Delhi Govt Transaction of Business Rules

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In exercise of the powers conferred by section 44 of the

Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Act, 1991 (1 of

1992) the President hereby makes the following rules, namely:

These rules may be called the Transaction of Business of the
Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Rules, 1993.

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,





"the Act" means the Government of National Capital

Territory of Delhi Act, 1991(1 of 1992);
"Lieutenant Governor" means the Lieutenant Governor of
National Capital Territory of Delhi;
"Capital" means the National Capital Territory of Delhi;
"Council" means the Council Ministers appointed under
article 239AA of the Constitution;
"Chapter" means a chapter of these rules;
"Department" means a Department or office specified in
the Schedule annexed to the Business of Delhi
(Allocation) Rules, 1993;
"Government" means the Government of the National
Capital Territory of Delhi;
"Legislative Assembly" or "Legislature of the Union
Territory" means the Legislative Assembly of the
National Capital Territory of Delhi;
"Minister" means a member of the Council of Ministers,
by whatever name called, and includes a Deputy
"Schedule" means the Schedule annexed to these rules;
"Secretary" means a Secretary to the Government of the
National Capital Territory of Delhi and includes
Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor;


All other words and expressions used herein and not

defined but defined in the Act, shall have the meanings
respectively assigned to them in the Act.



3. (1) All contracts in connection with the administration of

Capital shall be expressed to be made by the President and shall be
executed on behalf of the President by such person and in such
manner as he may direct or authorise under article 299 of the
(2) A person authorised to execute and sign contracts
referred to in sub-rule(1) shall execute such contracts within the
financial powers delegated to him. In all cases involving exercise of
financial powers in excess of those delegated to him, such contracts
shall be executed after obtaining the sanction of the competent
Disposal of Business allocated among Ministers
(1) The Council shall be collectively responsible for all the
execution orders issued by any Department in the name of the
Lieutenant Governor and contracts made in the name of the President
in connection with the administration of the Capital whether such
orders or contracts are authorised by an individual Minister in respect
of a matter pertaining to the Department under his charge or as a
result or discussions at a meeting of the Council.
(2) Without prejudice to the provisos of sub-rule(1), the
Minister in charge of a Department shall be primarily responsible for
the disposal of the business pertaining to that Department.
(1) Until the rules are framed or modified in this regard by
the Lieutenant Governor under the Government of National Capital
Territory of Delhi Act, 1991 the rules and orders made by the Central

Government to regulate the procedure in its Departments for
sanctioning expenditure, appropriation and re-appropriation of funds,
public works and purchase of stores required for use in the public
services shall apply in relation to the Department of the Government,
in so far as these rules are relevant to National Capital Territory of
Delhi, subject to the modification that references to "Government" in
the said rules and orders shall be construed in relation to the
Consolidated Fund of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, as
references to the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi.
(2) Unless the proposal is fully covered by the power to sanction
expenditure or to appropriate or re-appropriate funds conferred by any
general or special orders made by the Finance Department in
accordance with the rules and orders referred to in sub-rule (1) above,
no Department shall, without the previous concurrence of the Finance
Department, issue any order which may (a) involve any abandonment of revenue or involve any
expenditure for which no provision has been made in the
appropriation Act;


involve any assignment of revenue or concession, grant,

lease or licence in respect of mineral or forest rights or rights
to water, power or any easement or privilege;


relate to the creation or abolition of posts, fixation of

strength of a service; or


have a financial bearing whether involving expenditure or


(3) No proposal which require previous concurrence of the Finance

Department under this rule, but with which the Finance Department
has not concurred, may be again proceeded with, unless a decision to
that effect has been taken by the Council.
(4) No re-appropriation shall be made by any Department other
than the Finance Department, except in accordance with such general

delegation of power of re-appropriation as the Finance Department
may make.
(5) Except to the extent that power may have been delegated to the
Departments under the rules duly approved by the Finance
Department, every order of an administrative Department conveying a
sanction to be enforced in audit shall be communicated to the audit
authorities by the Finance Department.
(6) Nothing in this rule shall be construed as authorizing any
authority or Department, including the Finance Department (a)

to make re-appropriations from one 'Grant' or 'Appropriation

for charged expenditure' to another Grant or Appropriation
for charged expenditure;


to re-appropriate funds provided for charged expenditure to

meet votable expenditure;


to re-appropriate funds provided for voted expenditure to

meet charged expenditure;


to appropriate or re-appropriate funds to meet expenditure

on a new service not contemplated in the budget as approved
by the Legislative Assembly.

