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An Inventory System for Marisol Groceries Store

A Project Presented to the Faculty of

Institute of Computing Studies
Mabalacat, Pampanga

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Systems Analysis and Design

Asaytona, Karen Jean
Dela Pea, Rica Mae
Feliciano, Ian Christian
Manaloto Jr., Danilo
Olendan, Argie
Tuazon, Kevin

October 2016

Institute of Computing Studies

An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store


The researchers would like to express our deepest gratitude and thanks to the
following people who helped us to make this study accomplished:
Our Parents, who are always giving strength to overcome the struggles that we
encounter, giving us love and supporting us financially to make this study finish.
Our Classmates, who are always there giving us support, inspiration and helping
us when we encounter some difficulties.
Our Teachers, who never get tired of giving us advices, sharing their knowledge
and supporting us in every way.
Ms. Ronalyn T. Domingo, our professors, who always guide us, helping us when
we our in trouble and for correcting our mistakes, sharing her knowledge and
support for us to finished this study.
Mabalacat City College, our school that made us what we are and still
furnishing our knowledge and skills; and of course our Lord Almighty.

--- The Researchers

Institute of Computing Studies

An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



The researchers would like to dedicate this to the following:
Our Parents, for always motivating us, giving us inspiration and positives
thoughts at all times.
Our Friends, for being there all the time, giving us support to finish the study.
Marisol Groceries Store, for trusting us and letting us to know their information.
Our Lord Almighty, who blessed us and giving us strength to do all this things.

--- The Researchers

Institute of Computing Studies

An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



Table of Content
Title Page





Table of Contents





Background of the study

Statement of Objectives


Significance of the study


Scope and Limitation


Definition of terms


Review of Related Literature

Review of Related Studies


of Computing

An Inventory System18-19
Marisol Grocery Store



Software Development Methodology






Technology has a big impact in our modern lives. People are now living in
information age. In a world where everything can be manipulated. The researchers
use technology to extend our abilities and that makes people as the most important
part of any technological system. Through this, people can be more productive as a
human. People apply technology in almost everything in our lives, at work, to
extract materials, for communication, transportation, learning, manufacturing,
creating artifacts, securing data, scaling businesses and so much more. By
technology, thinking of other ways to make our work easier, faster and more reliable.
Just like in the business world, they used different kinds of information systems so
that it can be more competitive.
Inventory system is a tracking mechanism that informs the owner of the
business the amounts of raw materials, supplies, or final products that are readily
available. It is really important for businesses because it helps them know what
products are still available for the following days and weeks. Through this, it allows
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An Inventory System for
them to order supplies or products in advance, so they would have everything they
Marisol Grocery Store



need at all times. Some of the businesses are not into computerized inventory system
and still are using the manual process that is why they have a hard time at
monitoring their products. Manual inventory system relies heavily on the action of
people which increases the possibility of human error. People might forget to record
a transaction or simply miscount the number of goods or products. This results in
needless additional orders that increase the business inventory carrying costs and
using up precious storage space. Inaccurate physical count could also result to the
failure to order enough quantities of a product, meaning the business could run out
of a crucial item at the wrong time.
One of the business that we know that is still using this kind of system is
the Marisol Grocery Store that is why The researchers proposed the Inventory
System for Marisol Grocery Store. This system is an offline system that helps the
owner to track what products are still available and what products are out of stock.
This will compute which products were sold, which products were left, and which
products are in need of replenishment. By the means of that the said business will be
able to cope up with the competitive business world.

Background of the study

The store originated and made its full launch on the 20th of October, the
company was originally from the owners daughter, Theresa David, and eventually
handed the business over to her parents, the current proprietor of the store, Marisol
and Edward David.
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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store


Given that the store has just started, it is experiencing difficulties in terms
of organizing, categorizing its items; the calculations for items that were sold and the
number of stock are inaccurate as everything is being done manually.

Objectives of the study

The general objective of the study is to develop an Inventory System for the
Marisol Grocery Store.

Specifically, the study aimed to achieve the following:


Develop a system that has two level of access:


Admin and;


System that helps the admin to see and manipulate the following:

Can create accounts for cashier

Can create notes

Can import and export excel files

Content Management:


Deleting and;


To develop a system that helps the cashier to:


Can create notes and;

Computes the total amount of the products bought.

To design the system with the following features:

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It can compute the total amount ofAn
to pay.for
Marisol Grocery Store


It will give notification if the stocks are running low.

