in Illinois at least as early as
8000 b.c.e. About 1000 c.e. a great Woodland (or Mississippian) Indian culture established its capital at Cahokia,
near present-day East St. Louis. Here at least twenty
thousand inhabitants built huge earthen mounds, fortied
their city with an elaborate log stockade, conducted trade
with peoples on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, and dominated the economic and political life of the Mississippi
River valley. Cahokia had been abandoned for two hundred years or more when the rst Europeans arrived. In
1673 Jacques Marquette, a French Jesuit priest, and Louis
Jolliet ( Joliet) explored the Fox and Illinois rivers by canoe and met with peaceful Illini and Kaskaskia Indians.
With their Indian guides the two French explorers reached
the Mississippi River. Jolliet observed that a canal dug at
the strategic portage where the Chicago River disappeared
into the sandy marshes along the shore of Lake Michigan


would link the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River and

the Gulf of Mexico. On a return voyage in 1675, Marquette established his rst mission, the Church of the Immaculate Conception, on the north bank of the Illinois
River. By 1680 the location of Marquettes mission was
occupied by the Grand Village of the Kaskaskia (or Grand
Village of the Illinois) and had grown to nearly seven
thousand residents under the leadership of the French
adventurer Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, who also
built Fort Crevecoeur, near the present site of Peoria, and
Fort St. Louis, at Starved Rock near La Salle, in 1680 and
1682, respectively.
For nearly a century French priests and soldiers slowly
established outposts along the rivers of the Illinois country, including the Holy Family mission at Cahokia (near
the ancient mound city) in 1699 and Kaskaskia, on the
banks of the Mississippi, in 1703. Fort de Chartres developed from a rude wooden stockade to a formidable
stone fortress between 1720 and 1753, and was intended
to serve as the headquarters of an anticipated French colonial empire stretching across most of the central part of
North America. Unable to transplant great numbers of
settlers, the French colonial administration monitored
trade with the Indians and governed with only a modest
military presence. Overextended and outnumbered by the
expansion of British colonization into the Ohio River valley, the French ultimately lost a war for empire in North
America. In 1763, following the French and Indian War,
the British gained control of all French lands in North
America under the terms of the Treaty of Paris and, after
delays caused by Pontiacs War, the British military peacefully took possession of the great Fort de Chartres. With
the arrival of the British, many of the French abandoned
Illinois and relocated across the Mississippi in the area
around St. Louis, Missouri. In 1774 the British Parliament, anxious to assure their French subjects in the Mississippi valley that they would be well and effectively governed, passed the Quebec Act, placing all of the area that
would become the Old Northwest, including Illinois, under the control of British authorities in Canada. This action nullied claims to this area by colonies such as Virginia, and was viewed as one of the Intolerable Acts by
the Americans on the eve of the Revolutionary War.
During the American Revolution, George Rogers
Clark led a Virginia militia unit across southern Illinois
on foot to attack a surprised British garrison at Kaskaskia
on 4 July 1778. Clark claimed all of Illinois for his native
state. Virginia relinquished its claim on 1 March 1784,
and Illinois (along with Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and all of Minnesota east of the Mississippi River)
became part of the Northwest Territory governed under
the Ordinances of 1785 and 1787. Conicts between Indians and land-hungry white settlers dened the territorial period, and in 1811 the ineffective territorial governor, Ninian Edwards, sadly informed native chiefs: My
Children, I have found it almost impossible to prevent
white people from rushing to your towns, to destroy your


corn, burn your property, take your women and children

prisoners, and murder your warriors. Still, Indian resistance led by Tecumsehs federation slowed white settlement, and the massacre of the garrison at Fort Dearborn
(Chicago) in 1812 spread terror throughout the frontier.
Following the War of 1812, Indian resistance to white
settlement was largely eliminated, and settlers streamed
into southern Illinois, via the Ohio River, from Kentucky,
Virginia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Meanwhile, pioneers from New England and the Middle Atlantic states
arrived in northern Illinois, often through the Great Lakes.
The distinct political and cultural differences still evident
in Illinois can be traced to this early settlement pattern.
On 3 December 1818 the Illinois Territory became the
nations twenty-rst state, with a northern boundary set
at 4230 to provide a generous shoreline on Lake Michigan and land for fourteen northern counties. At the time
of its admission to the Union, Illinois probably had only
about thirty-ve thousand white inhabitants and several
thousand slaves, most of them scattered on hardscrabble
farms along crude trails in the southernmost part of the
state between Shawneetown, on the Ohio River, and Kaskaskia. Much of the land along the Mississippi, known as
the American Bottom, was swampy, prone to ooding,
and notorious for its disease-carrying mosquitoes. With
the exception of the lead mining district around Galena
in the states northwest corner, the population in the rst
decades of statehood remained in the southernmost parts
of the state. This rough, hilly region was called Little
Egypt by the early pioneers, because they felt the land
between the Mississippi and Ohio rivers resembled the
Nile River delta; as a result of this perceived resemblance,
residents in this region named one of their most important towns Cairo. State government was housed at Kaskasia in a small, rented cabin that eventually was carried
away by ood waters, and the states rst governor, the
semiliterate Shadrach Bond, favored the introduction of
slavery as a means of providing a much-needed workforce.
By 1820 Illinois had fty-ve thousand inhabitants and
the capital was moved to Vandalia, the terminus of the
new National Road (today U.S. Route 40).
During its formative years the state government grappled with myriad problems resulting from the states rapid
and diverse development. An effort to amend the states
constitution to allow slavery was defeated in an 1824 referendum by a vote of 6,640 to 4,972. However, sympathy
for slavery remained strong in southern Illinois, which
bordered on the slave states of Kentucky and Missouri.
In 1837 Elijah Lovejoy, an abolitionist newspaper publisher, was murdered in Alton and his press destroyed. In
1832, following the brief but bloody Black Hawk War,
the Sauk and Fox Indians were forced to relinquish all
claims to lands in Illinois. The Illinois governor proved
powerless in his feeble attempts to quell anti-Mormon
sentiment in western Illinois; in 1844 a vigilante-militia
in Carthage murdered the charismatic leader of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons),

Joseph Smith, and his brother, Hyrum. Several thousand

of Smiths followers, under the leadership of Brigham
Young, soon abandoned their settlement at Nauvoo and
began their journey to Utah. In 1837 the legislature once
again moved the capital, this time to Springeldin the
very center of the state and closer to the most fertile and
rapidly developing regions. The rst decades of statehood
witnessed an extraordinary growth in the states population; it reached nearly half a million people by 1840, almost a tenfold increase since statehood just two decades
earlier. Key to this amazing growth, as settlers lled the
rich prairie lands of central and northern Illinois, was an
excellent transportation system. Steamboats navigated the
Mississippi, Ohio, Wabash, and Illinois rivers, facilitating
the movement of settlers and goods. The legislature approved an Act to establish and maintain a general system
of internal improvements in 1837, and this led to the
construction of the one-hundred-mile Illinois and Michigan Canal. Opened in 1848, it linked the rising metropolis
of Chicago with the Illinois River at La Salle, from which
river trafc could proceed from Lake Michigan to the
Mississippi River and ultimately the Gulf of Mexico. The
canal was not commercially successful because it soon
faced competition from railroads. Chartered in 1851, the
Illinois Central Railroad (for which Abraham Lincoln
served as an attorney) used federal and state subsidies,
along with $25 million of private capital, to construct
more than seven hundred miles of track connecting Chicago with Cairo and Galena to form a Y across the fertile



prairie. By the mid-1850s Illinois had the nations most

modern network of railroads and Chicago had become
the Midwests railroad center.
In 1860, the year an Illinois Republican, Abraham
Lincoln, was elected president, following his loss to Stephen A. Douglas in the nationally signicant election for
the U.S. Senate just two years earlier, the states population had swelled to 1,715,000; over a quarter of a million
of them served in the Civil War, and thirty-four thousand
died ghting for the Union. Although pro-slavery, Confederate sympathizers (Copperheads) in Illinois organized
themselves as the Sons of Liberty or Knights of the Golden
Circle and opposed the Union cause, sometimes with violence, there was otherwise little opposition to the war in
the state. Meanwhile, Chicago prospered as the Unions
central warehouse for military operations in the West.
Between the Civil War and the turn of the century,
farmers transformed vast stretches of prairie grassland
into neat, square elds of corn and other grains, and pasture for cattle and hogs. However, farm foreclosures caused
by high taxes, overproduction, low prices, and exploitation by railroads led to unrest in rural areas. Meanwhile,
in Chicago and other industrial centers, and in coal mining towns, expansion brought overcrowding, poor working conditions, and a new ood of immigrant labor. When
the major political parties ignored their plight, farmers
responded by supporting third-party movements, such as
the Grangers and the Populist party. In a victory for rural
agitators, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling Munn
v. Illinois (1877) established the principle that state legislatures could regulate railroads. Workers sought to join
unions, and violent labor clashes and strikes occurred
throughout the state. In 1873 a rail strike virtually shut
down the state, as did another strike in 1877. At the Haymarket Riot in 1886, a bomb killed seven Chicago policemen and led to the execution of four alleged anarchists
the following year. The Pullman strike of 1894 ended
with President Grover Cleveland ordering federal troops
into Chicago to restore order. Illinois advanced as an agricultural and industrial giant, becoming the nations third
most populace state in 1890, with Chicago (devastated by
re in 1871 but quickly rebuilt) emerging as the nations
Second City. The state was the national leader in wheat
and corn production and second in livestock; it was also
a leader in the mining of bituminous (soft) coal. At the
same time that steel, farm equipment, and industrial machinery manufacturing grew in the northern cities of Joliet, Rock Island-Moline, Peoria, and Rockford, Chicago,
with its port and railroad facilities, steel mills, manufacturing plants, Union Stockyards, and meatpacking businesses served as the hub of commerce in the north central
United States. By the early twentieth century the Illinois
poet Carl Sandberg could rightly proclaim Chicago the
Hog Butcher of the World and the City of Big
Political power in Illinois has traditionally rested in
county courthouses and city halls, where local party or-


ganizations choose candidates, make key decisions on issues, and dole out favors and patronage. The Democrats
and Republicans have generally shared power on a fairly
equal basis throughout the states history. In pre-Civil
War Illinois the slavery issue gave Democrats an edge
over Whigs and, later, Republicans. However, between
the Civil War and the Great Depression, Republicans
maintained the upper hand, largely due to the partys
strength in the prosperous and rapidly growing northern
and central regions of the state, and to its successful efforts to defeat reapportionment of the state legislature.
Viewing with alarm the rise of Chicago with its huge and
largely ethnic population (mainly Irish and eastern European), downstate Republican politicians successfully
fought off all reapportionment schemes that would have
appropriately recognized Chicagos rapidly growing population, which was 12 percent of the states total in 1870,
35 percent in 1900, and 44 percent in 1930. Illinoiss outmoded constitution of 1848 was replaced in 1870 by a
poorly crafted document that neglected to provide home
rule for cities, left the ofce of governor relatively weak,
and set up an unorthodox system of cumulative voting
that allowed voters to cast a ballot for one, two, or three
candidates for the state House of Representatives, thus
assuring at least one Republican or Democrat from every
Political rivalries in Illinois have traditionally been
bitter and complex. Despite the efforts of reform-minded
leaders such as Democratic governor John Peter Altgeld
(18931897) and of a number of Progressives during the
early twentieth century, political reform came slowly, and
corruption and party patronage have characterized the
states political history. When congressional districts were
redrawn, following the 1940 census, Chicago still had less
than its correct share of districts. The courts had to force
the state legislatures reapportionment in the 1960s; and
when no agreement could be hammered out by 1964, all
177 members of the Illinois General Assembly were elected
at large. A new state constitution in 1970 nally provided
home rule to municipalities, established more equitable
tax policies, and strengthened the governor and the state
supreme court; but the unorthodox system of cumulative
voting was not abandoned until 1981. Political patronage
remained a scandal throughout most of the twentieth century in both Chicago and Springeld; and a U.S. Supreme
Court decision in 1990 (Rutan v. Republican Party of Illinois) only altered rather than eliminated the practice. Illinois has more than thirty-six thousand elected ofcials,
and some observers believe politics is so pervasive because
so many political units comprise the complex fabric of
Illinois government. There are 102 counties in Illinois,
1,300 cities and villages, 1,400 townships, and over 2,500
special governmental districts responsible for such diverse
matters as libraries, airports, community colleges, water
and sanitation, parks, and mosquito abatement. Illinois
also has 960 elected school boards.


Throughout the twentieth century Illinois occupied

a place among the nations agricultural, commercial, and
industrial leaders. It was home to such corporate giants
as Sears, Montgomery Ward, International Harvester,
Kraft Foods, Archer Daniels Midland, John Deere, and
Caterpillar Tractor. The Great Depression hit Illinois
even harder than other states, and in the early 1930s the
state received more federal relief money than New York
and Pennsylvania combined. Governor Henry Horner
(19331941) used a suspension of the property tax to aid
farmers and persuaded the legislature to enact taxes on
gasoline and liquor (legal after the repeal of Prohibition)
to fund relief efforts, but the economy did not fully recover until the nation began building up for war in 1940.
Following World War II, Illinois enjoyed several decades
of prosperity and growth. The completion of the St.
Lawrence Seaway in 1959 transformed Chicago into an
international port by linking the Great Lakes to the Atlantic, and by 1970 Chicagos OHare Airport was the
nations busiest. Illinois led the nation in corn and soybean production in 1971. The nations rst commercial
nuclear power plant was built near Morris, Illinois, in the
late 1940s, and Illinois, with its internationally renowned
universitiesthe University of Chicago, Northwestern
University, and the Chicago campus of the University of
Illinoisprovided an ideal location for research centers
such as AT&Ts Bell Laboratories, DeKalb Genetics, the
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, and the Argonne
National Laboratory.
In 1970 the state had a population of more than 11
million, a 10 percent increase over 1960. Illinois retained
the twenty-four seats that it had held in the U.S. House
of Representatives since the redistricting following the
1910 census. (It would lose four of these seats by the end
of the century.) More than half the states population lived
in the Chicago metropolitan area. Although Chicago was
then the nations second most populous city, only two
other cities in Illinois, Peoria and Rockford, had populations exceeding one hundred thousand. The completion
of the Sears Tower in Chicago in 1974 (then the worlds
tallest building) called attention to Illinois as an economic
powerhouse. However, in the late 1970s Illinois, like other
Midwestern states in the nations Rust Belt, appeared
to be in economic decline. Manufacturing plants relocated abroad in search of cheap, nonunionized labor, and
farm prices declined due to overproduction (although the
number of farms dwindled from 255,700 in the late nineteenth century to 80,000 in the late twentieth century).
Illinoiss coal production, once second only to Pennsylvania, dropped to sixth nationally by 1991, and production was only 30 percent of that of the nations leader,
Wyoming. Illinois lost manufacturing jobs, and its unemployment climbed from 7.1 percent in 1978 to a staggering 8.6 percent in 1986.
However, by the early 1990s Illinois had recovered,
and a new economic base featuring banking, research, and
new technologies emerged. The lands west and north of

Chicago became the silicon prairie, the fastest-growing

high-technology corridor in the nation. Foreign capital
poured into Chicagos revitalized banks. The accounting
rm of Arthur Andersen provided nancial services to
corporate giants throughout the world, and though Chicago no longer housed stockyards, slaughterhouses, or giant grain elevators, the Chicago Board of Trade employed
thirty-three thousand people and helped set prices for agricultural commodities throughout the world.
Because of its central location and extensive economic
infrastructure, Illinois will likely continue to serve as a vital
center of trade, transportation, and commerce in North
America. With its large and ethnically diverse population,
the Prairie State continues to be viewed as a political
bellwether and a microcosm of the nation. Those wanting
to gauge the mood of folks in the heartland continue to
ask, Will it play in Peoria?
By 2000 Illinoiss population had grown to 12,419,293,
an expansion of 8.64 percent over 1990, but an increase
that lagged the national growth rate of 13.1 percent. The
states Hispanic population grew by nearly 70 percent in
the 1990s and comprised 12.3 percent of the population
in 2000; African Americans comprised 15.1 percent of the
total. All the population growth occurred in the northern
part of the state. In 2000, 17.5 percent of the states children lived in poverty despite Illinoiss renewed prosperity.
Political power in Illinois, still balanced between Republicans and Democrats, was located in three district geographic segments: Chicago, downstate, and the collar
counties, comprised of sprawling suburbs and expanding
cities surrounding the great metropolis. From 1977 and
into the opening years of the twenty-rst century, the Republicans held the governors ofce, including during the
four terms (19771991) of James Big Jim Thompson, a
popular moderate Republican who managed to forge compromises with a legislature usually controlled by Democrats. His Republican successors, lacking his charisma,
found dealing with the Democrats problematic, and because of declining state revenues in 2000, the funding of
education and basic government services remained a
chronically contentious issue.
Although the Illinois legislature failed to ratify the
Equal Rights Amendment in 1982, thereby killing all
chances of its becoming part of the U.S. Constitution,
women in Illinois made signicant gains in attaining state
ofce. While the 19711972 General Assembly had only
four female members, legislatures in the 1990s had more
than forty. Reecting the states ethnic diversity, minority
representation in the state legislature increased, from ve
African Americans in 1950 to more than twenty in the
1990s. In 1978 Roland Burris became the rst African
American to win statewide ofce when he was elected
comptroller (he was subsequently elected attorney general); and in 1992 Carol Moseley Braun became the rst
black woman elected to the U.S. Senate by any state. At
the beginning of the twenty-rst century, Hispanics held
seats in both the Illinois Senate and the House.




Bridges, Roger D., and Rodney O. Davis. Illinois: Its History and
Legacy. St. Louis, Mo.: River City, 1984.
Davis, G. Cullom. Illinois: Crossroads and Cross Section. In
Heartland: Comparative Histories of Midwestern States. Edited
by James H. Madison. Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 1988.
Howard, Robert P. Illinois: A History of the Prairie State. Grand
Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1972.
Nardulli, Peter F., ed. Diversity, Conict, and State Politics: Regionalism in Illinois. Urbana: University of Illinois Press,

Michael J. Devine

ILLINOIS (INDIANS). The Illinois Indian tribe

(they identied themselves as inoca, perhaps meaning
men; the French later called them Illinois, and they are
commonly referred to today as Illini) moved from Michigan to Illinois and Wisconsin by the 1630s. Illinois traders
rst contacted the French in 1666 at Chequamegon Bay,
Lake Superior. The Illinois and Miami, speaking central
Algonquian dialects, separated shortly before Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet arrived in the Illinois country in
1673. With more than 13,000 members by the mid-1650s,
the tribe divided into a dozen subtribes. Dramatic population losses resulted from war, disease, Christianity, monogamy, alcoholism, and emigration. Illinois vulnerability
was a consequence of dependency on their close allies, the
French. As their numbers deteriorated, they combined
into fewer subtribes (Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Michigamea,

Moingwena, Peoria, and Tamaroa) and withdrew to the

southwest, collecting along the east bank of the Mississippi south of the Illinois River. By 1736 the Illinois numbered just 2,500, and 80 in 1800; the last full-blood and
his relatives left the state in 1833.
The Illinois constituted a tribe, not a confederacy,
and maintained a tribal chief; the subtribes, however, often operated independently. Inuential leaders included
Rouensa, Chicago, and Ducoigne. Each man could marry
several women, and would locate his families near his father. The tribe reckoned descent through the male line,
and individuals became members of a clan and a moiety
(division). The male role required prowess as hunter and
warrior; and women tended to their dwellings, children,
gathering, and agriculture. Men enjoyed a power and
status advantage over women, but women employed considerable inuence in their own realm.
In early spring the Illinois traditionally gathered in
large semipermanent villages to plant crops and engage
in communal buffalo hunting. Spring also saw them
launch small war parties against such enemies as the Fox,
Sauk, and Sioux. In the fall, they divided into small hunting villages of 200 or 300 cabins. Most Peorias moved
west of the Mississippi River after 1765; eventually a few
Kaskaskias joined them. Today, the Peorias, descendents
of the Illinois and the Miamis, live in Peoria, Oklahoma.

Blasingham, Emily J. The Depopulation of the Illinois Indians. Ethnohistory 3 (1956): 193224, 361412. A most reliable examination of the depopulation of the Illinois tribe.

Illinois. The tribe was given its current name by the French, whom the Indians rst encountered in 1666. Library of Congress



Callender, Charles. Illinois. In Handbook of North American Indians. Edited by William C. Sturtevant et al. Vol. 15: Northeast, edited by Bruce G. Trigger. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1978. A useful and authoritative account
by an anthropologist.

Stevens, Wayne Edson. The Northwest Fur Trade: 17631800.

University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, vol. 14,
no. 3. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1928.

Zitomersky, Joseph. French AmericansNative Americans in

Eighteenth-Century French Colonial Louisiana: The Population
Geography of the Illinois Indians, 1670s1760s. Lund, Sweden: Lund University Press, 1994.

See also American Fur Company; Fur Trade and Trapping;

Indian Trade and Traders.

Raymond E. Hauser

IMMEDIATISM. The drive to end slavery at once,

known as immediatism, had its origins in British abolitionists frustration in the 1820s with Parliaments gradual
approach to abolishing slavery in the West Indian colonies. The American abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison
adopted the concept when he founded the antislavery
newspaper the Liberator in 1831 and helped to establish
the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833. Using as a
model the conversion experience of the Second Great
Awakening, Garrisonian abolitionists wished to convert
Americans to a belief that slaveholding was a sin. A sinner,
once aware of his or her sin, should cease sinning immediately. Supporters of immediatism rejected moderate
approaches to ending slavery such as colonization or political reform and demanded total emancipation and equal
rights for black Americans. Most Americans did not support immediatism because it threatened too many economic and racial interests and because it seemed rash.
Garrison believed that the U.S. Constitution was a proslavery document. Some of his supporters even called for
a secession of free states from the Union. Once immediatism proved ineffectual, Garrisons argument that political action would compromise abolitionist principles
was rejected by some abolitionists, who by the late 1830s
were entering the political arena.


1836 the State of Illinois began construction of the Illinois
and Michigan Canal to connect Lake Michigan and the
Mississippi River. But the panic of 1837 soon forced Illinois to abandon work. Under the leadership of Governor Thomas Ford, however, Illinois devised new methods
of nancing and resumed construction. On 23 April 1848
the rst boat passed through the canal.
The Illinois and Michigan Canal was protable from
its opening, and despite the growth of railroads, tolls exceeded its operation expenses until 1879. Trafc dwindled
in the twentieth century, but sections of the canal stayed
open until 1930. Of all North American articial waterways, only the Erie Canal outranked it in importance.

Ranney, Edward. Prairie Passage: The Illinois and Michigan Canal

Corridor. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998.
Redd, Jim. The Illinois and Michigan Canal: A Contemporary Perspective in Essays and Photographs. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1993.

Paul M. Angle / a. e.
See also Canals; Erie Canal; Lakes-to-Gulf Deep Waterway.

ILLINOIS FUR BRIGADE, one of several trading

expeditions sent out annually, between about 1816 and
1827, by the American Fur Company from its headquarters at Mackinac, at the conuence of Lakes Michigan and
Huron, in Michigan Territory. The brigade, usually numbering ten or twelve bateaux loaded with trade goods,
made its way down Lake Michigan and through the Chicago portage and Des Plaines River to the Illinois River.
There it divided into small parties that spent the winter
bartering with the Indians for furs. In the spring the brigade reassembled and returned by water to Mackinac. In
1828 the American Fur Company sold its Illinois interests
to Gurdon S. Hubbard, the brigades commander.

Lavender, David. The Fist in the Wilderness. Garden City, N.Y.:

Doubleday, 1964.

Paul M. Angle / t. d.


Kraditor, Aileen S. Means and Ends in American Abolitionism: Garrison and His Critics on Strategy and Tactics, 18341850. New
York: Pantheon Books, 1969.
Mayer, Henry. All On Fire: William Lloyd Garrison and the
Abolition of Slavery. New York: St. Martins Press, 1998.
The best biography of Garrison and his philosophy of
Stewart, James B. Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and American
Slavery. New York: Hill and Wang, 1976.

Timothy M. Roberts
See also Antislavery.

IMMIGRATION. Except for some 2.5 million Native

Americans and Alaska natives, the 281 million persons
recorded in the 2000 census are immigrants and their descendants. Some 70 million immigrants have come to what
is now the United States, beginning with the Spanish settlers in Florida and New Mexico in the late sixteenth century. The United States only began counting immigrants
in 1819, so the numbers before that time are problematic.




were what John Higham has called the charter group

and set norms for others to meet. About 48 percent of the
total nonaboriginal population at the rst census in 1790
has been estimated to be of English origin.

Immigration by Centuries
16th18th century
19th century
20th century
Total (legal or legalized)
Illegal Immigration (at least)


Table 1 shows a reasonable estimate of total immigration,

legal and illegal, by centuries; as it shows, more than twothirds of all the immigrants who have come arrived in the
twentieth century.
For a long time it seemed appropriate to many historians of immigration to focus on the so-called century
of immigration that ran from 1815, the end of the Napoleonic Wars, to 1924, the date of the most restrictive
immigration law in U.S. history. However, the large movements that occurred after World War II make such an
emphasis inappropriate.
Beginning of the Twenty-First Century
Approximately 24 million immigrants36 percent of all
who have ever comehad arrived since 1960, leading
many to fear that immigrants were swamping the nation.
In fact, even in the immigrant-rich decade after 1990, the
rate of immigrationcomputed by dividing the yearly
number of immigrants by the total populationwas well
below peak level. In both the decade after 1850 and the
one after 1900, the rate was over 10; for the rst eight years
after 1990, the rate was only 3.6. Such baseless fears about
immigrationcalled nativism since the mid-nineteenth
centuryhave often been present in America.
The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Most of the million immigrants who arrived in the nearly
two and a half centuries between the Spanish founding of
St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565 and 1800 came during the
years of peace between the 1680s and the 1770s. Between
the outbreak of the American Revolution and Napoleons
nal defeat in 1815 there was little nonmilitary immigration, although perhaps eighty thousand American Loyalists emigrated during and after the Revolution, mostly
to Canada and Britain.
Since the largest single component of colonial immigration was English, and since Great Britain was the
nal European winner in the imperial wars of the era, the
English language, English law, and English religious practices became norms to which later immigrants would be
expected to conform. To be sure, the New World environment as well as distance and time worked cultural
transformations, as did the inuence of both aboriginal
peoples and non-English immigrants. But the English


English: Virginia and the South. Permanent English

settlement began at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 and, although there were non-English in most settlements, English immigrants predominated in every seventeenthcentury colony except New York. The Virginia colony
was for two decades a demographic disaster in which
more than half of the immigrants died within a year or
so. The immigrant population there and in other southern colonies was heavily male, so natural increasethe
excess of births over deathsdid not begin much before
the beginning of the eighteenth century, if then.
Why then did English immigrants continue to come?
Most were probably ignorant of the true conditions and
for many there was no choice. A majority of those English
who migrated to the American South in the seventeenth
and early eighteenth centuries were indentured servants.
The dependence on tobacco growing in Virginia created
almost insatiable demands for labor, which were eventually lled by enslaved African immigrants, but for decades, most indentured laborers were English and other
Britons. Later in the eighteenth century about fty thousand persons, overwhelmingly male, were transported
from English prisons to British colonies.
But others came voluntarily, attracted by the availability of land and the possibility of wealthwhat students of migration call a pull factor, and/or repelled by
wretched economic conditions and poor future prospects
in Englanda so-called push factor.
Maryland, where settlement conditions were less
harsh than in Virginia, was founded as a refuge for English Catholics. Much of the gentry was Catholic, but
they were soon outnumbered by Protestant lower orders.
South Carolina had settlement patterns similar to those
in Virginia, but, because of Charleston, the one city of
any size in a southern colony, it had more non-British
immigrants, including French Huguenots and a few Jews,
among its elite population.
English: Massachusetts and New England. Most of the
early migration to Massachusetts, beginning with the Pilgrims in 1620, was family migration, much of it religiously motivated. Most of the leading gures and a considerable number of the lesser lights were Protestant
dissenters from the Church of England. For signicant
numbers of the lesser sort, economic motives predominated. The largest increment of immigrants to New England, perhaps twenty-ve thousand persons, came during the great migration of the two decades before 1641.
Unlike the colonies on the Chesapeake, which were immigrant colonies until the beginning of the eighteenth
century, persons born in the New World were a majority
of the New England settlers within a few decades of set-


tlement. New England was less affected by non-British

immigration than any other section.

American culture were considerable, consisting largely of

agricultural and craft techniques.

Africans. Africans and their descendents have never

been more statistically prominent in American society
than in the colonial period. The best estimate is that, at
the rst federal census in 1790, Africans and their descendents were about 20 percent of the population. The
earliest Africans in British North Americabrought to
Jamestown in 1619were rst treated as indentured servants. By about 1700 in all parts of the American colonies,
most Africans were enslaved. Philip Curtins conservative
1969 estimate judged that almost 430,000 Africans were
brought to what is now the United States, about 4.5 percent of all those brought to the New World by the African
slave trade. Africans made up more than a third of all
immigrants to the United States before 1810. Perhaps
fty thousand more were brought after the United States
outlawed further imports of foreign slaves in 1808; those
fty thousand were the rst illegal immigrants and the
only ones before 1882. Africans and African Americans
were found in every colony and state: in 1790 more than
90 percent of the 750,000 Negroes enumerated in the
census lived in the South, a percentage that remained
fairly constant until well after the World War II era.

Other Europeans. The largest groups of non-English

Europeans in the new United States were Irish, 7.6 percent; German, 6.9 percent; and Dutch, 2.5 percent; but
they were distributed quite differently. The Irish, almost
all of whom were Protestants, were dispersed widely
throughout the colonies and had little impact as a group
although a number of individuals were quite inuential.
The Germans, whose immigration in signicant numbers
began only in 1683, were heavily concentrated in Pennsylvania, where they constituted a third of the population.
Many came as indentured servants, often called redemptioners because other relatives who had either come as
free immigrants or had gained their freedom, would frequently purchase their remaining time. Their presence
and their politicsinspired some of the earliest American
nativism. In 1751 Benjamin Franklin complained, Why
should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a
colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to
Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will
never adopt our language or customs. . . .

Until well into the twentieth century, scholars believed that African immigrants were stripped of their culture and brought nothing but their labor to the United
States. It is now clear that African contributions to early

Franklins fears, of course, were groundless. Although

the English and Germans each constituted about a third
of Pennsylvanias population, most of the rest were BritonsIrish, Scots, and Welsh. The only ethnic political
power exercised by a non-English group was in New York,
where the Dutch had been in charge until the bloodless



English conquest of 1660. Even though they were less

than a sixth of the states 1790 population, the Dutch,
because of their status and wealth, continued to exercise
signicant political power. Although all of the American
port cities, even Boston, contained considerable ethnic
diversity in the colonial period, only New York was truly
polyglot. Swedes had settled on the Delaware while a
number of French Huguenots settled throughout the colonies: other French, the Acadians, were expelled by the
British in 1755 from Nova Scotia and scattered throughout the colonies. Many wound up in Louisiana, which
became an American territory after 1803.
The Nineteenth Century
The 19 million immigrants who came during the nineteenth century arrived at a generally accelerating pace, as
table 2 indicates.
The Civil War in the rst half of the 1860s and the
economic slump during much of the 1890s account for the
two decades in which the numbers decreased. But mere
numbers do not properly indicate the impact of immigration: it is important to understand the rate or incidence
of immigration. For example, in 1854 some 425,000 immigrants came, making it by far the heaviest single antebellum year for the arrival of immigrants. As there were
about 26 million persons in the United States that year,
the new immigrants amounted to, as such numbers are
usually cited, 16 per 1,000 of the nations people. Table 3
shows the rate of immigration per thousand averaged for
each decade from the 1820s to the 1890s. Thus, the increase in actual numbers of immigrants from the 1860s
to the 1870s was, in terms of incidence, a slight decrease.
Beginning in 1850 each decennial census has recorded
place of birth for every person enumerated, making it possible to calculate the percentage of foreign born in the
population as indicated in table 4. The amazing consistency of the percentage of foreign-born persons shows
clearly that, despite the uctuations in other data, foreign-

Immigration to the United States, 18011900

Fewer than 100,000*
c. 19,200,000

*No statistics were collected prior to 1819. The data are taken from official


Rate of Immigration per 1,000, 18211900


Foreign Born as a Percentage of Total Population,


ers had a stable incidence in American life for a seventyyear period.

From the 1830s through the 1860s a majority of immigrants were from just two ethnic groupsIrish and
German. There were some 2.3 million of each, and in the
1850s and 1860s they were more than 70 percent of all
immigrants. Their proles, however, were quite different.
Irish. For the Irish, one terrible event, the potato famine
of the second half of the 1840s, has dominated the memory of emigration, but there was substantial Irish immigration both before and after the famine. The root causes
of Irish migration were mass poverty, underdevelopment,
and a burgeoning population. Irish population almost
doubled in the half-century after 1791 so that on the eve
of the famine there were 8.1 million persons in Ireland.
In the 1830s over 200,000 Irish had immigrated to the
United States, and large numbers went to Canada and
across the Irish Sea to England. Those Irish and their
predecessors came largely as single men, and Irish labor
was vital to much of the American internal improvements of the era. Some three thousand Irishmen had
done most of the digging for the Erie Canal before1820
and several thousand dug the New Canal in New Orleans
in the 1830s.
The great famine that began in 1845 had as its proximate cause an infestation of the fungus Phytophthora infestans. This blight was well known in Ireland: it had occurred at least twenty times in the previous 125 years and


did not cause alarm at rst. But in 1846 it struck more

completely than ever before or since and triggered the
last peacetime famine in western European history. Its
impact was exacerbated by the disdain and ineptitude of
the British government and Irish landlords as well as by
the poverty and ignorance of the people. Disease, the constant companion of famine, took its toll. That and massive
emigration in the next ten years reduced the population
of Ireland by some 2.5 million peoplenearly one person
in three.
The migration of the famine years and beyond was
largely family migration. Relatively few Irish settled in
rural America, and the vast majority became residents of
east coast cities between Boston and Baltimore, although
there were large groups of Irish in such western cities as
Cincinnati, Chicago, and San Francisco. They often lled
the worst neighborhoods, such as the infamous Five Points
in New York City. But they also began to ll the new
urban occupations and came, in many cities, to dominate
public services, particularly police and re departments,
and such new urban occupations as horse car drivers. And
in city after city, they played a larger role in politics than
their mere numerical incidence would indicate. Most became traditionally associated with the Democratic Party.
Before the end of the century, young, unmarried
women became the majority of Irish emigrants. This reected, in part, demographic and cultural changes greatly
inuenced by the famine and endemic poverty. Ireland
had the oldest average age at marriage and the greatest
percentage of persons who never married of any nation
in western Europe. The Irish emigrants of these years
were overwhelmingly Catholic and they soon came to
dominate the Roman Catholic Church in America. For
the Irish, and to a lesser degree for other Catholic immigrants, the immigrant church became what its historian, Jay P. Dolan, termed a fortress helping to protect its
faithful from a largely hostile Protestant world.

trade and made their way north by river boat and then
railroad. Those in the cities worked largely at artisanal
and mechanical pursuits, while one industrythe production of lager beerwas dominated by German producers and, for a time, consumers. Large numbers of German immigrants settled in rural areas, and some German
American groups have shown very high levels of persistence in agriculture over several generations.
Although seventeenth- and eighteenth-century German migration was almost all Protestant, and although
Protestants have probably been a majority of German immigrants in every decade except the 1930s, very sizable
numbers of those since 1800 have been Catholics, and a
signicant minority of them have been Jewish. Among the
German Protestants the majority have always been Lutherans, even during the colonial period, when a considerable number were Mennonites of various persuasions.
One of the most impressive aspects of German immigration was the vast cultural apparatus German Americans created: newspapers, magazines, theaters, musical
organizations, and schools proliferated throughout the
nineteenth and into the twentieth century. Some of these
institutions, particularly the German kindergartens, had
great inuence on the national culture. The Germans
were largely Republican in politics. On one of the great
cultural issues of the eraProhibitionmost took the
wet rather than the dry side.

Anti-Catholic hostility was nowhere stronger than

among the Protestant Irish already in America. Most
American Protestant Irish began, in the 1830s and 1840s,
to call themselves Scotch Irish, a term never used in Ireland or anywhere else. They formed the backbone of the
most militant anti-Catholic movements in the United
States, including the so-called Know-Nothing movement
of the 1840s and 1850s and the American Protective Association of the 1880s and 1890s.

Scandinavians. Almost 1.5 million Swedes, Norwegians,

and Danes came to America in the nineteenth century,
and perhaps 750,000 followed in the twentieth. Predominantly agricultural, Scandinavians were driven to migrate
by expanding populations and a shortage of arable land.
No European country sent a greater proportion of its
population to America than Norway. Most Scandinavians
settled initially in the upper Midwest and the Great Plains,
with a large later migration, some of it second generation,
to the Pacic Northwest. They were overwhelmingly
Protestant: the major exception was some 25,000 Scandinavian converts to Mormonism whose passage to Utah
was aided by a church immigration fund. The Scandinavian groups founded a relatively large number of colleges
for the training of ministers of religion, the rst ethnic
groups to do so in any signicant degree since the colonial
era. In politics they were even more predominantly Republican than the Germans, with a heavy tilt toward the
dry side of the Prohibition issue.

Germans. The major push factor in nineteenth-century

German immigration was the modernization of the German economy, which dislocated millions of Germans, a
minority of whom chose emigration as a response. The
Germans were the most numerous of nineteenth-century
immigrants. They settled heavily in eastern cities from
New York to Baltimore and in the midwestern area known
as the German triangle, whose corners were Cincinnati,
St. Louis, and Milwaukee. While most came in at eastern
ports, a large number of those who settled in the triangle came to southern ports carried by ships in the cotton

Era of Industrial Expansion, 1870s1920

Prior to the Civil War, most immigrants settled in rural
and small town America, although the incidence of immigrants in cities was higher than that of native-born
Americans. In the latter decades of the nineteenth century, as the industrial sector of the American economy
became more dynamic, the cities, and the jobs that they
held, attracted more and more immigrants. At the same
time, the spread of railroad networks in Europe and the
development of shipping lines for whom immigrants were



Huddled Masses . . . Breathe Free. After a view of the welcoming Statue of Liberty, new immigrants arrive at Ellis Island in
New York Harbor, the primary gateway to America in the early twentieth century. Library of Congress

the major purpose rather than a sideline meant that more,

and more ethnically varied, immigrants were able to cross
the Atlantic. Although immigrants left from almost every
port city in Europe, the lions share left through Hamburg, Bremen, and Liverpool in the north and Genoa,
Naples, and Trieste in the south. Conditions in the steerage sections in which most immigrants came were frightful, particularly on the vessels from southern ports, but at
least in the age of steam the voyages were measured in
days rather than weeks.
Contrary to the impression often given, immigrants
from southern and eastern Europe did not begin to outnumber those from western Europe until the 1890s. Even
in the rst two decades of the twentieth century immigrants from western Europe were some two-fths of all
immigrants. Poles, Italians, and eastern European Jews
were the dominant European immigrant groups from the
1890s, although every European nationality was represented. These later immigrants are often described as
new immigrants, a euphemism for undesirable. The
United States Immigration Commission, for example, in


its 1911 report that was a stimulus for immigration restriction, described such immigrants as having no intention of permanently changing their residence, their only
purpose in coming to America being to temporarily take
advantage of the greater wages paid for industrial labor
in this country.
The charge of sojourning had been raised rst against
two non-European groups: the 250,000 Chinese who had
begun to immigrate to California and the West Coast
about the time of the gold rush of 1849, and the perhaps
500,000 French Canadians who poured into New England mill towns in the postCivil War decades. While
most Chinese immigrants were barred by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, French Canadian immigrants remained unrestricted. The antisojourner argument ignored
both the positive economic contributions that each group
made and the fact that many Chinese and perhaps most
French Canadian immigrants made permanent homes in
the United States. The 1920 census identied some
850,000 rst- and second-generation French Canadians,
and some 60,000 Chinese.


Many of the European immigrants of the industrial

era did come as sojourners, and some came more than
once. In one early-twentieth-century survey at Ellis Island, every tenth Italian reported having been in the
United States before. Like their predecessors they were
primarily motivated by economic opportunity; what set
them off from most of their predecessors was that most
found industrial rather than agricultural employment.
Poles are difcult to enumerate because immigration
data reect nationality rather than ethnicity and most
Poles had German, Russian, or Austrian nationality. The
best approximation of their number comes from the 1910
census, which showed nearly 950,000 foreign-born persons who said that their mother tongue was Polish. Poles
settled largely in the industrial region around the Great
Lakes, and were concentrated in cities between Buffalo
and Milwaukee. Polish immigrants were chiey employed
in factory work, often in the dirtiest and most difcult
Between 1890 and 1920 more than four million Italians were recorded as entering the United States. No
other group had come to the United States in such numbers in a comparable period of time. Their prime region
of settlement was near the eastern seaboard between Boston and Philadelphia, with goodly settlements in Chicago
and northern California. Unlike the Poles, Italians were
concentrated in outdoor employment in road construction, railroad maintenance, and in the less-skilled aspects

of the building trades. A signicant number of young,

mostly unmarried Italian and Italian American women
were employed in the garment trades.
Like the Poles, eastern European Jews are difcult to
track in the immigration data. Again in the 1910 census
more than a million persons reported Yiddish or Hebrew
as a mother tongue. (German Jewish immigrants would
have reported German.) More than 850,000 of them were
of Russian nationality, many of whom came from what is
now Poland and the Baltic states; almost 125,000 came
from some part of the Austrian Empire, and some 40,000
from Romania. Most had suffered some degree of persecution in Europe, and of all the immigrant groups in
the industrial era, Jews were the least likely to sojourn.
Almost all came intending to stay and did so. One scholar
has calculated the remigration rate for European immigrants to the United States of various ethnicities in this
era and found that fewer than 5 percent of Jews returned,
as opposed to about a third of Poles and some 45 percent
of Italians. Similarly, although there was a male majority
for every European group of immigrants except the Irish,
males were only about 55 percent of the Jews, while nearly
two-thirds of the Poles and almost three-quarters of the
Italians were male. For some of the other ethnic groups
in this era both rates were even higher. Serb immigrants,
for example, were calculated to have been 90 percent male
and remigrated at a rate of almost 88 percent.



Annual Immigration and Emigration, 19051914*



Net Migration







*Fiscal year ending 30 June

**Emigrants not recorded before 1908

The ten years before the outbreak of World War I

saw the highest number of legal immigrants entering the
United States than in any ten-year period before or since.
These gures added fuel to the raging restrictionist res.
But, as the data in table 5 show, return migration was also
heavy; the incidence of foreign born in the population
remained remarkably constant, as was shown in table 4.
The outbreak of World War I in 1914 transformed
American migration patterns, both internal and external.
The surge of Allied war orders beginning in the spring of
1915 plus the requirements of American preparedness
and, after April 1917, war needs, increased the demands
for workers in northern factories. The drastic drop in the
numbers of European immigrantsfrom a million a year
just before the war to an average of only about 100,000
annually between 30 June 1914 and 30 June 1919helped
to stimulate the so-called Great Migration of African
Americans from the South to northern cities. This migration involved perhaps 500,000 persons between 1916
and 1918 and probably another million before the onset
of the Great Depression of the 1930s.
1920s to 2000
In the 1920s, despite President Warren G. Hardings call
for normalcy, immigration was not allowed to return to
the essentially laissez faire pattern that had prevailed for
everyone except Asians throughout U.S. history. The
Quota Acts of 1921 and 1924 put numerical caps on European immigration while stopping Asian immigration
except for Filipinos, who, as American nationals, could
not be excluded. (Asia, as dened by Congress, did not
include Russian-Soviet Asia, or nations from Persia-Iran
east.) The onset of the Great Depression plus administrative regulations designed chiey to stop otherwise unrestricted Mexican immigration, reduced immigration signicantly, and World War II reduced it even further as
table 6 demonstrates.


The steady reduction in the number of immigrants

and the accompanying decline in foreign born from 13.2
percent in 1920 to 6.9 percent in 1950 mask three important wartime developments that helped to reshape the
patterns of American immigration in the second half of
the twentieth century. These were the beginning of the
refugee crisis, repeal of the Chinese exclusion acts, and
the increase of the Mexican presence in the American labor force.
The anti-Semitic policies of Nazi Germany that began in 1933 precipitated the refugee crisis, which was neither fully understood nor dealt with adequately by the
nations of the West. Vice President Walter Mondales
1979 judgment that the western democracies failed the
test of civilization is a good capsule summary. Many have
blamed this aspect of the Holocaust on the 1924 immigration act. But while many of the supporters of that act
had anti-Semitic motives, the quota system it set up, while
stacked against immigrants from southern and eastern
Europe, provided a relatively generous quota for Germany. Between 1933 and 1940, fewer than half of the
211,895 German quota spaces were lled. At the beginning of the Nazi era, few German Jews were ready to leave
their native land; however, during much of the 1930s,
willful obstruction by many American consular ofcials
frustrated the attempts of German Jews to gain admission
to the United States, often with fatal consequences.
The administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which
innovated in so many areas of American life, was conservative on this issue: there was no New Deal for immigration. Critics have correctly pointed to the undemocratically recruited foreign service as largely culpable
in denying asylum to many, but the president himself, out
of political caution, on several occasions refused to act.
The failure to support legislation to admit Jewish children and the refusal to allow refugee passengers on the
ill-fated German liner St. Louis to land even though the
ship was in American waters are clear examples of Roosevelts misfeasance.
On the other hand, once war came the president exercised his vaunted administrative ingenuity to assist refugees. The most signicant example of this was his instruction to Labor Secretary Frances Perkins to allow
refugees who were in the United States on six-month visitor visas to roll-over such visas indenitely every six
months, making them, for all intents and purposes, resident aliens. Later arrangements were made with Canada
to allow many such persons to make pro forma exits from
the United States and return immediately on immigrant
visas. And, in 1944, as awareness of the dimensions of the
Holocaust grew, Roosevelt created the War Refugee Board
by executive order. Its function was to save Jews and other
refugees in Europe, but its mandate did not include bringing them to the United States. In June 1944 Roosevelt
invented a way to get refugees into the country: something he called parole power. He used it only once, in
what historians have called a token shipment of nearly


Immigration and Emigration, 19211945





Net Immigration








1,000 persons, almost all of them Jews who were kept in

a camp at Oswego, New York, in the charge of the War
Relocation Authority, whose major function was to warehouse Japanese Americans. Although the parolees were
supposed to go back to Europe after the war, only one
did. Roosevelts successors used parole power to bring in
hundreds of thousands of refugees, very few of them Jews,
until the Refugee Act of 1980 regularized such admissions. Between 1946 and 2000 more than 3.5 million persons were admitted to the United States as refugees of
one kind or another and many persons who were in fact
refugees entered in other categories.
The repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1943,
which also made alien Chinese eligible for naturalization,
presaged a retreat from the blatant racism that had characterized American immigration policies. Similar legislation was passed regarding natives of India and Filipinos in 1946, and in 1952 the otherwise reactionary
McCarran-Walter Act ended all ethnic bars to immigration and made naturalization color blind. Between 1943
and 2000, perhaps 8 million Asians, most of them from
the formerly barred zone, legally immigrated to the
United States.
A third wartime initiative with long-term consequences for immigration was the so-called bracero program, which brought some 200,000 temporary Mexican
workers to the United States, about half of whom worked
in California. The program was restarted in 1951 during
the Korean War and continued until 1964. In 1959 alone,
450,000 braceros were brought to the United States. None
of these were counted as immigrants; many stayed or returned, contributing to the illegal immigrant phenomenon that loomed large in later immigration and even
larger in rhetoric about it. The cumulative effect of the
bracero program plus legal and illegal immigration was
to make Mexico the largest single national contributor,
by far, to immigration to the United States in the second
half of the twentieth century. Since 1940 some 5 million
Mexicans have either legally immigrated to the United
States or been legalized later.
Tables 7 and 8 summarize the 26 million legal or
legalized immigrants who entered the United States in
the second half of the twentieth century. As table 8 demonstrates, not only did the total number of immigrants
increase with each decade, but European immigration,

Immigration and Foreign Born, 19512000


Foreign Born*

Percentage of
Foreign Born





*In last year of period, i.e., 1960, 1970, etc.

**lowest figure ever recorded; no data before 1850

Sources of Immigration to the United States,
19511998 (in millions)





















which had always dominated American immigration, accounted for only one immigrant in ve during the second
half of the century.
Prior to the 1930s, almost all of the immigrants had
come in at or near the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder, and this remained true for a majority of immigrants
during the rest of the twentieth century. But, beginning
with some of the distinguished refugees who ed from
Hitlers Europe, a growing minority of immigrants came
with educational credentials that surpassed those of most
American natives. The so-called brain drain intensied
during the latter decades of the century, as engineers and
computer scientists were attracted to the various Silicon
Valleys of America. At the other end of the spectrum, even
larger numbers of immigrants came not to build America
but to serve it. The service sector and agriculture, not the



shrinking manufacturing sector, were the major employers of immigrant labor, legal and illegal. California farms,
Arkansas chicken processors, fast food shops, and hotels
and motels everywhere were among the largest employers.
Immigration policy since World War II. The shifts in
American immigration policy that made the renewal of
large-scale immigration possible are often attributed solely
to the Immigration Act of 1965. As the foregoing suggests, this is a serious error. Between the 1943 repeal of
the Chinese Exclusion Act and centurys end, twenty-eight
new substantive public laws revamped immigration and
naturalization. Only a handful of the most signicant can
be noted here. Beginning with the hotly contested Displaced Persons Acts of 1948 and 1950which brought
some 400,000 European refugees, mostly gentiles, to the
United Statesa series of acts made taking refugees a part
of the American consensus. By the end of the Eisenhower
administration, the Fair Share Refugee Act symbolized
the changed perception of American responsibility. Particularly noteworthy was the Carter administrations Refugee Act of 1980, which for the rst time put the right to
claim asylum into American law.
Two general statutes, the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act
and the 1965 Immigration Act, transformed American
immigration policy. While the most obvious innovation
of the 1952 act was the ending of statutory racism in naturalization and immigration, it also eliminated overt gender bias in immigration. It seemed to continue the quota


system much as it was enacted in 1924 but, because of

other changes in the law, quota immigrants were only a
minor fraction of legal immigration. Although the Japanese quota between 1953 and 1960 was only 185 a year
one-sixth of one percent of the Japanese population in the
continental United States in 1920a total of 46,250 Japanese legally immigrated in those seven years, almost all
of them nonquota immigrants who were family members
of U.S. citizens. European refugees, most of whom came
from nationsor former nationswith tiny quotas were
accounted for by mortgaging quotas, mortgages that
were never paid. When the quota system was abolished
in 1965 the Latvian annual quota of 286, to give an extreme example, had been mortgaged to the year 2274.
The 1965 act ended national quotas and substituted
putative hemispheric caps that seemed to limit immigration to less than half a million a year. At the same time,
it so expanded family-based immigration and other nonquota immigration that the gross number of immigrants
continued to rise steadily. By the late 1970s there was
increasing concern in the media and in Congress about
illegal immigration. After years of acrimonious debate,
Congress passed a compromise measure, the Immigration
Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA). Immigration
Reform had become a code phrase for reducing immigration. IRCA was widely hailed as a way to x what
was commonly called a broken immigration system, but
the proposed x exacerbated many of the problems that


it was supposed to cure. The centerpiece of the bill was

an amnesty supposed to legalize perhaps 3.1 million
persons who had been illegally present in the United
States since 1982. But congress set aside 350,000 amnesty places for special agricultural workers who need
only have done 90 days of agricultural labor and lived in
the United States since 1 May 1985. Subsequent Congresses increased the share for these agricultural workers
signicantly. Of the 2.68 million persons actually legalized under IRCA by the end of 1998 almost 1.25 million,
some 47 percent, were special agricultural workers of
one kind or another.
In the nal analysis the amnesty provisions of IRCA
not only increased signicantly the number of legal immigrants in the United States, but also created a wellpublicized precedent for future liberalizations, which
would be impossible for Congress to resist. The legalization did not contribute to the number of immigrants
present, but each person legalized could become, in time,
a naturalized American citizen, some of whose relatives
would be eligible for privileged admission status. A growing awareness of the failure of IRCA to achieve its goals
plus the conservative mood epitomized by the so-called
Gingrich revolution resulting from the Republican sweep
of the 1994 congressional electionsproduced a spate of
measures passed by Congress and signed by President
Clinton. These measures got tough with legal immigrants by denying them all kinds of benetsusually described as welfare. Also, a number of statutes were designed to bolster the border patrol and, as the phrase
went, regain control of our borders. These measures
had only transitory effects on stemming immigration,
whether legal or illegal, but did, many authorities believe,
discourage many persons illegally working in the United
States from going back to Mexico, for fear of being unable
to return.
At the same time, California voters overwhelmingly
adopted the patently unconstitutional Proposition 187,
which made illegal aliens ineligible for public social services including public school education, and required all
state ofcials to report anyone suspected of being an illegal alien to the INS. Not surprisingly, the passage of
Proposition 187whose enforcement was immediately
blocked by the courtsand a growing perception that
much of the national legislation was unfair, produced some
unintended consequences. Hispanic citizens mobilized to
register and vote in increasing numbers, both the Republican Congress and the Democratic Clinton administration modied some of the anti-immigrant legislation and
after California Democrats swept the 1998 elections the
anti-immigrant consensus, which had seemed so strong
just four years previously, disappeared. The 2000 presidential campaign saw both parties actively courting Hispanic voters. The early months of the administration of
George W. Bush continued the positive attitude toward
immigration that he had evinced as governor of Texas between 1995 and 2000his White House Web site was
available in Spanishand a second, major amnesty pro-

gram seemed all but inevitable. However, the terrorist destruction of New York Citys World Trade Center on 11
September 2001 and the economic recession that had begun six months earlier put at least a temporary damper
on such plans. Most students of American immigration
expected that the same forces that had created the post
Great Depression boom in immigrationan expanding
economy and an aging populationwould, in the long
run, create conditions in which large-scale immigration
would continue.

Berlin, Ira. Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1998. An account of the varieties of the slave
Bukowczyk, John J. And My Children Did Not Know Me. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. A brief history of
Polish immigration.
Butler, Jon. Becoming America: The Revolution before 1776. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000. A striking
analysis of the acculturation process.
Curtin, Philip D. The African Slave Trade: A Census. Madison:
University of Wisconsin Press, 1969. A pioneering survey.
Daniels, Roger. Coming to America: Immigration and Ethnicity in
American Life. 2d ed. New York: Harper Collins, 2002. An
analytic narrative text.
Daniels, Roger, and Otis Graham. Debating American Immigration, 1882Present. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littleeld,
2001. Dual approaches to twentieth-century immigration.
Diner, Hasia R. Erins Daughters in America: Irish Immigrant
Women in the Nineteenth Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1975. A gendered analysis.
Dolan, Jay P. The Immigrant Church: New Yorks Irish and German
Catholics, 18151865. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1975. An analysis of the civic functions of the Roman
Catholic Church.
Garcia, Maria Cristina. Havana USA: Cuban Exiles and Cuban
Americans in South Florida, 19591994. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1996. A discriminating account of the
Cuban American community.
Goodfriend, Joyce. Before the Melting Pot: Society and Culture in
Colonial New York City, 16641730. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1992. An analysis of the most polyglot
American colony.
Higham, John. Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 18601925. 2d ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers
University Press, 1988. The classic account of American
Kitano, Harry H. L., and Roger Daniels. Asian Americans: Emerging Minorities. 3d ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice
Hall, 2001. A survey of most Asian American ethnic groups.
Miller, Kerby A. Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus
to North America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.
The standard account.
Morgan, Edmund S. The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John
Winthrop. Edited by Oscar Handlin. Boston: Little, Brown,
1958. An accessible biography of a seventeenth-century immigrant leader.


I M M I G R AT I O N A C T O F 1 9 6 5


Immigration and Nationality Act, 1952
1. Highly skilled immigrants whose services are urgently needed in the United States and the
spouses and children of such immigrants: 50%.
2. Parents of U.S. citizens over age twenty-one and
unmarried adult children of U.S. citizens: 30%.
3. Spouses and unmarried children of permanent
resident aliens: 20%.
4. Brothers, sisters, and married children of U.S.
citizens and accompanying spouses and children: 50% of numbers not required for 1
through 3.
5. Nonpreference: applicants not entitled to any of
the above: 50% of the numbers not required for
1 through 3 plus any not required for 4.

Immigration Act of 1965

Exempt from preference requirements and numerical
caps: spouses, unmarried minor children, and parents of
U.S. citizens.
1. Unmarried adult children of U.S. citizens: 20%.

Reimers, David M. Still the Golden Door: The Third World Comes
to America. 2d ed. New York: Columbia University Press,
1992. The standard account of the structural change in
American immigration in the postWorld War II decades.
Sanchez, George J. Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 19001945. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993. The formative years
of this community.
Wokeck, Marianne S. Trade in Strangers: The Beginnings of Mass
Migration to North America. University Park: Pennsylvania
State University Press, 1999. An account of the transportation of German immigrants before the American Revolution.
Yung, Judy. Unbound Feet: A Social History of Chinese Women in
San Francisco. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.
A gendered analysis.

Roger Daniels
See also Chinese Exclusion Act; McCarran-Walter Act; Proposition 187; Refugee Act of 1980; Refugees; and vol. 9:
Maya in Exile: Guatemalans in Florida.

IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1965. Although technically just a group of amendments to the existing Immigration and Nationality Act, the Immigration Act of
1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act, in actuality
fundamentally reshaped American immigration for the
remainder of the twentieth century and beyond. It abol-


2. Spouses and unmarried adult children of permanent resident aliens: 20%.

3. Members of the professions and scientists and
artists of exceptional ability: 10% (requires certification from U.S. Department of Labor).
4. Married children of U.S. citizens: 10%.
5. Brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens over age
twenty-one: 24%.
6. Skilled and unskilled workers in occupations for
which labor is in short supply in the U.S.: 10%
(requires certification from U.S. Department of
7. Refugees from communist or communistdominated countries or from the Middle East:
8. Nonpreference: applicants not entitled to any of
the above. (Since there have been more preference applicants than can be accommodated,
this category has never been used. Congress
eventually adopted the so-called lottery provision to provide for such persons.)

ished the national origins system set up in the Immigration Act of 1924 and modied by the Immigration Act of
1952. While seeming to maintain the principle of numerical restriction, it so increased the categories of persons who could enter without numerical limitation as
to make its putative numerical caps170,000 annually for
the Eastern Hemisphere with a maximum of 20,000 per
nation plus 120,000 annually for the Western Hemisphere
with no national limitationsvirtually meaningless within
a few years. Its expansion and modication of the existing
preference systems is shown in the Sidebar. Although
little noticed at the time and virtually ignored in most
general histories of the period, it can be seen as one of
three major legislative accomplishments of 1965, the highwater mark of late-twentieth-century liberalism, along with
the Voting Rights Act and the establishment of the Medicare and Medicaid system.
The nal passage of the 1965 act was somewhat anticlimactic. The struggle to scrap the 1924 national origins formula had been going on in earnest since the end
of World War II. Liberal immigration policy goals were
established by President Harry S. Trumans Commission
on Immigration and Naturalization in its 1953 report,
Whom We Shall Welcome. That report was highly critical
of the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act, which was passed over
Trumans veto. The reforms it urged and all attempts at
systemic change were frustrated in Congress, although a
number of statutes and executive branch actions added

I M M I G R AT I O N A C T O F 1 9 6 5

groups of immigrants, largely refugees, to the admissible

The personnel changes in Congress accompanying
President Lyndon Johnsons sweeping 1964 victory and
the gradual diminution of religious, ethnic, and even racial prejudices in the nation at large made immigration
reform an idea whose time had come. To be sure, a few
restrictionist die-hards, such as Senator Sam Ervin (Democrat from North Carolina), tried to maintain the status
quo. Ervin insisted that the McCarran-Walter Act was not
discriminatory but was instead like a mirror reecting
the United States, allowing the admission of immigrants
according to a national and uniform mathematical formula recognizing the obvious and natural fact that those
immigrants can best be assimilated into our society who
have relatives, friends, or others of similar background
already here. What Ervin never admitted was that the
mirror was badly distorted, like those at amusement
parks, and reected not the population of the 1960s but
that recorded in the 1920 census. But most in Congress
simply acquiesced. The nal passage of the bill in the
Senate was by voice vote, while in the House it was approved overwhelmingly, 326 to 69.

Asians had been coming to the United States since World

War II, and once such persons had permanent resident
status, a whole cohort of relatives became eligible to enter
the country as second preference immigrants. And as soon
as these immigrants became U.S. citizens, as unprecedented numbers of them did in the minimum ve-year
waiting period, more persons became eligible as rst,
fourth, and fth preference immigrants, while others
could enter exempt from numerical preference. After the
1965 act went into effect, this kind of chain migration, in
which related immigrants follow one another as links in
a chain, accounted for a preponderance of all nonrefugee
Perhaps the most misleading aspect of the law involves the presumed twenty thousand cap on entries from
any one nation. That cap, which never affected Western
Hemisphere nations, applies only to those entering from
the Eastern Hemisphere who are subject to numerical
limitation. In 1985, for example, forty-eight thousand
Filipinos and thirty-ve thousand Koreans entered legally, to list only the two largest national groups from the
Eastern Hemisphere entering in that year. The twenty
thousand cap has been chimerical.

Many scholars have characterized the 1965 act as a

prime example of unintended consequences, and it is
clear that even its most inuential advocate, President
Johnson, seems not to have understood what its effects
would be. In the signing ceremony staged on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, Johnson remarked: This bill
that we sign today is not a revolutionary bill. It does not
affect the lives of millions. It will not reshape the structure
of our daily lives, or really add importantly to our wealth
or our power. The president was not indulging in uncharacteristic understatement. He and his advisers saw the
1965 act as redressing injuries done in 1924 and 1952,
what he called the wrong done to those from southern
and eastern Europe.

If scholars ignored or downplayed the 1965 law for

a long time, by the 1980s, when immigration had become
a major issue in American public life, many of the discussions, whether in blame or praise, overstated its inuence.
For example, a 1989 Rand study reported: After a lull
lasting more than 40 years, immigration to the United
States began to increase considerably in the late 1960s
after the passage of the 1965 Act. The two great changes
that took place in American immigration in the second
half of the twentieth centurythe steady increase in the
number of immigrants and the steady reduction of the
once dominant share taken by European immigrants
were clearly in evidence before the enactment of the new
law in October 1965, as Table 1 shows.

In practice the law has worked quite differently from

the ways in which any of its sponsors expected. Looking
backward and expecting the future to resemble the past,
they ignored the evidence of data available to them. As
Table 1 shows, growing numbers of Latin Americans and

One can only speculate whether or not, had Congress

understood what the results of its actions would be, the
1965 act would have been passed in anything like the form
that it nally assumed. Most of the few scholars who have
addressed this question have answered it in the negative.

Legal Immigration to the United States by Decade and
Region, 19412000 (in millions)




New World


c. 9.6





Barkan, Elliott R. Whom Shall We Integrate? A Comparative

Analysis of the Immigration and Naturalization Trends of
Asians before and after the 1965 Immigration Act (1951
1978). Journal of American Ethnic History 1, no. 3 (Fall
1983): 2957. Documents naturalization as a factor in chain
Bean, Frank D., Georges Vernez, and Charles B. Keely. Opening
and Closing the Doors: Evaluating Immigration Reform and
Control. Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand, 1989. A social science
Gillon, Steven M. Thats Not What We Meant to Do: Reform
and Its Unintended Consequences in Twentieth-Century America. New York: Norton, 2000. Chapter 4 deals with the 1965
Immigration Act.



Kennedy, Edward M. The Immigration Act of 1965. Annals

367 (September 1966): 137149. A contemporary account
by a leading advocate of immigration reform.
Reimers, David M. Still the Golden Door: The Third World Comes
to America. 2d ed. New York: Columbia University Press,
1992. The best account of postWorld War II immigration.

Roger Daniels
See also Immigration Restriction.


are not usually considered immigrants, the rst formal
inhibition of immigration by the United States was the
prohibition of the foreign slave trade in 1808, which still
allowed slave visitors brought by foreign masters. Similarly, an 1862 law prohibited American participation in
the coolie trade. But free immigration was unimpeded
until 1875. U.S. policy was to welcome immigrants, who
were needed to help ll up what Americans saw as a
largely empty and expanding country. No one put this
better than President John Tyler in his annual message of
1841: We hold out to the people of other countries an
invitation to come and settle among us as members of our
rapidly growing family.
But even as Tyler spoke, anti-immigration forces had
begun to mobilize. Legislation taxing or otherwise impeding immigration enacted by some seaboard states was
disallowed when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the
Passenger Cases of 1849 that immigration was foreign
commerce and could only be regulated by Congress. In
the mid-1850s, the Know-Nothing Party, a mass Protestant anti-immigrant movement, elected eight governors, more than a hundred congressmen, mayors in Boston and Philadelphia, and a host of other ofcials but
failed to get its program of severe immigration restriction
and harsher laws against foreign-born Americans through
The rst restriction of free immigrants was the Page
Act of 1875, generated by concern about Chinese immigrants in the West. The law, which had little effect but
considerable symbolic importance, excluded criminals and
prostitutes, placed further restrictions against the cooly
trade, and prohibited the entry of any oriental persons
without their consent, but entrusted the enforcement to
the collectors at the various ports. The congressional debates show that many wanted Chinese immigration either
limited or stopped completely. Four years later, Congress
passed a bill barring any vessel that carried more than
fteen Chinese passengers, but President Rutherford B.
Hayes vetoed it. His message showed that he, too, favored
limiting Chinese immigration but was inhibited by a
clause in the 1869 Burlingame Treaty with China that
granted mutual rights of immigration. Hayes promised to
renegotiate the treaty. A new treaty, effective in 1881, gave
the United States the right to regulate, limit, or suspend
the immigration of Chinese laborers. Congress then


passed a bill suspending the immigration of Chinese laborers for twenty years, which President Chester A. Arthur vetoed. He stated that he would approve a shorter
experiment. Congress responded with a bill suspending
the immigration of Chinese laborers, skilled and unskilled, for ten years, which Arthur signed in May 1882.
This misnamed Chinese Exclusion Actit did not
exclude Chinese merchants and their familieswould,
with fourteen subsequent statutes, bar most Chinese from
immigrating to the United States until all fteen laws
were repealed in 1943. It represented a kind of legislative
Rubicon and began an era of immigration restriction that
continues to the present. That era can be divided into two
parts. The rst, stretching from 1882 until 1943, was one
of increasing restriction, based largely on race and ethnicity, but also encompassing ideology, economics, and
morality. Since 1943 immigration restriction has been
lessened. It is important to note that statutes involving
only Chinese were, in both 1882 and 1943, the hinges on
which the golden door of American immigration both
narrowed and widened.
General Immigration Restrictions
In August 1882, the rst general immigration law set up
a system whereby the federal government paid states to
supervise incoming immigrants, levied a head taxinitially fty centson each incoming alien passenger to nance the cost of supervision, and added an economic
restriction by barring persons likely to become a public
charge. This LPC clause, originally interpreted as barring persons who, because of age or inrmity, could not
support themselves, was later interpreted to bar the poor.
A spate of subsequent laws over the next twenty-ve years
barred successively contract laborers (1885 and 1887);
idiots, insane persons, those with a loathsome or
contagious disease, persons convicted of a variety of nonpolitical crimes, and polygamists (1891); and anarchists or persons who believe in or advocate the overthrow by force and violence the Government of the
United States (1903). Then, on the eve of American entry into World War I, Congress enacted the Immigration
Act of 5 February 1917 over President Woodrow Wilsons
veto. It codied all previous exclusion provisions, imposed a much-debated literacy test that required the ability to read a passage in any recognized language, including
Hebrew and Yiddish, expanded the grounds for mental
health exclusion, and created a barred zone that was
intended to keep out all Asians originating in nations east
of Iran except for Japanese. However, the courts soon
made an exception for Filipinos, who, it was ruled, were
not aliens but nationals and thus could not be excluded
from entry even though they, along with other Asians, were
ineligible for citizenship. Japanese laborers, but not other
Japanese, had been previously excluded by the Gentlemens
Agreement of 19071908 and thus were not included in
the barred zone, which mentioned no nations but was
expressed in degrees of latitude and longitude.


During these years organized opposition to immigration grew, but, except for the short-lived American
Protective Association, an anti-Catholic group that
ourished in the 1890s, it consisted of pressure groups
devoted to propaganda and lobbying rather than mass
political organizations. The most signicant of these was
the Immigration Restriction League founded by Harvard
graduates in 1894, which was the chief proponent of the
literacy test. These forces were greatly strengthened by
the general xenophobia of the World War I and postwar
The lame duck session of Congress in 1921 overwhelmingly passed the rst bill to impose numerical limits
on immigration, but Wilson killed it with a pocket veto.
This Quota Law was reenacted as a temporary measure
in the rst weeks of Warren G. Hardings administration.
It kept all of the existing restrictions, placed an annual cap
or quota on immigration of about 350,0003 percent of
the number of foreign-born in the 1910 censusmeted
out largely to the nations of northern and western Europe, based on the presumed number of American residents born there. However, this and all subsequent bills
limiting total immigration contained categories of persons
designated as not subject to numerical limitation. In the
1921 act, the chief of these were persons from the Western
Hemisphere, to which were added, in its more permanent
1924 successor, alien wivesbut not husbandsof U.S.
citizens and their children under eighteen.
The Immigration Act of 1924 based its quota allocation not on 3 percent of the newly available 1920 census
numbers, which showed a signicant increase in the
foreign-born from southern and eastern Europemostly
Italians, Poles, and eastern European Jewsbut on 2 percent of the 1890 census, when the incidence of such persons had been much smaller. This resulted in an initial
annual quota of 164,667. Other provisions of the 1924
law included a bar on the immigration of aliens ineligible
to citizenship, which unilaterally abrogated the Gentlemens Agreement by ending Japanese immigration, and
the establishment of a consular control system that required visas of European immigrants. It also established
a national-origins quota system, which went into effect
on 1 July 1929. That system required a group of specialists, mostly academics, to determine the national origins
of the American people and nd out what percent of the
entire American population in 1920 came from each eligible country. The experts, under the auspices of the
American Council of Learned Societies, were instructed
to exclude from their calculations immigrants and their
descendants from the New World and Asia, as well as the
descendents of slave immigrants and American aborigines. The result ensured that quota immigration was not
only white but largely British: the United Kingdoms
allocation went from 34,007 to 65,721, almost 44 percent
of the new quota, and most other national quotas were
substantially reduced. This system, with increasingly signicant modications over time, remained the general ba-

sis for the allocation of quota visas until 1965, but by that
time, quota spaces were a minority of annual admissions.
Relaxing Restrictions
The repeal of Chinese exclusion in 1943 was followed by
similar exceptions for Filipinos and natives of India in
1946. The otherwise reactionary McCarran-Walter Act
of 1952 ended all ethnic and racial bars to immigration
and naturalization and stopped overt gender discrimination as well. That act continued the national-origins system, but, beginning with the Displaced Persons Acts of
1948 and 1950, which admitted more than 400,000 European refugees outside of the quota system, a series of
special legislative and executive actions for refugee admissions weakened its restrictive effect.
The passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, although technically a group of amendments to the 1952
act, greatly revamped and liberalized immigration law. It
did away with national quotas by substituting numerical
hemispheric caps (ending the Western Hemispheres advantage) and expanded the annual number of visas and
increased the percentage of visas reserved for family
members of American residents. Spouses and minor children continued to be eligible without numerical limitation. Under its regime, total legal immigration increased
steadily throughout the rest of the twentieth century. By
2000, for the rst time in decades, the percentage of
foreign-born in the population had reached 10 percent
but still trailed the 13 to 14 percent levels that had prevailed between 1860 and 1920.

Anbinder, Tyler Gregory. Nativism and Slavery: The Northern

Know Nothings and the Politics of the 1850s. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. The best account of midnineteenth-century nativism.
Anderson, David L. Imperialism and Idealism: American Diplomats
in China, 18611898. Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 1985. Good for the diplomatic side of Chinese
Daniels, Roger. Coming to America: A History of Immigration and
Ethnicity in American Life. 2d ed. New York: HarperCollins,
2002. Contains summaries of policy and policy debates.
Higham, John. Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 18601925. 2d ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1992. The classic account of nativism in its
major phase.
Reimers, David M. Unwelcome Strangers: American Identity and
the Turn against Immigration. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998. Best account of late-twentieth-century
Sandmeyer, Elmer Clarence. The Anti-Chinese Movement in California. 2d ed. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
Solomon, Barbara Miller. Ancestors and Immigrants. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1956. Denitive for the
Immigration Restriction League.

Roger Daniels



See also Immigration; Nativism; and vol. 9: Gentlemens

Agreement; Proclamation on Immigration Quotas.

IMPEACHMENT. Article II, section 4, of the U.S.

Constitution provides that the President, Vice President
and all civil Ofcers of the United States, shall be removed from Ofce on Impeachment for, and Conviction
of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Article I, section 2, gives the House of Representatives the sole Power of Impeachment, and once
impeachment articles are brought by the House, according to Article I, section 3, The Senate shall have the sole
Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that
Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Afrmation. When the
President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice
shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without
the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present.
The penalties for impeachment are also carefully spelled
out by the Constitution in Article I, section 3: Judgment
in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to
removal from Ofce, and disqualication to hold and enjoy any Ofce of honor, Trust or Prot under the United
States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable
and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. While the president of the
United States has general power to grant pardons and
reprieves, this power, according to Article II, section 2, is
expressly denied him in Cases of Impeachment. The
only other mention of impeachment in the Constitution
is in Article III, section 2, which states, The Trial of all
Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by
Much mystery surrounds the proper grounds for impeachment and the precise nature of the proceedings. Impeachment as practiced in England carried with it criminal penalties and could result in the death of the offender.
For the United States, however, it is merely a means of
removing someone from ofce, though the conduct that
gives rise to impeachment can also serve as a basis for a
criminal prosecution. While the framers debated impeachment relatively little, it does appear clear that the language included in the Constitution represented a compromise between those who thought ofceholders ought
to be removable by the peoples representatives for any
maladministration and those who believed the president and the judges simply could not function if they were
subject to removal from ofce at the discretion of the
legislature. Thus, they limited impeachable offenses to
Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Treason and bribery are clear enough, but the phrase
other high Crimes and Misdemeanors is not. While the
statement in Article III about trials by jury seems to link
impeachments with crimes, several English impeachments
that were models for the framers did not. And the word
misdemeanors at the time of the writing of the Constitution meant only misdeeds rather than carrying the
connotation of minor crimes, as it did later.


Relatively few federal ofcials have been impeached

and tried, although the House has initiated impeachment
proceedings against three presidents and one justice of the
U.S. Supreme Court. The lower court judges who have
been impeached have generally been convicted in their
Senate trials, and all of them, with the exception of the
rst judge impeached, John Pickering, who was a habitual
drunkard and probably was insane, were guilty of criminal
conduct. Following impeachment, most of these judges
went to prison or faded into obscurity, although one
was subsequently elected as a member of the House of
Associate Justice Samuel Chase
After Pickerings removal in 1803, the House began impeachment proceedings against Associate Justice Samuel
Chase. Chase had been a strong partisan of John Adams
in the election of 1800, and when Thomas Jefferson won
that election, Chase found it difcult to hide his displeasure. He seemed sympathetic to the prosecution of Jeffersonian editors for seditious libel during the election
campaign and afterward he railed against the administration during a grand jury charge in 1803. The House of
Representatives voted articles against him in 1804 and his
trial before the Senate in 1805 was a major social, political, and cultural event. Chase had committed no crimes,
and his impeachment seems to have been brought both
because of his harsh criticism of the Jeffersonians and because his jurisprudential notions on the roles of judge and
jury differed from theirs. In the end many Jeffersonians
became convinced Chases removal would compromise
the independence of the judiciary and the Senate could
not nd the required two-thirds vote for his conviction.
Chases acquittal established the principle that judges
should not be removed for political reasons and his impeachment suggested the similar notion that judges should
seek to remain above politics.
President Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson assumed the presidency following the
assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. The nation
had just ended the Civil War and Congress and the new
president were embroiled in disputes over how to accomplish the reconstruction of the Union. Many congressional Republicans suspected that Johnson harbored southern sympathies, so to restrict his ability to control the
course of events Congress passed, over Johnsons veto, the
Tenure of Ofce Act (1867), a statute restricting the president from removing any cabinet members until the Senate had conrmed their successors. The constitutionality
of this statute was dubious, as the power to hire and re
subordinate executive ofcials would seem to be a presidential prerogative, but some, even at the time of the
framing, believed that such removal could not take place
without the concurrence of the same Senate that conrmed such appointments. Accordingly, when Johnson
challenged Congress by dismissing his secretary of war,
Edwin Stanton, whose sympathies were with Congress


rather than with the president, the House brought articles

of impeachment against Johnson. Johnson, too, was acquitted, but by only one vote. His impeachment was certainly the product of unusual circumstances, but it did
seem to imply that ignoring congressional sentiment or
abuse of ofce might constitute high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Congress had even taken care to specify in
the Tenure of Ofce Act that failure to follow the act
would be a high misdemeanor.
President Richard M. Nixon
The next case involving a presidential impeachment came
more than a century later, and was also concerned with
abuse of ofce, although the articles contemplated involved the commission of crimes as well. This was the
proposed impeachment of President Richard M. Nixon
and was the nal chapter in a political crisis known as
Watergate. The Watergate was an apartment complex in
Washington, D.C., that housed the ofces of the Democratic National Committee. During the presidential campaign of 1972, operatives eventually linked to persons
working in Nixon s White House broke into the ofces,
seeking materials that have never been revealed. The
White House sought to cover up its involvement in the
debacle, at one point even misleading the Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI) by claiming that important Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) matters would be compromised if the federal investigatory agency probed too
deeply into the White Houses operatives. After the Supreme Court forced the White House to turn over taped
evidence of meetings Nixon attended that involved plans
to misuse the FBI and CIA for political damage control,
the presidents position became untenable. The Senate
held hearings that exposed all sorts of ofcial misconduct,
and trials of the Watergate burglars revealed the connections with the White House. The House Judiciary Committee completed its hearings on impeachment articles
and recommended impeachment to the full House. Nixons
political support deteriorated even among members of his
own party, and in August 1974, before the full House
could vote, he became the rst president to resign his
ofce. Doing so, he avoided becoming the rst elected
president to be impeached.
President William Jefferson Clinton
That dubious distinction went to William Jefferson Clinton in December 1998. The Nixon impeachment and the
Chase impeachment were the models most often turned
to in the proceedings against Clinton, although the genesis of his impeachment was different from theirs. During
Clintons campaign for the presidency in 1992 and his
entire tenure in ofce, he was accused of nancial chicanery and extramarital dalliances. His political opponents
also charged that he and his wife misused White House
facilities and staff positions for the benet of themselves
and their personal and political associates. Pursuant to the
then-active Independent Counsel Law, a special prosecutor, the former federal judge Kenneth Starr, was ap-

pointed to investigate. The Independent Counsel Law required that Starr submit to Congress any evidence he
found of impeachable offenses.
After an investigation that cost more than $50 million, Starr found no clear evidence of any wrongdoing
with regard to nancial manipulations or misuse of the
White House. Nevertheless, Starr referred to Congress
evidence he had discovered in connection with a private
lawsuit brought against Clinton alleging sexual misconduct. The evidence demonstrated the president lied under
oath in a deposition, sought to get others to le false afdavits, sought to conceal evidence, lied to a grand jury
investigating these events, and sought through other means
to obstruct justice in the case. To the end Clinton denied any wrongdoing, but the evidence of his perjury and
obstruction of justice was clear and strong enough for the
civil trial court judge to ne him for contempt. Clinton
lost his license to practice law in Arkansas for ve years.
A majority of the House of Representatives, following some exceptionally stormy hearings before the House
Judiciary Committee, in December 1998 voted articles of
impeachment against the president for his perjury and
obstruction of justice. Virtually all of the House Republicans voted for the measure, and as they controlled the
chamber and only a majority is required for impeachment, they prevailed. No witnesses appeared before the
Senate, a rst in impeachment trial proceedings, and the
House managers were severely restricted in the evidence
they were allowed to present. The Senate voted on 12
February 1999. Not one Senate Democrat voted to remove the president, though many criticized his misconduct. Fifty Republicans voted to convict on one of the
charges and forty-ve voted to convict on the other,
numbers far short of the two-thirds majority, so Clinton
served his remaining two years in ofce.
The great constitutional question in the Clinton proceedings was whether or not the presidents conduct in a
private lawsuit was proper grounds for impeachment and
removal from ofce. If Clinton was guilty of the misconduct with which he was charged, and few reasonable observers doubted that he was guilty of the commission of
many felonies, his detractors said this was intolerable in
the only federal ofcial who takes a constitutional oath to
take care that the laws are faithfully executed. Further,
the Republicans maintained that this evidence of bad
character was sufcient to prove Clinton should not continue as president. Clintons Democratic defenders argued that, even if he had done the things alleged, these
were essentially private matters, that such personal peccadilloes were not disqualications for public ofce. It
was true that earlier impeachment cases seemed to involve
grave matters of state or abuse of ofce and that Clintons
misdeeds seemed different in kind. Nevertheless, some
scholars supporting the impeachment pointed out that
the framers considered personal virtue important and
wrote that impeachment was a tool to ensure that only
t characters served the nation. Clintons acquittal and



the political maelstrom his impeachment unleashed likely

means that impeachment will be reserved in the near future for cases of clearly ofcial misconduct. But it is also
likely that the character issue will remain an important
one in elective politics.

Berger, Raoul. Impeachment: The Constitutional Problems. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1973.
Gerhardt, Michael J. The Federal Impeachment Process: A Constitutional and Historical Analysis. 2d ed. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 2000.
Hoffer, Peter Charles, and N. E. H. Hull. Impeachment in America, 16351805. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
Kutler, Stanley I. The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard
Nixon. New York: Knopf, 1990.
Presser, Stephen B. Would George Washington Have Wanted
Bill Clinton Impeached? George Washington University Law
Review 67 (1999): 666681.
Whittington, Keith E. Constitutional Construction: Divided Powers
and Constitutional Meaning. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1999.

Stephen B. Presser
See also Constitution of the United States; Impeachment
Trial of Andrew Johnson; Impeachment Trial of Bill
Clinton; Impeachment Trial of Samuel Chase; and
vol. 9: Constitutional Faith.

IMPEACHMENT TRIAL OF ANDREW JOHNSON. President Andrew Johnson had been elected vice
president on the Union Party ticket and succeeded Abraham Lincoln upon his assassination in 1865, and his impeachment in 1868 grew out of the struggle over Reconstruction after the Civil War. Johnson insisted that, as
commander in chief of the armed forces, he had nal authority over Reconstruction. Congress insisted that Reconstruction required legislative action. This conict over
who had nal authority was exacerbated by differences
over the terms of Reconstruction. The president insisted
upon a speedy restoration of the southern states with generous amnesty and pardons for former Confederates and
no provision for protecting the rights of African Americans beyond their emancipation. As part of this policy, he
suspended the operation of some of Congresss wartime
laws, convinced they were inappropriate in a time of
peace. Without congressional authority, he reestablished
state governments in the South and insisted that Congress
must recognize their rights in the Union. Most Republicans demanded more radical political, social, and economic change in the South to foreclose future challenges
to the Union and to protect the rights of southern Unionists and African Americans. They denied that the president alone could enact a Reconstruction policy. After
more than a year of conict, Congress nally passed a


Reconstruction Act to begin the process anew under military control.

In the course of this struggle, Johnson used every
resource at his command to carry his policy and defeat
that of Congress. He vetoed every piece of congressional
Reconstruction legislation. He sustained former Confederates in political struggles with southern Unionists and
African Americans, fostering a climate that led to several
race riots. He bitterly assailed the policies of Congress,
and even appeared to question its legitimacy, calling it a
rump Congress, because it refused to seat congressmenelect from the states he had reestablished. He urged white
southerners to refuse to cooperate with congressional Reconstruction legislation. He sustained ofcials of southern governments, which the Reconstruction Act had left
in place provisionally, in conicts with the military ofcers the law had put in charge. In the course of this struggle, Johnson began removing Republican government ofcials and replacing them with men who would support
him, as was customary in those days. In response, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act over his veto.
The terms of this measure would prove crucial to the
impeachment. It provided that no government ofcer
could be removed until the Senate conrmed his replacement. However, the law created an exception to its general rule. It provided that the term of members of the
cabinet would end one month after the end of the term
of the president who appointed them. Before that time,
the president had to secure the approval of the Senate to
remove them.
In late summer of 1867, Johnson stepped up his campaign to defeat the operation of the Reconstruction Act.
To gain complete control of the army, in August 1867 he
suspended Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, who had
the condence of Republicans, and named General Ulysses S. Grant secretary of war ad interim. In doing so, he
followed the procedure of the Tenure of Ofce Act, which
allowed the president to suspend ofcials when the Senate
was adjourned, subject to ratication of the decision when
it reconvened. Over Grants protests, Johnson then replaced ofcers who carried out the Reconstruction Act
with too much enthusiasm with those who opposed the
measure. Johnsons aggressive course forced Congress to
amend its Reconstruction laws several times, and by the
winter of 18671868, it seemed that Johnson might succeed in preventing their successful execution.
Fearing his power of obstruction, the Radical Republicans had urged Johnsons removal as early as 7 January 1867, when the Ohio representative James M. Ashley
moved an impeachment resolution. It was referred to the
House Committee on the Judiciary, which began to investigate charges that Johnson had used his presidential
powers corruptly. After months of investigation, the committee divided over whether the presidents actions constituted impeachable offenses. A narrow majority recommended impeachment to the House on 25 November
1867, over the objections of a minority, led by the com-


mittee chairman, James F. Wilson, who argued that impeachment lay only for an indictable violation of a specic
law. Despite Johnsons aggressive course, on 7 December
a majority of Republicans joined Democrats to defeat the
Emboldened by his victory, Johnson redoubled his
efforts to disrupt the Reconstruction process, removing
two more military commanders who enforced the law vigorously with more conservative replacements. However,
he was frustrated when the Senate refused to agree to
Stantons removal and Grant returned the ofce of the
secretary of war to him. Johnson was determined to force
the issue, and on 21 February 1867 ordered Stantons removal in apparent violation of the Tenure of Ofce Act;
Stanton refused to give his ofce up to Johnsons temporary replacement. Faced now with what appeared to be
a clear violation of law, on 24 February, the House passed
an impeachment resolution without a dissenting Republican vote. On 2 March, it voted nine articles of impeachment and chose a committee to manage the impeachment
before the Senate; it added two more articles the next day.
The Trial
Nearly all the articles of impeachment centered in one
way or another on the removal of Stanton. Some impeached him for attempting to remove Stanton in violation of the Tenure of Ofce Act, others the attempt to
name an ad interim replacement without rst securing
Senate conrmation as both the Constitution and the act
required, and others repeated the same charges as part of
a conspiracy to violate the Constitution and the act. The
tenth article charged Johnson with attempting to stir hatred and contempt of Congress with the intent of setting
aside its authority. The eleventh article restated all the
charges in the general context of the struggle over Reconstruction. This was the only article that clearly placed
Johnsons attempt to remove Stanton in the context of a
general abuse of power rather than relying primarily on
the violation of a specic statute.

Impeachment Summons. President Andrew Johnson (right),

attended by Colonel William G. Moore, his private secretary,
is handed the summons by George T. Brown, sergeant at arms
of the Senate, to answer charges at his impeachment trial; it
began on 30 March 1868, two days after this engraving by
Theodore R. Davis appeared in Harpers Weekly. Library of

The managers of impeachment were John A. Bingham and James F. Wilson, who had led the opposition to
impeachment the previous December, and George S.
Boutwell, Benjamin F. Butler, Thaddeus Stevens, Thomas
Williams, and John A. Logan, with Bingham as chairman.
President Johnsons lawyers included the former Supreme
Court justice Benjamin R. Curtis; William M. Evarts, future attorney general, secretary of state, and U.S. senator
from New York; the former attorney general Henry Stanbery; William S. Groesbeck of Ohio; and the Tennessee
judge Thomas A. R. Nelson.

Radical Republicans, who urged that the proceeding was

essentially political. This stress on legalities aided the
presidents lawyers, enabling them to demand that all aspects of the charges be proven just as in an ordinary trial.
By abstracting the charges from the political context, the
presidents counsel made them appear trivial and partisan.
The managers efforts to remind senators of the political
context looked like appeals to partisanship that were out
of place in a legal forum.

Despite the efforts of the managers and Radical Republicans in the Senate to speed the proceedings, the trial
did not begin in earnest until 23 March. As the Constitution requires, the chief justice of the Supreme Court,
Salmon P. Chase, presided. Supported by Democratic and
conservative Republican senators, Chase stressed the legal
aspects of the proceedings, over the objections of more

The Senate also rebuffed the managers urgent requests to speed up the trial. As weeks of testimony and
argument wore on, the sense of crisis receded, further
helping the presidents counsel to separate the articles
from the bitter political and constitutional struggle of
which they were a part. Johnson helped his cause by ending his interference in the South and proposing an ac-



ceptable replacement for Stanton as secretary of war. Public support for the impeachment began to wane.
The presidents lawyers made somewhat inconsistent
arguments, some of which could be persuasive only if one
ignored the context in which he had tried to gain control
of the army. They argued that the president had removed
Stanton merely to create a court case in which he could
challenge the constitutionality of the Tenure of Ofce
Act. Even if the Tenure of Ofce Act was constitutional,
which they denied, the president could not be removed
merely for attempting to raise a court case on the question. On the other hand, Johnsons lawyers argued that
the Tenure of Ofce Act did not cover Stanton because
his term had ended one month after the death of Lincoln,
the president who had appointed him. Even if Johnson
had been wrong in this understanding, he could not be
removed for a mere mistake. Johnsons lawyers never explained how the president could have intended to challenge the constitutionality of the Tenure of Ofce Act by
removing an ofcer he did not believe was covered by it.
The impeachment managers argued that the presidents intent to violate the law was clear and that the Senate had already decided it was constitutional by passing
it. They argued that Stanton was protected from removal
by the law, either because he was still serving the term to
which Lincoln had appointed him, or if he were not, because he must then fall into the general category of government ofcers who could not be removed without Senate consent. Johnsons intent when he violated the act was
irrelevant as long as he knowingly violated the law, the
managers insisted. They also argued that the Constitution
barred the appointment of a government ofcer without
the conrmation of the Senate. The law permitted temporary appointments, such as Johnson had made when he
attempted to remove Stanton, only when a position became vacant due to a death, illness, or resignation.
By May, as the trial wound to its conclusion, it was
clear that Johnson might escape conviction. A number of
Republican senators had joined Democrats to support the
presidents position on procedural issues and acceptance
of testimony. Republican congressmen and constituents
pressed wavering colleagues to vote to convict. To maximize the chances for conviction, the Senate voted rst on
the eleventh article, which had emerged as the strongest.
On 16 May, senators divided 35 to 19 in favor of conviction, one vote short of the necessary two-thirds. The majority then forced an adjournment of ten days, during
which the seven Republicans who had refused to convict
came under renewed pressure. However, when the Senate
resumed voting on 26 May, they reached the same result
on the second and third articles. Knowing that there was
even less support for conviction on the other articles, the
Senate adjourned the entire proceeding.
Nearly all the Republicans who voted against conviction did so because they did not believe Stanton was
within the terms of the Tenure of Ofce Act. It is also
clear that they were worried about the effect of a convic-


tion upon the future stability of the presidency as well as

distrustful of Senator Benjamin F. Wade, who as Senate
president pro tem would succeed Johnson as president.
Although there were calls for retribution against the dissenters, no action was taken. Nonetheless, many of them
later joined dissident Republican movements that challenged the party leadership.

Benedict, Michael Les. The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew

Johnson. New York: Norton, 1973.
Rehnquist, William H. Grand Inquests: The Historic Impeachments
of Justice Samuel Chase and President Andrew Johnson. New
York: Morrow, 1992.
Trefousse, Hans L. The Impeachment of a President: Andrew Johnson, the Blacks, and Reconstruction. New York: Fordham University Press, 1999.

Michael L. Benedict
See also Impeachment; Reconstruction.


On 19 December 1998 the Republican-controlled House
of Representatives brought two articles of impeachment
against President Bill Clinton, charging him with perjury
and obstruction of justice. Both charges stemmed from
Clintons efforts to conceal the nature of his relationship
with Monica Lewinsky, with whom he had had intermittent sexual encounters from November 1995 to April
1996 when she was a White House employee. On 12 February 1999 the Senate voted to acquit the president on
both charges, capping a fourteen-month saga that dominated the news and brought partisan ghting in Washington to a fevered pitch.
The Road to Impeachment
The drama began with two would-be scandals that, apart
from their implications for the Lewinsky matter, effectively came to naught. The rst, which arose during the
1992 presidential campaign, involved alleged improprieties surrounding Clintons 1978 investment in an Arkansas real estate deal known as Whitewater. After Clinton
assumed the presidency in 1993, Congress held hearings
on the matter, and under mounting pressure the president
agreed on 12 January 1994 to appoint an Independent
Counsel to investigate. In June 1994 the Counsel, Republican Robert Fiske, issued two reports exculpating
Clinton. One month later, however, the Republican judge
overseeing the Counsels ofce replaced Fiske with the
Kirkland and Ellis attorney Kenneth W. Starr, a former
judge and staunch Clinton opponent who had served as
solicitor general under President George H. W. Bush.
Concurrently, in December 1993 the conservative
magazine The American Spectator reported claims by Arkansas state troopers that Clinton had conducted extramarital affairs while governor of Arkansas. The article
attracted widespread attention among Washington jour-


nalists. On 6 May 1994, one woman cited in the article,

Paula Jones, led a sexual harassment lawsuit against the
president, alleging he had made a lurid pass at her. Clinton fought the suit, but the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 on
27 May 1997 that it could proceed. Supported by conservative organizations and secretly assisted by Republican lawyers including Robert Bork and Theodore Olson,
Joness legal team gathered information about Clintons
sex life. They hoped to bolster Joness claims with evidence of other harassment incidents.

that Starr was probing whether Clinton had committed

or suborned perjury in the Jones suit.

Starting in October 1997, Linda Tripp, a Defense

Department employee and friend of Monica Lewinsky,
began secretly tape-recording her conversations with Lewinsky, which included discussions of Lewinskys affair with
Clinton two years earlier. Tripp, who disliked the president, hoped to expose the affair. In October, Tripp began
sharing her information with a reporter for Newsweek
magazine. In November she shared it with Joness lawyers, who subpoenaed Lewinsky to testify. Lewinsky visited Clinton in December 1997 and discussed her testimony. On 7 January 1998 she signed an afdavit saying
she had not had a sexual relationship with Clinton.

On 26 January, Clinton spoke at the White House,

insisting, I did not have sexual relations with that woman,
Miss Lewinsky. Some observers accurately guessed that
Clinton might be craftily denying that he and Lewinsky
had had intercourse (which they had not) without disowning other intimate activities. Others jumped to the
conclusion that he was lying. A few believed no extraordinary relationship had existed at all.

Meanwhile, Starr had broadened his Whitewater inquiry to probe a host of issues, including Clintons sex
life. Through back-channel contacts with Joness lawyers,
Starr learned of the Lewinsky affair. On 12 January 1998,
Tripp gave Starr her tapes of Lewinsky disclosing the affair and suggesting that Clinton had encouraged her to
deny it. Four days later Starr secured permission from
Attorney General Janet Reno and a three-judge panel to
investigate the affair.
On 17 January, Clinton, unaware of these developments, testied in the Jones case. Carefully parsing his
language, he sought to avoid admitting to any extramarital sexual activity while also truthfully describing his behavior. His evasive answers, however, revealed the futility
of his task. When asked, for example, if he had ever been
alone with Lewinsky, he said, I dont recall. It seems to
me she brought things to me once or twice on the weekends. Such comments (and similar ones in Clintons later
testimony) became the bone of contention in the impeachment case. Clintons critics would assert that they
constituted perjury and required his ouster. The president
would maintain that, although often ambiguous, they
were literally truthful. Other supporters of the president
would argue that, whatever their technical veracity, such
statements were designed to conceal a private affair and
did not warrant the removal of a president for just the
second time in history.
By the time of Clintons testimony, Newsweek was
preparing to run its story, but at Starrs request, it agreed
to wait. On 18 January the Drudge Report, an Internet
gossip site, reported that Newsweek had held its story
thus publicly disclosing for the rst time the news of Clinton and Lewinskys affair. Mainstream news outlets began
investigating the matter. On 21 January several news organizations reported the allegations, along with the fact

Suddenly, newspapers and television networks sensed

and createda scandal that riveted much of the nation
for weeks and dominated the news for more than a year.
Editors ordered their reporters to leave Havana, where
they were covering the Popes historic visit to Cuba, for
Washington. Some commentators predicted Clinton would
resign or be impeached imminently.

After a brief dip, Clintons popularity quickly rebounded. By February his approval rating hovered at
about 70 percent, where it remained throughout the year,
despite intense criticism. For roughly the next six months,
as Starr called witnesses before a grand jury, a stalemate
ensued. Because Starr would not grant Lewinsky immunity from prosecution, she refused to testify. The inquiry
Starrs case suffered a blow on 1 April 1998, when
U.S. District Court Judge Susan Webber Wright dismissed Joness sexual harassment suit. The dismissal raised
the prospect that Clintons testimony in the Jones case,
even if false, might be immaterial and technically not
perjurious. Starr also drew re for leaking grand jury testimony to sympathetic reporters in order to mobilize public pressure against the president.
In June, Lewinsky hired new lawyers, and on 27 July
she ipped. She met with Starrs staff for the rst time
and presented the details of her relationship with Clinton.
Starr granted her immunity. Lewinsky also turned over a
dress that was stained with semen, the DNA from which
proved that Clinton and Lewinsky had been intimate.
The next day, Clinton, whom Starr had subpoenaed to
come before the grand jury, agreed to appear.
On 17 August, Clinton testied by closed-circuit
television from the White House. He admitted his affair
with Lewinsky while insisting he had not lied in his Jones
testimony. He continued to use evasive language, for
which he would later be impeached. That night, he delivered a televised address in which he apologized for a
relationship with Lewinsky that he described as not appropriate and wrong.
Most Americans said they were satised with the
speech, wanted Clinton to stay in ofce, and hoped the
investigation would be dropped. Many commentators in
the media, however, joined the presidents political foes
in attacking his response as inadequate. In the following
weeks, Clinton offered numerous additional apologies,



pealed the dismissal of her suit against Clinton, and the

president, wanting to avoid further pitfalls, agreed on 13
November to pay her $850,000 if she would drop her
demand for an apology. She did.
Impeachment hearings began 19 November with
Starr as the main witness. Clinton participated by submitting written answers to eighty-one questions from the
House Judiciary Committee. Throughout the next three
months, a variety of elder statesmen and party leaders on
both sides tried to negotiate a compromise under which
Clinton would be censured and the impeachment charges
dismissed, but these efforts repeatedly failed.

Grounds for Impeachment? A still from the videotape of

President Bill Clintons grand jury testimony, 17 August 1998.
AP/Wide World Photos

at one point labeling his relationship with Lewinsky

On 9 September, Starr submitted a 445-page report
to Congress amid massive media attention. Starr charged
Clinton with eleven impeachable offenses including perjury, obstruction of justice, and witness tampering. Two
days later, the House of Representatives voted to make
the Starr report available to the public. Publishers rushed
their own editions into bookstores, and the report was
posted on the Internet. The report drew comment mainly
for its explicit sexual detail.
Impeachment and Acquittal
Despite continuing public support for the president, the
House of Representatives, in which Republicans held a
twenty-one-seat majority, voted on 8 October to begin
impeachment hearings. First, the Judiciary Committee
would have to decide whether to recommend impeaching
Clinton; then the House would have to vote to impeach;
and then the Senate would vote on whether to convict
Clinton and remove him from ofce.
On 3 November, Election Day, the Republicans lost
ve seats in the House after running an advertising blitz
attacking the presidents integrity. Few anticipated the
setback, which revealed public discontent with the impeachment drive. On 6 November, House Speaker Newt
Gingrich resigned, stating that he was taking responsibility for the defeats, although it later emerged that Gingrich had been sexually involved with a staffer, whom he
subsequently married. In the meantime, Paula Jones ap-


On 12 and 13 December the House Judiciary Committee, voting along party lines, approved four articles of
impeachment. Two charged Clinton with perjury, a third
with obstruction of justice, and a fourth with abuse of
power. The House of Representatives heard arguments
from both camps and planned to vote on impeachment
on 16 December. But that day American and British
forces attacked Iraq, hoping to thwart its development of
weapons of mass destruction. Some Clinton critics, including Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, accused the
president of trying to divert attention from the impeachment vote, which was postponed until 18 December.
Then, on the morning of 19 December, Representative
Bob Livingston of Louisiana, whom Republicans planned
to elect as Speaker, admitted that he too had committed
adultery and was resigning from Congress. (House Judiciary chairman Henry Hyde and Georgia congressman
Bob Barr faced similar exposures during the impeachment
That afternoon, the House approved two articles of
impeachment. The rst, charging Clinton with perjury in
his 17 August grand-jury testimony, passed 228-206. Another, charging obstruction of justice, passed 221-212.
The two other articles, charging perjury in the Jones case
and abuse of power, failed by votes of 229-205 and 285148, respectively.
After the votes, Congress adjourned, leaving the Senate trial for the next session. Despite ongoing but futile
efforts to broker a censure compromise, the outcome was
a foregone conclusion. Although the Republicans had a
55-45 majority, a two-thirds majority was needed to convict, and all but a few Democratic Senators had indicated
they would not support the presidents ouster.
Proceedings began on 7 January 1999. They followed
the model of the 1868 impeachment trial of President
Andrew Johnson. Supreme Court Chief Justice William
Rehnquist presided as senators heard several days of testimony, rst from the House Judiciary Committee Republicans who had voted for impeachment and then from
Clintons lawyers. A motion to dismiss the trial failed on
27 January, with one Democrat joining the Republicans
in opposition. Then, three witnesses, including Lewinsky,
gave additional testimony. The Senate hearings concluded
on 9 February through 11 February with several days of
debate among the Senators themselves.


On 12 February, the Senate voted. On Article One,

charging perjury, ten Republicans joined all forty-ve
Democrats in voting to acquit Clinton. On Article Two,
the Democrats were joined by ve Republicans, again
voting to acquit.
Afterward, commentators debated the signicance of
the ordeal. Some viewed it as a partisan power struggle,
or an effort to oust a president who inspired deep hate
among his foes. Others viewed it as a debate about the
countrys sexual mores, with Clintons opponents ghting
for a return to Victorian norms that punished aberrant
behaviors and his supporters defending a new, more tolerant morality. The debate also revealed a gulf between
the public, most of which wished to see Clinton stay in
ofce, and elite journalists and politicians in Washington,
who demanded Clintons resignation. In the short run, the
impeachment, although a stain on Clintons record, probably harmed the Republicans more than the Democrats.
Clinton remained enormously popular the whole time,
while the Republicans saw their public standing drop.
Some argued that the most lasting effect of the affair was
to divert Clinton and the Congress from other concerns,
keeping them from accomplishing more in his second

Baker, Peter. The Breach: Inside the Impeachment and Trial of William Jefferson Clinton. New York: Scribner, 2000.
Toobin, Jeffrey. A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal
That Nearly Brought Down a President. New York: Touchstone Books, 1999.

David Greenberg
See also Impeachment; Impeachment Trial of Andrew Johnson; Political Scandals; Scandals; and vol. 9: Rose Garden Statement.


On 2 May 1803, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel
Chase delivered a charge to a Baltimore grand jury in
which he blasted Congress and the Jefferson administration for repealing the Judiciary Act of 1801 and thus unseating federal circuit court judges. He also lashed out at
the Maryland legislature for eliminating property qualications for the franchise and for interfering with the
operation of Marylands courts. Chase railed that America
was risking a descent into mobocracy, which he called
the worst form of all governments. Earlier, in the election year of 1800, he had earned the enmity of the Jeffersonians for his judicial conduct during seditious libel
prosecutions of newspaper editors and others who were
critical of the incumbent president, John Adams, and
sympathetic to his challenger, Jefferson. Chases active
campaigning for Adams similarly secured their ire.
Thus, in 1804, the House of Representatives, with
the tacit blessing of Jefferson, brought articles of im-

peachment against Chase, and he was tried before the

Senate in 1805. There were eight articles, but the most
important involved the 1803 grand jury charge and the
allegedly partisan nature of Chases conduct of the 1800
trial of James Thompson Callender, who had written a
book critical of Adams, and of the trial for treason of John
Fries, also in 1800.
The Senate prosecution of Chase was conducted by
Representative John Randolph, a rebrand proponent of
states rights from Virginia. At the trial, Randolph presented an emotional but disorganized harangue against
Chase. Chase was defended by the nest lawyers the Federalists could assemble, who emphasized that he was not
accused of any crimes, but rather was impeached merely
because he took legal positions not in accordance with
the jurisprudential theories advanced by Jeffersonians. In
particular, in the Callender and Fries trials Chase had
sought to exclude evidence or arguments that he thought
irrelevant and which might mislead the jury. Randolph
argued that the juries should have been allowed to determine the law and the facts with a maximum of discretion,
but Chase believed the jury had a more narrow role, to
apply the law as given to it by the judge to the facts as
found from the most reliable evidence. Chases rulings
were in keeping with what was to become American orthodoxy and Randolphs notions were no longer in the
Chases philippic before the Baltimore grand jury was
more political than judicial, but the requisite two-thirds
majority could not be found in the Senate even for conviction on that conduct. Persuaded that the prosecution
of Chase represented an inappropriate attack on the independence of the judiciary, some Jeffersonian Republicans joined all the Federalist members of the Senate in
voting to acquit, and thus Chase prevailed. The conventional wisdom regarding the outcome of Chases impeachmentthe only such proceeding ever brought against a
U.S. Supreme Court justiceis that it showed that a
judge could not be removed simply for taking politically
unpopular positions. Less often observed is that the Chase
impeachment caused the Supreme Court to shy away
from overt displays of politics, and to a great extent, that
it caused the federal judges to give up their role as Republican schoolmasters to the American public.


Presser, Stephen B. The Original Misunderstanding: The English,

the Americans, and the Dialectic of Federalist Jurisprudence.
Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 1991.
Whittington, Keith E. Constitutional Construction: Divided Powers
and Constitutional Meaning. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1999.

Stephen B. Presser
See also Impeachment; Supreme Court.



IMPENDING CRISIS OF THE SOUTH, by Hinton Rowan Helper, was one of the most sensational books
ever published in the United States. Appearing in the
spring of 1857 as the nation was sliding toward civil war,
the book became the centerpiece of an intense debate on
the oor of the U.S. Congress. Helper, an obscure yeoman farmer from North Carolina, claimed that slavery
was an economic disaster for the South and an insurmountable barrier to the economic advancement of the
regions slaveless farmers. There was nothing new about
this argument. Political economists had long claimed that
slavery inhibited economic development and undermined
small farmers, craftsmen, and manufacturers. Much of
The Impending Crisis was a tedious recitation of dull statistics designed to prove this familiar argument. But
Helper also added a shockingly inammatory threat: If
the southern planters did not voluntarily dismantle the
slave system, he warned, the small farmers would launch
a sustained class war across the South. Helper even hinted
at a slave rebellion, although he himself had racist proclivities and little or no sympathy for the plight of the
slaves. Coming at such a sensitive moment in national
politics, it was no wonder southern leaders denounced
Helpers northern supporters with such vehemence.

Helper, Hinton Rowan. The Impending Crisis of the South; How

to Meet It. Edited with an introduction by George M. Fredrickson. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1968.

James Oakes
See also Slavery; and vol. 9: The Impending Crisis of the
South: How to Meet It.

IMPERIALISM. Americans have long thought of

themselves as an anti-imperial people. The nation was,
after all, founded in revolt against the British Empire. In
the twentieth century, the rhetoric of national selfdetermination pervaded American discussions of foreign
affairs. From Thomas Jefferson to Woodrow Wilson, the
United States dened itself in opposition to the imperialism of other empires.
Imperialism, in this American usage, refers to the
domination of another society against the expressed will
of its people. Imperialism can be both formal and informal. In the case of formal empireas in the British rule
over the thirteen American colonies during the eighteenth centurya powerful foreign state manages the
day-to-day political, social, and economic affairs in another land. Informal empire, in contrast, refers to a more
indirect arrangement, whereby a foreign state works
through local intermediaries to manage a distant society.
In early nineteenth-century India, for example, British
authorities negotiated favorable trade arrangements with
native monarchs rather than bear the heavy costs of direct
imperial control.


Close attention to these two kinds of imperialism has

led many scholars to conclude that, despite popular assumptions, imperialism as a general term applies to American history. In particular, the years after the Civil War
show abundant evidence of Americans expanding their
economic, political, military, and cultural control over
foreign societies. The post-1865 period is distinguished
from previous decades, when the young Republic was
both struggling for its survival and expanding over contiguous territory that it rapidly incorporated into the constitutional structures of the United States. Imperialism
implies something different from continental expansion.
It refers to the permanent subordination of distant societies, rather than their reorganization as states of equal
standing in a single nation. America extended its federalist
structure of governance across the North American continent before the Civil War. After that watershed, a powerful United States established areas of domination in
distant lands, whose people were not allowed equal representation in governance. By the dawn of the twentieth
century, the United States had a large informal empire
and a smaller but still signicant formal empire as well.
From the Civil War to the Twentieth Century
William Henry Seward, secretary of state during and immediately after the Civil War, recognized that the United
States needed an overseas empire for its future peace and
prosperity. The wounds of the bloody North-South conict would heal, he believed, only with the promise of
overseas benets for all sections of the country. Informal
U.S. expansion into foreign marketsespecially in Asia
and the Caribbeanprovided farmers and industrialists
with access to consumers and resources. At a time when
the U.S. economy had begun to employ factory manufacturing, mechanized agriculture, and railroad transportation, large overseas outlets became necessary for prosperity. Americans were dependent on assured access to
international markets, Seward believed, and this required
expansion across the Atlantic and Pacic Oceans.
Seward began by building a highway to Asia. This
included annexation of the Brooks Islands in 1867 (renamed the Midway Islands in 1903). The secretary of
state also negotiated a treaty guaranteeing American businesses access to the island kingdom of Hawaii. The U.S.
Senate eventually approved this treaty in 1875. Seward
expected that the Brooks Islands and Hawaii would serve
as important stepping-stones for American inuence in
the lucrative markets of China and Japan.
When the United States encountered resistance to
its postCivil War expansion in Asia, the government employed diplomatic and military pressures. In 1866, after
the Japanese government closed itself to foreign trade, the
United States joined other imperial powersthe British,
the French, and the Dutchin forcing Western access to
the island nation over the objections of native interests.
Seward dispatched a warship, the U.S.S. Wyoming, to join
in naval exercises off the Japanese coast.


In China, the largest and most promising market,

Seward used diplomacy instead of explicit force. According to the Burlingame Treaty, signed in September
1868, the Chinese government gave the United States
trading access to designated coastal areas, with the additional right to build railroads and telegraphs facilitating
penetration of the hinterland. In return, the United States
allowed thousands of Chinese laborers to migrate across
the Pacic. This arrangement helped to relieve Chinas
overpopulation difculties, and it provided American companiesparticularly on the West Coastwith a large pool
of low-wage workers. The U.S. government worked with
the Chinese emperor to guarantee a market for the export
of American products and the import of cheap labor.
Sewards imperialism set the stage for succeeding
secretaries of state, but his policies inspired strong domestic resistance. By the time he left ofce in 1869, Seward had built an American overseas empire that included
formal possessions, including the Brooks Islands and
Alaska (1867), as well as larger informal areas of inuence,
which included Hawaii, Japan, and, most important of all,
China. Many Americans expressed discomfort with this
evidence of imperialism, including Republican Senator
Charles Sumner and Horace Greeley, editor of the New
York Tribune. Sewards other ambitious plansincluding
acquisition of the Danish West Indies (the U.S. Virgin
Islands) and the construction of an isthmian canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacic Oceans through a sliver
of Colombiadied at the hands of anti-imperialists on
the oor of the U.S. Senate.
Despite these setbacks, Seward and his successors
recognized the overriding imperialist trend in American
foreign policy at the time. In addition to the economic
advantages derived from overseas expansion, a series of
internal social and cultural pressures pushed the United
States to become more involved in managing distant societies. Religious beliefin particular a desire to spread
Christian civilizationhad motivated Western settlement across the North American continent during the
period of manifest destiny, before the Civil War. Now
these same urges inspired overseas proselytism. Ministers
like Josiah Strong of the Home Missionary Society called
upon thousands of their followers to establish churches
and schools throughout China and other foreign countries. Christian missionaries would not only save less
privileged souls, they would also display the profound
righteousness of American society. As was the case with
Britain and many other imperial powers in the nineteenth
century, the United States dened its national identity by
asserting superiority overand a duty to convertOriental heathens.
American imperialism, in this sense, was part of a
much larger international competition. Britain, France,
and Russiaand by the last decades of the nineteenth
century, Germany and Japanwere all competing for inuence in Asia, Africa, and other open spaces for expansion. American leaders felt they had to adopt impe-

rialistic policies of their own. Otherwise, the United

States risked permanent exclusion from future opportunities abroad. Secretary of State John Hays Open Door
Notes of 1899 and 1900 codied this argument, proclaiming that the United States would assert its presence in
China and other countries to make sure that other imperialist powers did not close off American access. As a
self-conscious great power with a civilizing mission and a
growing dependence on foreign markets, the United
States needed its own empirepreferably informal. The
historian Frederick Jackson Turners inuential 1893 essay, The Signicance of the Frontier in American History, captured this sense that the proving ground for
American society was no longer on the North American
continent, but now overseas.
One could not build an empireeven an informal
onewithout an adequate military. After an initial decade
of demobilization after the Civil War, the United States
embarked upon a period of extensive naval construction
in the late nineteenth century. Alfred Thayer Mahan,
president of the newly created Naval War College, outlined a new military doctrine for American imperialism in
his widely read lectures, The Inuence of Sea Power upon
History, 16601783. First published in 1890, Mahans text
mined the history of the Roman and British empires to
show that a large trading state could ensure its wealth and
security by asserting dominance of the sea. A large battleship navy, in control of important strategic waterways
and coaling stations across the globe, would guarantee the
ow of commerce. It would also allow for the United
States to inuence foreign societies, transporting concentrated forces across great distances.
Largely as a consequence of Mahans inuence, the
U.S. naval eet grew consistently between 1890 and 1914.
More ships created new opportunities for force projection. New overseas naval interests, in turn, justied ever
larger estimates of strategic necessities. By 1898, the U.S.
Navy had become both an advocate and a tool of American imperialism.
The United States used its growing naval power to
force the declining Spanish empire out of Cuba and the
Philippines. In both areas, America became the new imperial power. In 1901, the United Statesnow in formal
control of Cubaforced the native government of the
island to include in its constitution a series of stipulations
known as the Platt Amendment (named for Senator Orville Platt, a Republican from Connecticut). These included assurances of American political and economic
domination. The U.S. Navy acquired possession of a major facility on the island, Guantanamo Naval Base. Washington also asserted the future right to intervene militarily
in Cuba if U.S. interests were jeopardized. After granting
the island nominal independence in 1902, the United
States did indeed send an army of pacication to the
island in 1906 for the purpose of repressing anti-American
groups. The United States practiced a combination of informal and formal imperialism in Cuba.



In the case of the Philippines, the United States initially went to war with Spain in 1898 for the purpose of
acquiring an informal naval coaling station. Native resistance to U.S. interests and a growing recognition in
Washington that the archipelago would serve as an ideal
point of embarkation for trade with the Chinese mainland
led President William McKinley to declare the Philippines a permanent U.S. colony on 21 December 1898.
America fought a bloody forty-one-month war to secure
possession of the entire archipelago. During this Philippine Insurrection, the United States created an occupation army that waged total war on local resistance.
Forty-two hundred Americans died in battle for possession of this colony. As many as twenty thousand Filipino
insurgents also died. As never before, the United States
had established direct control over a foreign society
seven thousand miles from North Americathrough brute
force. At the dawn of the twentieth century, the evidence
of American imperialism was unmistakable.
Liberal Imperialism
During the rst half of the twentieth century, the United
States was both an advocate of democracy and a practitioner of imperialism. The two are not necessarily contradictory. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow
Wilson both believed they had an obligation to spread
American ideas and interests across the globe. As a new
world power, the United States had an apparent opportunity to remake the international system in a way that
would eliminate the old ravages of war and corrupt alliances. Roosevelt and Wilson sought to replace militaristic
aristocracies with governments that promised economic
development and, eventually, democracy. International
change of this variety would, they assumed, best serve
Americas long-term interests.
In the short run, however, the new diplomacy of
Roosevelt and Wilson required more extensive American
imperialism. When societies refused to follow the alleged
tide of modern economic development and democracy
symbolized by the United States, Washington felt an urge
to intervene. On a number of occasions, U.S. leaders went
so far as to force societies to be free on American terms.
This was the rationale behind a series of early twentiethcentury U.S. interventions in the Western Hemisphere
that included, among others, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Mexico. In each case, the United
States asserted strategic and economic interests, and a
long-term commitment to the betterment of the society
under Washingtons control. When U.S. military forces
left their foreign areas of occupation, the threat of their
redeployment served to intimidate those who wished to
challenge U.S. inuence.
In Europe and Asia, the United States pursued a consistent policy of informal imperialism during the rst decades of the twentieth century. Contrary to the image of
American diplomatic isolation before and after World
War I, U.S. businesses worked with Washingtons ex-


plicitthough often unofcialsupport to build new

overseas markets during this period. Investment rms like
J. P. Morgan and Company lent large sums to countries
such as Great Britain and France, forcing them to allow
more American inuence in the daily workings of their
economies. Industrial concerns like Standard Oil, Singer
Sewing Company, and International Harvester became
more active in controlling natural resources overseas and
marketing their products to foreign consumers. Perhaps
most signicant of all, intellectual and charitable groups
like the Carnegie Council and the Rockefeller Foundation began to advise leaders in Europe, Asia, and Latin
America on how they could make their societies and economies look more like that of the United States. Their
seemingly objective counsels encouraged private property concentration, natural resource extraction, and increased tradeall factors that served to increase the inuence of American rms.
The worldwide economic depression of the 1930s
and the rise of fascism restricted much of the international
commerce and communication that had ourished in the
rst decades of the century. These conditions, however,
only heightened the pressures for informal American imperialism. Fearful that economic and political forcesespecially in Germanywere moving against trade, economic development, and democracy, the U.S. government
continued to encourage the activities of American companies and advisory groups abroad.
The administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, in particular, sponsored the overseas marketing of Hollywoodproduced lms. Movies helped to proselytize the individual
freedoms and personal prosperity that Americans believed
were essential for a peaceful, liberal world. Hollywood
helped nurture foreign consumers who would soon want
to purchase the American-made automobiles and other
products gloried on the silver screen. Most signicant
of all, policymakers like Roosevelt believed that movie
exports would help inspire positive views of the United
States in foreign societies. The president even thought
this might work with Soviet leader Joseph Stalinan
avid consumer of American movies. Roosevelt hoped
that Hollywood depictions of Soviet-American friendship would help solidify the two nations in their ght
against Nazi fascism.
World War II and the Cold War
U.S. participation in World War II formalized Americas
liberal imperialism of the prior decades. As part of the
Atlantic Charternegotiated when Roosevelt and British
Prime Minister Winston Churchill met in secret between
9 and 12 August 1941the United States proclaimed that
the war against fascism would end with a permanent system of general security that would embrace national selfdetermination, free trade, and disarmament. Citizens of
foreign countries would benet from improved labor
standards, economic advancement, and social security
when they restructured their societies to look like the


United States. The Atlantic Charter laid out an agenda

for total war against the large standing armies, state-run
economies, and dictatorial governments that characterized fascist regimes. This is what one scholar calls the
American way of war. Between 1941 and 1945, the
United States deployed unprecedented military force
including two atomic bombsto annihilate its most direct
challengers in Asia and Europe. American commitments
to free trade, economic development, and democracy required the unconditional surrender of Japanese, German,
and Italian fascists. U.S. leaders and citizens not only asserted that their nation was the necessary arsenal of democracy, they also proclaimed that they would remake
the world after the horrors of war and genocide. The defeat of fascism would christen the American Century,
when the United States would play the unabashed role of
liberal imperialist, planting the seeds of American-style
economic growth and democracy across the globe.
The United States undertook this task with extraordinary resolve as soon as World War II came to a close
in 1945. In the western half of Germany and the European continent, American policymakers rebuilt wardevastated societies. The Economic Recovery Program of
1947 (also known as the Marshall Plan, after Secretary
of State George Marshall) provided a staggering $13 billion of U.S. aid to feed starving people, reorganize industry, and jump-start economic production. Instead of
the reparations and loans that weighed down European
economies after World War I, the United States used the
Marshall Plan to foster postwar stability, prosperity, and
integration in Europe. With their economies organized
along liberal capitalist lines, the west European countries
developed favorable markets for American exports only a
few years after the end of World War II.
In Japan and the western half of Germany, Americas
liberal imperialism was formal and incredibly successful.
In both societies, U.S. ofcials helped to write new constitutions. The Japanese national charter of 1946 prohibited militarism and state control over the economy.
It gave Japanese women the right to vote for the rst
time, promoted noncommunist labor unions, encouraged
free public expression, and created new opportunities for
American-style schooling. The new German Basic Law,
promulgated in 1949, similarly outlawed fascism and ensured individual rights, personal property ownership, and
free elections. In both societies, the United States worked
with a series of local politicians to uproot authoritarian
traditions and impose liberal democracy. American ofcials sought to prevent future war, improve the lives of
foreign citizens, and ensure U.S. strategic and economic
interests. These goals were not incompatible; in fact, they
reected a formalization of American assumptions dating
back to 1865.
The Soviet Union objected to Americas liberal imperialism for obvious reasons. Joseph Stalin and his successors recognized that U.S. expansion in Europe and
Asia prohibited the spread of communist ideals. Instead

of the worker rights and economic equality championed

by the Soviet Unionin words, if not in practiceAmerican inuence privileged personal liberties and individual
wealth accumulation. The conict between Americas liberal democratic vision and the Soviet Unions communist
alternative created an environment of competing imperialisms, which contemporaries called the Cold War.
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Soviet criticisms
of U.S. imperialism gained some popular support in
Asian, African, and Latin American societies struggling
for independence against inherited European and American domination. This was most evident in Indochina.
Despite its anticolonial inclinations, U.S. leaders supported French colonialism in this region of Southeast Asia
after World War II. In the eyes of U.S. policymakers,
national independence for Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian citizens threatened to undermine the stability and
security of the region. Nationalist governments would allegedly threaten trade and economic development. Most
signicantly, American leaders feared that newly independent governments would fall under the inuence of
Soviet and, after 1949, Chinese communism. Liberal
imperialism appeared necessary to contain communist
expansion and prepare underdeveloped societies for
eventual independence.
When Vietnamese nationalistsaided, as Washington predicted, by China and the Soviet Unionforced
the French out of Indochina in 1954, the United States
took over as a formal imperialist in the region. By the end
of 1965, U.S. soldiers were ghting an extensive ground,
sea, and air war against Vietnamese nationalists. Before
the last U.S. troops withdrew from the region in 1975,
hundreds of thousandsperhaps millionsof peasants
had died or suffered dislocation as a consequence of
American military activities. In addition, 58,193 U.S. soldiers perished in this war.
The Vietnam War illustrated the extended brutality
of American imperialism during the Cold War. Longstanding economic and political impulses had combined
with militant anticommunism to devastate much of Southeast Asia. Observers in countries around the worldincluding the United Statescondemned American foreign
policy for undermining the liberal purposes that it claimed
to serve. The global revolt witnessed in 1968 on city
streets across the United States, Europe, Asia, and Latin
America was an international reaction against American
After Vietnam and to the Twenty-First Century
American foreign policy was never the same after the
Vietnam War. Aware of the resistance that the formal elements of American imperialism had inspired, policymakers returned to more informal mechanisms for asserting
inuence abroad. Economic globalization and human
rights advocacy took center stage, along with continued
anticommunism. The promise of American-style prosperity and individual rightschampioned by politicians,



businesspeople, and Hollywood writerstriumphed over

the gray authoritarianism of communist regimes. By 1991,
societies across the globe rushed to attract American investment and aid. Citizens sought out American cultural
exportsincluding McDonalds, Coca-Cola, and Michael
Americas informal imperialism in the late twentieth
century was remarkably effective. It did, however, inspire
serious resistance. Instead of adopting communist slogans, as they had in the 1950s and 1960s, opponents of
U.S. inuence after 1991 turned largely to religion. Fundamentalisms of many varietiesChristian, Jewish, and
Islamicarose to challenge the decadence and hypocrisy
of American liberal democracy. They condemned the
United States for undermining traditional sources of authority and morality in foreign societies. They recognized
that the free trade, economic development, and popular
elections advocated by the United States would destroy
many local hierarchies.
International terrorismsymbolized most frighteningly by the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagonemerged, in part, as a
reaction to a long history of formal and informal American imperialism. This observation does not, in any way,
justify the abhorrent terrorist activities. American imperialism has produced both positive and negative outcomes, as the contrast between postWorld War II Japan
and Vietnam makes clear. Nonetheless, the extraordinary
overseas inuence of the United States, dating back to
1865, has inspired violent resistance. Americans probably
will not abandon their liberal imperialist assumptions in
the twenty-rst century, but they will surely develop new
strategies for isolating and defeating foreign challengers.

Cooper, John Milton, Jr. The Warrior and the Priest: Woodrow
Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press, 1985. A superb comparative study that
analyzes the politics and foreign policy of early twentiethcentury America.
Gaddis, John Lewis. Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal
of Postwar American National Security Policy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. The best analysis of the
sources and implications of Americas anticommunist containment policy during the Cold War.
Gardner, Lloyd C. Pay Any Price: Lyndon Johnson and the Wars
for Vietnam. Chicago: Elephant Paperbacks, 1997. A provocative analysis of how American liberal imperialism contributed to the Vietnam War.
Hahn, Peter L., and Mary Ann Heiss, eds. Empire and Revolution:
The United States and the Third World since 1945. Columbus:
Ohio State University Press, 2001. A useful survey of
American imperialism in the third world during the Cold
Hogan, Michael J. The Marshall Plan: America, Britain, and the
Reconstruction of Western Europe, 19471952. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1987. A penetrating account


of how the Marshall Plan reconstructed Western Europe

on Americas model.
Hunt, Michael H. Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy. New Haven,
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1987. A stimulating account
of how ideas about liberty, race, and revolution shaped
American imperialism.
Iriye, Akira, ed. The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations: The Globalizing of America, 19131945. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1993. A compelling discussion of Americanization in the rst half of the twentieth
Knock, Thomas J. To End All Wars: Woodrow Wilson and the Quest
for a New World Order. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995. An excellent account of Wilsons liberal
approach to foreign policy.
LaFeber, Walter. The New Empire: An Interpretation of American
Expansion, 18601898. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University
Press, 1998. A classic history of American imperialism between the Civil War and the War of 1898.
Lefer, Melvyn P. A Preponderance of Power: National Security, the
Truman Administration, and the Cold War. Stanford, Calif.:
Stanford University Press, 1992. A rich account of how
American values and fears of Soviet power drove foreign
policy in the early Cold War.
McCormick, Thomas J. China Market: Americas Quest for Informal Empire, 18931901. Chicago: Ivan Dee, 1990. A provocative account of American imperialism in Asia at the end
of the nineteenth century.
Ninkovich, Frank. The Wilsonian Century: U.S. Foreign Policy
since 1900. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999. A
compelling account of Wilsons inuence on American imperialism in the twentieth century.
Rosenberg, Emily S. Spreading the American Dream: American
Economic and Cultural Expansion, 18901945. New York:
Hill and Wang, 1982. A thoughtful account of Americas
cultural and economic imperialism between the two world
Smith, Tony. Americas Mission: The United States and the Worldwide Struggle for Democracy in the Twentieth Century. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994. A provocative
analysis of American liberal imperialism.
Weigley, Russell F. The American Way of War: A History of United
States Military Strategy and Policy. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1977. A compelling analysis of Americas
imperialistic approach to war.
Williams, William Appleman. The Tragedy of American Diplomacy. New York: Norton, 1988. Originally published in
1959 and one of the most important works on the history
of American foreign relationsa penetrating discussion of
economics, ideas, and imperialism.

Jeremi Suri
See also Anti-Imperialists; China, Relations with; Cuba, Relations with; Hawaii; Intervention; Japan, Relations
with; Philippines; Spanish-American War; Vietnam
War; and vol. 9: Anti-Imperialist League Platform.

IMPLIED POWERS. At the end of Section 8 of Article I of the U.S. Constitution, which enumerates the


powers of Congress, the following clause appears: The

Congress shall have Power . . . to make all Laws which
shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution
the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this
Constitution in the Government of the United States, or
in any Department or Ofcer thereof. This clause is the
source of the doctrine of implied powers.
During President George Washingtons administration, the ght between the Federalists and the Antifederalists took not only a political but also a constitutional
turn. Federalists favored broad construction of the Constitution so as to maximize the powers of the new central
government, while Antifederalists sought to minimize
those powers. Both groups seized upon the idea of implied powers. Alexander Hamilton argued that the necessary-and-proper clause means that Congress is not
strictly limited to the enumerated foregoing powers but
also has any powers that can be reasonably implied therefrom. Thomas Jefferson argued, on the contrary, that
Congress had the authority to enact only those laws both
necessary and proper for the implementation of one of
the enumerated powers. Ultimately, the Hamiltonian theory won out, because it made better sense in an evolving
Hamilton and Jefferson were arguing over the constitutionality of the law creating the rst Bank of the
United States. Several years later, the Supreme Court,
under John Marshalls leadership, resolved the dispute by
adopting Hamiltons view in a case involving the second
Bank of the United States, the case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819). In ruling that Maryland could not tax the
second bank, Marshall had at the same time to hold that
Congress had the authority to charter the bank in the rst
place. He did so by adopting Hamiltons arguments. Included among the powers explicitly granted to Congress
in the Constitution were the power to lay and collect
taxes, borrow money, regulate commerce, declare and
conduct war, and raise and support armies and navies.
The Chief Justice said that it was in the best interests of
the nation that Congress should be entrusted with the
means to carry out these delegated powers and that the
bank was a convenient, useful, and appropriate instrument for doing so. Concluding with a rhetorical ourish,
Marshall wrote: Let the end be legitimate, let it be within
the scope of the constitution, and all means which are not
prohibited, but consist with the letter and the spirit of the
constitution, are constitutional.
Paradoxically, the Jeffersonian argument, if victorious, would have required greater judicial discretion, and
thus greater judicial power than Marshalls view. It would
have required courts to decide a meansends question:
Had Congress chosen a means that was necessary to the
end in view and therefore a permissible means? Or had
Congress chosen a means that was merely desirable or
conducive to the end and therefore not permissible? As
Daniel Webster argued in the McCulloch case, it would ill
become a court to decide whether the bank corporation

was the only possible means by which the currency power

could be exercised; much more easily and modestly, it
could decide whether there was a fair connection between
the means and the ends.
Marshalls view arose out of his conviction that the
Constitution was created for an undened and expanding future, the exigencies of which could not be foreseen
by its framers; if such a document was to endure, the exibility allowed by its own generality of wording and a liberal use of the implied powers doctrine by the Court
would be necessary. In loosely construing the word necessary to mean reasonable or convenient, Marshall
succeeded in giving the Constitution the elasticity that
has been perhaps its most remarkable characteristic and
that, in the opinion of many scholars, accounts for its
longevity. Together with the misnamed doctrine of national supremacy (national acts are supreme over state
acts if both are otherwise constitutional) enunciated by
Marshall in the same case, the doctrine of implied powers
has enabled the Supreme Court to uphold the vast expansion of federal law and federal power necessary to
meet the changing problems with which the nation has
been confronted in the twentieth century. It has been a
tool by which courts have upheld federal regulation under
the commerce clause, laws enacted to carry out treaties,
the federal governments exercise of the power of eminent
domain, and the designation of treasury notes as legal
tenderto give but a few examples.
There have been times, particularly between 1890
and 1937, when the courts have refused to approve federal
legislation that they saw as an infringement on the powers
of the states. These rulings generally applied the idea that
the Tenth Amendment, in reserving unstated powers to
the states, acts as a limitation on the scope of the implied
powers of Congress. Thus, the Supreme Court twice
struck down anti-child-labor laws, one framed under the
commerce clause and the second under the tax clause. But
during the half-century after the Courts liberalization in
1937 there were few, if any, such decisions.
Politically, there has always been a tendency toward
adoption of the Jeffersonian view by the factions favoring
states rights, whereas those groups that lean toward nationalism tend toward loose construction. Since the issue
of states rights has proved to be an enduring one in
American political life, the Jeffersonian argument has
never quite been put to rest. It was revived during the
1950s by southerners opposed to federal intervention in
race relations and during the 1960s by conservatives opposed to the Supreme Courts liberal decisions, especially
those involving congressional use of the commerce and
tax powers, during the tenure of Chief Justice Earl Warren. It wasnt until the 1990s, however, that there emerged
a majority on the Supreme Court willing to circumscribe
the scope of Congressional authority to enact legislation.
In 1992, in the rst of several cases striking down Congressional enactments, the Court held that the take title
provision of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act



of 1985 exceeded the scope of Congresss enumerated

powers (New York v. United States). The jury is still out on
whether this and subsequent decisions (especially United
States v. Lopez, 1995) mark a return to the jurisprudence
of the early twentieth century or whether the Justices are
simply demanding of Congress express and better documentation of the links between the authorized ends and
the necessary and proper means Congress uses to attain

Barnett, Randy E. Necessary and Proper. U.C.L.A. Law Review

44, no. 3 (February 1997): 745.
Campbell, A. I. L. It is a constitution we are expounding: Chief
Justice Marshall and the necessary and proper clause.
Journal of Legal History 12, no. 3 (December 1991): 190
Engdahl, David E. The Necessary and Proper Clause as an
Intrinsic Restraint on Federal Lawmaking Power. Harvard
Journal of Law and Public Policy 22, no. 1 (Fall 1998): 107
Newmyer, R. Kent. The Supreme Court Under Marshall and Taney.
New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1968.
Schwartz, Bernard. A Commentary on the Constitution of the United
States: The Powers of Government Vol 1. Federal and State
Powers. New York: Macmillan, 1963.
. A History of the Supreme Court. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Tugwell, Rexford G. The Compromising of the Constitution (Early
Departures). Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame
Press, 1976.
VanAlstyne, William. Implied Powers. Society 24, no. 1 (1986):
White, G. Edward. History of the Supreme Court of the United
States. Vols 34. The Marshall Court and Cultural Change,
18151835. New York: Macmillan, 1988.

Loren P. Beth / c. p.
See also Education; Federal Government; General Welfare
Clause; Hamiltons Economic Policies; Investigating
Committees; Judicial Review; McCulloch v. Maryland.


early part of the Civil War, the Confederate War Department practiced impressment, seizing supplies from
producers and appropriating slaves for work on fortications. In March 1863 it received congressional approval
for impressment, but lack of ofcial sanction had not prevented the practice before that time. Confederate policy
ordered agents to impress only surplus supplies and slaves
and to offer fair prices to the owners. Nevertheless, criticism of the administration of the law and the law itself
increased with the growing suffering. By the winter of
18641865, the Confederacy had abandoned the system.



Grimsley, Mark, and Brooks D. Simpson, ed. The Collapse of the

Confederacy. Key Issues of the Civil War Era Series. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2001.

Henry T. Shanks / a. e.
See also Army, Confederate; Civil War; Confederate States
of America.


chief causes of bad relations between Great Britain and
the United States during the early years of the Republic.
Recruits for the Royal Navy were forcibly mustered in
the eighteenth century by the press gang. While neutral
vessels appear to have been so victimized prior to 1790,
the problem became acute between that date and 1815.
Under cover of the belligerent right of search, British
boarding parties removed from the decks of foreign neutrals any seamen deemed British. The practice was
steadfastly regarded in England as indispensable to sea
power in the war with France. Although American seamen were the occasional victims of the press gang in England, and persons alleged to be British subjects were
sometimes removed from American ships in British ports,
the real issue concerned the impressment of seamen on
the high seas. The American merchant marine, prospering and expanding under wartime conditions, offered
unexcelled opportunities to British seamen. It is estimated
that between 1790 and 1815 about twenty thousand
including deserters from the Royal Navysigned up on
American ships. Great Britains traditional doctrine of inalienable allegiance conicted with revolutionary Americas doctrine of the right to change allegiance.
The British left the matter of determining nationality
to the discretion of the press gang and boarding ofcers.
Use of the English language appears to have been the
main test applied. Of the ten thousand persons estimated
to have been impressed from American ships, only onetenth proved to be British subjects. The British returned
native-born American seamen to the United States, without indemnity, if their citizenship could be established.
But the British authorities took little responsibility in determining citizenship, and each separate case had to be
handled by the American government. In the meantime,
the impressed person had to remain in service and go
wherever he was commanded.
As early as 1796 the United States issued certicates
of citizenship to its mariners in an effort to protect them,
but these protections were soon abused. The certicates were easily lost or were sold to British subjects. An
American sailor could buy a certicate from a notary public for one dollar and sell it to a Briton for ten. The British
consequently refused to honor the certicates. American
protest against impressment dates from 1787. In 1792
President Thomas Jefferson tried to proceed on the simple rule that the vessel being American shall be evidence
that the seamen on board of her are such. Great Britain


refused any concessions whatsoever to the principle. Three

times the United States tried to negotiate a treaty in
which each party would deny itself the right to impress
persons from the others ships, and it offered various concessions. Although linked with other issues of neutral
trade, impressment came to assume rst place in American diplomacy. The climax occurred in 1807 when four
men were removed from the American frigate Chesapeake.
In 1812 Congress alleged impressment to be the principal
cause of the declaration of war against Great Britain, but
in view of the ambitions of the American war hawks, this
allegation can be discounted.

Black, Jeremy, and Philip Woodne, eds. The British Navy and
the Use of Naval Power in the Eighteenth Century. Leicester,
England: Leicester University Press, 1988.
Buel, Richard, Jr. In Irons: Britains Naval Supremacy and the
American Revolutionary Economy. New Haven, Conn.: Yale
University Press, 1998.
Perkins, Bradford. Prologue to War: England and the United States,
18051812. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1961.
Zimmerman, James Fulton. Impressment of American Seamen.
Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law, no. 262.
Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1966. The original
edition was published in 1925.

Honor Sachs
Richard W. Van Alstyne
See also Chesapeake-Leopard Incident; War of 1812.

IN GOD WE TRUST is the motto that has appeared

on most issues of U.S. coins since about 1864. Its use on
coins stems from the rise of religious sentiment during
the Civil War, which led many devout persons to urge
that God be recognized on American coins. Accordingly,
Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase asked the director of the mint at Philadelphia to have prepared a suitable device expressing this national recognition. Several
other mottos were suggestedamong them, God Our
Trust and God and Our Country. The use of In God
We Trust is not required by law.

Schwartz, Theodore. A History of United States Coinage. San Diego, Calif.: A. S. Barnes, 1980.

Thomas L. Harris / a. r.
See also Evangelicalism and Revivalism; Treasury, Department of the.

IN RE DEBS, 158 U.S. 564 (1895). Inuenced by his

attorney general, Richard Olney, and convinced that the
Pullman strike of JuneJuly 1894 was interfering with interstate commerce and the delivery of mails, President
Grover Cleveland ordered troops into Chicago. Although

Eugene V. Debs. The labor leader and frequent Socialist

candidate for president. Library of Congress

the Sherman Antitrust Act had proved of little value

in controlling monopoly and Olney himself considered it
useless, he asked and secured from the U.S. court in Chicago an injunction based on this act and on the law prohibiting obstruction of the mails. Described as the omnibus injunction because of its wide sweep, it forbade
Eugene V. Debs, president of the American Railway Union, and other ofcers from in any way or manner interfering with, hindering, obstructing or stopping the
business of the railroads entering Chicago. Arrested for
alleged violation of the injunction on 10 July, Debs and
other leaders were found guilty, 14 December, of contempt and sentenced to jail, the sentences varying from
three to six months (United States v. Debs, 64 Federal Reporter 724). Carried to the Supreme Court on a writ of
habeas corpus, the sentence was upheld, on 27 May 1895,
on the governments constitutional authority over interstate commerce and the mails. While the circuit court had
based the injunction specically on the Sherman Act,
Justice David J. Brewer of the Supreme Court rested its
decision on broader grounds. Injunctions had traditionally been used to protect individuals in civil or criminal
matters; with the Debs injunction, the Court dramatically
expanded its reach into the preservation of national sovereignty and social order.




Cooper, Jerry M. The Army and Civil Disorder: Federal Military

Intervention in Labor Disputes, 18771900. Westport, Conn.:
Greenwood Press, 1980.
Eggert, Gerald C. Railroad Labor Disputes. Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan Press, 1967.
. Steelmasters and Labor Reform, 18861923. Pittsburgh,
Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981.

H. U. Faulkner
Eric J. Marser
See also Habeas Corpus, Writ of; Injunctions, Labor; Pullman Strike; Railroads; Strikes.

Terry as Terry made a murderous assault on Field in California. Arrested by state authorities and charged with
murder, Neagle was brought before the federal circuit
court on a writ of habeas corpus and released on the
ground that he was being held in custody for an act done
in pursuance of a law of the United States. His release
was upheld by the Supreme Court.

Kens, Paul. Justice Stephen Field: Shaping Liberty from the Gold
Rush to the Gilded Age. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1997.

P. Orman Ray / a. r.

IN RE GAULT, 387 U.S. 1 (1967), addressed the question of whether the criminal justice provisions of the Bill
of Rights applied to minors. Chief Justice Earl Warren
predicted this decision would become the Magna Carta for
juveniles. The case involved Gerald Gault, a fteen-yearold probationer, who had been arrested for making an
obscene telephone call. Gault was held by the police while
he was interrogated for several days, and, following the
sort of informal proceeding then typical in juvenile courts,
was sentenced to a state school until he turned twentyone.
Justice Abe Fortas viewed Gaults case as a vehicle for
reforming what he regarded as a failed juvenile justice
system. The way to improve a system that simply bred
criminals, Fortas believed, was to insist that juveniles be
given many of the same rights that the Constitution guaranteed to adults. His Gault opinion declared that the Due
Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment required
giving juveniles written notice of the charges against them,
allowing them to confront their accusers, and informing
them that they had a privilege against self-incrimination
and a right to be represented by an attorney (an appointed
one if they were indigent). The effect of Gault was to
afrm that children have constitutional rights, although
their rights are somewhat more limited than the rights of

Kalman, Laura. Abe Fortas: A Biography. New Haven, Conn.:

Yale University Press, 1990.
Walker, Nancy E., Catherine M. Brooks, and Lawrence S.
Wrightsman. Childrens Rights in the United States: In Search
of a National Policy. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1999

Michal R. Belknap
See also Due Process of Law; Juvenile Courts.

IN RE NEAGLE, 135 U.S. 1 (1890), a case in which

the U.S. Supreme Court asserted federal supremacy over
state law. President Benjamin Harrison had directed
David Neagle, a deputy U.S. marshal, to protect Justice
Stephen J. Field of the Supreme Court against a death
threat. Neagle shot and killed would-be assassin David S.


See also Assassinations and Political Violence, Other; Civil

Service; Gilded Age; Supreme Court.

INAUGURATION, PRESIDENTIAL. The presidential inauguration is the term used to designate the
ceremony in which the duly elected president of the
United States assumes the power and prerogatives of that
ofce. According to the Constitution of the United
States, only one thing is required for the inauguration
of a president: Article II, Section 1, provides that before
he enter on the Execution of his Ofce, he shall take the
following Oath or Afrmation:I do solemnly swear
(or afrm) that I will faithfully execute the Ofce of President of the United States, and will to the best of my
Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of
the United States.
Tradition has expanded the ceremony of taking the
oath into a day-long festival attended by throngs of citizens and political partisans of the president. The ceremony begins with the taking of the oath of ofce by the
president on a platform at the east front of the Capitol
at Washington, D.C. The oath is usually administered
by the chief justice of the Supreme Court. The president
then delivers his inaugural address, which adumbrates the
themes of the new administration. The ceremony is witnessed by hundreds of dignitaries and thousands of spectators, while additional millions watch it on television.
The afternoon is devoted to a parade from the Capitol,
down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House, led by
the president and the rst lady. In the evening the celebration concludes with several inaugural balls attended by
the new president and his ofcial party.
The ofcial date for the inauguration was rst set as
4 March by the Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution,
passed in 1804. The date was changed in 1933 when the
Twentieth Amendment set 20 January as the end of the
presidential term, to shorten the period between the election of a new president and his inauguration.
George Washington took his oath of ofce on the
balcony of Federal Hall in New York City on 30 April
1789 because the new government was not sufciently
organized for an earlier inauguration. He then delivered


Inaugural Address. After taking the oath of ofce, President John F. Kennedy delivers his
memorable Ask not . . . speech on 20 January 1961. Getty Images

an inaugural address to both houses of Congress in the

Senate chamber. President Andrew Jackson was the rst
to take the oath on a platform at the east front of the
Capitol. The inaugural parade grew out of the escort of
honor given to the incoming president as he went up to
the Capitol to take the oath of ofce. The rst organized
procession from the Capitol back to the White House
after the ceremony took place at the inauguration of President William Henry Harrison in 1841. The earliest inaugural ball took place in 1809, after the inauguration of
President James Madison.
When the vice president takes the oath of ofce at
the death of a president, all ceremonial formalities are
dispensed with. The oath is administered as soon as possible by a justice or civil authority, and the ceremony consists simply of taking the oath in the words prescribed in
the Constitution.

Boller, Paul F., Jr. Presidential Inaugurations. New York: Harcourt, 2001.

Margaret Klapthor / a. g.
See also Connecticut Compromise; Corrupt Bargain; Electoral College; Lame-Duck Amendment; Majority Rule;
Midnight Judges; Republic.

INCOME TAX. See Taxation.

INCOME TAX CASES. Confronted with a sharp

conict of social and political forces, in 1895 the Supreme
Court chose to vitiate a hundred years of precedent and
void the federal income tax of 1894 (Pollock v. Farmers
Loan and Trust Company, 157 U.S. 429; Rehearing, 158
U.S. 601). Not until 1913, after adoption of the Sixteenth
Amendment, could a federal income tax again be levied.
The 1894 tax of 2 percent on incomes over $4,000
was designed by southern and western congressmen to
rectify the federal governments regressive revenue system
(the tariff and excise taxes) and commence the taxation of
large incomes. Conservative opponents of the tax,
alarmed by the rise of populism and labor unrest, saw the
tax as the rst step in a majoritarian attack on the upper
Constitutionally, the tax seemed secure. The Court,
relying on the precedent in Hylton v. United States (1796),
had unanimously upheld the Civil War income tax in
1891 (Springer v. United States, 102 U.S. 586), declaring
that an income tax was not a direct tax within the meaning of the Constitution and thus did not require apportionment among the states according to population. The
Court had strongly intimated in Hylton that the only direct taxes were poll taxes and taxes on land.
Prominent counsel opposing the 1894 tax appealed
to the Supreme Court to overthrow the Hylton and
Springer precedents. Defenders of the tax, including Attorney General Richard Olney, warned the Court not to



interfere in a divisive political issue. On 8 April the Court

delivered a partial decision, holding by six to two (one
justice was ill) that the tax on income from real property
was a direct tax and had to be apportioned. Since a tax on
land was direct, said Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller for
the Court, so was a tax on the income from land. On other
important issues the Court was announced as divided,
four to four.
A rehearing was held, with the ailing justice sitting,
and on 20 May the entire tax was found unconstitutional,
ve to four. Personal property was not constitutionally
different from real property, the chief justice argued, and
taxation of income from either was direct.

sioned indemnities, such as Albanias 1995 payment of $2

million for its then-communist governments seizure of
American properties after World War II.
The United States has also made indemnities, sometimes for American mob violence to foreign citizens, such
as the payments after three Italians were lynched in an
1891 New Orleans riot. Many twentieth-century indemnities have come after military accidents, such as a $2 million payment in 1955 for fallout poisoning on a Japanese
shing trawler after a United States hydrogen bomb test.
More recently, surviving family members were paid when
the USS Vincennes mistakenly shot down an Iranian airliner in 1988.

Public and professional criticism was intense, and the

Democratic Party platform of 1896 hinted at Court packing to gain a reversal. From the perspective of the judicial
role in the 1890s, the Pollock decisions, together with
other leading cases of the periodsuch as the E. C. Knight
case and the Debs injunction casemarked the triumph
of a conservative judicial revolution, with far-reaching

Indemnities often involve competing considerations

for the paying nation. Governments may be slow for legal
reasons to admit fault but quick for diplomatic reasons to
demonstrate concern. These tensions are frequently resolved by characterization of payments as ex gratia humanitarian gestures and not admissions of liability. So, for
example, Israel made an ex gratia payment after its accidental 1967 attack on the USS Liberty. The United States
payment in the Japanese trawler incident was also ex gratia.


The injured persons nation may also face thorny political issues attendant to indemnities. Notably, the president of the United States can agree to extinguish claims
when it is in the national interest. This happened in 1981,
when the American embassy hostages in Iran were released only after President Jimmy Carter waived their individual claims against the Iranian government. Subsequent recompense by the U.S. government in such cases
is never certain. The Tehran embassy hostages were compensated by act of Congress in 1986. Conversely, claimants heirs and insurers were still petitioning Congress for
redress in 1915 with respect to certain spoliation claims
against France that President John Adams had waived in

Ely, James W. The Chief Justiceship of Melville W. Fuller, 1888

1910. Chief Justiceships of the United States Supreme
Court Series. Columbia: University of South Carolina
Press, 1995.
Lasser, William. The Limits of Judicial Power: The Supreme Court
in American Politics. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988.

Arnold M. Paul
Andrew C. Rieser
See also Hylton v. U.S.; In Re Debs; Pollock v. Farmers Loan
and Trust Company; Populism; Springer v. United States.

INDEMNITIES, a diplomatic term for a nations

payments to compensate foreign citizens for injuries to
their persons or properties. Such payments were more
commonly described late in the twentieth century in
terms of settlement of international claims. Indemnities
differ from reparations, which have often denoted postwar nation-to-nation payments with punitive (and compensatory) functions.
Signicant historical examples of indemnities paid to
the United States have come in the context of damage to
American merchant shipping. France paid millions of dollars in the 1830s for Napoleonic era spoliationsseizures
of neutral American ships and cargos during the European wars of 1803 to 1815. British shipyards built Confederate commerce raiders during the Civil War, and Britain paid the United States more than $8 million under
the 1871 Treaty of Washington for the resulting Union
shipping losses. Also notable were Germanys payments
after World War I for American civilians killed and ships
sunk by its submarines. Expropriations have also occa-



Bemis, Samuel Flagg. A Diplomatic History of the United States.

5th ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965.
Dated but comprehensive and valuable general source on
indemnities through the mid-twentieth century.
Henkin, Louis. Foreign Affairs and the United States Constitution.
2d ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. Useful discussion of
constitutional issues involved in the historical context of the
French spoliation claims settled in 1800.
Maier, Harold G. Ex Gratia Payments and the Iranian Airline
Tragedy. American Journal of International Law 83 (April
1989): 325332. Useful legal and historical discussion of ex
gratia payments.

Charles F. Bethel
See also Alabama Claims; Iran Hostage Crisis.

INDENTURED SERVANTS in colonial America

were, for the most part, adult white persons who were


Indentured Servants. Female convicts transported from England arrive at Jamestown, Va., in this nineteenth-century colored
engraving. The Granger Collection, Ltd.

bound to labor for a period of years. There were three

well-known classes: the free-willers, or redemptioners;
those who were enticed to leave their home country out
of poverty or who were kidnapped for political or religious reasons; and convicts. The rst class represented
those who chose to bind themselves to labor for a denite
time to pay for their passage to America. The best known
of these were Germans, but many English and Scottish
men and women came in the same way. The second class,
those who came to escape poverty or were forcibly
brought to the colonies, was large because of the scarcity
of labor in America. Their services were protably sold
to plantation owners or farmers, who indentured them
for a period of years. The third class, convicts, were sentenced to deportation and on arrival in America were indentured unless they had personal funds to maintain
themselves. Seven years was a common term of such service. The West Indies and Maryland appear to have received the largest number of immigrants of the third class.
Indentured servants made up a large portion of the
population of the Chesapeake region, especially during
the seventeenth century, when they accounted for 80 to
90 percent of European immigrants. The middle colonies
of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey also relied

heavily on indentured servants, and in the eighteenth century more lived there than in any other region.
Most of the colonies regulated the terms of indentured service, but the treatment of individual servants differed widely. Some were mistreated; others lived as members of a family. It was commonly required that they be
provided with clothing, a gun, and a small tract of land
upon which to establish themselves after their service
ended. These requirements applied especially to those
who were unwilling servants. There was no permanent
stigma attached to indentured servitude, and the families
of such persons merged readily with the total population.
Children born to parents serving their indenture were
free. Terms of an indenture were enforceable in the
courts, and runaway servants could be compelled to return to their masters and complete their service, with additional periods added for the time they had been absent.
When the prospects for upward mobility dimmed, as
they did in the late-seventeenth-century Chesapeake region, indentured servants proved willing and ready to participate in violent rebellions and to demand wealthier colonists property. The threat posed by great numbers of
angry indentured servants might have been one of the



reasons this type of servitude diminished over the course

of the eighteenth century, with many farmers and plantation owners coming to rely instead on the labor of enslaved Africans.
Although indentured service of the colonial genre
ceased after the American Revolution, similar kinds of
contract labor were widespread in the United States during periods of labor shortage until the passage of the Contract Labor Law of 1885.

afrmed that their goal was the restoration of the rights

they had previously enjoyed. Under the prevailing imperial policy of salutary neglect, British authority rested
lightly on Americans. Laws regulating daily life were enacted by the colonists own assemblies. Within the empire, Americans accepted the framework for commerce
laid down by successive navigation acts that Parliament
had adopted beginning in 1651. Although they often violated specic regulations, the navigation system worked
to the mutual advantage of both Britain and its colonies.


Galenson, David W. White Servitude in Colonial America: An Economic Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press,
Morgan, Edmund S. American Slavery, American Freedom: The
Ordeal of Colonial Virginia. New York: Norton, 1975.
Salinger, Sharon. To Serve Well and Faithfully: Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania, 16821800. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

O. M. Dickerson / t. d.
See also Apprenticeship; New Smyrna Colony; Slavery; and
vol. 9: The History and Present State of Virginia; Indentured White Slaves in the Colonies.

INDEPENDENCE. On 2 July 1776, the Continental

Congress voted to sever all connections with the British
Empire. Two days later, the delegates debated, revised,
and nally approved the Declaration of Independence
drafted by Thomas Jefferson. These actions were the climax to a decade of controversy that began when Parliament attempted to impose taxes on the American colonists with the Revenue Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of
1765. Americans opposed these measures for various reasons, including a general aversion to taxation in any form.
But the basic dispute was a constitutional one. Could Parliament enact legislation binding the American colonies
in all cases whatsoever, as its Declaratory Act of 1766
asserted? Americans argued that they could only be governed by their own legislative assemblies, not a distant
Parliament to which they sent no members. But if the
colonies were exempt from its jurisdiction, how could
they remain part of the larger empire within which Parliament was the supreme source of law?
From an early point, observers in both countries
worried that the dispute might end with the colonies seeking independence. Imperial ofcials had long fretted over
the autonomy that the colonies enjoyed and the loose
control the empire exerted. The British victory in the
Seven Years War (17561763) exacerbated those fears by
removing the threat to colonial expansion posed by
French control of Canada. Americans felt deep attachment to Britain and to the prosperity and security they
enjoyed within the empire. Yet colonial legislatures repeatedly quarreled with royal governors and other imperial ofcials.
There is, however, little evidence that Americans actively sought independence. Through 1774, the colonists


The Stamp Act and Townshend Acts

The adoption of the Stamp Act threw these understandings into crisis. Americans rst objected that they were
not bound by the acts of a legislature in which they were
unrepresented. The British government responded that
Americans were virtually represented in Parliament.
When that claim proved unavailing, it further argued that
Parliament was the sovereign source of law within the
larger polity of which the colonies were indisputably a
part. Because sovereignty was regarded as an absolute,
unitary power, American arguments about representation
would have to yield to the ultimate authority of Parliament.
In 1767, Parliament enacted the Townshend duties,
exploiting a distinction some colonists had made between
internal taxes like the Stamp Act and external duties
on imported goods. Prompted by John Dickinsons inuential Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer (17671768),
Americans replied that duties clearly levied as taxes were
constitutionally unacceptable. A few writers suggested
that the colonies were completely independent of Parliament, but still bound to the British Empire through their
historic link to the crown.
This debate largely subsided after Parliament repealed the Townshend duties in March 1770, leaving only
a duty on tea as a symbolic statement of its authority. In
most colonies, politics reverted to normal and the harmony of the empire seemed restored.
The Tea Tax, the Coercive Acts, and the
Continental Congress
In Massachusetts, however, a fresh controversy erupted
between the royal governor, Thomas Hutchinson, and his
detractors, led by Samuel Adams of Boston, after it was
learned that Hutchinson and the provincial judges were
to receive royal salaries, rendering them politically independent of the legislature. The debate ultimately led to a
full-blown discussion of the constitutional rights of Americans and the constitutional powers of Parliament. It also
disposed Hutchinson to enforce the new Tea Act that Parliament enacted in 1773. Rather than allow the dutied tea
to land, as Hutchinson insisted it must, the Boston radicals dumped it into the town harbor. In response, Parliament enacted the Coercive Acts of 1774, closing the port
of Boston, altering the provincial charter granted by the
crown, and providing legal protection for British ofcials
accused of crimes against Americans.


In town and county meetings, the American population mobilized to protest these measures, which demonstrated what allowing Parliament to legislate in all
cases whatsoever could mean. Deputies from every colony but Georgia gathered in a Continental Congress at
Philadelphia in September, and agreed to a program of
opposition combining a commercial boycott of Britain
with a demand that Parliament repeal its offensive legislation. In response to the British military occupation of
Boston, Congress instructed the people of Massachusetts
to take only defensive measures, but when the delegates
adjourned in October, they understood that hostilities
might erupt before they reconvened in May.
Armed Conflict and the Failure of Reconciliation
When war broke out at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts during April 1775, a second Congress reviewed
the American position but did not inch, organizing the
Continental Army that it named George Washington to
command. Congress sent a new petition seeking redress
to the crown, but the latter did not modify the positions
it had taken in 1774. For its part, the government of Lord
North, rmly backed by King George III, was committed
to a policy of repression, believing that a decisive show of
force would convince the Americans to retreat. New parliamentary acts declared the colonies in a state of rebellion
and subjected their commerce to seizure.

ing of the American Revolution. New York: Norton, 1976.

Balanced and shrewd assessment from both sides of the
Maier, Pauline. American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence. New York: Knopf, 1997. Provocative study of
the decision and the document.
Rakove, Jack N. The Beginnings of National Politics: An Interpretive
History of the Continental Congress. New York: Knopf, 1979.

Jack Rakove
See also Committees of Correspondence; Common Sense;
Continental Congress; Declaration of Independence;
Revolution, American: Political and Military History.

INDEPENDENCE, MO., city located in western

Missouri, the seat of Jackson County, and part of the
greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Founded in 1827
as a provisioning and starting point for the Santa Fe, California, and Oregon trails, the area had originally served
as a trading post beginning in 1808 with Fort Osage. The
city gained its name from its original settlers admiration
of President Andrew Jackson, who built his reputation as
a peoples president. The city also serves as the world

Prospects for reconciliation dwindled with every passing month and independence became increasingly a matter of timing. Many Americans still resisted taking the
nal step of renouncing allegiance to the king. Even in
Congress, moderates desperately hoped that Britain would
send commissioners authorized to conduct serious negotiations. But the publication in January 1776 of Thomas
Paines electrifying pamphlet Common Sense made independence a legitimate subject of debate. In the spring, local
meetings started to endorse the idea, as did the provincial
convention of Virginia in May. Reports that Britain had
begun contracting for Hessian mercenaries conrmed that
the government was uninterested in negotiations.
In mid-May, Congress adopted a resolution authorizing the provincial conventions to establish new legal
governments, resting on popular consent, to replace the
old colonial governments that drew their authority from
the crown. Three weeks later, it appointed committees to
draft articles of confederation, a plan for foreign treaties,
and a declaration of independence. A handful of delegates,
led by John Dickinson, urged greater patience, but when
the decisive vote came, Congress and the bulk of the politically active population supported the break with Britain. Seven years passed before their desires were secured.

Bailyn, Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution.

Enlarged ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
1992. Immensely inuential.
Christie, Ian R., and Benjamin W. Labaree. Empire or Independence, 17601776: A British-American Dialogue on the Com-

First Family of Independence, Mo. Former president

Harry S. Truman and his wife, Bess, stand outside their home.



Fourth of July in Centre Square. A painting by John Lewis Krimmel, c. 18101812, part of a
series he created over several years to show the changing celebrations in front of Independence
Hall in Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts

headquarters for the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints, a denomination of the older church
that settled in the area prior to moving to the Utah Territory. During the Civil War, Union forces remained in
control of the city and Confederate forces never threatened the area. During the latter part of the nineteenth
century, the city served as a political adjunct to nearby
Kansas City and produced the future President Harry S.
Truman. He would remember the town as a bustling place
without the troubles of Kansas City, providing the best of
small-town life. After service as senator and president,
Truman retired to his home in Independence and established his presidential library, one of the nest such institutions. The city has sustained its population during a
time of urban renewal and has maintained its identity despite its suburban location.
The city continues as a manufacturing and foodprocessing center located along important highways centered on Kansas City. It continued to expand throughout
the twentieth century, reaching an area of 77.8 square
miles by 2001 and a population of 113,288, according to
the 2000 censusup from 112,301 in 1990, but signicantly higher than the 1980 gure of 111,806. The city
is also situated in the sprawling Kansas City metropolitan
region of nearly 1.8 million that covers eleven counties in
Missouri and Kansas.



Foerster, Bernd. Independence, Missouri. Indpendence, Mo.; Independence Press, 1978.

Matthew L. Daley

INDEPENDENCE DAY. The adoption of the Declaration of Independence on 4 July 1776 has caused that
day to be taken as the birth date of the United States of
America. Strangely, the commemoration of the Fourth of
July received its rst big impetus and had the pattern set
for its celebration before the event even came to pass. On
3 July, John Adams wrote to his wife:
The second day of July, 1776, . . . I am apt to believe
. . . will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the
great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized
with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports,
guns, bells, bonres, and illuminations, from one end
of this continent to the other, from this time forward

Adams was thinking of the resolution of independence adopted on 2 July as the pivotal event, but the Declaration of Independence soon completely obscured
the resolution.


Independence Hall. The birthplace of the United States. Hulton Archive

The rst anniversary does not appear to have been

commemorated throughout the thirteen states, but there
were elaborate celebrations in the principal cities, and parades, the ring of guns, the ringing of bells, decorations,
illuminations, reworks, and the drinking of toasts constituted the chief features in every instance. The practice
of commemorating the Glorious Fourth soon spread
widely, particularly after the adoption of the Constitution.
As the years went by, some of the early features of the
celebration declined or disappeared entirely, such as the
thirteen guns and thirteen (or thirteen times thirteen)
toasts. Meanwhile, sports and games, which at rst were
only a minor part of the festivities, became the greatest
attraction. In country regions, the Fourth of July became
a day for picnics, with exhibitions of skill in such contests
as potato races, watermelon eating, and catching the
greased pig, without much thought of the Declaration of
Independence. Since 1777, reworks, great and small,
have held a prominent place. In the early 1900s, serious
efforts were made to promote safety in Fourth of July
celebrations, and in ensuing years the personal possession
of reworks has been outlawed in many states.

Bodnar, John, ed. Bonds of Affection: Americans Dene Their Patriotism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1996.

Ellis, Joseph J. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation.

New York: Knopf, 2000.
Maier, Pauline. American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence. New York: Knopf, 1998.

Edmund C. Burnett / a. g.

INDEPENDENCE HALL, a red-brick structure,

near the center of Philadelphia, where the Declaration of
Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution were signed. Built between 1732 and 1757 for
speaker Andrew Hamilton to serve as provincial Pennsylvanias state house, it became the meeting place of the
Continental Congress during the American Revolution
and retains many relics from that era. Adjoining Congress
Hall, where the House and Senate met during the 1790s,
and Old City Hall, where the Supreme Court deliberated,
Independence Hall completes the grouping of historically
important buildings on Independence Square.
Independence National Historical Park, established
by the Eightieth Congress (1948) to preserve historical
properties associated with the American Revolution, is a
landscaped area of four city blocks and outlying sites that
encompass Independence Square, Carpenters Hall (meeting place of the First Continental Congress), the site of



Benjamin Franklins home, the reconstructed Graff House

(where Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence), City Tavern (center of revolutionary-war
activities), restored period residences, and early banks.
The park also holds the Liberty Bell, Franklins desk, a
portrait gallery, gardens, and libraries. A product of extensive documentary research and archaeology by the federal government, the restoration of Independence Hall
and other buildings in the park set standards for other
historic preservation and stimulated rejuvenation of old

Eberlein, Harold D., and Cortlandt V. D. Hubbard. Diary of

Independence Hall. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1948.
Hosmer, Charles B. Presence of the Past: A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States Before Williamsburg.
New York: Putnam, 1965.
Kammen, Michael. Mystic Chords of Memory: The Transformation
of Tradition in American Culture. New York: Knopf, 1991.

John D. R. Platt / a. r.
See also Continental Congress; Declaration of Independence;
Independence; Liberty Bell; Preservation Movement;
Revolution, American: Political History.

INDEPENDENCE ROCK is a giant granite outcropping, polished smooth by wind, rising only 136 feet
above the surrounding terrain but measuring more than
a mile in circumference. Located on the north bank of
Wyomings Sweetwater River, the rock was a landmark
on the Oregon Trail. Migrants heading for California
and the Pacific Northwest stopped here for fresh water
and trail information, and many families carved their
names into the granite to commemorate their passing.
The rock was approximately two-fths of the way from
the trails origin near Independence, Minnesota, to its terminus in Oregons Willamette River Valley.

Jacksonians criticized their monopoly as sole nancial

agents of the U.S. Treasury and feared their signicant
nancial power. President Andrew Jackson had little use
for banks, and many citizens disliked the political inuence usually required to obtain state bank charters.
By late 1837 the nation had twice experienced living
under a central bank, had seen it liquidated, and then had
endured a panic and a depression. The Democrats blamed
it all on banks and wanted the Treasury to operate independently; the Whigs wanted a third central bank. In June
1840 Congress established an Independent Treasury System, but the rst act of the Whig administration of President William Henry Harrison in March 1841 was to repeal the bill. After Harrison died in April, President John
Tyler vetoed all attempts to set up a third central bank.
One of the major planks in Democratic candidate
James K. Polks platform in 1844 was to re-create the Independent Treasury System. Congress reestablished the
system in August 1846 to trade only in gold and silver
coin. The system tended to drain money out of commercial channels into government vaults, however, which
damaged the economy. Because the system operated badly,
the government made increasing use of banks, which
promptly loaned money left in their hands. In 1914 the
Federal Reserve System (established 23 December 1913),
a central bank, went into operation. The Independent
Treasury System ended in 1921.

Friedman, Jean E. The Revolt of the Conservative Democrats: An

Essay on American Political Culture and Political Development,
18371844. Studies in American History and Culture,
no. 9. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1979.
Myers, Margaret G. A Financial History of the United States. New
York: Columbia University Press, 1970.

Donald L. Kemmerer / c. w.
See also Bank of the United States; Jacksonian Democracy;
Jeffersonian Democracy.


Ellison, R. S. Independence Rock and the Oregon Trail. Midwest Review (1927).
Lavender, David S. Westward Vision: The Story of the Oregon Trail.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.

Robert S. Thomas / w. p.
See also Covered Wagon; Migrations, Internal; Oregon Trail;
Wagon Trains; Westward Migration; Wyoming.



