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In / m e 1885, ghostly, silver-blue clouds began to appeur ear!y at night in

the lVorfAern Hemisphere. They were seen severa! more times in the following decades, However, in recent decades they have appeared frequently, apparently indicating e major change in EaHhh'satmosphere.

How can these

clouds still be lit
UP by sunlight
after sunset?
The answer is in this chapter.

Chopter i Measurement

Science and engineering are based on measurements and comparisons. Thus,we

need rules about how thmgs are measured and compared, and we need experiments to establish the units for those measurements and comparisons. One purpose of physics (and engineering) is to design and conduct those experiments.
For example, physicists strive to develop docks of extreme accuracy so that
any time or time interval can be precisely determined and compared. You may
wonder whether such accuracy is actually needed or worth the effort. Here is one
example of the worth: Without d d s of extreme accuracy, the Global Positioning System (GPS)that is now vital to worldwide navigation would be useless.


Measuring Thlngs

We discover physics by learning how to measure the quantities involved in physics. Among these quantities are length, time, mass, temperature, pressure, and
electric current.
We measure each physical quantity in its own units, by comparison with a
standard. The anit is a unique name we assign to measures of that quantityfor example, meter (m) for the quantity length. The standard corresponds to
exactly 1.0 unit of the quantity. As you will see, the standard for length, which
corresponds to exactly 1.0 m, is the distance traveled by light in a vacuum during
a certain fraction of a second. We can define a unit and its standard in any way
we care to. However, the important thing is to do so in such a way that scientists
around the world will agree that our defitions are both sensible and practical.
Once we have set up a standard-say, for length-we must work out procedures by which any length whatever, be it the radius of a hydrogen atom, the
wheelbase of a skateboard, or the distance to a star, can be expressed in terms
of the standard. Rulers, which approximate our length standard, give us one such
procedure for measuring length. However, many of our comparisons must be
indirect. You cannot use a ruler, for example, to measure the radius of an atom
or the distance to a star.
There are so many physical quantities that it is a problem to organize them.
Fortunately, they are not all independent; for example, speed is the ratio of a
length to a time. Thus,what we do is pick out-by international agreement-a
small number of physical quantities, such as length and time, and assign standards
to them alone. We then d e h e all other physical quantities in terms of these base
quantities and their standards (called base standards). Speed, for example, is delined in terms of the base quantities length and time and their base standards.
Base standards must be both accessible and invariable. If we d e h e the length
standard as the distance between one's nose and the index fmger on an outstretched arm, we certainly have an accessible standard-but it will, of course,
vary from person to person. The demand for precision in science and engineering
pushes us to aim first for invariability. We then exert great effort to make duplicates of the base standards that are accessible to those who need them.
Unlts for Three SI Base Quantities

Quantity Unit Name Unit Symbol






1-3 The International System of Units

In 1971, the 14th General Conference on Weights and Measures picked seven
quantities as base quantities, thereby forming the basis of the International Systern of Units, abbreviated SI from its French name rtad popularly known as the
metric system. Table 1-1shows the units for the three base quantities-length,
mass,and time-that we use in the early chapters of this book. These units were
defined to be on a "human scale."


Many SI derived units are defined in terms of these base units. For example, TABLE 1-2
the SI unit for power, called the watt (W), is defined in terms of the base units Preflxes for SI Units
for mass, length, and time. Thus,as you will see in Chapter 7,



1kg. m21s3;

(1-1) I*"
where the last collection of unit symbols is read as kilogram-meter squared per 1021
second cubed.
To express the very large and very small quantities we often run into in 1015
physics, we use scientific notation, which employs powers f 10. In this notation, 1012


Scientdic notation on computers sometimes takes on an &en briefer look, as in

3.56 E9 and 4.92 E-7, where E stands for "exponent of ten." It is briefer stdl on
some calculators, where E is replaced with an empty space.
As a further convenience when dealing with very large or very small measurements, we use the prefixes listed in Table 1-2. As you can see, each prefix
represents a certain power of 10, to be used as a multiplication factor. Attaching
a prefix to an SI unit has the effect of multiplying by the associated factor. Thus,
we can express a particular electric power as

lo9 watts = 1.27 ggawatts

1.27 GW

Changing Units












or a particular time interval as

2.35 X lop9s = 2.35 nanoseconds = 2.3k ns.


Some prefixes, as used in milliliter, centimeter, kilogram, and megabyte, are probably familiar to you.

1-4 Changing Units

We often need to chaugt. the uniis in which a physical quantity is expressed. We
do so by a method called chin-link conversion. In this method, we multiply the
original measurement by a conversion factor (a ratio of units that is equal to
unity). For example, because 1rnin and 60 s are identical time intervals, we have

1 min
60 s
- 1 and --1.
60 s
1 min


Thus, the ratios (1 min)/(60 s) and (40 s)l(l min) can be used as conversion
factors. This is not the same as writing & = 1or 60 = 1;each number and its unit
must be treated together.
Because multiplying any quantity by unity leaves the quantity unchanged,
we can introduce conversion factors wherever we find them useful. In chain-link
conversion, we use the factors to cancel unwanted units. For example, to convert
2 min to seconds, we have
2 min = (2 min)(l)


(2 d)-

120 s.

If you introduce a conversion factor in such a way that unwanted units do nol
cancel, invert the factor and try again. In conversions, the units obey the same
algebraic rules as variables and numbers.
Appendix D gives conversion factors between SI and other systems of units,
including non-SI units still used in the United States. However, the conversion
factors are written in the style of "1 min = 40 s" rather than as a ratio. The
following sample problem gives an example of how to set up such ratios.


