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Game Design Document


SquareBalls Game Design Doc Changelog

Document Creation. KW
Added Design Page for Busting Bridges KW
Added page for Together we bounce KW
Added page for Steamroller JE
Added page for Countdown JE
Added page for Square Painter JE
added controller pages KW
Added page for Shroud Prototype doc TB
Added Spot Square SOMEONE
Added page for Plank-Ton JE
Added page for UI JE
Added page for HUD JE
Added page for reverse jenga
Added page for Conveyor Terror
Added page for Cut Out ST
Added page for Flyby JE
Updated some our teams mini-game pages JE
Added Section for Shop Items TB
Added section for Shroud Events TB
Added section for Melon Smash ST
Added mini-game tutorial to section 1.81 JE
Added Game Selection Handler 1.84
Added Pages for sections 2.16 through 2.24 JE
Updated all mini-game pages JE

Section I - Overview
1.1 Game Concept
1.3 Genre: Party Game
1.4 Target Audience and Rating
1.5 Game Flow Summary
1.6 Controller Setup
1.80 Prototyping Game Flow
Basic Shroud Prototype
1.81 UI
Title Screen
Player Selection Menu
Mini-Game Tutorial
Section II - MiniGame Documentation
2.1 Busting Bridges
2.2 Together We Bounce (Not Finished)
2.3 Engorge Mode
2.4 Steamroller
2.5 Ice Melter
2.6 Paint Roller
2.7 Spot Square (Cutting)
2.8 Plank-Ton
2.9 Stack em
2.10 Conveyor Terror (Not Finished)
2.11 Square Planes
2.13 Flyby (Not Finished)
2.25 Tidal Wave

Section I - Overview
1.1 Game Concept
Squareballs is currently being visioned as a console party game with heavy emphasis on multiplayer mini
games. The game is currently envisioned to be played local multiplayer with up to maximum of 4 players.

1.3 Genre: Party Game

1.4 Target Audience and Rating

1.5 Game Flow Summary

Players will choose a Shroud gamemode, this is an encapsulating game which will drive the players
forward and act as the inbetweens of mini-games (Similar to the game board in Mario Party) While in this
state, mini-games will be continuously played until the winning condition of the shroud gamemode is met.

1.6 Controller Setup

With use of our custom UserInput Class, the input for both keyboard and joypad are as follows, Please see
the UserInput.cs for more info on how to use it correctly. What this means however, is that by using the
UserInput class, all of our inputs will be consistent with each other. The mappings per key are as follows

Though our mappings are now guaranteed to be consistent, their use of them in game will vary, In attempt
to be consistent, please use the following guide, any questions or need any suggestions, dont be afraid to

X Axis : Primarily horizontal movement or rotations in the Z-Axis (left and right)
Y Axis : Primarily vertical movement or rotations in the X-Axis (forward and back)
X Button: Secondary Action
A Button: Primary Action: Jumping / Primary Tapping / ETC
B Button: Tertiary Action/Cancel/Soft Exit, Used primarily for navigating out of menus or canceling commands
Y Button: Low Priority Action, Unless your game needs 4 inputs, avoid using this
SL Button: Quit/Hard Exit, You will likely never use this, Mostly used to cancel practice or terminate
games completely
These by all means are not set, and we can add functionality to the rest of the controller, These are just the big ones
for now.

(FYI: KeyboardInput works for Both Web+Desktop mode HOWEVER Joystick on webmode does not and
desktop joystick inputs will need to be setup in the launcher)

1.80 Prototyping Game Flow

Basic Shroud Prototype
1: An unsewn 3d cube laid out in a t-pose. (Possibly made of planes?)

Planes or surfaces must be able to change materials.

2: 4 players

Players need to be able to move around the cube on any space, even spaces occupied by other
characters. (Possibly just move them above the other cube. +z)

Players must have access to a menu by pressing a button (ONLY AT THE BEGINNING OF THEIR

Upon any given movement players need to be able to press a button and change the space they
occupy to their color. (If GAME CPU allows it. *See Below)

Must have a visible representation of movement.(Counting Down)

Must have a visible representation of their wallet. (Capped at 15)


GAME CPU must automatically connect or Lock 2x2s, 2x3s, 2x4s, 3x3s, 3x4s, and 4x4s in a
locking fashion that does not allow players to claim them unless they are destructed into smaller pieces.