INDEPENDENT TREASURY SYSTEM, an alternative to a central bank. Critics of the rst and second
banks of the United States were legion. Jeffersonians and



By the end of World War II, upwards of 250,000 U.S.
soldiers had spent time in British India. However, both
during and immediately after the war, the United States
focused its military, diplomatic, and economic efforts on
Europe and Pacic Asia far more than on south Asia. Britain itself left the Indian subcontinent on 15 August 1947,
in part because of geopolitical and diplomatic considerations linked to the emerging Cold War centered on rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Britain was already committed militarily in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, and the U.S. government
had been arguing that rapidly turning India over to noncommunist Indians would prevent it from falling to the
communists at a later date. Independence resulted in the
partition of British India along communal lines and the


transfer of power to the new nation-states of India and

Pakistan. The violence and mass migration that resulted
left between 200,000 and 500,000 people dead and turned
another 12 million into refugees.
The issue that had been at the center of the violence
was the fact that the new border between India and Pakistan ran right through the Punjab; however, the main
bone of contention between the new nations would prove
to be Kashmir, one of the many princely states that had
continued to operate within the wider ambit of British
rule up to 1947. With independence, the princely states
were expected to accede to either India or Pakistan. In
Kashmir (with a Hindu ruling elite and a majority Muslim
population), the maharaja resisted joining either Pakistan
or India. Then, in the context of a Pakistani-supported
rebellion, the maharaja turned to the new Indian government for assistance, in exchange for temporary accession to India that would be followed at some point by a
plebiscite on the future of Kashmir. The plebiscite never
took place, and Indian military intervention successfully
secured Indian control over much of the mountainous region. Both India and Pakistan have continued to maintain
a military presence in Kashmir and have engaged in sporadic ghting along the so-called Line of Control ever
The Cold War, 19471979
While encouraging the British to leave the subcontinent,
the United States had taken a limited interest in the new
nation-states of India and Pakistan that emerged in South
Asia in 1947. Immediately after 1945, Washingtons primary geopolitical concern had been with western and
southern Europe and northeast Asia. However, the United
States began to change its assessment of south Asia with
the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China in
late 1949 and the start of the Korean War in 1950. By the
beginning of the 1950s, some policymakers, politicians,
and journalists were arguing that South Asia was of central importance to a range of key U.S. foreign policy
goals. India, under the charismatic leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, was increasingly viewed as a possible political
and economic model for Asia and the Third World. By
the 1950s, Nehrus international prole and his commitment to a combination of parliamentary democracy, economic planning, and socialist principles that drew on
Soviet, western European, and Chinese experience had
helped to focus considerable world attention on India as
a laboratory for postcolonial development. For some observers in the United States by this time, India was regarded as an important prize: they foresaw political and
ideological benets for Washington should it form an alliance with the most inuential nonaligned government
in Asia. According to this vision, if the United States
strengthened ties with Nehrus government, Washington
could help ensure that India would serve as an anchor for,
and model of, democratic capitalist development in the
Third Worldto counter the explicitly anticapitalist and

state-socialist alternatives exemplied by China and the

Soviet Union.
For other U.S. strategists, however, Pakistan was the
most important nation-state in the region for militarystrategic reasons: they emphasized its proximity to the
Soviet Union and its position in relation to the Middle
East. By 1954, an emphasis on the relative importance of
Pakistan led to a mutual security agreement between the
United States and the Pakistani government. This was
complemented by Pakistans participation in the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, formed in 1954, and in the
Baghdad Pact, which was set up in 1955 (it was renamed
the Central Treaty Organization in 1959 and was also
known as the Middle East Treaty Organization). The ow
of U.S. military assistance was driven by regional geopolitical considerations, but the strengthened military establishment that emerged in Pakistan viewed India as its
primary enemy.
In 1953, Nehru used the impending military alliance
between the United States and Pakistan to justify the cancellation of the planned plebiscite in Kashmir and substantially increase Indian defense spending. In this period
the government in New Delhi also deepened its economic
and military links to Moscow, while seeking to maintain
good relations with the Chinese government. In response
to these changes, the U.S. approach to south Asia shifted
away from Pakistan somewhat and toward an emphasis
on India by the end of the 1950s. The United States was
worried that the Soviet Union was gaining inuence in
Indian government circles, as a result of its generous trade
and aid arrangements.
There was growing concern that if the Indian government failed to achieve its national development plans,
the strength of the countrys communist movement would
increaseand that economic decline in India could also
enhance the Chinese governments prestige in international affairs. In these circumstances, the administrations
of President Dwight Eisenhower (19531960) and particularly that of President John F. Kennedy (19611963)
increased U.S. economic aid to India, while also trying to
encourage improvement in Indo-Pakistani relations. With
the apparent political stability in Pakistan under the military rule of the general, later eld marshal, Ayub Khan
(19581969), India and Pakistan, with the help of the
World Bank, reached an agreement in 1960 about sharing
irrigation water in the Indus basin. However, the issue of
Kashmir proved more intractable. Furthermore, when the
border dispute between China and India broke into open
warfare in 1962 and the Indian army was quickly defeated
(despite U.S. assistance), the Pakistani leadership concluded that it also had the military capability to defeat the
Indian army. In 1965, by which time Nehru (who had died
in May 1964) had been replaced as prime minister by Lal
Bahadur Shastri (19641966), Ayub Khan instigated a war
with India. The main arena of combat was Kashmir,
where, despite expectations on the Pakistani side, the Indian army acquitted itself well. In September 1965, the



government of Pakistan agreed to United Nations calls

for a cease-re. Subsequent negotiations (mediated by the
Soviet Union) failed to change the position of either side
on the issue of Kashmir.
Following the outbreak of war between India and Pakistan in 1965, Washington suspended all military and
economic aid to both sides. Even food aid under PL480
a government program that supported commercial exports to third world countrieswas disbursed via a short
tether policy that involved shipping only enough food to
last a couple of months. After 1965, the administration of
President Lyndon Johnson (19631968) sought to limit
U.S. aid and direct involvement in south Asia relative to
the earlier period. Meanwhile, the political situation in
Pakistan grew increasingly unstable by the end of the
1960s. In particular, relations between West and East Pakistan (separated by thousands of miles of Indian territory) deteriorated and the government of General Yahya
Khan (19691971) launched a major wave of repression
in East Pakistan. These events led to the Third IndoPakistani war in 1971. The Indian prime minister, Indira
Gandhi (19661977, 19801984), sent the Indian army to
the assistance of East Pakistan and facilitated its break
with West Pakistan to form the new nation-state of Bangladesh. This was followed by a summit meeting between
Mrs. Gandhi and the new president of Pakistan, Zulkar
Ali Bhutto (19711977). They agreed to resolve differences between their two countries peacefully in the future
and afrmed respect for the existing cease-re line in
Kashmir. Following this, relations between India and Pakistan improved during the 1970s.
The New Cold War, 19791989
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979
had a major and immediate impact on U.S. relations with
Pakistan and India. In 1978, U.S relations with Pakistan
had worsened as a result of U.S. criticismsmost notably
from President Jimmy Carter (19771981)of human
rights violations by the new military government of General Zia ul-Haq (19771988), which had overthrown the
civilian government of Zulkar Ali Bhutto (whom Zia
executed). The relationship between the United States
and Pakistan had also been undermined by Pakistans attempts to develop nuclear weapons capability. In April
1979, in response to the Pakistani governments nuclear
weapons initiative, the Carter administration suspended
U.S. aid to Pakistan. However, once the Soviet Union
entered Afghanistan, U.S. aid to Pakistan was restored
and increased, and the Pakistani military, and military intelligence, played an important role (along with the Saudi
Arabian and the Chinese governments) in supporting the
loose coalition of resistance groups (Islamic Unity of Afghan Mujahideen) ghting the Soviet occupation. The
dramatic turnaround in U.S.-Pakistani relations weakened the Carter administrations attempt to improve its
relations with the Indian government. Under Prime Minister Morarji Desai (19771979), the Indian government
sought to lessen its reliance on the Soviet Union. To this


end, Desai and Carter signed the 1977 Delhi Declaration,

which restated both governments commitment to democracy and human rights. At the same time, Washington overrode restrictions on uranium sales to India as embodied in the U.S. Nonproliferation Act, which restricted
the ow of nuclear materials to nation-states, such as India, if they did not agree to the system of safeguards outlined by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
These changes were insufcient to put U.S.-Indian
relations on a more stable footing, once, after 1979, the
United States resumed military and economic aid to Pakistan and began tilting toward China in the context of
the war in Afghanistan. In 1980, Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi, who had replaced Desai, moved to improve Indian relations with the Soviet Union. She announced a
major arms deal, worth $1.6 billion, with the Soviet Union in May 1980. Then, in December, Leonid Brezhnev
visited India and Mrs. Gandhi and the Soviet leader issued
a public statement that condemned outside involvement
in southwest Asia, a clear reference to U.S. involvement
in the war in Afghanistan. Despite the strains on IndoPakistani relations that the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan created, Pakistan and Indiaalong with Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and the Maldives
set up a cooperation committee in 1983 that provided a
forum for regular ministerial-level meetings. However, in
1986, there were major confrontations between the Indian army and its Pakistani counterpart on the Siachin
Glacier in Kashmir. This led to dramatic troop concentrations between December 1986 and February 1987. By
1988, there were some attempts to improve relations, but
the secessionist uprising that got under way in Kashmir,
with Pakistani support, during 1989 has ensured that
Kashmir remains the key ash point of Indo-Pakistani
relations and a source of concern in Washington.
The PostCold War Era, 19892001
The withdrawal of Soviet military forces from Afghanistan (between May 1988 and February 1989) and the end
of the Cold War led to a signicant geopolitical reorientation in south Asia. With the precipitous end of Soviet
inuence in the region, the United States turned its attention to two trends that were now seen to threaten regional stability. Both of these new threats were closely
connected to Pakistan. In the 1990s, Washington became
concerned about Islamic fundamentalism as Pakistans
foreign policy moved from an anti-Soviet to a proIslamic stance and the Pakistani government began to
establish or improve relations with Afghanistan, Iran, and
the former Soviet republics of central Asia. The United
States also remained concerned about Pakistans clandestine nuclear weapons program. In 1986, the U.S. Senate
had passed a resolution calling on the State Department
either to certify that Pakistan was not developing nuclear
weapons or end the disbursement of U.S. military and
economic aid. By 1990, U.S. aid to Pakistan had been
terminated. This trend paralleled major improvements in
U.S.-Indian relations. Indias foreign policy was entering


a new era following the demise of the Soviet Union. The

government in New Delhi, concerned about Pakistans
nuclear capability, greeted the end of U.S. aid to Pakistan
with approval. In the early 1990s, there was a push for
naval and military cooperation between Washington and
New Delhi. Meanwhile, the Indian government signaled
a further break with state-directed economic development via the promulgation of a range of liberalizing initiatives after 1991 that also facilitated improved relations
with the United States. However, a new era of cooperation between the United States and New Delhi did not
really materialize. For example, in 1993, Indian repression and human rights violations in Kashmir were criticized by President Bill Clinton.
In the 1990s the conventional and nuclear arms race
between Pakistan and India accelerated, while efforts to
form some agreement between the two states regarding
nuclear weapons were unsuccessful. India had rst tested a
nuclear device in 1974. Thereafter, New Delhi had resisted
pressure that it sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty (NPT). The Indian government insisted it would
only sign if all countries became signatories and if all major powers with nuclear weaponsincluding the United
Statesagreed to get rid of them. Pakistan also resisted
demands that it sign the NPT, while the stakes were further raised when India made public in May 1998 that it
had carried out ve successful underground nuclear tests.
These tests were aimed at countering the signicant nuclear capability of China and the nuclear capacity that
Pakistan had been working on for upwards of twenty years
with the help of Beijing. Pakistan responded, despite U.S.
efforts, by conducting two underground nuclear tests at
the end of May 1998. Washington, with the support of
Japan and a number of other nation-states, imposed sanctions on India and Pakistan in response. The Clinton administration subsequently reversed a number of the sanctions, allowing the International Monetary Fund to resume
assistance to Pakistan when that country again appeared
to be on the brink of a nancial crisis. Nevertheless, until
September 2001, many of the sanctions constraining the
Pakistani military government of General Pervaiz Musharraf (who came to power in a coup in October 1999)
remained in place. Then, within less than two weeks of
the 11 September 2001 suicide bombing of the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon, President George W.
Bush lifted all U.S. sanctions on Pakistan and India. Pakistan, in particular, was central to Washingtons new war
on terrorism, which was directed at Osama bin Laden
and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in the closing
months of 2001.

Jalal, Ayesha. The State of Martial Rule: The Origins of Pakistans

Political Economy of Defence. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge
University Press, 1990.
McMahon, Robert J. The Cold War on the Periphery: The United
States, India, and Pakistan. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1994.

Perkovich, George. Indias Nuclear Bomb: The Impact on Global

Proliferation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.
Rosen, George. Western Economists and Eastern Societies: Agents of
Change in South Asia, 19501970. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.
Schoeld, Victoria. Kashmir in Conict: India, Pakistan, and the
Unnished War. London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2000.
Tahir-Kheli, Shirin R. India, Pakistan, and the United States:
Breaking with the Past. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1997.

Mark T. Berger
See also Cold War; Southeast Asia Treaty Organizations.

INDIAN AGENTS. The term Indian agents was

not used ofcially until 1796, but the idea of assigning
government peace missionaries to the Indian tribes began with Secretary of War Henry Knox in 1789. Knox
hoped that agents would reduce friction between the
tribes and the government by promoting civilization
among the tribes and facilitating peaceful relations between the groups. U.S. treaties often stipulated that an
agent would reside with a tribe. In 1793 the president
gained the legal power to appoint agents, although initially Congress felt such positions would be temporary
and did not renew the provision in the Trade and Intercourse Act of 1802 that authorized them. For the next
thirty years there was no legal basis, except in treaties, for
appointing Indian agents.
In the early nineteenth century, agents (who were legally forbidden from trading themselves) bore primary
responsibility for supervising the governments Indian
trading houses. During Thomas Jeffersons administration (18011809), trading houses worked to push Indians
into dependence on manufactured goods. Trading houses,
therefore, were forbidden from accepting any factoryproduced items from Indians, who were restricted to trading hides and other raw materials. An agent would watch
for violations in the trade and intercourse laws and report
them to their superintendents (usually the governor of the
territory), local military commanders, or the War Department. Finally, agents were charged with distributing
annual payments, or annuities, to the chiefs, who would
then redistribute them to their peoples. This system
placed enormous reliance on the character of the individual agent.
While some agents were honest and efcient, mismanagement and corruption were frequent. Poor record
keeping became standard, as agents often had little formal
education, and government allocations lacked ne divisions between funds for private use and those for ofcial
business. Honesty and efciency in the Indian agencies
faced the dual challenges of a general public not especially
concerned with Indians welfare and an Indian Ofce preoccupied with keeping the peace.



In the years after the Civil War, periodic outbursts

of public concern encouraged more efcient and humane
administration of Indian policy at the agencies. Beginning
in 1869, during President Ulysses S. Grants administration, philanthropic Christian denominations gained control of many Indian agencies. These groups intended to
improve the agencies, but overall they failed miserably.
There were surprisingly few candidates for Indian agent
who were both devout Christians and competent administrators. Even the most well-intentioned appointees
proved largely inadequate to the task. By 1882 all the
churches had withdrawn from the program.
Beginning in 1880, agents duties included teaching
Indians English as well as industrial and agricultural arts.
Liquor was to be strictly prohibited. Setting Indians to
civilized work became the priority, as idleness was seen
as the worst enemy of Indian progress. Despite these
expectations, agents were often appointed for political
reasons rather than for their qualications.
In the interest of efciency and fairness, reformers
gradually managed to include agency personnel in the professional civil service. In 1896 President Grover Cleveland
decreed that those seeking positions as agents, teachers,
matrons, school superintendents, nurses, and physicians
in the Indian Service would be required to pass competitive examinations before being appointed. While the new
policy improved the quality of Indian agents, Indians
themselves continued to hold only the most menial positions at the agencies. This pattern changed during the
New Deal because a provision of the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act permitted Indians to gain appointment
without taking the Civil Service exams. As a consequence
of this shift, Indians began to be appointed agency superintendents (the title changed gradually after 1893).
Among the rst Native Americans to be named superintendents were Robert Yellowtail on the Crow reservation
and Wade Crawford at the Klamath agency. By 1972 Native Americans held the majority of top-level executive
positions in the Washington, D.C., ofce of the Bureau
of Indian Affairs, as well as seven of the twelve area superintendent positions.

Hoxie, Frederick E. A Final Promise: The Campaign to Assimilate

the Indians, 18801920. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1984.
Jackson, Curtis E., and Marcia J. Galli. A History of the Bureau
of Indian Affairs and Its Activities among Indians. San Francisco: R&E Research Associates, 1977.
Prucha, Francis Paul. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, 1984.
Schmeckebier, Laurence F. The Ofce of Indian Affairs: Its History,
Activities, and Organization. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1927.

Robert M. Owens
See also Bureau of Indian Affairs.


INDIAN ART. See Art, Indian.

INDIAN BIBLE, ELIOTS. Eliots Indian Bible was
a translation into Algonquian by John Eliot, a minister at
Roxborough, Massachusetts. Eliot was one of a few ministers who had served as a missionary to American Indians
in New England, and he had organized several praying
townscommunities of converted Indiansin Massachusetts. Composed between 1650 and 1658, his was the
rst Bible printed by Protestants in the New World. In
order to compose it, Eliot had not only to learn the language, in which effort he received help from many American Indians, but also to invent an orthography. Converted Indians on Marthas Vineyard used Eliots Bible for
more than a century.

Cogley, Richard W. John Eliots Mission to the Indians before King

Philips War. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
Morrison, Dane. A Praying People: Massachusetts Acculturation and
the Failure of the Puritan Mission, 16601690. New York: P.
Lang, 1995.

Perry Miller / s. b.
See also King Philips War; Marthas Vineyard; Massachusetts; Puritans and Puritanism.

INDIAN BOARDING SCHOOLS. In 1769, Eleazar Wheelock established an Indian college in Hanover,
New Hampshire, to convert the Natives to Christianity
and civilization. While the founding of Dartmouth College predated the formation and growth of Indian boarding schools, the notion of civilizing the Indian was a
robust construct that ourished for more than 150 years
and became the cornerstone of federal policy on Indian
education. The practice of removing Indian children from
the corrupt inuences of the Indian camp and placing
them in boarding schools conducted by the federal government and various religious denominations became ofcial policy after the Civil War and continued to varying
degrees into the 1950s.
The number of Indian boarding schools grew rapidly
after the Civil War in response to a new policy that
emerged after President Ulysses S. Grant announced his
new peace policy, which placed the Bureau of Indian
Affairs under the direction of various religious denominations who appointed agents, represented Indian interests, and established schools on the reservations. The federal government provided per capita payments and the
land required to achieve the educational objectives of the
Bureau of Indian Affairs and prepare a new generation of
Indians for the realities of private land ownership and
gradual assimilation into the dominant American culture.
The ideas of cultural destruction, forced assimilation, and
military regimen were popularized by Richard Henry


Pratt, who started the Carlisle Indian School in 1879, and

became cornerstones of most Indian boarding schools in
the United States. Regardless of afliation, all Indian
boarding schools sought to transform the Indian students
by removing them from the reservation setting, teaching
them industrial arts, converting them to European forms
of Christianity, and inculcating in them a strong work
ethic through the outing system, which placed Indian
students in work settings outside of the boarding school.
The curriculum at Indian boarding schools placed
heavy emphasis on manual labor, industrial and domestic
training, farming, English, and, depending on the sponsor, a large dose of religious indoctrination. The Bureau
of Indian Affairs prohibited the use of Native languages,
discouraged any manifestation of Indian culture, and limited contact between parents and students. Both government ofcials and church leaders favored boarding schools
over day schools because the process of civilizing the
students and converting them into sedentary farmers was
easier when the inuences of tribal life and indigenous
culture were absent.
Between 1870 and 1930 the federal government and
all of the major religious groups, especially Roman Catholics, established more than 150 on- and off-reservation
boarding schools. Critics of the boarding schools and
their curriculum argued that the academic program provided at boarding schools precluded a successful transition to the white labor force and those who wished to
return home discovered that the curriculum held no relevance to the reservation. The inadequate educational
program and appalling conditions at Indian boarding
schools were rmly documented in the Meriam Report
(1928), which initiated a process of replacing boarding
with day schools close to centers of Indian population.
The shuttering of boarding schools was accelerated
when John Collier was appointed commissioner of Indian
affairs in 1933. The passage of the Indian Reorganization
Act in 1934 and Colliers commitment to fostering reforms in Indian policy signicantly reduced the Indian
boarding school population by the end of World War II.
Community day schools, state-supported public schools,
and nonresidential parochial schools were the dominant
education institutions for Indian children by the mid1950s.

Adams, David Wallace. Education for Extinction: American Indians

and the Boarding School Experience, 18751928. Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 1995.
Ellis, Clyde. To Change Them Forever: Indian Education at the
Rainy Mountain Boarding School, 18931920. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996.

James T. Carroll
See also Dartmouth College; Education, Indian; Indian Policy, U.S., 18301900.

INDIAN BRIGADE. The Indian Brigade consisted

of three Union regiments composed largely of Cherokees, Creeks, and Seminoles. In 1862 Indians who were
loyal to the Union ed to Kansas for safety and enlisted
in two regiments. These Indians, together with some white
troops, invaded the Indian Territory in the summer of
1862, where they were joined by a sufcient number of
Indians formerly allied with the Confederacy to make up
a third regiment. The brigade fought many minor engagements in northeastern Indian Territory.

Abel, Annie Heloise. The American Indian in the Civil War, 1862
1865. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1992.
Hauptman, Laurence M. Between Two Fires: American Indians in
the Civil War. New York: Free Press, 1995.

Edward Everett Dale / h. s.

See also Cherokee; Creek; Indian Territory; Indians in the
Civil War; Seminole.


national attention to the removal of American Indian children from their homes and subsequent placement in nonIndian homes. Prior to 1978, a disproportionate number
(25 to 35 percent) of all American Indian children were
taken from their homes by state social service agencies.
Many of the children placed in non-Indian homes experienced loss of their cultural heritage and Indian identity.
The act regulates child custody cases involving
American Indian children and shifts decision-making
control from state agencies to tribal courts. Where abuse
or neglect is substantiated and a child is taken into protective custody, the child is placed under the jurisdiction
of the tribe and into the care of his or her extended family
or of guardians who are American Indian. The provisions
are designed to ensure that American Indian children are
placed in homes that respect and understand American
Indian cultural values. The act does not address the underlying causes of child abuse and neglect, such as poverty, alcoholism, or unemployment.
The law was challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court
case Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians v. Holyeld (1989).
The Court upheld the tenets of the Indian Child Welfare
Act in a landmark ruling by reafrming the right of Indian
tribes to retain exclusive jurisdiction in child custody
The special emphasis placed on the role of tribal
courts to decide child custody cases contributed to an expansion of tribal courts and social service agencies, and
to unprecedented collaboration between tribes and nonIndian ofcials. Since passage of the act, fewer American
Indian children are adopted into non-Indian homes.
However, American Indian children continue to be separated from their families at a higher rate than non-Indian
children. In many regions, there are not enough American



Indian foster families to take in needy children. Funding

for the programs, staff, and facilities required to enforce
the act continues to be limited.

Jones, B. J. The Indian Child Welfare Act Handbook: a Legal Guide

to the Custody and Adoption of Native American Children. Chicago: American Bar Association, 1995.
Josephy, Alvin M. Jr., Joane Nagel, and Troy Johnson, eds. Red
Power: the American Indians Fight for Freedom. 2d ed. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1999. The original edition was published in 1971.

Martha L. Chaatsmith

simultaneously. The United States retains the power to

dene who is and is not an Indian for purposes of determining who may be eligible for federal services, but the
right of tribes to determine their own membership criteria has been upheld in court. Tribes use a variety of
means to grant, deny, revoke, or qualify membership.
Tribal citizenship is normally based on descent. Requirements vary from meeting a minimum degree of ancestry
to tracing lineage to earlier tribal members.

Cohen, Felix S. Felix S. Cohens Handbook of Federal Indian Law.

Charlottesville, Va.: Michie, 1982.

Frank Rzeczkowski

INDIAN CITIZENSHIP. Some early Indian treaties, such as that of 1830 with the Choctaw, provided for
grants of citizenship to individual Indians. The Kickapoo
Treaty of 1862 made citizenship dependent on acceptance
of an allotment of land in severalty. Other treaties of the
Civil War period, including that with the Potawatomi in
1861, required submission of evidence of tness for citizenship and empowered an administrative body or ofcial
to determine whether the Indian applicant conformed to
the standards called for in the treaties.
Following ratication of the Fourteenth Amendment
in 1868, several Indian naturalization acts were passed by
Congress. Most of them were similar to an 1870 law relating to the Winnebago of Minnesota. Section 10 of the
Winnebago Act provided that an Indian might apply to
the federal district court for citizenship, but had to prove
to the satisfaction of the court that he was sufciently
intelligent and prudent to manage his own affairs, that he
had adopted the habits of civilized life, and that he had
supported himself and his family for the preceding ve
The most important nineteenth-century legislation
conferring citizenship on Indians was the Dawes General
Allotment Act of 1887. The Dawes Act gave citizenship
to Indians born within the United States who had received allotments, as well as to those who had voluntarily
moved away from their tribes and adopted the habits of
civilized life. The following year, Congress extended citizenship to Indian women marrying persons who were
already U.S. citizens.
Approximately two-thirds of the Indians of the United
States had become citizens by 1924; in that year Congress
passed a general Indian citizenship act, as a result of which
all native-born Indians received full citizenship status.
However, some states, citing the special relationship between the federal government and Native Americans, as
well as a lack of state jurisdiction over them, denied Indians the right to vote until 1957.
Although in the past citizenship had been tied to the
abandonment of tribal afliation, by the early 2000s a Native American could be a U.S., state, and tribal citizen


See also Dawes General Allotment Act.


Secs. 1301 et seq., was passed by Congress in an attempt
to impose upon tribal governments certain restrictions
and protections afforded by the U.S. Constitution. This
represented a signicant intrusion by the federal government into the internal affairs of tribes.
The U.S. Supreme Court had long made clear that
although Indian tribes were subject to the dominant plenary power of Congress and the general provisions of the
Constitution, tribes were nonetheless not bound by the
guarantee of individual rights found in the Fifth Amendment. The most important decision afrming this principle is Talton v. Mayes (1896). Subsequent Supreme Court
decisions afrmed the line of reasoning that tribes were
not arms of the federal government when punishing tribal
members for criminal acts and that Indian tribes were
exempt from many of the constitutional protections governing the actions of state and federal governments. In
the 1960s, Congress sponsored a series of hearings on the
conduct of tribal governments and heard testimony regarding the abuses that some tribal members were enduring at the hands of sometimes corrupt, incompetent,
or tyrannical tribal ofcials. The Indian Civil Rights Act
(ICRA) was enacted in response to these revelations.
The most important provisions of ICRA were those
that guaranteed (1) the right to free speech, press, and
assembly; (2) protection from unreasonable search and
seizure; (3) the right of a criminal defendant to a speedy
trial, to be advised of the charges, and to confront any
adverse witnesses; (4) the right to hire an attorney in a
criminal case; (5) protection against self incrimination;
(6) protection against cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail, incarceration of more than one year and/or
a ne in excess of $5,000 for any one offense; (7) protection from double jeopardy or ex post facto laws; (8) the
right to a trial by a jury for offenses punishable by imprisonment; and (9) equal protection under the law, and
due process. ICRA also stipulated that the writ of habeas
corpus would be available in tribal court.


While ICRA included many familiar constitutional

protections, it either ignored or modied others. The law
did not impose the establishment clause, the guarantee of
a republican form of government, the requirement of a
separation of church and state, the right to a jury trial in
civil cases, or the right of indigents to appointed counsel
in criminal cases. Congress excluded these provisions because it recognized the unique political and cultural status
of tribes.
The effects of the ICRA were substantial; by requiring tribes to meet certain standards, the law caused tribal
judicial systems to mirror mainstream American courts
and procedures. While the benets to individual liberties
were laudatory, the effect also homogenized tribal courts,
and limited their sentencing powers.
In 1978, the Supreme Court dramatically limited the
impact of ICRA in Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez.
That case involved a request to prevent enforcement of a
tribal ordinance denying tribal membership to children of
female (but not male) members who marry outside the
tribe. The petitioning mother claimed the ordinance discriminated against her child based upon sex and thus was
a denial of equal protection and violated ICRA.
The Court held that tribal common-law sovereign
immunity prevented a suit against the tribe. It concluded
that Indian tribes are required to adhere to the substantial
requirements of ICRA, but that in deference to tribal selfgovernment, Congress did not intend for federal courts
to oversee compliance with ICRA, except in habeas corpus proceedings or unusual circumstances. Since 1978
and Martinez, those persons who allege noncustodial violations of ICRA are limited to pursuing their claims in
tribal forums. Generally federal courts play no enforcement role in any of the provisions of ICRA that dont
involve the narrow review of the imposition of incarceration by tribal courts in criminal proceedings.

See also Indian Policy, U.S.: 19002000; Indian Political Life;

Indian Tribal Courts.

INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION. The U.S. Congress established the Indian Claims Commission (ICC)
in August 1946 to adjudicate Native Americans claims
against the federal government for a centurys worth of
treaty violations, fraudulent land cessions, and nancial
mismanagement. Expected to last ten years, the threemember ICC operated until September 1978, when the
U.S. Court of Claims reassumed jurisdiction over outstanding cases.
The impetus to create the ICC came from three main
sources. Native Americans and white political leaders had
been calling for a commission separate from the backlogged U.S. Court of Claims since 1910. Assimilationists
intent on terminating federal guardianship of Native
Americans hoped to eliminate a nal legal and moral hurdle by wiping the slate clean of Indian demands for redress. Finally, federal ofcials wanted to address Native
Americans grievances as a reward for their contributions
during World War II and to create a positive record of
dealing fairly with Americas minorities in the increasingly
competitive atmosphere of the Cold War.
Nearly all of the 176 federally recognized Indian nations led at least one claim before the ICC prior to the
1951 deadline. These lings produced 370 petitions combined by the court into 611 dockets. In most cases, Indian
nations claimed the federal government had provided either inadequate or no compensation for land taken from
them. Nearly a third of the petitions focused on the governments mismanagement of natural resources or trust
funds. Ultimately, the ICC cleared 546 dockets and named

Proposals to amend the ICRA to provide for more

effective enforcement by the federal courts have been
made and remain controversial. However, any remedy
must balance the rights of the individual tribal members
with a respect for tribal sovereignty and self-government.

Canby, William C., Jr. American Indian Law in a Nutshell. 3d ed.

St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1998.
Johnson, Susan, Jeanne Kaufmann, John Dossett, and Sarah
Hicks. Government to Government: Understanding State and
Tribal Governments. Washington, D.C.: National Congress
of American Indians/National Conference of State Legislatures, 2000.
OBrien, Sharon. American Indian Tribal Governments. Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1989.
Sokolow, Gary A. Native Americans and the Law: A Dictionary.
Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 2000.

John Low

Indian Claims Commission. At the bill-signing ceremony

creating the commission, on 13 August 1946, President
Harry S. Truman turns to speak with (left to right) Senator
Joseph OMahoney of Wyoming, Ute Indians Reginald Curry
and Julius Murray, and Interior Department ofcial Oscar
Chapman. Bettmann/corbis



342 awards totaling $818,172,606.64. These judgments

ranged from several hundred dollars to $31.2 million.
Native Americans experiences with the ICC were
mixed. Many litigants resented the adversarial nature of
its proceedings. Faced with the possibility of awarding
billions of dollars, government lawyers battled to defeat
the claims and refused to settle out of court. Both sides
hired historians and anthropologists as expert witnesses
to either prove or disprove aboriginal land title. Native
Americans also objected to gratuitous offsets, money
the government deducted from awards for services rendered, and rightly complained that the awards did not
include interest. In some cases, the government even stipulated how the awards could be spent before releasing
funds to the successful plaintiffs. In addition, roughly
$100 million went to attorney fees. Several nations did
not believe justice could be found in monetary compensation. The Sioux and the Taos Pueblo rejected awards in
the hopes of securing a return of their land.
Given the legal complexity, cultural conicts, and political nature of the proceedings, it is not surprising that
the ICC failed to satisfy every constituency. Nevertheless,
in an important legacy of the claims process, besides the
economic benets, Native Americans gained valuable legal experience in asserting their sovereignty and in protecting their cultural identities, experience that continued
to pay dividends into the twenty-rst century.

Churchill, Ward. Charades, Anyone? The ICC in Context.

American Indian Culture and Research Journal 24, no. 1 (winter 2000): 4368.
Lieder, Michael, and Jake Page. Wild Justice: The People of Geronimo vs. the United States. New York: Random House,
Lurie, Nancy O. The Indian Claims Commission. Annals of
the American Academy of Political and Social Science 436 (1978):
Rosenthal, H. D. Their Day in Court: A History of the Indian
Claims Commission. New York: Garland, 1990.
Sutton, Imre, ed. Irredeemable America: The Indians Estate and
Land Claims. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,
Wilkinson, Charles, et al. The Indian Claims Commission. In
Indian Self-Rule: First-Hand Accounts of Indian White Relations from Roosevelt to Reagan. Edited by Kenneth R. Philp.
Logan: Utah State University Press, 1995.

Paul C. Rosier
See also Indian Land Cessions; Indian Policy: U.S.: 1900

INDIAN COUNTRY is a multifaceted term that historically has been used as a geographical designation, as
a legal term, and as a cultural concept that encompasses
the past, present, and future of American Indian people.


It embodies the idea that there is a place for Indians.

The existence of Indian Country, through the many evolutions of that term, represents an acknowledgment and
agreement that Indian people will survive. It is a concession to the notion that the melting pot is not everyones
idea of the American dream, and that many Indian people
desire to live in that place they call Indian Country.
The term Indian Country, as a designated place
and boundary line, appeared rst in the Proclamation
of 1763, the British edict that prohibited the survey, purchase, or settlement by colonists of lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. This Proclamation Line was meant
to ensure that the Native tribes would be guaranteed sufcient territory so that trade and commerce, rather than
war, would dominate Indian-white relations.
After its war of independence, the new United States
saw the value of boundaries as a solution to everincreasing conict between Natives and non-Natives. Exercising its authority under concepts of international law
and diplomacy, the United States quickly began negotiating with various tribes to secure treaties that established, among other things, borders between the United
States and Indian Country. Many early treaties afrmed
the underlying principle of the Proclamation Line, that
the integrity and separateness of Indian territory would
be maintained and preserved. For example, the 1795 Treaty
of Greenville, signed by the United States and the tribes
of the Great Lakes, demarcated which lands were available for settlement and which would remain the territory
of the tribes.
The belief that America would include a place for its
native inhabitants was also afrmed by the U.S. Congress
in the trade and intercourse acts passed between 1790 and
1834, which governed white interaction with tribes in the
newly reorganized Indian Country. As the non-Native
population grew, the boundaries of what constituted Indian Country were continually changing and moving west,
and by the time of passage of the Indian Removal Act in
1830, Congress had decided to eliminate any Indian Country east of the Mississippi River. By the end of the nineteenth century, Indian Country as a place had been fractioned off into the many Indian reservations dotting the
United States, along with the area known before Oklahoma statehood as Indian Territory. In 2002, American
Indian reservations remain the most visible portions of
Indian Country.
Congresss current denition of Indian Country dates
from 1948. Essentially, it denes Indian Country as (a) all
lands within the boundaries of an Indian reservation
whether or not Indian owned; (b) all dependent Indian
communities within the United Statesthat is, any land
set aside by the federal government for the use, benet,
or occupancy of Indian people whether or not within the
boundaries of a reservation; and (c) all trust and restricted allotments of lands for Indians whether or not
these trust or restricted lands are within the boundaries
of a reservation. This denition often determines whether


jurisdiction in both criminal and civil lawsuits will be with

the federal, state, or tribal courts. The denition also determines the applicability of many statutes meant to apply
in some way specically to Indian communities, such as
the Indian Civil Rights Act (1968), the Indian Gaming
Regulatory Act (1988), and the Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act (1990). Furthermore,
in such civil matters as divorce, inheritance, taxation, child
custody, and contract disputes, the question of whether the
matter arose in Indian Country is important to the determination of rights and responsibilities when Indians are
Reecting the fact that the 2000 national census
showed that well over half of the American Indians in the
United States no longer lived on reservations, Indian
Country has also come to stand for whatever area supports living, indigenous cultures. Whether at the American Indian Centers in cities such as Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Oakland, at any of the more
than one thousand powwows held each year throughout
the United States, or at any place where Indian people
gather in ceremonies or social events, Indian Country is
wherever Indian spirit, pride, and community are found.
It resides not only in law books and historical treatises but
also in the earth of Indians ancestors, in their homes, and
in the hearts of Indian people everywhere.

Deloria, Vine, Jr., and Clifford M. Lytle. The Nations Within:

The Past and Future of American Indian Sovereignty. Rev. ed.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998.
Oswalt, Wendell H. This Land Was Theirs: A Study of Native
Americans. 7th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Pevar, Stephen L. The Rights of Indians and Tribes: The Basic
ACLU Guide to Indian and Tribal Rights. 2d ed. Carbondale:
Southern Illinois University Press, 1992.
Prucha, Francis Paul. American Indian Treaties: The History of a
Political Anomaly. Berkeley: University of California Press,

John Low
See also Indian Land Cessions; Indian Policy; Indian Removal; Indian Reservations; Indian Treaties.

INDIAN DANCE. See Dance, Indian.

INDIAN ECONOMIC LIFE. In the two millennia
before Columbus initiated continuous contact between
Europe and the Americas, Indian economies were based
on combinations of agriculture, shing, hunting, and
gathering. The horticultural practices of many gathering
societies blurred the line between agriculture and gathering; Indians in many areas used re and harvesting techniques to modify the productivity of the landscape for
humans. As a result, berry patches, nut-bearing trees, basketry material, and forage for game animals were more

prevalent than they would have been without human intervention. Indians of the Northeast woodlands practiced
shifting agriculture as they rotated across the landscape,
clearing the forest for elds of corn, beans, and squash
around villages that moved every thirty to fty years. Although they cultivated crops, they used the forest to restore soil productivity. In the desert Southwest, several
large societies utilized irrigated agriculture; these societies went through cycles of growth and retreat as a result
both of environmental and social changes.
Several areas developed sufciently productive economies to support elite classes that controlled the economy
and political system. In the Pacic Northwest, a titleholding class arose based on control and management of
lucrative salmon runs. In the Mississippi Valley, an elite
also developed, based in several large cities, of which Cahokia near present-day St. Louis is the most well known.
At its height (in the thirteenth century), it had a population between 20,000 and 50,000.
These complicated local economies utilized longdistance trade for further enrichment; centers of trade
were located throughout the continentexamples are on
the Columbia River and the Dalles, at Cahokia on the
Mississippi River, along the St. Lawrence River, and in
the Southwest. The use of trade goods such as shell beads,
stone tools, copper, int products, and pottery has been
conrmed in archaeological records; biodegradable goods
were probably also traded, including hides, dried meat,
canoes, cotton cloth, and baskets. Dried sh, oil, and
human slaves were traded in the Pacic Northwest. Although markets and regional prices probably existed in
the trading networks, actual exchange most likely invoked
reciprocity rules that dominated in local economies.
Local economies were organized by many types of
systems based on reciprocity and tied closely to the ecosystems in which the economies functioned. Leaders in
most societies were expected to collect property and food
that would be available for distribution to other members
of the society, especially in times of need. Most well
known of the reciprocity systems were the feasts used in
the Pacic Northwest for distribution and governance,
called potlatches by Europeans. The elite classes hosted
feasts annually in order to celebrate family events (marriage, accession to titles) and simultaneously to generate
recognition of property ownership and leadership authority. Fishing sites, small river drainages, and hunting
grounds were held by houses, groups of related kin who
followed the directions of the men and women holding
titles in the houses. Once the salmon harvesting and storing technology became linked to the house system two
thousand years before contact, societies in the Pacic
Northwest maintained their high population level and
their way of life relatively unchanged until contact.
In the Northeast, Europeans after contact found that
they had to enter into gift-giving relationships in order
to conduct trade and make treaties with the indigenous
people. The diplomatic and trade practices of the Iro-



quois Confederacy, for instance, linked gift exchange to

peace making. Each town in the Confederacy had two
sides (moieties), each of which shared food and other
resources with the other. Women owned the agricultural
land and organized horticultural production while men
Impact of Initial Contact with Europe
Because both the Old World and New World had developed different ways of managing their ecosystems, potential for productive trade and exchange of knowledge existed when European sailing vessels initiated contact. The
New World had productive plants such as corn and potatoes, and valuable wildlife such as beaver and deer. The
Old World had domesticated animals, metal tools, and
wool cloth. Contact created huge changes in both worlds.
Plants such as the potato participated in the agricultural
revolution in northern Europe. The horse changed the
Plains culture in North America.
Initial contact with Europeans led to the spread of
diseases that decimated indigenous populations. The Atlantic Coast was depopulated all along its length. In the
densely populated Southeast, for example, whole villages
were abandoned. A consequence of this depopulation was
that the rst European settlers found land available for
agriculture and found the tended countryside well stocked
with berries and game.
During the seventeenth century, the remaining Indians and European settlers developed a lucrative trading
system. Two of the main staples of the trade were furs in
the north and deerskins in the south. The fur trade began
late in the sixteenth century and lasted into the twentieth
century. It was rooted in the demand for felt hats in Europe and was inuenced by the competition for furs between the English and French (both with Indian intermediaries); by the establishment of large trading companies
(among which the Hudsons Bay Company came to dominate); and by difculties on the Indian side in defending
the closed-access property systems that they were able to
establish early in the trading system.
Throughout the postcontact period, Indians had difculty excluding other Indians and non-Indian hunters
from their lands; this inability to exclude others created
open access to sh, beaver, deer, buffalo, berries, and
other natural products useful to humans. An Indian community unable to exclude others from its common lands
was unable to enforce conservation practices and the resources became depleted.
The problem of uncontrolled access to hunting
grounds inuenced the deerskin trade in the Southeast.
In the eighteenth century, deerskins and furs were the
fourth largest export from the British colonies, after tobacco, bread and our, and rice. Trading in deerskins was
protable for middlemen and a signicant source of tax
revenue for colonial governments. With this large demand
for the resource, controlling the hunting grounds was important, but proved to be difcult for Indians. The impor-


tance of hunting in generating income also increased the

relative status of men compared to women, who tended
Other changes also occurred as a result of contact
with Europeans. Although Indians had domesticated many
plants, they had not domesticated many animals. Animals
introduced from Europe changed the options in hunting,
gathering, and agriculture. The horse introduced dramatic changes on the Great Plains, inducing a move toward greater reliance on buffalo and less on agriculture.
Sheep changed the use of the countryside among the
Navajo, and cattle raising spread to California and the
Southeast. Tobacco also became a cash crop in the region,
allowing Indians to participate in the expanding system of
commercial agriculture. By the nineteenth century, some
southeastern Indians had even become slave owners.
Consequences of the Industrial Revolution
Although some believe trade itself degraded the Indians
power, in the colonial era both Indians and Europeans beneted from their exchanges. Indians participated signicantly in both the fur and deerskin trades. After the industrial revolution began in England in the mid-eighteenth
century, exchange between the continents did lead to faltering Indian economies. The resulting economic expansion in Europe and the Americas led to removal of native
peoples from their lands. The open-access problems that
had led to decimation of sh, beaver, and deer in much
of the continent became a greater problem as the new
capitalist economy expanded westward. Indians suffered
because the sources of their livelihood were depleted and
because the new governments of the United States and
Canada did not recognize land ownership by the indigenous peoples.
After the War of 1812, the American economy began
to grow rapidly and the non-Indian population began to
ow westward. Fueled by the British demand for cotton,
southern settlements spread rst to the Mississippi, and
then to Texas. Although the Cherokees had participated in
the growth of the agricultural economy, and were strong
competitors in the market, they were severely outnumbered and could not resist removal to Indian Territory.
Removal occurred in both the South and the North:
by 1850 the United States east of the Mississippi River
had very few resident Indians. The Iroquois of New York
State mainly remained, and later joined the economy as
laborers. Mohawks working in high-rise steel construction were well known. Other Indians on Cape Cod, Long
Island, and in the rural areas of the South became wage
laborers after having been displaced from their lands.
This process of moving Indians to the margins of white
society also occurred in California and the Great Basin.
Although many tribes had reservations in Nebraska
and Kansas, in 1854 those states were opened for white
settlement, and the Indians had to move to Indian Territory. In California, the explosion of white population
following the discovery of gold in 1849 swept away a great


many Indian communities and much of the Mexican hacienda system that had provided Native people with employment. Even as Indians in the Plains found that a reservation, once made, could be unmade, Indians in the
Pacic Northwest were signing treaties that dened new
reservations. Relying on salmon shing and hunting, many
of these tribes reserved their right to harvest sh and
game outside of the reservations. These rights became
compromised when open-access rules of harvest were also
applied to those resources late in the nineteenth and early
in the twentieth centuries. Salmon harvesting became industrialized as many salmon canneries were established on
the Columbia River and in Puget Sound. On the reservations established from 1850 to 1890, Indians developed agriculture, as they were restricted from harvesting game
outside of the reservations. For Indians in the Plains, open
access to buffalo had led to the near-extinction of the species, and they had little choice but to nd new sources of
The third main period of Indian economic history
began with the division of reservations into individual
landholdings, or allotments. This process accelerated following the passage of the Dawes General Allotment Act
in 1887. Initially, the Indians allotments were not to be
sold, but by 1917 they were being sold in great numbers.
On many reservations, lands not allotted were opened for
non-Indian homesteading. On other reservations, the Bureau of Reclamation built irrigation projects, and on most
of these reservations the best-irrigated land, often predominately Indian in ownership, quickly was purchased
by non-Indians. Indians survived by working for wages or
carrying out diminished subsistence activities, and through
government support.
Early in the twentieth century, Indian ownership and
control of resources fell to their historical low. Although
the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 ended land cessions, other policies accompanying the act allowed access
to minerals and timber on Indian lands. After World
War I, the few tribes that had built successful economies,
based on timber and other resources, became the main
targets for termination of their already diminished reservations. Some avoided termination, but many did not.
Revival in Late Twentieth Century
Fighting against termination began to create a resurgence
of Indian political activity, which in turn lead to resurgence in economic activity. The 1960s brought both the
end of the termination policy and the emergence of Indian activism, a process that was also encouraged by the
civil rights movement. Throughout the 1970s, tribes began enterprises, and federal programs supported expanding reservation economies both with direct aid and indirectly through large housing programs. Under President
Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, the supply of capital and
resources from Washington to Indian Country shrank,
but, simultaneously, some tribes were able to establish
community-owned bingo and, later, casino gambling. This

gaming economy became important for tribes located

near large urban markets; such tribes became able to climb
out of poverty. Other tribes, far from these markets, were
not able to benet from casino gambling. Many tribal
enterprisesfrom farms to ranches to light industry and
assembly plantsexisted in other sectors at the end of the
century. Private Indian enterprise was extensive; in 1997,
the Census Bureau found almost 200,000 rms located
throughout the country, with most in services (including
entertainment and gaming), construction, and retail trade.
Although great change occurred in Indian economic
life during the last ve hundred years, Indian economies
remained somewhat distinct from those of other minority
groups in the United States. The 1997 Economic Censuses, for instance, were not able to collect data fully on
Indians because the form of their enterprises did not conform to those of other people. No categories for tribal
corporations or subsistence hunters were included, for
example, and as a result, the census data was not complete.
The persistence of these activities connected them to the
precontact traditions of reciprocity in exchange and dependence on the continents ecosystems.

Barrington, Linda, ed. The Other Side of the Frontier: Economic

Explorations into Native American History. Boulder, Colo.:
Westview Press, 1999.
Boyd, Robert, ed. Indians, Fire, and the Land in the Pacic Northwest. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 1999.
Carlson, Leonard A. Indians, Bureaucrats, and Land: The Dawes
Act and the Decline of Indian Farming. Westport, Conn.:
Greenwood Press, 1981.
Littleeld, Alice, and Martha C. Knack, eds. Native Americans
and Wage Labor: Ethnohistorical Perspectives. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996.
McDonnell, Janet A. The Dispossession of the American Indian,
18871934. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Moore, John H., ed. The Political Economy of North American Indians. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993.
Ray, Arthur J. I Have Lived Here since the World Began: An Illustrated History of Canadas Native People. Toronto: Lester and
Key Porter, 1996.
Tanner, Helen Hornbeck, ed. The Settling of North America: The
Atlas of the Great Migrations into North America from the Ice
Age to the Present. New York: Macmillan, 1995.
U. S. Census Bureau. American Indians and Alaska Natives: 1997
Economic Census, Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprise, EC97CS-6. Washington: U. S. Government Printing
Ofce, 2001.

Ronald L. Trosper
See also Agriculture, American Indian; Buffalo; Dawes General Allotment Act; Fur Trade and Trapping; Indian
Removal; Indian Reorganization Act; Indian Reservations; Indian Territory.

INDIAN EDUCATION. See Education, Indian.



INDIAN INTERMARRIAGE. It is impossible to

say when the rst marriage between an American Indian
and a non-Indian occurred. Perhaps it was a marriage
with an American Indian ceremony. Surely it was between
an American Indian woman and a man, probably a white
Over the centuries, Indian intermarriages increased.
Colonists, fur traders, soldiers, and settlers, faced with a
demographic imbalance of women of their own race,
turned to Indian women as mates. More intermarriages
occurred, however, in areas where the fur trade lasted
longer, such as in parts of the Southeast and around the
Great Lakes. Such unions were often frowned upon,
eventually giving rise in some states to antimiscegenation
laws forbidding marriages between whites and Indians or
blacks. In response to the unions, the derogatory term
squaw man was created, with the even more derogatory
term buck woman created for white women married to
Indian men.
As America sought to assimilate American Indians,
intermarriages became more acceptable and frequent. In
fact, one solution to the Indian problem was to dilute
Indian blood (and Indian cultures) through intermarriage.
In turn, tribes in propinquity to numbers of whites responded by bringing intermarried spouses into the tribe:
the Cherokee constitution of 1839, for example, granted
tribal membership to intermarried whites. In Canada, intermarriages produced a legally, racially, and culturally
distinct peoplethe Metis. In the United States, unique,
isolated groups developed, typically in the mid-Atlantic
and southern states. Included here are the Brass Ankles,
Cajuns and Creoles, Croatans, Guineas, Issues, Jackson
Whites, Melungeons, Moors, Nanticokes, Red Bones,
and Wesorts. The well-known Lumbees could also be included in the list. In Oklahoma, mixed Indians and blacks
were often designated as red-black. In the Southwest
and California, Spaniards and Mexicansoften racially
mixed themselvesmoved northward from Mexico and
intermarried with native populations. In the missions that
were established throughout the area, however, Indian
women were forced into sexual relations without the formalities of marriage.
By the early twentieth century, intermarriages were
becoming relatively common in some states. They produced more offspring than IndianIndian unions, and
U.S. policymakers realized that American Indians as a distinctive race might disappear through intermarriage and
differential fertility. But as health conditions for full
bloods improved, so did fertility rates. Eventually, the
fertility of IndianIndian marriages surpassed that of both
Indian mixed marriages and the general U.S. population.
The American Indian population of the United
States and Canada also reached its nadir of some 400,000
by the early twentieth century, down from more than 7
million around 1492. The American Indian population
has increased since, more or less steadily, and in large part
because of intermarriage. The 2000 U.S. Census enu-


merated some 2.5 million American Indians (plus more

than 1.6 million reporting themselves as racially mixed);
the 1996 Census of Canada enumerated some 800,000
Native Americans in Canada (554,000 American Indians,
41,000 Inuit [Eskimo], and 210,000 Metis). The total
then becomes around 3.5 million (or around 5 million, if
racially mixed Native Americans in the U.S. Census are
At the beginning of the twenty-rst century, around
two-thirds of all married American Indians in the United
States were married to non-Indians, with intermarriage
less prevalent in Canada. Rates varied by state and urbanization: they were higher in urban areas, lower on reservations or reserves; rates were higher in California and
the Midwestern states, lower in Alaska and the Southwest
and Northern Plains. If high intermarriage rates continue, at a future point American Indians may cease being
a racial group and become an ethnic group with Indian
ancestry and distinctive social and cultural characteristics.

Price, Edward T. A Geographic Analysis of WhiteNegro

Indian Racial Mixtures in Eastern United States. Annals of
the Association of American Geographers 43 (1953): 138155.
Sandefur, Gary D., and Trudy McKinnell. American Indian
Intermarriage. Social Science Research 15 (1986): 347371.
Thornton, Russell. American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A
Population History Since 1492. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987.
. The Cherokees: A Population History. Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press, 1990.
Van Kirk, Sylvia. Many Tender Ties: Women in Fur-Trade Society,
16701870. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980.

Russell Thornton
See also Creoles; Miscegenation.

INDIAN LAND CESSIONS. In colonial America,

France, with relatively few settlers, showed little interest
in land acquisition and generally utilized Native negotiating formsbelts of wampum, Native-style councils,
and formal alliancesto accomplish their diplomatic goals.
Spain and England were more formally legalistic, and
more interested in acquiring land. They preferred written
agreements and adopted Native forms to seal their bargains. The great example of this practice was the Covenant Chain between Great Britain and the Iroquois. The
European-style treaties negotiated by Spain and England
proved advantageous in producing documents that could
be enforced against European rivals and competing Indian tribes. During the eighteenth century, rapid European
settlement and the improvement in European bargaining
positions at treaty councils advanced the non-Indians
cause. Yet Indians still had the important option of playing one European nation against another in treaty negotiations, thereby avoiding trade or alliance monopolies.


With the rise of the United States after 1800, this key
Indian negotiating tactic became more difcult to adopt.
Early Treaties
During the American Revolution, the United States negotiated a number of treaties with Indian nations, usually
involving either alliance or armistice. Many of these early
treaties reected Native negotiating styles. But the treaty
with the Delawares, 17 September 1778, proved a watershed. Utilizing legal language and enumerated articles, it
set the pattern for most future treaties between the United
States and Indians. It specied cession boundaries, annuity payments, and the roles of Indian agents and chiefs,
and it was negotiated with an eye to European legal forms.
This and subsequent U.S. treaties with Indians would be
recognizable and enforceable.
In the years immediately after the Revolution, the
rather weak United States had trouble controlling its western territory. Particularly troublesome to Indians was the
assertion of settlers and government ofcials that the lands
of the trans-Appalachian west, especially the Ohio Valley,
belonged to the new nation by right of conquest from
Britain. Britain had not consulted its unconquered Indian
allies there before negotiating with the Americans, and
these Native nations resisted American claims of hegemony. Indian military victories at Kekionga (modern Fort
Wayne, Indiana) in 1790 and the upper Wabash (near
modern Edgerton, Ohio) in 1791 forced American leaders
to abandon the claim of conquest and instead to seek
peaceful land purchases through treaties. Indian reluctance made it essential that the United States win a military victory to get the proud nations of the Old Northwest to negotiate. In 1794, the United States won the
tactically small but strategically crucial victory at Fallen
Timbers (near modern Toledo, Ohio). The victory, coupled with Britains agreement ( Jays Treaty, nalized the
following year) to evacuate its forts in the Great Lakes
region, nally allowed the Americans to act. The result
was the American triumph with the Greenville Treaty in
Negotiated in the summer of 1795 by General Anthony Wayne, the victor of Fallen Timbers, and hundreds
of representatives from the Great LakesOhio Valley tribes
who had opposed him, Greenville set the precedent for
subsequent U.S.-Indian treaties in the Old Northwest.
The treaty required the cession of most of modern-day
Ohio to the United States, in return for annual payments
(or annuities) to the Indians. The treaty successfully inaugurated a general peace in the Old Northwest for the
next fteen years. It demonstrated that Indian lands would
have to be purchased by the United States. Bribes and
veiled threats of force, however, were prominent in
Waynes negotiations. The treaty also gave the United
States a permanent method to use in later negotiations
with these Indians, as annuities promised could always be
withheld to obtain further concessions. Waynes use of
tough negotiating tactics and the ability to play one tribes

Indian Land Cessions. U.S. government ofcials meet with

Indians in traditional dress from two tribes: the Sauk and Fox
(forced out of Illinois in 1804, and again after the Black Hawk
War of 1832, and eventually onto reservations in present-day
Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma) and the Kansa (compelled in 1825
and 1846 to give up most of what is now Kansas, then moved
entirely to Oklahoma in 1873).

jealousies against anothers did not go unnoticed. They

became trademarks of his aide-de-camp at Greenville,
William Henry Harrison, when Harrison became governor of Indiana Territory in 1800.
As governor of Indiana (which initially held jurisdiction over present-day Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin)
and commissioner plenipotentiary for Indian affairs north
of the Ohio River between the Mississippi River and the
Appalachian Mountains, Harrison had a signicant impact on Indian relations. Patriotic, ruthless, and enthusiastic about land acquisition, Harrison proved willing and
eager to carry out the policies of the new president,
Thomas Jefferson. In general, Jefferson urged Harrison
to buy Indian lands and to use treaty payments to give the
Indians the necessary funds to become yeomen farmers.
While benevolent in intent, the philosophy was also selfserving. Jefferson foresaw that Indians would become indebted to American traders, and that debt would make
the chiefs more likely to sell lands to the United States.
Over the next seven years, Harrison carried out this program with both zeal and skill.
In a urry of treaty councils from 1803 to 1805, Harrison purchased millions of acres in what would become
Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Invariably, the Indians
involved received pennies per acre. By law, the government sold public lands in the Old Northwest at auction
for at least a dollar per acre. Harrison utilized many tough
negotiating techniques. He repeatedly threatened to withhold the Greenville annuities until chiefs agreed to meet
with him to discuss land sales. He became a master of
dividing and conquering his opponentsoften inviting
only some of the tribes who occupied a tract of land and
securing an agreement with them. When these Indians,
often desperate for additional annuities, agreed to a sale



(often for lands they did not even occupy), Harrison could
use them to put pressure on other tribes or chiefs who
resisted. Whereas Indians formerly used the rivalries of
European nations to their own advantage in treaty negotiations, by the nineteenth century the Americans could
exploit the rivalries between different tribes. Harrisons
councils and tactics established patterns for future U.S.Indian treaties.
While conrming the boundary between Britain and the
United States, the War of 1812 also did much to redene
and clarify U.S.-Indian relations east of the Mississippi.
The Shawnee chief Tecumseh died facing Harrisons army
during the invasion of Canada. General Andrew Jackson
crushed the Red Stick Creeks, Tecumsehs numerous allies in the Southeast. With these twin blows, Indians in
the eastern half of the United States ceased to be military
threats and became obstacles to be removed. As commercial agriculture came to dominate the economies of
the midwestern and southern states in the postwar era,
Indians came to be dened as marginal gures in American life. President Jeffersons old dream of integrating
Indians into American society vanished, and the racialized
ideal of separating Indians and Americans took hold.
The removal period of the 1830s, most commonly
associated with Andrew Jacksons presidency, offers the
clearest example of the newly racialized concept of Indian
relations and produced a new generation of land cessions.
Most of the Five Civilized Tribes of the Southeast, the
Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles, had not opposed the United States during the War
of 1812, and some had actively aided the United States
against the Red Stick Creek faction. By the 1820s, the
majority of them lived on small farms not unlike those of
their white neighbors, and some had even adapted to
plantation agriculture and owned slaves. The Cherokees,
in particular, seemed civilized, having drafted their own
constitution and developed their own alphabet. The citizens of Georgia, however, remained determined to acquire Cherokee lands, and Jackson (president from 1829
to 1837) sympathized with Georgia. Further, he feared
antagonizing other southern states in the midst of the
budding nullication crisis with South Carolina, and supported the states claims against the Cherokees. President
Jackson approved the Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the chief executive to negotiate with all eastern
tribes to secure their removal to lands west of the Mississippi. The Cherokees fought this act in court but they
were unsuccessful.
By 1840, removal treaties (and subsequent forced relocations) had affected the Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles in the Southeast, and the Miamis,
Potawatomis, Kickapoos, and others in the Midwest. After the Cherokees attempts at legal redress had failed, the
other Civilized Tribes had little hope of resisting the pressure to cede their lands. The poorly organized, inade-


quately provisioned marches west, on which many Indians

died of hunger, disease, and exposure, became known as
the Trail of Tears. A faction of the Seminoles in Florida,
under Chief Osceola, resisted removal by waging a guerrilla campaign and were never completely evicted from
their lands.
The removal era created the ofcial view that Indians
were backward peoples who could not coexist with whites.
The government created the Bureau of Indian Affairs
(BIA) in 1834 to deal with such people. Indians needed
to be separated from the American population and conned to colonies where they could learn the arts of
civilization. Soon, colonies came to mean reservations.
A further shift took place in 1849, when Indian affairs
were transferred from the War Department to the Department of the Interior and inaugurated a new cycle of
land cessions.
In the 1850s, the BIA held a rm commitment to the
reservation policy. George Manypenny, who became the
BIAs commissioner in 1853, argued that only by establishing permanent, xed homes for Indians could they
hope to adjust to American-style agriculture and the American doctrine of private property. Manypenny proposed
a policy of allotment in severalty, in which reservations
would be divided into individual plots of land that would
be assigned to individual tribal members. Manypenny also
sought to end the permanent cash annuity system, arguing that it was counter to the civilizing process. Instead,
he proposed paying in animal stock, goods, or agricultural
implements. These payments would diminish over time,
forcing Indians to become self-sufcient. Manypenny
personally negotiated nine treaties as commissioner; each
implemented his plan with a different group and produced yet another round of land cessions, lending further
weight to his inuence on Indian policy.
The postCivil War years saw a continuation of the
policy of forcing tribes to cede large tracts of land in exchange for a clear title to a reservation. In 1867, Congress authorized creation of the Indian Peace Commission, which attempted to implement this policy over a vast
area of the West. Government ofcials hoped their efforts
would secure a safe route for the new transcontinental
railway as well as provide support for Indians as they
adapted to new conditions. However, if Indians refused
these measures, the commission would recommend force
to suppress any resistance.
Initially, the Peace Commission gained some success
through treaties at Medicine Lodge Creek, Kansas, and
Fort Laramie, Wyoming, in 1867 and 1868. These treaties assigned reservations to several tribes and, in an
admission of Indian military prowess, dismantled some
American forts along the Bozeman Trail in Wyoming and
Montana. The success of these treaties was matched by
the 1868 treaty with the Navajos. Although the latter was


negotiated by the army, rather than the Peace Commission, it reected the civilizing goals of peace, the creation
of an Indian reservation, and annuity payments in goods
and livestock rather than in cash.
By the 1870s, many reformers sought to do away with
the treaty system, arguing that the balance of power between the United States and Indian tribes was now too
skewed to allow for fair negotiations. In a rider to the
Indian Appropriations Bill of 1871, the House of Representatives ofcially abandoned the practice of treating
with Indian nations. Existing treaties, however, remained
in effect. While 1871 marked the end of ofcial treaties,
these were simply replaced by agreements, or treaties
by another name. The last major such document, the
Great Sioux Agreement of 1889, split and reduced the
Sioux reservations in North and South Dakota.
In 1887, the Dawes General Allotment Act became law.
Named for Senator Henry L. Dawes, chair of the Senates
Committee on Indian Affairs, the act authorized the president to allot each Indian head of household a section of
land, usually 160 acres, and the new landholder would
become a U.S. citizen. Once all Indian households were
allotted their lands, the government could sell the surplus
land to the public. Initially hailed by well-meaning reformers, the Dawes Act proved a disaster for Indians.
Tribes were unable to slow the pace of allotment, and they

had little inuence on the price they were paid for their
surplus lands. Following the Supreme Courts Lone Wolf
decision in 1903, Congress could act unilaterally to seize
these lands without compensation. In the allotment era,
those who could not or would not become independent
farmers suffered miserably. Revisions in the law allowing
Indians to lease their lands helped briey, but did nothing
to encourage economic development among them. While
Indians had held 155,632,312 acres of land in 1881, by
1900 they held just 77,865,373. Designed to make Indians
independent, the Dawes Act instead cut them off from
many traditional, communal means of support. The allotment system was largely dismantled in the 1930s under
the leadership of President Franklin D. Roosevelts commissioner of Indian affairs, John Collier.
Indian Land Claims
Since World War II, Indian tribes have successfully asserted their claims to land in several parts of the country.
Many have been successful in reclaiming their collective
rights, including those to land and the natural resources
contained therein. The Indian Claims Commission Act
of 1946 provided for a special tribunal to whom Indians
might (within a ve-year window) bring legal grievances
against the U.S. government. The commission was not
authorized to return lands to Indians, but $818 million
was awarded to the tribes in compensation for past misdealing before the tribunal was dissolved in 1978.



Other tribes led suits in U.S. courts. The Sioux

tribe pursued claims to the Black Hills through the U.S.
Court of Claims for decades. In 1980, the Supreme Court
in United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians (1980) awarded
them $100 million for these lands, but the Sioux rejected
this offer. Other tribes pursued a congressional solution
to their grievances. The Passamaquoddy and Penobscot
tribes of Maine succeeded in winning $27 million (held
in trust by the secretary of the Interior) following their
legal challenge to an early nineteenth-century treaty. Alaskan Natives (supported by energy companies eager to
gain access to oil) won nearly $1 billion and 45 million
acres in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (1971).
Other cases remain unresolved. In County of Oneida v.
Oneida Indian Nation (1985), the Supreme Court ruled 5
4 that Indians right of occupancy to their lands was equal
to whites ownership in fee simple. Further, the Oneidas
sale of the land in question to the state of New York in
1795 was invalid because Indian land cessions were a question of federal jurisdiction. Subsequent negotiations with
the state of New York over compensation for this illegal
seizure remain unresolved.

Deloria, Vine, Jr., and Raymond J. DeMallie, eds. Documents of

American Indian Diplomacy: Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions, 17751979. Vol. 1. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999.
Esarey, Logan, ed. The Messages and Letters of William Henry
Harrison, 18001811. Vol. 1. New York: Arno Press, 1975.
Goebel, Dorothy Burne. William Henry Harrison: A Political Biography. Indianapolis: Historical Bureau of the Indiana Library and Historical Department, 1926.
Horsman, Reginald. Expansion and American Indian Policy, 1783
1812. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1967.
Hoxie, Frederick E. A Final Promise: The Campaign to Assimilate
the Indians, 18801920. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1984.
Kappler, Charles J., ed. Indian Treaties 17781883. New York:
Interland, 1972.
Philp, Kenneth R. John Colliers Crusade for Indian Reform, 1920
1954. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1977.
Prucha, Francis Paul. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. 2 vols. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.
Sugden, John. Tecumseh: A Life. New York: Henry Holt, 1997.
Sutton, Imre, ed. Irredeemable America: The Indians Estate and
Land Claims. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,
Sword, Wiley. President Washingtons Indian War: The Struggle for
the Old Northwest, 17901795. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985.
Wilkinson, Charles F. American Indians, Time, and the Law: Native Societies in a Modern Constitutional Democracy. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1987.

Robert M. Owens


See also Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; Cherokee Nation Cases; Dawes General Allotment Act; Greenville
Treaty; Indian Claims Commission; Indian Policy, U.S.:
17751830, 18301900, 19002000; Indian Removal; Indian Reservations; Indian Treaties; Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock; Removal Act of 1830; Trail of Tears; and vol. 9: Fort
Laramie Treaty of 1851; Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kaikiak, or Black Hawk.

INDIAN LANGUAGES. Language is central to Indian identity. Although there are exceptions, in general,
aboriginal group identity corresponded to the language
that its members spoke. This tradition continues in that
tribal designations often refer to language, even though
in some cases few if any of its members may know the
At the time of the European contact, some 300 languages are estimated to have been in use among the indigenous habitants of the area north of Mexico and a surprisingly large number of these survive to the present day.
In the 1990 U.S. census, 136 such languages were identied as household languages by respondents. Although
census gures may involve overreporting and underreporting of both languages and their numbers of speakers,
by adding in a conservative additional gure for languages
found only in Canada, it can be asserted that perhaps half
of the estimated number at the European contact are still
in use.
Classification and History
The starting point for discussions of Indian languages is
usually their relationships to one another or their classication. The primacy of this concern grows out of the
tradition of historical and comparative linguistics, particularly with respect to many European languages in the
Indo-European family. The success of the Indo-European
tradition is based to some extent on the availability of data
over time (as much as four thousand years) in some of the
languages. Since no comparable record exists for Indian
languages, however, their relationships and their classication have been more problematical.
Early students of Indian languages included Thomas
Jefferson, who engaged in eldwork and asked Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to bring back information on the languages of the tribes they encountered on
the 18041806 expedition. Albert Gallatin, Jeffersons
secretary of the Treasury, is also credited with later making the rst serious attempt at a comprehensive classication. The denitive classication of Indian languages
was produced by the Bureau of American Ethnology under the leadership of John Wesley Powell in 1891 and
recognized fty-eight distinct language families. Since
then, generally accepted modications of the Powell classication have been made that involve mergers of languages and groups with other groups and other rearrangements. However, the view of a large number (more
than fty, including isolates) of distinct language groups


in North America has remained the orthodox one. There

have, however, been attempts to reduce radically the number to as few as three stocks for the entire New World by
postulating remote relations showing genetic unity among
numbers of the Powellian families. This has led to considerable and sometimes acrimonious debate among experts. Substantial progress has been made in determining
the internal relations within families and relating these to
prehistoric and historic migrations. Advances have also
been made in the reconstruction of earlier stages of the
It is important to note that genetic classication of
languages does not necessarily correspond to other classications such as geographic or cultural. The geographic
diversity of the Algonquian languages, which are spread
over a huge part of the North American continent in several noncontiguous locations, including the high plains
and both the east and west coasts, illustrates this well.
Another kind of linguistic relationship among languages
is illustrated by the Pueblo languages, which derive from
three quite distinct families but show parallel patterns of
expression and use because of the close geographic and
cultural relations of their speakers. This kind of nongenetic relationship is called a linguistic area.
Although Indians recorded information using pictograms
before contact with Europeans, they had no writing in
the sense of a graphic system with which to directly represent language. The singular accomplishment of the
Cherokee Sequoyah, who created a syllabary for his language in the early nineteenth century, is without parallel
within the Indian world. Writing systems using the Latin
alphabet and, in the case of Cree and Ojibwe, a geometric
syllabary were developed initially by white missionaries
and anthropologists, but Native speakers have taken responsibility for promulgating standardized orthographies.
The strong tradition of orality has given many Indian languages as rigorous a set of conventions about usage as
exists for formal, written English.

American English has been greatly enriched by borrowing from Indian languages. Aside from the many place
names, the two most commons types of borrowing are
terms for native ora and fauna and for objects and concepts of the Native culture.
At the start of the twenty-rst century, all North American indigenous languages were classied as endangered.
Navajo had by far the largest number of speakers, about
150,000, while most had fewer than 1,000, and many had
only a very small number of elderly speakers. The most
devastating inuence was the pressure of the anglophone
milieu in which Indians lived, under which only a small
percentage of Indian children learned to speak their Native language at home. This led tribes to introduce ambitious programs of language maintenance and renewal as
they took control of their education systems from preschool through graduate school.

Campell, Lyle. American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Campbell, Lyle, and Marianne Mithun, eds. The Languages of
Native America. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979.
Ives, Goddard, ed. The Handbook of North American Indians. Vol.
17, Languages. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution
Press, 1995.
Mithun, Marianne. The Languages of Native North America. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Silver, Shirley, and Wick R. Miller. American Indian Languages:
Cultural and Social Contexts. Tucson: University of Arizona
Press, 1997.

Gary Bevington
See also Ethnology, Bureau of American; Education, Indian;
Indian Oral Literature; Indian Oratory.

INDIAN MEDICINE. See Medicine, Indian.

Language and Culture
Central to any discussion of Indian languages is the relationship between language and culture. Here, the focus
has been the debate on the hypothesis associated with the
linguist Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Lee
Whorf that language can determine ways in which its
speakers view the world. Early evidence given by Whorf
in support of the hypothesis has been rejected as untenable, but the debate continues to surface in scholarly
There can be no doubt, however, that Native culture
is richly reected in the Indian languages. Elaborate kinship systems found in these languages not only illustrate
specic views of kinship, but also show the centrality of
such relations to Indian life. Native systems of classication for the natural world are often subtle and complex.

INDIAN MISSIONS represented an important form

of contact between Indians and Europeans from the 1500s
through the 1900s. No Native group escaped contact with
Euro-American Christians seeking to restructure and
transform Native beliefs and societies into Christian ones.
Mission work provided the underpinnings of conquest for
all three major European groups and the Americans:
Spanish Catholics, French Catholics, English Puritans,
and American Protestants. All saw the missions as a means
to convert the Indians not only to Christianity but also
to the missionaries culture and society. Most apparently
successful missions operated where Native culture had
been decimated by disease and warfare. And through their
writings, dictionaries, and other printed works, all mis-



sionaries ended up preserving cultural aspects of Native

The Rise and Decline of Missions: An Overview
The earliest missions to the Indians were Spanish and
French Catholic and were staffed by the holy orders
( Jesuit, Franciscan, and Augustinian). The monarchs of
Spain sponsored their missions while those of France
merely tolerated their own. By 1760, their missions had
spread throughout the Spanish borderlands and New
Spain. In the 1650s, John Eliot, an English Puritan, began praying towns in Massachusetts Bay. By 1717,
small missions also became established in the southern
colonies. Other efforts followed, including those of the
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
(Presbyterian-Congregationalist), the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Baptist
Missionary Union, and other Protestant groups. The
Presbyterian-Congregationalists ran the largest of the
American missions, followed by the Methodists and then
the Baptists. Protestant missionaries often remained blissfully unaware that many of the groups with whom they
worked had already been exposed to Christianity through
Catholic missions.
By the 1850s, the Protestant missionary societies had
begun to ask the U.S. government to subsidize the mission system. It supplied money for teachers, equipment,
and buildings. In return, it expected a pacied and cleared
frontier. Because of their reliance on government money,
some Protestant missionary societies and individual missionaries, like the Episcopal Bishop Henry Whipple of
the Dakotas, became great advocates for the Indians to
Congress. But groups like the Indians Rights Association, founded in 1882, fought for what the missionaries
wanted, not necessarily what the Indians wanted. Some
missionary groups abandoned mission work to the Indians. Although the Presbyterians split over slavery, they
maintained a steady mission presence. But as the Methodist and Baptist missionary societies split over missionary activity, both reduced the number of their missions.

shifted away from the Indians and toward groups outside

of North America, as in Africa and India.
As Indians were forced onto reservations, both Protestant and Catholic missionary societies sought permanent inclusion within Native society through treaties giving the societies permanent land grants. However, as the
government began to take over more of the functions previously lled by missionary societies, such as education,
they lost inuence both with the Native groups and the
The Southwest
Beyond the general history of mission work in the United
States, regional differences existed. The Indians of the
Southwest rst experienced the mission system of the
Spanish Catholics. Inspired by their expulsion of the
Muslims from Spain in 1492, the Spanish sought to bring
Catholicism to the newly discovered heathen of North
America. They established missions throughout northern
New Spain (West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California). The Spanish Catholics structured their missions
around agricultural work, spiritual work, and an aggressive transformation from Indian to Spanish culture. The
Spanish missions suffered from a conict of interest because their two sponsoring institutions, the church and
the state, did not always agree about the fate of the Indians. The missions provided the Spanish with agricultural laborers and a way to secure the frontier. The Indians gained close contact with the Spanish, learning
Spanish and Spanish ways. Although the Pueblo Revolt
in 1680 disrupted New Mexican missions, those in southern California thrived. From the mid-1700s through the
Mexican-American War (18461848), Catholic missionaries maintained a presence in California. After the war,
American Protestants began to make incursions but had
limited success converting the Indians.

The close relationship between the Protestant missionary societies and the federal government reached a
pinnacle during the Peace Policy, which President Ulysses
S. Grant established in 1869. It essentially turned the Bureau of Indian Affairs over to Christian missionaries.
Using the Society of Friends, or Quakers, as the leaders,
Grant hoped that the policy would both reduce frontier
problems and end missionary complaints against government policy. However, corruption continued and missionary groups fought over policy within the bureau.
(Largely ignored, the Catholics formed their own Indian
mission organization.) By 1876, the Peace Policy was dead
and missions to the Indians were in decline.

The East
More competition for souls existed in the East. French
Catholic and English Puritan missionaries invaded eastern North America with quite different approaches to the
Natives and the mission system. The French Catholics
lacked state sponsorship, while the Puritan state sponsored its missions. The French missionaries dealt with a
vibrant mixed blood community of French trappers and
Native women, both of whom often eschewed Catholicism. Without French military backing, Jesuits relied on
the patience and support of the Indians they were trying
to convert. The Jesuits tenaciously clung to their missions, in some cases for several hundred years, slowly
achieving converts. While more tolerant of Native culture
than the Protestants, the Jesuits emphasized the importance of the Madonna, given the importance of women
in Native society.

From then until the early twentieth century, Indian

missions were marginalized by the federal government so
that they had to seek private funding. Their focus also

The English Puritans worked with a Native population under attack by both the English and other Indian
groups. Disease and warfare had decimated the Northeast



tribes, leaving the remnants of some of the smaller tribes

vulnerable to conversion. In 1650, John Eliot began establishing a system of praying towns. These replicas of
English Puritan communities were intended to transform
the Indians completely. Unfortunately, praying towns
were also targets for English settlers when tensions
erupted in the colonies. Angry English colonists attacked
praying towns during many of the colonial conicts, including King Philips War in 1675 and 1676. Renewed
epidemics and Indian efforts to migrate and build wider
kin networks doomed these towns.

the federal government. Several of these missionaries became involved in policy, including Riggs of Minnesota and
S. D. Hinman of the Dakotas. They acted as Indian agents
and treaty negotiators, using their language skills to help
settle the Indians on reservations, which the missionaries
viewed as a necessary step toward Christianization.

The Southeast, Northwest, and Great Plains

In the Southeast, Virginia and other southern colonies
initially sought to convert the Indians. But when the Indians proved less than enthusiastic, the English abandoned the efforts. Overall, the English colonies offered
some incentives for conversion. Converted and civilized
Indians could own property and participate in trade and
civic life. The so-called Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokee,
Chickasaw, Creek, Choctaw, and Seminole) exploited these
advantages by bringing in missionaries to help educate
their people in the early nineteenth century. But Indian
converts remained second-class citizens and vulnerable to
changing political tides.

Berkhofer, Robert. Salvation and the Savage: An Analysis of Protestant Missions and American Indian Response, 17871862.
Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1965.

Indians along the Northwest Coast encountered

Catholic missionaries through the French Canadian trading routes. While few converted, many adopted some of
the concepts and language of Christianity, using French
words to describe issues of sin and salvation. Protestants
later took these words to mean that the Indians might
once have been Christians. Beginning in the 1840s, American Protestants invaded in earnest. Marcus Whitman led
a team of missionaries into Cayuse territory. With the
tacit support of the federal government, he brought in
white settlers. They, in turn, brought smallpox and tensions overland. In 1847, the Cayuse revolted against the
missionaries, killing most of them, including Whitman,
and attempting to eject the white settlers from their land.
The Whitman Massacre galvanized the Protestant missionary movement to pacify the frontier by civilizing the
Later missionaries to the Northwest fought to outlaw
large parts of Native culture, including the potlatch. Protestant missionaries, in particular, saw the potlatch as a
waste of wage labor. With a growing number of Northwest Coast Indians working in salmon canneries and other
industries after 1870, many missionaries hoped they would
settle into Christian life. The potlatch defeated that purpose. American missionaries eventually convinced the U.S.
government to outlaw the potlatch.
Unlike the other groups, the Great Plains peoples
remained untouched by missionaries until well into the
nineteenth century. The 1830s saw the invasion of Protestant missionaries, such as Stephen Return Riggs and
Gideon Pond, into the Dakotas, Minnesota, and the
Kansas-Nebraska Territory. They worked with both Plains
Indian groups and those groups forced into the region by


Beaver, R. Pierce. Church, State, and the American Indians: Two

and a Half Centuries of Partnership in Missions between Protestant Churches and the Government. St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia, 1966.

Devens, Carol. Countering Colonization: Native American Women

and Great Lakes Missions, 16301900. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1992.
Higham, C. L. Noble, Wretched, and Redeemable: Protestant Missionaries to the Indians in Canada and the United States, 1820
1900. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2000.
Kidwell, Clara Sue. Choctaws and Missionaries in Mississippi, 1818
1918. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
Vecsey, Christopher. The Paths of Kateris Kin. Notre Dame, Ind.:
University of Notre Dame Press, 1997.

Carol L. Higham
See also Indian Policy, Colonial; Indian Policy, U.S.: 1775
1830, 18301900, 19002000; Indian Religious Life;
Jesuits; Mission Indians of California; and vol. 9: A
Dialogue between Piumbukhou and His Unconverted
Relatives; Letter Describing Catholic Missions in California.

INDIAN MOUNDS. Indian peoples built mounds

made of earth in various shapes and sizes across eastern
North America over several thousand years. These mounds
were subjects of much speculation during the westward
expansion of the United States, even though Thomas Jefferson had excavated one and deduced it to be the work
of American Indians. Unfortunately, as the last eastern
tribes were forced west of the Mississippi along the Trail
of Tears, Jeffersons ndings were forgotten, and the
mounds were mistakenly thought to have been the work
of a lost race of Mound Builders. That Mound Builder
myth was nally laid to rest by the Smithsonian Institutions archaeologists in the 1890s, when Indian people
were recognized to have built all of the mounds in the
United States.
Archaeological discoveries in the twentieth and early
twenty-rst centuries reveal that many native groups built
mounds down through the ages. Among the earliest were
small burial mounds known from across the eastern
United States during a period late in the fourth millennium b.c. called the Middle Archaic. The Elizabeth
Mounds site in Illinois has burials of men and women in
a low mound dating to 4000 b.c., suggestive of large kin



sites across the Midwest and Midsouth, conical mounds

were raised over the top of central tombs containing the
bones of important people. The tombs beneath the burial
mounds were sometimes crowded with the dead and their
funerary objects. The funerary artifacts are often called
Hopewell, named after a site in Ohio.

Indian Burial Mound. This mound is in Marietta, Oh., a

center of mound building dating back at least 2,000 years.
Library of Congress

groups, sometimes called lineages or clans. Other Archaic

mounds along the Green River in Tennessee and in
coastal areas from the Carolinas to Louisiana date to the
same time horizon. These mounds were often ringshaped piles of mollusk shells. A similar series of mounds
in northeastern Louisiana were made of earth. These include the impressive Watson Brake site mounds, ten
mounds up to six meters high arranged around an elliptical plaza three hundred meters in length. By 1200 b.c.,
construction had begun at the unique Late Archaic
mound site of Poverty Point in northeastern Louisiana.
The main mound at that site may have been shaped in
the form of a mythical bird of prey. This mound was
twenty-one meters high and sat adjacent to a series of
parallel loaf-shaped mounds and radiating isles or pathways arranged around a huge central space. The Poverty
Point mounds suggest a level of sophistication in mound
building not seen before this time.
Mound construction continued in places through the
Early Woodland period (800200 b.c.). In and around
Ohio, Adena mound-building groups produced centrally
located but sparsely populated mound sites that usually
included prominent conical burial mounds, some reaching heights of twenty meters. In the centuries that followed, during the period archaeologists call the Middle
Woodland (200 b.c.a.d. 300), mound building in the
Midwest and Midsouth reached a new level of sophistication. Middle Woodland people sometimes built large
at-topped pyramids, huge earthen enclosures, and conical burial mounds. At the Pinson site in Tennessee, one
four-sided at-topped mound is eighteen meters high. It
was probably a kind of stage that elevated a religious ritual
or performance. In places like Newark, Ohio, earthen embankments were built in huge geometric shapescircles,
octagons, and squares covering up to twenty hectares of
level ground. These enclosed spaces were probably sacred
ritual areas. Processional avenues or roads led to and
from these enclosed spaces. At other Middle Woodland


A lull in mound building, or a reduction in the scale

of such construction, followed the Middle Woodland period in most places. However, in Georgia and northern
Florida burial and platform mound construction continued during this Late Woodland period (a.d. 3001000,
with dates as late as European contact in some places). At
sites named Kolomoki and McKeithen, archaeologists
have found that prominent men and women directed
mound building and mound-top use. In Ohio, the great
Serpent Mound was built during this time, as were other
efgy moundsearthen mounds made in the shape of
birds, snakes, and four-legged animals in Wisconsin and
surrounding states. By a.d. 700 in Louisiana, Mississippi,
and Arkansas, a new wave of mound building saw the construction of rectangular at-topped mounds around large
rectangular open plazas. These are so-called Coles
Creek centers. In the Arkansas River valley, the site
called Toltec has eighteen platform mounds and open plazas enclosed by a semicircular embankment of earth.
However, like others of its type, Toltec was abandoned as
a result of yet another new mound-building way of life
that emerged in the Mississippi valley shortly after a.d.
1000. At that time, huge mounds were built at the site of
Cahokia in southwestern Illinois. This huge construction
effort marked the beginning of the Mississippian period, which lasted from a.d. 1000 up to European contact
in parts of southeastern North America.
Cahokia appears to have been the only North American city-state ever to arise, a unique and extraordinarily
large population center. Its largest central pyramid rose
thirty meters above the surrounding oodplain of the
mighty Mississippi. This central pyramid, called Monks
Mound, covered ve hectares at its base, making it one
of the largest monuments in the pre-Columbian New
World (following pyramids at Teotihucan and Cholula in
Mexico and Moche in Peru). Over a hundred more pyramidal mounds were clustered around Cahokias many
plazas, the largest of the plazas covering twenty hectares.
These were, in turn, surrounded by neighborhoods of
thatched-roof houses. Nearby were even more pyramidal
mounds, most of which had four sides and at tops. On
their summits were built Mississippian temples, council
houses, and the homes of important men and women. At
Cahokia, and other Mississippian centers to the south,
mound building was a regular, repetitive act that involved
the entire community every year.
Numerous other Mississippian mounds are found at
sites such as Moundville in Alabama, Shiloh in Tennessee,
Etowah in Georgia, and Emerald or Winterville in Mississippi. Scores of such sites and their earthen platform
mounds are testimony to a distinctive way of life that en-


dured into historic times. Members of the Hernando de

Soto expedition, in 15391543, and later European explorers and Euro-American pioneers observed that the
mounds, the buildings on their summits, and even the
chiefs and priests who lived on or took care of the mounds
were sacred and highly revered. Mound building ceased
shortly after European colonization and much was forgotten during the removal of Indian peoples from their
homelands. Mounds remain as testimony to the rich and
complex history of American Indians.

Charles, Douglas K., Steven R. Leigh, and Jane E. Buikstra, eds.

The Archaic and Woodland Cemeteries at the Elizabeth Site in
the Lower Illinois Valley. Kampsville, Ill.: Kampsville Archeological Center, 1988.
Gibson, Jon L. The Ancient Mounds of Poverty Point: Place of Rings.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2001.
Lindauer, Owen, and John H. Blitz. Higher Ground: The Archaeology of North American Platform Mounds. Journal
of Archaeological Research 5 (1997): 169207.
Pauketat, Timothy R. Temples for Cahokia Lords: Preston Holders
19551956 Excavations of Kunnemann Mound. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, 1993.
Russo, Michael. A Brief Introduction to the Study of Archaic
Mounds in the Southeast. Southeastern Archaeology 13
(1994): 8993.
Squier, Ephraim, and Edwin H. Davis. Ancient Monuments of the
Mississippi Valley. 1948. Reprint, edited by D. J. Meltzer.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1998.

Timothy R. Pauketat
See also Archaeology and Prehistory of North America.

INDIAN MUSIC. See Music: Indian.

INDIAN ORAL LITERATURE nurtures and explores the connections native peoples see in the entire
web of living and inert members. Rooted in both the land
and the language, stories, in all their forms, relate people
and species to their places of abode. These stories provide
entertainment and education; they include informal accounts of personal events and nightly bedtime and justso stories about how animals got their present colors,
tails, behaviors, and such, as well as formally recited epics,
which depict the creation of the world and other events,
and take days or months to complete. In ancient times,
the crippled and the blind earned food and lodging by
telling stories and spreading news in camps and villages.
Their repertoire included foibles, tales, fables, stories, and
myths, as well as epics of great formal complexity. While
the word myth connotes the imaginary in contemporary English, literary studies dene it as a kind of cultural
explanation, and native people accord it the weight of scientic proof and cosmic rationale.

Origin epics are the most distinctive. Throughout

the Americas, there are seven major types of origin epics,
including Earth Diver, who brought a speck of dirt from
the oceans oor to enable the world to be formed; Father
Sky plus Mother Earth, who begat creation; Emergence
from an underworld; Spider weaving the world; Tricksters
democratizing private resources for future benet to all
succeeding beings; Twins vying to create useful or harmful consequences; and Dismemberment of a giant (like the
Norse Ymir), whose body parts become pieces of the
worldthe skull becoming the dome of the sky, the bones
turning into stones, the hair to vegetation, the blood becoming water, and the organs into species. None of these
epics is entirely unique to the Americas; for example
Earth Diver is circumpolar and Father Sky plus Mother
Earth appears through the Pacic and ancient Japan.
Even Ymir presents the story of Adam in reverse.
Although the content of a story will vary with each telling,
its grammar and literary style make its form distinct. Often a story has a title, a beginning (Once upon a time),
and an ending (The End, Tied up). The narrative will
rely heavily on dialog between the characters, each of
which has a distinct style of speech, like that of the modern cartoon characters Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck.
Some of the characters will have particles added on to
their words when speaking. In languages like Navajo,
where physical shape and internal consistency, such as
bulky, roundish, granular, bundled, determine
noun forms, humor is supplied by misapplying these
shapes (roundish instead of human for a hunchback).
Similarly, the difference between knowledge gained rsthand and that which is reported vicariously alerts listeners
to lies and deceptions. Indeed, the very appearance of a
trickster gure, such as Coyote or Hare, tells children that
whatever the trickster does is likely to be very wrong. In
this way moral, lessons were taught but not preached.
Other literary devices include the repetition of
events, often four times the lengthening of vowels for emphasis (looong), the inversion of the norm (cross dressing), and the use of words in archaic or baby forms. Additionally, the level of the voice is raised or lowered, and
whispers, lisps, and emphatic silences are used. Mythic
events are adapted to t the particular moment of telling.
Native speakers also develop a keen sense of chronology within their literature. Among the Iroquois of the
Northeast, three epics explain the creation of the earth
by Earth Grasper and the twins Sapling and Flint, the
founding of the Iroquois League (1400s?), and then the
Good Word of the prophet Handsome Lake about 1800.
Among Tsimshians of the North Pacic, a dozen such
epics layered through time not only outline the history of
their world but also explain the founding of key dynastic
houses. Because the earliest epics describe a newly glaciated world, these layerings extend over at least 10,000
years. Each serves to convey an array of names to be in-



herited, of resources to be claimed, of house sites to be

occupied by season, and of art works (crests) to emblazon
all of these connections.
The context of a storythe particular season, or the presence of certain listenersgreatly inuences how it is told,
when it is told, and why it is told. For example, most epics
should only be told in winter, when the land is quiet and
the people relaxed. But if a child is visiting a place where
an important event once happened, he or she may be told
the story immediately, so a connection is made between
the people, the place, and the event. Different families
have distinct versions of the same event or epic. Often
after one family has hosted a feast and told its version in
public, other families will tell their versions in private, so
the contrasts are made clear. Support for contested versions comes from proofs on the landscape; thus, the
telling of an epic at such a place reinforces a familys
claims. Among the Abenakis of the Northeast, human society began after a Frog disgorged all the earths water.
The water ran over the landscape in a treelike pattern,
each branch ending in a lake inhabited by humans who
gained a closeness with a particular species. At each telling, families agree on the dendritic ow of the water but
strongly differ on the specic pond and particular species
at the end, insisting that it must be their very own. Thus,
a bear family will culminate its account with a pond inhabited by bears.
The way a narrator uses phrasing to create nuances of
meaning and suspense can enhance or diminish the quality of each recitation. Age, gender, and pedigree also bear
on a narrators style. All Native American children are
told stories and encouraged to repeat them. Those exhibiting keen memory and giving enjoyable performances are
trained for public roles. Such artistry requires a broad
range of knowledge. For example, when blind and thirsty
Coyote goes in quest of a drink, he keeps running into
trees. The audience will be able to discern the habitat
from the type of tree that Coyote has run into, and will
suspect he is near water when he falls into willows or is
in the hills when he encounters pines.
Zuni storytellers add details consistent with their archaeological past to enrich their accounts and create an
ideal mood. Hatchways, cotton dresses, and stone tools,
while not always strictly accurate, enhance the literary
quality of a story. Such complexity and nuance characterize superior performances and gain recognition for a
Most stories translate easily from native languages into
English, Spanish, Russian, and other foreign languages,
though native speakers say much of the emotional quality
is lost in translation. Modern publications of Indian oral
literature regard it as similar to Western drama, with long


performances presented as lines, scenes, and acts. Stage

directions provide data on the actions and voicings used,
while shifts in the actual typographysuch as capital letters for loud phrasings, italic letters for soft ones, and
blank spaces for silencessuggest more than the actual
Academics concerned with folklore, anthropology,
linguistics, and literature have developed a variety of explanations for Indian oral literature. Storytelling releases
social pressures, especially those among family members.
Epics help rationalize the cosmos, providing a basis for
ritual and worship. The stories give intellectual consideration to the ironies, contradictions, and conicts that
exist in all species. While some explanations have been
faddish (such as solar myths spreading from ancient
Egypt), the ones noted above have endured, because they
recognize the creative role that stories play.
Studies that emphasize a storys performance and
context examine the phrasings, the audience, and the narrator. The look of the printed page also conveys much
about how the dramatic manner interacts with the rules
of the language itself.
Studies of the text emphasize the intellectual, cultural, and creative concepts embedded in each telling,
such as the full and intimate knowledge of animal behavior and changes in the landscape over centuries, as well
as the texts actual arrangement as measured verse. Culturally important numbers, such as four, seven, and
twelve, are used to organize lines and scenes into satisfying wholes, much the same way that basketry, weaving,
and knitting use patterning by numbers to create texture
and design. Such artistry also helps to identify the many
examples of fakelore devised by Euro-Americans in the
interest of romantic or bloodthirsty images of native
peoples. Lovers leaps, star-crossed lovers, heartless battles
to the death, forbidden sacred mountains, New Age mysteries, and a host of such Hollywood projections have
nothing to do with traditional literatures.
Yet a basic interest in motifs continues. No story,
myth, or epic stands alone. Certain themes are so common they have their own titles. Among these are Origin
of Death, Bungling Host, Flood, Orpheus, Star Husband,
Rolling Head, Dog Husband, Sun and Moon Incest, and
Virgin Birth. They often appear in similar forms in the
folklore of other cultures. These parallels speak to the
overall human condition.
The role and importance of these tellings, whatever
type or form, within the domain of literature can be
summed up in the Native reminder that our stories were
our libraries.


Miller, Jay. Earthmaker: Tribal Stories from Native North America.

New York: Perigee, 1992.

I N D I A N P O L I C Y, C O L O N I A L

Thompson, Stith. Tales of the North American Indians. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1966. Reprint of 1929 rst

Jay Miller
See also Indian Languages; Indian Oratory; Literature: Native American Literature.

INDIAN ORATORY. In most Indian societies, skill

with the spoken word proved crucial to a leaders effectiveness. Obviously, this was in part because Native Americans are traditionally an oral people. Also, the stress on
oratory reected the general absence of coercive power
among the North American tribes. A chief relied on persuasion, rather than force, to direct events. Great chiefs
were by denition effective orators.
European orators, accustomed to written notes, were
especially impressed with Indians powers of memorization. Utilizing natural metaphors and sometimes lasting
for hours, Indian speeches were well calculated to impress
their target audiences. For non-Indian audiences, Indian
oratory, even when translated, was often misunderstood.
Great speeches of Indian leaders became merely monuments to what whites saw as Indian backwardness and
another reason for the Indians inevitable demise in the
face of white settlement. Logans Lament, the speech
of a Mingo chief who fought against the Virginians during
Lord Dunmores War in 1774, is one such monument.
In a speech that was probably doctored by Thomas Jefferson, Logan grieved over the unprovoked murder of his
family and promised revenge. Logan also admitted that
his people were doomed to extinction. Such romanticized
speeches have often been used to essentialize Indians and
excuse conquest.

Vanderwerth, W. C. Indian Oratory: Famous Speeches by Noted

Indian Chieftains. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,
Wallace, Anthony F. C. Jefferson and the Indians: The Tragic Fate
of the First Americans. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999.

Robert M. Owens
See also Indian Oral Literature; Indian Political Life.

INDIAN POLICY, COLONIAL. In the territories

that ultimately became the United States, no single
national Indian policy emerged during the colonial
era. Four major European imperial powers, the Dutch,
French, Spanish, and English, implemented separate Indian policies over an enormous expanse of time and territories. These policies were inuenced by the nations
respective agendas, the resources at their disposal, and
the particular circumstances each encountered in colo-

nial America. Furthermore, while each of these imperial

powers articulated some broad policy principles, many
of the local colonial authorities were ultimately as instrumental in the formulation and implementation of
policy as the home authorities. Certainly, the distance
between the American colonies and their respective capitals made communications between these groups difcult and often required local colonial authorities to unilaterally implement policy. Despite the multiplicity of
factors and agendas at work, however, some broad generalities regarding the policies of the four major imperial
powers can be observed.
Dutch Policy
The Dutch settlements were designed to further what has
been referred to as their seaborne, global empire. The
Dutch rst began to explore the region that would become known as New Netherland when Henry Hudsons
ship, the Half Moon, sailed up the Hudson River in 1609.
By 1621, the Dutch West India Company was chartered, and in 1624, the Dutch settled on Manhattan Island
naming their outpost New Amsterdam. Within a few
years, Dutch settlements had extended into western Long
Island as well as through the Hudson River Valley region
as far north as Fort Orange (Albany). These settlements
were established to further Dutch international trade.
Early on, the Dutch realized that beaver pelts were a
marketable commodity in Europe, and that in order to
procure furs, it was essential to secure the cooperation
of native communities. The Dutch Indian policy was,
therefore, focused not on political domination but on
linking these Native communities to the Dutch global
trade network. Thus, until the British ousted them from
the region in 1664, the Dutch shaped their relationship
with their native neighbors in accord with the needs of
the fur trade.
To secure the fur trade the Dutch attempted to form
alliances by engaging in traditional native practices of reciprocity. Outwardly, they appeared to accomplish this,
particularly with their principal northern trading partners, the Iroquois Confederacy, who were able to procure
the choicest furs. This relationship was based on an agreement the Iroquois referred to as a chain of iron. In
return for furs, the Dutch supplied the Iroquois with European goods (most importantly rearms) and assistance
in their rivalry with the Hurons, who resided in the Great
Lakes region and were the allies of and fur suppliers to
the French. The Dutch also supplied the Iroquois with
wampum. Wampum, essential for the Native-European
fur trade, were small, polished beads, made from two
types of hard-shell clams, and only manufactured by the
local, indigenous peoples living around the Long Island
Sound. The Dutch also took steps to secure a steady supply of wampum from the Algonquian communities of
southern New England, particularly the Narragansetts
and the Pequots. In the 1630s, the Dutch attempted to
implement an exclusive agreement with the Pequots for
their trade. To further their economic goals the Dutch in


I N D I A N P O L I C Y, C O L O N I A L

1633 even tried to plant a trading outpost, New Hope,

on the Connecticut River near present-day Hartford.
This tactic was ultimately unsuccessful. Additionally, in
an effort to stave off competing imperial claims, the
Dutch explicitly recognized the natives as the original and
legal owners of the soil and required all settlers to acquire
native title through treaties or deeds.
However, the Dutch approach was not seamless and
each settlement had a great deal of latitude to deal independently with their Indian neighbors. For example,
large-scale violence between Dutch and Indians erupted
in 1640 when Governor Willem Kieft attempted to subjugate indigenous communities near New Amsterdam.
He demanded tribute from Long Island and Hudson Valley tribes. When they refused, he sent troops to enforce
his demands. Unable to enforce his will on these tribes
through military action he turned to the Mohawks to mediate a solution. Diplomacy failed, however, and hostilities resumed. As a result the Dutch States General recalled Kieft (who subsequently was lost at sea) and
ordered an end to this type of coercive policy. Nevertheless, until the end of Dutch rule in 1664, hostilities between Dutch settlers and their native neighbors broke out
sporadically, particularly where settler encroachments on
native lands were most rampant.
French Policy
The fur trade sustained the French colonial empire in
North America. At its most expansive, New France encompassed modern Ontario and Quebec and included the
entire Great Lakes and Mississippi River drainage regions. Ostensibly, the French entered the race for New
World lands to spread the Catholic religion to the Americas, but more realistically they hoped to replicate Spains
experience in Mexico.
Neither Jacques Cartiers expeditions (15341536)
on the St. Lawrence River nor other sixteenth century
expeditions found the desired riches. However, at the end
of the sixteenth century a trading post was established at
Tadoussac at the mouth of the Saguenay River and soon
followed by posts at Quebec City and Montreal. New
France relied upon the fur trade and therefore depended
on the cooperation of a network of Algonquin and Huron
allies. Similar to the Dutch, the French readily entered
into traditional native forms of alliance building through
exchanging presents of European goods, along with
military and social obligations, for furs. In particular the
French very quickly became enmeshed in their allies ongoing conict with the Iroquois Confederacy, ghting
sporadically with this group until the Settlement of 1701.
Ultimately this French form of alliance building with native peoples extended well into the Great Lakes region
and down through the Ohio Valley.
The French were never able to attract large numbers
of colonists to New France, and much of the European
presence there consisted of fur traders known as coureurs


des bois (runners of the woods) who often took native wives
and adopted the trappings of native life. French Catholic
missionaries were also present. The missions became particularly important because they were placed strategically
so as to form a kind of human border between the English
New England and New York colonies. One of the hallmarks of these missions, particularly those founded by the
Jesuits, was that they tolerated the use of native languages
and many of the indigenous peoples traditional beliefs and
lifestyles. Thus, what developed between the French and
their native allies was a policy that combined political,
military, social, and cultural reciprocity. Surprisingly, however, the French never formally recognized native title to
their lands and did not enter into the types of deeds and
treaties for land that characterized the Dutch and English

Spanish Policy
Spanish imperial policy in colonial America was perhaps
the most complicated and varied of any of the European
powers. This was due to the vast geographic expanse of
Spanish colonial holdings, which at their height covered
territory in North America within the modern-day
United States, as well as all of modern Mexico, most of
Central and South America, and even much of the Caribbean Islands. This article looks only at Spanish Indian
policy during the colonial era in what is today the United
States. While the boundaries of colonial Spanish America
were quite uid, it most consistently comprised Florida,
Texas, much of the southwest, and California, and is often
referred to as the Spanish borderlands.
In general it can be said that Spanish policy was based
on military force and depended on overt cultural coercion. The most commonly used tools of this policy were
military conquest and the planting of presidios (military
garrisons) to secure a region; Catholic missions designed
to bring native communities within daily Spanish cultural
and social control; and the settlement of pueblos (towns)
and haciendas (plantations) to bring territory under the
dominion of Spanish colonists. Along with such colonization went two uniquely colonial Spanish American institutions known as the encomienda and repartimento.
The encomienda system involved the forced assignment
of natives to work in mines and on plantations. Theoretically, in exchange for this labor the recipients were to pay
taxes and provide their workers with instruction in the
Catholic faith. The reality was usually far different. The
most prevalent institution, however, in the Spanish borderlands was the repartimento, which mandated indigenous communities to supply a labor force to meet local
colonial labor needs.
Typical of Spanish rule in the borderlands was the
experience of the Pueblos in the Southwest, an agricultural people famous today for their apartment-like dwellings. In 1598, the Pueblos were invaded by a military
expedition led by the Spanish conquistador, Juan de

I N D I A N P O L I C Y, C O L O N I A L

Onate. This led to the subsequent arrival of Franciscan

missionaries, Spanish settlers, and the institutions of the
encomienda and repartimento. In 1610, Santa Fe was
built with forced Indian labor. The combination of a
harsh tribute system and the attempt by Franciscan missionaries to suppress Pueblo cultural and religious practices caused great hardship for the Pueblo communities.
It left the Pueblos stripped of their usual trading surplus
and deprived them of the goods needed for traditional
exchanges with their non-farming Apache and Navajo
neighbors. The Pueblos relative poverty led, in turn, to
raids on towns by their former trading partners. Pueblo
resistance to the Spanish system combined with droughts
and epidemics led to the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. As a
result, the Spanish were absent from the Rio Grande for
a decade. Other areas of the Spanish borderlands experienced similar trials, but many of the indigenous groups
in these areas were able to survive demographic losses and
preserve their communities and identities.

English Policy
During the English colonial era, Indian policy was a complicated mix of colonial and imperial initiatives. Before
1755, local colonial authorities often took the lead in setting policy for each British colony. After 1755, this balance began to tip in favor of imperial-formulated policy.
In that year, the British created two Indian departments
in an attempt to regulate and control Indian policy and
affairs. Unlike the French and Spanish, the English never
focused on the conversion of native peoples to Christianity. Instead, despite some English missionary activity, the
English were deeply inuenced by the conviction that
God had ordained America for the English.
The English made wide use of the treaty process.
Very early in their dealings with native peoples, the English recognized title to the lands Indians historically possessed, and as with the Dutch, most individual colonies
required some formal extinguishment of native title to
perfect English title. By 1761 the British placed responsibility for such extinguishment with the British home
government. The British Royal Proclamation of 1763
formalized this policy in the former French colonial domains. The ultimate English objective in their North
American activities was to place ever-greater quantities of
native lands under English possession and dominion.
The rst permanent English settlement, Jamestown,
Virginia (1607), pursued a policy of human and territorial
conquest towards its native neighbors, the Powhatan
Confederacy. This Confederacy consisted of some
15,000 Algonquian-speaking people living under the
leadership of the werowance Powhatan. Relations between the two communities quickly deteriorated when
the Jamestown settlers attempted to coerce their native
neighbors to provision them with food and labor. From
1609 to 1610, the Powhatans nearly succeeded in starving
the settlers out of existence. Only the timely arrival of

reinforcements from England prevented the colonys demise. The two communities wavered between peace and
war for almost fteen years. However, by 1644, following
a nal and unsuccessful uprising, the Powhatans, ravaged
by epidemics and warfare, nally submitted to the growing English settlement. From that time onward, the English settlers inhabiting the southern coastal regions pursued a policy of Indian removal, extermination, and
enslavement. This policy was also replicated in large part
in southern New England. In 1637, following their loss
to the English settlers at the end of the Pequot War, the
once-powerful Pequots were nearly annihilated and many
of the survivors sold into slavery.
The Iroquois Confederacys experience with the British, however, was somewhat different. In 1664 the English
stepped into the shoes of the Dutch by virtue of their
conquest of New Netherland. Almost immediately New
Yorks colonial governor Sir Edmund Andros entered into
an alliance with the Iroquois Confederacy called the
Covenant Chain. The Iroquois referred to this as a
chain of silver. The relationship between the English
and Iroquois was an economic as well as a political one.
By the mid-seventeenth century the Iroquois had become
essential to the fur trade and their inuence over other
native groups extended as far west as the Ohio and even
into the upper south. The Iroquois, particularly the Mohawks, assisted the English in suppressing many local native communities. They played this role in the New England conict known as King Philips War (16751676)
and assisted the Virginia settlers in subduing the Susquehannocks after Bacons Rebellion. They also served as a
buffer between British America and New France, and despite minimal English military assistance engaged in intermittent warfare with New France until the Grand Settlement in 1701.

Calloway, Colin G. New Worlds for All: Indians, Europeans, and

the Remaking of Early America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1997.
Cave, Alfred. The Pequot War. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1996.
Delage, Denys. Bitter Feast: Amerindians and Europeans in Northeastern North America, 16001664. Vancouver: University
of British Columbia Press, 1993.
Richter, Daniel K. The Ordeal of the Longhouse: The Peoples of the
Iroquois League in the Era of European Colonization. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992.
Weber, David J. The Spanish Frontier in North America. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992.
White, Richard. The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 16501815. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Faren R. Siminoff
See also Fur Trade and Trapping; Indian Land Cessions.


I N D I A N P O L I C Y, U . S . : 1 7 7 5 1 8 3 0


This entry includes 3 subentries:

U.S. Indian policy during the American Revolution was
disorganized and largely unsuccessful. At the outbreak of
the war, the Continental Congress hastily recruited Indian agents. Charged with securing alliances with Native
peoples, these agents failed more often than they succeeded. They faced at least three difculties. First, they
had less experience with Native Americans than did the
long-standing Indian agents of the British Empire. Second, although U.S. agents assured Indians that the rebellious colonies would continue to carry on the trade in
deerskins and beaver pelts, the disruptions of the war
made regular commerce almost impossible. Britain, by
contrast, had the commercial power to deliver trade goods
on a more regular basis. And third, many Indians associated the rebellious colonies with aggressive white colonists who lived along the frontier. Britain was willing to
sacrice these colonists in the interests of the broader empire (as it had done in the Proclamation of 1763), but for
the colonies, visions of empire rested solely on neighboring Indian lands. Unable to secure broad alliances with
Indian peoples, U.S. Indian policy during the Revolution
remained haphazard, formed by local ofcials in response
to local affairs.
Origins of the Civilization Policy, 17831800
At the conclusion of the American Revolution, the United
States announced that it had conquered hostile Indian nations. In theory, all that remained was to settle treaties in
which the defeated parties yielded to the demands of the
victor. (The 1783 Treaty of Paris established peace between Britain and the United States and granted the new
nation sovereignty over eastern North America, but made
no mention of Native Americans.) The nancial needs of
the young Republic in part shaped this policy decision,
for the United States hoped to use Indian lands to pay off
the federal debt. Between 1784 and 1786, it signed a series
of treaties with Ohio Indians that provided for massive,
unremunerated land cessions. The treaties were disastrous
for all involved. Indians protested vehemently against the
cessions and made their point by attacking white colonists
who moved aggressively onto their lands.
In light of these conicts, Secretary of War Henry
Knox reshaped U.S. Indian policy in 1786. Knox believed
that the policy of conquest was both immoral and impractical. The United States had no right to take Indian
lands without purchasing them, he said, and any attempt
to seize lands would stain the reputation of the Republic.
Moreover, the United States did not have the resources
to ght Indian wars in the West. Knox instead developed
a two-part plan. First, the United States would purchase


Indian lands, which would be far less expensive than ghting for them. Second, the federal government would civilize Indians by instructing them in the economic and
social practices of white Americans, thereby making them
more willing to part with their vast hunting territories.
Subsequent treaties in both the South and the Old
Northwest recognized Indian land title, but Knoxs policy
did not end hostilities. White colonists continued to
stream onto Indian lands in Ohio Country, precipitating
frequent and violent encounters. In 1790 and 1791, punitive expeditions undertaken by the United States ended
in great victories for the Delawares, Shawnees, Miamis,
and Algonquians in the Old Northwest. The defeat of
Arthur St. Clairs forces in 1791 produced more American
casualties than any other similar encounter in U.S. history
(900 men killed or wounded). Nevertheless, in 1794, Anthony Wayne defeated the Indian alliance at the Battle of
Fallen Timbers. The following year, the Treaty of Greenville opened all but the northwestern third of what later
became Ohio to white colonization.
The Indian Policy of Thomas Jefferson, 18011824
Upon assuming ofce in 1801, Thomas Jefferson rened
the plan of civilization. In what later became known as
Jeffersonian Indian policy, the third president proposed
to lead Indians from savagery to civilization by instructing
men in agriculture and women in the domestic arts (household tasks such as spinning and weaving cloth). According
to Jefferson, Indianswhen versed in English, arithmetic,
and Christianitycould eventually be incorporated into
the Republic. His policy revealed an Enlightenment faith
in progress and human reason; excepting Africans, he asserted, all humans had the innate ability to reason and to
improve themselves. This apparently benevolent policy
presumed the inferiority of indigenous cultures and predictedin fact, encouragedthe disappearance of Native
Americans as separate and distinct peoples.
Jeffersonian Indian policy ultimately failed. Its failure
is best measured by the emergence of the Shawnee leader
Tecumseh in the early nineteenth century. Drawing on a
Native tradition of visionary revivalism, Tecumseh and his
brother Tenskwatawa began urging Ohio Native Americans to return to their traditional ways. In 1810, Tecumseh traveled south to ask the Creeks and others to join
him in a united attack against white colonists. Although
most leaders rejected his plea, thousands of common
Creeks and Seminoles, disillusioned with the plan of civilization, launched their own resistance to white authority.
In the Old Northwest, Tecumsehs movement ended with
the British and Indian defeat in the War of 1812. In the
Southeast, it culminated in the Creek War of 1813 and
1814, in which U.S. troops put an end to radical resistance
in the region.
Prelude to Removal
The Indian wars in the Old Northwest and the South,
coupled with a rising demand by planters for southern

I N D I A N P O L I C Y, U . S . : 1 8 3 0 1 9 0 0

cotton lands, led to more virulent attitudes toward Indians in the 1810s and 1820s. These attitudes would culminate in the 1830s with a formal government program
to remove all Indians living east of the Mississippi River
to territories in the West. Knox and Jefferson had insisted
that the social and physical distinctions between Native
peoples and whites were purely a product of environmental differences. They believed that, if raised in a patriarchal household in a democratic republic, clothed in European garb, and fed on a diet of domesticated beef,
Indians would eventually look and behave like white
Americans. By the 1820s, however, some Americans began asserting that there were immutable racial differences
between Indians and whites. Since racial differences were
immutable, these Americans argued, the plan of civilization was nave at best and cruel and destructive at worst.
Backed by the weight of science, they argued that removal
would better serve Native peoples.
In fact, removal was rst proposed by Jefferson in
1803, when he suggested that the Louisiana Purchase
might provide eastern Indians with a new homeland. But
it was not until the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828
that removal received the full support of the federal government. Jackson, a Tennessee frontiersman, a southerner,
and an old Indian ghter, showed great consideration for
the demands of his white compatriots and little sympathy
for Native peoples. The combination did not bode well
for Indians. In his rst State of the Union address in 1829,
Jackson outlined his plan to remove Native Americans to
lands west of the Mississippi River. A year later, Jacksons
removal policy became law. The law did not appear to
condone coercion, but no matter; where Indians refused
to relocate, federal troops drove them westward at gunpoint. By the end of the 1830s, tens of thousands of Indians had been forced off their eastern homelands.

Calloway, Colin G. The American Revolution in Indian Country:

Crisis and Diversity in Native American Communities. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Dowd, Gregory Evans. A Spirited Resistance: The North American
Indian Struggle for Unity, 17451815. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Horsman, Reginald. Expansion and American Indian Policy: 1783
1812. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1967.
McLoughlin, William G. Cherokee Renascence in the New Republic.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1986.
Prucha, Francis Paul. American Indian Policy in the Formative
Years: The Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts, 17801834.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1962.
Rogin, Paul. Fathers and Children: Andrew Jackson and the Subjugation of the American Indian. New York: Knopf, 1975.
Sheehan, Bernard W. Seeds of Extinction: Jeffersonian Philanthropy
and the American Indian. Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina, 1973.
Wallace, Anthony F. C. The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson
and the Indians. New York: Hill and Wang, 1993.

. Jefferson and the Indians: The Tragic Fate of the First Americans. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1999.

Claudio Saunt
See also Creek War; Fallen Timbers, Battle of; Greenville
Treaty; Indian Land Cessions; Indian Removal; Indians
in the Revolution; Tippecanoe, Battle of.

Between 1830 and 1900, Indians in the United States experienced dramatic change, such that by the turn of the
century, most Indians were conned to impoverished reservations or on allotments carved out of those lands, where
government ofcials exerted profound inuence over many
aspects of their lives. While policy in and of itself did not
always produce this dramatic reversal in fortune, government initiatives consistently favored non-Indian interests
and consistently undermined tribal ambitions.
Debates over Andrew Jacksons plan for Indian removal
dominated policy discussions in 1830. Scarcely a novel
idea, given generations of dispossession, Jacksons proposal broadened the pace and intensity of removal by relocating eastern Indians to western lands acquired via the
Louisiana Purchase. Supported by settlers, as well as humanitarians who considered migration, the Indians best
hope for survival, the Indian Removal Act passed Congress in 1830 over the strong objections of critics who
considered it a stain on the national honor.
But Indian removal proved quite complicated when
applied to the Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokees, Creeks,
Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles) of the Southeast,
whose populations included elite classes of educated
individuals who had embraced many aspects of AngloAmerican culture. Shocked by Jacksons removal bill and
Georgias determination to extinguish by legislative at
their recently founded republic, Cherokee leaders like
John Ross lobbied Congress and appealed to the United
States Supreme Court. This effort bore mixed results that
proved highly signicant for Indian peoples over the
longer term, but were of little practical value to the Cherokees of the 1830s. In a pair of landmark decisions, Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia
(1832), the Court ruled that Cherokeesand by extension all Indian nationsstood in a position of domestic
dependency to the United States government. But while
this constituted a reduced sovereignty, the Court also
ruled that these same Indian nations lay outside the authority of individual states.
The Worcester decision declared Indian tribes an exclusively federal responsibility, and therefore should have
protected the Cherokees, but Jackson refused to enforce
the Courts will, and the resulting settler pressure moved
tribes to sign removal agreements. Between 1831 and
1845, 45,000 of 60,000 eastern Indians endured painful
relocation. Cherokees suffered famously, losing perhaps


I N D I A N P O L I C Y, U . S . : 1 8 3 0 1 9 0 0

one-third of the 12,000 refugees who set out on the Trail

of Tears. Forced to rebuild their lives and nations in the
unfamiliar lands of Indian Territory, the Five Tribes later
were forced to surrender lands as punishment for siding
with the Confederacy. In 1898, the Curtis Act abolished
their governments and subdivided their tribal domains.
Westward Expansion
Indian policy then turned westward, rst focusing on securing overland corridors for white migrants, then developing into an effort to consolidate western peoples on
large reservations. In California, the rush of miners seeking gold decimated indigenous populations, and some fell
victim to a legislatively sanctioned bounty system that encouraged murder. In Oregon and Washington, sporadic
violence and pressure from settler interests led to a comprehensive set of land surrender treaties negotiated by the
territorial governor Isaac I. Stevens in the 1850s. While
these treaties consolidated northwestern tribes on small
parcels of land, they also recognized aboriginal shing
rights that proved decisive in twentieth-century shing
rights cases.
In the vast central region of the United States, settlers encountered signicant populations of Plains peoples. At Fort Laramie, Wyoming, in 1851 an agreement
designated, on paper, boundaries between major northern
Plains tribes. Government negotiators concluded a similar agreement for the southern Plains at Fort Atkinson,
Kansas, in 1853, but, as it turned out, neither agreement
reduced intertribal conict or minimized encounters with
migrants. The more numerous and powerful Plains peoples, such as the Lakotas in the north, had little reason to
participate in the extension of U.S. Indian policy over
their homelands. Politically decentralized, with multiple
and shifting leadership patterns, Plains societies also operated in ways not well suited to the expectations of treaty
negotiators. Consequently, it remained an open question
whether Native representatives held the authority either
to make promises or to enforce treaty provisions, a problem exacerbated by faulty translations and less-than-candid
treaty negotiators.
This combination of shifting power relations between tribes and the virtual certainty of misunderstandings between whites and Indians combined with the increasing pace of settlement to produce conditions ripe for
conict. When the Dakota conict of 1862 and the horric slaughter of Southern Arapahos and Southern Cheyennes at Sand Creek in 1864 presaged a new era of violent,
and expensive, confrontation, policymakers attempted to
reorient policy. At Medicine Lodge in 1867 and Fort Laramie in 1868, the distribution of gifts and promises led
to Native endorsement of a plan that envisioned the consolidation of all western tribes on a few large reservations.
The rst components of what became known as the peace
policy, this effort also included placing the nomination
and monitoring of Indian agents under the direction of
religious denominations, the creation of the Board of In-


dian Commissioners to oversee the conduct of Indian policy, and, in 1871, the formal end of treaty making.
Inaugurated with great fanfare, the peace policy
foundered almost immediately. Religious denominations
proved no more effective in managing Indian agents than
their civilian or military counterparts, corruption and
mismanagement remained rampant, and, most signicantly, the peace policy simply failed to keep the peace.
In fact, the 1870s witnessed the last major surge of Indianwhite violence, as Indians, predictably, rejected the governments demand that they surrender their way of life
and relocate to reservations. They succumbed only after
the destruction of bison herds and continued harassment
at the hands of the military rendered independent life

Reservations and Allotment

Although intended as temporary way stations on the
road toward assimilation, reservations were little more
than grim prisons, where defeat, demoralization, and malnutrition produced a poverty of mind, body, and spirit.
Self-styled friends of the Indian also found the results
disappointing; concluding that tribalism was the Indians
problem and a strong dose of individuality its cure, they
proposed another reorientation of Indian policy. Included
was the creation of a system of off-reservation boarding
schools modeled after Richard Henry Pratts Carlisle Indian Industrial School (founded 1879). Designed around
the motto save the man, kill the Indian, off-reservation
boarding schools isolated Indian children from their parents and subjected them to military discipline, all designed to strip them from their cultural moorings and
render them more assimilable. Thousands of Indian
children passed through the boarding school system, and
while many considered the experience tolerable, more
found the isolation excruciating and the education more
oriented toward producing manual laborers than leaders
or professionals. Hundreds of children also perished at
the schools.
Allotment, the other part of the 1880s assimilation
program, involved subdividing reservation lands and assigning homesteads of 160, 80, or 40 acres to individuals
or heads of families. Formalized in the 1887 Dawes General Allotment Act, allotment must rank among the
most far-reaching, and damaging, of U.S. Indian policies.
Designed to promote assimilation through values associated with private property holding, the Dawes Act proved
more successful as a tool of dispossession. Granted U.S.
citizenship upon the assignment to an allotment, Indian
landholders remained subject to the authority of the Indian Ofce, which distributed assistance and enacted restrictions on religious practices and the most intimate details of life. Just as signicantly, Indian landholders did
not hold full title to their allotments. Designated the
trust period, and inserted into the Dawes Act to hamper
the activities of swindlers, this measure prohibited Indians

I N D I A N P O L I C Y, U . S . : 1 9 0 0 2 0 0 0

from selling allotments or entering into any contract

touching upon the land for a period of twenty-ve years.
Indians responded to the Dawes Act in a variety of
ways. Some attempted to resist, but after the U.S. Supreme Courts decision in Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock (1903),
it was clear that the federal government had the intention
of imposing allotment, even if it violated the terms of
treaties. Others attempted to live with allotment, and
some succeeded in such a wide variety of ways as to demonstrate again Indian creativity and resilience. But as trust
restrictions were weakened to permit leasing and sale of
allotments, Indians increasingly lost control over their
lands. By 1934 and the end of the allotment policy, the
total Indian land base stood at about 52 million acres,
down dramatically from the 150 million acres in 1880.
Land loss translated to deepening poverty and social fragmentation. These twin results of allotment cleared the
way for the Burke Act of 1906, which abolished the trust
period for competent Indians, extended it indenitely
for those deemed incompetent, and amounted to a pessimistic assessment of Indian capabilities. Now, friends
of the Indian embraced the increasingly common conclusion that there would be a permanent Indian underclass, at least as long as any distinctively Indian peoples

Adams, David Wallace. Education for Extinction: American Indians

and the Boarding School Experience, 18751928. Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 1995.
Deloria, Vine, Jr., and Clifford M. Lytle. American Indians,
American Justice. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1983.
Harring, Sidney L. Crow Dogs Case: American Indian Sovereignty,
Tribal Law, and United States Law in the Nineteenth Century.
Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

A complex mixture of forces shaped federal Indian policy
in the twentieth century including the reform impulse
among many humanitarians, regional economic pressures,
Congress, federal agencies, missionaries, and Indian leaders. The relative weight of these forces varied throughout
the decades.
The Allotment Policy
Federal Indian policy of the twentieth century cannot be
understood without examining land allotment in the late
nineteenth century. The basic feature of allotment was the
assignment of tribal land to individual Indians. Although
some 11,000 allotments were made prior to 1885, the
Dawes General Allotment Act of 1887 guided the allotments afterward. The statute authorized the president
to order the assignment of allotments to all enrolled Indians on reservations. Plots of 160 acres went to family
heads; unmarried individuals eighteen or older and orphans received eighty acres; and those under eighteen
were assigned forty acres. To guard against their sale, the
law placed allotments under federal trust for twenty-ve
years, which meant the land could not be encumbered or
sold. Allottees automatically gained U.S. citizenship.
The allotment policy was primary the work of eastern
reformers who believed that education, Christian conversion, and allotment would end tribalism and traditional
life, and Indians would quickly assimilate. Unfortunately,
allotment caused huge land losses. In 1881, Indians held
155,632,312 acres of land, and by 1900, the gure had
fallen to 77,865,373 acres. Despite these staggering losses,
allotment and assimilation remained the centerpieces of
Indian policy until 1933.

Brian C. Hosmer

Early Twentieth Century

While the allotment-assimilation policy continued, several changes developed after 1900. The historian Frederick E. Hoxie, for example, has argued that Progressive
reformers doubted Indians ability to assimilate and relegated them to a menial social position. Other scholars
have emphasized Progressives policy goal of self-support
after 1900, especially through irrigated farming and outside employment. Progressives also looked for a way to
screen Indians to remove the more capable from government trust protections and services. This goal apparently
shaped the Burke Act of 1906. The law amended the
Dawes General Allotment Act by withholding citizenship
from allottees until after the twenty-ve-year trust period
had expired. However, allottees before then could apply
for competency and receive their citizenship and their
allotments in fee simple. Most of those declared competent quickly sold their allotments at ruinous prices.

See also Cherokee Nation Cases; Indian Boarding Schools;

Indian Land Cessions; Indian Reservations; Removal
Act of 1830; Sand Creek Massacre; Trail of Tears; Wars
with Indian Nations; and vol. 9: A Century of Dishonor;
Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851.

Western regional forces also began to assert more

inuence over Indian policy at the turn of the century.
Western mining and agricultural interests resented the
presence of nontaxable reservations in this undeveloped
region and sought access to Indian resources. As more

Hoxie, Frederick E. Parading Through History: The Making of the

Crow Nation in America, 18051935. Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge University Press, 1995.
. The Final Promise: The Campaign to Assimilate the Indians,
18881920. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2001.
McDonnell, Janet A. The Dispossession of the American Indian,
18871934. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Perdue, Theda, and Michael D. Green, eds. The Cherokee Removal: A Brief History with Documents. Boston: Bedford,
Prucha, Francis Paul. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. 2 vols. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995.
Utley, Robert M. The Indian Frontier of the American West, 1846
1890. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1984.


I N D I A N P O L I C Y, U . S . : 1 9 0 0 2 0 0 0

western territories became states, senators and representatives from the region dominated the Senate and House
committees on Indian Affairs. Westerners also held many
key positions in the Department of Interior and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Finally, federal agencies
such as the Bureau of Reclamation and the Forest Service,
which served powerful vested interests in the West, made
sure that their constituents needs were served. The weak
BIA could seldom protect Indians against white pressures.
The policy of forced patenting during Commissioner Cato Sellss administration (19131921) epitomized Progressives drive to free Indians from government control. Instead of Indians applying for competency,
Sells and Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane established competency commissions that toured reservations screening Indians and forcing those deemed competent to take fee simple titles to allotments. In 1917,
Sellss Declaration of Policy in the Administration of Indian Affairs ended trust protection for all allottees under
one-half Indian blood and boarding-school graduates.
Forced patenting left thousands of Indians landless.
1920s Reform Agitation
After World War I the allotment-assimilation policy came
under attack. John Collier, a young social worker, strongly
opposed legislation that threatened Pueblo land titles in
the Rio Grande Valley. Even though Congress approved
a compromise measure in 1924, Collier took up other
complaints, including Indians poor oil revenues, lack of
religious freedom on reservations, inferior education in
Indian schools, and mismanagement of Indian nances.
Unlike earlier reformers, Collier challenged the assimilation philosophy that had been central to Indian affairs for
four decades. Colliers approach stressed cultural pluralism
and encouraged Indians to retain their own traditions.
Colliers agitation produced a major investigation. In
19261927, the Institute for Government Research carried out an extensive survey of BIA eld administration.
The groups report, The Problem of Indian Administration
(1928), blamed allotment and forced patenting for widespread poverty and condemned woeful education and
health services. Major recommendations included upgrading BIA employees, increased funding, and adding a
division of planning and administration to the BIA. Although the Herbert Hoover administration made several
improvements, it never added the new division.
The Indian New Deal and World War II
The appointment of John Collier as Indian commissioner
(19331945) caused marked changes in Indian policy.
Early on, Collier demonstrated a more dynamic approach
by arranging cooperative agreements with emergency programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps and the
Public Works Administration. These programs brought
unprecedented expertise, funds, and employment opportunities to reservations. Colliers policy of cultural pluralism was reected largely in the Indian Reorganiza-


tion Act (1934). While several provisions of the original

bill were lost in passage, what remained were procedures
to create tribal governments and to charter business corporations. The act also halted allotment, established a revolving credit fund, and authorized money for scholarships and land acquisition.
Unfortunately, Colliers policies aroused intense criticism. Many traditional Indians resented mixed-bloods
domination of the tribal governments created under the
Indian Reorganization Act. Other Indians believed Collier jeopardized past progress. White economic interests
lashed the BIA when it blocked their use of reservation
resources. This opposition and budget cuts kept the Collier administration on the defensive after 1938. The Indian New Deal softened the impact of the depression on
Indians, but it was not a complete success.
World War II made Indian policy far less relevant
than usual. Sensing this, Collier tried unsuccessfully to
create an all-Indian army division in 1940. Two years
later, he arranged with the War Relocation Authority to
place Japanese Americans in camps on the Gila River and
Colorado River reservations. The BIA also cooperated
with the Selective Service in the registration and drafting
of Indians. Despite such cooperation, the BIA was removed to Chicago in 1942, key personnel left the agency,
budget cuts reduced services, and Collier remained on the
defensive. The drift and stalemate of the BIA continued
after Colliers resignation in 1945.
The appointment of Dillon S. Myer as Indian commissioner (19501953) ended the policy hiatus and initiated
the termination policy. This policy involved ending BIA
services by transferring them to other federal agencies or
to states and the relocation of Indians to urban centers.
In late 1951, Myer formed the Division of Program to
gather data on reservations and to study ways to end BIA
services. He soon ordered local agency employees to develop plans, with or without Indian cooperation, but the
Republican victory in 1952 stalemated Myers efforts.
Senator Arthur V. Watkins of Utah, chairman of the
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, became the architect
of termination in 1953. House Concurrent Resolution
108, passed in August 1953, endorsed termination and
ordered Department of the Interior ofcials to prepare
termination legislation for individual tribes by 1 January
1954. Public Law 280 gave several states legal jurisdiction
over reservations and permitted other states to extend jurisdiction unilaterally.
In February 1954, Senator Watkins and Representative E. Y. Berry of South Dakota started joint hearings
on termination bills. Signicant opposition arose during
the proceedings. The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) initially seemed unconcerned about the new
policy but later strongly fought against termination. State
ofcials during the hearings expressed reluctance about
providing services to Indians unless compensated with

I N D I A N P O L I C Y, U . S . : 1 9 0 0 2 0 0 0

federal funds. Other critics denounced the Indians lack

of preparation for termination. Over the next few years,
Congress terminated eleven groups involving 13,263 Indians. Although this represented about 3 percent of enrolled Indians, termination caused tremendous hostility
and anxiety.
Indian Commissioner Glenn L. Emmons (1953
1961) intensied the existing relocation program soon after his appointment. In 1956, he added job training to
relocation. However, critics charged that relocation was a
cruel attempt to force assimilation. Surprisingly, however,
most Indians who left reservations did so on their own;
only 25 percent of them relocated to cities because of the
federal program.
The inauguration of John F. Kennedy marked the start of
self-determination, or allowing Indians greater voice in
policy matters. Several events in 1961 signaled the new
approach. Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall
quickly appointed a four-man study group to look at current Indian problems and suggest solutions. The panels
report on 7 October 1961 outlined three basic policy
goals: economic self-sufciency, greater Indian participation in American life, and equal citizenship. Also in 1961,
the Commission on Rights, Liberties, and Responsibilities of American Indians led a report that condemned
termination as an ill-advised and hasty policy and demanded more government assistance to elevate Indians
standard of living. Finally, a meeting of 450 Indian leaders
at the University of Chicago in June 1961 produced the
Declaration of Indian Purpose, which advocated greater
Indian control over policy making.
Kennedys Indian commissioner, Philleo Nash (1961
1966), tried to end Indians fears about termination. An
anthropologist and experienced government administrator, Nash spent many months visiting Indian leaders and
trying to restore condence in the BIA. The Area Redevelopment Act of 1961 was a harbinger of future Indian
affairs. It targeted areas of high unemployment and low
income for loans and grants, and this included virtually
all reservations. The funds that owed to reservations
through these antipoverty grants tended to break the
BIAs monopoly on delivery of government services.
The trend of federal funding administered apart from
the BIA increased during President Lyndon Johnsons
War on Poverty. The Economic Opportunity Act of August 1964, for example, provided education and training
benets and allowed local initiatives. By mid-1968, sixtythree community action programs existed on 129 reservations. Indian policy had, in the meantime, become highly
diffuse as more and more federal agencies offered services
to reservations. President Johnsons executive order of 6
March 1968 established the National Council on Indian
Opportunity to coordinate the many Indian programs.
Chaired by Vice President Hubert Humphrey, the council was made up of ve cabinet ofcers, the director of the

Ofce of Economic Opportunity, and six Indian leaders.

These developments strengthened tribal governments and
taught local leaders how to lobby Congress and federal
During the 1968 campaign, Richard M. Nixon emphatically repudiated termination and promised Indian
participation in major policy decisions. He repeated the
same promises in his own special message to Congress in
1970. His contributions to self-determination included
proposals that tribes be allowed to contract for services
and that Indian school boards oversee education.
The Nixon administration policies took place during
a highly charged period. The American Indian Movement and other militant groups organized sh-ins, occupied Alcatraz, seized the BIA building, and occupied
the village of Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Turmoil
also erupted within the BIA as young Indian administrators clashed with conservative old hands. During major
crises, White House staffers preempted BIA administrators, thereby undermining their authority.
The Red Power movement reshaped policy but not
in ways that met protestors demands. Nixon ofcials responded to each crisis with face-saving settlements but
made few concessions. The government frequently isolated militants by co-opting moderate groups such as the
NCAI and the National Tribal Chairmens Association. A
good example of this strategy was authorizing the American Indian Policy Review Commission in 1975. This major investigation of Indian affairs consisted of eleven task
forces made up almost entirely of Indians. The groups
nal report in May 1977 repeatedly advocated Indian sovereignty and the creation of an assistant secretary of interior for Indian affairs to help formulate policy. President
Jimmy Carter established the new position later in the
year. Congress also passed an unprecedented amount of
legislation in the 1970s. Several laws dealt with Indian
education, and others covered health care, civil rights,
community colleges, child welfare, and religious freedom.
Finally, Indians turned to the courts, where they won signicant victories on such issues as hunting and shing
rights, tribal jurisdiction, gaming, and water rights. Case
law, in effect, has often become policy since World War II.

Fixico, Donald L. The Invasion of Indian Country in the Twentieth

Century: American Capitalism and Tribal Natural Resources.
Niwot: University Press of Colorado, 1998.
Hoxie, Frederick E. A Final Promise: The Campaign to Assimilate
the Indians, 18801920. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1984.
Kvasnicka, Robert M., and Herman J. Viola, eds. The Commissioners of Indian Affairs, 18241977. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, 1979.
Olson, James S., and Raymond Wilson. Native Americans in the
Twentieth Century. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University
Press, 1984.



Parman, Donald L. Indians and the American West in the Twentieth

Century. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Prucha, Francis Paul. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. 2 vols. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.

Donald L. Parman
See also Education, Indian; Indian Civil Rights Act; Indian
Political Life; Indian Reservations; Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act; Wounded Knee
(1973); and vol. 9: Land of the Spotted Eagle.

INDIAN POLITICAL LIFE. The evolution of the

Native American societies, encountered by Europeans
from the sixteenth century onward, occurred over many
centuries. Indian societies were never static. Very likely,
small hunter-gatherer bands of natives existed from the
Lithic Period (13,000 years ago) onward, particularly in
the Southwest, where hunting large game required group
effort. Improvements in hunting technology, such as the
bow and arrow, as well as better systems for the storing
of food, such as baskets and pottery, led to more stability
and more connectedness during the next stage of development, the Archaic. Early band development, at 6,000
to 7,000 years ago, likely placed considerable dependence
upon a Big Man, or male political leader. Siblings offered support in exchange for assistance. Age was also important. Elders always possessed a commodity that helped
solidify leadershipthey had knowledge of geography,
other peoples, or even origin stories that helped give the
band an identity.
Political organization in native North America took
another shift when agriculture emerged in the American
Southwest. When this process began approximately 2,000
years ago, native women (the principle farmers) likely increased their political power base. As corn, beans, and
squash became common features of the Indian economy,
communities became more sedentary. This shift also beneted women for it enabled them to maintain the activities of childrearing. Soon individuals were locating their
family relations through the identity of their mothers, the
keepers, and growers of the food supply. This practice
produced matrilineal kinship systems.
Matrilineal Societies
As agriculture spread east to the Atlantic Coast, and north
into the Rocky Mountains, matrilineal social development became the dominant form of native organization.
Virtually every southeastern tribal society in existence at
the time of European contact was matrilineal. And similar
systems of order existed in the Virginia tidewater in
Powhatans confederacy, and northward into the lands of
the Susquehanna and the Iroquois. Even in the Pacic
Northwest, matrilineal systems predominated, as women
formed the nucleus for food preparation and childcare in
settled coastal towns. While after 1500, warfare and disease would break up some of these tribal traditions, 80


percent of Native Americans used matrilineal systems as

a form of social organization. These matrilineal systems
helped create the political control that Europeans rst
faced in the new continent.
Matrilineal societies generally were organized into
clans, which included all the closely related people in a
particular village. The clan leader was a matriarch, with
various levels of inuence existing depending upon age
and capability of men and women who lived within her
household or extended family. Clans often held particular
afnity for some special animal, such as the beaver, the
bear, or the deer. In order to prevent incest, a member of
one clan could never marry the member of another. Indeed, to preserve the power and inuence of a clan, the
elders would often arrange marriages, and young women
were not allowed to leave the compound so the elders
could protect her. Within a matrilineal household, men
owned nothing, had no control over food or clothing,
and even faced stern taboos against speaking with their
mothers-in-law. Men maintained separate organizations
devoted to hunting or making war. As particular men
grew in esteem within their respective clans, they were
pushed forward to assume leadership roles. In some cases,
actual elections brought the men to power. These local
clan subchiefs, or headmen, resolved disputes by acting as
intermediaries, a role suited for them because they owned
little property. Often the subchiefs also joined in a council, in which every clan was represented. This band council determined any actions the village might take. Young
men respected the decisions of the council because of
their kinship connections to its members and because if
they became disrespectful, they might never be given a
wife or an opportunity to serve in a leadership capacity.
Occasionally, powerful clans would offer up both
peace chiefs and war chiefs to speak for them. Rank
in the council was decided by age, military prowess, and
the power of an individuals clan. Such ranking was again
often determined by clan mothers. Some evidence even
suggests that clan chiefs could only serve at the bequest
of the various clan mothers. Among some matrilineal societies, war could not be declared until the clan mothers
agreed, and any decision regarding the relocation of the
village was certainly considered only with the approval of
the clan mothers.
Above the village, some matrilineal societies also created chieftainships, or larger political organizations that
represented a number of villages. Oftentimes, a particularly strong and large village sat at the center of the chieftainship, being directed by a council that included representatives from various outlying towns. In some cases,
supra-political elites came to control the chieftainships,
with a particularly powerful political leader assuming command of the warriors. Powhatan was a good example of
such a paramount chief. He was the political leader of
some 10,000 Indians who lived along the Virginia coast
when the English rst arrived. His family was obviously
very strong, as his brother followed him as chief at his


death. Powhatan helped maintain his own political position by frequently selecting wives from among the young
women of neighboring towns, taking some two-dozen in
all. After they had given birth, the young women were
sent back to their towns, where they lived an almost royal
existence, being maintained by the chief. A similar political royalty emerged among the Natchez Indians of the
central Mississippi River valley. Here, the honored people, headed by the Great Sun, or absolute ruler, sat at
the top of the kin structure, followed by commoners and
so-called slaves. This theocracy, while clearly an exception
among matrilineal societies, still operated as a chieftainship, with a council that represented the various surrounding villages. The royalty that controlled the society
derived its power from the clan mothers, as these women
married commoners, who in turn produced children who
became royalty. Male members of the royalty, who by
contrast had to marry commoners, ended up having children who became commoners, thus preserving the female
matrilineal line. The priesthood helped sanction the class
structure and maintain the political authority of the honored people.
In the Southwest, religion played a key role in determining political leadership in Pueblo societies. While
adopting a bilineal social structure (that is, tracing families through men and women), authority in Pueblo towns
came directly from the various kin-ordered religious clans.
Each town remained autonomous and, for direction,
looked inward to its various ceremonies (many of which
related to agriculture) and the clans that organized them.
The Navajo Indians, to the north, while of Apachean origin, maintained more traditional matrilineal organization, as did most of the Northwest Coast Indians. When
societies placed less emphasis upon farming, such as those
in California or the Colombian Plateau, matrilineal systems generally gave way to patrilineal clan organization.
Here, leadership emerged from the male members of the
most successful clans. Councils, likewise, became assemblies of the most respected elders of the patrilineal clans.
The European Impact
Whether patrilineal or matrilineal, most indigenous societies in America at contact were intensely organized. Few
were egalitarian, if the term is dened as one in which most
members of the general society had a say in affairs. Young
members of these societies, either male or female, had little
political power. Given this political organization, one
might expect that Europeans and American Indians could
have established peaceful, mutually respectful relations.
Unfortunately, much the opposite happened, for almost
from the beginnings of contact, Europeans failed to understand the values and loyalties that held Indian societies
together and failed to see the havoc that disease and war
would have on traditional institutions.
The disruption of Native American political orders
can be seen almost from the rst entry of the earliest Europeans. In the Southwest, Spaniards used the sword and

the Bible to reform Indian communities. Missionaries,

supported by Spanish soldiers, invaded Indian towns,
challenged native leaders, and forced a patriarchal system
on the inhabitants. Indian men, who had traditionally acquired status from their religious roles, found their religion dismissed; most were forced to work in elds alongside their women. Disease quickly took its toll, as the
number of Native American Pueblo communities declined from over one hundred in 1540 to a mere fourteen
by 1800. Some Pueblo Indians ed and joined the roving
Apache bands that had acquired horses. They returned to
a more mobile existence that emphasized patrilocal social
and political order. Apaches, in general, were making the
transition from matrilineal organizationand some agricultureto herding and raiding, occupations that supported patrilocal organization and strong male leadership.
The transition to patrilocal order, however, is best
seen on the Great Plains, where the matrilineal societies
of the Wichitas, Caddos, and Pawnees, which had dominated the region in 1540, saw their populations decline
as others invaded their hunting grounds. Among the newcomers were Comanches, Arapahos, Cheyennes, and
Lakotas, or Sioux people, who acquired horses after 1700
and built larger and larger populations. These new societies were all patrilocal and mobile.
Politically, women had little inuence in these hunting camps and their men practiced polygamy, capturing
women in raids on surrounding peoples. Such polygamy
was virtually impossible in the traditional societies of the
Wichitas, Caddos, or Pawnees, where the women owned
the home and distributed food. Given the more exible
marriage system, Lakota populations would reach 50,000;
Comanches would be nearly as populous by 1800. All of
these societies were also much more warlike. Indeed, their
men gained status and power from war.
Politically, the new Plains Indian societies placed
considerable emphasis on training young men for raiding
and war. The most important day in a young mans life
was when elders offered to take him on a war party. His
actions thereafter would determine his role in the society,
some even opted to kill themselves if they failed as a warrior. Success in war led to invitations to join various male
societies, these groups in turn having a profound impact
on the political life of the community. For the Lakotas,
the Fox Society and the Silent Eaters made decisions that
the remainder of the band accepted. Most of these tribes
had soldiers lodges, in one form or another, that directed the everyday happenings of the tribe, ordering its
march from one locale to another. Soldiers had the absolute power to inict corporal punishment when necessary.
Most of the Plains societies selected male chiefs to
lead them. Band chiefs were often hereditary leaders who
gave advice, listened to a council of elders, and issued
proclamations based on the councils advice. Along with
such civil authorities, Plains Indian societies also embraced various war chiefs, or men who were equipped
both mentally and physically, to lead war parties. At times,



war chiefs became all powerful. When they were successful, they could preempt the power of the tribal council.
When they failed, the people usually abandoned them. The
new Plains Indian societies, then, lacked the political order
and traditions of the earlier, matrilineal-based societies.
As Europeans settled various portions of the Southwest and the East Coast, and then pushed into the interior, Native Americans often found it necessary to alter
their political institutions. Acculturation, or the willing
acceptance of change, led most southeastern tribes to
adopt constitutional systems by the early 1800s. Increasingly, this led to more male-dominant political behavior,
as matrilineal systems declined. By the 1830s and 1840s,
the families of many Choctaws, Cherokees, and Creeks
identied themselves by the name of the male patriarch,
rather than the female. This meant men in tribal councils
were given more political control, while women faced declining inuence. After the removal policies of the Jackson Era were implemented, some southeastern societies
even abandoned reinforcement of the reciprocal kinship
As the Plains Wars came to a halt after the American
Civil War, Indians faced more forced political change.
The federal government created the reservation as an
institution designed to destroy all Indian custom and belief, including traditional political systems. Federal Indian
agents replaced tribal law with federally funded and supported Indian judges and police. Tribal councils were
largely ignored and agents used their massive control of
food resources to reward younger men who traditionally
would not have dared challenge traditional authority.
Protestant and Catholic churches added to the dismantling of tribal political traditions by working to undermine
Indian religion and promoting the nuclear rather than the
extended Indian family. The federal government did the
same after it passed the allotment law in 1887. By the early
decades of the twentieth century, most vestiges of the
older tribal political systems had disappeared in North
The Indian New Deal of 1934 allowed some return
to tribal autonomy as it allowed tribes to reorganize their
governments as corporations. Slowly by the 1960s and
1970s, tribes took back control of school and police systems. Yet, government strings, in the form of nancial
support, still remained and complete political selfdetermination had yet to materialize. When serious crime
cannot be dealt with by the tribe, for example, the federal
government still reserves the right to invade reservations
and administer law and order; and health care systems are
administered totally by the federal government.

Anderson, Gary Clayton. Kinsmen of Another Kind: Dakota-White

Relations in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 16501862. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1984.
. Sitting Bull and the Paradox of Lakota Nationhood. New
York: HarperCollins, 1996.


Faiman-Silva, Sandra. Choctaws at the Crossroads: The Political

Economy of Class and Culture in the Oklahoma Timber Region.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991.
Gutierrez, Ramon A. When Jesus Came, The Corn Mothers Went
Away: Marriage, Sexuality, and Power in New Mexico, 1500
1846. Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1991.
Rountree, Helen C. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia: Their Traditional Culture. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,
Van Kirk, Sylvia. Many Tender Ties: Women in the Fur-Trade Society, 16701870. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,

Gary Clayton Anderson

See also Agriculture, American Indian; Greenville Treaty; Indian Economic Life; Indian Social Life; Indians and the
Horse; Powhatan Confederacy; Tribes; Warfare, Indian; and vol. 9: The Origin of the League of Five Nations; Land of the Spotted Eagle.

INDIAN RELIGIOUS LIFE. One summer day in

the early 1990s atop a grassy hillside on the Yankton Sioux
reservation in South Dakota, an ad hoc crew of young
men gathered to set up a large tent in preparation of a
service of the Native American Church. This service
would involve the consumption of the churchs sacrament,
the esh of peyote, a cactus that grows near the TexasMexico border. The tent poles, resting on the ground,
were tree-size timbers. A man tied the tips of two of them
together, and the men lifted the poles skyward. But the
rope slipped and the poles slid apart. The process had to
start all over. On the second attempt, the rope slipped and
the poles misaligned another time. Thats when one of
the Yankton men said, You know we have to do this four
times. Everyone laughed. His joke played off of the fact
that Yankton ceremonial protocol, to acknowledge the
four cardinal directions and the spiritual powers associated with them, requires many ceremonial gestures and
movements to be repeated four times. Tent construction,
thankfully, does not. When their efforts succeeded the
third time, that was it. The men began lifting other poles
to rest within the V-shape formed where the rst two
raised poles crossed. Sheathing this skeleton with canvas,
they enclosed a large space where dozens would later
gather for worship.
A Navajo roadman had traveled to South Dakota to
conduct the ceremony. He had spent an entire day sweeping, cleaning, and shaping the soil in accord with a very
precise design, led an all-night service of prayer, song, and
sacramental communion. For practitioners, peyote is a
living, healing teacher who can help everyone, including
individuals in dire need. Many stories relate how the spirit
of peyote helped souls lost in the desert or drifting in
despair, but the people gathered this particular evening
radiated joy. They had a special reason to celebrate. The
participants included many men and women who had just
completed a Sun Dance, an age-old Plains Indian reli-


gious practice. In a nearby ceremonial ground, the Sun

Dancers had successfully endured four days of frequent
dancing and constant fasting, concluding an entire year
of dedicated prayer and preparation. Through the whole
process, a Yankton medicine man had guided them. During the four days of the culminating ceremony, he had
determined when they should start and stop dancing
around the cottonwood tree, which had been specially selected and moved to the center of the circle. On his signal,
the dancers lined up on a radius from that center and
danced facing in one of the four cardinal directions. Then,
again on his signal, they rotated one quarter of the way
around the tree, lined up and danced to the next direction,
and so on, until they had completed the fourfold circuit.
They did this time and time again. Throughout the cycles, a community of relatives and friends, sitting in the
brush arbor circling the dance ground, supported the
dancers with good thoughts, prayers, gifts, and labor.
Among other things, witnesses chopped wood to keep a
re going to heat rocks for a sweat lodge, a small domed
tent where steam from water poured on the super-heated
rocks cleansed the hearts and minds of the resting dancers.
After four days of dancing in the sun to the rhythmic
voice of a large ceremonial drum, some of the dancers
decided to make a nal offering. Taking two razor cuts at
a time to their shoulders or chests, they allowed a thin
stick or bone skewer to be inserted through the fresh
openings in their body. The dance leader then tied to the
ends of the implanted stick a rope, pulled from the many
attached to the top of the sacred tree. Toward the end of
the dance, the now attached dancers approached the tree
and rested their hands on it, then backed away until the
ropes grew taut. They did this four times. The fourth
time, they ran away from the tree and did not stop. The
ropes grew taut, each dancers skin stretched, and nally,
with a popping sound, small divots of esh tore away.
These offerings recalled that of the primordial being, Inyan, one of the rst superior gods, who allowed his blood
to ow out to make all that is the living world. As the
dancers emerged from the circle, they smiled and shook
hands with everyone present. They had made a meaningful sacrice for themselves, for relatives, for family members facing hard times, for the community, for their
Modern Challenges to Indian Religious Life
Not too long ago participants in these religious activities
would have faced serious punishments. Indeed, during the
latter decades of the nineteenth century and early decades
of the twentieth, federal agents sought to eradicate the
Sun Dance among Plains Indian nations and to ban the
peyote religion wherever they encountered it. State ofcials especially targeted peyote worship, classifying the
cactus as a narcotic on a level with cocaine or hashish,
even though the evidence suggests peyote is not addictive.
Government ofcials also sought to extinguish communal
dances among Pueblo Indians, potlatch ceremonies among
northwestern tribes, world renewal ceremonies in north-

ern California, estas in southern California, and other

traditional practices. They assumed traditional ceremonies made Native men and women militant, pagan, and
wasteful. They sought to replace these with Christianity.
During this period, the United States and Canada
compelled Native children to attend boarding schools. In
these institutions, teachers sought to force Indians to conform to white ways of acting, dressing, and believing. Facing these pressures from government authorities, all Native Americans developed ways to accommodate a hostile
and powerful culture, without capitulating entirely or surrendering to despair. Some sought to continue their traditional practices, but in a way that did not attract attention. Some converted to Christianity and afliated with
established denominations. And many, including some
Christians as well as some traditionalists, joined new
Native-initiated religious movements.
New Religious Movements
During the late nineteenth century, Native Americans
spread the peyote religion across Indian country, initially
reaching Lipan Apaches, Tonkawas, Kiowas, and Comanches in Oklahoma and later winning and healing the
hearts of Anishinabe, Menominee, Lakota (see Sioux),
Navajo, Cree, and other peoples. Because different peoples interpreted this tradition in different ways, there are
various forms of peyote ceremonialism. Most incorporate
Christian teaching and values. Indeed, on 10 October
1918, peyotists in Oklahoma organized the Native American Church, which they described as a good way to teach
the Christian religion and morality. This denomination
and others defend practitioners of this religion, who continue to encounter discrimination and harassment.
During the 1880s, another new religious movement
emerged in the Pacic Northwest. Known as the Indian
Shaker religion, it continues to provide meaning to peoples in this area. It began near Olympia, Washington, with
a Squaxin man named John Slocum and his wife, Mary
Slocum. Employing Native American singing and words
as well as Christian crucixes, images of Jesus, and candles, Indian Shakers seek to heal the ill by shaking over
them, brushing them with spirit power, and bell ringing.
Shakers in the Indian Full Gospel Shaker Church use the
Bible. In contrast, Shakers in the Indian Shaker Church,
also known as the 1910 Church, do not. This schism
epitomizes the complicated and sometimes vexed relationship between many Native peoples religious life and
Christian texts, symbols, and practices.
Still another new religious movement began in Mason Valley, Nevada, and gained devotees across the West.
In 1889, a visionary Paiute healer named Wovoka revealed that Native Americans, by dancing a round dance
and observing a peaceful moral code, could help generate
a new earth full of life and free of loss and death. This
message attracted Native visitors from near and far, and
they took the new dance back to their peoples in the Great
Basin, California, the Northwest, and the Great Plains.



Lakota Indians in South Dakota, sorely oppressed by the

U.S. government, reinterpreted the religion as a way to
bring back their ancestral ways and rid their land of white
people. Although the Pauites called the religion Nanigukwa (Dance in a Circle), the Lakotas called it Wanagi
Wacipi (Spirit Dance or Ghost Dance). Authorities,
fearing anything that countered their control, brought in
soldiers, and on 29 December 1890 massacred approximately three hundred Minneconjou and Oglala men,
women, and children at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
Cheyenne people developed yet another interpretation.
They recognized Christian aspects in Wovokas religion
and referred to it as the Dance to Christ. In a sense,
participating in this movement provided some Native
Americans with a fruitful way to appropriate elements of
Christianity without converting to Christianity itself.
John Slocum and Wovoka were not the rst Native
prophets or visionaries to help people nd new spiritual
paths when ancestral ones were disrupted. All across the
continent, an extraordinary range of fresh religious visions and new religious practices emerged to help Native
American men and women respond to the challenges and
opportunities associated with new peoples, technologies,
plants, and animals as well as with colonialism, invasion,
devastating new diseases, removal, forced assimilation,
and missionization. Prophet-led revolts helped people
from various tribes nd common cause, but they also led
to conicts within Native nations and usually elicited brutal military responses and invasions by the armies of the
United States. Witnessing these outcomes, many Native
men and women gravitated toward less militant movements or made their peace with Christianity.
Even before the changes associated with contact and
colonialism, there were religious innovators. During the
fteenth century in the Northeast, for example, a great
leader called the Peacemaker taught thirteen laws that enabled Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas to live together in harmony and peace. United in a
Great League of Peace and Power, they later brought the
Tuscarora nation into their confederacy (1722) and called
themselves the Haudenosaunee, the people of the longhouse. Other Indians referred to them with an Algonquian word, Irinakoiw, and the French, borrowing this
name, called them Iroquois. Today, the Iroquois remain
an important presence in upstate New York, where they
have recently won some important lawsuits related to unsettled land claims, established gaming operations, and
launched strong language revitalization programs.
Renewing Religions and Identities
In the late twentieth and early twenty-rst centuries, Native men and women were working to reclaim their rights
and renew their traditions. In 1999, for example, young
Makah men paddling a hand-carved canoe off the coast
of Washington State pursued, harpooned, shot, landed,
and butchered a gray whale. This act, which enraged
some environmentalists, embodied the exercise of treaty


rights guaranteed to a sovereign Native people. But it also

symbolized the renewal of a profound relationship with
the whale, a relationship vital in ancestral Makah tradition. Through whaling, the Makahs reclaimed an important part of their identity.
With great tenacity and imagination, with humor
and legal argument, and with spirituality, contemporary
Native Americans are strengthening their traditions. Yuchi men and women, like many speakers of endangered
languages across the continent, are working to save their
linguistic tradition. Zuni people have repatriated from
museums statues of their war gods. Lakotas have reburied
the ancestral remains of survivors of Wounded Knee and
reclaimed from eastern museums clothing worn by its victims. Anishinabe people in Minnesota, Luiseno in California, and Nez Perce in Idaho have bought back tracts
of land that hold spiritual and cultural signicance to their
peoples. Basket making and bird singing are regaining
vigor in southern California, bringing Indians there into
closer relationship with the land and giving new voice to
ancestral stories of its creation. Cherokees are once again
playing stickball in North Carolina.
Indian religious life has always enabled people to renew their worlds by providing the words, songs, acts,
symbols, and values to deepen their participation in life
and make things right again. But it is also the case that
Native Americans have always sought to enrich their religious lives with fresh ideas, new visions, and original
practices. As Indians reclaim their cultural patrimony, assert their treaty rights, regain some of their land bases,
revitalize storytelling traditions, and preserve their languages, they are also renewing the wellsprings of their
religious life. Everything is connected; the vitality of Indian religious life reects the condition of Native lands,
languages, and the communities. As the latter are renewed, so the former gains strength. Thanks to the creativity, vision, sacrices, and persistence of modern Native American men and women, Indian religious life has
a strong future. The summer will return. The drum will
sound. A new Sun Dance will begin.

Basso, Keith H. Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language

among the Western Apache. Albuquerque: University of New
Mexico Press, 1996.
Irwin, Lee. The Dream Seekers: Native American Visionary Traditions of the Great Plains. Norman: University of Oklahoma
Press, 1994.
Kehoe, Alice Beck. The Ghost Dance: Ethnohistory and Revitalization. Fort Worth, Tex.: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,
Martin, Joel W. The Land Looks After Us: A History of Native
American Religion. Oxford, U.K., and New York: Oxford
University Press, 2001.
Nelson, Richard K. Make Prayers to the Raven: A Koyukon View
of the Northern Forest. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,


Stewart, Omer C. Peyote Religion: A History. Norman: University

of Oklahoma Press, 1987.
Treat, James, ed. Native and Christian: Indigenous Voices on Religious Identity in the United States and Canada. New York:
Routledge, 1996.
Vecsey, Christopher. Imagine Ourselves Richly: Mythic Narratives
of North American Indians. New York: Crossroad, 1988.

Joel W. Martin
See also Indian Bible, Eliots; Nativist Movements (American
Indian Revival Movements); and vol. 9: A Dialogue between Piumbukhou and His Unconverted Relatives;
Land of the Spotted Eagle; A Letter from Wovoka.

INDIAN REMOVAL. Indian removal, which involved transferring lands in the trans-Mississippi West to
Native American groups who gave up their homelands
east of the Mississippi, dominated U.S. government Indian policy between the War of 1812 and the middle of
the nineteenth century. This practice, although not without detractors, had the support of several very important
groups: speculators who coveted Indian lands, uneasy
eastern settlers who feared Indian attacks, and missionary
groups who felt that relocation would save the Indians
from the degrading inuences of their white neighbors.
Development of the Policy
The seeds of a removal program were sown in the series
of negotiations with southeastern tribes that began with
the rst Treaty of Hopewell in 1785. Many citizens of the
southeastern states, especially Georgia, believed that the
federal government too often made concessions to powerful, well-organized tribes such as the Creeks and the
Cherokees. In 1802, when Georgia was asked to cede the
lands from which the states of Alabama and Mississippi
would later be created, it did so only after extracting a
promise from federal ofcials to peaceably obtain, on
reasonable terms, the Indian title to all land within
Georgias borders. In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson
saw an opportunity to both appease Georgia and legitimize his controversial Louisiana Purchase by drafting a
constitutional amendment authorizing Congress to exchange lands in the West for eastern lands occupied by
Indians. While this amendment was never submitted for
ratication, Congress enacted legislation the following
year authorizing the president to administer such a removal and exchange policy provided that participating Indians continued their allegiance to the United States.
In ensuing years, several attempts were made to persuade the Cherokees and other major tribes to remove
voluntarily to the West. While some groups favored escaping white harassment through resettlement, many more
opposed the idea of leaving their ancestral homes. Their
desire to stay was reinforced by the unhappy experiences
of small groups of Cherokees, Delawares, Shawnees, and
others who had accepted a land exchange and gone westward between 1785 and 1800. After the War of 1812 and

the elimination of the British as a potential ally, Indian

removal became a basic item in virtually all treaties with
Native groups. In 1817 John C. Calhoun, a strong advocate of Indian removal, was named secretary of war by
James Monroe. Calhoun joined forces with the war hero
Andrew Jackson and Lewis Cass, governor of Michigan
Territory, to urge formal adoption of a removal policy.
Several treaties, often of dubious legality, such as that
signed by the Sauks at St. Louis in 1804, had called for
westward removal at an indenite time in the future. The
formal adoption of a removal policy, however, picked up
the pace considerably following the conclusion of peace
with the British. The Delawares, for example, already
having been pushed into Indiana, signed a removal treaty
in 1818. The following year, several bands of Illinois
Kickapoos agreed to resettle on Missouri lands formerly
occupied by Osages. Cass pushed vigorously (and usually
successfully) for treaties of cession and removal throughout the area between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.
More famously, federal negotiators sought removal of all
tribes in the Southeast. Treaties aimed at achieving this
end were signed by the Choctaws in 1820 and by the
Creeks in 1821.
Monroe withheld his full support of this removal policy until January 1825, when he delivered a special message to Congress describing forced resettlement in the
West as the only means of solving the Indian problem.
Immediately thereafter, Calhoun issued a report calling
for the resettlement of nearly 100,000 eastern Indians and
recommended the appropriation of $95,000 for this purpose. Within a month after Calhouns report was made
public, the Creeks signed the Treaty of Indian Springs,
agreeing to resettle on lands in the West by 1 September
1826, but many Creek leaders and some whites (including
John Crowell, the Indian agent to the Cherokee) protested the manner in which the treaty had been negotiated. Crowell also recommended special federal protection for William McIntosh, the Creek leader who was the
principal treaty signer. The requested protection was not
forthcoming, however, and shortly thereafter McIntosh
was assassinated by members of his own tribe. In 1826 the
Creeks were successful in having the Treaty of Indian
Springs set aside but, almost immediately, President John
Quincy Adams negotiated the Treaty of Washington,
which reimposed more or less the same terms on the
The Removal Act
Andrew Jackson assumed the presidency in March 1829
and threw his political inuence behind a national policy
of Indian removal. He defended his stand by asserting that
removal was the only course that could save Native Americans from extinction. The following year, after much debate, Congress passed the national Indian Removal Act,
authorizing the president to set up districts within the
Indian Territory for the reception of tribes agreeing to
land exchanges. The act also provided for the payment of



The Ojibways were conned to reservations in northern

Michigan and Wisconsin. The Ottawas, Kaskaskias, Peorias, Miamis, and some New York Indians were assigned
tracts along the Missouri border. The last treaty between
the United States and the Indians of Illinois was made
with the Kickapoos in February 1833, when that group
agreed to relocate in Kansas. The Kickapoos suffered several subsequent removals (both voluntary and involuntary), and some of them ended up settling as far away as

indemnities to the Indians for assistance in accomplishing

their resettlement, protection in their new settlements,
and a continuance of the superintendence and care previously accorded them. Congress authorized $500,000 to
carry out this act, and the pace of removal accelerated
dramatically. Treaty negotiators set to work in the East
and the West both to secure the permission of indigenous
tribes in Indian Territory for eastern peoples to be resettled there and to convince eastern tribes to comply with
removal. Under the supervision of General Wineld Scott
and the federal army, the Cherokees began traveling their
tragic Trail of Tears in 1838, three years after signing the
controversial Treaty of New Echota. Although some
groups, such as the Seminoles, resisted with force, most
eastern tribes, including the so-called Civilized Tribes of
the Southeast, had little choice but to accept what was
offered them.
Treaties negotiated in the aftermath of the War of
1812 had already reduced the Native American population of the Old Northwest considerably, but Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois remained critical areas of activity for federal ofcials carrying out provisions of the Removal Act.
With the Treaty of Wapaghkonnetta, signed in August
1831, the Shawnees gave up the last of their lands in Ohio
in exchange for 100,000 acres in the Indian Territory. By
the end of the following year, Ohios Ottawas and Wyandots had also agreed to land exchanges, effectively eliminating that states Native American population. In response to both the Indian Removal Act and the fear of
Native reprisals inspired by the Black Hawk War of 1832,
Indiana and Illinois were similarly cleared of Indians in
the early 1830s. Most Sauks, Mesquakies, Winnebagoes,
and Potawatomies were relocated to what is now Iowa.


The westward journeys of these groups have been

well documented and are infamous for their brutality. The
best-known example is that of the Cherokees, who, during their removal from Georgia and North Carolina to
the Indian Territory, lost nearly one-fourth of their number along the way. Those who reached their intended
homes faced further difculties. They quickly came into
conict with indigenous groups, and the lands set aside
for them often became havens for criminals escaping
prosecution. By 1850 the removal period was essentially
over, but with the continued expansion of white settlement across the Mississippi, the Indian Territory was no
longer a place where Native Americans could be isolated
and left to their own devices. In the decades preceding
the Civil War, the holdings of the relocated Indians were
further reduced as new states were created out of the lands
that had been permanently set aside for their use and
By no means did all Native Americans east of the
Mississippi move westward. Small pockets of Indian settlement remained in many eastern states. In some cases,
those who remained behind were individual treaty signers
and their families who had been given special grants of
land within ceded areas. In others, especially in states
along the eastern seaboard, certain groups were granted
state-recognized reservations, some of which dated to the
colonial period. In still other instances, they were persons
who had chosen to disavow tribal ways and take up the
habits and arts of civilization as practiced by the whites.
Other individuals simply refused to leave and managed to
remain hidden until the storm blew over, by which time
their numbers were so insignicant that they were no
longer viewed as threats by the whites around them.
Among the Indians escaping removal was a small
band of several hundred fugitive Cherokees who ed to
the mountains along the border between North Carolina
and Tennessee, where they lived as refugees until 1842.
In that year, in large part through the efforts of an inuential trader named William H. Thomas, they received
special permission to remain on lands set apart for their
use in western North Carolina. These lands make up the
Qualla Reservation, one of the largest reservations under
federal supervision in the eastern United States.
By 1850, the federal government had concluded 245
separate Indian treaties. Through them, the United States
had acquired more than 450 million acres of Indian land
at a total estimated cost of $90 million.



Green, Michael D. The Politics of Indian Removal: Creek Government and Society in Crisis. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1982.
Prucha, Francis Paul. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. 2 vols. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.
. American Indian Treaties: The History of a Political Anomaly. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.
Wallace, Anthony F. C. The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson
and the Indians. New York: Hill and Wang, 1993.

Michael Sherfy
See also Cherokee Nation Cases; Indian Land Cessions; Indian Territory; Removal Act of 1830; Trail of Tears; and
vol. 9: A Century of Dishonor.


Reorganization Act (IRA) of 1934 represented a shift in
U.S. Indian policy away from forced acculturation and
assimilation. In 1928 the government-sponsored Meriam
Report had documented problems of poverty, ill health,
and despair on many reservations and recommended reforms in Bureau of Indian Affairs administration, including ending allotment and the phasing out of boarding
schools. In 1933 the new administration of Franklin D.
Roosevelt named John Collier, a former New York City
social worker, to be commissioner of Indian affairs. Disillusioned with the materialistic and individualistic nature
of industrial society, Collier proposed an Indian New
Deal that would help preserve Native cultures and provide tribes with greater powers of self-government.
The IRA was the center of Colliers reform agenda.
The act repudiated the Dawes General Allotment Act,
barred further allotment, and set aside funds to consolidate and restore tribal landholdings. The IRA also provided for job training and vocational education and stipulated that Indians could gain employment in the BIA
without recourse to civil service regulations. Finally, the
act also allowed tribes to establish business councils with
limited powers of home rule to enable them to develop
reservation resources. A provision in Colliers original
proposal to establish a special court of Indian affairs was
rejected by Congress. Tribes were given the option of accepting or rejecting the IRA by referendum.
Despite Colliers rhetoric of self-determination, tribes
felt pressured to accept the IRA just as they had felt
pressed to accept previous government policies. Boilerplate BIA home rule charters showed little sensitivity to
the diversity of Native life, and attempted to impose a
one-size-ts-all solution to Indian problems. IRA referendums and majority rule tribal councils also ignored the
consensus-driven traditions that persisted in many communities. The IRA attracted opposition from advocates
of both assimilation and traditionalism, both inside and
outside Indian communities. Ultimately, 174 tribes voted

to accept the IRA and 78 tribes, including the Crow, Navajo, and Seneca, rejected it.
Despite its aws and limitations, the IRA did represent a new recognition of Indian rights and culture. Although many of Colliers policies were altered in subsequent decades, both as a result of government-sponsored
programs to terminate federal services to Indians and as
a result of indigenous demands for greater sovereignty,
the IRA and IRA-created governments remain inuential
in shaping U.S. Indian policy.

Biolsi, Thomas. Organizing the Lakota: The Political Economy of

the New Deal on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1992.
Deloria, Vine, Jr., and Clifford M. Lytle. The Nations Within:
The Past and Future of American Indian Sovereignty. New
York: Pantheon, 1984.
Kelly, Lawrence C. The Assault on Assimilation: John Collier and
the Origins of Indian Policy Reform. Albuquerque: University
of New Mexico Press, 1983.
Taylor, Graham D. The New Deal and American Indian Tribalism:
The Administration of the Indian Reorganization Act, 1934
1945. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1980.