The Chief Secretary shall be the Secretary to the Council and
the Principal Secretary, General Administration Department shall be
the Joint Secretary to the Council. When the Secretary to the Council
is absent, the Joint Secretary shall perform the duties of Secretary.
Subject to the orders of the Chief Minister under rule 8, all
proposals referred to in the Schedule shall be placed before the
Council in accordance with the provisions contained in this Chapter;
Provided that no proposal in regard to which the concurrence of
the Finance Department is required under rule 5 shall, save in
exceptional circumstances and under the directions of the Chief
Minister, be discussed by the Council unless the Finance Minister has
had opportunity of considering it.

All proposals referred to in the Schedule shall be submitted to
the Chief Minister, after consideration by the Minister in charge, with
a view to obtaining his orders for the circulation of the proposal under
rule 9 or for placing it for consideration of the Council.
(1) The Chief Minister may direct that any proposal
submitted to him under rule 8 may, instead of being placed for
discussion in a meeting of the Council, be circulated to the Ministers
for opinion, and if all the Ministers are unanimous and the Chief
Minister is of the opinion that discussions in a meeting of the Council
is not required, the proposal shall be treated as finally approved by the
Council. In case, Ministers are not unanimous or if the Chief Minister
is of the opinion that discussions in a meeting is required, the proposal
shall be discussed in a meeting of the Council.
(2) If it is decided to circulate any proposal, the Department
to which it belongs, shall prepare a memorandum setting out in brief
the facts of the proposal, the points for decision and the
recommendations of the Minister in charge and forward copies thereof
to the Secretary to the Council who shall arrange to circulate the same
among the Ministers and simultaneously send a copy thereof to the
Lieutenant Governor.

10. (1) While directing that a proposal shall be circulated, the

Chief Minister may also direct, if the matter be of urgent nature, that
the Ministers shall communicate their opinion to the Secretary to the
Council by a particular date, which shall be specified in the
memorandum referred to in rule 9.
(2) If any Minister fails to communicate his opinion to the
Secretary to the Council by the date so specified in the memorandum,
it shall be assumed that he has accepted the recommendations
contained therein.
(3) If the Minister has accepted the recommendations
contained in the memorandum or the date by which he was required to
communicate his opinion has expired, the Secretary to the Council
shall submit the proposal to the Chief Minister.

(4) If the Chief Minister accepts the recommendations and if

he has no observation to make, he shall return the proposal with his
orders thereon to the Secretary to the Council.
(5) On receipt of the proposal, the Secretary to the Council
shall communicate the decision to the Lieutenant Governor and pass
on the proposal to the Secretary concerned who shall thereafter take
necessary steps to issue the orders unless a reference to the Central
Government is required in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter V.
11. When it has been decided to place a proposal be fore the
Council, the Department to which it belongs, shall, unless the Chief
Minister otherwise directs, prepare a memorandum indicating
precisely the salient facts of the proposal and the points for decision.
Copies of the memorandum and such other documents, as are
necessary to enable the proposal to be disposed of shall be forwarded
to the Secretary to the Council who shall arrange to circulate the
memorandum to the Ministers and simultaneously send a copy thereof
to the Lieutenant Governor.
12. In the proposals, which relates to more than one Department,
the Minister shall, consult the other Minister concerned to arrive at
an agreement. If an agreement is reached, the memorandum referred
to in rule 9 or rule 11, shall contain the joint recommendations of the
Ministers; and if no agreement is reached, the memorandum shall
state the points of differences and the recommendations of each of the
Ministers concerned.
13. (1) The council shall meet at such place and time as the
Chief Minister may direct.
(2) Except with the permission of the Chief Minister, no case
shall be placed on the agenda of a meeting unless papers relating
thereto have been circulated as required under rule 11.
(3) After an agenda showing the proposals to be discussed
in a meeting of the Council has been approved by the Chief Minister,
copies thereof, together with copies of such memoranda as have not
been circulated under rule 11, shall be sent by the Secretary to the
Council, to the Lieutenant Governor, the Chief Minister and other
Ministers, so as to reach them at least two days before the date of

