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CI Jan p56-60 Contrib



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Revolution now!
Following two articles published in Containerisation International two years ago*, Dr Asaf Ashar
addresses two related issues: the need to coordinate the development of ships and ports, and
the possible differentiation between two container-shipping systems a standard (existing) and a
specialised system. He also looks at the main features of the specialised system.
shift in ship-to-ship transfer technology.
it. The fourth revolution centres on the emerhe development of the liner shipping sysERTW will not handle all the east/west trade
gence of new global service patterns driven by
tem can be characterised as both an evobut, perhaps, about half of it. The rest is likely to
network economies. Network theory suggests
lutionary and revolutionary mixture. As
continue utilising existing service patterns, espethat the most efficient east/west service pattern
illustrated in Fig 1, the evolution is in the size of
cially the so-called pendulums which are, in
is the equatorial round-the-world (ERTW), folthe systems main components, ships and ports;
fact, round-the-world services missing one leg.
lowing the beltwayof the world.
the revolution refers to expansion in the sysThese pendulums, although based on direct
ERTW needs only 6 x 15,000TEU (NPX)
tems scope and the related changes in the syscalls, will also involve extensive transhipment.
ships per string, assuming it only calls at seven
tems links.
Hence, it is quite likely that the transhipment
pure transhipment ports (PTPs). Since ERTW
The evolution is depicted by the blue line in
technologies discussed below may also be
simultaneously serves all east/west trades, it can
the figure; the revolution by the red. The revoadopted by non-ERTW transhipment ports.
employ the largest and most cost-effective ships
lution line is composed of several short overThe fourth revolution is expected to be the
on the shortest route, and with the highest freriding segments. The first relates to the change
final one, as illustrated in Fig 1, at the
in ship-to-shore transfer, introducFIG 1: EVOLUTION AND REVOLUTION IN LINER SHIPPING
end of which the system will reach a
ing containers; the second to the
stage of long-term stability. No furintermodal expansion via landScope, size
ther restructuring of service patterns
bridges; and the third to the tranor, perhaps, reversal of the global
shipment expansion that created a
Service pattern
grid, is expected. This is simply
stratified network of direct and
because an ERTW-based shipping
feeder shipping services.
system is the most efficient possible,
The evolution has recently
barring radical changes in cargo
reached an advanced stage,
Ship and
flows or ship technology. As to the
whereby the second generation of
port size
latter, there is a trend toward smaller
post-panamax ships, referred hereShip-to-rail
and faster ships (eg semi-planing,
after to as Post II, have a capacity of
multi-hull), although they are five to
8,000TEU and are rumored to soon
10 times more expensive than ships
grow to 10,000TEU. Larger ships
of conventional design. The faster
of up to 18,000TEU are being
ships may thus only have a very limextensively studied. The author sugited application, mainly for shorter
gests that post-panamax container
routes and high-value cargoes curships should be classified according
rently handled by air transport.
to their relationship to Panama
While no fifth revolution is
Canal locks, discarding the older
expected in the foreseeable future, there is still a
quency. The ERTW is expected to bring about a
classification based on TEU capacity and a
question regarding the size of the systems comhierarchical global gridof east/west, north/south
more recent one that includes superlatives such
ponents at the ultimate settling point of the evoand regional services, illustrated in Fig 2.
as super post-panamax, mega-ships etc. The
lution line. The effectiveness of any shipping
The fourth revolution is expected to be trigmost restricting dimension of current locks is
system is predicated on a coordinated developgered by the expansion of the Panama Canal.
their width, equivalent to 13 rows of containers.
ment of its two components: the ship and the
The expansion is already under extensive study
Accordingly, Post I would be defined as
port. Ships cannot dictate to ports and ports canand, if found viable, a new series of locks and
ships with 14 to 15 rows across, such as APLs
not force ships neither is a leader nor a folthe related NPX ship standard will be in opera15-wide, 4,340TEU vessels; Post II tonnage
lower, both are equal participants in the same
tion in 2010. All east/west trade served by the
would be 16 to 18 containers wide, for examshipping system. Desirably (but not necessarily),
ERTW is expected to undergo at least two tranple, Maersk Sealands 17-wide, 8,200TEU
their coordinated development should settle at
shipments, with some boxes being transhipped
ships; and Post III 19 to 22 containers wide. The
the point whereby the system cost, as the comup to four times (regional north/south
table shows the typical dimensions of these
bined cost of the ship and port, is at its minimum.
east/west north/south regional, as in Fig 2).
ships, including the new-panamax (NPX),
The two components of the shipping system
Transhipment of this magnitude is uneconomiexpected to determine the dimensions of the
have different cost characteristics. Larger ships
cal using existing land-based terminals and
next generation of containerships, the Post III.
have lower costs, while the ports needed to serve
transfer technologies. Hence, the revolution
The third revolution, which is still unfoldthese ships have higher costs. Ships economies
depends on two equally important factors:
ing, completes the expansion of the systems
dwindle quickly as they grow beyond Post II.
expansion of the Panama Canal and a paradigm
scope; and the fourth is predicted to restructure

