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Case Reports in Psychiatry

Volume 2014, Article ID 309517, 4 pages

Case Report
Adolescent Catatonia Successfully Treated with
Lorazepam and Aripiprazole
Aaron J. Roberto,1 Subhash Pinnaka,1 Abhishek Mohan,2
Hiejin Yoon,1 and Kyle A. B. Lapidus3

Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY 10595, USA

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Aaron J. Roberto; [email protected]

Received 29 June 2014; Accepted 4 August 2014; Published 12 August 2014
Academic Editor: Norio Yasui-Furukori
Copyright 2014 Aaron J. Roberto et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Catatonia is especially concerning in children and adolescents. It leads to significant impairment, including emotional distress,
difficulty communicating, and other debilitating symptoms. In this case report, we discuss a patient with no previous history of
neuroleptic medication or psychotic symptoms, presenting with first-episode catatonia in the presence of disorganized, psychotic
thoughts. We then review the catatonia syndrome, citing examples in the literature supporting its underdiagnosis in children and
adolescents, and discuss successful treatment modalities. It is important to diagnose and treat catatonia as efficiently as possible, to
limit functional and emotional distress to the patient.

1. Introduction

2. Case Report

Catatonia is a distinct syndrome of motor dysregulation, with

symptoms including excessive and purposeless motor activity, alternating with immobility. It is a debilitating condition,
leading to difficulty communicating, pronounced distress,
and extreme discomfort. The condition is not uncommon
among children, adolescents, and adults [1]. Catatonia has an
approximate incidence of 0.6% for children and adolescents
that are treated psychiatrically in an inpatient setting [2].
Unfortunately, catatonia is often inadequately recognized in
children and adolescents since it is often overshadowed by
medical, neurological, or developmental disorders [3, 4].
Careful consideration of the possibility of catatonic symptoms and targeted assessments when there is any reason for
suspicion is critical to effectively diagnose and treat catatonia
in the child and adolescent population. Benzodiazepines have
been used to effectively treat catatonia, and these medications
should be considered as a first-line treatment, especially given
their limited adverse side effect profile [3]. In addition to
benzodiazepines, ECT may be considered for those with
catatonia, since it is also recognized as a preferred treatment

Herein we describe a 16-year-old neuroleptic nave Caucasian

male with past psychiatric history of ADHD and a family
history including a mother with bipolar disorder, who presented to the pediatric ER with altered mental status. He had
been assessed once in the pediatric ER, a year earlier, for
alcohol intoxication but had no previously diagnosed medical
conditions. Immediately before admission, he was lethargic
and nonverbal, leading to transportation to a nearby ER,
where he presented with macular rash over his cheeks and
trunk, which resolved while he was waiting to be transferred
to our facility.
Two days before admission, the patient reported to his
mother that he was concerned about being attacked by his
peers for vague and unclear reasons. In the following days,
he gradually became alternatingly irritable, paranoid, easily
agitated, disorganized, confused, and lethargic. He became
increasingly stiff, with rigid posture and decreased oral intake
of food and water. His mother was concerned that the
patients symptoms were caused by illicit substance ingestion,
as the patient had stated that he tried phencyclidine (PCP)
in the past. There were no reported periods of restlessness,