GAME CPU must allow points for the above joined squares according to the following chart. (Must be
able to modify)













Must keep track of rounds played

A Mock mini game generator would be great. (This applies values to players wallet showing who came
in what place in the game.

Must keep track of items purchased for each player.

Awarded amounts to a players wallet for victories are as follows
1st : 7
4: Menu

Must allow for addition and removal of items for prototyping.

Needs a bomb
Bomb requires a cursor [ + ] (2x1), that extends ONLY to adjacent squares around the player.
5. (Prep Menu)
* First player needs to be able to activate or disable portions of the cube for play.
* First player needs to set up how many rounds will be played.
Game Flow
This summary covers all playability for game testing and prototyping.
In the beginning there needs to be a way to access values and modify parts of the game. This can be done
in the sidebar with public values (for ease). After this Players will proceed into game play in a turn based
mode. Players must be able to either immediately enter the store or if they begin movement the store option
is disabled.
A players turn consists of movement that needs to depreciate in a visible form on screen. During a players
movement they need to be able to turn blank spots into their own color, or pay extra to change another
player single space into their own color for an extra charge. Players also must be able to place items they
have purchased. Players however cannot do any of the following on their turn:
Players cannot move another player (unless scripting is changed for a certain menu item.)
Players cannot share a space unless a player will continue moving. (uses a move)
Players cannot change a square that has been Locked
Continuing on, players must be able to end their turn whenever they desire.
This will repeat for all players. After all 4 players have had their turn the game displays a random generator
that simulates the places of victory earned in a mini game. Players are awarded for the positions displayed
in the random mini game generator. After this, players continue in the same order that was established
previously, regardless of mini game outcome.
This continues until the amount of rounds selected in the pre-game mode (Or side bar) are finished. Upon
termination players are brought to an overhead view of the board and their total score is displayed in order
from highest point count to lowest.

1.81 UI
The menu is set on a cube. Rotating the cube switches to another face. Each face contains a section of the
menu. It shouldnt need sub-menus but if they are needed sub-menus will fade out unrelated text on that
face of the cube and display all things related to the main menu.
To navigate the menu the left analogue will move through the different elements of the section. If the player
pushes all the way to the top or other side of the menu it will rotate that direction. A corresponding action
button will shortcut to that menu. For example, Y would move the menu up and X would move the menu left,
B right, A down. Players might not be able to move the menu in all directions to keep from getting confused
to location. In order to select an option players will push the Start button.
Players start on the Title screen. After pushing Up/Y/Start it progresses to the Player Selection menu.
Pushing Up/Y takes the player to the Game Mode Selection menu. From here the player can push all four
directions. Left/X is the Options menu. Right/B is the Achievements/Unlockables/Avatar Creation menu.
Up/Y is the Bonus/Purchased Content menu.

Title Screen
Only the Y button will be displayed to teach the player This is how you navigate through menu. but Up also
works. However because people are used to pushing Start at the title screen this will also go to the next
screen but only on the Menu screen. All other screens will use Start for selecting and item.

Player Selection Menu

The Player Selection menu allows players to ring in their characters and log in on their controllers if they
havent already or select an A.I. Once all players are ready then they can move to the Game Mode menu.

Character Customization I n order to implement this feature into the game given the time and scope of
this project it will need to be added as an if we have time feature. Either that or greatly simplify it.
Proposed solution:
There will be 6 base character models with preset 3D facial features: 3 female and 3 male ranging from
gender neutral to very masculine/feminine. Players can change eye and body color but not facial features
beyond the 6 options. However changing body color would require some minor reworking of mini-games that
rely on color for conveyance. Due to the nature of 3D rigging and animating, allowing players to change
facial features may require too much work for little pay off.

