Mock Board Examination in Esat B

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May 21, 2009

1) What is a period of a wave?

a) The number of degrees in one cycle
b) The number of zeros crossing in one cycle
c) The amplitude of a wave
d) The time required to complete one cycle
2) Which of the following colors of light rays has the
shortest wavelength?
a) yellow
b) violet
c) red
d) blue
3) A device that connects two dissimilar networks
and performs the protocol conversion.
a) gateway
b) coupler
c) transformer
d) converter
4) A major and basic advantage for the use of
a) High power
b) Efficiency
c) Lesser noise
d) Cheaper
5) A band where most military satellite often operate.
a) Ku
b) C
c) X
d) L
6) The final power amplifier in an FM transmitter
usually operates class
a) AB
b) C
c) B
d) A
7) A radio land station in the land mobile service
a) Mobile station
b) Land station
c) Base station
d) Ship earth station
8) Where do the maximum current and minimum
voltage values on a resonant Hertz dipole exist?
a) Center of the antenna
b) Near the end of the antenna
c) Near the center of the antenna
d) Ends of the antenna
9) How can the antenna efficiency of a HF grounded
vertical antenna be made comparable to that of a
half-wave antenna?
a) By lengthening the vertical
b) By shortening the vertical
c) By installing a good ground radial system
d) By isolating the coax shield from ground

10) At what distance is VHF propagation normally

a) Around 500 miles
b) Around 1500 miles
c) Around 2000 miles
d) Around 1000 miles
11) What is meant by the term antenna efficiency?
a) Efficiency = (effective radiated power /
transmitted output) x 100%
b) Efficiency = (radiation resistance /
transmission resistance) x 100%
c) Efficiency = (total resistance / radiation
resistance) x 100%
d) Efficiency = (radiation resistance / total
resistance) x 100%
12) This is referred to as a fixed radio station that
broadcasts program material from studio to
transmitter by radio link.
a) Aural BC intercity relay
b) Aural broadcast STL
c) Short-wave station
d) Remote-pickup
13) In television broadcasting, vivid strong colors are
often referred as
a) saturation
b) hue
c) chrominance
d) luminance
14) Which of the following is designated as the
international distress, safety and calling frequency
for radio telephony for stations of the maritime
mobile service when using frequencies in the
authorized bands between 156 and 174 MHz?
a) 165.8 MHz
b) 156.8 MHz
c) 158.6 MHz
d) 168.5 MHz
15) Best describe as an amplifier used in radio
a) Magnifier
b) Class B
c) Class C
d) Class A
16) The use of the telecommunication for the
transmission of signals to initiate, modify or
terminate functions of equipment at a distance.
a) Tracking
b) Space command
c) Telecommand
d) Trunking
17) Best describe as a dip-meter.
a) a field strength meter

b) an SWR meter
c) a counter
d) a variable LC oscillator with metered feedback
18) Refers to an emission designation for facsimile
a) J3E and F4E
b) A3J and A4E
c) A3C and F3C
d) R3E and A3E
19) How does a SSB transmitter output power
normally expressed?
a) Average power
b) Peak power
c) In terms of peak-to-peak power
d) In terms of peak envelope power
20) An increase in the effective power radiated by an
antenna in a certain desired direction at the
expense of power radiated in other directions.
a) Antenna gain
b) Antenna back lobe ratio
c) Antenna total ratio
d) Antenna efficiency
21) Designates the sensation of low or high in the
sense of the base and treble.
a) SPL
b) Pitch
c) Frequency
d) Intensity
22) Sound intensity is given as:
a) df / dP
b) dP / dA
c) dE / dP
d) dA / dP
23) A method of expressing the amplitude of complex
non-periodic signals such as speech.
a) volume
b) frequency
c) pitch
d) wavelength
24) A large speaker having a large diameter (15 cm
and above).
a) tweeter
b) triaxial speaker
c) coaxial speaker
d) woofer
25) Another SEG function that allows a person to be
superimposed on another scene.
a) special effect generator
b) chroma keying
c) wiper
d) visual effect
26) A form of telecommunication for the transmission
of transient images of fixed moving objects.
a) E-mail
b) Internet
c) Television