such meeting. The Chief Minister may, in case of urgency, curtail the
said period of two days.
(4) If any Minister is on tour, the agenda shall be forwarded
to the Secretary in the Department concerned who, if he considers that
the discussion on any proposal should await the return of the Minister
may request the Secretary to the Council to take the orders of the
Chief Minister for a postponement of the discussion on the proposal
until the return of the said Minister.
(5) The Chief Minister or in his absence any other Minister
nominated by the Chief Minister shall preside at the meeting of the
(6) If the Chief Minister so directs, the Secretary of the
Department concerned may be required to attend the meeting of the

(7) The Secretary to the Council shall attend all the meetings
of the Council and shall prepare a record of the decisions. He shall
forward a copy of such record to Ministers and the Lieutenant
14. (1) The decision of the Council relating to each proposal
shall be separately recorded and after approval by the Chief Minister,
or the Minister presiding , shall be placed with the records of the
proposal. After approval by the Chief Minister or the Minister
presiding , the decision of the Council as approved, shall be forwarded
by the Secretary to the Council to the Lieutenant Governor.
(2) Where a proposal has been approved by the Council and
the approved record of the decision has been communicated to the
Lieutenant Governor, the Minister concerned shall take necessary
action to give affect to the decision.


15. Except as otherwise provided by or under these rules, proposals

or matters may be disposed of by or under the authority of the
Minister-in-charge who may, by means of standing orders, give such
directions as he thinks fit for the disposal of proposals or matters in
his Department. Copies of such standing orders shall be forwarded to
the Lieutenant Governor and the Chief Minister.
16. Minister shall, by means of standing orders, arrange with the
Secretary of the Department, what matters or classes of matters are to
be brought to his personal notice. Copies of such standing orders shall
be forwarded to the Lieutenant Governor and the Chief Minister.
17. Every Monday (or if it is a holiday, on the next working day)
the Secretary shall submit to the Minister-in-charge, a statement
showing the particulars of important proposals or matters disposed of
in the Department by the Minister and the Secretary and other
Officers during the preceding week. A copy of the said statement shall
be simultaneously submitted to the Lieutenant Governor and the Chief
18. (1) When the subject of any proposal or matter relates to
more than one department , no order shall be issued (nor shall the
proposal be placed before the Council) till it has been considered by
all the Departments concerned, unless the proposal is one of extreme
(2) If the Departments concerned are not in agreement
regarding such a proposal, the Ministerin-charge of any one of the
Departments, may, if he wishes to proceed with the proposal, direct
that the proposal be submitted to the Chief Minister for order or
direction or for laying it before the Council.
19. (1)
A Secretary may call for and see the papers in any
Department, other than the Finance Department or Appointments
Department, if such papers are required for the disposal of any
proposal or matter in his Department.
(2) A requisition made under sub-rule(1) shall be dealt with
under the general or special order of the Minister-in-charge.

(3) (a). Minister may call for papers from any Department
for his information:
Provided that if the paper is of a secret nature, it shall be
forwarded to the Minister only after obtaining the necessary orders
from the Minister-in-charge of the Department to which it belongs:
Provided further that no paper under disposal shall be
forwarded to any Minister until it has been seen by the Minister-incharge of the Department to which it belongs.
(b) If the Minister is of the opinion that any further
action should be taken on the papers called for by him from any
Department he shall communicate his views to the Minister-in-charge
of the Department concerned and in case of disagreement, may submit
the case to the Chief Minister with a request that the matter be laid
before the Council. No further note shall be recorded in the case
before the papers are so laid before the Council.
(4) (a) The Chief Secretary may, on the orders of the Chief
Minister or any Minister or of his own motion, call for and see the
papers relating to any proposal or matter in any department and such
requisition by him shall be complied with by the Secretary to the
Department concerned.
(b) The Chief Secretary may, after examination of the
proposal or matter submit it for the orders of the Minister-in-charge,
or of the Chief Minister through the Minister-in-charge.
(5) The Lieutenant Governor may call for papers relating to any
proposal or matter in any Department and such requisition shall be
complied with by the Secretary to the Department concerned, he shall
simultaneously inform the Minister-in-charge of the department of the
action taken by him.
20. If at any stage it becomes difficult to determine to which
department the proposal or matter belongs, the subject matter shall be
referred for the decision of the Chief Secretary, who will, if deemed
necessary , obtain the order of the Chief Minister.
21. All communications, received from the Central Government
(including those from the Prime Minister and other Ministers of the

