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Seek Truth Rather Than Escape Death by Plato

Friday 1:00pm-4:00pm

Submitted to:
Allan H. Navales, MAT
College of Arts and Sciences

Submitted by:
John Raymund V. Sinahan
BIT- 4 Automotive

Submitted on:
October 12, 2016

Seek Truth Rather Than Escape Death by Plato

Plato was his early 30's when Socrates was charged and executed. Socrates is found guilty of
the charges by a vote of 281 to 220; undoubtedly, the ethical seriousness with which Socrates
spent his final days profoundly affected Plato as the young student. Socrates now explains why
he has nothing to fear from death. Socrates argues that even if the soul were not immortal,
death would be a good. Nevertheless, Socrates did not doubt the immortality of the soul.
In this story, as I conducted more research about the cause of the death of Socrates I found that
On a day in 399 BC the philosopher Socrates stood before a jury of 500 of his fellow Athenians
accused of "refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state" and of "corrupting the
youth." If found guilty; his penalty could be death. Socrates has convicted of corrupting the
youth of Athens and introducing strange gods, and has sentenced to die by drinking poison
hemlock. Socrates uses his death as a final lesson for his pupils rather than fleeing when the
opportunity arises, and faces it calmly. Plato the student of Socrates detailed his death.
I found also confusing of the death Socrates because there are some votes of Socrates totally
corrupted of some leaders. I would definitely agree on this passage as I myself have
experienced such. Not to the point where I have to decide between life and death, but on the
decision makings in life whether I have to tell the truth or to lie to cover up some mistakes.
However, the guilt and conscience always interfere. It is built to every human being to give us a
warning, our alarm clock that wakes us up from truth the borderline between committing
mistakes and doing what is right. Socrates, in his conviction from the Athenian jury, was both
innocent and guilty as charged. In Platos Five Dialogues, accounts of events ranging from just
prior to Socrates entry into the courthouse up until his mouthful of hemlock, both points are

represented. Socrates in dealing with moral law was not guilty of the crimes he was accused of
by Meletus. Socrates was only guilty as charged because his peers had concluded him as such.
The laws did not find Socrates guilty; Socrates was guilty because his jurors enforced the laws.
Socrates was accused of corrupting Athens youth, not believing in the gods of the city and
creating his own gods.
Truth never creates or perpetuates problems. It only solves, dissolves and removes problems. It
is only possible to solve problems because truth exists. Problems are solved when the truth fills
the space of what used to be the absence of truth. When truth is brought to light, it automatically
overrides falsehood because falsehood does not exist as a real thing. Truth fills the void and
non-existence of untruth. The truth replaced what used to be the absence of truth. Therefore,
truth does not do anything, including the solving of problems, because problems/falsehood do
not exist as real things. Only the truth is real, and the truth already exists. We just aren`t aware
of it. If we already know the truth, why do we have problems in our lives, and why is the world
not at complete and total peace?

For something to be truth at all, it must be relevant and beneficial to oneself, and all others,
without exception. Truth is universal and impersonal. It applies to all and excludes no one. The
truth is still the truth even if it has rejected or not currently understood. The truth is what it is
despite our opinions and beliefs about it. Seeking the truth rather than to death Socrates tells us
how to fight what is the truth that everyone would know.
Truth seeking requires that we grow beyond a sense of shame at discovering ourselves
mistaken. We strive to replace this with acceptance or even pleasure that we can grow and that
others can outgrow us. It means being willing to subsume our opinions and preferences to a
higher calling. Our yearning for truth must exceed our yearning to prove ourselves right, if reality
is to guide our action, compassion and love. The meaning of life will always be a highly debated
question, and the discovery for truth will always been undiscovered. Rely on your own inner

abilities to guide you the way you need to go and trust that whatever decisions you make your
family will in time understand. Truths are acquired only when we learn to filter all information,
including those valuable lessons and insights gained from our own personal experiences,
through our conscience. In addition, as we near death, the knowledge in our hearts at the end
must match the knowledge, which was put in our hearts in the very beginning.

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