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database system (DDBS) technology is the union of what appear to

be two diametrically opposed approaches to data processing: database system and
computer network technologies.

data independence, whereby the application
programs are immune to changes in the logical or physical organization of the data,
and vice versa.

most important objective of the database technology is integration, not

It is possible to achieve integration without centralization,
and that is exactly what the distributed database technology attempts to achieve.

some degree of distributed processing goes on in any computer system,
even on single-processor computers where the central processing unit (CPU) and input/output (I/O) functions are
separated and overlapped. This separation and overlap
can be considered as one form of distributed processing.

distributed computing system states that it is a number of autonomous processing
elements (not necessarily homogeneous) that are interconnected by a computer
network and that cooperate in performing their assigned tasks. The processing
element referred to in this definition is a computing device that can execute a
program on its own.

definition of a distributed computing system implicitly assumes
processing logic or processing elements are distributed.
Another possible distribution is according to function. Various functions of a computer system could be delegated
to various pieces of hardware or software.
A third possible mode of distribution is according to data. Data used by a number of applications may be distributed
to a
number of processing sites.
Finally, control can be distributed. The control of the execution of various tasks might be distributed instead of being
performed by one computer system.

distributed database as a collection of multiple, logically interrelated
databases distributed over a computer network.

distributed database management system (distributed DBMS) is a software system that permits the
management of the distributed database and makes the distribution transparent to the users.

A DDBS is not a collection of files that can be individually stored at each node of a computer network. To form a
DDBS, files should not only be logically related, but there should be structured among the files, and access should be
via a common interface.

Database systems that run over multiprocessor systems are called parallel database systems

physical distribution does not necessarily imply that the computer systems be geographically far apart; they could
actually be in the same room. It simply implies that the communication between them is done over a network instead
of through shared memory or shared disk (as would be the case with multiprocessor systems), with the network as the
shared resource.

The database is centrally managed by one computer system and all the requests are routed to that site. The only
additional consideration has to do with transmission delays.

It is obvious that the existence of a computer network or a collection of files is not sufficient to form a distributed
database system. What we are interested in is an environment where data are distributed among a number of sites

Data Delivery Alternatives
In distributed databases, data are delivered from the sites where they are stored to where the query is posed.
data delivery alternatives along three orthogonal dimensions:
Delivery modes, Frequency and communication methods
delivery modes, - The alternative delivery modes are pull-only, push-only and hybrid.
In the pull-only mode of data delivery, the transfer of data from servers to clients is initiated by a client pull.
In the push-only mode of data delivery, the transfer of data from servers to clients is initiated by a server push
hybrid mode of data delivery combines the client-pull and server-push mechanisms.

frequency measurements that can be used to classify the regularity of data delivery. They are periodic, conditional,
and ad-hoc or irregular.
In periodic delivery, data are sent from the server to clients at regular intervals. Periodic delivery is carried out on a
regular and pre-specified repeating schedule.
conditional delivery, data are sent from servers whenever certain conditions installed by clients in their profiles are
Ad-hoc delivery is irregular and is performed mostly in a pure pull-based system. Data are pulled from servers to
clients in an ad-hoc fashion whenever clients request it.
communication methods: These methods determine the various ways in which servers and clients communicate for
delivering information to clients. The alternatives are unicast and one-to-many.

In unicast, the communication from a server to a client is one-to-one: the server sends data to one client using a
particular delivery mode with some frequency.
In one-to-many, as the name implies, the server sends data to a number of clients.

Classification of DCS

Interconnection of structure
Interdependence of components

Promises of DDBS

Transparent Management of Distributed and Replicated Data

Transparency is separation of the higher-level semantics of a system from lower-level implementation issues.
Transparent system hides the implementation details from users.
partition each relation and store each partition at a different site. This is known as fragmentation
transparent access means that the users pose the query, without paying any attention to the fragmentation, location,
or replication of data,
Data independence is a fundamental form of transparency. It is the immunity of user applications to changes in the
definition and organization of data, and vice versa.
data definition occurs at two levels. At one level the logical structure, and at the other level its physical structure
Data independence: logical data independence and physical data independence
Logical data independence refers to the immunity of user applications to changes in the logical structure (i.e., schema)
of the database.
Physical data independence, on the other hand, deals with hiding the details of the storage structure from user