Central Government, other than those of a routine or unimportant
character, shall, as soon as possible after their receipt, be submitted by
the Secretary, to the Minister-in-charge, the Chief Minister and
Lieutenant Governor for information.
22. Any matter which is likely to bring the Government of the
Capital into controversy with the Central Government or with any
State Government, shall, as soon as possible, be brought to the notice
of the Lieutenant Governor and the Chief Minister.
23. The following classes of proposals or matters shall essentially
be submitted to the Lieutenant Governor through the Chief Secretary
and the Chief Minister before issuing any orders thereon, namely:

matters which affect or are likely to affect the peace and

tranquility of the capital;
(ii) matters which affect or are likely to affect the interest of any
minority community, Scheduled Castes and backward
(iii) matters which affect the relations of the Government with
any State Government , the Supreme Court of India or the
High Court of Delhi;
(iv) proposals or matters required to be referred to the Central
Government under the Act or under Chapter V;
(v) matters pertaining to the Lieutenant Governor's Secretariat
and personnel establishment and other matters relating to
his office;
matters on which Lieutenant Governor is required to
make order under any law or instrument in force;

petitions for mercy from persons under sentence for death

and other important cases in which it is proposed to
recommend any revision of a judicial sentence;
(vii) matters relating to summoning, prorogation and dissolution
of the Legislative Assembly, removal of disqualification of
voters at elections to the Legislative Assembly, Local Self
Government Institutions and other matters connected with
those; and
(viii) any other proposals or matters of administrative importance
which the Chief Minister may consider necessary.

Where the Lieutenant Governor is of the opinion that
any further action should be taken or that action should be taken
otherwise than in accordance with the orders passed by the Ministerin-charge , he may require the proposal or matter to be placed before
the Council for consideration;
Provided that the notes, minutes or comments of the
Lieutenant Governor in any such case shall not be brought on the
Secretariat record unless the Lieutenant Governor so directs.


The Chief Minister shall:

(a) cause to be furnished to the Lieutenant Governor such

information relating to the administration of the Capital and proposals
for legislation as the Lieutenant Governor may call for; and
(b) if the Lieutenant Governor so requires, submit for the
consideration of the Council any matter on which a decision has been
taken by a Minister but which has not been considered by the Council.
The Finance Department shall be consulted in all matters
in which its previous concurrence is necessary under these rules.
When the Finance Department is consulted under these
rules, the views of that Department shall be brought on to the
permanent record of the Department to which the case belongs and
shall form part of the proposal.
(1) The Finance Minister may requisition any records
from any Department in which financial consideration is involved and
the Department, to whom the request is addressed, shall supply the
record immediately.
(2) On receipt of the requisite records the Finance
Minister may order that the records with his notes on them be
submitted to the Council.

(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule(1) of rule 5 of
these rules, the Finance department may make rules to regulate the
financial procedure.


Except as hereinafter provided, the Law Department shall
not be, in respect of a Legislation, an originating or initiating
Department and its function will be to put into proper legal shape the
proposals of Legislation on which the policy decision has been taken
and every proposal to initiate legislation shall be considered in and if
necessary, transferred to the Department to which the subject matter
of the legislation relates and the necessity for legislation and all
matters of substance to be embodied in the bill shall be discussed and
subject to rule 4, settled in such Department.
The Legislative proposal shall be processed like other
proposal or matters of a Department:
Provided that the Legislative proposals shall not be
submitted to the Chief Minister until the Department concerned has
consulted the Law Debarment as to:


the need for the proposed legislation from legal point of

the competence of the Legislature of the Capital to enact the
measure proposed;
the requirement of the Constitution, Act or any other law
for the time being in force as to the obtaining of previous
sanction of the President, or recommendations of the
Lieutenant Governor; and
the consistency of the proposed measure with the provisions
of the Constitution and in particular those relating to the
fundamental rights.