Print the total amount of the customer.

Print the report of the total sales.

A system that is developed and designed using the following


Scripting language: PHP, JavaScript







Significance of the study

The success of this study will absolutely give benefit to the following

To the Manager, Marisol Groceries Store will have an

Inventory system to help them to easily monitor the accurate information of

the products and the statistics of the item. By implementing the system, the
manager can easily identify and manage the products that are going to
purchase and to reorder.

To the Cashier, through the help of the proposed system, the

cashier will be definitely one of the beneficiaries of this by simply clicking

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An Inventory System for
all the products and it will automatically give accurate computation of
Marisol Grocery Store


product purchased. It will also help to minimize mistakes and the sales
transaction will be accurate.
c.) To the Researcher, this study will be significant for the future I.T
researchers. It will served them as a guide and reference to their proposal or
their projects. They will gain knowledge provided by the researchers and
will know how to eliminate certain problems of the systems

Scope and Limitation of the study

The main focus of this system is to give the company an easy access to find
all their records of their products and will provide a database which contains all
the product details and statistics. The propose system has two level access of
level; the admin and the cashier which has their own function. The admin page is
accessible for the manager of the chosen store. The store manager is the one who
will create an account for his/her cashier and can also edit the cashiers
information. The page helps the manager to give an information to the cashier
through creating notes. The Manager can also import and export excel files for
his/her report. Everything in the content management is done in the admin page.
Manager can add, delete and update the items to track the availability of the
The cashier page has a different account in the system. It cannot access the
admin page. Computing the total amount of the products that were sold are done
in this page. It can also create notes to inform the manager. The design system can
Institute of Computing Studies
An Inventory System for
compute the total amount of customer needs to pay, can print
the report
of total


sales, can print the total amount of the customers bill and can give notification if
the stocks are running low.
The system is a web-based system, it was design and develop through the
use of the scripting language: PHP and JavaScript, we also used the XAMPP
Application for the database, AJAX, Excel, MySQL and jQuery to make it more

The system can only accessed offline though it is web-based. This means
online transactions is not accepted. Such as online payment, online buying or
ordering. The system does not accept any kinds of cards either a credit card or
debit card. It only accepts direct cash payment. The proposed system is intended
only for the use of counter department of the store. And it is only available in
Marisol Groceries Store located at Dapdap, Bamban.

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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store


Definition of terms
a.) Data unprocessed facts
b.) Database storing, searching, and managing information. Collection of
organized data like information
c.) System is a set of related components that produces specific results
d.) Information Technology (I.T) helps to make the work done. Can mean the
difference between success and failure
e.) Inventory inventory management forecast and strategies such as a just in time.
Inventory System can help minimize inventory cost because goods are crated or
received as inventory only when needed.
f.) Manual Inventory increases the possibilities of human error because it relies
heavily on the action of people.
g.) Information Age also known as the Computer Age. It is a period in human
history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the Industrial
Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on
information computerization.
h.) Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation,
and organization of data.
i.) Access a way of being able to use or get something.
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j.) Accurate correct in all details; exact.

An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store


Institute of Computing Studies

An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



This chapter provides a pool of information related to the topic which aids
the researchers in developing the study. All gathered information from books,
electronic sources, findings in thesis and dissertations serves as an input to the
completion of the study. These unbiased and relevant resources identify the
essential knowledge, advantages, disadvantages, and basic understanding of the

Inventory System
According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, Inventory refers to
stocks of anything necessary to do business (U.S. Small Business
Administration, 2010) The U.S. Small Business Administration publication
describes what constitutes successful inventory management balancing cost
versus benefits of inventory, including Maintaining a wide assortment without
spreading the rapidly moving items too thin, Increasing inventory turnover
without sacrificing service, Keeping stock low without sacrificing performance,
Obtaining lower prices by making volume purchases, Maintaining an adequate
inventory without an excess of obsolete items.
Information system is defined as a system that composed of people and
of Computing
An Inventory
System for
that processes
or interprets information. It operates
and manages
Marisol Grocery Store


business and supports in the decision making process. Information system is a
form of communication system in which data are represented and processed as a
form of social memory and it can also be considered as a semi-formal language
which supports human decision. There are different types of information systems
one of these is the inventory system which businesses like grocery stores usually
Wal-Mart runs its stores on a perpetual inventory system. This system
records the quantity of items sold as items are purchased. The computer system at
Wal-Mart constantly keeps up with additions or deductions from inventory and
tells management what items are on hand. The organization also conducts counts
of employee manual counts of inventory periodically. When an item arrives at the
Wal-Mart distribution center it is scanned into the inventory system. When the
items are purchased by the consumer, the point-of-sale system reduces the
inventory from that purchase. According to Wal-Marts Gail Lavielle, a leaner
inventory will help clear out store clutter and help Wal-Mart focus on specific
brands and products that consumers want (The Associated Press, 2006).