pleasure seeking, goal-oriented behavior, grandiosity, delusional thoughts, or other symptoms suspicious for potential
mania or psychotic disorder, prior to this episode. There were
no previous or pending disciplinary school issues or legal
actions. The patient had no known drug or environmental
allergies. There was no history of catatonia, dystonia, stiffness,
mutism, tic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or involuntary movements.
On presentation to our pediatric ER, the patient appeared
suspicious, agitated, and confused. He was restless and not
verbal nor otherwise communicative and was sitting up,
hunched over with rigid, flexed, inwardly rotated extremities;
he retained a stiff posture throughout the encounter. His eyes
were at first closed although he was awake and responding
to painful stimuli. He was initially confused, perplexed, and
internally preoccupied. On physical examination, upper and
lower extremities were hyperreflexic. Signs of cogwheeling or
clasp-knife rigidity were not found on physical examination.
Blood alcohol and urine toxicology returned negative.
The patient was then transferred to the pediatric medical inpatient unit. Computerized tomography, chest X-ray,
and blood labs, including N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
antibodies, all were within normal limits. Sedation was
administered to manage agitation and lumbar puncture was
performed; cerebrospinal fluid was sent for cell counts,
cultures, and chemistries, which returned negative. Magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) was performed, under sedation
due to agitation, on the second day of admission, and
electroencephalogram was obtained, both of which were
found to be normal.
On the second day of admission, lorazepam 1 mg intramuscularly (IM) was provided for continued agitation. After
one dose, the patient became slightly more responsive to
verbal commands, with a minimal decrease in rigidity for
approximately 30 minutes, though he remained disoriented.
Three hours later, after another dose of lorazepam 1 mg,
rigidity decreased further and the patient became more
lucid, able to move his head minimally in response to
sounds and commands, though in a very slow and repetitive, stereotyped manner. His presentation and response to
lorazepam, with negative workup, led to the diagnosis of
catatonia by the psychosomatic medicine team consulting
to the pediatric medical unit. On day 3, a standing dose
of lorazepam, beginning with 0.5 mg daily, was initiated.
He also received additional doses, as needed, for continued
rigidity and stiffness. After each dose he became less rigid
and his extremities were progressively less flexed, though he
remained internally preoccupied and only able to respond
minimally to commands. On day 5, the standing lorazepam
dose was increased to 0.5 mg three times daily (TID), and the
patients mental status continued to improve; he became more
lucid and better able to engage the interviewer. His fixed,
flexed posture improved significantly, and he became able to
weakly grasp the examiners finger with his right hand (yet
not with the left hand). He also was able to weakly and slowly
move his toes bilaterally on command. He was hyperreflexic,
with L3-L4 knee jerk and upper extremity reflexes rated 3+.
On day 6, the patient was minimally verbal and continued
to have decreased oral intake. He had lost 13 pounds since

Case Reports in Psychiatry

admission, experienced enuresis in the morning, and had
difficulty voiding while standing up. He remained paranoid
and delusional, and autonomic changes became apparent
with heart rate fluctuating between 48 and 106 beats per
minute. At this time, lorazepam was increased to 1 mg TID.
Over the next two days, he substantially improved, began
eating meals, and became more verbally interactive and lucid.
Rigidity and ambulation improved. Vital signs also stabilized
though the patient remained guarded with suspicious affect
and limited eye contact, shying away and pointing at the
examiner. Aripiprazole was initiated at 2 mg once daily for
treatment of ongoing disorganization, suspiciousness, and
paranoia. Aripiprazole was chosen due to its known safety
profile and clinical effectiveness in treating psychosis and
catatonia, as evidenced by multiple case reports with effective
results in the child and adolescent population [69]. In
addition, aripiprazole treatment poses a lower risk for cardiac
and metabolic effects, as well as hyperlipidemia, compared
to other second generation neuroleptics [10], and has a long
half-life allowing for once daily dosing. Lorazepam was continued at the current dose with ongoing improvement. Oral
liquid intake improved and after 2 more days of treatment,
the patient was less mute, less rigid, and less catatonic. His
motor skills also improved dramatically. He was able to
verbalize his thoughts effectively and no longer displayed
restricted or slowed, stereotypical movements. As catatonic
symptoms improved, he began to complain of generalized
body ache, presumably due to muscular stiffness and rigidity,
which was successfully treated with tylenol as needed. The
patient continued to experience improvement of stiffness
and rigidity, yet vague, paranoid thoughts and guardedness
persisted. Abilify was titrated up to 10 mg for improved
treatment of symptoms. On the tenth day of hospitalization,
he was discharged home on aripiprazole 10 mg daily and
small dose of lorazepam with taper instructions and with a
scheduled follow up psychiatry appointment.
Lorazepam was slowly tapered over the course of four
weeks after discharge in order to continue to target lingering
stiffness and rigidity, which completely resolved with treatment. As of 2 months after discharge from the pediatrics unit,
he returned as outpatient and positive psychotic symptoms,
rigidity, and stiffness had completely resolved. There was a
mild degree of negative symptoms present, including slow
processing speed, constricted affect, fatigue, and decreased
concentration, yet the catatonia had completely resolved.

3. Discussion
Catatonia is a syndrome of motor dysregulation that includes
excessive motoric activity, stereotypical movements, extreme
negativism or mutism, echolalia or echopraxia, and other
involuntary movements [1, 6, 11, 12]. Catatonia has been
associated with a wide variety of psychiatric, medical,
neurological, substance-related, endocrine, infectious, and
metabolic conditions [13]. In psychiatry, it is traditionally
linked to schizophrenia, though catatonia is not uncommon
in mood disorders [1416]. In a significant minority, no cause
is identified [15].