If it has been decided to process the legislative proposal,
the department shall, if the proposal involves expenditure from the
Consolidated Fund of the Capital prepare, in consultation with the
Finance Department, a financial memorandum. The proposal shall be
forwarded to the Law Department requesting it to draft the Bill
32. The Law Department shall thereafter prepare a draft Bill and
return the proposal along with the draft Bill to the Department
33. The Administrative Department shall obtain the opinion of such
officers and bodies as it deems necessary on the draft Bill and submit
the opinion so received with a copy of the draft Bill to the Minister-incharge.
34. If the draft bill is approved by the Minister in charge, it shall be
circulated to other Ministers and a copy thereof shall be supplied to
the Lieutenant Governor and thereafter the draft shall be placed in a
meeting of the Council in accordance with these rules.
35. If it is decided to proceed with the draft Bill with or without
amendments, the Administrative Department shall send the case to the
Law Department requesting it to prepare a final draft of the Bill.
36. The Law Department shall then finalise the draft and send it to
the concerned Department indicating at the same time, the sanctions if
any required for the Bill. If any provisions in the Bill involving
expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of the Capital are modified in
the finalised draft, the Administrative Department shall send the
finalised draft Bill to the Finance Department for revising the
financial memorandum.
37. The Administrative Department shall then forward the final
draft Bill to the Law Department with the instructions of the Council
thereon including instructions as to its introduction in the Legislative
Assembly along with the copies of required statements and such as the
Statement of Objects and Reasons, the Financial Memorandum, the
Memorandum of Delegated Legislation, Memorandum regarding
Recommendations of the Lieutenant Governor, etc. After such

transfer, the proposal shall be deemed to belong to the Law

38. Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 29 measures

designed solely to codify and consolidate existing enactments and
legislation of a formal character such as repealing and amending Bills
may be initiated in the Law Department.
Provided that the Law Department shall forward a copy of the
draft Bill to the Department which is concerned with the subject
matter, for consideration as an administrative measure and the
Department to which it is forwarded shall forthwith make such
enquiries as it thinks fit and shall send to the Law Department its
opinion thereon together with a copy of every communication
received by it on the subject.
39. (1) Whenever a private member of the Legislative Assembly
gives notice of his intention to move for leave to introduce a Bill, the
Secretary (Legislative Assembly) shall, forthwith, send a copy of the
said Bill and the Statement of Objects and Reasons, Memorandum
regarding Delegated Legislation and Financial Memorandum, if any,
for information of the Chief Minister, Minister in charge of Law,
Justice and Legislative Affairs Departments and to the Department to
which the proposal belongs.
(2) The Bill shall be dealt with as a proposal by the Law
Department in the first instance, which shall consider its technical
aspects, such as, need for previous sanction of President or the
Lieutenant Governor and competence of Legislative Assembly to
enact the measure and thereafter the Law Department shall forward it
along with its opinion to the Department to which it belongs.
(3) If any provision of such Bill involves expenditure from
the Consolidated Fund of the Capital, the Department shall before it is
circulated, prepare in consultation with the Finance Department, the
Financial Memorandum in respect of the Bill.
40. The provisions of rule 39 shall apply, as far as may be, to all
amendments of substance recommended by Select Committee and

also to all amendments, notice of which is given by members of the
Legislature for being moved during the consideration of a Bill in that


42. (1) When a Bill has been passed by the Legislative Assembly
it shall be examined in the Department concerned and the Law
Department and shall be presented to the Lieutenant Governor with:(a)

A report of the Secretary of the Department concerned as

to the reason, if any, why the Lieutenant Governor's
assent should not be given; and


A report of the Law Secretary as to the reasons, if any,

why the Lieutenant Governor's assent should not be
given or the Bill should not be reserved for consideration
of the President.