T h e most frequently used p r e h e s are

shown in bold type.

When Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Athens in 490 B.C.

to bring word of the Greek victory over the Persians, he probably ran at a speed of about 23 rides per hour (rideslh). The
ride is an ancient Greek unit for length, as are the stadium
and the plethron: 1ride was defined to be 4 stadia, 1 stadium
was defined to be 6 plethra, and, in terms of a modem unit,
1 plethron is 30.8 m. How fast did Pheidippides run in kilometers per second (kmls)?

J~iiirpleb b f e r n1-2


Solution: The Key MBa in chain-link conversions is to write

the conversion factors as ratios that will eliminate unwanted
units. Here we write

= 4.7227 X

loT3kmls = 4.7 X


The cran is a British volume unit for freshly caught herrings:

1cran = 170.474 liters (L) of fish, about 750 herrings. Suppose
that, to be cleared through customs in Saudia Arabia, a shipment of 2255 crms must be declared in terms of cubic covidos,
where the mvido is an Arabic unit of length: 1covido = 48.26
cm. What is the required declaration?

centimeters to cubic covidos, we must cube the wnversion

ratio between centimeters and covidos. Thus, we write the
following chain-link conversion:

Solution: From Appendix D we see that 1 L is equivalent


1255 crans

170.474 L
= 1.403 x 103covidas3.


1000 cm3




to 1000 an3. A Key Idea then helps: To convert born cubic

rA c T Ic


Significant Figures and

Decimal Places

If you calculated the answer to Sample Problem 1-1without

your calculator automatically rounding it off, the number
4.72266666667 X
might have appeared in the display.
The precision implied by this number i s meaningless. We
kmls so as not to imply that
rounded the answer to 4.7 X
it is more precise than the given data. The given speed of 23
rides/h consists of two digits, called significant figures. Thus,
we rounded the answer to two significant figures. In this book,
final results of calculations are often rounded to match the
least number of significant figures in the given data. (However,

sometimes an extra significant figure is kept.) When the Ieftmost of the digits to be discarded is 5 or more, the last remaining digit & rounded up; otherwise it is retained as is. For

example, 11.35i6 is rounded to three significantfigures as 11.4

and 11.3279 is rounded to three significant figures as 11.3.(The
answers to sample problems in this book are usuaIly presented
with the symbol = instead of = wen if rounding is involved.)
When a number such as 3.15 or 3.15 X lo3 is provided in
a problem, the number of significant figures is apparent, but
how about the number 3000? Is it known to only one significant figure (3 x lo3)? Or is it known to as many as four significant figures (3.M)O X lo3)? In this book, we assume that
all the zeros in such given numbers as 3000 are significant,but
you had better not make that assumption elsewhere.
Don't confuse signijicantj5gures with decinaalplaces. Consider the lengths 35.6 mm, 3.56 rn, and 0.00356 rn. They all
have three significant figures but they have one, two, and five
decimal places, respectively.

In 1792, the newborn Republic of France established a new system of weights

and measures. Its cornerstone was the meter, defined to be o n e ten-millionth of
the distance from the north pole to the equator. Later, for practical reasons, this
Earth standard was abandoned and the meter came to be defined as the distance
between two fine lines engraved near the ends of a platinum-iridium bar, the
standard meter bar, which was kept at the International Bureau of Weights and
Measures near Paris. Accurate copies of the bar were sent to standardizing laboratories throughout the world. These secondary standards were used to produce
other, still more accessible standards, so that ultimately every measuring device
derived its authority from the standard meter bar through a wmplicated chain

of comparisons.
Eventually, modern science and technology required a standard more precise
than the distance between two fine scratches on a metal bar. In 1960, a new
standard for the meter, based o n the wavelength of light, was adopted. Specs-

1-6 Time

cally, the standard for the meter was redehed to be 1 650 763.73 wavelength TABLE i-3
of a particular orange-red light emitted by atoms of krypton-86 (a particular Some Approximate Lengths
isotope, or type, of krypton) in a gas discharge tube. This awkward number of
Length in
wavelengths was chosen so that the new standard would be close to the old meter- Measurement
bar standard.
By 1983, however, the demand for higher precision had reached such a point Distance to the first
galaxies formed
that even the krypton-86 standard could not meet it, and in that year a bold step
was taken. The meter was redefined as the distance traveled by light in a speczed Distance to the
Andromeda galaxy
time interval. In the words of the 17th General Conference on Weights and
Distance to the
nearby star
Proxima Centauri
Distance to Pluto
Radius of Earth
Height of Mt. Everest
This time interval was chosen so that the speed af light c is exactly
Thickness of this page
Length of a typical
Measurements of the speed of light had become extremely precise, so it made
sense to adopt the speed of light as a defined quantity and to use it to redefine Radius of a
hydrogen atom
the meter.
Table 1-3shows a wide range of lengths, from that of the universe (top h e ) Radius of a proton
to those of some very small objects.

T A c T Ic 2 : Order of Magnitude
The order of magnifudeof a number is the power of ten when
the number is expressed in scienac notation. For example, if
A = 2.3 x lo4and B = 7.8 X lo4,then the orders of magnitude
of both A and B are 4.
Often, engineering and science professionals will esti-

2 X 10"


4 x 10l6
6 x 10l2

6 x lo6
9 x lo3

5 x 10-'I
1 x 10-l5

mate the result of a calculation ta the mar& order of magnitude. For our example, the nearest order of maphde is 4
for A and 5 for B. Such estimation is common when d e w d
or precise data required in lb calculation rrre nat known or
easily found. S m p b Probtsm 1-3 gives an example.