d) Radio
27) A good example of a pilot tone system used in
commercial frequency modulation stations.
a) FDM
b) Time division
c) Stereo multiplexing
d) Frequency modulation
28) A convenient method of determining antenna
a) reactance circle
b) stub matching
c) Smith chart
d) Trial and error
29) Unity gain antenna.
a) half-wave dipole
b) rhombic
c) dummy
d) isotropic
30) A region in front of a parabolic antenna.
a) Transmission zone
b) All of these
c) Fraunhofer
d) Fresnel
31) An antenna that can only receive a television
a) Isotropic antenna
b) Reference antenna
d) Yagi antenna
32) Radiation pattern of a discone
a) figure of eight
b) bi-directional
c) omnidirectional
d) unidirectional
33) Radio wave concentration in the direction of the
signal emitted by a directional antenna.
a) Back lobe radiation
b) Transmitted signal
c) Side lobe radiation
d) Major lobe radiation
34) The reflector and director of an antenna array are
considered as:
a) Transcendental elements
b) Feed-points
c) Driver elements
d) Parasitic elements
35) An electronic equipment used to measure
standing wave ratio.
a) Altimeter
b) Multimeter
c) Reflectometer
d) Wavemeter
36) The product of the power supplied to the antenna
and its gain relative to a half-wave dipole in a
given direction.
a) Rated power

b) ERP
c) Peak envelope power
d) Carrier power
37) What makes an antenna physically long but
electronically short?
a) Adding C in series
b) All of these
c) Top loading
d) Adding L in series
38) Gateway can interconnect LANs that have ___
protocols and formats.
a) the same
b) different or the same
c) totally different
d) none of these
39) Steps to follow to produce PCM signal.
a) quantizing, sampling & coding
b) sampling, quantizing, & coding
c) sampling, coding, & quantizing
d) coding, quantizing, & coding
40) Transmission sent in both directions
a) Full duplex
b) Duplex
c) Half-duplex
d) Simplex
41) ____ detects the satellite signal relayed from the
feed and convers it to an electric current, amplifies
and lower its frequency.
a) Feedhorn
b) Satellite dish
c) Satellite receiver
d) LNB
42) What kind of battery panels is used in some
advance satellites?
a) Gallium Arsenide solar panel
b) Germanium based panels
c) Silicon based panels
d) Gallium Phosphate solar panel
43) Footprint refers to coverage area in the globe.
a) Satellite radiation polarization
b) Satellite navigation
c) Satellite radiation pattern
d) Satellite coverage
44) AsiaSat I covers how many countries in Asia?
a) 38
b) 40
c) 44
d) 42
45) Insertion loss of connector-type splices for a
single-mode fiber cable.
a) 0.2 dB
b) 0.3 dB
c) 0.09 db
d) 0.38 dB

46) A non-coherent light source for optical

communications system.
a) PIN Diode
b) ILD
c) APD
d) LED
47) Type of fiber that has the highest model
a) Step-index multimode
b) Step-index single mode
c) Graded index mode
d) Graded index multimode
48) What do you call of a sound transducer that uses
a polarizing potential and depends upon
capacitance variation for generation of a
corresponding potential difference?
a) electrostatic
b) electroacoustic
c) electrodynamic
d) electromagnetic
49) A special type of electrostatic microphone which
holds polarization indefinitely without continued
application of a polarizing potential.
a) condenser microphone
b) capacitive microphone
c) electret microphone
d) all of the above
50) Sound transducer whose output potential is
generated through the flexing of crystalline
elements as it is acted by sound waves.
a) piezoelectric
b) electroacoustic
c) electrodynamic
d) electromagnetic
51) An electroacoustic transducer that radiates
acoustic power into the air. The acoustic
waveform is equivalent to the electrical input
a) electret
b) diaphragm
c) piezoelectric
d) loudspeaker
52) Loudspeaker low frequencies response will be
maximum if positioned in a room at the
a) wall center of the floor level
b) center of room
c) center of wall
d) corner
53) Chromatic dispersion is due to the effect of
a) material dispersion
b) wavelength dispersion
c) Rayleigh distribution
d) A and b
54) What wavelength is most commonly used for long
distance, high capacity system?
a) 850 nm

b) 1300 nm
c) 1550 nm
d) any of these
55) What wavelength has the minimum loss in optical
a) 850 nm
b) 1300 nm
c) 1550 nm
d) 1310 nm
56) The easy way to avoid intermodal dispersion is to
a) graded index fiber
b) plastic fiber
c) glass fiber
d) single mode fiber
57) Intermodal dispersion may be overcome by using
a) coherent light source
b) highly sensitive detectives
c) step index fiber
d) graded index fiber
58) A microcomputer attached to a network requires a
a) dongle
b) network interface card
c) RS-232
d) Software
59) To ___ is to send a file to a remote computer.
a) upload
b) download
c) call
d) transmit
60) ___ network topology has more than one level of
host computer.
a) Star
b) Bus
c) Hierarchical
d) Ring
61) It is the term that is used to describe the form or
the shape of a network.
a) network model
b) network layer
c) network topology
d) network protocol
62) The term ___ was devised by the telephone
company to describe a specific type of equipment
but today, it is used to describe a general carrier
system, a date rate, and various framing
a) OSI System
b) T1 System
c) Digital Service Unit
d) Channel Service Unit
63) It describes how terminals are connected logically
by an international link while each terminal is
operating within its own packet mode data