*(see Containerisation International, December 1999, The fourth revolution pp57-61, and January 2000, 2020 vision pp35-39.)


Containerisation International January 2002

CI Jan p56-60 Contrib



Page 57

immense environHowever, ports diseconomies accelerate as terSHIPS' CHARACTERISTICS
mental impacts and
minals are enlarged to handle the larger ships.
Capacity Length x Beam x Draught Arrangement
their respective mitiNaturally, at some point, the gains in shipscosts
gation costs.
fail to compensate for the additional expenses in
4 500
There is an interports costs. Beyond this point, as illustrated in
Maersk Sealand S-class
7 500
esting institutional
Fig 3, the entire shipping system switches from
9 200
Maersk Sealand 'Rumour'
10 500
angle to the problem
scale economies to scale diseconomies. The sysMalacamax
18 000
of ship-port interactems cost realities are acknowledged by the ship
12-15 000
14.5 9/10 - 6 - 22
tion. Port infrastrucbuilding industry. For example, Dr Hans Payer,
member of the executive board of Germanischer
Source: Ocean carriers
provided by public,
Lloyd, which is the largest classification society
on the dimensions of channels, ports and
tax-supported port authorities and related govfor container ships, has said: It is doubtful that
container ships. If, indeed, the system cost
ernmental agencies. Investing public monies in
the economy of scale (in ship size) can be carried
reaches its minimum at 8,000TEU, the agreed
larger port facilities is justified by savings in
on indefinitely.
international standard for access channel should
overall shipping costs that benefit the public at
No comprehensive research has yet been
be for a 15.2m (50ft) draught and the respective
large. There is no point in such investments if
undertaken to explore the peculiarities of the
width and turning angles. A timely agreement
the result is a higher system cost. Put differsystem cost of container shipping and to detercould save the costs associated with uncertainty
ently, public investments in ports and related
mine the optimal size of its components. It
and mistakes, benefiting all participants.
infrastructures, such as access channels, land
appears that the minimum system cost point is
It should be emphasised that coordination
reclamation, access road and rail, should be
reached at ships of 8,000TEU, or at the midon channel dimensions is not intended to limit
guided solely by the broader public interest and
range of Post II ships, with a fully-loaded
competition between ports and lines, but to
not by that of one party.
draught of about 14.5m, requiring channel
guide it into the range whereby its results are
The large ships of the future are expected to
depth of about 15.2m (50ft).
beneficial to the public at large. A revealing
call mainly at transhipment hubs.
There is some evidence that this indeed is
comparison is with a public works department
Transhipment, or ship-to-ship transfer, is essenthe systems optimum. For example, Professor
that regulates the dimensions of pubWijnolsts study of the 18,000TEU
lic roads and trucks, while not interMalacamax calculates that on the
fering with the competition among
longest east/west trade between Asia
truck operators on these roads.
and Europe, increasing ship size by North/South w1
As seen in Fig 3, while system
50%, from 8,000 to 12,000TEU
cost increases beyond the 8,000TEU
(Suezmax), results in cost savings of
range, ship cost continues to
US$20/TEU. A similar saving is
decrease, though at a slower pace.
realised when the size increases an
Larger ships have a lower operating
additional 50%, from 12,000TEU to
cost (mainly due to savings in fuel
18,000TEU. The 18,000TEU ship
consumption and labour), construcrequires a channel depth of 22m (72
Equatorial Round the World
tion cost (deeper and wider ships are
ft). The port of New York estimates
cheaper to expand as demonstrated
that increasing its channel depth 5,000
by bulkers), propulsion cost (deeper
from the present 13.7m to 15.2m
draught allows larger and more effi(45ft to 50ft) would cost $1.5 billion.
cient propellers), etc. Hence, some
Using rough extrapolation, the
ocean carriers may opt to disregard
cost to further dredge New York to
the recommended standards and
22m could reach $7 billion!
operate large, non-standardships.
Assuming the total throughput of
A possible policy adopted by a
New York is doubled from the preWorld Maritime Council could be to
sent 3 million to 6 million
limit non-standard ships to non-standard or spetially an internal activity of ocean carriers. This
TEU/year, and taking 8% per annum for costs of
cialised ports, to be developed by the carriers at
is particularly the case when both mothership
capital recovery and maintenance dredging, the
their expense. In line with fourth revolution theand feedership belong to the same line. These
channel cost will average about a $100/TEU ($7
ory, these ports may be located on the equatorports function as private ports and should not be
billion x 8% / 6 million TEU). If only half of
ial route and will be dedicated to transhipment
developed by public monies. This new reality
New Yorks throughput comes on such large
and defined as pure transhipment ports. But
has recently been demonstrated in the US with
ships, the channel cost of this half will double to
even if the revolution and the related ERTW fail
Maersk Sealand electing to develop its Norfolk
$200/TEU, or 10 times the savings in ship cost!
to materialise, it is logical to assume that the
hub on private land, outside the Virginia Port
New York is not alone in its dredging predicanon-standard, large ships will mainly call at
Authority; and SSA/Americana choosing
ment. Huge dredging costs, far beyond any contranshipment hubs invoking massive ship-toTexas City, outside the public Port of Houston.
ceivable savings in ship costs, are also expected
ship activity.
Containerisation, from its early stage, was
in Savannah, Charleston, Antwerp, Hamburg,
The result will be the creation of a differentiinvolved in unprecedented worldwide coordiBremenhaven, Felixstowe, Shanghai, and many
ated shipping system, consisting of a standard
nation and cooperation. The size and weight of
other ports worldwide.
system, based on standard ships calling at pubboxes were determined by voluntary agreeExpansion of the Panama Canals locks to
licly-supported, shore-based ports; and a spements to allow all ports the use of standard hanaccommodate Malacamax ships would be even
cialised system, based on very large ships calling
dling equipment. It seems that it is now
costlier (if possible at all). The above costs did
at proprietary, specialised ports geared toward
appropriate for port and maritime authorities,
not include the required rehabilitation and
transhipment. The possible characteristics of the
along with respective governmental agencies, to
expansion of shore-based terminals to handle
non-standard systems are discussed below.
get together and establish a global organisation
these ships, along with the expansion of respecThe present layout of the most advanced
(World Maritime Council) that, in turn, agrees
tive road and rail infrastructure. There are also
January 2002 Containerisation International