Case Reports in Psychiatry

Catatonia has been previously reported to be rare in
child and adolescent patients [2]. However, recent evidence
suggests that the prevalence in this population is similar to
the adult population [4].
Benzodiazepines and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
are considered first-line treatments, and most patients
respond well when adequately treated [5]. Complete remission of catatonia has been reported in 7080% of cases
following administration of a benzodiazepine alone [1720].
ECT is recommended when there is insufficient improvement
with benzodiazepines [17, 21].
Antipsychotics are generally not recommended during
acute catatonia, as they can increase the risk of precipitating
symptoms including neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS)
or akinesia [22]. Dysregulation between motor/premotor
cortex and the basal ganglia may contribute to this risk; in
NMS striatal dopamine D2 receptor blockade may impact
this motor feedback pathway, and in catatonia, GABAergic
dysfunction may play a role [22, 23]. It has been postulated that dopamine D2 hypoactivity, glutamate NMDA
hyperactivity, and GABAa hypoactivity contribute to the
development of catatonia [23] and that lorazepam and other
drugs that affect GABAa activity (e.g., anticonvulsants) exert
their beneficial effect and resolution of catatonia through
GABA modulation [19].
Despite the risk of akinesia, antipsychotics may be
effective in treatment-resistant catatonia and catatonia with
psychosis [7, 2426]. For treatment of residual psychotic
symptoms, second generation antipsychotics with low D2
blockade (quetiapine, olanzapine) or with D2 partial agonism (aripiprazole) are preferred [8]. These drugs may also
treat the underlying psychopathology, such as a manic or
psychotic episode [27]. Successful treatment of catatonia
with aripiprazole in an adolescent with psychosis has been
reported [6, 10]. Olanzapine has also shown efficacy in
the treatment of catatonic schizophrenia, both in children
[28], and adolescents [29, 30]. Treatment of catatonia in
adolescents with amantadine, a weak NMDA antagonist with
dopaminergic, cholinergic, and serotonergic activity, has also
demonstrated efficacy [22, 31]. In one study, 7 patients were
treated with clozapine after unsuccessful trials of lorazepam
and other atypical antipsychotics, and 6/7 (86%) experienced
a beneficial effect following slow titration, a good overall
response for treatment of catatonia [25]. In a large case series
including 39 patients with catatonia, 61.5% of patients were
on quietapine at the time of catatonia recovery and 51.3%
of patients were on quietapine when discharged versus only
17.9% of patients on quietapine on admission [26].
Our patient experienced a first-episode of catatonia and
psychosis, with disorganized and paranoid thought process.
Consistent with previous reports, lorazepam rapidly relieved
our patients catatonic symptoms. Lorazepam challenge has
been found to be effective in diagnosing and treating catatonia; transient improvement of catatonia following lorazepam
administration is suggestive of eventual benefit after completing the treatment course [7]. Aripiprazole has shown
efficacy in treating both psychosis and refractory catatonia
in the long term [69], and as mentioned previously, has a
lower risk of metabolic and cardiac effects in the child and

adolescent population [10]. In this case, the administration
of lorazapam was effective in treating our patients catatonia,
while delusional and paranoid thoughts were relieved by
concomitant treatment with aripiprazole, which has also
been effective in treating catatonia based on cases in the
literature. Here, catatonia was diagnosed efficiently, which
facilitated successful treatment, beginning with lorazepam
administration. Clinicians should maintain a low threshold
for initiating benzodiazepine treatment for children and
adolescents experiencing first episode catatonic symptoms.

Conflict of Interests
Aaron J. Roberto, Subhash Pinnaka, Abhishek Mohan, and
Hiejin Yoon have no financial support or other disclosures.
Kyle A. B. Lapidus received research support from Brain and
Behavior Research Foundation and Simons Foundation. Kyle
A. B. Lapidus serves on the advisory board for Halo Neuro,
Inc., has received devices from Medtronic, and consults for
LCN Consulting, Inc.

The authors would like to express gratitude to the patient
who provided assent and to the mother (legal guardian) of
the patient, who provided permission for both research and
anonymous publication.

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