Network Transparency
The user should be protected from the operational details of the network; possibly even hiding the existence of the
network. Then there would be no difference between database applications that would run on a centralized database
and those that would run on a distributed database. This type of transparency is referred to as network transparency
or distribution transparency.
Distribution Transparency
Distribution transparency requires that users do not have to specify where data are located.
Location Transparency
Location transparency refers that the command used to perform a task is independent of both the location of the data
the system on which an operation is carried out.
Naming Transparency
Naming transparency means that a unique name is provided for each object in the database. In the absence of naming
transparency, users are required to embed the location name (or an identifier) as part of the object name.
Replication Transparency

Data that are commonly accessed by one user can be placed on that users local machine as well as on the machine of
another user with the same access requirements. Furthermore, if one of the machines fails, a copy of the data are still
available on another machine on the network.
Replication transparency ensures that replication of databases are hidden from the users. Whenever a user updates a
data item, the update is reflected in all the copies of the table. However, this operation should not be known to the

Fragmentation Transparency
fragmentation transparency makes the user unaware that data is fragmented. it hides the fact that the table the
user is querying on is actually a fragment or union of some fragments. It also conceals the fact that the fragments are
located at diverse sites.

fragmentation can reduce the negative effects of replication.
Each replica is not the full relation but only a subset of it;

Horizontal Fragmentation divides the relation into tuples called rows.
Vertical fragmentation divides the relation into attributes called columns.

Who Should Provide Transparency?
It is possible to identify three distinct layers at which the transparency services can be provided.
1. Compiler
2. The second layer at which transparency can be provided is the operating system
3. The second layer at which transparency can be provided is the operating system
level. It is the responsibility of the DBMS to make all the necessary translations from the operating system to
higher-level user interface.

Reliability Through Distributed Transactions

data may be unreachable, but with proper care, users may be permitted to access other parts of the distributed
database. The proper carecomes in the form of support for distributed transactions and application protocols.

distributed DBMS to ensure that their requests will be executed correctly no matter what happens in the system.
Correctly means that user applications do not need to be concerned with coordinating their accesses to individual
local databases nor do they need to worry about the possibility of site or communication link failures during the
execution of their transactions.

Improved Performance
Since each site handles only a portion of the database, contention for CPU and I/O services is not as severe as for
centralized databases.

Localization reduces remote access delays that are usually involved in wide
area networks

reduced communication overhead can be obtained only by a proper fragmentation and distribution of the database

parallelism of distributed systems
Inter-query parallelism results from the ability to execute multiple queries at the same time
intra-query parallelism is achieved by breaking up a single query into a number of subqueries each of which is
executed at a different site, accessing a different part of the distributed database.

Easier System Expansion

It normally costs much less to put together a system of smaller computers with the equivalent power of a single
big machine.

Complications Introduced by Distribution

First, data may be replicated in a distributed environment.
It is not essential that every site on the network contain the database; it is only essential that there be more than one
site where the database resides.

distributed database system is responsible for (1) choosing one of the stored copies of the requested data for access
in case of retrievals, and (2) making sure that the effect of an update is reflected on each and every copy of that data

Second, if some sites fail (e.g., by either hardware or software malfunction), or if some communication links fail
(making some of the sites unreachable) while an update is being executed, the system must make sure that the effects
will be reflected on the data residing at the failing or unreachable sites as soon as the system can recover from the

synchronization of transactions on multiple sites is considerably harder than for a centralized system

Design Issues
Distributed Database design
The two fundamental design issues are fragmentation,
the separation of the database into partitions called fragments,
and distribution, the optimum distribution of fragments.

Query Processing
Query processing deals with designing algorithms that analyze queries and convert them into a series of data
manipulation operations

Concurrency Control
Concurrency control involves the synchronization of accesses to the distributed database, such that the integrity of
the database is maintained.

Deadlock Management
Deadlock is a state of a database system having two or more transactions, when each
transaction is waiting for a data item that is being locked by some other transaction.

Distributed DBMS Architecture

architecture of a system defines its structure.
components of the system are identified
function of each component is specified
interrelationships and interactions among these components are defined

Three reference architecture for a distributed DBMS:

client/server systems,
peer-to-peer distributed DBMS, and
multi-database systems.

ANSI/SPARC architecture,

external view, which is concerned with how users view the database. A view can be shared among a number of users,
with the collection of user views making up the external schema.

conceptual schema, which is an abstract definition of the database. It is the real world view of the enterprise being
modeled in the database

At the lowest level of the architecture is the internal view, which deals with the physical definition and organization
of data. The location of data on different storage devices and the access mechanisms used to reach and manipulate
data are the issues dealt with at this level.

The separation of the external schemas from the conceptual schema enables logical data independence,
while the separation of the conceptual schema from the internal schema allows physical data independence.