Sample Problem a-3

The world's largest ball of string is about 2 m in radius. To
the nearest order of magnitude, what is the total length L of
the striTlg
- in the ball?

SohItion: We wuld, of course, take the ball apart and measure the total length L, but that would take great effort and
make the ball's builder most unhappy. A Key Idea here is that,
because we want only the nearest order of magnitude, we can
estimate any quantities required in the calculation.
Let us assume the ball is spherical with radius R = 2 m.
The string in the ball is not closely packed (there are uncountable gaps between adjacent sections of string). To allow for
these gaps, let us somewhat overestimate the cross-sectional
area of the string by assuming the cross section is square, with
an edge length d = 4 mm. Then, with a am-sectional area

of d 2 and a length L, the strifig occupies a total volume of

V = (cross-sectional area)(length)

= d2L.

This is approximately equal to the volume of the ball, given

4133 because is about 3. ~
hwe ~
by 4 d 3 ,

d2L= 4R3,


= -=




= 2 x lo6 m = 106 m = lo3 km. (Answer)

(Note that you do not need a calculator for such a simplified

calculation.) To the nearest order of magnitude, the ball w n tains about 1000 km of string!

1-6 Time
Time has two aspects. For civil and some scientific purposes, we want to know
the time of day so that we can order events in sequence. In much scientific work,
we want to know how long an event lasts. Thus, any time standard must be able
to answer two questions: "When did it happen?" and "What is its duration?"
Table 1-4 shows some time intervals.

Some Appmlmate Time Intervals
* ,1411

Interval in

Lifetime of the proton
Age of the universe
Age of the pyramid of
Human life expectancy
Length of a day
Time between human
Lifetime of the muon
Shortest lab light puke
Lifetime of the most
unstable particle
The Planck timea

"This is the earliest time after the big

bang at which the laws of physiw as we
know them can be applied.

Any phenomenon that repeats itself is a possible time standard. Earth's rotation, which determines the length of the day, has been used in this way for
centuries; Fig. 1-1shows one novel example of a watch based on that rotation.
A quartz d&k, in which a quark ring is-made to vibrate continuously, can be
calibrated against Earth's rotation via astronomical observations and used to
measure time intervals in the laboratorv. However, the calibration cannot be
carried out with the accuracy called for by modern scientific and engineering
To meet the need for a better time standard, atomic clocks have been developed. An atomic clock at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST)in Boulder, Colorado, is the standard for Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) in the United States. Its time signals are available by shortwave radio
(stations WWV and WWVH) and by telephone (303-499-7111). Time signals
(and related information) are also available kom the United States Naval Observatory at Web site (To set a clock extremely accurately at your particular location, you would have to account for the
travel time required for these signals to reach you.)
Figure 1-2 shows variations in the length of one day on Earth over a Cyear
period, as determined by comparison with a cesium (atomic) clock. Because the
variation displayed by Fig. 1-2 is seasonal and repetitious, we suspect the rotating
Earth when there is a Merence between Earth and atom as timekeepers. The
variation is due to tidal effects caused by the Moon and to large-scale -&nds.
The 13th General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1967 adopted a
standard second based on the cesium clclrk.

70 oscinitims of the light (of a


Atomic clwks are so consistent that, in principle, two cesium clocks would have
to run for 6000 years before their readings would differ by more than 1s. Even
such accuracy pales in comparison with that of clocks currently being developed;
their precision may be 1 part in 10l8--that is, 1s in 1 x 1018 s (whlch is about
3 x 10l0y).

ng.1-1 When themetricsystem
was proposed in 1792, the hour was
redefined to provide a 10-hour day.
The idea did not catch on. The
maker of this lbhour watch wisely
provided a small dial that kept w n ventionall2-hour time. Do the two
dials indicate the same time?

fig. S-2 Variations

in the length of the
day over a &year period. Note that the entire vertical scale
amounts to only 3 m
(= 0.003 s).

Sample Problem 1-4

The ghostly clouds in this chapter's opening photograph first

appeared following the huge 1883 volcanic explosion of Krakatoa Island (near Java in the southeast Pacific). The explosion was so violent that it hurled dust to the mesosphere, a
wol portion of the atmosphere located well above the strato-

sphere. There water coIlected and froze on the dust to form

the particles that made the first of these clouds. Since then,
the ciouds have frequently reappeared not because of volcanic
explosions but because of the increased prcduction of methane by industries, rice paddiea, landfills, and livestock flatu-

1-7 Mass


Solution: Figure 1-3 shows the situation for the observer,

Path of last
light h m Sun
~ a slight
to A


Distant sun{

who is at point A on Earth's surface, below the mesospheric

clouds at Ptitude H. A Key ldea is that at sunset, the last
sunhght reaching the observer follows a path that is tangent
to Earth's surface at point A. A second Key ldea is that the
last sunlight reaching the mesospheric clouds above the observer follows a path that is tangent to Earth's surfaceat point
B. This cccurs at time t = 38 min aftw sunset,
From Fig. 1-3,the m&lebetween these two paths is 9, the
angle through which the Sun appears to move about Earth
during the 38 min. During a full day, which is approximately
24 h, the Sun appears to move through an angle of 360".
Thus,in time t = 38 min, the Sun appears to move through an

5 . 1 - g The last sunlight reaching an observer at point A
occurs at sunset. The last sunlight reaching clouds at height
H above the observer orcuts later, after the Sun appears to
rotate through an angle 0. Height H and angle 6 are exaggerated for clarity.

lence, The methane works its way into the upper atmosphere
and undergoes chemical changes, resulting in an increase of
water molecules and the bits of ice needed for the formation
of the mesospheric clouds, as they are now called.
The mesospheric clouds are visible after sunset because
they are in the upper portion of the atmosphere that is still
illuminated by sunlight. They are not visible earlier in the day
in spite of their illumination because the lower atmosphere is
then too brightly lit for them to be distinguished.If the clouds
are spotted overhead 38 min after sunset and then quickly
dim, what is their altitude H?