(2) Where the Lieutenant Governor directs that the Bill

should be reserved for the consideration of the President or returned to
the Legislative Assembly, together with a message for reconsideration
as is mentioned in the first proviso to section 24 of the Act, necessary
action in that behalf shall be taken by the Secretary to the Lieutenant
Governor in consultation with Secretary to the Administrative
Department concerned and Law Secretary.
(3) After obtaining the assent of the Lieutenant Governor or
the President, as the case may be, the Law Department shall take steps
for publication of the Bill in the Official Gazette as an Act of the
Legislative Assembly.
43. Whenever any Department (other than the Law Department)
proposes to (i)


issue statutory rules, notification or order;

allow under a statutory proviso the making of any rule,
bye-law, notification or order by subordinate authority;
submit to the Central Government any draft of a statutory
rule, notification or order for issue by that Government;

the draft shall be referred to the Law Department for examination.
44. (1) All administrative Departments shall consult the Law
Department on

proposals for legislation;

the making of statutory rules, order, notifications, byelaws, regulations, schemes, etc.
any general legal principles arising out of any case;
the institution or withdrawal of any prosecution at the
instance of any administrative Department; and
the preparation of important contracts to be entered into
by or on behalf of the Government.

(2) Every such reference shall be accompanied by an

accurate statement of the facts of the case and the point or points on
which the advice of the Law Department is desired.

Disposal of business relating to Lieutenant Governor's Executive
The Lieutenant Governor, may by standing orders in
writing, regulate the transaction and disposal of the business relating
to his executive functions:
Provided that the standing orders shall be consistent with the
provisions of this Chapter, Chapter V and the instructions issued by
the Central Government for time to time.
Provided further that the Lieutenant Governor shall in respect
of matters connected with 'public order', 'police' and 'land' exercise his
executive functions to the extent delegated to him by the President in
consultation with the Chief Minister, if it is so provided under any
order issued by the President under article 239 of the Constitution.
Provided further that 'standing orders' shall not be inconsistent with
the rules concerning transaction of business.
(1) With respect to persons serving in connection with
the administration of the National Capital Territory, the Lieutenant
Governor shall, exercise such powers and perform such functions as

may be entrusted to him under the provisions of the rules and orders
regulating the conditions of service of such persons or by any other
order of the President in consultation with the Chief Minister, if it is
so provided under any order issued by the President under article 239
of the Constitution.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) the
Lieutenant Governor shall consult the Union Public Service
Commission on all matters on which the Commission is required to be
consulted under clause(3) of article 320 of the Constitution; and in
every such case he shall not make any order otherwise than in
accordance with the advice of the Union Public Services Commission
unless authorised to do so by the Central Government.
(3) All correspondence with Union Public Service
Commission and the Central Government regarding recruitment and
conditions of service of persons serving in connection with the
administration of National Capital Territory shall be conducted by the
Chief Secretary or Secretary of the Department concerned under the
direction of the Lieutenant Governor.
47. The matter in respect of which no specific provision has been
made in these rules, the Lieutenant Governor shall consult the Central
Government before exercising his powers or discharging his functions
in respect of that matter.
Referring to the Central Government


49. In case of difference of opinion between the Lieutenant

Governor and a Minister in regard to any matter, the Lieutenant
Governor shall endeavour by discussion on the matter to settle any
point on which such difference of opinion has arisen. Should the
difference of opinion persist, the Lieutenant Governor may direct that
the matter be referred to the Council
50. In case of difference of opinion between the Lieutenant
Governor and the Council with regard to any matter, the Lieutenant
Governor shall refer it to the Central Government for the decision of
the President and shall act according to the decision of the President.


51. Where a case is referred to the Central Government in

pursuance of rule 50, it shall be competent for the Lieutenant
Governor to direct that action shall be suspended pending the decision
of the President on such case or in any case where the matter, in his
opinion, is such that it is necessary that immediate action should be
taken to give such direction or take such action in the matter as he
deems necessary.
52. Where a direction has been given by the Lieutenant Governor in
pursuance of rule 51, the Minister concerned shall take action to give
effect to such direction.
53. (1) In respect of each financial year, the Lieutenant Governor
shall have an Annual Plan (which shall represent the approved phase
for that year in the Five Year Plan for the National Capital Territory)
drawn up with such details as the Central Government may, by order
(2) After the Annual Plan has been considered by the
Lieutenant Governor and his Council, it shall be referred to the
Central Government for approval.
54. (1) The form of Annual financial statement of the National
Capital Territory (including the Grants and appropriations into which
it shall be divided) and the procedure for obtaining the approval of the
President to this statement shall be such as the Central Government
may by order prescribe.
Each demand for Grant or appropriation shall be so
drawn up as to indicate separately the provision for plan schemes and
the provision for non-plan expenditure.
55. (1) The Lieutenant Governor shall refer to the Central
Government every legislative proposal, which