a) X.24
b) X.25
c) RS-232
d) X.75
64) The connectionless-mode network service
manages ___ as independent entities.
a) packets
b) routers
c) frames
d) token
65) It is a widely used transport protocol which has the
job to deliver and receive data across network
a) Data Link Protocol
b) Transmission Control Protocol
c) Data Field
d) Control Field
66) The ___ protocol provides the user interface to the
Medium Access Control Sublayer.
a) Data Link Control
b) Logical Link Control
c) IEEE protocol 802.4
d) IEEE protocol 802.3
67) It is the transmission of documents or graphics.
a) E-mail transmission
b) Facsimile transmission
c) Digital transmission
d) Analog transmission
68) A network switching that creates a dedicated
temporary connection between computers in a
a) Circuit switching
b) Message switching
c) Packet switching
d) Virtual switching
69) A data network that is built and owned by a
common carrier.
a) Public data network
b) Private data network
c) Leased line network
d) Node
70) A data communications component that provides
control or supporting services for other computers,
terminals, or devices in a network.
a) Host
b) Communications controller
c) Cluster controller
d) Interface equipment
71) A conceptual network in which all transmission
lines handle digital or digitized data.
a) Local Area Network
b) Wide Area Network
c) Integrated Services Digital Network
d) Public Switch Telephone Network
72) A device that provides a communication between
logically or physically separated network.

a) Router
b) Hub
c) Bridge
d) Modem
73) A radio system that uses digital multiplexing
technology to increase the capacity of the special
mobile radio channels.
a) Electronic Data System
b) Enhanced Radio Technology
c) Enhanced Special Mobile Radio
d) Electronic Mobile System
74) A feature that permits a subscriber to dial a
number by calling the number out to the cellular
phone, instead of punching the numbers in the
phone. This technology has been offered to
several models of mobile phones which contribute
to convenience as well as driving safety.
a) automatic dialing system
b) voice-activated dialing
c) automatic call system
d) voice-controlled system
75) It is the commonly used cellular network that
transmits voice and data over cellular channels
using analog technology.
a) A system
b) B system
c) Circuit-switched
d) Amplitude Modulated System
76) The amount of time the subscriber can leave the
fully charges cellular portable or transportable
phone turned on before the phone will completely
discharge the batteries.
a) battery time
b) standby time
c) battery life
d) cellular time
77) A process that provides security for wireless
information. Information is encoded so that it can
be read by a device with a matching decoding
a) wireless decoder
b) cellular decoder
c) encryption
d) decoder
78) A measure of the probability that a call offered to a
group of trunks or circuits will fail to find idle circuit
at the first attempt.
a) busy hour
b) traffic quantity
c) grade of service
d) erlang
79) The aggregate engagement time or occupancy
time of one or more traffic paths.
a) busy hour
b) traffic quantity
c) grade of service

d) erlang
80) Continuous hour period that has the maximum
average traffic intensity.
a) busy hour
b) traffic quantity
c) grade of service
d) erlang
81) What is the basic measurement of quality in PCM
a) slipping rate
b) bit error rate
c) S/N ratio
d) Average power
82) The part of PCM signal which consist of a series
of bit stream after quantizing and coding which
contains a full sequence or cycle of PCM process.
a) pulse frame
b) period
c) address
d) data
83) In AM, 100% modulation means an increase in
total power by ___.
a) 25%
b) 75%
c) 100%
d) 50%
84) Emission with only one sideband transmission
a) A3E
b) 3AJ
c) 11BE
d) H3E
85) In radio emission designation, what letter in the in
the first symbol represent a double-sideband type
of modulation?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
86) In radio receivers, mixing process means?
a) interference elimination
b) The combination of two signals to produce
sum and difference frequencies.
c) The elimination of noise in a wideband
receiver by phase differentiation
d) The elimination of noise in a wideband
receiver by phase comparison
87) Emission F3F refers to
a) Facsimile
b) Modulated CW
d) Television
88) Sound intensity is given as:
a. dP/dA
b. dE/dP
c. df/dP
d. dP/dE