Frank Rzeczkowski
See also Bureau of Indian Affairs; Dawes General Allotment

INDIAN RESERVATIONS. Reservations have been

a fundamental aspect of Native American existence for
more than two centuries. For some, reservations are a
living reminder of Euro-American colonialism and nation
building exacted against indigenous people. Others insist
that reservations today are the last remaining stronghold
of sovereignty and cultural traditions, a reservoir that insures the perpetuation of Native American survival.
While the competing European colonial powers
evolved political and legal mechanisms to deal with questions of Native American land title, the United States essentially followed the British model. The core principle
was that Native American societies possessed a natural
right to the soil as its original occupants. Thus, indigenous lands must be acquired by purchase, primarily negotiated through treaties and agreements. In addition to
the treaties, the United States government used the concept of discovery, the rite of conquest, and military force
to incorporate indigenous lands into the national fold.
In both the colonial period and the years that followed the American Revolution, reservations were an
outgrowth of government land acquisition. Before the
Revolution, various colonies created reservations that
were subsequently recognized by legislatures as Indian reserves. The Second Continental Congress in 1775 established an Indian Department to deal with Indian affairs.
After independence, the United States adopted a national



policy of Indian administration by Constitutional mandate. The Constitution granted Congress plenary powers
over Indian affairs in trade, treaties, warfare, welfare, and
the right to take Indian lands for public purposes.
After 1778, Congress established federal Indian reservations by federal treaty or statute, conferring to the
occupying tribe(s) recognized title over lands and the resources within their boundaries. Despite government
promises of protection in exchange for land cessions, Secretary of War Henry Knox in 1789 lamented, that all the
Indian tribes once existing in those States, now the best
cultivated and most populous, have become extinct . . . in
a short period, the idea of an Indian on this side of the
Mississippi will only be found in the page of the historian. Policymakers in the early republic believed that the
attrition of Native Americans and the extinguishing of
their reservations was an inevitable consequence of civilizations progress.
Indian Removal, 18161846
After the War of 1812, increasing conicts between Native Americans and expanding Euro-American settlements demanded a solution. In 1830, Congress acted to
create a policy of removal that would relocate Native
Americans to reserved lands west of the Mississippi.
President Andrew Jackson was the principal advocate of
this policy, declaring in 1830 that Humanity has often
wept over the fate of the aborigines of this country, . . .
but its progress has never for a moment been arrested,
and one by one have many powerful tribes disappeared
from the earth. . . . What good man would prefer a country covered with forests and ranges by a few thousand
savages to our extensive republic . . . occupied by more
than 12,000,000 happy people, and lled with all the
blessings of liberty, civilization, and religion?
Between 1828 and 1838, more than 80,000 Native
Americans, particularly from the Southeast and the Old
Northwest, were removed west of the Mississippi River.
After relocation, the U.S. government acquired 15,355,767
acres of Indian lands for its citizens. Tribes suffered population losses when they were forced west and many tribal
governments were weakened and disrupted as they attempted to create new governments on their western territories. The removal of Native American societies continued until 1877, although most relocations occurred before
Reservation Period, 18511880
While the removal created temporary space between
American civilization and Indian Territory, that space
quickly disappeared. As Euro-America pushed beyond the
Mississippi river, policymakers had to devise new ways of
alienating indigenous societies from their lands. To accomplish this task, on 3 March 1849 Congress created
the Department of the Interior to manage public land,
Indian land, and Indian affairs. The Indian Ofce moved
quickly to address the Indian problem. Under pressure


from an expanding American population and American

industrys demand for more natural resources, the new
department took direct administrative responsibility for
reservations. Beginning in 1851 and continuing for three
decades, federal bureaucrats developed a series of policies
for the nal solution to the Indian problem. Using treaties, coercion, and military force, the government actively
consolidated Native American societies. Commissioner of
Indian Affairs Luke Lea set forth the doctrine in 1851 by
calling for the Indians concentration, their domestication, and their incorporation. Reservations came to be
seen as instruments for the achievement of this goal. In a
new urry of treaty making, the United States acquired
millions of acres of Indian land and assigned the tribes to
reservations on a portion of their former territory.
In the years following the publication of the Origin
of Species (1859), the desire to domesticate and incorporate Indians into American society was driven by the
application of Darwinian evolutionary principles to the
development of social life. Native Americans, like all nonEuropeans, were believed to be intellectually, emotionally, and culturally inferior, but social evolution predicted
that it might be possible to push Native Americans along
the societal hierarchy toward civilization if they were
forced to adopt Euro-American ways of life. For the remainder of the nineteenth century, this reasoning encouraged further acquisition of tribal land and the creation of additional reservations.
Although treaties were the primary mechanism for
creating reservations, Congress suspended formal treaty
making in 1871.Thereafter, federal reservations would be
established by executive order, congressional act, or any
legal combination recognized by the federal government.
Before the turn of the century, 56 of 162 federal reservations were established by executive order. After 1919, however, only an act of Congress could establish reservations.
Forced Assimilation, 18801934
The rationale behind the twentieth-century reservation
system was twofold: Native American resources could be
further exploited with a minimum of cost and effort and,
the controlled environment of the reservation would provide for a laboratory in social engineering. The reservation was conceived as a refuge for a declining race that
could be elevated from their inferior status by assimilation. The Indian Ofce promoted these objectives by
breaking up the habits of savage life by instilling civilized values through forced education, by insisting on
agricultural labor, and by pushing the notion of private
property and the development of monetary funds. To this
end, the reservation was conceived as a controlled society
where the habits of civilization could be molded under
the direction of the Indian agent and agency personnel.
From 1880 to 1934, ethnocide became an ofcially sanctioned policy.
The principal legal instrument for these new policies
was the General Allotment Act, passed in 1887. After the


laws passage, more than one hundred reservations saw

their lands fragmented into individual tracts of 160 acres
or less. In 1906, the Burke Act granted local Indian Ofce
ofcials the power to transfer land from trust status to fee
patent status through application. The act expedited the
transfer of Indian lands into Anglo hands. Over the next
fty years, the U.S. government was able to divest Native
Americans of about 90 million acres. Indian lands decreased from 136 million acres in 1887 to about 48 million
acres in 1934, when the act was nally repealed.
Despite oppressive government policies and actions,
Native Americans were not passive victims of this new
authoritarian reservation system. Native Americans continued to practice their cultural traditions and invent new
ones. The Ghost Dance and the Native American Church
stand as examples of Native American cultural persistence
during this bleak period. In addition, the boarding school
experience brought together young from various tribes
who laid the seeds for the emergence of a pan-ethnic
identity that cut across tribal lines. Some tribes also resisted government policies in court or before Congress.
Federal ofcials pressed their assimilationist agenda
through the rst decades of the twentieth century. The
1910 Omnibus Act, for example, though designed to solve
heirship problems, authorized the Secretary of Interior to
lease Indian lands, whether allotted or unallotted, and sell
Indian resources. Between 1916 and 1920, Commissioner
Cato Sells encouraged Indian Ofce personnel to force

fee patent status of trust land of all competent Indians. By

the 1920s, most tribes had lost the ability to control their
resources and were in danger of losing valuable reservation resources.
As the federal government was dismantling Native
American lands and societies, it also pressed them to volunteer for military service and to become U.S. citizens.
After World War I, Indian veterans were granted U.S.
citizenship under the Act of 1919. Five years later, all
American Indians would be granted citizenship after the
passage of the Indian Citizenship Act. Both pieces of legislation were intended to undermine Indian ties to their
Tribal Reorganization, 19281945
By the mid-1920s Native American leaders, sympathetic
Indian rights organizations, and even some federal ofcials began to question the effectiveness of forced assimilation policies. In 1928, the Meriam Report, a nationwide
study sponsored by the Indian Ofce, found that federal
legislation injured American Indian progress. The report
also noted that reservation life was plagued by endemic
poverty, ill health, poor education, and social and economic dependency. The failures of allotment, forced assimilation, and deplorable living conditions on reservations outlined in the Meriam Report led to the passage of
the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. The legislation repealed the General Allotment Act, afrmed certain Native



Waiting for Rations. This 1890 photograph by George Trager shows Indians conned to the Pine Ridge Reservation, S.D.,
where they depended on meager U.S. government rations; starvation and resentment of white corruption led to the Sioux breakout
that year, ending in the massacre at nearby Wounded Knee. National Archives and Records Administration

American cultural traditions and practices, and authorized

a political mechanism for strengthening self-government
for federally recognized tribes. Two years later, the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936 restored tribal governments (but did not reestablish reservations) to Oklahoma
tribes. Alaskan Natives achieved similar reforms under
the 1936 Alaskan Native Reorganization Act. One hundred and seventy-four tribes, bands, and communities incorporated themselves by this legal mechanism. While
such legislative acts held the potential for economic and
social development, the most important portion of the act
suspended allotment and returned formerly ceded lands
that remained in the public domain to trust status. Between 1935 and 1937, over 2 million acres of land reverted
back to Indian holdings. Tribes also regained control of
7 million acres of leased grazing lands.
Termination, 19451961
Many policies strengthening Native American reservation
societies were reversed following World War II. In addition to general hostility to all New Deal reforms, there
was a growing belief among federal ofcials that the Bureau of Indian Affairs had outlived its purpose because it
actually kept Indians from assimilating into American
To get out of the Indian business, Congress passed
the Indian Land Commission Claims Act of 1946, a measure designed to settle outstanding legal claims as a prelude to severing the governments ties to tribal nations.
The desire to withdraw federal trusteeship for federally


recognized tribes also led to a series of legislative acts that

undermined reservation life. House Concurrent Resolution 108, adopted in 1953, declared Congresss intent to
make the Indians subject to the same laws and entitled
them to the same privileges and responsibilities as are
applicable to other U.S. citizens. Soon thereafter Congress passed Public Law 83-280 transferring civil jurisdiction and criminal control of certain reservations to
local state authorities. The next year, the Indian Health
Service Branch was transferred from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the U.S. Public Health Service. At the
same time, the Bureau of Indian Affairs launched a relocation program to move Indians from reservations to
target urban centers.
During the 1950s and 1960s, Congress acted to abolish (or terminate) about 120 reservations. These included the Alabama-Coushatta of Texas, several California rancherias and reservation tribes, the Klamaths and
the scattered tribes of Oregon, the Menominees of Wisconsin, and three Oklahoma tribes. For those terminated
tribes the impact of the policy was devastating.
Although Congress did not ofcially reverse its termination policy until 1973, the program effectively ended
in the early 1960s. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Phileo
Nash, an anthropologist, introduced new programs to
strengthen reservation political and economic development by building an economic infrastructure, promoting
education, and on-the-job-training programs. By 1965,
approximately fty-six industrial plants were located on
or near reservations.


Self-Determination, 1961 through the Early

Twenty-first Century
From 1961 through the early 2000s, Native American political and legislative policies moved toward the general
principle of self-determination on Indian reservations.
Native American reaction against termination, combined
with a growing sense of an indigenous pan-ethnic consciousness led to a reassertion of treaty rights among a
number of tribes. Reservation-based tribes demanded
greater authority over their affairs and urban Indians began to form organizations to bring attention to indigenous issues, including the need for strong reservation governments. The most successful urban protest group was
the American Indian Movement, an organization that
called for tribal sovereignty on reservations.
At the federal level, Lyndon B. Johnsons administration developed the War on Poverty to improve conditions
in neglected areas of the country. Several tribes used these
programs to take control of their own social welfare programs and to strengthen the administrative structure of
their governments. The Bureau of Indian Affairs routinely opposed these efforts.
On the legislative front, congressional leaders grew
increasingly sympathetic to tribal rights and reservation
governments. The termination policy was ofcially renounced and several previously terminated tribes (most
prominently the Menominees and Klamaths) were returned to tribal status. In 1975, Congress passed the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act,
which established the principle that reservation governments could administer their own education and social
service programs. While resisted by the Bureau of Indian
Affairs, this new law opened the possibility that tribes
could function as autonomous governments within the
boundaries of their reservations.
Other pieces of legislation were passed to address social and cultural issues. In 1978, Congress passed the
American Indian Religious Freedom Act with the intent
to provide constitutional protection of indigenous religious freedom under the First Amendment. That same
year, the Indian Child Welfare Act ended the practice of
placing Indian children in non-Indian households and
gave tribal courts a prominent role in adoption proceedings involving tribal members.
While reservation policies changed little in the 1980s,
Congress approved two important pieces of legislation.
The 1982 Indian Tribal Governmental Tax Status Act that
permitted tribal governments to issue tax-exempt revenue
bonds and the 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act permitted gaming on reservations.
During the Clinton Administration the governmentto-government relations between reservations and the
United States was afrmed. President Clinton acknowledged that reservation communities were still plagued by
poverty, poor health care, and unemployment, but he outlined a program for improvement that included greater

tribal control over education, health care, and economic

policy. Despite these declarations, throughout the 1990s,
political attacks against Native American tribal sovereignty on reservations increased. Efforts were made to
weaken the Indian Child Welfare Act and the Indian
Gaming Regulatory Act. Amendments were made to the
Clean Air Act to dissolve tribal authority over water policies on tribal lands. Funding for legal services and health
care were cut. Proposals were made by states to tax gaming revenues.
It was discovered that billions of dollars held in trust
by the federal government had been grossly misused and
mismanaged. Many reservations and culturally sensitive
sites off reservation were being targeted again for natural
resource development. The federal governments relationship with tribes wavered between respect for tribal
sovereignty and rights and attempts to extinguish tribal
existence. The administration of George W. Bush was in
the process of downsizing in order to meet balanced
budget promises. Despite these attacks, reservation communities continued to persist into the twenty-rst century.
The Reservation Situation in the Early Twenty-first
Census data since the 1960s reveals that the Native American population is growing at a tremendous rate. According to the 2000 census, there are 2,475,956 Native Americans in the United States, but only a portion of those
individuals are citizens in one of the 510 federally recognized Native American tribes. Of that number, 437,079
American Indians, 182 Eskimos, and 97 Aleuts resided on
314 reservations and trust lands. About 50 percent of the
437,358 American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts reside on
the ten largest reservations and trust lands.
A total of 56.2 million acres of land are held in trust
by the United States for various tribes and individuals.
About 82 percent of trust lands are owned by tribes, with
140 reservations entirely owned by tribes; approximately
17 percent are held by individuals; and less than one percent is held by the federal government. The largest reservation is the sixteen-million-acre Navajo reservation. It
is home to about 269,202 Navajos. The Navajo reservation is unique in that since its establishment in 1868, it
has progressively grown in size by executive orders and
Congressional acts. In stark contrast, California rancherias and smaller reservations, primarily in California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, are less than 1,000 acres
The number of Native Americans living on reservations and trust lands vary substantially. According to the
2000 census, only ten reservations had a resident population of more than 7,000. These were the Navajo, Fort
Apache, Gila River, Papago, Rosebud, San Carlos, Zuni
Pueblo, Hopi, and Blackfeet reservations. Most had fewer
than 1,000 residents. Since most reservation and trust
lands are in the West, more than one-half of American



Indians reside in Oklahoma, California, Arizona, New

Mexico, and Washington.
Indian reservations in the early 2000s, despite progress in health care and socio-economic development, remained a contradiction across the U.S. landscape. As reservation tribes struggled toward greater sovereignty and
self-determination, they had to contend with numerous
issues on a number of fronts. Many reservation communities struggled with a fragmented land base because of
allotment, a growing hostility from non-Indian residents
living on or near reservations, the need for greater economic self-sufciency, and the task of building stronger
cultural identities. Despite these challenges, many Native
Americans continued to live on reservations. Reservations
offered a strong sense of place and cultural identity. There
is, across native North America, a new pride in tribal
identity and a renaissance of traditions. Reservations have
emerged as the focal point for the retention of unique
cultural identities and for issues of sovereignty and selfdetermination, even for Indians who live in cities far from
their tribal homelands. Across the Americas, indigenous
people are recognizing that political struggle is essential
to their basic right to exist as sovereign nations. Resistance and struggle are a part of daily existence for Native
American people. A part of that resistance is not only surviving but also building a secure future for coming generations by enforcing basic human rights within a secure
reservation land base. Reservations provide a geographical and political platform to expand their rights on a number of fronts.

Berkhofer, Robert F., Jr. The White Mans Indian: Images of the
American Indian from Columbus to the Present. New York:
Knopf, 1978.
Bureau of the Census. We the . . . First Americans. Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1993.
Bureau of the Census. American Indian Reservation Households Crowded in 1990. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995.
Champagne, Duane, ed. Chronology of Native North American
History: From Pre-Columbian Times to the Present. Detroit:
Gale Research, 1994.
Debo, Angie. The Road to Disappearance: A History of the Creek
Indians. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1941.
Dippie, Brian W. The Vanishing American: White Attitudes and
U.S. Indian Policy. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1982.
Drinnon, Richard. Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating
and Empire Building. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 1980.
Foreman, Grant. Indian Removal: The Emigration of the Five Civilized Tribes. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1953.
Green, Michael D. The Politics of Indian Removal: Creek Government and Society in Crisis. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1982.


Haller, John S., Jr. Outcasts from Evolution: Scientic Attitudes of

Racial Inferiority, 18591900. Carbondale: Southern Illinois
University Press, 1995.
Hoxie, Fredrick. A Final Promise: The Campaign to Assimilate the
Indians, 18801920. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,
Jorgensen, Joseph B. A Century of Political Economic Effects
on American Indian Society, 18801980. The Journal of
Ethnic Studies 6, no. 3 (1978): 174.
Marino, Cesare. Reservations. In Native America in the Twentieth Century. Edited by Mary B. Davis. New York: Garland,
1994. 544557.
Meredith, Howard. A Short History of the Native Americans in the
United States. Malabar, Fla.: Kreiger, 2001.
Passel, Jeffery S., and Patricia A. Berman. Quality of 1980 Census Data for American Indians. Social Biology 33, nos. 34
(1986): 163182.
Pearce, Roy H. Savagism and Civilization: A Study of the Indian
and the American Mind. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1965.
Rosenstiel, Annette. Red and White: Indian Views of the White
Man, 14921982. New York: Universe Books, 1983.
Stuart, Paul. The Indian Ofce: Growth and Development of an
American Institution, 18651900. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI
Research Press, 1979.
Thornton, Russell. American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A
Population History since 1492. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987.
Trigger, Bruce G. A History of Archaeological Thought. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Ubelaker, Douglas H. Patterns of Demographic Change in the
Americas. Human Biology 64, no. 3 ( June 1992): 361379.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs. American Indians Today: Answers to Your Questions. Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1991.
Wissler, Clark. The Rebirth of the Vanishing American. Natural History 34, no. 5 (1934): 415430.

Gregory Campbell
See also Bureau of Indian Affairs; Dawes General Allotment
Act; Indian Policy, Colonial; Indian Policy, U.S; Indian
Political Life; Indian Removal; Indian Reorganization
Act; Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act; Indian Territory; Removal Act of 1830;
Westward Migration.


1882 Herbert Welsh, an artist and social reformer, and
Henry Pancoast, a lawyer, founded the Indian Rights Association (IRA) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The IRA,
whose founding members were prominent businessmen
and philanthropists, believed that American Indians best
hope for survival lay in a program of assimilation. This
program involved education, conversion to Christianity,
adoption of Anglo-Saxon legal institutions, private landholding, and the reduction of government rations.


The indefatigable efforts of Welsh and Charles

Painter, the IRAs investigator and Washington lobbyist,
made the IRA the most inuential American Indian reform group of its time. The group monitored the implementation of legislation affecting American Indians,
advocating legislation such as the Dawes General Allotment Act of 1887 and drafting legislation such as the
Dawes Sioux Bill of 1884. Painter investigated complaints
of abuse; Welsh used his connection with the editors of
inuential periodicals such as Harpers Weekly and the New
York Times, as well as the IRAs own publications, to publicize Painters ndings.
After the turn of the century the IRAs activity diminished; Charles Painter had died in 1895 and Herbert
Welsh was preoccupied with other reform activities. However, two former IRA ofcials, Francis Leupp and Charles
Rhoads, became commissioners of Indian Affairs and pursued the IRAs policy of assimilation while in ofce.

on Indian affairs entitled The Forgotten American and

Richard M. Nixons ofcial repudiation of termination in
A policy of self-determination committed the federal
government to encouraging maximum Indian participation in the Government and education of the Indian
people. The 1975 legislation contained two provisions.
Title I, the Indian Self-Determination Act, established
procedures by which tribes could negotiate contracts with
the Bureau of Indian Affairs to administer their own education and social service programs. It also provided direct
grants to help tribes develop plans to assume responsibility for federal programs. Title II, the Indian Education
Assistance Act, attempted to increase parental input in
Indian education by guaranteeing Indian parents involvement on school boards.

The advent of John Collier as commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1933 ended the IRAs dominance over
American Indian reform. The groups agenda has been
modied during the twentieth century to include advocacy of global human rights. The IRA has continued its
support of American Indian land rights, championing the
Senecas in the Kinzua Dam controversy of the 1950s and
1960s, and helping the Pequot Indians to recover land in
1976. In the early twenty-rst century its membership
included prominent American Indians, and it supported
American Indian education with nancial assistance and
public education.

Subsequent amendments to the Self-Determination

Act adopted in the 1980s and 1990s launched selfgovernance. Under this program, tribes would receive
bloc grants from the Indian Health Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs to cover a number of programs. In
2000, about half of the bureaus total obligations to tribes
took the form of self-determination contracts or bloc
grants. Additionally, seventy-six tribes had contracted for
health clinics, diabetes programs, mobile health units, alcohol and drug abuse clinics, and Community Health
Representative programs through the Indian Health Service. As amended, the Indian Self-Determination and
Education Assistance Act stands as one of the twentieth
centurys seminal pieces of federal Indian legislation.



Erickson, Jackson T., ed. Indian Rights Association Papers: A Guide

to the Microlm Edition, 18641973. Glenrock, N.J.: Microlming Corporation of America, 1975.

Castile, George Pierre. To Show Heart: Native American SelfDetermination and Federal Indian Policy, 19601975. Tucson:
University of Arizona Press, 1998.

Hagan, William T. The Indian Rights Association: The Herbert

Welsh Years. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1985.

Clarkin, Thomas. Federal Indian Policy in the Kennedy and Johnson

Administrations, 19611969. Albuquerque: University of
New Mexico Press, 2001.

Rebecca McNulty

Cobb, Daniel M. Philosophy of an Indian War: Indian Community Action in the Johnson Administrations War on Indian Poverty, 19641968. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 22, no. 2 (1998): 71102.

See also Bureau of Indian Affairs.


4 January 1975, this legislation completed a fteen-year
period of policy reform with regard to American Indian
tribes. Passage of this law made self-determination, rather
than termination, the focus of government action, reversing a thirty-year effort to sever treaty relationships
with and obligations to Indian tribes. The disastrous consequences of termination, combined with aggressive Indian activism, had encouraged a reexamination of government policy. During the 1960s, the War on Povertys
Community Action programs, with their philosophy of
maximum feasible participation of the poor, also encouraged a change in direction. Signicant too were President Lyndon B. Johnsons 1968 congressional message

Philp, Kenneth R., ed. Indian Self-Rule: First-Hand Accounts of

Indian-White Relations from Roosevelt to Reagan. Logan: Utah
State University Press, 1995.

Daniel M. Cobb
See also Education, Indian; Indian Policy, U.S., 19002000;
Indian Political Life; Indian Reservations.



INDIAN SOCIAL LIFE. Although European contact affected Native people, adaptation and change have
long characterized Indian communities. It can be difcult



to differentiate recent changes from precontact trends already in process. In addition, new elements, such as the
introduction of the horse by the Spanish, often altered
lifestyles well before Native people came into direct contact with Euro-Americans. Across time and space, ongoing processes of indigenous adaptation and change complicate how we assess the transformations traditionally
associated with the intrusion of Euro-Americans.

Northeastern Woodlands
The Northeast was a region of small, sedentary agricultural villages where women raised corn, squash, and beans.
Summer wigwams were adjacent to seasonal food supplies
and here families harvested berries and nuts, and hunted
and shed. Village life was communal and emphasized
generosity, loyalty, and bravery. The region was highly
populated, so it suffered signicantly from the rst shock
waves of epidemic disease associated with European encounter. Smallpox, chicken pox, measles, whooping cough,
and typhus decimated coastal village populations by as
much as 95 percent. Villages that persisted often did so as
isolated settlements within a colonized English landscape.
The Iroquois were the regions most powerful confederacy, uniting the Cayugas, Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, and Senecas. The Iroquois called themselves
Haudensaunee, people of the longhouse. They lived in
elongated elm-bark structures, twenty-ve feet wide and
less than 100 feet long with some extending to 200 feet.
Three to six families or hearths from the same maternal
lineage lived in one dwelling. Marriage was a contract
between two groups of kin, rather than a contract between individuals. Parents as well as elder relatives inuenced the selection of marriage partners. However, the
compatibility of the prospective couple remained important since newlyweds were incorporated into established
longhouses. Noncompatible couples were permitted to
Cultural practices were altered by disease, warfare,
and the continual incorporation of strangers. Among the
matrilineal Seneca, the women of a longhouse might demand that the community go to war to replace a fallen
male warrior. This cycle of retribution and replacement
disrupted the eighteenth-century Iroquois, who were often a minority in their own villages while a majority were
adoptees and slaves. The arrival of Jesuit missionaries further disrupted village life. Few Iroquois found Christianity an appealing alternative until Handsome Lake, a Seneca religious prophet, blended Christian practices with
many of the traditional religious beliefs of the Seneca in
the early nineteenth century. Handsome Lakes religious
middle ground transformed gender and familial roles:
men became agriculturalists, women became housewives,
and the nuclear family displaced the familial networks of
the longhouse. Longhouse churches have preserved the
traditional feast calendar and traditional Iroquois behaviors have acquired the form of Christian commandments.


Southeastern Woodlands
During the precontact period large palisaded towns exerted political authority over this region. People lived in
urban areas dominated by extensive ceremonial centers
and large mound-like structures topped by temples and
the houses of rulers and priests. Trade likely linked these
towns to those of Mesoamerica.
Sometime between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, political power became less centralized in southeastern towns and people dispersed into smaller communities. However, southeastern population centers remained
larger and more complex in social organization than those
of the Northeast. Towns housed interrelated families,
linked through matrilineal descent. Each person was born
into the mothers clan and the male relatives of ones
mother often proved far more important than ones biological father. These hierarchically structured towns included chiefs whose power ranged from advisory to absolute. Ceremonial sites brought towns together for ritual
feasts and housed competitive sports events, such as lacrosse. The importance of feasts and ceremonies speaks
to the resiliency of indigenous tradition because they continued to bring people together. The Green Corn Ceremony, a four-day ceremony of Thanksgiving celebrated
in early summer, has been followed for centuries. British
defeat in the War of 1812 brought the rst forced removals. Resettlement in Indian territory west of the
Mississippi transformed most southeastern people into
Oklahoma residents, but many communities retained
their town focus and social structure.
Until the onset of the reservation period, plains life was
inextricably linked to the buffalo hunt and to farming.
Buffalo meat was dried, stored, and eaten during the winter months. Hides covered tipis, robes provided bedding,
and sinew became thread. For Indians like the Blackfeet,
the buffalo was processed into one hundred different
items of daily use. Another group of tribes farmed the
bottom lands of the Missouri River and its tributaries.
These plains farmers lived in large villages of earth
lodges, dirt-covered structures that could house as many
as forty people.
Following the acquisition of horses in the eighteenth
century, most Plains Indians became nomadic. Successful
buffalo hunting required exible living conditions. People
resided in small groups known as tiospaye, which generally
included extended families. Interrelated families camped
together and joined other, more distantly related families
to form bands.
Male work focused on hunting, warfare, and ceremonial life. The task of butchering was shared by men
and women, but the drying and storing of meat, roots,
and prairie fruits were womens work, as was the production of clothing, lodge covers, and robes. The woman
generally owned the tipi. Over time, decimating epidemics and persistent raiding undermined the Plains Indians


farming villages and caused them to disappear as a signicant part of the regions social life.
Kinship terminology tended to be generational, so
the children of parents siblings were referred to as brothers and sisters. Most Plains Indians practiced some system
of avoidance and this usually affected afnal kin of the
opposite sex. For instance, the Gros Ventre categorized
relatives as those entitled to respect or those to whom
avoidance was practiced. Interaction was often conned
to siblings of the same sex and in-laws of the same
The arrival of the horse introduced wealth differentials, but social divisions were lessened by community traditions of gift giving, which redistributed both food and
horses. A prominent man with a large herd of horses usually had the largest tipi, which housed his wives and the
young male relatives that lived with him. The other tipis
clustered around him might include elderly women with
their granddaughters or nieces whom they trained in
womens tasks. Less prominent men lacking horses had
smaller households. Authority on the plains was legitimated by participation in a ceremonial system based on
ones relationship to the supernatural. Medicine power
was essential to successhuman gures seen in dreams
or visions changed into animals, birds, insects, and snakes
that bestowed power. Ceremonial practices differed among
tribes but most practiced some form of the Sun Dance.
Leadership tended to be age based with respected elders
acting as guides and teachers. Elders were also responsible
for generating consensus and resolving conict.
A series of nineteenth-century treaties relocated the
various bands to reservations. There rules were established that forbade horse raids, scalp and war dances, and
the Sun Dance. But, even after being settled on reservations the Plains tribes continued to view the generous
distribution of property as a means to maintain authority
and validate status.

intrusion dramatically changed the lifestyles, languages,

and cultural beliefs of the people they colonized. Although many villages remained too remote for conquest,
many people were captured by Spanish soldiers and forced
to relocate to the Spanish missions. They became sedentary farmers and lived in nuclear families. Christianity
challenged indigenous religions, but traditional beliefs
were still followed, though often in secret. On the whole,
the Spanish were far fewer in number and did not demand
the vast land concessions that devastated indigenous homelands in the Northeast and Southeast. The peoples who
lived in the Southwest experienced devastating changes in
the last half of the nineteenth century when the U.S. military established hegemony over the region. It was then
that Native communities faced resettlement on reservations. The Pueblos, whose homelands became their reservations, often fared the best while the nomadic hunters
and traders, nations such as the Apache and Navajo, faced
deportation and mass starvation.
In the twentieth century, the U.S. government further attacked indigenous subsistence economies by substantially diminishing the land bases of many nations and
forcing more intrusive policies of attendance at boarding
schools. Although some ceremonies were criminalized,
they were practiced in secret.
Farming has been and continues to be very important
to the people of this regioncorn, beans, cotton, and tobacco constitute the most important crops. Trade remains
important in this region and people from various villages
exchange food; minerals, such as turquoise; and native
handicrafts, such as jewelry, baskets, and blankets.

The Southwest is the longest area of continuous human
habitation, outside of Mesoamerica. Local and communitybased enclaves have long resisted assimilation, remained
tenuously on their homelands, and have successfully maintained their lands, languages, and religions. Southwestern
Indians maintain complex annual ceremonies that have
been practiced for over 2,000 years.

Northwest Coast
The natural landscape has long structured the cultural life
of the Northwest, providing raw materials for everything
from food to clothing, housing, and transportation. Rich
sh harvests, particularly salmon, and large red cedar forests shaped this region of hierarchically ranked communities, where status was inherited. Class divisions were
rigid with rights and privileges as well as shing and hunting areas determined by kinship. Marriage was an outgrowth of social organization. The lowest class of people
were slaves, who were either purchased or captured. Unless freed, their status was permanent and hereditary.
Marriage of a free person with a slave was considered

The precontact fourteenth and fteenth centuries

were characterized by internal migration. Large population clusters broke up into smaller village enclaves. In the
sixteenth century, the Spanish arrived and established the
rst colony on the Rio Grande in 1598; they were subsequently expelled during the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.
Once the Spanish reestablished themselves they introduced a variety of technological changes that brought
large domestic animals (such as horses and cattle), new
crops (such as wheat), and metal tools and rearms into
the region. Spanish reliance on a Christianized military

A rich ceremonial life, structured around the potlatch

and elaborate gift giving, validated the status claims of the
upper classes. From the Nootkans and Kwakiutl northward, the elite were ranked and from the Central Coast
Salish southward, individual ranking was less developed.
During the closing decades of the nineteenth century, disease became increasingly problematic, missionaries increased in number, and the government promoted assimilationalist policies. Wage labor and the construction of
canneries on Indian lands proved particularly disruptive
to long-established subsistence patterns. Initially, the Ca-



nadian and U.S. governments dismissed indigenous land

rights. The skill and ability of Native people to seek legal
redress in the courts reversed the descent into decline experienced by many communities.
Modern political organizations serve as governing
bodies but the protocols followed by these groups follow
traditional organizational structures. The Small Tribes
Organization of Washington coordinates the land claim
efforts and supports the ght for federal recognition.
During the 1970s and 1980s, these tribes revived traditional dances and ceremonies, promoted traditional arts,
created native language programs, and established tribal
cultural centers. In many communities, carving has replaced shing as the most prestigious occupation.
Despite repeated attempts to suppress the potlatch,
it has persisted among Indians in the Northwest and even
experienced a renascence in the 1960s when money was
distributed, notable names bestowed, and dances incorporated into the ceremony. The Tlingit potlatch is perhaps the best known because they have used the ceremony
to publicly commemorate important events.
Recent Trends
The kin-based communal nature of Indian life in most
regions was undermined during the reservation period
because the Bureau of Indian Affairs controlled all aspects of daily life. Households were weakened by a lack
of economic opportunity for men. Male authority was also
challenged by Christian missionaries who fostered movement toward the nuclear family, the English language, and
the independence of children. The reservation period also
fostered social interaction and while many traditional
dances were banned, particularly war dances, dance forms
were reinvented. Summer fairs have frequently taken the
place of traditional activities, offering opportunities to
visit friends and relatives on other reservations.
Colliers Indian New Deal was committed to rebuilding Indian communities, but it was the outbreak of World
War II that represented a watershed in Native social life.
Thousands of men enlisted in the army. Dance gatherings were used to send off and welcome home servicemen. These gatherings became the forerunners of the
postwar powwow. The depression and then the army experience together led many young men to the cities to
nd work. The government also encouraged urban migration through a voluntary relocation program. At the
same time, many who relocated to cities often returned
to their reservations, when they retired. Tribal life was
reinvigorated by new economic opportunities, particularly gaming, the revival of native religions, and a renewed emphasis on ritual activities. In addition, Indian
organizations, like the National Congress of American Indians, coordinated intertribal efforts to return sacred lands. Together these changes produced unprecedented interaction, cultural innovation, and a sense of
cultural revival across North America. These features


continue to characterize American Indian social life in

the twenty-rst century.

Anderson, Jeffrey D. The Four Hills of Life: Northern Arapaho

Knowledge and Life Movement. Omaha: University of Nebraska Press, 2001.
Basso, Keith H. Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape among the Western Apache. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,
Bierwert, Crisca. Brushed by Cedar, Living by the River: Coast Salish
Figures of Power. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1999.
Boyd, Robert. The Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence: Introduced
Infectious Diseases and Population Decline among Northwest
Coast Indians, 17741874. Vancouver: University of British
Columbia Press, 1999.
Fowler, Loretta. Arapaho Politics, 18511978: Symbols in Crisis of
Authority. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982.
Harmon, Alexandra. Indians in the Making: Ethnic Relations and
Indian Identities around Puget Sound. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1998.
Hoxie, Frederick E. Parading through History: The Making of the
Crow Nation in America, 18051935. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1995.
Merrell, James H. The Indians New World: Catawbas and Their
Neighbors from European Contact through the Era of Removal.
New York: W.W. Norton, 1989.
Saunt, Claudio. A New Order of Things: Property, Power, and the
Transformation of the Creek Indians, 17331816. Cambridge,
U.K.: University of Cambridge Press, 1999.
Wallace, Anthony F.C. The Death and Rebirth of the Seneca. New
York: Vintage Books, 1972.
White, Richard. The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 16501815. New York:
University of Cambridge Press, 1991.

Susan Sleeper-Smith
See also Agriculture, American Indian; Art, Indian; Indian Intermarriage; Indian Political Life; Indian Religious
Life; Indian Reservations; Tribes; and vol. 9: Land of the
Spotted Eagle.

INDIAN TECHNOLOGY. Native Americans lived

in harmony with their environments, but they also actively manipulated elements in those environments to meet
their physical needs. Technology can be dened as the use
of tools to increase the effects of human impact on the
natural environment. The major tools used by Native
Americans included re for managing forest and grassland resources, various implements designed for hunting,
agricultural implements, irrigation and other water management systems for agriculture, and astronomical tools.
Uses of Fire
The use of re as a tool was widespread in the Americas.
Although lightning-set res were common, Indians set
res deliberately. On the East Coast of the United States,


early historical accounts describe some forested areas as

parklikethe forest oor was grassy with little underbrush. These conditions were maintained by natural and
human-set res. Fire promoted new growth of grass,
which in turn provided an attractive habitat for deer. The
lack of underbrush made it easier to hunt with bows and
arrows. In what is now California, research has demonstrated that periodic burning of the chaparral increased
the available browse for deer, leading to higher numbers
and greater health of offspring. Burning also promoted
long, straight branches of Corylus for basketry in California, and the soil around stands of wild sedge and ferns was
cultivated to promote ne, straight roots. Basket making
as a technology probably reached its highest point of sophistication in California.
Iroquoian agricultural communities in the Northeast
Woodlands and Muskogeans in the Southeast used slashand-burn techniques to clear and prepare their elds.
Trees were girdled and left to die, and the dead trees were
felled and burned, enriching and warming the soil for
planting. On the Great Plains, res were set to encourage
the growth of new grasses and sometimes to drive game
animals toward hunters or to surround them.
Hunting Technologies
The sinew-backed bow, arrow straighteners, and arrows
and spears with stone points are all examples of Native
technology. On the Northwest Coast and in the Arctic,
sea animals were hunted with harpoons tted with detachable heads that came loose from the shaft when they
lodged in the animal. Makah whale hunters used long
lines with sealskin oats attached to buoy the whale to
prevent it from sounding and swamping their canoes.
Throughout the Americas, weirs, nets, hooks, and spears
were all used in shing.
Development of Agriculture
Agriculture is a form of technology in that it involves direct human intervention in natural processes. Although
the earliest domesticated plants were probably volunteers that favored the disturbed soil around human habitations, Native people could divert water to them, move
them to more accessible locations, and ultimately collect
and plant their seeds. Domestication creates a symbiotic
relationship between plants and humans and changes the
physical characteristics of seeds. They become larger,
their coats become thinner, and they cling tightly to the
plant so that they must be loosened and broadcast by
humans. Hoes and planting sticks became part of the
process of agriculture.
Although corn is generally considered the most important foodstuff domesticated by Native Americans, it
originated in northern Mexico and made its way into the
American Southwest by about 750 b.c. and into the
Northeast by about a.d. 200300. It followed far earlier
domestication in the Northeast of sumpweed (c. 2000
b.c.), sunowers (c. 1500 b.c.), and chenopodium (c. 1500

b.c.). The oily seeds of these plants supplemented the diets of hunter populations. Another important plant was
the bottle gourd, which was used for containers rather
than food. Scholars debate, however, whether the gourd
was domesticated or simply gathered in the wild.
The traditional triad of foods raised by Native American populationscorn, beans, and squashwere introduced from Mesoamerica, and they gradually came to
dominate the diets of Indian communities. They were
generally planted in a form of intensive cropping. The
corn plants provided support for climbing beans, while
squash plants formed a ground cover that conserved moisture and kept soil temperatures moderate. Beans xed nitrogen in the soil, necessary for healthy growth of the
corn. Indian agriculturists took full advantage of the complementary nature of these three crops. The genetic variability of corn led to the development of specialized varieties. The Hopis in central Arizona developed a variety
with a seed that produces a very long root and a very long
shoot. The seed can be planted at a depth of about a foot,
and the root grows down to reach ground moisture while
the shoot pushes up through the soil. The Senecas in New
York planted three different varieties that ripened at different times, had different uses, and represented three basic types of corn: dent, our, and int.
Irrigation Systems
A crucial aspect of technology in the arid Southwest was
the control of water resources, both for agriculture and
to meet the needs of daily life. The remains of extensive
irrigation canals indicate that the Hohokams in the lower
Arizona desert had a sophisticated water management system by about a.d. 800. The canals drew water along about
500 miles of the Salt River in the basin where Phoenix
now sits. The canals represent a remarkable expenditure
of energy. Some are as broad as 75 feet and nearly 100
miles long.
At Chaco Canyon in northeastern New Mexico, nine
major Pueblo dwellings lined the banks of the lower Chaco
River during a period beginning about a.d. 920. These
and a number of smaller outlying pueblos housed nearly
10,000 people. The Pueblos thrived because of their ability to husband and control available water supplies. Pueblo
Bonito, rising to a height of ve stories in parts and containing about 800 rooms, is probably the best-known
dwelling in this complex. Prior to a.d. 900, the Chaco
River ooded seasonally, and crops were planted on the
oodplain. Water also collected in natural basins along
the rim of the canyon, and in heavy rains there was runoff
from the rim down the sides of the canyon. By about 900,
however, the river cut its way deeply into the canyon bottom and became so entrenched that it would not ood.
Irrigation became necessary. Earthen dams were built to
contain the streams waters. Diversion walls and canals
brought the water to the elds, and sluice gates controlled
the ow. Diversion walls were built along the slopes of
the main and side canyons to channel runoff water into



canals. Bordered and gravel-mulched gardens preserved

the soil moisture.
Between about a.d. 1020 and about 1120, perhaps
100,000 pine trees were cut for building and rewood in
the Chaco Canyon area. Building largely ceased after 1120,
however, and by about 1220 the pueblos were abandoned.
The onset of drought in the San Juan River basin that
lasted from 1130 to 1190 probably explains the abandonment. Even the sophisticated water control systems in
Chaco Canyon could not deal with the severity and duration of the drought.
Archaeoastronomy and Technology
Time is a preoccupation in modern industrial societies,
but Native people in North America also had a deep concern for the passage of time and the marking of important
celestial events that coincided with changes in the seasons.
Certain structures represent a sophisticated technology of
telling time. At Fajada Butte near the pueblo ruins in
Chaco Canyon, three slabs of stone leaning against a rock
face on an outcropping of the butte cast patterns of light
and shadow upon a spiral carved into a rock face. The
spiral is bisected by a dagger of light just before noon on
the day of the summer solstice. On the day of the winter
solstice, two daggers of light brush the edges of the spiral.
Although there is some debate about whether the slabs
that create the shadows were deliberately placed there by
human beings, the spiral is obviously a human artifact,
and it demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of celestial
movements and a permanent marker of solstice events.
Although solstice observation is generally associated
with agriculturists, there is evidence that it was also practiced by hunter peoples in North America. Medicine
wheels in Saskatchewan indicate that the Blackfeet may
have oriented their tepees on a north-south axis that allowed observation of eastern sunrise solstice sites. A medicine wheel at an elevation of about 7,500 feet in the Big
Horn Mountains of Wyoming is a circle of stones with
twenty-eight spokes radiating from a central cairn and six
perimeter cairns. It provides sighting alignments for the
summer and winter solstices and possibly for the helical
rising of the bright stars Sirius, Vega, and Aldebaran.
Solstice alignment on a major scale appears in Mississippian mound sites in the southeastern and central
United States. Computer analysis of twenty-eight mound
sites in the lower Mississippi River valley revealed a regular pattern of orientation. The people who constructed
these mounds around ceremonial plazas had all adopted
a common distance measure of 155.8 feet, called the Toltec Module because it was rst noted at a site in Arkansas
that had a clear solstice orientation. It was also apparent
that fully 75 percent of the Mississippian mound sites analyzed featured one or more solar alignments. Mound
clusters generally had one clearly oriented for observation
of winter solstice points, but summer solstice, equinoctial,
and even some stellar sightings (most commonly Vega and
Sirius) were also important. The alignment of mounds


helped to alert a widespread population to the time for

harvesting and planting their oodplain gardens.
Adaptation of New Technologies
The story of Peter Minuet buying Manhattan Island from
the Indians for twenty-four dollars worth of beads and
trinkets is deeply embedded in the American consciousness as an indicator of, at worst, the gullibility of American Indians or, at best, the lack of technological sophistication of Native people. The replacement of clay pots
with copper kettles, deerskin clothing with woven cloth,
and bows and arrows with guns is seen as the beginning
of Indian cultural decline. These adaptations, however,
represent more of an assimilation of new technologies
into Indian worldviews than any Native belief that Europeans were culturally superior people.
European glass beads rst used in trading were larger
than the small seed beads used in contemporary beadwork. Clear beads resembled crystals that were used in
divining while colored beads could resemble wampum,
the white and purple cohoag shells that were ground into
rounds, drilled, and strung. Wampum was not a trade
item, and it was analogous to money only in that strings
of wampum were given by killers to the families of their
victims to assuage their guilt. Wampum strings were woven into belts, and the patterns carried meaning that was
read into the belts by recitation of sacred texts. They were
used to put into permanent form agreements between
tribes, or between tribes and colonial governments and
nally the United States government. The analogy of
trade beads to wampum beads probably led the Canarsees, the tribe that Minuet encountered, to consider that
they were striking an agreement with him rather than selling anything.
Copper kettles have a similar meaning. Thousands
were acquired by Native people in exchange for furs and
food, and because they were more durable than clay vessels, they were used as household items, but they are also
found in burial sites. Much as some personal possessions
were buried with the dead for use in another world, copper kettles were sometimes smashed at or broken and
placed over the head of the corpse in a manner similar to
the use of clay pots.
Indians adopted guns primarily as weapons of war
rather than for hunting. The bow and arrow were a more
efcient hunting tool than the cumbersome muzzleloading musket of European manufacture, and although
more powerful, the musket was less accurate. Indians
more quickly adopted the intlock rie, which was much
faster to re, over the musket. They also used guns in
some ceremonies to produce a sound like thunder, which
was considered a deity. Thus, technology and traditional
belief systems were melded.
Although American Indians did not domesticate animals, use wheeled vehicles, or develop metallurgy (except
for beaten copper ornaments), they were able to draw
from their environments what they needed for survival,


utilizing their human energy to cajole re, water, plants,

and animals into meeting their needs. They adapted European technologies (livestock, metal tools and weapons,
glass beads) into their own cultures, using them for both
utilitarian and spiritual purposes.

Blackburn, Thomas C., and Kat Anderson, eds. Before the Wilderness: Environmental Management by Native Californians.
Menlo Park, Calif.: Ballena Press, 1993.


Burton, Jeffery. Indian Territory and the United States, 18661906:

Courts, Government, and the Movement for Oklahoma Statehood. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.

Veda Boyd Jones

See also Indian Policy, U.S., 18301900; Sequoyah, Proposed
State of; and vol. 9: Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851.

Smith, Bruce D. Rivers of Change: Essays on Early Agriculture in

Eastern North America. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992.


The Indian Trade and Intercourse Act was a set of measures enacted between 1790 and 1847 to improve relations with American Indians by granting the United States
government sole authority to regulate interactions between Indians and non-Indians. The sale of Indian lands
to individuals or states was forbidden. An 1834 renewal
of the act also designated all U.S. lands west of the Mississippi River (except Louisiana, Missouri, and Arkansas
Territory) as Indian Territory. Indian Territory gradually
shrank and eventually vanished with the creation of Oklahoma in 1906. In spite of this reversal, the Penobscots
and Passamaquoddies of Maine referred to the act in their
1972 suit for lands taken from them illegally in 1792. In
1980 they were awarded $81 million, which they used to
expand reservation lands.

Stewart, Hilary. Indian Fishing: Early Methods on the Northwest

Coast. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1977.


Hurt, R. Douglas. Indian Agriculture in America: Prehistory to the

Present. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1987.
Larson, Lewis H. Aboriginal Subsistence Technology on the Southeastern Coastal Plain during the Late Prehistoric Period. Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1980.
Malone, Patrick M. The Skulking Way of War: Technology and Tactics among the New England Indians. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.
Miller, Christopher J., and George R. Hamell. A New Perspective on Indian-White Contact: Cultural Symbols and
Colonial Trade. Journal of American History 73, no. 2 (September 1986): 311328.

Vivian, R. Gwinn. Conservation and Diversion: Water-Control

Systems in the Anasazi Southwest. In Irrigations Impact on
Society. Edited by Theodore E. Downing and McGuire
Gibson. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1974.
Williamson, Ray A. Living the Sky: The Cosmos of the American
Indian. Boston: Houghton Mifin, 1984.

Prucha, Francis Paul. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, 1995.

Paul W. Gates / j. h.
See also Indian Policy, U.S., 17751830; Indian Territory;
Passamaquoddy/Penobscot; and vol. 9: Fort Laramie
Treaty of 1851.

Clara Sue Kidwell

See also Agriculture, American Indian; Corn; Indian Mounds;
Irrigation; Wampum.

INDIAN TERRITORY. Between 1820 and 1842,

the Five Civilized Tribes were removed to Indian Territory, an area that encompassed most of current day Oklahoma. In 1866, the western portion of the territory was
ceded to the United States for use as reservation land for
other tribes. In 1889, a section of this western portion
was opened to settlement and became Oklahoma Territory in 1890. An outcry for statehood soon emerged with
settlers calling for the union of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Cherokee Chief William Rogers and Choctaw
Chief Green McCurtain opposed this union and led a
constitutional convention to create a state of Sequoyah
from the land known as Indian Territory. Congress ignored their proposal, and in 1907, Congress merged Indian and Oklahoma Territories into one state. With this
action, Indian Territory disappeared.


trade of North America has traditionally been described
as the web of economic relations between Europeans and
their successors (Euro-Americans and Euro-Canadians)
with Native Americans. Ever since Columbuss rst landfall, Indians and whites have exchanged items of material
and cultural signicance as part of complex diplomatic
and economic relationships entered into by two or more
parties to secure exotic goods, establish and maintain political alliances, and ensure cohabitation of lands. By this
same convention, the Indian trader has been portrayed as
a Euro-American or Euro-Canadian male engaged in supplying Native Americans (male and female) with goods and
services in exchange for Indian-made or -processed commodities such as furs, pelts, hides, and foodstuffs; geographic information; and, at times, Native political and
social alliances. This individual, often portrayed as a backwoodsman or hunter-peddler, is historically associated directly with the beaver trade because of that animals highly
prized fur, used by Europeans in the manufacture of hats
and coats by Europeans.



A more accurate view treats the Indian trade of North

America as an ancient institution rmly established well
before European contact and colonization. Linking both
tribes and regions, this Indian trade involved individual
traders as well as trader cultures that served as conduits
between tribes separated by vast distances. Indian tradersfemale as well as malemet at Native American
trading centers strategically located along major river systems or at hubs where several tribes seasonally passed en
route to hunting, gathering, or shing grounds. Examples
include the ancient city of Cahokia in present-day Illinois,
the Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara villages (often called Middle
Missouri Indian towns) in the present-day states of North
Dakota and South Dakota, Zuni Pueblo in contemporary
New Mexico, and passages or portages between important waterways such as Sault Sainte Marie and Niagara
Falls in the Great Lakes region and the Dalles on the
Columbia River. In addition to foodstuffs, berware and
clayware, hides, and exotics ranging from obsidian and
int to seashells and pearls to precious gems and minerals
passed hands in Indian lodges and at native trade fairs
before a.d. 1500.
Early European-Indian Trade
After 1600, these same trails, watercourses, and meeting
grounds became routes of European trafc and footprints
for forts, factories, and towns placed at strategic points
such as Albany, Augusta, Chicago, Detroit, Kodiak, Michilimackinac, Mobile, Natchitoches, Portland (Oregon),
San Antonio, and St. Louis. Colonists introduced European mercantile ideas of inventories and prots based
upon dynamics of supply and demand, often compromising Native systems, which operated on principles of barter exchange, gift-giving, and reciprocity. Whites who adhered to norms of Native trade did better than those who
ignored or bypassed Indian protocol. The French succeeded best in the Indian trade business, becoming social
as well as economic partners across North America. Up
to the fall of New France in 1760 and beyond, FrenchIndian relations along the Saint Lawrence and Mississippi
Rivers and in the Great Lakes region remained cordial,
tied by kinship as well as economic partnerships.
Spanish, Dutch, English, Russian, and Swedish traders were less successful because of their more rigid expectations: they insisted that Indians conform to European trading standards. All colonists sought furs and hides,
including deerskins, for a lucrative European and Cantonese fur market, making the occupation of the white or
mixed-blood (metis or French-Indian and mestizo or
Spanish-Indian) trader a common occupational type on
all national and ethnic frontiers in North America. Each
had government-licensed trading companies with wide
powers to expand the respective nations interests in addition to authority to trade, trap, hunt, and settle. Also,
each country had independents, known in French parlance as coureur de bois (runners of the woods). From the
Saint Lawrence to the Rio Grande and on to the Pacic
Ocean, these free trappers and traders trekked and


traded, earning reputations for adventure and exploration, and often compromising national interests for personal gain. Across every fur trade frontier, small concerns
were absorbed by medium- and large-sized companies,
whose workforces were under contract for specic terms
of engagement and for set annual salaries.
Many major cities developed because of this nascent
Indian trade. They include Albany and New York City
(Dutch); Detroit, Mobile, Natchez, and Montreal
(French); Charleston, Philadelphia, and Savannah (English); Pensacola, Santa Fe, and St. Louis (Spanish); Wilmington, Delaware (Swedish); and Kodiak, Alaska, and
Fort Ross, California (Russian).
The Indian trade by itself did not result in total economic dependency of Native peoples on white suppliers
of guns, blankets, kettles, knives, and other utilitarian
items that made life more comfortable. Every tribe engaged in this European-supplied trade to a degree, some
ourishing under the new formula of Indian-white trade,
others suffering hardship and loss of economic position.
Throughout the eighteenth century, most tribes of eastern and southeastern North America were locked into the
Indian trade as way of life and expected French, British,
and Spanish traders to protect their respective trade
spheres from outside aggressors and internal rebellion.
Trade after the American Revolution
In the aftermath of the American Revolution, the Indian
trade continued under different ags and more restrictive
rules. Congress regulated Indian trade under a series of
Trade and Intercourse Acts beginning in 1790, establishing government factories in the heart of Indian territories in 1796 with the intent of keeping settlers and alcohol out of Indian country. This segregationist approach
was abandoned in 1822, allowing large and small companies to compete for Indian furs and favors in the western
territories. In both Canada and the United States, independent traders and smaller rms were historically leveraged out of business by oligarchies such as the Montrealbased North West Company; the Philadelphia rm of
Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan; and Spanish, Indian,
and English traders working for the British rm Panton,
Leslie, and Company, based in Florida. Two nearmonopoliesthe London-based Hudsons Bay Company
(which absorbed the North West Company in 1821) and
the New York-based American Fur Company (formed by
John Jacob Astor in 1808) with its St. Louis-controlled
Western Department (organized in 1822)emerged in
Canada and in the United States, respectively, up through
the American Civil War.
As smaller, fur-bearing habitats were trapped out or
settled, a new economic Indian trade prevailed from 1840
to 1890 on the western plains and prairies. This buffalohide trade supplied water- and steam-powered factories
demand for leather belts as well as military overcoats,
rugs, and blankets. Once the buffalo were gone, economic
dependency on reservations in Canada and the United


States gripped Indian communities, now reliant on annuities and the need to become herders and farmers.
Still, the Indian trade and the Indian trader, part of
an international fur industry, continued in Alaska and in
Canadas remote Yukon and Northwest Territories, where
it remains important, as well as in the eastern Arctic.
Across North America, Indians themselves have continued to function as Indian traders, many dealing in arts
and crafts, others in horse breeding and trading; others
in restoring buffalo, trading calves for other livestock and
goods from one reserve to another; and still others in mitigating violations of treaties by swapping further litigation
for restoration of tribal lands or monetary compensation.

Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The American Fur Trade of the Far

West. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1902.
Ewers, John C. Plains Indian History and Culture. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997.
Innis, Harold A. The Fur Trade in Canada: An Introduction to Canadian Economic History. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1930.
Sturtevant, William C., gen. ed. Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 4, Indian-White Relations. Edited by Wilcomb E.
Washburn. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution,

William R. Swagerty
See also Charleston Indian Trade; Fur Companies; Fur Trade
and Trapping; Indian Economic Life; Missouri River
Fur Trade; Mountain Men; Pacific Fur Company.

INDIAN TRADING HOUSES were governmentowned and operated stores that existed from 1795 to 1822
as part of the federal governments effort to regulate trade
with Native Americans. During this period, twenty-eight
trading posts were established, but only seven or eight
were extant at any given time. The rst stores were established at Coleraine, Georgia, and Tellico, Tennessee.
The most important ones were located at Green Bay and
Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin; Detroit and Mackinac,
Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Chickasaw Bluffs, Mississippi; and Natchitoches, Louisiana.
The idea of winning the goodwill of the Indians by
supplying them with goods from ofcial stores originated
in the colonial period. Massachusetts and South Carolina
maintained such stores at different times; in 1753, Benjamin Franklin recommended that Pennsylvania establish
a similar system. In 1775, the Continental Congress appointed a committee to devise a trading house system,
also called a factory system. In 1793, President George
Washington recommended the establishment of a series
of trading posts at which Indians could secure goods at
cost, and Congress established the rst such posts with
the Trading Houses Act in 1796. Congress intended the
trading house system to strengthen military policy, pro-

mote peace on the frontier, protect the Indians against

exploitation by private traders, and offset the British and
Spanish inuence over the Indians.
The trading houses sent in their orders for goods to
the superintendent of Indian trade, whose ofce was in
Philadelphia until 1808, when it was moved to Washington, D.C. The superintendent bought the goods on the
open market or by bids and shipped them to the trading
posts. The principal distributing points were Detroit,
Saint Louis, and New Orleans. The post overseers, also
known as factors, sold the goods to the Indians and received furs, skins, bear oil, beeswax, and other products
in exchange. These products were shipped to the superintendent, who sold them at auction or in foreign markets.
Many difculties arose under this system: freight
rates were excessively high; delays were constant; the superintendent was limited to the domestic market in making his purchases and, as a result, frequently secured
goods of inferior quality; skins and furs were often improperly treated, resulting in considerable losses; and the
factors were forced to disobey instructions and sell on
credit, thus losing money from uncollected accounts. The
system did little to reduce foreign inuence over Native
Americans and was even less effective at preventing Indian
exploitation by private traders.
The trading house system was never accepted as a
permanent policy. Congress seldom assured its existence
for longer than a two-year period. The superintendent
and factors were thus unable to plan for the future. Private
traders, Indian agents, and frontier merchants opposed
the system; opponents circulated false stories and eventually secured its abolition. Sen. Thomas H. Benton of
Missouri, inspired by the fur companies and his states
traders, led the ght that closed the system in 1822.

Prucha, Francis P. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984; 1986; 1995.
Wallace, Anthony F. C. Jefferson and the Indians: The Tragic Fate
of the First Americans. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of
Harvard University Press, 1999.

Edgar B. Wesley / j. h.
See also Fur Trade and Trapping; Indians and Alcohol; Indian
Policy, U.S. 17751830; Indian Trade and Traders.

INDIAN TRAILS. What is now the United States

was crisscrossed by an extensive network of trails long
before the advent of railroads or highways. Even though
long-distance travel frequently included a combination of
canoe and foot travel, trails connected nearly every person
on the continent. The paths of the American Indians,
used for war and trade, were usually along relatively high
ground or ridges where the soil dried quickly after rains
and where there were few streams to be crossed; soft foot-



gear made stony ground less favorable. Major trails followed important mountain passes to connect river drainages, and trails traveling across rather than along rivers
usually followed the fall line. Major trails crossed tribal
boundaries, although long-term warfare would cause paths
between some tribes to become overgrown. Numerous
minor trails branched off from principal trails in much
the same way as todays highways feed local roads. Indians sometimes blazed trees along a trail so that seasonal
changes might not confuse them should they or others
see t to make a return journey.
One of the great trails of the North American Indians
was the Iroquois trail from Albany, up the Mohawk River,
through the site of Rochester, and on to the site of Buffalo
on Lake Erie. Also, there was the Great Warrior Path that
connected the mouth of the Scioto to Cumberland Gap
and Tennessee Country. Both of these trails followed important routes through the Appalachian Mountains. The
trail through Cumberland Gap led early colonial migrations into Kentucky and middle Tennessee. The route
eventually became known as Boones Trail, or the Wilderness Road. The Chickasaw-Choctaw Trail became
the noted Natchez Trace between Nashville and Natchez.
The Occaneechi Trail, from the site of Petersburg, Virginia, southwest into the Carolinas, followed the Atlantic
coast fall line.
Trails following the Missouri and Yellowstone River
crossed the Rocky Mountains and followed the Columbia
River, connecting the Mississippi Valley with the Pacic
Northwest. Along the Columbia River was an important
crossroads known as the Dalles. From this junction other
trails headed south. Trails following the Pacic Coast or
the valleys on either side of the Cascades and Sierra Nevadas provided communication between tribes in Puget
Sound and Baja California. Heading west from California, trails passed through the towns of the Pueblos and
eastward down the Canadian and Red Rivers to return to
the Mississippi, Santa Fe, and Taos. They became important junctions in the trading paths of the Southwest. Only
in sparsely settled regions like the Great Basin were there
few major trails.
Few individuals followed these trails for their entire
transcontinental extent, but exchange along the routes
transported valuable materials great distances. Copper
from the Upper Great Lakes reached Georgia and the
Rocky Mountains; conch shells from the Gulf of Mexico
have been found in Oklahoma. Later explorers, traders,
and colonists followed these major routes. When future
generations laid rails and asphalt for their own transportation networks, they frequently followed paths that had
been trodden for centuries.

Salisbury, Neal. The Indians Old World. William and Mary

Quarterly 53 (1996): 435458.
Swagerty, William R. Indian Trade in the Trans-Mississippi
West to 1870. In Handbook of North American Indians. Ed-


ited by William C. Sturtevant et al. Vol. 4: History of IndianWhite Relations, edited by W. E. Washburn. Washington,
D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1988.
Tanner, Helen H. The Land and Water Communications Systems of the Southeastern Indians. In Powhatans Mantle:
Indians in the Colonial Southeast. Edited by Peter Wood, et
al. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989.

Samuel C. Williams / j. h.
See also Portages and Water Routes; Roads; Transportation
and Travel.

INDIAN TREATIES were the means that Europeans

and Americans used to secure alliances with, and most
often acquire land from, Native Americans. Historians
disagree about the number of treaties negotiated between
European powers and the United States between 1492
and the end of the formal treaty-making period in 1871.
Because municipalities, companies, and state and national
governments all made treaties, the number may well be
in the thousands.
After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World
for Spain in 1492, Spanish explorers and conquistadors
used the Caribbean as a base from which to explore North
and South America. At rst, conquistadors ruthlessly took
land from Native Americans, whom they considered heathen or subhuman. By the 1540s, however, Spanish cleric
Francisco de Vitoria was already trying to convince the
Spanish Crown and its explorers that Indians were indeed
human, and thus Spain should treat them with respect
rather than take land by conquest. Vitoria succeeded. As
friars began to supersede conquistadors on the frontier of
New Spain in an attempt to Christianize Native Americans, they introduced a treaty system.
Other nations followed suit. France, less interested
in planting permanent colonies but eager to establish a
footing in North America, negotiated agreements with
native groups that enabled them to sh and trade in peace.
Over time, French colonial ofcials and priests used treaties to secure an extensive web of relationships that guarded
the western borders of their North American domain and
ensured access to the rich fur trade of the Great Lakes
The Dutch used treaties. Like the French, Dutch
traders forged agreements with local tribes to gain access
to the western fur trade. Settlers in the lower Hudson
valley also purchased land and the rights to certain hunting areas with trade goods.
English settlers tried warfare and brutality to cow
Native Americans. The English at Jamestown, Virginia,
tried to negotiate treaties with local tribes, even attempting at one point to crown Powhatan, the leader of a
Chesapeake Confederacy, king of the Indians (see Powhatan Confederacy). Powhatans own ambitions and the


Englishmens ongoing desire for new farmlands undermined these efforts, however. The parties maintained a
fragile peace during Powhatans lifetime (a peace sealed
with the marriage of his daughter Pocahontas to an English planter), but after his death the chief s brother, Opechancanugh, reignited warfare with the English.
In New England, Pilgrim settlers on Cape Cod negotiated informal agreements with local Wampanoags
that allowed them to settle at Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Their Puritan brethren followed a similar path when they
settled in Boston in 1630. Eventually, however, the English crowded members of the Nipmuck, Narragansett,
and Wampanoag tribes onto reservations in Massachusetts. In 1675 the Wampanoag leader Metacomet, known
to the English as King Philip, launched a war against the
Puritans. Metacomet led warriors from all three groups
against the English in the two-year struggle. Puritans
won, but only after losing one-sixth of their male population. Ironically, while the English victory meant the end
of an era of peaceful treaty making, it was made possible
by the assistance of Hudson valley groups who refused to
come to Philips assistance because of their treaty commitments to the British.
Historical Development
During the eighteenth century, the strength of Indian
confederacies, imperial threats from other nations, and a
renewed interest in empire and mercantilism by the Crown
(joint-stock companies had arranged early English settlements with little or no interest from the Crown) convinced England to rely more on diplomacy and treaties in
relations with Indians. King Georges War (17441748),
which saw England and France vying for control of the
Ohio River valley (and subsequently North America), was
an example.
The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended King Georges
War, but in truth it decided nothing. Both France and
England jockeyed for position in preparation for renewed
warfare. Native Americans, however, did not understand
military truces, for once they proclaimed themselves enemies of another they intended to stay that way. French
colonists capitalized on that confusion in an attempt to
draw some of the Iroquois Confederacy (the Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagas, Oneidas, and Mohawks who had earlier laid claim to the Ohio valley) away from their ally,
England. To the south, at the mouth of the Mississippi
River in New Orleans, French agents scored treaties with
Creeks, Chickasaws, and some Cherokees.
Pennsylvania traders, led by George Croghan, realized that the British Navy had so devastated French trade
routes that French Indian allies could not get the trade
goods they wanted. In August 1748, Croghan and fellow
traders signed the Treaty of Logstown with leaders of the
Delawares, Shawnees, Iroquois, and Wyandotte Indians.
It established a perpetual trade and defensive alliance between England and the Indians.

In the French and Indian War (17541763), the last

of the great wars for the British Empire, the Iroquois
Confederacy remained allied with England but did little
in the way of ghting against France. The confederacy
did not want to be enemies with France if France won the
war. British victory in 1763 saw a deterioration in relations with the confederacy, which itself became plagued
with inghting.
Upon taking control of all of North America to the
Mississippi River, England encountered more trouble with
former French-allied Indians. In 1763 on the upper Ohio,
an Ottawa chief named Pontiac and an alliance of Indians
attacked Americans (still British subjects) headed west.
British soldiers put down Pontiacs rebellion, but England
realized it had to conduct aggressive diplomacy with western Indians to make the region safe for settlement.
Parliament passed the Proclamation of 1763, which
prohibited Americans from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. The proclamation would enable Parliament to both control land dispersal and establish treaties
with Indians before Americans took the land.
The spread of Americans to the West scared Indians.
In an attempt to create a permanent boundary between
whites and Indians, William Johnson, the English Indian
commissioner for the North, and John Stuart, an agent
in the South, treated with the Iroquois Nations in 1768.
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix negotiated such a line, but
failed to halt the westward white movement.
After American victory in the Revolutionary War, the
United States inherited diplomatic trouble with Indians
on the frontier. Indians formed new confederacies to oppose American expansion. One of them, including Miami,
Shawnee, and Delaware Indians, tried to prevent white
expansion north of the Ohio River. President George
Washington chose force to move the Indians off the land.
In 1790 he sent a small army under General Arthur St.
Clair, but Miamis under Little Turtle defeated him. They
did likewise to General Josiah Harmer the next year, killing 630 American troops and scoring the biggest victory
over whites that Native Americans would ever win.
In 1794, with 4,000 troops, General Mad Anthony
Wayne marched into the Miamis region, and defeated
them at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. In the subsequent
Treaty of Greenville (1795), Miamis ceded to the United
States most of Ohio, part of Indiana, and areas for trading
posts along strategic waterways.
Indian Displacement and Nineteenth-Century
The presidency of Thomas Jefferson saw many Indian
tribes east of the Mississippi River cede territory to the
United States. In 1804 Sauk and Fox (see Mesquakie)
Indians ceded much of what would become northwestern
Illinois. In 1805 Cherokees gave up land in Georgia, Mississippi Territory, and Tennessee. That same year, Choctaws, who had ceded land in southwest Mississippi Ter-



ritory in 1801, gave up more nearby. Chickasaws gave up

land in middle Tennessee in 1805, and in 1806 Cherokees
gave up more in southern Tennessee.
When Jefferson made the windfall purchase of Louisiana from France in 1803, he had in mind using part of
it for the removal of eastern Indians. Jefferson could
rightly see that white expansion would not cease, and the
United States would have to deal with uprooted Indians.
He suggested a large Indian Territory, sections of
which the government could reserve for Indians. Jefferson
was also interested in Indians of the West, dispatching
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on their journey of
exploration across the northern Louisiana Purchase (1804
1806), in part to open friendly relations with Indians. By
the end of their journey, the Lewis and Clark expedition
had executed no treaties, but had established friendly relations with such groups as the Shoshones, Mandans,
Flatheads, and Clatsops.
The white land grab continued east of the Mississippi. In Indiana, the territorial governor and military
commander William Henry Harrison wanted to pad Indianas boundaries. In September 1809 Harrison called a
conference of local Indians, including Delawares, Potawatomies, and Shawnees, at Fort Wayne, Indiana. So
concerned were the Native Americans about the future of
their remaining lands that more than 1,100 of them attended. Harrison, no lover of Indians, dictated terms and
greased the slide with money and trade baubles. With the
signing of the Treaty of Fort Wayne, Native Americans
ceded to the United States another 3 million acres of land
in return for $7,000 up front and $1,750 yearly.
The Shawnee warrior chieftain Tecumseh protested
the treaty on the grounds that the land belonged to no
one tribe; hence, no one tribe or representative could sign
it away. But Harrison defended its legality. Tecumseh and
his half-brother, the tribal prophet named Tenskwatawa,
would soon found a confederacy of Indians with the intent
of stopping further white incursions.
While previous Indian treaties had moved tribes to
reservation land near their traditional homes, Native
Americans in the Lake Plains regions south of the Great
Lakes (in an area Americans then called the Northwest
Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio) would
be some of the rst subjected to removal west of the Mississippi River. At the behest of military and political authorities, 1,000 representatives of northwestern tribes
gathered at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, in 1825, and
began signing the Treaties of Prairie du Chien in which
they sold millions of acres of land in return for reservations in the West. Small groups of northwestern Indians
signed treaties with Indian agents for the next four years.
In the Southeast, Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws,
Creeks, and Seminoles (the so-called Five Civilized
Tribes because whites thought they had somewhat assimilated into white culture) faced continuing pressure to
get off their traditional lands. In the presidential election


of 1828, the Tennessee politician and general Andrew

Jackson had promised southerners he would oust Indians
from their land to clear the way for American agriculture.
At Jacksons urging, Congress passed the Indian Removal
Bill of 1830, which gave the federal government authority
to negotiate with tribes for their removal to the West.
Cherokees tried to ght the bill in court with two landmark cases, The Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and
Worcester v. Georgia (1832) (see Cherokee Nation Cases).
While ultimately unsuccessful, these U.S. Supreme
Court decisions established two principles that would
guide treaty making in the future. First, the Court noted
that the sovereignty of the United States could not be
compromised. The justices declared that treaties with
tribes were not the same as treaties with foreign governments. Second, Justice John Marshall insisted that treaties
were instruments of federal power and that the states
could not interfere with their implementation. Federal
bullying and local hostility nally persuaded a small minority of the Cherokees to sign an agreement, the Treaty
of New Echota, that provided for their removal to the
West, but most tribesmen refused to leave Georgia until
they were forced out by the U.S. Army.
Other southeastern tribes signed similar treaties. The
rapid expansion of the United States to the Pacic in the
1840sthe result of annexing Texas, settling the Oregon
boundary dispute with Great Britain, and acquiring
the Southwest from Mexico after the Mexican-American
Warinevitably brought Americans into more conict
with Indians. U.S. ofcials negotiated treaties with tribes
in the Northwest that exchanged land for small reservations and guaranteed access to sh and other subsistence
foods, while at Fort Laramie, Wyoming, in 1851 they
signed an agreement that tried to dene tribal hunting
grounds on the Plains and to ensure safe passage of American settlers to the West (see Laramie, Fort, Treaty of
[1851]). Government negotiators also agreed to treaties
that established tribal reservations in California, but the
chaos of the gold rush and the virulent anti-Indian racism
of the day blocked the ratication of those agreements in
Congress. The result was further bloodshed and the establishment of far smaller refuges. In the Southwest and
along the middle border of Kansas and Nebraska, similar agreements attempted to dene tribal reservations and
set Indian communities apart from white settlers. Unfortunately, the sanctity of these areas reserved for tribal
use and occupancy was frequently short-lived.
The discovery of gold in Colorado in 1859 drew
more than 100,000 whites across the Plains and into the
Rocky Mountain region. Those miners simply took Indian lands as they went. The U.S. government attempted
to alleviate the situation in 1861 by calling leaders of the
primarily affected tribesthe Cheyennes and Arapahosto Fort Lyon, in Colorado Territory. Ofcials abandoned the Fort Laramie Treaty, instead giving the tribes
smaller parcels of land in southeastern Colorado. Angered, many tribal warriors launched a war against eastern

I N D I A N T R E AT I E S , C O L O N I A L

Coloradoans. In 1864 the Colorado militia under Colonel

John Chivington attacked and killed most of a band of
Cheyennes under Chief Black Kettle at Sand Creek, Colorado, site of one of the 1861 reservations.
The Civil War diverted Americans attention from
westward expansion and Indian troubles for four years.
But in 1866 Red Clouds War between Sioux warriors and
U.S. soldiers in Wyoming Territory spawned a new search
for answers. Convinced that peace on white terms was
possible, the U.S. government created a Peace Commission to handle Native American location problems. The
commission decided to establish two reservationsone in
the Black Hills of South Dakota, the other in western
Indian Territoryto handle the estimated 140,000 Plains
Peace commissioners brought representatives of the
Kiowas, Comanches, southern Cheyennes, and Arapahos
to Medicine Lodge Creek, Kansas, for treaty talks in October 1867. After bribery and some coercion, the tribal
leaders at the Medicine Lodge Treaty talks accepted some
3 million acres in western Indian Territory. American negotiators again failed to realize that tribal leaders did not
speak for all members of their tribes. Thus when warriors
of different tribes refused the treaty, warfare was again imminent. In November 1868 Lieutenant Colonel George
Armstrong Custers Seventh Cavalry attacked Black Kettles Cheyennes on the Washita River in retaliation for depredations that another band of warriors had committed.
Black Kettle died in that attack.
In 1868 peace commissioners met with Sioux leaders
at Fort Laramie. In a new Fort Laramie Treaty (see Laramie, Fort, Treaty of [1868]), they promised the United
States would stop protecting the Powder River Road,
which threatened Sioux hunting lands, if the Sioux would
accept permanent reservation land in the Black Hills. The
Sioux agreed, but in vain. The discovery of gold in the
Black Hills in 1874 lured more whites to the area, who
shoved the Sioux out of the way.
The U.S. government abandoned treaty making with
Indians in 1871. In 1870 the Supreme Court had ruled in
the Cherokee Tobacco case that all Indian treaties were subject to unilateral congressional action. The next year, angered that the executive branch and the Senate had never
placed many Indian cessions into the public domain, but
rather shunted them directly to land-grant railroads, the
House of Representative attached a rider to an Indian
Ofce appropriations bill abolishing treaties. The bill became law. It did not nullify existing treaties, however, and
it did not end the practice of negotiating agreements with
tribes. In fact several such agreements were negotiated in
the late nineteenth century (most prominently with the
Blackfeet, Gros Ventres, and Assiniboines in Montana in
1884 and with the Sioux in Dakota Territory in 1889).
The Twentieth Century and Future Developments
In the twentieth century treaties had a complicated history. In 1903 the Supreme Court in Lone Wolf v. Hitch-

cock seemed to seal its fate. In a case involving the dissolution of the Kiowa reservation in Oklahoma, the Court
declared that Congress had the power to abrogate treaties, even ones that promised that its terms could not be
altered without the consent of the tribe. But at centurys
end, the courts upheld the sovereign power of treatyguaranteed tribal courts and councils and struck down
state attempts to regulate hunting and shing rights established in treaties. The existence of treaties has also
been an important argument in favor of modern tribal
sovereignty within the context of the United States.
The exact fate of treaty guarantees in the twenty-rst century remains to be determined.

Billington, Ray Allen, and Martin Ridge, eds. Westward Expansion: A History of the American Frontier. 5th ed. New York:
Macmillan, 1982.
Brinkley, Alan, Richard N. Current, Frank Freidel, and T. Harry
Williams, eds. American History: A Survey. 8th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1991.
Bonds, Ray, ed. The Illustrated Directory of Native Americans: Their
History, Dress, and Lifestyles. London: Salamander, 2001.
Holm, Tom. Indian Treaties and Congresses and Native
Americans, U.S. Military Relations With. in The Oxford
Companion to American Military History. Edited by John
Whiteclay Chambers, II. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1999.

R. Steven Jones
See also Indian Policy; Indian Reservations; Indian Removal;
Wars with Indian Nations; and vol. 9: Fort Laramie
Treaty of 1851; Treaty with the Six Nations, 1784.


most striking features of the American colonial period was
the treaty system created by Indians and Europeans. The
system was the outcome of efforts by all parties to achieve
separate goals and at the same time to manage relations
with each other. These relations were not characterized
by constant hostility, as is sometimes supposed. Instead,
they were adjustments to each others presence, and they
often involved cooperation in the pursuit of mutual goals
such as trade or an alliance against a common enemy. The
result was a complex set of relationships outstanding for
its exibility and for its blending of elements from different cultural and diplomatic traditions.
The several European powers, while at odds with
each other, were at one in their views of diplomacy.
Whether British, French, Spanish, Swedish, or Dutch,
they assumed centralized authority and a top-down, closeted approach to negotiations. In colonial America, they
encountered Indians whose assumptions of equality and
openness did not t this pattern. Since the Indians who
held these views showed no sign of changing them, new
approaches to diplomatic negotiations had to be worked



It was a case of necessity being the mother of adjustment. For the Europeans, it was the necessity of Indian
help for survival in a strange land and for Indian allies in
their ongoing struggles with each other. For the Indians,
it was the necessity of a reliable supply of weapons and
trade goods and for European allies in their ongoing
struggles with each other.
Thus, each party adjusted to the other, and a rich
multilateral, multicultural treaty system took shape. The
system continued as a potent force for control and cooperation until the American Revolution ended the competition of European powers that had given the Indians
room to maneuver and freedom to seek the best diplomatic bargains they could. In that competitive environment even the Spanish felt compelled to make treaties
with the southeastern Indians, unlike their practice in areas where they had no such competition.
The most prominent component of the colonial
treaty system was the covenant chain of northeastern
America. The six nations of the Iroquois and various
groups of British colonists had created this set of relationships, but the imagery and style were strictly Iroquois.
The ritual smoothing of the road to peace, the symbolic
casting away of weapons, and the exchange of wampum
belts to validate each item of an agreement reected the
Iroquois, not the European, worldview. Nor was this a
case of style without substance. Agreements were made
the Iroquois way or they were not made at all, a state of
affairs that no one wanted. Both the British and the Indians hoped to use the covenant chain to extend their
inuencethe Iroquois over the Shawnees and Delawares to the south and west, the British over the French
and the Hurons to the north. Meanwhile, through conferences and formal and informal agreements, the partners managed their relations with each other.
The covenant chain is only one example of the different sets of treaty relationships that developed in colonial America. There the Indian inhabitants and the European newcomers created a new kind of diplomacy that
provided a means for exchanges of mutual benet in a
multicultural setting.


Jennings, Francis. The Ambiguous Iroquois Empire: The Covenant

Chain Confederation of Indian Tribes with English Colonies.
New York: Norton, 1984. The pioneering work.
Jones, Dorothy V. License for Empire: Colonialism by Treaty in
Early America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
Changes in the treaty system from accommodation to U.S.
. British Colonial Indian Treaties. In Handbook of North
American Indians. Edited by William C. Sturtevant et al.
Volume 4: History of IndianWhite Relations, edited by Wilcomb E. Washburn. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1988. Comprehensive coverage.


Williams, Robert A., Jr. Linking Arms Together: American Indian

Treaty Visions of Law and Peace, 16001800. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. A fresh approach.

Dorothy V. Jones
See also Indian Policy, Colonial; Indian Treaties; Iroquois.

INDIAN TRIBAL COURTS constitute the frontline American Indian tribal institutions that most often
confront issues of self-determination and sovereignty,
while at the same time providing reliable and equitable
adjudication in the many and diverse matters that come
before them. In addition, they constitute a key tribal
entity for advancing and protecting the rights of selfgovernment. The work of the courts has also become a
way to assess the current status of tribal self-determination
and reservation well-being.
Tribal courts are established either by tribal constitutions or by tribal legislation. They usually consist of a
trial court and an appellate branch. In criminal matters
they have jurisdiction over American Indians for offenses
where the penalty does not exceed one year in jail or a
$5,000 ne or both. In civil cases they have wide-ranging
authority over both Indians and non-Indians for matters
that take place on the reservation, such as commercial
activities, actions involving negligence, and actions involving important matters such as elections and civil
rights. Many tribal courts use respected elders and peacemakers to resolve disputes in a traditional way.
Some smaller reservations have courts that operate
under the authority of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Established in the nineteenth century as instruments of federal authority, these courts are referred to as Courts of
Indian Offenses.
During the late twentieth century the jurisdiction
and procedures of tribal courts began to undergo change.
They heard more cases of greater complexity and impact
than ever before. As part of this process of signicant
change, tribal courts crafted a unique jurisprudence of
vision and cultural integrity. In other words, tribal courts
responded competently and creatively to federal oversight
pressures and cultural values, synthesizing the best of
both traditionsas in National Farmers Union Insurance
Companies v. Crow Tribe of Indians and the work of the
Navajo Peacemaker Courts, for example.
Despite the weight of history and the attendant legal
complexity that often surround tribal courts, they also address a more basic and profoundly human concern. The
key to a more benign and morally coherent era is based
on the core values of respect and dignity. The basic unity
of important purpose and commitment dominates the
daily workings of tribal courts, demonstrating both the
tenacity and the hope that underpin the struggle to ourish. The struggle takes place in small tribal courthouses
throughout Indian country as reservation inhabitants in-


teract with the law in an ongoing effort to construct an

enduring future. The central elements of this interaction
continue to focus on establishing a meaningful relationship with federal courts and improving the quality of justice rendered within tribal courts.

Deloria, Vine, Jr., and Clifford M. Lytle. The Nations Within:

The Past and Future of American Indian Sovereignty. New
York: Pantheon Books, 1984.
Pommersheim, Frank. Braid of Feathers. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1995.

Frank Pommersheim
See also Bureau of Indian Affairs.


INDIANA, often called the crossroads of America,
was a center of commerce even before the arrival of European explorers in the 1670s. Bounded on the north by
Lake Michigan and on the south by the Ohio River, the
states several important rivers and portages made it a strategic military location as well. The dominant Indian tribe
in the region, the Miamis, lived throughout the state from
the early 1600s. They were joined by bands of Shawnee
and Delaware Indians in the southern part of the state
and by groups of Delaware, Potawatomi, Piankashaw, and
Wea in the north. By 1700, the Miamis had settled in
several villages throughout the region, including large villages at Kekionga (present-day Fort Wayne), Ouiatanon
(near present-day Lafayette), Vincennes, and Vermillion.
In 1679, led by the French explorer Robert Cavelier, Sieur
de La Salle, the rst Europeans reached the region. Eager
to establish outposts for the fur trade, the French laid
claim to the area and erected military forts at Kekionga
(known as Fort Miami, possibly as early as the late 1680s
and permanently after 1704), Ouiatanon (1719), and Vincennes (1732). Although they had survived primarily as
an agricultural people, the tribes eagerly entered into the
fur trade, especially after epidemics from smallpox, measles, and other diseases decimated their numbers and
made farming more difcult. By the 1750s, only about
2,000 Indians of various tribes survived in the region.
During the French and Indian War, French claims
over the territory were ceded to the British, a concession
ratied by the Treaty of Paris on 10 February 1763. British rule over the region was brief, however. In 1778 and
1779, during the American Revolution, forces led by
George Rogers Clark controlled the area after capturing
Vincennes. After the Revolution, the United States took
possession of the land between the Appalachians and the
Mississippi River in another Treaty of Paris, signed in
1783. The United States reorganized the region under
the Ordinance of 1787, recognizing it as the Northwest
Territory the following year. In July 1800, the region was

divided into an eastern section that later became the state

of Ohio and a western section that extended to the Mississippi River on the west and up to Canada in the north.
Known as the Indiana Territory, a name that reected it
as the land of the Indians, the territory later was divided
even further to create the Michigan Territory ( January
1805) and the Illinois Territory (February 1809). Thus,
by 1809, the boundaries of present-day Indiana were
Beginning with the Treaty of Greenville in 1795,
which ceded a portion of eastern Indiana to the United
States, federal authorities gradually purchased land from
various Indian tribes through the 1830s. The governor of
the territory, William Henry Harrison, signed the Treaty
of Fort Wayne in 1809 with the Delawares, Potawatomis,
and Miamis, adding the southern third of the territory to
federal reserves; other agreements, including the Treaty
of St. Marys (1818) and the Treaty of Wabash (1826),
completed the transfer of land from Indian hands. In the
meantime, however, major conicts occurred, most notably with Harrisons victory over Indian forces led by
Tenskwatawa (also known as the Prophet) at Tippecanoe
in 1811. During the War of 1812, British and Indian
forces combined to ght American troops throughout the
territory. The last major battle was between Miami and
American forces and took place on the Mississinewa River
on 17 and 18 December 1812; the battle concluded with
the Miamis defeat.

Early Statehood
With the opening of U.S. land ofces at Vincennes
(1804), Jeffersonville (1807), Terre Haute (1817), and
Brookville (1819), almost 2.5 million acres of Indiana land
were sold to speculators and settlers through 1820. Later,
additional ofces opened at Fort Wayne (1822), Crawfordsville (1823), and La Porte (1833). With the territorys
population reaching 24,520 in 1810, agitation for statehood gained momentum, and on 11 December 1816, Indiana was admitted to the Union as the nineteenth state.
The location of its rst capital, Corydon, in south-central
Indiana reected the fact that the overwhelming majority
of the states population resided close to its border with
the Ohio River. On 7 June 1820, the capital was relocated
to Indianapolis, a site chosen for its location in the geographical center of the state.
In its rst decade as a state, Indianas population
surged as migrants from the Carolinas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia bought newly opened federal lands;
later, arrivals from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York
joined them. Although slavery was prohibited by the 1816
state constitution, other legal restrictions kept some African Americans from settling in Indiana. By 1830, just
over 1 percent of the states 343,031 inhabitants was African American, a gure that remained steady until well
after the Civil War. A surge in the number of foreignborn immigrants, particularly German-speaking arrivals



its commitment to the Unions cause. With so many recent migrants from southern states, support for the Confederacy ran high during the conicts early days. However, a majority of residentsespecially antislavery Quaker
migrants from the Carolinas who came to the state in the
1810s and 1820seventually made the state a stalwart
supporter of the Union. After the war, political allegiance
shifted back once again, and the state remained roughly
divided between the Democratic and Republican parties,
a trait it retained through succeeding generations.

to central and southern Indiana, contributed to well over

5 percent of the states population after 1850.
With land well suited to farming and raising livestock
throughout the state, most of the newcomers settled into
agricultural pursuits. Early attempts at industrial concerns included furniture making, farm implement production, and food processing. However, small-town life
characterized Indiana throughout the nineteenth century;
even up to 1850, the states largest city, the Ohio River
town of New Albany, held no more than 8,181 residents.
While the towns of Indiana remained important trading
centers for commercial farmers, the states cultural fabric
was constructed by thousands of small family farms. At
the end of the antebellum era, more than 91 percent of
Indiana residents lived in rural areas. From the predominance of its small-town character, the appellation Hoosier was affectionately bestowed upon Indianas residents
from the 1820s onward. Although many folkloric explanations have been given for the term, one of the most
likely is that it came from the employment of Indiana
canal workers by the Kentucky contractor Samuel Hoosier. The workers became known as Hoosiers, and the
name soon became generalized to describe all Indianians.
Although only a few minor engagements of the Civil
War touched Indiana soil, the states unity was tested by


While Indiana engaged in the internal improvement

craze of the 1840s with heavy state investment in canal
building, the states geographic importance between the
agricultural centers of the Midwest and the markets of
the East became more apparent after the Civil War.
While the Ohio River trade favored the growth of Evansville and New Albany in the rst half of the nineteenth
century, railroads covered central and northern Indiana
by the 1880s. Indianapolis and Terre Haute ranked as major rail centers. The latter city witnessed the formation of
the American Railway Union by Eugene V. Debs in 1893,
one of the rst labor unions of industrial workers in the
United States. Rail trafc also spurred commercial and
manufacturing growth throughout the state. In 1852, the
Studebaker brothers founded a blacksmith shop that made
South Bend the site of the largest wagon works after the
Civil War; the company would produce automobiles under the Studebaker name in the northern Indiana city until 1963. Another city, Muncie, gained fame as the site of
the Ball Brothers Company; relocated to Indiana from
New York in 1886, the factory immediately became the
leading producer of glass jars and canning instruments in
the United States. The most dramatic urban development, however, occurred in the northwestern corner of
the state. Founded and built largely to serve the U.S. Steel
Corporations mills, the city of Gary grew from its inception in 1907 to have over 100,000 residents by 1940. The
reneries of the Standard Oil Company in Whiting,
opened in 1889, along with numerous other major steel
and metal works throughout the area made northwest Indianas Calumet region the most heavily industrialized in
the state.
Like many state capitals, Indianapolis owed most of
its early growth to its status as a center of government.
Located on the White River, with insufcient depth to
allow commercial navigation, the city had to wait until
the railroad era to take advantage of its strategic location
in the center of the state. Although hampered by a lack
of natural resources in the immediate area, Indianapolis
eventually developed a diverse manufacturing base to supplement its role as a center of government and commerce.
Hoosier Values
Even as the state edged into urbanism, it retained much
of the small-town values from its early days. As explored
by Robert S. Lynd and Helen Merrell Lynd in their classic
sociological study of Muncie, Middletown: A Study in Mod-


ern American Culture (1929), typical Hoosiers valued consensus and conformity, even as they embraced modern
conveniences at home and at work. Although Middletowns residents respected differences in religion and politics, they were suspicious of beliefs deemed foreign or
strange. The source of both the states strength and weakness, these dichotomous characteristics were the basis for
some of the best literary works produced by Indiana writers, including native sons such as Booth Tarkington, James
Whitcomb Riley, and Theodore Dreiser.
Increasingly, the white, Anglo-Saxon character of
small-town Hoosier life became more heterogeneous in
the twentieth century. In 1920, a bare majority of the
states almost three million residents lived in urban areas.
Foreign-born residents represented over 5 percent of the
population; the Great Migration of African Americans
northward after World War I increased their presence to
almost 3 percent. These demographic changes, along with
a conservative reaction to the spread of Jazz Age culture
in the 1920s, fueled a rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan in
Indiana. The state became the midwestern center of the
organization in the 1920s. Under the banner of patriotism, combined with directives against Roman Catholics,
the foreign-born, and African Americans, the Klan attracted upwards of 300,000 Hoosier members by 1923 in
urban and rural areas alike. By the following year, Klanendorsed candidates controlled the Indiana legislature
and the governors ofce as well. Only in 1925, after the
conviction of Klan leader D. C. Stephenson for murder
and rape, did the organization relinquish its hold on Indiana politics. A 1928 Pulitzer Prizewinning campaign
by the Indianapolis Times against the Klan nally purged
it from legitimate political circles.
Industrial Strength
Aside from the conservative politics of the decade, the
driving force in Hoosier life was the states continuing
industrialization that linked it rmly with the national
economy, especially the automobile industry. By the end
of the 1920s, steel production was the states largest industry, with automobile and auto parts manufacturing and
electrical component production ranked just behind it.
Most northern and central Indiana cities were tied to the
auto industry with at least one automobile or parts production factory employing their citizens, while the Calumet cities continued to expand their steel output. To the
south, Evansville became a major center of refrigeration
unit production. The states natural resources also continued to make Indiana a center of limestone, sand, and
coal output, particularly throughout the southern part of
the state.
Given the economys growing dependence on durable goods manufacturing by 1930, the onset of the Great
Depression hit the state hard. Industrial employment
plunged to almost half its pre-Depression level by 1932,
as employers such as U.S. Steel, which had doubled its
production capacity in the 1920s, shut down. In the midst

of New Deal attempts to revive the economy, Hoosier

workers responded with a number of organizational efforts to form labor unions. A sit-down strike at Andersons
Guide Lamp factory in 1936 and 1937 led by the United
Auto Workers (UAW) was a pivotal action in forcing
General Motors to recognize the right of workers to collectively bargain through their unions. Anderson became
a bastion of UAW support in politics and society, while
Evansville witnessed the rise of the United Electrical
Workers and the Calumet region, the United Steel Workers. As it had been since the 1890s, the United Mine
Workers remained a strong force in the lives of thousands
of Hoosiers in the coal mining towns of southern Indiana.
Spurred on by lucrative federal contracts to industrial
employers during World War II, the states emphasis on
manufacturing investment continued into the postwar era.
By 1958, over 40 percent of the states total earnings came
from the manufacturing sector, a rate that far outpaced
the national average. Even as the national economy
moved away from durable goods manufacturing, Indiana
remained a bastion of manufacturing strength: in 1981,
the national economy derived less than 17 percent of its
earnings from durable goods production, while in Indiana, the rate was over 31 percent. Although the manufacturing sector provided many Hoosiers with high-wage
jobs and advantageous benets, the states dependence on
the industrial sector came under criticism during the recession from 1979 to 1982. With prohibitively high interest rates and energy prices, many industrial corporations failed to reinvest in new technology and equipment;
as a result, many of the so-called smokestack industries
lost their competitive advantage during the recession.
About one-quarter of the employees in the durable goods
sector lost their jobs in Indiana, and unemployment rates
in Muncie and Anderson topped 18 percent in 1982.
While those without a college degree had previously
obtained high-paying jobs in the manufacturing sector,
public leaders were concerned that the states economy
might not provide such opportunities in the future. Calls
for greater access to Indianas system of higher education
prevailed in the 1980s and 1990s. Although the Purdue
University and Indiana University systems had expanded
greatly with branch campuses around the state after World
War II, in 1990 the college attendance rate of 37 percent
continued to trail the national average of 45 percent. Indiana also ranked low on the number of college graduates
who completed their degrees and remained in the states
As it emerged from the recession of the early 1980s,
Indianas manufacturing base contributed to the recovery
and the state remained one of the top ve producers of
aircraft engines and parts, truck and bus bodies, steel, surgical supplies, and pharmaceuticals. In 1999, manufacturing jobs made up 23.4 percent of nonfarm employment.
While the overall number of manufacturing jobs in Indiana increased throughout the 1990s, the service sector
became the single largest provider of nonagricultural jobs,



with a 24.3 percent share. Agricultural production, once

a mainstay of the states development, represented just 1.8
percent of Indianas economic output in 1997. In Indianapolis, the Eli Lilly Company, making products from
insulin to Prozac, ranked as the states largest corporation,
with global sales approaching $11 billion in 2000. Overall,
the Hoosier economy was the nations eighteenth largest
in 1997; with 27 percent of its manufacturing workforce
making products for export, Indiana ranked fteenth in
the nation as an exporting state.

Critchlow, Donald T. Studebaker: The Life and Death of an American Corporation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,

At the millennium, Indiana had 6,080,485 inhabitants, making it the nations fourteenth most populous
state. African Americans comprised the states largest minority group, with 8.4 percent of the total population;
87.5 percent of Hoosiers identied themselves as white.
Indianapolis had a population of more than 750,000 people, but no other city other than Fort Wayne had more
than 200,000 residents. Indeed, Indianas reputation remained rooted in a small-town, Hoosier identity. Steve
Tesichs portrait of town-and-gown relations in Bloomington, the subject of the coming-of-age movie Breaking
Away (1979), won an Academy Award for best screenplay.
Hammond resident Jean Shepherds wry reminiscences
of the 1940s served as the basis for the movie A Christmas
Story (1983). The movie Hoosiers (1986), based on the basketball team from the town of Milan that won the state
championship in the 1950s, also thrilled audiences who
rooted for the underdog team. Few other states follow
high school and college sports teams so avidly. Basketball
remains the top Hoosier pasttime, and Indianapolis
waged a successful campaign to become the home of the
National Collegiate Athletic Association in 1999. The
NCAA Hall of Champions museum, along with the annual ve-hundred-mile race at the Indianapolis Motor
Speedway, has added to the citys popularity as a tourist

Nelson, Daniel. Farm and Factory: Workers in the Midwest, 1880

1990. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.

While the ascendancy of Dan Quayle to vice president in 1988 led some observers to herald a period of
Republican dominance in the state, Indiana voters remained steadfastly centrist in their habits. The Indiana
legislature typically was evenly split between Republicans
and Democrats. After a twenty-year run of Republican
governors, the Democrat Evan Bayh in 1989 began the
rst of two terms as governor. In 1998, Bayh went on to
the U.S. Senate in a landslide victory with 63 percent of
the vote. He was replaced by another Democrat, Frank
OBannon, who in 2000 won another term in ofce with
57 percent of the vote. Like Bayh, the states senior senator, Republican Richard Lugar, was regarded as a political centrist, holding conservative views on scal matters
while avoiding stridency on foreign relations or public policy issues. Avoiding the political extremes, both senators
embodied the central values of their Hoosier constituents.

Cayton, Andrew R. L. Frontier Indiana. Bloomington: Indiana

University Press, 1996.


Lynd, Robert S., and Helen Merrell Lynd. Middletown: A Study

in Modern American Culture. New York: Harcourt, Brace,
Madison, James H. The Indiana Way: A State History. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986.
, ed. Heart Land: Comparative Histories of the Midwestern
States. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.

Timothy G. Borden
See also Indianapolis; Iron and Steel Industry; Miami (Indians); Midwest; Northwest Territory.

INDIANA COMPANY originated with a group of

Indian traders and their merchant backers who lost goods
during Pontiacs War (1763). The Iroquois, to compensate for these losses, presented the traders with a large
tract of land (now part of West Virginia) in a treaty agreement. Company executives attempted to secure royal
conrmation of the title, but the claim was swallowed up
in the project for the Grand Ohio Company. When the
Revolution broke out, the Indiana Company reorganized
and proceeded to sell land, but Virginia blocked its operations and contested its land claims. The company eventually brought suit against Virginia in the U.S. Supreme
Court (Grayson v. Virginia), but the case was ultimately
dismissed on the ground that the Court had no jurisdiction under the Eleventh Amendment.

Bayard, Charles Judah. The Development of Public Land Policy,

17831820. New York: Arno Press, 1979.
Cayton, Andrew R. L. Frontier Indiana. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1996.

Max Savelle / s. b.
See also Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan; Colonial Commerce;
Frontier; Indian Land Cessions; Trading Companies.

INDIANAPOLIS ranked as the twelfth largest city in

the United States in 2000. The Indiana legislature selected the area as the states capital in 1821 due to its
central location, but the city remained a small and commercially insignicant town until the 1840s because of its
inaccessibility. In 1847, railroads linked the city to national markets, attracting businesses and residents. From
that time through the 1970s, Indianapolis served as a
manufacturing and agribusiness hub for the Midwest. The
Rust Belt phenomenon, and particularly the recession
of 19791982, effected changes in the national economy
that forced many of the citys largest employers to eventually close or move elsewhere, resulting in a blighted and


Indianapolis. A panoramic photograph of Monument Place, 1914. Library of Congress

depressed inner city. Revitalization efforts focusing on

sports and attracting high technology and science-related
industry slowly reversed the blight and transformed the
city into a model for urban renewal. Circle Centre Mall,
the Canal Walk, and the placement of several museums
and other venues in an education corridor continued the
beautication of downtown after 1990.

Clarion Health, Eli Lilly and Company, and Marsh

Supermarkets. The 2000 U.S. Census revealed that Indianapoliss population stood at 860,454 (70.2 percent
non-Hispanic, white; 24.8 percent African American; 3.9
percent Hispanic; 1.3 percent Asian; and 0.6 percent Native American).

Since the early 1970s, the citys leaders have endeavored to link the Circle City with sports, creating the Indiana Sports Corporation to coordinate efforts to bring
competitive events to the city, spending more than $400
million between 1979 and 2001 for sporting venues and
related structures with the help of private organizations,
and eagerly seeking to host professional sports teams. Indianapolis remains best known for automobile racing
and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, with the Indianapolis 500, the Brickyard 400, and the U.S. Grand Prix
the highest attended events for each racing series. Approximately 2 million visitors per year travel to Indianapolis for
the various sporting events and conventions, making tourism a major factor in the citys economy.


The revitalization efforts of the 1970s and 1980s may

not have been possible without a consolidated city-county
government with a strong mayor and city-county council
at its center. Most city and county ofces were consolidated and placed under the authority of a mayoral appointee in 1969, in what is popularly known as Unigov.
The borders of the city of Indianapolis became contiguous with those of Marion County, expanding the size of
the city to 361 square miles.
Major employers in Indianapolis in the early twentyrst century include government, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, grocery outlets, universities, and manufacturing. As of 2002, the three largest employers were

Bodenhamer, David J., and Robert G. Barrows, eds. The Encyclopedia of Indianapolis. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Bodenhamer, David J., Lamont Hulse, and Elizabeth B. Monroe. The Main Stem: The History and Architecture of North
Meridian Street. Indianapolis: Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, 1992.
Taylor, Rich. Indy: Seventy-Five Years of Racings Greatest Spectacle.
New York: St. Martins Press, 1991.

Bradford W. Sample
See also Capitals.

INDIANS AND ALCOHOL. Most of the indigenous peoples of North America possessed no alcohol before Europeans arrived in the Western Hemisphere. Only
the Native peoples of the modern-day southwestern
United States and Mexico consumed alcohol in any form.
Thus, the majority of Native Americans were exposed to
alcohol at the same time that they had to cope with the
far-reaching changes in their lives brought about by European colonization. The enduring stereotype of the
drunken Indian suggests a common belief that Indians
have suffered more than others from liquor.



Before European Contact

The peoples who possessed alcohol before 1492 used
fermented beverages only in specic rituals. The Tepehuanes and Tarahumaras, who inhabited territory in
modern-day northern Mexico, fermented corn to produce
tesvino, which they consumed at ceremonies to mark important stages in an individuals life, such as the passage
to adulthood. The belief in the sacred potential of alcohol
survived for centuries. In modern times, these indigenous
peoples began to offer some of their alcohol to Jesus before they drank. The Pimas and Papagos, who continue
to inhabit traditional lands in the southwestern United
States, extracted an intoxicating juice from saguaro cactus. They drank in a ritual designed to appease the divine
forces that brought rain to their often-arid world. Believing the amount of rain in a year depended on the amount
of the cactus liquor they consumed during a specic ritual, they often drank to the point of drunkenness. The
Aztecs of Mexico drank pulque, which they fermented
from the maguey. Like other indigenous peoples, they
believed alcohol had sacred force, that whoever drank it
gained access to divine powers. As a result, the Aztecs
created elaborate rules for when alcohol could be consumed and who could drink it. If someone drank at an
illegal time or if someone who did not have the right to
drink it consumed alcohol, the punishment was death. By
contrast, the Mayas, who fermented balche from bark and
honey, allowed more widespread consumption of alcohol
though still within set limits. In Maya society drinking
balche on certain days allowed macehuales (commoners) to
express their emotions freely and thus relieve potential
tension that might otherwise exist between them and the
principales, who controlled the resources of the society.
For the Mayas, consumption of balche remained a xture
of holidays long after the Spanish arrived.
European Influences
Although these peoples possessed alcohol and established
rules for its consumption before Europeans arrived, colonization altered drinking patterns. The Spanish created
facilities to produce aguardiente (burning water), thereby
expanding the amount of alcohol available. Soon, drinking became more widespread and was no longer conned
to set holidays. The increase in the amount of drinking
contributed to an increase in social pathologies, such as
violence within communities, though scholars believe
Native peoples prior experience with alcohol enabled
them to exert some control over the potentially most devastating threats posed by liquor.
In other parts of North America, most of modernday United States and Canada, liquor rst arrived when
Europeans landed, but the trade did not start at the dawn
of the colonial period. Although some Europeans no
doubt offered Native Americans alcohol when they met,
possibly in gestures meant to solidify nascent alliances,
the real trade in alcohol did not begin until the midseventeenth century, when British and French colonists
recognized that sugar produced in the West Indies could


be distilled in the Western Hemisphere and sold as liquor

in North America. From 1650 onward, alcohol became a
common item in the fur trade. Native Americans who had
developed a taste for alcohol purchased rum from the English and brandy from the French. The trade had particular importance for the English, because North American
colonists and American Indians had a greater fondness for
rum than Europeans. In fact, colonists consumed far more
alcohol than Native Americansperhaps seven shots of
distilled beverages each day by 1770 according to one estimate. But whatever social pathologies they suffered did
not undermine their society, and thus no widespread
movement for temperance took hold during the colonial
As soon as the liquor trade began, colonists came to
believe that it created havoc in Native communities. They
were right. Indigenous and colonial observers reported
that Native Americans who consumed alcohol did so only
to become intoxicated. Those who became drunk fought
with each other and with members of their families; they
eroded the civility that normally characterized relations
in indigenous communities; they fell into res or off cliffs
or drowned; and they at times murdered others, thereby
opening raw wounds that communities struggled to heal.
Not all Indians drank, and surviving records suggest that
those most likely to drink to drunkenness and then engage
in some form of social pathology were young men,
though ample examples of women and the elderly drinking exist as well. Since young men were the community
members who often had control of the furs or skins taken
during the hunting season, their desire for alcohol had
devastating consequences when some of them chose to
exchange the rewards of their annual hunt for liquor,
which they drank quickly. As a result, poverty became
more widespread, thereby diminishing indigenous peoples efforts to cope with the threats to their cultural, spiritual, and economic existence brought by colonists.
Over time, Natives and newcomers alike tried to nd
ways to limit the horric consequences of the alcohol
trade. Each colony passed laws to prohibit the commerce
in liquor. More important, Native peoples organized opposition to the trade. They protested to colonial ofcials
about nefarious traders who lured young men with alcohol, and they organized temperance campaigns to halt
consumption. Although some of these efforts reected
the teachings of Catholic and Protestant missionaries, the
most successful antidrinking programs might have emanated from within Indian communities. Eventually, such
programs also helped solidify Native Americans critique
of colonial mores. As the Catawba headman Hagler put
it when he met with North Carolina emissaries in 1754,
You Rot Your grain in Tubs, out of which you take and
make Strong Spirits. Colonists should desist from such
practices, he and others argued, since the liquor trade
only caused violence and despair in Indian country.
Despite their efforts, the liquor trade thrived in the
colonial period, because traders recognized that alcohol


was an ideal commodity. The demand for most trade

items, such as manufactured clothing, was limited, but the
demand for alcohol was theoretically innite. Colonial ofcials in New France and British America who realized
the horrors caused by alcohol also recognized the value
of the trade. As Sir William Johnson, superintendent of
Indian affairs for the northern colonies, informed the
Lords of Trade in 1764, the commerce might cause problems, but the Trade will never be so extensive without
After the American Revolution, the liquor trade
spread farther west. Wherever traders went, alcohol followed. Federal ofcials became alarmed at the continuing
prospect of Indian drinking, so they enacted the Trade
and Intercourse Act of 1802, which granted the president
the authority to halt the sale of alcohol to Indians. Although various federal and state ofcials, including
Thomas Jefferson, wanted to stop the ow of alcohol into
Indian country, they were unable to end the business. As
in the colonial period, the economics of the trade proved
overwhelming to government ofcials. Since the prots
to be made on alcohol were often greater than those that
could be made on other commodities, especially since
traders watered down their alcohol so they had more to
sell, traders were willing to face any legal risks to sustain
the commerce. Missionaries, too, often failed in their efforts to stop drinking in indigenous communities.
Temperance Efforts
The most notable temperance efforts in the nineteenthcentury West were those led by Native Americans. The
Pawnees, for example, limited alcohol consumption in
their communities in the early nineteenth century, and so
did various Native peoples who followed the teachings of
indigenous revival movements. Thus, the Iroquois Handsome Lake, the Shawnee prophet Tenkswatawa, and a
Delaware woman named Beate convinced their followers
to abandon alcohol. Later leaders of cultural revival
movements also embraced temperance. The Paiute Wovoka, for example, made temperance part of the Ghost
Dance, a movement that swept the Plains in the late nineteenth century.
Still, neither federal laws nor temperance efforts
ended the scourge of drinking in Indian country. By the
mid-nineteenth century, alcohol abuse had taken a toll on
the Sioux and Chippewas, among others, according to
one government report. In the following decades, which
brought untold horror to Native Americans across the
Plains and in the West, liquor continued to arrive in indigenous communities. During the twentieth century, the
range of social pathologies associated with liquor was simply astonishing. According to estimates, the alcoholism
mortality rate was six times higher for Indians than for
the general U.S. population, and alcohol-related trauma
or disease accounted for seven out of ten admissions to
Indian Health Service clinics. Fetal alcohol syndrome had
a devastating impact in indigenous communities. Despite

the fact that many Native Americans avoided liquor, alcohol also played an enormous role in homicides, suicides, and accidental deaths caused by motor vehicles and
exposure. Although alcohol-related problems in indigenous communities were widespread, no single pattern of
drinking existed.
Ever since the seventeenth century, observers of Indian alcohol use have suggested that something about the
indigenous peoples of the Americas made them particularly susceptible to alcohol abuse. Some have claimed that
their problems stem from a genetic trait that makes them
more likely to become alcoholics. At the beginning of the
twenty-rst century, there was no evidence that Native
Americans possess any greater genetic predisposition to
alcoholism than the general population. Alcohol, however, continued to take a devastating toll in Indian country, a tragic legacy of the European colonization of the
Western Hemisphere.

Dorris, Michael. The Broken Cord. New York: Harper and Row,
Kunitz, Stephen J., and Jerrold E. Levy. Drinking Careers: A
Twenty-Five-Year Study of Three Navajo Populations. New
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1994.
Mancall, Peter C. Deadly Medicine: Indians and Alcohol in Early
America. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1995.
. Men, Women, and Alcohol in Indian Villages in the
Great Lakes Region in the Early Republic. Journal of the
Early Republic 15 (1995): 425449.
Taylor, William B. Drinking, Homicide, and Rebellion in Colonial
Mexican Villages. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University
Press, 1979.
Unrau, William E. White Mans Wicked Water: The Alcohol Trade
and Prohibition in Indian Country, 18021892. Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 1996.
Waddell, Jack O., and Michael W. Everett, eds. Drinking Behavior among Southwestern Indians: An Anthropological Perspective. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1980.

Peter Mancall
See also Alcohol, Regulation of; Indian Religious Life; Indian
Social Life; and vol. 9: Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kaikiak, or Black Hawk.

INDIANS AND SLAVERY. Prior to contact with

Europeans, American Indian groups throughout North
America enslaved each other. From the Pacic Northwest
to the Southeast, large confederacies and alliances often
targeted smaller societies and took captives for laborers,
warriors, or kinspeople. Many groups incorporated captives into their societies, and they generally did not keep
captives in a state of perpetual or chattel slavery.
The nature and magnitude of Indian slavery forever
changed following European contact. Desperate to secure
immediate wealth, Europeans organized large slave-raid-



ing campaigns against Indian populations and greatly encouraged intertribal slaving, particularly in the hinterlands of colonial societies. From California to Florida the
Spanish enslaved captives directly, bought slaves from Indian groups, and institutionalized slave hierarchies within
colonial society. Wealth, the Spanish believed, came from
Indian labor and tribute. Despite the protests of the
church, Indian slavery ourished. In New Mexico, detribalized Indian captives became known as genizaros and
formed a distinct ethnic and racial group within colonial
society. Similar hybrid racial and ethnic social relations
characterized portions of French colonial societies along
the Mississippi River, particularly at New Orleans and St.
Louis. Most captives in these colonial societies were
young children, especially girls, whose domestic and sexual labor became integral to colonial economies and demographic stability.
As the Indian slave trade remade colonial hinterlands
throughout the North American continent, Indian groups
often responded in kind to European and intertribal slaving. Groups migrated away from slaving societies, joined
with neighboring groups for protection, and increasingly
became erce slavers themselves. In the Northeast and on
the southern Plains the Iroquois and Comanches built
large empires in which captive taking and slavery became
important institutions. Along with the escalation of violence and disease, Indian slavery became a clear indicator
of the disruptive and traumatic inuences engendered by
European contact and colonization. Although often
grafted onto existing intertribal divisions and antagonisms, postcontact Indian slavery held little resemblance
in scope or scale to pre-Columbian practices.
In English colonies, Indian slaves often labored for
whites, but bonded laborers from England and later from
Africa formed the majority of the servile labor force along
the Atlantic Coast. In the Southeast, Indian captives were
forced to labor on Carolina plantations, but increasingly
Indian slaves were sent away from the continent to other
colonies in the Caribbean. Creeks, Choctaws, and Cherokees enslaved each other and sold captives to the British
in exchange for guns, ammunition, and supplies. As African American slavery grew and swept throughout the
South, Indians incorporated runaways into their societies,
returned slaves to white owners, and bought black slaves
for their own slaveholding purposes. Desperate to maintain access to their homelands, Indians such as the Cherokees constructed plantation economies in an attempt to
maintain viable livelihoods within southern society. Upon
their eventual removal from the South to Indian Territory, slaveholding Indians took many black slaves with
them. Other groups, particularly the Seminole and Creek
Nations, offered former slaves community rights and
privileges within their new societies.
Following emancipation, many African Americans
moved west into Indian Territory and settled among Indian nations, where they developed extended kinship and
community networks. The mixture of Indians and Afri-


cans became a dening characteristic of many Oklahoma

and southeastern Indian nations.

Lauber, Almon Wheeler. Indian Slavery in Colonial Times within

the Present Limits of the United States. Williamston, Mass.:
Corner House Publishers, 1979. Reprint of the 1913 original edition.
Perdue, Theda. Slavery and the Evolution of Cherokee Society,
15401866. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press,

Ned Blackhawk
See also Slavery.

INDIANS AND THE HORSE. Spaniards brought

horses to the Americas, but traditional Indian stories
about the acquisition of the horse do not begin with a
bow toward the Iberian Peninsula. Rather, the stories
speak of the holy people or brave individuals within the
community who bestowed or obtained these remarkable
animals. In the Great Plains, the Southwest, and the Plateau regions, the horse made possible new horizons and
new dreams for Native communities.
During the 1600s, Indian peoples began acquiring
horses and realizing their potential for the hunt, for transportation, and for war. Given the Spanish presence in the
South, horses moved through Indian Country from south
to north, and Santa Fe was a vital center for the trade.
Through trade and purchase, by borrowing and raiding, Indians began to gain sufcient horses for their purposes. The results could be dramatic, and in no location
were they more dramatic than in the Plains. In this area
successful farming communities like the Mandans, Hidatsas, and Arikaras had held the advantage. With the
arrival of horses (and new diseases like smallpox), such
sedentary communities suddenly were vulnerable, and
other peoples like the Lakotas and the Cheyennes became
dominant. In the Southwest, Pueblo communities now
had to confront newly powerful groups like the Apaches,
the Navajos, and the Comanches. Although horses transformed daily life, they did not necessarily change central
values. An individual among the Cheyennes still sought
to be generous and to be courageous; the horse allowed
new means of achieving those objectives.
Horses therefore are associated with an era of Native
ascendancy, and Indians on horseback became indelibly
stamped in the American public memory as a central representation of who Indians were. In lm, in art, and in
imagination, Indians on horses chased buffalo, rode over
ridges to ambush the army, and accompanied the wind.
In the twenty-rst century, lmmakers, artists, and storytellers continued to seize upon this element in their renditions of Native life. Their depictions suggested that
real Indians are on horseback rather than in pickup


change did not diminish the appeal of horses. Cattle

ranching remained important on some Indian reservations, and rodeos continued to involve thousands of Native men, women, and children. A good horse is the key
to success in roping events, steer wrestling, and barrel
racing and thus to bringing honor to self, family, and
community. Indian artists portray horses in all the colors
of the rainbow, not only black, white, and brown but also
blue and red. Children learn that horses are a sacred gift
that represents a cultural obligation. The Crow Fair features an endless parade of horses, and john colliers live in
pastures a few miles north of Nazlini. Horses thus have
endured as symbols of Indian identity and signicant parts
of Indian life.

Holder, Preston. The Hoe and the Horse on the Plains: A Study of
Cultural Development among North American Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1970.
Iverson, Peter. When Indians Became Cowboys: Native Peoples and
Cattle Ranching in the American West. Norman: University
of Oklahoma Press, 1994.
. Riders of the West: Portraits from Indian Rodeo. Seattle:
University of Washington Press, 1999.

Peter Iverson
See also Indian Economic Life; Indian Social Life; Warfare,
Indian on Horseback. Chief Looking Glass, a Nez Perce
military strategist, photographed in the 1870s. National
Archives and Records Administration

When Indian peoples were conned to reservations

in the second half of the nineteenth century, horses remained important. Indian family names like Riding In
(Pawnee), Her Many Horses (Lakota), and Buckinghorse
(Navajo) exemplied the signicance of horses. Many
Native groups turned to cattle ranching as a central economic and cultural activity and of course employed
horses. Horse racing proved a popular pastime at newly
organized gatherings like Crow Fair. Indians started to
compete in rodeos, and legendary cowboys like Jackson
Sundown (Nez Perce), George Defender (Lakota), Sam
Bird-in-Ground (Crow), and Tom Three Persons (Blood)
achieved great success. The Native fondness for horses
encouraged the proliferation of tribal herds with consequent complications in regard to soil erosion. During the
New Deal era, the commissioner of Indian affairs, John
Collier, attempted to eradicate horses, but he met stiff
resistance from the Navajos and other tribes. The Navajos in fact applied a new term to the worst-looking
horses, the ones with little economic value but whose
owners liked having them around. They called them
john colliers.
Indian communities became more urban by the
twenty-rst century, but demographic and technological

INDIANS AND TOBACCO. There are more than

a dozen species of tobacco, all of them native to the New
World. Although Nicotiana tabacum is the most prevalent
form in present-day commercial use and was the species
encountered by Columbus, N. rustica was more widely
distributed in Native America. Its range was largely coincident with the distribution of maize agriculture, spreading from Chiloe Island in Chile, to New Brunswick, Canada, but many nonfarmers among American Indians raised
or traded tobacco. Another species, N. attenuata, grew in
the Great Basin and southern Plains, and was spread into
western Canada. The fact that the Inuit lacked tobacco
before Russian contact and that the northwestern tribes
of the continent made only limited use of the plant suggests that tobacco in its various forms was still in the process of diffusion at the time of rst contact with Europeans. The various tobacco types were the most widely
raised plants among natives in the New World.
Given so bewildering an array both of species and of
uses, it is virtually impossible to point to origins. Tobacco
appears wild both in the tropics and in desert areas. Its
spread and hybridization by man, the fact that it was
smoked in many forms, eaten, chewed, sniffed, and drunk,
and employed ceremonially, socially, and individually are
all features suggestive of considerable antiquity. The tropical forests of South America offer the greatest aboriginal
variation in uses of tobacco and are probably where tobacco domestication began. The narcotic properties of



the various species of tobacco may have been discovered

not once but several times in the course of American Indian cultural development.
Generally, even among farmers, tobacco was planted
separately, always by men, and was frequently associated
with ritual. The sacred element in tobacco, reected in
ceremonies and offerings, often diffused with the plant
itself. Full inhalation of smoked tobacco was common in
native America, as was holding the breath to produce intoxication. Some tobaccos had so pronounced a narcotic
effect that they were adulterated with bark and grasses.
In California, the Great Basin, and southeastern Alaska,
tobacco was commonly eaten with lime. In southern California some Indian tribes drank a mixture of tobacco and
datura (the jimsonweed, or toloache). Tropical South
America and the Antilles had the cigar, Mexico and the
Pueblo region knew corn-husk cigarettes, and pipes appeared all over in great variety.
Pipes of stone, wood, clay, and bone were used among
various tribes of the differing culture areas of the present
United States. Tubular pipes, not unlike a modern cigar
holder, had a scattered distribution. The elbow pipe, with
stem and bowl, appeared mostly in the Plains and Woodlands. In the Great Lakes region, where smoking took on
a ritual aspect, the association of the pipe with peace deliberations gave rise to the American peace pipe concept. Folklore, not all of it accurate, surrounds the American Indians use of the pipe. The common idea of the
peace pipe, for example, is somewhat overdrawn, at least
in respect to the sharing of a pipe to symbolize cessation
of hostilities. Pipe-smoking rituals, it is true, were stressed
by the Plains and Woodlands peoples, but tobacco and
the items associated with it were sacred almost everywhere they appeared. A Plains Indian bundle, the wrapped
tribal or group fetish, frequently contained a carved pipe
bowl of catlinite, along with the reed or wooden stem, the
calumet; the latter, carved, incised, and otherwise decorated, was often the more important element. In the
Woodlands, the eastern Plains, and some of the Gulf area,
the calumet, like wampum, might be carried by ambassadors between federated tribes and might symbolize states
of war and peace, but it might also be employed in an
appeal to spiritual beings. The passing of the pipe, solemnly ritualized as it was, became a social adjunct to its
intertribal symbolic use.
Pipes with stem and bowl were introduced in the
mid-sixteenth century to Europe, which by then was familiar with smoking tobacco. In 1559 Portugal and Spain
were already importing leaves for their alleged medical
properties. Tobacco pipes became current in England after 1586, when Sir Walter Raleigh is said to have made it
current among the members of the court. Tobacco spread
across the world remarkably rapidly. By 1600 tobacco was
raised widely in Europe despite initial adverse reactions
from both church and state. In the seventeenth century
the Russians ned, imprisoned, and even tortured tobacco
users, while the Ottoman Turks made the use of tobacco


a capital offense. But despite such opposition, tobacco

spread from Russia across Siberia, and into Japan, China,
and Southeast Asia; by the beginning of the nineteenth
century it had reached the Alaskan Inuit, bringing the
American plant to a people who still did not use it.

Gill, Sam D. Native American Traditions. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1983.

Goodman, Jordan. Tobacco in History: The Cultures of Dependence.
New York: Routledge, 1993.
King, Jonathan C. H. Smoking Pipes of the North American Indian.
London: British Museum Publications, 1977.

Robert F. Spencer / j. h.
See also Agriculture; Indian Religious Life; Indian Technology; Medicine, Indian; Tobacco Industry.


who fought in the Civil War did so only reluctantly and
almost all of them with the hope that federal ofcials
would reward them by protecting them in their homelands. This was certainly true of the Ojibwes and Ottawas
from Michigan and the Senecas from New York, who, at
the outbreak of the war, saw their small land bases continually reduced. Others, like the Pequots and Mohegans
from Connecticut, may have joined the war effort for
purely economic reasons, hoping that service in the war
would lead them out of poverty.
In the West, the war had unintended tragic consequences. Because regular army troops were called east to
ght, some western posts were manned by poorly trained
and undisciplined local militia. One of these militia units
was led by John Chivington against a peaceful band of
Cheyennes at Sand Creek in Colorado in November
1864. Chivingtons forces slaughtered hundreds of people
(mostly women and children) and mutilated their bodies
in one of the most brutal massacres of Native people that
this country has ever seen.
American Indians in the South, remembering that it
was the U.S. government that had signed treaties with
them, initially wished to maintain neutrality in this ght
between brothers. According to the Cherokee declaration, no other course was consistent with the dictates
of prudence or could secure the safety of their people and
immunity from the horrors of a war waged by an invading
enemy than a strict neutrality. But neutrality could not
be sustained; feeling pressure from all sides, some tribes
in Indian Territory took up arms for the South. Never
happy with the removal process that had moved them
from their traditional lands, they feared that if the North
won, they might be displaced from their lands once again.
In addition, some southern tribal leaders had cultural afliations with the South; indeed, some Native people
were also slave owners. Again in the words of the Cherokee declaration, Whatever causes the Cherokee peo-


munities continued to face hostile neighbors with little

federal protection. Virtually all the tribal communities
that fought in the war were also deeply affected by the
death and destruction the conict wrought. With large
numbers of orphans and widows living on reservations, it
became very difcult to rebuild these communities, and
many fell even deeper into poverty and despair. Finally,
after the war, the Five Civilized Tribes were forced to
sign new treaties with the United States that undermined their land base and permitted new intrusions into
their territories.

Hauptman, Laurence M. Between Two Fires: American Indians in

the Civil War. New York: Free Press, 1995.
Starr, Emmet. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends
and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City: Warden, 1921.

Phil Bellfy
See also Cherokee; Civilized Tribes, Five; Indian Brigade; Indian Policy, U.S., 18301900; Indian Removal; Indians
in the Military; Sand Creek Massacre; and vol. 9: Head
of Choctaw Nation Reaffirms His Tribes Position.

Ely Samuel Parker. A Seneca, the secretary to General

Ulysses S. Grant during the Civil War, and President Grants
appointee as the rst Native American commissioner of Indian
affairs, 18691871; he sought to reform U.S. government
policies toward Indians, though he also supported church-run
programs to civilize them. Department of Anthropology,
Smithsonian Institution

ple may have had in the past, to complain of some of the

Southern States, they cannot but feel that their interests
and their destiny are inseparably connected with those of
the South.
The Five Civilized Tribes declared their allegiance to
the South, but many towns in their territory in the Southeast stayed out of the war. The Indian units from both
sides distinguished themselves. In fact, the last Confederate general to surrender was Stand Watie, the Cherokee
leader of the Indian brigades of the Army of the TransMississippi, who gave up the ght on 23 June 1865, two
months after General Robert E. Lees surrender on 9
After the war, it became evident that the fears of the
Native people were well-founded. The western tribes
were subjected to intense pressure to give up their free
lives on the Plains and move to reservations. Despite their
loyal service in the war, Oneida, Seneca, and Ojibwe com-

INDIANS IN THE MILITARY. Before the advent

of whites in North America, Native American peoples engaged in various forms of organized violence, almost none
of which the European colonists would have regarded as
true war. Native Americans fought pitched battles that
tested the agility, skills, and courage of their young men,
and Native nations raided each other for goods, foodstuffs, religious objects, and captives. Wars made for territorial gain or to destroy entire societies were rare if not
absent in precontact Native North America.
War in North America changed considerably after
the European invasion. While the Europeans held an advantage in weapons technology in the form of muskets
and cannon, Indian knowledge of the terrain gave the
tribes great tactical advantages. Native Americans were
also motivated: they were defending their homelands. European colonists soon recognized that they needed Native
American allies, auxiliaries, and scouts to maintain their
territorial claims and defend their trade routes.
In the colonial era, trade rivalry, new diseases, and
warfare all contributed to the widespread disruption and
displacement of numerous tribal societies. New alliances
were forged, totally new Native groups appeared, new
tribal nation-states emerged, and many Native American
peoples became more thoroughly militarized than ever
before. For a great many tribes, military participation became highly valued, even if it was in the service of the
The United States followed in the tradition of the
colonial powers. United States ofcials recruited Native
American allies for war and sought to divide tribal alliances formed to oppose them. During the revolutionary



war, the Continental Congress authorized George Washington to recruit 2,000 Native American warriors. The
rst ratied U.S.-Indian treaty was in effect a military
alliance with the Delawares. After this pact, Native Americans began to serve with the U.S. armed forces in everincreasing numbers. When in the early 1790s the federal
government had two armies destroyed in a war against a
tribal confederacy on the northwest frontier, it sent General Mad Anthony Wayne, accompanied by Choctaw
scouts, to crush the tribes. Thereafter, Native American
contingents fought in American campaigns in the War of
1812 and aided the United States against rebellious Native Americans throughout the nineteenth century.
When the Civil War erupted in 1861, the Confederacy actively sought alliances with several Native nations,
including the Five Civilized Tribes of Indian Territory as
well as the Comanches, Osages, and Quapaws. On the
Union side, loyal Cherokees, Creeks, and others formed
independent battalions that eventually assisted in retaking
Indian Territory, a strategic area on the border of Arkansas and Texas. The Union also recruited a company of
Chippewa sharpshooters who served in the siege of Petersburg and helped chase the Army of Northern Virginia
to its nal surrender. The Seneca general Ely S. Parker,
later promoted to brigadier general, is remembered as the
staff ofcer who drafted the terms of surrender at Appomattox. A Cherokee, Stand Watie, became the last Confederate general to surrender to the United States.
Following the Civil War, the primary military foe of
the United States was the various Native nations located
in the West. Once again American military leaders recognized that ghting Indians required the aid of other
Indians. In 1866, Congress authorized the army to establish a special Indian scouting corps. Indian scouts served
throughout the Indian wars of the latter half of the nineteenth century and gained an unparalleled reputation for
bravery in action. The Indian scouting corps was not disbanded until the 1940s.
Eventually, Native Americans were fully integrated
into the regular army divisions. In 1891, the War Department formed a few infantry and cavalry companies
made up entirely of Native American personnel. The Indian companies were strictly segregated and commanded
by white ofcers. This experiment did not last, however,
and the all-Indian companies were disbanded in 1895. A
few Native Americans served in some of the units in the
Spanish-American War, most notably in Theodore Roosevelts Rough Rider regiment. The Indian scouting corps
was kept active, and General John J. Pershing took a contingent of Apache scouts with him during the American
incursion into Mexico in 1916.
The U.S. entrance into World War I essentially
changed the military outlook toward Native Americans.
While the scouting corps remained, white political leaders insisted that Natives be fully integrated into the divisions that made up the American Expeditionary Forces.
At the same time, Native Americans who had been made


Mitchell Red Cloud. The Winnebago Indian who received a

Medal of Honor as a U.S. Army corporal during the Korean
War; during World War II he had served in the U.S. Marine
Corps, and he is shown here in his marine uniform. Library of

U.S. citizens under the General Allotment Act were subject to the draft. About 12,000 Native Americans served
in World War I, and a large number distinguished themselves in the trenches. Notably and perhaps prophetically,
the army began using Choctaw and Cherokee speakers to
send messages over telephone lines from the edge of nomans-land to command posts in the rear. The Germans
who tapped into these telephone lines could not understand what was being said, thus ensuring the security of
secret transmissions.
In the course of World War II, about 44,000 Native
Americans, now all citizens, joined or were drafted into
the military servicesa number far out of proportion to
their relative population in the United States. Three Native Americans, Van Barfoot, Jack Montgomery, and Ernest Childers, won Medals of Honor for their valor and
leadership against the Germans. Native Americans fought
in every branch of the armed forces and in every theater
of war. The Marine Corps recalled the use of Native
American speakers to secure lines of communications
during World War I and recruited a body of Navajos, who
in turn created a code from their language that was never
broken. The Navajo Code Talkers served in every marine campaign in the Pacic. The U.S. Army likewise re-


cruited a group of Comanche speakers to create another

code that was utilized in the European theater.

other Ohio Valley-Great Lakes area tribes, quickly joined

the British when ghting began.

Native Americans in World War II contributed more

than their linguistic knowledge. Because many whites believed Native American warriors possessed extraordinary
abilities, Native American soldiers were often given dangerous military assignments. In Korea, where two more
Native Americans earned Medals of Honor, and Vietnam,
where 42,000 Native Americans served, Native Americans took part in patrols and ambushes and walked
point to give the rest of their units advanced warning of
enemy hiding places. In Vietnam, Indian soldiers and marines joined long-range reconnaissance teams and force
reconnaissance battalions. Native Americans also participated in the U.S. incursions into Grenada and the Panama Canal Zone. Among the rst soldiers killed during
the Gulf War of 1991, where 3,000 Native Americans
served, was an Apache soldier from the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona.

The Shawnees clamored for American blood after

the murder of their unarmed Chief Cornstalk by Virginia
militia in 1777, while during the same period the Mingos
tried to wipe out American settlements in Kentucky. Britains superior supplies won over many Great Lakes tribes
in 1778; the powerful Delawares waited until 1781. In
1782 American militia massacred one hundred peaceful,
Christian Delawares (men, women, and children who had
been converted by Moravian missionaries) at their Gnadenhutten, Ohio, town. This atrocity enraged other Delawares who had moved to the Ohio Valley. Later in 1782
the Delawares turned back Colonel William Crawfords
invasion of their Ohio homelands and tortured Crawford
to death. That same year the Shawnees and Wyandots
successfully ambushed American militia at Blue Licks,
Kentucky, killing dozens of rebels (including one of Daniel Boones sons).


Bernstein, Alison R. American Indians and World War II: Toward

a New Era in Indian Affairs. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
Britten, Thomas A. American Indians in World War I: At Home
and at War. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,
Dunlay, Thomas W. Wolves for the Blue Soldiers: Indian Scouts and
Auxiliaries with the United States Army, 18601890. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1982.
Ferguson, R. Brian, and Neil L. Whitehead, eds. War in the
Tribal Zone: Expanding States and Indigenous Warfare. Santa
Fe, N.Mex.: School of American Research Press, 1992.
Franco, Jere Bishop. Crossing the Pond: The Native American Effort in World War II. Denton: University of North Texas
Press, 1999.
Holm, Tom. Strong Hearts, Wounded Souls: Native American Veterans of the Vietnam War. Austin: University of Texas Press,
Townsend, Kenneth William. World War II and the American Indian. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2000.

Tom Holm
See also Indians in the Civil War; Indians in the Revolution;
Warfare, Indian.


tribes, out of traditional loyalty, the need for British trade
goods, or a fear of land-hungry colonists, sided with Britain during the American Revolution. It is important to
note, however, that almost all tribes were divided between
neutral, pro-British, and pro-American factions. For the
Ohio Valley tribes, especially the Shawnees and Mingos,
war with the Americans began when they fought against
the expansionist policies of Virginia in 1774. Virginias
victory led to the Shawnees forced cession of their claims
to Kentucky. As a consequence, this tribe, along with most

The Northeast proved a more contested area. In

March 1775 Massachusetts formed an alliance with the
Christian Stockbridge Indians, and made overtures for
similar arrangements to the Iroquois, Penobscots, and St.
Francis Abenakis. Sir Guy Johnson, British superintendent of Indian affairs in the northern colonies, also tried
to secure Indian allies. Johnsons great council at Oswego
in July 1775 failed when the American invasion of Canada, otherwise a disaster, cut off British supplies, undercutting the British agents ability to offer presents to his
potential allies. Continental commissioners gained the
neutrality of some of the Iroquois at Albany that September and of some of the Ohio Valley tribes at Fort Pitt in
October. Nevertheless, after it became clear that the
American invasion of Canada had failed, many northern
tribes rejoined the British. The Continental Congresss
inability to support the subsidy policy of Indian agent
George Morgan at Fort Pitt, combined with long-standing
settler-Indian animosity, also inuenced Indians decisions.
Chief Joseph Brant led his Mohawks and other Iroquois
(minus the Oneidas and Tuscaroras, who remained ofcially neutral) in the British BurgoyneSt. Leger campaign of 1777. After Burgoynes failure, Brants men operated independently, terrorizing the New York frontier
until an American army under General John Sullivan utterly devastated the Iroquois heartland in 1779.
In 1776 the Cherokees, hoping for British aid in dislodging settlers from North Carolinas Watauga and Nolichuckey Valleys, launched a war on frontier settlements
in North Carolina and Virginia. The ferocity of these attacks led Thomas Jefferson to write of King Georges
merciless Indian savages in the Declaration of Independence. The raids backred horrically, however, and the
Cherokees were forced to cede the disputed territory in
the Treaty of Holston on 20 July 1777. The Cherokees
later renewed their attacks on Americans, hoping to capitalize on recent British successes in the South, but militias from Virginia and Carolina crushed them again at the



Battle of Boyds Creek and won additional land cessions.

The Creeks had generally avoided the war until 1781.
Then, as General Mad Anthony Wayne sought to complete the restoration of American control in Georgia,
Creeks under Emistesigo made a heroic but futile attempt
to relieve the British besieged at Savannah.
While the Cherokees were much chastened by the
war, and Iroquois military capabilities were all but obliterated, many tribes remained uncowed by the rebels victory. In the Ohio Valley, the Treaty of Paris in 1783 meant
nothing, and the violent struggle to keep the Americans
out of that strategic region continued for more than a
decade. West of the Mississippi, the Revolution had almost no effect on Native American communities and their
British and Spanish allies.

Calloway, Colin G. The American Revolution in Indian Country:

Crisis and Diversity in Native American Communities. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Hatley, Thomas M. The Dividing Paths: Cherokees and South Carolinians through the Era of Revolution. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1995.
Ward, Harry M. The American Revolution: Nationhood Achieved,
17631788. New York: St. Martins Press, 1995.

Robert M. Owens
See also Wars with Indian Nations: Colonial Era to 1783.

INDIGO CULTURE came to South Carolina at the

inception of that colony, but it was not until 1744 that
Eliza Lucas, married in that same year to Charles Pinckney, demonstrated on her fathers plantation near Charleston that indigo production was practical with slave labor.
Neighboring planters promptly adopted her idea as a supplement to the cultivation of rice. The industry stabilized
rst in 1748, when the British government granted a
bounty of sixpence a pound on indigo shipped to Great
Britain, and then in 1756, when Moses Lindo, an experienced indigo sorter, came to South Carolina. For some
thirty years indigo was second only to rice in the colonys
agricultural economy. On the eve of the American Revolution, growers annually exported more than a million
pounds. In the closing decades of the eighteenth century,
however, the production declined rapidly. The causes
were the withdrawal of the bounty, the tedium and health
dangers of indigo curing, and the development of cotton
production. Nonetheless, agriculturalists, mostly in the
Orangeburg area, continued to cultivate the dyestuff for
local consumption until the end of the Civil War.

Olwell, Robert. Masters, Slaves, and Subjects: The Culture of Power

in the South Carolina Low Country, 17401790. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University Press, 1998.


Young, Jeffrey Robert. Domesticating Slavery: The Master Class in

Georgia and South Carolina, 16701837. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999.

Francis B. Simkins / a. e.
See also Agriculture; Bounties, Commercial; Colonial Commerce; Enumerated Commodities; Navigation Acts;
Plantation System of the South; Slavery; South, the:
Antebellum; South Carolina.


IRA, was created in 1974 for those individuals not covered
by company pensions. Initially individuals could make
tax-deductible contributions of up to $1,500 per annum
to an IRA account, but in 1981, a new tax law allowed
individuals to make tax-deductible contributions up to
$2,000 per annum; the sum was raised to $3,000 for tax
year 2002. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 gave employees already in corporate pension programs the ability
to contribute monies to their own IRA accounts. IRA
contributions can be placed in high-yield investments,
with taxation deferred until the money is withdrawn. In
most cases, IRA contributions cannot be withdrawn without penalty until after age fty-nine and a half. Congress
did make some exceptions to the rule, however, for qualied education expenses through the creation of an Education IRA and for rst-time home purchases. The Taxpayer Relief Act also created the Roth IRA, in which the
earnings are tax-free, but there are no tax-deduction benets for the contributions made each year. Contributions
to a Roth IRA are made with after-tax rather than pre-tax
dollars, but earnings are tax-free. If certain conditions are
met, the earnings are free of Internal Revenue Service
penalties. Unlike a traditional IRA, Roth contributions
are allowed beyond age seventy and a half.

Bamford, Janet, et al. The Consumer Reports Money Book: How to

Get It, Save It, and Spend It Wisely. Yonkers, N.Y.: Consumer
Reports, 2000.
Downing, Neil. The New IRAs and How to Make Them Work for
You. Chicago: Dearborn Trade, 2002.

Meg Greene Malvasi

See also Retirement Plans.

INDIVIDUALISM. One of our most familiar terms

of analysis, individualism is also one of the most elusive.
It is employed in so many different waysapproving and
disapproving, descriptive and normative, social and psychological, economic and politicalthat one never knows
quite what is meant when the word is trotted out. It is
rarely clear, for example, whether individualism is describing a consciously held set of formal philosophical or
ideological doctrines or merely an ingrained ethos, or
mentalite, a set of assumed internalized social norms that


is not being articulated. Even more bewildering, the student of American culture is likely to nd that individualism is rst highly praised and then roundly condemned
in nearly the same breath. Everyone, it seems, nds something to dislike about individualism, but rarely the same
thing. Conservatives may be severe critics of individualism in the moral and expressive spheres, but tend to be
staunch supporters of individualism in the economic
sphere. By the same token, liberal critics of individualism
are likely to restrict their criticism to economics and distributive justice, preferring instead to celebrate the very
moral and expressive individualism that conservatives

jective moral order, which could not be violated with

impunity by antinomian rebels or advocates of romantic
subjectivity. It was equally constrained by belief in the
inherent frailty of human nature, which insisted that
moral virtue could not be produced in social isolation.
Although nearly all inuential Western thinkers had conceded the signal importance of the individual, none employed the term individualism to express that belief.
Only with the dawning of modernity did essential components of modern individualism such as the belief in natural rightsthat is, rights that precede the creation of
political societybegan to fall into place and prepare the
way for what was to come.

Such confusion should not blind us to the irreducible

core of validity in this often nebulous concept. A widely
shared belief in the dignity and worth of the individual
person has long been a distinctive feature of what we imprecisely call Western civilization. As the medievalist
Colin Morris well expressed the matter, We [Westerners] think of ourselves as people with frontiers, our personalities divided from each other as our bodies visibly
are. . . . It is to us a matter of common sense that we stand
apart from the natural order in which we are set, subjects
over against its objectivity, and that we have our own distinct personality, beliefs, and attitude to life. But in fact,
he continues, Western individualism is so far from expressing the common experience of humanity that it
might more aptly be regarded as an eccentricity among
cultures. And yet this eccentricity forms the indispensable basis for the ideas of liberty and equality, which
are among the Wests chief gifts to humanity. Belief in the
independent standing of the individual human being loses
none of its central importance as a legitimizing principle
of Western moral and political life because it emerged
only in ts and starts over the course of Western history;
has nearly always been applied selectively and inconsistently; and is often more honored in the breach than the

As for individualism itself, like many of our most

useful words, it began life as a term of abuse, appearing
rst in the discourse of opponents of the French Revolution. The nineteenth-century French archconservative
Joseph de Maistre used the word individualism to describe the Revolutions overturning of established social
hierarchies and the dissolution of traditional social bonds
in favor of an atomizing and leveling doctrine of natural
individual rights, which freed each individual to be his or
her own moral arbiter. Maistres idea of individualism
was not an afrmation of personal human dignity. Instead,
for him it represented a disordered nightmare of egotism
and moral anarchy.

The rst stirrings of this emphasis on the individual

person can be detected as far back as the world of classical
antiquity, in the emergence of philosophical inquiry and
democratic institutions in Greece, and especially in the
intensely self-directed moral discipline of Hellenistic-era
Epicureanism and Stoicism. The ideas and institutions
arising out of biblical monotheism also played a vital part
in the formation of an individualistic ideal, placing heavy
emphasis upon the innite value, personal agency, and
moral accountability of the individual person. That emphasis reached a pinnacle of sorts in the synthetic vision
of Western Christianity, which incorporated the divergent legacies of Athens and Jerusalem into a single universalized faith.
Yet none of these expressions of belief should be
equated with what we mean by modern individualism.
Such freedom as the premodern individual enjoyed, particularly after the advent of Christianity, was always constrained by belief in the metaphysical existence of an ob-

Alexis de Tocqueville also employed the term critically, albeit much more moderately so, in his classic study
Democracy in America (18351840), a locus classicus for
the consideration of the terms American career. Individualism is, he argued, a characteristic pitfall for all societies
that are democratic, by which he meant societies lacking any legally sanctioned distinctions of rank or status
among their members. Indeed, he concluded that the
American propensity for individualism was characteristic
of all modernity, because America, as the rst great republic, represented the avant-garde of human history,
and therefore served as a pioneering exemplar of what the
future would likely bring to Europe.
Tocquevilles complaint was very different from
Maistres, however. Egotism, he thought, was a mere
emotional disorder, the passionate and exaggerated selflove one could nd manifested throughout human history. But individualism was also something else. It was a
more or less self-conscious social philosophy, a mature
and calm feeling, which disposes each member of the
community to sever himself from the mass of his fellowcreatures: and to draw apart with his family and friends:
so that . . . he willingly leaves society at large to itself.
In other words, individualism was a conscious and calculated withdrawal, not from all human contact, but more
specically from the responsibilities of citizenship and
public life. For Tocquevillewho was, unlike Maistre, a
qualied friend of democracy, which he believed to be the
God-ordained direction of human historythere was no
greater threat to the health and stability of this new order
than such a tendency toward privatism.



So individualism began its life as a critical term,

and a reasonably precise one. But it did not remain so.
Indeed, the critical view of individualism taken by these
two French writers seems strikingly at odds with the selfconception that would come to be characteristic of most
Americans, who had little or no comparable experience
of feudal, aristocratic, monarchical, and other premodern
political institutions, and who saw individualism in a
largely favorable light. In the American context, especially
with the social opening that came with the rise of Jacksonian democracy, the word has only rarely taken on pejorative connotations. It was more likely to refer to the
sturdy values of the self-reliant frontiersman or the selfmade entrepreneuror to a broadly libertarian understanding of the relationship between the individual and
society or the state, wherein the liberty and dignity of the
former are shielded from the grasping hands of the latter.
As such, it pointed toward a view of all political and social
groups as mere aggregations of otherwise naturally selfsufcient individuals, whose social bonds are largely governed by choice and consent. Even more radically, it might
point toward a view, increasingly pervasive in our own
day, that to the maximum degree possible, the individual
should be regarded as an entirely morally autonomous
creatureaccountable to no person and no higher law,
armed with a quiver of inviolable rights, protected by a
zone of inviolable privacy, and left free to grow and
develop as the promptings of the self dictate.
In any event, there seems little reason to doubt that
the dominant view in our own day tends to endorse the
highest possible degree of individual liberty and selfdevelopment in political, religious, social, and economic
affairs. American history is a record of the defeat or weakening of nearly all competing ideas. The language of individual rightsthe tendency to regard individual men
and women as self-contained, choosing, contract-making,
utility-maximizing, and values-creating actors, who accept only those duties and obligations they choose to acceptgrew steadily more powerful and pervasive in the
latter part of the twentieth century, and now stands triumphant. The recourse to individual rights, whether expressed as legal rights, voting rights, expressive rights, reproductive rights, sexual rights, membership rights, or
consumer rights, has become the near-invincible trump
card in most debates regarding public policy. Although
there are serious challenges to the hegemony of such
rights talk, particularly as evidenced in the critical works
of such communitarian thinkers as Mary Ann Glendon,
Philip Selznick, and Amitai Etzioni, such challenges have
yet to nd a broad audience.
The Unique Development of American Individualism
This has not always been the state of affairs in America,
and we are reminded of just this fact by much of the best
scholarship in colonial and early national history in recent
years. The crucial role of Protestant Christianity in making the early American social and political ethos has been
repeatedly emphasized. For example, the political scien-


tist Barry Alan Shain has made the case that it was not
Enlightenment liberalism but a very constrained form of
communitarian Reformed Protestantism that best represented the dominant social and political outlook of early
America. The political theorist Michael Sandel has argued that, until the twentieth century, Americas public
philosophy was based largely on the republican assumption that the polity had a formative, prescriptive,
soulcraft function to perform in matters of the economy, the family, church-state relations, personal morality,
free speech, constitutional law, privacy, productive labor,
and consumption. Like so much else about the early
American milieu, that assumption has been so completely
erased by the individualistic liberalism of our own day that
we have forgotten it was ever there.
In retrospect, however, it is hard not to see those
earlier perspectives as fatally fragile. Certainly by the middle of the nineteenth century, gures such as Ralph Waldo
Emerson and Walt Whitmanromantic American nationalists and prophets of the unconstrained selfwere
already trumpeting the note that would have the most
lasting resonance in the American imagination. It was
Emerson who declared famously that a society is a conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members, and that nothing is at last sacred but the integrity
of your own mind. And it was Whitman who declared
that the Great Idea is the idea of perfect and free individuals, and that nothing, not God, is greater to one
than ones-self is. One could hardly deny that such driving, self-interested ambition was itself a logical corollary
to the spirit of unrestrained self-development, although
both men would live long enough to be disappointed in
the crass materialism that seemed to take hold of American society in the postCivil War years. So, too, there is
the irresistible story of Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn,
the semi-noble, semi-savage boy who lit out for the territory rather than enduring the phony rigors of civilization. Indeed, one sure index of the hold that individualism
has had on American thought and expression is the cultures richness in gures of heroic individualityand its
relative poverty in providing convincing representations
of community or social obligation.
There have always been a few important countercurrents, however, to this pervasive celebration of individuality. One such current emerged from women writers,
both inside and outside the nascent feminist movement.
Individualism being a game still reserved largely for
males, the ction and domestic economy literature produced by such nineteenth-century writers as the sisters
Catharine Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe often had
a very different tone, emphasizing the satisfactions of settlement, family life, nurture, and human connectedness
all the things that Henry David Thoreau and Huck Finn
sought to escape. Such arguments were carried to a high
pitch by the southern anti-suffragist Louisa McCord,
who urged women to stand at a critical distance from the
coarse individualism of the male public world. To be sure,


the works of northern feminists such as Margaret Fuller

and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were nothing if not individualistic in tone, testifying to the fact that some women
were eager to get in on the game. Various forms of that
same tension between equality and difference have persisted into the twenty-rst century and continue to color
our discussions of individualism and gender.
The immense human suffering and social dislocation
wrought by industrialization was another stimulus to antiindividualistic thinking. One can see some elements of
this critique emerging idiosyncratically in the antebellum
yearsfor example, in the fascinating career of the anticapitalist Catholic convert Orestes Brownson, who railed
against individualism for destroying the grounds of human solidarity; or in the works of pro-slavery apologist
George Fitzhugh, who presented slavery as an organic and
patriarchal institution, far preferable to the inhumane and
predatory institution of wage slavery. But the best example could be found in one of the most widely read books
of the nineteenth century, Edward Bellamys 1888 fantasy
Looking Backward, an effort to imagine a perfected postindustrial Boston, reconstituted as a socialist cooperative
commonwealth in the year 2000. Bellamy openly reviled
individualism, proposing in its place a post-Christian religion of solidarity, which would radically de-emphasize
the self, and instead emphasize social bonds over individual
liberty (and traditional Christian doctrine).
The popularity of Bellamys book showed that there
was a market hungry for such ideas, and many of the most
progressive forces of the dayranging from the
cooperation-minded Knights of Labor, the theological
advocates of a modernist social gospel, to Progressive
reformers such as Herbert Croly, Jane Addams, and John
Deweyunreservedly admired and emulated its spirit.
Indeed, the Progressive movement itself, at least in some
of its manifestations, advanced a new corporate ideal that
sought to downplay individualism and instead to defend
and preserve the public interest in the face of industrial
capitals power. In the hands of a sophisticated thinker like
Dewey, a case was made that the values of community and
individuality, far from being in opposition, are mutually
supporting and mutually sustaining, particularly in an age
dominated by large industrial combinations, immense
asymmetries of wealth and power, and vast impersonal
networks of communication. It was pointless, in their
view, to restore the small-scale community of days past.
Economic and social forces had rendered such community, with its personal bonds and face-to-face business
transactions, impossible. The task ahead was the creation
of something new, which Dewey called The Great Community, a systematically reconstituted social order that,
it was hoped, would adapt the best features of the old
community forms to the inexorable realities of the new
economy and society, and thereby preserve the possibility
of a healthy form of individuality as well.

Individualism in a Postindustrial World

In retrospect, though, a social and political ideal based on
solidarity seems never to have had much of a chance. Even
the crisis of the Great Depression did little to dislodge
Americans individualistic assumptions, and a decisive
blow to communitarian alternatives was administered by
the rise of the totalitarian regimes of Europe, whose terrifying success in suppressing the individual for the sake
of the nation threw all communitarian and corporate ideals into a disrepute from which they have yet to recover.
The concerns generated thereby decisively shaped both
the liberalism and the conservatism of the postwar years.
Libertarians like Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek
and liberals like David Riesman, Lionel Trilling, and
Reinhold Niebuhreven conservatives like Robert Nisbet and Russell Kirkall paid their disrespects to the Leviathan nation-state and thereby called into question the
efcacy of any modern corporate or communitarian ideal.
Instead, the social and political thought of postwar America seemed to be devoted to an entirely different ideal: the
guardianship of the self.
The 1950s were awash in works devoted to that
cause. Riesmans The Lonely Crowd (1950) warned against
the conformism of other-direction in the American personality, and William Whytes The Organization Man
(1956) deplored the predominance of a social ethic in
Americas white-collar classes. Ayn Rands erce popNietzschean novels celebrated the autonomy of the individual creative genius, sneered at altruism as a form of
self-betrayal, and gave rise to the still lively intellectual
movement called Objectivism. Neo-Freudian psychology
concerned itself with the problems of the ego, and such
leading psychological theorists as C. G. Jung and Erik
Erikson focused obsessively on the problem of individuation. Even the emergence of a New Left movement in the
early 1960s, which purported to challenge the bourgeois
assumptions of its liberal forebears, did little to alter this
trend, since the movements communitarian tendencies
were no match for its commitment to a radical, nearanarchic standard of behavioral and expressive liberty.
In the age of postmodernity, then, the self has become the chief source of moral value. But one need only
state such a proposition to realize how deeply problematic
it is. Notwithstanding the naive certitude of Descartess
cogito, there is nothing more elusive than the self, which
is both something that we are and something that we
have in our less-than-full custody. Not only is it the
ultimate seat of our subjectivity, it is equally the object of
our therapeutic ministrations. Moreover, it is an entity
whose highest renement is its reexive ability to stand
outside of itself, enacting a selfhood that is beyond self.
Indeed, the tortuous complexity of this description lends
plausibility to one of the most powerful themes of postmodernism: its assertion that the modern idea of the unitary self cannot bear the weight placed upon it by fragmented modern life, and that in fact what we call the
self is nally deconstructible into an ensemble of social



roles. If so, though, then in what can individualism, let

alone morality, be grounded?

Hewitt, John P. Dilemmas of the American Self. Philadelphia:

Temple University Press, 1989.

It may be, too, that what appears to be unrestricted

individualism turns out, on closer examination, to be
something rather different. It may be that our broadened
individual liberty is constrained in ways we hardly notice,
so that we have been granted greater and greater freedom
to live lives of less and less heft and consequence. A choosing consumer is not the same thing as a deliberating citizen, because the freedom to choose is not the same thing
as freedom to shape. The philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre, among others, has argued that the expanding
moral freedom of the modern world has been purchased
at a very considerable price in public disempowerment.
In our bifurcated modern world, moral evaluation has
been relegated to the realm of the personal, he says,
while vast public bureaucracies and private corporations
rule unchallenged over the realm of the organizational
by means of impersonal procedural dicta. Hence individuals are remarkably free to order their personal lives as
they see t, but at the cost of having ceded any substantial
voice in the shaping of public life. There is, MacIntyre
has asserted, a deep cultural agreement between the
ideal of the unencumbered private self and the corporatist
ideal of rule by bureaucracy. Both accept a diminished
understanding of humanity. In this view, we may already
resemble the soma-numbed denizens of Aldous Huxleys
Brave New World (1932) more than we would like to think.

Lasch, Christopher. The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in

an Age of Diminishing Expectations. Revised, New York: Norton, 1991.

Such a state of affairs bears an uncanny resemblance

to the condition Tocqueville most feared, in which individualism enervates Americans will to act in public ways.
Accordingly, it would seem that the most useful response
to the disintegration and diminution of the self might be
a movement away from the characteristic preoccupations
of modern sociology and psychology, and toward a fresh
reconsideration of our political natures, in all their complexity, contingency, and promise. Just such a view was
put forward memorably by the late American historian
Christopher Lasch, who argued that it is in the school of
public life, and in the embrace and exercise of the title of
citizen, that the selves of men and women become most
meaningfully equal, individuated, mature, and freenot
in those eeting, and often illusory, moments when they
evade the constraints of society and retreat into a weightless zone of privacy, subjectivity, and endlessly reconstructed narratives of the self. This insight will be well
worth our pondering in the years to come.

Arieli, Yehoshua. Individualism and Nationalism in American Ideology. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1964.
Brown, Gillian. Domestic Individualism: Imagining Self in
Nineteenth-Century America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.
Curry, Richard O., and Lawrence B. Goodheart, eds. American
Chameleon: Individualism in Trans-National Context. Kent,
Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1991.


. The True and Only Heaven: Progress and Its Critics. Reprint, New York: Norton, 1991.
Lukes, Steven. Individualism. Reprint, Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell,
McClay, Wilfred. The Masterless: Self and Society in Modern America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994.
Morris, Colin. The Discovery of the Individual, 10501200. Reprint, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995.
Sandel, Michael. Democracys Discontent: America in Search of a
Public Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1996.
Taylor, Charles. Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern
Identity. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989.

Wilfred McClay

INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT. Industrial management, in its most comprehensive meaning, refers to

the systematic management of all aspects of the factory,
and more specically, to early studies of production efciency known as scientic management. The term came
into use in the United States around the turn of the twentieth century, when the Industrial Revolution dramatically
shifted methods of generating output from craftsmanship
to mass production and automation. Massive centralized
production facilities, like those of the Ford Motor Company, Bethlehem Steel, and Western Electric, brought
with them the unprecedented need to understand work
that had become increasingly complex. To bring some
measure of control and discipline to the industrial behemoths, such luminaries as Frederick Taylor, Henry Ford,
and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed scientic
methods of observation in factories. The term scientic
brought a patina of respectability to a eld of study, which
by its very nature contained some measure of dehumanization with regards to work methods. Frederick Taylor
sought the one best way to manage by systematically
recording the time to perform work elements that comprised a laborers repetitive movements, while the Gilbreths developed time and motion studies. Henry Ford
is credited with institutionalizing division of labor in factories with his development of the assembly line, an innovation that dramatically reduced the time it took to
produce an automobile.
Little attention was paid to the motivational content
of work until the accidental discovery of the importance
of human relations by the Hawthorne studies from 1927
to 1932, research supervised by Elton Mayo. While conducting productivity studies at Western Electric, Mayo
demonstrated that workers efciency depended on a wide
range of relations within groups as well as on compensation. This nding led to an eventual split in the study
of industrial management, with one branch emphasizing


an understanding of organization theory and behavior

and the other emphasizing the mechanics of production,
also known as operations. While science continued to
provide the basis for academic studies of both branches,
the practice of management was increasingly recognized
as a complex set of knowledge and skills. Later, increased
specialization of management talents led to the dissipation of comprehensive studies in industrial management,
with more attention paid to specialties like nancial management, human resources management, and operations
Following World War II, many of the dehumanizing
aspects of factory life were a leading concern of both union movements and studies to improve quality of work
life. Work design and sociotechnical approaches to work
became the focus of industrial management. By the 1960s,
however, the U.S. economy had shifted to a service economy, with more than half of the labor in the country employed in services. This shift was to be followed by the
information revolution and extraordinarily high rates of
global competitiveness, changes that had dramatic impacts on work content. The term industrial management became increasingly irrelevant as the nature and
content of work shifted to computerization and other
spheres of the economy.
In the early twenty-rst century, the segment of management that seeks improvements in efciency and productivity is known as service and operations management.
Its most recent developments include integrated methods
of management that contain elements of programmable
technology, quality improvement, just-in-time delivery,
lean production, and supply chain management.

Boone, Louis E., and Donald D. Bowen, eds. The Great Writings
in Management and Organizational Behavior. Tulsa, Okla.:
PPC, 1980.
Dertouzos, Michael L., et al. Made in America: Regaining the Productive Edge. New York: HarperPerennial, 1990.
Lacey, Robert. Ford: The Men and the Machine. Boston: Little,
Brown, 1986.
Russell, Roberta S., and Bernard W. Taylor III. Operations Management. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,
Zuboff, Shoshana. In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of
Work and Power. New York: Basic Books, 1988.

Patricia Nemetz
See also Industrial Revolution; Scientific Management; and
vol. 9: Demings Fourteen Points for Management.

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. The term industrial

relations has developed both a broad and a narrow meaning. Originally, industrial relations was broadly dened to
include the totality of relationships and interactions between employers and employees. From this perspective,

industrial relations covers all aspects of the employment

relationship, including human resource (or personnel)
management, employee relations, and union-management
(or labor) relations. Since the mid-twentieth century, however, the term has increasingly taken on a narrower, more
restricted interpretation that largely equates it with unionized employment relationships. In this view, industrial
relations pertains to the study and practice of collective
bargaining, trade unionism, and labor-management relations, while human resource management is a separate,
largely distinct eld that deals with nonunion employment relationships and the personnel practices and policies of employers. Both meanings of the term coexist in
the twenty-rst century, although the latter is the more
The term industrial relations came into common usage in the 1910s, particularly in 1912 upon the appointment by President William Taft of an investigative committee titled the Commission on Industrial Relations.
The commissions charge was to investigate the causes
of widespread, often violent labor conict and make recommendations regarding methods to promote greater cooperation and harmony among employers and employees.
Shortly thereafter, the term gained even greater saliency
in the public mind due to the wave of strikes, labor unrest,
and agitation for industrial democracy that accompanied the economic and political disturbances associated
with World War I. As a result, by the beginning of the
1920s universities began to establish industrial relations
centers and programs to conduct research and train students in employer-employee relations, while progressive
business rms established the rst industrial relations
or personnel departments to formalize and professionalize the management of labor.
Although the term industrial relations came into
prominent usage in the 1910s, its roots extend back at
least three decades into the nineteenth century. It was
during this period, beginning in the 1870s, that the process of industrialization began in earnest in the United
States, leading to the emergence of a growing urbanbased wage-earning labor force working in large-scale
factories, mills, and mines. Conditions growing out of the
industrialization processtwelve-hour work days, tens of
thousands of work-related fatalities, low wages, extremely
high rates of labor turnover, and poor employee work effort and attitudesled to growing numbers of strikes,
revolutionary economic and political movements, and demands for social and economic reform. These maladjustments and frictions between employers and employees,
and the conict they precipitated, came to be known as
the Labor Problem.
The emergence of industrial relations in the 1910s as
an academic eld of study and area of business practice
was thus intimately associated with the rise and growing
seriousness of the Labor Problem, and industrial relations



came to be widely dened during this period as the study

of labor problems and alternative methods to resolve such
problems. Social scientists identied three major types of
solutions: the employers solution of personnel management, the workers solution of trade unionism and
collective bargaining, and the communitys solution of
government-enacted protective labor legislation and social insurance programs (for example, minimum wages
and unemployment insurance). In its early years, therefore, industrial relations was broadly conceived because it
subsumed all three types of solutions to labor problems,
while in terms of ideology and approach to social policy
industrial relations tended to be reformist, progressive,
and critical of laissez-faire.
Historical Development
During the prosperous and politically conservative 1920s,
the American labor movement suffered a signicant loss
in membership, inuence, and public approval, while restrictive court rulings and conservative political opposition hobbled the extension of labor legislation. In this
period the major line of advance in industrial relations
was the employers solution of personnel management.
Numerous rms established personnel departments and
in various ways tried to reduce the most serious causes of
labor unrest and turnover. The apogee of this effort was
among several hundred liberal/progressive employers who
adopted the new model of welfare capitalism. Intended to
promote greater employee morale, cooperation, and productivityas well as to undercut the threat of unions and
government interventionthis employment strategy entailed many new employee welfare benets (paid vacations and company doctors, for example), promises of employment security, curbs on the right of foremen to hire
and re, payment of fair wages, and the introduction of
employee representation plans to promote resolution of
grievances and employee participation and voice in the
The decade of the 1930s saw a near-revolution in
American industrial relations practices and policies. The
Great Depression, beginning in late 1929 and extending
to 1939, caused widespread suffering and hardship among
the industrial workforce, leading to the re-emergence of
numerous labor problems, such as low wages, long hours,
and mass unemployment. Many workers became disillusioned with employers when rms succumbed to economic
pressures and cut wages and other labor conditions, while
some became embittered when they perceived that companies took advantage of labor in a harsh and opportunistic way. As the employers solution lost credibility and
effectiveness, focus turned toward other solutions. This
shift gained speed when the new administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in late 1932 and soon thereafter Roosevelt instituted his New Deal economic recovery measures. Under Roosevelts leadership, public policy
turned favorable to labor unions and government labor
legislation as a way to promote economic recovery, protect the underdog in the employment relationship, and


establish greater industrial democracy. The three major

initiatives were the National Labor Relations Act (encouraging and protecting the right to join a union and
bargain collectively), the Social Security Act (establishing
old age and unemployment insurance), and the Fair Labor Standards Act (setting minimum wages and maximum hours).
The labor movement also transformed itself in the
1930s. More dynamic, aggressive union leaders came to
the fore, such as John L. Lewis, Sidney Hillman, and
Philip Murray. A more effective method of organizing and
representing workers was emphasized (industrial unions that organize all workers in an industry, rather than
the traditional craft union model that includes only
workers of a particular occupation or skill). And a new
federation of industrial unions, called the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), was established to rival the
traditional federation of craft unions, the American Federation of Labor (AFL).
As a result of these events and developments in the
economic, legislative, and trade union worlds, a great shift
in industrial relations practices and policies occurred in
the 1930s. Union membership mushroomed from only 10
percent of the workforce in the early 1930s to 27 percent
a decade later. The American laissez-faire approach to
employer-employee relations was reversed and the beginnings of both greater government regulation of employment and the development of a social welfare state were
initiated. Finally, employers emerged from the 1930s with
much-reduced power in industrial relations, while personnel management came to be regarded in many quarters as largely ineffective and often an overt or covert
union-avoidance device.
The decade of the 1940s saw a consolidation of the
trends unleashed a decade earlier. As a result of World
War II, industrial employment boomed and the federal
government instituted a system of wage-price controls on
the economy. The net effect of these developments was
to further spread collective bargaining and government
regulation of the labor market, in the case of the former
due in part to government pressure on employers to accede to union organizing efforts and bargaining demands
in order to prevent strikes and interruptions to war production. With the end of the war, wage-price controls
were lifted and a strike wave erupted in 1946 as employers
sought to recoup some of their lost prerogatives while
unions fought to maintain their gains. The result was
largely to leave intact the industrial relations system that
had evolved out of the war, but with a discernible spread
of opinion among the public that union power needed to
be reined in and made more responsible. The result was
the passage in 1947 of the Taft-Hartley amendments to
the National Labor Relations Act. The law prohibited
certain practices of unions, such as the closed shop, and
gave the government the ability to temporarily end strikes
that cause national emergencies.


Adverse changes in federal law notwithstanding, for

roughly another decade organized labor continued to expand its membership and inuence. Unity was also restored in the labor movement through the creation of a
single labor federation in 1955, the AFL-CIO, under the
leadership of George Meany. Although not discernible at
the time, the high water mark for the labor movement
came in the mid-1950s when the union share of the nonagricultural workforce peaked at slightly above one-third.
Hidden in this number is the remarkable fact that over a
twenty-year period unions had succeeded in organizing
most of the medium-large rms in the manufacturing,
mining, and transportation sectors of the economy. Also
of signicance, unions were seen as the primary innovators in employment practices, using collective bargaining
to win formal grievance systems, wage classication systems, cost-of-living wage adjustment clauses, and a plethora of new employee benets.

tile, as reected in the ring of the striking air trafc controllers and the pro-management rulings of the National
Labor Relations Board.

Starting in the early 1960s, the New Deal industrial

relations system, with its emphasis on collective bargaining as the major institution for determining wages and
labor conditions in the economy, began to erode and be
replaced by a new system. The new system that emerged,
and then became consolidated in the 1980s and 1990s,
featured a much smaller role for collective bargaining
with a much-expanded role for personnel management
now called human resource managementand direct
government regulation of employment conditions.

A second development that undermined the New

Deal system of industrial relations was the re-emergence
and revitalization of the employers solution of labor
problems in the form of human resource management.
The decline of the unionized sector of the economy
opened the door for personnel/human resource management to reassert itself as a leading force in industrial relations, and new ideas and practices in human resource
management allowed companies, in turn, to effectively
take advantage of this opportunity. Through the 1960s,
personnel management had a reputation as a largely lowlevel, heavily administrative, and nonstrategic business
function. Starting in the 1960s, however, academic research in the behavioral and organizational sciences led
to a owering of new ideas and theories about how to
better motivate people at work, structure jobs for increased productivity and job satisfaction, and organize
and operate business rms for competitive advantage.
These new insights were gradually incorporated into personnel management, leading to a shift in both its name
to human resource managementand its approach to
managing employees (from viewing employees as a shortrun expense to a long-term asset). As a result, human resource management gradually replaced labor-management
relations (increasingly thought of as synonymous with industrial relations) in the eyes of academics and practitioners
as the locus of new and exciting workplace developments.

Several trends and developments were responsible

for this shift. One was a slow but cumulatively signicant
shrinkage in the size and inuence of the union sector of
the economy. In the private (non-government) sector, the
unionized share of the workforce began to contract in the
1960s and continued to do so until the end of the century.
While 32 percent of private sector workers were covered
by collective bargaining contracts in 1960, in the year
2000 this proportion had shrunk to 9 percenta level
roughly equal to that in the early 1930s. A number of
factors were responsible for the union decline. Unions
gradually increased wage and benets for their members
up through the mid-1980s, but in so doing the production
costs at organized rms also became increasingly higher
than at nonunion rms. The result was a slow loss of competitiveness and jobs in the union sector in the 1960s and
1970s, followed in the 1980s by a hemorrhaging of jobs
due to widespread plant closings and layoffs. Another
complementary factor was the intensication of competition in product and nancial markets. Due to globalization and domestic deregulation of industries, American
rms experienced a gradual increase in competitive pressure, leading them to more aggressively resist union
organizing drives and downsize and eliminate existing unionized plants. This trend was also complemented by
greater pressure from nancial markets (Wall Street) for
higher earnings and short-run prot performance. Finally,
during the presidency of Ronald Reagan in the 1980s government policy toward organized labor turned more hos-

The situation for unions from the 1960s to the 1990s

was not entirely negative, however. The most positive development was the spread of collective bargaining to the
public sector. Due to a liberalization of state and federal
laws in the 1960s and 1970s, union coverage in the public
(government) sector greatly expanded, from 11 percent in
1960 to 37 percent in 2000. As a result of the shrinkage
of private sector unionism and the expansion of unionism
in the public sector, the latter accounts for nearly 40 percent of total union members in the United States. (However, even in the private sector unions continue to represent over 9 million workers [and 7 million in the public
sector] and, encouragingly for organized labor, surveys
indicate that one-third of American workers would vote
to have a union if given the opportunity.)

In the 1970s American companies started to introduce these new employment practices into selected plants
and facilities, culminating in the development of what is
often called a high-performance work system. Since the
1970s this system, and individual parts of it, have spread
widely. A high-performance work system is a package of
employment practices that include self-managed work
teams, gainsharing forms of compensation, promises of
employment security, formal dispute resolution systems,
and an egalitarian organizational culture. These work systems not only boost productivity but also typically increase employee job satisfaction, leading to reduced in-



terest in union representation. Companies have also

become much more adept at keeping out unions, not only
through progressive human resource management methods but also through more aggressive and sophisticated
union-avoidance practices.
The third major force undermining the New Deal
industrial relations system has been the spread of greater
government regulation of employment conditions. After
the passage of the Social Security and Fair Labor Standards Acts in the 1930s, the federal and state governments
enacted little new employment legislation until the mid1960s. Starting with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, however, government has become increasingly active in the
employment sphere. In addition to a host of laws and regulations pertaining to discrimination (racial, gender, age,
physical disability, sexual orientation), federal and/or state
governments have passed numerous laws relating to other
employment areas, such as pension plans, family and
medical leave, and the portability of health insurance. It
is widely considered that these laws and attendant agencies, courts, and attorneys have to some degree served as
a substitute for unions, thus also explaining a portion of
the union decline in the late twentieth century.
The eld and practice of industrial relations began in the
early years of the twentieth century and evolved in numerous ways in reaction to a host of far-reaching changes
in the economic, political, and social realm. It began with
a broad emphasis on the employment relationship and the
labor problems that grow out of this relationship. As a
result of the rise of mass unionism between 1935 and
1955, the eld became identied in the academic and
practitioner worlds with, rst and foremost, the study and
practice of collective bargaining and labor-management
relations. Since then the unionized sector of the economy
has shrunk considerably, while a rival eld of human resource management has grown and spreada product of
both new ideas and practices and the opening up of a
much-expanded unorganized sector in the labor market.
Thus the term industrial relations is increasingly associated with the unionized sector of the labor market. But
a minority of participants continue to view industrial relations as pertaining to the entire world of work and, in
particular, the three solutions to labor problems: personnel/human resource management, trade unionism and
collective bargaining, and government legislation.