According to Mr.Eugene F. Brigman, Fundamentals of Financial

Management, 5th ed. Companies are increasingly employing Inventory System. A
computer start with an inventory counts in memory. Withdrawals are recorded by
the computer as they are made, and the inventory balance is constantly revised.
When the recorded point is reached, the computer automatically places an order,
Institute of Computing Studies
An Inventory System for
when this new order is received, the recorded balance is Marisol


have carried this system quite far, each item has a magnetic codes, and as on item
is checked out, and it passes over an electronic reader, which then adjusts the
computers inventory balance, at the same time the price is fed to cash register
tape. When the balance drops to the recorder point, an order is place. The
researcher aim to develop an automated inventory system which is technically,
operationally, and economically. The method used by the researcher to develop an
automated inventory system is Descriptive Method. The researcher conduct
several interviews in order to gather information about the present existing
conditions of the inventory system, knowing its problems and enhancing it by
developing an automated inventory system. Questionnaires were also distributed
to all interviewees for additional information. Using the descriptive method, the
researchers also observe the functionality of the present inventory system, which
help them discover that Electronic Data Processing is Advantageous than other.
Advantages of Computerized Inventory System
According to Kj Henderson, they have a three major advantages by using of
inventory system these are (Time savings, Accuracy, and Consistency) which
helps a lot for a businessman to increase the sales of their business.

Time Savings - As the old saying goes, time is money. The amount of
time that can be saved by a business is, perhaps, the biggest benefit of
using a computerized inventory system. A great example of this benefit is
the retail industry. In cases where a shop maintains all data manually, its

manager must reconcile each sales receipt with every piece of physical
Institute of Computing Studies
An Inventory System for
inventory. Depending on the size of the establishment
Marisol and


different products are sold, this can be a daunting and time consuming
task. If that same store, however, used a computerized point of sale, POS,
system, the master inventory list would be updated electronically each
time a sale is made. The only thing a manager would have to do each day

is print out the report highlighting the inventory to be restocked.

Accuracy - An additional benefit of using a computerized inventory
system is the accuracy it ensures. Eighteenth century English poet
Alexander Pope is often quoted as having said, To error is human.
When an inventory list is maintained by hand, the margin of error widens
with each update. If one mathematical calculation is wrong or one typo is
made, disaster may occur. For instance, if a clerk accidentally adds a zero
to the end of a purchase order, a business could potentially end up paying
for 10,000 units of merchandise as opposed to the 1,000 that is actually

Consistency - A small business operates most efficiently when its
processes are executed in a consistent manner. By using a computerized
inventory system, a business owner can ensures that all orders, reports and
other documents relating to inventory are uniform in their presentation,
regardless of who has created them. This will allow ease of reading. In
addition, uniformity creates a professional appearance, which can go a
long way to impress associates, such as potential investors.
According to Bonnie Conrad, Computerized Inventory Management

System give advantage to the business like first, the Speed and Efficiency. A
Institute of Computing Studies
An Inventory System for
computerized inventory management system makes everything
from inputting
Marisol Grocery



information to taking inventory easier. Doing a hand count of inventory can take
days, but with a computerized inventory management system, the same process
can be done in a matter of hours. Second the Document Generation, once the
computerized inventory management system is in place, managers and workers
can use it to automatically generate all kinds of documents, from purchase orders
and checks to invoices and account statements. Managers can also use the system
to automatically order products when they run low. Third, the Timely Data with a
manual system, the data is only as accurate and up to date as the last hand count.
With a computerized inventory management system, the management team can
pull a report and instantly see how many units are on the floor, how many have
sold and which products are selling the fastest.
According to the article of Pete Abilla that published in Novembver 16,
2011; they tackle the different cause of using inventory system. First to stop
products from spoiling, if you have too many products in your warehouse, you
increase the risk that they will become obsolete, damaged, spoiled or stolen before
you can sell them all. Depending on which industry youre in, youre probably
more worried about some of these risks than others. For example, if youre in the
technology industry, you dont want your expensive products to become outdated,
damaged or stolen, but you probably dont care about their freshness date. Food
producers, on the other hand, put product spoilage high on the list of inventory
management concerns. Second to stop paying hidden costs, having too much
inventory doesnt just increase your risk of paying more in the future; it costs you
Institute of Computing Studies
An Inventory System for
more money all the time. Where will you store the extra inventory?
You may
Marisol Grocery