0 = (38 min) 60 min

= 9.50'.

From Fig. 1-3, this angle 6 is also the angle between the
Earth radii r to the two tangent p i n t s A and B. The figure
shows a right triangle: one leg is r and the hypotenuse is r
H.Using the dehition of the h e function from trigonometry, we can write

mo=-r +rH '


From Appendix C, the (mean) radius of Earth is r = 6.37 X

106m. Substituting this and 0 = 9.50" into Eq.1-7, we have

which gives us

H = 8.86 X lo4 m

89 km.
The more hequent occurrence of the douds in recent decades
indicates that methane production on Earth's surface is changing even tbe mesosphere.

1 7 Muss
The Standard Kiiogmm
The SI standard of mass is a platinum-iridium cylinder (Fig. 1-4) kept at the TABLE 1-5
International Bureau of Weights and Measures near Paris and assigned, by in-

Some Approximate Masses

ternational agreement, a mass of 1 kilogram. Accurate copies have been sent to

standardizing laboratories in other countries, and the masses of other bodies can ob@ct
be determined by balancing them against a copy. Table 1-5shows some masses
Known universe
expressed in kfograms, ranging over about 83 ordr-- 3f magnitude.
Ow galaxy

Asteroid Eros
Small mountain
Ocean liner


m. 2-q

The international 1 kg standard of

mass, a platinum-iridium cylinder 3.9 cm in
height and in diameter.

Speck of dust
Penicillin molecule
Uranium atom


Moss in
1 X los3
2 x 1041
2 x low
7 x 10"
5 x lois
1 X 1012
7 x lo7
5 x lo3
3 x lo4
7 X lo-'*
5 x 10-l7
4 x lo4
2 x lo-2'
9 x lo-3i

Chapter i


The U.S.copy of the standard kilogram is housed in a vault at NIST. It is

removed, no more than once a year, for the purpose of checking duplicate copies
that are used elsewhere. Since 1889, it has been taken to France twice for recomparison with the primary standard.

A Second Mass Standard

The masses of atoms can be compared with one another more precisely than they
can be compared with the standard kilogram. For this reason, we have a second
mass standard. It is the carbon-12 atom, which, by international agreement, has
been assigned a mass of 12 atomic mass units (u). The relation between the two
units is

1.66 054 02 x lopz7kg,

with an uncertainty of 210 in the last two decimal places. Scientists can, with
reasonable precision, experimentally determine the masses of other atoms relative to the mass of carbon-12. What we presently lack is a reliable means of
extending that precision to more common units of mass, such as a kilogram.

Measurement in Physics Physiw is based on measurement of physical quantities. Certain physical quantities have
been chosen as base quantities (such as length, time, and
mass); each bas been defined in terms of a standard and given
a unit of measure (such as meter, second, and kilogram).
Other physical quantities are defined in terms of the base

Changing Unlts Conversion of units may be performed by

using chain-link conversions in which the original data are
multiplied successively by conversion factors written as unity
and the units are manipulated like algebraic quantities untl
only the desired units remain.

quantities and their standards and units.

Length The meter is defmed as the distance traveled by

light during a precisely specified time interval.

SI Units The unit system emphasized in this book is the

International System of Units (SI). The three physical quantities displayed in Table 1-1are used in the early chapters.
Standards, which must be both accessible and invariable, have

Time The second is defined in terms of the oscillations of

light emitted by an atomic (cesium-133)source. Accurate time
signals are sent worldwide by radio signals keyed to atomic
clocks in standardizing laboratories.

been established for these base quantities by international

agreement. These standards are used in all physical measurement, for both the base quantities and the quantities derived
from them. Scientific notation and the prefixes of Table 1-2
are used to simplify measurement notation.




Solution is in the Student Solutions Manual.

Solution is at http:/
Interactive Learningware solution is at,com/college/halliday
Number of dot5 indicates level OF problem difficult

sec. a-5 Length

*a, Horses are to race over a certain English meadow for a
distance of 4.0 furlongs. What is the race distance in (a) rods
and (b) chains? (1furlong = 201.168 m, 1rod = 5.0292 m,and
1 chain = 20.117 m.) SM wpm

A gry is an old English measure for length, defined as

1/10 of a line, where line is another old English measure for
length, defined as 1/12 inch. A common measure for length in
the publishing business is a point, d e h e d as 1/72 inch. What
is an area of 0.50 gry2 in points squared (points2)?

Mass The kilogram is defined in terms of a phtinurn-iridium standard mass kept near Paris. For measurements on an
atomic scale, the atomic mass unit, defined in terms of the
atom carbon-12, is usually used.

*3 The micrvllleter (1 pm) is often called the micron. (a)

How many microns make up 1.0 km? (b) What fraction of a
centimeter equals 1.0 pm? (c) How many microns are in
1.0 yd?
*4 Spacing in this book was generally done in units of points
and picas: 12 points = 1 pica, and 6 picas = 1inch. If a figure
was misplaced in the page proofs by 0.80 cm, what was the
misplacement in (a) picas and (b) points?