Bennett, James, and Bruce Kaufman. The Future of Private Sector

Unionism in the United States. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe,
Derber, Milton. The American Idea of Industrial Democracy, 1865
1965. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1970.
Dunlop, John. Industrial Relations Systems. New York: Holt,
Freeman, Richard, and Joel Rodgers. What Workers Want. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999.


Jacoby, Sanford. Employing Bureaucracy: Managers, Unions, and

the Transformation of Work in American Industry, 19001945.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1985.
Kaufman, Bruce. The Origins and Evolution of the Field of Industrial Relations in the United States. Ithaca, N.Y.: ILR Press,
. Human Resources and Industrial Relations: Commonalities and Differences. Human Resource Management Review 11, no. 4 (2001): 339374.
Kochan, Thomas, Harry Katz, and Robert McKersie. The Transformation of American Industrial Relations. New York: Basic
Books, 1986.
Nelson, Daniel. Shifting Fortunes: The Rise and Decline of American Labor from the 1820s to the Present. Chicago: Ivan Doe,

Bruce Kaufman
See also Labor; Trade Unions.

INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. The emergence and

growth of industrial research and development during the
twentieth century must rank as one of the most important economic developments in modern American history. There is no doubt that technological innovation is
the primary driver of economic growth, and that it is the
business rm that is at the core of the American system
of technological innovation. Industrial research conducted
by and substantially funded by business rms has thus
played a key role in American prosperity. It was also key
to the outcomes in both world wars, and arguably to the
ending of the Cold War. What then, is the genius behind
this system? How did it emerge, how does it work, and
how did it change in the twentieth century?
Industrial research and development (R&D) is the
activity in which scientic and engineering knowledge is
used to create and bring to market new products, processes, and services. R&D encompasses several different
activities that can occur in any order. There is basic research, which is aimed purely at the creation of new
knowledge. Its purpose is to create new understandings
of phenomena. Its core foundations are usually quite abstract. There is applied research, which is work expected
to have a practical, but not a commercial, payoff. While
basic research is aimed at new knowledge for its own sake,
applied research has practicality and utility as its goal.
There is also development, in which the product is honed
for commercial application. Boundaries among these activities are quite fuzzy, and the manner in which they have
been organized and linked has changed over time.
The roots of American industrial research can be
found in the late nineteenth century when a discernible
amount of science and technology began being applied to
industry. This is the period when the science-based industries in dyestuffs, chemicals, electricity, and telecommunications began to emerge.


The rst organized research laboratory in the United

States was established by the inventor Thomas Edison in
1876. In 1886, an applied scientist by the name of Arthur
D. Little started his rm which became a major technical
services/consulting rm to other enterprises. Eastman
Kodak (1893), B. F. Goodrich (1895), General Electric
(1900), Dow (1900), DuPont (1902), Goodyear (1909),
and American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T; 1907)
followed soon thereafter.
Growth of the Organized R&D Laboratory
The industrial laboratory constituted a signicant departure from an earlier period when innovation was largely
the work of independent inventors like Eli Whitney (the
cotton gin), Samuel Morse (telegraph), Charles Goodyear
(vulcanization of rubber), and Cyrus McCormick (the
The founding of formal R&D programs and laboratories stemmed in part from competitive threats. For
instance, AT&T at rst followed the telegraph industrys
practice of relying on the market for technological innovation. However, the expiration of the major Bell patents and the growth of large numbers of independent telephone companies helped stimulate AT&T to organize
Bell Labs. Competition likewise drove George Eastman
to establish laboratories at Kodak Park in Rochester, New
York, to counteract efforts by German dyestuff and chemical rms to enter into the manufacture of ne chemicals,
including photographic chemicals and lm.
During the early years of the twentieth century, the
number of research labs grew dramatically. By World
War I there were perhaps as many as one hundred industrial research laboratories in the United States. The number tripled during the war, and industrial R&D even
maintained its momentum during the Great Depression.
The number of scientists and research engineers employed by these laboratories grew from 2,775 in 1921 to
almost 30,000 by 1940. The interwar period also saw the
industrial research labs produce signicant science. In
1927 Clinton Davisson began his work at Bell Labs on
electron defraction. His work led to a Nobel Prize in
physics in 1937. At DuPont, Wallace Carothers developed and published the general theory of polymers, and
went on in 1930 to create synthetic rubber; and then, a
strong, tough, water-resistant ber called nylon. These
technological breakthroughs were in and of themselves of
great importance, but it took time and money to leverage
them into marketable products. For instance, over a decade elapsed to get from the beginning of research in super polymers to the production of nylon on commercial
The Golden Era of Big Science (19451980)
Building on wartime success, including the Manhattan
Project, the era of big science began, fueled by the optimism that well-funded scientists and engineers could pro-

duce technological breakthroughs that would benet the

economy and society. University scientists, working together with the engineers from corporate America, had
indeed produced a string of breakthrough technologies
including radar, antibiotics, the digital electronic computer, and atomic energy. The dominant intellectual belief of the immediate postwar period was that sciencedriven research programs would ensure the development
of an endless frontier of new products and processes. The
development of the transistor at Bell Labs gave strength
to this view. Many rms augmented their commitments
to industrial R&D. For instance, in 1956 IBM established
a research division devoted to world class basic research.
As tensions increased during the Cold War, government funding increased considerably. In 1957, government funding of R&D performed by industry eclipsed the
funding provided by the rms themselves. By 1967, it went
back the other way, with private funding taking the lead.
By 1975, industry funding of industry conducted R&D was
twice the federal level, and the ratio was expanding. Government procurement was perhaps even more important
to the technological development of certain industries, as
it facilitated early investment in production facilities, thus
easing the cost of commercialization. The newly emergent electronics industry in particular was able to benet
from the Defense Departments demand for advanced
components and advanced products. By 1960, the electronics industry had come to rely on the federal government for 70 percent of its R&D dollars. Perhaps as an
unfortunate consequence, the United States ceased to be
the leader in consumer electronics as it became preoccupied with the requirements of the U.S. military, which
was more performance-oriented in its requirements than
the consumer markets.
By the early 1970s, however, management was beginning to lose faith in the science-driven view of industrial research and technological innovation, primarily because few blockbuster products had emerged from the
research funded during the 1950s through the 1970s.
From the mid-1970s on, there has been a marked
change in organization and strategy, as both industry and
government have come to recognize that the classical
form of R&D organizationwith centralized research and
a science driven culturewas simply not working, in part
because new technology was not getting into new products and processes soon enough. Foreign competitors began undermining the traditional markets of many U.S.
Many companies were confronted by the paradox of
being leaders in R&D and laggards in the market. The
fruit of much R&D was being appropriated by domestic
and foreign competitors, and much technology was wasting away in many research laboratories. In telecommunications, Bell Labs contribution to the economy at large
far outstripped its contribution to AT&T. In the semiconductor industry, Fairchilds large research organization
contributed more to the economy through the spin-off



U.S. Venture Capital Disbursements by Stage of Financing, 19871998

Other later stage disbursements

Acquisition and leveraged buyout

Other early stage disbursements



Billions of U.S. Dollars














National Science Board. Science and Engineering Indicators2000. Arlington, Va.: National Science Foundation, 2000.

companies it spawned than to its parent. Xerox Corporations Palo Alto Research Center made stunning contributions to the economy in the area of the personal computer, local area networks, and the graphical user interface
that became the basis of Apples Macintosh computer.
Xerox shareholders were well served too, but most of the
benets ended up in the hands of Xeroxs competitors.
Emergence of the Distributed Approach to
Industrial R&D
Different modes of organization and different funding
priorities were needed. The distinctive competence of
rms was understood to depend upon knowledge diffused
throughout the rm and embedded in new products
promptly placed into the marketplace, rather than being
conned to the R&D laboratory. A new way of conducting R&D and developing new products was needed.
By the 1980s and 1990s, a new model for organizing
research became apparent. First, R&D activity came to
be decentralized inside large corporations themselves,
with the aim to bring it closer to the users. Intel, the world
leader in microprocessors, was spending over $1 billion
per year on R&D, but did not have a separate R&D laboratory. Rather, development was conducted in the manu-



facturing facilities. It didnt invest in fundamental research

at all, except through its funding of Sematech and university research.
Second, many companies were looking to the universities for much of their basic or fundamental research,
maintaining close associations with the science and engineering departments at the major research universities.
Indeed, over the century the percentage of academic research funded by industry grew from 2.7 percent in 1960
to 6.8 percent in 1995. However, strong links between
university research and industrial research is limited primarily to electronics (especially semiconductors), chemical products, medicine, and agriculture. For the most
part, university researchers are insufciently versed in the
particulars of specic product markets and customer needs
to congure products to the needs of the market. Moreover, in many sectors the costs of research equipment are
so high that universities simply cannot participate.
Third, corporations have embraced alliances involving R&D, manufacturing, and marketing in order to get
products to market quicker and leverage off complementary assets already in place elsewhere. (It is important to
note, however, that outsourcing R&D is a complement,


Industrial R&D Expenditures by Funding Source:
19531997 (millions of 1998 U.S. dollars)
Calendar year*


Federal Governmenta






Note: Data are based on annual reports by performers except for the
nonprofit sector; R&D expenditures by nonprofit sector performers have
been estimated since 1973 on the basis of a survey conducted in that year.
*These calendar-year expenditure levels are approximations based on fiscal
year data.
(a) For 19531954, expenditures of industry Federally Funded Research
and Development Centers (FFRDC) were not separated out from total
federal support to the industrial sector. Thus, the figure for federal
support to industry includes support to FFRDCs for those two years.
The same is true for expenditures of nonprofit FFRDCs, which are
included in federal support for nonprofit institutions in 19531954.
(b) Industry sources of industry R&D expenditures include all non-federal
sources of industry R&D expenditures.

National Science Foundation, Division of Science

Resources Studies (NSF/SRS). National Patterns of R&D
Resources: 1998. Arlington, Va.: NSF/SRS, 1998.


not a substitute, to in-house R&D.) Outsourcing and codevelopment arrangements had become common by the
1980s and 1990s (for example Pratt & Whitneys codevelopment programs for jet engines) as the costs of product development increased, and as the antitrust laws were
modied to recognize the benets of cooperation on
R&D and related activities. The National Cooperative
Research Act of 1984 and its amendment in 1993 provided greater clarity with respect to the likely positive
treatment of cooperative efforts relating to technological
innovation and its commercialization. Cooperation was
also facilitated by the emergence of capable potential partners in Europe and Japan.
These developments meant that at the end of the
twentieth century, R&D was being conducted in quite a
different manner from how it was organized at the beginning of the century. Many corporations had closed their
central research laboratories, or dramatically scaled back,
including Westinghouse, RCA, AT&T, and Unocal to
name just a few. Alliances and cooperative efforts of all
kinds were of much greater importance.
Importantly, a transformation in industry structure
brought about through venture capital funded start-ups
was well under way. New business enterprises or startups were in part the cause for the decline of research
laboratories; but in many ways the start-ups still depended
on the organized R&D labs for their birthright.
The Role of Start-ups and Venture Capital
Beginning in the late 1970s, the organized venture capital
industry, providing funding for new enterprise development, rose to signicance. This was particularly true in
industries such as biotech and information services. While
venture capital in one form or another has been around
for much of the twentieth centurythe Rockefellers, Morgans, Mellons, Vanderbilts, Hillmans, and other signicant
families had been funding entrepreneurs for quite some
timeinstitutional sources of money, including pension
funds and university endowments, had become signicant
sources by the 1980s. This dramatically increased the funds
that were available, as well as the professionalism by which
the money provided guidance to a new breed of entrepreneurs, eager to develop and market new products.
As a result, venture funded start-ups have proliferated in many sectors. Thus while in the 1970s Apple
Computer bootstrapped itself into the personal computer industry, in the 1980s Compaq and others received
large infusions of venture capital to get started in the
computer industry. In biotechnology, venture funding has
also grown to great signicance. However, it is extremely
unusual for venture funds to support the efforts of companies making investments in early stage research. Rather,
venture funding tends to be focused on exploiting research, not doing it. Successful start-ups frequently begin
with an idea, and often personnel, that has been incubated
to some level in a research program of an already established rm. Absent incumbent rms and their research



programs, there would be far fewer start-ups. Figure 1

shows that signicant venture funding was present in the
early 1990s, and that it grew drastically from 1995 on, in
part driven by the Internet boom. In 1995, however, it
had risen to a level equal to 5.5 percent of the funds allocated by industry to R&D ($6 billion, compared to $108
billion). The comparison, however, should be used with
care, because only a fraction of venture capital disbursements are likely to qualify as R&D. Nevertheless, the
phenomena of venture funding is signicant, as it is now
a very important channel by which new products and processes come to the market.
Conundrum at the New Millennium
At least compared to half a century earlier, privately
funded research had become more short run in its focus,
and more commercial in its orientation at the millennium.
International competition and the competition from spinouts forced that outcome. The leakage of technology was
such that the earlier stage the research was, the greater
the chance ones competitors would also benet from it.
For example, half a century earlier, AT&T could rely on
the Bell operating companies (BOCs) to each more or less
pay their pro-rata share of the cost of Bell Labs; but the
BOCs were divested in 1984. Their contracts to pay a
xed percent of revenues to supporting research and development were set aside in the breakup of AT&T. There
no longer was an easy appropriability mechanism in place.
By 2000, it was easy in many cases to get a free ride
on the efforts of others, scooping up from the public domain the product of R&D funded by others. Domestic
and foreign rivals were so quick and capable that it was
extremely difcult to justify the support for long-range
Industry and society was thus left with a deep concernthe concern that insufcient resources were being
invested in the scientic seed corn. Perhaps the solution
would lie in more collective funding of research? Perhaps
industrially relevant basic and applied research in universities could be expanded? The issues related more to the
allocation of resources than to the amount. Clearly, as
shown in Table 1, the federal government had continued
throughout the postwar period to provide considerable
resources to support industrial R&D. But whereas it was
more than half of the total in 1960, it was only about 16
percent by 1995. A reallocation of resources from government labs to private and university labs would be one possible avenue to improve programs and augment prosperity.

Chandler, Alfred D. Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial

Capitalism. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1990.
Houndshell, David A. The Evolution of Industrial Research in
the United States. In Engines of Innovation: U.S. Industrial
Research at the End of an Era. Edited by R. S. Rosenbloom
and W. J. Spencer. Boston: Harvard Business School Press,


Manseld, Edwin. The Economics of Technological Change. New

York: Norton, 1968.
Moore, Gordon E. Some Personal Reections on Research in
the Semiconductor Industry. In Engines of Innovation: U.S.
Industrial Research at the End of an Era. Edited by R. S. Rosenbloom and W. J. Spencer. Boston: Harvard Business
School Press, 1996.
Mowery, David C. The Emergence of Growth of Industrial
Research in American Manufacturing, 18991945. Ph.D.
diss., Stanford University, 1981.
Teece, David J. Proting from Technological Innovation. Research Policy 15, no. 6 (1986): 285305.
. The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism: Perspectives
on Alfred Chandlers Scale and Scope (1990). Journal of
Economic Literature 31 (March 1993).

David J. Teece
See also AT&T; Bell Telephone Laboratories; Capitalism;

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. The industrial revolution can be dened as a drastic transformation both of
the processes by which American (and European) society
produced goods for human consumption, and of the social attitudes surrounding these processes. The rst nonambiguous use of the term is attributed to the French
economist Adolphe Blanqui in 1837, but the idea of a
revolution in the industrial sphere showed up in various
forms in the writings of many French and British intellectuals as early as the 1820s. The expression underlines
the depth and speed of the changes observed, and the
fact that they seemed to derive from the introduction of
machine-based factories. Although in Great Britain the
slow process of industrial transformation has led historians there to question the very notion of an industrial
revolution, the speed and radical character of the change
that took place in the United States in the nineteenth
century largely precludes any such discussion.
An Economic and Social Revolution
The spread of new, powerful machines using new sources
of power (water, then coal-generated steam) constituted
the most obvious aspect of this process of change. Alexander Hamiltons Report on Manufactures (1791) made explicit reference to the extension of the use of machinery,
especially in the British cotton industry, and in 1812,
Tench Coxe, a political economist and career ofcial in
the Treasury Department, peppered his Report on the State
of Manufactures in the United States with paeans to laborsaving machinery. Factories built around new machines
became a signicant element in the urban landscapes of
several eastern cities in the 1830s, while railroads brought
steam-powered engines into the daily life of rural areas.
The new industrial order included productivity increases
that made available a wealth of new, nonagricultural goods
and activities. Three out of four American male workers
accounted for in the census of 1800 worked full time in


Textile Mill. Workers in 1869 leave a mill in Lawrence, Mass., one of the worlds leading manufacturing centers for woolen
textiles. Archive Photos, Inc.

agriculture; by 1900 more than two-thirds of the workforce was employed in the manufacturing and service sectors. Another, less visible evolution was even more momentous: in 1800 virtually all Americans were working in
family-sized units of production, based on long-term or
permanent (slaves, spouses) relationships and included
such nonquantitative characteristics as room and board
and moral rules of behavior. When wages were paid,
their amount was a function of these moral customs
(some historians even speak of a moral economy) and
the prosperity of the business as much as of the supply
and demand of labor. A century later, wages determined
by the labor market were becoming the norm, with little
attention paid to custom or the moral imperative of
fair wages. Moreover, employers and employees lived
increasingly disconnected lives, both socially and spatially.
Among many other consequences, this shift eventually led
to a reevaluation of womens work, hitherto left unpaid
within the household, and made untenable rst slavery,
then the segregation with which southern white supremacists hoped to create their own racist version of the labor
market. It is thus impossible to overstate the social and
political impact of the industrial revolution.

From New Machines to Modern Businesses

While the existence of an industrial revolution is hard to
dispute, its chronology and causes are more open to discussion. Technologically, the United States took its rst
steps toward mass production almost immediately after
independence, and had caught up with Great Britain by
the 1830s. Following the British lead, American innovation was concentrated in cotton and transportation. In
1793, after fteen years of experimentation in the Philadelphia and Boston areas, Samuel Slater set up the countrys rst protable cotton-spinning factory in Pawtucket,
Rhode Island. Thomas Jeffersons decision in 1807 to stop
trade with Europe, and the subsequent War of 1812 with
Great Britain, created a protected environment for American manufacturers, and freed commercial capital. This
led to such ventures as the Boston Manufacturing Company, founded under the impulse of Boston merchant
Francis Cabot Lowell in 1813 in Waltham, Massachusetts. The companys investors went on to create a whole
series of new factories in Lowell, Massachusetts, in 1822.
Thanks to a combination of immigrant British technicians, patent infringements, industrial espionage, and local innovations, American power looms were on a par



Child Labor. In this photograph by Lewis W. Hine, c. 1910, two young boys climb up on the spinning frame to do work in a
textile mill in Macon, Ga. Library of Congress

with the English machines by the end of the 1810s. Moreover, Waltham, which combined under one roof all the
processes of textile production, particularly spinning and
weaving, was the rst wholly integrated textile factory in
the world. Still, despite the development of a highpressure steam engine by inventor Oliver Evans in Philadelphia in 1804, American cotton manufacturers, and
American industry in general, lagged in the use of steam.
In 1833, Secretary of the Treasury Louis McLanes federal
survey of American industry reported few steam engines
outside of the Pittsburgh area, whereas James Watts
steam engine, perfected between 1769 and 1784, was used
throughout Great Britain by 1800.
However, in 1807, the maiden run of Robert Fultons
rst steamboat, the Clermont, on the Hudson River
marked the rst commercial application of steam to transportation, a eld in which Americans were most active.
The rst commercial railroad in the United States, the
Baltimore and Ohio, was launched in 1828, three years
after its rst British counterpart. In 1829, the British inventor George Stephenson introduced his Rocket engine;
the New Jersey transportation magnate John Stevens


bought one two years later and had built three improved
(and patent-infringing) copies by 1833. His son, Robert
L. Stevens, added his own contribution by creating the
modern T-rail. John Stevens also gave technical information to young Matthias Baldwin of Philadelphia, who
launched what would become the Baldwin Locomotive
Works with his rst engine, the Ironsides, built in 1832.
With the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, and the
ensuing canal craze, a spate of canal construction extending into the 1840s, all the ingredients of the so-called
transportation revolution were in place.
Between the 1820s and the Civil War, American machinery surpassed that of their British competitors, a superiority made public at the Crystal Palace Exhibition
in London in 1851. For instance, under the impulse of
John Hall, a machinist who began working at the Harpers
Ferry federal gun factory in 1820, American gun makers
developed a production process precise and mechanized
enough to produce standardized, interchangeable gun
parts; such an approach would make the fortune of gun
maker Samuel Colt in the 1850s. Standardized production was eventually applied to other goods, starting with


Isaac Merritt Singers sewing machines, sold commercially from 1851 on. The biggest advance in communications technology since the railroad greatly improved
mail delivery, was the telegraph, an American innovation
introduced by Samuel F. B. Morse between Washington,
D.C., and Baltimore in 1844. The 18301860 period is
most important, however, for its organizational innovations. Up to then, cotton manufacturers, steamboat promoters, and railroad administrators alike were less concerned with productivity than with turning a quick prot
through monopolies, cartels, and niche markets. Accounting was sloppy at best, making precise cost control
impossible. Subcontracting was the rule, as well as piecework rather than wages. In this environment, technical
innovations that sped production could lessen costs for
the manufacturer only if piece rates were cut accordingly.
This began to occur in American cotton factories from
1828 on (leading to the rst modern industrial conicts
in Manayunk and other factories around Philadelphia, six
years before the better-known strikes in Lowell and other
New England centers in 1834). It was not until the 1840s
and 1850s that modern business procedures were introduced. These included the accounting innovations of
Louis McLane, at this time president of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, and his chief engineer, Benjamin Latrobe, and the organizational overhaul of the Pennsylvania Railroad launched by its president, J. Edgar Thompson, in 1853.
By the Civil War, competent technicians and
productivity-minded administrators were revolutionizing
one industry after another, a process that became generalized after 1870. Organizers and inventors systematically
allied with each other; in Pittsburgh, Alexander L. Holley
built for Andrew Carnegie the most modern steel mill in
the world, the Edgar Thomson works, which opened in
1875. Sometimes organizer and inventor were one and
the same, as in the case of Thomas Edison, who set up an
experimental laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey, in
1876, developed the rst electric lightbulb in 1879, and
went on to build what became General Electric. In other
elds, the pioneers were superseded by outsiders. Colonel
Edwin Drake was the rst person to successfully use drilling to extract oil from the earth, which he did in Titusville, Pennsylvania, in 1859, but John D. Rockefeller was
the man who succeeded in gaining control over 90 percent of American reneries between 1865 and 1879, creating with Standard Oil the rst modern monopoly in
America. The systematized search for productivity led to
systematized research and development through the combined use of applied research and funding from large corporations, university-based science, and federal subsidies.
From oil and electricity to chemistry, the pace of innovation became such that the period has been called a second industrial revolution (actually a misnomer, since
rates of growth were not signicantly higher than in the
previous period). Similarly, the search for economies of
scale led to giant factories, great concentrations of workers, and widespread urbanization. The search for new

outlets for constantly increasing output led to mass consumption and advertisement. And the search for lower
costs prompted bloody battles with workers. Compromise in this area was slowly reached; in 1914, Henry Ford
introduced the idea that high wages meant efcient workers and useful consumers, and Roosevelt and the New
Deal, from 1933 on, set up a social security system giving
those same workers a safety net in hard times. Thus, much
of the history of the late-nineteenth and the twentieth
centuries is the history of the struggle to come to terms
with the economic, political, and social consequences of
the new forms of organization of human production developed before the Civil War and systematized in the
Gilded Age. More generally, the industrial revolution inaugurated trends that perpetuated themselves into the
twenty-rst century and can properly be described as the
matrix of the contemporary world.

Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap
Press, 1977.
Cochran, Thomas C. Frontiers of Change: Early Industrialism in
America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.
Cohen, Isaac. American Management and British Labor: A Comparative Study of the Cotton Spinning Industry. New York:
Greenwood Press, 1990.
Hounshell, David A. From the American System to Mass Production, 18001932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984.
Jeremy, David J. Transatlantic Industrial Revolution: The Diffusion
of Textile Technologies between Britain and America, 1790
1830s. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1981.
Licht, Walter. Industrializing America: The Nineteenth Century.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.
Scranton, Philip. Endless Novelty: Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 18651925. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1997.
Zunz, Olivier. Why the American Century? Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1998.

Pierre Gervais
See also Embargo Act; Railroads; Standard Oil Company;
Steam Power and Engines; Steamboats; and vol. 9: Mill
Workers Letter on the Hardships in the Textile Mills.


(IWW) had a major impact on the American labor movement, despite its rotating membership and controversial
methods. The activities of its members, called Wobblies
for the W in its acronym, entered the folklore of an
underclass of hoboes and migratory labor.
The unprecedented American economic development
in the late nineteenth century expanded the factory system and mechanization. The new kinds of industries subsumed the labor previously performed by skilled craftspeople and required an increase in the hired workforce.



To meet the need for workers, industries relied heavily on

migration from rural America and massive immigration
from overseas. Proponents of American labor organizations faced a complex and layered workforce in an industrial environment that had outgrown the existing form of
unionism. By the early 1880s, the Knights of Labor had
organized hundreds of thousands of workers of all sorts
into a fraternal, cooperative order that lacked a clear focus
on the workplace. By 1886, skilled workers who had such
a focus formed the American Federation of Labor (AFL),
which was preoccupied with the defensive protection of
craft unionism and its privileges.
As the panic of 1893 created conditions conducive to
unionization, three notable currents adamantly urged what
was called industrial unionism. First, ideologically motivated working-class radicals launched the Socialist Trade
and Labor Alliance (STLA), hoping to follow the success
of the German social democracy in organizing new unions. Second, working conditions on the railroads, arguably the most important industry of the age, convinced
growing numbers of engineers, remen, brakemen, switchmen, conductors, porters, and others that they needed to
replace or supplement their craft organizations with the
common American Railway Union (ARU). In the harsh
and often violent circumstances of the Far West, local
unions combined into the Western Federation of Miners
(WFM). While the STLA largely degenerated into a propaganda vehicle for the Socialist Labor Party, the local,
state, and federal authorities intervened with troops to
break the ARU in the 1894 Pullman Strike and over the
next few years clashed with armed WFM members in bitter disputes at Cripple Creek and Leadville, Colorado,
and Coeur dAlene, Idaho. Blaming the fraternal and defensive AFL for protecting membership concerns rather
than expressing class interests, the tough-minded miners
attempted to form the nucleus of a rival general association of workers in conjunction with the Western Labor
Union (1898) and the American Labor Union (1902), but
those efforts came to naught. Based on the prestige of
having led a series of tough campaigns against Colorado
employers in 1903 and 1904, the WFM sponsored a January 1905 conference in Chicago that called for a new
national union.
On 27 June 1905, the convention gathered in Chicagos Brand Hall. The more than two hundred delegates
included Daniel De Leon, the reorganizer of the Socialist
Labor Party and the inspiration for the STLA; Eugene
Debs, the once-imprisoned president of the old ARU and
at the time of the convention the most prominent national
spokesperson for the new Socialist Party; the white-haired
and aged Mother Mary Jones, long an organizer of coal
miners in the East; and Lucy Parsons, the mulatto anarchist widow of Albert Parsons, who was judicially murdered only blocks away from Brand Hall almost twenty
years earlier over the Haymarket affair. This gathering,
which William D. Big Bill Haywood of the WFM called


Big Bill Haywood. Miner and militant cofounder of the

IWW, he was acquitted in 1907 in the assassination two years
earlier of the former governor of Idaho but convicted a decade
later of sedition during World War I, after which Haywood
ed to Russia, where he died in 1928. UPI/corbis-Bettmann

the Continental Congress of the working-class, launched

the IWW.
The AFL, the Knights of Labor, and numerous other
unions had started with resolutions discussing a class
struggle between capital and labor, but the new movement discussed the subject as a matter of course. We are
here, said Haywood, to confederate the workers of this
country into a working-class movement that shall have
for its purpose the emancipation of the working-class
from the slave bondage of capitalism. The preamble to
the constitution of the IWW stated bluntly: The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want
are found among millions of working people and the few,
who make up the employing class, have all the good things
of life.
The founders of the IWW were vague about how
they might achieve their goals and made no commitment
regarding politics. The seriousness of those omissions became evident at the second convention in 1906. There, in
the absence of Haywood, Debs, and other prominent
founders, De Leon led a successful movement in opposition to what the socialists called the conservative WFM


leadership, though, in fact, Vincent St. John and other

WFM leaders backed the opposition as well. The movement not only ousted President Charles Sherman but
abolished the ofce itself, assigning William Trautmann
as their general organizer.
Meanwhile, the WFM faced a major crisis. In the
closing hours of 1905, someone assassinated the Idaho
governor Frank Steunenberg, who had confronted the
WFM at Coeur dAlene. During early 1906, Idaho authorities illegally crossed state lines to kidnap the WFM
ofcials Haywood and Charles Moyer and the prounionist Denver shopkeeper George A. Pettibone. As the WFM
debated the factional battle that transformed the IWW,
its leaders prepared for a trial (9 May27 July 1907) that
made them an international cause cele`bre defended by the
famed criminal attorney Clarence Darrow. Their acquittal publicized the new union without resolving its studied
ambiguities about politics and power.
In its rst years, the IWW organized workers and led
strikes from Portland, Oregon, to Skowhegan, Maine.
Determined to organize unskilled workers regardless of
sex, ethnicity, or race, the IWW rarely won a strong, permanent membership capable of withstanding reversals in
many of these communities. Many workers joined to strike
and left with its completion. Where other unions had
sought to lead, the IWW was led by its own sense of
principle and duty to take up workers grievances. That
same mistrust of would-be leaders that had turned out the
Sherman regime in 1906 seemed to mandate a repudiation of De Leons doctrinaire socialist industrial unionism at the 1908 convention. The IWW had dened itself
by deciding what it was not, embracing a broad spectrum
of currents initially and then removing selected ones. By
1908, this process had reduced the membership in the
organization to 3,700.
Nevertheless, the IWW was a distinctive labor movement. Under St. John (19081915) and later Haywood
(19151918), the union became what the latter called socialism with its working clothes on. This new kind of
unionism advocated the overthrow of capitalism not at the
ballot box, which it mistrusted, but through direct action on the job. Rooted in the North American experience, the IWW developed a distinctive version of what
was coming to be called syndicalism in Europe. It sought
to organize all workers into one big union, a new, democratized, and self-governing power, through the ongoing quest for a consensus in practice. Its version of a
labor movement was the frame of the new in the shell
of the old. Using progressively stronger methods of direct action, workers broke through the shell of capitalist
ownership in production and distribution. The process
precluded the kinds of legal recognition and contract
agreements essential to the pure and simple unionism
of the AFL.
The IWW approach became a touchstone for the
radicals who later gained prominence in socialist circles.
Adhering to the IWW vision, William Z. Foster never-

theless insisted on boring from within the established

AFL unions to win them to socialism. Many young radicals, like James P. Cannon, alternated between functioning as a Wobbly and as a member of the Socialist Party.
In the ush of success after the Russian Revolution of
1917, Foster, Cannon, John Reed, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn,
and a number of others associated with the revolutionary
goals of the IWW founded the Communist Party, USA,
although the party expelled Cannon for criticisms of the
Soviet regime rooted in his IWW preoccupations with
the democratic standards essential to a future workingclass self-government.
Small but militant, the IWW determined to organize
some of the most disadvantaged of the unorganized, particularly the unemployed or the marginally and oftenmigratory employed workers. Farm laborers and other
migrant workers regularly traveled by freight train and
gathered in the large markets near the rail yards. IWW
organizers sought to carry their message of unionism
to these workers in the yards and in the railroad cars
At the time, municipal governments struggled to
regulate public life, imposing requirements for special
permits to hold meetings and establishing armed police
departments to enforce such ordinances. Accusing authorities of placing an admission price on the use of the
Bill of Rights, IWW speakers had no alternative but to
defy these restrictions, and they faced arrest when they
did so. The otherwise powerful IWW base found its real
strength in numbers here. As the authorities seized one
after another IWW speaker, they found hundreds of unemployed people lling their jails to capacity. The IWW
pursued this approach deliberately, waging impressive free
speech ghts at Missoula, Montana (1909); Spokane,
Washington (19091910); Fresno, California (19101911);
Aberdeen, South Dakota (19111912); San Diego, California (1912); and Kansas City, Missouri (1914).
Wobblies brought the same kind of militancy into its
strikes. Perhaps the most successful strike waged by the
IWW came in the textile industry in Lawrence, Massachusetts, from 12 January to 14 March 1912. The estimated twenty-three thousand strikers not only represented, with their dependents, about three-fths of the
citys population, they also represented over two dozen nationalities and nearly four dozen languages. Their success
despite the odds brought the IWW to national attention.
The IWW doubtlessly began the process that enabled the Congress of Industrial Organizations to successfully establish industrial unions in the 1930s. The
IWW organized drives and strikes in steel at McKees
Rocks, New Castle, and Butler in Pennsylvania (1909); in
silk textiles at Paterson, New Jersey (1913); in rubber at
Akron, Ohio (1913); and in automobiles at Detroit, Michigan (1913). Signicantly, in 19111912, southern veterans
of the IWW efforts in the Northwest returned to the
Louisiana-Texas border, sparking a series of labor struggles characterized by a distinctive interracial solidarity.



moral suasion of the free speech ghts. San Diego and

other municipalities frankly sought to defeat the free
speech ghts by sanctioning beatings and torture of jailed
unionists who would exercise free speech. Authorities at
Salt Lake City arrested and convicted the Swedish-born
IWW songwriter Joe Hill of a murder based on so little
substantive evidence that it disappeared after his trial. Despite an international defense campaign, Hill was executed in 1915. In Washington State, when Seattle supporters took the public passenger boat Verona to Everett
in 1917 for a rally in support of local strikers, armed deputies opened re on the boat, resulting in over sixty casualties, including a dozen fatalities. Subsequently, Seattle
authorities arrested and tried seventy-four of the passengers. So many Wobblies were behind bars together at different points that their hunger strikes and other means
won concessions in often unheated and overcrowded jails.
Vigilantes assailed not only strikers but their families. In
Bisbee, Arizona, twelve hundred men, women, and children were illegally detained, loaded onto cattle cars, and
dumped in the desert on 12 July 1917.

Joe Hill. The IWW organizer and singer-songwriter shortly

before his arrest in 1914 on murder charges and his execution
in 1915; at least two songs were inspired by this posthumous
folk hero of the labor movementwhose last message, sent to
Bill Haywood, was, Dont waste any time in mourning.
Organize. Seattle Post-Intelligencer Collection; Museum of
History & Industry/corbis

After 19121913, IWW activity tended to refocus on

the West. The union inspired the riot of farm labor at
Wheatland, California, in 1913, and miners elbowed the
IWW into prominence within the intensely unionist town
of Butte, Montana, in 1914 and on the Mesabi Range
north of Duluth, Minnesota, in 1916. Activities among
the lumberjacks of the Northwest created a large following in western Canada and Washington. These endeavors
saw local surges of interest in the IWW that receded after
the struggles close. Membership ofcially reached
around thirty thousand in 1912, but fell to nearly half that
in each of the next three years. Wildly uctuating membership and a base largely among the most transitory
workers inspired speculation that as many as 60,000 to
100,000 workers passed through the organization.
Violent repression characterized the history of the
IWW. In company towns or work camps, employers ruled
under their own law and ruthlessly met any move toward
unionization, particularly by an organization that denied
their claim to prot. Some city governments sometimes
grudgingly conceded unionism a platform due to the


Governments at every level turned a blind eye toward

extralegal assaults on the IWW, though in the proper progressive fashion, they soon assumed that function themselves. Beginning in 1917, states passed unconstitutional
criminal syndicalist legislation that made it a crime to
advocate self-government through a labor organization.
By then the federal authorities had determined to preclude any discussion of the merits of its decision to bring
the United States into World War I. On the day after
President Woodrow Wilson asked for a declaration of war
but before that declaration had been passed, on 3 April
1917, local police escorted off duty military to close the
IWW headquarters in Kansas City. The action inspired
similar attacks in Detroit, Duluth, and other IWW centers. A mob in Butte lynched the part-Indian organizer
Frank Little from a railroad trestle on 31 July 1917. As in
other industrial nations, ofcials in the United States,
frustrated by the constitutional, legal, and cultural checks
on their authority, found extralegal means to remove from
public discourse those who had broken no law but who
disagreed with government policy.
Modern war among similar industrial nations required
government involvement in the economy, including the
labor movement. The IWWs refusal to participate in
contractual wage agreements in this context made it
appear treasonable. Aided by what became the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, the government arrested, imprisoned, and eventually tried a considerable number of
the IWWs leadership. Those behind bars in Chicago;
Sacramento, California; Wichita, Kansas; and Omaha,
Nebraska, totaled nearly three hundred. Alongside the
mechanisms of government, state-sponsored vigilantism
continued, as when the American Legion assaulted the
IWW hall in Centralia, Washington, on 11 November
1919, murdering Wesley Everest, a distinguished war veteran as well as an IWW member.


The IWW survived the repression, though clearly it

did not and could not have done so as the sort of organization that had existed before. The radical unionism of
the IWW reemerged briey in the massive postwar strike
wave in 1919, but other organizations had displaced the
IWW. Out of jail on bail, Haywood ed to Russia. In
some localized industries, notably the docks of Philadelphia, the IWW survived through the 1920s and 1930s by
negotiating contracts and functioning as a trade union. As
a small group urging more militant unionism and the necessity of one big union, the IWW survived. The Wobblies faith in social transformation through class solidarity and their demonstrations of that power provided a
legacy that outlasted the later illusions in Soviet Russia.

Bird, Stewart, Dan Georgakas, and Deborah Shaffer, comps. Solidarity Forever: An Oral History of the IWW. Chicago: Lake
View Press, 1985.
Conlin, Joseph Robert. Bread and Roses Too: Studies of the Wobblies.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1974.
, ed. At the Point of Production: The Local History of the
IWW. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1981.
Dubofsky, Melvyn. We Shall Be All: A History of the Industrial
Workers of the World. Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
Foner, Philip S. ed. Fellow Workers and Friends: IWW Free Speech
Fights as Told by Participants. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood,
Hall, Greg. Harvest Wobblies: The Industrial Workers of the World
and Agricultural Laborers in the American West, 19051930.
Corvalis: Oregon State University Press, 2001.
Werstein, Irving. Pie in the Sky: An American Struggle: The Wobblies and Their Times. New York: Delacorte, 1969.

Mark A. Lause
See also American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organizations; American Railway Union; Knights
of Labor; Labor; Lawrence Strike; Socialist Labor Party;
Steel Strikes; Strikes; Trade Unions; Western Federation of Miners.

INDUSTRIES, COLONIAL. During the colonial

period most people engaged in agriculture. A greatly diversied agriculture in the North contrasted with the extreme importance of tobacco in the South. However, from
the earliest days of settlement many other industries developed. The vast natural resources of the coast and continent facilitated many of these early enterprises. Shipbuilding, shing, fur trapping, iron making, and the
production of textiles and naval stores helped provide the
basis of the colonial economy.
Shipbuilding was an industry of primary importance.
Colonists built wooden vessels varying in weight from a
few to several hundred tons for the sheries, the coastal
trade, and trade with the West Indies, Great Britain, and

foreign countries. Boston, Salem, New Haven, Portsmouth, and Philadelphia became shipbuilding centers.
Shipbuilding created or stimulated many other industries.
Among these were the making of sails, rope, nails, spikes,
anchors, and chain plates, as well as caulking and painting.
Coastal shing and whaling were carried on in most
colonies, but in New England shing the banks for cod,
mackerel, bass, herring, halibut, hake, sturgeon, and other
ocean sh developed into a leading industry. Allied to the
shing industry, and often considered a part of it, was
whaling. By the close of the seventeenth century, Plymouth, Salem, and Nantucket, Massachusetts, and villages
on the eastern end of Long Island were doing a protable
business in supplying the demand for spermaceti, sperm
oil, whalebone, and ambergris. After the opening of the
eighteenth century, whaling expanded to a remarkable extent, as whalers often pursued their prey to Arctic waters.
Before the colonial period ended, several hundred vessels
were engaged in this perilous industry.
The fur trade was also important from the time the
rst settlements were founded. The abundance of furbearing animals provided opportunities for trapping, frequently as an occupation supplemental to farming. The
trade in furs, large quantities of which were secured from
the Indians, provided a valuable source of income. Signicant in its industrial and commercial aspects, the fur
trade was also of great importance in pointing the way to



the West, as trappers and traders pressed after the retreating fur-bearing animals. Like the sheries, the fur trade
was an important factor in colonial rivalries, especially
between England and France, and was partly responsible
for many of the intercolonial struggles.

Vickers, Daniel. Farmers and Fishermen: Two Centuries of Work in

Essex County, Massachusetts, 16301850. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994.

Iron making was an industry that reached relatively

large proportions. The basic mining and smelting processes generally occurred on plantations or large estates
where fuel for the ironworks and food for the workers
could be obtained. From the bar iron produced, blacksmiths and other artisans, scattered in villages, towns, and
cities, fashioned tools, implements, and other hardware.

See also Colonial Commerce; Colonial Ships; Fur Trade and

Trapping; Iron and Steel Industry; Naval Stores; Salt;

Textile production was largely a household industry.

Imported textiles were expensive and therefore almost
every home had a spinning wheel and handloom to produce rough serges and linsey-woolseys. Textiles were made
chiey from wool and ax; cotton was used to a much
lesser extent. Before the Revolution a few shops were established in New England and in other places where several looms were brought together under one roof, thus
preguring the coming factory system. Among the long
list of home manufactures in addition to textiles were furniture, tools and other implements, wagons, harnesses,
and nails. Meal, hominy, maple sugar, dried fruits, candles, lye, and soap were also produced on the farms.
Pine forest productstar, pitch, rosin, and turpentineas well as masts and spars were exported to the
mother country from all sections of the seaboard, especially from the southern colonies. In addition to naval
stores, quantities of planks, boards, shingles, barrel staves,
and even house frames were produced at sawmills and
exported to the West Indies and elsewhere. Among forest
industries, the production of potash and pearl ashwhich
are made from wood ashesmust be included. Mainly
incidental to the clearing of land, these two products were
in demand, especially in England, for bleaching and soap
Other important colonial industries included tanning
and leatherworking establishments, fulling mills, gristmills, powder mills, saltworks, paper mills, printing shops,
glassworks, brick kilns, rearms shops, copper shops,
breweries, and distilleries. In connection with the lastmentioned industry, the distillation of rum in New England was important and lucrative.

Arthur C. Bining / h. s.

INFLATION. The denition of ination cannot be

separated from that of the price level. Economists measure the price level by computing a weighted average of
consumer prices or so-called producer prices. The value
of the average is arbitrarily set equal to one (or one hundred) in a base year, and the index in any other year is
expressed relative to the base year. The value of the consumer price index in 1999 was 167, relative to a value of
100 in 1982 (the base year). That is, prices in 1999 were
67 percent higher on average than in 1982.
Ination occurs when the price level rises from one
period to the next. The rate of ination expresses the increase in percentage terms. Thus, a 3 percent annual ination rate means that, on average, prices rose 3 percent
over the previous year. Theoretically, the rate of ination
could be by the hour or the minute. For an economy
suffering from hyperinationGermany in the 1920s
is an examplethis might be an appropriate thing to do
(assuming the data could be collected and processed
quickly enough). For the contemporary United States,
which has never experienced hyperination, the rate of
ination is reported on a monthly basis.
Deation is the opposite of ination: a fall in the
price level. Prior to World War II deation was quite
common in the United States, but since World War II,
ination has been the norm. Prewar deation took two
forms. First, the price level might decline very sharply
during an economic downturn. This happened, for example, in the early 1840s, when the country was hit by a
severe depression, as well as during the Great Depression
of the 1930s. Second, deation might occur over long
periods of time, including periods of economic expansion.
For example, the price level in the United States in 1860
was lower than in 1820, yet during these four decades the
economy grew rapidly and experienced much structural


McCusker, John J., and Russell R. Menard. The Economy of British America, 16071789. Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 1985.
Perkins, Edwin J. The Economy of Colonial America. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1988.
Shepherd, James F., and Gary M. Walton. Shipping, Maritime
Trade, and the Economic Development of Colonial North America. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1972.
Tunis, Edwin. Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American
Industry. Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing, 1965.


Measuring Inflation
The measurement of the price level is a difcult task and,
therefore, so is the measurement of the ination rate. For
example, many economists believe that the consumer
price index has overstated the rate of ination in recent
decades because improvements in the quality of goods
and services are not adequately reected in the index. An
index that held quality constant, according to this view,
would show a smaller rate of price increase from year to
year, and thus a smaller average rate of ination.


It is important to recognize that a positive rate of

ination, as measured by a price index, does not mean
that all prices have increased by the same proportion.
Some prices may rise relative to others. Some might even
fall in absolute terms, and yet, on average, ination is still
The distinction between absolute and relative price
change is important in understanding the theory behind
the effects of ination on economic activity. In the simplest static (one-period) economic model of consumer
behavior, a fully anticipated (understood and expected
by consumers and producers) doubling of all pricesthe
prices of the various consumer goods and the prices of
the various productive inputs (factors of production,
like labor)does not change the structure of relative
prices and therefore should have no effect on the quantities of goods demanded. Similarly, the conventional
model of producer behavior predicts that a doubling of
all prices would not affect output price relative to the cost
of production and therefore would not affect the quantity
of goods supplied. The nominal value of GNP (gross national product) would double, but the real value would
remain constant. In such a model, money is said to be
neutral, and consumers and producers are free of
money illusion. In more complex, dynamic models, it
is possible that a sustained, higher rate of ination would
alter consumers desired holds of money versus other assets (for example, real estate) and this might change real
economic activity.
When ination is unexpected, however, it is entirely
possibleindeed, almost inevitablethat real economic
activity will be affected. Throughout American history
there is evidence that money wages are sticky relative
to prices; that is, changes in money wages lag behind (unexpected) changes in the price level. During the early
years of the Great Depression of the 1930s, nominal
hourly wages fell but not nearly as much as prices. With
the real price of labor too high, unemployment was the
inevitable result. When ination is unexpected, consumers or producers may react as if relative prices are changing, rather than the absolute price level. This can occur
especially if the economy experiences a price shock in
a key sectorfor example, an unexpected rise in the price
of oilthat sets off a chain of price increases of related
products, and a downturn in economic activity.
Causes of Inflation
All of which begs the underlying question: What ultimately causes ination (or deation)? Although this is still
a matter of dispute among economists in the details, most
believe that ination typically occurs when the supply of
money increases more rapidly than the demand for
money; or equivalent, when the supply of money per unit
of output is increasing. This might occur within a single
country; in a global economy, it can also spill over from
one country to another. The supply of money per unit of
output can increase either because the velocity at which

it circulates in the economy has increased or, holding velocity constant, because the stock of money per unit of
output has increased.
This leads to another question: What factors determine the rate of growth of the money supply relative to
money demand? The demand for money depends on the
overall scale of economic activity, along with interest
rates, which measure the opportunity cost of holding
money balances. The supply of money depends on the
so-called monetary regimethe institutional framework by which money is created.
During the nineteenth century and part of the twentieth, the United States adhered to the gold standard and,
at times, a bimetallic (silver) standard. Under the gold
standard, the money supply was backed (guaranteed) by
holdings of gold, so the supply of money could grow only
as rapidly as the governments holdings of specie. If these
holdings increased more slowly than the demand for
money, the price level would fall. Conversely, if holdings
of specie increased more rapidly than the demand for
money, the price level could rise. Generally, the latter
would occur with the discovery of new deposits of gold
(or silver) in the United Statesor elsewhere, because
gold owed across international bordersas occurred in
California in the late 1840s, or in South Africa in the late
During periods of war the money supply was augmented with paper money. For example, during the Civil
War, both the Union and Confederate governments issued greenbacks as legal tender. The price level rose
sharply during the war years. Real wages fell, producing
an ination tax that both sides used to help pay for the
war effort.
In the contemporary United States, the main institutional determinant of the money supply is the Federal
Reserve. The Fed can affect the growth of the money
supply in several ways. First, it can engage in open market
operations, the buying and selling of government securities. When the Fed buys securities, it injects money into
the system; conversely, when it sells securities, it pulls
money out. Second, the Fed can alter certain features of
the banking system that affect the ability of banks to create money. Banks take in deposits, from which they make
loans. The supply of loanable funds, however, is larger
than the stock of deposits because banks are required only
to keep a fraction of deposits as reserves. The Fed can
alter the reserve ratio, or it can alter the rate of interest
that it charges itself to lend money to banks.
Most economists believe that the Federal Reserve,
when deciding upon monetary policy, faces a short-run
trade-off between ination and unemployment. In the
long run, unemployment tends toward a natural rate
that reects basic frictions in the labor market and that is
independent of the rate of ination. If the goal in the
short run is to reduce unemployment, the Fed may need
to tolerate a moderate ination rate. Conversely, if the



goal is to lower the ination rate, this may require a slowdown in economic activity and a higher unemployment
rate. Since World War II, the Federal Reserve has sought
to keep ination at a low to moderate level. This is because a high or accelerating rate of ination is typically
followed by a recession. Some economists believe that,
rather than trying to ne-tune the economy, the Fed
should grow the money supply at a steady, predictable
It is sometimes argued that ination is good for debtors and bad for creditors, and bad for persons on xed
incomes. A debtor, so goes the argument, benets from
ination because loans are taken out in todays dollars,
but repaid in the future when, because of ination, a dollar will be worth less than today. However, to the extent
that ination is correctly anticipatedor rationally expectedthe rate of interest charged for the loanthe
nominal ratewill be the real rate of interest plus the
expected rate of ination. More generally, any xed income contract expressed in nominal terms can be negotiated in advance to take proper account of expected ination. However, if ination or deation is unanticipated,
it can have severe distributional effects. During the Great
Depression millions of Americans lost their homes because their incomes fell drastically relative to their mortgage payments.
Inflation in American History
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and, indeed,
in the rst half of the twentieth century, ination was
uncommon. Major bouts of ination were associated with
wars, minor bouts with short-term economic expansions
(booms). The booms usually ended in nancial panics, with prices falling sharply. During the nineteenth
century this pattern played itself out several times, against
a backdrop of long-term deation.
The rst wartime experience with ination in U.S.
history occurred during the American Revolution. Prior
to the Revolution ination did occur periodically when
colonial governments issued bills of credit and permitted
them to circulate as money, but these were banned by
Parliament between 1751 and 1764. When war broke out,
bills of credit were again circulated in large numbers. Because the increase in the money supply far exceeded the
growth of output during this period, the price level rose
Wartime inations in American history have typically
been followed by severe deations, and the Revolution
was no exception. After dropping by two-thirds between
1781 and 1789, prices rebounded and eventually stabilized. The next big ination occurred with the War of
1812. Briefer and less intense than its revolutionary counterpart, prices fell sharply after peaking in 1814. The price
level continued to trend downward in the 1820s but reversed course in the mid-1830s during a brief boom. A
nancial panic ensued, and the country plunged into a
severe downturn accompanied by an equally severe dea-


tion. The economy began to recover after 1843, and the

price level remained stable until the mid-1850s, when,
fueled by the recent gold discoveries in California, ination returned. Again, however, a nancial panic occurred
and prices fell. In 1860, the eve of the Civil War, the price
level in the United States was 28 percent below the level
in 1800; that is, the preceding six decades were characterized by long-term deation.
To help nance the war effort, Congress and the
Confederacy both issued paper money. Ination followed,
peaking in 1864. The price level dropped sharply after
the war and, except for a brief period in the early 1880s,
continued on a downward course for the remainder of the
nineteenth century.
The discovery of gold in South Africa in the mid1890s signaled another expansion of the money supply.
Prices rose moderately after 1896, stabilizing in the years
just prior to World War I. Ination returned with a vengeance during the war, with prices rising by nearly 228
percent between 1914 and 1920. Once again, a sharp
postwar recession was accompanied by deation, but recovery ensured the price level remained stable for the remainder of the 1920s.
Following the stock market crash in October 1929,
a deep and prolonged deation accompanied the dramatic
bust that became the Great Depression. Prices fell by
one-third between 1929 and 1932. Nominal hourly wages
did not fall as much as prices, however, and unemployment rose sharply, to nearly a quarter of the labor force.
Convinced that higher wages and higher prices were the
key to renewed prosperity, the New Deal administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt adopted a multipronged attack: raising prices directly via the National
Recovery Act, reforming the banking system, and expanding the money supply. The price level did turn
around beginning in 1933 but fell once again in 1938 during a brief recession.
It took the Nazis and the Japanese invasion of Pearl
Harbor to reinvigorate the inationary process in the
United States. Unemployment dropped sharply, putting
considerable upward pressure on wages and prices. To
some extent this pressure was abated through the use of
wage and price controls that lasted from 1942 to 1946,
although it is widely believed that ofcial price indexes
for the period understate the true ination because many
transactions took place at high black market prices, and
these are not incorporated into the ofcial indexes.
In the years since World War II the United States
has experienced almost continuous ination, the only exception being very slight deation in the early 1950s. The
ination rate was nonetheless quite moderate until the
expansion of the Vietnam War in the late 1960s. A reluctant President Richard Nixon mandated a series of price
controls from 1971 to 1974, but these did little to stem
the tide of rising prices, particularly after an international
oil embargo in 19731974 caused energy prices to sky-


rocket. Overall in the 1970s the consumer price index rose

at an average annual rate of nearly 7.5 percent, compared
with 2.7 percent per year in the 1960s. A sharp recession
in the early 1980s coupled with activist monetary policy
cut the ination rate to an average of 4.6 percent between
1980 and 1990. Ination fell further in the 1990s, to an
average of 2.7 percent (19901999).
As noted, the federal government reports the ination rate on a monthly basis. Recent data may be found
in the U.S. Census Bureaus publication, Statistical Abstract of the United States, and on-line at the Bureaus Web
site ( or the Web site of the Bureau of
Labor Statistics ( For long-term historical
data on the price level, readers should consult the various
editions of Historical Statistics of the United States or the
volume by McCusker (2001).

Friedman, Milton, and Anna Jacobson Schwartz. A Monetary

History of the United States. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1963.
Hanes, Chris. Prices and Price Indices. In Historical Statistics
of the United States, Millennial Edition. Edited by Susan B.
Carter, Scott S. Gartner, Michael Haines, Alan L. Olmstead, Richard Sutch, and Gavin Wright. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
McCusker, John J. How Much Is that in Real Money? A Historical
Price Index for Use as a Deator of Money Values in the Economy
of the United States. Worcester, Mass.: American Antiquarian Society, 2001.

The principal methods available to nance the war

were taxation, borrowing, and printing money. The Confederacy was able to raise little of its wartime revenue
from taxes, and usually Confederate bonds found but a
meager market. Consequently, the government met most
of its expenses by issuing ever-increasing amounts of treasury notes. By the end of 1862, treasury notes outstanding
plus issues by the various southern states totaled $500
million and were worth only one-third that amount in
gold. A year later this amount had increased to more than
$700 million, and gold was quoted in paper notes at 20
for 1. By the end of 1864, the amount of currency had
risen to $1 billion, and the gold quotation was 40 for 1
before that year-end.
The Confederate government was not the only one
issuing notes in the South. States, counties, cities, and
private businesses also issued their own money. Banks,
which had been freed from the compulsion to redeem
notes in specie early in the war, issued large quantities.
And counterfeit notes swelled this sea of paper. As a consequence, the South experienced runaway ination. During the war, prices in the Confederacy rose more than
9,000 percent. The ination rate in the North was only
about 80 percent.
Although the collapse of the currency came with the
loss of the war, it would have occurred shortly in any
event. The ination in the Confederacy ended in a complete loss of value of Confederate issues and exacerbated
the burdens of the war upon southerners.

Parkin, Michael. Ination. In The New Palgrave: A Dictionary

of Economics. Edited by John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, and
Peter Newman. Vol 2. New York: Stockton Press, 1987.


Rolnick, Arthur J., and Warren E. Weber. Money, Ination,

and Output Under Fiat and Commodity Standards. Journal of Political Economy 105 (December 1997): 13081321.

Donald, David Herbert, ed. Why the North Won the Civil War.
New York: Touchstone Books, 1996 (orig. pub. 1960).

U.S. Department of Commerce. Historical Statistics of the United

States from Colonial Times to 1970. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Ofce, 1975.
. Statistical Abstract of the United States: The National Data
Book. 120th ed. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing
Ofce, 2000.

Ball, Douglas B. Financial Failure and Confederate Defeat. Urbana:

University of Illinois Press, 1991.

McPherson, James M. Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Frederick A. Bradford / c. p.
See also Civil War; Confederate States of America; Inflation;
Prices; Taxation.

Robert Margo
See also Business Cycles; Consumer Purchasing Power; Cost
of Living; Economic Indicators; Price and Wage Controls; Prices; Stagflation.


in May 1861 with an issue of $20 million of non-interestbearing treasury notes. The Confederate congress continued to issue treasury notes throughout the remainder
of the year so that it had $105 million in such notes outstanding at the end of 1861. These paper dollars depreciated almost immediately, setting off a spiral of rising
prices that, over the next four years, threatened to undermine the Confederate cause.

INFLUENZA, commonly called the u, reached

America early in colonial history, and its periodic visitations have continued since then. John Eliot described the
rst epidemic, which struck in 1647, as a very depe cold,
with some tincture of a feaver and full of malignity. . . .
In the succeeding years a series of outbreaks, described in
such terms as a general catarrh, winter feavers, epidemical colds, and putrid pleurisies, swept through the
colonies, bringing death on a large scale. The cause of
these epidemics remains unknown, but from accounts of
the symptoms and the pandemic nature of the outbreaks,
some strain of inuenza is a logical suspect. Colonial records show many local outbreaks, with some form of respiratory disease reaching major epidemic proportions in



In 1933 the inuenza virus now known as inuenza

virus A was identied, and other strains were later discovered. Although the impact of inuenza vaccines has
been limited, the introduction of sulfonamides, penicillin,
and antibiotics in the World War II era greatly improved
the treatment for pneumonia associated with inuenza
and thus helped reduce the fatality rate from inuenza.
Improved sanitary standards have also most likely helped
reduce the number and virulence of inuenza outbreaks.

Bett, Walter R. The History and Conquest of Common Diseases.

Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954.
Crosby, Alfred W. Americas Forgotten Pandemic: The Inuenza of
1918. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Influenza Case. Russell Lees 1939 photograph, taken near
Jefferson, Texas, shows a migrant workers child ill with the
u. Library of Congress

1675, 1688, 17321733, 1737, 17471750, 1761, and 1789

The nineteenth century saw a similar pattern of inuenza epidemicsmajor pandemics interspersed with
local or regional outbreaks. The disease spread through
Europe and America in 1830, 1837, and 1847, eased up
for a long period, and then broke out on a worldwide scale
from 1889 to 1893. There were two minor outbreaks involving an unusual number of pneumonic complications
in 1916 and 1917. In the summer of 1918, a deceptively
mild wave of inuenza swept through army camps in Europe and America, immediately followed by the second
and third waves of the greatest recorded pandemic of inuenza in history. In America the heaviest toll was exacted
by a major wave lasting from September to November of
1918; the pandemic killed an estimated 15 million individuals worldwide. In the United States, the disease infected approximately 28 percent of the population, killing
450,000, with half of the deaths occurring among young
adults between the ages of twenty and forty.
Several outbreaks struck in the 1920s, but the morbidity and mortality from inuenza gradually declined in
the succeeding years, although a Metropolitan Life Insurance Company study showed that inuenza combined
with pneumonia consistently remained the third-ranking
cause of death among its policyholders as late as 1935.
Various forms of inuenza have persisted; rarely do
as many as three years go by without a fairly serious outbreak. Most occurrences are minor, but once or twice
every decade the disease ares up. The introduction of
new therapeutics in the 1940s led to a steady drop in the
overall inuenza mortality rate until the outbreaks of Asiatic inuenza in 1957, 1958, and 1960. The inuenza
death rate per 100,000 reached 4.4 in the latter year, the
last time this gure exceeded 4 per 100,000.


Duffy, John. Epidemics in Colonial America. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1953.
Frost, W. H. The Epidemiology of Inuenza. Journal of the
American Medical Association, 73 (1919): 313318.
Kolata, Gina Bari. Flu: The Story of the Great Inuenza Pandemic
of 1918 and the Search for the Virus that Caused It. New York:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999.

John Duffy / c. w.
See also Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Epidemics and Public Health; Microbiology.

INFOMERCIALS are program-length (usually thirty

or sixty minutes) television productions designed exclusively to feature and sell a product. They often employ
formats borrowed from other genres in an effort to disguise partially the fact that they are commercials. Many
infomercials are designed as talk shows, for example, and
Bell Atlantic introduced a sitcommercial in 1992. Although some high-end products have been featured in
high-budget infomercials, like those for General Motors
Saturn automobiles, the form is generally associated with
more gimmicky merchandise. Hair extensions, miracle
cleaning products, food preparation gadgets, and psychic
reading services are among the things frequently sold on
infomercials. Production values are usually comparatively
low, and the style of the sales pitch is often reminiscent
of the snake oil salesman.
Program-length commercials on television were forbidden by Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
regulations until 1984. Once the ban was lifted, however,
infomercials became a signicant part of the TV programming mix, especially in the late-night hours. By lling unprotable time slots with infomercials, cable and
broadcast stations avoided the need to pay for programming for that time slot while at the same time generating
income by selling that time to the provider of the infomercial. Infomercials aimed at children are still illegal. Perhaps the most unfortunate result of the rise of the infomercial is that many stations now air infomercials in time


periods that were once used for public affairs and local

Head, Sydney W., Thomas Spann, and Michael A. McGregor.

Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Electronic Media. 9th ed.
Boston: Houghton Mifin, 2001.

Robert Thompson
See also Advertising; Television: Programming and Influence.

INFRASTRUCTURE. Human settlements started

as simple places, where people could live with some level
of convenience and enjoy some measure of security
against outside threats. Although hunting, gathering, and
shing were the rst preoccupations of primitive man, it
was soon discovered that some kinds of tools had to be
made for even these elementary activities. In addition,
they soon found out that provisions should be made to
help them face the adversities of the local weather and the
hostilities of other tribes and wild animals. These support
facilities were the rst elemental components of an urban
infrastructure that made living, gathering, hunting, and
producing possible.
All these old truths remain relevant to more recent
human habitation experiences. The rst towns of the
Far West in the United States almost instinctively were
formed where transport was available and where the provision of water was secure. Settlements that neglected to
pay proper attention to these two primary components of
the needed support systems, or failed to have an elemental
concern and provision for drainage, usually experienced
an early demise.
Concerns for additional support structures continued
in most settlements soon after their establishment. A marketplace, some form of a city hall, a police station, and a
courthouse tended to pop up soon in the life of a city. A
school was added before long, as well as a clinic or doctors
ofce. In this way the rst infrastructure services and facilities were included very early in the life of most urban
Throughout history, infrastructure systems and services have continuously evolved in both technology and
organization. Indeed, in many instances, social scientists
measure the level of civilization or advancements of a society on the basis of the richness and articulation of the
infrastructure systems that society has in place. Another
way to gauge the importance of infrastructure is to note
that all the progressive movements of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries have, in essence, focused on the need
to improve one or another infrastructure system in meeting one or another social, humanitarian, or economic
need. In the case of the American metropolis of the early
twenty-rst century, one can easily distinguish at least fty
systems and subsystems that constitute the citys infrastruc-

ture, ranging from large-scale transportation and water

projects to neighborhood medical clinics and libraries.
Birth of Modern Infrastructure:
The Great Depression
The new era of American infrastructure started in the
Great Depression. In 1932 Americans elected a president
and Congress that believed in an active role for the federal
government in creating jobs for the multitude of unemployed Americans. Within the framework of a newly
coined economic theory in macroeconomics by John
Maynard Keynes, the new president started with a modest
list of infrastructure projects, such as federal administrative buildings. He soon extended the enterprise to railroad stations, post ofce buildings, irrigation projects,
road repairing and expansion, hydroelectric dams, and
even a regional multipurpose district of major proportions under the name of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Even in outlying areas, the Rural Electrication Administration extended another infrastructure system.
Following the example of the federal government,
many states initiated plans for infrastructure systems in
their territories. Notable among these are the projects
carried out by Robert Moses in New York, city and state,
who extended and improved the transportation and parks
systems of the greater New York region by leaps and
bounds, adding many miles of parkways, bridges, and tunnels. The new age of great urban public works was on.
The intervention of World War II interrupted this
stream of initiatives throughout the country. But at the
same time, additional infrastructure components were
added as new airports, new towns, and new harbors appeared on the map as a result of the war effort.
Immediately after the war, government leaders worried about a potential new economic recession and, desiring to do something good for the returning millions of
victorious war veterans, initiated a major housing assistance program. This action was followed by the 1947 Urban Renewal Act and then with the Housing Act of 1954,
both of which placed all three levels of government in the
midst of a new nationwide effort to plan and improve the
service systems of all cities with more than 50,000 people.
In particular the 1954 act included section 701, which
invited each of these cities to produce a community plan
in which six of the seven central components were focused
on transportation and the other infrastructure systems
needed for the growth of the community. Once the plan
was approved by local, state, and federal agencies, each
community could apply for a major share of the cost of
construction paid by the federal (and state) government.
Since then, section 701 and its extensions have produced
a multitude of local infrastructure improvements and expansions for most of the cities of the country.
Interstate Highway System
In 1956, Congress approved the Interstate Highway Act,
proposed by President Eisenhower as both a national de-



fense program in the midst of the Cold War (permitting

large-scale military units rapid movement from one part
of the country to the other) and as an economic measure
that would increase the efciency of the American economy. The program initially proposed 41,000 miles of expressways crisscrossing the continental United States,
with an initial overall budget not to exceed $41 billion.
By 1962 the program was extended to about 42,500 miles
and included not only the interstate expressways but also
components for all major metropolitan areas of the country. The actual plans in each case included segments connecting the suburban areas with the central business districts of each region, crosstown expressways, and one or
two beltways. By the time the whole program was completed in the late 1980s, the expenditures had reached
about $111 billion, making it the largest single public
works project in history, far exceeding the pyramids of
Egypt, the Tennessee Valley Authority multipurpose program, and the federal hydroelectric and irrigation dams
program of the western states.
The interstate expressway system has been a major
force for change in urban America, inuencing national
location patterns of American industry and substantially
increasing the productivity and efciency of both the primary and secondary sectors of the economy. With regard
to the residential patterns of American metropolitan areas, the expressway program of the 1960s, 1970s, and
1980s contributed to the changes and upheavals of that
period. Many signicant mistakes have been noted on
specic, localized parts of the system, due frequently to
administrative directives that were very constrictive and
necessitated the elimination of whole neighborhoods and/
or historical communities.
Environmental Regulations: Land, Water, and Air
Another federal program that had a major impact on urban infrastructure systems is the one based on section 208
of the Clean Water Act of 1970. This program required
that the sewage of all urban areas be cleaned before its
emission into streams, rivers, and lakes. Federal assistance
was in most cases up to 90 percent of the cost of each
project. As a result of this program, the level of impurities
in streams, rivers, and lakes in the United States improved
dramatically. Primary sewage treatment became universal,
removing about 65 percent of all impurities. Secondary
and tertiary treatments were expanded on a scale that removed 90 to 95 percent of the impurities (and in some
cases, up to 98 percent). By the end of the century, U.S.
urban areas were disposing of efuent in streams, rivers,
and lakes that was typically cleaner than the natural ow
of their waters would produce.
The Clean Water Act also has assisted many cities in
building whole new water and sewerage systems, as well
as expanding and improving existing ones. In some cases
improvements were essential, as in the case of Manhattan
Island, where, for the rst time, purication plants made
it possible to discontinue the practice of releasing raw


sewage into the Hudson River. The Clean Water Act and
its amendments also mandated improvement of the efuents emitted by industries, commercial enterprises, and
even major private residential construction sites. The National Environmental Protection Act of 1969 (NEPA) introduced sweeping measures for cleaning up the American natural environment, making the thirty years between
1970 and 2000 a historic period in the environmental and
infrastructure history of the country and of the world.
The solid waste collection and disposal system was
also radically improved between 1970 and 2000. Gone are
the casual solid waste dumps at the outskirts of the cities,
replaced by sanitary landlls. Almost gone, thanks to air
pollution regulations, are the solid waste incinerators in
some central parts of cities, built there to minimize the
transport costs of collected waste. In their place are either
electrolytic burners or sophisticated trash-to-energy installations where high-temperature burners generate electricity for local electric utilities. Solid waste collection and
disposal has been improved with new trucks designed to
carry compacted waste. Such trucks bring the waste to
special stations where further compacting produces uniform, high-density cubes that are transported to far-away
sanitary disposal sites and used as landll in natural cavities, excavation sites, or abandoned surface-mining sites.
On the other side of the spectrum, extensive recycling of
paper, glass, plastics, and aluminum had in some cities
reached the level of 30 percent of the total volume of
municipal solid waste by the beginning of the twenty-rst
century, creating new markets for such materials and extending the useful life of the basic product.
Libraries and Medical Facilities
Infrastructural improvements also include the extensive urban and rural library systems in operation today throughout the country, a far cry from the typical unitary central
library of the past. Branch libraries in almost every neighborhood or community are a common practice, with
computerized data systems that permit almost instant service and control of the operations. Similarly, most major
U.S. cities have networks of community clinics, with
readily available rst-aid service backed up by additional
ambulatory transport service and connections with major
Public Transportation
Improvements in urban transportation in the last half of
the twentieth century took the form of new and expanded
heavy and light rail systems, an improved bus service system, and a paratransit system serving special population
groups and communities.
Six heavy rail systems were introduced (Washington,
D.C., Atlanta, Baltimore, Miami, Los Angeles, and San
Francisco) in addition to the four systems already in place
since before World War II (New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Boston). Ten light rail systems were introduced (Miami, Detroit, San Diego, Buffalo, Pittsburgh,


Portland, Sacramento, Denver, Hoboken, and CamdenTrenton). Several systems also have undergone continuous expansion (San Francisco and Los Angeles, for example). In all cases the budget and the effort has been
enormous. For example, the Washington Metropolitan
Area Transit Authority took more than thirty-four years
to complete its 103-mile system, which began in 1967
with a projected cost of $2.5 billion and concluded in
2001 with an actual cost of about $10 billion.
At the beginning of the twenty-rst century almost
all major urban regions were planning major new transit
systems and extensions of older ones. In Boston, the Big
Dig of Central Avenue was expected to require more
than $15 billion to accommodate all the transit and highway facilities. In the New York metropolitan region, the
Regional Plan Association advanced plans that would require an expenditure of at least $20 billion in mass transit
systems alone. In Philadelphia three major proposals for
heavy rail would require a budget exceeding $7 billion.
During this period there were vastly expanded budget revisions of the 1991 Interstate Surface Transportation Efciency Act ($156 billion) and the 1998 Transportation
Equity Act ($216 billion), but these federal funds were
clearly not enough to accommodate the need for new
mass transit systems projected throughout the country.
Planning for the Future
Infrastructure needs in the early twenty-rst century were
based on three major considerations. The rst was the
nationwide anti-sprawl campaign calling for substantive
improvements in mass transit and limitation of other infrastructure systems in suburban areas so that development could be signicantly curbed. The second was the
aging of many infrastructure systems of most older cities
(such as sewerage systems), which were built in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries with minimal dimensions and impermanent design and materials. The
third factor was the rapid growth of American urban areas
and the constantly evolving technology of almost all urban infrastructure systems, including telecommunications
(ber optics), steam distribution systems (heat-resistant
pipes), sewerage systems (chemical-resistant reinforced
concrete), and transportation systems (automated people
Specialists in the eld considered the need of improvements and renovations in the infrastructure system
of the country as the greatest challenge for the United
States in the early 2000s. Many systems were simply too
old to continue without major renovations (water systems,
sewage networks) while others were functionally obsolete
in terms of size or operations (schools, hospitals, solid
waste disposal projects). The complex juxtaposition of old
city centers, decaying early suburbs, expanding new suburbs, and a narrowing envelope of environmental constraints in and around the metro areas of the United
States (as of many other countries of the world) produced
major policy dilemmas.

How It Gets Done: Public or Private?

Primary to the construction of modern public works are
the issues of who makes the decision to build it (known
as provision of services) and who should actually build
and/or run it (production of services). Specialists in urban
infrastructure draw a sharp distinction between provision
and production of services. Although there is almost
unanimous agreement that in most cases it is the government that should decide whether an infrastructure system
should be provided in a city, agreement is far from certain
in deciding exactly how much an infrastructure service or
system should be produced through, for example, a publicly owned enterprise or a privately owned business under proper licensing as a utility or as a totally free market
The production of any service or commodity is an
industrial process with additional requirements of continuous technological improvements and undiminished
managerial attention and skills. Additional requirements
of quality, modernity, and minimization of production
and distribution costs enter the discussion and impose
solutions, which sometimes suggest public-sector production and distribution and sometimes private-sector
The aversion of taxpayers toward nancing speculative ventures decided by civil servants at little personal
risk and with dubious competence in what they decide
usually holds government agencies back from improved
technologies, untested managerial scenarios, and newly
established social needs. This is where the private sectors
entry usually is welcomed and where it is usually proven
to be very useful in expanding the frontier of urban infrastructure networks. Examples of such infrastructure
abound in telecommunications, health, energy, and education. In all these cases the government role stays very
vigorous in regulation, in standardization, in nondiscriminatory provision, and in safety matters, but stays back
from actual production.
Legislation introduced in the 1990s included extensive provisions for private sector participation in many
aspects of infrastructure systems development. Under the
principal of private money for public purposes the various programs attempt to explore the possibility of attracting private entrepreneurs to invest in projects of clear
public benet. The underlying reason in all cases is the
desire to conserve public capital investment funds and to
achieve additional efciency and innovation in both the
construction and operation of the new infrastructure systems components.
Another debated issue in the provision of services is
the role of the three levels of government and their institutions. In theory the notion of federalism nds its perfect application in the process of building infrastructure
networks in urban areas. In this scenario, the federal government establishes a national policy for the improvement and enrichment of the specic infrastructure systems and services. As part of these policies, it sponsors a



national investment program in which the federal government establishes the goals, the process, the standards,
and the states and localities roles and nancial participation. The funds for many types of infrastructure projects are distributed by a formula for each state or region
or on a project-by-project basis. In addition, both the
1993 Interstate Surface Transportation Efciency Act and
the Transportation Equity Act included provisions for the
states and regions to exercise discretion and choice on
some proportion of the funds on the basis of their local
priorities and preferences. In all cases the proportion of
local contribution (by state, by region, or by specic locality) is determined by the federal legislation, and it is a
precondition for any further action.
Environmental Impacts
The matter of protecting the physical environment during construction and operation of infrastructure systems
is an increasingly challenging issue. Most of the major
environmental battles of the past have revolved around
highway projects, major sewage systems, solid waste disposal sites, and water containment projects, with the conict extending to include school sites, hospital expansion,
and even mass transit lines and stations.
Environmental concerns focus on all three parts of
the environmentair, land, and waterand involve concerns for human health and species retention as well as
aspects of aesthetics, culture, and history. Conicts arise
over the use of nonrenewable energy resources for infrastructure operations and the sustainability of a given metropolitan region. In many cases, the arguments reach a
pitch that prevents reasonable discussion and an unbiased
search for solutions.
Even after all available solutions for minimizing the
environmental impact of a given project have been explored, however, circumstances may require that either a
major intervention on the environment will have to take
place or the project must be canceled. Such has been the
case on a number of solid waste disposal projects, water
conservation projects, and highway projects, such as the
West Side Expressway project on Manhattan Island.
Nevertheless, in many other locations pressure from
community and environmental groups has produced admirable solutions and very agreeable completion of infrastructure projects. Such an example is the Vine Street Expressway in Philadelphia, which was constructed as a
depressed expressway with green parapets on both sides,
with reasonable construction costs and very important
neighborhood-friendly impacts. Still, environmental issues will continue to loom large in the future, underscoring the need for development of new and appropriate
public policy guidelines and design options.

Goddard, Stephen B. Getting There: The Epic Struggle Between

Road and Rail in the American Century. New York: Basic
Books, 1994.
Goodrich, Carter. Government Promotion of American Canals and
Railroads, 18001890. New York: Columbia University Press,
Kaszynski, William. The American Highway: The History and Culture of Roads in the United States. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2000.
Larson, John Lauritz. Internal Improvement: National Public
Works and the Promise of Popular Government in the Early
United States. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 2001.
Melosi, Martin V. The Sanitary City: Urban Infrastructure in
America from Colonial Times to the Present. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2000.
Schuyler, David. The New Urban Landscape: The Redenition of
City Form in Nineteenth-Century America. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1986.
Silver, Christopher, and Mary Corbin Sies, eds. Planning the
Twentieth Century American City. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press. 1996.
Tomazinis, Anthony R. New Concepts in Urban Transportation.
Philadelphia: Institute for Environmental Studies, 1972.
United States Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. Toward a Federal Infrastructure Strategy: Issues and
Options. Washington, DC: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1992.

Anthony R. Tomazinis
See also American System; City Planning; Environmental
Protection Agency; Interstate Highway System; Railways, Interurban; Railways, Urban, and Rapid Transit;
Urbanization; Waste Disposal; Water Pollution; Water
Supply and Conservation.

INHERENT POWERS. Inherent powers are those

that the Constitution has not expressly given but which
necessarily derive from an ofce, position, or status of
the national government (Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th ed.,
1999). The U.S. Supreme Court has discovered federal
inherent powers to take land through eminent domain
proceedings, to acquire land by discovery and occupation,
to exclude or admit aliens, and to sell munitions to belligerent nations. After the Court had, during most of the
twentieth century, broadly construed the commerce clause
to allow expanded federal regulation, the doctrine was
rarely invoked.

Robinson, Donald L. Inherent Powers. In The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court. Edited by Kermit L. Hall. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1992.


Abbott, Carl. Portland: Planning, Politics and Growth in a Twentieth Century City. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,


Stephen B. Presser
See also Constitution of the United States.


INHERITANCE TAX LAWS. Two types of death

duties are popularly called inheritance taxes. They are levied, essentially, as excise taxes on the right to transfer
property at time of death. The primary death tax has been
the federal estate tax, which is based on the net value of
the deceaseds estate. In addition, most states have imposed inheritance taxes, based on the value of the shares
received by individual heirs.
The federal government adopted an estate tax in
1916. Prior to that, it had imposed an inheritance tax on
three occasions: 17971802, 18621870, and 18981902.
These acts were all initially adopted as emergency revenue measures. In addition, the income tax statute of 1894
taxed, as income, money and personal property received
by inheritance, but this law was held unconstitutional. A
federal gift tax was rst enacted in 1924, repealed in 1926,
and revived in 1932. This tax was designed to complement the estate tax by taxing transfers that would reduce
the donors taxable estate. In 1976, the estate and gift tax
structures were combined into a single unied gift and
estate tax system, which might be more accurately described as a wealth transfer tax.
Estate and gift tax rates have been designed to be
progressive, with exemptions for the vast majority. The
exemption was initially $50,000, and this uctuated within
a narrow band through 1976, when it was $60,000. At this
point, estate taxes returns were led following about 8
percent of adult deaths. By 1986, the exemption rose to
$500,000 and only about 1 percent of adult deaths yielded
estate taxes. From 1941 until 1976, the marginal tax rate
started at 3 percent and climbed to 77 percent on estates
exceeding $10,000,000. The top marginal rate was cut to
50 percent in 1981. The share of federal revenue from
estate and gift taxes has generally fallen over time, averaging over 4 percent in 1941, 1.5 to 2 percent between
1945 and 1980, and a bit over 1 percent during the 1990s.
Simultaneously, estate tax law has grown progressively
more complicated, with provisions for marital deductions,
generation-skipping transfers, the valuation of business
assets, deductions for charitable contributions, conservation easements, credits for state death taxes, and tax deferral, among others.
Inheritance, estate, and gift taxes were originally seen
as a method of breaking up large accumulations of wealth
without harming the economy. Beginning in the late 1970s,
however, empirical studies by economists across the political spectrum began to question the efcacy of these
taxes, showing that they had little impact on the wealth
distribution and suggesting that they created incentives
for owners of capital to transfer resources away from their
most productive uses. Analysis suggested that the estate
tax increased the effective tax burden on capital income,
thus discouraging saving, encouraging consumption, and
reducing long-run economic growth. Economists estimated that the costs of complying with or avoiding these
taxes were as large as the revenues raised by the tax and
that they may actually result in net losses for the federal

government. Others complained that these taxes unfairly

hit those not adept at estate planning and required the
breakup of family farms and businesses. Opponents caught
the publics attention by labeling them death taxes. In
a 1982 referendum, Californians voted two to one to
eliminate that states inheritance taxes. Other states followed suit, as did Canada, Australia, and Israel. In 2001,
President George W. Bush signed a bill that gradually
increased exemptions (from $1 million to $3.5 million)
and slightly reduced the top tax rate between 2002 and
2009, before completely eliminating the federal estate tax
in 2010. However, the law reverts back to the initial levels
in 2011, unless otherwise changed.

Gale, William G., and Joel B. Slemrod. Policy Watch: Death

Watch for the Estate Tax? Journal of Economic Perspectives
15, no. 1 (2001): 205218.
Joint Economic Committee Study, U.S. Congress. The Economics of the Estate Tax. December 1998.
Joulfaian, David. A Quarter Century of Estate Tax Reforms.
National Tax Journal 53, no. 3 (September 2000): 343360.
Pechman, Joseph. Federal Tax Policy. 5th ed. Washington, D.C.:
Brookings Institution, 1987.

Robert Whaples
See also Income Tax Cases; Taxation.

INITIATIVE, the process by which citizens, rather

than legislators, propose statutes or constitutional amendments and place them before voters for approval. The
initiative is not applicable at the federal level because the
U.S. Constitution vests all national legislative powers in
Congress, but by 2001 twenty-four states and the District
of Columbia allowed the process in some form. All jurisdictions require the proponent to gather signatures from
state residents, usually 5 to 10 percent of the electorate,
supporting a vote on the issue, and some regulate the nature or wording of the issue. Where the direct initiative
is employed, the proposition goes directly on the ballot.
In states with an indirect initiative, the proposal must be
submitted rst to the legislature, which may adopt it or
send it to the voters, possibly with modications.
The initiative grew out of the popular disenchantment with state legislatures that gave rise to the Populist
and Progressive movements in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries. Reformers, angered by the inuence of big business on government and what they saw
as unresponsiveness and corruption among elected representatives, sought to restore direct democracy and allow the people to participate in policymaking and hold
politicians accountable. From 1898 to 1918, nineteen
states, beginning with South Dakota, provided for the initiative, and the process was one element of the Progressive Party platform of presidential candidate Theodore
Roosevelt in 1912.



From its rst actual use in Oregon in 1904 until

2001, approximately 2,000 initiatives have appeared on
state ballots, and voters approved about 40 percent of
them. Initiative use is something of a regional phenomenon, as six states alone account for nearly two-thirds of
its useOregon, California, Colorado, North Dakota,
Arizona, and Washington, in that order. New or relatively
young western states facing problems of economic development and political discontent were more likely to adopt
the process, while strong political parties often blocked it
in the East and South. There have been three periods of
greatest use of the device: the 1910s, during the Progressive era; the 1930s, during the Great Depression and New
Deal; and in the last two decades of the twentieth century.
In all three periods, strong social movements arose questioning the ability of government to provide for public
needs and calling for more democratic or populist reforms. Among recent initiative propositions there have
been questions on taxation, term limits for elected ofcials, and public morality issues such as gambling, abortion, and gun control.
Advocates of the initiative argue that it represents a
genuine forum for democratic participation in policymaking, operates as a safety valve for political discontent,
and helps shape the agenda of public ofcials. Skeptics
charge that it circumvents the more deliberative legislative process and allows well-organized and well-funded
special interests to take advantage of impassioned, even
irresponsible, public opinion, possibly to the detriment of
minority groups. There is no clear correlation between
the inuence of money or the media and the outcome of
a proposition, though initiative campaigns increasingly
rely on professional polling and marketing services rather
than on grassroots volunteers.

Bowler, Shaun, Todd Donovan, and Caroline J. Tolbert, eds.

Citizens as Legislators: Direct Democracy in the United States.
Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1998.
Cronin, Thomas E. Direct Democracy: The Politics of Initiative,
Referendum, and Recall. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Ellis, Richard J. Democratic Delusions: The Initiative Process in
America. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2002.

Jeffrey T. Coster
See also Proposition 13; Proposition 187; Proposition 209.

INJUNCTIONS, LABOR. In the late nineteenth

century, America saw a dramatic increase in state intervention against labor protest. Beginning with the railway
strikes of the 1870s and spreading to every major industry
by centurys end, the nations courts vastly enlarged their
role in regulating and policing industrial conict through
labor injunctions.


The substantive law governing the bounds of workers collective action changed little from the beginning of
the nineteenth century until the rst and second decades
of the twentieth century. Strikes to improve wages and
working conditions at individual workplaces were legal,
but boycotting or striking to gain union recognition or
to support fellow workers in unfair shops was outlawed.
What changed, then, was not the substantive law but its
Until the late nineteenth century, conspiracy trials
were the chief way that courts enforced this body of law;
and they were rare. By 1895, conspiracy prosecutions for
strike activities had dwindled to a handful each year, while
labor injunctions were multiplying. By a conservative
reckoning, at least 4,300 injunctions were issued between
1880 and 1930by the 1920s 25 percent of strikes were
limited by injunctions. While capital consolidated and individual plants and rms merged into large-scale, nationwide corporations, workers ability to join together to enlarge their economic might was sharply curtailed.
The switch in form from conspiracy trial to injunction also signied an enormous increase in the pervasiveness of judicial regulation. Every injunction represented
a new, particularized set of legal commandsa kind of
custom-made criminal statuteaddressed to strikers and
often to whole working-class communities, or to all the
members of a national union. A single injunctions language often ranged from the broadest proscriptions against
interfering with a plaintiff-employers business to prohibiting the aiding or abetting of a strike or boycott down to
the most minute tactics and customs. The appeal of the
labor injunction from an employers perspective lay not
only in this breadth, but also in the ease and swiftness of
obtaining and enforcing it. The criminal process was slow;
but one could appear before an equity judge with a handful of afdavits and obtain a temporary decree against a
strike in a matter of hours; one did not even have to notify
the defendants until after the order was issued. Local juries, moreover, often stymied criminal prosecutions against
strikers, but strikers accused of violating an injunction
were tried by the judge who issued the decree. Juries often
acquitted, lending popular legitimacy to the underlying
labor action, whereas judges almost always meted out jail
sentences. Injunction proceedings circumvented more than
just local juries. An injunction suit could be used to override the judgments of local mayors, sheriffs, and police
chiefs, whom courts as well as employers constantly accused of siding with strikers.
Thus, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the labor injunction enabled hostile employers and
public ofcials to depict peaceful protest and mutual aid
as the acts of outlaws. From the 1890s until the New Deal,
the chief political goal of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) was repealing this judge-made law. Repeatedly,
trade unionists brought to state and federal lawmakers
their stories of broken strikes and their claims of constitutional wrongs by the nations courtsof judicial viola-


tions of the freedom of speech and association, and the

freedom to quit, individually and in concert. From the
1890s through the 1920s, labor prevailed on both state
legislatures and Congress to pass roughly forty antiinjunction statutes, loosening the judge-made restraints
on collective action. However, at least twenty-ve of these
statutes were voided on constitutional grounds, and most
of those not struck down were vitiated by narrow construction. Until the Great Depression and the New Deal,
courts had both the power and the will to trump these
measures. In 1932, Congress enacted the Norris-LaGuardia Act, which stripped federal courts of authority
to issue injunctions in labor disputes. The new antiinjunction law did not undergo Supreme Court scrutiny
until 1938. By then, however, New Deal judges and jurisprudence had begun to vanquish the old legal order, of
which government by injunction had been a central

Forbath, William E. Law and the Shaping of the American Labor

Movement. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
Frankfurter, Felix, and Nathan Greene. The Labor Injunction.
New York: Macmillan, 1930.

William E. Forbath
See also American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organizations; Collective Bargaining; Labor Legislation and Administration; Picketing; Right-to-Work
Laws; Strikes; Taft-Hartley Act; Yellow-Dog Contract.


York legislature granted charters to the Western Inland
Lock Navigation Company to open water communication along the Mohawk River between the Hudson River
and Lakes Ontario and Seneca. The legislature also
granted charters to the Northern Inland Lock Navigation
Company to connect the Hudson with Lakes George and
Champlain, which, for lack of money, it never succeeded
in accomplishing. The Western Company, by locks and
short canals, opened a crude navigation between the Hudson and the lakes, but it never earned a prot and was
eliminated after the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825.

Bourne, Russell. Floating West: The Erie and Other American Canals. New York: Norton, 1992.
Shaw, Ronald E. Canals for a Nation: The Canal Era in the United
States, 17901860. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1990.

Alvin F. Harlow / a. e.
See also Canals; Erie Canal.


beginning of the twentieth century, conservationists re-

garded development of the nations waterways as an integral component of conservation policy. In 1907 President
Theodore Roosevelt appointed the Inland Waterways
Commission to prepare a comprehensive plan for the
improvement and control of U.S. river systems. In 1908
the commission submitted a bulky preliminary report on
rivers, lakes, canals, and railroad competition, urging that
future plans for navigation improvement take account of
water purication, power development, ood control, and
land reclamation. Congress created the National Waterways Commission in 1909 to carry on the work of the
Inland Waterways Commission.

Hull, William J., and Robert W. Hull. The Origin and Development of the Waterways Policy of the United States. Washington,
D.C.: National Waterways Conference, 1967.
Hunchey, James R., et al. United States Inland Waterways and
Ports. Fort Belvoir, Va.: U.S. Army Engineers Institute for
Water Resources, 1985.

William J. Petersen / c. p.
See also River and Harbor Improvements; Waterways, Inland.


rst discovered cultural and physical pest controls such as
crop rotations, nutrient management, intercropping, and
residue destruction. They also learned to use dust prepared from plants containing naturally occurring insecticides, such as nicotine and pyrethrum. Applied entomologists studied the life history of insects, seeking the
keys to control strategies. U.S. Department of Agriculture
entomologists imported a predaceous ladybug, known as
the Vedalia beetle, from Australia in 1888 to control
cottony-cushion scale on California citrus trees. The spectacular success touched off a quest for biological control
The use of chemical arsenical compounds as insecticides dates from at least 1681. Paris green and London
purple, both arsenical insecticides, became the main stomach poisons of chewing insects in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries. Other uses of insecticides in the
late nineteenth century included carbon bisulde to disinfect stored grain and control root lice and hydrocyanic
acid gas to fumigate California citrus trees. In 1880, lime
sulte was employed against the San Jose scale, and in
1882 the grape phylloxera was controlled with naphthalene. Lead arsenate, rst used against the gypsy moth in
New England forests in 1892, was used against the cotton
boll weevil until the development of calcium arsenate was
recommended in 1916. In 1906, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture began using arsenical dips against the Texas
fever-carrying cattle tick.
During World War II, many new chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides were produced, DDT being the most
effective and widely used. These organic, contact insec-



ticides (usually attacking the nervous system) proved

more effective than the internal arsenicals, which often
scorched plants during application and built up toxic residues in the soil. But with the publication of Rachel
Carsons Silent Spring in 1962, people became increasingly aware of the danger such insecticides posed to other
animal life. The Environmental Protection Agency banned
most uses of DDT in December 1972. Scientists concentrated more on developing the organophosphorous and
carbamate insecticides, which generally circumvented the
problem of transmittable residues but were more toxic to
man and animals during application. The Department of
Agriculture also developed systemic insecticides to protect plants and animals. In 1958, ronnel became the rst
systemic insecticide ingested by cattle to kill the cattle
The so-called second generation of insecticides encountered two other problems: development of insect resistance and killing of nontargeted insects. In some cases,
pests quickly developed resistance to organophosphates,
increasing the impact of both major and previously minor
pests. Furthermore, when these broad-spectrum pesticides killed parasites and predators, minor pests were released from natural controls and exploded into major pest
In the 1960s, entomologists started preaching integrated pest management (IPM), which utilized mutually
supporting systems of cultural, biological, chemical, and
other controls. Pheromones, sexual attractants, and sterilemales techniques were added to the strategies. Genes from
strains of the naturally occurring bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis were introduced into several crops to ward off
insect damage. Insecticides continued to be a part of IPM,
but more recently developed insecticides (pyrethroids, insect growth regulators, neonicotinoids) were generally
targeted to a narrower range of insects and were applied
in lower doses.
American and European scientists discovered several
chemicals that acted as herbicides in certain situations,
including copper salts, carbolic acid, caustic soda, arsenical compounds, and kerosene. But expense, the toxicity
of arsenical compounds to plants, the ammability of oils,
and the lack of selectivity retarded the use of chemical
weed killers. Farmers generally relied on mowing, cultivation, hoeing, re, and crop rotation to combat weeds.
Some agriculturists recognized that it would be desirable to eliminate frequent plowing and cultivation,
which bared the soil to wind and water erosion and caused
the loss of organic matter and soil compaction. Just before
World War II, researchers in the United States and Canada experimented with trashy fallow. The idea was to
pull blades under the soil surface to cut off the moisturesapping roots, leaving wheat stubble and other crop residues on the surface. Plant growth regulators presented
the possibility of planting through the crop residues. The
herbicide 2,4D, released for use in 1946, selected broadleaf plants and was used to control weeds in grasses, in-


cluding wheat, oats, and corn. By the late 1950s, herbicides such as paraquat and diquat, which killed all
herbaceous plants, had been introduced. These herbicides
had the added advantage of being deactivated when they
touched the ground, leaving the soil ready to accept the
next crop. During the 1950s and 1970s, researchers tested
combinations of equipment, chemicals, and growing methods. The Farm Bill of 1985 gave no-till and other forms
of reduced tillage, known collectively as conservation tillage, a boost. The law required that farmers who received
assistance from the Department of Agriculture, including
price support payments, had to reduce erosion on highly
erodible land to an acceptable level. Conservation tillage
utilizing herbicides was the most cost-effective way for
many farmers to meet the requirements. Farmers utilized
conservation tillage methods on 73 million acres in 1990,
98 million acres in 1995, and 108 million acres in 2000.

Berenbaum, May R. Bugs in the System: Insects and Their Impact

on Human Affairs. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1995.
Insects: The Yearbook of Agriculture. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1952.
Little, Charles E. Green Fields Forever: The Conservation Tillage
Revolution in America. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1987.
Sprague, Milton A., and Glover B. Triplett, eds. No-Tillage and
Surface Tillage Agriculture. New York: Wiley, 1986.

Douglas Helms
See also Agricultural Price Support; Agriculture.

INSIDER TRADING. Gaining an unfair advantage

in buying or selling securities based on nonpublic information, or insider trading, has plagued Wall Street from
its earliest days. Prior to the formation of the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1934 in response to
the stock market crash of 1929, insider trading occurred
more frequently. Since the mid-1930s, the SEC has regulated trading and attempted to make it a trustworthy
system. Spotting and prosecuting illegal insider trades has
been a major priority.
Although insider trading is usually associated with
illegal activity, it also happens when corporate ofcers,
directors, and employees buy and sell stock within their
own companies, for example, exercising stock options.
Legal insider trading occurs every day and is permitted
within the rules and regulations of the individual company and federal regulations governing this kind of trade,
which the SEC requires be reported. Because legal insider
trading is reported to the SEC, it is considered part of
normal business activity. Illegal insider trading, however,
is corrupt, since all parties involved do not have all the
information necessary to make informed decisions. Most
often, the average investor is duped in insider trading


turned to the forefront of the national conscience as a

result of the downfall of Houston-based energy company
Enron and many other corporations that used illegal accounting procedures to articially bolster stock prices.

Chernow, Ron. The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance. New York: Atlantic
Monthly Press, 1990.
Gordon, John Steele. The Great Game: The Emergence of Wall
Street As a World Power, 16532000. New York: Scribner,
Holbrook, Stewart H. The Age of Moguls: The Story of the Robber
Barons and the Great Tycoons. New York: Doubleday, 1954.
Stewart, James B. Den of Thieves. New York: Simon and Schuster,

Bob Batchelor
See also Stock Market.

Michael Milken. A 1993 photograph of the 1980s junk bond

king, who was brought down by charges of insider trading
that resulted in guilty pleas, a short prison term, and an
unprecedented $600 million in nes for securities fraud.
Getty Images

Illegal insider trading gained great notoriety in the

1980s, epitomized by the criminal charges brought against
junk bond king Michael Milken and nancial speculator
Ivan Boesky. The hit motion picture Wall Street (1987)
centered on insider trading and brought the catchphrase
greed is good into the popular lexicon. Tom Wolfes
best-selling novel Bonre of the Vanities (1987) employs a
Milken-like gure as its main character.
Given that in the late twentieth century people placed
a larger percentage of their money in the stock market
and that they tied retirement funds to stock-based 401K
programs, any hint of an unfair advantage undermines the
spirit of fairness that the general public associates with
democracy and capitalism. Breaches in insider trading
laws and enforcement efforts routinely become headline
news, which helps perpetuate the idea that the stock market is a dependable institution.
Insider trading is punishable by hefty nes and imprisonment, and is prosecuted as a civil offense. Milken
pleaded guilty to six counts led against him and paid
nes of $600 million, the most ever levied against an individual. The SEC has broad authority to investigate violations of securities laws, including subpoena power and
the ability to freeze prots from illegal activities. In the
early years of the twenty-rst century, insider trading re-


that federal, state, and local governments enforce their
regulations. Most inspections pertain to safety (e.g., elevators), health (e.g., eggs), or environmental protection
(e.g., clean air). Inspection can be controversial. Some
critics argue that it violates the constitutional protection
against unreasonable searches, and courts have occasionally ruled that regulatory agencies must obtain warrants
before conducting inspections. Others contend that the
protection of public health and safety supersedes the right
to privacy.
Though businesses have typically considered inspections to be unnecessary government interference, some of
the rst American inspection laws were passed on behalf
of commercial interests. In the mid-eighteenth century,
for example, the tobacco colonies of Virginia and Maryland initiated tobacco inspection to raise prices, which
were low because too many growers tried to sell junk
A few inspection programs geared toward consumer
protection appeared in the early nineteenth century. For
instance, many cities created health agencies empowered
to conduct inspections when epidemics struck. Nevertheless, government regulation and inspection did not really
take off until after the Civil War, when a hectic new society characterized by rapid immigration, industrialization, and urbanization seemed to require elaborate forms
of control.
Facing another cholera outbreak, New York City in
1866 created an extremely powerful Metropolitan Board
of Health to deal with the problem. Dozens of inspectors
were assigned to specic neighborhoods to clean streets
and dispose of garbage and thereby prevent the spread of
the disease. The epidemic was less severe in New York
than in most other American cities, many of which soon
adopted rigorous programs of health and sanitary inspec-



tion of their own. Gradually over the next several decades,

cities hired inspectors to enforce a number of new building, re, and health codes. States were also involved in
early regulation and inspection efforts, such as mine inspection in Illinois and agricultural inspection in Wisconsin. All these efforts belonged to the emerging Progressive movement, whose members believed that only an
active government could curb abuses of private power.
The federal government was slower to enact Progressive legislation, but after the Interstate Commerce
Commission was created to regulate railroads in 1887,
Congress started using its power under the commerce
clause to regulate and inspect a variety of industries. The
most important regulatory legislation of the Progressive
Era provided for the inspection of food products. A weak
law covering ham and bacon for export passed in 1890,
followed the next year by legislation covering most kinds
of meat for domestic and foreign markets. Early in 1906,
Upton Sinclair published his muckraking novel, The Jungle, which documented the awful squalor of meatpacking
plants. President Theodore Roosevelt ordered an investigation, and Congress passed the Meat Inspection Act
and the Pure Food and Drug Act on the same day (the
Pure Food and Drug Act did not mandate inspection until
it was amended in 1938). These 1906 laws were pillars of
Progressive regulation, and similar legislation in a number of other areas quickly followed. In 1911 Congress
created the Bureau of Mines to monitor mine safety, and
federal grain inspection began in 1916.
The biggest postProgressive Era wave of regulation
and inspection came in the late 1960s and early 1970s,
another period in which grassroots consumer and environmental movements were agitating for a more active
government. After the consumer advocate Ralph Nader
published his auto safety expose Unsafe at Any Speed
(1965), more than ten states passed new auto inspection
laws. In 1970, Congress established two large and important regulatory agencies: the Occupational Health and
Safety Administration (OSHA), which inspects workplaces, and the Environmental Protection Agencies, which
inspects air and water quality.
By the late 1970s and early 1980s, however, regulation had fallen out of favor. President Ronald Reagan
promised to limit the role of government, and he started
by slashing the budgets of regulatory agencies. Though
George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton slowed the trend,
regulation and inspection has not enjoyed the full support
of government since Reagan took ofce.
Although a wealth of regulatory agencies continue to
do their work, inspection is often spotty due to budget
and staff limitations. OSHA inspectors, for example, cannot cover all 6.2 million workplaces in the country. Spurts
of regulation and inspection have tended to follow disastrous events and popular movements. In normal times,
communities inspection needs often slip under the radar.



Eisner, Marc Allen. Regulatory Politics in Transition. 2d ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
Goodwin, Lorine Swainston. The Pure Food, Drink, and Drug
Crusaders, 18791914. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1999.
Mintz, Joel A. Enforcement at the EPA: High Stakes and Hard
Choices. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.
Rosenberg, Charles E. The Cholera Years: The United States in
1832, 1849, and 1866. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1987.

Jeremy Derfner
See also Food and Drug Administration; Muckrakers; Pure
Food and Drug Movement.

INSTALLMENT BUYING, SELLING, AND FINANCING refers to the use of short- and intermediateterm credit to nance the purchase of goods and services
for personal consumption, scheduled to be repaid in two
or more installments. Statistics supplied by the board of
governors of the Federal Reserve System show the
amounts of credit extended and outstanding to nance
automobiles, mobile homes, and other consumer goods.
Data on home repair and modernization loans and personal loans reect the use of cash installment loans to
acquire consumer goods and services.
The origin of installment sales credit lies in the openbook credit provided consumers by retailers in colonial
times. Although there were no formally scheduled payments, business proprietors expected consumers to pay
when funds were available. In agricultural areas, this arrangement meant that retailers extended credit from crop
to crop. In 1807 the furniture rm of Cowperthwaite and
Sons rst introduced consumer installment selling. In
about 1850, the Singer Sewing Machine Company began
to sell its products on the installment plan. After the Civil
War, manufacturers of pianos, organs, encyclopedias, and
stoves were quick to broaden their markets by providing
for installment payments.
The single largest component of consumer installment credit is automobile credit. Installment nancing
of consumers automobile purchases began in 1910. Sales
nance companies formed to purchase the installment
notes of consumers from automobile dealers. In 1915 the
Guarantee Securities Company began buying consumers
installment notes from Willys-Overland dealers. Other
rms that entered the eld were the Commercial Credit
Company of Baltimore, the Commercial Investment Trust
of New York, and the National Bond and Investment
Company of Chicago. By the end of 1917 as many as
twenty-ve companies were nancing automobiles. By
1925 this number swelled to a peak of about 1,700. After
1930, commercial banks became active in nancing automobiles and gradually came to dominate the market. In
the mid-1970s the major automobile sales nance companies were factory-owned subsidiaries: General Motors


Acceptance Corporation, Ford Motor Credit Company,

and Chrysler Financial Corporation. Commercial banks
held about 60 percent of outstanding automobile installment credit; nance companies, 25 percent; and other nancial lenders, principally credit unions, 15 percent.

and to repay at least from one-tenth to one-sixth of the

unpaid balance outstanding at the end of a billing cycle.
Credit users pay some portion of the cost of providing
this service through a monthly charge ranging from 1 to
1.5 percent of a specied unpaid balance.

The development of installment selling was an accompaniment to, and prerequisite of, the growth of the
mass production of a variety of consumer durable goods,
of which the automobile was the most signicant. As they
gained experience, rms providing installment credit gradually lowered required down payments and lengthened
the maturities of contracts, thus making credit available
to more and more consumers. In 1924 the National Association of Finance Companies adopted standards of a
minimum down payment of one-third of the cash price
for a new car and two-fths for a used car, with a maximum maturity of twelve months for both classes. By 1937
maturities had generally lengthened to eighteen months
and by 1952 to twenty-four months on new cars. During
1955, a further lengthening to thirty-six months fostered
a rapid growth in new-car sales, and in the early 1970s,
some contracts allowed for repayment over forty-two and
even forty-eight months. By 2002, sixty-month loan periods were common in the auto industry, as higher car
prices made it necessary to extend repayment periods.

A later innovation in credit selling was the development of bank charge credit plans, rst inaugurated in
1951 by the Franklin National Bank of New York. A plastic credit card issued by a bank provided participating retailers with evidence that the bank has granted the consumer a line of credit. After making a sale, the retailer
deposited the sales slip with the bank and receives a credit
to his or her account, less a discount from the face of the
sales slip. The bank then billed the consumer monthly for
his or her accumulated purchases on the credit card. As
in the case of retail revolving credit, if the consumer pays
within a specied grace period, there is no nance charge.
After that point the nance charge levied monthly parallels that assessed by retailers. In the early 2000s, the use
of credit cards had reached almost epidemic proportions in the United States. Nearly every person in the
country had at least one card, and credit companies had
started targeting younger and younger consumers, usually
those of college age. Interest rates also became much
higheras high as the mid-20 percent rangeas more
and more people overextended and defaulted on their
credit card debt.

In addition to longer payment terms, a new nance

option became available that made cars more affordable.
Called leasing, consumers essentially rented a car
from a dealer, as they paid only for the portion of the car
that they used over a set period of time, usually twentyfour or thirty-six months. At the end of the lease, the car
was returned to the automobile dealer instead of becoming the property of the lease-holder, as there was still a
large amount of the cars purchase price that remained
unpaid. The consumer then had an option to purchase
the leased vehicle (for a price that represented the unpaid
amount of the cars value after the lease had been paid),
which meant that a new sales repayment contract was negotiated, or they could simply walk away from the deal
and choose to lease or purchase a new vehicle from that
or another dealer. First popular in the early 1990s, the
Better Business Bureau estimated that leasing would account for 33 percent of new car sales in the year 2002.
By the end of the 1920s, retailers other than automobile dealers offered two primary types of credit plan:
the thirty-day charge account and the installment account
that a specic purchase generated and secured. Buyers
seldom paid the thirty-day account in thirty days. In 1938,
to provide customers more extended terms on a formal
basis, Wanamakers of Philadelphia introduced the rst revolving credit plan for soft goods. Although the permitted
payment period was four months, no charge accrued for
the use of the credit service. After World War II, as restrictions on all forms of installment credit disappeared, the
modern revolving charge account emerged as a credit arrangement that enabled a consumer to buy from time to
time, charging purchases against an open line of credit,

An increasing amount of state and federal legislation

has governed consumer installment credit. At the state
level, in 1968 the National Conference of Commissioners
of Uniform State Laws introduced the Uniform Consumer Credit Code to replace existing segmented state
laws affecting consumer credit. At the federal level the
Consumer Credit Protection (or Truth-in-Lending) Act
(1969) required disclosure of nance charges as annual
percentage rates. In 1974 other federal legislation signicantly affecting consumer credit came into effect. The
Fair Credit Billing Act protects consumers against inaccurate and unfair credit billing and credit card practices.
The purpose of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act is to
require credit grantors to make credit equally available to
all creditworthy customers, regardless of sex or marital

BBB Warns Consumers That Auto Leasing Isnt for Everyone.

Better Business Bureau Serving Metropolitan New York.
Available from
Guttmann, Robert. How Credit-Money Shapes the Economy: The
United States in a Global System. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe,
Mandell, Lewis. The Credit Card Industry: A History. Boston:
Twayne, 1990.
Ommer, Rosemary E., ed. Merchant Credit and Labour Strategies
in Historical Perspective. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada: Acadiensis Press, 1990.



Schor, Juliet B. The Overspent American: Upscaling, Downshifting,

and the New Consumer. New York: Basic Books, 1998.

Robert W. Johnson / a. e.
See also Automobile Industry; Consumer Protection; Economic Indicators; Financial Services Industry; Sewing


Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey,
was founded in 1930 by a gift from Louis Bamberger and
his sister, Caroline Bamberger Fuld. During the preceding year, they had decided to sell their business, R. H.
Macy and Company, and devote their time and fortune
to philanthropic endeavors. Although they remained involved in structuring and formulating the Institute, they
created a board of trustees and a directorship to supervise
academic programs and oversee administration. Abraham
Flexner, a classicist as well as an innovator of American
medical education, was chosen as the rst director and,
in many ways, determined the Institutes future course.
In an early letter to the board of trustees, the founders envisioned the Institute as a place for the pursuit of
advanced learning and exploration in elds of pure science and high scholarship to the utmost degree that the
facilities of the institution and the ability of the faculty
and students will permit. The Institute has retained the
spirit of the founders vision, while also revising its particular mission. The Bambergers had initially imagined
establishing an entirely new university, but as they discussed their ideas with Flexner, they devised a new model
of scholarship, unburdened by the administrative demands of a university. Primarily under the leadership of
Flexner, the Institute carved out an identity somewhere
between the traditional roles of university and research
institute. The Institute still does not award any higher
degrees and does not provide any formal graduate training. Its small size and highly specialized academic agenda
remain points of pride.
In the fall of 1932, Albert Einstein and Oswald Veblen were approved as the rst academic appointments to
the Institutes newly established School of Mathematics.
Two years later, the Schools of Humanistic Studies and
Politics were added to the Institutes academic scope. In
the following six decades, the Institute formally designated ve areas of study, including the Schools of Mathematics (1933), Historical Studies (1948), Natural Sciences (1966), Social Sciences (1973), and, most recently,
Theoretical Biology (1998). Each school has a small permanent faculty but relies quite heavily on the academic
strength and contributions of the approximately 180 fellows invited to the Institute each year.
Although the Institute enjoys a close, symbiotic relationship with nearby Princeton University, it is administratively and nancially independent. Funding comes
from a number of different private and public sources,


including gifts from corporations and individuals and

grants from government agencies. Fellows and faculty of
the Institute are given the opportunity to explore Princetons resources and attend lectures and seminars sponsored by the university, but they are not expected to teach
any courses. Likewise, members of the Princeton community can attend events at Institute facilities.
The historical moment of the Institutes founding,
when Nazism and fascism were on the rise in Europe, set
a precedent for close ties to the international scholarly
community. In its early years, the Institute provided academic asylum for many refugee scholars from the Continent. To this day, the Institute invites scholars from
around the world to engage in serious learning and research. It also is committed to providing opportunities for
new scholars to focus on their independent work in the
company of other scholars, without the demands of teaching. The Institute houses its faculty and fellows and offers
a number of cultural activities, lectures, and seminars to
foster a sense of academic exchange.
Over the last decades of the twentieth century the
faculty of the Institute has included scholars such as Clifford Geertz, George Kennan, Joan Wallach Scott, and
Michael Walzer. From 1991, Phillip A. Grifths served
as director.

The Institute for Advanced Study: Some Introductory Information.

Princeton, N.J., 1975.
Institute for Advanced Study home page at

Lila Corwin Berman

See also Princeton University.

INSTRUCTIONS, issued to every royal governor on

his departure for the colonies, delineated the specic
powers established in the governors commission. They
were most often prepared in the kings name by special
committees of the Privy Council or, subsequent to its organization in 1696, the Board of Trade, in consultation
with English merchants, other royal ofcials, and colonial
agents. Royal governors received instructions on every
facet of colonial administration, including colonial councils
and assemblies, nances, the courts, military matters, trade,
navigation, commerce, and religious establishment.
A newly appointed governor sometimes had the opportunity to make suggestions about his own instructions.
The Board of Trade also consulted royal commissioners,
including those of the Admiralty, the Treasury, and the
Customs. English merchants wielded considerable inuence in the drafting of instructions. Merchants who objected to colonial legislation had only to petition the
Board of Trade, which, in keeping with mercantilist interests, disallowed laws prejudicial to the trading interests of Great Britain. Colonists objected to those tradebased instructions that seemed frequently to represent


British interests at the expense of the colonists. Such instructions, however, were issued to nearly all of the royal
governors until the American Revolution.

Labaree, Leonard Woods. Royal Government in America. 2d ed.

New York: Frederick Ungar, 1964.
, ed. Royal Instructions to British Colonial Governors, 1670
1776. New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1935. Reprint,
New York: Octagon Books, 1967.

Ramos, Efren Rivera. The Legal Construction of American

Colonialism: The Insular Cases (19011922). Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico 65 (1996): 225328.
Torruella, Juan R. The Supreme Court and Puerto Rico: The Doctrine of Separate and Unequal. Ro Piedras: University of
Puerto Rico, 1985.

Gabriel J. Chin
Diana Yoon
See also Guam; Hawaii; Puerto Rico; Territories of the
United States.

Leslie J. Lindenauer
See also Board of Trade and Plantations; Colonial Policy,
British; Privy Council; Royal Disallowance.

INSULAR CASES. Following its victory in the

Spanish-American War (1898), the United States acquired
Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. In the
Insular Cases (19011922), the U.S. Supreme Court determined the constitutional and political status of the new
territories. In De Lima v. Bidwell (1901), a customs
dispute, a 5-to-4 majority ruled that Puerto Rico was not
a foreign country for tariff purposes. In subsequent
cases, the Court addressed the territories relationship
to the United States and whether the Constitution follows the ag; that is, whether and how constitutional
provisions applied to these acquisitions. Many of the
later cases were also decided by divided Courts, reecting disagreement about the constitutional issues underlying American expansionism.
The incorporation approach emerged as a central
doctrine in the Courts decisions. This principle held that
incorporated territoriesthose that Congress intended
to become part of the United States and, eventually,
stateswere directly protected by the Constitution as
written. However, it also held that only a limited set of
rights applied to unincorporated possessions that Congress had not yet determined to make permanent parts of
the Union. Thus, in Rassmussen v. United States (1905),
the Court ruled that the Sixth Amendment required jury
trials in Alaskan criminal cases because Alaska had been
incorporated into the United States, while in Dorr v.
United States (1904), it determined that jury trials were
not required in the Philippine Islands, because they had
not been incorporated. Puerto Rico, for which the doctrine of the Insular Cases would have the most enduring
consequences, was unincorporated, according to Downes
v. Bidwell (1901). Thus, it was treated as subject to the
political authority of Congress, unrestrained by the full
protections of the Constitution.

Kerr, James. The Insular Cases: The Role of the Judiciary in American Expansionism. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press,

INSURANCE. The insurance business, one of the

oldest in America, has its roots in the early years of the
Republic, when the nations business was carried on primarily in seaport coffeehouses, the gathering point for sea
captains, merchants, and bankers. Marine and re insurance were the earliest forms of the property and liability
branch of the insurance business; later additions include
inland marine, aviation, workers compensation, automobile, multiple-line, and suretyship insurance. Marine
insurance has been a necessary adjunct to commerce, and
insurance against losses from frequent res in colonial
seaports also had a colorful history.
The other major branches of insurance, life and
health, did not assume importance until the 1840s, when
the Industrial Revolution created a need for security that
land had traditionally given to a nation of farmers. The
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, which began writing policies in 1843, was the rst commercial life
insurance company making policies available to the general public. Health insurance began as accident insurance
about 1850. The rst auto insurance was issued in 1898.
Marine Insurance
The rst marine insurance policies sold in America were
contracted through the local agents of English underwriters in the coffeehouses of American seaports. Always
a necessary adjunct to commerce, forms of marine insurance were known in the times of the ancient Babylonians,
Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans, as well as the Europeans of the fteenth and sixteenth centuries. Modern
marine insurance had its origins in England in the seventeenth century, and American marine insurance owes its
beginnings to the English marine underwriters of that era.
By 1741 Philadelphia was the most important city
in the colonies, outranking Boston in volume of shipping
and commerce and serving as the countrys political center; it also emerged as the center of the early development
of American insurance. By 1760 the insurance center of
Philadelphia was the London Coffee House of Philadelphia, in which the Old Insurance Ofce was maintained
by the Philadelphia underwriters during regular hours.
The English underwriters also met there. The rival of the
Philadelphia underwritersthe New York Insurance Ofcemaintained an ofce next door.



During the Revolution City Tavern in Philadelphia

became the gathering place of soldiers, statesmen, and
important merchants, superseding the London Coffee
House as the headquarters for marine underwriting. As
the headquarters of the marine underwriters, it was also
the place where plans were later made for the formation
of the Insurance Company of North America, founded in
1792the rst stock insurance company in the nation
and the rst American company capable of writing satisfactory marine contracts. Since re insurance was already
being written by two companies in Philadelphia, and since
the subscribers already had considerable experience in
marine underwriting, a decision was made to concentrate
on that form of insurance. American marine underwriting
contributed directly to the growth and prosperity of the
shipping trade in the new nation. Managed well, it was
successful as a stock company and paid regular dividends;
it has thrived for nearly two hundred years.
In the 1840s and 1850s the revolutionary design of
the American clipper ship inaugurated one of the most
prosperous eras in American shipping and American marine insurance, for marine insurance kept pace with the
increased prosperity of ocean commerce. Between 1840
and 1861, the combined value of American exports and
imports more than doubled, while marine premium receipts tripled. This prosperity lasted until the 1890s, when
the British steamship made the clipper ship obsolete. Then,
in the early twentieth century, the Panama Canal undercut the clipper ships role in the growing trade between
the Atlantic coast and California.
After the depression of 1893, Congress limited U.S.
coastal trade to U.S. ships, a boon to domestic shipowners. New ships were built, and American marine underwriters found their business increasing again. But the
greatest growth came with World War I. Although the
outbreak of war created unstable conditions in the quoting of marine insurance rates, the Bureau of War Risk
Insurancecreated by Congress in 1914made it possible to quote stable rates. The great increase in the volume of shipping boosted demand for marine insurance,
the value of vessels and cargoes soared, and freight charges
increased, leading to millions of dollars worth of insurance orders and the revitalization of American marine underwriting. The gross tonnage of ships built jumped from
316,250 in 1914 to 3,880,639 in 1920, the value of cargo
carried reached $12 billion, and the demand for insurance
coverage created the rst major expansion in the marine
insurance market since the clipper-ship era. Between the
end of World War I and the beginning of World War II,
the large number of new companies entering the eld
caused an excess capacity in marine underwriting that
resulted in intense competition and lower underwriting
Congressional encouragement of risk-spreading
through syndicates in World War II made underwriting
insurance on merchant vessels possible in the period between the Neutrality Act of 4 November 1939 and April


1942, when the government requisitioned all American

vessels. At the request of the Maritime Commission, the
American Hull Syndicate wrote war risk insurance
on hulls, and the American Cargo War Risk Exchange
made vital shipping possible by creating a market large
enough to spread insurance coverage among many marine
After World War II Congress again promoted the
U.S. marine insurance market with the McCarranFerguson Act of 1945, which exempted marine insurance
from antitrust laws and made American marine insurance
competitive in world markets. The Ship Sales Act of 1946
required mortgagees of merchant ships to place not less
than 75 percent of the required hull insurance in the U.S.
From 1965 to 1974, the American marine insurance
market grew substantially in relationship to the English
market (primarily Lloyds of London). Ships grew in size
and cost, and construction during this decade of huge
oceangoing rigs designed for oil drilling and costing tens
of millions of dollars created another expansion of the
marine market. In the 1980s and 1990s, the introduction
of automated handling procedures, satellite tracking, and
the use of standardized containers transformed the shipping industry, leading to larger and larger ships and payloads. By the end of the twentieth century, some 60 percent of the worlds merchant eet had moved to countries
under open registries such as Panama, Liberia, the Bahamas, and Greece, which have fewer taxes, lower wages,
and less regulation.
Inland Marine Insurance
Initially designed to insure cargo on inland waterways,
inland marine insurance expanded to include movement
on land as the interior of the country developed. Some of
the rst policies insured the possessions of traveling salesmen. In the twentieth century, bridges and tunnels used
for transportation, as well as tourist baggage and postal
shipments, were included.
Aviation Insurance
Aviation insurance covers the hull and liability hazards of
both commercial airlines and private aircraft; it does not
include accidental injury or death coverage, which companies issue separately. During the 1960s and 1970s, many
new companies entered this eld, primarily as reinsurers.
These companies compete among themselves and with
foreign insurance carriers (mainly Lloyds of London) for
both U.S. and foreign aviation business.
One problem associated with aviation insurance is
the constant exposure to catastrophic loss. As speed, size
of equipment, fuel load, and passenger capacity continue
to increase, the catastrophe hazard grows in direct proportion. There are too few commercial aircraft at risk to
allow successful operation of the law of large numbers,
upon which underwriters rely to predict losses. There-


fore, aviation underwriters must rely on their own judgments in determining rates.
Fire Insurance
Fire insurance is a direct descendant of marine insurance.
It developed in the American colonies from ideas brought
by English settlers. American merchants realized the need
for protection from loss from re after the Great Fire of
London in 1666 destroyed three-fourths of the citys
buildings. Like the rst marine insurance company, the
rst re insurance company in America began in Philadelphia, and, like the earliest marine companies, that
company provided policies based on mutual agreement
rather than stock subscription. Largely through the efforts of Benjamin Franklin, Americas rst re insurance
company and its oldest mutual insurance company formed
in 1752the Philadelphia Contributionship for Insurance of Houses From Loss by Fire. Experiencing difculty in ghting res at houses surrounded by trees, the
Philadelphia Contributionship decided, in 1781, not to
insure houses that had trees in front of them. Out of opposition to this policy grew the Mutual Assurance Company in 1784, popularly known as the Green Tree because
of the circumstances of its founding and because of its re
mark. Then, in 1794, the Insurance Company of North
Americaprimarily a marine underwriterbecame the
rst company to market insurance coverage on a building
and its contents and to underwrite re risk beyond the
city limits.
The success of Philadelphias mutual re insurance
companies inspired the formation of mutual companies
in other cities. The history of large res in the growth of
American cities and seaports gave rise to improvements
in re underwriting. The 1835 re in New York, in which
almost the entire business district burned to the ground,
ruined most New York companies. Because of state discriminatory taxes, much of the risk had been underwritten by small local companies that had too little surplus
to meet the $18 million loss. Subsequently, the underwriting business grew throughout the nation to spread
the risk.
The Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Company made
its appearance in New England in 1835. The rm was
pioneered by Zachariah Allen, who, along with other mill
ownerswho had been refused re insurance for their
factories by the mutual companies and found the high
premiums of stock companies excessiveformed their
own company. Skillful underwriting kept the costs low
and, as the system grew, it had an effect far beyond that
eld, forcing stock companies to reduce their rates. At the
same time, the factory mutuals expanded with the growth
of American industry until they underwrote the risks of
the wide industrial eld created by the expansion of
American business and extended coverage to include loss
from other damage such as lightning. In 1866 the re
companies formed the National Board of Fire Underwriters, which disseminated information on the compen-

sation of agents, re prevention, and the discovery and

prevention of arson.
In 1909 Kansas responded to the widespread belief
that re insurance companies were making excessive profits by enacting a law that gave the state insurance commissioner power over rates charged by re insurance
companies. In 1910 the New York legislature responded
to the same belief by appointing a joint committee, under
state senator Edwin A. Merritt, Jr., to investigate the insurance companies. The Merritt committees recommendations for sweeping changes in the industry produced a
number of key reforms that served as models for other
Fire insurance continued to grow steadily during the
twentieth century. In 1948 almost $1.3 billion in premiums were written ($9.7 billion in 2002 dollars); $8.4 billion ($8.7 billion in 2002 dollars) in premiums were written in 2000. Since its beginning in the early 1950s, the
trend toward multiple-line coverage and packaging of
property and casualty lines in either indivisible or divisible
premium contracts has been gathering momentum, both
in the growth of homeowners policies and in commercial
Workers Compensation Insurance
Federal and state laws requiring workers compensation
insurance have created the market for this form of liability
insurance, which is sold by property and liability insurance companies. Prior to the development of workers
compensation, an injured workers legal rights were based
upon common law. As the cost and inequity of the common law created public dissatisfaction, changes gradually
took place.
Between 1909 and 1913, thirty-one investigatory
commissions were established; nine more were set up
during the next six years. The consensus from this research was that employers liability legislation should be
replaced with what would become state workers compensation laws. These laws derived from an entirely new
legal conceptliability without regard to fault. Industrial accidents and disease have traditionally fell under
the theory of occupational risk. Workers compensation
legislation provided for prompt payment of medical and
disability benets and thus eliminated the cost of litigation and encouraged the employer to promote safe
working conditions.
Before 1908 a few states had passed narrow compensation acts with low benets. The rst major law, the federal Employees Compensation Act of 1908, provided
benets for civil employees of the federal government and
public employees of the District of Columbia. Ten states
passed workers compensation laws in 1911; all but six
states had followed suit by 1920. The trend has been toward more comprehensive coverage for a larger group of
workers. In 1934 only 33 percent of the total workforce
was covered by workers compensation; by 1957 the gure
had grown to 62 percent. By the mid-1970s about 75 per-



cent was covered. Workers compensation, the third largest individual line of insurance, had premiums of $23.2
billion in 2000.
Automobile Insurance
The rst automobile insurance policy was issued by the
Travelers Insurance Companies in 1898, and since then
more and more of Americas 120 million motorists have
recognized its value. In 1973 automobile insurance premiums reached $17.15 billion ($69.46 billion in 2002 dollars) and accounted for 42.3 percent of total propertyliability premium volume. Because of ination, increasing
claims frequency, and larger claim settlements, automobile premiums have increased rapidly, and, in 1973, were
more than double those of 1965. By the end of the 1970s,
most states had made the purchase of automobile insurance by car owners compulsory.
Following consumer unhappiness over automobile
insurance rates in the late 1980s and 1990s, some states
instituted no-fault automobile insurance to reduce litigation. Typical state no-fault insurance laws permit accident victims to recover such nancial losses as medical
and hospital expenses and lost income from their own
insurance companies and usually place some restrictions
on the right to sue.
Life Insurance
Early colonists were skeptical of life insurance. Benjamin
Franklin said that men were willing to insure their homes,
their goods, and their ships, yet neglected to insure their
livesthe most important asset to their families and the
most subject to risk. Many considered life insurance a
form of gambling and therefore against their religion. As
late as 1807, the Massachusetts legislature argued against
the morality of life insurance.
The earliest life insurance policies in America were
written as a sideline by marine underwriters on the lives
of sea captains for the duration of a voyage. The tontine,
a life insurance lottery, formed by a group who insured
themselves together, rst appeared in 1790. When one
died, the others divided his assets. Subscribers to the Universal Tontine used their funds to form an insurance company in 1792; the tontine policy was not used again until

ance commissioner of Massachusetts from 1858 to 1867

and often called the father of legal reserve life insurance,
developed the rst American table for establishing policy
reserves. By 1890, most states had established insurance
departments; by 1940, insurance departments were regulating the business in all states. State regulation of life
insurance was rmly established by the Supreme Court
in Paul v. Virginia (1868), which declared that life insurance was not interstate commerce and not subject to federal jurisdiction.
As the industry grew after the Civil War, it became
more and more important to ensure the mortality experience on which rates were based. Sheppard Homans published the rst mortality table, based on the experience of
insured lives in America, in 1868. Other developments
included the requirement of nonforfeiture provisions under state statues and the growing employment of full-time
agents. The fervor for expansion during the period following the Civil War was characterized by extreme
competition between companiesparticularly proprietary stock companies and mutual companiesand inuenced all aspects of the business. Quality was frequently
sacriced for quantity, and the dividend policies of the
companies eventually led to abuse.
Competition also encouraged strong leaders and the
control of large life insurance companies by powerful executives rather than by owners or investors. For example,
although Henry B. Hyde of the Equitable Life Assurance
Society had appointed a capable president to succeed him,
the controlling stock passed at Hydes death to his son.
His son so misused his control as to bring about much
unfavorable publicity and the ultimate transformation of
the company into a mutual. In the case of the mutuals,
interlocking directorates led to investments in syndicates
and in entrepreneurial activities that did not always serve
the best interests of the policyholders. Life insurance
companies ultimately invested in every phase of the economic expansion of the United States and became competitors of investment bankers.

The great expansion of the American economy from

1830 to 1837 made Americans more dependent on nancial institutions. The prosperity engendered the founding
of large stock insurance companies, but the recession after
1837 gave impetus to the mutuals because the shortage
of capital during the depression years made it difcult to
sell stock in life insurance companies. Four great mutual
companies were founded during that period. The rst, the
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York founded
in 1843, is the oldest commercial life insurance company
in continuous existence.

The climate in which the life insurance business operated between 1890 and 1905the peak of the trustbusting periodwas one of severe public criticism of
business and nance. New York legislators could not ignore the dubious practices any longer. In July 1905 the
Assembly and Senate concurred in a resolution directing
a committee to investigate and examine the business and
affairs of life insurance companies operating in the state.
With Sen. William W. Armstrong as chairman and Charles
Evans Hughes as counsel, the committee issued its report
in 1906. Although it declared the life insurance business
to be fundamentally sound, it brought to light numerous
practices detrimental both to policyholders and to the
national economy. The committees recommendations
led to state legislation prohibiting these practices and
strengthened the industry.

In 1855 Massachusetts became the rst state to establish an insurance department. Elizur Wright, insur-

The professional approach to life insurance was important to its growth. Between 1890 and 1906, several



professional associations were formed, including the Actuarial Society of America, the National Association of
Life Underwriters, the American Life Convention, and
the Association of Life Insurance Presidents. Ownership
of U.S. government life insurance by young men entering
the military service in World War I caused their families
to reappraise their own need for life insurance and stimulated salesa situation that repeated itself during World
War II. The Great Depression of the 1930s also favored
the growth of life insurance, and American insurance companies outperformed most businesses during that time.
In the late 1930s the Temporary National Economic
Committees investigations into the sources of economic
power in the country endorsed the soundness of the life
insurance industry and disclaimed any disposition toward
governmental regulation of the industry. However, in
United States v. South-eastern Underwriters Association et al.
(1944), the Supreme Court held that no commercial enterprise that conducts its business across state lines is
wholly beyond the regulatory power of Congress. Subsequently Congress passed the McCarran-Ferguson bill
in 1945, which stated that continued regulation and taxation of the insurance industry by the states was in the
public interest and that silence on the part of Congress
did not stand as any impediment to state regulation. The
bill thereby strengthened state regulation and helped to
guarantee more qualied insurance management.
Entry into mutual funds and variable annuities by life
insurance companies made them subject to the federal
securities laws, since these products are considered securities. Agents for the variable annuity and mutual funds
must meet the requirements of both state and federal
regulation. Simultaneously, changes in nancial enterprises began affecting the marketing of life insurance
products. Members of the Midwest stock exchange began
selling life insurance in 1970, and other exchanges permitted their members to follow this lead. Thus, large life
insurance companies began to enter the property and liability insurance eld.
Liability insurance became a political issue in the
1980s, when businesses, manufacturers, and physicians
fought to reform liability laws to reduce what they considered extensive jury awards. Life insurance also underwent a major change. Once sold only to wage-earning
males to provide comfort to would-be widows, new-style
life insurance policies became opportunities to accumulate tax-free savings, causing life and annuity insurance
sales to boom from $63.2 billion ($137.78 billion in 2002
dollars) in 1980 to $216.5 billion ($277.12 billion in 2002
dollars) in 1992. Brokerage houses began selling life insurance with good returns and long-term growth, attracting money from banks and savings and loans. In 1995 the
Supreme Court agreed with the position of the U.S. comptroller of the currency that annuities were investments
rather than insurance, opening the door to bank participation in the $72-billion-a-year annuity market.

Group Insurance
Group insurance is a phenomenon of the twentieth century. The Equitable Life Insurance Company issued the
rst group life insurance policy, covering employees of
the Pantasote Leather Company, in June 1911. Since then
group insurance has expanded rapidly. By the end of the
twentieth century, low-cost group life, health, and disability coverages were available through companies with
twenty-ve or more employees and through many professional associations. More than two-thirds of all employed persons in the United States are covered by some
form of group insurance.
Health Insurance
Health insurance had its start in the mid-nineteenth century. Accident insurance came rst, and then the policyholder began to be protected against loss of income from
a limited number of diseases. Although stemming from
accident insurance, life insurance companies are the primary marketers of modern health insurance. These companies are committed to group life insurance, which pairs
naturally with health insurance.
Rail and steamboat accidents in the mid-nineteenth
century precipitated the rst demand for an insurance
policy to protect against loss of income because of accident. The Franklin Health Assurance Company of Massachusetts is credited with being the rst insurer to write
accident insurance in America in 1850. However, the
Travelers Insurance Company, founded in 1863, was the
rst company in America to write health insurance, providing a schedule of stated benets payable to the insured
for each illness or injury. The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York issued the rst contract to protect
against loss of income from accident and from certain
diseases (1891).
Workers compensation laws, rst effectively enacted
by the federal government in 1908, stimulated an interest
in group health insurance contracts for illness and nonwork-related injuries not covered by the law; in 1914 the
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company issued the rst
group health contract, covering its home ofce employees. The economic depression of the 1930s engendered a
wide concern for individual and family security, stimulating group health insurance sales. What became Blue Cross
in 1948 began when a group of schoolteachers entered an
agreement with Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas, to provide hospital care on a prepayment basis. In response, traditional insurance companies also developed reimbursement policies for hospital and surgical care.
During World War II the fringe benet became a
signicant element in collective bargaining, and group
health insurance became an important part of fringebenet packages. Sharply escalating costs for health care
after the war prompted continued improvement of health
insurance. Perhaps most signicant was the development
of major medical insurance in response to the familys
need for protection against serious and prolonged illness.



During the 1970s, health insurance companies developed

dental insurance plans that provided scheduled benets
for various types of dental surgery. Some companies added
payments during the 1980s and 1990s for routine dental
checkups or teeth cleaning.
Health insurers found themselves embroiled in a major debate after the 1992 election, when the administration of President Bill Clinton argued that the insurance
industrys practices harmed the medical community. President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton
favored a competitive model generally known as managed
competition, but the insurance industry mobilized a successful television campaign against it. Large insurers,
meanwhile, responded by developing health maintenance
organizations to manage care and costs and halt the yearto-year double-digit rise in medical costs.
A string of catastrophic claims in the 1980s and 1990s
resulting from major natural disasters threatened the industry far more than any possible federal regulation. Hurricane Hugo caused $4.2 billion in insured losses in
1989the rst hurricane to cause more than $1 billion
in lossesand three years later Hurricane Andrew produced $16.5 billion ($21.12 billion in 2002 dollars) in insured losses. Altogether, the insurance industry counted
thirty-six catastrophes in 1992, resulting in $22.9 billion
($29.3 billion in 2002 dollars) in losses. An earthquake in
California in 1989 and riots in Los Angeles in 1992 incurred insured losses of $1.1 billion ($1.41 billion in 2002
dollars). Flooding of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers
and tributaries caused another $1 billion in privately insured losses.
Despite these challenges, during the late 1980s and
early 1990s the industry proved itself durable and adaptive, and greatly expanded the risks that individuals or
businesses can insure against: automobile, home, life,
health, annuities, disability, workers compensation, nursing home, ood, earthquake, and numerous specic liabilities. As the industry has grown, insurance has become
a major expense for most Americans. U.S. households in
1992 spent 6.3 percent of their income on automobile,
home, health, and other forms of insurance coverage. The
United States is the largest insurance market in the world,
accounting for almost one-third of all insurance expenditures. In 1994, premiums totaled $561.7 billion ($678.93
in 2002 dollars) $316.8 billion for life and health and
$244.9 billion for property and casualty, a total equal to
Spains annual economic output.
Insurance companies invest billions of dollars in credit
and equity markets and employ nearly 2.2 million people
in 4,000 companies. The collapse of several major national companies, including the $18 billion Executive Life,
prompted calls for federal regulation that the politically
powerful insurance industry successfully opposed.

Bainbridge, John. Biography of an Idea: The Story of Mutual Fire

and Casualty Insurance. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1952.


Black, Samuel P., Jr. Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Automobile

Insurance: Samuel P. Black, Jr. and the Rise of Erie Insurance.
New York: Routledge, 2001.
Clough, Shepard B. A Century of American Life Insurance: A History of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, 1843
1943. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946.
Cunningham, Robert, III. The Blues: A History of the Blue Cross
and Blue Shield System. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1997.
James, Marquis. The Metropolitan Life: A Study in Business Growth.
New York: Viking Press, 1947.
Huber, Peter W. Liability: The Legal Revolution and its Consequences. New York: Basic Books, 1988.
Schulte, Gary. The Fall of First Executive: The House that Fred
Carr Built. New York: HarperBusiness, 1991.

Brent Schondelmeyer
Edmund Zalinski / c. w.
See also Banking; Disasters; Earthquakes; Fires; Floods and
Flood Control; Health Care; Health Insurance; Health
Maintenance Organizations; Hurricanes; Medicare and
Medicaid; Social Security.

INSURRECTIONS, DOMESTIC. An insurrection is an uprising against government or civil authority.

Inasmuch as local ofcials are always charged with intervening to curb behavior understood to be outside the law,
the broadest conception of the term would include race
and ethnic revolts, such as slave revolts, lynchings, and
the New York Draft Riot of 1863 (which had a combination of causes); violent labor unrest; and popular assaults directly targeting the political process (that is, political violence encompassing a range of uprisings from
Bacons Rebellion in Virginia in 1675 to anti-abortion
violence in the 1980s and 1990s). Looked at this way, insurrections have always been a part of the American
Rioting revealing racial and ethnic tensions goes back
to colonial America. Lynchings and other brutality against
slaves and freemen were matched by slave revolts, including the Negro Plot of 1741 in New York; the Charleston, South Carolina, slave revolt of 1822; Nat Turners
Rebellion of 1831; and the Harpers Ferry Raid in Virginia in 1859. There were urban race and anti-abortion
riots (more than a dozen) in many major cities in 1834
and 1835; race riots in East St. Louis in 1917 and in Chicago in 1919; the Watts Riot in Los Angeles in 1965
and similar upheavals in Newark, Detroit, and New York
City in 1967; and another major race riot in Los Angeles
in 1992.
Industrial working-class rioting and its violent repression were commonplace, starting with widespread labor riots around Pittsburgh and in Ohio in 1877. The
Homestead Strike in Pittsburgh in 1892 and the Pullman Strike in Illinois two years later were both repressed
brutally, with loss of life. Succeeding generations saw


more of the same: the Ludlow Massacre of 1914 in Colorado and the Detroit Sitdown Strike of 1936 are two
Political insurrection against a broad array of governmental authorities was always in season. In colonial
America, for example, Leislers Rebellion in New York
in 1689 and rent riots in New Jersey in the 1740s were
but two examples of many, precursors of the widespread
upheavals that accompanied the coming of the American
Revolution. The opening shots of that revolution were
heard in the Stamp Act Riots of 1765 and 1766 in Boston, New York, and elsewhere. These were followed by,
among many possible examples, the Regulator Wars in
North Carolina from 1769 to 1771 and the Boston Tea
Party of 1773. In the immediate postwar era, more violence marred the American landscape; the most serious
upheaval was Shayss Rebellion in western Massachusetts in 1786. No generation escaped: widespread political
upheavals deriving from a variety of causes in 1834 and
1835, the Astor Place Riot of 1849 in New York City,
and the Native-American Partyled Know-Nothing Riots
in the 1850s in Baltimore, New York, and Louisville,
among many other places, attest to this fact.
In the twentieth century, insurrectionary political
causation was inherent in all of the many race riots, but
purely political rioting was evident as well: the suppression following the Red Scare of the 1920s, and the repression of World War I veterans in Washington, D.C.,
following their Bonus March at the height of the Great
Depression offer up well-known examples. The days of
rage of the radical group the Weathermen was but one
of many insurrections in the tumultuous 1960s. The same
era gave rise to antiwar demonstrations, some violent, everywhere in America, directed at the nations military involvement in Vietnam. No section of the country was
spared the largely urban anti-abortion rioting that began
in the mid-1980s and continued at the start of the twentyrst century.
The above is but a partial catalog of ubiquitous
American insurrectional activity. To some American historians of the subject, rioting is as American as apple pie;
to others, it is violence against civil society and the
broadly protective laws of the land guaranteed by the First
Amendment. Historians on both sides of the question
count and catalog domestic insurrections endlessly. As
they have done so, they have developed a body of theory
about the role of rioting and violence in the shaping of
the American Republic. While these historians and other
social scientists differ on the constructiveness and validity
of insurrection, they nevertheless all accept certain ideological touchstones.
First, of course, the very presence of First Amendment rights (the freedoms of speech, the press, and assembly) has underpinned claims that crowd actions in
general have a quasi-legal standing (or at least debatable
legal standing) in the American political process. Americans have always voted with their feet, some historians

say; taking to the streets is an extension of constitutional

civil rights. Those opposed will argue that it is a matter
of degree; that is, when demonstrations turn violent, they
become lawless. Second, while rural and small-town violence has always been with us, the rise of large cities from
the early nineteenth century on conferred an anonymity
on its inhabitants that made crowd actions a tempting way
to redress grievances. And third, most scholars would
agree, throughout its history Americas very diversity
and opennessthough perceived to be two of its greatest strengthshave made episodic racial, religious, cultural, industrial, generational, and class hostility almost
The very birth of the Republic was accompanied by
the repeated crowd actions that characterized the American Revolution. To a degree, these mobs drew legitimacy
in turn from crowds going back to the Magna Carta. Thus
born of insurrection, Americans, the historian Paul Gilje
has concluded, have persisted in rioting throughout
American history. Crowd actions have intermittently
played important roles in moving the nation forward,
with independence in 1776 being the prime example.
Other instances of constructive results arising from domestic insurrection include democratic reforms growing
out of the crowd actions of the Age of Jackson; workingclass gains and the right to collective bargaining emerging
from the industrial labor riots that extended from 1877
to 1937; and impressive racial progress and gains in race
relations forged rst through assaults on slavery by whites
and African Americans before the Civil War, and then by
the civil rights upheavals of the 1960s.
Violence always introduces danger, and many good
people have died over more than three centuries of domestic insurrection, butto paraphrase Thomas Jeffersonthe tree of liberty must be watered each generation
by the blood of patriots.

Gilje, Paul. Rioting in America. Bloomington: Indiana University

Press, 1996.
Graham, Hugh Davis, and Ted Robert Gurr, eds. Violence in
America: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Rev. ed.
Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1979.

Carl E. Prince
See also Bonus Army; Chicago Riots of 1919; Detroit Riots;
Los Angeles Riots; Radicals and Radicalism; Riots; Riots, Urban; Riots, Urban, of 1967.

INTEGRATION. During the colonial and antebellum periods, the southern slave codes were draconian and
the slave regimen was harsh, yet chattel slavery was basically incompatible with racial segregation. Although the
civil and social status of blacks was rigidly subordinate,
blacks and whites often worked side by side, and racial
mingling and miscegenation in the South were wide-



spread. Racial segregation, known as Jim Crow in the

South, rst emerged in the antebellum North, where
rights gained by free blacks through the thrust of the Revolution, especially the franchise and rights in court, were
subsequently whittled away.
The Reconstruction period (18651877) witnessed
the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment (1868), which
recognized African Americans as citizens, accorded them
equal protection under the laws, and secured their civic
privileges and immunities from state violation. Also at this
time, the Fifteenth Amendment (1870), which barred disfranchisement on grounds of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude, was passed. But by 1877 white
America had wearied of the strains of Reconstruction,
abandoning the freedmen and freedwomen to conservative
Democratic home rule in the southern states. In the absence of slavery and the strict enforcement of Reconstruction legislation intended to guarantee blacks civil rights,
southern whites reasserted racial dominance through segregation, disfranchisement, and lynching. The federal
government sanctioned segregation in the states and
practiced it in its agencies; indeed, Jim Crow prevailed in
Washington, D.C. The conservative Supreme Court so
narrowly interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment (the
1883 Civil Rights Cases) and the Fifteenth Amendment
(United States v. Reese, 1876) that African Americans
were for the most part denied the intended benets of
emancipation. In 1894, Congress repealed all but seven
of the forty-nine sections of the Reconstructions enforcement provisions in civil rights. In 1896, the Supreme
Court endorsed the segregationist principle in Plessy v.
Ferguson, proclaiming the constitutionality of a Louisiana law compelling equal but separate railroad facilities
for the white and colored races.
Into the 1960s, rigid Jim Crow laws separated blacks
and whites virtually everywhere in the South. Despite the
Supreme Courts separate but equal provision, facilities
for blacks were far inferior to those for whites. Whites
contended that the Bible justied racial discrimination,
and that blacks preferred segregation. Whites in the Northeast, Midwest, and West practiced segregation through social pressure, antimiscegenation ordinances, and racial
covenants preventing blacks (and in some areas, other people of color and Jews) from purchasing homes in certain
neighborhoods. In 1941 and 1942, white immigrants in
Buffalo and Detroit agitated against blacks moving into
federally funded housing projects. Asian Americans and
Mexican Americans in some western and southwestern
communities were subjected to segregated educational facilities, conned to slum housing, and refused service in
white-only businesses.
Civil rights activists endeavored to eliminate segregation through the courts and appeals to presidents. In
the 1930s and 1940s, the Supreme Court dealt blows to
segregation by ruling against the segregation of blacks at
universities in Missouri, Texas, and Oklahoma, all-white
primaries (Smith v. Allwright, 1944), and segregation on


interstate transportation (Morgan v. Virginia, 1946). In

1941, civil rights leader A. Philip Randolph demanded
that President Franklin D. Roosevelt desegregate the federal government and defense industries. In response,
Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, although the Fair
Employment Practices Committee, charged with investigating allegations of racial discrimination, proved ineffectual in carrying out its mission.
In 1946, President Harry Truman created a committee to report on violations of civil rights and propose solutions. World War II (19391945) had furnished occasions for racial integration in employment, public venues,
and housing, but segregationists tried to restore racial hierarchy, viciously attacking black veterans upon their return to the United States. In 1947, the Presidents Committee on Civil Rights released a report recommending
federal legislation and action to outlaw racial assaults,
overcome obstacles to enfranchisement, desegregate housing, and address other breaches of civil rights. In 1948,
President Truman signed executive orders prohibiting racial discrimination in the civil service (EO 9980) and the
armed forces (EO 9981). Although the Korean War
(19501953) is hailed as the rst war fought by an integrated armed forces since the American Revolution, white
supremacists attempted to sustain segregation at military
bases in the United States and abroad.
The momentum gained by civil rights activists during the 1940s carried into the next decade. The Supreme
Courts unanimous 1954 ruling in Brown v. Board of
Education of Topeka found the equal but separate
provision of Plessy v. Ferguson unconstitutional, thus hastening the decline of segregation. Although the Court determined in 1955 that local school boards were to oversee
desegregation in their districts, it set no deadline and thus
gave whites little incentive to carry out the order. Although many schools in the Midwest, southern border
states, and Washington, D.C., desegregated peaceably,
southern states allowed schools to circumvent the Supreme
Courts Brown rulings by closing down, and repealed compulsory attendance laws so that parents could withdraw
children from desegregating schools. During the 1957
1958 school year, nine African American teenagers,
backed by the National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People (est. 1909), integrated into Central
High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. White hostility,
and Governor Orval Faubuss refusal to ensure state protection of the Little Rock Nine, compelled President
Dwight Eisenhower to deploy federal troops to keep order and safeguard the students.
As civil rights activists grew bolder, they developed
strategies of direct action to bring about integration,
and to that end organized mass sit-ins, boycotts, and
marches. Members of the interracial Congress of Racial
Equality engaged in sit-ins at segregated eating establishments and freedom rides on interstate buses in the
1940s, and joined forces with other integrationist groups
in the 1960s. In Montgomery, Alabama, the NAACP


launched a yearlong boycott (19551956) that accomplished the desegregation of the citys bus system. College
students who mobilized sit-ins at southern lunch counters and recreational facilities formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in 1960,
which subsequently organized projects to register black
voters in the rural Deep South.
Cold War politics also entered into the issue of segregation. Foreign foes as well as allies of the United States
called attention to the contradiction between Americans
claims to advocate freedom, democracy, and equality
while subjecting citizens and foreign visitors to racial discrimination. White-only hotels, apartments, and restaurants that denied entry to foreign ofcials of color insulted the visitors and, some critics argued, threatened to
harm U.S. foreign relations.
The wide-ranging Civil Rights Act of 1964, which
created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 represented
the fruits of decades of activism. Yet by the time Congress
passed this legislation, some activists doubted that integration was the ultimate solution for achieving racial
equality. Black separatists advocated building communities apart from whites, whom they believed would never
accept African Americans as equals. In this view, blackonly communities would most effectively foster the social
and economic progress of their members, and also would
allow African Americans to dene themselves according
to their own values, rather than futilely striving to conform to white society. Critics also contended that integration was a goal of members of the black middle class,
who would benet the most from incorporation into
white-dominated capitalist society, and that integration
would not solve the economic problems of poorer African
Americans. Such ideas inuenced SNCC members, whose
1966 election of Stokely Carmichael as chairman over the
more moderate John Lewis marked SNCCs shift away
from integration as a primary goal and toward radicalism
and separatism.
Since the 1960s, integration in the South proved
most successful in public schools. The proportion of African American children in the South attending all-black
schools dropped from two out of three in 1960 to one out
of ten in 1972. In contrast, de facto segregation characterized schools and housing in the North and West during
the 1970s and beyond as whites moved out of neighborhoods increasingly populated by people of color. In 1971,
the Supreme Courts controversial decision (Swann v.
Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of Education) on busing to integrate public schools riled parents who considered it an
extreme means to achieve racial equality. Into the twentyrst century, colleges and universities, the government,
public transportation, professional sports, and other venues experienced varying degrees of integration, although
concerns persisted about social and economic inequalities
that perpetuated racial separation.


Banner-Haley, Charles T. The Fruits of Integration: Black MiddleClass Ideology and Culture, 19601990. Jackson: University
Press of Mississippi, 1994.
Beals, Melba Pattillo. Warriors Dont Cry: A Searing Memoir of
the Battle to Integrate Little Rocks Central High. New York:
Pocket Books, 1994.
Brooks, Roy L. Integration or Separation? A Strategy for Racial
Equality. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996.
Fairclough, Adam. Better Day Coming: Blacks and Equality, 1890
2000. New York: Viking, 2001.
King, Desmond. Separate and Unequal: Black Americans and the
U.S. Federal Government. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1995.
Romano, Renee. No Diplomatic Immunity: African Diplomats,
the State Department, and Civil Rights, 19611964. Journal of American History 87, no. 2 (Sept. 2000): 546579.
Sitkoff, Harvard. The Struggle for Black Equality, 19541992. Rev.
ed. New York: Hill and Wang, 1993.

Donna Alvah
See also Civil Rights and Liberties; Civil Rights Movement;
Desegregation; Discrimination: Race; Race Relations;

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY describes the interests protected by the laws of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. It is a phrase of convenience
rather than a term of art; its precise boundaries are not
agreed upon, or crucial. Patents, copyrights, and trademarks all predate the term intellectual property, which,
though known in the nineteenth century, was not widely
used until the 1960s. Historically, property was divided
into two classes, real and personal. Real property consisted of interests in land; personal property consisted of
everything else. Personal property included not only tangibles, such as goods, but intangibles such as shares of
stock, rights to receive payment, and copyrights and patents. It was understood by the eighteenth century that
patents and copyrights were socially desirable because potential inventors and authors, unless rewarded, would underinvest in inventing and writing. Patents and copyrights
provide rewards proportional to the value of the work. By
exploiting monopolies over patentable and copyrightable
subject matter, creators can charge amounts sufcient to
recapture their capital investment plus make a prot; this
is comparable to granting farmers the exclusive rights to
harvest crops that have required labor to plant and tend.
Patents are granted after examination by the Patent
Ofce and confer twenty (previously seventeen) years of
monopoly rights in works that have the characteristics of
utility, novelty, and nonobviousness. Copyrights arise
upon embodiment of works of authorship in a tangible
medium and now last for much longer than previously;
today, in most cases, they endure for the life of the author
plus seventy years. Registration, though desirable, is not



Trademarks are usually counted as intellectual property but have quite a different rationale and arise differently from either patents or copyrights. The reason for
protecting trademarks is not to promote investment in
their creation but to protect consumers from being deceived as to the origin of goods bearing them. Trademark
rights develop as consumers associate the marks on the
goods with a single source. Courts have often said trademark rights are not property rights but are part of tort
law (though recent developments arguably render trademarks more propertylike). Whatever the theory, the practice persists of calling trademarks a species of intellectual
property, if only because the same lawyers who do patent
and copyright work also advise on trademark questions.
Trade secret law confers on those who manage to
keep valuable information to themselves the competitive
advantage of exclusive access to that information. It is arguably tort law, rather than property law, but since the
subject matter of the secret is often identical to the subject
matter of the patent or copyright, its designation as intellectual property is not surprising.

Chisum, Donald S., and Michael A. Jacobs. Understanding Intellectual Property Law. New York: Matthew Bender, 1992.
Halpern, Sheldon W., Craig Allen Nard, and Kenneth L. Port.
Fundamentals of United States Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patent, and Trademark. The Hague, Netherlands:
Kluwer Law International, 1999.

John A. Kidwell
See also Copyright; Patents and U.S. Patent Office;

INTELLIGENCE, MILITARY AND STRATEGIC. Military and strategic intelligence includes the
collecting, processing, analyzing, evaluating, integrating,
and interpreting openly or covertly acquired information
about foreign countries and areas, regions of actual or
potential military operations, and hostile or potentially
hostile forces. Military intelligence has to be related to
and signicant to military operations and planning; strategic intelligence is used in formulating policy on national
and international levels. The intelligence community in
the United States consists of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA); the National Security Agency (NSA);
the Defense Intelligence Agency; the State Departments
Bureau of Intelligence and Research; the National Reconnaissance Ofce; the intelligence agencies of the army,
navy, and air force; and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The Department of the Treasury and the
Department of Energy have limited intelligence capabilities and missions as well. Almost exclusive reliance on
data collected by human sources (HUMINT) was superseded in importance in the last decades of the twentieth
century by signals intelligence (SIGINT), communica-


tions intelligence (COMINT), electronics intelligence

(ELINT), telemetry intelligence (TELINT), and photography (PHOTINT).
Although intelligence was used in all military conicts in which the United States was engaged as early as
the Revolutionary War, the rst sustained intelligence organizations were the Ofce of Naval Intelligence, created
in 1882, and the Military Information Division (MID),
established by the U.S. Army in 1885. In 1888, service
attaches were appointed to U.S. missions abroad to collect information on foreign armed forces. Nevertheless,
during World War I, American forces had to rely mostly
on military intelligence supplied by the British and the
The advent of communications technology such as
the telegraph in the late 1830s, the telephone in the
1870s, and the radio in the 1920s shifted intelligence collection to COMINT and to code-breaking. A Cipher Bureau was created within MID in 1917 that became the
nucleus of the American Black Chamber, or MI-8, which
was created in 1918 and headed by Herbert O. Yardley.
It worked for the army and state departments to break
the diplomatic codes of several nations. During World
War II, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) coordinated most of the intelligence work; integration with
data compiled by other services through the Joint Intelligence Committee, however, was not satisfactory. The
National Security Act of 1947 created a centralized structure with the establishment of the National Security
Council (NSC) and the CIA. The NSA is responsible
mostly for COMINT, cryptology, and decoding. The
work of the FBI, responsible for internal security, bears
on military and strategic intelligence particularly in its
dealings with foreign intelligence services, and dissident
or terrorist movements operating within the United
Since World War I, and increasingly after World
War II, technology has played a signicant role in collecting data. SIGINT helped establish troop movements
and naval operations during World War II. Relying on
wireless communications, it did not, however, detect Japanese forces (who kept strict radio silence) advancing on
Pearl Harbor in 1941.
In the 1960s, PHOTINT collected by overights of
U-2 spy planes, led to the detection of military activities
and missile deployment in and by the Soviet Union and
other nations, and conrmed the construction of missile
launching sites on Cuba. Satellites later become a major
source of PHOTINT, fullling the same functions better
without endangering pilots or invading other nations air
space. With the advent of the Internet and mobile telephony, COMINT has become an increasingly important source for intelligence.
The volume of data to be handled by intelligence
services increased enormously since the 1960s, threatening to overwhelm analysis. Raw intelligence, however ac-


quired, must be collated, scrutinized, and processed; technically procured data may require translation, decryption,
interpretation, and computer analysis. The National Intelligence Estimate is the highest form of nished national intelligence. It usually reects the consensus of the
intelligence community and often attempts to predict a
potential adversarys course.
During most of the Cold War, intelligence focused
on the Soviet Union. Since the 1990s it has shifted to
international arms and drug trafcking, to transnational
crime and concentrated on so-called rogue state (Iran,
Iraq, and North Korea among them). After the terrorist
attacks on the United States in September 2001, international terrorism has received increased attention by the
intelligence community.
Failures and Oversight
Intelligence estimates, however, have hardly been foolproof. In 1962, the American intelligence community
failed to predict the movement of Soviet missiles into
Cuba. The CIAs large-scale involvement in Vietnam resulted in a major dispute in 1967 between the army command in Vietnam and CIA analysts about the number of
enemy troops. Coupled with the CIAs pessimism about
long-term prospects for military success, it undermined
the armys claim to be winning the war. CIA appraisals
did not alert government ofcials to the fall of the shah
of Iran in 1979 or to the collapse of the Soviet Union in
1991. In the 1980s, CIA Director William Casey was suspected of slanting CIA estimates for political reasons, especially with regard to the Soviet Union and Nicaragua.
Given Caseys belief and that of President Ronald Reagan
that the Soviet Union was bent on subjugating the world,
it is not surprising that the CIA or the intelligence community rarely argued that Soviet capabilities were much
lower than projected.
Oversight of U.S. intelligence began with the establishment of a permanent Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in 1976 and the creation the following year of
the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
These committees were established following the investigations of previous congressional committees into intelligence community abuses including domestic spying
and illegal and unethical programs, such as kidnappings
and assassinations of foreign leaders. Both committees reviewed budgets, programs, and covert activities. The
Iran-Contra investigations of 1986 and 1987, which revealed an elaborate Reagan administration plan to sell
arms to Iran in exchange for the release of U.S. hostages
in Lebanon and the diversion of funds from these transactions to support the Contras in Nicaragua, shattered
whatever progress the intelligence community had made
toward regaining the trust of Congress. The Reagan administration promised a new era of cooperation with
Congress, and the administrations of George H. W. Bush
and Bill Clinton attempted to maintain cooperative relations. The end of the Cold War in the early 1990s also

led to questions in Congress about the enormous cost of

the U.S. intelligence effort. (Criticism that increased after
revelations that optimal cooperation between the CIA
and FBI might have prevented the attacks of 11 September 2001.)
Persian Gulf War
The administration of George H. W. Bush enjoyed overwhelming congressional support for the Persian Gulf War
of 1991 and U.S. intelligence activities during that conict. The Gulf War was the rst major military conict
following the end of the Cold War, and U.S. intelligence,
both strategic and tactical, played an important role. The
primary focus of intelligence operations, particularly during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, was to
provide the theater and component commanders with an
accurate picture of Iraqi capabilities and intentions. Extensive use was made of both strategic and tactical intelligence, with U.S. commanders having access to a vast
array of impressive intelligence capabilities. These ofcers, nevertheless, were often frustrated and dissatised
with the intelligence support they received. Operation
Desert Storm tended to blur the distinction between tactical and strategic intelligence, and commanders often
found the intelligence furnished to them too broad. Frequently, tactical units were sent nished estimates rather
than detailed, tailored intelligence needed to plan operations. The overwhelming military victory against Iraq
during Operation Desert Storm was attributable, nevertheless, in no small part to accurate intelligence provided
both to national policymakers and command theater-level
decision makers. The same can be said about the Kosovo
Conict in 1999, where American intelligence provided
the vast majority of military information for the operations of NATO forces.
Because of the failure of the intelligence services to
predict and prevent the attacks of 11 September 2001 on
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President
George W. Bush, on 6 June 2002, proposed a permanent
cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security.

Andrew, Christopher M. For the Presidents Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to
Bush. New York: HarperCollins, 1995.
Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri. Cloak and Dollar: A History of American
Secret Intelligence. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University
Press, 2002.
May, Ernest R., ed. Knowing Ones Enemies: Intelligence Assessment
before the Two World Wars. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1984.
Watson, Bruce W., Susan M. Watson, and Gerald W. Hopple,
eds. United States Intelligence: An Encyclopedia. New York:
Garland, 1990.

Gerald Haines
Michael Wala



INTELLIGENCE TESTS. Although the tests created specically to gauge intelligence were introduced to
the United States in the early twentieth century, their
roots go back much farther, even to exams in ancient
China. The American tests, however, emerged directly
from the work of nineteenth-century English scientists
who were laying the foundation for the eld of psychometrics: the scientic approach to measurement of psychological characteristics.
Early European Testing and the
Stanford-Binet Test
Sir Francis Galton produced the rst systematic investigations of the concept of intelligence. Galton seemed
uniquely qualied for this task, as he was known for collecting and quantifying massive amounts of data. Galtons
statistical analyses included seemingly random and subjective assessments. Nonetheless, his groundbreaking pronouncement endures: that intelligence is a trait normally
distributed among populations. A normal distribution
means that most people were of average intelligence,
while a minority fell above or below this middle range.
Plotting this distribution resulted in the formation of the
now familiar bell curve.
Reecting popular nineteenth-century theories of
evolution, including those of his cousin, Charles Darwin,
Galton viewed intelligence as a single, inherited trait. His
landmark 1869 publication, Hereditary Genius, established
the parameters of the scientic investigation of mental
processes for years to come; his understanding of intelligence as a xed and predetermined entity would remain
largely unchallenged for nearly a century.
Eager to further explore Galtons ideas, psychologist
James McKeen Cattell returned from his studies in Europe
to the University of Pennsylvania in the late 1880s and
began his own work. Cattells mental tests, a term he
introduced, reected his skills at statistical analysis. Similar
to Galtons, however, his tests ultimately failed to show any
real correlation between scores and demonstrated achievement. Still, Cattells work earned growing recognition and
respect for the emerging eld of psychology.
The earliest intelligence tests to move beyond the
theoretical and into the practical realm were the work of
the French researcher Alfred Binet. The passage of a 1904
law requiring that all children attend school prompted the
French government to decide what to do with children
who could not keep up with classroom work. Binet and
his colleague, Theodore Simon, set out to devise a test as
a means of identifying these students, who would then
receive tutoring or be placed in alternative classes.
Binets rst test was published in 1905. Like its subsequent revisions, this early version asked students to
demonstrate prociency at a variety of skills. Starting with
the most basic and increasing in difculty, they were designed to measure childrens vocabulary and their ability
to understand simple concepts and identify relationships
between words. An age level or norm was assigned to


each task, based on the age at which approximately 70

percent of children could successfully complete that task.
Totaling the individual scores would yield a childs mental age. This would be subtracted from his or her chronological age; a difference of two or more indicated that
a child was mentally retarded.
Binets research differed from that of previous investigators in several important ways: test scores were meant
to measure classroom performance, not innate intelligence, and they were intended to target students who
could benet by receiving extra help. Binet was one of the
few who challenged popular perceptions of intelligence as
an inherent and unchangeable entity.
American professor of psychology Lewis Terman set
out to rene what became widely known as the BinetSimon Scale. Named after his long and distinguished career at Stanford University, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence
Test emerged as the one to which all future tests would
be compared. First published in 1916, the Stanford-Binet
asked students to demonstrate competency in a variety of
areas, including language comprehension, eye-hand coordination, mathematical reasoning, and memory. Terman advanced the idea proposed in 1912 by German psychologist Wilhelm Stern that intelligence could more
accurately be expressed as a ratio, dividing mental age by
chronological age. This would be multiplied by one hundred (to avoid the use of decimals) to arrive at what Stern
labeled the mental quotient. This quickly became known
as an intelligence quotient, or IQ.
This formula ultimately yielded to new methods of
calculation. Still predicated on Galtons assumption that
intelligence is normally distributed, tables of raw data are
statistically adjusted so that the mean scores are set at 100,
with the middle two-thirds of the distribution set between
85 and 115 to form the normal range. This scale denes
those who score below 70 as mentally retarded; those with
130 or above are often labeled gifted.
Testing the Masses
The United States entry into World War I in 1917
prompted an immediate and unprecedented demand for
standardized tests. The federal government sought a way
to quickly and efciently determine the abilities of large
numbers of military recruits to determine appropriate assignment of duties. Robert Yerkes of Harvard and other
prominent psychiatrists created a committee in response
to this need. Adopting the work of Arthur Otis, whose
research in this eld already was underway, they quickly
produced two versions of a workable test. The Army Alpha was a written exam and the Army Beta was a verbal
assessment for the considerable number of men who were
unable to read. The tests resulted in grades ranging from
A to E. Within weeks a group of four thousand recruits
completed the rst trial run.
By the end of the war over 1.7 million men had taken
either the Army Alpha or Beta. Based on their scores, tens
of thousands of men were promoted or assigned a lower-


level duty. An additional 8,000 men received discharges

as a result of their poor performance. The impact of the
Army testing program reached far beyond the military
service. Its success convinced the nation of the usefulness
of wide-scale standardized testing. The popularity of the
Alpha, in particular, launched a rapidly expanding intelligence test industry. In the years immediately following
the war, schoolchildren across the country began taking
its numerous revisions; by 1930 over seven million American students had taken the test.
As the popularity of mass testing continued to grow,
the need for individual tests as diagnostic tools remained.
The Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale supplemented
the Stanford-Binet in 1939. Devised by David Wechsler
of Bellevue Hospital in New York City, results included
both verbal and nonverbal scores. The test was named the
Wechsler Scale in 1955 (WAIS), later revised to WAISR. The expanded group of tests, including the Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children, Revised (WISC-R), and
the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
(WPPSI), form a battery of tests that continue to be
widely used. While schools no longer routinely offer individual tests specically designed to measure intelligence, their use continues, usually as a follow-up to demonstrated academic difculty or to determine eligibility
for special programs, such as those for gifted children.
Educators continue to rely on the relative ease and efciency of administering group tests.
Although they date back to the 1917 prototype designed for military use, standardized tests at the start of
the twenty-rst century offer the promise of a more reliable and sophisticated means to predict future success.
There are additional advantages as well: no special training is required to administer them, they can be given to
large groups at once, and computers quickly and accurately generate results. The Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT)
and the School and College Ability Test (SCAT) are among
the more popular. Developers of these tests compare them
favorably to both the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler series.
Many high school students take the Scholastic Assessment
Test (SAT) as part of the college application process. Its
earliest version going back to 1926, the SAT is calculated
to measure both verbal and mathematical ability. Proponents point to its usefulness as one indicator of future
success, and claim that it counters inevitable disparities in
grading practices nationwide.
Defining Intelligence: The Debate Continues
Alfred Binet rejected the idea of tests as providing a xed
label; he believed that children could indeed grow smarter.
Binets optimism notwithstanding, the history of intelligence testing in the United States reveals that early tests
reected the prejudices of the society in which they were
produced. Not surprisingly, few questioned the idea that
intelligence is innate and inherited. Tests made no accommodations for the disparate social and cultural backgrounds of test takers, and indeed, helped to fuel popu-

larly held assumptions of the need to rank entire groups

based on their racial or ethnic origins. They were hailed
by some as a measuring stick to organize society. Earlytwentieth-century concerns about feeblemindedness validated the need for testing. Amidst growing concerns over
an inux of immigration, tests were proposed to reduce
the ow of mental defectives into the country. Congress, aided by the ndings of prominent psychologists,
passed the 1924 Immigration Act, which restricted admission for those believed to be of inferior intellect; especially targeted were Russians, Italians, Jews, and others
primarily from southern and eastern Europe. Entry examinations given at Ellis Island seemingly ignored the numerous language and cultural barriers that would be readily apparent today.
While standardized tests continue to play a dominant
role in American society, many critics argue that subtle
inequities remain, producing results that more accurately
represent the social and economic background of the test
taker rather than providing a true measure of ones capabilities. The SAT and other tests, meanwhile, retain
their foothold in the academic arena. The ability to
coach students to produce greater scores has launched
a multi-million-dollar mass tutoring industry. This has
prompted many to further renounce their use as an objective means of assessment, arguing that they are more
accurate indicators of students social and economic
Meanwhile, biological interpretations of intelligence
endure. Interrogating the degree to which race or ethnicity are determining factors, the 1994 publication of The
Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life,
pushed the debate to new heights. While authors Richard
Herrnstein and Charles Murray suggested the merits of
acknowledging genetic differences, some critics immediately decried a racist agenda and uncovered studies they
believed to be scientically unsound.
Experts continue to voice disagreement over methods of measuring intelligence. At the core of the debate
lie questions regarding the very concept of intelligence
itself. Some embrace interpretations that echo the theories of turn-of-the-twentieth-century psychologist Charles
Spearman of England, who pointed to a single, overarching general intelligence, or g factor. At the other extreme is the more recent twentieth-century model created
by J. P. Guilford of the University of Southern California,
who has identied no less than 150 components of intelligence. Arguably the most detailed model, it has had limited impact on the eld of testing; many have adopted his
claim, however, that intelligence is comprised of multiple
The psychologist Robert Sternberg believes that the
logical or analytical reasoning that most intelligence tests
measure is only one of several factors. He had added to
this two other areas of assessmentpractical intelligence,
or the ability to cope amidst ones environment, and experiential intelligence, or propensity for insight and cre-



ativityto form his triarchic theory of intelligence. Sternbergs theory has advanced the notion that psychological
assessments move beyond the written test toward those
that seek measures of practical knowledge that guide our
day-to-day experiences. Also believing that traditional
IQ tests ignore critical components of intelligence, Howard Garner has introduced what he calls multiple intelligences, which range from musical ability to selfawareness. Not surprisingly, Gardner is among those who
advocate more expansive interpretations of intelligence,
suggesting decreased reliance on the standardized tests of
the past and more emphasis on real-life performance.
Experts continue to explore the concept of intelligence. New lines of inquiry widen the scope of investigation and questions abound. Should traits of character
and morality be examined? Should the ability to form
emotional bonds and display musical talent be considered? Will more comprehensive approaches replace shortanswer tests? And does the ability to determine ones IQ
necessarily dene how this score should be used? Studies
are moving beyond the realm of psychological inquiry.
Increasingly sophisticated ways of measuring brain activity suggest new modes of interpretation while technological advances have produced an articial intelligence
that previous generations of researchers could barely
imagine. While we may be no closer to nding a universally accepted denition of intelligence, clearly the quest
to do so remains.