Architectural Models for Distributed DBMSs

possible ways in which a distributed DBMS may be architected.

Autonomy (No Autonomy0, Semi-Autonomy1, Max Autonomy2 ), refers to the distribution of control, not of data.
It indicates the degree to which individual DBMSs can operate independently.
Tight integration: a single-image of the entire database is available to any user who
wants to share the information (which may reside in multiple DBs); realized such that
one data manager is in control of the processing of each user request.
Semiautonomous systems: individual DBMSs can operate independently, but have
decided to participate in a federation to make some of their local data sharable.
Total isolation: the individual systems are stand-alone DBMSs, which know neither of
the existence of other DBMSs nor how to communicate with them; there is no global
Autonomy has different dimensions
Design autonomy: each individual DBMS is free to use the data models and
transaction management techniques that it prefers.
Communication autonomy: each individual DBMS is free to decide what information
to provide to the other DBMSs
Execution autonomy: each individual DBMS can execute the transactions that are
submitted to it in any way that it wants to.

Distribution(No distribution, C/S , P2P) Refers to the physical distribution of data over multiple sites.
No distribution: No distribution of data at all
Client/Server distribution:
Data are concentrated on the server, while clients provide application
environment/user interface
First attempt to distribution
Peer-to-peer distribution (also called full distribution):
No distinction between client and server machine
Each machine has full DBMS functionality

Heterogeneity(Homogeneous, Heterogeneous) heterogeneity of the components at various levels
operating system
DB components (e.g., data model, query language, transaction management
(A0, D1, H0) that corresponds to client/server distributed DBMSs,
(A0, D2, H0) that is a peer-to-peer distributed DBMS

(A2, D2, H1) which represents a (peer-to-peer) distributed, heterogeneous multidatabase system.

Architectural Alternatives

Multidatabase System Architecture

Provides access from multiple, autonomous heterogeneous, and distributed databases.
Two Major architectures:
Global Schema Architecture
Federated Schema Architecture

A directory is a database that contains data about data (metadata)

Called global directory in case of a DDBS

Contains mappings

Distributed Database Design
Top-down approach
Designing systems from scratch
Homogeneous systems
Bottom-up approach
The databases already exist at a number of sites
The databases should be connected to solve common tasks

Chpter 2
A database is a structured collection of data related to some real-life phenomena

A relational database is a set of tables in which data is organized in predefined category.

A relational database is one where database structure is in the form of tables.
A table is made up of rows and columns.
row is also called a record (or tuple).
Column is also called a field (or attribute).
relation R defined over n sets D1,D2,...,Dn (not necessarily distinct) is a set of n-tuples d1,d2,...,dn such that d1 D1,d2
D2,...,dn Dn
number of attributes of a relation defines its degree
number of tuples of the relation defines its cardinality

Super key
Candidate key

Primary key

A Super key is any combination of fields within a table that

uniquely identifies each record within that table.
A candidate is a subset of a super key.
A candidate key is a single field or the least combination of
fields that uniquely identifies each record in the table.
Primary key is a candidate key that is most appropriate to become main
key of the table.

primary key must contain unique values, must never be null

and uniquely identify each record in the table.
Foreign key

a foreign key is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that

uniquely identifies a row of another table.
A foreign key is a way to enforce referential integrity

Composite key
Secondary /
Alternative key
Non key attribute

Key that consist of two or more attributes that uniquely identify an entity
occurance is called Composite key.
The candidate key which are not selected for primary key are known as
secondary keys or alternative keys
Non-key attributes are attributes other than candidate key attributes in
a table.

Relational Schema / Table Schema

Relation schema (R) defines what the name of the table is, set of column names, the data
types associated with each column .

Relational Database Schema

Relational Database Schema is a set of Relational Schemas that represent logical view of entire

It defines how the data is organized

how the relations among them are associated
constraints that are to be applied on the data.

Kinds of Database Schema

Logical Schema
Physical Schema

Relation Instance
A relation is an instance of relation schema

A relation instance is a subset


of a Cartesian product of a list of

e.g., account(Account): "account" is a relation instance on "Account"

schema. The relation instance "account" is a subset of D1 D2 D3,
where D1, D2, and D3 are the domains of "branch-name", "accountname", and "balance" respectively.

domain is the set of legal values that can be assigned to an attribute

The aim of normalization is to eliminate various anomalies of a relation in order to obtain better relations.

Normalization is the process of organizing data to minimize redundancy.