What players can change, in addition to color, are accessories such as hats and glasses. These models will
be separate and will not require additional rigging as they will not deform. They will just be attached to the
player. Accessories should not cover the player excessively so that player color is easily visible. The reason
for this is that characters cannot be duplicate colors but can have duplicate accessories.
Players will be able to change their accessories and color at the character selection screen if they choose.
However players can save their avatar to their profile so that their avatar will automatically load up upon
logging in to their profile. Any future changes will automatically be saved.
All accessories will be available from the beginning unless we have a large number of accessories. Then
most accessories will be available with a few to unlock for all players through playing. Maybe as rewards for
achievements or something.
Alternate solution:
If characters have 2D faces instead of 3D (eyebrows would still be 3D), it would allow for more flexibility.
Only one character model would need to be rigged and animated. Eye and mouth textures could then be
swapped out and moved around the face without additional rigging. Each mouth/eye shape would then have
a set of images they would change to depending on the facial expression.
If we went the 2D route, it would be mostly like above, except due to the increased options for customization
there would need to be a separate menu screen for players to change their face. Accessories could still be
swapped out at the character selection screen.

Player Selection Menu cont.

If more accessory options such as tattoos and masks are available than what is displayed then pushing
down will scroll through a list but only display three or four at categories a time. Its not displayed here but
the name of the player profile will be displayed below their character as well.

Game Mode Selection Menu

Mini-Game Tutorial
Instead of a separate screen for tutorials, mini-games can now be played within the instructions menu. The
Game Play Area will display the game as it would appear but if players die then the game restarts infinitely
until all players are READY! and points are not calculated. Players may push any of the action buttons or
analogue to play the game. Pushing start will put the player in READY! status. The real game begins once
all players are READY! This means that no mini-game may use the start button except for menu purposes.
The action buttons will be displayed in a separate space from the text to help readability or both in text and
Doing the tutorials this way solves several problems. One is that players like myself feel too pressured to
start the game to properly read the instructions or in the case of the play testing players would skip text not
caring if others had read the rules so adding the press start to get ready wont allow that. Another problem is
that sometimes based on a text description its hard to visualize the game. When Im learning a game I
prefer to tinker around instead of

At the beginning of each players tu reading text. Having the game window in the same place as the text
will allow both types of players to learn the game simultaneously as well as allow impatient players do
something while they wait.

1.82 Shop Items

Homing Cube
Cost: 2cb
Purpose: The homing cube is designed to allow players the functionality of placing cubes around the cube
face at an additional cost. This provides players with a better sense of control for the overall map and allows
them freedom of movement, without losing their position.
Mechanic: Free placement of a colored block anywhere on the map.
Cost: 3cb
Purpose: The bomb allows player to break up spaces that have been previously place on the map. This also
gives players the power to destroy larger, locked blocks on the map. This is an essential sink for the
economy and provides conflict of interest as well as mutual interest. Game testing has proved this an
Essential Piece and cannot be removed from the game without drastic shroud change.
Mechanic: Destroy locked blocks, and clear occupied spaces on the map [2x1]

Cost: 3cb
Purpose: The purpose of the Bazooka is to alter the position of other players without their consent. The
controls should be fairly easy and must not be incredibly difficult. This can be accomplished through a
trajectory line overlaid into environment. Varying power levels will be applied to the bazooka as the player
powers up the bazooka.
Mechanic: Hold a button to achieve a desired power level [1 7] , aim for another player, and then
depending on the power level move the player in the designated direction. [1 7 spaces]
Cost: 4cb
Purpose: The purpose of the jet pack has a negative and a positive side affecting players movement. The
main purpose is to disrupt the movement of a single player. The negative side is that the jet pack can be
purchased and placed on any player. The positive side is that this can allow a player to cover a lot more of
the map and can be very helpful in movement.
Mechanic: Multiplies a players movement in any given direction by 3.
Air Strike
Cost: 6cb
Purpose: The air strike was designed for players to have an even larger impact on the current color
placement on the board. The cost was designed to be low so as not to discourage its use, but enough that a
player needs to sacrifice the majority of turns winnings to use it.
Mechanic: Can be placed anywhere on the map. Destroys a straight 4x1 group. (locked or not)

1.83 Shroud Events


Overview: At the end of every round in the Cube-It Shroud, the Event Handler will activate deciding if there
is an event that will occur next round. If an event is selected a splash screen will announce it and its
conditions to the players before the mini game starts. The events often influence the importance of the
following mini game, or they open the cube up to a free roam mode temporarily for the event before
proceeding to the mini game as usual.
Mechanic: As of right now Events happen 10% (Not tested) of the time. The event handler can only activate
2 events per full game. The event handler will also never activate during the last 3 (Not Tested) rounds of
the shroud, so as not to cause players to win based on event outcomes.