*5 Earth is approximately a sphere of radius 6.37 X 106m.

What are (a) its circumference in kilometers, (b) its surface
area in square kilometers, and (c) its volume in cubic kilometers?


0.6 You can easily convert common units and measures

electronically, but you still shouId be able to use a conversion
table, such as those in Appendix D. Table 1-6 is part of a
conversion table for a system of volume measures once com-

mon in Spain; a vohune of 1 h e g a is equivalent to 55.501
dm3(cubic decimeters). To complete the table, what numbers
(hthree si@cant ilgwes) should be entered in (a) the cahiz
column, (b) the fanega column, (c) the cuartilla column, and
(d) the almude wlumn, starting with the top blank? Express
7.00 almudes in (e) medios, (f) cakes, and (g) cubic centimeters (cm3).

Problem 6






1cahiz =
1 fanega =
1cuartilla =
1almude =
1 rnedio =

percentage difference

actual - approximation

6nd the percentage difference from the approximation.

A fortnight is a charming En&& measure of time equal
tv 2.0 weeks (the ward is a cantraction of "fourteen nights").
That is a nice amount of time in pleasant company but perhaps
a painful string of microseconds in unpleasant company. How
many microseconds are in a fortnight?
*12 The fastest growing plant on record is a Hesperoyucca
whipplei that grew 3.7 m ia 14 days. What was its growth rate
in micrometers per second?
013 Five clocks are being tested in a Iaboratory. Exactly at
noon, as determined by the W h e signal, on successive
days of a week the clocks read as in the following table. Rank
the five clocks a m d i n g to their relative value as good timekeepers, best to worst. Jusiify your choice.

0.7 Antarctica is roughly semicircular, with a radius of 2000

km (Fig. 1-5). The average
thickness of its ice wver is
3000 m. How many cubic cenMoon
timeters of ice does Antarctica
contain? (Ignore the curvature
Fig. 1-5 Problem 7.
of E d . ) sslr
H w a r d Bridge, which connects MIT with its fraternities across the Charles River, has a length of 364.4 Smoots
plus one ear. The unit of one Smmt is based on the length af
Oliver Reed Smoot, Jr., class of 1962, who was carried or
dragged length by length across the bridge so that other
pledge members of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity could
mark off (with paint) 1-Smoot lengths along the bridge. The
marks have been repainted biannually by fraternity pledges
since the initial measurement, usually during times of traffic
congestion so that the police cannot easily interfere. (Presumably, the police were originally upset because the Smoot is not
an SI base unit, but these days they seem to have accepted the
unit.) Figure 1-6 shows three parallel paths, measured in
Smoots (S), Willies (W), and Zeldas (Z). What is the length
of 50.0 Smoots in (a) Willies and @) Zeldas?


Fig. Z-6 Problem 8.

* a 9 Hydraulic engineers in the United States often use, as a
unit of volume of water, the acre-foot, defined as the volume
of water that will cover 1 acre of land to a depth of 1 ft. A
severe thundarstom dumped 2.0 in. of rain in 30 min on a
t o m of area 26 km2.What volume of water, in acre-feet, fell
on the town?

A lecture period (50 min) is dose ta 3. microcentury. (a)
now long is a microcentury in minutes? (b) Using








123656 12:37:12 12372

12:00:02 11:59:57 12W.07
455:51:43 155241 155349
1202:52 12:01:45 12W38
12:02:49 12.0154 1291:52





12:37:59 12338314
11:59:56 12W.03
15:55:35 1?5&3
11:58:24 113717
l201:22 1291:12

m y Until 1883,every city and town in the United States kept

its own local time.Today, travelers reset their watches only
when the time change equals 1.0 h. How far, on the average,
must you travel in degrees of longitude untiI your watch must
be reset by 1.0 h? (Hint Earth rotates 36P in about 24 h.)

*15 For about 10 years after the French Revolution, the

French government attempted to bas6 measures of time on
multiples of ten: One week consisted of 10 days,one day w n sisted of 10 hours, one hour &ted
of 100 minutes, and one
minute consisted of 100 secunds. What are the ratios of (a)
the French decimal week to the standard week and (b) the
French decimal second to the standard second?
*i6 Time standards are now based on atomic elmks. A
promising second standard is b ~ e on
d puhars, which are rotating neutron stars (highly compact stars consisting only of
neutrons). Some rotate at a rate that is highly stable, sending
out a radio beacon that sweeps briefly across Earth once with
each rotation, like a lighthouse beacon. Wsar PSR 1937+21
is an example; it rotates once every 1.557 806 448 872 75 + 3
rns,where the trailing 2 3 indicates the uncertainty in the last
decimal place (it does not mean 23 ms). (a) How many rotations does PSR 1937+21 make in 7.00 days? (b) How much
time does the pulsar take to rotate exactly one million times
and (c) what is the associated uncertainty?
0.27 Three digital clocks A, B, and C run at different rates
and do not have simultanwus readings of zero. Figure 1-7

FM, i-7 Problem 17.