Repetition anomaly. Certain information may be repeated unnecessarily.
Insertion anomaly: Insert Anomaly occurs when certain attributes cannot be inserted into the database

without the presence of other attributes

Deletion anomaly: Delete Anomaly exists when certain attributes are lost because of the deletion of

other attributes

Update anomaly: Update Anomaly exists when one or more instances of duplicated data is updated,

but not all

First Normal Form (1NF):

A table is 1NF if every cell contains a single value, not a list of values. This properties is known
as atomic.
1NF also prohibits repeating group of columns such as item1, item2,..,itemN. Instead, you should
create another table using one-to-many relationship.
Second Normal Form (2NF):
A table is 2NF, if it is in
1NF and
every non-key attribute is fully dependent on the primary key.

Furthermore, if the primary key is made up of several attributes, every non-key attribute shall
depend on the entire set and not part of it.
For example, the primary key of the OrderDetails table comprising orderID and productID.
If unitPrice is dependent only on productID, it shall not be kept in the OrderDetails table (but
in theProducts table). On the other hand, if the unitPrice is dependent on the product as well as
the particular order, then it shall be kept in the OrderDetails table.
Third Normal Form (3NF):
A table is 3NF, if it is
2NF and the
Remove Transitive dependency (one non-key attribute are dependent on other non-key attribute)

If A, B, and C are attributes of relation R, such that A B, and B C, then C is

transitively dependent on A
In other words, the non-key attributes are dependent on primary key, only on the primary key and
nothing else.
For example, suppose that we have a Products table with columns productID (primary
key), name and unitPrice. The column discountRate shall not belong to Products table if it is
also dependent on the unitPrice, which is not part of the primary key.

Integrity Rules
You should also apply the integrity rules to check the integrity of your design:
Entity Integrity Rule: The primary key cannot contain NULL. Otherwise, it cannot uniquely identify
the row. For composite key made up of several columns, none of the column can contain NULL.
Referential Integrity Rule: Each foreign key value must be matched to a primary key value in the
table referenced (or parent table).

You can insert a row with a foreign key in the child table only if the value exists in the parent

If the value of the key changes in the parent table (e.g., the row updated or deleted), all rows
with this foreign key in the child table(s) must be handled accordingly. You could either (a)
disallow the changes; (b) cascade the change (or delete the records) in the child tables
accordingly; (c) set the key value in the child tables to NULL.

Normalization Issues
reduced database performance. when a query or transaction request is sent to the database, there are
factors involved, such as CPU usage, memory usage, and input/output (I/O). normalized database requires
much more CPU, memory, and I/O to process transactions and database queries than does a
denormalized database.
Processing time may increase due to joins

Relational Data Languages

Data manipulation languages developed for the relational model

Relational algebra languages (procedural)

set of operators that operate on relations. Each operator takes one or two relations as operands and
produces a result relation,

Selection pr

It selects tuples that satisfy the given predicate from a relation. p is prepositional logic
formula which may use connectors like and, or, and not. These terms may use relational
operators like =, , , < , >, .

It projects columns that satisfy a given predicate.
duplicate tuples may be deleted from the result relation.

The union of two relations R and S (denoted as R S) is the set of all tuples that are in R, or in S, or in both.
the duplicate tuples are normally eliminated.

author (Books) author (Articles)

Set Difference
The set difference of two relations R and S (R S) is the set of all tuples that are in R but not in S. In this case,
not only should R and S be union compatible, but the operation is also asymmetric (i.e., R S 6= S R).

author (Books) author (Articles)

Cartesian Product
Combines information of two different relations into one. where each result tuple is a
concatenation of one tuple of R with one tuple of S, for all tuples of R and S. The Cartesian product of R and S
is denoted as RS.
author = 'Cohen'(Books Articles)

Rename Operation
The rename operation allows us to rename the output relation.
x E
Where the result of expression E is saved with name of x.
Intersection of two relations R and S (R S) consists of the set of all tuples that are in both R and S. In terms
of the basic operators, it can be specified as follows:
R S = R (R S)

Join is a combination of a Cartesian product followed by a selection

process. A Join operation pairs two tuples from different relations, if
and only if a given join condition is satisfied.

Theta () Join
A theta-join is any Cartesian product that's filtered by a condition which compares values from
both Tables.
<Table_1.Column> relator <Table_2.Column>

// relator is almost always =

Sellers.seller_name = Sales.seller_name























Student.Std = Subject.Class



























When Theta join uses only equality comparison operator, it is said to be equijoin.
The above example corresponds to equijoin.


Relational calculus languages (Non procedural)

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