The Golden Cube

Overview: The player who wins this event is given the opportunity to use the golden cube. The golden cube
instantly swaps colors with selected player
Mechanic: Cannot be used by the event handler during rounds 1 through 5, or rounds 10 through 15.

Rubiks Mode
Overview: The cube is split into 4 columns that begin to spin like a slot machine. Each player is in control of
one section. The player will then press a button to stop their section from rotating.

Mechanic: The cube will spin at a rate the players can still see the colored cubes and has an ability to stop
the cube where they want.

Lava Tiles
Overview: In this event meteors fly into the map disabling spaces. This spot become hot and players cannot
stand on them or purchase them. Consequently players who owned said space lose ownership.
Mechanic: 12 Meteors fly to random spots on the map, disabling them for 2 rounds. After the 2 rounds are
over, the spot then becomes blank free for purchase from any player.

Thief Paint Mode

Overview: The players are given a short amount of time to free roam the cube. During this event any space
that a player touches becomes their color!
Mechanic: This will happen before the mini game. There is an instruction splash screen that is similar to a
mini game. Once all players have indicated they are ready the event starts. Players are given free roam of
the cube and any space (regardless of color or if spaces are Locked they can be taken by other players.)
The engine reassigns locked cubes at the end of the event. Similar to the golden cube this event cannot
activate in the last 5 rounds.


Overview: A Cube Goblin appears on screen. Cubes on the face of the map get pulled out and are shown
streaming to the Cublins Bag. After this is shown players then chase the Cublin to get all of the cubes he
Mechanic: The Cublin takes 2 random cubes of the map, (Locked or Not) into his bag. Players are then
taken to a 4player split screen on the map, and at the end of a timer are given free roam. The Cublin has a
limited AI that tries to escape from the players. He is given one move (Still undecided) To make it more
difficult to cath him. Perhaps jumping? When the goblin is caught the player receives 8 CB and they turn to
the winners color. When all is done the map engine updates to players location leaving them all where they
stopped chasing the Cublin. Again this cannot occur on the last 2 rounds, nor the first 2 rounds.

1.84 Game Selection Handler (GSH)

Game selection inside the engine works through probability. Probability of game selection is altered upon
certain in game circumstances. The purpose of the game selection handler is to offer players that are behind
a chance to increase their score, as well as increase the challenge on players that are doing well within the
Base Probability For Game Selection:
FFA : 33.33%
3v1 : 33.33%
2v2 : 33.33%
The handler will address the in game situation before each mini game is selected through the following
process. After the mini game is selected and or played, the Game selection probability returns to it base
1 - GSH will calculate, (or keep a running total) of players total threat. (Threat = Players Score + Players
amount in wallet) The player who has the highest threat receives the tag, Lead. The player with the
lowest threat receives the tag, Last.
2 - (3v1 Condition) This condition will decided by comparing the Leads Threat to the average of the
other 3 players. If the Lead has a lead consisting of 8 or more the 3v1 condition will activate terminating the
GSH and change the Base Probability for selection as follows:
3v1 : 43.3%
FFA : 28.3%
2v2 : 28.3%
In the 3v1 condition the player with the highest threat will be the 1 in the 3v1. If 3v1s Condition is
not the GSH will continue onto the next option.
3 - (2v2 Condition) This condition checks using Addition. This will add the top 2 players threat, and the
lowest players threat together. If the top 2 players threat lead is 10 or more, the 2v2 condition is triggered,
and the GSH alters the Game Selection probability to the following numbers:

2v2 : 38.3%
3v1 : 33.3%
FFA : 28.3%
(If 2v2 conditions are met the Lead tag will always be teamed with the Last tag.
4 - If 2v2 Conditions are not met the GSH automatically revert to FFA values listed below :
FFA : 43.3%
3v1 : 28.3%
2v2 : 28.3%

Section II - MiniGame Documentation

25 games in total:
Games that are pretty much ready to start production on:
Busting Bridges
Ice Melter
Paint Roller
Stack em
Treasure Hunt
Bombs Away!
Big Block Sumo
Total: 8
Games that are far along but need a little more work:
Engorge Mode
Square Planes
Wrecking Balls
Log Rollers
Total: 9
Games that need serious reworking or need to be cut:
Spot Square
Ready Set Jet!
Total: 2
Games that were planned but havent been tested:
Together We Bounce
Conveyor Terror

