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Text COM:1936263 (94 lines) From: Sumithra Krishna (das) JPS (Chennai - IN) Date: 15Dec-98 07:23 +0530

To: (Krsna) Katha [1647] Subject: Andal Tiruppavai - 1

------------------------------------------------------------ thiruppaavai
anna vayaRpudhuvai aandaaL arangaRkup pannu thiruppaavaip palpadhiyam
innisaiyaal paadikkoduththaaL naRpaamaalai poomaalai soodik koduththaaLaich
soodik koduththaaL sudark kodiyE tholpaavai paadi aruLavalla palvaLaiyaay naadi
nee vEngadavaRku ennai vidhi onRa immaatram naangadavaa vaNNamE nalgu.
INTRODUCTION: Sri ANDAL is the Quintescence incarnation of Sri BHUMI DEVI the
Divine Consort of SRIMAN NARAYANA, who took birth on this earth to liberate
suffering human beings from worldly bondage.She sang thirty sweet songs
containing the cardinal principles of SriVaishnava Dharma during the month of
MARGAZHI.(December 16 to Jan 15) Singing these songs,with understanding of their
inner meaning, will bring to us peace, prosperity and above all Divine Grace.
ANDAL, though a Brahmin girl, assumes the guise of a cowherdess and yearns for
Everlasting Happiness and Service of the Lord.It is the age-old practice of Sri
Vaishnavas to sing these stanzas every day of the year in the presence of the Lord in
the temple as well as in their homes.This practice assumes special significance during
MARGAZHI so much so that each day of this month gets its name from a
pasuram,like for example the first day (16.12.99) is called MARGAZHI- TTINGAL.
It may appear in the beginning that Andal is intending to perform a particular
religious vow to marry the Lord and thereby obtain His Everlasting Company,and that
she is inviting all her girl friends to join her.It is only towards the end of TIRUPPAVAI
that we learn that she did not actually go to any pond or river or perform a religious
ETERNITY.It is the Soul's inner craving to redeem itself and to reach His Divine
Nearness in order to serve him (" Attaani- cchevagam" as her father PERIYAZHWAR
calls it) which forms the real purport of this poem.
474: maargazhith thingaL madhi niRaindha nannaaLaal neeraadap pOdhuveer
pOdhuminO nErizhaiyeer seer malgum aayppaadich chelvach chiRumeergaaL
koorvEl kodundhozhilan nandhagOpan kumaran Eraarndha kaNNi yasOdhai iLam
singam kaar mEni cengaN kadhir madhiyam pOl mugaththaan naaraayaNanE
namakkE paRai tharuvaan paarOr pugazhap padindhElOr empaavaay
The first stanza which states the central premise to be elaborated in the rest of the
poem contains the following ideas: 1.Andal praises the day (NANNAL)that has