Chapter i Measurement

shows simultaneous readings on pairs of the clocks for four

occasions. (At the earliest occasion, for example, B reads
25.0 s and C reads 92.0 s.) If two events are 600 s apart on
clock A, how far apart are they on (a) clock B and (b) clock
C? (c) When clock A reads 400 s, what does clock B read? (d)
When clock C reads 15.0 s, what does clock B read? (Assume
negative readings for prezero times.)
**-18 Because Earth's rotation is gradually slowing, the
length of each day increases: The day at the end of 1.0 century
is 1.0 ms longer than the day at the start of the century. In 20
centuries, what is the total of the daily increases in time (that
is, the sum of the gain on the first day, the gain on the second
day, etc.)?

sec.a-7 Mass
m19 (a) Assuming that each cubic centimeter of water has a
mass of exactly 1g, find the mass of one cubic meter of water
in kilograms. @) Suppose that it takes 10.0 h to drain a con-

tainer of 5700 m3 of water. What is the "mass flow rate," in

kilograms per second, of water from the container?
020 Gold, which has a mass of 19.32 g for each cubic centimeter of voIume, is the most ductile metal and can be pressed
into a thin leaf or drawn out into a long fiber. (a) If a sample
of gold, with a mass of 27.63 g, is pressed into a leaf of
1.000 pm thickness, what is the area of the leaf? (b) If, instead,
the gold is drawn out into a cylindrical fiber of radius 2500
what is the length of the fiber?
Earth has a mass of 5.98 x 10" kg. The average mass of
the atoms that make up Earth is 40 u. How many atoms are
there in Earth?
The record for the largest glass bottle was set in 1992 by
a team in Millville, New Jersey-they Mew a bottle with a

volume of 193 U.S. fluid gallons. (a) How much short of 1.0
million cubic centimeters is that? (b) If the bottle were filled
with water at the leisurely rate of 1.8 glmin, how long would
the filling take? Water has a mass of 1000 kg per cubic meter
of volume.
023 Iron has a mass of 7.87 g per cubic centimeter of volume,
and the mass of an iron atom is 9.27 X lomz6kg. If the atoms

are spherical and tightly packed, (a) what is the volume of an

he distance between the centers of
adincent atoms? :
-One cubic centimeter of a typical cumulus cloud wntains 50 to 500 water drops, which have a typical radius of
10 1.m. For that range, give the lower value and the higher
value, respectively, for the following. (a) How many cubic meters of water are in a cylindrical cumulus cloud of height 3.0
km and radius 1.0 km? ( b ) How many 1-liter pop bottles
would that water fill? (c) Water has a mass of 1000 kg per
cubic meter of volume. How much mass does the water in the
cloud have?
iron atom and (b)



AddiimaI Problems

An old English children's rhyme states, "Little Miss Mufsat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey, when along came
a spider who sat down beside her. . . ."The spider sat down
not because of the curds and whey but because Miss Muffet
bad a stash of 11 tuffets of dried flies. The volume measure of
a tuffet is given by 1M e t = 2 pecks = 050 Imperial bushel,
where 1Irngerial bushel = 36.3687 liters (L). What was Miss
Muffet's stash in (a) pecks, (b) Imperial bushels, and (c) liters?
L ~ L

atoms. To the nearest

order of magnitude, how many moles of atoms are in a large
domestic cat? The masses of a hydrogen atom, an oxygen
atom, and a carbon atom are 1.0 u, 16 u,and 12 u, respectively.
(Hint: Cats are sometimes known to kill a mole.)
26 A mole of atoms is 6.02 X

As a contrast between the old and the modern and between the large and the small, consider the following: In old
mral England 1hide (between 100and 120 acres) was the area
of land needed to sustain one family with a single plough for
one year. (An area of 1 acre is equal to 4047 mZ.)Also, 1
wapentake was the area of land needed by 100 such families.
In quantum physics, the cross-sectiond area of a nucleus (defined in terms of the chance of a particle hitting and being
absorbed by it) is measured in units of barns, where I barn is
mz.(In nuclear physics jargon, if a nucleus is
"large," then shooting a particle at it is like shooting a bullet
at a barn door, which can hardly be missed.)What is the ratio
of 25 wapentakes to 11barns?
28 Prior to adopting metric systems of measurement, the
United Kingdom employed some challenging measures of liquid volume. A few are shown in Table 1-7.To complete the
table, what numbers (to three significant figures) should be
entered in (a) the wey column, (b) the chaldron column, (c)
the bag column, (d) the pottle column, and (e) the gill column,
starting with the top blank? (f) The volume of 1bag is equal
to 0.1091 m3. If an oId British story has a witch cooking up
some vile liquid in a cauldron of volume 1.5 chaldrons, what
is the volume in cubic meters?

Problem 28

1 wey =
1 bag =
1 pottle =
1giIl =








29 A tourist purchases a car in England and ships it home

to the United States. The car sticker advertised that the car's
fuel consumption was at the rate of 40 miles per gallon on the
open road. The tourist does not realize that the U.K. gallon
differs from the U.S. gallon:
1 U.K.gallon = 4.545 963 1liters
1U.S. gallon = 3.785 306 0 liters.

For a hip of 750 miles (in the United States), how many gallons of fuel does (a) the mistaken tourist believe she needs
and (b) the car actudly require?
30 An old English wokbook carries this recipe for cream of
nettle soup: "Boil stock of the following amount: 1 breakfastcup plus 1teacup plus 6 tablespoons plus 1dessertspoon. Using gloves, separate nettle tops until you have 0.5 quart; add
the tops to the boiling stock. Add 1tablespoon of cooked rice
and 1 saltspoon of salt. Simmer for 15 min." The following
table gives some of the conversions among old (premettic)
British measures and among common (still premetric) U.S.
measures. (These measures scream for metrication.) For liquid measures, I British teaspoon = 1 U.S. teaspoon. For dry

measures, 1British teaspoon = 2 U.S.teaspoons and 1British
quart = 1U.S. quart. In U S , measures, how much (a) stock,
(b) nettle tops, (c) rice, and (d) salt are required in the recipe?