to buy a larger warehouse than you really need or rent trailers if your warehouse
isnt big enough. Plus, you have to provide security to prevent theft. And dont
forget about the money thats tied up in inventory that you could have used to hire
personnel or grow your business in other ways. Third to stop disappointing
customers, on the other end of the inventory spectrum, if you have too few
products in your warehouse, you face a whole other set of risks. Your customers
dont want to wait too long to get their orders shipped to them. So if you run out
of the products theyre looking for or if youre picking, packing and shipping
processes are too slow, you could drive customers away. Fourth to stop wasting
time, inventory management can be time-consuming, especially if youre trying to
do it by hand or in Excel spreadsheets. Speed is everything in business. How fast
you reorder products, ship customer orders and update your inventory records
could make or break your company. Thats why an automated inventory


management system is so important. Scanning product barcodes and setting up

automatic reorder. Points can save valuable time by streamlining complex
processes. Fifth the Start planning ahead, you cant afford to be purely reactionary
in your inventory management. You need to start planning ahead and being
proactive. Instead of being unprepared for sudden spikes in sales, try to notice
these trends ahead of time by monitoring social media channels for mentions of
certain products and looking at historical records to spot seasonal upticks in sales.
All of this is easier said than done. It goes back to having a powerful inventory
management system to free up your time and do most of the data analysis for you.
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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



According to Thomas M. McHugh (2011) computerized inventory
management systems provide many benefits that are hard to obtain using paper
methods or an in-house spreadsheet. Systems that are specific to the lab can be
used relatively quickly without a significant learning curve or system
customization. The ability to analyze the inventory, item usage, purchasing
history, and other areas (e.g., lot numbers, equipment) are important
improvements to spreadsheets and paper systems. If the system includes
equipment tracking, it can be used to determine the capital asset as well as track
the service history and lifespan of equipment. The ability to streamline and
automate many of the inventory control tasks will be increasingly important to
reduce hands-on time while improving the analysis of trends, reducing stock-outs,
and avoiding expiring reagents. The ability to ensure that the right reagent in the
right quantity is present at the right time is critical to laboratory operations. Given
that reagents are approximately one-half of most labs' operating budgets, a
continued focus on this expense will assist the laboratory in continuing to provide
accurate and timely laboratory testing at the lowest cost.
Computer-based System
Computer-based system is a complex system wherein information
technology plays a major role. It makes the work easier, faster and more accurate.
Due to that fact, the automated scheme has become essential to small and big
companies for they are expected to give the best services possible. Nevertheless,
some businesses still prefer sticking with the system that is not integrated with
Institute of Computing Studies
An Inventory System for
technology. Probable causes are computer illiterate staff
and Grocery
lack of Store


Companies, especially the big ones are recommended to switch from manual to
automated systems because this will improve the efficiency and productivity of
the business which will uplift the industrys reputation.
One of the most sought after automated systems of different companies is a
purchasing and inventory system which comes hand in hand. A purchasing and
inventory system is very important in every organization because a good purchase
and inventory management can create excellent productivity. Primarily,
i6nventory work consists of input, output and restock. Input is a process of buying
new products into the inventory and replacing the old products with the new ones.
Meanwhile, output is a procedure of taking out the products from the inventory
for sales or usage and refill is a process of increasing the number of existing
products in the inventory in order to fulfill the insufficient products or escalating
demands. Most of the retailing market is using traditional way in the inventory
management system where a person is assigned to check and record the stock by
hand using pen and paper. It is where operations with regards to all the stock will
be archived.
Janes (2001) stated that computers are extremely reliable device and very
powerful calculators with some great accessories applications like word
processing problem for all of business activities, regardless of size, computers
have three advantages over other type of office equipment that process
information because computer are faster, more accurate more economical.
Dioso (2001) stated that computer assist careful intelligent planning,
Institute of Computing Studies
An Inventory System for
organizing, actuating and controlling .This maybe observed
the past



they monitor production activities, solve scientific problem and help arrive in
tentative answer to a multitude of involve conditions.
Related Studies
According to the study of Anna Marie Beltran Distor of Proposed Sales