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8,000TEU, 50ft


shore-based transhipment ports cannot cope with

the massive ship-to-ship transfer activity expected
in the future for pure transhipment ports.
Presently, the box is first moved from mothership
to yard, buriedthere in a nine-high stack served
by bridge cranes. Then, unburied and transported by prime-movers to a feedership berthed
far from the originating mothership. If all transfers
in the future pure transhipment port are between
ships, why not avoid the yard and the cumbersome land transport to/from stack? A natural
way of moving boxes between ships is by water.
Fig 4 presents a conceptual cross-section of
a floating terminal with two-sided handling. To
avoid lashing, the pontoons may be equipped
with a cellular structure, turning the ship-topontoon handling into a fast cell-to-cell transfer.
The ship-to-ship transfer process is quite simple: the boxes are first moved from the mothership onto floating pontoons, with each pontoon
holding boxes destined to one feedership or
even one port. For example, in a Gibraltar pure
transhipment port the mothership can discharge
the boxes destined to the North Continent feeder
onto pontoons classified by port: Antwerp,
Rotterdam, Hamburg etc. Other boxes could be
discharged to the UK, Baltic, North Africa,
western Mediterranean feeders, etc. The pontoons can be moved either to a temporary storage (fleeting) area, or directly to the feederships.
The pontoons of the floating system have a
dual role, serving as both transport vehicles and
a floating storage yard. They replace the entire
system of yard cranes, prime movers, storage