Old British Measures

U.S. Measures

teaspoon = 2 saltspoons
dessertspoon = 2 teaspoons
tablespoon = 2 dessertspoons
teacup = 8 tablespoons
breakfastcup = 2 teacups

tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
half cup = 8 tablespoons
cup = 2 half cups

31 An old manuscript reveals that a landowner in the time

of King Arthur held 3.00 acres of plowed land plus a livestock

area of 25.0 perches by 4.00 perches. What was the total area
in (a) the old unit of roods and (b) the more modem unit of
square meters? Here, 1 acre is an area of 40 perches by 4
perches, 1 rood is an area of 40 perches by 1 perch, and 1
perch is the length 16.5 ft.

32 Two types of barrel units were in use in the 1920s in the

United States. The apple barrel had a legally set volume of
7056 cubic inches; the cranberry barrel, 5826 cubic inches. If
a merchant sells 20 cranberry barrels of goods to a customer
who thinks he is receiving apple barrek, what is the discrepancy in the shipment volume in liters?
33 Grains of fine California beach sand are approximately
spheres with an average radius of 50 pm and are made of
silicon dioxide. A solid cube of silicon dioxide with a volume
of 1.00 m3 has a mass of 2600 kg. What mass of sand grains
would have a total surface area (the total area of all the individual spheres) equal to the surface area of a cube 1.00 m
on an edge?

34 In the United States, a doll house has the scale of 1:12 of

a real house (that is, each length of the doll house is & that of
the real house) and a miniature house (a doll house to fit
within a doll house) has the scale of 1:144 of a real house.
Suppose a real house (Fig. 1-8) has a front length of 20 m, a
depth of 12 m, a height of 6.0 rn, and a standard sloped roof
(vertical triangular faces on the ends) of height 3.0 m. In cubic
meters, what are the volumes of the corresponding (a) doll
house and (b) miniature house?


Suppose that, while lying on a beach near the equator

watching the Sun set over a calm ocean, you start a stopwatch
just as the top of the Sun disappears. You then stand, elevating
your eyes by a height H = 1.70 m, and stop the watch when
the top of the Sun again disappears. If the elapsed time is f =
11.1s, what is the radius r of Earth? (Hint See Sample Problem 1-4.)
37 A cord is a volume of cut wood equal to a stack 8 ft long,

4 ft wide, and 4 ft high. How mmy wrds are in 1.0 m3?

A traditional unit of length in Japan is the ken (1 ken =
m). What are the ratios of (a) square kens to square meters and (b) cubic kens to cubic meters? What is the volume
of a cylindrical water tank of height 5.50 kens and radius 3.00
kens in (c) cubic kens and (d) cubic meters?
The cubit is an ancient unit of length based on the dis.Ace between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger of
the measurer. Assume that the distance ranged from 43 to 53
cm, and suppose that ancient drawings indicate that a cylindrical pillar was to have a length of 9 cubits and a diameter of
2 cubits. For the stated range, what are the lower value and
the upper value, respectively, for (a) the cylinder's Length in
meters, (b) the cylinder's length in millimeters, and (c) the
cvlinder's volume in cubic meters?

4 - One molecule of water (HzO) contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. A hydrogen atom has a mass
of 1.0 u and an atom of oxygen has a mass of 16 u, approximately. (a) What is the mass in kilograms of om molecule of
water? (b) How many molecules of water are in the world's
oceans, which have an estimated total mass of 1.4 x loa1kg?
A ton is a measure of volume frequently used in shipping,
out that use requires some care because there are at least three
types of tons: A dkplacernent tun is equal to 7 barrels bulk, a
freighs ton is equal to 8 barrels bulk, and a register ton is equal
to 20 barrels bulk. A barrel bulk is another measure of volume:
1 barrel bulk = 0.1415 m3. Suppose you spot a shipping order
for "73 tons" of M&M candies, and you are certain that the
client who sent the order intended "ton" to refer to voiume
(instead of weight or mass,as discussed in Chapter 5). If the
client actually meant displacement tons, how many extra U.S.
bushels of the candies will you erroneously ship if you interpret the order as (a) 73 freight tons and (b) 73 register tons?
(1 m3 = 28.378 U.S.bushels.)

On a spending spree in Malaysia, you buy an ox with a

weight of 28.9 pic& in the local unit of weights: 1picul = 100
gins, 1 gin = 16 tahils, 1 tahil = 10 chees, and 1 chee = 10
hwns. The weight of 1 hoon corresponds to a mass of 0.3779
g. When you arrange to ship the ox home to your astonished
family, how much mass in kilograms must you declare on the
shipping manifest?
Traditional units of time have been based on astronom.d measurements, such as the length of the day or year. However, one human-based measure of time can be found in Tibet,
where the dbug is the average time between exhaled breaths.
Estimate the number of dbugs in a day.

fig. 1-8 Problem 34.

35 The description for a certain brand of house pain1 claims

a coverage of 460 ft2/gal. (a) Express this quantity in square

meters per liter. (b) Express this quantity in an SI unit (see
Appendices A and D).(c) What is the inverse of the original
quantity, and (d) what is its physical significance?

# You receive orders to sail due east for 24.5 mi to put your
salvage ship directly over a sunken pirate ship. However,
when your divers probe the ocean floor at that location and
find no evidence of a ship, you radio back to your source of
information, only to discoyex that the sailing distance was sup-


Chapter i


posed to be 24.5 nautical m h , not regular miles. Use the

k n g t h table in Appendix D to calculate how far horizontally
you are horn the pirate ship in kilometers.