Chapman, Paul Davis. Schools as Sorters: Lewis Terman, Applied

Psychology, and the Intelligence Testing Movement, 18901930.
New York: New York University Press, 1988.
Eysench, H. J., and Leon Kamin. The Intelligence Controversy.
New York: Wiley, 1981.
Fancher, Raymond E., ed. The Intelligence Men: Makers of the IQ
Controversy. New York: Norton, 1985.
Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books, 1983.
. Who Owns Intelligence? Atlantic Monthly (February
Gould, Stephen Jay. The Mismeasure of Man. New York: Norton,
Herrnstein, Richard J., and Charles Murray. The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. New York:
Free Press, 1994.
Sokal, Michael M., ed. Psychological Testing and American Society,
18901930. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press,
Sternberg, Robert J. Beyond IQ: A Triarchic Theory of Human Intelligence. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press,
Yam, Philip, ed. Exploring Intelligence. Spec. issue of Scientic
American (Winter 1998).


Zenderland, Leila. Measuring Minds: Henry Herbert Goddard and

the Origins of American Intelligence Testing. Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Christine Clark Zemla

See also Education; Racial Science.

INTEREST GROUPS are organizations that seek to

inuence public policy. When dened in this manner, an
enormous variety of organizations can be thought of as
interest groups. Interest groups range from large, massmembership organizations, such as the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), to labor unions,
such as the United Auto Workers (UAW), to large corporations, such as Exxon Mobil. Because of the enormous
variety of interest groups, it is useful to divide them into
several categories. One obvious distinction is between interest groups that are membership organizations; their future depends to an important degree on persuading individuals to become and remain members. At the other
extreme are organizations such as corporations that are
often very active in inuencing public policy but that have
no members as such; interest group activity is something in which they engage in order to protect their primary activities, such as making and selling a product or
service. Another distinction that can be made is between
interest groups that exist to promote a particular cause
(such as the National Rifle Association, which exists
primarily to oppose gun control) and interest groups such
as corporations that may become involved in a wide range
of public policies such as taxation, environmental protection, and trade policy that affects their interests.
Interest groups have long been thought to be central
to American politics. The writers of the Federalist Papers
(especially in Numbers 10 and 51) cast their arguments
in favor of the Constitution in large part on how it would
both facilitate and restrain interest-group activity. Alexis
de Tocquevilles famous description of the United States
in the Jacksonian era, Democracy in America, began the
tradition of describing Americans as more likely to form
and join interest groups than people in other countries.
Whether or not this is the case depends on how the question is framed. It is true that Americans claim to be members of more interest groups than are the citizens of other
advanced democracies such as Britain. However, certain
types of interest groups, particularly those that are dened in terms of economic role, are often weaker than
those in other democracies. For example, labor unions in
the United States are much less successful in recruiting
potential members than are unions in Germany, Britain,
or above all, the Scandinavian democracies. American interest groups also tend to be fragmented. In many advanced democracies, a single interest group speaks for a
broad sector of society, such as labor, farmers, or business.
In the United States, however, there are generally numerous competing interest groups that claim to represent
a sector of society. The National Association of Man-


ufacturers, the Business Roundtable, the National Federation of Independent Business, and the Chamber of
Commerce have all claimed to be the voice of business; a
similar competitive situation could be described among
farmers organizations (the National Farmers Union, the
American Farm Bureau, the National Farmers Organization, plus numerous organizations representing producers of a single commodity) and environmental groups
(the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace,
World Wildlife Fund, and many others).
Throughout American history, different types of interest groups have been brought to prominence as the
products of socioeconomic changes, social movements,
and government policies. The recurring economic crises
of American agriculture from the late nineteenth century
onward prompted the creation of a succession of agricultural interest groupsthe Grange, the American Farm
Bureau Federation, and the National Farmers Union.
Craft unions representing skilled workers became established in the late nineteenth century; not until the 1930s
did industrial unions representing less skilled workers
reach a secure footing, largely through the help of the
federal government. The major social movements of the
late twentieth century also left an impact. Civil rights
groups came to prominence in the 1960s, followed by
groups representing women (especially the National Organization for Women [NOW]), consumers, and environmentalists. Business interest groups, seeking to counter
the inuence of unions and public-interest groups, set the
pace in terms of fund-raising and organization in the
1980s and 1990s. While some of these interest groups
have since seen their inuence decline, all retain an important presence in American politics today. The interestgroup landscape thus reects a complex geology in which,
like different rocks, different interest groups are created
by a variety of forces.
Interest groups have used a wide array of tactics over
the years, ranging from campaigning in elections to bribery. The most obvious tactics used today are lobbying
and making campaign contributions. All major interest
groupssuch as the American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO),
the Business Roundtable, and individual companies such
as Exxon Mobil or DuPontemploy professionals whose
job is to persuade legislators and executive-branch ofcials of the wisdom and justice of the groups case. Most
studies of lobbyists have concluded that the most effective
lobbyists are those who have established a long-term relationship of trust and condence between themselves
and the legislators with whom they deal. Most lobbyists
feel that they are more likely to gain a hearing for their
arguments if their interest group makes campaign contributions to the politicians with whom they deal. Since
1974, campaign contributions made directly to candidates
(known as hard money) must be made through political
action committees (PACS) that are linked to the interest
group but legally separated from its general funds. Con-

tributions are limited to a maximum of $5,000 for each

election (primary and general) and must be reported to
the Federal Election Commission (FEC.) It was hoped
that the combination of limiting contributions considerably and publicizing them would prevent abuses. In the
late twentieth century, however, interest groups were allowed to make unlimited contributions through parties to
candidates. This soft money could come directly from
the interest groups general funds and need not have been
raised explicitly for political purposes. In 2002, federal
legislation was passed to block soft money contributions
to candidates in federal elections. Whether the legislation
would survive the inevitable constitutional challenge in
the courts remained to be seen. It also was likely that the
legislation contained enough large loopholes by which its
purpose could be circumvented, for example, by funneling soft money through state parties.
Interest groups also use other tactics. It has been very
common for interest groups to go to court to challenge
the constitutionality of legislation. The cases brought by
the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP) to undermine segregation,
most notably Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, are
among the most inuential. Almost equally famous is the
1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, establishing
the right of women to choose to have an abortion in the
rst two trimesters of pregnancy. The case was supported
and the precedent defended in subsequent cases by feminist organizations such as NOW. Business interest groups,
environmental groups, and unions also go to court frequently to challenge regulations that they dislike.
Interest groups have also become more active in campaigns to change public opinion. Individual companies
such as Exxon Mobil have run many advertisements to
both enhance their general image and to project their
opinions of issues such as environmental regulation. The
AFL-CIO and individual unions have also tried to mobilize their members and their families in support of both
labor and more general policy issues. Interest groups were
very zealous in both supporting and opposing the nomination of controversial gures to the Supreme Court,
such as Justice Clarence Thomas.
In spite of their ubiquity, a debate has raged throughout American history about whether interest groups are
an aid or a barrier to the practice of democracy. Defenders
of interest groups argue that they are both a central aspect
of democratic politics and an aid to good government.
The Bill of Rights protects the right of the people to petition their government, and interest groups exist to do
just that. The clash of interests between interest groups
aids policymakers by providing more and better information for making policy decisions. However, interest
groups have also generated considerable concern. First, it
is often feared that instead of policymakers being aided
by a clash of opinions and interests, in practice there will
be a single interest group that dominates a policy area to
the disadvantage of the public as a whole. Second, it is



feared that the interest group system distorts democracy

because the resources required to be effective are distributed unequally. Environmental or consumer protection
groups must struggle hard to attract members and money;
the large corporations that they confront can easily command the resources they need to staff a Washington ofce
for their lobbyists, to create a PAC, or to make soft money
These defects in the interest group system are real
and important. The dilemma set out by Madison in the
Federalist Papers remains. Attempts to restrain the power
of interest groups by restricting their activities may cure
some of the mischiefs of the interest group system but
at the cost of liberty. Madisons solution was to set interest
against interest in what was later called a pluralist interest
group system. Interest groups have experienced considerable growth in number and range during the beginning
of the twenty-rst century. For example, corporations are
now opposed by public interest groups, and the National
Rie Association by Handgun Control. While the inequality of resources between these groups is still disturbing, this proliferation of interest groups creates a system that is more varied, inclusive, and representative of
American society than in the past.

Goldstein, Kenneth M. Interest Groups, Lobbying, and Participation in America. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University
Press, 1999.
Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, and John Jay. The Federalist Papers. Edited by Isaac Kramnick. Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1987.
Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. Edited by J.P.
Mayer. New York: Harper and Row, 1988.
Wilson, Graham K. Interest Groups. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.

Graham K. Wilson
See also Lobbies.

INTEREST LAWS. In the modern world, interest is

ordinarily charged on all loans, with only exorbitant rates
considered usurious. During the Middle Ages, however,
any repayment in excess of the amount lent constituted
usury, which was both a violation of civil law and a sin
against God. Medieval Christians had inherited inconsistent precedents to govern the lending of money. The ancient Hebrews proscribed charging interest to their own
people, but permitted it to be exacted from foreigners. At
the same time, the Talmud declared money sterile, implying that no one should expect to prot from lending
it. The Greeks and Romans regulated interest rates, although the requirements of commerce and nance in the
ancient world precluded an absolute prohibition. Despite
this confused legacy, medieval churchmen concurred that
usury, which they believed occasioned covetousness and
greed, was evil.


Lawyers disagreed with theologians on the issue of

usury, however. Medieval law allowed entrepreneurs to
prot from lending money if they could demonstrate that
they would have earned more from investing in another
enterprise. The attempt to make up the difference between the amount of a loan and the prots that a lender
might otherwise have attained gave rise to the modern
distinction between usurythe illicit charges enjoined
upon a debtorand interestthe legitimate costs paid
for borrowing.
The Massachusetts general assembly enacted the rst
usury law in American history in 1661. By 1791, all of the
original thirteen states had adopted similar legislation.
The charters of the First and Second Banks of the United
States prohibited charging more than 6 percent on loans.
In the twentieth century, state laws xed maximum interest rates between 6 and 12 percent.
The federal government did not begin to monitor
interest rates until 1969, when the Consumer Credit Protection Act, or the Truth-in-Lending Act as it is more
commonly known, went into effect. Among other regulatory provisions, this law requires commercial lenders to
disclose the total cost of borrowing as an annual average
percentage rate. In addition, the Credit Control Act of
1969 authorizes the Federal Reserve Board to set national maximum and minimum interest rates on all credit
There are also laws designating the amount of interest institutional lenders may pay to attract public investment. To remedy the banking crisis of the 1930s, the
Banking Act of 1933 discontinued interest payments on
demand deposits (checking accounts) by all Federal Reserve Banks and by nonmember banks with deposits insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC). The law further limited interest payments on
time deposits (savings accounts) to the maximum rates
that the Federal Reserve Board had established according
to Regulation Q of the Federal Reserve Act.
To create nancial markets more receptive to changing economic conditions, bankers have lobbied Congress
to relax or repeal restrictions on interest rates since the
1960s. In response, the Senate and House banking committees fashioned the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA). The
DIDMCA phased out Regulation Q over a period of six
years, annulled state usury laws for all federally insured
lenders, and sanctioned interest-bearing checking accounts. Deregulation increased competition, lowered
prot margins, and led to bank failures and consolidations, but it did not consistently raise the interest rates
paid on deposits or reduce the interest rates charged for

De Roover, Raymond. San Bernardino of Siena and SantAntonino

of Florence: The Two Great Economic Thinkers of the Middle


Ages. Boston: Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1967.

Fry, Maxwell J. Money, Interest, and Banking in Economic Development. 2d ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
Homer, Sidney, and Richard Sylla. A History of Interest Rates. 3d
rev. ed. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press,
Nelson, Benjamin N. The Idea of Usury: From Tribal Brotherhood
to Universal Otherhood. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1949.

Meg Greene Malvasi

INTERESTS, or vested interests, was an expression

popularly used around the opening of the twentieth century to designate the colossal business corporations that
dominated the American scene. Among these interests
were the so-called money trust, sugar trust, tobacco trust,
oil trust, beef trust, and steel trust, all of which became
subjects for strong attacks by muckraking reformers, especially during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.
These attacks, published in books, magazines, and newspapers and delivered from the political platform, inaugurated an era of reform at the local, state, and national
levels that lasted until the United States entered World
War I.

Hofstadter, Richard. The Age of Reform, from Bryan to F. D. R.

New York: Vintage Books, 1955.

Erik McKinley Eriksson / c. w.

See also Muckrakers; Progressive Movement, Early Twentieth Century; Trusts.


sixth department of cabinet rank, the U.S. Department of
the Interior (DOI) was created 3 March 1849 to be the
nations principal conservation agency. Originally placed
with the General Land Ofce, the Ofce of Indian Affairs,
the Pension Ofce, and the Patent Ofce, it was reorganized by Reorganization Plan III of 1940, as amended.
Since its creation, the department has been charged with
a conicting mission. One set of statutes stipulates it must
develop the nations lands and get natural resources such
as trees, water, oil, and minerals out into the marketplace;
another demands the conservation of these same resources. Since the president appoints the secretary of the
interior, the compromise between these conicting regulations is determined in part by whoever is in the Oval
DOI serves as steward for approximately 436 million
acres of public lands, which represent almost 19 percent
of the nations land surface and 66 percent of federally
owned land. The department manages mineral develop-

ment on 1.48 billion acres of the U.S. outer continental

shelf. DOI also assists 556 tribes in managing 56 million
acres of Indian trust land, and provides elementary and
secondary education to over 50,000 Indian students. The
department generates scientic information and assessments in a variety of areas: it monitors water quantity and
quality, and helps local planners identify and deal with
natural hazards, by earthquake monitoring and assessing
environmental health and trends, for example. Millions of
cultural and historic resources benet from DOI protection. The department works to protect and recover imperiled plant and animal species, and helps to provide
green space and recreation opportunities for urban America. Each year, the DOI hosts almost 290 million visitors
to 379 national parks, 36 million visitors to 530 wildlife
refuges, and 75 million visitors to public lands. The department manages dams and reservoirs, providing water
to over 30 million people a year for municipal, agricultural, and industrial use, and generates enough power to
make it the fth largest energy utility in the seventeen
western states.
The secretary of the interior heads the DOI, reporting directly to the president, and is responsible for the
direction and supervision of all operations and activities
of the department. The DOI is a large organization with
multiple programs, which are administered by eight separate and distinct bureaus, including the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM), the Minerals Management Service
(MMS), the Ofce of Surface Mining Reclamation and
Enforcement (OSM), the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR),
the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the National Park Service (NPS), and
the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Four assistant secretaries assist the secretary and deputy secretary in overseeing the eight bureaus.
The mission of the Bureau of Land Management is
to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the
public lands. The BLM operates on the principles of multiple use and sustained yield to manage public lands and
resources, including energy and mineral resources, outdoor recreation, rangelands, timber, and sh and wildlife
habitats. The bureau manages 264 million acres of public
lands, about one-eighth of the U.S. land mass, and about
370 million acres of subsurface mineral estate. It was established 16 July 1946 by the consolidation of the General
Land Ofce (1812) and the Grazing Service (1934).
The Minerals Management Service manages the
mineral resources (including oil and natural gas) on the
outer continental shelf in an environmentally sound and
safe manner and collects, veries, and distributes mineral
revenues from federal and Indian lands in a timely fashion. It collects revenues from offshore federal mineral
leases and from onshore mineral leases on federal and Indian lands and disburses them to states, tribes, and the
U.S. Treasury. The service collects more than 4 billion
dollars each year from oil and gas leasing programs. The



MMS was established on 19 January 1982 by secretarial

The Ofce of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement fullls the requirements of the Surface Mining
Control and Reclamation Act in cooperation with the
states and tribes. The OSM ensures that surface coal
mines are operated safely and in an environmentally
sound manner; it also works to restore lands after they
have been mined and mitigates the effects of past coal
mining through the reclamation of abandoned mines.
Each year the OSM reclaims over 10,000 acres of mined
lands in its efforts to protect the environment. The ofce
was established by the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.
The Bureau of Reclamation manages, develops, and
protects water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner. The BOR manages
dams, reservoirs, and irrigation facilities, supplying water
for agriculture and communities in the West. The bureau
is the second largest producer of hydroelectric power and
the fth largest electric utility in the nation. It is also the
largest water wholesaler, supplying household, agricultural, and industrial water to one-third of the population
in the seventeen western states. The BOR was established
pursuant to the Reclamation Act of 1902.
The U.S. Geological Survey produces the scientic
information necessary to make sound natural resource
management decisions and provides information on the
effects and risks of natural hazards such as earthquakes
and volcanoes. The USGS also provides data on the status
of the nations natural resources, such as the quality and
quantity of water resources. It is also the federal governments largest natural science and mapping agency, and as
such, produces information that contributes to public and
environmental health and safety. The USGS was established by the Organic Act of 3 March 1879.
The Fish and Wildlife Service manages the lands of
the National Wildlife Refuge System with the primary
goal of conserving and protecting sh, wildlife, plants,
and their habitats. It administers the Endangered Species
Act for all but certain marine species, and consults with
other agencies to help recover protected species. In total,
the service manages 530 national wildlife refuges and
sixty-seven national sh hatcheries. The FWS was created
in 1940 by Reorganization Plan III by the consolidation
of the Bureau of Fisheries (1871) and the Bureau of Biological Survey (1885).
The National Park Service preserves the natural and
cultural resources of the national parks. The NPS cooperates with other agencies to extend the benets of natural
and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation in the United States and throughout the world. The
NPS manages 379 national parks, conserving, preserving,
and protecting the nations resources. It was established
on 25 August 1916.


The Bureau of Indian Affairs fullls its responsibilities to, and promotes self-determination on behalf of,
American Indians and their tribal governments. The BIA
provides an array of services comparable to most of those
provided by county and local governments. The BIA was
created in 1824 as part of the War Department and transferred to the DOI in 1849.

Babbitt, Bruce. Science: Opening the Next Chapter of Conservation History. Science 267, no. 5206 (1995): 1954.
Ofce of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records
Administration. United States Government Manual. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Ofce, 20012002.

Mary Anne Hansen

See also Geological Survey, U.S.; Mines, U.S. Bureau of; National Park System; Reclamation.


unied Federal Intermediate Credit Banks (FICBs) was
created with the passage of the Agricultural Credits Act
on 4 March 1923. The twelve regionally dispersed intermediate credit banks received an initial infusion of $60
million in capital from the U.S. Treasury and were established as separate divisions of the Federal Land Banks,
with the intention of providing a permanent source of
seasonal production credit for agriculture and livestock
In the early 1920s Federal Reserve policy had shifted
toward tighter credit, and country banks were reluctant
to lend to farmers due to the precipitous decline in farm
commodity and land prices (which had peaked in 1920)
and the large proportion of agricultural loans already on
their books. In response to these credit conditions, declining demand for their products, and the liquidation of
the War Finance Board (which had discounted agricultural paper on an emergency basis from 1921 to 1923),
agricultural interest groups, such as the American Farm
Bureau Federation, began to clamor for more dependable
and improved sources of credit. The authorizing legislation that created the FICBs in 1923 was passed in response to the intensive lobbying efforts of the Farm
Bloc, a bipartisan coalition of congressmen.
The FICBs were authorized to provide credit for the
production of crops and livestock, for cooperative marketing of staple agricultural products, and for the cooperative purchase of farm supplies. To carry out these functions, the banks could sell collateral trust debentures to
increase their capital stock, discount agricultural paper,
and make loans to cooperative associations. Loans typically had short maturities and could not exceed three
years by law.
The initial impact of the banks was limited. Loans
and discounts outstanding at the end of 1929 totaled approximately $76 million, but the loans amounted to less


than 2 percent of all nonreal estate agricultural loans

outstanding in that year. In part, this was due to their
design. The credit banks were not authorized to make
loans directly to individual farmers. Instead, local cooperative marketing associations, nance corporations, and
livestock loan companies provided FICB funds indirectly
to farmers. However, throughout the 1920s, these agencies complained about the cumbersome loan procedures
of the credit banks and did not utilize them extensively.
The rediscounting function of the banks also proved to
be unprotable for country banks relative to Federal
Reserve banks since caps on their prot margins were

ions met in 1903 at Niagara Falls, New York, and formed

the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT). A
bloody defeat, suffered while supporting a tailors strike
at Chicagos Montgomery Ward Company in 1905, weakened the new union. The 1907 IBT convention elected
the president of Bostons Local Union 25, Daniel J. Tobin, as general president, a position he retained for fortyve years.

Kris Mitchener

Early Growth and Transformation of the Teamsters

The Teamsters grew slowly, adding new job categories,
and in 1909 changed its name to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers. The IBT prospered because it represented both the
disappearing horse-and-wagon workers, as well as the
truck drivers who were replacing them. This led to some
internal conict, but the conversion was very gradual. In
1920 there were scarcely 1,000 to 2,000 trucks in the
United States, and the Teamsters continued to focus on
local businesses that delivered such goods as coal, ice,
meat, and laundry. In 1920, Tobin afliated the IBT with
the Canadian Trades and Labour Congress. The Great
Depression that followed the 1929 stock market crash initially hurt the IBT, and membership reached a low of
75,000 in 1933. However, during the latter half of the
1930s, both the trucking industry and the Teamsters experienced major growth spurts, due in large part to labor
and commerce regulations passed by the federal government. Labor laws controlled wages, hours, and working
conditions, and ensured the right to bargain collectively.
The most signicant of these laws was the 1935 National
Labor Relations Act (also called the Wagner Act). Equally
signicant for the Teamsters was the passage of the Motor
Carrier Act of 1935, which gave the Interstate Commerce
Commission authority to regulate the trucking industry.
In 1937 the IBT again altered its name, becoming the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs,
Warehousemen, and Helpers of America. The Teamsters
277,000 members made it the largest union in the AFL,
and there were more than 70,000 trucks on U.S. roads in
1938. In that supportive political climate the Teamsters
were very powerful, and a sympathetic strike by the IBT
lent Teamster power and strength to weaker unions.

TEAMSTERS began on 27 January 1899, when the
American Federation of Labor (AFL) issued a charter to
the 1,700 members of the Team Drivers International
Union (TDIU). While today teamsters are associated
with trucks, the term originally referred to those who
drove teams of horses. Organizations other than TDIU
still represented teamsters, including the Teamsters National Union, which included team owners as well as drivers, and Chicagos International Team Drivers Union,
which formed in 1903 to exclude owners. Competing un-

Teamsters Boom Years in the 1940s and 1950s

The postWorld War II economic boom created further
IBT growth, and membership exceeded one million in
1950. The political climate became less friendly, as Congress restricted labors power with the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (usually called the Taft-Hartley Act). At the 1952 convention, Dan Tobin announced
his retirement as president. The number of Teamsters
continued to climb under new president Dave Beck, who
settled a twenty-ve-state contract in 1955 covering all
over-the-road and local freight companies. The number
of trucks increased greatly in 1956, when the federal government created the Interstate Highway System. The
IBT continued to support workers through sympathetic

The Farm Credit Act of 1933 signicantly altered the

federal farm credit system; it created twelve production
credit associations to assist the FICBs in reaching out to
individual farmers. By executive order in that same year,
supervision of the banks was also transferred from the
Federal Farm Loan Board to the Farm Credit Administration (FCA). Despite these changes, through 1970,
FICBs never provided more than 2 percent of the non
real estate agricultural loans outstanding.
In 1988 Federal Credit Banks were created by merging the FICBs with Federal Land Banks. The Federal
Credit Banks were authorized to extend loans to Production Credit Associations, Agricultural Credit Associations,
and Federal Land Credit Associations, and to make longterm real estate mortgage loans in areas not serviced by
direct lenders. These banks are owned and operated by
their member-borrowers and have elected boards that
guide the institutions policies and ensure compliance
with the FCAs regulations.

American Institute of Banking. Farm Credit Administration. New

York: American Institute of Banking, 1934.
Benedict, Murray R. Farm Policies of the U.S., 17901850: A
Study of their Origin and Development. New York: Twentieth
Century Fund, 1953.
Sparks, Earl Sylvester. History and Theory of Agricultural Credit
in the United States. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1932.

See also Credit.



Labor Troubles. Violence during the 1934 Teamsters strike in Minneapolis, Minn. About 200
were injured in clashes with the police and National Guard.

strikes, refusing to pick up or deliver goods anywhere

there was a work stoppage. This power brought intense
scrutiny and backlash from businesses and increasing government hostility. A Senate investigation into racketeering and corruption led to the IBTs expulsion from the
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial
Organizations (AFL-CIO) in 1957. Teamster membership reached 1.5 million at the 1957 convention, when
James P. ( Jimmy) Hoffa was elected president. In 1959,
Congress passed the antiunion Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (also known as the LandrumGrifn Act). The law prohibited sympathetic strikes, signicantly reducing the Teamsters ability to assist less
powerful unions. The Senate in the late 1950s also convened the McClellan Committee, which investigated corruption in the IBT. Dave Beck went to prison in 1962 for
larceny and income tax violations.
Union Decline and Evolution of the New Teamsters
Hoffa negotiated the rst National Master Freight Agreement in 1964, covering 400,000 Teamsters employed at
more than 16,000 trucking companies. Hoffa was convicted of jury tampering in 1963, began a prison term in
1967, and resigned as IBT president on 22 June 1971. He
was released from prison later in 1971 and was attempting
to reenter union politics when he mysteriously disappeared in 1975. Teamster membership passed the two


million mark in 1976. Deregulation of the trucking industry began in 1980, which created a steady decline in
Teamster membership. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s
attacks by business and government, along with economic
globalization, severely impacted the labor movement, and
the Teamsters. IBT President Roy Williams was convicted of bribing a U.S. senator in 1982, and President
Jackie Presser was indicted for embezzling union funds.
The IBT sought shelter under the AFL-CIO umbrella,
and rejoined the organization in 1988. IBT President
William McCarthy signed a 1989 consent decree settling
a federal government racketeering suit, and a court-appointed trustee supervised the rst direct election of union ofcers in 1991. Won by Ronald R. Carey, a former
United Parcel Service (UPS) worker and New York City
local union president, the union again changed its name,
reverting to the original International Brotherhood of
Teamsters. Carey won reelection in 1996 and led a successful national strike at UPS in 1997, providing a boost
to the sagging labor movement. One signicant national
issue Carey addressed was the use of part-time workers.
The victory was short lived, as the government overseer
controlling the union ruled that Carey participated in a
plan to funnel dues money into his 1996 reelection campaign. Carey was barred from running in a special election, and James P. Hoffa Jr., son of the former IBT leader,
became president. By 1998 membership stabilized at 1.4


a labor union representing a large group of employees.

The federal district and circuit courts held that T.I.M.E.D.C. had violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 by engaging in a pattern or practice of employment
discrimination against African Americans and Spanishsurnamed Americans. The lower courts also held that the
union had violated the act by cooperating with the employer to create and maintain a seniority system that perpetuated past discrimination.
On appeal, the Supreme Court agreed with the government that the company had engaged in a systemwide
practice of minority discrimination in violation of Title
VII. The Court denied, however, the governments claim
that the unions seniority system, which was exempt from
Title VII, also violated the provision because it perpetuated discrimination. The Court also rejected the notion
that victims suffering discriminatory acts prior to Title
VII qualied for judicial relief under it.
In dissenting opinions, Justices Thurgood Marshall
and William J. Brennan argued that the law granting exemption to seniority plans was not plainly and unmistakenly clear regarding perpetuation of discrimination,
and thus the unions seniority system should not be protected. The Courts decision provided broad immunity to
seniority plans that are on their face neutral, even if they
perpetuate the effects of past discrimination.
James P. (Jimmy) Hoffa. The powerful president of the
Teamsters union from 1957 to 1971 disappeared in 1975.


Archive Photos/Films

Kleinman, Kenneth. Seniority Systems and the Duty of Fair

Representation: Union Liability in the Teamsters Context.
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 14, no. 3
(Fall 1979): 711782.

million members. By that date only 16 percent of the

new Teamsters were truck drivers, and the union represented a diverse assortment of workers such as policemen, teachers, school principals, nurses, airline pilots, and
zookeepers. Even the character dressed in the Mickey
Mouse costume in Disney World is a Teamster.

Schlei, Barbara Lindemann, and Paul Grossman. Employment

Discrimination. 2d ed. Washington, D.C.: American Bar Association, BNA Books, 1983.

Tony Freyer / a. r.
See also American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organizations.


Brill, Steven. The Teamsters. New York: Simon and Schuster,

La Botz, Dan. Rank and File Rebellion: Teamsters for a Democratic
Union. New York: Verso, 1990.
Romer, Sam. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters: Its Government and Structure. New York: Wiley, 1962.
Sloane, Arthur A. Hoffa. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991.

John Cashman
See also Labor; Trade Unions.


a Supreme Court decision that involved the employer
T.I.M.E.-D.C., Inc., a national common carrier of motor
freight, and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters,


(ICJ), sometimes known as the World Court. The principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN) since
1946, its statute is a multilateral agreement annexed to
the charter of the United Nations.
The court serves as a principal vehicle for furthering
the UNs mandate to facilitate the peaceful resolution of
international disputes, acting as a permanent, neutral,
third-party dispute settlement mechanism rendering binding judgments in contentious cases initiated by one state
against another. Parties to dispute before the court must
consent to the exercise of the courts jurisdiction. This
may be demonstrated in one of three ways: (1) by special
agreement or compris, in the context of a particular case;
(2) by treaty, such as a multilateral agreement that species reference of disputes arising under it to the court; or



(3) by advance consent to the so-called compulsory jurisdiction court on terms specied by the state concerned.
The court also has the power to render advisory opinions
at the request of international institutions such as the UN
General Assembly.
Located in The Hague, the ICJ is the successor to
the Permanent Court of International Justice, an organ
of the League of Nations, which itself was the culmination
of earlier international movements to promote international arbitration as an alternative to armed conict. After
World War II, the United States became party to the statute and accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the court
on terms specied by the Senate, including the famous
Connally amendment, in which the United States declined to give its consent to disputes with regard to matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction
of the United States of America, as determined by the
United States of America. Over the subsequent decade
and a half the United States unsuccessfully initiated a series of cases against the USSR, Hungary, Czechoslovakia,
and Bulgaria concerning aerial incidents in Europe. The
court as a whole had relatively few cases on its docket
during the 1960s, but the United States successfully appealed to the ICJ to vindicate its position as a matter of
legal right during the Iranian hostage crisis.
A case initiated by Nicaragua in 1984 challenging
U.S. support of the Contra militias and the mining of
Nicaraguan ports proved to be a watershed in U.S. dealings with the court. After vigorously and unsuccessfully
contesting the courts jurisdiction in a preliminary phase,
the United States declined to appear on the merits and
subsequently withdrew its consent to the compulsory jurisdiction of the court in 1985. However, the United
States continues to be party to cases relying on other jurisdictional grounds.

Rosenne, Shabtai. The Law and Practice of the International Court,

19201996. The Hague and Boston: Nijhoff, 1997.
Eyfnger, Arthur. The International Court of Justice 19461996.
The Hague and Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1996.
Pomerance, Michla. The United States and the World Court as a
Supreme Court of the Nations: Dreams, Illusions, and Disillusion. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Nijhoff, 1996.

David A. Wirth
See also League of Nations; United Nations.


eighteen months (1 July 195731 December 1958) of geophysical observations by about 30,000 scientists and technicians representing more than seventy countries. The extension of this program for an additional year (until 31
December 1959) was ofcially called International Geophysical Cooperation (IGC), but that period is generally
included in the term International Geophysical Year


(IGY). The IGY and IGC attempted simultaneous observations in eleven elds of earth, near-earth, and solar
physics: aurora and airglow, cosmic rays, geomagnetism,
glaciology, gravity, ionospheric physics, latitude and longitude determination, meteorology, oceanography, seismology, and solar activity. The IGY oversaw the launching of the rst articial earth satellites, inaugurating the
age of space exploration.
International cooperation in science began in the
1830s with the networks of scientic observers organized
by Karl Friedrich Gauss in Germany to observe and record geomagnetic changes, and by W. Whewell and Sir
John W. Lubbock in England to make tidal observations.
Because observations in high northern latitudes could not
be made routinely, Lt. Karl Weyprecht of the Austrian
Navy organized the First International Polar Year in
18821883, during which scientists and military men
from ten European countries and the United States operated twelve stations in the Arctic and two in the Antarctic. The American stations were at Point Barrow,
Alaska, and at Grinnell Land in the Canadian Arctic. The
rescue of the latters observers (under army Lt. A. W.
Greely) is famous in the annals of polar exploration. Fifty
years later the Second International Polar Year (1932
1933) saw fourteen countries (twelve from Europe, plus
the United States and Canada) occupy twenty-seven stations, again mostly in the Arctic. Of the scientic publications that resulted, more came from the United States
than from any other country.
By 1950, the rapid advances in geophysics and the
need to restore the international network of scientists that
had been ruptured by World War II led Lloyd V. Berkner
of the United States to propose another international polar year to be held only twenty-ve years after the previous one, in 19571958. The international scientic
bodies to whom he referred his proposal, organized under
the umbrella International Council of Scientic Unions,
broadened it to include the entire earth; thus the IGY
replaced its predecessors limited programs with a comprehensive program of observations in elds where data
recorded simultaneously at many places could yield a picture of the whole planet. Scientists occupied more than
2,500 stations worldwide at a cost of about $500 million.
Two of the most prominent achievements of the IGY
were the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts and the
calculation of a new, pear-shaped model of the shape of the
earth. Both these results came from rocket-launched satellites, the IGYs most spectacular new feature. So successful was the IGY that it has been followed by a number of
other cooperative research programs, including the International Year of the Quiet Sun (19641965), the International Hydrological Decade (19651975), and the International Decade of Ocean Exploration (19701980).

International Council of Scientic Unions. Annals of the International Geophysical Year. London, New York: Pergamon
Press, 19571970.


Sullivan, Walter. Assault on the Unknown: The International Geophysical Year. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961.
Wilson, J. Tuzo. I.G.Y.: The Year of the New Moons. New York:
Knopf, 1961.

Harold L. Burstyn / a. r.; c. w.

See also Geophysical Explorations; Greelys Arctic Expedition; Observatories, Astronomical.


To solve bitter competition among farm machinery manufacturers, Cyrus McCormick Jr., son of the inventor of
the reaper, spearheaded the 1902 consolidation of the industrys leading companies, including the McCormick
Harvesting Machine Company; Deering Harvester Company; Plano Manufacturing Company; Warder, Bushnell
and Glessner Company; and Milwaukee Harvester Company. Capitalized at $120 million, the merger acquired
other concerns as its lines diversied. The federal government brought action against the company, and in 1914
the Supreme Court found the company an illegal combination under the Sherman Antitrust Act and ordered
division of the companys property among independent
corporations (United States v. International Harvester Company, 214 U.S. 987).

McCormick, Cyrus H. The Century of the Reaper: An Account of

Cyrus Hall McCormick, the Inventor of the Reaper. Boston:
Houghton Mifin, 1931.
Sullivan, E. Thomas, ed. The Political Economy of the Sherman
Act: The First One Hundred Years. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Roger Burlingame / c. w.
See also Agricultural Machinery; Antitrust Laws; McCormick


International Labor Defense (ILD) was formed in 1925
by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
the United States as the partys legal arm. The groups
goal was to provide legal and moral aid to people it considered victims of an ongoing class war. Under the leadership of William L. Patterson and Vito Marcantonio, the
ILD came to the defense of strikers and workers confronting labor injustices, foreign-born individuals faced
with discrimination and deportation, and African Americans in the Deep South challenged by oppression and
In 1927, lifelong labor activist and eventual African
American rights advocate Lucy Parsons became a member of the National Committee of ILD. Parsons believed
that militant strikes and direct action would lead to equality and enable a working-class movement that could seize
the methods of production. Similarly, the ILD believed

that direct action would lead to equality in a legal arena

that was politically motivated. With that in mind, the
group launched political protests and campaigns that included legal defense, as well as massive levels of publicitygarnering action. The scope and aggressiveness of ILD
protests, however, often contrasted sharply with the lesscombative methods of other civil rights groups.
Included in the ILDs list of controversial protest actions was a campaign to keep Italian immigrants Nicola
Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti from receiving the death
penalty. Sacco and Vanzetti, who were anarchists, were
convicted for robbing and killing two men who were delivering the payroll of a shoe factory. The ILD argued
that the men were convicted, and eventually executed, because of their poor grasp of the English language and
status as immigrants. Other efforts taken on by the ILD
included a campaign to force the release of convicted
trade unionists Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings and
the criminal defense of the Scottsboro Boys.
During the depression and early wartime years, the
ILD introduced many African Americans to Communist
rhetoric and teachings. But its involvement in the Scottsboro case, more than any other protest, garnered a great
deal of African American support for the ILD and its
Communist Party leanings. The Scottsboro case began in
1931 after two white women on a freight train near Paint
Rock, Alabama, accused nine African American men of
rape. The ILD protested that the men were arrested and
tried without adequate access to counseleight of the
nine were sentenced to death. The ILD initiated a campaign to gain the mens freedom and engaged the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in an intense battle for control of the case.
After a prolonged battle between the two organizations
and an attempted witness bribe by attorneys associated
with the ILD, an alliance between the ILD, the NAACP,
the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the
American Scottsboro Committee (ASC) was able to obtain releases for four of the nine defendants.
Until the end of World War II, the ILD also published a monthly magazine called the Labor Defender in an
effort to extend its challenge of racial, class, and political
oppression. In 1946, the group merged with two other
organizations to form the Civil Rights Congress.

Martin, Charles H. The International Labor Defense and Black

America. Labor History 26 (Spring 1985).

James T. Scott
See also Communist Party, United States of America; Industrial Workers of the World; Sacco-Vanzetti Case; Scottsboro Case.


Founded in 1919 as part of the League of Nations, the



International Labor Organization (ILO) is the only surviving creation of the Treaty of Versailles. In 1946 the
ILO became the rst agency of the United Nations.
The ILO formulates international labor standards,
aiming to establish basic labor rights such as a prohibition
on forced labor; the right to organize; the right to bargain
collectively; and the right to equal opportunity across ethnic, racial, and gender differences. Western powers
founded the ILO with the goal of diffusing the appeal of
Bolshevism and harnessing the wartime loyalties of labor
movements to a reformist internationalism; they also emphasized the practical importance of multilateral cooperation in the arena of labor reformsweated labor in one
country endangered decent labor standards among its
The United States, which never joined the League
of Nations, did not join the ILO until 1934. However,
Samuel Gompers, head of the American Federation of
Labor, chaired the Labor Commission created by the
1919 Peace Conference to draft the ILO Constitution,
which established the tripartite principle of organization that remains the ILOs cornerstone. Under tripartismwhich makes the ILO unique among the UN and
other international agenciesnot only governments, but
also workers and employers are represented (in a 2:1:1
ratio) in the ILO.
Tripartism proved the heart of U.S.-ILO tensions
from the early 1950s through 1977, when the United
States withdrew from the ILO. Interpreting tripartism to
mean independent workers and employers representatives, the United States complained that Soviet, Eastern
European, and some Third World union and employers
representatives were voting on government instructions.
The issue was a thorny one: the ILO Credentials Committee pointed out in 1954 that refusing to admit . . .
persons duly nominated by their government . . . on the
ground that the state concerned had a socialized economy
would be an unwarranted interpretation of the [ILO] Constitution. Moreover, observers noted that U.S. representatives had not objected to the seating of governmentcontrolled trade unions from Francos Spain.
Another source of controversy lay in the ILOs expanding agenda from traditional labor standards to broader
questions of political economy, full employment, development policies, and human rights concernswhich
owed from the increasing proportion of Third World
nations among ILO members. The United States objected, partly on ideological grounds, partly because its
representatives believed that the changes distracted the
organization from its traditional focus upon veriable
commitments to specic rights and freedoms. Injured by
the loss of U.S. dues, which accounted for one-quarter of
the organizations budget, the ILO trimmed its sails, and
the United States rejoined in 1980.
At the end of the twentieth century, the ILO enjoyed
membership from over 160 nations, and had concluded


183 conventions. The ILOs main enforcement mechanism was publicitythe organizations stately hearings
and reports continued to expose member nations labor
laws and practices to scrutiny. The need for international
labor standards was never greater than in the era of globalization, and the ILOs strongest supporters continue to
lament the absence of stronger means of enforcement.

Alcock, Antony E. History of the International Labor Organization.

New York: Octagon Books, 1971.
Ghebali, Victor Yves. The International Labour Organization: A
Case Study on the Evolution of U.N. Specialized Agencies. Boston: M. Nijhoff, 1989.

William E. Forbath
See also American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organizations; Child Labor; Labor; Labor Legislation and Administration; League of Nations; Wages
and Hours of Labor, Regulation of.

INTERNATIONAL LADIES GARMENT WORKERS UNION (ILGWU), founded in 1900, a major factor in American labor, radical, socialist, and Jewish history. The rst leaders of the ILGWU, moderate Jewish
socialists and labor veterans, were the victorious survivors
of many years of labor struggles and internecine political
warfare in the New York garment industry, which had
been inundated by immigrant Jewish greenhorns. These
Columbus tailors found their advocate in Abraham Cahans Jewish Daily Forward, which was struggling to assimilate them into socialist-avored Americanism.
As a small, moribund, craft-minded organization, the
early ILGWU narrowly beat off an Industrial Workers of
the World (IWW) challenge in 19051907. But an immigrant ood revitalized the Jewish labor movement in
the aftermath of the 1905 Russian Revolution. Radicalized by the revolution and trained in trade unionism by
the Jewish Labor Bund, this huge wave of immigrants
waged a series of mass garment strikes. The 19091910
rising of the twenty thousand in the New York shirtwaist industry was the rst mass strike of women workers
in American history. The weak ILGWU left much of the
day-to-day administration of the strike in the hands of
rank-and-le workers, laborite-feminist activists from the
Womens Trade Union League, and woman volunteers
from the Socialist Party (SP). The success of the strike
paved the way for the unionizing great revolt of fty
thousand New York cloak makers, mostly males, in 1910,
which established the ILGWU as the third-largest member of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) by
The great revolt was resolved through a protocol
of peace, brokered by Louis Brandeis, that was widely
hailed as the Progressive Era model for permanent cooperation between capital and labor. This Progressive
pipe dream broke down rapidly. The ILGWU was shaken


Enduring Symbol. Fifty years after the Triangle Shirtwaist re of 1911, New York City garment workers sit in front of a poster of
some of the victims, whose deaths galvanized the labor movementthe International Ladies Garment Workers Union in
particular. Associated Press/World Wide Photos

by a massive cloak makers rebellion against the protocol

that pregured later internal conicts. The combatants
reached a settlement through SP mediation, solidifying
the unions Socialist ties, and the ILGWU became a powerful American institution. The union initially opposed
World War I, and hailed the Russian Revolution, but its
ofcers continued to face rank-and-le leftist dissent.
They hinted that youthful female dissidents radicalized
by the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and revolution abroad
were victims of sexual frustration.

civil war in the whole garment industry. Several lives were

lost, and scores of workers were hospitalized. ILGWU
leaders managed to regain control with assistance from
business, government, and organized crime. The
ILGWUs street general was SP spokesperson Abe Beckerman, who was involved in the Jewish gangster Lepke
Buchalters infamous Murder Incorporated. When the
dust cleared, little was left of the ILGWU. Wages
plunged, hours lengthened, and sweatshop conditions
were restored.

During the great labor upsurge of 1919, dissidents

formed workers councils, inspired by workers councils in
Seattle and Petrograd. The ILGWU formed the strongest trade union base of the early American Communist
Party (CP). The political, generational, ethnic, and gender contradictions within the ILGWU led to a decade of
internecine warfare between pro-CP insurgents and proSP union leaders. The hardnosed anticommunist Morris
Sigman, a former Wobbly (IWW member), kept a tenuous grasp on the ILGWUs national machinery but had
to concede control of the New York ILGWU to the rebels. The peak of the insurgency was the left-led 1926 New
York cloak makers strike. The strike achieved ambiguous
results, which Sigman seized on as his golden opportunity
to purge the left New York ofcers, touching off a bloody

The left attempted to replace the ILGWU with a

red union, but the effort was stillborn due to bureaucratic dithering by the Lovestonites, a CP faction led
by Jay Lovestone, and ultraleftist policies imposed by the
increasingly Stalinized CP. The ensuing purge of the Lovestonites from the party enabled the ILGWU to regain
control of the trade.
The ILGWU experienced a resurgence during the
New Deal. The Jewish needle trades unions had a friend
in the White House in Franklin D. Roosevelt. The massive ILGWU strikes in 1933 and 1934 beneted from a
rare combination of government sympathy, weak resistance from manufacturers, and a tremendous release of
pent-up militancy. Soon the ILGWU totally dominated



Memorial Procession. Horses draped in mourning capes lead workers and other sympathizers
marching on 5 April 1911 in memory of the 146 garment workers who died eleven days earlier in
the Triangle Shirtwaist Company re in New York City. Library of Congress

the industry. The ILGWU leader David Dubinsky, a veteran of the Jewish Labor Bund, became one of Americas
most important union leaders. A Tammany politician
quipped that the Jews have drei veltndi velt, yene velt,
un Roosevelt (three worldsthis world, the other world,
and Roosevelt). Consequently, during the Holocaust the
ILGWU did not militantly challenge Roosevelts refusal
to admit Jewish refugees. As late as 1947 hourly wages for
ILGWU members were higher than wages for autoworkers. The New Deal alliance between the Roosevelt administration and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), which shaped later American trade unionism,
was molded on the template of the special relationship
between Roosevelt and Jewish Socialist needle trades ofcials like Dubinsky.
During the Roosevelt and Truman administrations
the ILGWU pioneered many hallmarks of American unionism. But while most American workers experienced
dramatically increased prosperity in the Eisenhower era,
ILGWU leaders, fearful of nonunion competition, orchestrated a decline in garment wage levels that made the
ILGWU notorious for ghting for lower wages. The
ILGWU experienced a major demographic transformation. Jews exited the shop oor, replaced by blacks, Puerto
Ricans, and eventually Asians. By 2002, Jews in the garment industry were predominantly union ofcers or
After World War II the ILGWU, in close collaboration with the U.S. government, threw its considerable
resources into the struggle against communism. Lovestone became the ILGWU director of international af-


fairs and the key personal link between the AFL-CIO, led
by George Meany, a Dubinsky protege, and the Central
Intelligence Agency. After Dubinsky retired in 1966, the
ILGWU became one of the foremost labor opponents of
foreign imports.
In the late twentieth century the rapidly declining
ILGWU attempted to organize new immigrant sweatshop labor and defended the rights of undocumented
workers. But the old pattern of collaboration with employers to protect the industry persisted. Indeed, some
Hong Kong sweatshops moved to New York in the 1980s
and set up as union shops. Former ILGWU ofcials dominated The Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile
Employees, which was formed in 1995 through a merger
of the ILGWU with the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, an old rival based in the mens clothing industry.

Dubinsky, David, and A. H. Raskin. David Dubinsky: A Life with

Labor. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1977.
Epstein, Melech. Jewish Labor in U.S.A: An Industrial, Political,
and Cultural History of the Jewish Labor Movement. 2 vols.
New York: 19501953. Reprint, New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1969.
Foner, Philip S. Revolt of the Garment Workers (I and II). In
History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 5.
New York: International Publishers, 1988.
Gurowsky, David. Factional Disputes within the ILGWU,
19191928. Ph.D. diss., State University of New York at
Binghamton, 1978.


Kwong, Peter, and JoAnn Lum. Hard Labor in Chinatown:

How the Other Half Lives Now. Nation, 18 June 1988.
Liebman, Arthur. Jews and the Left. New York: Wiley, 1979.
Myerson, Michael. ILGWU: Fighting for Lower Wages.
Ramparts, October 1969.
Tyler, Gus. Look for the Union Label: A History of the International
Ladies Garment Workers Union. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E.
Sharpe, 1995.

John Dewey Holmes

See also Clothing Industry; Labor; Trade Unions.

INTERNATIONAL LAW is traditionally understood to be the law governing the relations among sovereign states, the primary subjects of international law.
Strictly speaking, this denition refers to public international law, to be contrasted with private international law,
which concerns non-state actors such as individuals and
corporations. Public international law originates from a
number of sources, which are both created by and govern
the behavior of states. Treaties or international agreements are a familiar source of international law, and are
the counterpart of domestic contracts, which create rules
for the states that accept them. Customary international
law, which has fewer analogues in domestic law but which
is binding as a matter of international law, originates from
a pattern of state practice motivated by a sense of legal
right or obligation. Particularly since World War II, international institutions and intergovernmental organizations whose members are states, most notably the United
Nations (UN), have become a principal vehicle for making, applying, implementing and enforcing public international law.
The United States is a modied dualist legal system, which means that international law does not necessarily operate as domestic law. In fact, both the Congress
and the president may violate international law under certain circumstances. Similarly, the Constitution is held superior to international law in the event of an outright
conict, and in such cases the courts will recognize the
primacy of domestic legal authorities over international
law. Article I, section 8 of the Constitution apportions
certain exclusive powers related to foreign relations and
international law to the Congress. These include the authority to declare war, to regulate international trade, to
establish and maintain an army and navy and to establish
rules governing them, and to dene and punish Piracies
and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences
against the Law of Nations. Otherwise, the president, as
commander in chief and chief executive, exercises considerable unenumerated powers in such areas as the recognition of foreign states and governments, and is the sole
organ of the nation in its external relations, and its sole
representative with foreign nations (United States v.
Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 1936).

The Constitution likewise gives the president the

power to negotiate treaties, subject to Senate advice and
consent by a two-thirds majority. In the early 2000s, many
of the nations international agreements were nonetheless
concluded as executive agreements, without congressional
participation. While treaties, according to Article VI of
the Constitution, are the supreme law of the land, U.S.
courts make a distinction between self-executing treaties that will be applied as rules of decision in domestic
litigation and those that will not. Article I, section 10 of
the Constitution prohibits the states of the Union from
entering into treaties or alliances, or from engaging in
most other functions related to the conduct of foreign
Modern international law is generally taken to originate with the Treaties of Westphalia of 1648, which ended
the Thirty Years War. The system of co-equal sovereign
states that resulted, with no authority such as an international legislature or court of general jurisdiction superior to that of the state, required the application of legal
approaches different from those found in most municipal
legal systems. Early treatments of international law by
such writers as Hugo Grotius (15831645) were strongly
inuenced by concepts of natural law and the religious
tradition on which it drew. In the nineteenth through the
early twenty-rst centuries, positivism became the dominant perspective in international law. In contrast to abstract principles of ethics or morality, legal positivism relies on afrmative acts of states to establish the law.
As demonstrated by the references in its Constitution,
the United States has both acknowledged the importance
of and contributed to the development of international
law from the earliest days of the Republic. American contributions have been particularly important in the development of the law of neutrality, the body of law dening
the rights and obligations of a third state adopting an attitude of impartiality toward belligerents in armed conict with each other. During the rst century of its existence, the law governing neutrality was among the most
important international legal concerns of the new nation,
whose commerce was dependent on the freedom to trade
with belligerents on both sides of the French Revolution
and the Napoleonic Wars.
Washingtons Neutrality Proclamation of 1793, followed by the Neutrality Act of 1794, were innovations in
the law of neutrality. Before asserting expanded rights as
a neutral, the U.S. implicitly acknowledged the need to
clarify the obligations associated with that legal status.
These authorities stressed the then-new concept of neutral states duties to regulate certain activities of their citizens. They further contributed to a distinction between
acts which neutral governments and their citizens by international law are forbidden to commit, and acts which
neutral governments are obliged to suppress. The United
States alleged that its rights as a neutral state had been
violated in disputes with Britain over its practice of seizing
cargoes of U.S. merchant vessels trading with France and



impressing U.S. sailors into the British navy, both precipitating factors leading to the War of 1812. During the
Civil War, the United States was similarly assertive in
pressing the duties of neutral states, most famously in the
Treaty of Washington (1871) and the subsequent Alabama
arbitration (1872), which established the liability of Great
Britain for violating its legal status as a neutral state by
allowing private parties under its jurisdiction to build and
outt vessels of war for the Confederacy. Since the late
eighteenth century, the U.S. Supreme Court has advanced
the development of international law in such areas as the
immunity of foreign governments from suit.
The United States also substantially contributed to
the use of international arbitration as a mechanism for the
peaceful settlement of disputes between states. The Treaty
of Amity Commerce and Navigation with Britain, popularly know as Jays Treaty (1794), designed to address
certain unsettled issues remaining after the American War
of Independence, contained a number of arbitration clauses
that were important developments in international law
and practice. In the latter part of the nineteenth century,
the United States and Great Britain conducted arbitration
over fur seals in the Bering Sea (1893), and the AmericanMexican Mixed Claims Commission, established by international convention in 1868, adjudicated more than
200 claims between 1871 and 1876.
In the late 1800s, the United States approach to international law was inuenced by peace movements advocating international arbitration as a mechanism for settling disputes and as an alternative to armed force. These
trends bore fruit in the form of the Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907, of which the former established the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The United
States, however, failed to participate in the next major
step in the development of international arbitration: the
establishment of the Permanent Court of International
Justice (PCIJ) under the auspices of the League of Nations in 1920. Although the Senate failed to approve U.S.
membership in the League of Nations, the United States
signed the agreement establishing the PCIJ. A protocol
was adopted in 1929 amending the PCIJs Statute, the
institutions governing instrument, in a manner intended
be responsive to the concerns of the U.S. Senate so as to
permit U.S. accession. That agreement, however, failed
to receive the necessary two-thirds majority in a Senate
vote in 1935. Nonetheless, a judge of U.S. nationality
served on the court throughout its existence, which terminated at the end of World War II. In the interwar period, the United States also articulated and asserted an
international standard of prompt, adequate and effective
compensation as a remedy for governmental expropriation of foreign nations property, a matter that continues
to be both highly relevant and controversial in the law of
foreign investment.
In the latter part of the twentieth century, dominated
by the Cold War and the emergence of the United States
as a global superpower, the United States continued in its


rhetorical commitment to international law as a vehicle

for ensuring a stable and peaceful world order. Among
other things, it consented to the compulsory jurisdiction
of the International Court of Justice the successor to the
PCIJ, albeit with signicant reservations. However, instances in which the International Court of Justice adjudicated that the United States had violated international
law, most notably in mining Nicaraguan ports and supporting the Contra militias, tended to undermine some
of the United States credibility as an adherent to the rule
of law. Criticisms have also been directed at the United
States apparent hostility to some major multilateral agreements including the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea, the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban
Treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the
Kyoto Protocol on global climate change, and conventions adopted by the International Labor Organization.
With the end of the Cold War in the last decade of
the twentieth century, international institutions and international law have become increasingly important. The
creation of new intergovernmental national organizations
such as the World Trade Organization and the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the reinvigoration of international institutions like the UN Security Council, are evidence of the importance of the rule
of law in the new millennium. The United States reliance
on the UN Security Councils prior authorization before
initiating hostilities to expel Iraq from Kuwait (1991) was
interpreted by many international lawyers as an indicator
of a newly enhanced stature for international law and institutions. At the same time, the United States as the sole
remaining superpower seems to be searching for an appropriate role for law in its foreign policy for situations
such as Kosovo, in which U.S. and NATO intervention
was not authorized by the Security Council and rested on
an uncertain legal foundation. Two challenges to the application of capital punishment to foreign nationals, initiated by Paraguay and Germany in the International
Court of Justice, suggest as well that in the United States
international law may play a small role in the face of competing domestic political considerations.

Akehurst, Michael B. A Modern Introduction to International Law.

6th ed. Boston: Allen and Unwin, 1987.
Brierly, James Leslie. The Law of Nations. 6th ed. Edited by
Humphrey Waldock. New York: Oxford University Press,
Brownlie, Ian. Principles of Public International Law. 5th ed. New
York: Clarendon Press, 1998.
Butler, William E., ed. International Law and the International
System. Boston: M. Nijhoff, 1987.
Corbett, Percy E. The Growth of World Law. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1971.
Fawcett, James E. S. Law and Power in International Relations.
London: Faber and Faber, 1982.


Heere, Wybo P., ed. International Law and Its Sources. Boston:
Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1989.
Henkin, Louis. How Nations Behave: Law and Foreign Policy. New
York: Praeger, 1968.
Higgins, Rosalyn. Problems and Process: International Law and
How We Use It. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Janis, Mark W. An Introduction to International Law. 3d ed. Gaithersburg, Md.: Aspen Law and Business, 1999.
Jessup, Philip C. Transnational Law. New Haven, Conn.: Yale
University Press, 1956.
Kaplan, Morton A., and Nicholas deB. Katzenbach. The Political
Foundations of International Law. New York: Wiley, 1961.
Lauterpacht, Hersch. The Function of Law in the International
Community. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1966.
Maris, Gary L. International Law: An Introduction. Lanham, Md.:
University Press of America, 1984.
McDougal, Myres S., and W. Michael Reisman. International
Law in Contemporary Perspective: The Public Order of the
World Community. Mineola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1981.
Nussbaum, Arthur. A Concise History of the Law of Nations. New
York: Macmillan, 1954.
Oppenheim, Lassa. Oppenheims International Law. 9th ed. Edited
by Robert Jennings and Arthur Watts. Essex, England:
Longman, 1992.
Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United
States. St. Paul, Minn.: American Law Institute Publishers,

David A. Wirth
See also International Court of Justice; United Nations.


in 1937, the International Longshoremens and Warehousemens Union (ILWU) has origins rooted in the early
years of the twentieth century. In 1912, a group of West
Coast locals bolted the International Longshoremens Association (ILA) in opposition to the undemocratic practices of East Coast ILA presidents Dan Keefe and T. V.
OConnor. Like his predecessor Keefe, who resigned in
1908, OConnor continued the practice of buying votes
through his grip on the abusive hiring system. Lacking
job security, longshoremen often sold their votes in exchange for being selected to join daily work crews. On
the West Coast, the ILA emerged within a more militant
and democratic context, as the radical Industrial Workers
of the World exercised inuence among longshoremen.
In 1915, the clash between militant and corrupt union
practices caused a split in ILA West Coast leadership.
Company unions emerged, which longshoremen unsuccessfully challenged in a 1919 strike. For a decade, company unions and the Waterfront Employers Association
undermined genuine longshoremen organization.
In 1933, longshoremen revived ILA locals on the Pacic Coast. The next year, company unions collapsed
when ILA members struck all Pacic ports. ILA locals

demanded unied bargaining by all West Coast maritime

unions over wages, union hiring halls, and hours. The
conict resulted in the death of six workers, and hundreds
of strikers were injured. After a four-day general strike in
San Francisco led by militant workers and supported by
the Communist Party, employers nally agreed to arbitration, which granted the union most of its demands.
Moreover, the strike entrenched militant leaders like
Harry Bridges, who became president of the San Francisco ILA local in 1936.
In 1936, Bridges entered into dispute with East
Coastbased ILA president Joseph Ryan over strategy
pursued by West Coast locals to unite all maritime unions
into one federation. Ideological differences and ILA refusal to ally itself with unskilled workers sharpened the
conict. As an American Federation of Labor (AFL) afliate, the anticommunist ILA adhered to craft unionism
and declined entering into bargaining agreements with
the unskilled. In February 1937, Bridges deed Ryan and
led workers in a ninety-eight-day strike that failed to make
signicant gains for West Coast locals. While Bridges
blamed Ryan and his lack of support for the strikes failure, the East Coast ILA leader called Bridges and his lieutenant, Louis Goldblatt, puppets of the international
communist conspiracy. In 1937, growing ideological hostility, coupled with opposing trade union philosophies,
prompted the Bridges-led Pacic Coast ILA to break with
Ryan and afliate with the recently formed and more inclusive Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). This
event resulted in the West Coast locals receiving a CIO
charter to form the ILWU. The separation was nalized
when ILWU members elected Harry Bridges as their
Because the ILWU constitution prohibited political
discrimination, Communist Party inuence remained, and
some of its members held several key union posts. The
Soviet-American alliance during World War II ensured
ILWU enforcement of no-strike pledges and maximum
productivity. The ILWU then expanded its activities into
Hawaii, organizing not only longshoremen, but also workers in agriculture, hotels, and tourism. The ILWU became one of the rst multiracial and multiethnic unions
as Asians, Latinos, and African Americans lled its ranks.
Cold War politics threatened the unions stability and
survival. The 1947 Taft-Hartley Act required the signing
by union leaders of afdavits disavowing communist afliation. The initial refusal by ILWU ofcials to sign afdavits left the union vulnerable to raids by rival unions.
The ILWU responded by seeking National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) intervention. In exchange for NLRB
protection, ILWU ofcials ultimately signed the afdavits. This did not end the unions political problems, and
in 1950 the CIO expelled the ILWU for alleged communist domination.
Despite political isolation, the ILWU had successfully maintained control over the hiring hall and entered
into a new era of cooperation with employers. Contrib-



uting to this was the Communist Partys diminishing inuence resulting from growing Cold War political consensus. A new look approach to collective bargaining
marked an era of harmonious labor-employer relations,
which was highlighted by the 1960 Mechanization and
Modernization Agreement. Virtually suspending existing
work rules, it reduced the size of the labor force, provided
no-layoff guarantees, and started a longshoremen retirement plan. Although company-ILWU cooperation generally prevailed throughout this period, ILWU politics
remained leftist. The union strongly supported the civil
rights actions of the 1950s, and in 1967 the ILWU passed
a resolution calling for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from
While the ILWU battled in the political trenches, the
increasing rationalization of the maritime industry, which
included the introduction of containerized shipping, led
to a breakdown of the mechanization and modernization
agreement. In 1971, the ILWU struck for 135 days, ending the period of company-union cooperation. The nal
agreement resulted in a substantial workforce reduction,
and, as a result, in 1988 ILWU rank-and-leseeking
strength in numbersvoted to afliate with the AFLCIO. The unions radical legacy and its continued democratic practices, such as electing its president by the full
membership, placed the ILWU to the left of most AFLCIO unions.

Cherny, Robert W. The Making of a Labor Radical: Harry

Bridges, 19011934. Pacic Historical Review 64 (1995):
Fairley, Lincoln. Facing Mechanization: The West Coast Longshore
Plan. Los Angeles: Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, 1979.
Larrowe, Charles P. Harry Bridges: The Rise and Fall of Radical
Labor in the United States. 2d rev. ed. New York: Lawrence
Hill, 1977.
Nelson, Bruce. Workers on the Waterfront: Seamen, Longshoremen,
and Unionism in the 1930s. Urbana: University of Illinois
Press, 1988.

Norman Cauleld
See also American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organizations; Industrial Workers of the World;
Strikes; Trade Unions.


created at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, began
operations on 1 March 1947. It had its inception on 1 July
1944, when delegates of forty-four nations met at Bretton
Woods, New Hampshire, and proposed two associated
nancial institutionsthe IMF, with $8 billion capital,
and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. A recurrence of the restrictive trade policies,
exchange instability, and international lending abuses that
had characterized the interwar era was feared. After World


War I, nations had sought monetary stability by returning

to the gold standard, but in many instances the gold standard took the form of a weak version of the gold exchange
standard. Its breakdown contributed to the 19291936
economic debacle.
The IMFs original purpose was to support world
trade by reestablishing a stable international system. To
this end, it was given the mandate to monitor the exchange rate policies of member countries and provide
short-term loans in case of balance of payments problems.
Since the IMF and member nations accepted the dollar as equal to gold, the growing number of dollars in their
central bank reserves, especially after 1958 and in turn the
consequence of chronic U.S. government decits, stimulated worldwide ination. The gold exchange standard
broke down in 19681971, notably after the United States
ceased redeeming dollars in gold on 15 August 1971,
thereby severely damaging the prestige of the IMF.
With the collapse of xed exchange rates in 1973, the
dominant role of the IMF was to provide nancial support
for member countries. As of 1993, it had 178 members
and had become a major nancial intermediary. Its involvement is virtually required before international bankers will agree to renance or defer loans for Third World
countries. The IMF was also instrumental in providing
funds for the emerging market economies in eastern Europe following the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.
The fund also provides information to the public, and technical assistance to governments of developing countries.
The IMF can make loans to member countries
through standby arrangements. Depending on the size of
the loan, the fund imposes certain conditions. Known as
IMF conditionality, these measures often interfere with
the sovereignty of member countries with regard to economic policy. IMF conditions can require devaluation of
currencies, removal of government subsidies, cuts in social services, control over wages, trade liberalization, and
pressure to pursue free-market policies. IMF conditionality has been criticized as being too severe, imposing
hardship on debtor countries. Because IMF policies are
imposed by an international agency consisting of industrialized countries, they give the appearance of maintaining the dependency of the Third World.
Critics point out that balance-of-payment problems
in the Third World are often structural and long term,
with the result that short-term stabilization by the IMF
may lead to long-run development problems. Access of
member countries to the funds assets is determined by
quota. Each member receives a quota based on the size
of its economy. The quotas are dened in terms of Special
Drawing Rights (SDRs), reserve assets created by the
IMF to supplement world reserves. The value of SDRs
for member nations requesting loans is determined by an
IMF accounting system based on a weighted average of
major economic powers currencies.



Aufricht, Hans. The International Monetary Fund: Legal Bases,

Structure, Functions. New York: F. A. Praeger, 1964.
Horseeld, J. Keith, ed. The International Monetary Fund, 1945
65: Twenty Years of International Monetary Cooperation. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1969.
International Monetary Fund. Supplement on the IMF. IMF
Survey 22 (October 1993): 128.
Salda, Anne C. M. The International Monetary Fund. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 1992.

Marie D. Connolly
Donald L. Kemmerer / a. g.
See also Banking; Banks, Export-Import; Bretton Woods
Conference; Corporations; Dumbarton Oaks Conference; Foreign Aid.


AND SMELTER WORKERS. In its rst incarnation as the Western Federation of Miners (WFM), established at a convention in Butte, Montana, on 15 May
1893, the International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter
Workers (IUMMSW) organized workers who mined copper, bauxite, nickel, uranium, lead, zinc, gold, and silver
as well as those who smelted and rened copper. Earning
a reputation as one of the leading radical institutions in
the American West, the union won some important organizing drives in its early years, including a key victory
at Cripple Creek, Colorado, in 1894. With ownership of
mining companies increasingly consolidated among a few
corporations, however, the WFM dissolved a number of
its locals and was nearly defunct by World War I. Hoping
to put aside its radical reputation, the union reemerged
as the IUMMSW in 1916.
In the anti-union atmosphere of the Roaring Twenties, the IUMMSW remained a shell of its former self. As
with many other industrial unions, however, its leadership
seized upon the promise of the New Deal to reassert its
presence in the western mines. After a ve-month strike
in Butte and Anaconda, Montana, in 1934, the IUMMSW
was not only revitalized as a labor organization, but also
rmly established as a partner in the New Deal coalition
of labor leaders, social reformers, and other activists. Yet
internal divisions continued to plague the union under the
presidency of Reid Robinson, elected to ofce in 1936
under a pledge to renew the unions aggressive organizing
and bargaining stance. Robinson roused controversy when
he appointed Communist Party member Maurice Travis
to an international IUMMSW ofce. Anticommunist
IUMMSW members forced Robinsons resignation from
ofce in 1947 over the move, but were further incensed
when Travis succeeded Robinson as IUMMSW president. Although Travis formally severed his ties to the
Communist Party in order to meet the Taft-Hartley
Acts prohibition against labor leaders holding membership in the party, the publicity over the ap drew national

attention to the union at the height of the McCarthy-era

red scares.
Further sapping the unions energy was its expulsion
from the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in
1950. Although it was a founding member of the CIO in
1935, the IUMMSW was one of eleven unions expelled
in a move to eliminate communist elements from the organization. The IUMMSW also faced renewed charges
of communist inuence with the 1954 movie Salt of the
Earth, based on a strike against Empire Zinc by IUMMSW
Local 890 in Hanover, New Mexico. With its producer,
director, screenwriter, and lead actor already on a movie
industry blacklist for their leftist activities, the lm appeared to justify suspicions of communist dominance in
the IUMMSW at the time of its release.
During the 1950s, the IUMMSW faced numerous
challenges from the United Steel Workers of America
(USWA), which used anticommunist and racist rhetoric
to raid the unions locals. Although it retained about
37,000 members in 300 local unions, IUMMSW ofcials
voted to merge with the USWA on 30 June 1967. An
additional 13,000 workers in Canadian IUMMSW locals
joined the merger the next day. IUMMSW Local 598 in
Sudbury, Ontario, however, refused to agree to the merger,
and after 1985 retained an afliation with the Canadian
Auto Workers union.

Jameson, Elizabeth. All That Glitters: Class, Conict, and Community in Cripple Creek. Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
Mercier, Laurie. Instead of Fighting the Common Enemy:
Mine Mill versus the Steelworkers in Montana, 1950
1967. Labor History 40, no. 4 (1999): 459480.
Zieger, Robert H. The CIO, 19351955. Chapel Hill: University
of North Carolina Press, 1995.

Timothy G. Borden

INTERNET. Arguably the most important communications tool ever created, the Internet connects millions
of people to online resources each day. Grown from seeds
planted during the Cold War, the roots of the Internet
were formed to develop a reliable, national system for
communications. Although early pioneers disagree over
whether the computer-based communications network
was built to withstand nuclear attack, the uneasy tension
between the United States and the Soviet Union during
the Cold War certainly increased the resolve of the
United States to fund and develop relevant scientic and
defense-related projects aimed at national security.
Home to many of the preeminent scientists of the
time, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
served as the birthplace of the Internet. It was there, in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, that President Harry Trumans
administration formed MITs Lincoln Laboratories to begin work on the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment.



SAGEs primary goal was to develop an air defense system

that involved a network of interconnected computers
across the United States. The push for advanced technology received an even larger boost in August 1957,
when the Soviet Union test red its rst intercontinental
ballistic missile and subsequently launched its Sputnik orbiter in October of that same year. Shortly thereafter,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower convened a meeting of
his Presidential Science Advisory Committee. From that
meeting and subsequent congressional testimony on the
progress of U.S. defense and missile programs, it became
clear that the science gap between the two superpowers
had widened. Eisenhower sought funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) late in 1957 and
obtained it the following year.
In the early 1960s, the Lincoln Laboratory researchers Lawrence Roberts and Leonard Kleinrock worked on
developing a method of digitizing and transmitting information between two computers using a communications method called packet switching. Similar work on
systems that used store-and-forward switching was also
underway in the late 1950s under the direction of Paul
Baran and Donald Davies at the National Physical Laboratory in England. At the heart of both research projects
was the development of a communications system in
which information would be distributed among all nodes
on a network, so that if one or more nodes failed, the
entire network would not be disabled. This type of network, in which messages were passed from node to node,
with no single node responsible for the end-to-end trafc,
was called hot-potato routing.
ARPAs rst director, J. C. R. Licklider, moved from
Lincoln Laboratory to a small Cambridge, Massachusettsbased consulting rm, Bolt, Beranek, and Newman
(BBN), where researchers continued to explore the use of
computers as tools of communication. While there, Licklider and his colleagues developed the necessary hardware
to connect computers to telephone lines and also researched the collection of data from a wide array of other
sources including antennae, submarines, and other realtime sensors. Most of BBNs projects were ARPA supported and sought to achieve ARPAs ultimate goal of
helping close the science gap by creating a nationwide
network of interconnected computers.
In the summer of 1968, ARPA issued a request for
proposals to more than 130 different research centers
with the goal of creating a digital network of computers
conforming to ARPAs technical specications. Roberts
developed the criteria and served as the chief architect of
the networks overall design, which included the deployment of packet switching technology, using half-second
response time, with measurement capability, and continuous operationthat is, an Internet. Frank Heart and
the team of scientists at BBN were awarded the contract
in December 1968. Outtted with specialized minicomputers and interface hardware, BBN set out to connect
their packet switches or Interface Message Processors


Internet Pioneer. Gene Kan shows off the Gnutella Web

site and some of the innovative le-swapping software that he
developed and promoted; Kan committed suicide on 29 June
2002, at the age of twenty-ve. AP/Wide World Photos

(IMPs), at each ARPA-determined remote location (node),

which would then communicate with the host computer
at that location. Robert Kahn and Vincent Cerf, with Jon
Postel and Charles Kline, developed the software to connect host computers to the IMPs, a host-to-host protocol
on how packets would be routed. While America was absorbed in NASAs race to land on the moon in the summer
of 1969, BBN air shipped its rst IMP computer across
the countryno small feat for the time. It arrived safely
and was working at the rst node, the University of California at Los Angeles, in August 1969.
This phase of the ARPA-BBN project was completed
in nine months. Meanwhile, work continued on equipping the second node, the Stanford Research Institute
(SRI) in Palo Altosome four hundred miles awayto
the interface message processor. On 1 October 1969 the
Stanford node came online and the rst message, LO,
was passed that day. BBN continued to progress, installing nodes three and four at the University of California
at Santa Barbara (1 November 1969) and the University
of Utah (1 December 1969). Only in March of the following year did BBN connect its Cambridge ofces to
the newly created ARPAnet.
The ARPAnet continued to evolve through the early
1970s with the addition of more diverse data networks
such as the University of Hawaiis ALOHAnet packet radio network and the European-based packet satellite network. During this period, the rst terminal interface processor (TIP) was introduced to the network, thereby
allowing computer terminals to call directly into the ARPAnet using standard telephone lines. In 1972, the rst
electronic messaging program (e-mail) that supported incoming and outgoing messages was developed. In that
same year, a le transfer protocol specication (FTP) to


allow for the transmission of data les across the network

was designed and tested. With these additions, ARPAnet
truly began to fulll its mission as an open-architecture
network, accommodating a variety of different environments and allowing the free sharing of resources.
As the uses of the network grew, more efcient methods for carrying data were needed, forcing an evolution
of transmission protocolsthe underlying control layer
in which the messages owedand addressing schemes.
After many renements, TCP/IP (transmission control
protocol/Internet protocol) became the de facto standard
for communicating on the network. A naming scheme
also became necessary and the Domain Name System
(DNS) was developed by Paul Mockapetris of the University of Southern California. DNS allowed for the assignment of names to networks and nodes, supplanting
the use of numeric addresses. In 1973, Ethernet technology was developed, allowing for the rapid addition of
nodes and workstations to the network. With the birth of
the personal computer and local area networks (LANs) in
the early 1980s, the network grew at a staggering pace.
The federal government funded the network and its
infrastructure through 1995. The work of the National
Science Foundation (NSF) was instrumental for understanding the future evolution of the Internet as a true
information superhighway. However, federal funding of
the Internet was terminated as a result of the NSFs privatization initiative to encourage commercial network
trafc. Control of the large backbones of the network
the set of paths with which local or regional networks
connected for long-haul connectivitywas redistributed
to private regional network service providers.
The Internet serves as a vital network of communication in the form of e-mail, news groups, and chat. It
also provides unparalleled resource sharing and resource
discovery through the World Wide Web. At the end of
2001, the Internet continued its phenomenal annual rate
of growth of 100 percent. At its start in 1981, the Internet
connected just over two hundred researchers and scientists. By the end of 2002, it is estimated that the Internet
had the capacity to reach more than six billion people

Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT

Press, 1999.
Hauben, Michael, and Ronda Hauben. Netizens: On the History
and Impact of Usenet and the Internet. Los Alamitos, Calif.:
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
Quarterman, John S., and Smoot Carl-Mitchell. The Internet
Connection: System Connectivity and Conguration. Reading,
Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1994.
Segaller, Stephen. Nerds 2.0.1: A Brief History of the Internet. New
York: TV Books, 1998.

Michael Regoli

See also Communications Industry; Computers and Computer Industry; Electronic Mail; National Science

INTERNMENT, WARTIME. Internment has long

been recognized in American and international law. By
World War II, it was regulated by a system of rulesthe
Geneva Conventionthat governed the treatment of prisoners of war and civilian enemy nationals, including diplomats, resident in or captured by a belligerent nation.
The United States rst used internment during the War
of 1812, when some resident British, mostly merchants,
were ordered to remove themselves fty miles inland.
British merchants in New York City were exiled up the
Hudson at Newburgh, but left at liberty.
The United States next resorted to internment during World War I. At that time about 500,000 unnaturalized resident aliens of German birth were in the United
States; they were proclaimed alien enemies after war
was declared in April 1917. Some 8,000 enemy aliens
the vast majority of them Germans, and almost all the
rest subjects of Austria-Hungarywere arrested under
presidential warrants, but nearly three-quarters of them
were released within a short time. Only about 2,300 enemy nationals resident in the United States were actually
interned, 90 percent of them German and all but a few
of them male.
During World War II, internment of Germans and
Italians began more than two years before the United
States formally entered the war. Seamen from German
vessels stranded in U.S. ports were interned shortly after
the outbreak of war in September 1939. In June 1940,
when Italy entered the conict, perhaps a thousand Italians, consisting of seamen and a group of food workers
from the Italian exhibition at the New York Worlds Fair
of 19391940 were also seized. All were persons without
permanent resident status.
Shortly after the fall of France, Congress passed the
Alien Registration Act of 1940. Among the several million
registrants were 695,363 Italians, 314,715 Germans, and
91,858 Japanese, so that after the United States went to
war, there were about a million unnaturalized natives of
the Axis nations resident in the United States, all potential
When war came, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
signed three similar public proclamations declaring that
all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of [Japan, Germany, and Italy] being of the age of fourteen years and
upward, who shall be in the United States and not actually
naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained,
secured, and removed as alien enemies. Austrian and Korean resident aliens, who had German and Japanese nationality, were not declared alien enemies.
The administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt never intended to intern any sizable percentage of
the one million alien enemies. Attorney General Francis



ities. Hoovers seemingly precise gures leave room for

doubt. Early in the war many individuals were arrested
by various local authorities and held under military auspices in places like Camp Forrest, Tennessee, and they
probably were not included in his totals. The 40,000 Japanese nationals who were incarcerated by the War Relocation Authority along with 80,000 American citizens of
Japanese ancestry were alien enemies who were not on
the governments lists. The best estimate of the total
number of interned persons is something under 11,000,
broken down as follows: Japanese, perhaps 8,000; Germans, possibly 2,300; and only a few hundred Italians.
Many more were arrested and held in custody for days
and even weeks without being ofcially interned. Of the
total, at least 2,254 Japanese, chiey from Peru, and 4,058
Germans and 288 Italians were brought from fteen Latin
American countries and interned in INS camps.
Manzanar Relocation Camp. Well over 100,000 Japanese
Americans were interned during World War II in camps such
as this one in eastern Californianow the Manzanar
National Historic Site. National Archives and Records

Biddle and his staff in the Department of Justice wanted

a minimal program and were aware of the gross injustices
suffered by German and Italian resident aliens in Winston
Churchills Britain. In preparation for war, various federal
security agencies had prepared custodial detention lists,
better known as the ABC lists, of persons who were
deemed potentially dangerous. Persons on the A list were
identied as known dangerous aliens; those on the B
list were labeled potentially dangerous; and those appearing on the C list were persons who were believed to
warrant surveillance because of pro-Axis sympathies or
propaganda activities. As is common with internal security lists, they were largely based on guilt by association
rather than on individual investigations, as most of the
names came from membership and subscription lists of
organizations and publications deemed subversive.
It is not yet possibleand may never beto give
precise gures for either the total number of persons interned or the numbers of each nationality. Several civilian
agencies, chiey the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), and the
military authorities made arrests. Furthermore, the surviving records are incomplete. Until the spring of 1943,
civilian internees were largely under military custody;
most were then transferred to the INS, which had held
some civilians since early in the war. At various times the
INS reported, with what seems like studied vagueness, on
the number of persons it held, but its reports did not always make clear what categories of persons were being
counted. In late 1944, J. Edgar Hoover reported that
14,807 enemy aliens had been taken into custody by the
FBI, of whom nearly two-fths had been ordered interned by the Attorney General and the military author-



Corbett, P. Scott. Quiet Passage: The Exchange of Civilians between

the United States and Japan during the Second World War.
Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1987. An account
based largely on U.S. Department of State documents.
Culley, John J. The Santa Fe Internment Camp and the Justice
Department Program for Enemy Aliens. In Japanese Americans: From Relocation to Redress. Edited by Roger Daniels et
al. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1986.
Fiset, Louis. Imprisoned Apart: The World War II Correspondence
of an Issei Couple. Seattle: University of Washington Press,
1997. The best treatment of the internment of Japanese
Friedman, Max Paul. Nazis and Good Neighbors: The United States
Campaign against the Germans of Latin America in World
War II. New York: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming. The rst multinational approach to this topic.
Gardiner, C. Harvey. Pawns in a Triangle of Hate: The Peruvian
Japanese and the United States. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1981. A pathbreaking work.
Saunders, Kay, and Roger Daniels, eds. Alien Justice: Wartime
Internment in Australia and North America. St. Lucia, Australia: Queensland University Press, 2000. An anthology
covering experiences in both world wars.

Roger Daniels
See also Geneva Conventions; Japanese American Incarceration; and vol. 9: The Japanese Internment Camps,


On 31 December 1995, after 108 years of operation, the
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) closed its doors
in compliance with the ICC Termination Act of 1995
(P.L. 104-88). This archetypal American independent regulatory commission, once feared by the transportation industry, saw the functions it still performed diminish until,
at the end, they were assumed by ofces in the Federal
Highway Administration and the newly-created Surface


Transportation Board, both elements of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Those with the greatest stake in the ICC, which was
created in 1887, were midwestern farmers and the owners
and operators of the newly emergent railroad transportation systems. The railroads opened midwestern markets
to those in the East, but charged what the market would
bear, which was signicantly less between two cities connected by more than one carrier than between towns that
did not have the benet of such competition. Long
haul rates were more benecial than short haul rates,
leading farmers and merchants (members of the Grange)
to redress their grievances through politics.
This postCivil War reform movement helped initiate state regulation of railroads and grain elevators. In
1877 the Supreme Court, in Munn v. Illinois, ruled that
the states could indeed regulate those properties vested
with a public interest. However, in 1886 the Court reversed itself in Wabash, St. Louis and Pacic Railway v. Illinois, saying that only Congress could regulate interstate
commerce. In 1887 Congress passed an Act to Regulate
Commerce, known thereafter as the Interstate Commerce
Act, which President Grover Cleveland signed into law
on 4 February 1887. The law established a ve-person
commission to be appointed by the president and conrmed by the Senate.
From its inception until the end of the century, the
ICC, seeking to negotiate reasonable and just rates, was
hobbled by the vagueness of its enabling act, the failure
of Congress to give it enforcement power, and the Supreme Courts strict interpretation of the Commerce
Clause of the Constitution, which emasculated the commissions power. During its rst eighteen years, the ICC
brought sixteen cases before the Court, fteen of which
were decided in favor of the railroads.
Nevertheless, the ICC would become the model for
effective regulation later on. Responding to President
Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive movement, Congress passed the Hepburn Act (1906) and the MannElkins Act (1910), which gave the commission wider authority to set aside rates charged by railroads, set prot
levels, and organize mergers. The Hepburn Act extended
the ICCs jurisdiction to include sleeping car companies,
oil pipelines, ferries, terminals, and bridges. Through a
broader interpretation of the Commerce Clause, the Court
accepted a more muscular role for the ICC. This allowed
for passage of the Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of
1920 and the commissions gradual assumption of regulatory jurisdiction over all other common carriers by 1940
(the Motor Carrier Act of 1935 regulated trucks; the
Transportation Act of 1940, water carriers), except the
airlines. In addition, the ICC had regulated telephone,
telegraph, wireless, and cable services from 1910 until the
Federal Communications Commission was established
in 1934.
Congress, in the 1940 Transportation Actand again
in the Transportation Act of 1958attempted to per-

suade the ICC to prepare a national transportation policy

that would impartially regulate all modes of transportation and preserve the advantages of each. In 1966, this
mission was shifted to the newly established Department
of Transportation, as were the ICCs safety functions,
which traced back to the Railroad Safety Appliance Act
of 1893.
If the transfer of functions set a new tone for the
ICC, the move to deregulate the transportation industry
rendered it increasingly irrelevant. Passage of the Motor
Carrier Regulatory Reform and Modernization Act of
1980 and the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 deregulated the
trucking and rail industries, respectively. In 1982, Congress pared the membership of the ICCwhich had
grown to elevenback to ve. Staff dwindled from 2,000
to around 200. And on 29 December 1995, President
William Clinton signed the ICC Termination Act into

Hoogenboom, Ari. Interstate Commerce Commission. In A

Historical Guide to the U.S. Government. Edited by George
Thomas Kurian. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
, and Olive Hoogenboom. A History of the ICC: From Panacea to Palliative. New York: Norton, 1976.

R. Dale Grinder
See also Federal Agencies; Granger Cases; Granger Movement; Interstate Commerce Laws; Interstate Trade
Barriers; Restraint of Trade; Transportation Act of


of interstate commerce laws in the United States is much
broader than the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce
Commission, which covers only some forms of transportation. However, at its formation in 1887, constitutional
doctrine largely conned federal powers in the regulation
of interstate commerce to transportation and communications. Much of the history of interstate commerce in
the United States has to do with this expansion of federal
powers over interstate commerce during the twentieth
century. The Constitution specically grants the federal
government power to regulate Commerce . . . among
the several States. Chief Justice John Marshall stated in
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) that federal legislation was supreme over a state law that might affect interstate or foreign commerce. But for a century, there was little federal
regulation of interstate commerce other than transportation and communications, for, with regard to the reserved powers of the states in the absence of federal legislation, the Supreme Court has tended to be generous to
the states. The states have regulated grade crossings and
public utilities, controlled practices in food production
and sanitation, and limited the loads of trucks on their
highways. Indeed, the main body of commercial law in
the United States is state law.



It was not until the postCivil War period, when the

growth and power of the modern corporation became
clearly evident through corrupt, arbitrary, and discriminatory practices, that the national political environment
began to change. The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
was only the rst major example of a long series of important and complex federal statutes regulating business
under the authority of the commerce clause, only a few
of which can be noted here.
The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, aimed at
curbing monopolies, was supported in 1914 by the Clayton Act, Labor Provisions (which, in addition, exempted labor organizations from antitrust laws) and by
the creation of the Federal Trade Commission in 1914 to
regulate unfair methods in restraint of trade. The food
and drug acts of 1906 and 1938 as amendedplus a series
of related laws, such as the Meat Inspection Act of 1906
have been aimed at preventing adulteration and mislabeling. Additional powers given to the Federal Trade
Commission in 1938 forbid false advertising. The Truthin-Packaging Act of 1966 and the Consumer Credit Protection (Truth-in-Lending) Act of 1969 brought further
protection to consumers. The publicity acts of 1903 and
1909 were forerunners of the Securities and Exchange Act
of 1934, all of which were aimed at the sale of fraudulent
Controls over additional modes of transport came
with the Shipping Act of 1916, which established the U.S.
Shipping Board, whose authority was reestablished in
1936 under the Maritime Commission. Federal regulation of utilities came with the creation in 1920 of the
Federal Power Commission. The Federal Radio Commission of 1927 was broadened into the Federal Communications Commission in 1934. Government regulation of the labor relations of industries engaged in
interstate commerce culminated in the formation of the
National Labor Relations Board in 1935, whose powers
and duties were revised by the Taft-Hartley Act of
1947 and several amendments to it. The Civil Aeronautics
Act of 1938, setting up the Civil Aeronautics Authority
(later Civil Aeronautics Board), concluded formation of
the series of agencies known as the independent regulatory commissions. Moreover, some regulatory authority
derived from the interstate commerce clause lies in the
hands of the traditional departments and other agencies,
such as the Atomic Energy Commission.
Interstate commerce laws are not limited to regulative and punitive measures. Subsidies are available, for
example, to maritime shipping and to large segments of
agriculture. Many federal agencies engage in, and disseminate the results of, research of interest to business and
commercial organizations of all kinds. The Tennessee
Valley Authority was created in 1933 to help in the total
development of an entire economic area. Moreover, the
federal government has from its beginning stimulated
commerce through statutes implementing its additional


powers over coinage and money, the mails, weights and

measures, and copyrights and patents.
As the political environment changed and a network
of federal laws evolved, the views of the Supreme Court
on federal powers under the interstate commerce clause
gradually broadened. Thus, for some decades, the implementation of certain statutes was modied or negated by
the Courts opinions on what constituted interstate commerce. Not until the late 1930s did the Court include
manufacturing plants and processes, for example, within
the scope of regulation under the commerce clause: childlabor laws were struck down in 1918 (Hammer v. Dagenhart) and 1922 (Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Company), and
it was frequently difcult to apply the Sherman Antitrust
Act to some corporate combinations. By 1946, in the case
of the American Power and Light Company v. Securities and
Exchange Commission, the Court concluded that the Federal commerce power is as broad as the economic needs
of the nation. The determination of what interstate commerce is, and what shall be done in support or regulation
of that commerce, now lies essentially in the political
In the 1980s, the Reagan Administration pushed
through Congress a sweeping package of deregulatory
legislation that rolled back government regulation of
business. Moreover, President Reagan and his successor,
George H. W. Bush, appointed justices to the Supreme
Court who were skeptical of the federal governments role
in private economic affairs. Events took a different turn
in the mid-1990s when the federal government began
prosecution of the Microsoft Corporation for monopolistic business practices. The Microsoft case divided Congress, pitting liberal supporters of business regulation
against conservative critics of regulation. In the early
2000s, the federal governments role in business regulation remained highly controversial.


Breyer, Stephen G. Regulation and Its Reform. Cambridge, Mass.:

Harvard University Press, 1982.
McCloskey, Robert Green. American Conservatism in the Age of
Enterprise, 18651910. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1951.
Miller, Arthur S. The Supreme Court and American Capitalism.
New York: Free Press, 1968.
Shapiro, Martin M. The Supreme Court and Administrative Agencies. New York: Free Press, 1968.
Taft, William Howard. The Anti-Trust Act and the Supreme Court.
Littleton, Colo.: F. B. Rothman, 1993.

Paul P. Van Riper / a. g.

See also Bland-Allison Act; Civil Service; Commerce, Department of; Consumer Protection; Deregulation; Federal Aid; Government Regulation of Business; Railroad
Mediation Acts.


INTERSTATE COMPACTS. Article I, Section 10,

of the U.S. Constitution authorizes the states, with the
consent of Congress, to make compacts among themselves. The Compact Clause says, No state shall, without
the Consent of Congress, . . . enter into any Agreement
or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power.
. . . The U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted this provision to mean that Congress must approve only those
interstate agreements that affect the balance of power
within the federal system. Furthermore, such approval
can be implicit, found in subsequent Congressional acts
recognizing the results of the interstate compact (Virginia
v. Tennessee, 1893). Administrative agreements or administrative amendments to other agreements do not require
congressional approval.
States began making agreements among themselves
early in the nations history. In the colonial period, nine
agreements on boundaries existed, and four more were
made under the Articles of Confederation. In the rst
century of the Republic, interstate compacts were limited
chiey to a few boundary agreements; only twenty-four
were ratied from 1783 to 1900. A large increase in compacts began in the 1930s, when the Council of State Governments and other organizations began wholehearted
encouragement of interstate cooperation as an alternative
to federal administration of all interstate issues. By the
mid-1970s, the number of compacts approved was over
200, and they affected important governmental responsibilities.
Perhaps the most signicant agreements are the river
development compacts, which deal with irrigation, pollution control, shing, and navigation. Federal sponsorship of the Colorado River Compact (1928) did not succeed in precluding a long litigation between two of the
six states involved, Arizona and California, but the Upper
Basin agreement seems to have worked well. The Delaware River Basin Compact (1936) was novel in that it
included the federal government as a participating member, as well as the four states directly affectedNew York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission,
which was formed in 1947, expanded its powers to include
regulatory activities in the early 1970s. The Susquehanna
River Basin Compact of 1969 (which deals with planning
land use), like the Delaware compact, also includes federal
States have made agreements among themselves covering a wide range of other issues and activities, including
child custody and placement, educational policy, administration of criminal law, use of natural resources, protection of the environment, transportation, and utility regulation. There are a number of regional development and
planning compacts. And one important compact, the Port
Authority of New York (1921)also the rst joint administrative agency of a continuing naturedoes a multibillion dollar business involving airports, bridges, and

The federal government, especially Congress, has

had no consistent policy on compacts. Sometimes it has
encouraged them; sometimes it has discouraged them.
Because interstate compacts are a means by which states
retain some control over some of their activities, this vacillation reects the national governments uncertainty
about the appropriate scope of its own power and the role
of the states in an ever changing federal system.

Council on State Governments. Interstate Compacts and Agencies.

Lexington, Ky.: The Council of State Governments, 1983.
Council on State Governments. Interstate Compacts, 17831977:
A Revised Compilation. Lexington, Ky.: The Council of State
Governments, 1977.
Florestano, Patricia S. Past and Present Utilization of Interstate
Compacts in the United States. Publius 24, no. 4 (1994):
Ridgeway, Marian E. Interstate Compacts: A Question of Federalism.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971.

George C. S. Benson / c. p.
See also Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; State


D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways includes more than 46,000 miles of intercity highways. With just 1 percent of U.S. highway mileage, the
interstate system carries 21 percent of highway travel, including half of all heavy truck travel. The interstate is a
major economic asset, and high design requirements have
helped to make it the worlds safest highway system. The
states own and operate most highways; the interstate is a
national system of state highways. The program made
federal funds available for specic activities to encourage
states to pursue federal interests in national defense and
interstate commerce, though commerce always has been
more central to the program.
The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944 rst authorized a 40,000-mile interstate as part of the Federal-Aid
Primary System, established in 1921. In 1947, the Bureau
of Public Roads designated 37,681 miles, with 2,900 miles
in urban areas. Another 2,319 miles were reserved for urban distribution routes and circumferentials (beltways).
However, the 1944 act dedicated no funds for the interstate system and applied the Primary Systems principle
of covering 50 percent of costs with federal money. Without dedicated funds or a higher federal share of costs, no
projects emerged. In 1952, Congress authorized $25 million annually for scal years 1953 through 1955, then
$175 million annually for 1956 and 1957, with a 60 percent federal share. A few projects got under way, with $5.6
million spent in 1953, increasing to $90 million in 1956.
The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, under President Eisenhower, established the real interstate pro-



Interstate Highway. This 1972 photograph by Charles ORear shows Interstate 8 cutting through
farmland in the Imperial Valley, in the southeastern corner of California. National Archives and
Records Administration

gram. Congress added 1,000 miles to the system, established a trust fund, and raised the federal share of project
costs to 90 percent. Funding increased to $1 billion in
1957, with accelerating authorizations through 1969. Congress also added 1,500 miles in 1968, bringing the total
to 42,500 miles. Another several hundred miles were
added as continuation mileage, but these links were not
eligible for interstate funds. With new funding and high
federal shares, construction began in earnest. Expenditures reached $1.25 billion in 1958 and nearly $2 billion
in 1959. At $2.6 billion in 1963, the interstate accounted
for 73 percent of all Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) expenditures. Outlays increased steadily, peaking at $4.1 billion in 1986 and 1988, though the program
had slipped to less than 50 percent of all FHWA outlays.
The interstate program enjoyed strong public support, but some groups soon characterized it and the urban
renewal program as urban removal of low-income neighborhoods. Early criticism was perceived as obstructing
progress, but opposition increased among the displaced,
environmentalists, academics, and others, especially over
new urban projects, some of which were never built. In
response, beginning in 1962, Congress steadily increased
the role of local governments in the program, particularly
in urbanized areas, and increased planning requirements
to ensure consideration of environmental effects and transit alternatives. After 1973, states needed local governments approval for urban interstate projects. Later, with


local agreement, states could transfer funds from one highway program to another and could nance transit construction with interstate funds. The interstate program nanced much of the subsequent expansion in urban rail
systems. Congress also raised the federal share on noninterstate highways to 70 percent in 1973, then to 80 percent,
equaling the federal share for transit construction.
Simultaneously, most of the interstate system approached completion. By 1980, the goal of a new system
of superhighways had essentially been achieved. Controversial urban links accounted for most remaining mileage. In 1981, Congress began redirecting funds from new
construction to preservation through resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of existing mileage (4R). Bridge replacement needs also began to reduce the role of new interstate construction.
Finally, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efciency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 fundamentally restructured
the entire federal-aid highway program. Those changes
have been reinforced in subsequent acts. The ISTEA established a 155,000-mile (260,000-kilometer) National
Highway System of arterial highways, including the interstate as a distinct subset. The ISTEA also authorized
forty-two high-priority corridors, some of which have
been added to the interstate system. However, new construction was no longer a core objective. The federal
share on interstate projects changed to 90.66 percent for


4R, and 86.5 percent if projects added capacity other than

high-occupancy vehicle lanes. Construction for new capacity fell to just $363 million in 1999, while total interstate spending ($3.2 billion) fell to 15.7 percent of total
FHWA spending. Nevertheless, the interstate remains a
monumental public works program that met its goal of
providing a national system of safe, high-performance

Cox, Wendell, and Jean Love. The Best Investment a Nation Ever
Made. Washington, D.C.: Highway Users Federation, 1996.
A history of the interstate system and an assessment of its
economic and social benets.
Gomez-Ibanez, Jose, William B. Tye, and Clifford Winston. Essays in Transportation Economics and Policy. Washington,
D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1999. A discussion of contemporary issues confronting transportation in general in the
United States.
Highway Statistics. Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration, 1947. Annual publication providing data on
highway mileage, travel, and nance.

Robert Matthews
See also Federal-Aid Highway Program; Infrastructure;
Roads; Transportation and Travel.


early years of the Confederation, states broadened and
intensied the commercial blockages that had grown up
among the colonies in the era before independence. A
principal reason for calling the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was to eliminate this cause of friction. The
Constitution granted authority over interstate commerce
to Congress, except for absolutely necessary . . . inspection provisions, which it reserved for the individual
states. As a result, for nearly a century and a half the
United States had the most extensive free trade area in
the world. The size and unimpeded nature of the domestic market in the nineteenth century invited the emphasis
on economies of large-scale production so characteristic
of American capitalism.
During the Great Depression, beginning in 1929,
states sought more and more to impose limitations on the
national free ow of commerce to raise revenue for hardpressed state treasuries and to protect intrastate business
against the competition of neighboring states. Devices
were varied and often disingenuous: taxes on incoming
goods and out-of-state corporations; requirements for inspection of commodities and, in some cases, lengthy quarantine; demands that incoming trucks pay fees and have
certain equipment; and the creation of state ports of en-



try reminiscent of frontier customs stations in Europe.

California went so far as to restrict immigration to individuals possessing a certain amount of cash.
The threat that the United States would be Balkanized (fragmented) led to a conference of state governments in 1939. President Franklin D. Roosevelt begged
the states to take effective steps toward the removal of
all barriers to the free ow of trade within our union.
Instead, over the following twenty-ve years, restraints
increased in number and incidence. The Supreme Court
struck down the most undisguised discriminations but
tolerated exactions that furnished states with revenues
that the federal government would otherwise have had to
supply. The court justied this leniency by noting that it
was the province of Congress, not the judiciary, to disallow repugnant practices. A committee of the House of
Representatives, after hearings in 1965, concluded that
the present system of State taxation as it affects interstate commerce works badly for both business and the
States. Complex rules bred disregard of law; for all but
large enterprises, the costs of compliance exceeded the
taxes. Many prefered standardization of state restrictions
to rigid enforcement of constitutional prohibition. States,
in the face of increasing dependence on federal aid and
discipline, pled states rights.
The rapid growth of electronic commerce in the
1990s intensied the debate over interstate trade barriers.
Internet companies asked Congress for tax exempt status
under the Commerce clause of the Constitution. The
companies argued that, although headquartered in particular localities, they did business across the nation on
the electronic superhighway, and thus fell outside the
tax jurisdiction of any one particular state. They also argued that granting tax exempt status to Internet companies would benet the national economy by promoting
high-tech expansion. As the nation entered the twentyrst century, the issue of state taxation and Internet commerce remained unresolved.

Frankfurter, Felix. The Commerce Clause Under Marshall, Taney,

and Waite. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,
1937; Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1964.
Swisher, Carl Brent. The Growth of Constitutional Power in the
United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963.
Tribe, Laurence H. God Save This Honorable Court: How the
Choice of Supreme Court Justices Shapes Our History. New
York: Random House, 1985.

Broadus Mitchell / c. w; a. g.
See also Commerce, Court of; Commerce Clause; LaissezFaire; Supreme Court.


Railways, Interurban.


INTERVENTION involves the unsolicited interference of one nation in the affairs of another. It may be
directed against a single state, factions within that state,
or interactions among a group of states. It does not necessarily take the form of military action but may involve
economic or social pressure. When applied to international law, the concept can be elusive. Because many relations between states involve elements of coercion, it is
difcult to determine at which point pressure becomes
sufciently coercive as to be deemed intervention. Although states always claim the right to intervene on the
basis of vital interests, they never agree as to what this
term involves.
During most of the nineteenth century, the United
States intervened to consolidate control of the American
mainland, and major instances included successful efforts
to acquire Florida, Texas, and California from Spain and
Mexico. The United States also engaged in efforts to expose China, Japan, and Korea to American trade. For instance, Commodore Matthew C. Perry opened Japan
in 1854 with an armed squadron. Prior to 1899, at least
fty minor incidents took place, usually in the Pacic or
the Caribbean, in which U.S. forces raided pirate villages,
landed marines to protect resident Americans, and bombarded foreign towns in reprisal for offensives directed
toward American traders and missionaries. In 1900, U.S.
troops took part in an international expedition to relieve
Beijing from Chinese revolutionaries called the Boxers.
Because of the Spanish-American War (1898), itself the
result of U.S. pressure upon Spain to liberate Cuba, the
United States gained the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and
Guam. The United States also annexed Hawaii in 1898
and in 1899 took part in the partition of the Samoan Islands, gaining the harbor of Pago Pago. In both cases, the
United States sought to protect trade routes and, in the
case of Hawaii, the economic and political prerogatives
of the powerful American colony there.
By the late nineteenth century, the nations leaders
proclaimed their right to intervene in the Western Hemisphere. During the Venezuela boundary dispute, Secretary of State Richard Olney claimed on 20 July 1895,
The United States is practically sovereign on this continent, and its at is law upon the subjects to which it
connes its interposition. In his corollary to the Monroe
Doctrine, rst set forth in 1904, President Theodore
Roosevelt issued a unilateral declaration asserting the
U.S. prerogative to exercise international police power
in the Western Hemisphere.
The Caribbean was a particular focal point, as the
United States continually sought to protect its isthmian
canal and to create political and nancial stability favorable to its interests. In 1903, Roosevelt sent warships to
the Isthmus of Panama to ensure Panamas successful secession from Colombia and thereby to ensure the building of the Panama Canal. President Woodrow Wilson
intervened twice in Mexico, rst in occupying Veracruz
in 1914 after an alleged insult to American seamen and


second in a punitive expedition in 1914 in search of the

revolutionary Pancho Villa.
U.S. troops directly occupied several Caribbean nations. American forces entered Cuba in 1898, 1906, 1912,
and 1917, at times remaining several years. Americans occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1924, the Dominican Republic
from 1916 to 1924, and Nicaragua in 1909, from 1912 to
1924, and from 1927 to 1933.
In 1917 and 1941 the United States became a fullscale belligerent in World War I and World War II, respectively. In efforts to contain communist expansion, the
United States led in the formation of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (1949), entered the Korean War
(19501953), and fought a full-scale conict in Vietnam
(19651975). Other examples of Cold War intervention
include the Greek civil war (1947), the Berlin Airlift
(1948), Guatemala (1954), and Lebanon (1958). Cuba was
subject to an American-sponsored invasion in 1961 and
an American blockade during the missile crisis of 1962.
Several Cold War presidents issued interventionist
doctrines. On 12 March 1947, President Harry S. Truman
pledged support for free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside
pressures. On 5 January 1957, the Eisenhower Doctrine
authorized the dispatching of military forces to any Middle Eastern state requesting assistance against overt
armed aggression controlled by international communism. In the Carter Doctrine, promulgated on 23 January 1980 in the wake of the Soviet invasion of Afghani-

stan, Jimmy Carter threatened military action against any

attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region.
On 6 February 1985, when Ronald Reagan spoke of
backing freedom ghters, his statement was dubbed by
journalists the Reagan Doctrine. During his presidency,
the United States opposed left-wing insurgencies in Angola, Mozambique, Grenada, Cambodia, Afghanistan,
Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Under Presidents George H.
W. Bush and William J. Clinton, the United States maintained sanctions against South Africa, sent troops to
Somalia and Lebanon, invaded Panama, entered into
Operation Desert Storm against Iraq, and ordered eight
thousand ground forces to Kosovo. The 2001 terrorist
attack on the United States inspired prompt retaliatory
intervention in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Graber, Doris A. Crisis Diplomacy: A History of U.S. Intervention

Policies and Practices. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs
Press, 1959.
. Intervention and Nonintervention. In Encyclopedia of
American Foreign Policy: Studies of the Principal Movements
and Ideas. Rev. ed. Edited by Alexander DeConde et al. New
York: Scribners, 2002.
Haass, Richard N. Intervention: The Use of American Military
Force in the PostCold War World. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment, 1994.

Justus D. Doenecke



See also Carter Doctrine; Cuba, Relations with; Eisenhower

Doctrine; Guatemala, Relations with; Haiti, Relations
with; Lebanon, U.S. Landing in; Mexico, Relations
with; Panama Invasion; Truman Doctrine.

INTOLERABLE ACTS. The four Intolerable Acts,

also known as the Coercive Acts, formed Britains punishment of both the town of Boston and the province of
Massachusetts for the destruction of the East India Companys tea on 16 December 1773. They were rushed
through Parliament in the spring of 1774. Their purpose
was to show rebellious colonials that, unlike 1766, when
the Stamp Act was repealed, and 1770, when four of the
ve Townshend taxes were withdrawn, Britain would not
retreat this time.
The Boston Port Act closed Boston to seaborne commerce until the town paid for the tea. Since trade was the
towns life, the act and its enforcement by the Royal Navy
amounted to a blockade, which was an act of war. The
Massachusetts Government Act abolished the provinces
royal charter of 1692. The new structure would replace a
provincial council elected by the assembly with one appointed by the governor in the name of the king. Towns
would meet once per year, solely to elect local ofcers.
County courts would enforce the acts provisions. The
Administration of Justice Act let the Crown remove the
trials of public ofcials under accusation to another province or to Britain on the ground that they could not get
fair trials in local courts. The Quartering Act allowed
British commanders to billet soldiers in colonials homes
if no barracks or public buildings could be found. The
commander in chief in America, General Thomas Gage,
became governor of Massachusetts.
The Quebec Act, passed at the same time, granted
legal privileges to the Catholic Church in the former
French province, established nonrepresentative government there, and gave Quebec control of much of the interior north of the Ohio River. It was not part of the
package of punishments. But the Intolerable Acts, the
Quebec Act, and the naming of Gage all gured among
the abuses and usurpations listed in the Declaration of

On the night of 4 September 1804, the vessel, carrying

15,000 pounds of powder and 150 large shells, solid shot,
and combustibles, was sailed into the harbor of Tripoli by
Lt. Richard Somers, accompanied by two other ofcers
and ten men, where it exploded before getting sufciently
near the enemy gunboats to destroy them. The thirteen
Americans were all killed. Also bearing the name was the
World War II era aircraft carrier U.S.S. Intrepid, currently
decommissioned and site of the Intrepid Sea Air Space
Museum in New York City.

Lewis, Charles Lee. The Romantic Decatur. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1937.

Charles Lee Lewis / a. r.

See also Barbary Wars; Gunboats; Navy, United States.

INUIT. Inuit (people) is the collective name of a widely

distributed group of people inhabiting the northernmost
areas of North America and Greenland. Eskimo, a term
formerly used by outsiders, has lost favor because of its
offensive origins in an Algonquian word roughly meaning
eaters of raw esh.
Early European Exploration
Inuit were the rst inhabitants of the Americas to encounter Europeans. Archaeological evidence suggests that
groups of Inuit moved eastward from Alaska, inhabiting
the entire Arctic coast of North America and portions of
Greenland about a century before the explorations of the
Greenland coast by the Viking Gunnbjorn Ulfsson around
a.d. 875. Eric the Red established settlements in southern


Ammerman, David. In the Common Cause: American Response to

the Coercive Acts of 1774. New York: Norton, 1975.
Bushman, Richard L. King and People in Provincial Massachusetts.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985.

Edward Countryman
See also Boston Tea Party; Revolution, American.

INTREPID, formerly the Tripolitan ketch Mastico, was

captured by Stephen Decatur during the war with Tripoli
and used by him on 16 February 1804 in burning the
Philadelphia, which had been captured by the Tripolitans.


Inuit Home. A woman emerges from a tent in the Arctic as a

man stands nearby, c. 1901; a photograph from the collection
of the polar explorer Frederick A. Cook. Library of Congress


Inuit Education. Early-twentieth-century students stand outside a public school in Kivalina, a small Inuit village on the
northwestern coast of Alaska. Library of Congress

Greenland in 982 or 983. Contact between the Norse

colonies in Greenland and the Inuit was uneasy and major
conict seems to have ended the Viking colonization of
Greenland in the fteenth century. Danish colonization
began with the arrival in 1721 of missionaries, who pressured the Inuit to adopt European customs and language.
The rst appearance of Russians took the form of an
expedition of explorers to Alaska in 1741 led by Vitus
Bering. The Russians subsequently claimed all of Alaska
by virtue of their colonies on the southern coast. Russian
contact with Inuit was limited to the area of these settlements; Inuit in northern Alaska had only indirect contact
with Russians and their trade goods through trade by
northern Inuit with their neighbors in southwest Alaska.
British and American whaling ships began hunting the
Arctic and wintering in northern Alaska in the late 1840s
and Russia sold its Alaskan claims to the United States in
1867. Inuit east from the Mackenzie Delta to Hudson Bay
did not meet Europeans until the late nineteenth century.
Pre-Colonial Inuit Society
The primary mode of Inuit settlement has been the village, although until recently relations between villages
were not socially fundamental. Rather, power manifested
itself mostly within the village. Men hunted and shed,
women cooked and skinned animals; family cooperation

was essential to survival. Social networking within the extended family and between extended families within the
village served as the mediator of power. More recently,
Inuit people began to organize themselves at the village
level, the regional level, and the international level in order to interact with their colonial governments, but the
importance of the family persists.
The Inuit economy before European development
was one of subsistence. Sea and land mammals, including
whales, walrus, seals, and in some areas, caribou, were the
staple targets of hunts. Most Inuit technology, including
harpoons, stone oil lamps, dogsleds, skin boats, water resistant boots, and tailored clothing, served either the tasks
of the hunt or the tasks of the home. Individual contribution to the hunt, proper sharing of the yield with the
elderly and inrm, honesty, and other forms of cooperation for the common good were enforced by general approval or disapproval through social networks rather than
by a government or corporate apparatus. Economic life,
like political life, centered on the familys internal networks and its connections to other families.
The Impact of Colonial Status
Ongoing colonial status has brought changes to Inuit
communities. Missionaries have proselytized among them,
anthropologists have studied them, governments have im-



posed laws and regulations on them, and corporations

have pressed them to enter the capitalist cash economies
of the modern nation-states in which they have found
themselves. The colonial relationship between the modern nation-states and Inuit communities across the Arctic
has been and is the overarching problem with which the
Inuit and their southern neighbors must cope.
The social problems of colonization manifest themselves most strongly among the Inuit in politics and economy. Caught up in the drive to advance the frontiers of
civilization, Inuit people have sometimes willingly appropriated economic, political, and social structures from
their colonizers, and sometimes those structures have
been imposed. One important event in this process has
been the discovery and exploitation of the petroleum resources in northern Alaska. Through legal intricacies,
Alaskan Inuit and other Native Alaskans were deprived of
enforceable legal claim to their lands and resources. Most
petroleum-bearing lands in northern Alaska were acquired by the state in the early 1960s, and then leased to
a group of oil companies in 1969. Afterward, in the Alaska
Land Claims Settlement Act of 1971, the U.S. Congress
acted to settle Native Alaskan groups land and resource
claims, awarding a relatively large cash and land settlement and creating regional- and village-based corporations to administer it. The imposition of corporate structures was supposed to help draw Native Alaskans into the
American economy, but instead most of the corporations
have been unable to turn prots.
Inuit people often are eager to take advantage of
snowmobiles, motorboats, ries, and other technological
advances that can make their ways of life less difcult and
dangerous, but such items are only available from within
the American cash economy. From the perspective of the
colonizers, the question was how to compel Inuit to labor
and create surplus value, thereby establishing wage relations, and it was answered with a host of vocational training programs. However, the contradiction between the
American corporate expectation that Inuit work regular
schedules and the Inuit social expectation that ablebodied men hunt to provide subsistence for their families
creates obstacles to Inuit employment in non-Inuit-run
corporations in the Arctic. Thus, the petroleum industry
has not employed many Inuit.
In Canada and Greenland, governmental attempts to
deal fairly with Inuit have differed from the approach
taken by the United States. Greenland acquired home
rule from Denmark by popular referendum in 1979, and
governs itself by parliamentary democracy. Canada has
passed claims settlement acts like that of the United
States, but in 1993 the Canadian Parliament voted to partition the Northwest Territories and create a new territory
called Nunavut (our land). The population of Nunavut is
around 85 percent Inuit; thus, the Inuit of Nunavut enjoy
a measure of home rule within the Canadian nation. These
developments in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland have succeeded in large part because of organizing and pressure by


Inuit themselves. On the international level, Inuit in all

three countries joined in 1977 in a statement of common
interest to form the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, a
United Nations NGO (nongovernment organization).
Political and economic interactions illustrate the fundamental problem of colonialism, the answer to which
will continue to be worked out in the future. To what
extent will Inuit culture be characterized as traditional
in distinction to modern, such that Inuit must inevitably
adopt modern customs, like working regular schedules for
wages, and to what extent will Inuit culture be characterized as an identity to be formed by Inuit themselves, regardless of what customs they choose to adopt?

Burch, Ernest S. The Inupiaq Eskimo Nations of Northwest Alaska.

Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1998.
Chance, Norman A. The Inupiat and Arctic Alaska: An Ethnography of Development. Fort Worth, Tex.: Holt, Rinehart, and
Winston, 1990.
Dorais, Louis-J. Quaqtaq: Modernity and Identity in an Inuit Community. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.
Jorgensen, Joseph G. Oil Age Eskimos. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1990.

Frank C. Shockey
See also Alaska; Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

INVESTIGATING COMMITTEES have developed over two centuries into one of Congresss principal
modes of governance. Since the mid-twentieth century,
congressional investigations have grown increasingly spectacular even as they have become commonplace, invading
business, culture, politics, and every other sphere of American life with increasingly powerful tools to compel testimony and production of documents.
Things started episodically. While the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly authorize Congress to conduct
investigations, both the British Parliament and several colonial assemblies had done so repeatedly. In 1792, the rst
congressional investigation under the Constitution had
authority to call for such persons, papers, and records,
as may be necessary to assist their inquiries into the defeat of General Arthur St. Clairs army by Indians in the
northwest. In 1827, Congress enacted a statutory penalty
of up to a $1,000 ne and a year in prison for refusal to
appear, answer questions, or produce documents. But when
the Jacksonian eras so-called Bank War began ve years
later, the House of Representatives declined to launch an
open-ended inquiry into the operations of the Bank of
the United States. On at least one occasion, moreover,
President Andrew Jackson declined to provide information requested by a House committee. In 1859, the Senate
initiated contempt proceedings against a witness who refused to testify during an investigation of John Browns
raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry. By the time


the nineteenth century closed, the idea had been established that congressional power to investigate reached
both private persons and executive agencies. Congress
had also learned that it was easier to force private persons
to cooperate than the chief executive.
In the rst half of the twentieth century, congressional investigations were aimed more frequently toward
crafting federal legislation. In 1912, for example, the House
Banking and Currency Committee, chaired by Arsene
Paulin Pujo, investigated J. P. Morgan and the money
trust. Pujo Committee ndings were instrumental in
passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914. Senator Gerald Nye led another major investigation in 19341936 that again focused
on Wall Streetalong with munitions manufacturers and
British propagandists. Nyes specic subject was U.S. entry into World War I, and his conclusions led to the Neutrality Acts of the mid- and late 1930s. During World
War II, Senator Harry S. Truman led a third major investigation as chair of the Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program; and from 19391945
Martin Dies led a fourththe Special House Committee
to Investigate Un-American Activities. The latters principal concern was communist inltration of the Franklin
D. Roosevelt administration, especially the New Deals
alphabet agencies.
In World War IIs last year, the House institutionalized Diess mission by creating a standing House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC). The Senate followed in 1951 by creating an Internal Security
Subcommittee (SISS) and allowing Joseph R. McCarthys
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PERM) free
reign. Making use of a new medium, television (as would
Senator Estes Kefauvers investigation of organized crime
in 19501951), all three committees tried to make the
general argument that President Truman and the Democratic Party were soft on communism. HUAC broke
the Alger Hiss case in 1948 and held hearings on communist inltration of the motion-picture industry. Subpoenaed witnesses were always required to name names
(that is, inform on others). Refusal to do so on First
Amendment grounds meant jail for contempt of Congress. Refusal on Fifth Amendment grounds meant that
the witness would stay out of jail but be thrown out of
work and onto the Hollywood blacklist or one of the
other dozen blacklists operating at the time. McCarthy
initially focused in 1950 on communist inltration of the
Department of State. In 1953, he moved on to look for
communists in the United States Army. The televised
Army-McCarthy hearings led to McCarthys demise
largely because President Dwight D. Eisenhower made
his own general argument: the armys work was too important to the nations security to allow irresponsible
congressional investigators to interfere. A few years later,
Attorney General William Rogers coined the term executive privilege to signal White House refusal to cooperate with any congressional request for information.

Executive privilege was more the rule than the exception until the Richard M. Nixon administration (1969
1974) collapsed under the weight of the Watergate scandals. Both the House of Representatives, with Peter Rodino serving as chair, and the Senate, with Sam Ervin
serving as chair, established Watergate investigating committees. Both Houses also established special committees
to explore the intelligence community, best known by the
names of their chairs (Senator Frank Church and Congressman Otis Pike). Other scandals inspired more committees, including the joint committee that investigated
the Ronald Reagan administrations Iran-Contra affair,
and the various committees that endlessly probed the Bill
Clinton administration under the general umbrella investigation called Whitewater.
Two basic questions remain in dispute. First, what are
the parameters of investigating committee authority? The
Supreme Court has been less than a consistent voice here,
generally coming down in favor of executive privilege on
most occasions while opposing the claim when criminal
violation is alleged. The controlling case, United States v.
Nixon (1974), basically held that executive privilege challenges should be heard on a case-by-case basis. Second,
are investigating committees useful tools for Congress
when pursuing its principal legislative mission? Or are
such committees more often than not blunt partisan instruments wielded by majorities against minorities?

Berger, Raoul. Executive Privilege: A Constitutional Myth. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., and Roger Bruns, eds. Congress Investigates: A Documented History, 17921974. 5 vols. New
York: Chelsea House, 1975.

Kenneth OReilly
See also Clinton Scandals; McCarthyism.


1940 Investment Company Act, investment companies
are publicly held corporations or trusts in the business
of investing, reinvesting, owning, holding, or trading in
securities. In the form of mutual (or open-end) funds,
they constituted the most spectacular growth industry on
Wall Street in the late twentieth century, which is all the
more remarkable in light of the role that (closed-end) investment companies played in the speculative mania leading up to the October 1929 stock market crash.
Early Developments and Abuses
The rst investment companies in the United States developed out of public utility holding companies and were
organized to gain control of corporations. Public utility
holding companies issued bonds and used the proceeds to
purchase controlling shares of utility companies. In 1905,
the Electric Bond and Share Company (EB&S) became
the most prominent investment company of the pre



World War I period by taking the next step and issuing

preferred stock in order to use the proceeds to purchase
controlling shares of utilities. EB&S was organized by
General Electric (GE). It purchased controlling shares of
utilities because they were, or would become, major purchasers of GE equipment.
Although public utility holding companies remained
a major factor in the investment company movement of
the 1920s, a structural change in the source of new savings
available for investment purposes ensured an increasingly
prominent role for the investment companies organized
by investment banks. Prior to World War I, rms like J. P.
Morgan and Company and Kuhn, Loeb and Company
dominated investment banking because of their access to
British and German savings, respectively. But after the
war, which destroyed Britain and Germany as sources of
new savings, dominance shifted to investment banks like
Dillon, Read and Company and Goldman, Sachs and
Company because of their success in organizing investment companies that served as magnets for the savings of
salaried workers and small business owners in the United
States. The keys to their success were large sales forces
dependent on commissions for their incomes, installment
payment plans for customers, and mass advertising campaigns designed to persuade millions of Americans that,
by purchasing shares of investment companies, they could
gain the same diversication, liquidity, and continuous supervision of their investments enjoyed by the wealthy.
This message proved illusory insofar as the closedend investment companies of the 1920s were concerned.
Closed-end investment companies assumed no responsibility for issuing new shares or redeeming outstanding
shares at their net asset value. As the speculative mania of
the 1920s gathered momentum, this lack of responsibility,
combined with the absence of government regulation and
supervision, created an irresistible temptation for the investment banks that sponsored investment companies to
make prots at the expense of the investors in them.
Such prots came from the fact that the investment
companies placed deposits with and loaned money to the
investment banks that sponsored them, served as depositories for the stocks they underwrote, issued shares to
the investment banks partners for a fraction of their market price, and paid underwriting fees and in some cases
salaries to the investment banks partners for sitting on
the boards of directors of the investment companies.
For example, the most prominent investment company in the 1920s was the United States and Foreign Securities Company (US&FS). It was organized in 1924 by
Dillon, Read and Company, which raised $25 million
from the public by issuing 250,000 shares of US&FS
common stock as attachments to 250,000 shares of 6 percent rst preferred stock, for $100 a bundle. Dillon, Read
and Company maintained control by putting $5 million
into US&FS in exchange for 750,000 shares of common
stock attached to 50,000 shares of 6 percent second preferred stock, for $100 a bundle. Dillon, Read partners also


paid themselves a $339,000 underwriting fee and gave

themselves common stock in US&FS, which traded as
high as $73 per share, for about 13 cents per share.
As remarkable as these prots were, they were nothing compared with the prots Dillon, Read and Company
made in 1928 by pyramiding a second investment company, the United States and International Securities Corporation (US&IS), onto US&FS. Dillon, Read raised another $50 million from the public by issuing 500,000
shares of US&IS common stock as attachments to
500,000 shares of 5 percent rst preferred stock, for $100
a bundle. It maintained controland created the pyramidby having US&FS spend $10 million on 2 million
shares of US&IS common stock that were attached to
100,000 shares of 5 percent second preferred stock, for
$100 a bundle. For the time and trouble of thus leveraging
its initial investment of $5 million in US&FS into control
of $75 million of the publics savings, Dillon, Read partners gave themselves a $1 million underwriting fee and
US&IS stock for pennies per share.
This kind of pyramiding of investment companies by
investment banks accounts for the spectacular growth in
the number of investment companies in the 1920s, from
about 40 in 1921 to about 700 in 1929. Most of the investment companies were organized in the 19261929 period, with over 250 organized in 1929 alone. Indeed,
nearly one-third of all new corporate nancings in the
months leading up to the crash were stock in investment
The largest pyramid, which included four of the
fourteen investment companies with total assets of more
than $100 million in 1929, was started in December 1928
by Goldman, Sachs and Company, when it issued stock
in the Goldman Sachs Trading Corporation (GST). GST
merged with the Financial and Industrial Securities Corporation, which became a major depository for GST
stock. GST then joined with the Central States Electric
Corporation (CSE) to organize the Shenandoah Corporation, which organized the Blue Ridge Company as a
major depository for CSE stock. CSE held controlling
shares of American Cities Power and Light Company,
which held controlling shares of Chain Stores, Inc., which
held controlling shares of a company that was actually in
business, Metropolitan Chain Stores. However, the profits of Metropolitan Chain Stores were insufcient to pay
dividends on all the stock issued by the six investment
companies and one public utility holding company pyramided onto it, and by 1932, GST stock, issued to about
40,000 investors for $104 a share, was trading for $1.75 a
The collapse of the pyramid of investment companies
built by Goldman, Sachs and Company illustrates the
larger trend of the investment company movement in the
early 1930s, whereby the total market value of investment
companies dropped from a peak of about $8 billion immediately prior to the October 1929 crash to less than $2
billion in 1932.


Reforms and New Trends

The passage of the 1933 Securities Act, the 1934 Securities Exchange Act, the 1935 Public Utility Holding
Company Act, and the 1940 Investment Company Act
(amended in 1970) created rules and enforcement mechanisms to prevent the practices of the investment banks
in organizing investment companies in the 1920s. Most
importantly, new laws required that directors of the investment companies be independent of the sponsoring
investment banks, and thus free of the conict of interests that allowed investment banks to prot at the expense of the shareholders in the investment companies
they sponsor.
Nonetheless, closed-end investment companies never
recovered from the October 1929 stock market crash.
What has taken their place, and become the principal
means by which salaried workers and small business owners save, are open-end investment companies, or mutual
funds. Mutual funds continuously issue new shares and
stand ready to redeem outstanding shares at their net asset
value. Even in 1929 mutual funds constituted over 500 of
the 700 investment companies; they were just dwarfed by
the publicity, size, and seemingly easy money to be made
by purchasing the shares of closed-end investment companies. At the time of the passage of the 1940 Investment
Company Act, there were only sixty-eight mutual funds
left, with about $400 million in assets. But after World
War II, they began to grow. Gross sales of new shares in
them was more than $10 billion between 1946 and 1958,
by which time there were 453 investment companies (238
mutual funds) with total assets of about $17 billion. By
1960, mutual funds alone had $17 billion in total assets,
and by 1970 there were 361 mutual funds with assets of
$47.6 billion. Meanwhile, closed-end investment companies were marginalized, with only $4 billion in assets.
In the 1970s, money market funds became a signicant new trend in the investment company movement. It
was during the 1970s that the government removed the
interest rate ceilings on bank deposits that had been in
effect since the 1930s, starting with the ceilings on largedenomination time deposits. Money market funds were
attractive to small investors because, by pooling their savings, the money market funds could obtain the higher
returns on the large-denomination time deposits. By also
allowing shareholders to write checks, money market
funds became an attractive alternative to placing savings
with commercial banks, savings and loans, credit unions,
and mutual savings banks.
The rst data available on money market funds is for
1974. They constituted $1.7 billion of the $35.8 billion
of total assets in mutual funds. (There was a severe downturn in the market in 19741975.) By 1979, money market
funds were up to $45.5 billion, practically catching up
with all other mutual funds at $49 billion, for total mutual
fund assets of $94.5 billion. In 1983 they surpassed all
other mutual funds in total assets ($179.3 billion versus
$113.6 billion, for a total of $292.9 billion).

In the mid-1980s another trend began in the investment company movement. Salaried workers and small
business owners stopped making new investments in the
stock market except through mutual funds. Whereas net
purchases of equities by households outside mutual funds
has been negative since the mid-1980s, their purchases of
equities through mutual funds grew from $5 billion in
1984 to a peak of $218 billion in 1996, but was still a hefty
$159 billion in 1999.
On account of the growth of equity funds, in 1985
mutual funds other than money market funds were once
again larger than the money market funds, at $251.7 billion and $243.8 billion, respectively, for a total of $495.5
billion. In 1993, equity funds became larger in value than
money market funds, at $740.7 billion and $565.3 billion,
respectively. In 1999, the total assets of 7,791 mutual
funds reached about $6.8 trillion. Equity and money market funds accounted for a bit more than $4 trillion and
$1.6 trillion of the total, respectively.

Bullock, Hugh. The Story of Investment Companies. New York:

Columbia University Press, 1959.
Carossa, Vincent P. Investment Banking in America: A History.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970.
Investment Company Institute. Mutual Fund Fact Book. Washington, D.C.: Investment Company Institute, 2000.

Edwin Dickens
See also Banking: Investment Banks; Financial Services Industry; Stock Market.

INVISIBLE MAN (1952) is widely considered one of

the nest examples of American literature. Written by
Ralph Ellison (19141994) at the outset of the civil rights
movement, the popular best-seller won the National Book
Award in 1953.
Invisible Man is a complex and richly layered tale in
which the pointedly unnamed African American narrator
tells both his own story and the story of millions of others
like him. The novel traces the narrators experiences from
his humiliating teenage participation in a battle royal for
the amusement of white southern businessmen through
his engagement inand, signicantly, his withdrawal
fromthe black culture of Harlem. His constant battle is
one of and for identity, and it is a battle the narrator shares
with millions of Americans in every time and circumstance.
Ellisons characters offer rich variations of doubling
and dichotomy. Bledsoe, president of the college the narrator briey attends, should enlighten his young black
students; instead, he is just as oppressive as the surrounding white southern culture. Jack, the leader of the Brotherhood, professes the desire to express the voice of the
masses, yet he cannot allow his prized orator to speak his
own mind. Ras, who derides the Brotherhoods moderate
tactics as a white-sponsored fraud, ends up isolated, the



victim of his own radical push for the unity of all African
brothers. The narrator illustrates many dichotomies within
and around himself, although they are in fact universal
inuences: South and North, black and white, coercion
and freedom, underground and exposure, darkness and
light, silence and voice. The appeal of Ellisons narration
lies in the fact that the hopes, disappointments, fears,
frustrations, and viewpoints that he expresses resonate
as strongly with the experience of any alienated group in
the United States todayand those who would alienate
themas they did when Ellison published his only novel.

Sundquist, Eric J., ed. Cultural Contexts for Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 1995.

Barbara Schwarz Wachal

IOWA, located in the center of the Midwest in the

north-central region of the continental United States, is
characterized by its gently rolling terrain and bountiful
agriculture. The earliest European explorers to visit Iowa
observed a lush landscape covered primarily by tall prairie
grass with trees mostly along rivers and streams. A century and a half later, the rst white settlers quickly sensed
the immense agricultural potential of that lush landscape.
The newcomers initial impressions held true. By 1870,
with most of Iowa settled, the state was recognized nationally as a premier agricultural area.
Exploration and Changes
Iowas recorded history began with the journey of Louis
Joliet and Father Jacques Marquette when they explored
the Mississippi River. On 25 June 1673, the exploring
party stepped ashore on Iowa soil, the rst Europeans to
do so. During the next 100 years, numerous explorers
traveled up and down the Mississippi and visited Iowa. In
1682, French explorer Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de
La Salle traveled the Mississippi River, claiming the river
and its valley for France. He named the area Louisiana,
in honor of Louis XIV. The French sold Louisiana to
Spain in 1762, but some forty years later regained control
of the territory, and in 1803, sold it to the United States.
The area containing the future state of Iowa then belonged to the United States. Little remained of the Spanish presence in the Upper Mississippi area, but French
legacy continued in the names of Mississippi River towns
such as Dubuque and Prairie Du Chien.
Iowas early history also includes the presence of seventeen Native American tribes. All tribes were a part of
the Prairie-Plains Indian culture where members lived
both a sedentary and a migratory lifestyle. The Ioway
were the rst prominent tribe in Iowa, but in 1830, sold
their land and relocated in Kansas. The two largest tribes,
the Sauk and Meskwaki, dominated the eastern part of
Iowa for almost 100 years. By 1845, the two tribes had
sold their lands to the federal government, and were re-


located in Kansas. The Sauk remained there but some

Meskwaki returned to Iowa and later purchased land, creating the Meskwaki settlement in east-central Iowa.
From 1803 until Iowa became an independent territory in 1838, the area underwent continual political
change. It was rst a part of the District of Louisiana that
extended from the 33-degree parallel northward to the
Canadian border. From 1805 to 1838, the area was a part
of four different territories. In reality, federal ofcials had
simply assigned Iowa to the nearest political entity for
most of that period. For a time, between 1821 and 1834,
Iowa had no governmental jurisdiction. Finally in 1838,
Congress created the Territory of Iowa.
Almost immediately Iowans began to agitate for
statehood. They made the rst attempt in 1844 but Congress rejected the proposed constitution. In 1846, Iowans
tried again and were successful. The state beneted from
the delay, as the area included in 1846 was larger than two
years earlier. The states nal boundaries were the Mississippi River on the east; the MissouriBig Sioux Rivers
on the west; 43 degrees, 30 minutes on the north; and the
Missouri border on the south. On 18 December 1846,
Iowa became the twenty-ninth state to enter the Union.
Even before Iowa became an independent territory,
white settlers had crossed the Mississippi River and staked
out land in eastern Iowa. Federal ofcials started land surveys in 1836, and land sales began two years later. Settlement moved across Iowa in a fairly steady manner, moving from the southeast to the northwest. By 1870, small
towns and farms covered most of the state and settlement
in northwest Iowa signaled the end of the frontier era.
Towns also appeared quickly, especially along the Mississippi River, and included Dubuque, Davenport, and Keokuk. Early settlements along the Missouri River included
Council Bluffs and Sioux City. Iowas population grew
rapidly, reaching 1,194,020 by 1870.
The Late Nineteenth Century
Iowas agricultural production varied in the nineteenth
century. Farmers raised large quantities of wheat before
the Civil War (18611865). They also raised oats, barley,
hay, and sorghum. Unlike farmers in the Great Plains or
the South who relied on staple crops, Iowa farmers diversied their production, providing greater economic
stability in the event of drought or low farm prices. With
ever-increasing agricultural production, farmers were soon
looking for ways to market their surplus crops and livestock. Before the Civil War, farmers relied heavily on the
Mississippi River for transportation, but in the 1850s, railroad construction got under way in Iowa. In 1867, the
Chicago and North Western Railroad was the rst route
to reach Iowas western border. By 1870, three more railroadsthe Illinois Central, the Burlington Northern, and
the Rock Islandhad completed east-west routes across
the state. Later, the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and
Pacic Railroad also spanned the state. From 1870 until
the early twentieth century, railroads would not only


dominate transportation in the state, but they would also

be a powerful political entity in the state legislature.
The Civil War brought disruption to economic development, including railroad building, in a state still in
the process of initial settlement. Even so, Iowa still contributed some 70,000 men to ght for the Union. No
battles of any consequence took place on Iowa soil. On
the home front, Iowa women contributed to the war effort, working tirelessly to provide clothing and food for
Iowa soldiers. Women also took over family businesses
and operated family farms while their husbands were away
at war.
Following the Civil War, great expansion and change
took place in both agriculture and the industrial sector.
By 1870, Iowa farmers had switched from raising wheat
to specializing in the production of corn and hogs. Iowa
farmers had discovered by the 1870s that the states climate and soil were especially well suited to raising corn.
They also discovered they could realize greater prot
from feeding corn to hogs, which they then marketed,
rather than selling their corn commercially. The development of these economic practices produced the socalled corn-hog complex and resulted in the state being
ranked rst or second in the production of corn and hogs.
Women also played major roles in Iowa farm life. Women
typically raised poultry, which by 1900 made Iowa rst in
the nation in egg production, helped process dairy products, and raised huge vegetable gardens. With these practices, farm families were nearly self-sufcient in food
needs. Women also routinely bartered eggs, cream, and
butter for staple groceries. During difcult economic
times, womens food production sustained many Iowa
farm operations.
Iowans also began to create businesses and manufacturing rms in the nineteenth century, most of which were
agriculture-related. Before the Civil War, the rst ones appeared in towns along the Mississippi River. Most river
towns had pork-slaughtering operations and breweries, and
many also developed specialties. Davenport became a
our-milling center in the 1850s, while Burlington workers manufactured shoes and carriages. All river cities beneted from the daily steamboat travel on the Mississippi.
Following the construction of railroads, larger agriculturerelated industries appeared. Quaker Oats constructed an
oat processing plant in Cedar Rapids, and John Morrell
and company set up a meatpacking operation in Ottumwa.
By centurys end, meatpacking had become the most visible
industrial operation in the state with plants in Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Des Moines, Mason City, and Sioux City.
Eventually, Sioux City became Iowas largest meat processing center. After 1900, more industries appeared, many
not related to agricultural production. Frederick Maytag
began to manufacture washing machines, and a tractor
works developed in Waterloo. In southeastern Iowa, Sheaffer Pen Company began operations.
Iowas second largest industry in the late nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries was coal mining. Beginning

in the 1840s in southeastern Iowa, the industry gradually

moved into south central Iowa. By 1880, the state had
450 underground mines with a total of 6,028 miners, and
Iowas operation was ranked fteenth nationally. The industry was tied to railroad development and as railroad
mileage increased, so did the number of coal mines.
Throughout the nineteenth century, as more land opened
for settlement and as new industries developed, the need
for additional labor was often lled by immigrants. The
majority of foreign-born workers arrived from Western
Europe and the British Isles. Germans composed the largest group. German Americans settled everywhere within
the state, with most of the newcomers going into farming.
German Americans were also numerous in the Mississippi
River cities where they established small businesses and
worked in industry. Even in the early twenty-rst century,
cities like Dubuque, Davenport, and Burlington are known
for their high numbers of German descendants.
Other major immigrant groups in Iowa included the
Irish, the states second largest foreign-born group. Many
Irish helped build railroads across the Midwest, and some
workers settled permanently in Iowa. A large number of
Irish settled in Dubuque, where they worked in factories.
Some Irish families also became farmers. Today, several
communities, including Emmetsburg, annually celebrate
their Irish ancestry.
People of many other nationalities from Western Europe and the British Isles also immigrated to Iowa. Scandinavians constituted Iowas third largest group, including
Swedes, Norwegians, and Danes, with the largest group
being the Swedes. Swedes settled in southwest and westcentral Iowa, where most became farmers. Many Swedish
men also worked as coal miners. Norwegians settled in
northeastern and central Iowa, where most families took
up farming, and the Danes created a large farming community in southwestern Iowa. Other groups settling in
Iowa included the English, especially in southern Iowa,
and also Dutch, Welsh, Scots, and Czechs. Most of these
ethnic groups still celebrate their heritage by operating
ethnic museums and holding ethnic festivals.
Around 1900, immigration patterns changed. The
foreign-born continued to emigrate from Western Europe and the British Isles, but people also began arriving
from Eastern and Southern Europe, although in smaller
numbers than the earlier groups. Newcomers arriving after 1900 included emigrants from Russia, Italy, Poland,
Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia. Frequently lacking resources to begin farming, many of these newcomers went
to work in the coal mines and in meatpacking plants. Italians also set up small businesses in Des Moines, and others went to work for the Chicago Great Western Railroad
in Oelwein. Like their fellow immigrants elsewhere, Iowas
Southern and Eastern Europeans often suffered discrimination because of their national origins and their Roman
Catholic religion.



The Twentieth Century and After

Like all states, Iowa was strongly inuenced by the two
world wars. During World War I (19141918), federal
government subsidies encouraged farmers to expand their
landholdings and to increase their production. Following
the war, many farmers were unable to meet mortgage payments and lost their farms through foreclosure. World
War II (19391945) brought greatly increased production
and a strong push for greater mechanization in farming.
Corn yields increased as more and more farmers adopted
hybrid seed corn.
After World War II, farmers moved quickly to mechanize farming, using combines, corn pickers, and larger
tractors. They also began using chemicals to control
weeds and increase yields. Farm acreages increased and
farmers began to specialize in corn and soybean production, but they continued to raise large numbers of hogs.
These many developments had changed the face of agriculture and the way farm families lived. By 1960, Iowa
farms had a new look. Gone were the ocks of chickens,
the small dairy herds, and often the large gardens. Farm
families had begun to buy their food rather than produce
it. With rural electrication, which started in 1935, farm
homes could be as modern as town and city homes.
For most of its history, Iowa has been a Republican
state even though Iowans initially voted for Democrats.
During the 1850s Iowans shifted to the Republican Party
and remained almost solidly Republican until the 1930s.
Between 1854 and 1932, only one Democrat, Horace
Boies, was elected governor. Between 1932 and 1974, four
Democrats and eight Republicans served as governor. In
the more recent past, Iowans have distinguished themselves by keeping Republicans in the governorship for
long periods of time. In 1968, Robert D. Ray was elected
governor and remained in that ofce for fourteen years.
Republican Terry Branstad was elected in 1982 and served
sixteen years as governor. Iowans have elected both Democrats and Republicans to the U.S. Congress but tend to
elect Democrats to the state legislature. Since the 1950s,
Iowa has been regarded as a two-party state.
Iowa experienced major economic and social change
in the second half of the twentieth century. Most evident
has been the trend toward urbanization. Shifts from rural
to urban populations had been moderate but steady since
the latter nineteenth century. In 1880, 84.4 percent of
Iowans lived in rural areas, including towns of fewer than
2,500 people. But in 1956, for the rst time, more Iowans
lived in urban areas than in rural areas. As more Iowans
moved to the cities and as farming became more mechanized and specialized, rural institutions began to disappear. Rural churches closed their doors, public schools
consolidated at a rate faster than before, and small-town
businesses began to close. Reapportionment of the state
legislature in 1972 led to a lessening of rural inuence in
the state government. Given these changes along with the
founding of new industries such as Winnebago Industries,


Iowa has developed a political balance between rural and

urban interests and a steadily growing industrial sector.
The decade of the 1980s brought major change to
the agricultural sector as the farm economy suffered a
major depression and farmland values plummeted. By
mid-decade, news of the farm crisis dominated all statewide media. By the end of the decade, conditions had
improved but more than 140,000 people had moved off
Iowa farms. Although by the end of the twentieth century,
Iowa remained either rst or second in production of
corn, hogs, and soybeans, approximately 50 percent of
farm families augmented their income through off-farm
employment. By 2000, the number of Iowa farms had
shrunk to 94,000. While many Iowa farmers still raise
hogs, a major shift in the countryside has been the development of large-scale hog connement operations.
Large poultry connement facilities have also been constructed. These changes have produced strong protest,
especially from rural residents, because such facilities produce environmental pollution and sometimes reduce their
quality of life.
Iowans have also faced numerous key political issues
with long-term social and economic implications. In 1962,
Iowans adopted liquor-by-the-drink, allowing the establishment of bars and abolishing the State Liquor Commission. At the same time, a struggle to reapportion the
state legislature, where both legislative chambers were
weighed heavily in favor of rural residents, pitted the
states liberal and conservative forces against each other
for more than a decade. After various efforts by the legislature, the state supreme court stepped in, declaring reapportionment legislation unconstitutional. The court
then drew up its own reapportionment plan, effective in
1972, which gave Iowa the most equitably apportioned
legislature in the nation.
Two political issues of the 1980s and 1990s proved
contentious. In 1985, in strongly contested legislation,
Iowa established a state lottery. Opponents, many of them
church ofcials, predicted that the lottery was only the
rst step in opening the state to all types of gambling.
The creation of the lottery was quickly followed by an
increase in pari-mutuel betting facilities and the building
of steamboat casinos and three Native American gambling casinos. A second issue dealt with gender. In 1980
and 1992, Iowans considered adding an equal rights
amendment to the state constitution. The amendment
was defeated both times, in 1992 by a vote of 595,837 to
551,566. In analyzing the defeat, supporters pointed to a
long ballot, which confused some voters, and to the
amendments unclear wording.
Iowa demographics have changed slowly since the
1960s. In 2000, Iowa had 2,926,324 residents and its
population had grown just 5.4 percent since 1990. Since
its admission to the Union in 1846, Iowa gradually increased in population until 1980 (with the exception of
the 1910 census) and then lost population for each of
seven years. In 1987, that trend was reversed, and the state


experienced the beginning of slow but steady population

increases. Iowa has long had a high percentage of elderly
residents; by 2000, Iowas percentage of people age sixtyve and older had risen to 14.9 percent, one of the highest
in the nation. The percentage of urban and rural residents
also changed: in 2000, fewer than one in ten Iowans lived
on a farm.
For most of its history, Iowa has remained a state
characterized by cultural variations but with little racial
diversity. African Americans have historically been the
largest racial group although their total numbers have
been small. In 2000, they constituted approximately 2
percent of the states total population. African Americans
have traditionally lived in Iowas larger cities, although
early in 1900 many men worked as coal miners. Since the
1970s, however, the state has become more racially diverse. In 1975, 13,000 Southeast Asian refugees were
resettled in Iowa, mainly due to the efforts of thenGovernor Robert D. Ray. By the 1990s, their numbers
had increased to 25,037. Beginning in the 1960s, a small
but increasing number of Hispanics arrived in Iowa. Hispanics had earlier worked as migrant farmworkers, but in
the 1990s, they were employed in a wider range of industries, especially in meatpacking. They had settled in
both large cities and small towns. In the 1990s, the number of Hispanics rose sharply, an increase of almost 40
percent in ten years. The newly arrived Hispanics came
from Mexico as well as from California and Texas. Spanish
is the second major language used in the state on an everyday basis. In 2002, the number of Hispanics in Iowa
was 82,473. In the 1990s, Iowa also became home to small
numbers of Bosnian and Sudanese refugees who settled
in Iowas larger communities.
Despite severe economic dislocations in most segments of Iowas economy during the latter twentieth and
early twenty-rst centuries, Iowans remain unchanged in
major ways. They continue to express strong support for
public education and to produce well-educated young
people who often score highest in the nation on college
entrance exams. Iowa communities remain stable, with
community institutionsfamily, church, and schoolintact and still held in high esteem. Although the state now
experiences a balance between rural and urban interests
and between agriculture and other industries, its character
is still dened largely by the culture of its small towns and
its agricultural preeminence. As Iowans experience the
twenty-rst century, they remain somewhat conservative
in their politics, usually liberal in their social thinking, and
almost always optimistic about their economic future.

Bergman, Marvin, ed. Iowa History Reader. Ames: State Historical

Society of Iowa in association with Iowa State University
Press, 1996.
Sage, Leland L. A History of Iowa. Ames: Iowa State University
Press, 1974.
Schwieder, Dorothy. Iowa: The Middle Land. Ames: Iowa State
University Press, 1996.

. Iowa: The Middle Land. In Heartland: Comparative

Histories of the Midwestern States. Edited by James H. Madison. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.
Wall, Joseph Frazier. Iowa: A Bicentennial History. New York:
Norton, 1978.

Dorothy Schwieder

IOWA BAND, a group of eleven young ministers from

Andover Theological Seminary who came to Iowa in
1843 as missionaries of the American Home Missionary
Society, supported largely by the Congregational and
New School Presbyterian churches. Their hope was that
each one should found a church and that together they
might found a college. In this they succeeded. Each man
founded one or more Congregational churches, and the
group was instrumental in founding Iowa College, which
opened its doors at Davenport in November 1848. In
1859 it was moved to Grinnell.

Adams, Ephraim. The Iowa Band. Boston: The Pilgrim Press,


Ruth A. Gallaher / a. r.
See also Congregationalism; Iowa; Missionary Societies,
Home; Presbyterianism.

IPSWICH PROTEST. In March 1687, Edmund Andros, governor of the newly formed Dominion of New
England, moved to increase colonial revenue. Although
Andross tax was small in comparison to those levied both
prior and subsequent to the Dominion, it placed a special
burden on the colonys poorer farmers: tax laws abolished
the discount for cash payment, and set at an articially
low level the price for produce acceptable for payment.
Resistance to the direct tax imposed by Androsa single
country rate of twenty pence per poll and one penny
on the pound on estateswas, according to John Wise,
leader of a group of protestors from Ipswich, Massachusetts, a matter of principle. The government, however,
quickly prevailed. Wise and other protestors were arrested, imprisoned, tried, and ned.

Craven, Wesley Frank. The Colonies in Transition, 16601713.

New York: Harper and Row, 1968.
Johnson, Richard R. Adjustment to Empire: The New England Colonies, 16751715. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University
Press, 1981.
Kammen, Michael. Empire and Interest: The American Colonies and
the Politics of Mercantilism. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1970.

Leslie J. Lindenauer
James Duane Squires
See also Taxation.



IRA. See Individual Retirement Account.

IRAN, RELATIONS WITH. Americans had relatively little contact with Iran until the 1940s. The United
States largely deferred to British policy, whose commercial and diplomatic approach focused on extracting oil for
a nominal fee and confronting Russian inuence in Iran.
In August 1941, fearing German inuence, the British
and the Soviets invaded Iran and deposed the pro-Axis
ruler Reza Shah Pahlavi. They installed his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, depriving the new shah of popular legitimacy. Franklin D. Roosevelt attended the November
1943 Teheran Conference of the Allied leaders, the rst
visit of an incumbent U.S. president to the country.
As the Cold War began, the USSR tried to overwhelm Iran, Turkey, and Greece, while the mantle of protecting Western interests moved from the British to the
Americans. The continued Soviet occupation in Iran triggered the rst threat of direct U.S. intervention in the
Near East. President Harry S. Trumans threat to send
marines to aid Iran coupled with Iranian diplomatic maneuvering in the United Nations convinced the Red Army
to retreat in May 1946. In March 1947, the Truman Doctrine promised support to those resisting Soviet subversion. Iran became part of the American sphere of inuence thanks to its abundant supply of oil and its strategic
location at the juncture of the Persian Gulf, the Middle
East, and the Caucasus.
In August 1953, the United States orchestrated a
military coup to overthrow the popular Iranian prime
minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, who opposed the shah,
briey forcing him into exile, and the predominance of
the West in his country, especially the exploitation of oil
companies. The restoration of the pro-American regime,
while damaging its credibility, secured an alliance between the two countries. The growing revenues generated by more local control over oil transformed Iran into
a consumer of American products, such as advanced technology and defense equipment. A stronger, more industrialized Iran became an anti-Soviet pillar.
The October 1973 oil crisis, in which Iran remained
loyal to the United States and to Israel, in stark contrast
to its Arab neighbors, further increased Irans importance
to the United States. The shahs aspirations to regional
hegemony and accelerated modernization in Iran heightened commercial, military, cultural, and educational ties
with the United States. While U.S. training of Iranian
pilots was a mutual source of pride, the presence of American military personnel and their alleged help to the notorious secret police, the SAVAK, were controversial.
The shahs downfall was due in part to corruption
and to the widening disparity in wealth caused by his aggressive White Revolution. These failures were compounded by his weak legitimacy and by opposition of the
leading members of the Muslim clergy, who portrayed
him as an agent of incursion for American interests and a


Relations with Iran. President Jimmy Carter (right) shares a

happy moment with the shah of Iranbut the shah was
overthrown in 1979, and the subsequent 444-day hostage crisis
wrecked Carters chances for reelection in 1980. Getty Images

promoter of Western decadence, which they claimed jeopardized the values and structure of a traditional society.
The most memorable year in U.S. relations with Iran
was 1979, which reversed decades of collaboration. The
year began with mass demonstrations against the shah and
his overthrow. He left for exile on 16 January. President
James Earl Carter refused to intervene for the edgling
regime, and even had he chosen to act, success would have
been unlikely. The Muslim fundamentalists prevailed on
11 February. Previous U.S. support for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeinis foe, an internal struggle between factions
vying for control, and U.S. permission for the cancerstricken shah to receive medical care in New York City
triggered a hostage crisis that lasted 444 days. On 4 November, members of the Revolutionary Guards attacked
the American Embassy and seized dozens of staff members. Among their explicit demands were the extradition
of the shah for a public trial and an American apology for
aiding his regime. Some leaders of the new government
also feared a covert action to reverse their political gains.
The Iranian government sided with this violation of
diplomatic immunity partly because of its domestic election campaign in early 1980. As negotiations to redeem
the remaining fty-two American hostages proved futile,
President Carter turned to coercion. After freezing Iranian assets, he ordered a rescue attempt in April 1980.
Eight U.S. soldiers died in an accident during the aborted
mission. This debacle, coupled with alleged Republican
manipulations to delay any release of the hostages prior
to the presidential elections, sealed Carters loss to Ronald
Reagan in November 1980. The shah had died in August
1980, and the hostages were released in exchange for unfreezing Iranian assets on 20 January 1981, the day of the
presidential transition from Carter to Reagan.

I R A N - C O N T R A A F FA I R

In the mid-1980s, during the Iran-Iraq War, the IranContra scandal unfolded in the United States. National
Security Council ofcials, notably Colonel Oliver North,
secretly sold arms to Iran, and some of the proceeds were
diverted to help the anticommunist Contras in Nicaragua
in contravention of the U.S. Constitution. The hope was
to gain inuence among moderates in Iran and to secure
the release of American hostages in Lebanon. The contacts had only limited success. During the 19901991
Persian Gulf War, Iran remained neutral as the United
States and its allies defeated Iraq.
Only in 1997, when the reformer Mohammad Khatami won the presidential elections in Iran, did relations
visibly improve, although rhetorical animosity remained
the norm, especially among Iranian clergy. The June 1998
World Cup soccer game, in which Iranian and American
players exchanged mementos, embodied the hopes for
more friendly relations.

Bill, James A. The Eagle and the Lion. New Haven, Conn.: Yale
University Press, 1988.
Kuniholm, Bruce Robellet. The Origins of the Cold War in the
Near East. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
Sick, Gary. October Surprise: Americas Hostages in Iran and the
Election of Ronald Reagan. New York: Times Books, 1991.

Itai Sneh
See also Iran-Contra Affair; Iran Hostage Crisis; Persian Gulf

IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR. On 8 July 1985, President Ronald Reagan addressed the American Bar Association and described Iran as part of a confederation of
terrorist states . . . a new, international version of Murder,
Inc. Ironically, that same month, members of the Reagan
administration were initiating a clandestine policy through
which the federal government helped supply arms to Iran
in its war with Iraq, the nation supported by the United
States. Millions of dollars in prots from the secret arms
sales were laundered through Israel and then routed to
Central America in support of rebel forces known as the
contras, whose professed aim was to overthrow the duly
elected government in Nicaragua. Both Secretary of State
George P. Shultz and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger opposed the policy but lost the debate to members
of the National Security Council. The Iran-Contra
Affair, arguably the crisis that did most to erode public
condence in the Reagan presidency, occupied the nations attention through much of the next two years.
Reagans staunch opposition to communism and his
commitment to the safety of U.S. citizens throughout the
world fostered the crisis. In 1979, a communist Sandinista
government assumed power in Nicaragua. Soon after
Reagan assumed ofce in 1981, his administration began

Reagan on Iran-Contra. The president (center) talks with

members of the Presidents Special Review Board, the rst and
briefest of the investigations. Reuters/corbis-Bettmann

to back the contra rebel forces with overt assistance. Congress terminated funding for the contras when evidence
of illegal covert actions surfaced and public opinion turned
against administration policy. At the same time, the public
shared the presidents disillusion with events in the Middle East because of the October 1983 bombing of a U.S.
marines barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed 241
Americans, and the contemporaneous abduction in Lebanon of several U.S. citizens as hostages. Events in both
hemispheres came together in the late summer of 1985.
From then until 1986, the United States provided Iran
with TOW antitank missiles and parts for groundlaunched Hawk antiaircraft missiles. The actions violated
both the governments embargo on weapons sales to Iran
and its avowed policy of not arming terrorists, because
the Iranian government apparently was sponsoring Lebanese terrorism. The administrations rationale for its
actions was the benets promised for the contras. Private
arms dealers, acting with the knowledge and approval of
Reagans National Security Council staff, overcharged
Iran for the weapons and channeled the money to the
During a White House ceremony early in November
1986, reporters asked the president to comment on rumors that the United States had exchanged arms for
hostages. He repudiated the stories, then appeared on national television one week later to explain the administrations case, a case grounded in denial of any wrongdoing.
We did not, he declared in his conclusion, repeatdid
not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will
we. Just six days later, however, on 19 November, Reagan
opened a press conference by announcing that he had
based his earlier claims on a false chronology constructed
by the National Security Council and the White House
staff. He announced formation of the Presidents Special
Review Board, known as the Tower Commission. Headed
by former Senator John Tower, the board included former
Secretary of State Edmund Muskie and former national



sured patriot, went on to win the Republican Partys nomination in the 1994 Virginia senatorial election. Although
he lost to the Democratic incumbent Chuck Robb, he
remained in the public eye as a conservative pundit, columnist, and radio personality.

Busby, Robert. Reagan and the Iran-Contra Affair: The Politics of

Presidential Recovery. New York: St. Martins Press, 1999.
Cannon, Lou. President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime. New York:
Public Affairs, 2000.
Cohen, William S., and George M. Mitchell. Men of Zeal: A
Candid Inside Story of the Iran-Contra Hearings. New York:
Viking, 1988.
Fried, Amy. Mufed Echoes: Oliver North and the Politics of Public
Opinion. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.
Lynch, Michael. The Spectacle of History: Speech, Text, and Memory
at the Iran-Contra Hearings. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1996.
Oliver North. The U.S. Marine and former National Security
Council staff member testies at joint congressional hearings
in 1987 about his key role in Iran-Contra. AP/Wide World

Presidents Special Review Board. The Tower Commission Report:

The Full Text of the Presidents Special Review Board. New
York: Bantam Books, 1987.
Thelen, David P. Becoming Citizens in the Age of Television: How
Americans Challenged the Media and Seized Political Initiative
during the Iran-Contra Debate. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.

security adviser Brent Scowcroft. In late February 1987,

the board concluded that the president was guilty of no
crime but found that Reagans lax management allowed
subordinates the freedom to shape policy.

Walsh, Lawrence E. Iran-Contra: The Final Report. New York:

Times Books, 1994.

Concurrent executive branch and congressional investigations of Iran-Contra proceeded into 1987. As independent counsel, a position created by the Ethics in
Government Act of 1978, former federal Judge Lawrence
E. Walsh explored allegations of wrongdoing. In May
1987, a joint Senate and House committee hastily convened for what became four months of televised hearings
that included 250 hours of open testimony by thirty-two
public ofcials. In its report on 17 November, the committee held President Reagan accountable for his administrations actions because his inattention to detail created
an environment in which his subordinates exceeded their
authority. In the spring of 1988, former national security
adviser Robert C. McFarlane pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress and later attempted suicide. Criminal indictments were returned against Rear
Adm. John M. Poindexter, the presidents national security adviser; arms dealers Richard V. Secord and Albert A.
Hakim; and Lt. Col. Oliver L. North of the National
Security Council staff. The convictions of North and
Poindexter were ultimately dismissed because evidence
against them was compromised by their congressional
testimony. In December 1992, just before leaving ofce,
President George H. W. Bush pardoned six others indicted or convicted in the Iran-Contra Affair, including
Weinberger, whose diaries allegedly would have shown
that both Reagan and Bush knew of the arms-for-hostages
deal. Ollie North, viewed by some as an unfairly cen-

David Henry / a. r.


. Firewall: The Iran-Contra Conspiracy and Cover-Up. New

York: Norton, 1997.

See also Corruption, Political; Hostage Crises; Iran, Relations with; Nicaragua, Relations with; Scandals; Special
Prosecutors; and vol. 9: Report on the Iran-Contra

IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS. On 4 November 1979,

Islamic militants overran the American embassy in Teheran, Iran, initiating a crisis that lasted through the end
of President Jimmy Carters term. The militants held
fty-two of the embassys personnel hostage for 444 days.
Relations between the United States and Iran began to
disintegrate in early 1979, during the Iranian revolution.
Following the overthrow of the U.S. ally Muhammad
Reza Shah Pahlevi, the new government, led by the Muslim fundamentalist Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, focused
much of its fervor against the United States, culminating
with the embassy takeover following Carters decision to
allow the shah to enter the United States for cancer treatment. The United States attempted to pursue political,
diplomatic, and economic measures to broker the release
of the hostages. Carter also organized a military contingency plan in the event that nonmilitary solutions failed.
The White House attempted several failed diplomatic initiatives and mounted a campaign of international
pressure on Iran, which brought condemnations from

I R A Q - G AT E

governments around the world. The sole successful diplomatic measure was an initiative from Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) representatives that gained
the release of thirteen female and African American hostages. Carter also signed an order to freeze all of Irans
assets in American banks.
Despite continued pressure on Iran, the hostages remained in captivity ve months after the crisis began, and
pressure mounted on the Carter administration to nd a
more effective solution. After much deliberation, Carter
authorized an ill-fated military mission to rescue the hostages. The 24 April 1979 rescue mission suffered from
military miscalculations and untimely mechanical failures,
forcing the mission to be aborted. The nal mishap came
during a refueling stop, when two of the helicopters collided, killing eight servicemen. When President Carter
informed the nation of the mission and its failure, he suffered politically.
The failure of the rescue mission did not end negotiations, but the administration appeared to be paralyzed
by the crisis. The Iranians released the hostages on 20
January 1981, minutes after Ronald Reagan took the oath
of ofce as president. U.S. relations with Iran did not
return to their earlier cordial nature during the twentieth
century. Presidents Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill
Clinton faced a hostile Islamic state on the borders of the
Persian Gulf.

Carter, Jimmy. Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President. New York:

Bantam, 1982.
Jordan, Hamilton. Crisis: The Last Year of the Carter Presidency.
New York: Putnam, 1982.
Sick, Gary. All Fall Down: Americas Tragic Encounter with Iran.
New York: Random House, 1985.

Stephanie Wilson McConnell

See also Iran, Relations with; and vol. 9: Interrogation of an
Iran Hostage.

IRANIAN AMERICANS. Iranian immigration to

the United States was insignicant until the 1950s and
1960s, when many young Iranians began to study at
American universities. After the 1979 revolution in Iran,
many Iranian students stayed in the United States and
were joined by their families, taking up residence mostly
in metropolitan areas. According to statistics from the
U.S. Census Bureau, in 1990 the median age of all Iranian
immigrants in the United States was just over thirty years
old. Since the early 1980s, notable Iranian American communities, made up almost entirely of immigrants, developed in New York, Texas, Maryland, and Virginia, with
the largest population centers found in southern California. It is estimated that more than half the Iranian
American population resides in the San Fernando Valley,
Orange County, and the west side of Los Angeles.

According to the 1980 census, there were 121,000

Iranian Americans living in the United States at that time.
In the 1990 census, 236,000 Americans identied themselves as having Iranian ancestry, with 211,000 reporting
Iran as their place of birth. Of the total Iranian American
population, just over 27 percent were listed as naturalized
citizens. Between 1981 and 1990, 154,800 Iranians were
admitted to the United States as immigrants; of those,
nearly 47,000 were granted permanent resident status as
refugees. Continued turmoil in the Persian Gulf in the
1990s meant continued refugee migration from Iran. Between 1991 and 1998 another 96,900 Iranian immigrants
were admitted into the United States, of which 22,327
were listed as refugees. Estimates from the 2000 census
for the total population of Iranian Americans range from
500,000 to as high as 800,000 or 1,100,000numbers
that members of the Iranian American community say
underrepresent the population, due to the uncertain reporting methods on ancestry and race.
Iranian Americans are among the more educated immigrants in the United States, and most are members of
the technical, professional, and entrepreneurial classes.
More than 80 percent of Iranian Americans are uent in
English, and nearly half have earned college degrees. The
majority are engineers, teachers, doctors, and business
owners, and the median income of Iranian Americans is
higher than the national average. In spite of their success
as immigrants, Iranian Americans have suffered discrimination at times because they are mistakenly associated
with the actions of the government of Iran (a regime they
ed) and because they are sometimes mistakenly identied as being from various countries in the Middle East.
After the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington,
D.C., in September 2001, more restrictions were placed
on temporary visas from Iran and on Iranian immigration
as the relationship between Iran and the United States
continued to be strained.

Bahrampour, Tara. To See and See Again: A Life in Iran and America. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999.
Bill, James A. The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of AmericanIranian Relations. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
Farhang, Mansour. U.S. Imperialism: The Spanish-American War
to the Iranian Revolution. Boston: South End Press, 1981.
Sullivan, Zohreh T. Exiled Memories: Stories of Iranian Diaspora.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.

Paul Hehn

IRAQ-GATE is the name given to a scandal centered

on loans guaranteed by the United States government to
Iraq. The allegations of the scandal arose after the Persian
Gulf War in 1991, in which the United States fought
against Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein. Subsequent investigations uncovered evidence that between 1985 and 1989,



the Atlanta branch of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL),

the Italian national bank, issued more than $5 billion in
secret and illegal loans to Iraq. The loans were backed by
the Export-Import Bank and the Commodities Credit
Corporation, two executive branch agencies. While the
purpose of these loans was for food and agricultural
products, the grant of the money allowed Hussein to
use money for arms that he could have spent on feeding
the nation. The loans operated by lending money to
companies that were supplying Hussein with weaponsmanufacturing products.
After being indicted for fraud and other related
charges, the BNL Atlanta branch manager, Christopher
Drougal, testied before the House Banking Committee
as to the details of the loans. He claimed that the BNL
loans were part of a covert operation designed to nance
the secret rearming of Iraq. He claimed that he was
merely the instrument of a secret U.S. policy to aid Hussein. The operation was coordinated with Italian ofcials
by the administration of President Ronald Reagan and
continued by President George H. W. Bush. The United
States was involved in the arming of Iraq to gain bargaining leverage for U.S. hostages in Iraq. Despite these accusations, the Bush administration denied any involvement in the illegal loans. However, in October 1992,
Attorney General William Barr instructed the Federal
Bureau of Investigation to begin an investigation into allegations of obstruction of justice by the government.
During the 1992 presidential election, Bill Clinton promised that if elected he would investigate the scandal. On
17 January 1995, Attorney General Janet Reno issued the
nal report resulting from the Clinton administrations
investigation into the matter. The report concluded that
there had been no violation of the law.

Krosney, Herbert. Deadly Business: Legal Deals and Outlaw Weapons: The Arming of Iran and Iraq, 1975 to the Present. New
York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1993.
Timmerman, Kenneth. The Death Lobby: How the West Armed
Iraq. Boston: Houghton Mifin 1991.

Shira M. Diner

IRAQI AMERICANS are the fourth largest group of

immigrants from the Arab world in the United States.
According to the 1990 U.S. census, there were approximately 45,000 people of Iraqi descent living in the United
States. Since then, the number has grown to 250,000,
constituting 2 percent of the Arab Americans living in the
United States. Like many other Arab groups, Iraqi Americans have concentrated in the Midwest. More than 70,000
live in Michigan, primarily in Detroit, with another 15,000
in and around Chicago. More than 30,000 Iraqis live in
California, most residing in the southern part of the state.
Some of the rst Iraqi immigrants to come to the
United States were Iraqi nationals and Iraqi Jews. In the


years between 1900 and 1905, approximately twenty Jewish families arrived from Iraq to settle in New York City.
With the breakup of the Ottoman empire after World
War I, more Jewish Iraqi immigrants came to America.
Other Iraqis ocked to Detroit, and like thousands of
other Arab immigrants who preceded them, found work
in the automobile factories. Many had soon saved enough
money to bring over other members of their families. The
following decades brought a steady stream of Jewish Iraqi
immigrants, many of whom were drawn by the better
educational and business opportunities in the United
States. The exodus from Iraq continued until 1953, when
more than 124,000 Iraqi Jews left their homeland.
The number of Iraqis coming to America remained
relatively low until 1974. It peaked in 1976 and then began to decline, but never fell to pre-1974 levels. Between
1983 and 1993, immigration from Iraq again increased,
with approximately 23,600 Iraqis arriving in the United
States. The jump in Iraqi immigration to the United
States began in 1992 and reected the large number of
Iraqis admitted to the country after the 1991 Persian Gulf
War, when more Iraqis came as refugees eeing political
Many large cities are home to Iraqi American communities that are lled with Iraqi-run bakeries, grocery
stores, and barbershops. In Detroit alone, there are an
estimated 70,000 Iraqis. About 30,000 live in California,
and another 15,000 live in and around Chicago. Compared to other Arab groups, Iraqi Americans rarely voice
their political concerns in public, and maintained an especially low prole during the Gulf War. Although the
majority of Iraqi Americans dislike Iraqi leader Saddam
Hussein, they are also growing increasingly distrustful of
American policy in the Arab world. As a result, more Iraqi
American civic and religious leaders are beginning to address the concerns of their people.
After the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, the
government of the United States tightened its restrictions
on immigrants from the Middle East, including those
from Iraq. As of 2002, the only Middle Eastern immigrants permitted to enter the United States were those
who had been recognized as refugees, and the government reserved the right to deport them. According to statistics compiled by the Immigration and Naturalization
Service, 46 Iraqi refugees were deported on criminal
charges between 1997 and 2002.

Abraham, Sameer Y., and Nabeel Abraham, eds. Arabs in the New
World: Studies on Arab-American Communities. Detroit, Mich.:
Center for Urban Studies, Wayne State University, 1983.
Gammage, Jeff. Iraqi Immigrants in Detroit Want U.S. to Target Saddam, not Iraq. The Philadelphia Inquirer, February
20, 1998.

Meg Greene Malvasi

See also Arab Americans; Arab Nations, Relations with.



Ulysses (1922) wistfully refers to America as our greater
Ireland beyond the sea. These words capture the bond
between the two nations, forged through immigration
and negotiated in light of British colonialism. The Irish
rst landed in the colonies following the conquest of William III (William of Orange, son of William, Prince of
Orange) in 16891691. The enactment of the rst penal
laws (1695), a series of codes that initially secured and
enlarged Protestant landholdings and ultimately led to
the severe restriction of Catholic liberties, coupled with
economic uncertainty in the textile industry, led to another signicant exodus of Irish to the colonies in the
1720s. But not all those leaving were oppressed or poor.
Some were Anglo-Irish Protestants who, like their AngloAmerican counterparts, opposed the taxations of British
The nineteenth century saw signicant changes in
relations between Ireland and America. By the 1830s the
laboring class of Ireland had grown into a formidable
force giving rise to calls for Irish nationalism. Outspokenly backing Daniel OConnell and his Repeal Association, a group calling for the repeal of the Act of Union
(1801) and laws against Catholic practice, many Irish
Americans sent money back home to support a nationalist
agenda. The great Irish potato famine (18451847) led to
a four-year period of mass exodus and institutionalized
immigration as a permanent feature of Irish-American relations. Fleeing a dire situation yet near the bottom of the
socioeconomic ladder in America, Irish demands for a resolution to the problems at home took a radical turn. Following the American Civil War, groups such as the Fenians and the Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood plotted
publicly to overthrow English rule. Despite diplomatic
efforts by England to obtain American help in restraining
these groups, such requests were largely ignored by the
U.S. government.
Americas emergence on the international political
stage made relations between Ireland and America considerably more complex. Earlier animosities with Britain
faded and the two nations became wartime allies. Under
the leadership of Cardinal James Gibbons and others,
Irish Americans continued to support nationalism. Bloody
Sunday, on 21 November 1920, ushered in a series of
battles between the Irish Republican Army and British
auxiliaries. The American Commission on Conditions in
Ireland condemned both parties. Calls for peace and independence continued across the Atlantic. On 6 December 1921 Irish representatives signed a treaty with Britain
granting dominion status to Ireland as the Irish Free
Disputes over a united Ireland, terrorist activities in
Ulster, and a fragmentation of political interests framed
relations during the remainder of the century, with varying levels of engagement being pursued by different U.S.
administrations. On 10 April 1998 the Good Friday Accord, which established Protestant and Catholic political
representation in Northern Ireland, was negotiated under

the direction of former U.S. senator George Mitchell and

the administration of President Bill Clinton.

Dumbrell, John. A Special Relationship: Anglo-American Relations

in the Cold War and After. New York: St. Martins Press,
McCaffrey, Lawrence J. The Irish Diaspora in America. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1984.
OGrady, Joseph P. How The Irish Became Americans. Boston:
Twayne, 1973.