if introduced in a Bill form and enacted by the

Legislative Assembly, is required to be reserved for the
consideration of the President under the proviso to subclause (c) of clause (3) of article 239 AA or, as the case
may be, under the second proviso to section 24 of the


attracts provisions of articles 286, 287, 288 and 304 of

the Constitution as applicable to the Capital;
relates to any matter which may ultimately necessitate
additional financial assistance from the Central
Government through substantive expenditure from the
Consolidated Fund of the Capital or abandonment of
revenue or lowering of rate of any tax.

Subject to any instructions which may from time to time
be issued by the Central Government, the Lieutenant Governor shall
make a prior reference to the Central Government in the Ministry of
Home Affairs or to the appropriate Ministry with a copy to the
Ministry of Home Affairs in respect of the following matters:(a)




proposals affecting the relations of the Central

Government with any State Government, the Supreme
Court of India or any other High Court;
proposals for the appointment of Chief Secretary and
Commissioner of Police , Secretary (Home) and
Secretary (Lands);
important cases which affect or are likely to affect the
peace and tranquility of the National Capital Territory;
cases which affect or are likely to affect the interests of
any minority community, Scheduled Castes or the
backward classes.

56. When a matter has been referred by the Lieutenant Governor to

the Central Government under these rules, further action thereon shall
not be taken except in accordance with the decision of the Central

57. The Chief Secretary and the Secretary of the Department
concerned are severally responsible for the careful observance of
these rules and when either of them considers that there has been any

material departure from these rules, he shall personally bring it to the
notice of the Minister-in-charge, Chief Minister and the Lieutenant

(See rules 7 and 8)
Proposals relating to summoning and prorogation and
dissolution of the Legislative Assembly, removal or disqualification
of voters at election to the Legislative Assembly, fixing of date of
elections to the Legislative Assembly and local self-government,
institutions and other connected matters.
The annual financial statements to be laid before the Legislative
Assembly and demands for supplementary, additional or excess
Proposals in which the opinion of the Council to any resolution
or Bill to be moved in the Legislative Assembly is to be determined.
Proposals for the imposition of a new tax or any change in the
method of assessment or the pitch of any existing tax or land revenue
or irrigation rates.
Proposals which affect the finances of the Capital which do not
have the consent of the Finance Minister
Proposals for re-appropriation to which the consent of the
Finance Minister is required and has been withheld.
Proposals involving the alienation, either temporary or
permanent, or of sale, grant or lease of Government property
exceeding rupees one lakh in value or the abandonment or reduction
of revenues exceeding that amount except when such alienation, sale,
grant or lease of Government property is in accordance with the rules
or with a general scheme already approved by the Council.
The annual audit review of the finance of the Capital and report
of the Public Accounts Committee.

Proposals involving any important change in policy or practice.


10. Orders embodying important changes in the administrative

system of the Capital.
11. Proposals for the institution or withdrawal of a prosecution by a
Department against the advice tendered by the Law Department.
12. Proposals for the creation or abolition of any public office the
maximum remuneration of which exceeds rupees five hundred.
13. Appointment of Committees of Inquiry on the initiative of the
Department or in pursuance of a resolution passed by the Legislative
Assembly and reports of such committees.
14. Proposal or matters required by the Lieutenant Governor or
Chief Minister to be brought before the Council.
15. Proposals relating to rules to be made under the proviso to subsection (1) of section 33 of the Act.
16. Draft Bills and proposals for legislation including issue of
17. Proposals for reference to President for decision on question
arising as to whether a member of the Legislative Assembly has
become subject to any disqualification under sub-section (1) of
section 15 of the Act.
18. Any proposal to recover or to waive off the recovery of the
penalty imposed under section 17 of the Act.
19. Proposals to vary or reverse a decision previously taken by the

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