5 Strangely, the wine for a large wedding reception is to be

&wed in a stunning cut-glass receptacle with the interior dimensions of 40 m x 40 cm x 30 cm (height). The receptacle
is to be initially Wed to the top. The wine can be purchased
in bottles of the sizes given in the following table. Purchasing
a larger bottle instead of multiple smaller bottles decreases
the overall cost of the wine. To minimize the cost, (a) which
bottle sizes should be purchased and how many of each should
be purchased and, once the receptacle is filled, how much wine
is left over in terms of (b) standard bottles and (c) liters?
1 standard bottle
1 magnum = 2 standard bottles
1jeroboam = 4 standard bottles
1 rehoboam = 6 standard bottles

1methuselah = 8 standard bottles

1salmanazar = 12 standard bottles
1 balthmar = 16 standard bottles = 11.356 L
1 nebuchadnezzar = 20 standard bottles
In purchasing food for a political rally, you erroneously
order shucked medium-size Pacific oysters (which come 8 to
12per U.S.pint) instead of shucked medium-size Atlanticoysters (which come 26 to 38 per U.S.pint). The filled oyster
container shipped to you has the interior measure of 1.0 m x
12 an x 20 m, and a U.S. pint is equivalent to 0.4732 liter. By
how many oysters is the order short of your anticipated count?

47 An astronomical unit (AU) is the average distance between Earth and the Sun,approximately 1.50 x lo8km. The
speed of light is about 3.0 X 108 m/s. Express the speed of
light in astronomical units per minute.
a What mass of water fell on the town in Problem 9? One
ubic meter of water has a mass of 1.0 x lo3 kg.

9 Using conversions and data in the chapter, determine the

number of hydrogen atoms required to obtain 1.0 kg of hydrogen. A hydrogen atom has a mass of 1.0 u.

A typical sugar cube has an edge length of 1 cm.If you

--d a cubical box that contained a mole of sugar cubes, what
would its edge length be? (One mole = 6.02 X lou units.)
A person on a diet might lose 2.3 kg per week. Express
the mass loss rate in milligrams per second, as if the dieter
could sense the second-by-second Iws.
2 The corn-hog ratio is a financial term used in the pig
market and presumably is related to the cost of feeding a pig
until it is large enough for market. It is defined as the ratio of
the market price of a pig with a mass of 1460 slugs to the
market price of a U.S.bushel of corn. (The word "slug" is
derived from an old German word that means "to hit"; we
have the same meaning for "slug" as a verb in modern English.) A U.S. bushel is equal to 35.238 L. If the corn-hog
ratio is listed as 5.7 on the market exchange, what is it in the
metric units of

price of 1 kilogram of pig?

price of 1liter of corn
(Hint: See the Mass table in Appendix D.)

3 , A standard interior staircase has steps each with a rise

(height) of 19 cm and a run (horizontal depth) of 23 cm. Research suggests that the stairs would be safer for descent if the
rur~were, instead, 28 cm. For a particular staircase of total
height 4.57 m, how much farther into the room would the
staircase extend if this change in run were made?
During heavy rain, a section of a moutainside measuring
~ . . 5 km horizontally, 0.80 km up along the dope, and 2.0 rn
deep slips into a valley in a mud slide. Assume that the mud
ends up uniformly distributed over a surface area of the valley
measuring 0.40 lun x 0.40 km and that the mass of a cubic
meter of mud is 1900 kg. What is the mass of the mud sitting
abqve a 4.0 m2 area of the valley floor?

You are to ~ I Xdinners for 400 people at a convention of

Mexican food fans. Your recipe calls for 2 jalapeiio peppers
per serving (one serving per person). However, you have only
habanera peppers on hand. The spiciness of peppers is measured in terms of the scoville heat unit (SHU). On average,
one jalapefio pepper has a spiciness of 4000 SHU and one
babanero pepper has a spiciness of 300 000 SHU. To get the
desired spiciness, how many habanero peppers should you
substitute for the jalapeiio peppers in the recipe for the 400
56 A unit of area often used in measuring land areas is the
hectare, defined as lo4 m2. An open-pit coal mine consumes
75 hectares of land, down to a depth of 26 m,each year. What
volume of earth, in cubic kilometers, is removed in this time?
57 An ~ o n o m i c a unit
(AU) is equal to the average distance from Earth to the Sun, about 92.9 X 106 mi. A parsec
(pc) is the distance at which a length of 1AU wodd subtend
an angle of exactly 1second of arc (Fig. 1-9). A light-year (ly)
is the distance that light, traveling through a vacuum with a
speed of 186 000 mils, would cover in 1.0 year. Express the
Earth-Sun distance in (a) parsecs and @) light-years.
An angle of
f exactly 1 second

F7g. 1-9 Problem 57.

(a) A unit of time sometimes used in microscopic physics
is the shake. One shake equals
s. Are there more shakes
in a second than there are seoonds in a year? (b) Humans have
existed for about lo6 years, whereas the universe is about
1010years old. If the age of the universe is defined as 1 "universe day," where a universe day consists of "universe seconds" as a normal day consists of n o d seconds, how many
universe seconds have humans existed?
During a total solar eclipse, your view of the Sun is almost
exactly replaced by your view of the Moon. Assuming that the
distance from you to the Sun is about 400 times the distance
from you to the M w n , (a) find the ratio of the Sun's diameter
to the Moon's diameter. (b) What is the ratio of the Sun's
volume to the Moon's volume? (c) Position a small coin in
your view so that it just eclipses the full Moon, and measure
the angle it subtends at the eye. From this and the EarthMoon distance (= 3.8 X lo5 km), find the Moon's diameter.

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