Kent A. McConnell
See also Irish Americans.

IRISH AMERICANS. More than 7 million Irish immigrants have come to America since the 1600s. This
mass movement transformed Irish society and played a
signicant role in shaping American politics, religion, culture, and economics during the countrys most formative
years. More than 40 million people in the United States
claim some degree of Irish ancestry.
Colonial and Pre-Famine Immigration
Approximately 50,000 to 100,000 Irishmen, over 75 percent of them Catholic, came to America in the 1600s,
while 100,000 more Irish Catholics arrived in the 1700s.
A small number of prosperous merchants formed communities in Philadelphia and other cities, but most immigrants were indentured servants who eventually blended
into the mainstream society. A few were prominent citizens, like wealthy Charles Carroll who migrated to Maryland in 1681, establishing a family that produced the only
Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence and
the rst American archbishop.
Between 250,000 and 500,000 Protestant Irish arrived in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
While some were southern Irish Anglicans and Quakers,
over three-fourths were Scotch-Irish Presbyterians from
Ulster. In search of land and religious freedom, these
Wild Irish settled in New England, New York, and
Pennsylvania, later migrating to the wilderness backcountries of Virginia, Georgia, and the Carolinas. Known for
their hatred of the British and their rugged individualism,
many fought bravely in the American Revolution. More
came in the early 1800s to settle Kentucky and Tennessee,
becoming the nations rst Indian ghters and producing such American heroes as President Andrew Jackson
(17671845) and frontiersman Davy Crockett (1786
The end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 caused
widespread changes in Irish society and opened the oodgates of poor Catholic immigration. Landlords began to
turn from grain production to cattle, raising rents and
evicting tenants by the thousands. During this time, the
population in Ireland rose from 6.8 million in 1821 to 8



million in 1841, with the largest increase among poor cottierslandless laborers who received access to land for
working the landlords crops. Partible inheritance (dividing land among all sons), early marriage, and high fertility
doubled their numbers from 665,000 to 1.3 million between 1831 and 1841. Fathers could no longer provide
for every child, creating scores of young men and women
with no alternatives but delayed marriage, permanent celibacy, or emigration. As a result, 1.3 million people left
Ireland for America between 1815 and 1845.
Famine Immigration and Settlement
Conditions for those who remained behind in Ireland
continued to worsen. As plots of land shrunk and the
population grew, cottiers came to rely increasingly on the
potato, a nutritious root that grew quickly and easily in
Irish soil, as their main source of food. In August 1845, a
fungus destroyed the potato crop, returning for the next
four years and causing widespread destruction. Despite
assistance from public and private sources, approximately
1.5 million people starved or died of famine-related diseases between 1846 and 1855, the most during Black
47. Another 2.1 million emigrated, mainly to the United
States, accounting for almost half of all immigration to
the States during the 1840s and over a third during the
In America, initial sympathy for the starving peasants
gave way to anti-Catholic hostility as they began to arrive
in droves, forming enclaves in Northern cities. In Boston,
for example, immigration rates rose from 4,000 in 1820
to 117,000 in 1850. By the 1850s1860s, 28 percent of all
people living in New York, 26 percent in Boston, and 16
percent in Philadelphia had been born in Ireland. Irish
Catholics also dominated immigration to Southern cities
before the Civil War (18611865); New Orleans was the
second-largest port of arrival after New York by 1850.
Throughout the nation, work advertisements stated,
No Irish Need Apply, while nativist political parties like
the Know-Nothings gained power. Hostility often turned
violent, as in 1834 when mobs burned an Ursuline convent in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Such episodes were
etched in Irish American memory, contributing to a separatist mentality long after they achieved success.
Unskilled Irish men became manual laborers, competing with free African Americans for jobs, which sometimes caused bitter race riots. Over 3,000 Irish helped
build New Yorks Erie Canal, while thousands of others
worked on the railroad, in Pennsylvanias coal mines, or
as farm laborers. The more enterprising traveled out west
to San Francisco, nding greater opportunity and less discrimination. In the South, Irish workers were deemed less
valuable than slaves and less dangerous than free blacks,
perfect for urban areas. Irish women nationwide overwhelmingly worked as domestic servants, becoming known
as Bridgets, or in the growing needle trades.
Various charitable and social organizations helped
the Irish settle into American life, while such nancial


societies as New Yorks Irish Emigrant Savings Bank (established 1851) assisted immigrants with sending remittances back home. The most important institution was
the Catholic Church, which created a national network
of churches, hospitals, schools, and orphanages. Irish
priests, such as New Yorks Archbishop John Hughes
(17971864) and Charlestons Bishop John England (1786
1842) dominated the hierarchy and shaped the course of
American Catholicism. On the local level, the parish
church served as the center of Irish American life, becoming the means of both preserving ethnic culture and
Americanizing immigrants.
Their service during the Civil War also helped the
Irish gain respect and acceptance. While criticized for
their role in the 1863 New York draft riots, as many as
170,000 Irish-born men served in the Northern army. In
the South, the Irish contributed the largest number of
troops of any foreign-born group.
Post-Famine Immigration and Life
The Great Famine accelerated changes already at work
in Irish society. With no land to inherit, younger children
had few options in Ireland. As a result, approximately 3
million Irish men and women came to America between
the end of the Famine and Irish independence (1856
1921). Departures were often marked by an American
wake, illustrating the nality of the journey. While most
would never see Ireland again, many emigrants sent money
back home, providing for their families and paying for
siblings or parents to follow.
While the vast majority of Irish immigrants remained
in the Northeast and Midwest, a signicant minority of
mainly skilled, single men migrated west. In 1890, the
cities with the largest Irish-born populations were New
York-Brooklyn (275,156, or 12 percent of the combined
population), Philadelphia (110,935, 11 percent), Boston
(71,441, 16 percent), Chicago (70,028, 6 percent), and
San Francisco (30,718, 10 percent). The Irish-born population peaked that year at 1,871,509; the second generation totaled 2,924,172, growing to its highest level of
3,375,546 in 1900.
The late nineteenth century showed few improvements in Irish occupational mobility. While Irish-born
men made up 11 percent of Americas policemen and 6
percent owned their own businesses, they were concentrated in unskilled, dangerous, and low-paying jobs. While
the violent methods of the Molly Maguires, a secret society of Pennsylvania coal miners, sometimes made their
activities suspect, labor unions more often helped improve working conditions, and also served as a means of
mobility. By 1900, Irish Americans of birth or descent
held the leadership of almost half of the 110 unions in the
American Federation of Labor. Some prominent labor
leaders included Terence Powderly (18491924), head of
the Knights of Labor, and Leonora OReilly (18701927),
a founder of the Womens Trade Union League.


Westward migration greatly affected occupational

mobility for men; 20 percent of the Irish in San Francisco
in 1880 held white-collar positions as opposed to 13 percent of those in New York. For women, there was less of
a disparity, as domestic service remained one of the few
options for Irish-born women across the country until the
1920s. The second generation showed slightly more mobility, with many becoming clerks, teachers, priests, nuns,
and nurses. By 1900, almost 5 percent of Irish American
men held white-collar jobs, as opposed to 2 percent of the
Irish-born. Second-generation women had greater opportunities as well, composing 10 percent of all female
teachers of foreign parentage in 1900.
For most second-generation men, the church and
politics were the best means for upward mobility. The
cornerstone of the Irish community was the parish, with
the parochial school at its center. Priests served not only
as spiritual guides, but also as cultural brokers, social
workers, and peacemakers in their parishesgood training for rising in the hierarchy. By 1900, 50 percent of
American bishops and 13 out of 17 cardinals were of Irish
birth or descent.
Unable to penetrate rigid social hierarchies, politics
was one of the few ways the Irish could advance in Eastern
cities. Irish ward bosses dominated Democratic city machines beginning with Honest John Kelly (18221886),
who took over New Yorks Tammany Hall in 1873. Bosses
created patronage networks, exchanging services for immigrant votes. Such notable politicians as New Yorks
Charles F. Murphy (18581924) and Bostons James Michael Curley (18741958) used these methods with great
By the end of the century, more Irish Americans began to enter the middle class and work for acceptance.
Saint Patricks Day parades became a way to exhibit not
only a love of Ireland, but also pride in America. Likewise,
support for Irish nationalist causes was often motivated
by a desire not only for Irish freedom, but also to prove
to nativists that they did not come from a conquered race.
This desire for respect was aided by such entertainers as
vaudevillians Harrigan and Hart, the composer Victor
Herbert, Broadway mogul George M. Cohan, and singer
John McCormick, who all helped to change the stage
Irishman image and popularize Irish music and song in
mainstream entertainment. John Boyle OReilly, Louise
Imogen Guiney, and Eugene ONeill revealed demonstrated Irish literary talents. In addition, the Catholic
Church established such universities as Notre Dame,
Boston College, and Fordham to provide higher education for Irish Americans.
Post-1920s Irish America
Irish America became more American than Irish in the
twentieth century. Changes in immigration laws in 1924
and 1965, along with the Great Depression and the world
wars, slowed immigration to a trickle. In addition, the
arrival of other immigrant groups, war service, and inter-

New York Police Officer. An Irish American stereotype with

a basis in fact, there and in other cities. Library of Congress

marriage ensured Irish Americans gradual assimilation

into mainstream American society. By 1924, Irish American politicians began to attract national recognition with
the nomination of Al Smith (18731944) as the rst Catholic presidential candidate. In 1960, complete Irish acceptance was nally achieved with the election of President John F. Kennedy.
During this time, the Irish also started to achieve success in theater, lm, sports, business, and the professions.
In the 1950s, the Irish began leaving their urban enclaves
for the suburbs, although certain neighborhoods in Boston, New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia retained many
Irish residents, resulting in clashes with blacks and other
new arrivals. While a signicant number remained in the
working class throughout the century, by the 1970s the
Irish were the best educated and highest-paid white Catholic ethnic group in America.
The 1970s and 1980s brought a revival of Irish identity and a new connection to modern-day Ireland. This
interest was stimulated by a new national preoccupation
with ethnic roots, the escalation of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, and the arrival of the New Irishmostly
illegal, highly educated Irish immigrants whose numbers
ranged from 40,000 to 150,000. Settling mainly in Irish
American cities like New York and Boston, these immigrants helped to revive interest in Irish culture. Through



lobbying organizations like the Irish Immigration Reform

Movement, they sought the support of Irish American
politicians, businessmen, and clergy in changing immigration laws.
With the help of Irish American businessmen and its
membership in the European Union, Ireland emerged in
the 1990s as an economic powerhouse, dubbed the Celtic
Tiger. President Bill Clinton, George Mitchell (D-ME),
Representative Peter King (R-NY), Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY), and Senator Edward Kennedy
(D-MA) played important roles as negotiators between
nationalist and loyalist forces in Northern Ireland, leading to the 1998 Good Friday Agreement and a lasting
cease-re. The cultural renaissance inspired by Frank
McCourts Angelas Ashes (1996), Bill Whelans music and
dance phenomenon Riverdance, Irish rock bands like U2
and Black 47, and various Irish studies programs at American universities continues to renew interest in all things
Irish for both Irish and non-Irish Americans.

Almeida, Linda Dowling. Irish Immigrants in New York City,

19451995. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.
Blessing, Patrick J. Irish. In Stephan Thernstrom, ed. Harvard
Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups. Cambridge, Mass.:
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1980.
Diner, Hasia. Erins Daughters in America: Irish Immigrant Women
in the Nineteenth Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983.
Gleeson, David T. The Irish in the South, 18151877. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001.
Kenny, Kevin. The American Irish: A History. New York: Longman, 2000.
Miller, Kerby A. Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus
to North America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.
OHanlon, Ray. The New Irish Americans. Niwot, Colo.: Roberts
Rinehart Publishers, 1998.
Williams, William H. A. Twas Only an Irishmans Dream: The
Image of Ireland and the Irish in American Popular Song Lyrics,
18001920. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1996.

Meaghan M. Dwyer

IRON ACT OF 1750 was passed by Parliament to

encourage iron production in the colonies. It provided for
duty-free importation of colonial pig iron and (by a later
extension of the law) bar iron into any English port. English manufacturers supported restrictive clauses in the
law, which stipulated that colonists could not erect slitting
mills, steel furnaces, and plating mills, although those already in operation could continue. The law was not very
successful. Colonists sent increasing amounts of iron to
England but not in such quantities as manufacturers had
expected. Colonial suppliers also ignored the more restrictive aspects of the law, and they built many forbidden
ironworks in the colonies.



Church, R. A., ed. The Coal and Iron Industries. Oxford: Blackwell
Publishers, 1994.
McCusker, John J., and Kenneth Morgan, eds. The Early Modern
Atlantic Economy. Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University
Press, 2000.

Arthur C. Bining / s. b.
See also Colonial Commerce; Colonial Policy, British; Iron
and Steel Industry; Mercantilism.


although closely related, are not the same thing. Iron begins as iron ore, which is melted in a blast furnace and
blown through with air. Then it is manipulated so as to
limit its content of carbon and other impurities. Steel is
a particular kind of iron that is approximately one percent
carbon, with the carbon content spread throughout the
metal evenly. Steel is harder than iron and does not rust
as easily. However, for most of history steel was harder to
make than iron. That is why ironmaking was by far the
bigger industry in America until the late nineteenth
The rst iron works in America, called Hammersmith, began operation in 1647 in Saugus, Massachusetts,
but lasted only ve years. Subsequent ironmaking rms
would be small operations that tended to be located close
to local ore supplies, water power, and major transportation routes. Some of the most important ironmaking
regions of the country in colonial America were in eastern
Pennsylvania near the Delaware River, western Pennsylvania around the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers, and
the Hudson River valley in New York and New Jersey.
Most of these rms remained small because of the high
cost and low efciency of available fuel to run their furnaces. When Americans switched fuels from charcoal or
wood to coal in the early nineteenth century, larger operations became possible. The discovery of huge iron ore
deposits in the northern Great Lakes region during the
1840s gave a further boost to production.
The Expansion of Iron Production in the
Nineteenth Century
The widespread adoption of puddling as a technique to
make iron also contributed to growth in production. In
the early days of American ironmaking, craftsmen used a
method called ning to produce iron. This meant that
the mixture of iron and slag expelled from a blast furnace
was separated out by hammering it. Puddling involved
adding iron oxide to the blast furnace charge because the
chemical reaction made it easier to separate impurities
from the iron. Puddlers did the separating by stirring the
melted product with a long iron rod. The slag that rose
was poured off the top and the iron at the bottom was
shaped into balls. The balls were squeezed into iron bars
that were worked into the mills nal product (such as rails
or rods) by other workers. Puddling required many judg-


ment calls based on experience. Therefore, it could take

up to two years of training to become a skilled puddler.
Many puddlers in the mid-nineteenth century were successful enough to later move into the ranks of owners.
Both ning and puddling were pioneered in Great
Britain and adopted by American producers in subsequent
decades. As they gained more experience, American ironmasters developed their own variations of these English
techniques, depending on local resources like the quality
of their iron and the efciency of their fuel. A means of
automating iron production was not developed until the
In the nineteenth century, the American iron market
produced a wide variety of products. Stoves, gun parts,
cannons, and machinery were among key early uses for
iron. Iron also played a crucial role in the development
of railroads. Once again, the English pioneered techniques for making high-quality iron rails. In fact, American railroads imported all their rails from British mills
until 1844. In 1857, John Fritzs Cambria Iron Works in
Johnstown, Pennsylvania, created a technique to automate partially the production of iron rails. The resulting
increase in productivity made the railroad boom of the
next two decades possible.
Steel Manufacturing: Henry Bessemer and
Andrew Carnegie
Before the Civil War, American manufacturers made only
small quantities of steel. Because they were unable to master the demanding requirements to create steel through
puddling, imports from Englands Shefeld mills dominated the American market. That all changed with the
application of the Bessemer process. Henry Bessemer was
a British inventor who created a way to rene iron into
steel using air alone in 1855. His machine, the Bessemer
converter, blew air over molten iron from a blast furnace
so as to remove impurities and create a substance of a
uniform consistency. The American engineer Alexander
Holley brought Bessemer technology to America in 1864,
but did not perfect the Bessemer design until he created
his rst plant from the ground up as opposed to adapting
an existing facility. This was the Edgar Thomson Works
in Braddock, Pennsylvania. The mill, which opened in
1875, was the model for all subsequent Bessemer facilities.
Holley built the Edgar Thomson Works for Andrew
Carnegie, who used it mostly to produce steel rails for the
Pennsylvania Railroad. Carnegies rst experience in industry came when he invested in the iron business during
the 1860s. His genius was to champion technological innovations like the Bessemer converter and the Jones
mixer, which sped the delivery of iron from the blast furnace to the converter, in order to cut production costs
and undersell his competitors. Carnegie also had a genius
for picking good associates. For example, William R.
Jones, the inventor of the Jones mixer, served as superintendent of the Edgar Thomson Works and was just one
of many men who shared in Carnegies business success.

Iron and Steel Industry. At iron and steel plants like this one
in Pittsburgh, photographed in 1905, blast furnaces convert
iron ore into iron; a variety of processes purify iron and
convert it into steel. Library of Congress

Another Carnegie protege, Charles Schwab, would go on

to form Bethlehem Steel in 1904.
Carnegies devotion to vertical integration also contributed to his success. His rm eventually controlled supplies of everything needed to make steel: iron ore and coal
deposits; railroads to transport everything; and marketing
networks for the nished product. By the 1890s, Carnegie
Steel made more steel than the entire country of Great
Britain. In 1900, its annual prot was $40 million.
Between the mid-1870s and the early 1890s steel replaced iron in more and more markets that iron had once
dominated, such as rails and nails. The key reason for this
was increased steel production. Accelerated by the innovations in Carnegies mills, Bessemer steelmaking allowed
rms to make thousands of more tons of metal per year
than when iron had dominated the market. And because
the Bessemer method required less skill than ironmaking,
labor costs dropped too. As steel prices dropped dramatically, consumers increasingly chose the cheaper, harder,
more durable metal.
As this trend accelerated, puddlers began to nd that
their skills were no longer needed. Steelmakers came to
depend on immigrant labor, particularly workers from
southern and eastern Europe. In the Homestead lockout
of 1892, the only major union in the iron and steel industry, the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel
Workers, made one last violent stand to prevent managers



from driving the union out of the industry at Carnegie

Steels Homestead Works. Its effort failed. From 1892 to
1937, American steelmakers operated in an almost entirely union-free environment.
The U.S. Steel Corporation
As in other industries, many steel producers joined forces
at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, the
effect of the great merger movement in the American
steel industry is particularly noteworthy. The United
States Steel Corporation formed in 1901 when a group
of rms dominated by J. P. Morgan decided to buy out
Andrew Carnegie so that the latter would no longer undercut their selling price. Carnegies take from the deal
made him the richest man in the world.
U.S. Steel was the rst business in history to be valued by the stock market at over one billion dollars ($1.4
billion, to be exact). This gure represented one sixtyseventh of the total wealth of the United States at that
time. U.S. Steel controlled 72 percent of Bessemer steel
production in the United States and 60 percent of the
market in open hearth steel, a new steelmaking process
that made steel in a furnace which achieved high heat by
recycling exhaust gases. U.S. Steels ten divisions reected
the diversity of steel products made at that time, including
steel wire, steel pipe, structural steel (for bridges, buildings, and ships), sheet steel (which would go largely for
automobile bodies in subsequent decades), and tin plate
(once used for roong shingles, it would increasingly go
to make tin cans). Like Carnegie Steel, the U.S. Steel
Corporation was also vertically integrated, with substantial interests in iron ore, coal, shipping, and railroads.
Although it held one of the largest monopolies in an
age of monopolies, U.S. Steel deliberately let its market
share decline over the rst few decades of its existence to
avoid dissolution through antitrust prosecution by the
federal government. Even though the Justice Department
led suit against U.S. Steel in 1911, this policy helped it
survive when the Supreme Court resolved the case in
1920. U.S. Steels largest competitors took advantage of
the policy and the opportunities afforded them by World
War I to grow at U.S. Steels expense. Bethlehem Steel,
for example, grew big during the war by selling armaments to Europe and ships to the U.S. Navy. Nevertheless, other rms took their cues from U.S. Steel for everything from product prices to wages and labor policy.
The American Iron and Steel Institute, the industry trade
organization formed in 1911 and led by U.S. Steel chairman Elbert Gary, helped spread many of U.S. Steels policies and practices.
An important effect of the corporations dominance
was its imposition of the Pittsburgh Plus pricing system
upon the entire industry. This system dictated that all
steel prices be based upon the costs of production and
transportation from Pittsburgh, no matter where the steel
was originally produced. This allowed producers based in
Pittsburgh to compete with local producers all around the


country, since these producers were unable to undersell

steel made in markets that U.S. Steel dominated. Although its origins are obscure, Pittsburgh Plus was rmly
in place by 1901 and U.S. Steel championed its continued
existence. Despite losing a suit by the Federal Trade
Commission in 1924, U.S. Steel fought to keep the Pittsburgh Plus system in place in a modied form until it lost
a U.S. Supreme Court decision on the matter in 1948.
The Steel Industry and Organized Labor
Throughout the early twentieth century, steel executives
were determined to prevent the return of organized labor
to their industry. Managers fought off national organizing
campaigns in 1901, 1919, and 1933 through a combination of the carrot and the stick. They used hard-nosed
tactics like spies, blacklists, and the fomenting of racial
strife along with softer policies like safety improvements
and employee stock ownership plans. However, when the
Committee on Industrial Organization (later the Congress of Industrial Organizations, or CIO) started the
Steelworkers Organizing Committee (SWOC) in 1936, it
used the impetus of the National Labor Relations Act
(1935) to gain a foothold in U.S. Steel. Rather than risk
a costly strike at a time when production was just beginning to recover from the Depression, U.S. Steel recognized the SWOC without a strike in March 1937.
Although many other steel producers followed the
steel corporations lead, its largest competitors did not.
Firms like Bethlehem Steel, Youngstown Sheet and Tube,
and Republic Steel were part of a group known as Little
Steel, not because they were small, but because they were
smaller than U.S. Steel. Rather than recognize the union
on terms similar to those agreed to by their larger competitor, these rms started the Little Steel Strike of 1937.
Despite violence, particularly the so-called Memorial Day
Massacre in Chicago, the Little Steel rms won the strike
relatively easily. However, government pressure during
World War II to keep production moving forced each of
these rms to recognize the SWOCs successor organization, the United Steel Workers of America (USWA),
over the course of that conict.
World War II and Postwar Decline
During World War II, industry production increased
sharply because of steels importance to war mobilization.
Some of this increase was a result of production returning
to full capacity after the depression, but new plants also
came on line. For example, the government loaned the
shipbuilder Henry J. Kaiser enough money to build the
rst steel mill on the West Coast so as to ensure his yards
would have enough product to meet his many navy contracts. U.S. Steel used both its money and money from
the federal government to expand its production capacity
during the war, particularly around Pittsburgh. By 1947,
the United States controlled 60 percent of the worlds
steelmaking potential.


When the war ended, steelmakers wanted to roll back

union gains that the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt had forced the industry to accept, but the USWA
had grown too big to destroy. Between 1946 and 1959,
the USWA struck ve times in an effort to win higher
wages and more control over workplace conditions for its
members. Each of these strikes shut down the industry.
The 1952 strike led to President Harry Trumans historic
decision to seize the entire steel industry. The Supreme
Court ruled this action unconstitutional in Youngstown
Sheet and Tube Company v. Sawyer (1952). The 1959 dispute lasted 116 days and was the largest single strike in
American history. As a result of these disputes, Americas
steelworkers were among the highest paid manufacturing
employees in the country. The cost of these wage gains
contributed to the collapse of the industry in subsequent
Foreign competition also contributed to the industrys decline. Countries like Japan and Germany rst became major players in the international steel market during the 1960s. Later on, countries like Brazil and South
Korea would break into the American market to the detriment of domestic producers. Although friends of the
American steel industry would often complain of unfair
competition from abroad, foreign producers use of new
technology and the failure of American steelmakers to innovate also explain these developments. For example, two
Austrian rms developed the Basic Oxygen Furnace
(BOF) in 1952. This process, which used pure oxygen as
the only fuel in the furnace, was much more efcient than
the then-traditional open hearth method. No major American steelmaker adopted this technology until 1957. U.S.
Steel, still the largest rm in the industry, did not commission its rst BOF unit until 1964. Close proximity to
cheaper raw materials was another advantage that foreign
steel producers had over their American counterparts.
The collapse of the steel industry began in the late
1960s and has only grown worse since then. Old-line
rms like Wisconsin Steel and Republic Steel went bankrupt and ceased operations. Even survivors like U.S. Steel
closed old plants in order to cut back capacity. U.S. Steels
decision to buy two oil companies in the 1980s and then
change its name to USX symbolized the companys break
with its roots. The elimination of much of Americas steel
capacity devastated the communities that had depended
on these mills, including Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and
Youngstown, Ohio. The Monongahela River valley around
Pittsburgh lost approximately thirty thousand jobs during
the 1980s. Many of these workers experienced signicant
psychological distress as they went from having highpaying jobs to joining the ranks of the long-term unemployed. Alcohol and drug abuse, depression, and suicide all
increased dramatically as deindustrialization progressed.
The only sector of the American steel industry to
expand since the 1960s has been the mini-mills. These
facilities use large electric furnaces to melt scrap steel and
reshape it rather than making new steel from scratch.

Among the advantages that mini-mills have over traditional facilities are lower start-up costs, greater freedom
of location, and more exible job organization. Because
these facilities tend to be built in rural areas and because
workers need fewer skills than those at larger mills, minimills tend to be nonunion. The Nucor Corporation of
North Carolina, which operates in ten states (mostly in
the South), has had great success lling this niche in the
international steel market. As this technology has improved in recent years, mini-mills have been able to break
into more and more markets that large producers once
dominated. Because of global and domestic competition,
it has become increasingly unlikely that the American
steel industry will ever return to the way it was in its

Gordon, Robert B. American Iron, 16071900. Baltimore: Johns

Hopkins University Press, 1996.
Hogan, William T. Economic History of the Iron and Steel Industry
in the United States. 5 vols. Lexington, Mass.: D C. Heath,
Misa, Thomas J. A Nation of Steel: The Making of Modern America,
18651925. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
Tiffany, Paul A.. The Decline of American Steel: How Management,
Labor, and Government Went Wrong. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1988.
Warren, Kenneth. Big Steel: The First Century of the United States
Steel Corporation, 19012001. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of
Pittsburgh Press, 2001.

Jonathan Rees
See also Homestead Strike; Monopoly; Steel Strikes; U.S.
Steel; United Steelworkers of America.

IRON CURTAIN, a phrase made popular by the former British prime minister Winston S. Churchill in a
speech in Fulton, Missouri, on 5 March 1946. He referred
to the inuence of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe:
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an
iron curtain has descended across the Continent. As the
Cold War emerged, President Harry S. Truman and other
politicians used Churchills metaphor to describe a dividing line in Europe between West and East. The expression behind the iron curtain conjured an image of
captive peoples suffering in a Soviet bloc. Although
Soviet inuence over its neighbors varied country by
country and the curtain did not move westward, the
dark symbol served as anticommunist propaganda and
helped spur the Marshall Plan, the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, and Radio Free Europe. The Berlin Wall,
erected by the Soviets in 1961, gave the symbol credence.
In 1989 the communist governments in Eastern Europe
collapsed and the Berlin Wall came down, and in 1991
the Soviet Union disintegrated. Consequently, the term
lost its relevance and its value as a Cold War epithet.



Naval Revolution. The inconclusive but historic rst battle between ironclad warships: the Unions Monitor (foreground) and the
Confederates Merrimack (or Virginia) at Hampton Roads, Va., a narrow channel at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, 9 March 1862.


Privileges, 18611898. Chapel Hill: University of North

Carolina Press, 1953.

Harbutt, Fraser J. The Iron Curtain: Churchill, America, and the

Origins of the Cold War. New York: Oxford University Press,

Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: Americas Unnished Revolution, 1863

1877. New York: Harper and Row, 1988.

Paterson, Thomas G. On Every Front: The Making and Unmaking

of the Cold War. Rev. ed. New York: Norton, 1992.

Jeremy Derfner

Thomas G. Paterson

See also Loyalty Oaths; Reconstruction.

See also Anticommunism; Cold War.

IRONCLAD OATH. In 1862, Congress mandated

that civil servants and military personnel take an Ironclad
Test Oath that they had never voluntarily aided the Confederacy. As Reconstruction evolved, the Ironclad Oath
emerged as the strictest of several possible standards for
the readmission of Southerners into the political life of
the Union. The Radical Wade-Davis Bill (1864) would
have required Southerners to take the oath before regaining the right to vote, but President Lincoln pocket-vetoed
it. The Second Reconstruction Act (1867) made the oath
a condition for holding federal ofce, but it was not consistently enforced.

Dorris, Jonathan Truman. Pardon and Amnesty Under Lincoln and

Johnson: The Restoration of the Confederates to Their Rights and


IRONCLAD WARSHIPS. Thickening a ships sides

against enemy re was common practice in the sailingship era. The perfection of the ried cannon by 1850,
however, spurred the development of new armored warships. During the Civil War inadequate shipbuilding facilities forced the Confederates to t armor onto existing
hulls; the captured Union steam frigate Merrimack (renamed Virginia) was the rst so converted, with a waterline belt and an armored central casemate. The Union
generally relied on newly constructed iron or wooden vessels designed to carry metal armor. The Monitor was the
rst completed, and its success against the Virginia on 9
March 1862 led to the construction of many others of the
same typecharacterized by a very low freeboard, vertically armored sides, and armored revolving gun turrets
based on the designs of engineer James B. Eads.
On 12 October 1861 the Confederate privateer ram
Manassas became the worlds rst ironclad steamer in ac-


tion. Although Confederate ironclads achieved startling

victories in the early years of the Civil War, such as the
Arkansas single-handed passage of the combined eets of
Adm. David G. Farragut and Adm. Charles H. Davis
above Vicksburg, Miss., 15 July 1862, the United States
quickly gained ironclad superiority, which contributed
largely to the splitting of the Confederacy in 1863. The
ironclad war on inland waters ended with the surrender
of the Confederate ship Missouri in the Red River, 3 June

Baxter, James P. The Introduction of the Ironclad Warship. Hamden,

Conn.: Archon Books, 1968 (orig. pub. 1933).
Still, William N., Jr. Iron Aoat: The Story of the Confederate
Armorclads. Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press,

Dudley W. Knox / a. r.
See also Armored Ships; Mobile Bay, Battle of; Monitor and
Merrimack, Battle of; Navy, Confederate; Navy, United
States; Rams, Confederate; Warships.

IROQUOIS. The Iroquois of the seventeenth century

were a confederation of ve closely related but separate
nations: the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas,
and Senecas. Around the year 1500, these were independent nations speaking related languages that were arrayed
in the order given from east to west across what became
upstate New York. They were related to other Iroquoianspeaking nations and confederacies of the interior Northeast, namely the Neutrals, Petuns, Hurons, Wenros, Eries,
and Susquehannocks. Even closer linguistic relatives, the
Tuscaroras and Meherrins, lived in interior North Carolina. Iroquoians began expanding northward into what are
now New York and Ontario beginning around a.d. 600.
They were horticulturalists attracted by improved climatic conditions and fertile glacial soils, and they absorbed or displaced the thinner hunter-gatherer populations they encountered. The expansion also cut off the
Eastern Algonquian-speaking peoples of the Northeast
from the Central Algonquians of the Great Lakes basin.
Iroquois Communities
The ancestral Iroquois depended upon maize, beans, and
squash as staples. Wild plant and animal foods supplemented this diet and deer hides provided most of their
clothing prior to the introduction of trade cloth. Communities appear to have been organized along matrilineal
lines from an early date. Communal households were led
by senior women whose sisters and daughters comprised
its social framework. Men moved to their wives houses
when they married. This household form eventually led
to the emergence of the classic Iroquois longhouse, a segmented structure that accommodated pairs of nuclear
families that shared common hearths in individual compartments. A single long aisle connected compartments,

Through European Eyes. A 1701 engraving, reproduced in

1930, of a tattooed Iroquois with a snake and pipe. Library of

which were added to the ends of the longhouses as new

marriages required.
Iroquois longhouse villages of the seventeenth century were compact and densely populated communities
that could hold up to two thousand people before becoming politically unstable. They were lived in year round,
but were designed to last only a decade or two. Without
large domesticated animals and the fertilizer they might
have provided, elds became unproductive after a few
years. In addition, local rewood supplies became exhausted and longhouses were strained by changes in family age and composition. These pressures led to relocations, often to places just a few miles away. If displaced
by warfare, Iroquois villagers moved much greater distances, a practice that accounts for their colonization of
new regions and the clustering of village sites around
those destinations as the result of subsequent shorter
Warfare and the League of Iroquois
Both archaeology and oral tradition point to a period of
internecine warfare in the fteenth and sixteenth centu-



Iroquois Gathering. A panoramic photograph by William A. Drennan, 1914. Library of Congress

ries. By the latter part of the sixteenth century, the League

of the Iroquois (Hodenosaunee) developed as a mutual
nonaggression pact between the ve Iroquois nations.
This did not stop regional warfare, but it allowed the Iroquois nations to redirect their aggression toward other
nations and emerging confederacies in the region. The
Iroquois numbered around 22,000 by this time. By the
middle of the seventeenth century, they had destroyed or
dispersed the Huron, Neutral, and Erie confederacies as
well as the independent Petun and Wenro nations. The
Susquehannocks held out only a few years longer.
The Iroquois League, and the political confederacy
that it eventually became, was founded on existing clan
structure and funerary ritual. Leading clan segments from
each of the ve constituent nations provided league chiefs
(sachems) who met frequently to maintain internal peace
and discuss external affairs. Much of the earlier violence
had been predicated on the shared assumption that most
deaths were deliberately caused by enemies. Even what
might otherwise have been considered natural deaths
were usually attributed to witchcraft, which prompted cycles of revenge violence. Thus, a principal activity of the
league chiefs was mutual condolence designed to stop cycles of revenge-motivated warfare. The vehicle for this
was elaborate funerary ritual and the prompt raising up
of new leaders to replace deceased ones. Replacements
assumed the names of the deceased, providing both continuity and comfort to the bereaved.
Relations with Europeans
Smallpox and other diseases devastated the Iroquois beginning about 1634. The nations survived by taking in
large numbers of refugees. Some of these were displaced
from New England and other parts of the eastern seaboard that were experiencing European colonization.
Many others were the remnants of nations that the Iroquois had defeated in war. The immigrants replaced lost
relatives, often taking on their identities.
The Iroquois became the principal native power brokers in the colonial Northeast, treating rst, in 1615, with
the Dutch on the Hudson River and the French on the
St. Lawrence River. After the English seized New Netherland in 1664 they forged a covenant chain with the
Iroquois, principally through the Mohawks, who lived


closest to Albany. French Jesuit missionaries established

missions in several Iroquois villages. When the Jesuits retreated back to New France in the face of English expansion they took many Mohawks, Onondagas, and some
other Iroquois with them.
The Iroquois also made peace with the French at the
beginning of the eighteenth century, and successfully
played the two colonial powers off each other until the
English expelled the French from North America in 1763,
after the French and Indian War. The Iroquois survived
the war politically intact despite the fact that while many
were allied with the English, Catholic Mohawks and other
pro-French Iroquois fought with the other side. By that
time, the Iroquois had absorbed many native refugees,
both individually and as whole nations. The Tuscaroras
moved north in the early part of the eighteenth century
to become a sixth member of the confederacy. A large
fraction of the Delawares were absorbed as a dependent
nation in the mid-eighteenth century. The Tutelo refugees took shelter in New York under Iroquois protection
at about the same time, with other refugee communities
doing the same soon after. By this time, the traditional
longhouses had been replaced by dispersed communities
of individual cabins.
The American Revolution shattered the Iroquois confederacy. Most Oneidas sided with the colonists while
most other Iroquois aligned with the British. The Mohawks soon ed to Canada and large fractions of western
Iroquois communities were eventually also displaced by
the ghting. The League of the Iroquois was dissolved.
After the Leagues Dissolution
Many Iroquois took up residence on Canadian reserves
awarded to them after the war by a grateful English government. Others remained on new reservations in central
and western New York, under the protection of the Canandaigua Treaty of 1794 and other agreements. While the
Tuscaroras and four of the ve original Iroquois nations
achieved reservation status, the Mohawks did not return.
Their only presence in New York was on the small St.
Regis (Akwesasne) reservation-reserve, which straddles the
New York, Ontario, and Quebec boundaries.
The League of the Iroquois was recreated both at
Onondaga in New York and on the Six Nations Reserve


in Ontario, but neither revival could hope to wield much

power in the face of the U.S. and Canadian governments.
Poverty and alcoholism on the reservations prompted a
native religious revival in 1799. The prophet of the updated revival of Iroquois traditional belief was Handsome
Lake, a Seneca. The Handsome Lake religion eventually
spread to most other Iroquois communities and continues
to provide both a rallying point and a source of controversy in many of them.

Abraham Lincoln posited the same idea in his 1858 House

Divided speech. At the time, the use of the phrase did
not include the assumption that the irrepressible conict would necessarily nd expression in violence or
armed conict.

Iroquois reservation lands were reduced through the

course of relocations and land deals in the nineteenth century. The legality of some these cessions were still being
argued in courts in the early twenty-rst century. A few
gains were also realized by the Iroquois, and by the end
of the twentieth century, there were even two new Mohawk communities in eastern New York. The Senecas remained on three reservations in western New York, while
the Tuscaroras, Onondagas, and Oneidas had one each.
The Cayugas had a small presence and claims on a larger
one. The Oneidas, who had close relatives on a reservation in Wisconsin and a reserve in Ontario, pursued a land
claim and had business success in casino operations. Many
other Iroquois lived on reserves in Canada.

Freehling, William W. The Road to Disunion: Secessionists at Bay,

17761854. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.


Fenton, William N. The Great Law and the Longhouse: A Political

History of the Iroquois Confederacy. Norman: University of
Oklahoma Press, 1998. For the serious reader, a masterpiece by the dean of Iroquoian scholars.
Morgan, Lewis Henry. League of the Iroquois. New York: Corinth
Books, 1962. Originally published in 1851 as League of the
Ho-de-no-sau-nee or Iroquois.
Snow, Dean R. The Iroquois. Cambridge, U.K.: Blackwell, 1994.
The best place to start for the general reader.
Sturtevant, William C., gen. ed. The Handbook of North American
Indians. Vol. 15, Northeast. Edited by Bruce G. Trigger.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1978. This
volume is the best single source for the Algonquian and
Iroquoian speaking tribes of the Northeast.


Cole, Arthur C. The Irrepressible Conict: 18501865. New York:

Macmillan, 1934.

Arthur C. Cole
Gordon E. Harvey
See also Civil War; House Divided.

IRRIGATION, the delivery of water to grow crops,

has been a factor in North American society and agriculture since long before the existence of the United States.
Mostly practiced in the arid western regions of the country, its expansion in the twentieth century dramatically
altered the national landscape and food production.
Possibly as early as a.d. 300, the Hohokam erected
the rst large-scale irrigation systems in the area that later
became the southwestern United States. Although their
rawhide and basket tools were simple and their dams
small by modern standards, these indigenous societies
maintained thousands of acres under irrigation for centuries. The Papago and Pueblo nations later practiced
similar techniques, though they generally irrigated only
smaller elds near arroyo mouths and seasonal streambeds. The coordinated efforts to construct and maintain
this sophisticated infrastructure required these early irri-

Dean Snow
See also Architecture, American Indian; French and Indian
War; Indian Economic Life; Indian Land Cessions;
Indian Languages; Indian Policy, Colonial; Indian Policy, U.S.: 17751830, 18301900, 19002000; Indian
Political Life; Indians in the Revolution; Tribes: Northeastern; Warfare, Indian; Wars with Indian Nations:
Colonial Era to 1783; and vol. 9: The Origin of the
League of Five Nations; Treaty with the Six Nations,

IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT, a term originating

with William H. Seward in an 1858 speech in which he
predicted the collision of the socioeconomic institutions
of the North and the South. This confrontation, Seward
maintained, would determine whether the nation would
be dominated by a system of free labor or slave labor.

Irrigation Ditch. Help stretches into the distance for thirsty

elds on both sides of this ditch, c. 1940. Horace Bristol/



gators to develop political institutions and tribal afliations

larger than those of their hunter-gatherer neighbors.
Spanish and Mexican settlers in New Mexico created
similar irrigation systems to support their own agriculture. Many of their villages and elds were actually built
around an acequia madre or mother ditch, and they
boasted well-articulated lines of command and labor expectations to maintain the ditch. This social and physical
system still existed in some of these villages at the end of
the twentieth century.
The Mormon settlers arriving in the Salt Lake area
in the 1840s drew on these precedents in the erection of
their own irrigation networks. Using the cooperative religious institutions that characterized their society, by
1850 they grew such diverse crops as potatoes, wheat, hay,
and oats on more than sixteen thousand irrigated acres.
The westward expansion of the United States in the
nineteenth century brought the regions where irrigation
was needed to practice extensive agriculture under American control. At rst, however, migrating Americans were
slow to recognize the challenge that aridity posed to their
traditional agricultural practices. At less than twenty
inches a year, the average rainfall west of the onehundredth meridianroughly the line that runs north
and south through the middle of the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotasis just below


the amount needed to grow wheat, and ten inches less

than that needed by corn.
The enormous challenge of the arid West was initially difcult to recognize. During the 1880s, when thousands of farmers settled on the Great Plains, rainfall was
signicantly above average, in some cases twice as heavy
as the long-term pattern. Farmers and policymakers were
thus lulled into a false sense of security. One theory even
held that the plowing of so much virgin territory had in
fact fundamentally changed the natural patterns of rainfall, increasing precipitation to facilitate the conquest of
the continent.
Private efforts to irrigate the arid regions of the West
met with very limited success. Irrigation was generally
outside the reach of individual farmers for the simple reason that it required the control of large stretches of rivers
and streams and the erection of sizable dams for storage.
In the 1870s and 1880s, private land companies entered
the irrigation business, constructing dams, building extensive canal systems, and then selling nearby lands to
farmers who would remain dependent on the companies
for their water. High capital costs, however, constrained
these efforts. Only the most opportune sites were irrigated, the total acres under irrigation soon stagnated, and
by 1900 nearly nine out of ten of these irrigation companies were in nancial jeopardy.


The Federal Role

The failure of private efforts created an opening for those
who thought that the federal government should build
massive irrigation works. John Wesley Powell, a pioneering scientist and ethnographer who headed the United
States Geological Survey, had made the most radical proposals in this regard. Surveying the lands of the arid West
in the 1870s, Powell came to the conclusion that the
countrys model for the settlement of newly acquired territory was deeply awed. Extinguishing the public domain
by giving settlers 160-acre tracts (under the provisions of
the Homestead Act) might work where enough rain fell
to grow crops, but the development of the West hinged
on water rather than land. Since very little of the West
could be farmed in the traditional way, the government,
Powell believed, should divide the region by watershed.
Much like the Mormonswhose communal irrigation
made quite an impression on Powellsettlers should govern themselves by watershed, forming a cooperative to
raise the capital for the necessary irrigation network. Irrigated farms, more productive and labor intensive, would
be smaller than farms back east, probably about 80 acres.
Unirrigated lands, which he thought would always comprise the vast majority of the West, would be reserved for
ranching in large tracts of 2,500 or more acres.
Powells vision was at once too radical and too modest to gain the political support it needed to be implemented. Western boosters were enraged by his assumption that little of the regions land was t for agriculture,
and even fewer were willing to accept the drastic revision
in territorial laws for which his watershed proposal called.
After the failure of private irrigation in the West, the form
that federal intervention took was much more modest.
The 1902 Newlands Reclamation Act created the Bureau
of Reclamation, a federal agency charged with building
dams, reservoirs, and irrigation canals for the benet of
private farmers. The West, in other words, was meant to
resemble the East, with a little more help from the federal

Aiming the Water. J. G. Milne directs water to where his

farm in Colorado needs it most, c. 1993. Michael L. Lewis/

aqueducts, and canals created numerous jobs, and the

lands that they opened up for agriculture beneted real
estate speculators and the local tax rolls alike. While the
New Deal saw a signicant expansion in the scope of these
projects, the fact that their ultimate goal was to support
private agriculture kept them attractive to more antistate

The Newlands Act married conservations technical

expertise with its emphasis on antimonopoly. Farmers were
to repay the construction costs through annual charges for
their water. Individuals could buy water for a maximum of
only 160 acres. The Newlands Act thus extended the provisions of the Homestead Act, seeking to create egalitarian
farming communities with dispersed land ownership.

In the 1930s, affordable pumps and low-cost electricity opened up a new dimension in irrigation: groundwater pumping. By 1970, such pumping watered more
than 40 percent of the nations irrigated acreage, most of
it on the Great Plains. This irrigation differed from federal projects in that it drew upon generally unrenewable
aquifers and was easily affordable by individual farmers.

The Bureau of Reclamation was remarkably successful in its goal of irrigating the West. Whereas in 1906,
fewer than thirty thousand acres west of the one-hundredth
meridian were under irrigation, by 1992 that number had
skyrocketed to more than 45 million. The Bureau of Reclamation, the Army Corps of Engineers, and other federal
agencies erected more than one thousand dams in the
West. These massive structures not only provided water
for crops, but also generated much of the electricity that
lit the regions cities and towns. For decades, the politics
of irrigation proved irresistible. The construction of dams,

Social and Environmental Issues

Such intensive irrigation, however, generated its own social and environmental effects. From its inception, the
Bureau of Reclamation operated much differently than its
founders had envisioned. Very few irrigation projects were
actually paid for by their beneciaries, and so these public
works quickly became subsidies. The proliferation of modest homesteads that had been so important to justify giving the federal government primary responsibility for irrigation never came to be. Land speculators bought much



of the land where they anticipated dams might be built,

and the bureau showed little interest in enforcing its 160acre limit on what came to be some of the most powerful
political interests in the West. In most areas served by the
bureaus projects, it was actually impossible to purchase
small tracts of land. The high productivity and costs of
irrigated lands meant that such agriculture tended to be
more market-oriented, more mechanized, and to employ
more migrant labor than elsewhere. In practice, then, irrigation helped to solidify the dominance of large-scale
agribusiness in the West.
Environmental problems have increasingly limited
the effectiveness of irrigation and reduced its public support. The damming of most of the Wests major rivers has
decimated their salmon runs. Natural river ows have
been dramatically altered. The Colorado River, for example, once mighty enough to carve the Grand Canyon,
was so heavily drawn on for irrigation that it did not reach
the Pacic from 1964 to 1983. Proposals to build further
dams on the Colorado sparked an environmental backlash
as early as the 1950s. The buildup of silt behind reservoir
walls quickly became a problem; by 2000, most reservoirs
built before 1945 had lost from 7 to 15 percent of their
capacity. Salinization, the accretion of salt in perpetually
water-logged soil, puts thousands of acres out of production each year. Groundwater pumping on the Great Plains
seemed headed for extinction, with the aquifer predicted
to dry up within a few decades.
No large federal irrigation projects were approved
from the late 1970s to the turn of the century. In part
this was because so many of the most feasible dam sites
had been taken, but the loss of support for federal irrigation also reected the growing political power of more
environmental-minded urbanites. Nevertheless, irrigation continues to be a decisive force in American agriculture and the landscape of the West.


Hundley, Norris, Jr. The Great Thirst: Californians and Water

A History. Rev. ed. Berkeley: University of California Press,
Pisani, Donald J. To Reclaim a Divided West: Water, Law, and Public
Policy, 18481902. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
Press, 1992.
Reisner, Marc. Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water. Rev. ed. New York: Penguin, 1993.
Walton, John. Western Times and Water Wars: State, Culture, and
Rebellion in California. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1992.
Worster, Donald. Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity, and the Growth
of the American West. New York: Pantheon, 1985.

Benjamin H. Johnson
See also Agriculture; Agriculture, American Indian; Reclamation; Water Supply and Conservation.


ISLAM. There are roughly six million Muslims scattered throughout the United States. By 1992 there were
over twenty-three hundred Islamic institutions in North
America, including schools, community centers, mosques,
publishing houses, and media units. To coordinate activities of this dispersed, growing American Muslim community, Muslims organized conferences, the rst of which
was held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1952. Succeeding conferences were coordinated by the Muslim Students of
America (MSA), which held its rst conference at the
University of Illinois in 1963. The Islamic Society of
North America (ISNA), the principal national organization for mainstream (Sunni) American Muslims, started
in 1982 as an outgrowth of MSA. In 1993 the rst Muslim
chaplain began working with Muslims in the U.S. armed
forces, who now number in the thousands. Although there
are no reliable population gures for the Muslim community in the United States, the consensus is that by 2015
the American Muslim community will be the nations
largest non-Christian religion.
Muslims have been in North America since the sixteenth century. Isfan the Arab was a guide for the Franciscan explorer Marcos de Niza in Arizona in 1539. Nosereddine, an Egyptian, settled in the Catskill Mountains
of New York State in the 1500s and was burned at the
stake for murdering an Indian princess. As many as 20
percent of the West African slaves brought to the United
States during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
were Muslims. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the rst Arab Muslims began to form communities
in the United States. One of these Arab Muslims, Haj Ali,
assisted the U.S. Army with camel-breeding experiments
in the Arizona desert in the 1850s. He is remembered in
folk legend as Hi Jolly. By the end of the nineteenth century, large numbers of male Muslim immigrants, mostly
from the eastern Mediterranean, had come to the Midwest as migrant workers. Three thousand Polish Muslims
and a small community of Circassian (Russian) Muslims
settled in New York. The latest wave of Muslim immigrants, one that is continuing, began after the repeal of
the Asian Exclusion Act in 1965. These immigrants, arriving from a variety of countries, generally are highly
educated and have western educations.
Muhammad Alexander Webb, an American consul in
Manila, converted to Islam in 1868 and opened a mosque
in New York City in 1893. The next mosque was opened
in Ross, North Dakota, followed by one in the Detroit
suburb of Highland Park in 1919. By 1952 there were
twenty mosques joined together by the Federation of Islamic Associations of North America. In 1957 the Islamic
Center was dedicated in Washington, D.C., sponsored by
fteen Islamic countries. During the 1970s considerable
mosque construction began and continues to the present
African Americans, who have been converting to Islam since the 1920s, make up 40 percent of the American
Muslim community (with Indo-Pakistanis and Arabs each


comprising about 25 percent of the community). In 1913

Noble Drew Ali founded the Moorish Science Temple of
America, headquartered in Baltimore. His successor, Wallace D. Fard, probably of Turkish or Iranian descent, began the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in the Wilderness
of North America in Detroit in 1930 (in 1995 the LostFound Nation had nineteen temples in the United States).
He claimed that African Americans were really Muslims
who had been denied their heritage. Designated by Fard
as the messenger of God, Elijah Muhammad became
the leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI) in 1934. Members stressed education and black-owned businesses, with
the goal of a separate black nation. When Elijah died in
1975, there were about seventy NOI temples and 100,000
members in the United States. Since whites were excluded from membership and since Elijah Muhammad
was considered a prophet (the last prophet is the seventhcentury Muhammad, according to Muslim orthodoxy), in
addition to other beliefs unique to NOI, the larger worldwide Muslim community does not consider members of
the NOI to be Muslims. The Ansaar Allah and Five Percenters are offshoots of NOI.
Malcolm X, the best-known disciple of Elijah Muhammad, left NOI in 1964 after experiencing the lack of
racial and color distinctions during his pilgrimage to
Mecca. The issue of joining mainstream Islam or of maintaining a separate African American community created
leadership struggles after 1975 when Warith Deen Muhammad, Elijah Muhammads son, succeeded his father.
In 1985 he led most of the NOI members to merge with
the larger mainstream Muslim community. Louis Farrakhan became the new leader of the NOI and continued the
agenda of Elijah Muhammad, including organizational
structure, racist ideology, and the goal of a separate nation. The merger of Warith Deens community into
mainstream Islam did not affect the sixty Clara Muhammad schools, which provide high-quality secular and
religious education to elementary and secondary school
Ahmadiyya Muslims, believing in the prophethood
of the northern Indian Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835
1908), began to proselytize in the United States in 1921
and achieved success in the African American community.
As of 1992, headquartered in Washington, D.C., they had
ten thousand members and active centers in thirty-seven
cities. The Tablighi Jamaat, headquartered in Pakistan,
has sent Muslim missionaries to the United States since
1952 to preach the creation of separate communities of
observant Muslims. Since the 1970s the growth of Islam
among New York Citys Latin American population has
been fostered by PIEDAD (Propagacion Islamica para la
Educacion y Devocion de Ala el Divino) and in California by ALMA (Asociacion Latina de Musalmanes en las
Americas). Among Native Americans, Islam is slowly
gaining ground, as a mosque on a Navajo reservation
demonstrates. Seminoles in Florida claim that escaped
Muslim slaves converted Seminoles to Islam during the

Mosque. A house of worship of the Islamic Foundation in

St. Louis. G. John Renard

nineteenth century. Cherokees state that their chief in

1866 was a Muslim named Ramadhan ibn Wati. Shia
Muslims, who look for a descendant of the Prophet for
leadership and form 10 percent of the Muslim community
worldwide, have formed their own national organizations,
the Shia Association of North America and the Ismaili
Council for the U.S.A. In 1987 there were thirty thousand
Nizari Ismailis in seventy-ve centers around the United
States. Shias usually worship in mosques separate from
the mainstream Sunni Muslim community.
Caucasian Muslim converts in the United States often come to Islam through small groups of mystics, or
Sus. Hazrat Inayat Khan (18821927) of the Indian
Chishti lineage came to the United States in 1910 and set
up the Su Order. Its leadership was continued by his son,
Pir Vilayat Khan, who has turned over the leadership of
the order in the United States to his son, Zia Khan. One
of the largest Su communities in the United States is
that of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (d. 1986), who came to Philadelphia from Sri Lanka in 1971 and whose tomb is becoming a place of pilgrimage. There are over three thousand people afliated with this group.
There are clear ethnic, cultural, and theological differences between Muslims living in the United States.
Due to the Wahhabi inuence (a theological perspective
named after an eighteenth-century Arab ideologue, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, whose followers teamed up
with the rst king of the Saudi dynasty to create Saudi
Arabia), an extreme Arab form of Islam is increasingly
becoming normative in the United States. In reaction to
the self-declared authoritative Wahhabi stance that does
not permit any other way of being a Muslim, ethnic
mosques are continually being established. There appears
to be minimal social contact between immigrant and African American Muslimsincluding separate mosques and
celebration of holidays. Often African Americans are attracted to Islam by its ideal of genuine racial equality, only
to nd that the actual practice is far from the stated ideal.



American Islamspecically MSA, ISNA, and ICNA

(Islamic Circle of North America), its mainstream organizationshas received considerable funding from foreign donors who seek to further an Arab Wahhabi theological perspective in the United States. Some African
Americans perceive these organizations as catering primarily to the needs of the immigrant community. The
ideological, conservative, anti-Su stance promoted by
these mainstream organizations has been inuenced by
political ideologues of the Jamaat Islami and Ikhwan alMusilmin and often has been funded by Saudi Arabia.
These groups have managed to control the Islamic symbols and belief systems (i.e., to dene Islam) in American
Muslim communities, because they have a long-term strategy (political control in majority Islamic countries) and
an organization with ample funding. They strongly inuence mainstream American Islamthe majority of the
mosques in the United States are funded by Saudi Arabia
and/or their imams are trained in Saudi Arabia. This Arab
version of Islam, already the norm for most American
Muslims, contrasts sharply with the actual pluralism of
the American Muslim community. To what extent foreign
political interests will inuence funding of American Muslim activities is unclear, since Persian Gulf nations cut off
aid to various American Muslim organizations when many
immigrant Muslims did not support Saudi policies during
the Gulf War. Clearly, as in other religions, common
identity as a Muslim does not guarantee community. In
view of the tragic events of 11 September 2001, it remains
to be seen whether more moderate American Muslims
will prevail over their more vocal and well-funded coreligionists in an ever-evolving mosaic of Islamic diversity
in the United States.

Haddad, Yvonne, and John Esposito, eds. Muslims on the Americanization Path? Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998.
, and Jane Smith, eds. Muslim Communities in North
America. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994.
Melton, J. Gordon. Encyclopedia of American Religions. 6th ed.
Detroit, Mich.: Gale, 1999.
Smith, Jane I. Islam in America. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1999.

Arthur F. Buehler
See also Nation of Islam.


From 15 March to 7 April 1862, six ironclads and ten
mortar boats commanded by Union ag ofcer Andrew
H. Foote cooperated with twenty-ve thousand men led
by Major General John Pope in capturing Island Number
Ten, located in the upper part of a triple bend of the Mississippi, fty-ve miles below Cairo, Illinois. It was protected by forty-nine guns on the island andon the opposite Tennessee shoreby a oating battery of nine guns
and twelve thousand men. The decisive factor was the


running of the batteries at night by the Carondelet and

Pittsburg, which enabled Popes forces to cross the river
south of the island and capture about half of the Confederate defenders. This operation was the rst achievement
in the campaign to divide the Confederacy by gaining
control of the Mississippi.

Daniel, Larry J. Island No. 10: Struggle for the Mississippi Valley.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1996.

Charles Lee Lewis / a. r.

See also Mississippi River; Vicksburg in the Civil War.

ISOLATIONISM was the dominant ideology guiding

American foreign policy from the era of the founders until
the end of World War II. Its central tenet was that the
United States should take advantage of its geographic distance from Europe and refrain from intervention in Old
World affairs. Supporters of isolationism also thought
America was better off pursuing its interests in other parts
of the world without participating in alliances or foreign
wars. Isolationists thought the best way to secure democracy and prosperity was to build it at home.
Although isolationist assumptions were widely accepted for over 150 years, the terms isolationism and
isolationist were actually seldom used until after World
War I. When the war ended in 1917, President Woodrow
Wilson wanted the United States to enter the League of
Nations. Those who opposed American participation, fearing the United States would lose its autonomy over foreign affairs, were pejoratively labeled isolationists. In
the 1930s, the term was used even more frequently to
refer to the politicians and lobbyists who actively opposed
U.S. intervention in World War II.
Isolationism has its roots in the experiences of Americas
colonists. Those settlers crossed the Atlantic Ocean to
escape constant war, religious persecution, and other adversities in Europe. They considered the vast body of water separating them from continental strife a blessing from
the Divine. They believed the New World was morally
superior to the Old World. The colonists hunger for land
and trade brought them into conict with the Native
Americans, the French, and the Spanish. Some of the wars
waged over territory were driven by the colonists desire
for security; others arose from rivalries between the European powers. Nevertheless, the colonists came to feel
unfairly burdened by these conicts and resented having
their fate in the hands of the British Crown. After the
English victory over the French in Canada in 1763, colonial leaders argued that they ought to avoid further
involvement in European wars. Although the colonies alliance with France was crucial in winning the revolutionary war, they viewed the break with England as the denitive step in severing ties to Europe.


During the early years of the republic, French efforts

to draw the United States into supporting its postrevolutionary wars against England, Holland, and Austria put
isolationism to the test. French diplomats unsuccessfully
attempted to inuence the 1796 presidential election;
they led Americans to believe that if Federalist John Adams became president over the pro-French Thomas Jefferson, a war with France would be imminent. President
George Washington, in his Farewell Address of 1796, issued the most signicant statement of isolationist principles in American history. He called for vigilance against
the insidious wiles of foreign inuence and argued that
it would be unwise to implicate ourselves, by articial
ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of [European] politics, or
the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities. Washington, however, did not advocate the United States completely cut its ties to other nations. He called on Americans to engage in trade abroad
with as little political connection as possible. And, he
noted that circumstances might require further engagement. Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent
alliances with any portion of the foreign world . . . [but]
we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies.
Expansion Without Intervention
Isolationism was strongest in the nineteenth century, when
the growing nation needed to concentrate on domestic
development. Moreover, the United States did not yet
have the means to support the naval forces necessary to
sustain a more active foreign policy. After the War of
1812, the United States was able to continue western expansion without incursions from foreign powers. However, in the 1820s, American leaders grew concerned
about the possibility of renewed European intervention
in the Pacic Northwest and in Latin America. In response, President James Monroe announced his 1823
doctrine, which reiterated and expanded Washingtons
neutrality policy. He proclaimed that the American continents . . . are henceforth not to be considered as subjects
for future colonization by any European powers. He also
warned that the United States would consider any European move to extend their system to any portion of
this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.
Lastly, Monroe pledged that the United States would not
take part in wars of the European powers in matters relating to themselves.
International circumstances in the nineteenth century reinforced Americans condence in isolationism.
The United States did not become involved in dangerous
foreign engagements largely because a balance of power
was maintained on the Continent. The British navy provided a security blanket for American commerce. Thus,
the United States was able to act unilaterally in expanding
in Latin America and even the Far East. Americans considered the nations growth and prosperity a consequence
of its adherence to a foreign policy of nonintervention and

By the 1880s, domestic and international developments were making isolationism less relevant. For example, the expansion of American industrial and agricultural
production dictated a search for new markets abroad.
Busier foreign trade led the United States to establish a
large navy. The days of relative peace in Europe were also
fading. Germany and Japan were building up their military forces, prompting a European arms race. Meanwhile,
all the powers scrambled for empire in Asia and Africa.
In 1898, the United States demonstrated its newfound
status as a world power by winning its war against Spain.
The spoils included the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and
World War I and the League of Nations
When Europe went to war in 1914, President Woodrow
Wilson vowed not to break the tradition of American isolation. However, Wilsons neutrality policies worked to
favor England and France. German attacks on American
ships and Germanys attempt to ally with Mexico eventually led Wilson to seek congressional approval for a declaration of war in 1917. In keeping with the American
preference to see itself as morally superior to the Europeans, Wilson said the United States needed to go to war
to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life
of the world against selsh and autocratic power and
because the world must be made safe for democracy.
Only the most ardent isolationists failed to vote for war.
Wilson believed that if, after a peace settlement was
reached, the United States joined a collective security organization, the world would be spared another devastating conict. But his mostly Republican opposition was
not convinced. Some feared the United States would become the worlds policeman if it joined the league. Other
isolationists argued Congress would lose its power over
warmaking. The Senate rejected the treaty that would
have ratied American participation in the organization.
World War II and the Rise of Internationalism
In the 1930s, Japans invasion of China and Nazi Germanys militarism in Europe failed to sway the United
States from its policy of noninvolvement. The Great Depression had reinforced Americans conventional isolationist sentiments. Americans were already concerned about
the expansion of federal powers to revive the economy;
they feared involvement in another war could bring a dictatorship to American soil. Although isolationism was a
nationwide and bipartisan phenomenon, its strongholds
were in landlocked midwestern, Great Plains, and Rocky
Mountain states. Important ethnic groups also favored
isolationism: the Germans, Irish, Italians, and Scandinavians. Isolationist leaders in Congress, such as senators
William E. Borah of Idaho, Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota, and Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan led investigations that concluded greedy arms makers and Wall Street
bankers had unduly inuenced President Wilsons decision to become involved in World War I. If it was a mistake to have fought the last war, as another war loomed,


I S R A E L , R E L AT I O N S W I T H

most Americans concluded that the United States should

remain aloof from Old World conicts.
When the rst signs of overt aggression were evident
in 1935 with Italys Ethiopian conquest and Germanys
1936 reoccupation of the Rhineland, isolationists fashioned neutrality legislation. Congress passed laws forbidding arms sales and loans to warring nations, and restricting American travel on belligerent ships. Only in the wake
of Germanys 1939 invasion of Poland did the tide of public opinion begin to turn against isolationism. President
Franklin Roosevelt, an internationalist, who, needing support for his domestic policies, acceded to isolationists demands and convinced Congress to repeal the arms embargo. This move away from isolationism sparked zealous
lobbying by groups such as the America First Committee,
whose most famous member was the aviator Charles A.
Lindbergh. Roosevelts efforts to assist England, which
was attacked in 1940, were championed by both the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies and the
Fight for Freedom Committee.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December
1941 and U.S. entry into World War II ended isolationism. The United States emerged as a superpower after
the Allied victory and internationalism became the dominant ideology guiding foreign policy in the latter half of
the twentieth century. Even former isolationists rallied
behind the creation of the United Nations. The onset of
the Cold War with the Soviet Union led the United States
to become intimately involved in European affairs through
the Marshall Plan and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Subsequent efforts to contain the spread of communism led the United States to expand its reach globally.
During debates over various interventions, such as Korea
in 1950, Vietnam in the 1960s, or Bosnia in the 1990s,
isolationist arguments resurfaced in a phenomenon labeled neo-isolationism. But by the start of the twentyrst century, Americas vast global responsibilities had
rendered the tradition of noninvolvement and unilateralism obsolete.

Adler, Selig. The Isolationist Impulse: Its Twentieth-Century Reaction. New York: Abelard-Schuman, Ltd., 1957.
Cole, Wayne S. America, Roosevelt, and the Isolationists, 1932
1945. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983.
Dallek, Robert A. The Illusion of Neutrality. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1962.
. The American Style of Foreign Policy: Cultural Politics and
Foreign Affairs. N.Y.: Knopf, 1983.
Jonas, Manfred. Isolationism in America, 19351941. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University Press, 1966.

Ellen G. Rafshoon
See also Anti-Imperialists; Imperialism; Intervention; Neutrality; and vol. 9: America First; The Monroe Doctrine
and the Roosevelt Corollary.


ISRAEL, RELATIONS WITH. The phrase special

relationship describes U.S.-Israeli ties, suggesting an association uncommon in international affairs. The closeness of the bond between the two countries is extraordinary, and the U.S. commitment to Israel encompasses
moral, religious, diplomatic, economic, and strategic dimensions. Israeli leaders have pursued such relations since
the establishment of the Jewish state in May 1948, but no
special relationship existed before the mid-1970s. By the
early 1980s, a conuence of interests based mainly on
Cold War considerations brought about an unwritten alliance that has allowed Israel to achieve a high degree of
accord with the United States. However, the United
States has dictated the extent of the commitment and the
pace of its development. Israel is highly dependent upon
the United States, and in the postCold War era, a continued convergence of major interests will determine the
durability of the special nature of the relationship.
1948: Israels Orientation and an American
Moral Commitment
Upon attainment of statehood, Israel adopted a policy of
nonalignment between East and West, pursuing close ties
with both the United States and the Soviet Union in order
to avoid choosing sides in the Cold War. In terms of both
the nature of its regime and its view of the international
system, Israel leaned clearly toward the United States.
American public opinion recognized this afnity and assumed a moral responsibility toward the Jewish state, a
responsibility attributable in great part to the Holocaust.
Moreover, the religious orientation of many American
Christians brought them to support modern Zionism.
President Harry S. Truman supported the United Nations plan in 1947 for the partition of Palestine, thus overriding the objections of the State Department and the
Department of Defense and creating the basis for early
recognition of the state of Israel. Yet, a general moral
commitment brought the United States to provide neither a formal guarantee of its security nor arms to Israel.
In fact, the United States imposed an arms embargo on
the parties to the Arab-Israeli conict that it maintained
in near-complete fashion until the early 1960s.
19491960: Economic Aid on a Background of
Bilateral Tension
Between 1949 and 1959, about 10 percent of the capital
that Israel imported came directly from the United States.
In January 1949, the United States averted a collapse of
the Israeli economy by extending $100 million in credits.
By 1960, total U.S. economic aid (grants and loans) had
reached $1.5 billion. This support was modest compared
to later periods, but it heightened both Israels perception
and the fact of dependence upon the United States.
At the same time, the administration of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower considered Israel the more aggressive of the sides in the Arab-Israeli conict. His administration gave Israel vague assurances that the United
States would not allow its destruction. But the United

I S R A E L , R E L AT I O N S W I T H

States saw in Israel an impediment to a Middle East policy, the main objective of which was to achieve closer relations with the Arab states in order to bring them into a
pro-Western alliance and ensure a steady supply of oil.
This administration opposed Israels practice of severe retaliation in response to raids from Arab states, withheld
diplomatic support when it viewed Israels use of force as
excessive (as in 1953, during a dispute over the waters of
the Jordan River), and planned, with Britain, to require
Israeli territorial concessions in order to resolve the ArabIsraeli conict. In early 1957, President Eisenhower
threatened Israel with sanctions to force it to withdraw
from Egyptian territory it had conquered during the 1956
Sinai campaign, and U.S.-Israeli relations during the second Eisenhower administration (1957 to 1961) remained
19611973: The Strategic Background to a
Growing Accord
President John F. Kennedy adopted a more accommodating approach toward Israel, and in 1962 authorized the
sale of U.S. Hawk anti-aircraft missiles. Yet, at the same
time, he attempted to elicit Israeli agreement to a signicant unilateral concession on the Palestinian refugee
problem and took a tough stance toward Israels nuclear
development, warning Prime Minister David Ben Gurion
in May 1963 that an Israeli nuclear option would disturb
both global and regional stability.
President Lyndon Johnsons rapport with Prime Minister Levi Eshkol seemed to usher in a new period in U.S.Israeli relations. In reality, Johnson was determined that
the United States not become a purveyor of arms to Israel, a policy aimed at avoiding a far-reaching political
commitment. Nevertheless, during the early-to-mid 1960s,
the Soviet Union transferred arms on a large scale to
Egypt, Iraq, and Syria, and offered to supply advanced
arms to Jordan. In early 1966, the United States decided
to sell Jordan jet ghters, and the Johnson administration,
seeking to avoid a political battle with Israels supporters
in Washington, reluctantly agreed to sell Israel jet bombers (the A-4 Skyhawk) in what it stipulated would be a
one-time deal.
A close patron-client relationship that included a
steady supply of modern arms emerged gradually after the
Six Day War of 1967. By 1969, President Richard M.
Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger,
had come to view Israel as a Cold War asset, and during
the 19691970 Israeli-Egyptian War of Attrition, supplied it with more advanced arms. In September 1970,
during the large-scale clash between the Jordanian army
and Palestinian guerrillas, Israel deterred Syria from employing its air force to support the armor with which the
Syrians had invaded Jordan, thus earning Washingtons
appreciation for aiding the pro-Western monarchy. Yet,
from 1971 to 1973, U.S. acquiescence to the lack of receptivity of the government of Golda Meir to negotiate
with Egypt contributed to the stalemate that led to war

in 1973. U.S.-Israeli relations had become much closer,

but during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the United States
again demonstrated that strategic interests, and not a nascent special relationship, determined its policies.
19731979: Toward Israeli-Egyptian Peace
The U.S. role during the 1973 war and the diplomatic
process that eventually led to an Israeli-Egyptian peace
treaty demonstrate that even after the establishment of a
patron-client relationship, in the framework of which Israel acquired nearly all of its military hardware from the
United States, ties were much closer when Washington
could reconcile support of Israel with its other policies in
the Middle East. The United States ew arms to Israel
during the 1973 war but prevented a defeat of Egypt on
a scale that would have obviated a later U.S.-Egyptian
rapprochement. From 1974 to 1976, the United States
granted Israel $5.8 billion in combined civilian and military assistance, a level at which aid has since approximately remained. Yet, in 1975, President Gerald Ford and
Secretary of State Kissinger warned that they would
reassess relations, forcing Israel to sign an agreement
that included partial withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula.
In 1978, at Camp David, President Jimmy Carter threatened to cut Israeli aid should they fail to evince more
exibility in the negotiations.
President Carter used the term special to describe
the U.S.-Israeli relationship, and he maintained the high
levels of support his predecessor had established. But he
also called for the creation of a Palestinian homeland
and reminded Israel that close relations did not mean U.S.
acquiescence to the policies of Prime Minister Menachem
Begin of the right wing Likud party, policies intended to
perpetuate Israels presence in the West Bank, the Gaza
Strip, and the Golan Heights.
19811992: Harmony and Discord
During the 1980s and early 1990s, the interests of Israel
and the United States converged over a common view of
the threat from the Soviet Union but diverged over problems of the Middle East. In June 1981, the Reagan administration condemned Israel for bombing Iraqs nuclear
facility. Israels (unsuccessful) opposition to the sale of sophisticated U.S. arms to Saudi Arabia in a manner that the
administration considered interference further strained relations. The United States intended a strategic memorandum of understanding it signed with Israel in November
1981 to compensate for the U.S.-Saudi deal, and the
memorandum noted agreement to deter all threats from
the Soviet Union in the region. But in December 1981,
Washington suspended the memorandum in response to
Israels annexation of Jerusalem and the extension of Israeli law to the Golan Heights.
In the view of the Reagan administration, Israels invasion of Lebanon in June 1982 exceeded the strategic
exigency of ending the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) threat to Israels northern region. The Septem-


I S R A E L , R E L AT I O N S W I T H

A Moment of Hope. President Bill Clinton brings together Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (left)
and Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat after the signing of the historicbut not lastingframework for
peace, commonly called the Oslo Accords, in Washington, D.C., 13 September 1993. Reuters/Gary
Hershorn/Getty Images

ber 1982 Reagan Plan called for a halt to Israeli settlement

of the occupied territories and opposed the extension of
Israeli sovereignty. The administration referred to Palestinian self-determination in federation with Jordan, but
its concern for the Palestinian people pointed out Washingtons consistent disagreement with Israeli policies oriented toward any solution other than that of land-forpeace.
Such discord notwithstanding, by the mid-1980s the
United States and Israel had achieved a high level of cooperation on strategic issues that included the reinstatement of the November 1981 memorandum. Israel became the only non-NATO country to contribute to the
U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative, and cooperation increased despite the Pollard affair (espionage by a U.S.
citizen who passed documents to Israeli handlers) and the
U.S.-PLO dialogue. The U.S.-Israeli strategic consensus
encompassed both governments views of most major
global and regional matters.
Following the U.S.-led war against Saddam Husseins Iraq in 1991, the Bush administration considered
the time propitious for a Middle East peace initiative and
viewed the policies of Israels Likud-led government under Yitzhak Shamir the major obstacle to an accord. Israeli leaders took exception to U.S. relegation of their
country to a passive role during the Gulf War. They also
resented the Bush administrations suspension of a $10


billion guarantee of loans for Israels absorption of immigrants as a means to pressure the Shamir government
to participate in the peace conference at Madrid. In truth,
despite tension between that administration and the
Shamir government, the bilateral relationship was by then
based on a long-term U.S. commitment and twenty years
of close strategic ties, and during this period, the United
States signed (in 1989 and 1992) additional strategic
memoranda with Israel.
19932002: From Success at Oslo to Renewed
Arab-Israeli Strife
U.S.-Israeli relations reached their highest point during
the presidency of Bill Clinton and the prime ministership
of the Labor Partys Yitzhak Rabin. The 1993 IsraeliPalestinian Declaration of Principles and an IsraeliJordanian peace treaty the following year heightened both
the perception and substance of an Israeli regional role
that accorded well with the interests of the United States
during the postCold War period. The Clinton administration placed the greater onus for lack of further progress toward peace during the years 19961999 upon
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of the Likud. In
1999, Ehud Barak led Israels Labor Party back into a twoyear period of leadership. Although Barak allowed the expansion of settlements in the territories, his willingness
to consider a complete withdrawal from the Golan Heights

I S R A E L I - PA L E S T I N I A N P E A C E A C C O R D

for peace with Syria, the removal in 2000 of Israeli forces

from southern Lebanon, and the far-reaching concessions
he offered the Palestinians at a Camp David summit that
year earned him the Clinton administrations enthusiastic
The administration of George W. Bush inherited a
regional conguration that included ongoing U.S. hostility to Iraqs Saddam Hussein, concern for the stability
of conservative Arab regimes, the view that Syria had rejected Israeli overtures, and the conviction that Palestinian Authority leader Yasir Arafat bore responsibility for
the failure of the 2000 Camp David summit. The United
States wished to restart negotiations based on a land-forpeace formula that would include a dismantling of Israeli
settlements beyond the 1967 border. Yet, no sharp deterioration in U.S.-Israeli relations attended the 2002 invasion of West Bank towns by an Israeli government under hardliner Ariel Sharon. The Palestinians extensive
use of terror in 2001 and 2002, including frequent suicide
bombings, both deepened U.S.-Israeli cooperation and
heightened the perception among the American public
that, in the wake of the 11 September 2001 attacks in the
United States, the two countries have a very great deal in

Bar-Siman-Tov, Yaacov. The United States and Israel since

1948: A Special Relationship? Diplomatic History 22,
no. 2 (1998): 231262.
Ben-Zvi, Abraham. Decade of Transition: Eisenhower, Kennedy, and
the Origins of the American-Israeli Alliance. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998.
Bialer, Uri. Between East and West: Israels Foreign Policy Orientation, 19481956. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University
Press, 1990.
Levey, Zach. Israel and the Western Powers, 19521960. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997.
Organski, A. F. K. The $36 Billion Bargain: Strategy and Politics
in U.S. Assistance to Israel. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1990.
Safran, Nadav. Israel: The Embattled Ally. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1981.
Schoenbaum, David. The United States and the State of Israel. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Spiegel, Steven. The Other Arab-Israeli Conict: Making Americas
Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.

Zach Levey
See also Arab Nations, Relations with; Camp David Peace
Accords; Cold War; Foreign Aid; Foreign Policy;
Israel-Palestine Peace Accord; Treaties with Foreign


1993, the government of the state of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) began a series of

secret discussions on relations between the two groups

called the Oslo Accords in hopes of resolving the deepseated tensions between them. The conict between the
Palestinian residents of the Israeli-occupied West Bank
and Gaza Strip began with the Intifada, a Palestinian uprising in 1987, and revolve around the Palestinian desire
for independence from Israeli control and Israels constant threat of violence from her Arab neighbors. However, conict between Israel and its Arab neighbors existed before the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948
and manifested itself in ve wars between Israel and her
Arab neighbors between 1948 and 1987, when the Palestinian uprising began. Many of the Palestinians living
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are persons displaced
during the 1948 and 1967 wars when Israel gained control
of these areas.
The January 1993 conversations, which focused on
water rights, refugees, security matters, and other topics,
were held in Oslo, Norway, under the cover of a conference hosted by Fafo, a Norwegian social research institute. The meetings were secret, and Johan Jorgen Holst,
the Norwegian Foreign Minister, aided the two groups in
the negotiations and acted as an intermediary. After
eleven rounds of talks in the summer of 1993, the Israelis
and Palestinians reached a provisional agreement on partial autonomy in the occupied territories. This so-called
Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government
Arrangements (DOP) was not a regular peace treaty. It
was an agreement that set out specic steps to reach a
permanent solution to the conict and established a veyear timetable over which to complete them.
The accords reached at Oslo set forth a process by
which Israel would transfer portions of the West Bank and
Gaza Strip to the control of a new body, the Palestinian
Authority, which would be elected by the Palestinian people. The authority would guarantee Israels security by
ghting terrorism. This would enable the parties to build
enough trust and condence to proceed with negotiations
on the nal status that was to occur in 1999. Many of
the most controversial issues between the two sides, including the future of Jerusalem, were left for the nal
status talks. The accord set up a joint Israeli-Palestinian
economic cooperation committee to carry out economic
development programs in the West Bank and Gaza, critical to the success of Palestinian autonomy.
On 13 September 1993, the DOP was formally signed.
United States President Bill Clinton hosted the ofcial
signing ceremony. Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres
and PLO ofcial Abou Abbas signed the accords, granting
self-government to Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied
Gaza Strip and West Bank, while Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat shook hands, a
historic gesture. Clintons statement that Today marks a
shining moment of hope for the people of the Middle
East; indeed, of the entire world captured the monumental nature of the event.



In September 1995, the Oslo Accords were followed

up with an interim agreement (Oslo II), which expanded
Palestinian self-rule by the withdrawal of the Israeli military from six large West Bank cities. The Israeli Army was
replaced by Palestinian police forces, and elections for a
Palestinian Counsel were held in 1996, during which Yasir
Arafat was elected.
While the Oslo Accord was a great step toward peace
in the region, many groups on both sides were opposed
to its implementation. In February 1994, an Israeli settler,
Baruch Goldstein, killed twenty-nine Palestinians at a
mosque in the West Bank town of Hebron. In November
1995, a right-wing Israeli named Yigal Amir assassinated
Prime Minister Rabin. In February and March 1996, the
Islamic fundamentalist movement Hamas, which had
gained support after the signing of the Oslo Accords, conducted a series of suicide bombings in Israel that killed
fty-seven Israelis. This prompted Shimon Peres, the acting prime minister, to break off the peace talks.
As a result of the violent backlash against the peace
accords, Peres was defeated by Benjamin Netanyahu, a
hard-line right-winger. In his bid to be prime minister,
Netanyahu put up many obstacles to the peace process,
including lifting a four-year ban on building new Jewish
settlements in the West Bank. He did, however, in January
1997, turn over 80 percent of the town of Hebron to Palestinian control as called for in the accord. This was the
last transfer of land by the Israelis until October 1998,
when the United States pushed Israel to turn over additional land, as part of the Wye River Accord. The 1999
deadline for nal status talks passed without any sort of
discussions, and the conict in the area has worsened.

Ellis, Marc H. Israel and Palestine: Out of the Ashes. Sterling, Va.:
Pluto Press, 2002.
Finkelstein, Norman G. Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine
Conict. New York: Verso, 1995.
Freedman, Robert Owen, ed. The Middle East and the Peace Process: The Impact of the Oslo Accords. Gainesville: University
Press of Florida, 1998.
Gerner, Deborah J. One Land, Two Peoples: The Conict over Palestine. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1994.
Pappe, Ilan, ed. The Israel/Palestine Question. New York: Routledge, 1999.

Shira M. Diner
See also Arab Nations, Relations with; Israel, Relations with.

ITALIAN AMERICANS. Italian inuence on American history can be traced back to the navigators Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci. Americas founding fathers, especially Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin
Franklin, were familiar with the Italian language and culture and with Roman history. Jefferson was a supporter
of the Italian physician and merchant Filippo Mazzei and


encouraged him in the early 1770s to bring Italian vintners to Virginia. Though not successful in that venture,
Mazzei became actively involved in the colonists struggle
with England. Writing in the Virginia newspapers as Furioso he was one of the rst people to urge Americans
to declare independence and form a unied constitution
to govern all thirteen colonies. Some of his phraseology
later found its way into Jeffersons Declaration of Independence. William Paca, an early governor of Maryland,
was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Italian Americans in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth
During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries a number
of Italian-named missionaries such as Friar Eusebio Kino
and Friar Samuel Mazzuchelli operated in present-day
Arizona and in the Wisconsin-Michigan area, respectively. Though the presence of Italian individuals in the
United States was sparse before 1850, Lorenzo Da Ponte,
who wrote librettos for Mozart, taught Italian language
and literature at Columbia University. In 1825 he produced his Don Giovanni in New York.
Italian style and Italian artisans heavily inuenced the
design of buildings in Washington, D.C. Constantino
Brumidi painted numerous frescoes in the Capitol between 1855 and 1880. There was a modest migration of
Italians to California during and after the gold rush. Many
in this group became prosperous farmers, vintners, and
business leaders, including Domenico Ghirardelli (the
chocolate maker), the Gallo and Mondavi families (wine
producers), and Amadeo Giannini (the founder of Bank
of America).
Though New York City had an Italian colony in the
1850s, Italians did not have serious impact until the mass
migration of the 1880s. Italian unication in the 1860s
failed to bring economic prosperity and in many places in
the South the new government policies intensied la miseria (poverty). Moreover, basic advances in medicine in
this period lowered the death rate and swelled the population. This led to massive migration of contadini (peasants), rst to Latin America and then, in the 1880s, to the
United States.
Most early Italian migrants were young men who
originally intended to work for a season or two on the
railroads or in the mines. Living frugally, they could save
most of their meager wages and send remittances back to
their mothers and wives. In the period from 1880 to 1920
about $750 million was sent to Italy. The impact of these
remittances, the monetary investments of returning Italian Americans (rimpatriati), or the practical knowledge
Italian Americans transferred back to Italy is impossible
to calculate precisely. Yet it is clear that Italian migration
to the United States was a two-way street. Migrations
were not unique, one-time events, but rather represented
a continuous relationship sometimes lasting over a century.
Estimates of the number of Italian immigrants are
made murky by repeated crossings by the same individual,


the undocumented entry of untold thousands, and inconsistencies in the spelling of names. About 4.5 million Italians made the trip to the United States and readily found
work as unskilled laborers in the burgeoning industrial
American economy. America needed the immigrants as
much as the immigrants needed America. Between 1900
and 1910, 2 million Italians emigrated. The numbers
peaked in 1907 at 285,000, in 1914 at 284,000, and in
1921 at 222,000. After 1900 Italian immigrants began in
earnest to bring their families from Italy and Italian
neighborhoods in large cities began to have more stability.
In this chain migration, paesani (townspeople) from a
particular town in Italy transferred (over varying time periods) to specic neighborhoods and suburbs in the
United States. In this manner, they created a near-replica
of their hometown, adhering more or less to the social
customs, dialect, and family patterns of Italy, even while
beginning their journey to Americanization.
Italians brought with them an agrarian, Catholic, and
family-based culture. Hard work and self-sufciency were
facts of life. Of all the social institutions in Italian society,
the family was the only one that could be relied on consistently. In this sense, it was ironic that the early immigrants had to leave their families in order to save their
families. The immigrants founded Societa` di Mutuo Soccorso (Mutual Benet Societies) that often hired a physician on retainer and that provided modest benets to survivors in case of death.
Italian immigrants were ambivalent toward the Catholic Church. On the one hand, they were all baptized
Catholics, they believed in the saints, and were devoted
to the Blessed Virgin Mary; on the other hand, the
Church was a large landholder, deeply involved in Italian
politics in coalition with the upper classes, and opposed
to unication. In contrast to Irish and Polish immigrants
whose national identity was championed by the Church,
Italian nationalists saw the Church as an enemy. The immigrants brought with them a certain anticlericalism, a
casual attitude toward strict rules, and a devotion to folk
practices including a belief in mal occhio (the evil eye). The
establishment by Bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini of
the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo in the 1890s
was the rst concentrated effort by the Catholic Church
to minister to the needs of migrants. Over the century
that followed, the order built and staffed hundreds of
churches, schools, and hospitals in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Australia. Among the disciples of
Scalabrini was St. Frances (Mother) Cabrini.
The rst Italian newspaper in the United States was
New Yorks LEco DItalia in 1849. Dozens of Italian
American socialist, anarchist, religious, fascist, antifascist, unionist, and literary magazines have been published since then. Il Progresso Italo-Americano (New York,
18801989) was the most continuous mirror of Italian
American history. Since its daily circulation was above
100,000, Generoso Pope, its editor during the 1930s and

1940s, was perhaps the most inuential Italian leader of

his time.
There was virtually no migration during World
War I. General racism, the red scare, the anarchist bombings of 19191920, and pressure from organized labor led
to the harsh immigration quotas of the Johnson-Reed Act
of 1924. This law reduced the allowable number of Italian
immigrants from over 200,000 to 6,000. Several events
Americas harsh immigration policy, the policies of the
Italian dictator Benito Mussolini that sought to keep Italians in Italy, the Great Depression of the 1930s, and
World War IIkept Italian migration numbers very low
between 1924 and the end of World War II.
By the end of the 1930s the number of American
born surpassed the number of emigrants in the Italian
American population. Although Mussolinis regime had
been popular among both the elite and the general American public, the socialists and other Italian American elements waged a spirited but unsuccessful campaign to undermine immigrant support for Mussolini. When Italy
joined the Axis, and when the war began, public opinion
shifted drastically. In 1942, especially on the West Coast,
suspected Italian Fascist sympathizers and shermen were
arrested and harassed. Though the scale of this maltreatment in no way compares to the incarceration of Japanese
Americans, it became a sore point for modern-day Italian
American activists.
The age cohort for the second generation of Italian
Americans coincided closely with the age group most suitable for military service. More than 1 million Italian
American males in their late teens and twenties served in
the U.S. armed services in World War II. For many, it
was their rst experience beyond their own neighborhood. All of them were Americanized to one degree or
another by the military and most of them subsequently
beneted from military training and the educational/
home-loan benets of the GI Bill. All of these forces
worked to draw young people away from the old neighborhood, its culture, and the Italian language.
In World War II Italy experienced defeat abroad, the
fall of the Fascist government, occupation by Germans,
invasion by American forces, and what amounted to a civil
war in many parts of the Italian peninsula. The devastation and poverty of the postwar period triggered another
wave of migration out of Italy to Canada, Latin America,
Australia, and the United States. Various provisions for
refugees and for the relatives of Italian immigrants who
had acquired claims to U.S. citizenship allowed for considerable migration that reunited families and continued
the chain migration into the 1970s. The Marshall Plan
helped create the Italian economic miracle of the 1960s
and by the early 1990s the Italian Gross National Product
surpassed that of England. These developments, the attainment in Italy of zero population growth, and the
progress of the European Union, virtually ended outmigration of Italians.



Italian American Grocery. Many Italian immigrants settled in New York City, where dozens of small Italian neighborhoods
sprung up. New immigrants tried to settle in the same areas as their fellow townspeople, creating virtual replicas of Italian villages
in the middle of the city. Italian American culture stressed hard work and family life, and it is likely that the Italian American
grocery pictured here was a family-owned operation. Library of Congress



Twentieth-Century Trends
The social mobility of Italian Americans was steady
throughout the twentieth century. In the early years
group members were likely to be the object of social work
in settlement houses like Jane Addamss Hull-House.
They were likely to be victimized by sharp politicians and
labor agents. The 1920s were prosperous times for most
Americans and many Italian American colonies received
infusions of capital derived from the near-universal practice of breaking Prohibition laws. Hard hit by the Great
Depression, Italian Americans reacted by becoming part
of Franklin D. Roosevelts Democratic coalition. The full
employment of the war years and general prosperity of
the 1950s and 1960s brought the vast majority of Italian
Americans safely into the middle class. More precisely, a
strategy of underconsumption, the pooling of extended
family resources, hard work in small family businesses,
and entry into unionized skilled and unskilled jobs earned
middle-class status for the vast majority of Italian Americans. By the mid-1970s Italian American young people
were attending college at the national average.
The public image of Italian immigrants has been a
continuing source of conict. Salvatore LaGuminas Wop:
A Documentary History of Anti-Italian Discrimination in the
United States (1973) enumerates and quotes a vicious race
prejudice against Italian workers in the articles and editorial cartoons of the nations nest magazines. Into the
1920s, social science professionals fabricated an elaborate
pecking order that established the superiority and inferiority of the races and nationalities of the world. Italians
turned up near the bottom. The fact that the earliest Italian neighborhoods were overcrowded, crime-ridden, and
dominated by padroni (often unscrupulous labor agents)
intensied the negative image. Sensational newspaper
stories of cases of blackmail and vendettas among Italian
immigrants gave rise to the maa myth that has dogged
Italian ethnics in the United States since the late nineteenth century.
This climate of public opinion played a role in the
1891 lynching in New Orleans of eleven Italians. There
were more victims in this incident than in any other single
lynching in U.S. history. The controversial execution in
1927 of anarchists Nicolo Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
for a murder-robbery in Braintree, Massachusetts, in
1920 haunted the headlines for over seven years. The
amboyance and style of Italian American bootleggers
during Prohibition overshadowed the image of all other
gangsters in that period and has since become the baseline
stereotype of Italian Americans. The thousands of books
and media productions on the subject of Italian gangsters
include some of the best and some of the worst artistic
expression in American culture. But whatever the quality
of the art, in the eyes of the Italian American leadership
the result was the same: the intensication in the publics
mind of a negative image of Italians Americans.
In the world of pop culture, some of Americas universally admired entertainers and sports gures were

Italian: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Liberace, Jimmy

Durante, Joe DiMaggio, and Vince Lombardi. Sports celebrities Tommy Lasorda and Lawrence Yogi Berra
were Italian. Moreover, the image of Italians as leaders in
entertainment (consider Madonna), fashion (Donatella
Versace), and cuisine was strong in the twenty-rst
Statistics vary widely when discussing ethnicity in the
third, fourth, and fth generations. Many Americans can
claim four or ve ethnicities. Surnames can be confusing
when there are married couples that change or hyphenate
their last names. Ethnic organizations often exaggerate
their numbers to further a specic agenda. And the statistical formatting of the U.S. Census makes it hard to
discern exactly how many Italian Americans there are in
the United States. The 2000 census estimated about 16
million Americans (or 6 percent of the total U.S. population) are of Italian ancestry.
The most heavily Italian American states are New
Jersey (1.5 million, 18.5 percent), Connecticut (653,000,
19.8 percent), and Rhode Island (202,735, about 20 percent). The Italian American population of New York is
about 2.7 million, or 14.8 percent; Pennsylvania, 1.4 million or 13 percent; Nevada, 142,658 or 7.3 percent; California, 1.4 million or 4.3 percent; and Massachusetts,
890,000 or 14.5 percent. Other states with signicant Italian American populations are Illinois (706,000, 5.8 percent), Florida (1 million, 6.5 percent), Ohio (713,015, 6.7
percent), and Louisiana (360,333, 5.2 percent).
This ethnic concentration during the twentieth century resulted in the election of Italian American political
leaders, including Fiorello LaGuardia, the mayor of New
York City in the 1930s and 1940s; John O. Pastore of
Rhode Island, the nations rst Italian American in the
U.S. Senate; Mario Cuomo, governor of New York in the
1980s; Geraldine Ferraro, a New York congresswoman
and Democratic nominee for vice president in 1984; Alphonse DAmato, a U.S. senator from New York; Ella
Grasso, the rst woman to serve as governor of Connecticut; and Rudolph Giuliani, the mayor of New York
City in the 1990s.
Contemporary Italian Americans rarely vote as a
bloc. Their politics seem to be based on social class and
income rather than ethnicity. There appear to be few
overriding ethnic-based issues as there might be for African American or Jewish voters. Moreover, in many
places on the East Coast, Italian-named candidates from
diverse parties and philosophical camps often run against
each other.

Alba, Richard D. Italian Americans: Into the Twilight of Ethnicity.

Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1985.
Alfonsi, Ferdinando, ed. Poeti Italo-Americani: Italo-American
Poets, a Bilingual Anthology. Catanzaro, Italy: A. Carello,



American Italian Historical Association. Proceedings of Annual

Conferences. New York: Author, 1970. 33 vols. Contains
some 500 articles on all aspects of Italian American life.
Available from
Barolini, Helen, ed. The Dream Book: An Anthology of Writings by
Italian-American Women. 2d ed. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse
University Press, 2000.
Italian American Review: A Social Science Journal of the Italian
American Experience. New York: John Calandra Institute,
Queens College.
Italian Americana: A Cultural and Historical Review. Kingston:
University of Rhode Island.
LaGumina, Salvatore. Wop: A Documentary History of Anti-Italian
Discrimination in the United States. 2d ed. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y.: Guernica, 1999. The original edition was published in 1973.
LaGumina, Salvatore, et al. The Italian American Experience: An
Encyclopedia. New York: Garland, 2000.
Mangione, Jerre, and Ben Morreale. La Storia: Five Centuries of
the Italian American Experience. New York: HarperCollins,
Tamburri, Anthony J., Paolo A. Giordano, and Fred L. Gardaphe, eds. From the Margin: Writings in Italian Americana. 2d
ed. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 2000.
Anthology of contemporary Italian American poets, writers, and critics.
Tusiani, Joseph. Ethnicity: Selected Poems. Edited with two essays
by Paolo Giordano. Lafayette, Ind.: Bordighera, 2000. Accessible poems that focus on the full spectrum of Italian
American history and culture. Includes commentary by the
VIA: Voices in Italian Americana, A Literary and Cultural Review.
Lafayette, Ind.: Bordighera. Since 1990 has published
cutting-edge poetry, short stories, nonction, interviews,
and literary criticism.

Dominic Candeloro
See also Italy, Relations with.

ITALY, RELATIONS WITH. United States relations with Italy began when Italy became a nation-state
in 1861.
Soon after independence Italian immigrants, especially from the poor southern region of the country, began
coming to the United States, Canada, Australia, South
America, and other countries. These immigrants, in addition to seeking relief from poverty, sought freedom
from political oppression. From 1876 to 1976, the United
States received more Italian nationals than any other
country; Census gures show 484,027 Italians in residence in 1900. That number continued to increase until
Congress passed laws restricting immigration from Italy.
U.S. relations with Italys parliamentary monarchy
were cordial; problems arose in 1922, however, when Benito Mussolini came to power and ended parliamentary
government. Mussolini, a fascist, found the poor economic conditions that followed World War I (Italy was


Relations with Italy. President Richard M. Nixon (right)

meets with Premier Giulio Andreotti, head of a center-right
coalition elected in 1972. That government fell in 1973, a year
before Nixon himself resigned, and Andreottis return to
power twice more was followed by charges of corruption and
other crimes (ending in his acquittal). Library of Congress

allied with the United States) fertile soil for establishing

a dictatorship. He opposed the communists who had become inuential in the unions and claimed to favor a type
of National Socialism that would benet all Italians.
Mussolini had many defenders in the United States,
including a number of Italian Americans. Praised for getting the railroads to run to schedule and for his early opposition to Adolf Hitler, Mussolini began to lose favor in
the United States when he attacked Ethiopia in 1935 and
began to draw closer to Hitler. In 1936, Italy and Germany formed the Rome-Berlin Axis to oppose France. In
1939, Italy invaded Albania and solidied its links with
Germany, links that had rst been forged with their cooperation during the Spanish Civil War (19361939).
Remaining neutral until it seemed German victory
was inevitable, Italy declared war on France in 1940. As
World War II raged on, many Italians became American
sympathizers and fought for the Allies as guerillas. In
1943, Italy declared war on Germany and armed conict
broke out within Italy between Italians loyal to the Allies
and those loyal to the German Nazis.
After World War II, the United States helped establish
a republic in Italy. When Italy seemed likely to elect a communist government, the United States increased Marshall Plan aid and encouraged Italian Americans to engage in a letter writing campaign urging their friends and
relatives in Italy to vote for a non-Communist government.
Italy joined a number of U.S.-sponsored initiatives
and was a charter member of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), founded in 1949; it was also a
charter member of the European Economic Community
(EEC), formed in 1957. Italy has strongly supported other
European initiatives for cooperation and unication, in-


cluding the European Monetary Union in 1999. The

United States was the only country to promise military
support of Italy immediately after World War II. Ties
between Italy and the United States have remained close
and political cooperation has been a constant.

Albrecht-Carrie, Rene. Italy from Napoleon to Mussolini. New

York: Columbia University Press, 1950.
Barzini, Luigi. The Italians. New York: Athenaeum, 1964.
Berner, Wolfgang. The Italian Left, 19441978: Patterns of
Cooperation, Conict, and Compromise. In The European
Left: Italy, France, and Spain, edited by William E. Grifth.
Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1979.
Keefe, Eugene K., et al. Area Handbook for Italy. Washington,
D.C.: Government Printing Ofce, 1977.
Kogan, Norma. A Political History of Italy: The Postwar Years. New
York: Praeger, 1983.

Frank A. Salamone

ITT AFFAIR, (19711972) involved allegations that

the Justice Department settled an antitrust suit against
International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT)
in return for a $400,000 donation to help pay for holding
the Republican National Convention in San Diego in
1972. Newspaper columnist Jack Anderson broke the
story on 29 February 1972, by publishing ITT lobbyist
Dita Beards 25 June 1971, memo admitting a quid pro
quo. Beard claimed forgery, and the Richard M. Nixon
administration pressured the Federal Bureau of Investigation to agree. But the FBI refused. In June 1973, the
Watergate special prosecutor created an ITT task force
to determine whether Attorney General Richard Kleindienst had committed perjury at his 1972 Senate Judiciary
Committee conrmation hearings when he denied there
had been White House pressure to drop the antitrust action. He pled guilty to a misdemeanor count, receiving a
one-month prison sentence (later suspended) and a $100
ne. California Lieutenant Governor Ed Reinecke was
also convicted for testifying falsely before the Senate regarding discussions with Kleindiensts predecessor as attorney general, John Mitchell. That conviction was overturned because the Senate lacked a quorum during his
testimony. San Diego lost the convention to Miami.

ITT Task Force. Record Group 460.9. Records of the Watergate

Special Prosecution Force, 19711977. Washington, D.C.:
National Archives and Records Service.
Sampson, Anthony. The Foreign State of ITT. New York: Stein
and Day, 1973.

Kenneth OReilly

IVY LEAGUE was coined in 1937 by a newspaper columnist to describe football competition at ivy-covered

northeastern universities. The term came to identify eight

prestigious private American universities that admit less
than 20 percent of their applicants and require an academically rigorous curriculum. Their alumni often enter
highly inuential and lucrative careers. Once overwhelmingly male, white, and Protestant, they now enroll a diverse student body by recruiting cultural, ethnic, racial,
and religious minorities. Seven of the eight were established as colonial colleges: Harvard, Congregational, was
established at Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1636; Yale,
Congregational, was established in 1701 and relocated to
New Haven in 1715; the College of New Jersey, Presbyterian, was established in 1746 and renamed Princeton
University in 1896; Franklins Academy in Philadelphia,
nonsectarian, was established in 1749, chartered in 1754,
and renamed the University of Pennsylvania in 1791;
Kings College, nonsectarian but Anglican-controlled,
was established in New York City in 1754 and renamed
Columbia College in 1784; Rhode Island College, Baptist, was established at Providence in 1764 and renamed
Brown University in 1804; and Dartmouth College, Congregational, was established in 1769 and relocated to
Hanover, New Hampshire, in 1770. The eighth, Cornell
University, chartered in 1865 at Ithaca by the New York
legislature, was endowed with federal land grants and by
Ezra Cornell. Strong presidents and outstanding faculty
transformed the institutions into national universities.
Charles William Eliot (Harvard); James Rowland Angell
(Yale); Nicholas Murray Butler (Columbia); Woodrow
Wilson (Princeton); and Andrew Dickson White (Cornell).
The rst Ivy Group Agreement on football in 1945
committed the eight universities to similar academic standards, eligibility rules, and need-based nancial aid practices with no athletic scholarships. The Ivy League was
ofcially founded in February 1954 by extending that
agreement to all sports. Between 1956, the year of the
rst round-robin schedule in football, and 1995, Dartmouth won the most Ivy League championships, eight,
and tied for another eight. In May 1974, ve years after
Princeton and Yale admitted women undergraduates, the
Ivy Group inaugurated league championship competitions in womens sports.

Bernstein, Mark F. Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American

Obsession. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
Birmingham, Frederic Alexander. The Ivy League Today. New
York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1961.
Goldstein, Richard. Ivy League Autumns: An Illustrated History of
College Footballs Grand Old Rivalries. New York: St Martins
Press, 1996.
Lillard, Dean, and Jennifer Gerner. Getting to the Ivy League:
How Family Composition Affects College Choice. Journal
of Higher Education 70, no. 6 (NovemberDecember 1999):
McCallum, John. Ivy League Football Since 1872. New York: Stein
and Day, 1977.



Iwo Jima. Under heavy re, the Fifth Marine Division slowly advances from Red Beach One
toward Mount Suribachi at the southern end of the small island. National Archives and Records
Administration, ofcial Web site for Ivy League


Marcia G. Synnott
See also Brown University; Columbia University; Cornell
University; Dartmouth College; Harvard University;
Princeton University; University of Pennsylvania; Yale

IWO JIMA (16 February17 March 1945). The capture of the Japanese island of Iwo Jima in World War II
by three U.S. Marine divisions supported by more than
800 warships and landing craft has been described as the
classic amphibious assault of World War II. One of the
Volcano Islands 750 miles south of Tokyo, Iwo Jima could
give Japan two hours warning of U.S. B-29 raids from
the Mariana Islands and provided a ghter base for the
harassment of U.S. bombers. To reverse this situation and
afford a haven for crippled American aircraft, the Joint
Chiefs of Staff directed that Iwo Jima be seized.
The eight-square-mile island is dominated at one end
by Mount Suribachi (556 feet). The islands defenses
the most elaborate, dense, and best integrated in the Pacicincluded three airelds; more than 730 major installations with 120 guns larger than 75 mm; 220 large
mortars, howitzers, and rocket launchers; and 10 miles of
underground tunnels linking hundreds of bunkers and
blockhouses. One of Japans most able generals, Lieuten-


ant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi, with 21,000 troops,

defended Iwo Jima. The overall commander of the marines was Lieutenant General H. M. Smith, supported by
Admiral R. K. Turner. The 82,000-man landing force
(Third, Fourth, and Fifth Marine Divisions) was under
the command of Lieutenant General H. Schmidt.
Following three days of bombardment from six battleships and ve cruisers, the marines landed on 19 February under cover of the heaviest prelanding bombardment of the warmore than 6,000 tons of shells and
bombs pounded the island before noon. Because of the
massive preparation, beach casualties were moderate.
However, capture of the remainder of the island required
the most bitter battle of the Pacic, in whichamid black
volcanic sands, grotesque crags, and steaming sulfur
pitsgains were counted in yards. Heavy casualties were
inicted by both sides. Seizure of Mount Suribachi (23
February) by the Twenty-eighth Marine Division gave attackers the dominant terrain, from which a ten-day struggle ensued to overrun the re-swept airelds and capture
ridges, buttes, and deep caves in which Kuribayashi made
his last desperate stand. Although Iwo Jima was ofcially
declared secured on 17 March, resistance was not extinguished until nine days later.
The battle cost the United States 4,590 lives and
wounded 24,096; more than 20,000 Japanese were killed
and 1,083 captured. By the end of the war, 2,251 B-29
aircraft carrying 24,761 airmen had made safe emergency
landings on Iwo Jima.



Bartley, W. S. Iwo Jima: Amphibious Epic. Washington, D.C.:

U.S. Marine Corps, 1954.
Isely, Jeter A., and Philip A. Crowl. The U.S. Marines and Amphibious War, Its Theory, and Its Practice in the Pacic. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1951.
Marling, Karal A. Iwo Jima: Monuments, Memories, and the American Hero. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,

Newcomb, Richard F. Iwo Jima. New York: Holt, Rinehart and

Winston, 1965.

Robert Debs Heinl Jr. / a. r.

See also Task Force 58; Underwater Demolition Teams;
World War II, Air War against Japan; World War II,
Navy in.


JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY. The phrase Jacksonian Democracy has a dual and ambiguous meaning.
In its narrower sense, it denotes both the political party
organized under Andrew Jackson, which called itself the
American Democracy, and the program espoused by that
party. The broader connotation, taking its cue from Alexis
de Tocquevilles classic Democracy in America (1835),
suggests an ethos and an era: the owering of the democratic spirit in American life around the time of Jacksons
presidency. Tocqueville toured the United States in 1831
1832, and found there the image of democracy itself,
with its inclinations, its character, its prejudices, and its
passions. To Tocqueville and other commentators, both
favorable and critical, the United States represented the
democratic, egalitarian future, Europe the aristocratic
past. Andrew Jacksons partisans (and some sympathetic
historians) appropriated this broader meaning to themselves, counterposing the Democratic Partys democracy
to the opposing Whig Partys aristocracy. But this identication should not be accepted uncritically.
The Jacksonian Democratic Party
The Democratic Party and its program emerged in stages
out of the largely personal following that elected Andrew
Jackson president in 1828. The core issues through which
the party dened its membership and philosophy concerned economic policy. As fully developed by the end of
the 1830s, the Democratic outlook was essentially laissezfaire. Deeming themselves preservers of the Jeffersonian
legacy, Democrats demanded simple, frugal, and unintrusive government. They opposed protective tariffs along
with federal (and often state) bank charters and internal
improvement projects. As president, Jackson articulated
this policy through a series of vetoes, most notably the
Maysville Road in 1830 and the Bank of the United States
in 1832. In ofcial messages, he cast himself as protector
of the humbler members of societythe farmers, mechanics, and laborers against moneyed, privileged interests seeking to turn the public powers of government to
unfair private advantage. In Jacksons reading, tariffs, public works, and corporate charters (especially of banks,
whose right of note issue gave them tremendous leverage
over credit and the currency) were all devices to siphon
wealth from the poor to the rich and to steal power from
the many to benet the few.

Again following Jeffersonian tradition, the Democratic Party embraced anticlericalism and rigorous separation of church and state. Democrats resisted the
hegemonizing impulses of the nations powerful interdenominational (but primarily Presbyterian-Congregational)
benevolent and philanthropic associations, and they denounced the intrusion into politics of religious crusades
such as Sabbatarianism, temperance, and abolitionism.
Democrats thus garnered adherents among religious dissenters and minorities, from Catholics to freethinkers.
Under Jackson and his adviser and successor Martin
Van Buren, Democrats pioneered in techniques of party
organization and discipline, which they justied as a
means of securing the peoples ascendancy over the aristocrats. To nominate candidates and adopt platforms,
Democrats perfected a pyramidal structure of local, state,
and national party conventions, caucuses, and committees. These ensured coordinated action and supposedly
reected opinion at the grass roots, though their movements in fact were often directed from Washington. Jackson practiced rotation in ofcethe periodic replacement of government ofcials, often on partisan criteria
and defended it as offering the chance for employment to
all citizens alike and thus forestalling the creation of an
ofceholding elite. His followers frankly employed the
spoils of ofce as rewards for party workers.
Jackson and the Democrats cast their party as the
embodiment of the popular will, the defender of the common man against the Whig aristocracy. The substance
behind this claim is still hotly disputed. After the War of
1812, constitutional changes in the states had broadened
the participatory base of politics by easing property requirements for suffrage and making state ofces and presidential electors popularly elective. By 1828, when Jackson was rst elected president, nearly all white men could
vote, and the vote had gained in power. Jackson and his
partisans beneted from and capitalized upon these
changes, but they in no sense initiated them.
The presence of a class component in Jacksonian parties, setting Democratic plain farmers and workers against
the Whig bourgeoisie or business elite, has been often
asserted and as often denied. Some historians read Democratic paeans to the plain people as a literal description
of their constituency. Others dismiss them as artful pro-



General Jackson Slaying the Many Headed Monster. This 1836 lithograph by Henry R. Robinson
depicts President Andrew Jacksons long struggle against a new charter for the Bank of the United
States, with its many branches; after his reelection in 1832, Jackson shifted federal deposits from
the central bank to state banks. Library of Congress

paganda. Sophisticated efforts to quantify class divisions

in politics through electoral data have yielded uncertain
results. While Democrats usually marshaled a slightly
larger (and better organized) following than the Whigs,
clearly the latter too had a mass popular appeal. Whether
Democratic laissez-faire policies actually worked to the
benet of their claimed plebeian constituency has also
been questioned.
Looking beyond the white male electorate, many of
the Democrats postures seem profoundly antiegalitarian
and antidemocratic, judged not only by a modern standard but against the goals of the burgeoning humanitarian
and reform movements of their own day. On the whole,
Democrats were more aggressively anti-abolitionist and
racist than Whigs, acting to suppress antislaverys intrusion into politics and to curtail the liberties of free blacks.
Jacksons original core constituency was southern. At their
competitive height in the 1840s, the two parties were
nearly evenly matched throughout the country, but in the
1850s, Jacksonian Democracy would return to its sectional roots as the party of slaveholders and their northern
Democrats outdid Whigs in justifying and promoting ethnic, racial, and sexual exclusion and subordination.
Democrats championed territorial acquisition and con-


quest, portraying it in Jeffersonian terms as securing to

all (white) citizens the chance for a landed independence.
In 1845, a leading Democratic editor coined the phrase
manifest destiny. Andrew Jacksons drive to compel the
remaining eastern Indian tribes beyond the Mississippi
produced the Indian Removal Act of 1830, a slew of coerced treaties, and the infamous Cherokee Trail of Tears
in 1838. The annexation of Texas in 1845 and war against
Mexico in 18461848 were Democratic initiatives, denounced by many Whigs. Lastly, though no major party
advocated female suffrage, Democrats more than Whigs
identied politics as a distinctly masculine activity and
relegated women to a subordinate, conned sphere.
The Democratic Spirit of the Age
Given this complex picture, no glib generalizations about
Jacksonian Democracys democracy are sustainable. An
alternative, suggested by Tocqueville and other contemporary commentators, is to view democracy as the reigning spirit of the age and to trace its workings in all areas
of American life, both within and outside party politics.
As Tocqueville famously observed, the people reign in
the American political world as the Deity does in the universe. They are the cause and the aim of all things; everything comes from them, and everything is absorbed in


them. To Tocqueville, Americans energetic voluntarism,

their enthusiasm for societies, associations, reforms, and
crusades, their vibrant institutions of local government,
the popular style and leveling spirit of their manners, customs, pastimes, art, literature, science, religion, and intellect, all marked democracys pervasive reign. From this
perspective, the fact that Andrew Jacksona rough-hewn,
poorly educated, self-made frontiersmancould ascend
to the presidency spoke more than his policies in ofce.
His rhetorical championship of the plain people against
the aristocrats, whatever its substance or sincerity, was
itself the sign and harbinger of a social sea change toward
democracy, equality, and the primacy of the common
man. Jackson stands in this view not as the leader of a
party, but as the symbol for an age.
Seen thus, many of the particular phenomena that
Andrew Jackson and his party treated with indifference
or hostility seem themselves emanations of a broader
Jacksonian democratic spirit. Within politics, Whigs as
well as Democrats championed the common man and
marshaled the masses at barbecues and rallies. Both parties appealed to ordinary voters with riveting stump
speeches and by crafting candidates into folk heroes.
Whigs answered the popularity of Old Hickory Andrew
Jackson, hero of the Battle of New Orleans, with gures
like Old Tippecanoe William Henry Harrison, victor
of the rousing log cabin presidential campaign of 1840.
Close party competition enlivened voter interest, sending
turnout rates spiraling upward toward 80 percent of the
eligible electorate.
In the religious sphere, evangelical preachers, especially Baptist and Methodist, carried a message of individual empowerment and responsibility, sparking massive
revivals and winning thousands of converts. Older, more
staid denominations either modied their methods and
message to compete in the contest for souls or saw their
inuence dwindle. Reform crusades from temperance to
abolitionism likewise pitched their appeals toward everyman and everywoman, building networks of local afliates and mounting massive membership and petition
drives. Self-help and mutual-aid societies ourished; experiments in popular education proliferated. Poets and
philosophers celebrated the egalitarian ethic and the worth
of the individual.
All these may be read as evidence of social democratization. Yet some historians emphasize opposing signs
of growing stratication, inequality, and repression in
these same years. Jacksons own symbolism can be turned
many ways: spokesman for the plain people, he was also
a wealthy slaveholder and Indian ghter. Scholars will
continue to dispute the extent (and denition) of democracy in the era of Jacksonian Democratic ascendancy,
along with the social reality underlying politicians celebration of the common man. What does seem certain is
that, rightly or not, during these years the United States
became in both American and foreign eyes the image of
democracy itself for generations to come.


Benson, Lee. The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy: New York as a

Test Case. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
1961. Repudiation of class analysis; egalitarianism as a pervasive, not partisan, impulse.
Feller, Daniel. The Jacksonian Promise: America, 18151840. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. Brief synthetic treatment.
Pessen, Edward. Jacksonian America: Society, Personality, Politics.
Rev. ed. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1978. Iconoclastic assault on Jacksons character, party, era, and scholarly admirers.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. The Age of Jackson. Boston: Little,
Brown, 1945. Riveting account, strongly pro-Jackson;
starting point for modern debate.
Sellers, Charles. The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America,
18151846. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Class analysis: Democrats as anticapitalist.
Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. Translated by
Henry Reeve, corrected by Phillips Bradley. New York:
Knopf, 1945. Preeminent interpreter of American national
Ward, John William. Andrew Jackson: Symbol for an Age. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1955. Jackson as embodiment of national self-image.

Daniel Feller
See also Democratic Party; Jeffersonian Democracy; Maysville Veto; Removal Act of 1830; Rotation in Office;
Spoils System.

JACKSONVILLE, city located on the Saint Johns

River twenty miles from the Atlantic Ocean in northeast
Florida. French Huguenots settled in the area in 1564
and built Fort Caroline. The Spanish took control of the
area the following year, and the English followed in the
late eighteenth century. In 1822, settlers laid out a town
named for Andrew Jackson. The city was incorporated in
1832 and served as a base for blockade-runners during
the Civil War. A re destroyed much of the city in 1901
but it was quickly rebuilt. In 2000, Jacksonville was Floridas largest incorporated city, with a land area of 765
square miles and a population of 735,617. The population
of the metropolitan area was 1,121,580. African Americans were the largest racial minority in Jacksonville25
percent of the population. Jacksonvilles consolidation
with Duval County in 1968 ended much duplication of
urban services and provided political access for minorities.
It also kept middle-income residents as taxpayers and voters, while attracting national corporations to relocate,
providing jobs and tax revenues. Crime, drugs, teenage
pregnancies, school dropouts, and homelessness were serious problems for the city in the 1990s. The U.S. Navy
is Jacksonvilles largest employer. Banking, insurance, nance, medicine, transportation, wholesale and retail
trade, construction, and tourism are other major industries. The Jacksonville Jaguars expansion team in the Na-



tional Football League began play in 1995 in an entirely

new Gator Bowl. Downtown, the Jacksonville Landing
and Riverwalk helped revitalize the waterfront. In 1995,
a renaissance plan to include a new city hall and civic
auditorium was under way, which by 2002 had resulted in
a rebuilt Performing Arts Center, the Florida Theatre,
and the Ritz Theatre, and had moved city hall to the St.
James Building on Hemming Plaza. Historically, Jacksonville has been mainly a blue-collar city. In the 1980s, that
image began to change with the establishment of new upscale communities in Amelia Island and Ponte Verde, and
the Professional Golf Association (PGA) Hall of Fame in
adjacent Saint Johns County.

Martin, Richard A. A Quiet Revolution: Jacksonville-Duval County

Consolidation and the Dynamics of Urban Political Reform.
Jacksonville, Fla.: White Publishing, 1993.
Ward, James Robertson. Old Hickorys Town: An Illustrated History
of Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Fla.: Florida Publishing, 1982.

By 1795 the clubs had largely disbanded. Jacobinism, however, had become a loaded epithet in American
political rhetoric, used by Federalists to target not only
radical democrats but also any follower of Thomas Jefferson, or any member of the Democratic Republican
Party. The word Jacobin as an epithet still appeared
occasionally in American conservative journals in the
1820s, a generation after the Jacobins in France had become politically moribund.

Kennedy, Michael L. A French Jacobin Club in Charleston,

South Carolina, 17921795. South Carolina Historical Magazine 91 (1990): 422.
. The Jacobin Clubs in the French Revolution. Princeton,
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988.
Link, Eugene Perry. Democratic-Republican Societies, 17901800.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1942.

Andrew W. Robertson

James B. Crooks / a. g.
See also Frontier; South, the: The New South; Trading

JACOBIN CLUBS, activist political clubs that appeared in the cities of the United States in the years from
1793 to 1795. The rst club began in Paris under the
name Club Breton, in October 1789: it met in a Dominican, or Jacobin, convent in the Rue St. Honore. The
Jacobin clubs gained increasing inuence in the French
Revolution after France declared itself a republic in 1792.
Led by Maximilien Robespierre in 1793, the clubs helped
support the most radical phase of the French Revolution.
The French Jacobins believed in universal equality among
citizens, the freedom of the individual, and universal brotherhood. By July 1794 the Paris Jacobin club was closed
after the Jacobin leaders associated with Robespierre lost
power. In November 1794 the clubs were suppressed.
The rst American club began in Philadelphia in
1793. Some of the members were skilled craftsmen, others were merchants and professionals, and many were
prominent intellectuals. Their membership overlapped
with the Democratic Society of Philadelphia. Similarly,
the Jacobin Club of Charleston, South Carolina, overlapped with the Republican Society there. The Charleston Club had connections through the prominent Huguenots in that city to other sympathizers with the French
Revolution in the West Indies and in France. The Jacobin
clubs in the United States sought to promote the broad
aims of the French Revolution, including democracy and
support for the French government against the European
monarchies warring against it. Initially, their aims were
popular in the cities, but after American disillusionment
with the French minister Edmond Charles Genet, the inuence of the Jacobin clubs waned.



The vision of connecting tidewater Virginia with the
Ohio River arose in colonial Virginia, with George Washington as a leading proponent. In 1785, the James River
Company was founded to make improvements on the
James River, and Washington was its rst president. In
1820, the companys mandate was extended to connecting
the James River to the Kanawha River and thus the Ohio,
but it failed to accomplish its mission.
A new venture, the James River and Kanawha Company, was incorporated in 1832 and organized in 1835 to
accomplish its predecessors task. In 1851 the canal reached
Buckhannon in western Virginia (later West Virginia), but
with the company unable to renance the venture, the
canal ended there. Facing erce railway competition, the
canal company attempted to reach Clifton Forge and
make a connection with the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad by establishing the Buchanan and Clifton Forge
Railway Company, organized in 1876. Work began in
1877 but languished because of nancial exigency, and the
company was sold to the Richmond and Alleghany Railway Company, which began construction of a 230-mile
line from Richmond to Clifton Forge. The work was expedited by laying track on the canal towpath. In 1888 the
Richmond and Alleghany Company was sold to the C&O
Railroad Company.

Dunaway, Wayland F. History of the James River and Kanawha

Company. Ph.D. diss. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. 104. New York: Columbia University Press, 1922.


Kemp, Emory L. The Great Kanawha Navigation. Pittsburgh, Pa.:

University of Pittsburgh Press, 2000.

Emory L. Kemp
See also Canals; Ohio River.

JAPAN, RELATIONS WITH. Relations between

Japan and the United States have been a complex mix of
cooperation, competition, and conict from the moment
that Commodore Matthew C. Perry arrived at Edo Bay
in 1853 and demanded an end to more than two centuries
of Japanese isolation. Just a decade earlier, Britain had
imposed the unequal Treaty of Nanjing on China after
the First Opium War. Perrys display of naval power persuaded Japans leaders to sign the Treaty of Kanagawa in
1854, providing for the opening of two ports to U.S.
ships, better treatment of American shipwrecked sailors,
acceptance of a U.S. consul at Shimoda, and mostfavored-nation privileges. Townsend Harris, the rst U.S.
minister to Japan, negotiated additional agreements to expand U.S. rights in Japan. The United States thus had
demonstrated to Japan how economic weakness had left
it vulnerable. Hostility to foreign dictation ignited a rebellion that restored the Meiji emperor and initiated a
process of rapid modernization and industrialization in
which Japanese leaders learned and borrowed from Western nations, especially the United States.
Japanese Power in East Asia
In 1871, Iwakura Tomomi led a mission to the United
States and Europe that sought revision of the unequal
treaties and access to foreign knowledge. This rsthand
contact with the West conrmed the necessity for wholesale economic, political, and social changes to attain
equality. After two decades of Japanese westernization,
the United States acknowledged Japans rising power and
importance in the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Commerce and
Navigation, signed in 1894, which abolished extraterritoriality (exemption of foreign residents from the laws of
the host country) and provided for reciprocal rights of
residence and travel. That same year, Japan went to war
against China, registering an easy victory and obtaining
control over Korea, Taiwan, and southern Manchuria.
Russia then challenged Japans dominance over Korea, resulting in the Russo-Japanese War in 1904. Japans decisive triumph on land and at sea over a Western nation
marked its arrival as a major power.
At rst, President Theodore Roosevelt welcomed Japans success in checking Russias challenge to the Open
Door policy in Asia, but he soon feared Japanese domination. In 1905, he acted to create a balance of power in
the area when he mediated a treaty ending the war. Aware
that Japan held the strategic advantage, Roosevelt acknowledged its control over Korea in the 1905 Taft-Katsura
Memorandum in return for Japanese recognition of U.S.
rule in the Philippines in the 1908 Root-Takahira Agree-

ment. Meanwhile, rising tension between the two nations

had reached a climax after California placed limits on the
rights of Japanese Americans, which Roosevelt condemned and ameliorated with the Gentlemens Agreement in 1908, stipulating that the Japanese government
would restrict Japanese emigration to the United States,
while Roosevelt would work to repeal discriminatory
laws. President William Howard Tafts dollar diplomacy in Manchuria then angered Japan, but this did not
prevent the signing of a bilateral treaty in 1911 granting
full tariff autonomy to Japan.
During World War I, Japan once again challenged
the U.S. Open Door policy when it declared war on Germany and seized its Pacic colonies and leaseholds in
China. When President Woodrow Wilson did not protest, Japan concluded that Washington would not interfere in its expansion as long as it threatened no vital U.S.
interests in the Pacic. In 1915, Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan reinforced this assumption after Japan imposed the Twenty-one Demands on China, when
he informed Tokyo and Beijing that the United States
only would refuse to recognize limits on the Open Door
policy. But after the United States declared war on Germany in April 1917, Washington, to display unity with its
Japanese ally, signed the Lansing-Ishii Agreement, afrming the open door in China, as well as Chinas independence, but also conceding contradictorily that Japan had
special interests in China. Tokyo would conrm its wartime territorial gains in the Versailles Treaty ending
World War I, but resented Wilsons refusal to include a
racial equality clause in the League of Nations Covenant.
Angry and bitter, Japan resorted thereafter to militarism
and war to achieve the status and respect that it thought
it had earned.
American leaders targeted Japan as the main threat
to peace and stability in east Asia during the 1920s, although Tokyo at rst endorsed international cooperation.
At Washington in 1922, Japan signed treaties that provided for U.S. and British superiority in naval armaments
and ensured an open door in China. Nevertheless, the
U.S. military prepared plans in 1924 for war with Japan.
Chinas unication in 1928 then accelerated the triumph
of Japanese militarism because of Chinese determination
to regain Manchuria, Japans primary target for imperial
trade and investment. Acceptance of new limits on Japanese naval power in the London Naval Treaty of 1930 so
infuriated the Japanese military that extremists assassinated the prime minister. In September 1931, young ofcers in the Japanese army stationed in Manchuria staged
an explosion on the South Manchuria Railway and blamed
it on Chinese forces, exploiting the incident to justify total
military occupation of the region. In response, Secretary
of State Henry L. Stimson sent letters of protest to both
Japan and China, declaring that Washington would not
recognize changes in the status quo achieved through a
resort to force.



Neither Stimsons words nor the threat of sanctions

from the League of Nations deterred Japan, as Tokyo created the puppet state of Manchukuo in 1932. Thereafter,
the Soviet Unions support for communist parties in Asia
reinforced increasing sympathy for Nazi Germany, leading Japan to join the Anti-Comintern Pact in 1936. Militants determined to create a New Order in Asia under
Japanese direction then gained control over the government. Exploiting an exchange of gunre between Chinese
and Japanese soldiers near Beijing in July 1937, Japan initiated what would become a protracted war that led to the
occupation of Chinas most populated and productive areas. Washington continued to issue only verbal protests
against Japans aggressive behavior because the refusal of
the American people to risk a new war precluded stronger
action. President Franklin D. Roosevelts speech in October 1937 calling for a quarantine of aggressors ignited
a restorm of criticism. In December, a Japanese pilot attacked and sunk the U.S.S. Panay on the Yangtze River, but
this incident merely reinforced American isolationism.
World War II and Aftermath
After World War II began in Europe in September 1939,
Japan invited war with the United States the next year
when it signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy
and invaded French Indochina. To deter Japan, the United
States imposed sweeping economic sanctions, while also
providing increasing aid and advice to China. During negotiations in Washington with Japans ambassador in
April 1941, Secretary of State Cordell Hull insisted that
Japan not only respect the Open Door policy but evacuate
all captured territories. In July, after Japan occupied
southern Indochina, Roosevelt cut off oil and froze Japanese assets in the United States. In October, Japans leaders decided that compromise was unlikely and opted for
war, hoping to deliver a knockout blow to U.S. naval
power in the Pacic before the United States could mobilize, thereby compelling Washington to accept Japanese
dominance over east Asia. The strategy failed because Japans 7 December attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl
Harbor in Hawaii scored only a tactical victory, while galvanizing Americans for an all-out war against Japan.
Japan quickly conquered the Philippines, Malaya,
and Burma, expecting realization of its dream of creating
a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The Japanese
mistakenly believed the United States would accept their
new order in Asia or be unable to penetrate an impregnable defensive perimeter of fortied bases. Americans
mobilized far superior military potential and economic
resources to overwhelm Japan. By the summer of 1942,
U.S. naval forces had won key victories at Coral Sea and
Midway, imposing thereafter a suffocating blockade that
created severe shortages of food and raw materials. After
island-hopping isolated Japanese outposts, the United
States bombed Japans industry and housing from the air.
The Japanese fought on ferociously, suffering massive
losses on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. In August 1945, Japan


was in ruins when U.S. atomic bombs destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, forcing Japan to surrender.
Japan expected a harsh and vindictive occupation, but
American rule was benevolent and constructive. As Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), General Douglas MacArthur and his staff enacted a series of
reforms that helped create an open society based on capitalism and representative government. Article 9 of Japans
new constitution renounced war forever. But in 1947, the
adverse impact of SCAPs economic reforms designed to
eliminate the foundations of authoritarianism and militarism became obvious, as the atmosphere of physical and
psychological devastation had not disappeared. Consistent with its new containment policy, the United States
abandoned further reforms in favor of promoting rapid
economic recovery, pursuing a reverse course aimed at
transforming Japan into a bulwark against Soviet expansion in Asia. Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru believed,
however, that the occupation had to end if Japan was to
emerge as a genuine U.S. partner in the Cold War. In
September 1951, the Japanese Peace Treaty provided for
a restoration of Japans sovereignty the following April,
but at the price of dependence, as Japan signed a security
treaty with the United States that guaranteed its military
protection in return for American use of air bases.
During the 1950s, Japans relationship with the United
States remained a source of heated controversy, not least
because pacism remained strong in Japan as a consequence of the devastation of war and public horror after
the atomic attacks. Opposition to nuclear weapons intensied in 1954 after radioactivity from an American hydrogen bomb test on Bikini Atoll showered a Japanese
shing boat. Public protests persuaded the Socialists to
reunite, which brought gains in the 1955 elections and
motivated conservatives to form the Liberal Democratic
Party (LDP). That same year, in negotiations for revision
of the security treaty, the United States resumed pressure
on Japan to expand the overseas role of its Self-Defense
Force. This enraged many Japanese because it seemed to
suggest that Japan might undertake military commitments in the Pacic. Prime Minister Kishi Nobosuke deed critics and in 1960 signed a revised treaty that, despite
providing for a more equal partnership, was the target of
erce opposition in the Diet, Japans national legislature.
Ratication of the treaty in May in the absence of the
boycotting dissenters set off massive street demonstrations during June that resulted in President Dwight D.
Eisenhower canceling his scheduled visit to Tokyo.
Japanese Economic Power
During the 1960s, Japan adopted a low posture in foreign policy that placed a priority on transforming itself
into an economic power. The U.S. government cooperated by encouraging high levels of Japanese exports to the
United States, while allowing Japans protection of its domestic market. Despite disputes over trade, the relationship remained stable because Japan achieved double-digit


annual economic growth, while the United States ran a

favorable balance of trade. U.S. military involvement in
Southeast Asia soon strained relations, as many Japanese
criticized Washington for suppressing nationalism rather
than communism. There also were protests against the
periodic visits of U.S. nuclear submarines to Japan. Led
by the conservative LDP, the Japanese government endorsed the military effort in Vietnam, but rebuffed U.S.
pressure to do more. More important, Japanese industry
used the prots from the sale of many nonmilitary supplies for use in Vietnam to modernize and shift its exports
to the United States from textiles, cameras, and transistor
radios to sophisticated consumer electronics, automobiles, and machinery. After 1965, in a dramatic reversal,
Japan sold more to the United States than it bought, its
annual surplus increasing from a few billion dollars early
in the 1970s to the $60 billion range by the 1990s.
A more immediate and serious source of friction was
the U.S. refusal to end its occupation of the Ryukyu and
Bonin Islands. Washington considered the military base
on Okinawa as vital to containing the Peoples Republic
of China (PRC) and sustaining the war in Southeast Asia.
In November 1969, President Richard Nixon, having begun withdrawal from Vietnam, agreed to restore Japanese
control of Okinawa, while retaining U.S. base rights. But
the Nixon shocks rocked U.S.-Japan relations, the rst
coming in July 1971, when Nixon announced that he
would visit the PRC. Since the Korean War, Japan had
supported the U.S. policy of isolating the PRC and placed
limits on Sino-Japanese trade. Prime Minister Sato Eisaku was stung after learning about the opening of relations with Beijing just hours before the announcement.
Japans rising trade surplus with the United States was
responsible for the other shocks. Nixon imposed taxes on
imports, ended the convertibility between dollars and gold,
and threatened quotas on textile imports. Japan acquiesced
to U.S. demands, but exports continued unabated.
A receding communist threat in Asia after 1975 made
it more difcult for the United States to dictate relations
with Japan. Only after persistent pressure from Washington did Japan agree to pay more of the costs incurred by
U.S. military forces there and elevate levels of internal
defense spending. Frustrated U.S. ofcials and business
leaders attributed Japans continuing economic growth to
an alliance between bureaucrats, corporations, and the
LDP (Japan, Inc.), who conspired to control foreign
markets, while using various ruses to limit U.S. access to
Japanese consumers. U.S. workers and politicians blamed
the decline of the U.S. automobile industry on Japans car
exports. During the 1980s, huge budget decits resulted
in Japanese banks lending hundreds of billions of dollars
to the U.S. government, and Japanese corporations bought
U.S. real estate and companies. A 1989 poll revealed that
more Americans feared Japanese economic competition
than the Soviet military threat. That same year, a Japanese
politician and business leader coauthored a popular book
that called on Japan to resist U.S. bullying.

Despite the troubled state of U.S.-Japanese relations

during the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan established
an effective working relationship with Prime Minister
Nakasone Yasuhiro, who supported his anti-Soviet policies. Then, in 1991, the fall of the Soviet Union eliminated the main reason for the postwar U.S.-Japan security
alliance. But Tokyo already was resisting U.S. pressure to
assume greater responsibility for preserving world peace
and security. Japan contributed $13 billion to nance the
Gulf War of 1991, but this was ridiculed as checkbook
diplomacy, especially after the Diet delayed passage of a
bill to allow Japans military forces to join in United Nations peacekeeping activities. By then, Japans bubble
economy had collapsed, and Tokyo was reluctant, as the
recession continued, to abandon protectionist economic
policies. In 1995, President Bill Clinton threatened tariff
retaliation, while Japanese ofcials warned of an impending trade war. Two years later, the nancial collapse in
Asia created an economic crisis in Japan that provided
Washington with leverage to achieve some success in persuading Tokyo to increase domestic demand and lower
tariffs, thereby reducing the U.S. trade decit. As the new
century began, U.S.-Japan relations were unstable and
unpredictable, as the two nations struggled to redene
their roles.

Buckley, Roger. U.S.-Japan Alliance Diplomacy, 19451990. New

York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
LaFeber, Walter. The Clash: A History of U.S.-Japan Relations.
New York: Norton, 1997.
Matray, James I. Japans Emergence as a Global Power. Westport,
Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2000.
Neu, Charles E. The Troubled Encounter: The United States and
Japan. New York: Wiley, 1975.
Schaller, Michael. Altered States: The United States and Japan Since
the Occupation. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

James I. Matray
See also Dollar Diplomacy; Open Door Policy; Panay Incident; World War II; and vol. 9: War against Japan.


In the spring and summer of 1942, the United States, as
an ostensible matter of military necessity, incarcerated
virtually the entire Japanese American population of the
West Coast states. All told, more than 120,000 persons,
over two-thirds of them native-born citizens, were conned for as long as forty-seven months in what the government called assembly centers and relocation centers,
but which many later termed concentration camps. While
fear of possible attacks by imperial Japanese forces and of
sabotage by Japanese Americans was the proximate cause,
a long history of anti-Japanese measures and attitudes
made it possible for the public, shocked by the growing
dimensions of the U.S. military debacle in the Pacic war,



Japanese banks, which immobilized most of the liquid assets of the entire Japanese American community. In addition, a joint Justice and War Department directive in
late December effectively nullied the Fourth Amendment as far as Japanese Americans were concerned, as it
authorized warrantless searches of any premises housing
alien enemies, which meant, in practice, any Japanese
American home.

Relocation Center. The scenery was bleak and the weather

was often extreme at internment camps, such as this one at
Minidoka, Idaho. National Archives and Records

Sometime after the issuance of Executive Order 9066,

government lawyers realized that no federal law required
civilians to obey military orders without a declaration of
martial law. Therefore, the War Department drafted and
Congresswithout signicant debate or recorded vote
enacted Public Law 503 on 21 March 1942. This measure
made it a misdemeanor to violate an order by the secretary of war or any ofcer designated by him to leave a
military area. On 18 March, Roosevelt had issued Executive Order 9102, establishing the civilian War Relocation Authority (WRA) to take charge of persons designated under Executive Order 9066.


to accept and even approve measures that clearly contradicted American values.
The triggering mechanism for incarceration was Executive Order 9066, drafted in the War Department and
signed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt on 19 February
1942, seventy-four days after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
The executive order specied no particular group of persons, and some in the War Department would have applied it to enemy aliens and perhaps others anywhere in
the United States. It empowered Secretary of War Henry
L. Stimson and subordinates designated by him to exclude any or all persons from areas he might designate and to provide . . . transportation, food, shelter, and
other accommodations . . . to accomplish the purpose of
this order. Read without context, it seems to be a relief
measure, but government spokesmen, chief of whom was
the future attorney general and U.S. Supreme Court justice Tom Clark, explained to the press that it was aimed
chiey at Japanese, who would be moved away from the
West Coast.
Moving toward Incarceration
Even before the promulgation of the executive order, the
lives of the West Coast Japanese, alien and citizen, had
been disrupted by a series of wartime government decrees. Apart from an 8 December 1941 proclamation
empowering a selective internment of Japanese alien enemies conforming to existing statute law, a Justice Department order forbade alien enemies and persons of
Japanese ancestry from leaving the country. In addition,
Treasury Department orders froze the bank accounts of
alien enemies and all accounts in American branches of


Carrying Out Relocation and Incarceration

With these legal underpinnings in place, the army, with
the clandestine and illegal help of the Bureau of the Census, divided the West Coast states into 108 separate districts, most of which contained about one thousand Japanese persons. General John L. DeWitt, who was in
charge of West Coast defense, issued a series of civilian
exclusion orders, one for each district, ordering all persons of Japanese ancestry, both alien and non-alien to
report to a specied place in the vicinity, bringing whatever belongings they could carry, for transportation to an
assembly center. Although the government did not conscate property, except for shing boats, rearms, explosives, and some radios, most Japanese American families
lost, or disposed of at re-sale prices, the bulk of their
personal and real property.
Once in military custody, Japanese Americans were
moved rst to one of sixteen assembly centers and, from
there, to one of ten relocation centers under the authority
of the civilian WRA. The whole mass movement began
on 31 March 1942, with 257 persons taken from Bainbridge Island in Puget Sound and sent to Manzanar in the
desert country northeast of Los Angeles. It was not completed until the end of October, with shipments of 655
persons from the Santa Anita Racetrack camp to WRA
camps in Wyoming, Colorado, and Arkansas.
The assembly centers utilized existing facilities; some
families were housed in horse stalls at racetracks and cattle
pens at fairgrounds. The inmates were, however, not far
from home and could be visited by non-Japanese friends
and neighbors. The relocation centers, howeverbuilt in
slapdash fashion for their current purposewere located,
by design, in desolate places.


Forced Evacuation. Soldiers watch baggage being loaded onto trucks as Japanese Americans await
removal from their homes in San Francisco. National Archives and Records Administration

The overwhelming majority of Japanese Americans simply complied with the successive government orders as
their community leaders recommended. Several thousand
were able to avoid being seized by moving to territory
east of the forbidden zone that comprised California,
western Washington and Oregon, and a small part of Arizona before the government closed that escape route in
March 1942. A dozen or so of those who remained either
challenged the government orders through the courts or
tried to avoid its clutches by attempting to assume nonJapanese identities. The legal protesters greatly concerned
government leaders, but they need not have worried: the
federal judiciary, with a few nonbinding exceptions, simply accepted the governments rationale about military
necessity and the inherent untrustworthiness of Japanese
Three of the legal challenges eventually made their
way to the U.S. Supreme Court. In June 1943, the Court
decided unanimously in Hirabayashi v. United States that
an American citizen of Japanese ancestry had to obey a
curfew order; the Court avoided ruling on incarceration.
The two other cases were not decided until December
1944. In Korematsu v. United States, the Court, now divided in a 63 vote, ruled that a citizen had to obey the
military evacuation orders. Paradoxically, however, in the
Ex parte Endo decision handed down the same day, the

Court decided unanimously that a citizen of undoubted

loyalty might not be held in camp or prevented from returning to California.
Life in the Camps
Life in the concentration camps was severe but generally
not brutal, although on three occasions at three separate
camps, troops guarding them shot and killed unarmed
inmates, most of whom were protesting conditions. The
civilian War Relocation Authority, in many ways a typical
New Deal agency, tried to treat the prisoners humanely
as long as they obeyed the rules. In many ways the administration resembled that of Indian reservations, and,
in fact, the WRA head, Dillon S. Myer, later ran the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The WRA rules allowed thousands
of Japanese Americans to leave the camps for work, for
education, and, eventually, for military service. Some
3,600 young men entered the U.S. Army directly from
camps, rst as volunteers and then as draftees. Several
hundred young men, however, resisted the draft, claiming
that since they had been deprived of their liberty, they
should not have to serve. The courts disagreed and sentenced 263 to terms in federal penitentiaries.
After the war the government slowly receded from its actions. In a 1945 ceremony, President Harry S. Truman



honored Japanese American soldiers, telling them that

you have fought prejudice and won. In 1948, the Japanese American Claims Act provided limited compensation for certain property losses. Decades later, in 1976,
President Gerald R. Ford issued a proclamation revoking
Executive Order 9066, declaring that Japanese Americans were and are loyal Americans. Finally, responding
to a 1983 recommendation of the Commission on the
Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, the
government in 1988 awarded each of some eighty thousand survivors a $20,000 tax-free redress payment and
eventually sent each a check and a letter of apology signed
by President George H. W. Bush.

Daniels, Roger. Prisoners without Trial: Japanese Americans in

World War II. New York: Hill and Wang, 1993.
Daniels, Roger, ed. American Concentration Camps: A Documentary History of the Relocation and Incarceration of Japanese
Americans, 19411945. 9 vols. New York: Garland, 1989. A
collection of archival documents.
Houston, Jeanne Wakatsuki, and James D. Houston. Farewell to
Manzanar: A True Story of Japanese American Experience during and after the World War II Internment. Boston: Houghton
Mifin, 1973. The best-known memoir of incarceration.
Maki, Mitchell T., Harry H. L. Kitano, and S. Megan Berthold.
Achieving the Impossible Dream: How Japanese Americans Obtained Redress. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999.
Myer, Dillon S. Uprooted Americans: The Japanese Americans and
the War Relocation Authority during World War II. Tucson:
University of Arizona Press, 1971. An apologia by the head
of the War Relocation Authority.

Asian Americans by immigration after 1980 because Japans economy provided its citizens with a high living
standard. Also, Japanese Americans did not manifest a
huge gender imbalance like other Asian American groups,
and in fact was the only group prior to 1965 in which
women outnumbered men. By far most Japanese Americans live in California and Hawaii, with the states of
Washington, New York, and New Jersey a distant third,
fourth, and fth.
Early Settlement in Hawaii and California
U.S. commercial expansion in the Pacic during the early
nineteenth century initiated the history of Japanese
movement to America. After American traders established
a presence in Hawaii, the United States secured a commercial treaty with China in 1844. It then gained access
to Japan in 1854, signing an agreement that ended Japans
policy of national isolation. Thereafter, Hawaiian sugar
planters, mostly U.S. citizens, began to recruit Japanese
as contract laborers. In 1869, the rst Japanese arrived on
the mainland and settled near Sacramento, where they
established the Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Farm Colony on
600 acres. This settlement soon disappeared because the
mulberry shoots and tea seeds that the immigrants brought
from Japan could not survive in the dry California soil. In
1871, Japan sent the Iwakura Mission to the United States
in search of Western scientic knowledge as a way to preserve its political and cultural independence. Signicant
numbers of individual Japanese resettled in the United
States thereafter for the same reason and generally were

Taylor, Sandra. Jewel of the Desert: Japanese American Internment

at Topaz. Berkeley: University of California, 1993. The best
account of a single incarceration camp.

Roger Daniels
See also Internment, Wartime; and vol. 9: The Japanese Internment Camps, 1942.

JAPANESE AMERICANS have contributed signicantly to the political strength, economic development,
and social diversity of the United States. Like all Asian
Americans, they are a heterogeneous group, the most obvious distinction being between those from the Japanese
home islands and those from Okinawa, which was an independent kingdom until 1879, when Japan incorporated
it as a prefecture. In 1970, Japanese Americans were the
largest group among Asian Americans in the total U.S.
population, but Chinese and Filipinos had passed them
by 1990, In 2000, the Census Bureau asked respondents
to identify themselves as one or more races in combination. Japanese Americans were most likely to report one
or more other ethnic groups, but with a total population
of 1,148,932, they still ranked sixth among Asian Americans, having also fallen behind Asian Indians, Vietnamese,
and Koreans. Japanese Americans increased least among


Formal Portrait. Japanese immigrants pose dressed as

samurai. National Archives and Records Administration


well received until Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. U.S. labor recruiters from the mainland
then went to Hawaii to lure Japanese workers with promises of higher wages and better working conditions. Seeking escape from the rigors of sugar plantation life, 34,000
Japanese left Hawaii from 1902 to 1906 for the West
Anti-Japanese agitation in the United States began
almost with the arrival of the rst Issei (rst-generation
Japanese Americans). Not only did reactionary politicians
favor action to block Japanese immigration, but reformers
also called for restrictions. Progressives talked of the Yellow Peril and prevailed on legislatures in western states
to pass anti-Japanese laws that barred Japanese Americans
from interracial marriage and excluded them from clubs,
restaurants, and recreational facilities. Racial segregation
greatly reduced opportunities in education, housing, and
employment, and alien land laws thwarted advancement
in agriculture.
Japan protested these measures to defend its national
honor and to protect itself against the same imperialist
exploitation China endured. In response, President Theodore Roosevelt arranged the 1908 Gentlemens Agreement
with Japan, whereby Tokyo agreed not to issue passports
to Japanese workers seeking to migrate to the United
States in return for Roosevelts promise to press for repeal
of discriminatory laws. At that time, California had roughly
50,000 Japanese residents in a population of 2,250,000,
working mostly as tenant farmers, shermen, or small
businessmen. But many owned farms, and there was a
small professional class of lawyers, teachers, and doctors.
From 1908 to 1920, the migration of Japanese women,
mainly as picture brides and wives, helped even the
mainland gender ratio. In 1924, the National Origins Act
effectively ended Japanese immigration.
World War II and Incarceration
By 1941, about 120,000 Japanese lived in the United
States, 94,000 in California. Earlier, most Japanese immigrants had settled in towns, but by then, 40 percent
lived outside urban centers and worked in agriculture,
forestry, and shing. In Hawaii, racism against the Japanese was strong, but not as strong as in California. Many
bowed to pressure to give up their language and embrace
Christianity, yet they were still excluded from white
schools. After Japans attack on Pearl Harbor forced U.S.
entry into World War II, Japanese Americans were targeted for special persecution because of an exaggerated
fear that they would conspire to aid the enemy. Time magazine explained to its readers in late December 1941 how
they could distinguish the kindly placid, open faces of
the Chinese, who were allies of the United States, from
the positive, dogmatic, arrogant expressions of the
Japs. Barred from U.S. citizenship were 47,000 Issei, but
their 70,000 American-born offspring (Nisei) were citizens. Congressman Leland Ford of California insisted
that any patriotic native born Japanese, if he wants to

Japanese American ID. An identication record, featured in

an exhibit at Ellis Island on the treatment of Japanese
Americans during World War II; photographed in 1998 by
Bebeto Matthews. AP/Wide World Photos

make his contribution, will submit himself to a concentration camp. Despite their having committed no crimes,
General John DeWitt, head of the Western Defense Command, declared Japanese of any citizenship enemies.
In Hawaii the U.S. government declared martial law
but imposed no further limitations on the Japanese living
there. On the mainland, however, President Franklin D.
Roosevelts Executive Order 9066 of 19 February 1942
declared parts of the country military areas from which
any or all persons could be barred. The U.S. Army gained
authorization to remove all Japanese Americans from the
West Coast. In May, the War Relocation Authority gave
forty-eight hours or less to Japanese Americans to pack
their belongings and sell or otherwise dispose of their
property. More than 112,000 people were moved to ten
detention facilities, mostly located in remote and desolate



areas of the West. Thirty thousand children were taught

in schools about democratic values, while being denied
their civil liberties.
No one ever was charged with treason or sedition, as
the pretext was disloyalty, which was not against the law.
Yet since only 1,466 Japanese in Hawaii were placed in
detention facilities over the course of the war, it is clear
that racism, not fears of disloyalty, motivated the massive
mainland incarceration. Facilities in the camps were primitive, services poor, and privacy virtually nonexistent. But
nearly all Japanese Americans complied without objection, performing menial labor under armed guard. In
1943, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld as legal the racial
curfew for reasons of military security. With three judges
dissenting, the Court ruled in 1944 that the relocation
was justied by the exigencies of war.
Dozens of Japanese Americans refused to be drafted
from the camps into the military to protest their incarceration, with some claiming conscientious objector status.
At the same time, many young Japanese American men
and women made important contributions to the U.S. war
effort. The 442d Infantry Combat Team, comprised entirely of Nisei volunteers and serving in Europe, became
the most decorated unit for bravery in action in the entire
American military service. Others worked in the Pacic
theater as translators, interpreters, or intelligence ofcers.
Meanwhile, the numbers of Japanese Americans in the
camps steadily declined as students were allowed to attend
college, workers received temporary permits, and some
internees gained permission to leave after agreeing to settle in eastern states. In 1944, the Supreme Court ruled in
Ex Parte Endo that a loyal U.S. citizen could not be deprived of his or her freedom. That October, martial law
ended in Hawaii. By January 1945, the camps still held
80,000 people, but nally that summer all could leave. A
fortunate few found that friends had protected their homes
and businesses, but most lost the work of a lifetime.
Postwar Acculturation
After World War II, Americans who had fought against
Nazism started to question older notions of white superiority and racism. During the war, California had vigorously enforced an alien land law that led to the seizure
of property declared illegally held by Japanese. In November 1946, a proposition endorsing the measure appeared on the state ballot, but voters overwhelmingly rejected it in part because the Japanese American Citizens
League ( JACL) organized a campaign to remind Californians of the wartime contributions of Nisei soldiers. Two
years later, the Supreme Court declared the alien land law
unconstitutional, labeling it as nothing more than outright racial discrimination. In Hawaii, Japanese American veterans entered politics, organized the Japanese
American vote, and reshaped the Democratic Party in the
islands, ending nearly fty years of Republican Party rule
in the revolution of 1954. The 1952 McCarran-Walter
Act removed the ban on Japanese immigration and made


Issei eligible for naturalized citizenship. Japanese Americans lobbied aggressively for the new law and rejoiced in
its passage. By 1965, some 46,000 immigrant Japanese
had taken their citizenship oaths.
Like other World War II veterans, Japanese Americans used the GI Bill to gain college educations. This
brought a steady increase in postwar years in the percentage of professionals and city dwellers in this Asian
American group. Because the rise in education levels and
family incomes appeared so spectacular, especially after
the impoverishment caused by World War II detention,
commentators heaped praise on Japanese Americans as a
model minority. These writers attributed their economic advancement not only to determined effort but
also cultural values that resembled dominant American
ideals, including the centrality of the family, regard for
schooling, a premium placed on the future, and belief in
the virtues of hard work. As early as 1960, Japanese Americans had a greater percentage of high school and college
graduates than other groups, and in later years median
family incomes were higher by nearly $3,000 than those
of other Americans. Observers noted, however, that Japanese Americans had greater numbers of workers per
household, accounting in part for higher median incomes.
According to a study of Asian Americans in Californias
San Francisco Bay area, based on the 1980 census, Japanese American individuals worked more hours.
Passage of the Immigration Act of 1965 abolished the
national origins quotas of 1924 and opened the gates
widely for many Third World peoples. Adopting the principle of rst come, rst served, it also gave preference
to professionals and the highly skilled. By 1986, immigrants from Asia rose from 1 to 5 million, comprising 40
percent of new immigrants as opposed to 7 percent
twenty years earlier. But the portion of Japanese immigrants plummeted from 52 percent of all Asian Americans
in 1960 to 15 percent in 1985. This decline accelerated
the integration and assimilation of Japanese Americans
into the mainstream of American society.
Japanese American Community Since the 1980s
During the 1980s, the Japanese American community experienced a transition from a relatively exclusive and excluded group to a fragmented and diverse collectivity.
Among Sansei (third generation) and Vonsei (fourth generation), there was declining participation in Japanese
American institutions and a lack of cultural connection to
things Japanese. Rejecting assimilation, some younger
Japanese Americans criticized the JACL for supporting
cooperation with internment and opposing wartime draft
resistance to strengthen its power position.
Japanese American political agitation grew during an
era of greater social, economic, and political opportunities, focusing especially on gaining compensation for relocation and internment. Congress had offered a token
payment in 1948, but it was not until the 1980s that several Japanese Americans convicted of wartime offenses


successfully reopened their cases. The Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were forced
to release les showing how prosecutors withheld evidence proving that no danger existed to justify wartime
civil rights violations. Civil organizations, political activists, and congressmen then lobbied successfully for passage of the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, resulting
in the U.S. government apologizing for wrongs done to
Japanese Americans during World War II and authorizing
monetary redress in the amount of about $20,000 per surviving internee. After determining terms of payment and
denition of eligibility in 1988, over 82,000 received
Japanese American assertiveness in this matter and
against other forms of discrimination caused many observers to reexamine the accuracy of describing the group
as the model minority. Some writers saw a basic aw in
comparative analysis, stressing that Japanese Americans
had to overcome structural restraints that white European immigrants did not have to face. Their success was
largely attributable to a Japanese culture that emphasized
the primacy of group survival over and above the retention of specic beliefs and practices. Others pointed to a
sharp contrast between traditional American values that
stressed individualism, independent goals, achieving status,
and a sense of optimism, and Japanese values emphasizing
group reliance, duty and hierarchy, submissiveness to authority, compulsive obedience to rules and controls set by
those with status, a sense of fatalism, and success through
self-discipline. Yet Japanese Americans arguably have been
able to achieve assimilation into the American mainstream more fully than any other Asian American group.
Despite the increasing complexity of the Japanese American community, new stereotypes have surfaced to limit
options for Sansei and Vonsei that are less visible and
more subtle. Meeting this challenge has caused younger
Japanese Americans to rely on voluntary social groups to
deal with collective needs. Persistent ethnic cohesiveness,
as well as a commitment to build orderly and meaningful
lives, thus remain key sources of strength in the Japanese
American community.

Daniels, Roger. Asian America: Chinese and Japanese in the United

States Since 1850. Seattle: University of Washington Press,
Hazama, Dorothy Ochiai, and Okamoto Komeiji. Okage Sama
De: The Japanese in Hawaii, 18851895. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986.
OBrien, David J., and Stephen S. Fugita. The Japanese American
Experience. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Spickard, Paul R. Japanese Americans: The Formation and Transformations of an Ethnic Group. New York: Twayne, 1996.
Takahashi, Jere. Nisei/Sansei: Shifting Japanese American Identities
and Politics. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997.

James I. Matray

Japanese Cherry Trees. Eleanor Roosevelt enjoys the rst of

thirteen years of blossoms while she is rst lady, 3 April 1933.
Underwood & Underwood/corbis

See also Asian Americans; Japan, Relations with; JapaneseAmerican Incarceration; and vol. 9: Gentlemens


Washington, D.C., attract thousands of visitors during
blossom time each April. They were presented by the city
of Tokyo as a token of goodwill from the people of Japan
to the people of the United States. The rst shipment in
1909 had to be destroyed because of insect pests. The city
of Tokyo then, in a special nursery, grafted owering
cherry trees onto wild cherry stock, and the trees reached
Washington in perfect condition. The rst two were
planted by then rst lady Helen Taft and the wife of Japanese ambassador Count Sutemi Chinda on 27 March

Jefferson, Roland M. Cherry BlossomsRestoring a National

Treasure. Agricultural Research 47, no. 4 (April 1999): 48.

Fred A. Emery / h. s.
See also Japan, Relations with.

JAVA SEA, BATTLE OF, an early World War II naval engagement off the northern coast of Java. A eet



comprising American, British, Dutch, and Australian

units, under Rear Admiral Karel W. F. M. Doorman of
the Netherlands, attempted to halt a Japanese invasion of
Java. Trying to locate the Japanese troop transports,
Doormans force, late on 27 February 1942, encountered
a Japanese covering force under Rear Admiral T. Takagi.
Although the Japanese force was of approximately equal
numbers, they alone had air support. The two Allied
heavy cruisers, USS Houston and HMS Exeter, were outgunned by two Japanese cruisers. In the rst clash, the
Exeter was severely damaged, and two Allied destroyers
were sunk. Retiring in hope of shaking off Takagi and
nding the transports, Doorman lost another destroyer
to a mine and, after dark, again ran into Takagis eet and
lost two light cruisers, including his own agship. The
surviving ships retired. Neither the Houston nor any of the
ve U.S. destroyers was damaged. However, the following day, as the Houston and the light cruiser HMS Perth
tried to escape southward, they encountered the main
Japanese armada. Four Japanese transports were sunk, but
both the Houston and the Perth were lost, and the Japanese
invasion proceeded.

Schultz, Duane P. The Last Battle Station: The Story of the USS
Houston. New York: St. Martins Press, 1985.
Thomas, David A. The Battle of the Java Sea. London: Deutsch,
1968; New York: Stein and Day, 1969.

Charles B. MacDonald / a. r.
See also Aircraft Carriers and Naval Aircraft; Coral Sea, Battle of the; Midway, Battle of.


Bemis, Samuel Flagg. Pinckneys Treaty: Americas Advantage from

Europes Distress, 17831800. Rev. ed. New Haven, Conn.:
Yale University Press, 1962.
Weeks, William Earl. Building the Continental Empire: American
Expansion from the Revolution to the Civil War. Chicago: Dee,
Whitaker, Arthur Preston. The Spanish-American Frontier, 1783
1795: The Westward Movement and the Spanish Retreat in the
Mississippi Valley. Boston: Houghton Mifin, 1927.

Lester H. Brune
See also Pinckneys Treaty.

JAYHAWKERS, a name applied to the Free State

bands active in the Kansas-Missouri border war between
1856 and 1859, particularly the band captained by Charles
R. Jennison. It was also applied to Union guerrilla bands
during the Civil War and to the Seventh Kansas Cavalry,
commanded by Jennison. Because of real and alleged depredations attributed to the Jayhawkers, the term became
one of opprobrium. The terms origin is uncertain, but a
party of gold seekers from Galesburg, Illinois, may have
coined it in 1849 and used it in California. (Traditional
stories of the terms origin in Kansas are apocryphal.) After the Civil War, Jayhawker became the popular nickname for a Kansan.

Napier, Rita, ed. History of the Peoples of Kansas. Lawrence: University of Kansas, 1985.

Samuel A. Johnson / c. w.


negotiations with Don Diego de Gardoqui of Spain began
in New York City on 20 July 1785 in an effort to solve
problems regarding the southwest boundary between the
new nation and Spanish America, and American rights to
navigate the Mississippi River to New Orleans. In 1779,
Jay had gone to Spain to seek its endorsement of the war
against England. Spain rejected Jays appeal, but agreed
to secret loans to help Americans purchase armaments.
After the peace treaty ending the Revolutionary War was
signed in 1785, Spain rejected Americas right to navigate
the Mississippi between Natchez and New Orleans.
One year after the Jay-Gardoqui negotiations began,
Spain granted American commercial privileges for Spains
European ports, but still refused American rights on the
Mississippi River to New Orleans. In August 1786, the
Continental Congress voted seven to ve for Spains proposal, but lacked the necessary nine votes for ratication.
In 1788, Spain granted Americans the right to navigate
to New Orleans, provided they paid 15 percent duties to
Madrid. The issue of Mississippi trade restrictions was
nally resolved through the Pinckney Treaty of 1795.


See also Border Ruffians; Border War; Kansas-Nebraska Act;

Lecompton Constitution; Pottawatomie Massacre.

JAYS TREATY (1794). Both the United States and

Great Britain failed to live up to the terms of the 1783
peace treaty that ended the Revolutionary War. American
violations reected the weakness of its central government; state governments passed laws blocking the repayment of prewar debts to British creditors and Americans
continued to discriminate against American loyalists. British violations resulted from a more deliberate policy
failing to evacuate Northwest forts and posts, especially
to please its Indian allies and to assuage its fur traders.
Mounting American dissatisfaction came up against
the Federalist-Republican split in government. To such
Federalists as Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, friendship with Britain was too important to risk over
these issues; Hamilton needed trade with Britain, Americas
key trading partner, to nance his plans. To Republicans,
such as Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, who were
committed to France, the only recourse was a rm insistence on Britains honoring of its treaty obligations.


Britain had issues as well. By this point a war had

begun between France and Britain, and it would not end
for nearly two decades. As the worlds premier naval power,
Britain rejected Americas view that it should, as a neutral
state, be able to trade freely with all interested parties.
Britain seized hundreds of American neutral ships, and Sir
Guy Carleton, Baron Dorchester, the governor-general of
Canada, made a bellicose speech to western Indians implying that they would soon be able to recover their lands in
the Great Lakes region from the United States.
In this environment, President George Washington
sent Chief Justice John Jay, a staunch Federalist and a
strong Anglophile, to London as minister plenipotentiary
and envoy extraordinaire on a special mission. As the historian Samuel Flagg Bemis has noted, Jay could have
made more of the American cause. He acquiesced in British maritime measures for the duration of the war with
France in return for the creation of a mixed commission
to adjudicate American spoliation claims for damages made
under color of British Orders in Council. On 19 November 1794, Jay and the British foreign minister Lord
Grenville signed a Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation. Britain agreed to evacuate frontier posts by 1 June
1796 (which it mostly did); the United States guaranteed
payment of British private prewar debts. Another term of
the treaty stated that mixed boundary commissions were
to establish the boundaries in the northwest and northeast. The boundary commission for the northwest never
met, and the commission for the northeast set the boundary at the Saint Croix River. Jay did not obtain any satisfaction on issues of impressment, neutral (shipping)
rights, ending so-called paper or unenforced blockades,
and no indemnication for slaves that departing British
soldiers took from the United States in 1783.

Reuter, Frank T. Trials and Triumphs: George Washingtons Foreien

Policy. Fort Worth, Tex.: Texas Christian University Press,

Charles M. Dobbs

JAZZ as a term can act as an adjective, noun, or verb,

and refers to a performance method or the music itself
that is called jazz. The term was only applied to music
around 1915 and was even then disliked by some musicians because it was a vulgar term for sexual intercourse.
Jazz music encompasses many substyles that can be characterized by comparative time periods, geography, style,
ensemble, function, venue, and audience. The importance
of individuality and improvisatory interaction in jazz, requiring mastery of expression and technical skill, should
not be underestimated.
Like the blues, jazz was at rst an oral tradition founded
by African Americans as a passionate expression of social
condition, combining both African American and European American inuences. New Orleans, the birthplace
of jazz, was a slave trade port, and its Congo Square was
a gathering place on Sundays for the African Americans
who danced, sang of their history and ritual with expressive African inections, and played drums. In the late

Washington got the treaty through the Senate and

the House only with great difculty and at some cost. The
temporary acquiescence in British maritime measures was
the price the Federalists paid for redemption of American
territorial integrity in the Northwest, and peace with Britain. Britain wanted a treaty to keep its best foreign customer and to keep the United States neutral during the
continuing conict with France. There certainly were
protests in the United States, and Jay was burned in efgy
while Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton was
stoned while publicly defending the treaty. France regarded the treaty as a violation of its commercial treaty
with the United States and, as Alexander DeConde has
written, engaged in a kind of undeclared naval war with
America between 1798 and 1800.

Bemis, Samuel Flagg. Jays Treaty: A Study in Commerce and Diplomacy. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1962.
Combs, Jerald A. The Jay Treaty: Political Background of the Founding Fathers. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970.
DeConde, Alexander. Entangling Alliance: Politics and Diplomacy
under George Washington. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood
Press, 1974.

Duke Ellington. Pianist, leader of a legendary and longlasting big band, and preeminent composer of jazz and other
African American music. AP/Wide World Photos



Fletcher Hendersons Orchestra. The bandleader (sitting at the piano) hired extraordinary talent
such as Louis Armstrong (center, rear)with the group from late 1924 to late 1925, just before his
revolutionary Hot Fives and Hot Sevens recordingsand Coleman Hawkins (with tenor saxophone
at left). Archive Photos, Inc.

1800s, European American music, spirituals, Creole music, and the same African American eld hollers and work
songs that inuenced blues inuenced this oral tradition.
Another early inuence on New Orleans jazz was
Ragtime, which began to be published around 1890 and
became the rst African American tradition to gain widespread popularity. Ragtimes primary musical model was
the marching band, and most of its repertoire was for
piano, such as the rags of St. Louiss Scott Joplin and
Harlems James P. Johnson. Larger ragtime ensembles
called syncopated orchestras (syncopation was a prominent ragtime feature) were also popular in America and
Europe; one of the most famous was James Reese Europes Clef Club Orchestra. In addition, Europe founded
what could possibly be the rst modern association of
African American musicians, also called Clef Club.
New Orleans was a melting pot of African, Caribbean, Creole, European, and local traditions. Its small
bands played in parades, funerals, and other social gatherings and were typied by a celebratory spirit and rhythmic intensity. Buddy Bolden, Louis Armstrong, and Jelly
Roll Morton began their careers in New Orleans and became some of the greatest soloists of the time. Most jazz
in New Orleans was performed as dance music in the
venues of Storyville (the red-light district between 1896
and 1917). When Storyville closed, many musicians migrated to Chicago, Kansas City, and New York to nd


The Jazz Age and Modernity (1920s)

The displaced Dixieland sounds characterized the Jazz
Age. Some believe the Original Dixieland Jazz Band
(founded 1916), set a standard that started the Jazz Age,
while others point to King Olivers Creole Jazz Band
(founded 1922) in Chicago. Louis Armstrong and his Hot
Five (1925) are often credited with exemplifying the spirit
of the era. New York became the center for jazz performance and recording after 1925. By 1930, successful
artists included Coleman Hawkins, Fletcher Henderson,
Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, and Benny Carter.
The Jazz Age characterized the sound of modernity
because it emphasized the individual voice and had a great
impact on genres and styles in the visual arts, including
lm, and modernist literature, in works by such authors
as Langston Hughes and T. S. Eliot. Socially, musicians
were successful in presenting jazz to the general public as
well as making strides in overcoming racial boundaries.
The Big-Band Swing Era (19301940s)
As early as 1924, Louis Armstrong was in New York playing with Fletcher Hendersons orchestra, and by the mid1930s, swing style was already widely popular. The term
swing was rst used to describe the lively rhythmic style
of Armstrongs playing and also refers to swing dance
Duke Ellington, best known for his colorful orchestration, led a group that played at Harlems Cotton Club;


Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, and Count Basie led other

successful orchestras. While these big bands came to characterize the New York jazz scene during the Great Depression, they were contrasted with the small, impoverished jazz groups that played at rent parties and the like.
During this time the performer was thoroughly identied
by popular culture as an entertainer, the only regular
venue was the nightclub, and African American music became synonymous with American dance music. The bigband era was also allied with another popular genre, the
mainly female jazz vocalists who soloed with the orchestras. Singers such as Billie Holiday modernized popularsong lyrics, although some believe the idiom was more
akin to white Tin Pan Alley than to jazz.
Some believe that the big band at its peak represented
the golden era of jazz because it became part of the cultural mainstream. Others, however, consider it furthest
from the ideal of jazzs artistic individuality.
Bebop, Post-Bop, Hard Bop, and
Free Jazz (1940s1960s)
PostWorld War II jazz contrasted with the big bands and
had parallels with abstract expressionist painters and Beat
writers. It was not dance music and was primarily played
by smaller ensembles and often called combo jazz. The
new style was more harmonically challenging, maintained
a high level of virtuosity, and pushed the established language to its extremes. Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Bird
Parker, and Stan Getz played in this new style. In the late
1940s and 1950s this style, described onomatopoeically as
bebop, became even more complex.
A smoother, more relaxed cool sound, a reaction
to the intensity of bebop, was developed by Miles Davis
in his 1949 album Birth of the Cool; it is often called mainstream jazz and was successful into the 1970s. Cool performers in the 1950s, including Davis, the Modern Jazz
Quartet, and Dave Brubeck, gained popularity for jazz as
an art. There were many other post-bop styles, such as

modal jazz (based on musical modes), funk (which reprised early jazz), and fusion, which blended jazz and rock
and included electronic instruments. Miles Davis in his
later career and Chick Corea were two inuential fusion
Hard bop was a continuation of bebop but in a more
accessible style played by artists such as John Coltrane.
Ornette Coleman (1960) developed avant-garde free jazz,
a style based on the ideas of Thelonius Monk, in which
free improvisation was central to the style.
Postmodern Jazz Since 1980
Hybridity, a greater degree of fusion, and traditional jazz
revivals merely touch the surface of the variety of styles
that make up contemporary jazz. Inclusive of many types
of world music, it is accessible, socially conscious, and
draws almost equally from its vast musical past. Performers such as David Grisman, B. B. King, Wynton Marsalis,
Harry Connick Jr., Toshiko Akiyoshi, and Tito Puente
attest to this variety. Since the 1980s, mainstream jazz
education has developed, along with more serious concern for the study of jazz documentation and scholarship.

Clark, Andrew, ed. Riffs and Choruses: A New Jazz Anthology.

London and New York: Continuum, 2001.
Erlewine, Michael, et al., eds. All Music Guide to Jazz: The Experts Guide to the Best Jazz Recordings. 3d ed. San Francisco:
Miller Freeman Books, 1998.
Gridley, Mark C. Jazz Styles: History and Analysis. 7th ed. Upper
Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Kirchner, Bill, ed. The Oxford Companion to Jazz. Oxford, U.K.,
and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Monson, Ingrid. Saying Something: Jazz Improvisation and Interaction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Townsend, Peter. Jazz in American Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000; Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 2000.

Christina Linsenmeyer-van Schalkwyk

See also Music: African American.