89) Sounds we ordinarily hear have intensities in the

range from about.
a. 10-6 to 10-16 W/m2
b. 10-5 to 10-16 W/m2
c. 10-8 to 10-1 W/m2
d. none of these
90) A dome over a stadium has a diameter of 100 m
and an area of 104 m2. If the average intensity of
sound passing outward of through this surface is
10-3 W/m2, the total power is about
a. 20W
b. 10W
c. 30W
d. 40W
91) Sound intensity level is given by: in dB:
a. 10 log I/Iref
b. 20 log I/Iref
c. 10 log Pref/Iref
d. 20 log Iref/Pref
92) The reference intensity for sound in air is:
a. 10 10 W/m2
b. 10 12 W/m2
c. 10 16 W/m2
d. 10 13 W/m2
93) The intensity of sound which is 10-3 W/m2 in dB
a. 90
b. 80
c. 70
d. 60
94) Sound pressure level in dB is:
a. 20 log P/Pref
b. 10 log P/Pref
c. 10 log P/ref/P
d. 10 log I/Iref
95) Pressure amplitude reference level of sound in air:

a. 20 millipascal
b. 20 micropascal
c. 30 micropascal
d. 40 micropascal
96) A sound pressure amplitude level of 0.4 Pa
corresponds to a sound pressure level in dB equal
a. 26
b. 40
c. 86
d. 56
97) An SPL of 58 dB means:
a. 0.15 Pa
b. 0.016 Pa
c. 1.8 Pa
d. 2 Pa
98) Absence of reception.
a. skip distance
b. maximum usable
c. shadow zone
d. twilight zone
99) Each point on a spherical wavefront maybe a
source of a secondary spherical wavefront.
a. Snells Law
b. Huygens Principle
c. Rayleighs Principle
d. De Morgans theorem
100) Determine the field strength at 1 mile for a
vertical antenna wavelengths high when
power is 1 kw and antenna loop resistance is 8
a. 0.4 V/m
b. 5 mV/m
c. 1 mV/m
d. 0.2 V/m


1. D
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. C
17. D
18. C
19. D
20. A
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. D
25. B
26. C
27. C
28. C
29. D
30. B
31. C
32. C
33. D
34. D
35. C
36. B
37. A
38. C
39. B
40. B
41. D
42. A
43. C
44. A
45. D
46. D
47. B
48. A
49. C
50. A
51. D

The time required to complete one cycle

High Power
Base station
Center of the antenna
By installing a good ground radial system
Around 500 miles
Efficiency = (radiation resistance / total
resistance) x 100%
Aural broadcast STL
156.8 MHz
Class C
A variable LC oscillator with metered
feedback current
A3C and F3C
In terms of peak envelope power
Antenna gain
dP / dA
chroma keying
Stereo multiplexing
Smith Chart
all of these
major lobe radiation
parasitic elements
adding C in series
totally different
sampling, quantizing, & coding
Gallium Arsenide solar panel
Satellite radiation pattern
0.38 dB
Step-index single mode
electret microphone

52. D corner
53. D material dispersion and wavelength
54. B 1300 nm
55. C 1550 nm
56. D single mode fiber
57. D graded index fiber
58. B network interface card
59. A upload
60. C Hierarchical
61. C network topology
62. B T1 System
63. D X.75
64. A packets
65. B Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
66. B Logical Link Control
67. B Facsimile transmission
68. A Circuit Switching
69. A Public Data network
70. A Host
71. C Integrated Services Digital Network
72. C Bridge
73. C Enhanced Special Mobile Radio
74. B voice-activated dialing
75. C Circuit-switched
76. B standby time
77. C encryption
78. C grade of service
79. B traffic quantity
80. A busy hour
81. B bit error rate
82. A pulse frame
83. D 50%
84. D H3E
85. A A
86. B The combination of two signals to produce
sum and difference frequencies.
87. D Television
88. A dP/dA
89. C 10-8 to 10-1 W/m2
90. B 10W
P = IA = (103W/m2)(104m2) = 10 W
91. A 10 log I/Iref
92. B 10 12 W/m2
93. A 90
dB = 10 log (I/Iref)
dB = 10 log [(10-3W/m2) / (10-12W/m2)]
dB = 90
94. A 20 log P/Pref
95. B 20 micropascal
96. C 86
SPL = 20 log (P/Pref)
P = pressure amplitude in pascals, Pa
Pref = 20 Pa
SPL = 20 log [(0.4) / (20 x 10-6)] = 86

97. B 0.016 Pa
SPL = 20 log (P/Pref)
58 = 20 log (P/20 x 10-6)
P = 0.01588 Pa
98. C Shadow zone
99. B Huygens Principle


0.4 V/m

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