Monitoring System issued 1995, the accelerated work structure of the company
proper monitoring is essential in order to keep track of the companys sales
activities. Her system aims to come up with an efficient, and accurate mechanized
system of preparing invoices that will keep track of the daily transaction and
generate reports. Important information will be provided by this study in order to
prove that the computerization of the companys operation and achieve a more
reliable and efficient means of monitoring day to day activities. Her system
focuses on the analysis and design of the sales monitoring system which will
monitor the stacks inventory of the sales departments. This system of hers is
somewhat related to our study but our system focuses more on the inventory
monitoring system of a trading company.
According to the Thesis about Sales and Inventory System Floor Center
Company) the objective of their study is to develop a direct connection for point
of sales and inventory system for the two branches of Floor Center, which is
beneficial to managements decision-making, which also includes the monitoring
of the inventory levels to lessen and prevent out of stock situation resulting to
customer satisfaction and over stocking which satisfies the business owner.
(Molina, 2006)
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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



According to the study of Bernabe, et al. (2007) wherein the said
researchers proposed an automated inventory system for Bell Electronics using
Visual Basic .NET and a Structured Query Language (SQL) for database
maintenance, they have reached into a conclusion that an automated system is
more effective for Bell Electronics that it had lead to an increase in efficiency of
Bell Electronics inventory management and improved speed brought about by
reductions in manual interventions.
The proponents believe that every literature and every studies stated in this
research is related on the present study. The proponents relate and differentiate the
research based on the flow of their transaction from the proposed study. The
transaction and process and also the design specialization will easy help to acquire
and accommodate and communicate with the user .The proponents get and use
other research in this chapter, in which it helps to them, because they get
knowledge during creating the systems. These Review of Related Literature and
Studies, illustrate the specific and general task of the Inventory Management
System, also the types of Inventory that gives a lot of knowledge for everyone
before entering into business and using Inventory. In this chapter the proponents
put a different opinion of others in terms of Inventory, the Literatures and studies
should get on the Book articles on the internet. Inventory system, tackled how you
manage your inventory whether manual or computerized, both of that having
advantages and disadvantages for the business, this chapter gives an idea also for
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An Inventory System for
the reader to review whats use of inventory system to the business.
Marisol Grocery Store



Conceptual Framework
Below, is the conceptual framework on how the researchers able to develop
the Inventory System for Marisol Grocery Store

Figure 1. Theoretical Frame Work of Inventory Management System for Marisol Grocery Store.

The admin will contact the supplier of the store for reordering products. Then
the supplier will supply many products that is needed. Each supplied products
were arranged into their category. And each category has an assigned logo. Then
after reordering products and arranged them into their respective categories, the
admin of
assign cashier
to operate and get the customers
An orders.
Marisol Grocery Store


sells many products. Many orders were receive by one cashier. And the admin
access the many orders of the customer to see the inventory and sales of the store.
This figure demonstrates the IPO procedure utilized by the researchers to have
the capacity to deliver a decent quality with inventory system. Under the input,
the researchers had an interview with the local in able to get some information
required. Taken after by online researching on what is the overall meaning of
Inventory System. What's more, finally, the researches direct a literature interview


to know what is the connection of this system to the related investigations of the
earlier researchers about Inventory System. These sources of info were inferred at
the procedure. The researchers examined the system through conceptualizing and
through the guide of a few instructional exercises about Inventory System. The
researchers downloaded a few templates to use as premise. The system was
composed in Notepad++ and Php MySQL. At the point when the design has been
concluded, the system coding began by making the database. After the database
was made researchers utilized the downloaded templates for the code. The
researchers code first the administrator page for the content management and after
that the cashiers page of the system. To test the system, the researchers exhibit
this study to their project adviser for a few changes, and defend it to the panelist
to definitely test if the system truly works and dependable and helpful to the
client. Subsequent to testing the system and been endorsed by the project adviser
and the panelists, the researchers will have the capacity to create the output which
is the Inventory System for Marisol Grocery Store.
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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



In this chapter includes specific methods which were used in order to
achieve the objectives of the study.
Software development methodology
The research method that has been utilized by the researcher is SDLC. SDLC,
Software Development Life Cycle is a process used by software industry to
design, develop and test high quality software. The SDLC aims to produce a high
quality software that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion
within times and cost estimates.