Dizzy Gillespie. The pioneer of bebop (along with Charlie

Parker) expands his famous cheeks as he plays his trademark
bent trumpet. AP/Wide World Photos

JAZZ AGE. The novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald coined

the term Jazz Age retrospectively to refer to the decade
after World War I and before the stock market crash in
1929, during which Americans embarked upon what he
called the gaudiest spree in history. The Jazz Age is
inextricably associated with the wealthy white appers
and socialites immortalized in Fitzgeralds ction. However, the eras soundtrack was largely African American,
facilitating what Ann Douglas has described as a racially
mixed social scene without precedent in the United
States. Postwar U.S. supremacy and a general disillusion
with politics provided the economic base and social context of the Jazz Age. In his 1931 essay, Echoes of the Jazz
Age, Fitzgerald referred to a whole race going hedon-



istic, deciding on pleasure, a rather glib exaggeration, as

71 percent of American families lived below the poverty
line during the Roaring Twenties. Nevertheless, a young
white elite put this pleasure principle into practice by
embracing jazz. As the historian Lawrence Levine observed, many whites identied this black music as libidinal and primitive, the liberating antithesis of mainstream, middle-class conventions. White New Yorkers
went slumming at jazz clubs in Harlem. Boosted by the
emergence of radio and the gramophone, black singers
like Bessie Smith and Clara Smith became stars. The motion picture The Jazz Singer (1927) brought the music to
the big screen in the rst-ever talkie, although the
eponymous hero was the white performer Al Jolson in

Cowley, Malcolm, and Robert Cowley, eds. Fitzgerald and the

Jazz Age. New York: Scribners, 1966.
Douglas, Ann. Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s.
London: Picador, 1996.
Fitzgerald, F Scott. Echoes of the Jazz Age. In The Crack-Up
with Other Pieces and Stories. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1965.
Levine, Lawrence. Black Culture and Black Consciousness: AfroAmerican Thought from Slavery to Freedom. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.

Martyn Bone
See also Flapper.

The Jazz Singer. Al Jolson stars in this 1927 feature lm, the
rst with synchronized dialogue as well as singing (though
much of it was still a silent movie using subtitles); there were
some earlier shorts and features with sound effects, but this
motion picture revolutionized the industry. AP/Wide World

JAZZ SINGER, THE, a motion picture released by

Warner Brothers in October 1927, was the rst successful
feature-length production to include sound, ushering in
the end of the silent lm era. Audiences thrilled when Al
Jolson, in the title role, broke into song and proclaimed,
You aint heard nothing yet! Directed by Alan Crosland
(lming Alfred A. Cohns screen adaptation of Samson
Raphaelsons play Day of Atonement), The Jazz Singer tells
the tale of Jakie Rabinowitz, the young Jewish son of a
New York City cantor who would rather sing jazzy than
follow ve generations of cantors. Jakie runs away from
home to pursue his dreams of stardom; years later, under
the name Jack Robin, Jakie returns to New York City.
Conict arises when Jakie must decide between singing
Kol Nidre in place of his sick father on Yom Kippur
and opening his Broadway show. Jakie decides to chant
Kol Nidre for his father in the synagogue, postponing
his debut. This decision does not hamper Jakie. The lm
ends with Jolson crooning My Mammy in blackface to
his mother in the audience of his Broadway show. The
lm suggests that in America one can be both hugely successful and remain true to ones roots while also suggesting interesting connections between African American
traditions and Jewish American identity.



Carringer, Robert L. ed. The Jazz Singer. Madison: University

of Wisconsin Press, 1979.
Crafton, Donald. The Jazz Singers Reception in the Media and
at the Box Ofce. In Post Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies. Edited by David Bordwell and Noel Carroll. Madison:
University of Wisconsin Press, 1996.
Saposnik, Irv. Jolson, the Jazz Singer, and the Jewish Mother:
Or, How My Yiddishe Momme Became My Mammy. Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 43
(1994): 432442.

Matthew R. Davis
See also Film.

JEFFERSON TERRITORY was established under

a spontaneously formed provisional government that had
a precarious existence in Colorado from 1859 to 1861.
Legally, the new settlements that grew up in Pikes Peak
country following the discovery of gold nearby in 1858
were under Kansas jurisdiction. They were so far from
the seat of the Kansas government, however, that the ter-


ritory was unable to exercise effective authority. Denver

residents took the rst step toward organizing a new government in November 1858 when they elected a delegate
to Congress and asked that a new territory be created.
Torn with dissension over slavery, Congress did not act
until January 1861. Meanwhile, through several successive conventions and elections, inhabitants formed Jefferson Territory without Congressional authorization. They
adopted a constitution, elected ofcials, determined territorial boundaries, and established a legislature, which
created counties and courts and passed laws pertaining to
personal and civil rights. The nascent governments attempt to collect taxes generally failed, however, mainly
because the nearby Arapahoe County, the Kansas government, and the local miners courts remained the chief
means of maintaining law and order. Jefferson Territory
came to an end after Congress created the Territory of
Colorado in 1861. Jefferson Territory stands as an example of many similarly short-lived attempts to establish
provisional governments in unorganized territories. As
was the case in Jefferson Territory, these territoriesincluding Deseret (Utah) and the State of Franklin (Tennessee)lasted only until settlers used legal channels to
establish territorial governments recognized by Congress.

Abbott, Carl, et al. Colorado: A History of the Centennial State. 3rd

ed. Niwot: University Press of Colorado, 1994.
Smith, Duane A. Rocky Mountain West: Colorado, Wyoming, and
Montana, 18591915. Albuquerque: University of New
Mexico Press, 1992.

Colin B. Goodykoontz / s. b.
See also Deseret, State of; Franklin, State of; Mining Towns;
Pikes Peak Gold Rush; Territorial Governments; West,
American; Westward Migration.


described more economically or elegantly than in Thomas
Jeffersons inaugural address in 1801. For twelve years after George Washingtons inauguration, the infant federal
government had been directed by a Hamiltonian design
for national greatness. The election of 1800, Jefferson informed one correspondent, was as real a revolution in
the principles of our government as that of 1776 was in
its form; it rescued the United States from policies that
had endangered its experiment in popular self-governance
and had undermined the constitutional and social
groundwork of a sound republican regime, from leaders
whose commitment to democracy itself had seemed uncertain. The Jeffersonian Republicans would set the Revolution back on its republican and popular foundations.
They would certainly, as most historians would see it,
loose a spirit of equality and a commitment to limited
government that would characterize the nation for a century or more to come.

Thomas Jefferson. Painting by Rembrandt Peale, 1800.


As Washingtons secretary of the Treasury, Alexander

Hamilton had faced toward the Atlantic and supported
rapid economic growth, envisioning the quick emergence
of an integrated state in which the rise of native manufactures would provide materials for export and a large
domestic market for the farmers. Supported by a broad
interpretation of the Constitution, his economic and nancial policies were intended to equip the young nation
with institutional foundations comparable to those that
had permitted tiny Britain to compete effectively with
larger nation-states, and he carefully avoided confrontation with that power. The Republicans, by contrast, were
more concerned about the preservation of the relatively
democratic distribution of the nations wealth. While they
had always advocated freeing oceanic commerce and providing foreign markets for the farmers, they believed that
Federalists had rendered the United States subservient to
Britain and had actually preferred a gradual reintroduction of hereditary rule.
Jeffersonian ambitions for the nation focused much
more on the West, where a republic resting on the sturdy
stock of independent farmer-owners could be constantly
revitalized as it expanded over space. Under Jeffersons



(and then James Madisons) direction, the central government would conscientiously withdraw within the boundaries that they believed had been established when the
Constitution was adopted, assuming that the states, in
all their rights, were the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks
against antirepublican tendencies. The national debt
would be retired as rapidly as preexisting contracts would
permit, not clung to for its broader economic uses while
the interest payments steadily enriched a nonproductive
few and forged a dangerous, corrupting link between the
federal executive and wealthy moneyed interests. State
militias, not professional armed forces, would protect the
nation during peacetime. Internal taxes, during peacetime, would be left to the states. The federal government
would cultivate peace, commerce, and honest friendship
with all nations, entangling alliances with none. Committed to equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever
state or persuasion, religious or political, to religious
freedom, freedom of the press, and other constitutional
protections (many of which, as Jefferson conceived it, had
been gravely threatened during the nal years of Federalist rule), the Jeffersonians would conscientiously pursue
a wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free
to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the
bread it has earned. The Jeffersonian Republicans, as Jefferson or Madison conceived it, were quintessentially the
party of the people and the champions of the republican
Revolution. Their principles democratized the nation,
profoundly shaping its religious landscape as well as its
political institutions and ideas. They may also have protected slavery, produced a war with Britain, and contributed essentially to both sides of the argument that led to
civil war.

Banning, Lance. The Jeffersonian Persuasion: Evolution of a Party

Ideology. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1978.
Hatch, Nathan. The Democratization of American Christianity.
New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1989.
McCoy, Drew R. The Elusive Republic: Political Economy in Jeffersonian America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1980.

Lance Banning
See also Federalist Party; Republicans, Jeffersonian.

JEHOVAHS WITNESSES, one of the most prominent Adventist and apocalyptic sects to have emerged in
America. Charles Taze Russellraised a Presbyterian and
heavily inuenced by Adventist teachingsfounded the
denomination in the early 1870s, when his loosely structured Bible study groups evolved into a discernible movement. In 1879, Russell published Zions Watchtower and
the Herald of Christs Presence (later known as The Watch-


tower), which served as the principal means of spreading

the Witnessess prophetic interpretations and doctrines.
In 1884, Russell incorporated the movement as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, which would become known
as the Dawn Bible Students, the Russellites, and the International Bible Students before adopting its current name
in 1931.
Although the church has no ordained ministry, it has
been led by a succession of powerful directors. After Russell died in 1916, leadership passed to the charismatic and
volatile Joseph Franklin Rutherford, who expanded the
edgling sect into an organized international movement.
Upon Rutherfords death in 1942, the more bureaucratic
Nathan Homer Knorr took over. He further developed
the Witnessess publishing enterprise and instituted a series of international and regional assemblies. Frederick
Franz succeeded Knorr in 1977, and Milton Henschel replaced Franz in 1994.
Like other Adventist groups, Jehovahs Witnesses
emphasize the apocalyptic sections of the Bible, particularly the books of Daniel and Revelations. They worship
Jehovah (the term comes from the name for God in the
Jewish Bible) and believe in universal atonement through
the cruciction; in an Arian Christologythe nontrinitarian belief that Christ was an archangel who chose to
become a human; and in the imminence of the millennium. In that golden age, they believe, 144,000 elected
will share in Christs rule as citizens of a messianic kingdom based in Jerusalem. According to Russell, the movement had reached 144,000 converts by 1881 (although,
because of apostasy [abandoning ones faith], no one could
know the absolute number of spiritually baptized saints).
The numerical limit of saved converts has necessitated a
unique doctrine in which there are two classes of Witnesses: the 144,000 elected, and others who may escape
destruction and achieve limited rewards provided they
join the Witnesses during their lifetimes.
Today, this tightly organized movement engages in
widespread evangelism. Their principal activities include
Bible study, door-to-door witnessing, and the publication
and sale of religious literature. In the United States, Jehovahs Witnesses have attracted legal controversy due to
their claim of exemption from military service, which is
based on their commitment to ght in no battle except
Armageddon; their proselytizing activities; their rejection
of blood transfusions; and their refusal to pledge allegiance to the American ag (Witnesses pledge obedience
to Jehovah alone). Popular animosity notwithstanding,
the courts have consistently afrmed their right to dissent. Despite increasing defections, the Jehovahs Witnesses estimate their membership to be nearly one million
in the United States and approximately six million worldwide, with international membership concentrated in Latin
America and Africa. U.S. headquarters, including the
Watchtower publishing center, are located in Brooklyn,
New York.



Conkin, Paul K. American Originals: Homemade Varieties of Christianity. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,
Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti. Visions of Glory: A History and a
Memory of the Jehovahs Witnesses. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1978.
Newton, Merlin Owen. Armed with the Constitution: Jehovahs
Witnesses in Alabama and the U. S. Supreme Court, 1939
1946. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1995.
Peters, Shawn Calvin. Judging Jehovahs Witnesses. Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 2000.

Glenn T. Miller / Shelby Balik

See also Adventist Churches; Conscientious Objectors; Conscription and Recruitment; Evangelicalism and Revivalism; Protestantism; Religion and Religious Affiliation; Religious Liberty.

JENKINS EAR, WAR OF (17391743), was a struggle between England and Spain. It preceded the War of
the Austrian Succession (known in North America as
King Georges War), which lasted until 1748. The war
was named for Robert Jenkins, a British seaman who lost
an ear in a brush with the Spaniards off the coast of Florida. Commercial rivalry on the seas and disputes over
proprietary rights to Georgia contributed to the conict.
England and Spain fought at sea and on land, in two major theaters: the Caribbean and the Georgia-Florida

JERSEY PRISON SHIP, a dismantled sixty-four-gun

British man-of-war moored in Wallabout Bay, in the New
York harbor, during the American Revolution. It conned
American naval prisoners taken by the British. Although
it was only one of several prison ships in the harbor, it
became notorious for the ill treatment of prisoners. They
received inadequate, often spoiled, and poorly cooked rations. Although the ship housed as many as twelve hundred captives at one time, all prisoners, whether ablebodied or sick and dying, spent each night below deck,
where the heat, vermin, and stench were intolerable. Dysentery, smallpox, and yellow fever were prevalent, and the
death rate was appalling.

Bowman, Larry G. Captive Americans: Prisoners during the American Revolution. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1976.

Louis H. Bolander
Angela Ellis
See also Atrocities in War; Prison Ships.

JESUIT RELATIONS. Each Jesuit missionary in colonial and frontier America was required to report every
year to his superior the events of his mission and the prospects for further exploration. Beginning in 1632 these reports were published annually in a volume entitled Relations and forwarded to the chief of the order in France or

The war resulted in no signicant gains for either

side. The British admiral Edward Vernon captured Portobelo on the Isthmus of Panama in 1739 but met with
disastrous failure in 1741 at Cartagena, Colombias principal port. James Oglethorpe, having clinched an alliance
with the Creek Indians at a meeting on the Chattahoochee River, invaded Florida early in 1740 and seized two
forts on the St. Johns River. He attacked St. Augustine
the following summer but failed to take it. In 1742 a force
of ve thousand Spaniards sought to end the Georgia colony but was turned back at the Battle of Bloody Marsh,
on St. Simons Island. The next year, Oglethorpe again
invaded Florida without success.

Dowd, Gregory Evans. A Spirited Resistance: The North American

Indian Struggle for Unity, 17451815. Baltimore, Md.: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Merrell, James H. The Indians New World: Catawbas and Their
Neighbors from European Contact through the Era of Removal.
New York: Norton, 1989.
Usner, Daniel H., Jr. Indians, Settlers, and Slaves in a Frontier
Exchange Economy: The Lower Mississippi Valley before 1783.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992.

Shelby Balik
E. Merton Coulter
See also Colonial Wars; Indian Treaties; King Georges War.

Jesuits in the New World. A missionary preaches to Indians

in New France (Canada) in this line drawing by C. W. Jefferys.
Granger Collection, Ltd.



Rome. The Jesuit missionaries wrote reports of the regions of Canada, the Great Lakes, and the Mississippi
Valley that could not be surpassed. In 1673 the publication was suspended; however, the missionaries continued
to send in reports, which remained in manuscript for almost two centuries.
In all, forty-one separate Relations were published,
and several American libraries have the full series. In 1896
Reuben G. Thwaites edited an expanded version entitled
Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, covering the period
1610 to 1791. This edition included not only the published Relations but also other documents secured from
many sources in America and Europe. It forms a source
of unusual quality for the conditions of the North American continent at the time: accounts of the fauna and ora;
descriptions of the lakes, rivers, and country; and mention
of indications of minerals and other resources. It is especially useful to scholars for the information it provides
about the customs and migrations of the native Americans, their relationship to the environment, the impact of
European conquest and settlement on them, and European responses to indigeneous cultures.

Chapple, Christopher, ed. The Jesuit Tradition in Education and

Missions: A 450-Year Perspective. Scranton, Pa.: University
of Scranton Press, 1993.
Thwaites, Reuben G., ed. The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents: Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in
New France, 16101791. New York: Pageant Book Co.,

Louise Phelps Kellogg / a. r.

See also Catholicism; French Frontier Forts; Indian Missions;
Jesuits; Religious Thought and Writings.

JESUITS. The history of the Jesuits in America can be

divided into three periods. The rst, a period of Jesuit
missionary enterprise, begins in 1566 with Pedro Martnez landing in Florida, and ends in 1773, when Pope
Clement XIV suppresses the order. The second period
stretches from the restoration of the Jesuits in 1814 to the
early 1960s, and traces the broad shift toward educational
and academic ministries and parish work. The third period begins in 1962 with the Second Vatican Council.
Pedro Martnez died in a clash with the indigenous
people of Florida. Neither he nor any of the other Spanish
Jesuits established enduring Catholic settlements in the
region north of modern-day Mexico. However, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Jesuits had more success, especially in southern Arizona, where Eusebio Kino
worked among the people of Pimera Alta, and in Maryland, where a handful of British Jesuits settled in the one
colony enthusiastic about Catholic immigrants. By the
late eighteenth century, 144 Jesuits had served in missions
in British territories in North America. French Jesuits
moved south from Canada into the colonies of New York


and modern-day Maine; they also inhabited the southern

portion of the Great Lakes region. Jesuit willingness to
blend Christian and Native traditions facilitated conversions. Eventually the Jesuits established cadres of Catholic
Indians throughout the region.
The primary difculty faced by Jesuits in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was anti-Catholicism and
anti-Jesuitism brought to the New World by British colonists weaned on the fundamental texts of the Reformation. In 1620, William Brewster brought on board the
Mayower a just-published translation of the Venetian historian Paulo Sarpis attack on the Council of Trent and
the papacy. Fears of popery and Jesuits shaped the rhetoric of settlers in colonial New England just as in Britain.
New England Protestant missionaries asked Abenaki Indians in 1699 to abandon those foolish superstitions and
plain idolatries with which the Roman Catholics and especially the Jesuits and missionaries have corrupted [religion]. In 1724, Sebastian Rale, a French Jesuit working
among Maine Indians, was murdered and his scalp carried
back to Boston.
The papal suppression of the Jesuits occurred in
1773, and though the new nation was growing rapidly,
Catholic priests were few. Still, in 1789 John Carroll
(17351815) became the rst American bishop. In the
same year Carroll founded the rst Jesuit college, Georgetown College (now Georgetown University) in Washington, D.C. By the rst decade of the nineteenth century,
Pope Pius VI allowed ex-Jesuits to begin to afliate with
each other.
The restoration of the Jesuits by Pope Pius VII in
1814 allowed the order to begin again. The initial efforts
in the United States were halting, as only a small number
of Jesuits spread throughout the East, Midwest, and Louisiana. Their focus was often on setting up missions for
Native Americans. Pierre-Jean De Smet (18011873) became the most famous Jesuit missionary; he traveled back
and forth across the continent and consulted with Indian
chiefs and governmental ofcials. During the nineteenth
century, the primary task of the Jesuits switched from missionary work to education. Their students were the Catholic immigrants pouring into the United States in the
latter half of the nineteenth century; the rst were immigrants from Ireland and Germany, with slowly increasing numbers from Italy and Poland. Here the distinctive
mentality of the nineteenth-century Jesuitssuspicion of
modern philosophical trends, wariness toward any deviation from Roman orthodoxyhelped create a Catholic
educational system that saw itself as countercultural, protecting the faith in a hostile environment. By 1916, the
Jesuits, then numbering 2,626, had founded twenty-four
Catholic colleges and a larger number of Catholic high
schools. Virtually all of the students in these institutions
were male, and the Jesuits understood themselves to be
training a lay Catholic elite of teachers, doctors, lawyers,
and businessmen to defend the church in the world.


Since they were busy establishing schools, few American Jesuits became intellectual leaders until the middle
of the twentieth century. Pushed by coeducation and even
more by the effect of the G.I. bill after World War II,
Jesuits found themselves struggling to keep pace with the
130,000 students enrolled in their colleges by 1963. Still,
from the middle of the nineteenth century forward, Jesuits provided much of the energy behind Catholic publishing, founding such magazines as America in 1909. By
the 1930s, there were roughly twenty Jesuit labor schools,
attesting to the growing interest in social reform and mobilization of the Catholic working classes.
Not until the 1940s did individual Jesuits begin to
exert intellectual leadership. They primarily used a natural law template to argue that moral values were universal and that reason could lead to faith. The most important gure was John Courtney Murray (19041967). A
brilliant stylist and deeply learned, Murray became a leading gure in the church-state debates of the 1940s and
1950s, arguing that Americas founders did not intend as
rigid a separation of church and state as contemporary
American liberals assumed. Within the church, he became
the foremost spokesman for the position that Catholics
should embrace religious freedom along the American
model, not grudgingly accept it while formally proclaiming error has no rights. These heterodox views led Roman authorities to suppress Murrays writings on the topic
during the latter 1950s. Yet, Murrays views triumphed at
the Second Vatican Council, with the adoption by the
assembled bishops in 1965 of a document he helped draft,
Dignitatis Humanae, also called the Declaration on Religious Freedom.
At the time of the Council almost one quarter of the
36,038 Jesuits in the world were American. Within thirty
years, the number of American Jesuits had fallen almost
by half, even as the worldwide Jesuit population fell by
one-third. The dwindling order focused more on interior
spiritual development than on ghting secularists. Yet, the
primary Jesuit ministry remained education. Many Jesuits
pushed their colleges and high schools toward what one
worldwide gathering of the Jesuits called the struggle for
justice, meaning greater engagement with social evils
such as poverty and the suppression of human rights. At
the same time, fears that the declining number of Jesuits
signaled an evisceration of Catholic institutional identity
were widespread. Jesuit high schools (now primarily coeducational) seemed more stable in this regard than universities, which were overwhelmingly staffed by laypeople, many, if not most, of whom were non-Catholic.
At the beginning of the twenty-rst century, Jesuits
remain as leaders in every aspecteditorial, liturgical,
pastoral, and intellectualof Catholic life. In addition a
small number of Jesuits have achieved prominence in the
wider world of the American academy. One American Jesuit theologian, Avery Dulles (b. 1918), noted for his defense of the theological views of Pope John Paul II, was

even named a cardinal in 2001, the rst American theologian so honored.


Axtell, James. The Invasion Within: The Contest of Cultures in Colonial North America. New York: Oxford University Press,
Garraghan, Gilbert J., S.J. The Jesuits of the Middle United States.
3 vols. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1983. The original edition was published in 1938.
McDonough, Peter. Men Astutely Trained: A History of the Jesuits
in the American Century. New York: Free Press, 1992.
OMalley, John. The First Jesuits. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1993.

John T. McGreevy
See also Anti-Catholicism; Education, Higher: Denominational Colleges; Explorations and Expeditions: French;
Indian Missions.


the Jewish Defense League ( JDL) emerged as a militant
and sometimes violent organization of working-class Jews
disaffected with the growing urban crisis, the rise of black
anti-Semitism, and the bureaucratic lethargy of mainstream national Jewish organizations. The Orthodox rabbi
Meir Kahane founded the group, which counted over
15,000 members at the height of its popularity in the early
1970s. The JDL combined strident Zionism with American identity politics to create a right-wing alternative to
the left-leaning ethnic revival of the 1960s. Its mottos,
Never Again and Every Jew a .22, recalled the Shoah
and played on the larger Holocaust consciousness emerging among American Jews during the late 1960s and 1970s.
The Jewish Defense League entered the 1968 New
York City Teachers Strike, siding with the teachers, most
of whom were Jewish, in a dispute with black parents over
community control of the schools. It reached the apex of
its inuence with participation in the Soviet Jewry movement. While the Jewish Defense League is credited for
raising the national prole of the Soviet Jewry cause, it
often resorted to violence to achieve its goals. In 1972,
two JDL members pleaded guilty to bomb possession and
conspiracy to blow up the residence of the Soviet Unions
mission to the United Nations. Seven years later, another
member of the JDL interrupted a Soviet orchestra performance at Carnegie Hall by setting off a smoke bomb.
With Meir Kahanes 1971 emigration to Israel and
1990 assassination while on a speaking tour in New York
City, the JDL ceased to be a meaningful force in American Jewish life. Few in the American Jewish community
empathized with the organizations fears of an impending
Holocaust. In December 2001, Meir Kahanes successor
as JDL head, Irv Rubin, was arrested on charges of conspiring to blow up a California mosque and the ofces of
an Arab American member of the U.S. Congress.




Dolgin, Janet L. Jewish Identity and the JDL. Princeton, N.J.:

Princeton University Press, 1977.
Kahane, Meir. Never Again! A Program for Survival. Los Angeles:
Nash, 1971.
Rosenthal, Richard. Rookie Cop: Deep Undercover in the Jewish
Defense League. St. Paul, Minn.: Leapfrog Press, 2000.

Marc Dollinger
See also Zionism.

JEWS. In September 1654, twenty-three Sephardic Jews

sailed into New Amsterdams harbor aboard the St. Catherine. Fleeing the collapse of Dutch colonial rule in Brazil,
the Jews sought refuge in New Amsterdam. They received a cold welcome from New Amsterdams governor,
Peter Stuyvesant, a Calvinist who viewed Jews as blasphemers of the name of Christ as well as a potential burden on his colonial coffers. Undeterred, the Jews appealed
to brethren in Amsterdam to intervene on their behalf to
the directors of the Dutch West India Company.
They succeeded. In 1655, the directors granted Jews
permission to settle in New Amsterdam as long as they
did not worship publicly, a right Jews had enjoyed in both
Brazil and Amsterdam, and they assumed total responsibility for their indigent. In the colonies, economic potential often outweighed religious afliation, and most white
people enjoyed an equality of opportunity. The colonies
consistently complained of labor shortages and the directors knew that Jews made good colonists: they quickly
established roots in their new home, they remained loyal
citizens, they developed international trade networks
through contacts in Europe and the Caribbean, and
wealth tended to ow along these networks. By forcing
the poor Jews who arrived in 1654 to become a viable
colonial population, perhaps the directors hoped that the
new arrivals would stimulate needed economic growth.
Beginning with New Amsterdam, Jews established communities in numerous colonial port cities, including New
Port (1677), Savannah (1733), Philadelphia (1745), and
Charleston (1750).
Establishing Communities
The Jews who settled in Dutch and, after 1664, British
North America participated in a broad international migration that continued well into the twentieth century.
They were Sephardim, part of the Iberian-Jewish diaspora created by the expulsion of all Jews from Spain and
Portugal during the fteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Soon, Ashkenazi Jews, who traced their roots to northern
and central Europe, began to join the Sephardim. Generally poorer, and differing in religious ritual and Hebrew
pronunciation, the Ashkenazim constituted the majority
of American Jews by 1720.
Immediately upon arrival in North America, Jews established the necessities of full political and religious free-


dom. In 1655, the Jewish community received permission

to construct a cemetery so they could bury the dead according to Jewish religious ritual. In 1656, one year after
Lutherans lost their right to worship in their homes, Jews
gained that exact privilege. After two years of legal wrestling, Asser Levy, one of New Amsterdams, and later New
Yorks, most prominent Jews, won Jews burgher rights
citizenshipin 1657. Although Jews did not receive the
ofcial right to worship publicly until the end of the seventeenth century, the nascent community worshiped in a
building on Mill Street commonly known as the Jews
Synagogue. The building, which included a mikveh, or
ritual bath used primarily by women for rituals associated
with family purity laws, served as colonial Jews house of
worship until 1728, when they established Shearith Israel,
North Americas rst permanent synagogue.
Outwardly, the Jews who settled in America during
the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries could not be
distinguished from their neighbors. This, as well as the
low number of marriageable Jews, led to the emergence
of intermarriage as a common feature of American Jewish
life. Jews differed from their peers, however, in their
professional activities. Whereas non-Jewish immigrants
tended to work in agriculture or artisanry, Jews concentrated in commerce. Relying primarily upon family and
community ties, Jews established trade networks among
the colonies, with the Caribbean, and with Europe. These
business arrangements provided Jews with the bonds necessary to sustain religious, cultural, economic, and familial
interests. By 1730, when about 300 Jews lived in New York,
only two Jews listed occupations other than commerce.
While most Jewish merchants traded in rum, hardware, spices, candles, lumber, and fur, some found the
most lucrative commodity to be African slaves. Lured by
the promise of substantial prot, Jewish notables from the
shipping center of Newport, Rhode Island, participated
in the trafc of humans. Moreover, like many of their
white neighbors, Jews in both the North and the South
owned slaves. In fact, the 1703 census revealed that 75
percent of Jewish households owned slaves. Because slavery functioned as the central determinant of American
political, economic, and social systems, owningor seeking to liberateslaves existed as a central feature of
American life for both Jews and non-Jews alike until the
Civil War (18611865).
The American Revolution and subsequent ratication of the Constitution legitimized the rights and ad hoc
privileges that had organized American Jewish life during
the past century. The Constitution instituted the legal
separation of church and statea condition of existence
quite different from Europe, where religion could determine an individuals political and legal rights.
Nineteenth Century Arrivals
Beginning in the 1820s, a new migration of Jews from
Europe began, one that would continue unabated until its
climax during the rst decades of the twentieth century.


Jews migrated westward between 1820 and 1920 in response to upheavals in European society caused by political emancipation, industrialization, and urbanization.
Unlike other immigrant groups, that often returned to
Europe after earning enough money to sustain a family,
Jews tended to immigrate permanently.
Between 1820 and 1880, the Jewish population in
America rose from 4,000 to almost 250,000. Historians
usually refer to members of this rst wave as German
immigrants, but the name is incorrect. Jewish immigrants
who arrived in America between 1820 and 1880 generally
left from areas eventually included in unied Germany
(1871) or countries deeply inuenced by German culture,
such as Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, and Moravia. Yet the
pre-1880 contingent also included many Jews whose culture was decidedly Polish, from Silesia and Posen, provinces annexed by Prussia and later assumed into unied
Germany, as well as Lithuania, western Russia, and Galicia. These Polish and Eastern European Jews, characterized by poverty, religious traditionalism, and the Yiddish language, more closely resembled the Jews who would
begin their exodus to America in the nal decades of the
nineteenth century.
By the Civil War, Jews lived in over 160 communities
in America. Many earned their keep by peddling, a profession that required no initial investment and functioned
entirely on credit. Moreover, if successful, an itinerant
peddler could earn enough to become a store owner. At
a time when few retail stores existed outside the large
cities, peddlers provided rural Americans and ethnic neighborhoods with their everyday necessities. Peddlers bought
their supplies in large cities like New York, Chicago, or
St. Louis and set out either for the hinterlands or the city
streets. With their wares slung over their backs, on horsecarts, or on pushcarts, they roved from town to town or
neighborhood to neighborhood selling small items like
buttons, stoves, glass, needles, old clothes, and plates.
Peddling resulted in the creation of extensive peddlersupplier-creditor networks in which Jews across the United
States became linked in a collective endeavor to earn a
living from the constant pulse of supply and demand. Indeed, this network of peddlers, general stores, and wholesalers served as the foundation for the evolution of the
American department store.
Early Judaism in America
After the establishment of Shearith Israel in 1728, synagogues began to spring up wherever Jews settled, including the Touro Synagogue in Newport (1762) and Mikveh
Israel in Philadelphia (1782). These rst synagogues followed the traditional Sephardic rite. In 1801, resenting
Sephardic control over synagogue administration and ritual, a group of Ashkenazim in Philadelphia formed the rst
second synagogue in an American Jewish community.
Because no ordained rabbi arrived in the United
States until the 1840s, American Judaism developed almost entirely by improvisation. Moreover, due to their

white skin color and their position outside the scope of

nativist concerns with Irish Catholics, American Jewish
modes of worship and religious institutions developed
relatively free from outside interference. Laypeople generally led congregations and a synagogues board determined religious ritual. Negotiating Jewish tradition, congregational demands, and desires for social acceptance,
Jewish leaders oversaw a burgeoning American Judaism
as chaotic and diverse as its new homeland. By the close
of the 1800s, three major institutionsthe Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the Jewish
Theological Seminary of America, and the Union of
American Hebrew Congregationsall claimed to speak
for American Jewry.
Starting in 1870, the same processes that had led earlier arrivals to immigrate to Americamarket capitalism,
industrialization, urbanization, and growing anti-Jewish
violenceset in motion a new migration from eastern
Europe to America. Between 1870 and 1924, when Congress ofcially legislated the end of free and open immigration, the 2.5 million Jews who immigrated to the United
States radically altered American Jewrys demography, social structure, cultural life, and communal order.
Adjusting to America
After crossing the Atlantic, Jewish immigrants landed at
Ellis Island. There, they encountered employees of the
U.S. government, who checked papers and performed
rigorous medical exams, and representatives of settlement
houses or the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, organizations founded in the late nineteenth century to guide immigrants through landing procedures and provide nancial aid, shelter, professional training, and acculturation
skills. Whether meeting a family member already established in America or arriving alone, most immigrants
headed directly from Ellis Island to one of the major ethnic neighborhoods that saturated Americas cities, such as
Chicagos West Side, Bostons North End, downtown
Philadelphia, or New Yorks Lower East Side.
The immigrant neighborhood bustled. A cacophony
of life, work, and leisure, one square block could hold
among its tenements workshops of the garment trades,
synagogues, saloons, cafes, wives, children, intellectuals,
political functionaries, religious students, gamblers, con
artists, and prostitutes. By 1910, 540,000 Jews lived within
the 1.5 square miles considered the Lower East Side,
cramped into ve- or six-story tenement houses. Entire
families, as many as seven or eight people, lived in threeor four-room apartments. Often, they took in boarders to
help pay the rent. Usually a single male, the boarder
would occupy one full room in the tiny apartment, cramping the rest of the family into even smaller quarters.
In order to meet their monthly expenses, every family
member earned wages. Generally poorer and more religious than their predecessors, the new arrivals made work
a top priority. Unlike their predecessors, the Eastern European Jews who arrived in the decades surrounding the



such as sick and bereavement benets, and organized

small synagogues, lectures, and social opportunities. Trade
unionism also provided Jews with opportunities for mutual aid and political expression. The International Ladies Garment Workers Union, the most famous of the
Jewish trade unions, organized in 1900 to provide support
to the thousands of women working in the needle trades.
The union opened a health center, experimented in cooperative housing, provided unemployment and health
insurance and retirement benets, and offered recreational and vocational programs. In 1909, the union participated in one of the largest strikes to date, known as
the Uprising of the 20,000, where women shirtwaist
workers protested their poor salaries, poor working conditions, and culture of sexual abuse.

Rabbi Ralph Stone, Jewish Theological Seminary, New

York. A photograph by Alfred T. Palmer, c. 1942, associated
with wartime government promotion of the freedom of
worship as one of President Franklin D. Roosevelts Four
Freedoms. Library of Congress

turn of the century tended to be skilled laborers, primarily

in the garment industry. In fact, in 1900, one out of every
three Jewish immigrants labored in the garment trades,
although cigar making, peddling, and butchering were
also popular professions. Due to the pressure to earn
money, women, working in the needle trades, and children, who labored on assembly lines or in the streets selling whatever possible, joined men in the factories, backroom sweatshops, and small street stalls.
To compensate for these tough conditions, Jews developed an array of cultural and political responses to
their new environment. The Yiddish theater offered lowcost, high-quality performances of original plays, translations, comedies, and variety shows. Likewise, socialism
and Zionism became the dominant secular ideologies of
the immigrant neighborhood. The language of these political ideologies, Yiddish, served as a source of literary
and theatrical productions. Between 1885 and 1914, over
150 Yiddish dailies, weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies, and
yearbooks appeared in print.
Jewish immigrants also produced institutional responses to immigration. Modeled after American fraternal orders, Jews organized landsmanschaften, societies for
individuals who originated from the same town. The
landsmanschaften provided various forms of nancial aid


The ethnic neighborhood served primarily as a way

station for new immigrants. Although it served as the rst
place of residence for a tremendously high percentage of
immigrant Jews, its piteous living conditions encouraged
immigrants to move to better neighborhoods as quickly
as possible. In these areas of second settlement, public
schools, interethnic contacts, and American popular culture all served as a cauldron of integration, tutoring immigrants and their children how to look, sound, and act
like Americans. Indeed, by the 1930s, American Jewry became, for the rst time, a largely native-born population.
Thus, when the depression hit, Jews, like all Americans,
suffered nancial hardship, bankruptcies, and barriers to
nancial and educational advancement, as well as the disappointment of the expectations that accompanied general upward mobility.
Following World War II (19391945), in which over
half a million American Jews served in the armed forces,
American Jewry experienced a profound period of social
and economic mobility. The Holocaust caused many
American Jews to approach life with a new sense of responsibility. Now the worlds largest Jewish community,
American Jewry aimed for success, both as Americans and
as Jews. Most important, they aimed to eradicate the
distinctions that had marked earlier generations. Because of the opportunities offered by the GI Bill, Jewish
men and women entered higher education in record
numbers. As a result, by the end of the twentieth century
most of Americas 6 million Jews claimed college degrees, worked in white-collar jobs, and enjoyed comfortable lifestyles. Moreover, Judaism experienced a second period of transformation.
As Americas Jews became increasingly assimilated,
they diversied from the orthodoxy that had characterized the eastern European immigrants to more Americanized forms of Jewish expression. The birth of the State
of Israel catalyzed the American Zionist movement. Numerous Jews participated in a wellspring of Jewish cultural expression in literature, academia, dance, and lm.
Others chose new religious opportunities. Some found
modern Orthodoxy, a movement to combine traditional
Judaisms strict lifestyle constraints with the realities of


modern American society. Others chose the Havurah

movement, which sprang up in the 1960s. Inuenced by
1960s counterculture, members of havurot rejected traditional Judaisms formalism and sought to invest Jewish
ritual with greater spirituality and attention to social
justice. Most American Jews, however, identied as Reform or Conservative, American Jewrys mainline religious movements.

Ashton, Dianne. Rebecca Gratz: Women and Judaism in Antebellum

America. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press,
Diner, Hasia R. A Time for Gathering: The Second Migration,
18201880. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
Ewen, Elizabeth. Immigrant Women in the Land of Dollars: Life
and Culture on the Lower East Side, 18901925. New York:
Monthly Review Press, 1985.
Faber, Eli. A Time for Planting: The First Migration, 16541820.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Glenn, Susan A. Daughters of the Shtetl: Life and Labor in the
Immigrant Generation. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press,
Goldman, Karla. Beyond the Synagogue Gallery: Finding Places for
Women in American Judaism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 2000.
Goren, Arthur A. New York Jews and the Quest for Community:
The Kehillah Experiment, 19081922. New York: Columbia
University Press, 1970.
Grinstein, Hyman. The Rise of the Jewish Community of New York,
16541860. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society
of America, 1945.
Gurock, Jeffrey S., and Schacter, Jacob J., A Modern Heretic and
a Traditional Community: Mordecai M. Kaplan, Orthodoxy,
and American Judaism. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1997.
Heinze, Andrew R. Adapting to Abundance: Jewish Immigrants,
Mass Consumption, and the Search for American Identity. New
York: Columbia University Press, 1990.
Jacobson, Matthew Frye. Whiteness of a Different Color: European
Immigrants and the Alchemy of Race. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1998.
Jick, Leon A. The Americanization of the Synagogue, 18201870.
Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England: Brandeis
University Press, 1976 [1992].
Markowitz, Ruth Jacknow. My Daughter, The Teacher: Jewish
Teachers in the New York City Schools. New Brunswick, N.J.:
Rutgers University Press, 1993.
Moore, Deborah Dash. At Home in America: Second-Generation
New York Jews. New York: Columbia University Press,
Morawska, Ewa T. Insecure Prosperity: Small-Town Jews in Industrial America, 18901940. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1996.
Rischin, Moses. The Promised City: New Yorks Jews, 18701914.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1962.

Soyer, Daniel. Jewish Immigrant Associations and American Identity

in New York, 18801939. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1997.
Svonkin, Stuart. Jews Against Prejudice: American Jews and the
Fight for Civil Liberties. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1997.
Wenger, Beth S. New York Jews and the Great Depression: Uncertain Promise. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
Wertheimer, Jack, ed. The American Synagogue: A Sanctuary
Transformed. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England: Brandeis University Press, 1987.

Josh Perelman

JIM CROW LAWS, which regulated social, economic, and political relationships between whites and African Americans, were passed principally to subordinate
blacks as a group to whites and to enforce rules favored
by dominant whites on nonconformists of both races. The
name Jim Crow came from a character in an early
nineteenth-century minstrel show song.
Beginning with a ban on interracial marriages in
Maryland in 1664, the laws spread north as well as south,
but they were neither uniform nor invariably enforced.
The campaign against them, initiated in the 1840s by both
black and white Massachusetts antislavery activists, reached
a symbolic end in the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court case, Loving v. Virginia, that nally ruled anti-intermarriage laws
The most widespread laws mandated racial segregation in schools and public places such as railroads, restaurants, and streetcars. Since segregation laws often replaced customary or legal exclusion of African Americans
from any services at all, they were initially, in a sense,
progressive reforms. They tended to be adopted earliest
and were more strictly enforced in cities where diverse
crowds intermingled, than in the countryside where other
means of racial subordination were readily available.
During Reconstruction in the 1860s and 1870s, seven
southern states passed laws requiring equal access to
places open to the public; Louisiana and South Carolina,
as well as seven northern states, promised integrated
schools. After a long struggle over whether to include a
school integration provision, Congress in 1875 passed the
Civil Rights Act, which prohibited racial discrimination
in public accommodations. But in 1883, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in The Civil Rights Cases that Congress
had no power under the Fourteenth Amendment to regulate an individuals discriminatory behavior.
While virtually all northern states that had not already banned Jim Crow practices rushed to enact state
versions of the invalidated national Civil Rights Act, most
southern states during the 1880s and 1890s passed laws
requiring segregation. The Supreme Court held up the
southern laws in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), accepting as-



surances that separate accommodations would be equal.

Freed of legal restraints, some southern cities and states
went on to prescribe separate drinking fountains, restrooms, entrances to public buildings, and even Bibles for
use in court. More signicantly, they disfranchised the
vast majority of African Americans through literacy and
property tests and discrimination against blacks who
could pass such tests.
The National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP) led the long effort to overturn
Jim Crow through lawsuits such as those that led to Brown
v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), as well as by lobbying for new state and federal laws. Beginning in the
1890s and greatly intensifying in the 1950s, African
Americans boycotted segregated transit, held sit-ins at
segregated restaurants, picketed discriminatory businesses, registered black voters, and braved frequent violence in an ultimately successful effort to force Americans
to abolish the most blatant legal inequities. The 1964
Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and a host
of state and federal court decisions institutionalized the
crusaders victories. The demise of explicitly discriminatory laws, however, was only one giant step on the unnished journey toward racial equality.

Kousser, J. Morgan. Dead End: The Development of NineteenthCentury Litigation on Racial Discrimination in Schools. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1985.
Rabinowitz, Howard N. Race Relations in the Urban South, 1865
1890. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.
Woodward, C. Vann. The Strange Career of Jim Crow. 3rd rev.
ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1974.

J. Morgan Kousser
See also Black Codes; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka;
Civil Rights Movement; Literacy Test; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Poll
Tax; Segregation.

JINGOISM, in American usage, a term for the blatant

demand for an aggressive foreign policy. The word is
probably derived from a music-hall song popularized in
England during a crisis with Russia in 18771878:
We dont want to ght, but, by jingo, if we do,
Weve got the ships, weve got the men and got the
money too.

By March 1878 jingo was a term of political reproach. In the United States it has been directed toward
those who have advocated the annexation of Canada,
the seizure of Mexico, expansion in the Caribbean or
the Pacic, or a bellicose interpretation of the Monroe



Beisner, Robert L. From the Old Diplomacy to the New, 1865

1900. New York: Crowell, 1975; Arlington Heights, Ill.:
Harlan Davidson, 1986.

Stanley R. Pillsbury / d. b.
See also Foreign Policy; Monroe Doctrine.

JOB CORPS is a federal program that provides food,

shelter, work clothes, health care, and job training to
teenagers and young adults at 115 campuses across the
United States. Begun during the War on Poverty in the
1960s, and meant to offer alternatives to young disadvantaged Americans who might otherwise turn to crime, its
fortunes have risen and fallen in the decades since its
founding. At the end of the twentieth century, the program cost approximately $1.2 billion annually, had enrollment of about 70,000 (70 percent of them minorities),
and had served more than 1.9 million.
The Job Corps was created as a major arm of the
antipoverty program through the Economic Opportunity
Act, which President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law
on 20 August 1964. The new agency was built on lessons
learned from the Civilian Conservation Corps and the
Farm Security Administration of the 1930s, Ford Foundation experiments in community development, urban renewal programs, and welfare reforms of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. It was also
inuenced by scholarly studies suggesting the complex
interrelationships of such variables as economic growth,
mental health, racial and ethnic biases, illiteracy, local
power structures, and family lifestyles. Under the leadership of Sargent Shriver, director of the Ofce of Economic Opportunity, the Job Corps was dedicated not to
creating and nding jobs for the unemployed, but rather
to the more ambitious goals of human reclamation and
social mobility.
The Job Corps provides general and vocational education, technical training, and useful work experience at
residential centers for young people from poverty backgrounds ages sixteen through twenty-one years to prepare them for responsible citizenship and productive
employment. The program was founded on the assumption that such young people must be removed from their
home environments before effective reclamation might
be accomplished.
The administration of the Job Corps during the
Johnson years was continuously challenged by such problems as a high dropout rate, misbehavior at the centers,
managerial disputes, community hostility toward nearby
centers, difculty in nding suitable locations for centers,
high administrative nancial costs, and sharp congressional and other political opposition. The administration
of President Richard M. Nixon closed many Job Corps
centers and curtailed the programs budgets; what remained of the agency was transferred to the Manpower


Administration in the Department of Labor. Emphasis

was shifted from residential centers to centers within
commuting distance of the enrollees homes. Also, technical training largely replaced general remedial education.

See also Crime; Labor; Labor Legislation and Administration;

Poverty; Unemployment; War on Poverty; Work.

Although the Job Corps was more thoroughly studied and evaluated than any other antipoverty agency, its
long-range impact remains an open question. In the
1990s, Job Corps faced a number of challenges, threats,
and criticism: Critics charged that the program was
wasteful because it was spending $26,000 per student, and
fewer than 15 percent of participants were completing the
program. A 1995 bill sought to turn control over to the
states and to close numerous programs, but Congress
voted that the federal government should retain control
and that fewer centers should be closed. Attempts to boost
the programs reputation backred, however, when a
study to demonstrate the Job Corps effectiveness as an
anticrime measure turned out to have used a highly controversial methodology. The study, which Labor Secretary Robert Reich commissioned from Mathematica Policy Research, intentionally denied admission to one in
every twelve eligible applicants in order to use them as a
control group. It then paid them $10 each for follow-up
interviews to study their subsequent fate; the studys architects worked from the assumption that they would nd
a higher rate of criminal behavior in the control group
because participants had been denied the opportunities
Job Corps offered. The study cost $17.9 million and took
nine years. In September 1998, the 6,000 control subjects
led a class-action lawsuit against the Labor Department.
A U.S. District Court judge ruled that the Labor Department should have subjected the studys methodology
to public review, and halted the study. The Labor Department reached a preliminary settlement with the plaintiffs, under which it pledged to locate those in the control
group and invite those who are still eligible to enroll in
Job Corps. Fifteen of the plaintiffs received $1,000 for
providing information to the court, but none received any
money in damages.

JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY was founded in December 1958 by Robert Welch, a retired Boston candy manufacturer who considered President Dwight D. Eisenhower a dedicated conscious agent of the Communist
conspiracy. According to Welch and other society members, coconspirators ranged from Franklin D. Roosevelt
to the various chairs of the Federal Reserve Board. John
M. Birch was a Baptist missionary and Air Force ofcer
who was killed by Chinese communists in 1945, ten days
after V-J Day. Welch never met Birch, but he named his
society in honor of the man he called the Cold Wars rst
hero. The society quickly emerged as perhaps the most
well-known far-right anticommunist group in the United
States. By the early 1960s, the group peaked after enlisting some ten thousand members, including hundreds who
sat on school and library boards or held other civic ofces.
Headquartered in Belmont, Massachusetts, society activists ran campaigns calling for the impeachment of Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren and the United
States withdrawal from the United Nations. On a more
regular basis, the Birch Society publishes a journal, American Opinion, and runs youth camps, book distribution services, and intellectual cadres of Americanists scattered
throughout the nation. Its members have never advocated

President Bill Clinton gave something of a boost to

Job Corps during his administration, but his successor,
President George W. Bush, showed little intention of
continuing such support. The future of Job Corps is likely
to continue to rise and fall, depending on the presidential
administration and the composition of Congress.

See also Anticommunism; Radical Right; and vol. 9: The Blue

Book of the John Birch Society.


Levitan, Sar A., and Garth L. Mangum. Federal Training and

Work Programs in the Sixties. Ann Arbor: Institute of Labor
and Industrial Relations, University of Michigan, 1969.
McCarron, Kevin M. Job Corps, AmeriCorps, and Peace
Corps: An Overview. Occupational Outlook Quarterly 44, 3
(Fall 2000): 1825.
Price, John. Job Corps Lottery. Mother Jones 24, 1 ( January
1999): 21.

Sidney Baldwin / d. b.


Broyles, J. Allen. John Birch Society: Anatomy of a Protest. Boston:

Beacon Press, 1964.
Hardisty, Jean. Mobilizing Resentment: Conservative Resurgence
from the John Birch Society to the Promise Keepers. Boston:
Beacon Press, 1999.

Kenneth OReilly

JOHNNY APPLESEED. As the American frontier

moved into Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, the settlers lacked
fruit until orchards could be planted and could grow.
Since the settlers did not have money, they could not have
bought young trees even if nurseries had existed. Not
surprisingly, horticulture languished. Therefore, between
1801 and 1847, John Chapman dedicated himself to
bringing seed from Pennsylvania to the frontier forests
and planting owers and fruit trees, especially apple trees.
He intended them to be ready for the free use of the
settlers when they arrived. Meager documentary evidence
and rich tradition have preserved Chapmans fame under
the sobriquet Johnny Appleseed.




Price, Robert. Johnny Appleseed: Man and Myth. Bloomington:

Indiana University Press, 1954.

Bliss Isely / a. e.
See also Folklore; Frontier; Fruit Growing.

JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, a private, nonsectarian institution of higher learning, opened on 22

February 1876 in Baltimore, Maryland, as the countrys
rst research-based, graduate-level university. Funded by
the Baltimore Quaker merchant Johns Hopkins with a
bequest of $7 millionthe largest philanthropic gift
given to that date in the United Statesthe university was
modeled after the great European universities. It was the
rst to combine the liberal arts, the classics, and scientic
research. Known since its inception for innovative programs, many consider Johns Hopkins to be the rst modern American research university. It revolutionized higher
education, medical training and practice, and, not least,
provided an unlikely arena in the battle for womens
The university, which has eight academic divisions,
rst opened in modest classrooms in downtown Baltimore, but soon moved north to Baltimores more spacious
Homewood section, where the main campus is still located. The universitys rst president, Daniel Coit Gilman, launched what many at the time considered to be
an audacious and unprecedented academic experiment to
merge teaching and research. He dismissed the idea that
the two were mutually exclusive: The best teachers are
usually those who are free, competent, and willing to
make original researches in the library and the laboratory, he stated. To implement his educational plan, Gilman recruited internationally known luminaries such as
the biologist Henry Newell Martin; the Greek scholar
Basil Gildersleeve; the classicist Charles D. Morris; the
economist Richard T. Ely; and the chemist Ira Remsen,
who became the second president of the university in
The Johns Hopkins Hospital in East Baltimore
opened to much fanfare in 1889. The universitys researchbased pedagogy soon attracted world-renowned faculty
members who became giants in the emerging eld of academic medicine, including William Osler, William Halsted, Howard Kelly, and William Welch.
In the age of scientic discovery and bacteriology, the
opening of the countrys rst research-based hospital was
propitious. John Shaw Billings, a surgeon and the countrys leading expert on hospital construction, designed the
pioneering hospital, the rst in the country to offer,
among a host of innovations, central heating. With its
well-equipped laboratories and rooms, patients beneted
from the new bench-to-bedside transfer of research
from laboratory to patient. Faculty became clinicianphysicians. The hospitals charter, reecting the Quaker


philosophy of its founder, mandated hospital care for the

sick and indigent of Baltimore.
The founder of the university had always hoped to
establish a modern medical school, sorely needed in the
late nineteenth century, when medical education was in
its infancy. At the time, there were few academic standards
and even fewer known medical cures. A student could
study for a few months at a proprietary medical school or
apprentice with a physician. But the university faced a
major hurdle. Soon after the completion of the hospital,
the remaining endowment earmarked to start the medical
school sank with the misfortunes of the 1880s stock market. In 1889, President Gilman put forth a national plea
for a man of large means to endow the proposed medical school. The search for a benefactor took four years.
The person who stepped up to the plate was Mary Elizabeth Garrett, the thirty-eight-year-old daughter of John
Work Garrett, a Hopkins trustee and president of the
powerful Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from 1858 until
his death in 1884.
Despite Gilmans stated intention to make the university a place to to develop character and to make men,
it soon became a battleground for womens rights. Mary
Garrett headed the national Womens Medical School
Fund, founded in 1890 to raise money to make the proposed Hopkins medical school coeducational. The funds
roster included the countrys wealthiest and most prominent grande dames and activists. They organized into fteen chapters across the country and eventually raised
$100,000. Garrett contributed $354,000, one of the largest amounts given by a woman in the nineteenth century,
for the balance needed to open the medical school. She
insisted on several unprecedented conditions, notably that
women were to be admitted on the same terms as men,
and that the new medical students have a baccalaureate
degree with a background in science and language.
One commentator at the time called the Hopkins victory the crowning achievement for American feminism
in the nineteenth century. In the fall of 1893, three
women medical students took their place with fteen
male students. Hopkins became the nations rst coeducational, graduate-level medical school and the prototype
for academic medicine. The Hopkins medical school ushered in a heightened era of medical standards, which emphasized bedside learning, research projects, and laboratory training. The new medical school produced some
of the most outstanding scientists and physicians in the
United States during the twentieth century.
Hopkins is known for a range of other groundbreaking programs. The Johns Hopkins University Press,
founded in 1878, is the oldest American university press
in continuous operation. In 1909, the university was among
the rst in the country to start adult continuing education
programs and by the end of the century offered classes in
numerous sites around Maryland and the District of Columbia. In the mid-twentieth century, the university began to focus on international programs. Since 1950, the


Johnstown Flood. A photograph dated 31 May 1889 shows a riverside shack whose enterprising
owner, the legend underneath states, made a fortune from selling souvenirs of that dates natural
disaster. Bettmann/corbis

Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies

in Washington, D.C., has been a division of Hopkins. In
addition to the nations capital, the school has campuses
at Nanjing, China, and Bologna, Italy. In 1977, the university acquired the famed Peabody Institute in Baltimore, a leading professional school of music, founded in
In 2001, Hopkins enrolled 18,000 students and employed more than 25,000 full-time, part-time, and temporary employees, making it one of the top ve employers
in Maryland. In 1999, it ranked rst in federal research
and development funds, receiving $770.5 million, given
primarily to the Applied Physics Laboratory. The School
of Medicine is the largest recipient of National Institutes
of Health grants and Hopkins consistently is named among
the top universities and medical centers in the world. Its
endowment tops $1.8 billion, making it the twenty-third
wealthiest university in the United States.

Chronicle of Higher Education, Almanac Issue, 20012002.

Harvey, A. McGehee, et al. A Model of Its Kind. Vol. 1, A Centennial History of Medicine at Johns Hopkins. Vol. 2, A Pictorial
History of Medicine at Johns Hopkins. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.
Schmidt, John C. Johns Hopkins: Portrait of a University. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.

Warren, Mame. Johns Hopkins: Knowledge for the World, 1876

2001. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.

Kathleen Waters Sander

See also Coeducational Movement; Education, Higher: Colleges and Universities; Medical Education; Medical


Trial of Andrew Johnson.

JOHNSTOWN FLOOD of 1889 was the worst natural disaster in the United States. The city of Johnstown
is located in southwestern Pennsylvania, in a narrow valley where the Little Conemaugh and Stony Creek rivers
merge to create the Conemaugh River. In 1880, Johnstown was a leading industrial center with 10,000 inhabitants and 20,000 more in its surrounding communities.
In 1852, construction was completed on the South
Fork Dam upstream on the Little Conemaugh River, creating a man-made reservoir. The dam gave way in 1862
and the damaged dam and surrounding property was sold.
It was acquired in 1879 by the South Fork Fishing and
Hunting Club, whose members were the wealthy elite
from Pittsburgh and other eastern cities. From 1879 to
1881 the earth and rock dam was rebuilt, stretching 918



feet across and 72 feet high. The reservoir expanded to

nearly three miles in length, one mile in width, and about
sixty feet in depth at the dam face.
In late May 1889, torrential rains caused ooding in
more than twenty western Pennsylvania counties. By 31
May, the water level climbed to within two feet of the top
of the South Fork Dam, and it breached. The center collapsed, sending a wall of water one-half mile wide and
seventy-ve feet deep through the valley. Within another
hour, the then forty-foot wall of water descended on Johnstown. The estimated 20 million tons of water was partially
blocked at the Pennsylvania Railroad viaduct, creating a
thirty-acre eld of debris, drowned livestock, and human
bodies, which eventually caught re. In ten minutes, at
least 2,209 people were killed (although contemporary records claim as many as 5,000), 1,600 homes damaged or
destroyed, and the iron and steel factories ruined.
The New York Times of 1889 characterized the ood
as a symbol of the havoc created by the elements gone
wild, while the London Chronicle condemned the shoddiness of American engineering. The dam lacked a core
of masonry or puddle, and did not represent accepted
construction practices even for the time. Survivors held
the South Fork club members responsible, but the courts
afrmed the disaster to be an act of God and no legal
compensation was made to the survivors. The responsibility for the ood remains undetermined and has attracted the attention of numerous scholars.
Another major ood on 17 March 1936 caused $50
million in damage and resulted in a U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers ood-control project in 1942. However, the
city was again ooded in July 1977.

Chiefs of Staff; the chairman was to preside over the

meetings of the JCS, but had no vote. Moreover, he was
not to exercise military command over the JCS or any of
the military services. In 1952, Public Law 82-416 authorized the commandant of the Marine Corps to meet
with the JCS as a co-equal whenever any matter concerning the Marine Corps was under consideration. On 28
October 1978, Public Law 95-485 made the commandant
of the corps a permanent and fully participating member
of the JCS.
The Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 prescribed the
most important changes in the Joint Chiefs of Staff organization since 1949. It increased the responsibilities of
the chairman, naming him the principal adviser to the
president, the National Security Council, and the secretary of defense. The chairman was to attend and participate in meetings of the National Security Council, and
his responsibilities were expanded to include assisting the
president with strategic direction of the armed forces;
preparing strategic plans and joint logistic and mobility
plans; and advising the secretary of defense on requirements, programs, and budgets, particularly on budget
proposals for activities of each unied and specied combatant command. In addition, the act created the position
of vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to rank after
the chairman and ahead of all other ofcers of the armed

Millett, Allan R. The Reorganization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: A

Critical Analysis. Washington, D.C.: Pergamon-Brasseys,

Robert S. Driscoll

Ferris, George T. The Complete History of the Johnstown and Conemaugh Valley Flood. New York: H. S. Goodspeed, 1889.
Frank, Walter S. The Cause of the Johnstown Flood. Civil
Engineering 58, no. 5 (May 1988): 6366.
Johnson, Willis Fletcher. History of the Johnstown Flood. Bowie,
Md.: Heritage Books, 2001. The original edition was published in 1889.
McCullough, David G. The Johnstown Flood. New York: Simon
and Schuster, 1968.

Charles C. Kolb
See also Disasters; Floods and Flood Control; Hydroelectric
Power; Pennsylvania.

JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF ( JCS) came into existence in 1942. The JCS consisted of the chief of staff, U.S.
Army; the chief of naval operations; and the chief of staff,
U.S. Air Force. Their functions were to advise the president on the military, give strategic direction to the army
and navy, and facilitate U.S.-British military cooperation.
In 1949, an amendment to the National Security Act of
1947 established the position of chairman of the Joint


See also Defense, Department of; National Security Council.

JOINT COMMISSIONS. The arbitration of international disputes by joint commissions is usually distinguished from the negotiation of formal treaties by more
than one diplomatic agentsuch as the Denitive Treaty
of Peace of 1783, the termination of Franco-American
hostilities by the Convention of 1800, the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the Treaty of Ghent of 1814, the WebsterAshburton Treaty of 1842, and the Peace of Paris of
1898. Most arbitrations are the work of joint commissions, as indicated in the monumental six-volume work
on international arbitration by John Bassett Moore. Since
its publication in 1898, further cases have arisen for settlement, notably the Alaskan boundary dispute of 1903.
Of the numerous arbitrations to which the United
States has been a party, some of the more important ones
were conducted for the following purposes: settling preRevolution American debts to the British, British spoliation claims, and the Maine-Canada boundary, under the
Jay Treaty of 1794; for settling French spoliation claims
in 1803, 1831, and 1880; for determining various articles


under the Treaty of Ghent; for claims of American citizens against Mexico, in 1839, 1849, and 1868; for U.S.
claims against Colombia in 1861 and against Peru in
1863; and for Spanish claims in 1871. Most signicant of
all was the Alabama Claims dispute with Britain, which
led to the Geneva award of 1872. To these may be added
fact-nding commissions as an indispensable adjunct of
modern diplomacy.
Since the mid-twentieth century, reservations have
increased toward the use of joint commissions to settle
international disputes. In 1946, the United States accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the International
Court (except in domestic matters), but continued its reluctance to accept any other binding arbitration.

Bailey, Thomas A. A Diplomatic History of the American People.

New York: F. S. Crofts, 1940; 1942; 1946; New York:
Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1950; 1955; 1958; 1964; 1969;
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1974; 1980.
Moore, John Bassett. History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to Which the United States Has Been a Party, Together with Appendices Containing the Treaties Relating to Such
Arbitrations, and Historical and Legal Notes. Washington,
D.C.: Government Printing Ofce, 1898; Buffalo, N.Y.:
William S. Hein, 1995.
Paterson, Thomas, J. Garry Clifford, and Kenneth J. Hagan.
American Foreign Relations: A History. Lexington, Mass.:
D.C. Heath, 1995; Boston: Houghton Mifin, 2000.

Louis Martin Sears / t. g.

See also Diplomatic Missions; Ghent, Treaty of; Paris, Treaty
of (1898); Prize Cases, Civil War; Treaties with Foreign

JOINT COMMITTEE ON RECONSTRUCTION was established by the Thirty-Ninth Congress

on 13 December 1865 to investigate and report on conditions in the former Confederate states after the Civil
War and to propose necessary legislation. Congress referred to this committee the credentials of senators and
representatives from former Confederate states that had
been reconstructed according to President Andrew Johnsons mild Reconstruction program. The Senate initially
rejected a provision barring the seating of any congressman from the former Confederacy until the committee
reported, but both houses passed a concurrent resolution
to this effect after Johnson vetoed the Freedmens Bureau
Bill in February 1866. Chaired by the senior senator William Pitt Fessenden from Maine, a moderate Republican
informally recognized as the Senate majority leader, the
committee consisted of six senators and nine representatives, all but three of whom were Republicans. Although
the senior representative was the Pennsylvania Radical
Republican Thaddeus Stevens, Fessendens counterpart
in the House, Radical Republicans were a minority on the
committee. Also important was Representative John A.

Bingham, the leading moderate House Republican, who

developed the committees proposal to amend the Constitution to protect civil rights.
From January to May, but mostly in February, four
subcommittees took testimony in Washington from U.S.
military and Freedmens Bureau ofcers; former Confederate political and social leaders, including General Robert E. Lee and the Confederate vice president Alexander
H. Stephens; northern immigrants and visitors to the
South; southern Unionists, and a few black southerners.
The testimony was designed both to gather information
and to make a public record justifying congressional legislation. While former Confederates generally insisted
that the southern states were peaceful and ready for restoration, the other witnesses indicated that the former
slaves and those who had remained loyal to the Union
were subject to violence and intimidation and that restored southern governments would deny African Americans basic civil rights. In light of the testimony, the
committee fashioned amendments to the Constitution to
modify the apportionment of congressional representation in light of the emancipation of the slaves and to secure the rights of American citizens.
However, in February and March, Congress refused
to agree to initial committee proposals, instead passing
civil rights legislation emanating from the Senate Judiciary Committee. Congress nally agreed to the Reconstruction Committees proposal of a multipart Fourteenth
Amendment in June 1866, sending it to the states for ratication. The committees report explaining why the
amendment was necessary and its compilation of testimony, published in 1866, were two of the most effective
documents justifying Republicans Reconstruction policy.
But Congress tabled the committees Reconstruction Act,
which would have recognized the restoration of former
Confederate states to normal relations in the Union upon
their ratication of the proposed amendment and its incorporation into the Constitution.
In February 1867, after every former Confederate
state but Tennessee rejected the proposed Fourteenth
Amendment, the Joint Committee proposed a bill to put
all the other southern states under military authority. As
amended by the House and Senate, this measure became
the Reconstruction Act of 1867, under the terms of which
the southern states were placed under military authority,
reconstructed, and restored. The Joint Committee was
not renewed by the Fortieth Congress and ceased to exist
upon the expiration of the Thirty-Ninth Congress on 2
March 1867.

Kendrick, Benjamin B. The Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction, 39th Congress, 18651867. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1914. Reprint New York: Negro Universities Press, 1969.
Lowe, Richard. The Joint Committee on Reconstruction: Some
Clarications. Southern Studies 3 (Spring 1992): 5565.



Wilbur, W. Allan. Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 1865.

In Congress Investigates: A Documented History, 17921974.
Edited by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. and Roger Bruns. New
York: Chelsea House, 1975.

to $50,000 per borrower. The federal government appraised the borrowers land, and the amount of a loan was
limited to a percentage of the value of the appraised land
and buildings.

Michael Les Benedict

These banks thrived during the World War I land

booms but declined rapidly when the agriculture industry
slumped in the late 1920s. Many of the banks failed. Accusations of mismanagement followed, and many banks
reorganized or liquidated. The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933 ordered the joint-stock land banks liquidated. To help with the liquidation, the Farm Credit
Act of 1933 provided the Land Bank Commission with
$100 million for two years and renewed the provision for
two more years in 1935.

See also Reconstruction.

JOINT OCCUPATION, a term designating the

1818 U.S.-British agreement regarding the joint occupation of the Oregon territory as being free and open
to subjects of both states for trade and commerce during
the next ten years. The joint occupation was one part of
the Convention of 1818 with England that Richard
Rush and Albert Gallatin negotiated with British delegates Henry Goulburn and Frederick J. Robinson. The
delegates signed the treaty on 20 October 1818, and it
was unanimously ratied by the U.S. Senate on 30 January 1819. Subsequently, on 6 August 1826, the United
States and Great Britain renewed the joint occupation until either party gave one-year notice to terminate it. The
agreement remained in effect until December 1845, when
President James K. Polk asked Congress to annex all the
Oregon territory if Britain refused to divide it at the fortyninth parallel (see Oregon Treaty of 1846).
The 1818 convention was a rst step in moving the
two states away from their 1812 controversy toward rapprochement. The convention also dealt with shing rights
near Labrador, agreed to use arbitration to determine indemnity for slaves the British carried away in 1812, and
renewed an 1815 trade agreement.

Merk, Frederick. The Oregon Question: Essays in Anglo-American

Diplomacy and Politics. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967.
Rakestraw, Donald A. For Honor or Destiny: The Anglo-American
Crisis over the Oregon Territory. London: Peter Lang, 1995.
Weeks, William Earl. Building the Continental Empire: American
Expansion from the Revolution to the Civil War. Chicago: Ivan
R. Dee, 1997.

Lester Brune


under the authority of the Federal Farm Loan Act, approved 17 July 1916. These banks were nanced with private capital and were permitted to make loans in the states
in which they were chartered and in one contiguous state.
About eighty-seven charters were granted, but not all of
the banks opened for business. The joint-stock banks
were most numerous in the more prosperous agricultural
areasIowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Texas, and
California. The original law did not limit the size of loans,
but an amendment to the act in 1923 limited the loans to
agricultural purposes only and reduced the size of loans



Farm Credit Administration. Annual Reports. Since 1933.

Federal Farm Loan Board. Annual Reports. 19161933.
Wright, Ivan. Farm Mortgage Financing. New York: McGrawHill, 1923.

Ivan Wright / a. r.
See also Agriculture; Banking; Financial Panics.

Louis Jolliet was a native of New France who, after being
educated at the Jesuit schools of Quebec, embarked on a
career of exploration in the far western country during
the seventeenth century. On one of his voyages to Lake
Superior in 1669, he met the Jesuit missionary Jacques
Marquette, then at the mission of Sault Ste. Marie. Three
years later, the authorities of New France commissioned
Jolliet to undertake the discovery of the great central river
of the continent, which American Indians called the Mississippi. Jolliet requested that Marquette be appointed
chaplain of the expedition. Late in the autumn of 1672
he set out for the Northwest to join Marquette at the
mission of St. Ignace on the north shore of Mackinac
Straits; there the two explorers prepared the voyage.
On 17 May 1673 Jolliet and Marquette left St. Ignace
in two canoes with ve voyageurs. They went by way of
Lake Michigan, Green Bay, and the Fox River, a route
that was well known as far as the upper villages on the
Fox. At the Mascouten, village guides were obtained to
lead them to the portage. A month after departure their
canoes shot out from the Wisconsin into a great river,
which they instantly recognized as the one they sought.
Marquette wished to name the river the Conception for
the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Jolliet
called it rst the Buade, after Louis de Buade, Comte de
Frontenac, governor of New France. Ultimately, he christened it the Colbert, for the prime minister of France.
However, the Indian name persisted.
The two explorers in their canoes drifted downriver
as far as the Arkansas; they met few Indians, and these for
the most part were friendly. They saw paintings on the



Kellogg, Louise Phelps. The French Regime in Wisconsin and the

Northwest. Wisconsin History Series, vol. 1. Madison: State
Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1925.

Louise Phelps Kellogg / a. r.

See also Explorations and Expeditions: French; French Frontier Forts; Jesuit Relations; Mississippi River.

JONES ACT, or Organic Act of the Philippine Islands,

passed by Congress on 29 August 1916, provided for the
government of the Philippines and committed the United
States to the future independence of the archipelago. The
act gave the right to vote to all male citizens over twentyone years of age who could read and write. The two
houses of the Philippine Congress were made wholly
elective; the president of the United States was to appoint,
subject to conrmation by the Senate, justices of the Philippine Supreme Court and a governor-general. Full independence of the Philippines was realized in 1946.

Carlson, Keith Thor. The Twisted Road to Freedom: Americas

Granting of Independence to the Philippines. Diliman, Quezon
City: University of the Philippines Press, 1995.
Paredes, Ruby R., ed. Philippine Colonial Democracy. Southeast
Asia Studies Monograph Series, no. 32. New Haven,
Conn.: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, Yale Center
for International and Area Studies, 1988.

John Colbert Cochrane / t. m.

cliffs high above the stream, which are now known as the
Alton Petroglyphs. From the Arkansas they turned back
upstream, fearing to encounter Spaniards on the lower
river. Acting on Indian advice, they did not return to the
Fox-Wisconsin waterway but ascended the Illinois and
the Des Plaines, portaging at Chicago to Lake Michigan.
They were thus the rst Europeans to stand on the site
of Chicago.
Via Lake Michigan and Green Bay, they journeyed
to the mission at De Pere, where Marquette remained to
regain his health when Jolliet embarked for Canada in
1674 to report their discoveries. Just before Jolliet
reached Montreal, his canoe overturned in the rapids. He
lost all his journals, notes, and maps and saved his life
only with difculty. Thus, Marquettes journal has become the ofcial account of the voyage, and Jolliets voice
has been somewhat muted. Jolliet was an expert mapmaker, later the ofcial hydrographer of New France. His
maps of the expedition, however, were drawn from memory, and Marquettes maps superseded them.
The Jolliet-Marquette discovery was widely heralded
in France and formed the basis for the exploration and
exploitation of the Mississippi Valley by Robert Cavelier
de La Salle and other French explorers later in the seventeenth century.

See also Insular Cases; Paris, Treaty of (1898); Philippines;

Tydings-McDuffie Act.

JONES V. VAN ZANDT, 46 U.S. 215 (1847), provided abolitionists with an opportunity to challenge the
constitutionality of the 1793 federal Fugitive Slave Act
and attack slavery itself as contrary to natural right.
American jurist Salmon P. Chase contended that the law
violated the Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, and Tenth Amendments. But Justice Levi Woodbury of the U.S. Supreme
Court rejected these arguments, insisting that the fugitive
slave clause of Article IV was one of the sacred compromises of the U.S. Constitution and Congress had power
to enforce it. According to the ruling, the constitutionality or injustice of slavery itself was a political question
left to the states and which federal judges could not

Wiecek, William M. Slavery and Abolition Before the United

States Supreme Court, 18201860. Journal of American
History 65, no. 1 (1978): 3459.

William M. Wiecek
See also Fugitive Slave Acts.



JONESTOWN MASSACRE, 18 November 1978,

was the mass suicide of 913 members, including 276 children, of the Peoples Temple cult led by the Reverend Jim
Jones. After moving his Peoples Temple to California in
1965, Jones persuaded his followers to relocate to an agricultural commune in Jonestown, Guyana, in 1977, following allegations of nancial misconduct. In Guyana,
Jones conscated passports, manipulated his followers
with threats of blackmail and beating, and staged bizarre
rehearsals for mass suicide. Friends and relatives of cult
members warned U.S. ofcials that Jones was using physical and psychological torture to prevent defections from
Jonestown. On 14 November 1978, U.S. Congressman
Leo Ryan of California ew to Guyana with a group of
journalists and relatives of cult members to investigate the
charges. As Ryans party, along with fourteen cult defectors, prepared to leave, Jones ordered them assassinated.
Upon learning that only four of them had been killed,
Jones organized a mass suicide ritual. On 18 November,
Jones presided over the enforced suicide ceremony during
which his followers drank cyanide-laced punch. Jones
died later that day from a gunshot wound, possibly selfinicted.

Kilduff, Marshall. The Suicide Cult: The Inside Story of the Peoples
Temple Sect and the Massacre in Guyana. New York: Bantam
Books, 1978.
Klineman, George. The Cult that Died: The Tragedy of Jim Jones
and the Peoples Temple. New York: Putnam, 1980.
Weightman, Judith Mary. Making Sense of the Jonestown Suicides:
A Sociological History of Peoples Temple. New York: E. Mellen
Press, 1984.

Carolyn Bronstein / h. s.
See also Cults.

JOURNAL OF CONGRESS, the ofcial record of

the proceedings of the legislative branch of the U.S. government. When the Continental Congress in 1774 appointed Charles Thomson as secretary, he kept a manuscript journal recording its resolves and other decisions
and also the attendance of the members. This journal was
published contemporaneously in thirteen volumes.
Thomson also kept a secret journal that was not published
until 1821. These journals, together with information
from auxiliary records and papers, formed the core of the
thirty-four-volume Library of Congress edition of the
Journals of the Continental Congress, published 19041937,
to reconstruct the fuller story of the activities of the Congress from 1774 to 1789.
The Constitution provides that each House shall
keep a Journal of its Proceedings. In the earliest congresses, the journals were printed in parts and distributed
during the session. At the end of each session since 1789,
verbatim reports have been published with indexes, one
or more volumes for each house. After the burning of the
Capitol in 1814, which destroyed all printed copies belonging to both houses, the journals of the rst thirteen
congresses were reprinted (18201826). Until 1861 the
journals were printed by contract and thereafter by the
Government Printing Ofce under the authority of each
house. They are also substantially incorporated in the Annals of Congress (covering 17891824), in the Register of
Debates (18241837), in the Congressional Globe (1833
1873), and in the Congressional Record since 1873. The
Senate also keeps an executive journal, which has been
published from time to time.

Schmeckebier, L. F., and Roy B. Eastin. Government Publications

and Their Use. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institute,

Roscoe R. Hill / c. w.
See also Congressional Record; Continental Congress;
Washington Burned.

Jonestown. Bodies everywhere: 913 members of the Peoples

Temple cult lie dead at their agricultural commune in Guyana
after a mass suicide ritual on 18 November 1978. corbis


JUDAISM. The rst Jews in North America arrived

from Holland in 1654, their ancestors having been expelled from Spain and Portugal at the end of the fteenth
century. The religion of these Sephardic (Spanish) Jews
was different from that of the Ashkenazic Jews who arrived in the United States two centuries later from Central and Eastern Europe. Sephardic Jews followed a ritual
different from their Ashkenazic counterparts and came
from a region where, until the 1490s, they had enjoyed
relative peace, security, and wealth under both Muslim
and Christian rulers. They were eager to assimilate into
American society and did so successfully. During the
American Revolution, a Hessian mercenary serving in
Newport, Rhode Island, commented that the Jews were
not distinguishable by their beards and attire . . . while
their women wear the same French nery as the other


faiths. The arrival of Ashkenazic Jews during the nineteenth century altered the character of Judaism in the
United States. Although many gravitated toward the Reform tradition, the majority remained Orthodox, especially those coming from Lithuania, Poland, Romania,
and Russia between 1880 and 1924. As a consequence,
Orthodox Judaism in the United States became synonymous with Central and Eastern European Jewry.
Orthodox Judaism
By the 1820s three Orthodox Ashkenazic rite synagogues
had been established in North America: the rst in
Easton, Pennsylvania in 1761, followed by Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia in 1802 and, in 1825, by Bnai Jeshurun in New York City. The rst Orthodox rabbi, however,
did not arrive in the United States until 1840 when Abraham Rice came from Germany to serve the Orthodox
congregation in Baltimore.
Orthodox Jews strictly observe the Halachah ( Jewish
laws). Derived from the Torah, the Mishna (commentaries
on the Torah), and the Gemara (commentaries on the
commentaries), the laws make up the Talmud, the authoritative text of Judaism. Orthodox Judaism is preeminently a religion of laws and practices that direct and regulate every aspect of life for the faithful. Among Orthodox
Jews, however, community is also essential. To worship,
Orthodox Jews require only the presence of ten adult Jewish males, the minyan; they need no synagogue or rabbi.
Such a community could theoretically be small and selfcontained, having no formal connection with other Jews;
in practice, however, such isolation has proven impossible
to sustain. Complex issues involving ritual and law frequently compel adjudication from an outside authority.
As a result, questions of, and disputes about, faith, law,
and practice have linked one Jewish community to another.
The Retreat from Orthodoxy
The years between 1840 and 1880 were turbulent for the
American Jewish community. Jews increasingly rejected
the Halachi prescriptions as old-fashioned and inapplicable to their circumstances in the United States. Everywhere Orthodoxy was in retreat.
Reform Jews attempted to accommodate Judaism
more completely to the modern world. From the 1840s
until the turn of the twentieth century, Reform Judaism
was the primary form of Judaism in the United States,
losing its dominance to Conservative Judaism only in the
1920s. With roots in the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, Reform Judaism emphasized the ethical and moral
aspects of religion at the expense of ritual and theology.
Only in the United States, however, did Reform Judaism
attract substantial numbers of adherents.
The rst Reform organization in the United States
began among members of the Congregation Beth Elohim
of Charleston, South Carolina. They wanted briefer services, greater use of English, and the mixed seating of men
and women. (Orthodox Jews separate men and women at

Isaac Mayer Wise. One of the rabbis who led the movement to
create an institutional structure for Reform Judaism in the
nineteenth century; he founded several organizations, edited two
periodicals, and wrote prolically. corbis-Bettmann

worship.) When the majority of the congregation refused

to yield, the dissidents withdrew and, in 1824, founded
the Reformed Society of Israelites.
The principal impetus behind the growth of Reform
Judaism in the United States came from German immigrants who created Reform Vereine (Reform Societies)
that eventually developed into temples, as they called synagogues. In 1842 Temple Har Siani in Baltimore became
the rst rst Reform temple in the United States, followed in quick succession by Temple Emanu-El in New
York City (1845), and later by Sinai in Chicago (1858).
During the second half of the nineteenth century, the efforts of Rabbis Isaac Mayer Wise, David Einhorn, and
Kaufman Kohler gave institutional order and theological
substance to Reform Judaism.
Reform Judaism
Reform Judaism radically altered Jewish belief, ritual,
practice, and law. Meeting in Philadelphia in 1869, Reform Jews, guided by the liberal David Einhorn, rabbi at
Adath Jeshurun (later Beth-El) in New York City, rejected
the hope for a restoration of Israel and a rebuilding of the
temple in Jerusalem. Einhorn declared, alternately, that



the messianic aim of Judaism was a union of all the

children of God, not merely the Jews. He also downplayed the customary dietary restrictions and the ritual of
male circumcision.
The Pittsburgh Platform of 1885, drafted by Kaufman Kohler, rabbi at Temple Beth-El in New York City
and Einhorns son-in-law, superseded the Reform statement of 1869 and repudiated all Jewish laws and practices
not in keeping with the views and habits of modern civilization. In the Pittsburgh Platform, which Isaac Mayer
Wise called the Jewish Declaration of Independence,
Kohler asserted that the Jews were not a nation or people
in exile, but a religious community. As such, Jews could
anticipate neither a return to Palestine, nor a sacricial
worship under the sons of Aaron, nor the restoration of
any laws concerning the Jewish state. Kohler and the
signatories of the Pittsburgh Platform characterized Judaism as a progressive religion, ever striving to be in
accord with the postulates of reason.
Controversy and Antagonism
Relations between Reform and Orthodox Judaism could
not have been more antagonistic. Reform Jews looked
upon the Orthodox as ignorant rabble who had given
themselves over entirely to vulgar superstitions. The Orthodox considered Reform Jews heretics and pagans. Yet
the majority of the 2.5 million Jewish immigrants who
came to the United States between 1880 and 1924, or at
least their children, gradually abandoned Orthodoxy and
embraced Reform Judaism. Although they accepted the
tenets of Reform Judaism, Jewish immigrants from Central and Eastern Europe were unwilling to renounce their
Jewish cultural heritage and ethnic identity. Many were
ardent Zionists, and by the 1930s had compelled the Reform movement to change its position on Zionism. Originally rejecting Zionism, by 1937 the Central Conference
of American Rabbis, which Isaac Wise had founded in
1889 as one of the institutional centers of Reform Judaism, adopted a statement of principles that called for the
creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.
Conservative Judaism
The effort to accommodate to American circumstances
and concurrently to preserve Jewish tradition led to the
emergence of Conservative Judaism. By the end of the
twentieth century Conservative Judaism was the largest
branch of American Judaism, consisting of 850 congregations that represented 1.5 million members.
Conservative Judaism originated from a breach that
developed in the Reform movement. At a banquet held
in 1883 to honor the rst graduating class of Hebrew
Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio, the caterer, who was
himself Jewish, served shrimp, one of the foods forbidden
to Jews who follow kashrut, the Jewish dietary laws. Several members of the board of trustees along with a number of rabbis left the banquet in a rage, convinced that
they could not make common cause with Reform Jews


who apparently sought to ridicule them and to denigrate

the customs and precepts they cherished. From this relatively minor incident Conservative Judaism was born.
Although the infamous trefa (forbidden food) banquet was the immediate cause of the Jewish division into
Reform and Conservative factions, Conservative Judaism
had more signicant antecedents. Not all Jews in the
United States endorsed the radical break with tradition
that the reformers espoused in the Pittsburgh Platform.
Under the direction of Isaac Lesser, Sabato Morais,
Henry Pereira Mendes, Marcus Jastrow, and Benjamin
Szold, Conservative Jews sought to perpetuate the Jewish
dietary laws, which Isaac Wise had disparaged as Kitchen
Judaism, the identity of Jews as a people in exile, and the
unity of American Jews with their brethren scattered
throughout the world. The Conservatives did not oppose
changesurely God had not sanctioned all elements of
the tradition; some were the work of men and thus men
could and, when necessary, should alter them.
Conservatives maintained, however, that Reform Jews
encouraged purely utilitarian modications. They opposed the attitude that the law needed to be replaced not
because it had been tried and found wanting but because
it had been tried and found impractical and difcult. Conservative Jews did not wish to impugn the tradition but
to infuse it with new life. Rabbi Alexander Kohut of Ahavath Chesed in New York City expressed the ideals of Conservative Judaism in a sermon delivered in 1885: I desire
a Judaism full of life . . . a Judaism true to itself and its
past, yet receptive of the ideas of the present.

Reconstructionist Judaism
Conservative Jews saw their movement as a compromise
between the iconoclasm of Reform Judaism and the rigidity of Orthodox Judaism. They emphasized klal Yisrael
(universal Israel), and aspired to unite Jews everywhere
into a single community as the chosen people of God. In
that larger purpose Conservative Jews failed; their commitment, moreover, alienated liberals, some of whom created a fourth American denomination, Reconstructionist
A continuation of the ideas of Mordecai M. Kaplan,
who urged American Jews to reconstruct the Jewish civilization, Reconstructionist Judaism dispensed with belief in the supernatural while retaining some commitment
to the Jewish tradition in an effort, as Kaplan wrote, to
maintain the historic continuity of the Jewish people and
to express, or symbolize, spiritual values or ideals which
can enhance the inner life of Jews. Most Reconstructionist Jews, however, emphatically reject the idea of Jews
as the chosen people of God. Although not an independent movement until the 1960s, Reconstructionist Judaism, by the1990s, boasted a membership of fty thousand,
with sixty congregations and one hundred and fty rabbis.


American Judaism in the Twenty-First Century:

Problems and Prospects
In the two decades between 1945 and 1967 Jews in the
United States, though internally divided, enjoyed a peace
and security that enabled them to pursue their version of
the American dream. That tranquil period ended with the
Arab-Israeli War of 1967. Although the Israelis prevailed,
the threat to the existence of Israel brought Jewish history,
including the Holocaust, to the forefront of Jewish concerns. Since the late 1960s, the preservation of Jewish traditions, the maintenance of Jewish identity, and the survival of the Jewish people have come to be of paramount
importance to American Jews, including many in the Reform and Reconstructionist movements.
Common concerns notwithstanding, relations have
not been cordial among Jews in the United States. No
issue inspired greater conict than the debate over the
role of women. The introduction of integrated seating at
worship, a practice that both Reform and some Conservative Jewish congregations adopted, ignited a terrible
quarrel. From the Orthodox perspective, though, the
worst violation of Jewish tradition and law were changes
authorizing greater participation of women in religious
services. The rst alteration came in 1973, when the law
committee of the Conservative Rabbinical Assembly issued a takhana (legislative enactment) that permitted
women to be counted in the minyan. A ten-year conict
also ensued over whether to admit women to the rabbinate. The dispute ended in 1983 when the faculty of the
Conservative Jewish Theological Seminary in New York
City voted thirty-four to eight to accept female students.
Reform Jews had voted even earlier, in 1972, to ordain
women; the Reform decision to consider ordaining homosexuals increased tensions with Orthodox and Conservative Jews.
Predictably, Orthodox Jews have been the most resistant to making concessions. Their deance strengthened Orthodoxy, which since the 1970s has been the most
dynamic and vibrant Jewish denomination. By 2000 the
United States had 1,075,000 Orthodox Jews. As young
Jews feel increasingly alienated from the secular world
and as many seek to rediscover their cultural and religious
heritage, Orthodox Judaism has become more attractive.
The dramatic and often salutary alternative that Orthodox Judaism presents to those who have grown weary of
the degeneracy of modern American society explains, at
least in part, its continued appeal. At the dawn of the
twenty-rst century, however, Orthodox Jews have had to
consider whether, and to what extent, their community
can maintain it insularity and protect itself from the contamination of the modern world and how much its survival depends upon adaptation to American life.

Davis, Moshe. The Emergence of Conservative Judaism: The Historical School in Nineteenth Century America. Philadelphia:
Jewish Publication Society of America, 1963.

Eisen, Arnold. The Chosen People in America: A Study of Jewish

Religious Ideology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
Glazer, Nathan, ed. American Judaism. 2d ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972.
Goldsmith, Emanuel S., Mel Scult, and Robert M. Seltzer, eds.
The American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan. New York:
New York University Press, 1990.
Herberg, Will. Protestant, Catholic, Jew: An Essay in American
Religious Sociology. New York: Doubleday, 1955.
Libowitz, Richard. Mordecai M. Kaplan and the Development of
Reconstructionism. Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, 1983.
Neusner, Jacob, ed. Sectors of American Judaism: Reform, Orthodoxy, Conservatism, and Reconstructionism. New York: Katv,
Olitzky, Kerry M., Lance J. Sussman, and Malcolm A. Stern,
eds. Reform Judaism in America: A Biographical Dictionary
and Sourcebook. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1993.
Plaut, W. Gunther. The Rise of Reform Judaism. 2 vols. New York:
World Union for Progressive Judaism, 19631965.
Rosenblum, Herbert. Conservative Judaism: A Contemporary History. New York: United Synagogue of America, 1983.
Sachar, Howard M. A History of Jews in America. New York:
Knopf, 1992.

Mark G. Malvasi
See also Religion and Religious Affiliation; Religious Thought
and Writings.

JUDICIAL REVIEW. When a court measures a statute or an executive action against a constitution, treaty,
or other fundamental law, judicial review has occurred.
The antecedents of modern judicial review were three:
rst, Edward Cokes opinion in Bonhams Case (1610), in
which he declared an act of Parliament to be against
common right and reason and therefore void; second,
the opinions of the British Privy Council nding certain
measures of colonial legislatures to have exceeded authorization under their royal charters; and third, early
U.S. state government decisions that state statutes exceeded the permissible bounds set forth in the state constitutions. There were also some early state and federal
decisions suggesting that even where the state or federal
constitutions were silent, certain basic principles of republican governments could not be disregarded by legislators, principles that would be grounds for striking
down statutes. In Calder v. Bull (1798), Supreme Court
Justice Samuel Chase gave examples of the violation of
these principles, such as taking one persons property to
give to another, deeming an action criminal that was not
illegal when committed, and making persons judge and
party in their own cases.
Judicial review in America is often dated from John
Marshalls opinion in Marbury v. Madison (1803). According to Marshall, a provision of the Judiciary Act of
1789 improperly extended the jurisdiction of the U.S. Su-



preme Court, and was therefore unconstitutional. This

was the rst opinion in which the Court exercised judicial
review en banc (with full judicial authority). The idea of
judicial review had been employed previously by several
of the justices, riding circuit, to question both federal and
state legislation. In Federalist No. 78, published at the
time of the ratication of the U.S. Constitution, Alexander Hamilton asserted the power of judicial review in
terms almost identical to those employed by Marshall in
Marbury. Opponents of the Constitution believed judicial
review gave the justices too much discretion, but Hamilton defended the doctrine by arguing that when the
judges struck down a statute on the grounds that it was
barred by the Constitution, they were merely fullling
their task as agents of the American peoplethe sovereign that dictated the Constitution.
Dred Scott Case and the Fourteenth Amendment
Judicial review was infrequent during the Republics early
years, although in several notable cases, including Fletcher
v. Peck (1810), Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819), and
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), the Marshall Court ruled that
state legislatures had exceeded the bounds permitted them
under the federal Constitution. Not until the Taney Court
decided the Dred Scott Case (1857), however, was a
second federal statute ruled unconstitutional. In a 7 to 2
decision, Chief Justice Taney ruled that Congress had no
power to forbid slavery in the territories, because the Fifth
Amendment to the Constitution barred Congress from
taking property without due process. According to Taney, forbidding slavery amounted to the obliteration of a
property interest that could not be dignied with the
name of due process.
At the beginning of the twenty-rst century the Dred
Scott case is regarded with universal disapprobation. Still,
Taneys statement of the proper philosophy of judicial reviewthat the Court should interpret the Constitutions
provisions as they were understood at the time of the
Constitutions raticationhas merit and is itself in accordance with the understanding of the framers. Taneys
elevation of property rights to the central constitutional
concern is also in keeping with the framers views.

Dred Scott. The Thirteenth Amendment forbade slavery

and the Fourteenth Amendment made clear that citizenship could not be denied because of race. The Fourteenth
Amendment also further circumscribed the powers of
state governments by providing that no state could deprive any person of the equal protection of the laws,
take a persons life, liberty or property without due process of law, or abridge the privileges and immunities of
citizens of the United States. The meaning of these provisions is obscure, but thereafter the Fourteenth Amendment was invoked in the most dramatic instances of judicial review.
The Fourteenth Amendment was intended to improve the lot of the newly freed slaves, but it soon came
to be employed in a different context. As states began to
impose new forms of economic regulation, many businesses and corporations argued that they possessed Fourteenth Amendment rights that had been infringed. They
asserted a right to contract that they claimed inhered
in the due process provision of the Fourteenth Amendment. Just as Taney believed that a congressional statute
that took away a right to property in slaves could not be
regarded as due process, so some began to argue that to
infringe on the right to contract with ones employees did
not meet the requirements of due process. Because this
argument did not deal with process in its usual sense, it
came to be known as substantive due process. This doctrine assumes that there are some subjects on which legislation simply should not be permitted.
A number of Supreme Court decisions found state
regulatory legislation unconstitutional. The most famous
was Lochner v. New York (1905), in which the Court
invalidated, on substantive due process grounds, New
York legislation that set maximum hours for bakers. Lochners majority was chastised by Oliver Wendell Holmes
Jr. in a ery dissent. He claimed that the majority was
imposing its own policy preferences on New York, and
was reading into the Constitution a particular economic
theory which the framers had not intended.

Nevertheless, in Dred Scott, Taney belied his own judicial philosophy when he failed to recognize that at the
time of the framing of the Constitution there was a presumption in favor of human freedom and a widespread
belief that slavery was contrary to natural law. As such,
there was less protection for slavery than for other forms
of property, and congressional prohibition of slavery
where it had not been established by positive law should
have been permissible. Another principal holding of Dred
Scottthat even free blacks were not regarded as citizens at the time of the ratication of the Constitution
is similarly debatable. Through 2002, Dred Scott continued to be invoked as a symbol of judicial reviews excesses.

The New Deal

Until 1937 the U.S. Supreme Court continued to employ
judicial review in service of a conservative, businessoriented view of the Constitution. When the Great Depression led to federal regulatory efforts of an unprecedented scope, it was inevitable that the Court would be
asked to review the constitutionality of these measures.
There were a number of decisions, some upholding New
Deal legislation. But in the most notable cases, the Court
held that Congresss power to regulate interstate commerce was limited and could not be stretched to include
manufacturing or processing which took place within a
single state. Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United
States (1935), for example, invalidated the National Industrial Recovery Act (1933).

After the Civil War a series of constitutional amendments were passed, some provisions of which reversed

Schechter Poultry infuriated President Franklin Roosevelt, who bemoaned the Courts use of a horse-and-



buggy denition of interstate commerce. Roosevelt challenged the Courts interpretive strategy of dening terms
the way they had been understood by the framers, and
argued for a dynamic interpretation to t the Constitution to the needs of the times. Roosevelt, in his fulmination, threatened to pack the court by appointing additional
justices sympathetic to his views. But before he could, the
Court dramatically changed interpretive course.
The case that demonstrated the Courts interpretive
shift most clearly was National Labor Relations Board
v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation (1937), in
which the Court allowed Congress to use its powers to
regulate interstate commerce to create the National Labor Relations Board, with jurisdiction to mandate collective bargaining and union organizing within manufacturing plants. The Courts logic was that a strike at the
Pennsylvania steel plant in question might have consequences for interstate commerce and that this possibility
permitted federal regulation. This logic could support
federal regulation of nearly anything, and was employed
until late in the twentieth century. Jones and a number of
other cases also rejected the predominance earlier given
to freedom of contract, and substantive economic due
process died.
The Warren Court
Several striking instances of modern judicial review occurred during the chief justiceship of Earl Warren, who
adopted the notion advanced by Franklin Roosevelt that
the Constitution ought to be perceived as a living document. In the landmark case of Brown v. Board of
Education of Topeka (1954), the Warren Court announced that constitutional jurisprudence could not turn
back the clock. Warren, writing for a unanimous Court,
held that racially segregated schools violated the Fourteenth Amendments guarantee of equal protection of the
laws, and that the practice had to end. There was strong
evidence that this had not been the intention of the
amendment, but the Court brushed this objection aside.
The events Brown set in motion altered racial relations in
America forever, and initiated a pattern of judicial activism unlike any other.
The Warren Court embraced earlier decisions which
had held, in spite of a paucity of evidence, that the Fourteenth Amendment was intended to extend the Bill of
Rights prohibitions against the federal government to
forbid actions by the states. The Court proceeded, wholesale, to refashion state and local government and law enforcement. The Court ruled that state laws requiring
compulsory Bible reading or school prayer violated the
First Amendment. It decided that the Fourth Amendments prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures
meant that local law enforcement ofcials had to follow
particular procedures dictated by the federal courts or
have the evidence they obtained thrown out of court. The
Court read the Fourteenth Amendments equal protection language to mean that both houses of the state leg-

islatures had to be apportioned on the basis of population,

refusing to allow the states to emulate the federal Constitutions model of one chamber determined by population, and another by political subdivision.
Roe v. Wade
For most of the period of the Burger and Rehnquist
Courts, much of the reformist zeal of the Warren Court
prevailed. In an exercise of constitutional interpretation
second in boldness only to Brown, the Court in Roe v.
Wade (1973) ruled 7 to 2 that state prohibitions on abortion during the rst trimester of pregnancy violated the
Fourteenth Amendments requirement of due process.
Thus did substantive due process return, though in neither the property rights guise of Dred Scott or the economic aspect of Lochner.
The audacity of Roe led to an unsuccessful struggle
in the legal academy to articulate a theory of judicial review that might reconcile the Courts conduct with Hamiltons idea that judicial review merely carried out the will
of the people. Although the Court had been unwilling to
overturn Roe, by 2002 it survived by the slimmest of
margins. The Warren Courts decisions regarding statesponsored prayer were generally upheld as late as 2002,
with the Rehnquist Court barring ofcially selected prayers
at school graduations and even at football games. Lower
federal courts nibbled away at the school prayer decisions
at the beginning of the twenty-rst century, however, by
permitting schools to impose moments of silence with
prayer among the permitted meditative activities.
The Rehnquist Court
With the landmark case of United States v. Lopez
(1995), the Supreme Court, under Chief Justice William
Rehnquist, announced for the rst time since the New
Deal that a federal regulatory measure was not permitted
under the commerce clause. Congress had sought to impose federal criminal penalties on those who carried unauthorized rearms in or near any school in the nation.
Proponents of the act argued that rearms disrupted education and that the disruption of education would eventually have an adverse affect on interstate commerce. This
rationale was no more strained that that which had permitted the Court to allow many New Deal measures, but
in a 5 to 4 ruling, the Court decided that to permit this
commerce clause argument to prevail in Lopez would be
to allow unlimited federal regulation.
A later Rehnquist Court case, United States v. Morrison (2000), applied similar logic to reject some provisions of the federal Violence Against Women Act, holding
that basic criminal law enforcement was a matter for the
state and local governments rather than the federal government. Lopez and Morrison, and a variety of other cases
concerned with the assertion of state sovereign immunity
and the prohibition on conscripting state and local ofcials into federal law enforcement, were perceived in the
1990s as the Rehnquist Courts assertion of a new fed-



eralism. Critics charged that the Courts newly activist

conservative majority was bent on construing the Constitution in a manner that sharply restricted what the federal government could do, and threatened its role as the
protector of civil rights. The Rehnquist Courts defenders
argued that it was returning to a jurisprudence of original
understanding, and receding from the wanton readings of
the Constitution during the Warren Court years.

Wolfe, Christopher. The Rise of Modern Judicial Review: From

Constitutional Interpretation to Judge-Made Law. New York:
Basic Books, 1986.

But if the Rehnquist Courts new federalism decisions

could be defended as an exercise in returning the Constitution to its original scheme, it was difcult to make
that argument in support of the Rehnquist Courts most
ambitious act of judicial review, in Bush v. Gore (2000).
For the rst time, the Supreme Court, at the instance of
a presidential candidate, held that a state courts interpretation of state election law violated the equal protection
clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Seven justices
agreed there was an equal protection violation, but only
ve concurred in the Courts remedy of barring further
ballot recounts in Florida, in effect awarding the presidency to George W. Bush.

See also Supreme Court.

In 2001 and 2002, justications were advanced for

what the Court did (most centering around the countrys
need to put an end to election proceedings that threatened to drag out for months or years). But the Courts
equal protection reasoning was dubious and the Court
itself took pains to limit its holding to the case at hand.
Many sympathetic to the Gore candidacy believed that
the Court stole the election for Bush. Not surprisingly,
no sooner did the Democrats take control of the Senate
in early 2001 than a series of hearings was scheduled on
judicial ideology. Democratic senators were concerned
about preserving the legacy of the Warren Court, and
worried that the Rehnquist Court was embarked upon
judicial activism. During the rst months of 2001, no
Bush nominees were conrmed to the federal courts and
Democrats asserted that there was a need for a balance of
interpretive approaches on the bench. Republicans countered this argument by asserting that ideology had no
place in judging, which, they claimed, ought to be conceived of as an objective search for the original understanding of the legislature or the sovereign people. The
nature of judicial review had once again become one of
the most important issues in national politics.

Dionne, E. J., Jr., and William Kristol, eds. Bush v. Gore: The
Court Cases and the Commentary. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2001.
Ely, John Hart. Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980.
Perry, Michael J. The Constitution, the Courts, and Human Rights:
An Inquiry into the Legitimacy of Constitutional Policymaking
by the Judiciary. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
Presser, Stephen B. Recapturing the Constitution: Race, Religion,
and Abortion Reconsidered. Lanham, Md.: National Book
Network, 1994.


Wood, Gordon S. The Creation of the American Republic, 1776

1787. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,

Stephen B. Presser

JUDICIARY. In the early 1830s Alexis de Tocqueville

observed that sooner or later, every important American
political issue ends up in the courts. The judiciary of the
United States thus occupies a unique institutional role.
Americans are a litigious people, and lawyers are a higher
percentage of the population in the United States than in
any other nation. It is the judiciary that must resolve these
disputes. Judges occupy a venerated position in the United
States, unlike those of most other nations, where they are
regarded more as bureaucrats than as important formulators of policy. Because the rule of law occupies a place
in the United States something like the monarchy or the
established church once did in European nations, those
who administer the law are particularly venerated. They
are also the subject of great controversy, and have been
since the earliest days of the Republic.
English and Colonial Antecedents
The American judicial system is based on that of Great
Britain, but the manner in which justice was administered
in England and the colonies is not what it came to be in
the United States. Until the twentieth century, English
judges were regarded as executive ofcials, lions under
the throne, as a sixteenth-century term had it. The king
was regarded as the law speaking, and although the kings
place as the font of law was challenged by the common
law judges and this role of the monarch was later displaced
by Parliament, throughout much of English history judges
were removable at the discretion of the Crown or Parliament. Colonial judges were subject to dismissal by the
royally appointed colonial governors or by ofcials in
London. Colonial courts applied English common law,
but the decisions of those courts could be overruled by
English administrators. Thus, prior to the American Revolution it could not be said that judges had much prestige
or that Americans had an independent judiciary.
From Independence to the Civil War
The new state constitutions in 1776, like the federal
Constitution in 1789, generally established independent
judiciaries as branches of government coequal to the legislatures and executives. The notions expressed in constitutions that liberty requires separating judging from legislating and that it was the job of the judges independently
to implement the sovereign will of the people began to
take hold. Judges were no longer removable at executive
or legislative whim but were, at the federal level and in-


creasingly at the state level, guaranteed tenure during

good behavior. An early tension between the state and
federal courts was resolved after the political struggles
over the Judiciary Act of 1789 and the Judiciary Act of
1801, which generally favored the state courts as the principal forums for the resolution of legal disputes and the
development of private law doctrines, such as property,
torts, contracts, and corporations.
At a time when the United States was a plural
rather than a singular noun, it is not surprising that state
courts and state governments in general exercised the
greatest inuence over the lives of American citizens.
Nevertheless, even in the early years of the Republic the
federal courts and in particular the U.S. Supreme Court,
in the exercise of judicial review, enforced some constitutional restrictions against the states. In one of the most
important decisions of this kind, Chief Justice John Marshall held in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) that the
state of Maryland could not tax the federally incorporated
Bank of the United States. That same year in the Dartmouth College Case, Marshall overturned the decision
of the New Hampshire Supreme Court that the state legislature could alter the charter of Dartmouth College, in
effect transforming it from a public to a private university.
Somewhat later, in Swift v. Tyson (1842), Justice Joseph
Story, in spite of a provision of the 1789 Judiciary Act that
required him to follow the laws of the states in which the
federal courts were situated, ruled that in commercial law
matters, the federal courts could impose a rule based on
general understandings of the common law rather than
the case law of the state in which the federal court sat.
These were exceptional cases, however. In general,
unless a clear conict existed between state and federal
statutes or between state law and the federal Constitution,
the federal courts gave the state courts and legislatures
broad discretion. The best example of this attitude is the
Charles River Bridge Case (1836), decided shortly after
Chief Justice Roger Taney replaced Chief Justice Marshall. The state of Massachusetts had chartered a bridge
to compete with the Charles River Bridge, the beneciary
of an earlier state charter. The Charles River Bridge attorneys argued that its charter implied that the state
would not authorize at some future date a new bridge that
would drive the Charles River Bridge out of business.
Dartmouth College could have been read to support this
argument, but Taney, writing for the Court, rejected it,
arguing that the countrys developmental needs required
competition and progress in the means of transportation
and that Massachusetts should be permitted to charter
competing bridges in the public interest.
The goals of commercial progress and social mobility
reected in Taneys Charles River Bridge decision seem also
to have motivated scores of state common law judges, who
altered private law doctrines taken from the hierarchical,
status-based and agricultural English society to t an increasingly democratic, growth-orientated, and entrepreneurial American culture. In the early days of the Repub-

lic, Americans feared that judges, and in particular federal

judges, might turn into an inconvenient aristocracy, oppressing the people with the great discretion the power
of judicial review conferred on them. Instead, as Tocqueville predicted, judges and lawyers seem to have moved
the law in a more democratic direction. Indeed, in the
state judiciaries, to keep judges responsive to the people,
election of judges became more common than executive
The controversy over slavery in the territories in the
fth decade of the nineteenth century, however, resulted
in a Supreme Court decision that seriously damaged the
prestige of the Court. That decision may have contributed to a climate in which the judiciary ceased for a time
to play a signicant role in refashioning the law in keeping
with social needs. In the Dred Scott Case (1857), Chief
Justice Taney, writing for the Court in a 7 to 2 decision,
ruled that the Constitution prevented Congress from prohibiting slavery in the territories, and also ruled that even
freed slaves could not, in the contemplation of the Constitution, be treated as citizens. The decision may have
been conceived as way of quelling sectional discontent,
but it had the opposite effect. Many historians believe it
was instrumental in causing the Civil War.
From the Civil War to the New Deal
From the end of the Civil War until the third decade of
the twentieth century, the Supreme Court for the most
part played what might be described as a conservative role
in national political life, defending the freedom of businesses to make contracts and generally reining in legislatures that sought to impose regulations. For example,
in Lochner v. New York (1905), over a strong dissent
from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., the Court held
that to allow New York to regulate the hours of bakers
would violate the freedom of contract guaranteed by the
Fourteenth Amendment.
The Court did, however, permit some federal regulations to pass constitutional muster, for example, with
regard to the Interstate Commerce Act (1887) and the
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890). Moreover, while the Court
was, in Lochner and other cases, hostile to the general idea
of regulating freedom of contract, it did permit states to
regulate wages and hours in particularly dangerous industries or to protect groups that might not possess sufcient bargaining power. Among other signicant decisions, the Court held in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that
it was permissible to impose racial separation in public
transportation so long as the facilities provided were
separate but equal. And in Bradwell v. Illinois (1872) the
Court held that, in spite of the Fourteenth Amendments
guarantee of equal protection of the law to all persons,
women did not have to be admitted to the practice of law.
The reforms at the end of the nineteenth century and
the beginning of the twentieth century were characterized
more by constitutional amendments and legislative initiatives than by progressive decisions of the courts. Similarly,



the common law administered by the state courts was

changed relatively little. Democratic and egalitarian advances, such as the progressive income tax, securing the
franchise and professional equality for women, giving
adopted children rights of inheritance, or creating property rights for spouses, were accomplished by amendments or laws, not by court decisions. Indeed, many commentators have suggested that judges at both the state and
federal levels were generally hostile to such changes and
narrowly construed both constitutional amendments and
legislation where it differed from the common law or previously prevailing constitutional jurisprudence.
From the New Deal to the Twenty-First Century
All of that changed in the last six decades of the twentieth
century. During the Great Depression, the federal government under Franklin D. Roosevelt instituted an ambitious program of social legislation unlike anything ever
seen before. At rst the Supreme Court tended to rule
that the federal government did not possess the constitutional power to dictate rules for the general management of the nations economy, for example, in Schechter
Poultry Corporation v. United States (1935). That
decision held that congressional power to regulate interstate commerce did not permit the setting of wages, hours,
and reporting requirements for a New York chicken
slaughterhouse, even if the chickens had been transported
from other states. But by 1937 the Court seemed to
change course in a move some called the switch in time
that saved nine. In National Labor Relations Board
v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, the Court
held that the federal government could set up a scheme
to foster collective bargaining on wages and hours and
other matters that could reach even manufacturing plants
within particular states. From 1937 until 1995 no federal
regulatory scheme was held insufcient on interstate
commerce grounds. At the same time that the Supreme
Court embraced doctrines permitting greater federal
regulation, it also rejected the expansive notion of freedom of contract that previously had hindered both state
and federal measures.
The reasons for the Supreme Courts abrupt aboutface on these matters have been the subject of debate ever
since, but it seems safe to say that two factors were of
importance. One was the continued popularity of President Roosevelt, whose landslide victory in 1936 and
whose attacks on the nine old men who were frustrating
his plans for national economic recovery may have struck
home. Indeed, Roosevelts threat to pack the Court by
increasing the number of justices with appointments of
persons more friendly to regulation may have been taken
Just as important as politics was a change in jurisprudential understanding that occurred roughly contemporaneous with the switch in time. After Oliver Wendell
Holmes Jr. published his classic The Common Law in 1881,
lawyers and law professors more commonly understood


that the judicial role, over the course of American history,

included a strong legislative component. At the beginning
of the twentieth century even establishment gures, like
Harvards dean Roscoe Pound, railed against mechanical
jurisprudence and urged its replacement with sociological jurisprudence, in which the judges as well as legislators understood more clearly their obligation to alter
the law in a progressive manner. In the early 1930s, some
critics, calling themselves legal realists, began to challenge the whole idea of following precedent and the claim
that legal and doctrinal questions had objective answers.
Whether or not legal realism had a strong inuence on
what some called the judicial revolution of 1937, the doctrine was profoundly inuential in fomenting the explosion of legal doctrinal change that was ushered in with
Chief Justice Earl Warren.
The Warren Court (19531969). The Warren Courts
most famous decision, rendered soon after the new chief
justice ascended the bench, was Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), in which the court ruled that
state-sponsored school segregation violated the Fourteenth Amendment. This decision departed from the
original understanding of the amendment, but Warren
justied it on the grounds that the country could not
turn back the clock to the time of the amendment or
the time of the framing of the Constitution. This signaled
that the Court had expressly embraced the notion of a
living Constitution, made equally clear in the jurisprudence of other liberal members of the Court, including
in particular William O. Douglas and William Brennan.
Other justices, most prominently Hugo L. Black, urged
interpretation according to the original understanding of
constitutional provisions. Still others, such as Felix Frankfurter and John Marshall Harlan II, counseled what came
to be referred to as judicial restraint, the notion that legal
change should be left to other branches of government.
To a great extent, however, the views of Warren,
Douglas, and Brennan prevailed, and the Supreme Court
proceeded expansively to cite the Fourteenth Amendment, in particular to end the practice of state-sponsored
school prayer, to rewrite the rules of criminal prosecution in the states, and to order legislative reapportionment of both houses of state governments according to
the principle of one person one vote. The Court also
considerably broadened the freedoms of speech and press
guaranteed under the First Amendment far beyond that
contemplated by the framers, believing that such expansion was necessary to achieve the countrys professed
democratic and egalitarian goals.
The tendency in American legal history is for changes
in the interpretation of common law doctrines to accompany or to follow changes in constitutional law jurisprudence. Just as an explosion of common law changes followed the establishment of an independent United States
and a federal Constitution, so a major alteration of the
common law followed in the wake of the Warren Courts
activities. State court judges, who then comprised (and


continued to comprise into the twenty-rst century)

roughly 95 percent of the nations judiciary, began to alter
the rules regarding contracts, torts, and property.
Contract law, which had tended to defer to the expressed intentions of the parties, increasingly was interpreted to allow the courts to set aside agreements in which
one party had taken unconscionable advantage of another
or to allow them, when unanticipated events occurred,
more or less to rewrite the parties arrangements. The law
of torts, which had generally not imposed liability where
actors had performed in a manner that was not negligent,
changed in the case of the manufacturers of consumer
goods to impose liability where products left the factory
in an unreasonably dangerous condition, even in the
absence of negligence. In addition, the rules of property,
which had tended to favor landlords and had been strictly
interpreted in favor of established ownership interests,
were relaxed to favor tenants, and lease agreements were
interpreted more liberally to promote equity rather than
to increase certainty. Just as the general culture seemed
to undergo radical change in the 1960s, both constitutional and private law were dramatically altered at the
hands of the judiciary.
The Burger Court (19691986). Not everyone in the
legal profession or the nation was comfortable with the
activist legal realist approach of the Warren Court. In
1969, when Richard Nixon had the opportunity to name
a new chief justice upon Warrens retirement, he nominated Warren Earl Burger, a conservative from Minnesota. Some Burger Court decisions restricted the ambit
of the Warren Court era by, for example, limiting access
to the federal courts, particularly for those seeking to
overturn decisions of the executive branch. Still, in one
of its most notable decisions, United States v. Nixon (1974),
the Court, while recognizing the doctrine of executive
privilege, ruled that under the circumstances the president could not conceal evidence of wrongdoing when
sought by a prosecutor in a criminal case. The implication
was clear as well that executive privilege could not be used
to conceal evidence of presidential wrongdoing in the
course of impeachment proceedings, as the federal courts
were to rule a quarter of a century later in the case of
President William Jefferson Clinton.
From the vantage point of history, it is striking how
little the Burger Court altered the living Constitution
philosophy of the Warren Court or the jurisprudence of
the switch in time. The Burger Court did not signicantly diminish the regulatory power of the federal government, which dramatically expanded during those years,
and the Warren Courts emphasis on the rights of the
individual was if anything dramatically increased by the
most famous decision of the Burger Court, Roe v. Wade
(1973). An earlier decision of the Warren Court, Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), had announced an implicit
right to privacy in the Constitution, said to inhere in
emanations and penumbras of various amendments. In
Roe this right of privacy became solidly anchored in the

Fourteenth Amendments due process clause, and the

Court announced in a remarkable 7 to 2 decision that for
any state to prohibit abortion in the rst three months of
a womans pregnancy would be a violation of due process.
Thus, substantive due process, the doctrine invoked in
Dred Scott, endorsed in Lochner, and rejected during the
course of the switch in time, reappeared in a new guise
and established constitutional freedom of choice.
Many constitutional scholars sought a coherent doctrinal defense for Roe based on precedent, but virtually all
conceded that the decision represented a policy choice
made by the justices against prohibiting abortion. Their
choice was consistent with emerging legislative trends in
the states, but the availability of abortion by judicial
choice was difcult for many Americans to accept. Subsequently, this sort of judicial activism became a hot topic
of political debate. Each year on the anniversary of Roe,
antiabortion and pro-choice demonstrators stage noisy
rallies in front of the Supreme Courts august edice, and
political campaigns and judicial nominations often turn on
the issues of reproductive freedom and judicial legislation.
The Rehnquist Court. Ronald Reagan, elected president
in 1980, followed the Republicans practice of campaigning on a platform of ending judicial activism. Consequently, his nominations to the Court were expected to
be persons committed to rolling back the expansionist decisions of the Warren and Burger Courts. Accordingly,
some of his nominees encountered resistance in the Senate from those who favored the decisions, primarily Democrats. One nominee, Robert Bork, was defeated on the
explicit charge that he would turn back the clock to a
time when unfair racial treatment and back-alley abortions prevailed. This charge was undoubtedly unfounded,
but it demonstrated the vitriol often employed regarding
the courts and the strong inuence they had come to
wield in American society. Indeed, it often seemed as if
not only did every political dispute sooner or later become
a judicial matter, as Tocqueville had said, but that virtually
all judicial matters eventually became political fodder.
When President Reagan nominated a conservative
sitting justice, William S. Rehnquist, to become chief justice, Rehnquist too encountered strong resistance and the
suggestion by critics that he would move the Court in a
reactionary direction. Nevertheless, the Senate conrmed
Rehnquist, and though he personally dissented, his Court
in 1992 afrmed two of the most controversial Warren
and Burger Court decisions. The Court ruled in Lee v.
Weisman (1992) that the school prayer decisions should
be extended to prohibit state-sponsored prayer at graduation ceremonies. In Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992), the Court reafrmed the declaration in Roe v. Wade of a constitutional
right of privacy and interpreted it to bar all prohibitions
on abortion that imposed an undue burden on a
womans right to choose. Unlike Roe, Casey did not dictate
a solution based on a trimester model of pregnancy. But
Casey did continue to recognize the right of the states to


J U D I C I A RY A C T O F 1 7 8 9

protect the potential life of the fetus and to prohibit abortion when the fetus was viable, except in cases where the
life or health of the mother was at stake.
In other areas, however, and increasingly at the end
of the twentieth century, the Rehnquist Court showed
signs of changing constitutional jurisprudence. Most important in this regard was a series of decisions called the
Courts new federalism, of which United States v. Lopez (1995) was the most important. In Lopez the Court
sought to impose limits on the federal governments exercise of regulatory powers and to move closer toward the
original constitutional scheme in which the states were
the primary lawmakers. For the rst time since the
switch in time, the Court seemed prepared to strike
down federal regulations on a regular basis. At the beginning of the twenty-rst century, judicial activism was
again at the center of national politics, as the presidential
candidates Al Gore and George W. Bush stated their preferences or dislikes for the jurisprudence practiced by individual members of the U.S. Supreme Court. In an
ironic development, the Rehnquist Court decided the
outcome of that election for Bush by a 5 to 4 vote in Bush
v. Gore (2000).
At the beginning of the twenty-rst century, the
Court faced difcult choices between the jurisprudences
of the living Constitution and the original understanding in cases involving state aid to religious schools, afrmative action, and the balance between the powers of
the state and federal governments. In 2001 the Senate
held hearings on judicial ideology, and because the
Rehnquist Court decided many controversial cases by 5
to 4 majorities, any vacancies on the Supreme Court were
expected to result in conrmation struggles. Indeed, so
delicate was the matter of judicial selection that nine
months into George W. Bushs term, with more than one
hundred vacancies on the lower federal court benches, the
Senate had conrmed only a handful of the new presidents judicial nominees.
In the state courts, the rules of the common law did
not seem to undergo reformulation in the same activist
manner as previously. Indeed, a movement began for legislative civil justice reform to reverse the tendency of
state juries to render multimillion-dollar and in some
cases multibillion-dollar verdicts against corporate defendants. State legislatures began to pass such civil justice
reforms, including limiting the amount of recoverable
damages and putting other procedural roadblocks in the
way of plaintiffs and their lawyers. Many of these reforms were ruled unconstitutional by state courts, based
on provisions in state constitutions that guaranteed plaintiffs rights to trial by jury and that mandated the separation of the judicial power from the legislative.
State and federal courts and legislatures also seemed
engaged in the promulgation of rules designed to protect
property owners and investors in order to strengthen an
American economy that faced stiffer competition from
European and Asian concerns. Some American industries,


such as asbestos, tobacco, and commercial aviation, were

bankrupted or severely damaged by litigation, and antitrust regulators at the state and federal levels sought to
move against titans, such as Microsoft, accused of predatory practices against consumers and competitors. The
outcome of these struggles was unclear, but the trend at
the beginning of the twenty-rst century, at least, was
toward the resolution of these important economic disputes by legislatures and executives rather than by the

Berger, Raoul. Government by Judiciary. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977.
Bickel, Alexander M. The Supreme Court and the Idea of Progress.
New York: Harper and Row, 1970.
Hall, Kermit L. The Magic Mirror: Law in American History. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Horwitz, Morton J. The Transformation of American Law, 1780
1860. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977.
. The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice. New York:
Hill and Wang, 1998.
Kelly, Alfred H., Winfred A. Harbison, and Herman Belz. The
American Constitution: Its Origins and Development. 7th ed.
New York: Norton, 1991.
Kutler, Stanley I. Privilege and Creative Destruction: The Charles
River Bridge Case. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1971.
McCloskey, Robert G. The American Supreme Court. 3d ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Nelson, William E. The Americanization of the Common Law: The
Impact of Legal Change on Massachusetts Society, 17601830.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975.
Olson, Walter K. The Litigation Explosion: What Happened When
America Unleashed the Lawsuit. New York: Truman Talley
BooksDutton, 1991.
Pound, Roscoe. The Formative Era of American Law. Boston: Little, Brown, 1938.
Presser, Stephen B., and Jamil S. Zainaldin, eds. Law and Jurisprudence in American History. 4th ed. St. Paul, Minn.: West
Group, 2000.
Yarbrough, Tinsley E. The Burger Court: Justices, Rulings, and
Legacy. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABCCLIO, 2000.
. The Rehnquist Court and the Constitution. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Stephen B. Presser
See also Common Law; Supreme Court.

JUDICIARY ACT OF 1789. While the framers of

the U.S. Constitution agreed upon the division of the federal government into three branches, the delegates disagreed over whether the Constitution should create inferior federal courts. In the end, the Constitution left the
issue open, and the construction of Article III, establishing the national courts, was left to Congress. At the initial

J U D I C I A RY A C T O F 1 8 0 1

session of the First Congress in 1789, the initial Judiciary

Act was passed; it would serve as the model for all subsequent judicial legislation.
The path of the legislation involved the appointment
of the Senate Committee for Organizing the Judiciary,
consisting of members from each state. The committee
had to overcome residual hostility to the idea of national
courts, the relative youth of the government, and the
erce partisanship that threatened to erupt at any time.
In addition to these problems, very few of the senators on
the committee were lawyers. The Judiciary Act, or Senate
Bill No. 1, was adopted in September 1789following an
entire congressional session of debateas a compromise
and, presumably, as a temporary measure.
The most important set of provisions in the Judiciary
Act of 1789 created a three-tiered federal court structure.
At the top was the United States Supreme Court (the only
one expressly named in the Constitution), to consist of
one chief justice and ve associate justices. At the bottom
were the district courts, one judge to each court and one
court for each of the thirteen states, except for the states
of Virginia and Massachusetts, each of which had two.
The middle tier was the circuit courts, which would sit
twice a year in each of the districts. There were three
circuits to be ridden by the justices, one each for southern,
eastern, and middle states. The original plan was for the
circuit courts to consist of two Supreme Court justices
joining the district court judge, but the difculty of riding
circuits very quickly resulted in only one Supreme Court
justice on a circuit court.
The Constitution gave a limited amount of original
jurisdiction to the Supreme Court, but the 1789 Judiciary
Act made the district courts and the circuit courts the
preeminent trial courts. Under the terms of the act, many
civil matters, particularly admiralty cases, came before the
district courts, and the circuit courts, among other assignments, had a general federal criminal jurisdiction.
The lower federal courts were directed to follow the laws
and procedures of the states in which they sat. Because of
the politically controversial nature of the creation of the
federal courts, these provisions of the rst judiciary act
were designed to calm fears about the possibly unbridled
discretion of a national judiciary. The Supreme Court was
prohibited from overturning factual determinations made
by lower courts, and while the federal courts were permitted to hear cases that involved citizens from different
states (diversity jurisdiction), they were not yet granted
the jurisdiction to hear every matter that might arise under federal law, and indeed, under certain circumstances,
the federal courts could not rule on federal questions until
the highest state court had passed upon the issue. These
provisions were designed to counter critics who feared
that the national courts would intervene in all areas, rendering the state judiciaries impotent and obsolete.
The three-tiered structure rst established by the
1789 legislation remains in effect, although the judges in
the middle tier now sit in their own courts and exercise

only appellate jurisdiction. The matters that can be heard

by the federal courts have expanded far beyond the contemplation of the 1789 law, although its structural and
jurisdictional provisions lingered until almost the end of
the nineteenth century, and its procedural provisions still
govern the basic operations of the federal courts.

Goebel, Julius. History of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Vol. 1. Antecedents and Beginnings to 1801. New York: Macmillan, 1971.
Marcus, Maeva, ed. Origins of the Federal Judiciary: Essays on the
Judiciary Act of 1789. New York: Oxford University Press,
Ritz, Wilfred J. Rewriting the History of the Judiciary Act of 1789:
Exposing Myths, Challenging Premises, and Using New Evidence. Edited by Wythe Holt and L. H. LaRue. Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1990.

Stephen B. Presser
See also Circuits.

JUDICIARY ACT OF 1801. In the waning years of

the John Adams administration, the operation of the federal judiciary became a divisive political issue when the
federal courts were used to prosecute Jeffersonian editors
for seditious libel, when Federalist judges applied the
doctrine of the common law of crimes, and after several
prosecutions were conducted for treason arising out the
Whiskey Rebellion in western Pennsylvania and the Fries
Rebellion in eastern Pennsylvania. Criticism of the courts
helped ensure Thomas Jeffersons party victories in the
presidential and congressional elections of 1800, but the
Adams Federalists, before they were swept from power,
sought to reform the judiciary in order to retain it as a
bastion against the Jeffersonian Republicans.
Thus, as lame ducks, the Federalists secured passage
of the Judiciary Act of 1801. Some of the provisions of
this act were sensible reforms, but the statute has generally been scorned. The act reduced the number of U.S.
Supreme Court justices from six to ve and ended the
justices dutyimposed by the Judiciary Act of 1789of
sitting with a federal district court judge to handle criminal and some civil matters, known as riding circuit. Instead, a system of six new circuit courts was to be set up
and staffed by sixteen new circuit judges, to be appointed
by the outgoing President Adams. The sixteen appointments were all given to Federalists, and these became
known as the midnight judges, because their positions
were lled as time was running out for Adams.
The 1801 law also enlarged the scope of operation
of the circuit courts to give them jurisdiction over all federal questions and, in particular, exclusive jurisdiction
over litigation concerning the recent Bankruptcy Act of
1800. The 1801 legislation also expanded the opportunities for the federal courts to hear disputes between cit-


J U I L L I A R D V. G R E E N M A N

izens of different states, made it easier to transfer cases

from state to federal courts, and provided jurisdiction
over disputes involving the granting of titles to land by
the states.
Until the 1800 election, issues regarding the judiciary
had not been particularly important in American life, but
Jefferson and the Republicans saw the 1801 law as a tremendous danger to liberty. Believing that the U.S. Constitution granted Congress power to abolish the lower
federal courts, they proceeded to eliminate the new circuit
courts in the Judiciary Act of 1802 and revert to the provisions of the Judiciary Act of 1789. Supreme Court justice Samuel Chase sought to rally his fellows to declare
the 1802 act unconstitutional in that it removed the sixteen new judges without benet of impeachment, but the
Republicans countered that they were legitimately disbanding courts, and not illegitimately extracting judges.
In Stuart v. Laird (1803), the Supreme Court declined to
rule the 1802 law unconstitutional. The expanded jurisdiction granted to the lower federal courts in 1801 was
not reinstated until after the Civil War, and for the most
part, the important judicial decisions during the formative
period of American law were made by the state courts.

Ellis, Richard E. The Jeffersonian Crisis: Courts and Politics in the

Young Republic. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971.
Presser, Stephen B. Original Misunderstanding: The English, The
Americans, and the Dialectic of Federalist Jurisprudence. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 1991.
Turner, Kathryn. Federalist Policy and the Judiciary Act of
1801. William and Mary Quarterly 22 (1965): 332.

Stephen B. Presser
See also Midnight Judges.

JUILLIARD V. GREENMAN, 110 U.S. 421 (1884),

was a case in which the Supreme Court upheld the implied power of Congress to make U.S. government notes
legal tenderand therefore moneyin peacetime as well
as in wartime. In Hepburn v. Griswold (1870), the Court
had held the legal-tender acts of 1862 and 1863 unconstitutional, but, in 1871, the Court upheld the legaltender acts as a war measure. Juilliard v. Greenman upheld
the acts without reference to the war power. In this case,
the Court inferred the power from the express power to
borrow money and the implied power to issue bills of

Dunne, Gerald T. Monetary Decisions of the Supreme Court. New

Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1960.
Kutler, Stanley I. Judicial Power and Reconstruction Politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968.


Schwartz, Bernard. A History of the Supreme Court. New York:

Oxford University Press, 1993.

Hugh E. Willis / a. e.
See also Legal Tender; Legal Tender Act; Legal Tender
Cases; Repudiation of Public Debt.

JUMPING-OFF PLACES, the towns along the border of American frontier settlement where emigrants
completed their outtting for the journey across the
Plains during the 1840s and 1850s. Independence, Mo.,
was the best known of these places. Among the others
were Council Bluffs, Iowa; Saint Joseph, Mo.; and Fort
Smith, Ark.

Faragher, John Mack. Women and Men on the Overland Trail. New
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979.

Dan E. Clark / f. b.
See also Migration, Internal; Oregon Trail; Westward Migration.

JUNGLE, THE, Upton Beall Sinclairs novel of labor

exploitation in Chicagos meatpacking industry, advanced
groundbreaking food and drug legislation rather than the
anticapitalist outcry the author anticipated. A member of
the Socialist Party of America, in 1904 Sinclair accepted
a $500 commission from the socialist newspaper Appeal to
Reason to write a ction series comparing northern wage
slavery to the Souths antebellum slave system. Published
in book form in 1906, The Jungle interpreted the hardships of ethnic workers as an odyssey toward socialist rebirth. Protagonist Jurgis Rudkus, a Lithuanian immigrant
to Packingtown, at rst gladly accepts meatpacking employment. He endures long workdays in miserable conditions; loses his job in defense of his wife, whom a foreman has seduced; is bereaved of his home, wife, and
family; and, nally, after months of aimless wandering,
discovers new dignity and purpose in the socialist movement. Sinclairs novel was the product of nearly two
months research in Packingtown, the laboring community adjacent to Chicagos stockyards.
However, popular reaction to the best-seller fell short
of his hopes: as Sinclair famously observed, I aimed at
the publics heart, and by accident hit it in the stomach.
Shocked at the unhygienic processing methods and product misrepresentation portrayed in the novel, consumers
shunned dressed meat, while President Theodore Roosevelt launched an inquiry into packinghouse sanitation. The
ndings, which conrmed Sinclairs account, prompted
Congress to pass both the Meat Inspection Act and the
Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906.
Since the Progressive Era, scholars have valued The
Jungle as a document of Americas industrial and immigrant experience. Sinclairs apt descriptions of the stock-


yards and workday retain their emotional impact, and his

celebrated portrayal of an ethnic wedding in Packingtown
offers a rare glimpse of community ritual and interactions.

Bloodworth, William A., Jr. Upton Sinclair. Boston: Twayne,

Harris, Leon. Upton Sinclair, American Rebel. New York: Crowell,
Yoder, Jon A. Upton Sinclair. New York: Ungar, 1975.

Rae Sikula Bielakowski

See also Meatpacking; and vol. 9: Conditions in Meatpacking


daughter of the railroad nancier Edward Henry Harriman, founded the Junior League for the Promotion of
Settlement Movements in 1901. She conceived a plan
whereby the debutante class of 1901 would organize and
put on a benet for the New York College Settlement on
Rivington Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
Eighty debutantes joined the Junior League.
In 1902, members volunteered in settlement houses
themselves. They worked in the Rivington Street settlement as well as Greenwich House and Hartley House.
Eleanor Roosevelt became a volunteer at Rivington Street
in 1903. She later brought her future husband, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, to see the poverty and desperation of
the immigrants living on the Lower East Side.
The Junior League of New York had 700 members
by 1911, when it built a residential hotel for workingwomen, Junior League House, that housed 338 women.
Dorothy Payne Whitney raised $250,000 for this ambitious project.
As the debutantes married and moved from New
York City, they established Junior Leagues in Boston,
Chicago, Portland, Oregon, and Montreal. In 1921, thirty
Junior Leagues formed the Association of Junior Leagues
International. During the 1920s, Barnard College provided the New York Junior League with the rst training
course for volunteers. From that time forward, the Junior
Leagues were noted for their emphasis on training and
leadership. By 1930, there were over one hundred Leagues.
During the Great Depression, Junior Leagues addressed problems of widespread hunger by providing nutrition centers and milk stations. Franklin Roosevelt appointed founder Mary Harriman Rumsey to posts within
the New Deal. During World War II, many Junior Leaguers were active in the Red Cross. Member Oveta Culp
Hobby was appointed head of the Womens Army Corps.
The baby boom of the 1950s turned the attentions
of the Junior Leagues to projects such as improving the
public schools and creating quality television program-

ming for children. In the decades that followed, many

Leagues worked on urban issues and social problems. The
organization also sought to diversify its membership. By
the 1980s, the empowerment of women had become a
major goal. Sandra Day OConnor, the rst woman justice on the Supreme Court, had been a member.
The diversity that had been nourished in the 1970s
bore fruit in the 1990s, when the rst Hispanic president
of the Junior Leagues, Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker,
took ofce. In 2000, Deborah Brittain, the rst African
American president, saw the Leagues into a new century.
In 2001, the Leagues celebrated their rst one hundred
years of service.
The organization was 96 percent white in 2000. But
although it had once been strictly Protestant, 22 percent
of its members at the end of the century were Roman
Catholicvery different from the group that had denied
Rose Kennedy entrance because of her religion. One percent was Jewish. While the Junior Leagues were more
diverse than ever before, it was still an elite organization
comprised of middle- and upper-class women. At the start
of the twenty-rst century, a majority of members worked
outside the home and the program has been modied to
meet their needs. As the new century began, the Junior
Leagues addressed problems such as child abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, and HIV/AIDS.

Jackson, Nancy Beth. The Junior League: 100 Years of Volunteer

Service. Nashville, Tenn.: Favorite Recipe Press, 200l.
Yeomans, Jeannine. Junior League Remakes Itself for the 21st
Century. Womens News, 28 November 2000.

Bonnie L. Ford
See also Girl Scouts of the United States of America.

JUNK BONDS. Michael Milken, the notorious investment banker of the 1980s, allegedly coined the term
junk bonds to describe the portfolio of low-grade bonds
owned by one of his early clients, Meshulam Riklis. Companies issue low-grade, also called high-yield, bonds at
high interest rates because of the associated high risk of
nonpayment. Unlike investment-grade bonds, the lowgrade variety is not backed by assets or cash-ow statements. Companies frequently issue these bonds as a way
of borrowing money. An outside, third-party credit rating
agency, such as Moodys Investors Service or Standard
and Poors Corporation, judges the creditworthiness of
such companies and then ranks them from least to most
likely to default. The more nancially secure the company, the less risky the debt, or bond. A bonds rating can
be downgraded to junk status if the company gets into
nancial trouble. Historically, the use of junk bonds has
been a minor part of Wall Streets activity because of the
high risks. In the 1920s, however, high-yield bonds ourished. Tempted by the skyrocketing stock market in the



1920s, companies issued bonds with high interest rates in

order to raise money by cashing in on booming stock
prots and the robust economy. When the market collapsed in 1929, many companies defaulted on the lowgrade bonds, and many investment-grade bonds were
downgraded to junk status.

Stein, Benjamin. A License to Steal: The Untold Story of Michael

Milken and the Conspiracy to Bilk the Nation. New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1992.

For forty years, Wall Street shunned high-yield

bonds. In the late 1970s, Milken, as an investment banker
with Drexel Burnham, rediscovered their potential. He
encouraged his clients, largely fringe players on Wall
Street, to issue junk bonds, and within a few years he, his
company, and his clients became very successful. Milkens
success bred imitators, and junk bonds became a popular
way to raise money. In 1984 companies issued close to
$16 billion in high-yield bondsten times the amount in
1981. In 1986 more than $33 billion worth of high-yield
bonds were issued. Prots from the sale of junk bonds
frequently nanced mergers and acquisitions through leveraged buyouts and hostile takeovers. The transactions
involved high fees, which induced investment bankers to
underwrite increasingly risky bonds and to engage in
fraud. Companies lured by the successes of earlier junkbond deals took increasingly greater risks in issuing
bonds. Enticed by the high interest rates, buyers continued to purchase the risky bonds.

Erik Bruun / a. e.

The frenzy lasted until 1989, when the junk-bond

market collapsed as the economy went into a recession
and companies could no longer generate prots to pay
their debts. In 1990 companies issued a mere $1.4 billion
in high-yield bonds. Defaults totaled $20 billion. Milken
and his imitators, such as Ivan Boesky, were disgraced,
and many went to jail for fraud. Milken himself served
time and paid nes for six counts of securities fraud.
Junk bonds left a dual legacy. They provided nancing for the cable television and computer industries and
encouraged companies to emphasize efciency to realize
prots to pay off the high interest on the bonds. On the
ip side, the unchecked and frantic pace of the junk-bond
market led to fraud, overspeculation, layoffs, and lost
In the 1990s, the junk-bond market partially recovered despite the scandals of the previous decade. The high
returns possible on such risky deals continue to make
them attractive to daring investors. Some less adventurous investors, however, have attempted to temper the
risks of purchasing junk bonds by placing their money in
special mutual funds that deal solely in high-yield bonds
rather than buying junk bonds directly themselves. This
approach allows them to depend on the investment savvy
of specialists in the eld of low-grade bond trading.

Auerbach, Alan J., ed. Mergers and Acquisitions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.
Platt, Harlan D. The First Junk Bond: A Story of Corporate Boom
and Bust. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1994.


Yago, Glenn. Junk Bonds: How High Yield Securities Restructured

Corporate America. New York: Oxford University Press,

See also Crime; Financial Services Industry; Leveraged Buyouts; Scandals; Wall Street.

JURY TRIAL is the traditional mode of determining

issues of fact at common law. Its development dates back
far into the Middle Ages. Early jurors were drawn from
the local community and thus brought to trials their own
knowledge of the parties and events at issue. Property
qualications for jury duty existed in England, where ofcials selected juries from those qualied to serve. The
jury trial was transplanted from England to the American
colonies and became an integral part of their legal system
in both civil and criminal law cases, with the exception
that a more summary procedure was permitted in petty
cases. In the early years of the Republic, Americans embraced the jury trial and attempted to utilize it as a limitation on despotic government. The U.S. Constitution,
in Article III, section 2, contains the provision that The
Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall
be by Jury. No mention is made of juries in civil cases.
The omission was much criticized, but in the seventh of
the ten articles of amendment adopted soon afterward to
quell the fears of those concerned about the omission of
a bill of rights, a provision was included to the effect that
in common law suits involving more than twenty dollars,
the right to trial by jury should be preserved. The Sixth
Amendment elaborated upon the use of juries in criminal
cases by providing that the accused shall enjoy the right
to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the
State and district wherein the crime shall have been
The jury system came under serious criticism in the
late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, partly because of
clogged court calendars and the perceived inadequacy of
juries to deal with complex questions outside the limits of
jurors experiences. While civil juries were subjected to
the heaviest criticism, criminal juries came under similar
attack. Jury selection had become slow and cumbersome,
and many citizens attempted to avoid jury duty. Furthermore, opponents of juries began to focus not on the jurors role in defending individual liberty, but rather on
the claim that the jury was an expression of oppressive
public opinion. These trends resulted in substantial
changes in American jury practices, most of which attempted to control the jury and increase predictability.
Some states did not adhere rigidly to the old common law
requirement that the jury be composed of not more or
less than twelve persons and that the verdict be unanimous.
Increasingly, jury trials were not required in cases involv-


ing petty offenses, and in all cases, including cases involving serious crimes, the right to trial by jury could
often be waived by the parties.
Traditionally, only men acted as jurors, and in practice only white men served. After the Civil War, several
southern states enacted legislation preventing blacks from
acting as jurors. In Strauder v. West Virginia (1879), the
U.S. Supreme Court struck down a West Virginia statute
that stipulated that only white men could act as jurors.
Despite this decision, southern states often found less explicit methods of excluding black jurors.

Alschuler, Albert W., and Andrew G. Deiss. A Brief History of

the Criminal Jury in the United States. University of Chicago Law Review 61 (1994): 867.
Friedman, Lawrence M. Crime and Punishment in American History. New York: Basic Books, 1993.

R. Blake Brown
Carl Brent Swisher
See also Bill of Rights in U.S. Constitution; Constitution of
the United States; Milligan, Ex Parte; Strauder v. West

JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF. Congress created

the Department of Justice (DOJ) on 22 June 1870, naming the attorney general as its head. The departments
mandate includes, among other obligations, representing
citizens of the United States, protecting them against
criminal activity through proper law enforcement, ensuring healthy business competition, and enforcing drug, immigration, and naturalization laws. In addition, the department represents the United States in any case argued
before the Supreme Court that involves U.S. interests,
assists the government in various legal matters by offering
legal advice, and provides legal opinions to the president
and heads of executive departments.
Prior to the 1870, the U.S. attorney general, whose
post was created in the Judiciary Act of 1789, served as
a member of the presidents cabinet but did not head a
specic department. The attorney general is responsible
for ensuring that the federal government does not exercise power unfairly, inconsistently, or arbitrarily. For
many years, attorneys general served almost solely as legal
counsel to the president. Other cabinet departments used
their own attorneys for legal affairs; the U.S. district attorneys trying federal cases operated independently. (The
attorney general led a staff so small that special counsel
and investigators had to be retained whenever an important case arose.)
As the number of federal offenses rose and civil litigation increased, Congress expanded the scope of the Department of Justice, putting the attorney general in charge
of substantially all federal prosecution and litigation and
creating an organization that could grow in response to

future legislation and government needs. During the Progressive Era around the turn of the twentieth century,
many Americans came to believe that the government
needed to intervene in daily life to create justice. Accordingly, a need to expand the Department of Justice was
On 26 July 1908, Attorney General Charles Bonaparte named a group of former Secret Service employees
and Department of Justice investigators to posts as special
agents of the Department of Justice. This investigative
arm, led by Chief Examiner Stanley W. Finch, was dubbed
the Bureau of Investigation, which later expanded its name
to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In 1909,
the DOJ established a criminal division charged with enforcing and supervising application of federal criminal law.
The federal governments increased interest in developing public lands resulted in the development of a
lands division in 1910; this division later became the land
and natural resources division. Eventually, other legislation, such as antitrust laws, created a need for more
special ofces. In the extensive departmental reorganization of 1933, several of these ofces were expanded into
divisions, including the tax division and antitrust division,
which is charged with keeping markets competitive by policing acts that restrain trade or commerce. The claims division, which later became the civil division, also emerged
from this reorganization. The largest legal assembly in
the Department of Justice, the civil division legally represents the United States, its departments and agencies,
members of Congress, cabinet ofcers, and other federal
employees when the need arises.
Other specialized divisions continued to be created.
In 1940, the government ofcially moved control of the
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) ofce from
the Department of Labor to the Department of Justice.
In 1957, a time when the civil rights movement was at its
height, the DOJ created a civil rights division and gave it
the task of enforcing federal statutes that prohibited discrimination. In 1964, the DOJ created the Ofce of Criminal Justice. The following year, the DOJ extended its
criminal justice efforts when it created the Ofce of Law
Enforcement Assistance, which had the task of helping
states and local jurisdictions upgrade their criminal justice
systems. The departments mandate to ensure civil rights
was reinforced in 1966 when the Community Relations
Service was transferred from the Department of Commerce to the DOJ. Created by the Civil Rights Act of
1964, the Community Relations Service has a mission of
preventing and resolving incidents that occur because of
differences in race, color, or national origin.
As the drug trade burgeoned in the 1960s, Congress
authorized the creation of the Bureau of Narcotics and
Dangerous Drugs in 1968. In 1972, President Richard
Nixon created the Ofce for Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, which was charged with coordinating all federal
and state efforts, and the Ofce of National Narcotics
Intelligence, which was developed to be a clearinghouse



for information on drug trafcking. The next year, President Nixon streamlined the war on drugs by combining
ve federal drug enforcement agencies to create the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) within the Department of Justice. The DEA is the main domestic enforcer
of federal drug laws and bears sole responsibility for coordinating and pursuing U.S. drug investigations abroad.
In 2002, the DOJ again stepped up efforts to stop the
growing, importation, and sale of illegal drugs when it
established the National Drug Intelligence Center, which
was as the nations principal center for strategic domestic
counterdrug intelligence.
Following major terrorist acts on American soil in
2001, the DOJ shifted its focus from battling drugs to
combating terrorism. On 5 March 2002, the department
created the National Security Coordination Council of
the Department of Justice; its principal mission is to facilitate seamless coordination of department functions relating to national security and terrorism. The council included the attorney general, the director of the FBI, the
commissioner of the INS, the chief of staff of the attorney
general, the assistant attorney general of the criminal division, and the assistant attorney general for the Ofce of
Justice programs.
The Department of Justice, which is the largest law
ofce in the world, has grown from its meager beginnings
to an organization comprising nearly forty components
and more than 30,000 employees.

old Dutch commissaries. In North Carolina they possessed exclusive jurisdiction over the crimes of slaves.
In most of the colonies, the justices in court sessions
exercised sweeping local executive and administrative
powers; drew up the levy; collected the tax; appointed
road commissioners and supervised highways; made disbursements; granted licenses to keep taverns and retail
liquors; and appointed and controlled administrators, executors, and guardians. They generally took acknowledgments of deeds and depositions and performed marriage
ceremonies, but they seldom exercised the sweeping authority of the English and Welsh justices of levying wage
assessments of laborers.
While the institution still exists in some states, the
criminal jurisdiction of justices has narrowed, and they
are now mainly committing magistrates. Appointive ofcers in colonial times, they are now generally elected,
with compensation from fees paid by parties losing in litigation. As in colonial days, they are usually members of
the laity. By World War I, justices of the peace no longer
existed in most urban areas.

Botein, Stephen. Early American Law and Society. New York:

Knopf, 1983.
Friedman, Lawrence Meir. A History of American Law. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1985.

Richard B. Morris / a. e.
See also Hundred; Marbury v. Madison; Midnight Judges.


Huston, Luther A. The Department of Justice. New York: Praeger,

Langeluttig, Albert George. The Department of Justice of the
United States. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,

James T. Scott
See also Federal Agencies.

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Justices of the peace

were originally medieval English ofcials authorized to
keep the peace and to try felonies and trespasses at the
kings suit. In more recent times, they dealt with numerous other affairs of local government. The ofce ourished in the colonies from the beginning. The justices
exercised both criminal and civil jurisdictionthe former
through the courts of Quarter or General Sessions, the
latter by statutory authority that authorized them to try
all manner of debts, trespasses, and other matters involving not more than forty shillings, or, in Virginia, one
hogshead of tobacco not exceeding 350 pounds. In
Maryland the justices of a county made up the county
court, and later the governor designated some of their
number, known as justices of the quorum, for court service. In New York the justices gradually supplanted the


JUVENILE COURTS. The rst specialized juvenile

court in the United States was created on 1 July 1899
under an Illinois legislative act establishing the juvenile
court division of the circuit court for Cook County. The
civic leaders who propelled this reform sought to separate
children and youth from the ugly conditions in prisons
and to improve their opportunities for constructive citizenship. Conceptual forerunners of the juvenile court were
the equity jurisdiction of the English Court of Chancery,
common-law traditions limiting or prohibiting the criminal liability of juveniles below certain ages, and the doctrine of the inherent power of a state to protect the welfare of children. Inuenced by these precedents, various
American institutions in the nineteenth century developed privately operated houses of refuge, where juveniles
toiled long hours in manufacturing tasks within an overall
repressive environment, rst in New York and then in
other eastern cities in the 1820s and 1830s; developed
probation, rst in Massachusetts in 1868; and began holding separate hearings for juveniles accused of criminal violations, rst in Massachusetts in 1879.
The 1899 Illinois legislation not only established
separate courts for juveniles but also incorporated other
reforms in juvenile justice. Since the intent was to help
rather than to hurt, the state law kept legal proceedings


simple and summary and eschewed lawyers. Social workers and behavioral scientists appeared in court to assist
the judge in making and carrying out the most appropriate disposition of the cases. Court wards who were to be
conned were segregated from adult offenders and placed
in training and industrial schoolsand some were placed
in private foster homes and institutions. The state employed probation ofcers to facilitate adjustment.
Colorado passed a similar statute in 1903, formalizing and extending a Denver juvenile court that, under
Judge Ben Lindsey, had been hearing juvenile cases separately prior to 1899, under a preexisting juvenile disorderly persons act. Specialized juvenile courts were quickly
created in the larger cities of the East and Midwest, and
by 1925 a juvenile court in some form existed in all but
two states.
Constitutional challenges to juvenile court practices
and procedures were consistently overruled until the
1960s. State appellate court rulings swept aside concerns
that children were denied a right to bail, to counsel, public
trials, jury trials, immunity against self-incrimination, and
that children could be convicted on hearsay testimony or
by only a preponderance of the evidence. Rulings found
that juvenile proceedings were civil in nature and that
their purpose was to obtain rehabilitation rather than to
order punishment. Legislative reform in California and
New York in 1961 and 1962, respectively, began to place
a more regularized procedure on the historically informal
juvenile court practices. Research on the juvenile justice
system had shown that juvenile court judges not infrequently lacked legal training; that probation ofcers were
undertrained and that their heavy caseloads often prohibited meaningful social intervention; that children were
still regularly housed in jails; that juvenile correctional
institutions were often, in reality, little more than breeding grounds for further criminal activity; and that juvenile
recidivist rates were high.
In 1967, in the case In Re Gault, the U.S. Supreme
Court ruled that constitutional due process protected
any juvenile whose liberty was threatened by juvenile court
action and mandated formal rather than informal factnding hearings, together with the juveniles right to be
represented by an attorney and to avoid self-incrimination.
The Court ruled in 1970 that the criminal justice systems
principle of proof beyond a reasonable doubt must be
utilized in juvenile court trials, but in 1971 it conrmed
that juveniles were not entitled to a jury trial under the
These Supreme Court rulings stimulated an ongoing
legal challenge of juvenile court practices and procedures
and signaled the beginning of a conspicuous role for lawyers in juvenile courts. Lawyers began to replace judges
and probation ofcers as childrens advocates. Benevolent
intentions and broad juvenile court jurisdiction still applied, however. Noncriminal juvenile offensesrunning
away, habitual truancy, and incorrigibilityremained subject to sanction in all the states.

Although the customary maximum age limit for juvenile court jurisdiction is eighteen, public concerns regarding the extent and seriousness of juvenile law violations stimulated efforts in the 1970s to lower the age, to
make more serious offenses subject exclusively to criminal
rather than juvenile court sanctions, and to encourage the
application of the juvenile code provision of many states
for the discretionary transfer of juveniles from juvenile
to criminal court jurisdiction. An opposition movement
sought to narrow juvenile court jurisdiction by transferring primary responsibility for minor offenses to social
service agencies and by extending the array of available
community service alternatives for juvenile rehabilitation
to avoid the necessity for state institutional commitment.
In the 1970s juvenile courts in all states had jurisdiction over dependent and neglected children as well as juvenile law violators (delinquents) and youths who commit
noncriminal offenses (status offenders). Nearly a quarter
of those courts also had jurisdiction over the voluntary
relinquishment of children and their adoption and over
the determination of paternity and support proceedings.
The 1970s saw increased popularity of community-based
programs and deinstitutionalization for juveniles in the
justice system, and the passage of the 1974 Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention Act required states to keep
juvenile offenders separate from adult offenders and to
follow several other custody requirements in order to
qualify for grants.
However, the 1980s brought a dramatic shift toward
law and order policies, in response to misperceptions
that a juvenile crime wave was occurring. A number of
states passed more punitive laws. Some of these new laws
moved certain classes of offenders from juvenile court to
adult court, and others required juvenile courts to function more like adult courts by treating certain classes of
juvenile offenders as adults. People charged with certain
offenses would be excluded from juvenile court jurisdiction and thus face mandatory or automatic waiver to criminal court. In some states, prosecutors have discretion to
le certain cases directly in criminal court, and in other
states, mandatory sentencing laws apply to some juvenile
offenders. In response to concern that the weight of this
crackdown was falling disproportionately on minority
youths, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Act was reauthorized in 1992 to require states to examine
the issue and demonstrate the efforts made, if necessary,
to reduce such injustices.
The Supreme Court also had a signicant effect on
juvenile justice in the 1980s. Eddings v. Oklahoma (1982)
called for considering a defendants age in deciding
whether to apply the death penalty and Thompson v. Oklahoma (1988) and Stanford v. Kentucky (1989) set the minimum age for the death penalty at sixteen.
The 1990s brought further changes. Forty-ve states
made it easier to transfer juvenile offenders from the juvenile to the criminal justice system. Thirty-one states
expanded the sentencing options in both juvenile and



criminal court. Forty-seven states removed or modied

the juvenile courts condentiality provisions, making proceedings and records less private. In twenty-two states
laws increased the role for victims of juvenile crime in the
juvenile justice system, and, nally, correctional administrators in both juvenile and adult facilities developed new
correctional programs. Recently, states have also added
language to their juvenile codes. The language addresses
holding juveniles accountable for their criminal behavior,
providing effective deterrents, protecting the public from
criminal activity, balancing attention to offenders, victims, and the community, and imposing punishment suitable to the crime. Seventeen states increased the age to
which juvenile courts had jurisdiction over juvenile offenders, but no states mandate a minimum age limit for
transfering juveniles to criminal court. Twenty states incorporate blended sentencing, which allows courts to
combine juvenile and adult correctional sanctions on juvenile offenders. During the last few decades, states have
shifted the purpose of juvenile courts from rehabilitation
toward punishment, accountability and public safety and


from considering an offenders individual situation toward

basing the punishment on the offense.

American Bar Association. Facts about the American Judicial System. 1999.
Clapp, Elizabeth J. Mothers of All Children: Women Reformers and
the Rise of Juvenile Courts in Progressive Era America. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998.
Getis, Victoria. The Juvenile Court and the Progressives. Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 2000.
Knupfer, Anne Meis. Reform and Resistance: Gender, Delinquency,
and Americas First Juvenile Court. New York: Routledge,
Polier, Justine Wise. Juvenile Justice in Double Jeopardy: The Distanced Community and Vengeful Retribution. Hillsdale, N.J.:
L. Erlbaum, 1989.

Ted Rubin / d. b.
See also Chicago; Childhood; Crime; In Re Gault; Prisons and
Prison Reform.

KANSAS. The geographic center of the 48 contiguous
states of the United States is in Kansas, one mile north
of the city of Lebanon. The geodetic center (which takes
into account the curvature of the earth) of North America
is in Osborne County in north-central Kansas. The state
is rectangular, approximately 408 miles east to west, and
206 miles north to south. Kansas is bordered to the east
by Missouri, to the south by Oklahoma, to the west by
Colorado, and to the north by Nebraska. Because of its
geographic center and because of its agricultural prominence, Kansas is often referred to as the heartland of

southwest to cross the Cimarron River, which originates

in the High Plains and ows southeastward to Oklahoma.

The state is customarily divided into four different

geologic regions. The northeastern part of Kansas is the
Dissected Till Plains, so-called because the retreating glaciers of the last ice age left the land looking as though it
had been divided and plowed. It has forests and an abundance of water. The southeastern part of Kansas, known
as the Southeastern Plains, is marked by limestone hills,
the Osage Plains, and grass. To the west of these two
regions is the Plains Border, so called because its western
edge borders the eastern edge of the foothills of the Rocky
Mountains. This region is plagued by severe droughts and
tornadoes. Also prone to drought are the High Plains,
which occupy the western part of Kansas and rise westward up into the Rockies. It is a dry area whose people
rely on an underground aquifer for irrigation of their

There is much evidence of humans south of the glacier in 11,000 b.c., including long sharpened stone points
for spears. These Paleo-Indians, a term meaning people
who predate the Native American cultures that existed
after 7000 b.c., were nomads who hunted mammoths and
giant bison, as well as other big game. By 7000 b.c., the
glacier had retreated far to the north, leaving the gouged
landscape of the Dissected Till Plains; as the climate of
Kansas warmed, new cultures were introduced. The archaic Indians of 7000 b.c. were not the wanderers their
predecessors had been. With the extermination of large
game, they became focused on small animals and on
plants as sources for food. During the period between
5000 b.c. and 3500 b.c., people formed small settlements,
and they often hunted with atlatls, slotted spear throwers
that added greater power than was possible when throwing a spear by hand alone. These people also developed
techniques for making ceramics.

The most historically important of Kansass rivers are

the Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Cimarron. The Missouri River forms part of the northeastern border and
has been important for shipping. The Kansas River begins
in north central Kansas at the conuence of the Republican and Smoky Hill Rivers and ows eastward to the
Missouri. It formed a natural boundary between the Native American tribes, in the northeast, and the rest of the
state. The Arkansas River enters Kansas a third of the way
north on Kansass western border, meanders east, then
northeast, then crosses the border into Oklahoma. The
Santa Fe Trail, used by hundreds of thousands of migrants
and traders, followed the Kansas River, then turned southwest to the Arkansas River and followed it to the west.
Some people chose a quicker but more hazardous route
by crossing south over the Arkansas River and heading

It is not known when humans rst arrived in what is now
Kansas. Archaeologists and paleoanthropologists have
continued to push backward in time the era when the
rst people arrived in North America, probably more
than 100,000 years ago. During the last ice age, a glacier extended southward into northeastern Kansas and
would have obliterated evidence of habitation earlier
than 11,000 b.c.

By a.d. 1, the people in Kansas lived off of the wildlife

of Kansass forest. They still used stone tools, but they
were making great strides in their pottery making. During
this era, bows and arrows began to supplant spears and
atlatls, with spear points becoming smaller and sharper.
Maize, rst grown in Mexico and Central America, appeared in Kansas, perhaps between a.d. 800 and 1000,
probably coming from an ancient trade route that extended
southwestward into what is now Mexico. Settlements became larger, and in eastern Kansas large burial mounds
were built, suggesting evolution of complex societies.
After a.d. 1000, Native Americans in Kansas grew
not only maize, but squash and beans as well. They used
the bow and arrow to hunt bison and small game. The



purchased the Louisiana territory, which included Kansas,

from France.
Kansas was still a frontier when the Lewis and Clark
expedition passed through it in 1804. In 1806, Zebulon
M. Pike led an expedition through Kansas, helping to
blaze trails from east to west that Americans would follow.
In 1819, Major Stephen H. Long explored part of Kansas
and the Great Plains, calling the region the Great American Desert, probably because of a drought and the seemingly endless dry, brown grass. Perhaps he missed or dismissed the large forest that still covered much of Kansas.

Native Americans of northern Kansas and southern Nebraska lived in large communal lodges built of sod.
Those to the south made thatched-roofed, plaster-covered
houses. These people likely traded with the Pueblo Indians to the southwest, and at least one habitation within
what is now Kansas was built by the Pueblo.
By the time of the arrival of the rst European explorers in 1541, the settled cultures probably had already
been driven out by numerous invasions of warlike nomadic cultures such as the Apache. The Pawnees inhabited northwestern Kansas, the Kiowas the high western
plains, the Comanches the central part of Kansas, and
the Wichita the southern plains. The Kansas, the people
of the south wind, for whom the state is named, and
the Osages had yet to migrate into eastern Kansas; they
would arrive in the 1650s. There were frequent wars
among these tribes, and they often fought the nomadic
Apaches, who tended to follow the herds of bison.
The rst recorded European explorer of the Kansas region was Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and his followers, who were looking for riches. In Kansas, he found a
land rich in farms and diverse Native American cultures.
Some of the tribes he encountered resented Roman Catholic priests for trying to convert them, and one priest was
killed. Pieces of Spanish chain mail have been uncovered
in central Kansas, indicating that a few Spanish soldiers
also may have died there.
France claimed the region of Kansas in 1682, but it
was not until 1724 that explorers from Europe and European American colonies began coming to Kansas on a
regular basis. The rst was Etienne Veniard de Bourgmont, who traveled through Kansas as a trader, while exploring the land for the French government. In 1739,
Paul and Pierre Mallet led several traders through Kansas
to the southwest, blazing a trail for other traders. The
French built Fort Cavagnial, near what would become
Leavenworth, to aid French travelers and to provide a
meeting place for Native Americans and French traders;
the fort was closed in 1764. In 1803, the United States


Early Settlements
Irrigation had been introduced to Kansas along Beaver
Creek in western Kansas in 1650 by the Taos Indians,
setting the stage for year-round settlements in the dry
High Plains. The explorer William Becknell established
the Santa Fe Trail in 1821, beginning the busy travel of
traders through Kansas to the American southwest. In
1827, Fort Leavenworth was established by Colonel
Henry Leavenworth to provide a place for settling disputes among the Native American tribal factions. That
same year, Daniel Morgan Boone, son of Daniel Boone,
became the rst American farmer in Kansas. In 1839, Native Americans imported wheat from the east and became
the rst wheat farmers in Kansas, clearing and farming
plots of land along rivers. Treaties with the American government supposedly protected the Native American farmers in what was called Indian Country. In 1852, the Native American Mathias Splitlog established Kansass rst
our mill just west of the Missouri River in what is now
Wyandotte County.
Bleeding Kansas
In 1854, in the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the U.S. Congress
established Kansas as an ofcial territory, but in so doing,
Congress violated a compromise between slave states and
free states that was supposed to make both Kansas and
Nebraska free states. Instead, Congress said that the people of Kansas and Nebraska would vote on whether to
make the territories free or slave states when they applied
for statehood.
In 1855, Kansas tried to elect a legislature that would
write a state constitution to present to Congress as part
of its application for statehood. Most of the settlers in
Kansas, such as Mennonites and Quakers, were antislavery (known as free staters), but proslavery men from
outside Kansas were imported to vote in the election, and
through intimidation of antislavery voters and ballot-box
stufng, they won the election. The new legislature
quickly wrote a proslavery constitution, which Congress
rejected because the state legislature was not recognized
as legitimate. In 1855, the Topeka Movement favoring a
free state was begun, and its followers wrote their own
state constitution; this, too, was rejected by Congress because the authors had not been properly elected.


By 1856, proslavery terrorists were killing free-state

farmers. On 21 August 1856, an out-of-state proslavery
gang invaded Lawrence, Kansas, an overwhelmingly freestate community, and murdered over 150 people and
burned down most of the town. The antislavery fanatic
John Brown gathered some of his followers and invaded
farms along Pottawatomie Creek, south of Kansas City,
Kansas, murdering ve proslavery men; this became
known as the Pottawatomie Massacre. A proslavery militia later attacked John Brown and some of his followers,
only to be captured by those they tried to kill. This made
John Brown a hero among many antislavery people.
These events inspired the nickname Bleeding Kansas,
and the violence and murders continued even after the
conclusion of the Civil War (18611865).
Beginning in 1860 and lasting until telegraph lines were
established between Americas West and East, the Pony
Express passed through Kansas. By 1861, Kansas had
managed to have an election that Congress recognized as
valid, and the resulting territorial legislature wrote a state
constitution forbidding slavery that Congress also recognized as valid. On 29 January 1861, Kansas was admitted as the thirty-fourth state in the Union, although a
large chunk of its western territory was ceded to what
eventually would become the state of Colorado. Topeka
was declared the state capital. On 12 April 1861, the Civil
War began, pitting proslavery Southern states, the Confederacy, against the rest of the country, the Union.
Over 20,000 Kansans, out of only 30,000 eligible
men, enlisted in the Union army; at the wars end, 8,500
(28.33 percent) of the Kansas soldiers had been killed, the
highest mortality rate of any Union state. The rst skirmishes against Confederate regulars occurred in 1861
along the Missouri River, with the rst signicant combat
for Kansan troops occurring near Springeld, Missouri,
in the Battle of Wilsons Creek, with the First Kansas
Volunteer Infantry suffering heavy losses. Kansan historians claim that the rst African Americans to see signicant combat in the Civil War were the First Kansas Colored Infantry, who were formed into a regiment in August
1862, and who fought Confederate troops at Butler, Missouri, on 29 October 1862 in the Battle of Toothmans
Mound. Under Colonel James M. Williams, white and
black Union troops fought together as a unit for the rst
time in a battle at Cabin Creek on 2 July 1863 in the
Indian Territory (now Oklahoma), against Confederate
troops who had raided a train.
The most signicant battle in Kansas during the Civil
War occurred when Union forces under the command of
Major General James G. Blunt and Confederate forces
under General Douglas Cooper met in a series of clashes
involving more than 25,000 troops, concluding in the
Battle of Mine Creek, in which 10,000 troops fought. The
First Kansas Colored Infantry underwent a forced march
northeastward through Kansas to the battle and was sta-

tioned in the Union lines center. The regiment advanced

to within thirty yards of the Confederate center, enduring
heavy losses until the Confederate line broke and ed,
ending the major Confederate threat to Kansas.
During the war, Confederate guerrilla units raided
Kansan settlements. Under the command of Captain
William Clarke Quantrill, Quantrills Raiders executed
farm families and burned villages and towns. On 21 August 1863, Quantrill led 450 of his troops into Lawrence,
Kansas; with most of the men of Lawrence off to war,
Quantrills Raiders killed nearly 200, few of them men.
Quantrill remains despised in Kansas.
Building a State
From 1867 to 1869, a erce war between the United
States and Native Americans was fought in western Kansas. The Pawnees and others had objected to violations
of treaties that guaranteed them the right of ownership
of some of the land in Kansas. In 1868, General Phil
Sheridan led an offensive against the warring tribes, and
in 1869 the tribes were forced to settle in the Indian Territory, southwest of Kansas.
The 1870s and 1880s saw an inux of over 300,000
people into Kansas. Many were guided there by the New
England Emigrant Aid Society (NEEAS) of Massachusetts. Among the people the NEEAS guided to Kansas
were Mennonites from Russia, who in 1874 brought with
them a hardy, drought-resistant, cold-resistant strain of
dwarf wheat called Turkey red wheat. This soon became the favorite winter wheat of Kansas, and it helped
advance the growing of wheat throughout the United
One of the rst actions of the new state legislature
in 1861 was to grant women the right to vote in school
board elections. It was a small advance for voting rights,
but it was considered progressive at the time. Even so,
some women activists scorned it, making enemies where
they once had friends. During the 1870s and 1880s
(known as the sodbuster decades for the sod houses that
were built), many women activists were sidetracked by the
prohibitionist movement, which was seen as a womans
issue because of the severe social problem of drunken husbands beating their wives. In 1880, Kansas voters approved
the prohibition of sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the state. The law was ignored throughout Kansas; saloons operated openly in many towns.
In 1874, locusts invaded Kansas and much of the
Midwest, denuding farmlands. It was an era of drought,
and an adequate irrigation system did not yet exist. Over
30,000 people ed the drought. Once the rains returned
in the late 1870s, the inux of settlers renewed. During
18791880, 30,000 Exodusters (a play on sodbuster
and exodus), African Americans eeing Southern states,
migrated into Kansas.
Kansas was proud of its progressive image, and in
1887, women at last received the right to vote in munic-



ipal elections. Within a few weeks, the rst female mayor

elected in America, Susanna Madora Salter, became mayor
of the town of Argonia. The next year, ve towns had
female mayors and city councils consisting entirely of
women. The Populist Party (a.k.a. the Peoples Party)
was founded in Topeka in 1890, and Populist Kansas
governors, beginning with Lorenzo Lewelling in 1892,
were supported by women. By 1911, over 2,000 women
held public ofce in Kansas. In 1912, Kansas voted to
give women full suffrage, the same voting rights as men
had. In 1932, Kansas elected its rst female member of
the U.S. House of Representatives, Kathryn OLoughlin
In 1900, Kansas had an ofcial population of
1,470,495 people. Before 1907, maize was the states principal crop, but it was replaced in 1907 by wheat, much of
it descended from the Turkey red wheat brought by Russian immigrants. The land still suffered from drought,
about once every twenty years, but it was not until 1920
that farmers began to extensively irrigate their farmland.
The irrigation system created a boom that made Kansas
the worlds leader in wheat production. In 1923, a motorized combine was introduced to Kansas, allowing a
couple of men to do what had been the work of several
horses and a score of men in 1900. In 1930, portable irrigation sprinkler systems were introduced, and the state
became an example of prosperity.
Dust Bowl
Drought hit Kansas again during the 1930s. Most of the
states forest had been converted to farmland; its native
grasses and other plants had been supplanted by sweeping
farms, rich in wheat, maize, sorghum, and other cultivated
grains. When streams dried up, and when the irrigation
system could not nd enough water for the central and
western parts of the state, the soil dried. The topsoil had
become powder. Kansas had always had high winds, and
in the 1930s, the winds blew the powdery soil high into
the air, often making day as dark as night. During 1934,
the region became known as the dust bowl.
Many farmers abandoned their farms. Some found
work in Kansass factories. Oil and natural gas strikes in
southern Kansas and zinc mining in the western hills
helped provide Kansas with income. By 1937, the prohibition law was seen as oppressive. Kansas changed the
law to allow 3.2 percent beer to be produced and taxed;
it also instituted a sales tax.
World War II and the 1950s
During World War II, Fort Riley, established in 1853 to
protect travelers on the Santa Fe Trail, became a major
military training base. In 1942, a prisoner of war camp
was built near Concordia. The factories of Kansas became
important parts of the production for war, and the oil and
natural gas suppliers gained in importance. In 1943,
Dwight David Eisenhower, who had been raised in Abilene, became Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in


Europe, and he helped the growth of the military industry

in Kansas.
The progressive state of Kansas had long had a
dirty secret: racial segregation. On 28 February 1951, the
father of eleven-year-old Linda Brown, an African American, led suit in the United States District Court against
Topekas Board of Education, asking that she be allowed
to attend a whites-only school and alleging that segregation violated Amendment XIV of the U.S. Constitution. On 17 May 1954, a team of attorneys led by Thurgood Marshall won a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court
that racial segregation was inherently unequal and therefore a violation of the Constitution. Brown v. Board of
Education became the landmark court decision that
would change the course of American society during the
next fty years.
The Modern Era
By 1960, the population of Kansas had increased to over
2,000,000 people. In 1969, part of the Kansas National
Guard was called to duty and sent to serve in Vietnam. In
1970, the student union at Kansas University was set are,
probably as part of protests against the war.
In 1972, the states constitution was amended, reducing the number of elected ofcials in the executive branch
and extending to four years from two the terms of the
elected ofcials of the executive branch. During that year,
the Kansas legislature ratied the ill-fated Equal Rights
Amendment that would have added a statement to the
United States Constitution that women and men were to
have the same civil rights. In 1973, the Wolf Creek nuclear power plant was begun; it would not come on line
until 1985. In 1978, Nancy Landon Kassebaum, daughter
of Alf Landon, Republican nominee for president in 1936,
was elected to the United States Senate. She was the rst
woman who was not a widow of a senator to be elected
to the Senate.
In 1980, Kansas established and funded programs to
prevent child abuse. In 1986, Kansas changed its alcoholic
beverage laws to allow serving liquor by the drink. It
also approved a state lottery. Its population was just under
2,500,000 in 1990. In 1991, Joan Finney became Kansass
rst woman governor. Former Governor Mike Hayden
was placed in charge of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Park Service. During the
1990s, the elaborate irrigation system for the High Plains
and Plains Border regions became severely strained because the underground aquifer, consisting of sand mixed
with water, was being seriously diminished, creating sinkholes and threatening an end to the underground water
supply. In 2000, nearly 3,000,000 people lived in Kansas,
mostly in cities.