stacks, and respective waterfront areas of present shore-based terminals. A preliminary

assumption regarding the pontoon dimensions
is the use of barges similar to the popular socalled Jumbo barge of the US inland waterway
system (195ft x 35ft x 9ft and 1,500dwt), which
may hold 128TEU (4 x 4 x 8). They could be
designed for quick linkage in a train-like fashion, so that a single tug could tow a train of 4
pontoons with 512TEU, making the ship-toship transport quite economical. The floating
train could shuttle periodically between
mother vessels, feeders and fleeting areas for
pick-up and drop-off of pontoons.
Using water for transporting boxes
between ships has another advantage. The
floating transhipment terminal, unlike present
shore-based terminals, is less sensitive to the
distance between mother and feeder ships.
Hence, mother and feeder terminals can be constructed in different locations and according to
different specifications of channel depth, crane
dimensions, etc, resulting in significant savings. The mother terminal can be located in natural deepwater bays to reduce dredging costs.
The floating terminal system inverts the
notion of a port. Instead of ships coming to port,
the port is coming to ships. Another radical
change allowed by the pontoon-based ship-toship transfer is the handling of multi-box units.
A modest beginning could be based on special
inter-box connectors to create blocks of 4TEU
(see Fig 4). This could dramatically enhance
productivity and reduce the number of cranes
required to work the ship, although the size of
cranes needs to increase. For example, productivity of 400TEU/hour could be achieved by six
cranes working at 16 cycles/hour, lifting
4TEU/cycle (6 x 16 x 4).
A bolder option allowed by the floating
design is the formation of larger multi-box units
similar to the LASH (Lighter Aboard Ship).
The ERTW containerships could carry packetsof 32TEU (4 x 4 x 2, 350 tons, assuming an
average of 10 tons/TEU plus frame) framed
together. However, unlike LASH, the proposed
ships will not carry barges onboard and will be
gearless, since the gantry cranes will be
installed at the floating terminals. Assuming an
average cycle time of six minutes (10


Dr Asaf Ashar heads the group of port and
intermodal systems of the National Ports
& Waterways Institute, a joint maritime
research programme of the University of
New Orleans and The George Washington
University (Washington DC). Dr Ashar is
based in Washington DC and can be
reached on [email protected]

cycles/hour) and four cranes per ship, the handling productivity could reach 1,280TEU/hour
(32 x 4 x 10). Accordingly, a 15,000TEU ship,
handling half of its boxes at a pure transhipment
port, could be handled within 12 hours.
Floating terminals may appear radically
different from current land-based terminals.
However, there are several notable examples of
floating terminals already in operation. The
mid-stream transfer of containers in Hong
Kong is based on floating derricks mounted on
barges with capacities of 60TEU to 100TEU.
Typically, four barges are assigned to a mothership (two on each side) with combined productivity of 60 moves/hour. The low productivity
can be attributed to the low-tech cranes and the
unprotected water. Nevertheless, Hong Kongs
midstream barges are currently handling more
than 3 million TEU per year.
Large-capacity, general-purpose floating
cranes are also available in many ports.
Likewise, there are many heavy-lift ships
equipped with large cranes. For example,
recently a Jumbo 1600 ship was launched,
equipped with two cranes, each with a lifting
capacity of 800 tons at 28m.
Therefore, the development of the
container shipping system has reached the point
where size economies are turning into diseconomies. Participants, especially ports and
ocean carriers, are aware of this change and are
consequently looking for guidance. A voluntary, industry-based council could provide such
guidance in the form of an agreed-upon set of
dimensional standards for ships and ports.
Lines may disregard these standards and
elect to operate non-standard, large ships. In this
case, they should also provide their own proprietary terminals to handle these ships. The nonstandard ships are likely to only call at
transhipment hubs, including the pure transhipments ports of the ERTW which are expected to
emerge following the fourth revolution. The present shore-based configuration of container terminals is unsuitable for massive transhipment. It
may be replaced by a floating configuration,
using pontoons to store and transport boxes, and
300-ton floating cranes for lifting multi-box units.
The result would be a differentiation
between two complementary shipping systems.
A standard system, based on standard ships and
standard shore-based ports geared toward shipto-shore transfer, and a specialised system,
based on larger ships and floating ports geared
toward ship-to-ship transfer.
January 2002 Containerisation International


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