Figure 2. Waterfall Model.

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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



Requirement Analysis Phase

All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this
phase. The researcher gather information about the locale which is Marisol
Grocery Store and interviewed the owner to determine the requirements of the
system. After gathering requirement, these requirements are investigated for their
legitimacy and the possibility of consolidating the requirements in the system.
Design Phase
In this phase the system and software design is prepared from the
requirement specifications which were studied in the first phase. It is also
accompanied by documentation for each requirement so that other members of the
group can review it for validation. It distinguishes the system modules and it
involves the actual creation and design of a system. It also helps in specifying
hardware and system requirements and also helps in defining overall system
architecture. The system design specifications serve as input for the next phase of
the model.
Hardware Specifications

Intel BTY-M 4Core 3540 up to 2.66 GHz

500GB hard disk

Software Specifications
Windows 10
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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store


Diagrams Input/Output:
In this phase diagrams were used in creating input/output of the system.
This will demonstrate the system blueprint and assembling the diverse pieces that
will make the system.

Context Diagram

A context diagram is a data flow diagram that only shows the top level,
otherwise known as Level 0. At this level, there is only one visible process node
that represents the functions of a complete system in regards to how it interacts
with external entities.

Figure 3. Context Diagram

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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



An entity relationship diagram (ERD) shows the relationships of entity sets
stored in a database. An entity in this context is a component of data. In other
words, ER diagrams illustrate the logical structure of databases of the system.

Figure 4. Entity Relationship Diagram.

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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store


The figure shows the relationship of the entity in the database of the
Inventory Management System. First, every item was orchestrated into their
category. Also, every category was allotted by their description. At that point
subsequent to arranging them into their particular categories, the administrator
will assign cashier to work and get the customers' orders. Cashier offers
numerous products. Numerous requests were received by one cashier.
Furthermore, every order from customers will get their receipt of their bills


A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of

data through an information system, modelling its process aspects. A DFD is often
used as a preliminary step to create an overview of the system, which can later be
elaborated. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing
(structured design).

A DFD shows what kind of information will be input to and output from the
system, where the data will come from and go to, and where the data will be
stored. It does not show information about the timing of process or information
about whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel (which is shown
on a flowchart).

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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



Figure 5. Data Flow Diagram.

The figure demonstrates the regulated stream of the information in the

system. The cashier assigned will get the customers' request and payment to be a
process of the procedure. The customers' request will be taken by the cashier and
the cashier will confirm the request to the system. After the request has been
checked it will be input at the "Inventory" and the system will convert the request
into a bill that will be gotten by the cashier. After the cashier could get the bill of
the customer, it will now request payment to be input into the system. The System
will handle it to deliver a "Sales". At that point, after the system had processed
the payment it will create a receipt for the cashier and will give it to the customer.

Implementation / Coding Phase

On receiving system design documents, the work is divided in
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An Inventory System for
modules/units, which are integrated in the next phase. In this
actual coding


is started. Since, in this phase the code is produced so it is the main focus for the
developer. This is the longest phase of the software development life cycle. Based
on the algorithm or flowchart designed, the actual coding of the software is
carried out at this stage. The flowcharts / algorithms are converted into


instructions written in a programming language.

When the design is fully completed, an implementation of that design is
made by the coders. Towards the later stages of this implementation phase, system
components produce by different teams are integrated.
Verification Phase
Testing is consistently done after each portion of code is written. This is to
insure that there will be no bugs in the system, and if a bug is found the code is
immediately reworked and retested. After the implementation and integration
phases are complete, the system is tested and debugged; any faults introduced in
earlier phases are removed here. Testing phase starts and in this phase the
researchers test the each unit or component and make sure the developed
components are working as expected. After the code is developed it is tested
against the requirements to make sure that the product is actually solving the
needs addressed and gathered during the requirements phase. During this phase all
types of functional testing like unit testing, integration testing, system testing,
acceptance testing are done as well as non-functional testing are also done.

Institute of Computing Studies

An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



Testing phase requires organization to fulfill the requirement to ensure the
accuracy of the programmed code and the inclusion of expected functionality.
Once the testing is completed the software product is tested for its functionality.
Maintenance Phase
There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To fix
those issues patches are released. Also to enhance the product some better
versions are released. Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the
customer environment

Institute of Computing Studies

An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store




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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



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An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store



Institute of Computing Studies

An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store


Institute of Computing Studies

An Inventory System for

Marisol Grocery Store

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