appeared of its own accord for the observance of the vow.What it means is that for a
soul,that day is the Good Day when he understands all about himself and God and
their mutual relationship of Lord and Servant which is stated in the Tirumantram.
2.The fruit in getting one's body is for serving the Lord here and hereafter (NEERADA
PODUVIR) 3.All those who have a longing for the service of the Lord are qualified to
join her.(PODUVIR PODUMINO) 4.She speaks of the radiance that attended on the
face of her companions on hearing her requisition.(MADI NIRAINDA ;the moon is not
in the sky alone!) 5.The prosperity of Gokula consists of Sri Krishna's amiable pranks
in stealing butter and girls; i.e.,the wealth of a Sri Vaishnava consists of his
intoxicating love for and enjoyment of Lord's company. 6.Nandagopa's vigilance in
guarding Krishna with his very sharp spear in hand symbolises the "ASTHANE BHAYASANKA" and "MANGALASASANA-PARATA" which characterises a SriVaishnava.
7.Yasoda's over-indulgence of Krishna is responsible for all his pranks and
misbehaviour towards the young gopis. 8.Sriman Narayana is the SOLE MEANS of
attaining His Feet. This strikes the keynote of the Song Divine-TIRUPPAVAI.
NARAYANANE (Upaya Swarupam) NAMAKKE (Adhikari Swarupam) PARAI (Phala
Swarupam) TARUVAN.The safest means of securing Him is not Karma yoga etc but
His Grace only. That is the sum and substance of this verse.
To be continued- (Text COM:1936263) ----------------------------------------Text COM:1951917 (61 lines) From: Sumithra Krishna (das) JPS (Chennai - IN) Date: 20Dec-98 22:56 +0530 To: (Krsna) Katha [1663] Subject: Andal Thiruppavai - 2
------------------------------------------------------------ 475: vaiyaththu vaazhveergaaL naamum
nampaavaikkuch cheyyum kirisaigaL kELeerO paaRkadaluL paiyath thuyinRa
paramanadi paadi neyyuNNOm paaluNNOm naatkaalE neeraadi maiyittu ezhudhOm
malarittu naam mudiyOm seyyaadhana seyyOm theekkuRaLaich chenROdhOm
aiyamum pichchaiyum aandhanaiyum kai kaatti uyyumaaR eNNi ugandhElOr
Word meaning_ (vaazhveer gaaL)-Oh! you people born to live in this world, (vaiyam),
won't you listen (kELeerO) to the deeds (kirisai) we do (chey) to us (naam) and to our
(nam) diety(paavai)!. We sing (paadi) in praise of the feet (adi) of the Lord (paraman)
who is in meditative sleep (paiyath thuyil) on the ocean of milk (paal kadal). We do not
eat (uNNOm) ghee (ney). We do not drink (uNNOm) milk (paal). We bathe (neeraadi)
early morning (naat kaalE). We do not use (ezhudhOm) eye make up (mai). We (naam)
do not hairstyle (mudiyOm) with flowers (malar). We do not do (seyyOm) prohited
things (seyyaadhana). We do not go and recite (chenRu OdhOm) bad (theeya)
demons (kuRaL) works. We donate (kai kaattu) to poor people (pichchai), to deserving
people (aiyam), to saintly people (aandhanai). We think (eNNi) about our salvation
(uyya) and feel happy (ugandhu).
Translation-- At her cordial invitation a huge crowd gathered and the wonder-struck
ANDAL exclaims,"in this ignorance-spreading world,are there so many interested in

Emancipation!".She proceeds to prescribe "dos" and "don'ts"( which actually are the
SAMBHAVITA SWABHAVA,the natural characteristics of the Adhikari). While we appear
to be performing this vow for getting rain,in reality it is different.She stresses the
words "NAMUM NAM Pavaikku"- NAMUM- WE are quite different from others; we
long for His company and firmly believe that He alone is the Means for achieving it.
NAM Pavai-Indrajit did a malefic rite to put an end to Rama;but OUR beneficent rite is
for securing Lord's and His World's prosperity and happiness.
The Vaishnavite Code of Conduct as prescribed by her is as follows:
Recite the Vedic literature which sings the glory of the Feet of the Lord reclining on
the Serpent in the Milky Ocean,all the while thinking about one's Redemption.
Eschew all carnal and even worldly desires like eating ghee,drinking milk etc. Bathe
early in the morning.Don't adorn your eyes with collyrium,or your hair with flowers
till the completion of the vow;meaning thereby that a Vaishnava needs decoration etc
only when he is engaged in the service of the Lord. Never indulge in an act which was
not practised by our righteous minded ancestors.Bharata refused the kingship
though granted by his father and permitted by Rama on the grounds that the
tradition of Solar Kings did not permit a younger son to rule when the elder was
A Vaishnava should not speak ill of others or even think about it (which is tantamount
to reporting it to the God inside the heart,thereby ensuring their fall);Sita never
uttered a word to Rama about the illtreatment by the Rakshasis. He should ever be
ready to do charity and impart knowledge about God to all those who need it.
In short he should constantly be thinking about his spiritual upliftment and keep his
mind filled with peace and happiness. (Text COM:1951917)

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