Anderson, George L., Terry H. Harmon, and Virgil W. Dean,

eds. History of Kansas: Selected Readings. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1987.

K A N S A S C O M M I T T E E , N AT I O N A L

Bader, Robert Smith. Hayseeds, Moralizers, and Methodists: The

Twentieth-Century Image of Kansas. Lawrence: University
Press of Kansas, 1988.
Davis, Kenneth S. Kansas: A Bicentennial History. New York:
Norton, 1976.
Masters, Nancy Robinson. Kansas. New York: Grolier, 1998.
Napier, Rita, ed. A History of the Peoples of Kansas. Lawrence:
Independent Study, Division of Continuing Education,
University of Kansas, 1985.
Shortridge, James R. Peopling the Plains: Who Settled Where in
Frontier Kansas. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas,
Wedel, Waldo R. Central Plains Prehistory: Holocene Environments
and Culture Change in the Republican River Basin. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1986.

Kirk H. Beetz
See also Midwest; Tribes: Great Plains.

KANSAS CITY. Located in northwest Missouri at

the junction of the Kansas (or Kaw) and Missouri Rivers,
Kansas City sits very close to the geographic center of the
United States. From its beginning the area has served as
a transportation hub, rst for the Kansa (or Kansas) tribe
of Native Americans and later for European and American traders and settlers who established permanent settlements. French trader Francois Chouteau established a
trading post along the river near the present downtown
in 1821, while American John C. McCoy built Westport
to service the Santa Fe Trail a short distance away in 1835.
The river settlement was platted and renamed the City of
Kansas in 1853 and incorporated with Westport in 1889
to form Kansas City. With fteen railroads and the river
system at its heart, the city quickly became a major shipment point for agricultural products from the Great Plains
to the West and a processing center for livestock from the
As the twentieth century progressed, Kansas Citys
industrial base expanded to include steel making and machine tools, automobile assembly plants, oil rening, and
a large garment industry. The Pendergast machine of
brothers James and Thomas controlled much of the citys
Democratic politics from the 1890s until 1939, when
Thomas was jailed on income tax evasion charges. Despite this, the city managed to develop an innovative city
council with six members elected on a district basis and
six elected at large, along with the mayor. During the
twentieth century the civic leaders embarked on major
city beautication and cultural projects to change the
citys image from that of a dingy cow town. The late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw the development of ragtime by Scott Joplin and the Kansas City
style of jazz with more saxophones and constant background riffs as performed by musicians such as Charlie
Parker and Count Basie. Through the twentieth century
the city remained a major transportation center, particularly with the coming of three interstate highways during

Kansas City. An aerial view of the citys downtown, with the

Missouri River in the background, c. 1929. Library of Congress

the 1950s and 1960s. It continues to expand, growing to

an area of 313.6 square miles by 2001 and a population
of 441,545 according to the 2000 Censusup from
434,829 in 1990, but still down from 448,159 in 1980.
Kansas City also serves as the regional center for an
eleven-county metropolitan region of nearly ve thousand square miles in both Missouri and Kansas. Drawing
on the rural areas around it, the metropolitan population
has continued to grow; from 1.5 million in 1990, it increased to nearly 1.8 million in 2000.

Glaab, Charles Nelson. Kansas City and the Railroads: Community

Policy in the Growth of a Regional Metropolis. Madison: State
Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1962.
Hartmann, Rudolph H. The Kansas City Investigation: Pendergasts
Downfall, 19381939. Columbia: University of Missouri
Press, 1999.

Matthew L. Daley
See also Transportation and Travel.


sack of Lawrence on 21 May 1856, during civil war in
Kansas Territory over the slavery issue, emigrant aid societies and Kansas relief committees sprang up throughout the free states. On 9 July 1856, representatives of
these groups, and of older organizations like the New England Emigrant Aid Company and the New York State
Kansas Committee, met at Buffalo, New York, and formed
the National Kansas Committee with headquarters in Chicago. It raised and spent some $200,000, sending arms,
supplies, and recruits to the Free-State (antislavery) Party
in Kansas. In 1861 Congress incorporated Kansas into the
Union as a free state.




Potter, David M. The Impending Crisis, 18481861. New York:

Harper and Row, 1976.
Rawley, James A. Race and Politics: Bleeding Kansas and the Coming of the Civil War. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1969.

Samuel A. Johnson / a. g.
See also Emigrant Aid Movement; Kansas-Nebraska Act;
Lawrence, Sack of.

KANSAS FREE-STATE PARTY. Organized by aggrieved settlers in 1855, the Kansas Free-State Party rejected the territorial legislature elected by the controversial means spawned by the awed Kansas-Nebraska Act
of 1854. Emigrants primarily from free states resented
that residents of the slave state of Missouri nonetheless
voted in the Kansas territorial election of 30 March 1855.
The territorial government elected by such methods rebuffed several free-state delegates while endorsing a
slave code seeking to organize Kansas as a slave state.
Protest meetings culminating at Big Springs on 5
September 1855 launched the Free-State political organization that supported a shadow free-state territorial
government formed at Topeka. Competition emerged between Dr. Charles Robinson, a representative of antislavery New England emigrants, and James H. Lane, a former
Democrat from Indiana. Lane led Midwestern settlers in
resisting slaverys establishment in Kansas but also in promoting the exclusion of free blacks from the territory. On
15 December 1855 free-state voters approved a discriminatory referendum, 1,287 to 453. The eventual free-state
constitution did not formally exclude blacks; it did deny
blacks the suffrage while allowing segregated schools.
The Free-State Party encouraged Republicans in
Congress to block pro-slavery efforts to control Kansas.
A referendum authorized by the English bill of 1858 prevented such pro-slavery hopes while delaying the admission of Kansas as a free state until January 1861. Identied
with national Republicans, the Free-State Party formally
merged with that party in 1859 at an Osawatomie meeting
attended by Horace Greeley. Turmoil in territorial Kansas contributed to the onset of the Civil War in 1861.

Rawley, James A. Race and Politics: Bleeding Kansas and the Coming of the Civil War. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1969.
SenGupta, Gunja. For God and Mammon: Evangelicals and Entrepreneurs, Masters and Slaves in Territorial Kansas, 18541860.
Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1996.

Vernon L. Volpe
See also Republican Party.

KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT of 1854 organized the

northern Great Plains into the territories of Kansas


and Nebraska. It also repealed the Missouri Compromise

of 1820, which had prohibited slaverys expansion into the
territories northwest of the border between the states of
Arkansas and Missouri. Under the terms of the act, the
residents of the Kansas and Nebraska territories would
decide for themselves whether they would enter the Union as free or slave soil states. By repealing the Missouri
Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act reopened the divisive issue of slaverys expansion and brought the United
States closer to civil war.
After the passing of the Compromise of 1850, which
settled the slavery issue in New Mexico and Utah, many
Americans hoped that further controversy over slavery
would be avoided. But it soon arose again, largely because
of plans for building a transcontinental railroad to the
Pacic coast. Because the settlement of the western territories depended upon the construction of a transcontinental railroad, the railroads location took on tremendous
importance. Naturally, northern congressmen advocated
a northern route, while southern congressmen supported
a southern route. The sectional debate over the railroads
path threatened to block its construction, until Senator
Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois entered the fray. An ardent
supporter of western expansion and a tireless promoter of
the Midwests development, Douglas understood that a
transcontinental railroad was indispensable for that regions political and economic future. Douglas also realized
that if the transcontinental railroad took a northern route,
Chicago would most likely serve as its eastern terminus.
The resulting political and economic benets that would
accrue to Douglass home state of Illinois were obvious.
But Douglas also had national interests in mind. He genuinely believed that a populous and prosperous Midwest
would be able to mediate sectional conicts between
North and South, and thus would promote sectional harmony and national unity.
Douglas recognized, however, that a transcontinental
railroad running from Chicago to San Francisco would
be possible only after the settlement of the vast midwestern lands between the Rocky Mountains and the Missouri River. Douglas thus introduced a bill to organize
the land into the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, a
move he believed would encourage settlers to migrate
into the northern Great Plains.
In his effort to secure support for the KansasNebraska bill, Douglas found an important ally in Missouris inuential senator, David R. Atchison, who was
seeking reelection in 1854. Atchisons reelection campaign
pitted him against Senator Thomas Hart Benton, a prominent opponent of slaverys westward expansion. Unlike
Benton, Atchison was a staunch supporter of slaverys expansion, and he saw in the Kansas-Nebraska bill an opportunity to expand slaverys domain. Atchison promised
Douglas that he would support the creation and settlement
of the Kansas and Nebraska territories, but with one critical condition. He insisted that the Missouri Compromise
be repealed so that his slaveholding constituents would be


allowed to move into the new Kansas and Nebraska territories with their human property.
In an effort to mollify Atchisons concerns, Douglas
introduced a bill for the territorial organization of Kansas
and Nebraska, a bill that included a provision that effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise. The bill asserted that the Compromise of 1850 had superseded the
1820 principle that slavery would not be extended north
and west of the Arkansas-Missouri state border. The bill
also stated that the question of slavery in the territories
should be settled by the people living in them, an idea
known as popular sovereignty.
This language conveniently favored Atchison in his
senatorial campaign, for it confronted his opponent,
Thomas Hart Benton, with a difcult dilemma. If Benton
voted for the bill, he would betray his antislavery sympathies; but if he voted against it, he would be defaulting
on his promise to work for expansion into Kansas and
Nebraska. He voted against the bill and suffered defeat in
the race with Atchison. The nal bill explicitly repealed
the Missouri Compromise, and the possibility of slavery
in the new territories was made real.
The political ramications of the enactment of the
Kansas-Nebraska bill reached deeply into the general political climate in which it was passed. Support for it from
southern members of Congress was nearly unanimous.
Northern Democrats were seriously split, half of their
votes in the House going for the measure and half against
it. Nearly all northern Whigs opposed the bill.
This severe political division fractured the structure
of the political party system. The Whig Party was essentially destroyed in the South. The Democrats were so seriously divided that their tenuous congressional majority
became highly vulnerable. A coalition of anti-Nebraska
Democrats, northern Whigs, Know-Nothings, and nativist groups joined the newly organized Republican Party,
making it a viable political force. By 1856 the Whigs had
all but disappeared, and the Republican Party was able to
confront the weakened Democrats with strong opposition.
In addition to these basic political changes, the
Kansas-Nebraska Act had direct ramications. Kansas
and Nebraska were promptly opened for settlement in
1854. Although Nebraska remained relatively quiet, Kansas, the destination of most of the new settlers, became a
political hotbed. Settlers came to Kansas not only to develop the frontier but alsoand perhaps more importantlyto lend their weight in the determination of
whether Kansas would be free or slave.
Almost from the outset, political stability was lacking
in Kansas. From the South, proslavery Missourians traveled into Kansas to vote in favor of slavery, often arriving
in armed bands. Groups in the North and East, such as
the Emigrant Aid Company, helped so large a number of
antislavery settlers move into the territory that it was generally thought that an honest referendum of actual settlers
would not permit slavery in Kansas. But Missouri raiders

entering the territory in great numbers made an honest

count impossible. In 1855 a proslavery territorial legislature was established in the town of Lecompton, Kansas,
while at the same time an antislavery legislature was established in Topeka. Almost inevitably, civil war erupted
in Kansas as proslavery and antislavery forces clashed for
control of the territory. Although bloody, the conict remained inconclusive until the 1860s, when Kansas was
nally admitted to the Union as a free soil state.
The violence and political chaos in Kansas not only
presaged the Civil War but also helped to trigger it. In
1857 the proslavery territorial government in Lecompton
presented to Congress a constitution that would have incorporated Kansas into the Union as a slave state. Chastened by the disastrous failure of his Kansas-Nebraska
Act, Stephen Douglas led congressional opposition to the
Lecompton constitution. Douglas and a diverse coalition
of northern political factions in Congress narrowly managed to defeat Kansass proposed admission to the Union
as a slave state. The divisive battle over Lecompton, however, shattered the unity of the national Democratic Party,
which in 1860 would divide into northern and southern
wings. The collapse of the Democratic Party, the one remaining national party, set the stage for southern secession in 1860.

Gienapp, William E. The Origins of the Republican Party, 1852

1856. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
Holt, Michael F. The Political Crisis of the 1850s. New York:
Wiley, 1978.
. The Rise and Fall of the Whig Party: Jacksonian Politics and
the Onset of the Civil War. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1999.
Malin, James C. The Nebraska Question, 18521854. Lawrence,
Kans.: The author, 1953.
Potter, David M. The Impending Crisis, 18481861. New York:
Harper and Row, 1976.
Rawley, James A. Race and Politics: Bleeding Kansas and the Coming of the Civil War. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1969.

Jeannette P. Nichols / s. k.
See also Democratic Party; Emigrant Aid Movement; Free
Soil Party; Lecompton Constitution; Know-Nothing
Party; Republican Party; Slavery; States Rights; Transcontinental Railroad, Building of; Whig Party; and vol. 9:
The Crime Against Kansas.

KASSERINE PASS, BATTLE OF. In a series of engagements in Tunisia during World War II that reached
a climax near the Algerian border at the Kasserine Pass,
combined Italian and German forces in February 1943
drove American and French troops back about fty miles
from the Eastern to the Western Dorsale mountains.
These events grew out of two actions: the British victory
at El Alamein on 23 October 1942, which precipitated
the retreat of German General Erwin Rommels army



across Libya and into southern Tunisia; and the AngloAmerican invasion of French North Africa on 8 November 1942, which prompted the Axis nations to dispatch
troops from Italy to northern Tunisia. By January 1943,
Rommels troops, pursued by Lieutenant General Bernard L. Montgomerys Eighth Army, were settling into
the Mareth positions. At the same time, General D. Juergen von Arnim held Bizerte and Tunis against Lieutenant
General Kenneth Andersons First Army, composed of
British, French, and American units.
The Americans were inexperienced and overcondent, and the French lacked modern and mechanized
weapons and equipment. There were too few men for the
large area they defended, yet the roads and railways from
Algeria made support for larger forces impossible.
The battle opened 30 January 1943, when Arnim
overwhelmed the French at Fad Pass, and the Americans
failed to restore the situation. Arnim attacked again on 14
February and marooned American forces on the Lessouda
and Ksaira hills. At Sidi bou Zid he soundly defeated the
U.S. First Armored Division, which lost ninety-eight tanks
and about half of its combat effectiveness in two days.
Allied troops abandoned Gafsa, Feriana, and Thelepte after destroying equipment and supplies, including facilities
at two airelds, and the Americans were forced out of
Hoping to gain a great strategic victory by a wide
envelopment through Tebessa to Annaba (Bone), which
would compel the Allies to withdraw from Tunisia, Rommel continued the offensive on 19 February. He thrust
north from Sbetla toward Sbiba and sent two columns
through the Kasserine Pass, one probing toward Tebessa
and the main effort toward Thala. After erce ghting,
all were stopped by determined defensive work. On 22
February a discouraged Rommel sent his units back to
the Mareth positions to prepare for Montgomerys inevitable attack. Unaware of Rommels withdrawal, the Allies
moved cautiously forward, retook the Kasserine Pass on
25 February, and found the Italians and Germans gone.
The Americans learned their lessons and restructured their training programs. Major General George S.
Patton Jr. replaced Major General Lloyd R. Fredendall at
the head of the II Corps and restored the ghting spirit
of the troops. General Harold Alexander instituted a better command system for the ground forces, and the
French were rearmed and reequipped. Less than three
months later, the Allies defeated the Italians and Germans
and won control over all of North Africa.


Blumenson, Martin. Kasserine Pass. Boston: Houghton Mifin,

Greeneld, Kent R. American Strategy in World War II: A Reconsideration. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,


Macksey, Kenneth. Crucible of Power: The Fight for Tunisia, 1942

1943. London: Hutchinson, 1969.

Martin Blumenson / a. r.
See also North African Campaign; World War II.

KEARNEYITES were followers of Denis Kearney,

who formed the Workingmens party of California in
1877 to protest a variety of issues that troubled the states
workers, including rampant unemployment, dishonest
banking, inequitable taxation, land monopoly, the growing power of railroads, and the immigration of Chinese
laborers. In 1879, the Kearneyites became a signicant
political force in California and sent fty-one delegates
to the states constitutional convention. Although Californias new constitution met many of their demands, the
Kearneyites apparently had little direct inuence on the
proceedings. By the presidential campaign of 1880, Kearneys party had lost most of its momentum and had practically disappeared from the stage of California politics.

Gyory, Andrew. Closing the Gate: Race, Politics, and the Chinese
Exclusion Act. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1998.
Saxton, Alexander. The Indispensable Enemy; Labor and the AntiChinese Movement in California. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1971.

P. Orman Ray / e. m.
See also California; Chinese Exclusion Act; Labor.

KEARNYS MARCH TO CALIFORNIA. Just after the start of the Mexican-American War in June 1846,
General Stephen Watts Kearny led the Army of the West
out of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, with orders to march
down the Santa Fe Trail into Upper California and take
possession of the territory for the United States. His swift,
forceful invasion of Mexicos thinly populated northern
frontier met no resistance. On 15 August, the Army of
the West marched into Las Vegas, New Mexico, and three
days later entered Santa Fe. On 25 September, Kearny
moved west again, his numbers considerably reduced as
his volunteers had turned south into Mexico to join the
war there.
On 6 October at Socorro, New Mexico, Kearny met
the renowned scout Kit Carson coming east with the news
that California was already in American hands. Knowing
the worst of the trail lay before him and believing the
ghting to be over, Kearny reduced his force to one hundred dragoons and a few hunters, now all mounted on
mules, and commandeered the services of a protesting
The army pushed west along the Gila River, through
the harsh Sonoran desert. Halfway there Kearny learned


that the Californios had revolted, throwing the Americans

out of Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. The army pushed
on under conditions that reduced men and beasts to starvation. Almost dead, they stumbled into eastern California on 2 December. Coming upon a party of Californio
horsemen four days later in the Indian village of San Pascual, Kearny attackedperhaps to get the fresh horses.
Recent rains made the Americans guns useless; the Californios counterattacked with lances and reatas (lassos).
In the furious skirmishing, twenty-two Americans died.
Kearny himself was wounded. Harassed by the Californios, his army staggered into San Diego on 12 December,
where it joined forces with Commodore Robert F. Stockton. On 10 January 1847 Kearny and Stockton marched
into Los Angeles and ended the revolt. Kearny never fully
recovered from his wounds and died in 1848.

Clarke, Dwight L. Stephen Watts Kearney: Soldier of the West.

Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1961.

steered by a special oar and propelled by oars or poles,

pulled by a cordelle, or occasionally tted with sails. Keelboats were 40 to 80 feet long, 7 to 10 feet in beam, 2 feet
or more in draft, with sharp ends. A cleated footway on
each side was used by the pole men. The success of
Henry M. Shreves shallow draft steamboats drove the
keelboats from the main rivers by about 1820, except in
low water, but they were used quite generally on the tributaries until after the Civil War. The chief utility of the
keelboat was for upstream transportation and for swift
downstream travel. It was used extensively for passenger

Baldwin, L. D. The Keelboat Age on Western Waters. Pittsburgh,

Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1941.
Haites, Erik F. Western River Transportation: The Era of Early Internal Development, 18101860. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975.

Leland D. Baldwin / a. r.

Cecelia Holland


the Far East in 1842 to protect American trading interests
in China, Commodore Lawrence Kearny arrived in Canton at the close of the Anglo-Chinese War, generally
known as the Opium War. Kearny sent a note to the Chinese high commissioner requesting that American citizens be granted trading rights equal to those of the most
favored merchants operating in China. The two nations
subsequently agreed to Cushings Treaty, the rst U.S.
treaty with China, which established the most-favorednation doctrine as the standard for American trade relations with China. The treaty constituted the genesis of
the open-door doctrine proclaimed by Secretary of State
John Hay some fty-seven years later.

Clymer, Kenton J. John Hay: The Gentlemen as Diplomat. Ann

Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1975.
Holt, Edgar. The Opium Wars in China. Chester Springs, Pa.:
Dufour Editions, 1964.
McCormick, Thomas J. China Market: Americas Quest for Informal Empire, 18931901. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1967.

Foster Rhea Dulles / a. g.

See also Boxer Rebellion; Cushings Treaty; Dutch West India Company; Root Arbitration Treaties; Trade Agreements; Trading Companies.

KEELBOAT, a type of craft that was used on American

rivers, chiey in the West. The earliest keelboat seems to
have been a skiff with a plank nailed the length of the
bottom to make the boat easier to steer, but by about 1790
the keelboat had become a long narrow craft built on a
keel and ribs, with a long cargo box amidships. It was

See also Flatboatmen; Galley Boats; Lewis and Clark Expedition; Missouri River; River Navigation; Waterways,

KELLOGG-BRIAND PACT (also called the Pact

of Paris), signed 27 August 1928 by 15 nations, reected
the movement to outlaw war to prevent a recurrence of
the carnage of World War I. French foreign minister Aristide Briand initially proposed a bilateral treaty renouncing war as a method of settling disputes between France
and the United States and drawing the United States into
its defensive system against Germany. U.S. support for
the pact came from both ends of the political spectrum.
Interventionists thought it would lead to U.S. acceptance
of the League of Nations; isolationists and peace groups
hoped it would end war. Charles Lindberghs successful
solo crossing of the Atlantic and subsequent landing in
Paris in May 1927 also helped boost Briands efforts. Secretary of State Frank Kellogg, fearful that signing the
treaty could drag the United States into a European war
on the side of France, expanded the proposed agreement
to a multilateral treaty renouncing war. Briand had no
choice but to accept the pact, which was moral in tone
but lacked force and did not bind America to any European treaty system. Subsequently, when Japan seized Manchuria in 1931, when Italy took over Ethiopia in 1935,
and later when Germany began its expansion in the late
1930s, the Pact was exposed as the toothless treaty it had
been all along.

Ferrell, Robert H. Peace in Their Time: The Origins of the KelloggBriand Pact. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,

Charles M. Dobbs



KELLYS INDUSTRIAL ARMY was one of a number of industrial armies, born of the panic of 1893, that
pressed the federal government to help the unemployed.
During the 1890s, Californian Charles T. Kelly rallied
fteen hundred men, many out of work, to this cause. In
the spring of 1894, Kellys followers boarded railroad boxcars bound for Washington, D.C. They planned to join
Jacob S. Coxeys army, which had recently captured national headlines by marching from Ohio to the nations
capital. At Council Bluffs, Iowa, the railroad ejected
Kellys army. Many of Kellys supporters, however, continued their journey on foot and eventually joined Coxeys
army in Washington.

a colony called Sagadahoc in 1607. Sagadahoc was abandoned in 1608 upon the death of its president, George
Popham. In 1622 King James I granted land for the
Province of Maine to Sir Fernando Gorges. By 1639
the province had pressed claims against Acadia, the French
colony to the north, as far as the St. Croix River, the
modern U.S.-Canadian boundary. In 1643 the proprietary governor of Maine, Thomas Gorges, returned to
England to ght in the Civil War. Soon the Puritans of
Massachusetts annexed Maine and its Kennebec River
settlements, transforming them from the domain of an
ineffectual proprietor into the frontier of Puritan society
for the next century.



McMurry, Donald Le Crone. Coxeys Army: A Study of the Industrial Army Movement of 1894. 1929. Reprint, Seattle:
University of Washington Press, 1968.

Reid, John G. Acadia, Maine, and New Scotland: Marginal Colonies

in the Seventeenth Century. Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 1981.

Schwantes, Carlos A. Coxeys Army: An American Odyssey. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1985.

Timothy M. Roberts

Carl L. Cannon / e. m.
See also Coxeys Army; Financial Panics.


1864). As Union general William Tecumseh Sherman advanced southward from Chattanooga, Tennessee, in his
campaign to Atlanta, he used anking movements to
avoid a protracted confrontation with his opponent, General J. E. Johnston. As he neared Atlanta, Sherman came
upon the Confederate army, drawn up with its center occupying the crest of Kenesaw Mountain. His frontal attack was repulsed with heavy losses. Several days later, he
resumed his anking movements, forcing Johnston southward to the line of the Chattahoochee River. The unnecessary assault on Kenesaw Mountain was one of Shermans few serious errors in the campaign.

Fellman, Michael. Citizen Sherman: A Life of William Tecumseh

Sherman. New York: Random House, 1995.
McDonough, James L. War So Terrible: Sherman and Atlanta.
New York: Norton, 1987.
Royster, Charles. The Destructive War: William Tecumseh Sherman, Stonewall Jackson, and the Americans. New York: Knopf,

Thomas Robson Hay / a. r.

See also Atlanta Campaign; Shermans March to the Sea.


were the focus of colonial competition among English
investors, the Crown, Puritans, and French Acadians during the seventeenth century. Sir John Popham, the lord
chief justice of England, was one of the rst British sponsors to attempt settlement in North America, establishing




KENSINGTON STONE is either an important

fourteenth-century relic or an impressive hoax. It purports to be the inscribed account of a pre-Columbian
Scandinavian exploration into the Great Lakes territory of
North America. The stone was supposedly discovered in
Kensington, Minnesota, in 1898 by a Swedish immigrant
and farmer, Olof Ohman, who claimed to have unearthed
the stone on his property. The stone is an irregularly
shaped rectangular slab of graywacke, a sedimentary rock,
and is about two and a half feet high, three to six inches
thick, and fteen inches wide. After the stone was discovered, it was kept in a bank in Kensington until early 1899,
when its existence was publicized in newspapers. The
stones symbols were then discovered to be runic and were
translated into several languages. When translated into
English, the inscription reads:
Eight Swedes and Twenty-two Norwegians on an exploration journey from Vinland westward. We had our
camp by 2 rocky islets one days journey north of this
stone. We were out shing one day. When we came
home we found ten men red with blood and dead.
AVM save us from evil. We have ten men by the sea
to look after our ships, fourteen days journey from
this island. Year 1362.

When news of the inscription was released, it was

quickly dismissed by academics at American and Scandinavian universities as a hoax or a forgery. The stone was
then returned to Ohman, who claimed to use it as a doorstop until 1907, when the writer Hjalmar Rued Holand
acquired the stone with the intent to prove its authenticity. Holand spent the rest of his life arguing for the legitimacy of the stone. He believed that Vikings had reached
Minnesota territory in the fourteenth century and that an


expedition led by Paul Knutson through Hudson Bay,

Lake Winnipeg, and the Red River was the expedition
that the stone chronicled. If Holand was correct, then the
Norse explored wider areas of the North American continent and had enjoyed a longer era of exploration than
previously supposed. Holands theory became popular
among the Scandinavian communities of Minnesota who
helped perpetuate the idea of the stones authenticity despite academic dismissal.
There has been a good deal of scholarly examination
and debate surrounding the stone, and the overwhelming
conclusion is that it is a forgery. This is based on the runic
characters and style of inscription, which are dated by
philologists and runologists as nineteenth century in style.
Those who argue for the stones authenticity nd the use
of AVM, a medieval abbreviation for Ave Maria, to
be particular to the fourteenth century and most likely
unknown to nineteenth-century forgers.
Although still considered by many to be a hoax and
by some to be genuine artifact, the Kensington Stone is
a curiosity and remains displayed at the Runestone Museum of Alexandria, Minnesota.

Blegen, Theodore Christian. The Kensington Rune Stone: New

Light on an Old Riddle. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1968.
Hall, Robert Anderson. The Kensington Rune-Stone Is Genuine:
Linguistic, Practical, Methodological Considerations. Columbia,
S.C.: Hornbeam Press, 1982.
Williams, Stephen. Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North
American Prehistory. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991.

Deirdre Sheets
See also Norsemen in America.

KENT STATE PROTEST. On 4 May 1970 Ohio

national guardsmen opened re on Kent State University students protesting the Vietnam War. In a mere thirteen seconds four students were killed, and nine others
wounded. What had begun as a small campus demonstration turned Kent State into a symbol of the Vietnam
era worldwide.
Kent State students protested President Richard M.
Nixons 30 April announcement that troops would invade
Cambodia to strike against suspected guerrillas. Nixons
declaration set off a chain reaction, and 1.5 million students
protested around the country. The president fueled the
confrontation by calling them bums who were blowing
up the campuses. Tensions in Kent, Ohio, escalated in
the days leading up to 4 May. Mayor Leroy Satrom declared the city under a state of emergency after a disturbance downtown got out of hand. On 2 May Satrom requested that the Ohio National Guard deploy.

Despite the presence of armed soldiers, Kent State

students continued to hold rallies. The situation spiraled
out of control when a re burned down the university
Reserve Ofcers Training Corps (ROTC) building. Governor James Rhodes arrived on 3 May and condemned
student radicals, comparing them to nazis and communists. In response protesters gathered on campus but were
On 4 May a rally drew approximately two thousand
students, many merely curious onlookers. National Guard
ofcers ordered the protesters to disburse, shooting tear
gas into the crowd. Next more than one hundred armed
guardsmen advanced on the students. The troops moved
toward the protesters, up a hill, and then down to a practice football eld. Reaching a fence at the far end, some
knelt and aimed their weapons. Students retreated into a
parking lot between several buildings, but some lobbed
rocks and tear gas canisters back at the guardsmen.
After ten minutes the troops moved back up the hill.
When they reached the crest, a group of twenty-eight
guardsmen turned quickly and shot in the direction of the
parking lot and the main group of protesters. They red
sixty-one rounds of ammunition. Of the thirteen people
killed or injured, only two were actively participating in
the confrontation. One student was killed while walking
to class, and another ironically was an ROTC student.
Others were more than one hundred yards away.
As news spread Kent State and nearly ve hundred
other colleges were closed. Ten days later another shooting occurred, this time at Jackson State University in Mississippi. Police and state patrolmen red into a dormitory
at the all-black school, killing two students and wounding
nine others. The lack of attention given to the deaths at
Jackson State embittered many in the African American
Kent State immediately transformed from a sleepy
midwestern college into the symbolic epicenter of student
protest in the Vietnam era. Lingering romantic notions
of the 1960s ended with the Kent State shootings. The
incident has been immortalized in countless books and
even a television movie, but nothing was more stinging
than the song by the group Crosby, Stills, Nash, and
Young, Ohio, with its haunting lyrics, Tin soldiers and
Nixons coming. . . . Four dead in Ohio!

Bills, Scott L., ed. Kent State, May 4: Echoes through a Decade.
Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1982.
Davies, Peter. The Truth about Kent State: A Challenge to the
American Conscience. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux,
Eszterhas, Joe, and Michael D. Roberts. Thirteen Seconds: Confrontation at Kent State. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1970.
Gordon, William A. The Fourth of May: Killings and Coverups at
Kent State. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1990.



Heineman, Kenneth J. Campus Wars: The Peace Movement at

American State Universities in the Vietnam Era. New York:
New York University Press, 1993.
Michener, James A. Kent State: What Happened and Why. New
York: Random House, 1971.

Bob Batchelor

KENTUCKY. The date the rst human walked on the

land that now comprises Kentucky remains unknown to
history. Archaeologists indicate it took place over twelve
thousand years ago. But leaving no written record, no
history, those lives can only be re-created by archaeological investigations, which describe the Native American
presence in four stages. Paleoindians, living from 12,000
years before the present (b.p.) to around 10,000, saw the
end of the Ice Age. They were hunter-gathers who moved
often, and their lives centered on simple survival. During
the Archaic Period (1000 b.p.3000 b.p.) the people in
Kentucky continued to hunt and developed some limited
trade routes. In the third culture, that of the Woodland
Indians, which included the Hopewell and Adena subcultures, a more settled lifestyle resulted from agricultural
cultivation. The nal period, dating from the years a.d.
1000 to around a.d. 1700, has been called the Late Prehistoric or in the east the Fort Ancient and in the west
the Mississippian. The latter featured sizable fortied villages with mounds organized around the water courses
that supported farms.
Having been the lone occupiers of the land for century after century, Native Americans nally found that the
place called Kentucky no longer would be theirs without
conict. The region quickly became a middle ground, a
place of contact. Unfortunately one of the critical contacts came in the form of microbes. Disease probably had
a greater impact than any other forms of contact with the
European colonies. Death swept the land, tribal patterns
changed, Indian numbers fell, and Native life never returned to past ways. When the rst explorers from the
colonies arrived, they found a different place than what
had existed only a few years before. Once heavily peopled,
Kentucky seemed vacant of inhabitants. The last recorded
interior Indian village, Eskippakithiki, was abandoned by
the 1750s. The region seemed to be more of a foughtover buffer between tribes to the north and south, and
while various groups hunted the land, early English hunters and explorers left no record of seeing semipermanent
villages. To their land-hungry eyes the area seemed to be
a prize waiting to be taken.
Word soon spread across the colonial backcountry
that beyond the mountains lay a land of much promise
with ne forests, abundant game, and rich soil. Driven by
this image of plenty and promise, imbued with Kentucky
fever, more and more ventured across the mountains to
this First West. A series of long hunters, of whom Daniel
Boone, James Harrod, and Simon Kenton are the best


known, started the process, and land companies soon sent

their own surveyors to map out the unexplored territory.
Conict with the Native peoples intensied. Mostly occurring while the Revolutionary War raged, the settlement of Kentucky represented simply another front in
that conict and a bloody one.
Coming down the Ohio River, Harrod established
the rst permanent settlement at Harrodsburg in 1774.
Boone, working for the Transylvania Land Company, followed buffalo trails in part and blazed the Wilderness
Road from Cumberland Gap to the central Bluegrass.
These two paths were followed by thousands of men and
women over the next two decades, and by the rst census
in 1790 some seventy-three thousand people (16 percent
of them slaves) had moved to what was then part of Virginia. Others, about one in seventy who migrated, had
been killed in the attempt. In those decades from settlement in the 1770s until the peace that followed the War
of 1812, Kentucky started as the rst step in the new nations move westward, represented a testing ground for
new ideas and plans, and matured into a new state, the
rst state west of the mountain barriers. Yet none of that
came easily.
The land of milk and honey was also, as one Indian
called it, a dark and bloody ground. Yet the hopes and
dreams of those in less-promising situations to the east
brought many to risk all to try to nd a better future.
Some in fact did just that, and their descendants lived
better lives as a result. However, for some the myth of
plenty proved elusive. By 1800 half of Kentuckians owned
land, but as many did not. That contradictory nature of
early Kentucky has been a theme throughout the states
Statehood and Slavery
As the region lled with people, questions arose on what
future course should be followed, separation from Virginia and statehood, or something else? The so-called
Spanish conspiracy, which left many Kentucky leaders under the pay of Spain, failed in its efforts to encourage
Kentucky to become a separate nation. In 1792 Kentucky
entered the Union as the fteenth state with Isaac Shelby
as its governor, and within a few months Frankfort became its capital. But issues of separation and of a states
role in the Union continued. Distrust of federal support
for Kentuckys needs caused several prominent leaders,
including the war hero George Rogers Clark, to aid the
so-called French conspiracy in 1794 and later the Burr
conspiracy. Reaction to Federalist actions in 1798 and
1799 brought forth the Kentucky Resolutions defending
states rights and even nullication. Yet these sentiments
were partly muted over succeeding decades as Kentuckians fought in the nations wars and as the rise of Henry
Clay and his American System stressed the idea of a powerful, united country. Still Kentucky remained that middle ground of frontier times, only now a meeting place
for South, North, and West.


The contrasting aspects present in early Kentucky

emerged in the rst constitution in 1792. While containing many elements that restricted the role of the people,
indirect selection of state senators and the governor, for
instance, it also included universal manhood suffrage except for slaves, the rst to do so in the United States. In
more debatable terms it opened the oodgates toward
what became 120 counties, the third highest number in
the nation. For a considerable time these almost selfperpetuating, feudal-like entities, those little kingdoms,
dominated the political face of Kentucky.
That contrast between an almost aristocratic heritage
and a democratic one, as shown early in the settling of
the land and in the formation of the rst constitution,
represented only one of the divisions that brought the
historian Thomas D. Clark to call Kentucky a land of
contrast. Those divisions were clearly demonstrated when
citizens turned to the subject of slavery. From the earliest
English explorations, such as that of Christopher Gist in
17501751, black slaves had been a part of discovering
the new Eden. Harrodsburgs 1777 census showed that
one in ten in that frontier post were enslaved peoples, and
blacks fought side by side with whites against the common
Indian foe, sometimes at the cost of their lives. But when
the Indian wars ended and decision time came, ruling
whites placed more emphasis on establishing slavery as a
way to regulate race relations and as an economic system
than on the idea of equality. By 1830 slaves made up 24
percent of the commonwealths population, and on the
eve of the Civil War, Kentucky had the third highest
number of slaveholders among the slave states.
At the same time Kentucky had the third lowest average number of slaves held, 5.5 per family, and many
places, such as the eastern mountains, held few slaves at all.
Moreover a vocal antislavery movement existed throughout the antebellum period, ranging from the conservative
colonization-oriented plans of Henry Clay and Robert J.
Breckinridge to the vocal opposition of Cassius M. Clay
to the true egalitarianism of John G. Fee. Yet as the eloquent voices of escaped Kentucky slaves, such as Henry
Bibb, Josiah Henson, and the novelist William Wells
Brown, showed, freedom came to most bondspeople
through their own actions.
Slavery represented another paradox in a state that
before the Civil War had become one of the most important and prosperous in the nation. In 1840 it stood
rst in the United States in the production of hemp and
wheat, second in tobacco and corn, third in ax, and
fourth in rye. Its reputation for producing ne thoroughbreds had already been established and later was enhanced
with the Kentucky Derby, which began in 1875. Moreover for a time Kentuckys Transylvania University, with
its medical and law schools, was the place of choice for
the education of southern gentlemen as it was one of the
best schools in the nation. In religion the Great Revival
of 1801 spread from Kentucky across the nation as well,
and a more diversied worship emerged. By 1850 Ken-

tucky stood eighth in the United States in population and

had a reputation as a modern, forward-looking commonwealth, a place for the ambitious and eager.
The states antebellum importance came through
clearly in the area of politics. Between 1824 and 1860 a
Kentuckian ran for either president or vice president in
seven of the ten presidential races. Three times the Whig
leader Henry Clay won electoral votes. Twice Kentuckians served as vice president, the Democrats Richard M.
Johnson and John C. Breckinridge, the latter also a presidential candidate who lost in 1860 to the native Kentuckian Abraham Lincoln. Ten Kentuckians lled presidents cabinets, and three served as Speaker of the House.
When the threat of civil war emerged in the late
1850s, Henry Clay and his Whig Party had both died, the
Know-Nothings had won a governorship in 1855 after a
bloody riot in the states economic center Louisville, and
a divided commonwealth faced an uncertain future. With
the failure of the Kentuckian John J. Crittendens attempt
at a compromise to keep the Union together, the state
ofcially chose a pattern of neutrality from May to September 1861, and the nation divided into the United
States, the Confederate States, and Kentucky. But, indicative of the states past, Kentucky wanted both the Union
and slavery and did not see the war as one against the
peculiar institution at the conicts beginning. Elections
and enlistments showed a pro-union emphasis, and the
commonwealth abandoned neutrality and remained ofcially a loyal state. Those friendly to the southern cause
called a rump convention and declared the state a part of
the Confederacy, and Kentucky became a star in both
ags. Before it all ended perhaps as many as 100,000
fought for the North (23,000 of them former slaves, the
second largest number of all the states), while some
40,000 entered the ranks of the Confederacy. It truly was
a brothers war for Kentucky.
The initial southern defense line from Cumberland
Gap to the Mississippi splintered after defeats at Mill
Springs and Fort Donelson in early 1862. That fall a major Confederate invasion tasted early success at the Battle
of Richmond in Kentucky but then ended in retreat after
the bloody Battle of Perryville on 8 October 1862. Thereafter raids by General John Hunt Morgan and brutal
guerrilla warfare marked the rest of the conict.
Perhaps the greatest effect of the war came from developments away from the battleeld. As the issue of slavery became a war aim, that, together with the unpopular
Union military rule, turned Kentuckians more and more
against the cause they had initially supported. By the wars
end the commonwealth had become as sympathetic to the
South as any of the seceding states. As a loyal state it never
went through Reconstruction ofcially, but the lost cause
attitudes displayed toward former slaves and toward the
federal government brought martial law and the Freedmens Bureau to Kentucky. The state became almost a
spokesperson for the South, especially through the columns of the powerful Louisville Courier-Journal, edited by



Henry Watterson. For the next three decades the onceminority Democrats ruled with few challenges, and exConfederates, not the once-dominant Unionists, guided it.
Postwar Kentucky
Few reform elements emerged in those years. A edgling
womens rights group did organize in 1881, the rst in
the South. Advocates such as Laura Clay and Madeline
McDowell Breckinridge eventually earned national leadership roles and made the state a strong force for suffrage,
ratifying the federal amendment in 1920. During the
same time the commonwealth once more showed its varied faces in its ability to reconcile racing, red-eye whiskey, and religion all at the same time. Kentucky voted in
statewide prohibition despite its role as the nations leading producer of bourbon, and in the 1920s it even seriously debated ending pari-mutuel betting despite its dependence on the horse industry.
But more reective of the half century following the
Civil War was the role violence played in Kentucky. In
lynchings and in personal, honor-based actions, the commonwealth varied little from southern patterns. However,
in the Appalachian Mountains feud violence broke out in
a dozen or more major conicts, the best-known (but not
the bloodiest) of which was the Hateld-McCoy dispute.
Kentuckys increasing image as a place of violence intensied in January 1900 with the assassination of Governor
William Goebel, the only governor to die in ofce as a
result of assassination, and with the Black Patch War in
the rst decade of the twentieth century. That war united
farmers against tobacco companies in what has been
called the largest mass agricultural protest movement in
the nation. Night riders used violence to enforce the
growers will and to intimidate the buyers, and the states
reputation suffered. With the boom and bust cycles in the
eastern coal elds, labor and management divisions in the
1930s gave Bloody Harlan its name. But by the end of
the twentieth century Kentucky ranked low on the crime
scale in a drastic reversal.
The violent acts one after the other, the effect of prohibition on the economy, the lack of leadership, and a
decline in education from its once-strong place in the
South hurt Kentucky in the twentieth century. Despite
the presence of military bases, such as Fort Knox with its
gold depository, World War II also affected that growth,
for of all the southern states Kentucky grew tenth slowest.


Outmigrations to jobs in the North intensied in wartime

and continued in the 1950s as the coal mines mechanized
and Appalachians left for urban areas beyond the Ohio.
But almost quietly Kentuckys economy changed. The
1960s War on Poverty did help those of lower income
levels. Jobs also resulted when businesses expanded or
new ones started, chiey in Louisville and Lexington, including GE, Ford, Corvette, Brown-Foreman, Humana,
Toyota, UPS, IBM (later Lexmark), Ashland Oil, and
Kentucky Fried Chicken (Yum!Brands). While tardy in
constructing highways, the state built interstates and toll
roads that soon provided an excellent system that, coupled
with river routes and rails as well as the states central
location, made it increasingly attractive to businesses. By
the start of the twenty-rst century the states working
prole largely resembled the nations regarding manufacturing jobs. Kentucky was the third leading producer of
motor vehicles and carried on extensive world trade, for
example. Yet the one-time mainstays of the state, thoroughbreds, coal, and tobacco, still heavily inuenced an
economy that had moved beyond them in some ways.
Education remained a key to the so-called new
economy, and Kentucky for many decades of the 1900s
stood near the bottom of the states in that regard. Statefunded institutions of higher education began with the
present-day University of Kentucky in 1865, Kentucky
State University (as a segregated school) in 1886, various
teacher colleges in 1908 and again in 1922, and the University of Louisville and Northern Kentucky University
at the end of the 1960s. Combining those with an extensive community college system and strong private colleges, such as Transylvania, Centre, and Georgetown, the
state offered the instruction needed, but too few attended.
By 1980 the commonwealth stood near the bottom in
high school and college graduates. In a 1989 decision the
state supreme court ruled the existing elementary and secondary system unconstitutional, and the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) crafted an entirely new approach in 1990. Other states began to look on the
commonwealth as a model for reform, and statistical improvements did follow. However, long decades of neglect
and a poorly educated population meant that the issue
Ironically, given the states poverty and low educational attainments, Kentucky has had an exceptionally
strong literary tradition and rich folklife element. Robert
Penn Warren provided the most visible example of that,
winning Pulitzer Prizes in both ction and poetry, the
only American so honored. But many others have made
signicant impacts as well, including James Lane Allen,
John Fox Jr., Annie Fellows Johnston (The Little Colonel ),
Alice Hegan Rice (Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch), Irvin
S. Cobb, Elizabeth Maddox Roberts, Allen Tate, Caroline
Gordon, Cleanth Brooks, Jesse Stuart, James Still, Harriette Arnow (The Dollmaker), A. B. Guthrie, Janice Holt
Giles, Thomas Merton, Bobbie Ann Mason, and Wendell
Berry. Some strengths appeared in art over the years, such


as Matthew Jouett, Paul Sawyier, and Frank Duveneck,

and a few in lm, such as the director D. W. Grifth, but
another real area of contribution has been music. The
bluegrass style of Bill Monroe represented part of a rich
tradition in folk and country, with Kentuckians standing
second in the number of representatives in the Country
Music Hall of Fame. A strong arts community in Louisville, with its festival of new plays the centerpiece, showed
the range of interests in the commonwealth.
But in some ways politics, even more than basketball,
where the commonwealths university and college teams
have won many national titles, long dominated conversation. From 1895, when the rst Republican governor
was elected, until 1931 a fairly strong two-party system
operated. The New Deal, with its actions that helped
bring blacks and labor into the Democratic fold, gave that
party almost unbroken control of the legislature and governors ofce over the next decades. In the last threequarters of the twentieth century Republicans held the
executive ofce only eight years. At the same time the
states conservative voting nature emerged in elections for
national ofce, with citizens selecting Republicans more
often than Democrats in the late twentieth century. A
1992 amendment to the outdated 1891 state constitution
nally allowed governors to serve two terms, which countered somewhat a growing legislative independence. Serious political corruption in the BOPTROT scandal that
erupted in the early 1990s ended in the convictions of
over a dozen legislators and one of the strongest ethics
laws in the nation. Throughout all that the state produced
several strong leaders at both the national and state levels,
including Senator Alben Barkley, majority leader under
Franklin Roosevelt; A. B. Happy Chandler, senator,
two-term governor, and baseball commissioner; Chief
Justice Fred Vinson; Senators John Sherman Cooper and
Wendell Ford, the latter a majority whip; and Governors
Earle Clements and Bert Combs.
Only slowly have two groups shared in that success.
African Americans, for example, found their life after the
Civil War segregated and restricted, varying little from
southern patterns. The last integrated college in the
South, Berea, was forced by state action to segregate in
1904. Yet unlike in the South, Kentucky blacks continued
to vote, giving them an important power that translated
into some support. Still, what the historian George C.
Wright called a facade of polite racism dominated efforts
at real equality. Work by Kentucky leaders, such as
Charles W. Anderson Jr., the rst black state legislator in
the South after decades of exclusion; Whitney M. Young
Jr., the head of the Urban League; and state senator Georgia Powers, helped break down the legal barriers. Nevertheless racism and lack of economic opportunity convinced many to migrate, and the states African American
population fell to some 7 percent. The commonwealths
Civil Rights Act of 1966 and Fair Housing Act two years
later were the rst in the South, and studies placed state
schools as the most integrated in the nation by the 1990s.

After getting the vote, women reected the states

dual character as well. The commonwealth elected one of
the rst eight women to Congress, Katherine Langley,
and one of the rst half-dozen women governors, Martha
Layne Collins. It supported womens rights in the early
struggle and ratied the failed Equal Rights Amendment
decades later. Yet in the early twenty-rst century Kentucky ranked near the bottom in the percentage of women
legislators in its 138-member body and low in females in
managerial positions and as business owners.
By the rst decade of the twenty-rst century the
commonwealth stood exactly in the middle of the states
in population, and its 4,041,769 residents ranked high in
the nation in the percentage of people who still lived in
the state of their birth. More urban than rural for the rst
time in 1970, a half century after the nation as a whole,
Kentucky remained tied to the ideals of the family farm,
small town life, and a sense of place. But another side of
Kentucky reected all the elements of modern America.
In short, the contrasts that marked the state over the years

Aron, Stephen. How the West Was Lost: The Transformation of Kentucky from Daniel Boone to Henry Clay. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1996.
Clark, Thomas D. Kentucky: Land of Contrast. New York: Harper
and Row, 1968.
Harrison, Lowell H. The Civil War in Kentucky. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1975.
Harrison, Lowell H., ed. Kentuckys Governors, 17921985. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1985.
Harrison, Lowell H., and James C. Klotter. A New History of
Kentucky. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1997.
Kleber, John E., ed. The Kentucky Encyclopedia. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1992.
Klotter, James C. Kentucky: Portrait in Paradox, 19001950.
Frankfort: Kentucky Historical Society, 1996.
Klotter, James C., ed. Our Kentucky: A Study of the Bluegrass State.
Rev. ed. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2000.
Lewis, R. Barry, ed. Kentucky Archaeology. Lexington: University
Press of Kentucky, 1996.
Lucas, Marion B., and George C. Wright. A History of Blacks in
Kentucky. 2 vols. Frankfort: Kentucky Historical Society,
Tapp, Hambleton, and James C. Klotter. Kentucky: Decades of
Discord, 18651900. Frankfort: Kentucky Historical Society, 1977.
Ulack, Richard, ed. Atlas of Kentucky. Lexington: University
Press of Kentucky, 1998.
Ward, William S. A Literary History of Kentucky. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1988.

James C. Klotter
See also Bluegrass Country; Coal Mining and Organized Labor; Feuds, Appalachian Mountain; Horse Racing and
Showing; Music: Bluegrass; Westward Migration.




Kentucky frontier, then part of Virginia, became the scene
of violent confrontations between white settlers and local
Indians. As the white population increased, the ferocity
of such conicts escalated correspondingly. In 1784 a convention of representative delegates met in Danville to petition Virginia for assistance. Between 1784 and 1790 nine
conventions were held. A tenth convention met in April
1792 to frame the state constitution.
The conventions reshaped Kentuckys relationship to
Virginia and cleared the way for Kentuckys incorporation
into the Union as a state in its own right. In particular,
they broadened Virginias laws for frontier defense and
passed four enabling acts. These latter acts gave the Kentuckians three privileges: rst, they provided specic rules
for registry of land; second, they established denite terms
of separation; and, third, they secured Kentucky representation in the Congress of the Confederation. In the
numerous debates, pioneer statesmen claried many issues that faced the western people. Navigation and trade
rights down the Mississippi River were partially guaranteed, the Spanish conspiracy was defeated, and a reasonably democratic constitution was drafted. Perhaps the
most important accomplishment of all was the excellent
political training early Kentucky leaders secured as delegates to the conventions.

Channing, Steven A. Kentucky: A Bicentennial History. New York:

Norton, 1977.
Horsman, Reginald. The New Republic: The United States of America, 17891815. Harlow, U.K.; New York: Longman, 2000.

T. D. Clark / a. g.
See also Backcountry and Backwoods; Frontier Defense;
Tobacco and American Indians; Trading Companies;
Virginia Indian Company; Wars with Indian Nations:
Early Nineteenth Century (17831840).

KEOGH PLANS. See Retirement Plans.

prosecuting attorney and his political experience as a former Democratic governor of Illinois. Other important
members of the commission included Oklahoma senator
Fred Harris, NAACP executive director Roy Wilkins, and
New York City mayor John Lindsay. Lindsays efforts
were of particular importance as he played an important
role in the drafting of the commissions nal report, which
was issued on 1 March 1968.
The commission found no evidence of a political
conspiracy at work in the rioting. Rather, the panel concluded that economic deprivation and racial discrimination created great anger in the ghettos and thus created
the conditions for rioting. In its most famous phrase, the
report found that Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one whiteseparate and unequal and
that a program of racial integration and economic uplift
was the only preventative step that could be taken to avoid
rioting in the hot summers of the future. The commission
called for steep increases in federal aid to the cities, a
federal jobs program to employ one million workers, and
an increase in the minimum wage, among other redistributive policy proposals. The report attracted a vast amount
of public attention as a commercial press reprint of the
report sold two million copies and made the best-seller
lists. The policy impact of the report was minimal. Urban
riots peaked out after the difcult summer that prompted
the formation of the commission and a conservative Republican administration came to power in January 1969.
With its linkage of white racism with black poverty, the
report entered into the lexicon of social science and policy
analysis debate.

Lipsky, Michael, and David J. Olsen. Commission Politics: The

Processing of Racial Crisis in America. New Brunswick, NJ:
Transaction Books, 1977.
United States. National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. Report of the Commission on Civil Disorders. New York:
Dutton, 1969.

Richard M. Flanagan
See also Civil Rights Movement; Great Society; Riots, Urban,
of 1967.

KERNER COMMISSION. In the summer of 1967,

serious rioting broke out in many American cities, causing
property damage estimated at between $75 and $100 million and resulting in eighty-four deaths. In Detroit, federal troops were deployed to quell unrest. That city suffered the most serious rioting, with forty-three deaths,
seven thousand arrests, and 1,383 burned buildings. In
July 1967, President Lyndon Johnson created the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders to investigate the causes of the civil unrest and to recommend
remedies. Johnson suspected that the commission would
nd evidence of a political conspiracy among urban black
militants. The commission was more popularly known by
the name of its chair, Otto Kerner, whom Johnson appointed because of his long legal career as a judge and


KEROSINE OIL. Americans knew something of petroleum deposits as early as 1700, but oil rarely entered
commerce until 1849 when Samuel M. Kier of Pittsburgh
began selling Kiers Petroleum or Rock Oil, Celebrated
for its Wonderful Curative Powers on a large scale.
Meanwhile, other men were taking steps destined to reveal the true value of the oil. James Young of Glasgow,
Scotland, began distilling lubricating and illuminating oils
from a petroleum spring in Derbyshire, England, in 1847.
In Prince Edward Island, Canada, Abram Gessner distilled kerosine from local coal as early as 1846. He patented his process in the United States and sold his rights
to the North American Kerosene Gas Light Company of


New York, which began commercial manufacture in March

1854. By 1859, the country had between fty and sixty
companies making kerosine from coal, shale, and other
carbons. The business grew rapidly, replacing older illuminants such as whale oil and camphine.
Although Kier had begun distilling kerosine from petroleum in 1850, he had made little headway, and the effective pioneer was Col. A. C. Ferris of New York, who
obtained most of the output of the Tarentum, Pennsylvania, wells. In 1858 the crude petroleum business of the
United States amounted to 1,183 barrels. Then in 1859
E. L. Drake made his momentous oil strike in western
Pennsylvania, and the supply of crude oil rapidly grew
enormous. By 1860 more than 200 patents had been
granted on kerosine lamps, and within years kerosine became the worlds principal illuminant. About 1880 the
Standard Oil Company perfected a safe kerosine stove.
Meanwhile, by-products of kerosine manufacture, such as
parafn, Vaseline, and lubricating oils, had taken an important place in American life.
During the twentieth century, additional uses were
found for kerosineas an ingredient in jet engine fuel,
for domestic heating, as a cleaning solvent and insecticide,
and, although largely replaced by electricity, for illumination. In 1972 the United States produced approximately 2.3 billion barrels (42 gallons each) of kerosine.

Black, Brian. Petrolia: The Landscape of Americas First Oil Boom.

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
Yergin, Daniel. The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and
Power. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991.

Allan Nevins / c. w.
See also Coal; Oil Fields; Petroleum Industry; Standard Oil

KEYNESIANISM is a term that identies both a

school of economic theory and a distinctive approach to
public policy. Regarding theory, it can be said that the
English economist John Maynard Keynes (18831946)
invented modern macroeconomics with the publication
in 1936 of his masterwork The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. That book shifted the focus of
attention from the microeconomic actions of individuals
and rms to the overall behavior of a capitalist economy.
Keynes argued that, contrary to the conventional wisdom embodied in Says Law, the capitalist economy did
not contain a self-correcting or homeostatic mechanism
that would necessarily return it to a healthy equilibrium
over the course of the business cycle. Rather, as the contemporaneous Great Depression seemed to demonstrate,
a deciency in effective demand could result in equilibrium
at an intolerably high level of unemployment. In the
Keynesian model, government policy to bolster aggregate
demand, especially scal action (spending and taxing) to

increase either consumption or the particularly volatile element of investment, could be used to drive an underperforming economy to full employment. Because of the socalled multiplier effect that Keynes invoked as a central
element in his model, such action could have an ultimate
economic impact several times larger than the magnitude
of the governments initial corrective intervention.
In the period from World War II through the early
1970s, Keynesianism rose to ever greater inuence as
both a theory and a guide for public policy. The Keynesian analysis gained a prominent place in textbooks, and
its terminology increasingly became the common language of both economists and policymakers. The experience of World War II, with its massive decit spending,
seemed to validate Keyness approach, and the subsequent
Cold War and the later expansion of social spending left
the federal government with a sufciently large presence
in the U.S. economy to serve as a Keynesian lever. The
size of postwar budgets meant that changes in federal
spending and taxing had a powerful impact on the overall
economy. Embraced most fervently by Democrats but inuential also in Republican circles, the Keynesian policy
approach gained its fullest expression in the liberal presidencies of the 1960s, most prominently in the KennedyJohnson tax cut of 1964. In 1965, Time magazine put
Keyness picture on its cover in a tribute to the inuence
of his economic vision.
With the onset of stagation in the 1970s, Keynesianism began to lose inuence both as a theory and as a
policy. Unable to explain adequately the economic malaise of simultaneous stagnation and ination, it came under theoretical assault by the monetarist and the rational
expectations schools of economic thought. Suspected of
being itself a primary contributor to ination, Keynesianism was increasingly supplanted by policy approaches
aimed more at the supply side of the economy.
At the end of the twentieth century, Keynesianism
still provided much of the lingua franca of macroeconomics. However, both as a theory and as a policy, it lived on
only in a much chastened and attenuated form, more a
limited analysis and a special prescription for particular
circumstances than the general theory Keynes had originally proclaimed it to be.

Collins, Robert M. More: The Politics of Economic Growth in Postwar America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Keynes, John Maynard. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. London: Macmillan, 1936.
Skidelsky, Robert. Keynes. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Stein, Herbert. The Fiscal Revolution in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.

Robert M. Collins
See also Economics; Great Depression; Reaganomics; SupplySide Economics.



The Kickapoo migrated frequently both before and

after encountering Europeans. They rst met the French
in the mid-seventeenth century when they lived in southern Wisconsin, and initially resisted any attempted control by France. Kickapoo hostility against the French increased in the 1680s, as they blamed French inuence for
Iroquois and Siouan invasions. The Kickapoo also fought
Frances Illinois allies, though their longest standing enemies were the Chickasaw and the Osage.

Baby Lone. A Kickapoo medicine man, 1917. Library of


KICKAPOO. The exact origins of the Kickapoo remain uncertain, though tribal tradition tells of their separating from the Shawnee after a dispute over a bears foot.
Equally unknown is the meaning of kiikaapoa, the name
Kickapoo call themselves. The Kickapoo have maintained
a marked independence from outside inuences. To this
day, they remain an exceptionally conservative people,
as evidenced by their reluctance to marry outside the
tribe. In addition to the Shawnee, the Kickapoo are
strongly related to the Miami, Sauk, Fox, and especially
the Mascouten.
The Kickapoo reckoned kinship patrilineally, and
were organized into clans bearing the names of animals.
They also had a Berry clan and a Tree clan, though clans
named after plants were unusual in most tribes. Leaders
from the clans formed a council, which governed along
with a hereditary chief, usually from the Eagle clan.
Women sometimes acted as chiefs, although in a religious, not political, role. By the 1950s, traditional organization became largely ceremonial, and matrilineal chiefs
were acceptable. Kickapoo religion centers on relations
with several important deities, including Creator, the four
winds, the sky, moon, sun, stars, and earth.
Kickapoo women provided much of the tribes food
through agriculture and gathering. Men hunted and shed.
Hunting and gathering are still important to a band of
Kickapoo who settled in Mexico. Women also constructed
the rectangular, bark-over-pole lodges in Kickapoo villages, and made clothing.


Kickapoo-French relations improved considerably in

1729, and they joined France for a time in the war against
the Fox. The Kickapoo remained allied to France, and
also the Spanish, even after Frances surrender to England
in 1763. They joined Pontiacs war against the English in
17631764. In the late 1760s they, along with the Potawatomi, Ottawa, and Chippewa, drove the Illinois tribes
from the Illinois River, and the Kickapoo moved into
central Illinois. During the American Revolution (1775
1783) the Kickapoo were largely neutral or even proAmerican, until American land hunger led them to side
with Britain. They joined the Miamis confederacy against
the Americans in the 1790s, and for years after the Treaty
of Greenville (1795) refused to even pick up their annuities from the United States.
Never a huge tribe, the Kickapoo combined with the
Mascouten (whom they gradually absorbed) to number
only about 2,250 people in 1700, and 1,500 by 1750. In
the latter half of the eighteenth century, the Kickapoo
divided into two principal bands, about equal in size. The
Prairie Kickapoo lived in central Illinois, while the Vermilion Kickapoo inhabited the western fringes of the Wabash River Basin, between modern Danville, Illinois, and
Lafayette, Indiana. After 1800, small groups also migrated
west of the Mississippi River. The Vermilion Kickapoo
became erce adherents to Tenskwatawa (the Shawnee
Prophet) and Tecumseh. The Prairie Kickapoo joined the
Vermilion Band against the United States during the War
of 1812 (18121815). Even after 1815, some Kickapoo
resisted further American settlement. By 1819, however,
both bands ceded their lands in Illinois and Indiana, and
were ordered west in 1832. The last holdouts went west
in 1834. By the twentieth century, the Kickapoo had three
main bands in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Mexico, numbering 185, 247, and approximately 400, respectively.

Gibson, A. M. The Kickapoo: Lords of the Middle Border. Norman:

University of Oklahoma Press, 1963.
Trigger, Bruce G., ed. Handbook of North American Indians, vol.
15 Northeast. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution,

Robert M. Owens

KIDNAPPING. Powerful stories about abduction

predate the history of the United States. Biblical, mythological, and historical tales recount the fates of promi-


nent peopleJoseph, the Sabine women, Helen of Troy,

and various members of royaltytaken from their homelands. During the Middle Ages, peripatetic Jewish merchants talked of abduction as just another business risk,
and contributing to a ransom fund for a landsman qualied as a substantial mitzvah.
The conquest and colonizing of the Americas generated new abduction tales. The slave trade, the business
of abducting and enslaving millions of Africans (and lesser
numbers of Indians), took shape during the early seventeenth century. As European diseases exacted a heavy toll
on indigenous people, Indian warfare increasingly aimed
at abducting members of other tribes to replenish populations. At the same time, stories of Indians carrying off
European women, captivity narratives, such as that of
Mary Rowlandson, formed one of the earliest EuroAmerican literary genres. The term kidnapping, which
joined two English slang terms, emerged toward the end
of the seventeenth century. It rst denoted abducting
young people from Britain and transporting them to North
America as indentured laborers. Consequently, Sir William
Blackstone, the eighteenth-century common-law jurist,
characterized kidnapping, then a misdemeanor rather than
a felony, as the crime of carrying someone away from their
homeland and depriving them of their personal liberty.
Stories about other kinds of kidnapping, many with
an ethnic dimension, proliferated during the nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries. The antislavery movement
characterized the capture of runaway slaves, authorized
by the Constitution and the Fugitive Slave Acts of 1793
and 1850, as a pernicious form of kidnapping. Drawing
on Blackstonian legal terminology, many Northern legislatures passed personal liberty laws that unsuccessfully
interposed state power against slave hunters. Other ethnically charged situations, such as the 1904 rescueby
Anglo-Protestant vigilantesof forty Catholic orphans
who had been placed with Mexican American families in
Arizona could legally excuse abductions that might otherwise have been seen as cases of kidnapping.
Meanwhile, a much-publicized 1874 abduction in
Philadelphia, in which several career criminals abducted
for ransom (and later killed) four-year-old Charley Ross,
inaugurated a growing emphasis on urban kidnapping
stories. In response to the Ross case, Pennsylvania enacted a stiff antikidnapping law that made kidnapping a
serious felony offense and became an early model for other
states. As kidnapping for ransom became a highly publicized underworld enterprise, some perpetrators avoided
the stigma attached to child abduction by making wealthy
adults their target of opportunity. George Machine Gun
Kelly became J. Edgar Hoovers Public Enemy Number
One after kidnapping an Oklahoma City business leader
in 1933. Around the same time, a brazen, daylight kidnapping of a wealthy businessman by gangsters in an upscale neighborhood of St. Paul ended a police-gangster
arrangement that had long made Minnesotas capital city
a haven for interstate fugitives such as John Dillinger.

Two other widely publicized incidents, though, reinforced the connection between kidnapping and young
children. The 1924 case of Nathan Leopold and Richard
Loeb, who abducted and killed a young boy in Chicago,
focused attention on cases involving sexual motives, while
the 1932 kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr., son of the
fabled aviator, dramatized abduction for ransom. These
cases produced lengthy, controversial trials of the century and sparked debate over broader issues including
the insanity defense and the death penalty in the LeopoldLoeb case. In the aftermath of the Lindbergh case, Congress passed the Lindbergh Act of 1932, which expanded
federal authority over kidnapping with its presumption that
any abduction of more than twenty-four hours involved
transportation across state lines. Many states adopted their
own tougher, new antikidnapping measures called Little
Lindbergh laws.
During the last half of the twentieth century, kidnapping stories encompassed an ever wider array of ctive and
real-life scenarios. The 1974 abduction of Patricia Hearst,
the daughter of a prominent media mogul, by the Symbionese Liberation Army, recalled politically motivated kidnappings in other countries. Several years later, when an
anti-American faction in Iran seized nearly one hundred
people at the American Embassy in Tehran, the media
proclaimed America Held Hostage, and the incident
played a key role in the 1980 presidential election of Ronald Reagan and the defeat of incumbent Jimmy Carter.
The kidnapping of U.S. businesspeople and diplomats remained a prominent concern overseas, while abductions
that accompanied carjackings and other crimes attracted
considerable attention in the United States.
Still, cases involving young children attracted the most
intense interest. Bitter controversy over child custody laws,
for example, publicized a form of abduction in which one
parent resorted to kidnapping in order to circumvent a
court order granting custody to the other. In 1980, Congress responded with the Parental Kidnapping Prevention
Act, which mandated greater state-to-state cooperation
in custody-related abductions. Advocates for children,
though, insisted on a clear distinction between parental
kidnappings and stranger abductions, which became
rmly associated with the specter of sexual exploitation.
Several tragic cases of stranger abductions prompted new
legislation, such as Megans Law, which aimed for the
registration and monitoring of sexual predators. Other
prominent kidnappings produced new nationwide organizations, including the Adam Walsh Childrens Fund and
the Polly Klaas Foundation for Missing Children.


Fass, Paula S. Kidnapped: Child Abduction in America. New York:

Oxford University Press, 1997.
Gordon, Linda. The Great Arizona Orphan Abduction. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999.



Morris, Thomas D. Free Men All: Personal Liberty Laws of the

North, 17801861. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1974.

Norman Rosenberg
See also Captivity Narratives; Iran Hostage Crisis; LeopoldLoeb Case; Lindbergh Kidnapping Case; Slave Trade.

KILROY WAS HERE, possibly the most popular

grafti in military history, has uncertain origins. Folklore
traces the saying to a World War II shipyard worker,
James J. Kilroy, who inspected the bottoms of warships
under construction, indicating his inspection with a chalk
mark. However, this mark was susceptible to erasure, so
Kilroy began the practice of scrawling Kilroy was here
in crayon. Servicemen around the world saw the slogan
on the ships, and word spread that Kilroy had been
there rst. They began placing the grafti wherever U.S.
forces landed. Kilroy thus became a symbol of reassurance
for soldiers in threatening situationsa Super G.I. who
had always already been wherever the real soldier went.

Dickson, Paul. War Slang: Fighting Words and Phrases of Americans from the Civil War through the Persian Gulf War. New
York: Pocket Books, 1994.
Fussell, Paul. Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second
World War. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.

Timothy M. Roberts
See also World War II.

See also Commodity Exchanges; Cotton Gin; Inflation in the

Confederacy; Lower South; Mason-Dixon Line.

KING GEORGES WAR (17441748). Nominally at

peace from 1713 to 1744, France and England conicted
over boundaries of Acadia in Canada and northern New
England and over claims in the Ohio Valley. When the
War of Jenkinss Ear (Englands commercial war with
Spain, 17391743) merged into the continental War of
Austrian Succession (17401748), England and France
declared war on each other. The French at Louisburg
(Cape Breton Island) failed in an early attack in which
they attempted to take Annapolis (Port Royal). In retaliation, New Englanders captured Louisburg and planned,
with English aid, to attack Quebec and Montreal simultaneously. Seven colonies cooperated to raise forces in
1746, but the promised English aid did not arrive, and
the colonials nally disbanded the next year.
Meanwhile, France sent a great eet in June 1746 to
recapture Louisburg and devastate English colonial seaports. However, assorted ascoesincluding storms, disease, and the death of the eets commanderfrustrated
the attempt. British squadrons defeated a second French
eet on the open sea in 1747. Gruesome raids along the
New EnglandNew York borders by both conicting parties and their Indian allies characterized the remainder of
the war, with no result except a temporary check on frontier settlement. Weary of futile and costly conict, the
warring parties signed the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle in
October 1748, granting mutual restoration of conquests
but leaving colonial territorial disputes unresolved.

KING COTTON was an expression much used by

southern authors and orators before the Civil War. The
idea appeared rst as the title of a book, Cotton Is King,
by David Christy in 1855. In a speech in the U.S. Senate
on 4 March 1858, James H. Hammond declared, You
dare not make war upon cotton! No power on earth dares
make war upon it. Cotton is king. The phrase expressed
the southern belief that cotton was so essential that those
who controlled it might dictate the economic and political
policies of the United States and of the world. Southern
condence in cottons economic power contributed to the
decision to establish the Confederacy in 1861. During the
Civil War, however, northern industry proved far more
decisive than southern agriculture in the wars outcome.

Faust, Drew Gilpin. James Henry Hammond and the Old South: A
Design for Mastery. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1982.
Wright, Gavin. The Political Economy of the Cotton South: Households, Markets, and Wealth in the Nineteenth Century. New
York: W.W. Norton, 1978.

Hallie Farmer / t. g.


Merrell, James H. Into the American Woods: Negotiators on the

Pennsylvania Frontier. New York: Norton, 1999.
White, Richard. The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 16151815. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Shelby Balik
Raymond P. Stearns
See also Colonial Wars; Jenkinss Ear, War of; Ohio Valley.

KING PHILIPS WAR (16751676). White New

Englanders who coveted farmland but needed help surviving in harsh conditions built uneasy partnerships with
neighboring American Indians during the seventeenth
century. By 1660, however, most Anglo-American communities had achieved economic and demographic stability, and white New Englanders who valued agriculture
and shing over the fur trade increasingly downplayed
their economic partnership with Indians and justied seizures of Indian land. Conversely, many Indians suspected
English motives, resisted English laws, and resented Puritan missionary efforts. When Massasoit died (1662),
new Indian leaders rejected alliances with Anglo-Ameri-


cans, who in turn accused the Indians of conspiring

against them.
According to white settlers, the chief conspirator was
Massasoits son, Metacomet, or Philip, sachem (chief) of
the Wampanoags. Philip renewed the peace covenant
with Plymouth Colony, but repeated reports of plots with
the Narragansets and the French heightened tensions
with Plymouth leaders. Philip avowed peaceful intentions
and agreed to surrender rearms. A tentative peace followed, but when whites executed three Wampanoags for
murdering a Christian Indian informer, warriors attacked
and plundered nearby farms. On 18 June 1675, Wampanoag marauders provoked Swansea settlers to begin hostilities. The war that ensued actually was a series of Indian
raids with retaliatory expeditions by the English.
The English counterattack was ill planned and indecisive and antagonized other tribes. Jealous colonial
commanders and troops cooperated badly, soldiers were
poorly equipped and ignorant of Indian warfare, and
troops lacked scouts to track the enemy and refused at
rst to employ friendly Indians. When Plymouth and
Massachusetts forces drove Philip from Mount Hope into
Pocasset swamps, he easily slipped into central Massachusetts. Then, colonial forces raided Narraganset territory and compelled a few lingerers to sign a treaty of neutrality, but Narraganset warriors had already joined in
Philips War. When the English sold captives into West
Indian slavery and slaughtered Christian Indians, they
drove many former allies into oppositionalthough these
Indians never united under one leader.
Before the end of 1675, disaster overtook New England on all sides. Mendon, Brookeld, Deereld, Northeld, and other Massachsuetts towns were devastated,
abandoned, or both. Indians had ambushed and destroyed
two colonial forces, and similar raids devastated New
Hampshire and Maine settlements. During the winter of
16751676, the Indians planned to attack the eastern settlements to concentrate English forces there while they
planted crops in the Connecticut Valley. In February they
attacked Lancasterwhere Mary Rowlandson was capturedand threatened Plymouth, Providence, and towns
near Boston.
Meanwhile, the colonies reorganized their forces,
destroyed Narraganset food supplies, and captured and
executed Narraganset warrior Canonchet in April. The
Mohawks threatened to attack the Connecticut Valley Indians from the west, thereby helping the English. In May
an English force of 180 men surprised and massacred the
Indians at Deereld and broke their resistance in the valley. Soon, the tide turned in the west. English scouts harried Philip and his followers in swamps near Taunton and
Bridgewater. In August they captured Philips wife and
son, surrounded his camp, and shot and killed Philip as
he tried to escape. Philips death marked the end of the
war, although hostilities continued in New Hampshire
and Maine, where the Abenakis and others, with French
support, attacked English settlements.

The war was disastrous for both the English and the
Indians. It wreaked havoc on the New England economy.
Sixteen English towns in Massachusetts and four in
Rhode Island were destroyed. No English colonist was
left in Kennebec County (Maine), and the Indian population of southern New England was decimated. Although Indians no longer posed a threat to colonists in
southern New England, tension between Indians and
white settlers persisted to the northeast and northwest,
where these conicts merged with political and territorial
clashes between England and France.

Carroll, Peter N. Puritanism and the Wilderness: The Intellectual

Signicance of the New England Frontier, 16291700. New
York: Columbia University Press, 1969.
Kupperman, Karen Ordahl. Indians and English: Facing Off in
Early America. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2000.
Lepore, Jill. The Name of War: King Philips War and the Origins
of American Identity. New York: Knopf, 1998.
Slotkin, Richard. Regeneration through Violence: The Mythology of
the American Frontier, 16001800. Middletown, Conn.:
Wesleyan University Press, 1973; New York: HarperPerennial, 1996.

Shelby Balik
Raymond P. Stearns
See also Frontier Defense; Indian Policy, Colonial; Warfare,

KING WILLIAMS WAR (16891697). This rst of

the French and Indian wars was already smoldering on
the New England frontier when England declared war on
France in May 1689. English traders had recently established the Hudsons Bay Trading Company, which competed with French traders in Canada. Angry at British
interference in the fur trade, the French incited the Abenaki tribes of Maine to destroy the rival English post of
Pemaquid and attack frontier settlements. By this time,
political divisions had fragmented the northern British
colonies, each jealous of its own frontiers. These divisions
interfered with relations between white settlers and
American Indians and rendered British colonists susceptible to military assault. When the European conict
known as the War of the League of Augsburg erupted on
the North American frontier, it became a struggle for colonial supremacy.
Conditions were unstable in Canada, as well. When
Louis de Buade, Comte de Frontenac, arrived in 1689 to
begin his second term as governor, he found the colony
plagued by Iroquoian raids. To calm the French settlers
and regain the allegiance of his Indian allies, he sent out
three war parties in 1690: the rst destroyed Schenectady,
the second attacked and burned the little settlement of
Salmon Falls on the New Hampshire border, and the
third forced the surrender of Fort Loyal, an outpost at
the site of the present city of Portland, Maine.



Terror spread throughout the English colonies, and

Massachusetts raised a eet of seven ships, one of which
captured and plundered Port Royal, Nova Scotia. In May
1690, representatives of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New York met in New York City. They
planned a united attack by land on Montreal with the
promised cooperation of the Iroquois. At the same time,
Massachusetts and the other New England colonies undertook to attack Quebec by sea. Both expeditions were
failures. New York and Connecticut troops, traveling
from Albany, could not advance farther than the foot of
Lake Champlain. The New England eet fared no better.
Realizing that they lacked sufcient nancial resources and military organization, the leaders of the
northern English colonies appealed repeatedly to the English government for help. Britain sent a eet to North
America, but it arrived with a fever-stricken crew, so the
contribution amounted to little. Frontenac made similar
appeals to France for help, with no better luck. The
French squadron sent to capture Boston was delayed by
head winds, ran short of provisions, and could do nothing.
Although the French won this war, the Treaty of Ryswick, which settled the conict, was inconclusive and did
not result in signicant transfers of North American land
between European powers. The consequences for the
American Indians in the region, however, were severe.
The war ignited a much longer struggle between the Algonquins and the Iroquois, which proved disastrous for
both as they tried to negotiate with French and British
colonists and ofcials. Because so many of the tensions
that initially provoked the conict remained unresolved,
the North American frontier would again erupt in violence ve years later, in Queen Annes War.

Gallay, Alan, ed. Colonial Wars of North America: 15121763: An

Encyclopedia. New York: Garland, 1996.
Leach, Douglas Edward. Arms for Empire: A Military History of
the British Colonies in North America, 16071763. New York:
Macmillan, 1973.

A. C. Flick / Shelby Balik

See also Colonial Settlements; Colonial Wars; French Frontier Forts; French and Indian War; Fur Trade and Trapping; Hudsons Bay Company; Iroquois.

KINGS PROVINCE was a portion of the mainland

of Rhode Island between the Pawcatuck River and Narragansett Bay. Known as the Narragansett Country, it was
claimed by Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Attempting to settle the controversy in 1665, a royal
commission named this territory Kings Province and
placed it under the jurisdiction of Rhode Island, although
Connecticut still claimed authority over it. The matter
was settled when Sir Edmund Andros took possession of
both colonies. In 1729 Kings Province became Kings


County, and in 1781 its name was changed to Washington

County, Rhode Island.

Daniels, Bruce C. Dissent and Conformity on Narragansett Bay:

The Colonial Rhode Island Town. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1983.
James, Sydney V. Colonial Rhode Island: A History. New York:
Scribner, 1975.

R. W. G. Vail / h. s.
See also Narragansett Bay; Narragansett Planters; Rhode


At 6:01 p.m. on Thursday, 4 April 1968 a fatal rie shot
hit Martin Luther King Jr. as he stood on a balcony
outside his second-oor room at the Lorraine Motel in
Memphis, Tennessee. The civil rights leader had arrived
in Memphis the previous day to prepare for a march
planned for the following Monday on behalf of the citys
striking sanitation workers. Late in the afternoon of
the fourth, Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Executive Director Andrew Young and attorney Chauncey Eskridge returned to the Lorraine to
report on their successful effort to convince District Judge
Bailey Brown to lift his antiprotest restraining order that
was prompted by violence which disrupted a march a
week earlier. Pleased that he would be able to proceed
with the planned march, King was preparing to leave for
a dinner at the home of Memphis minister Billy Kyles
when he stepped out on the balcony of room 306. As King
talked with SCLC colleagues standing in the parking area
below, an assassin red a single shot severely wounding
the lower right side of Kings face. As Ralph Abernathy
cradled Kings head, other SCLC aides rushed toward
him. Some of those on the balcony pointed across the
street toward the rear of a boarding house on South Main
Street. An ambulance rushed King to St. Josephs Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead at 7:05 p.m.
News of Kings assassination prompted outbreaks of
racial violence, resulting in forty-six deaths and extensive
property damage in dozens of American cities, including
Washington, D.C. President Lyndon Johnson attended a
memorial for King on the fth and called for a national
day of mourning to be observed two days later. A march
was held in Memphis on the eighth to honor King and to
support the sanitation workers. The march attracted
thousands of participants, including Kings widow and
other family members. Kings funeral, attended by many
of the nations political and civil rights leaders, occurred
the following day in Atlanta at Ebenezer Baptist Church,
where King served as co-pastor along with his father,
Martin Luther King Sr., and his brother, A. D. King.
Morehouse College President Benjamin Mays delivered
the eulogy. After another ceremony on the Morehouse
campus, Kings body was interred at Southview Ceme-

K I N G , M A RT I N L U T H E R , A S S A S S I N AT I O N

Martin Luther King Jr. The civil rights leader (second from right) arrives at the Lorraine Motel on
3 April 1968 with (left to right) Hosea Williams, Jesse Jackson, and Ralph Abernathy; the next day
he would be assassinated there. AP/Wide World Photos

tery; it was later moved to a crypt at the site of the King

Center, an institution founded by Kings widow, Coretta
Scott King, located next to Ebenezer Church.
Search for the Assassin
Within minutes of the assassination, a policeman who had
rushed to the area discovered a bundle containing a 30.06
Remington rie in the doorway of the Canipe Amusement Company, located on South Main next door to the
boarding house. Based on its serial number, investigators
from the Federal Bureau of Investigations determined
that the weapon had been purchased at Aeromarine Supply Company in Birmingham, Alabama, by a person using
the name Harvey Lowmeyer. FBI agents learned that the
Ford Mustang found on 10 April abandoned in Atlanta
was registered to Eric Starvo Galt and subsequent handwriting analysis indicated that Galt and Lowmeyer were
the same person. These discoveries led FBI agents to an
apartment in Atlanta, where they found a thumbprint
matching that of James Earl Ray, a fugitive who had escaped from a Missouri prison in April 1967. FBI agents
and police in Memphis produced further evidence that
Ray had registered on 4 April at the South Main rooming
house under the alias John Willard and had taken a
second-oor room near a common bathroom with a view
of the Lorraine Motel.

The identication of Ray as a suspect led to an international search. After examining passport application
photographs, Canadian ofcials found that a passport had
been issued on 24 April to a person using the name Ramon George Sneyd, who resembled Ray and whose handwriting matched samples of Rays. They also determined
that the person using the passport had left Canada for
London. On 8 June British immigration ofcials on the
alert for Ray detained him while he prepared to board a
ight to Brussels (Ray later explained that his ultimate
destination was the white-ruled nation of Rhodesia [later
Zimbabwe]). On 18 July Ray arrived in the United States
after being extradited to stand trial.

Prosecution of James Earl Ray

In a plea bargain, Tennessee prosecutors agreed in March
1969 to forgo seeking the death penalty if Ray pled guilty
to murder charges. The circumstances leading to this decision later became a source of controversy, because Ray
recanted his confession soon after being sentenced to a
ninety-nine-year term in prison and claimed that his attorney, Percy Foreman, had provided inadequate representation due to his fear that lucrative arrangements to
publish Rays story would be compromised if the defendant testied in open court. Ray red Foreman, but he


K I N G , R O D N E Y, R I O T S

was unsuccessful in his subsequent attempts to reverse his

conviction and gain a new trial.
Unresolved Questions
During the years following Kings assassination, doubts
about the adequacy of the case against Ray were fueled
by revelations of extensive surveillance of King by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and other government
agencies. In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal that
ended Richard Nixons presidency, congressional investigations of illegal FBI activities during the 1960s prompted
calls for a reopening of the assassination investigation.
Frame-Up (1971) by Harold Weisberg and Code Name
Zorro (1977) by Mark Lane (Rays lawyer during the late
1970s) and Dick Gregory raised questions about the evidence against Ray. In 1976 the House Select Committee
on Assassinations launched a re-examination of the evidence concerning Kings assassination as well as that of
President John F. Kennedy. The committees nal report,
released by Chairman Louis Stokes (Democrat, Ohio) in
January 1979, suggested that Ray may have been motivated by a reward offered by two St. Louis businessmen
and may have had coconspirators, possibly his brothers,
John and Jerry Ray. Despite detailing the FBIs activities
targeting King, the report nonetheless concluded that
there was no convincing evidence of government complicity in the assassination. Rather than ending conspiracy
speculation, the report and twelve volumes of evidence assembled during the House investigation provided a wealth
of information that would continue to fuel speculation.
After recanting his guilty plea, Ray consistently maintained his innocence. In his 1992 memoir, he claimed to
have been framed by a gun smuggler he knew as Raoul
(sometimes spelled Raul). In 1993 William F. Pepper, who
had become Rays lawyer, sought to build popular support
for a reopening of the case by staging a televised mock
trial of Ray (the jury found Ray not guilty). Pepper later
published Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of
Martin Luther King (1995), which cast suspicion on the
FBI, local police, a local businessman allegedly linked to
the Maa, and military intelligence personnel assigned to
Memphis at the time of the assassination. In 1997 members of Kings family publicly supported Rays appeal for
a new trial, and Kings son, Dexter Scott King, proclaimed
Rays innocence during a televised prison encounter. Despite this support, Tennessee authorities refused to reopen
the case, and Ray died in prison on 23 April 1998.
Even after Rays death, conspiracy allegations continued to surface. Despite several attempts, test bullets red
from the rie linked to Ray were never conclusively
matched to the slug removed from Kings body. In March
1998, retired FBI investigator Donald Wilson claimed he
had found pieces of paper in Rays car with the name
Raul on them. In 1999 Pepper won a token civil verdict
on behalf of Kings widow and children against Lloyd
Jowers, owner of the Jims Grill on the rooming houses
ground oor, and other unknown co-conspirators. Jow-


ers had stated during a 1993 during an appearance on

ABC-TVs Prime Time Live that he was given $100,000
to arrange Kings murder. Although the trial produced
considerable testimony that contradicted the original case
against Ray, the Justice Department announced in 2000
that its own internal investigation, launched in 1998 at
the King familys request, had failed to nd sufcient evidence to warrant a full investigation. In April 2002, at a
news conference in Gainesville, Florida, the Reverend
Ronald Denton Wilson announced that his deceased fervently anticommunist father, Henry Clay Wilson, had
spoken of killing King with the aid of two other conspirators after Ray supplied the weapon, but this claim was
also met with widespread skepticism.

Pepper, William F. Orders to Kill: The Truth behind the Murder of

Martin Luther King. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers,
Inc., 1995.
Posner, Gerald L. Killing the Dream: James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. New York: Random
House, 1998.
Ray, James Earl. Who Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.? The True
Story by the Alleged Assassin. 2d ed., New York: Marlowe and
Company, 1997.
United States Department of Justice. Investigation of Recent Allegations Regarding the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Ofce,
June 2000.

Clayborne Carson
See also Assassinations and Political Violence, Other; Civil
Rights Movement; Conspiracy.

KING, RODNEY, RIOTS. See Los Angeles Riots.

KINSEY REPORT is comprised of two studies by
Alfred Kinsey exploring male and female sexuality. Detailed scientic studies based on eleven thousand interviews, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), challenged widely
held beliefs about human sexuality, including prevalent
medical literature that posited that women were not sexual beings. Kinseys work effectively separated sexuality
from morality and emphasized the importance of sexual
adjustment to a stable union. More than any previous
book, Kinseys studies placed sex on the national stage and
inspired public discourse on American sexuality.
Kinsey, a biologist by training, became involved in
sex research in 1938, when he was placed in charge of an
interdisciplinary course on marriage and family at Indiana
University. Although physicians had engaged in research
on sexual behavior in the 1920s and 1930s, such research
remained controversial. By Kinseys own accounts, he
sought to recongure sexual research, to free it from
moral judgment, and to treat it as a scientist would from


data collection to its presentation, replete with charts,

graphs, and a comprehensive review of the literature in
the eld. He assembled and trained a team of researchers
and interviewers who collected over eighteen thousand
interviews with men and women. Kinsey conducted eight
thousand of the interviews himself.
Until the publication of the Kinsey Report, public
exposure to topics in human sexuality had been primarily
through hygiene courses, where teachers warned of the
dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, masturbation,
and any sex act deemed outside a narrowly dened norm.
No one could have predicted the magnitude of the response to Kinseys studies. The demand for his Sexual
Behavior in the Human Male far outpaced its print run.
The book sold 250,000 copies and spent twenty-seven
weeks on the New York Times best-seller list. His Sexual
Behavior in the Human Female was also a runaway bestseller.
Members of the scientic community condemned
Kinseys studies for what they claimed were specious scientic methods and conclusions tainted by Kinseys own
cultural attitudes toward sex. In addition, his ndings
shocked traditional moralists. The general public, however, seemed ready to consume what the report had to
offer. Because Kinseys data was so extensive, his report
offered readers documentation of a wide range of sexual
variations and revealed a vast undercurrent of sexual practices that countered what the public had assumed was the
sexual norm. At a time when television especially gloried a picture of family life altogether devoid of sex,
Kinsey revealed that masturbation and premarital petting
were almost universal and that women, like men, were
sexual beings. Moreover, over a third of adult males had
homosexual experiences.
Although widely renounced for the pretense that
sexual data could be or even should be presented as an
objective science devoid of discussion of moral or social
implications, Kinseys work altered the American sexual
landscape forever. Of particular concern both in the 1950s
and in the early twenty-rst century were the sections of
the report that discuss incidents of pedophilia. The scientic context of the report legitimized open discussion
of sexual subjects in the media, at universities, and in the
home. The Kinsey Report encouraged more open discussion of homosexuality, which Kinsey presented as but
another form of sexual activity, and female sexuality.

DEmilio, John, and Estelle B. Freedman. Intimate Matters: A

History of Sexuality in America. New York: Harper and Row,
Jones, J. H. Kinsey: A Public/Private Life. New York: Norton,

Leslie J. Lindenauer
See also Sex Education; Sexual Orientation; Sexuality.

KINSHIP. All human beings are connected to some

others by blood or marriage. While cultural variations
shape the nature and meaning of those relationships, sociologists and anthropologists have identied general
categories that appear to apply widely to human societies.
Connections between people based on genetic ties (such
as between parents and children and among siblings) are
known as consanguineal or blood relationships. Relationships based on marriage are known as afnal relationships. Individuals also may recognize as kin others who
are related neither by blood nor marriage, such as adopted
children who are legally dened as kin, ctive kin (godparents, blood brothers), a special family friend who is
called aunt or uncle, or a homosexual partner, even
though same-sex marriage is not presently recognized as
such by the state. The basic components of the kinship
system in every society are marriage, family, postmarital
residence (where a couple resides after marriage), the incest taboo (rules that prohibit sexual relations and therefore marriage between certain categories of kin), descent
(the rules of reckoning ones relatives), and kinship terminology (the terms used to label kin).
In the contemporary United States the idealized kinship customspromulgated through popular culture, religious custom, and the laware heterosexual monogamous marriage, neolocal residence (residence apart from
both families after marriage), nuclear families (one husband/father, one wife/mother and their children), incest
prohibitions within the nuclear family, bilateral descent
(kin are traced through both the mothers and the fathers
lines), and kin terms that reect an emphasis on biological
versus afnal ties. In some cultures kinship relations are
highly structured and rigid with different categories of
kin, such as brothers and sisters or in-laws who are expected to behave toward one another in highly stylized
ways. Kinship in America is loosely structured, with considerable individual freedom to pick and choose among
kin for different purposes. Thus many kin might be invited to a wedding but only a few are invited to a more
intimate family gathering such as a holiday dinner.
Nonetheless, in the late twentieth century there was
much variation in some features of kinship within American society. While monogamous marriage was the ideal,
millions of people remained unmarried and millions married and divorced. Given the high divorce rate (about one
in two marriages formed each year ended in divorce) and
high remarriage rate, some social scientists argued that
the marriage norm was better described as serial monogamy. In addition, homosexual marriages and families were
on the rise, and some employers responded by providing
spousal benets, such as health care insurance, to homosexual partners of employees. While nuclear family
households were still common, other family arrangements, such as mother-children families, families composed of parents and their adult children, families with
stepparents and children, and blended families formed
from portions of two former nuclear families, became



common. Beyond these broad variations across U.S. society, there were variations in the structure and nature of
kin relations across religions, ethnic groups, and social

Fox, Robin. Kinship and Marriage: An Anthropological Perspective.

Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 1967.
Levinson, David, ed. Encyclopedia of Marriage and the Family.
New York: Macmillan, 1995.
Schneider, David M. American Kinship: A Cultural Account. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.

David Levinson / a. r.
See also Demography and Demographic Trends; Family; Genealogy; Marriage.

KIOWA. Classied in the Uto-Aztecan language family, Kiowa is remotely linked to the Tanoan languages of
the Eastern Pueblos. This suggests divergence and prehistoric northward migrations to the mountainous Yellowstone River region of western Montana, the ancestral
lands of the pre-contact hunting-and-gathering Kiowa.
Migrations and Alliances to the Mid-Nineteenth
Leaving their homelands in the late seventeenth century
in search of horses, the Kiowa and an afliated group of
Plains Apache migrated southeastward, befriending the
Crow, reaching the Black Hills (in present-day South Dakota) around 1775, and then establishing trading relations
with the Mandan and Arikara before the Lakota and
Cheyenne drove them south to the Arkansas River. At the
time of the rst direct contact with whites in the late eighteenth century, the Kiowa had relocated to the Southwestern Plains. They numbered barely two thousand individuals and were compelled to form an alliance with the
more numerous Comanche between 1790 and 1806. Like
the Comanche, the Kiowa fashioned a lucrative equestrian raiding economy in the lands of mild winters and
ample grazing that were within striking distance of Spanish settlements in Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and
northern Mexico. The Kiowa, Comanche, and Plains
Apache (KCA Indians) coalition fought common northern enemies, particularly the Lakota, Cheyenne, and
Pawnee. By 1840, additional intertribal alliances had been
forged with the Osage, Lakota, and Cheyenne.
By the mid-nineteenth century, the KCA Indians
dominated the Southwestern Plains: the Kiowa and Plains
Apache inhabited the northern region adjacent to the Arkansas River in present-day west-central Kansas, and the
Comanche controlled the Staked Plains region of the
Texas Panhandle. Intertribal raiding parties skirmished
with Ute, Navajo, and Pawnee enemies, and plundered
Mexican and Texan settlements for livestock and captives.


Decline and Dependency

KCA hegemony, however, waned after the Civil War.
Squeezed between rapidly expanding Euro-American settlements in Texas, Colorado, and Kansas, the Kiowa and
Comanche signed the Little Arkansas Treaty of 1865, forfeiting lands in Kansas and New Mexico. In 1867, provisions of the Medicine Lodge Treaty reserved almost
three million acres for the group; the lands encompassed
the Wichita Mountains in southwestern Oklahoma. Residing exclusively within the connes of the KCA Reservation proved difcult, however, and raiding sorties into
Texas inevitably provoked military responses from the
U.S. Army. These conicts culminated in the Red River
War of 1874 and 1875, after which the Kiowa and their
allies were forced to reside permanently on their reserve.
KCA subsistence changed after 1879 with the extinction of the Southern Plains bison herds, rendering the
Indians totally dependent on rations and beef issues provided by the Kiowa Agency. Subsequent efforts to transform the Kiowa into farmers and ranchers failed, and
hunger often resulted from inadequate government assistance. Leasing reservation grasslands to Texas cattlemen
starting in 1886 brought temporary solace until the September 1892 arrival of the Jerome Commissioners (David
H. Jerome, former governor of Michigan; Warren G.
Sayre of Indiana; and Alfred M. Wilson of Arkansas), who
forced the KCA Indians into agreeing to take individual
160-acre allotments and sell surplus reservation lands to
white settlers. The Kiowa protested this fraudulent agreement because it violated the terms of the Medicine Lodge
Treaty. Their protest reached all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, but lost in Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock (1903).
Ironically, the decision came seventeen months after the
opening by lottery of the 2.8 millionacre KCA Reservation to settlement on 6 August 1901. Inhabiting clusters of allotments north of the Wichita Mountains, early
twentieth-century Kiowa meagerly survived on subsistence hunting and shing and per capita interest payments for former reservation lands; some even worked as
manual laborers on their own allotments, leased to nonIndian farmers.
Kinship System
Nineteenth-century Kiowa kinship typied what anthropologists call Hawaiian systems that distinguish relatives
by sex and generation; with exceptions, the Kiowa grouped
kin into generation sets of grandparents, parents, siblings,
and children. Cousins are still reckoned as brothers and
sisters. Indicative of Hawaiian kinship systems, the Kiowa acknowledged bilateral descent and formed kindreds,
extended family groups usually led by the oldest brother.
Pre-reservation Kiowa society consisted of from approximately ten to twenty kindreds representing the prominent, or ondedw (rich) Kiowa families, along with ondegupa (second best), kwwn (poor), and dapom (worthless)
families. Marriage alliances were based on wealth in
horses, materials, and the reputation and war accomplishments of family leaders. Postnupital residence patterns


Kiowa. This mural by Kiowa artist Steven Mopope depicts a bison hunt. National Archives and Records Administration

preferred the wealthier of the two families. Leaders of

each prominent kindred, or band, were called topadoki
(main chief ), derived from the Kiowa word topadoga (band).
Notable among band leaders, Dohasan Little Bluff
was the undisputed principal Kiowa chief from 1833 until
his death in early 1866, after which leadership presumably
passed to Guipago, Lone Wolf, although Tene-angopte,
Kicking Bird, and Set-tainte, White Bear, led rival
factions until the Kiowa surrendered in May 1875. Afterward, the topadoki were relegated to serving as beef
chiefs responsible for the distribution of meat to their
families. The allotment period further eroded traditional
leadership as former bands settled into various enclaves
largely in later Kiowa and Caddo counties in Oklahoma,
where approximately one-half of the nearly ten thousand
Kiowa live.
Belief Systems
Traditional Kiowa belief systems centered around dw_dw_
(power), a spirit force that permeated the universe, and
was present in all natural entities inhabited by spirits or
souls. Young men fasted in the Wichita Mountains and
other elevated areas seeking dw_dw_ from the spirit
world. Those fortunate enough to receive power visions
became either great warriors or curers who painted their
power symbols on war shields, and often formed shield

societies. Besides personal medicine bundles associated

with individual dw_dw_, tribal bundles included the talyida-i (boy medicine) or Ten Medicines, whose keepers
were civil servants who settled domestic disputes and
prayed for the well-being of the people, and the Taime,
or Sun Dance icon central to the renewal ceremony that
united the people socially and spiritually. The Sun Dance
had collapsed by 1890 because of the extinction of the
Southern Plains bison herds and government pressures.
The Ghost Dance movement of 18901891 and 1894
1916 and the advent of the peyote religion after 1870
lled the spiritual void following the collapse of the horse
and buffalo culture. At the end of the twentieth century,
most Kiowa attended Baptist and Methodist churches and
Native American Church peyote ceremonies.
The Kiowa still venerate warfare, as indicated by the
many twentieth-century Kiowa combat veterans, and by
the number who continue to serve in the U.S. armed
forces. Notable Kiowa include N. Scott Momaday,
awarded the Pulitzer Prize in ction for 1969, and Everette Rhoads, former U.S. assistant surgeon general.

Mishkin, Bernard. Rank and Warfare among the Plains Indians.

1940. Reprint. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,



Mooney, James. Calendar History of the Kiowa Indians. 1895

1896. Reprint. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution
Press, 1979.
Richardson, Jane. Law and Status among the Kiowa Indians. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1940.

Benjamin R. Kracht
See also Dawes General Allotment Act; Indian Land Cessions; Indian Reservations; Indian Treaties; Indians
and the Horse; Indians in the Military; Native American Church; Nativist Movement (American Indian Revival Movements); Red River Indian War; Sun Dance;
Tribes: Great Plains; Wars with Indian Nations: Later
Nineteenth Century (18401900).

KITCHEN CABINET, a title derisively applied by

President Andrew Jacksons political enemies to an informal group of advisers who were credited with exercising
more inuence on the president than his regular cabinet.
From 1829 until 1831, when the cabinet was reorganized,
the Kitchen Cabinet, or lower cabinet, as it was often
called, was especially inuential. Thereafter, Jackson relied less on his informal advisers and more on regular
members of the cabinet. The most important members
of the Kitchen Cabinet were Amos Kendall, Francis Preston Blair, Sr., William B. Lewis, A. J. Donelson, Martin
Van Buren, and John H. Eaton.

Latner, Richard B. The Kitchen Cabinet and Andrew Jacksons

Advisory System. Journal of American History 65 (September 1978): 367388.

Erik McKinley Eriksson / l. t.

See also Jacksonian Democracy; President, U.S.

KITCHENS. Long before the European colonists arrived, Native Americans had cooked on open res or hot
stones. The colonists brought the idea of a more permanent hearth within a specic roomthe kitchen. In
New England, early colonists lived in small, landscapehugging farmhouses. The kitchen was the hub of the
house, with an eight- to ten-foot-wide medieval-style replace. While the husband and eld hands worked democratically side by side taming the land, the housewife,
usually with a servant who was treated as extended family,
worked from dawn to dark. She lit res using a tinder
box; tended an orchard and kitchen garden; grew ax;
carded wool; spun yarn; wove fabric; knitted stockings;
dipped tallow candles; made soap for laundering; preserved food; baked bread from home-grown grain ground
at a mill; and produced a large family to aid with chores.
Kitchens in the Eighteenth Century
Kitchen improvements were invented throughout the
eighteenth century. Fireplaces were reduced in size and
chimneys given more efcient ues. Forged iron swinging


Martha Washingtons Kitchen. The restored lateeighteenth-century room at Mount Vernon, Va. Library of

cranes held heavy iron pots conveniently over the re.

Brick beehive-shaped baking ovens were equipped with
iron doors. Adjuncts to the kitchen included a smokehouse (sometimes in the attic), a root cellar, an icehouse
which might double as a springhouse to chill milka
dairy for cheese and butter-making, and a poultry yard.
Pewter plates and mugs, and wood trenchers (bowls and
spoons used by the earliest colonists) were gradually augmented by glass and earthenware vessels and by 1750,
imported china. Prospering villages and towns attracted
shopkeepers who began to offer ready-made cloth, foodstuffs, and other staple items, lessening the housewifes
In the southern states, large plantations prospered
from cash cropsrice, tobacco, and cottonideally suited
to the warm, humid climate. Slaves from Africa worked
the elds, and some were trained as house servants and
cooks. To keep cooking smells, heat, and the threat of re
from the main house, kitchens became separate buildings
with food carried into the main house through a covered
breezeway. By the beginning of the nineteenth century,
housewives on southern plantations were able to live a
genteel life while servants took care of kitchen drudgeryalthough they kept a strict eye on everything and
carried keys to all the storerooms.
As European settlers spread westward, they built
houses from logs in Scandinavian style. Pioneer women
bore much of the brunt of the hard labor, coaxing meals
in primitive kitchens from alien meats such as bear, beaver
tail, buffalo tongue, and snake.
The Nineteenth Century Brings Changes
The nineteenth-century kitchen had a large work table; a
dresser or step-back cupboard with shelves for plates and
cups and drawers for cutlery and kitchen linens; a pie safe


with perforated tin doors that kept mice and insects away
from freshly baked goods; a sink of iron, soapstone, or
granite set in a wooden dry sink; and a kitchen clock,
needed to time cookery now gleaned from published recipe books instead of handwritten family recipes. Water
was carried in from exterior wells. As the century progressed, water was conveyed to interior sink pumps by
pipes. By 1850, windmill power pumped water to roof
cisterns and interior plumbing delivered water to faucets.
Two inventions, the range and the stove, revolutionized cooking methods; the former was a large iron
structure with an oven and several top burners all set in
brickwork engineered with ues, and the latter was a freestanding iron cookstove with built-in ues. Both included
hot water reservoirs and could be fueled with wood or
coal. By 1850, even in country areas, one or the other of
these cooking devices was in use, and many of the old
walk-in replaces were bricked up.
From the 1830s until the Civil War (18611865), immigrants became the help, but were referred to as domestic servants. Town house kitchens were relegated to
the rear with back stairs to ensure that servants were unseen, or to a half basement with a separate entrance. The
hands-on housewifes role changed to that of supervisor
with the parlor her realm, although she still prided herself
on doing fancy cooking for company.
The Civil War and encroaching industrialization depleted the supply of domestic servants, but it created a
need for portable food for troops and boosted canning
companies who mechanized their industries, making
canned goods widely accepted by housewives. Household
tools patented in the mid-nineteenth century included the
Boston Carpet Sweeper (1850) and several early washing
machines (late 1850s), although mechanical washers were
not in general use until after 1920. Advice on efciency
came from an increasing number of womens magazines.
Help also came from inuential books extolling economy,
system, and scientic methods in cooking, organizing a
kitchen, and house maintenance. By 1896, The Boston
Cooking-School Cook Book, by Fanny Farmer, was published.
With fewer servants, kitchens became smaller toward the end of the nineteenth century, but more attention was paid to their appearance. Efforts at natural
colors, such as beige and soft green, replaced whitewashed walls. Tiles or washable oilcloth covered the
oorto be superseded by linoleum (invented in 1863
by Frederick Walton, founder of The American Linoleum Company). Many kitchens had sanitary tin ceilings, which could be wiped clean. With the growing
awareness of hygiene, carbolic acid was used for cleaning,
and white vitriol for disinfecting, both home-mixed. By
the 1920s, cleaning supplies and soaps could be bought
The rst gas stove was made by Wm. W. Goodwin
& Company in 1879 and became commonplace in many
American towns by the 1890s. In the 1870s, enameled

kitchenware (granite ware or agate ware) became available

in speckled blue, black, brown, and gray designs. By the
1900s, aluminum ware was adopted. Pyrex cookware was
in use by the 1920s.
Mail-order catalogs advertised furnishings and household appliances. Wooden iceboxes lined in metallater
porcelainwere lled by the iceman. The rst hermetically sealed electric refrigerator was the GE MonitorTop in 1927. By then, electric appliancestoasters, percolators, mixers, and vacuumswere used in towns, but
many rural areas were without electricity until the midtwentieth century.
The work station developed from a wooden bakers
table with drawers and bins for our in the 1830s to an
all-purpose bakers cupboard in the 1890s, and to the
klearfronts or hoosier cabinets of the 1920s and 1930s.
Named after the Hoosier Mfg. Co., which was founded
in 1899, these had enameled extensions for worktables
and sliding or glass-fronted cupboards above, and came
with many options in various sizes.
A Century of Convenience
The servant population shrank drastically after World
War I (19141918). Housewives searched for laborsaving
devices. Sinks were porcelain-lined with cupboards below
to hold cleaning supplies and to hide pipes. Nearby were
racks to dry plates. The Fuller Brush man sold cleaning
products door-to-door. With no maid to carry and serve
food, meals were often eaten in the kitchen on an
enameled-top table, and dining rooms got less use. By
the mid-twentieth century, many houses were built without them altogether. Household linens were no longer
starched white damask but casual and colored. By the
1930s, smart new kitchens were streamlined. Counters
and shelves had curved edges, and white enameled refrigeratorsnow used as food cupboardswere given
rounded corners. With continually changing technology,
the average American kitchen was the most frequently
renovated room in the house.
After World War II (19391945), women who had
been working in munitions factories were encouraged to
give up their jobs to returning GIs. They became full-time,
dedicated mothers and housekeepers. Although much of
the world was devastated, America was on a boom and
the housewife became an important consumer. Manufacturers responded to their desire for perfect, modern kitchens. Appliances were made in standardized sizes, so counters, stovetop, and sink ran at an even 36-inch continual
height around walls. Electric outlets at working level became essential for plug-in countertop appliancesmixers,
blenders, and toaster ovens with rotisserie attachments.
Inventive marketing trends included Tupperware parties
run by local salespeople and held in private homes to sell
plastic food containers. Essentials now included paper
towels, clear plastic wrap (Saran wrap), and aluminum foil
in appropriate containers.


K L A M AT H - M O D O C

Family habits by the 1960s were changing. Spurred

by the womens liberation movement, college-educated
women seized the chance to have it alla career and a
family. Meals were no longer as formal as in the rst half
of the twentieth century, with the whole family gathered
around the table at set times, but casual and often helpyourself from the now head-height well-stocked fridge
with its companion freezer. Husbands shared duties, often
cooking meatespecially outdoors on a charcoal grill.
The sink, sometimes double, had a nozzle spray in addition to a mixing valve that could regulate water from a
hot and a cold tap to blend in one faucet. Some states
permitted a sink garbage disposal unit. Next to the sink
was a dishwashermany baby boomers have never hand
washed dishes! Appliances were offered in a variety of colorsgold, avocado, and brown.
By the last quarter of the twentieth century, kitchens
were designed on an open plan, where not only cooking
but also family activitiesdoing homework or crafts,
watching televisiontook place. Glass-fronted wall ovens
in addition to stoves became familiar. Broilers that had
been conned to a bottom section of the oven in the
1950s were relocated to the top to lessen stooping. Electric stoves had timed, self-cleaning ovens; the tops of
many were designed with completely at surfaces for
wipe-off cleaning. In the 1980s, high-tech kitchens lled
with brushed steel appliances were fashionable. Convection ovens circulated heat evenly for greater efciency.
Workstations became islands centered in the room or bar/
counters dividing the kitchen from the living room. Both
husband and wife cooked gourmet meals while entertaining guests. The versatile food processor took the place
of gadgets for chopping, slicing, mixing, and grating. Microwave ovens, used for heating food more than for cooking, became universal. Kitchens had recycling bins for
metal, glass, plastic, and paper. By 2000, a more traditional style of kitchen took hold, with expensive milled
woodwork and granite counters.

Beecher, Catharine E., and Harriet Beecher Stowe. The American Womans Home: or, Principles of Domestic Science; being a
Guide to the Formation and Maintenance of Economical, Healthful, Beautiful, and Christian Homes. New York: J.B. Ford &
Company, 1869.
Franklin, Linda Campbell. 300 Years of Kitchen Collectibles. Florence, Ala.: Books Americana, 1991.
Grey, Johnny. Kitchen Design Workbook. New York: DK Publishers, 1996.
Grow, Lawrence. The Old House Book of Kitchens and Dining
Rooms. New York: Warner Books, 1981.
Harrison, Molly. The Kitchen in History. Reading, Pa.: Osprey
Publishing, 1972.
Holt, Emily. The Complete Housekeeper. New York: McClure,
Phillips & Co., 1904.
Krasner, Deborah. Kitchens for CooksPlanning Your Perfect
Kitchen. New York: Viking Studio Books, 1994.


Lifshey, Earl. The Housewares Story; A History of the American

Housewares Industry. Chicago: National Housewares Manufacturers Association, 1973.
Miller, Judith. Period Kitchens: A Practical Guide to Period-Style
Decorating. London; Mitchell Beazley, 1995.
Plante, Ellen M. The American Kitchen, 1700 to the Present: From
Hearth to Highrise. New York: Facts On File, 1995.
Thompson, Frances. Antiques from the Country Kitchen. Lombard, Ill.: Wallace-Homestead Book Company, 1985.

Chippy Irvine

KLAMATH-MODOC. The ancestral lands of the

Klamaths and Modocs span southern Oregon, northeastern California, and parts of northern Nevada. Prior to
1820, approximately 2,000 Klamaths and 1,000 Modocs
lived in this area. Their numbers decreased dramatically
after contact with non-Indians. Scholars claim that these
tribes were once the same and that the Modocs split from
the Klamaths and moved south after 1780. The tribes
origin stories give a different account, suggesting divergent points of origins, social structures, and environment.
The two tribes belong to the same language group, Lutuami, but speak different dialects. The designation
Maklak or Moadoc translates as southern people.
The political differences that caused the Modocs to
split from the Klamaths do not mean that the Klamaths
and the Modocs cut ties with each other. Their relationship developed along both friendly and hostile lines
through trade, intermarriage, and warfare.
The Klamaths traditional environment was humid,
whereas the Modocs homeland was arid and experienced
harsh winters. Subsistence for both depended on the
marshes that produced camas, wocus, waterfowl, sh, and
small game animals. Housing depended on the season.
During the winter months the Modocs and Klamaths
lived in earth lodges or pit houses. In summer they set up
temporary housing near shing, hunting, and gathering
areas. Both tribes maintained a sexual division of labor.
Women wove intricate baskets, tended children, and
gathered, prepared, and cooked food; men hunted, protected villages, raided neighboring tribes, and fought enemies. Male leadership depended on a persons ability to
orate, ght, and provide for the community. Although
men held public positions, womens roles in selecting and
advising leaders were equally important. Because of their
smaller numbers and environment, Modoc leadership was
more exible than that of the Klamaths.
Both the Klamaths and the Modocs were important
in the trade networks linking California to the Pacic
Northwest. The Klamaths had direct access to major
trade centers, especially the Dalles, while the Modocs
played an important role in securing captives for the slave
trade to the north. Contact with non-Indians further distinguished the Klamaths and the Modocs. The Klamaths
came into contact with non-Indians rst through material

K L A M AT H - M O D O C

Modocs. The tribe maintained various ties to the Klamaths in the Northwest but was far less
conciliatory toward white settlers and policies of the U.S. government. corbis

goods and then, beginning in 1826, with fur traders. The

Modocs also came in contact with trade goods, but the
volume of exchange in Modoc territory was minimal. The
discovery of gold in the late 1840s changed this. The Klamaths and Modocs contended with thousands of miners
and settlers moving through and settling in their territories. The Modocs took exception to the wagon trains
moving through their lands and polluting the area. They
sought to stop these incursions by frightening newcomers
away. The Klamaths, reluctant to take action against newcomers, tried to develop friendly relations with them.
In line with federal Indian policy, the Klamath treaty
of 1864 created a reservation on Klamath lands where the
Klamaths and Modocs would settle in exchange for pro-

tection against settlers and miners. During the reservation

era, the Klamaths took center stage in relations with
agency ofcials. Allen David emerged as a leader on the
reservation through the end of the nineteenth century.
When the Modocs moved to the reservation they experienced agency neglect and came into conict with the
Klamaths. Eventually, half the Modocs returned to California under the leadership of Kintpuash (Captain Jack).
This migration set off conicts with white settlers, leading to the Modoc War of 18721873. At its end, four
Modoc men, including Kintpuash, were executed, and
153 Modocs were exiled to Indian Territory in Oklahoma.
The Klamaths and Modocs who remained on the
Klamath reservation secured a living by creating irriga-



Klondike Rush. In 1900 a horse-drawn wagon makes a delivery to a meat market in Dawson, then
the capital of Yukon Territory and a major distribution center for the Klondike mining region in
both Canada and Alaska. corbis

tion projects and a lumber business. They established a

council under the supervision of agency ofcials and have
successfully managed affairs to the present. The exiled
Modocs suffered a dramatic population decline, but
through hard work and determination they became successful farmers. The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 allotted
land to individuals on reservations throughout the United
States. Although this act adversely affected many Native
Americans, it enabled fty-one Modocs to return to
Oregon in 1909.

Howe, Carrol B. Ancient Tribes of the Klamath Country. Portland,

Ore.: Binford and Mort, 1968.

Twentieth-century Indian policy disrupted the

course of economic development on the Klamath reservation. Most important, in 1954 the federal authorities
terminated the Klamaths and Modocs in an effort to
make them self-sufcient and less dependent on government services. Federal protections were withdrawn and
individuals were allowed to sell property previously held
in trust. As a consequence, many Klamaths lost their lumber enterprises. In 1978 the Modocs were recognized and
in 1985 the Klamaths were reinstated as a federally recognized tribe. At the beginning of the twenty-rst century, the Klamaths and Modocs still resided in Oregon,
and descendants of those Modocs exiled to Indian Territory still resided in Oklahoma under the Modoc Tribe of
Oklahoma. In 2002 approximately 3,100 people claimed
Klamath ancestry and 600 claimed Modoc ancestry.

See also Modoc War; Tribes: California; Tribes: Northwestern.


Curtin, Jeremiah. Myths of the Modocs: Indian Legends of the Northwest. Boston: Little, Brown, 1912.


. Ancient Modocs of California and Oregon. Portland, Ore.:

Binford and Mort, 1979.
Ray, Verne F. Primitive Pragmatists: The Modoc Indians of Northern
California. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1963.
Stern, Theodore. The Klamath Tribe: A People and Their Reservation. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1966.

Rebecca Bales

KLONDIKE RUSH. On 16 August 1896 gold was

discovered by George Carmack and his two Indian brothers-in-law on Bonanza Creek of the Klondike River, a
tributary of the Yukon River in Canadas Yukon Territory.
News of the discovery reached the United States in January 1897, and in the spring of that year a number of
people made preparations to depart by boat up the Yukon,
or up the Inside Passage and the Chilcoot and White
passes and then down the upper tributaries of the Yukon.
On 14 July 1897 the steamer Excelsior arrived at San Francisco with $750,000 in gold; on 17 July the Portland arrived at Seattle with $800,000. The press made the Klondike Rush a national sensation, partly because there was
little other important news at the time. Chambers of commerce, railroads, steamship lines, and outtting houses
received thousands of inquiries, and, seeing the commer-


KNIGHTS OF LABOR. The Noble Order of the

Knights of Labor reached a peak membership of around
700,000 in the mid-1880s, making it the largest and most
important labor organization in nineteenth-century America. The complexities of its organization, ideology, and
activities reected the problems that aficted the American labor movement. Antebellum working-class involvement with fraternal orders, such as the Freemasons and
the Odd Fellows, inspired associations like the Mechanics Mutual Protection Association and the Brotherhood
of the Union. From the Civil War and the panic of 1873
emerged new clandestine labor organizations, including
the shoemakers Knights of St. Crispin and the miners
Molly Maguires, along with the broader Sovereigns of
Industry, Industrial Brotherhood, and Junior Sons of 76.
The Knights of Labor eventually subsumed all of these.

cial possibilities, began a well-nanced propaganda campaign that precipitated the rush. The peak of the rush
occurred from 1897 to 1899, when 100,000 people left
for Alaska, although only about half reached the mines,
because of the harsh weather and terrain.
The Klondike Rush had far-reaching economic results, particularly for Alaska. Those unable to secure
claims on the Klondike spread over Alaska, nding gold
at Nome, Fairbanks, and numerous less famous places.
Many turned to other pursuits. Taken together, participants in the rush were the principal factor in the diffuse
settlement of Alaska and the economic development of
the territory.

Hunt, William R. North of the 53 Degree: The Wild Days of the

Alaska-Yukon Mining Frontier, 18701914. New York: Macmillan, 1974.
Shape, William. Faith of Fools: A Journal of the Klondike Gold Rush.
Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1998.
Wharton, David. The Alaska Gold Rush. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1972.

V. J. Farrar / h. s.
See also Alaska; Gold Mines and Mining; Yukon Region.

Long a hotbed of such activities, the Philadelphia

needle trades built the Garment Cutters Union during
the Civil War. On 28 December 1869, Uriah Stephens
gathered a handful of workers in that craft to launch the
Knights of Labor. Members paid a 50-cent initiation fee.
Ten members could form an assembly, though at all times
at least three-quarters of the assembly had to be wage
earners. Initially, membership in the Knights expanded
among Philadelphia textile workers, but in the mid-1870s
it spread into western Pennsylvania and began recruiting
large numbers of miners. Expansion into other trades required not only the trade assembly but the industrially
nonspecic local assembly. The presence of the order
in different communities with growing numbers of organizations inspired the formation of a district assembly
to coordinate the work.
After an insurrectionary railroad strike in 1877, the
order assumed a more public presence, and membership
expanded at an unprecedented pace. The Knights numbered nearly 9,300 in 1878; over 20,000 in 1879; over
28,000 in 1880; and almost 52,000 in 1883. With the radically expanding membership, new leaders like Terence V.
Powderly displaced the old fraternalists like Stephens.
This turnover in leadership represented a deeper ideological shift.
The Knights of Labor proclaimed the underlying
unity of the condition of all who work and urged solidarity. They asserted the equal rights of women and included
them in the order despite the often Victorian values of
the leadership. Calling for the unity of brain and brawn
the solidarity of all who laborthe Knights essentially
shaped the popular notion of class in American life. Notwithstanding national chauvinism and ethnic rivalries, the
order organized assemblies of immigrants from across
Europe and Jewish associations. By some estimates, as
many as ninety-ve thousand African Americans became
Knights. Glaringly, however, the Knights established a
terrible record regarding treatment of Chinese Americans, even defending the massacre of Chinese workers by
white miners at Rock Springs, Wyoming.



The order pursued legislative and political means to

undermine the money power, banks and monopolies,
and favored the legislation of an eight-hour day, equal pay
for equal work, abolition of child labor and convict labor,
and public ownership of utilities. On the other hand, in
the midst of major third-party movements, the Knights
struggled, usually without success, to remain aloof. Largely
to placate the active hostility of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, the leadership of the Knights explicitly denied
an interest within the order in more radical politics.
These contradictions gave the Knights great power,
yet largely predisposed the order to use its power in an
uncoordinated and chaotic fashion. Railroad workers in
the Knights in 1883 launched a series of strikes against
the widely hated railroads that came to fruition in the
southwestern strike of 1885 against the Jay Gould interests. Powderly and the Knights successfully organized national boycotts in support of the strike movements. As a
result of the consequent publicity and the temporary demise of third-party politics, the Knights expanded to massive proportions, attaining 110,000 members by July 1885
and over 700,000 members by October 1886. By then,
the movement embraced virtually every current in the
American labor movement. Some thought the strike, wage
agreements, boycott, and cooperatives were sufcient. The
order avoided support of the 1886 eight-hour-day strike
movement and remained ambiguous about nonpolitical
means of attaining its goals.
Members of the trades assemblies, including printers,
molders, cigar makers, carpenters, glassworkers, ironworkers, and steelworkers, combined into the Federation of
Organized Trades and Labor Unions (FOTLU) in 1881.
Although initially cooperative with the concerns of these
trade unionists, the leadership of the Knights became increasingly cautious even as their successes inspired intense
opposition, and the FOTLU reorganized as the American
Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1886. Membership in the
Knights quickly fell to 100,000 by 1890, and neither its
dalliance with populism nor interventions by the Socialist
Labor Party kept it from plummeting during the twentieth century.

Voss, Kim. The Making of American Exceptionalism: The Knights

of Labor and Class Formation in the Nineteenth Century. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1993.
Weir, Robert E. Beyond Labors Veil: The Culture of the Knights of
Labor. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press,

Mark A. Lause
See also American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organizations; Industrial Workers of the World;
Labor; Strikes.


Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) was a preCivil War,


pro-Southern secret society founded in Ohio in 1854 by

George W. L. Bickley, a Virginian, who soon moved the
KGC to the South. Members were known as Copperheads. Wishing to extend slavery into Mexico and to form
a country that surrounded the Gulf of Mexico, a golden
circle, they opposed abolition and fought for secession.
KGC was reorganized in 1863 as the Order of American
Knights, and again in 1864 as the Order of the Sons of
Liberty. Republicans tried to discredit Democrats by associating them with the KGC; their efforts failed, making
themselves look bad instead.

Crenshaw, Ollinger. The Knights of the Golden Circle: The

Career of George Bickley. American Historical Review 47,
no. 1 (1941): 2350.
Klement, Frank L. Ohio and the Knights of the Golden Circle:
The Evolution of a Civil War Myth. Cincinnati Historical
Society Bulletin 32, nos. 12 (1974): 727.
Milton, George F. Abraham Lincoln and the Fifth Column. New
York: Vanguard, 1942.

Mary Anne Hansen

See also Slavery.

KNOW-NOTHING PARTY, or American Party,

organized as the political expression of nativism, hostility
directed against German and Irish Roman Catholics, who
immigrated heavily in the 1840s and 1850s. Nativism rst
impacted politics in the form of election-day riots provoked by secret fraternal organizations such as the Order
of the Star Spangled Banner, organized in New York in
1849. When questioned about this order, members replied, I know nothing. By 1854 the Know-Nothings
achieved national prominence and had an estimated membership of a million. From 1854 to 1856 Know-Nothing
candidates won local, state, and congressional ofces across
the nation. The Know-Nothing platform reected the
partys political and moral conservatism. It included calls
for extension of the immigrant naturalization period from
ve to twenty-one years; restriction of the right to vote
to citizens; restriction of ofce-holding to native-born
citizens; prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcohol; and requirement of the reading of the King James
Bible in schools.
Know-Nothings drew from both the Democratic and
Whig Parties, but most heavily from the latter, whose
traditional makeup of middle-class and skilled workingclass Protestants was susceptible to nativist appeals. The
Whigs, already damaged by division over the slavery issue, were dealt a mortal blow by Know-Nothing defections in 18541855. Know-Nothings occasionally found
support among antislavery groups, although most abolitionists and Free Soilers denounced nativism as a form of
bigotry and as a distraction from the main goal of restricting slavery. Moreover, the Know-Nothings themselves
became divided over the slavery issue. Still, the effects of

K O R E A , R E L AT I O N S W I T H

the Know-Nothing Party were to pave a transition from

Whiggery to Republicanism. In 1856 Know-Nothings in
the Northeast supported the Republican candidate John
C. Fremont. The Republican Party was primarily an antislavery party but it absorbed and reected the nativism
of the Know-Nothings well into the twentieth century.

Anbinder, Tyler G. Nativism and Slavery: The Northern Know

Nothings and the Politics of the 1850s. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Gienapp, William E. The Origins of the Republican Party, 1852
1856. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. Argues the
rise of the Republican Party was a response to nativism.
Osofsky, Gilbert. Abolitionists, Irish Immigrants, and the Dilemmas of Romantic Nationalism. American Historical Review 80 (1975): 889912. Evaluates immigrants ambivalence over antislavery as a result of nativist hostility.

Timothy M. Roberts
See also Nativism; and vol. 9: American Party Platform.

KNOX, FORT. In 1918 an army camp named Camp

Knox, for General Henry T. Knox, was established in
Kentucky, thirty-one miles southwest of Louisville. Made
permanent in 1932 as Fort Knox, the post became the
main repository of U.S. gold in 1937. More than 140 million ounces of gold, worth billions of dollars, are kept in
the U.S. Bullion Depository, a two-story granite, steel,
and concrete vault managed by the Treasury Department.
The 109,000-acre army installation at Fort Knox also includes an artillery training school, the Godman Army Air
Field, and the Patton Museum.

Truscott, Lucian K., Jr. The Twilight of the U. S. Cavalry: Life in

the Old Army, 19171942. Lawrence: University Press of
Kansas, 1989.

Andrew C. Rieser
See also Army, United States; Currency and Coinage; Fortifications; Mint, Federal; Treasury, Department of the.

Know-Nothing Party. An 1844 campaign ribbon of the

secretive anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic organization. corbis

KOREA, RELATIONS WITH. In August 1866, the

American merchant W. B. Preston dispatched the General
Sherman, a merchant ship, to a port in northern Korea
demanding trade unilaterally, a private endeavor that did
not ofcially involve the U.S. government. The entire
crew died when the Hermit Kingdom had the ship set on
re. In two retaliatory campaigns during 1871, U.S. naval
ships bombarded Korean forts, killing some 250 Koreans.
The undeclared hostilities were settled by a treaty of commerce and amity in 1882. Yet military and diplomatic encounters failed to develop further as Korea soon became
a target of Chinese, Japanese, and Russian imperialism.
In 1910, it fell prey to Japanese military rule. Full-scale


K O R E A WA R O F 1 8 7 1

and enduring U.S.-Korean relations developed as a result

of Japans surrender at the close of World War II; the
ensuing American military occupation of South Korea by
40,000 American personnel and servicemen (19451948);
and the Korean War (19501953), which engaged about
1.6 million American servicemen. These events started a
wave of Korean immigration consisting largely of some
20,000 Korean wives of U.S. servicemen and their children, who arrived in the United States from 1945 to 1965.
Beginning in the 1950s, many American families adopted
Korean war orphans. Also, the Immigration Act of 1965,
with its family reunication provision, gave a tremendous
boost to the presence of Korean Americans, who would
surge from some 100,000 in 1965 to about 1.3 million at
centurys end.
Still, the major pillars of U.S.South Korean relations after the Korean War were the U.S. security umbrella against external communist threats and the opening
of U.S. markets to Korean exports. The Korea-gate scandal of 19761978, in which dozens of U.S. congressmen
reputedly received bribes from lobbyists for the South
Korean government, and diplomatic friction during the
Jimmy Carter presidency over human rights abuses in
South Korea, were just minor glitches. In fact, making
the most of U.S. military, diplomatic, and economic
commitments, South Koreans achieved annual economic
growth of more than 9 percent for the three decades following the mid-1960s. From 1980, Korean exports to the
United States underwent a structural changeover from
nondurable consumer goods to consumer electronics and
computers, high technology and durable goods, steel, and
automobiles. Meanwhile, U.S. exports to Korea in the
area of service industries and popular culture steadily
grew relative to heavy industry and chemical products.
Owing to South Koreas prosperity, the United States often scored trade surpluses in the 1990s; in the mid-1990s,
they averaged $10 billion annually.
As of 2001, the United States had not established any
formal diplomatic relationship with North Korea, a nation cut off from the noncommunist world for a half century. George W. Bushs administration practically brushed
aside the Bill Clinton administrations efforts to bring
North Korea to the diplomatic table to resolve any alleged threat of North Koreas development and sale of
missiles and nuclear weapons.

Baldwin, Frank, ed. Without Parallel: The American-Korean Relationship since 1945. New York: Pantheon, 1974.
Lee, Yur-Bok, and Wayne Patterson, eds. One Hundred Years of
Korean-American Relations, 18821982. University: University of Alabama Press, 1986.
Sutter, Robert, and Han Sungjoo. Korea-U.S. Relations in a Changing World. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.

David Park
See also Cold War; Korea War of 1871; Korea-gate; Korean
Americans; Korean War; and vol. 9: War Story.


KOREA WAR OF 1871. In 1871 the United States

engaged in undeclared hostilities with Korea as a result
of the murder of Americans who illegally entered closed
ports and the subsequent refusal of the Koreans to open
their kingdom to foreign trade. By ancient custom, violation of Korean seclusion was a capital offense. Nonetheless, in 1866 an American merchant dispatched the
General Sherman to open trade. When the schooner
grounded on a sandbar, the Koreansacting by royal
commandburned the ship and murdered the crew.
The U.S.S. Shenandoah, sent to investigate, was denied all communication with the Korean capital. George
F. Seward, consul general at Shanghai, suggested a punitive expedition, and on 26 May 1871 an American
squadron arrived to survey the coast and meet with the
king. When no favorable response came from the Koreans, the squadron began to move upriver. On 1 June
masked batteries opened re, and the Americans returned
that re.
The guardian-general of Fu-ping prefecture formally
complained of the American presence but declared himself too humble to communicate the American message
to his king. The Americans sent a second expedition and
took ve Korean batteries, but the Koreans still would
not give the Americans an audience. On 2 July Edward
B. Drew, acting secretary of legation at Peking, announced the squadron would withdraw to consult with
Washington. Korea and the United States secured no
treaty until 1882.

LaFeber, Walter. The American Age: United States Foreign Policy

at Home and Abroad since 1750. New York: Norton, 1989.
. The New Empire: An Interpretation of American Expansion,
18601898. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1963,

Angela Ellis
Harry Emerson Wildes
See also Imperialism; Korea, Relations with.

KOREA-GATE surfaced in the immediate aftermath

of the Watergate scandal of the mid-1970s when journalists began attaching gate to any event that suggested
scandal in government. Korea-gate developed following reports in 19761978 of South Korean efforts to inuence U.S. policy and of U.S. congressmen who proted
from the efforts. Most attention focused on the behavior
of Tongsun Park, a wealthy South Korean businessman
who from 1970 to 1975 reportedly spent huge sums of
money on gifts to numerous U.S. congressmen. The activities occurred when U.S. relations had soured with
South Korea, largely because of the dictatorial practices
of President Park Chung Hee. President Jimmy Carters
announcement in July 1977 that virtually all U.S. troops
would be withdrawn from South Korea brought the issue


to a crisis. Meanwhile, the Korea-gate affair ran its course.

Richard T. Hanna of California, who reportedly received
$246,000 from Park, served a prison sentence of approximately one year. Three congressmen were reprimanded
for misconduct; one was found innocent. Relations between South Korea and the United States improved, and
Carter canceled his order to withdraw troops. Park, the
object of U.S. dissatisfaction, was assassinated that same

Buss, Claude A. The United States and the Republic of Korea. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University,
Kwak, Tae-Hwan, et al., eds. U.S.Korean Relations, 18821982.
Seoul: Kyungnam University Press, 1982.

Ross Gregory / a. g.
See also Corruption, Political; Political Scandals; Watergate.


in New York, Korean Airlines ight 007 left Anchorage,
Alaska, for Seoul just before 3:30 a.m. on 31 August 1983.
A few minutes after takeoff, it deviated from its assigned
course, taking the 747 into Soviet airspace and over a major Soviet military installation. Five hours into the ight,
two missiles red from a Soviet interceptor struck the
plane, sending it into the sea west of Sakhalin Island. All
269 people on board, including 61 Americans, died. Soviet authorities took nearly a week to admit their ghter
had downed the civilian aircraft. The Soviet claim that
KAL 007 was a spy plane caused a chorus of condemnations in the United Nations. Arms limitation talks in Geneva stalled. The West subsequently boycotted ights into
and out of the Soviet Union. For years, the Soviet Union
refused to accept any blame and kept U.S. investigators
from the crash site. Later explanations pointed either to
mistaken identity or pilot incompetence. Korean Air Lines,
which paid pilots a bonus to arrive on time and any way
they can, was also deemed guilty. A nal theory alleged
that the jet wandered into a Soviet-American air battle and
was destroyed. Still a mystery, the destruction of KAL 007
worsened escalating tensions in the Cold War.

Brun, Michael. Incident at Sakhalin: The True Mission of KAL

Flight 007. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1995.
Dallin, Alexander. Black Box: KAL 007 and the Superpowers.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985.
Hersh, Seymour M. The Target Is Destroyed: What Really Happened to Flight 007 and What America Knew about It. New
York: Random House 1986.
Johnson, Richard W. Shootdown: Flight 007 and the American
Connection. New York: Viking, 1986.

Bruce J. Evensen
James I. Matray

KOREAN AMERICANS. The rst Korean immigrants came to the United States in the last years of the
nineteenth century as Hawaiian sugar plantation workers
or students of higher education. However, their numbers
were very small, estimated at fewer than 100. Between
1903 and 1905, some 7,200 Koreans arrived in Hawaii to
work on sugar plantations for the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association. The vast majority of them were single
men, and their arrival was soon followed by about 1,000
Korean women called picture brides, because their marriages had resulted from exchanging photographs. That
rst wave of Korean immigration was heavily promoted
not only by labor recruiters but also by American missionaries in Korea, who billed Hawaii as a Christian paradise. In fact, about 40 percent of those Korean immigrants were Protestants, while few people in Korea were
Protestants at the time.
The rst wave came to a sudden halt. In 1905, upon
making Korea a protectorate, Japan shut down the Korean Emigration Ofce. The Gentlemens Agreement of
1907 between the United States and Japan restricting Japanese immigration applied to Koreans as well by default,
and the U.S. Congress enacted highly restrictive immigration acts in 1920 and 1924. As a consequence, few Koreans immigrated until the late 1940s. The 1910 U.S.
census reported 4,994 Korean immigrants, and the 1940
census reported 8,562, most in Hawaii and California.
The majority of those early immigrants engaged in
agriculture as tenant farmers, growing rice, fruits, and
vegetables, and many women worked in domestic service.
A small number took up mining and railroading. By the
early 1910s, a few rice kings and fairly large farm entrepreneurs had emerged, and by the 1930s, some successful restaurants, groceries, and other small businesses
had appeared around Los Angeles. By the 1940s, a small
group had become professionals, entering medicine, science, and architecture. Nevertheless, throughout the rst
half of the twentieth century, most Korean Americans had
to eke out a harsh living owing to linguistic and cultural
barriers, the prevalent perception of the yellow peril
during the Progressive Era, and the rampant racial bigotry of the 1920s. Until 1952, the U.S. government denied rst-generation Korean immigrants the right to become naturalized U.S. citizens, and California enforced
discriminatory educational, tax, licensing, and leasing policies. Over time the third- to fth-generation Korean
Americans scattered all over the country, where most intermarried and led middle-class lives in the larger society.
A second wave of Korean immigrants consisted of
some 20,000 Korean women, who married U.S. servicemen and immigrated to the United States between 1945
and 1965, the children of U.S. servicemen, and war orphans. The second wave was largely a by-product of the
U.S. military rule over Korea (19451948) and the Korean War (19501953). A small but growing number of
Korean professionals who had originally arrived as students became permanent residents and U.S. citizens. As



number of groceries and delicatessens in New York City.

Working long hours on hard jobs, six or even seven days
a week, often in inner cities and minority neighborhoods,
almost 70 to 75 percent of these newcomers turned to
their ethnic Christian churches for practical needs of all
kinds as well as spiritual rejuvenation and fraternal association, much as their predecessors had in Hawaii and
California in the early decades of the century.
On the other hand, while they often mixed with fellow Korean immigrants, joined local Korean immigrant
meetings or alumni clubs, ate Korean food, watched Korean television and videotapes, read Korean newspapers
and magazines, listened to Korean music, and checked
out Korean Web sites, rst-generation Korean immigrants put much emphasis on the acculturation and education of their children. As a result, most of their
American-born children earned college degrees, and many
attended graduate or professional schools. They landed
nancially secure jobs, but frequently at the expense of
their Korean language and cultural heritage.

Koreatown. Signs indicate urban neighborhoods, such as this

one in New York City, where large numbers of Korean
Americans have congregated, especially since a liberalized
immigration law took effect in 1968. AP/Wide World Photos

of 1965, an estimated 100,000 Korean Americans lived in

the United States. Yet a major and sustained inux of Korean immigrants did not occur until 1968, when the Immigration Act of 1965 took effect with an epoch-making
provision for family reunication. Subsequently, the Korean American population grew by leaps and bounds to
about 1.3 million at the beginning of the twenty-rst century. After reaching its peak in 1987, Korean immigration
slowed down, largely due to a dramatic rise in living standards in Korea between the 1970s and the 1990s but
partly on account of the Los Angeles riots of 1992.
Most of the newcomers after 1975 came to the United
States in pursuit of better economic opportunities, political or social freedom, or professional aspirations. A vast
majority of the adults were college-educated with an urban middle-class background. Although about 20 percent
became professionals in academia, medicine, science, engineering, nance, and so on, a great majority entered
various lines of small business. Most notably, Korean
Americans owned about 25 percent of the laundry and
dry cleaning businesses across the country and a large


With the growing number of old-timers and the increasing nancial security of most Korean immigrants,
the Korean American population after the 1980s began
moving gradually but visibly away from urban centers and
traditional ethnic enclaves to middle-class suburbs around
the country. In the 1990s, the average household income
of Korean American families was substantially higher than
that of white American families. Politically, the majority
of rst-generation and a large proportion of secondgeneration Korean Americans, owing to their overriding
concerns for nancial security, evangelical Christian faith,
and law and order, leaned toward the Republican Party.
This preference is despite the fact that they have long
beneted from the immigration, civil rights, Korean policies, and broader political and social climate more often
supported by Democrats.

Kim, Hyung-chan, and Wayne Patterson, eds. The Koreans in

America, 18821974. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana, 1974.
Patterson, Wayne. The Korean Frontier in America. Honolulu:
University of Hawaii Press, 1988.
Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston: Little,
Brown 1989.

David Park
See also Immigration Act of 1965; Immigration Restriction;
Korea, Relations with; Korean War; and vol. 9: Gentlemens Agreement; War Story.

KOREAN WAR. The Korean War began on 25 June

1950, when forces of the Democratic Peoples Republic
of Korea (DPRK) attacked southward across the thirtyeighth parallel against the army of the Republic of Korea
(ROK). Trained and armed by the Soviet Union and the
Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and substantially out-


commander-in-chief of U.S. Forces, Far East, to head the

The Korean War lasted for over three years. Although the United States and ROK provided over 90 percent of the manpower on the UN side, fourteen other
governments sent forces of some kind and unofcially Japan provided hundreds of laborers in critical Korean industries and in its former colonys harbors operating
American vessels. On the North Korean side, the PRC
eventually committed over a million troops, and the Soviet Union contributed large-scale materiel assistance and
hundreds of pilots and artillery personnel. United States
forces suffered in battle alone over 142,000 casualties, including 33,000 deaths; the Chinese nearly 900,000 casualties, including 150,000 deaths. Koreans on both sides
endured far greater losses. Total casualties in the war,
military and civilian combined, numbered over 3 million.

numbering the South Koreans along the front, the North

Koreans advanced rapidly, capturing Seoul, the ROK capital, on 28 June.
The U.S. administration of Harry S. Truman reacted
sharply. With Secretary of State Dean G. Acheson taking
the lead in advising the commander-in-chief, the United
States rushed the Korean issue to the United Nations Security Council in New York. The Soviet Union was boycotting that body over its refusal to grant Chinas seat to
the recently founded PRC under Mao Zedong, thus making possible the quick passage of U.S.-drafted resolutions
on 25 and 27 June. The rst called for a cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of DPRK forces north of the
thirty-eighth parallel, the second for assistance from member states to the ROK necessary to repel the armed attack and to restore international peace and security in the
area. Already the United States was aiding the ROK with
arms, ammunition, and air and naval forces. On 30 June,
as the North Koreans advanced south of Seoul, Truman
committed to the battle U.S. combat troops stationed
in Japan. On 7 July the UN Security Council passed another U.S.-drafted resolution creating a United Nations
Command (UNC) in Korea under American leadership.
Truman appointed General Douglas MacArthur, the

Origins of the War

The war originated in the division of the peninsula in
August 1945 by the United States and the Soviet Union.
Korea had been under Japanese rule since early in the
century. American leaders believed that, with its defeat in
World War II, Japan should lose its empire but that Koreans would need years of tutelage before being prepared
to govern themselves. The United States surmised that a
multipower trusteeship over the peninsula, to involve itself, the Soviet Union, China, and perhaps Great Britain,
would provide Koreans with the necessary preparation
while averting the great-power competition that had disrupted northeast Asia a half century before. Yet as the
Pacic war approached its end, the Allied powers had not
reached precise agreements on Korea. On the eve of Japans surrender, President Truman proposed to Soviet
premier Joseph Stalin that their governments forces occupy Korea, with the thirty-eighth parallel as the dividing
line between them. Stalin agreed.
At the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers in
December 1945, the United States did advance a trusteeship proposal, but the Soviets watered it down to include
merely negotiations toward trusteeship in a joint commission made up of representatives of the two occupation
commands in Korea. The new body soon became stalemated, adjourning in May 1946. The Americans aligned
with the Korean right in the south, while the Soviets sided
with the extreme left in the north. Despite a second attempt to resolve differences in the joint commission in
the spring and summer of 1947, the Soviet-American
stalemate continued, as the escalating Cold War in Europe and the Middle East dampened prospects for accommodation in other areas. In September the United States
referred the Korean issue to the UN General Assembly.
By this time South Korea was in considerable turmoil. Since the beginning of the occupation, the Americans had favored conservative Korean groups who had
either collaborated with the Japanese or spent most of the
period of Japans rule in exile. The economic division of



strengthened by the return of tens of thousands of Korean

nationals who had fought on the Communist side in
China. In meetings with Kim in Moscow in early April,
Stalin explicitly approved a North Korean attack on
South Korea, provided Mao also gave his blessing. Although he believed that the United States would not intervene, especially if the North Koreans won a speedy
victory, he made it clear that, if Kim ran into difculty
with the Americans, he would have to depend as a counter
on direct Chinese, not Soviet, intervention. When in
mid-May Mao endorsed Kims proposal for an early attack on the ROK, the plans proceeded to their nal stage.
On the Offensive. An American tank crests a hill, followed by
U.S. Army troops. National Archives and Records

the country, the inux of over a million Koreans into the

territory south of the thirty-eighth parallel from Japan,
Manchuria, and North Korea, and poorly conceived occupation policies combined to produce widespread discontent. Meanwhile, the extreme right, led by Syngman
Rhee, agitated aggressively for establishment of an independent government in the south. With support in Congress waning for the U.S. occupation, the Truman administration decided to refer the Korean issue to the
United Nations.

The Course of the War

Even with the intervention of U.S. troops in July, the
DPRK nearly drove the enemy out of Korea. By early August forces ghting under the UN banner were squeezed
into the Pusan perimeter, on the southeastern corner of
the peninsula. At the end of the month DPRK forces
launched an offensive that over the next two weeks inicted more enemy casualties than in any other comparable period during the war.
Yet UN troops now outnumbered their opponents
and, on 15 September, General MacArthur launched a
counteroffensive at Inchon, the port for Seoul. By months

The Soviets refused to cooperate in creating a unied

government in Korea, so the United States persuaded the
international organization to supervise elections below
the thirty-eighth parallel. These occurred on 10 May
1948, and the boycott of them by leftist and some rightist
leaders ensured a victory for Rhee and his allies. When
the ROK came into being on 15 August, Rhee stood as
its president and the conservative Democratic party dominated the National Assembly. Less than a month later,
the Soviet Union brought into existence the DPRK in the
north, led by the Communist Kim Il Sung as premier.
Condent of the relative strength of their creation, the
Soviets withdrew their occupation forces at the end of the
year. Given the widespread turmoil in the south, which
included guerrilla warfare in mountain areas, the Americans did not withdraw their last occupation forces until
June 1949. Even then, they left substantial quantities of
light arms for the ROK army and a 500-man military
advisory group to assist in its development.
Beginning in March 1949 Kim Il Sung lobbied Stalin
for approval of and materiel support for a military attack
on the ROK. Stalin initially demurred. At the end of January 1950, with the Communists having won the civil war
on mainland China, with Mao in Moscow negotiating a
military alliance with the Soviet Union, and with support
for the ROK in the United States appearing less than
rm, he changed his mind. Over the next several months,
Stalin approved the shipment to North Korea of heavy
arms, including tanks, thus giving the DPRK a clear military advantage over the ROK. North Korea was also



On the Defensive. Members of the U.S. Armys Second Infantry Division man a machine gun in a foxhole, 1950.

end UN forces had broken out of the Pusan perimeter

and retaken Seoul. DPRK forces were in headlong retreat
northward and the United States had altered its objective
from reestablishing the thirty-eighth parallel to destroying
the enemy and reuniting the peninsula under a friendly
government. ROK units began crossing the old boundary
on 1 October and other UN units followed a week later,
by which time the UN General Assembly had given its
Long anticipating such developments, the PRC now
moved decisively toward intervention. The DPRK appealed to Beijing for aid on 1 October and Stalin urged
Mao to comply. The Chinese Peoples Volunteers
(CPV) under General Peng Dehuai commenced largescale movements into Korea on 19 October.
Despite contact with CPV soldiers from 25 October
on, UN ground forces did not stop their movement
northward. General MacArthur was determined to win a
quick and total victory and, despite reservations in the
Pentagon and the State Department, Washington proved
unwilling to order him to halt. On 24 November UN
forces began what they hoped would be an end-the-war
offensive. Four days later, with CPV forces over 200,000
strong engaged in a strong counterattack against severely
overextended UN units, MacArthur declared that he
faced an entirely new war.

Over the next month UN troops retreated to the

thirty-eighth parallel. On New Years Eve CPV units
crossed the old boundary in an attempt to push enemy
forces off the peninsula. MacArthur told Washington that
the U.S. choice was between expanding the war to air and
naval attacks against mainland China and accepting total
Adhering to a Europe-rst strategy and faced with
allied pressure to both persevere in Korea and contain the
war there, the Truman administration refused to follow
MacArthurs lead. During the second week of January the
CPV offensive petered out below Seoul in the face of severe weather, supply problems, and the regrouping of UN
forces under the leadership of General Matthew B. Ridgway, who had taken over the U.S. Eighth Army in Korea
in late December. Over the next three months, UN
forces, outnumbered on the ground but controlling the
air and enjoying a sizable advantage in artillery, gradually
pushed the enemy northward, retaking Seoul in midMarch. A month later UN units held a line slightly north
of the thirty-eighth parallel in all sectors except the extreme west.
This evolving situation produced a nal showdown
between Truman and MacArthur. The president was content, if possible, to settle the war roughly where it had
begun the previous June, and he was under steady pres-



guing that this would be reasonable compensation for its

agreement in an armistice to desist its pounding of North
Korea from the air and sea. After much acrimony, the
suspension of the talks for two months, and small battleeld gains by the UN side, the parties agreed to the existing line of contactprovided, that is, that agreement
on all other issues was reached within thirty days.
Two main issues remained on the agenda: arrangements for the realization of cease re and armistice . . .
including the composition, authority, and functions of a
supervising organization for carrying out the terms; and
arrangements relating to prisoners of war. With the UN
command relaxing its military pressure on the ground and
the Communists securing their defensive lines as never
before, neither side had a compelling reason to give way.
Nonetheless, by April 1952 essential agreement had been
reached on the postarmistice rotation of troops in Korea,
the replacement and introduction of materiel, and the
makeup and authority of a Neutral Nations Supervisory
Commission. The one remaining item was the fate of
prisoners of war (POWs).
The POW issue was bound to be difcult, as it involved captured personnel on both sides who had participated in the ongoing civil conicts in Korea and/or

sure to do so from allies and neutrals in the United Nations. Dissatised with less than total victory, the UN
commander continued to scheme for an expanded war.
Anticipating a Chinese spring offensive at any moment
and facing continued public dissent from MacArthur,
Truman on 11 April removed his eld commander from
all his positions, appointing Ridgway in his place. The
action set off a storm of protest in the United States, but
Truman held rm, aided by UN forces in Korea, which
repulsed massive Chinese offensives in April and May.
Following consultations in Moscow in early June, the
Communist allies decided to seek negotiations for an
Peace Negotiations
On 10 July negotiations began between the eld commands at Kaesong, just south of the thirty-eighth parallel.
Despite restraint on both sides from seeking major gains
on the battleeld, an armistice was not signed for over
two years.
The rst issue negotiated was an armistice line, and
this took until 27 November to resolve. The Communists
initially insisted on the thirty-eighth parallel; the UN
command, which was dominated by the United States,
pressed for a line north of the prevailing battle line, ar-

POWs in North Korea. One of the American and South

Korean prisoners of war being paraded through the streets of
Pyongyang on 3 October 1950 is forced to dress as Adolf
Hitler and to drag an American ag on the ground. Archive
Photos, Inc.



China. Many of the prisoners held by the United Nations

had begun the war in South Korea, been captured by the
DPRK army, and eventually been impressed into it. Others had fought in Nationalist armies during the Chinese
civil war and later been integrated into the CPV. Not all
of these prisoners wanted to return to the DPRK or PRC
at wars end. Negotiations eventually became stalemated
over the fate of Chinese prisoners. In October 1952, after
months without progress, the UNC suspended talks.
Negotiations did not resume until April of the following year. By this time Dwight D. Eisenhower had replaced Truman as president of the United States (20 January) and Stalin had died (5 March). When negotiations
failed to achieve quick success, the American president
ordered the bombing of dikes in North Korea, which
threatened the DPRKs food supply; he also threatened
to terminate the talks and expand the war. In early June
the Communists nally accepted the U.S. position on
POWs. The centrality of Eisenhowers actions in this outcome remains uncertain.
The ghting would have ended in mid-June had it
not been for the action of Syngman Rhee, who opposed
an armistice without Koreas unication. His wishes ignored, he ordered ROK guards to release over 25,000
anti-Communist Korean POWs held in the south. This
action on 18 June led to strong protests from the Communists and a crisis in U.S.-ROK relations. After the
Communists launched successful limited offensives against
ROK forces along the battlefront and the Americans
promised to negotiate a defense treaty with the ROK immediately following the conclusion of ghting, Rhee nally agreed not to disruptbut not to signan armistice. The Communists joined the UNC in signing the
agreement on July 27.
Impact of the War
The war left Korea at once devastated and less likely than
at any time since 1945 to become the focal point of international military conict. Unlike the thirty-eighth parallel, the armistice line based on established battleeld
positions was defensible on both sides. More important,
while leaders of the divided country refused to rule out
forceful unicationindeed, Rhee positively craved it
the great powers were now sufciently committed to preventing its success by the other side to discourage their
clients from initiating the effort.
Although the war was limited almost entirely to Korea, its impact was global. Fearful that the North Korean
attack of June 1950 represented the beginning of the Soviet Unions use of force to achieve its purposes, the
United States instituted a fourfold increase in defense
spending; signed military pacts with Japan, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, and the ROK; added
Greece and Turkey to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); created a NATO command led by an
American general; increased the U.S. troop presence in
Europe from two to six divisions; and pushed for the re-

Ending the Fighting. Lieutenant General William K.

Harrison (seated at left) and General Nam Il, spokesman for the
Communist delegation (seated at right), sign multiple copies of
the armistice at Panmunjom, just below the thirty-eighth
parallel, on 27 July 1953. Archive Photos, Inc.

arming of West Germany. The United States also intervened to save Taiwan from the Communists, eventually
signing a defense pact with the Nationalist government
there, and initiated formation of the Southeast Asia
Treaty Organization, which in the following decade
played a pivotal role in the direct U.S. military intervention in Indochina.
If the prudence of some of these actions may be questioned, there can be little doubt that the long-term impact
of the war was contrary to Soviet interests. The Soviet
Union was in a poor position economically to compete
with a U.S.-led alliance system partially mobilized for war
on a permanent basis. Furthermore, although the Korean
War brought the Soviet Union and the PRC closer together for the short term, it helped tear them apart within
less than a decade of its end. Chinas intervention in Korea
to prevent a total U.S. victory greatly enhanced the PRCs
self-condence and prestige. The limited scope and initial
delay of Soviet aid to the Chinese effort produced resentment in Beijing and reinforced its determination to
develop an independent capacity to defend itself and project power beyond its borders.
Yet the war also produced both short- and long-term
problems in Sino-American relations. In addition to augmenting feelings of bitterness and fear between the PRC
and the United States, the conict led to American intervention to save Taiwan from conquest by the Communists. U.S. involvement in the islands fate represents the
single most acrimonious issue in Sino-American relations
to the present day.

Blair, Clay. The Forgotten War: America in Korea, 19501953.

New York: Times Books, 1987.
Chen, Jian. Chinas Road to the Korean War: The Making of the
Sino-American Confrontation. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.



Cumings, Bruce. The Origins of the Korean War. Vol. 1, Liberation

and the Emergence of Separate Regimes, 19451947. Vol. 2,
The Roaring of the Cataract, 19471950. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 19811990.
Goncharov, Sergei N., John W. Lewis, and Xue Litai. Uncertain
Partners: Stalin, Mao, and the Korean War. Stanford, Calif.:
Stanford University Press, 1993.
Kaufman, Burton I. The Korean War: Challenges in Crisis, Credibility, and Command. New York: Knopf, 1986.
Pierpaoli, Paul G., Jr. Truman and Korea: The Political Culture of
the Early Cold War. Columbia: University of Missouri Press,
Stueck, William. The Korean War: An International History.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995.
Thornton, Richard C. Odd Man Out: Truman, Stalin, Mao, and
the Origins of the Korean War. Washington, D.C.: Brasseys,
West, Philip, and Suh Ji-moon, eds. Remembering the Forgotten
War. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 2001.
Zhang, Shu Guang. Maos Military Romanticism: China and the
Korean War, 19501953. Lawrence: University Press of
Kansas, 1995.

William W. Stueck Jr.

See also China, Relations with; Cold War; Korea, Relations
with; Southeast Asia Treaty Organization; United Nations; and vol. 9: General Douglas MacArthurs Speech
to Congress; A Personal Narrative of the Korean War;
War Story.


Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea)
invaded the Republic of Korea (South Korea) on 25 June
1950 the North Korean army was supported by a small
but effective force of Russian-built aircraft. In the emergency, President Harry S. Truman directed the U.S. Far
East Command to act as the United Nations Command
and assist in repelling the communist aggression. The
U.S. Air Forces Far East Air Forces and the U.S. Navys
Seventh Fleet and First Marine Air Wing were the major
elements of UN airpower, which also included Royal Australian and South African air force ghter squadrons, Royal
Thai and Royal Hellenic air force troop carrier detachments, and a growing Republic of Korea air force.
The Korean conict has been called the rst jet air
war. In the initial weeks American jet pilots quickly destroyed the North Korean air force, so establishing an air
superiority that was critical during the summer months
of 1950, as UN ground forces were driven into a perimeter around Pusan in southeastern Korea. By 15 September 1950 when U.S. forces launched a bold amphibious
invasion at Inchon, the combination of UN ground defenses, strategic air attacks against North Korea, air interdiction operations against extended enemy supply lines,
and very strong close air support decimated the initially
victorious North Korean army. This permitted a march


into North Korea, which turned into retreat in November

1950 when Chinese MIG-15 jet ghters appeared at the
Yalu River and overwhelming Chinese armies poured into
After November 1950 the MIG-15s sought to establish air superiority, but their efforts were thwarted by U.S.
Air Force F-86 Sabre ghter screens, which destroyed
792 MIGs in air-to-air combat at a cost of seventy-eight
F-86s shot down. UN airpower also provided extensive
close air support to outnumbered ground forces and,
equally important, proved effective in interdicting the
movement of communist troops and supplies to the battle
area. By June 1951 UN forces defeated communist ground
offensives, thus setting the stage for truce talks the following month.
The air war in Korea called into question the United
States deeply held tenets of air doctrine that emphasized
the efcacy of strategic attack against enemy vital industrial centers. The North Koreans had few industries
against which to concentrate strategic bomber attacks.
Moreover, when air strikes destroyed existing industrial
areas, the North Koreans obtained supplies from their
Soviet and Chinese allies. When the strategic campaigns
had destroyed North Korean industries, air leaders turned
to aerial interdiction to produce decisive effects on the
battleeld. Operation Strangle, the interdiction effort
against the North Korean road and railway system that
lasted from 18 August 1951 until the summer of 1952,
represented an attempt to isolate front-line troops from
their sources of supply. U.S. analysts eventually realized
that as long as the United Nations and communist armies
remained locked in a stalemate on the front, supply requirements remained so low that airpower alone could
have little effect on communist ghting capabilities.
After the talks stalemated in mid-1952, UN air forces
were authorized to wage air pressure attacks inside North
Korea, culminating in the destruction of several irrigation
dams and resultant ooding. Early in 1953 President
Dwight D. Eisenhower indicated that the United States
might act even more forcefully. This warning may have
led the communists to accept the military armistice agreement ending hostilities on 27 July 1953.
During the three-year Korean War, UN air forces
ew a total of some 1,040,708 air sorties of all kinds and
expended approximately 698,000 tons of ordnance in combat. The United States Air Force missed opportunities to
learn from the Korean experience. Slightly more than a
decade later, in the Vietnam War, airmen attempted to
apply strategic airpower against a foe that was not susceptible to its effect.

Bruning, John R. Crimson Sky: The Air Battle for Korea. Dulles,
Va.: Brasseys, 1999.
Crane, Conrad C. American Airpower Strategy in Korea, 1950
1953. Modern War Studies. Lawrence: University Press of
Kansas, 2000.


Futrell, Robert Frank. The United States Air Force in Korea, 1950
1953. Rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: Ofce of Air Force History, United States Air Force, 1983.

and had reinforced Americas senior and dominant role

within NATOs command structure.

Thompson, Wayne, and Bernard C. Nalty. Within Limits: The

U.S. Air Force and the Korean War. Washington, D.C.: Air
Force History and Museums Program, 1996.


Warnock, A. Timothy, ed. The USAF in Korea: A Chronology,

19501953. The Korean War ftieth anniversary commemorative ed. Washington, D.C.: Air Force History and
Museums Program in association with Air University Press,
YBlood, William T. Mig Alley: The Fight for Air Superiority. Korean War ftieth anniversary commemorative ed. Washington, D.C.: Air Force History and Museums Program,

Anthony Christopher Cain

Robert Frank Futrell
See also Air Force, United States; Air Power, Strategic; Aircraft Armament; Aircraft, Bomber; Aircraft, Fighter.

KOSOVO BOMBING. In the aftermath of the Bosnian peace agreement, which the United States brokered
in the fall of l995 in Dayton Ohio, conict in the Balkans
soon spilled over into Kosovo, a province of Serbia.
There, increasing Serbian repression directed against the
Albanian Kosovar majority triggered violent encounters
between members of the newly formed Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and Serbian military forces.
After news of a particularly gruesome atrocity committed by Serbian forces at Racak became known, an outraged Secretary of State Madeleine Albright pushed hard
for a form of diplomatic and military intervention to end
the violence in Kosovo. Consequently, she persuaded
President Bill Clinton to adopt a policy designed to prevent further ethnic cleansing by the Serbians in Kosovo.
Following the failure of a diplomatic effort directed
at the Serbians to end their violence, Clinton, on March
24, 1999, ordered an air assault on Serbian positions in
Kosovo and Serbia proper. Backed by NATO, this undertaking provided an alternative to a land invasion,
which the Defense Department, Congress, and a majority
of the American people atly opposed. Thus, NATO aircraft ew over 34,000 sorties, ring 23,000 bombs and
missiles in its air mission in Kosovo. Among the targets
hit by American missiles, however, was the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, which caused several deaths inside the
embassy and produced a furious uproar in Beijing. As a
result of this incident, an American apology and indemnity soon followed.
The bombing produced mixed results. It did not fully
degrade the Serbian Army, as NATO had hoped, and it
produced many civilian deaths in both Kosovo and Serbia
while accelerating the forced ight of refugees from Kosovo itself. Yet as the war ended, Bill Clinton was relieved,
knowing that the mission had avoided American casualties

Ash, Timothy Garton. Kosovo: Was It Worth It? New York

Review of Books. Vol. XLVII, Number 14 (September 21,
2000): 5064.
Berman, William C. From the Center to the Edge: The Politics and
Policies of the Clinton Presidency. Lanham, Md.: Rowman &
Littleeld, 2001.
Clark, Wesley. Waging Modern War: Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Future
of Combat. New York: Public Affairs, 2001.

William C. Berman
See also Bombing; Human Rights; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Yugoslavia, Relations with.

KU KLUX KLAN. A Reconstruction-era terrorist

group founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866, the Ku
Klux Klan has been resurrected in a variety of forms from
that time to the present; it is one of the powerful, enduring symbols of violent white supremacy and bigotry in
American history.
Initially a fraternal organization for a small group of
Confederate veterans, the Reconstruction-era Klan quickly
turned in a violent, overtly political direction. Like similar
groups that appeared across the South in 1866 and 1867
(the Knights of the White Camellia, for example), the
Klan used violence and the threat of violence to thwart
perceived challenges to white supremacy and Democratic
rule. Its mayhem was intended, among other purposes, as
a means of controlling black labor, reinforcing social deference to whites, disciplining perceived instances of interracial sexual relationships, and punishing any whites
sympathetic to or working on behalf of the Republican
Party. Most often, the Klans victims were African American community leadersministers, teachers, politicians,
former or current soldiers, or anyone else who clearly
held a place of special importance among the former
slaves. Murders, oggings, beatings, and sexual assaults
carried out against these leaders often achieved the intended goal not only of undermining Reconstruction government, but also of demoralizing the wider black community. Klan terror erupted on a vast scale during the
election year of 1868, leading to more than two thousand
political assassinations and murders in the former Confederate states, often carried out with the approval or even
direct support of local Democratic leaders. Run nigger,
run, or the Kuklux will catch you, warned one Democratic newspaper in Alabama (Trelease, White Terror, p.
63). The violence completely eliminated Republican opposition in some areas of the South. Similar waves of Klan
activity in 1870 and 1872 led to a series of congressional
acts that gave the federal government historic new authority to enforce civil rights under the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth Amendments. The most signicant of these



erarchy of local, state, and national leaders, public relations advisers, a string of newspapers, and a marketing
operation that sold ofcial uniforms and other paraphernalia. Using recruiting agentswho earned a 25 percent
commission on each ten-dollar initiation feeand holding mass public ceremonies, parades, and social events to
attract widespread attention, the second Klan enrolled
perhaps as many as ve million male and female members
(women joined a separate organization, Women of the Ku
Klux Klan). Its largest state memberships and greatest local inuence came outside the South, in the Midwest and
the West. The Indiana Klan enrolled approximately 25
percent of all native-born white men in the state; at least
one half million men and women became Klan members
in Ohio.

Racial Hatred. Famous for their white robes and hoods and
the burning crosses (like this one in Edinburg, Miss., in 1967)
that were the centerpieces of their rallies, the Ku Klux Klan is
one of the most enduring American symbols of racism,
bigotry, and violence. AP/Wide World Photos

were the Enforcement Act of 1870 and the Ku Klux Klan

Act of 1871. The Klan faded from the scene after Reconstruction came to an end in 1877, but remained a vivid
symbol of barbarous racial violence in the minds of African Americansand an equally powerful emblem for
many whites of what they saw as a just struggle against
the tyranny of Reconstruction and black rule.
By the early twentieth century, idealized images of
the Klan as savior of white civilization had become a
mainstay of scholarly and popular representations of the
Reconstruction era. Thomas Dixons best selling, turnof-the-century novels The Leopards Spots and The Clansman told the story of heroic Klansmen with melodramatic
air. In 1915, the motion picture visionary D. W. Grifth
used The Clansman as the basis for his sweeping epic, Birth
of a Nation.
In that same year, previously unsuccessful fraternal
organizer William J. Simmons capitalized on the enormous popularity of Grifths lm by launching a new
Klan movement. For ve years the second Klan barely
survived, maintaining a small membership in Georgia and
Alabama. In 1920, however, in the wake of extensive postwar labor and racial strife and the onset of national Prohibition, it began a ve-year period of enormous, nationwide popularity. The revived Klan was based on romantic
images of the original, but ultimately was a very different
organization. While the rst Klan had little formal structure or leadership outside of individual communities, the
second had a highly developed organization, with a hi-


The goals and tactics of the second Klan also differed

markedly from those of the rst. While the original
movement used terror to confront the signicant challenge to white supremacy that came with Reconstruction,
the Klan of the 1920s faced no such threat and was focused instead on upholding a more general sense of white,
Protestant hegemony within American society. The perceived threat came from Catholics, Jews, immigrants,
African Americans, Prohibition-related lawlessness, gambling, prostitution, immoral popular culture and personal
behavior, and a sense of decline in religion, pure womanhood, and the family. Vigilante violence did occur in
association with the new Klan, most often in the South,
targeted in some instances, of course, against African
Americans. But more often, when violence did occur, it
was directed against fellow white Protestants as punishment for drinking, gambling, adulterous behavior, or
other perceived moral lapse. Mob violence was also directed against the Klan, particularly in northern and midwestern cities where ethnic minorities vastly outnumbered native, white Protestants and Klan parades and
demonstrations were not well received. The main thrust
of the second Klan movement, however, was to elect its
members and supporters to public ofce. Promising to
uphold traditional values and enforce the lawProhibition in particularthe Klan won control of mayors ofces, city councils, school boards, sheriff and district attorney ofces, and judgeships in many communities across
the nation. It gained complete control of state politics for
a time in Indiana, Colorado, Oregon, Oklahoma, and
Alabama, and was an important political force in almost
every state outside the Northeast. The second Klan began
to lose its momentum by 1925 when Klan politicians
proved as incapable as other elected ofcials of halting
Prohibition-related vice and other unwanted conditions.
Membership dropped precipitously after a series of scandals, the most famous involving Indiana Klan leader D. C.
Stephenson, who was convicted of second-degree murder
after committing a brutal sexual assault against an Indianapolis woman who eventually died from her injuries.
By the end of the 1920s only small pockets of Klan
members remained, most of them in the South and de-


voted primarily to perpetuating the tradition of racial vigilantism. After World War II, support for Klan groups
began to increase again as war-related social changes and
the rising expectations of African Americans threatened
the Jim Crow system. Once the civil rights movement
took hold, the spirit of massive white resistance and the
leadership of the White Citizens Council gave birth to a
number of independent, regional Klan organizations. Like
the Reconstruction-era Klan cells, these new groups operated mainly through terror, committing hundreds of
murders, and countless other acts of violence and intimidation, with the goal of stopping the second Reconstruction. In the face of intense media coverage and the persistent courage of civil rights workers, however, Klan
violence actually backred by broadening public sympathy
for the cause of racial justice. Klan groups have continued
to exist since that time as part of a diverse, sometimes violent right-wing element in American life, although consistently and effectively assailed by the Southern Poverty
Law Center and other groups. In one notable instance,
one-time Louisiana Klan leader David Duke gained widespread national attention during the late 1980s and early
1990s by proclaiming himself a mainstream conservative
Republican, winning election to the state legislature, and
falling just short of the governors ofce. National party
leaders, however, rejected Duke, underscoring the fact
that the Klan itself had lost any place of legitimacy or
inuence in American life.

Blee, Kathleen M. Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the

1920s. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.
Chalmers, David M. Hooded Americanism: The History of the Ku
Klux Klan. 3d ed. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press,
1987. The original edition was published in 1965.
Jenkins, William D. Steel Valley Klan: The Ku Klux Klan in Ohios
Mahoning Valley. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press,
Moore, Leonard J. Citizen Klansmen: The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana, 19211928. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1991.

Trelease, Allan W. White Terror: The Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy and

Southern Reconstruction. New York: Harper and Row, 1971.

Leonard J. Moore
See also Discrimination: Race; Force Acts; Jim Crow Laws;
Race Relations.

KWANZAA. Maulana Karenga, a professor and chairman of the Department of Black Studies at California
State University, Long Beach, created the African American cultural festival of Kwanzaa in 1966. The celebration
takes place annually from 26 December through 1 January. Although the American origins of this holiday are
found in the struggles for black nationalism that transpired in the 1960s, its African origins are rooted in the
historic rst fruits celebrations that have been associated with successful harvests from time immemorial.
Essential to the celebration are the Nzugo Saba (seven
principles), which outline the pan-African origins of African American peoples. The principles are: umoja (unity),
kujichagulia (self-determination), ujima (collective work
and responsibility), ujamaa (cooperative economics), nia
(purpose), kuumba (creativity), and imani (faith). One of
the seven principles is featured on each day of the weeklong celebration.
Millions of African Americans commemorate Kwanzaa annually in either family-centered or communitycentered celebrations. These events highlight the reafrmation of community, a special reverence for the Creator
and Creation, a respectful commemoration of the past, a
recommitment to lofty ideals, and a celebration of all that
is inherently good. During these cultural celebrations
Kwanzaa candles are lit, children receive heritage gifts,
and a commemorative meal takes place.

Karenga, Maulana. Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community,

and Culture. Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press,

Junius P. Rodriguez
See also African Americans; Holidays and Festivals.


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