Cut Out
Melon Smash
Tidal Wave
Total: 6

2.1 Busting Bridges

Player Distribution: 3V1

Game Emphasis: Conflict
Game Flow Summary:
The game is 3v1 where 1 player is the attacker and must fire cannonballs at the other three defenders sitting
on the bridge. The goal of the attacker is to eliminate all three defenders by destroying parts of the bridge
making the defenders fall into the water before time is up. If any of the defenders are still alive when time is
up, all three defenders will win the game.
The cannon player fires at the bridge by pressing A, B, X or Y. Each button corresponds with one of the four
sections of the bridge. Cannonballs are unlimited. As each cannonball is fired there is a delay between when
it is fired and when it hits the bridge to give the other players time to dodge. The section of the bridge that is
about to be hit will flash with an outline to help players see better. There is also a limit to how often the
cannon can fire. After a few seconds destroyed bridge pieces will respawn. The attacker can have a total 3
cannonballs in the air at a time so that there will always be at least one piece of bridge to stand on.

The game lasts for 30 seconds. During this time the dodging players must run around and/or jump across
broken bridge gaps to avoid where the cannonball is going to hit. Players cannot move through each other
so that they can be a problem for each other as they might collide when trying to jump across a gap in
opposite direction.

2.2 Together We Bounce (Not Finished)

Player Distribution: 2v2 OR FFA

Game Emphasis: Conflict/Coop
Game Flow Summary:
Together we bounce is currently idealized with 2 possible solutions, (or even two games for that matter)
Both games have the following similar mechanics.
There are 2 players who always carry a trampoline, these players are always grounded and will carry a
trampoline. Is it their duty to move left and right (and possibly flip facing direction) to ensure that the second
pair of players (the bouncers) will land on their trampoline. If this happens, the bouncing player will be
launched upward. If they miss and the bouncer hits the ground, the trampoliner and bouncer may have to
wait for a respawn timer before continuing.
The second pair of players are the bouncers and have to bounce on the trampolines in order to continue
jumping. Bouncers have free roaming control in terms of horizontal movement while in the air, however they
restricted in the vertical axis by gravity. In the air are a collectables that the bouncer must move towards in
order to earn points. This conflicts with the trampoliner and will require the trampoliner to make adjustments
on their position to ensure the bouncer can continue bouncing.
In terms of game modes there are two possible solutions (that require meaningful playtesting)

Players share playing space, the Bouncers must collect stars to earn points, whereas the Trampoliners earn
points by bouncing the bouncers. Bouncers and Trampolines can conflict with each other. (Trampoliners
can jump in this version, so that one cannot restrict the other easily. Whoever has the most points at the
end of the game wins. This gameplay is much more conflictive and aggressive in the meta compared to the
cooperative nature of 2v2.

Players are split screen and only share playing space with their partner. Bouncers must still collect stars
and rely on their partner for continued bounces. When points are collected by the bouncers however, those

points are shared by both players. The team that has the most points by the end of the time limit wins. This
gameplay isn't nearly as aggressive, however this mode is more cooperative in the meta as opposed to FFA.

2.3 Engorge Mode

Player Distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Conflict
Game Flow Summary:
Players in engorge mode fight to become the biggest square by the end of a time limit. Small pellets will
randomly spawn periodically around the playing field, which the players can eat and become bigger.
As the players get bigger, they become slower, and cant jump as high. If no pellets are lying around at the
moment, players can stomp on the larger players to make them spit out their previously eaten pellets. Once
they spit it out, other players can take them for themselves. When a player spits out, he is sick and cant
eat for a short period. (Only a few seconds or less.)
Players can move, jump, and slam. In the end, whoever is the biggest player wins.

2.4 Steamroller

Player Distribution: FFA or possibly 1V3

Game Emphasis: Conflict/Skill
Game Flow Summary:
A conveyor belt continually pushes players to the left side of the screen as rollers move to the right right
side. The belts and roller start out slow and as the game progresses the belt/roller increases in speed. If
players are flattened by the rollers or they fall off the edge of the belt or go off the edge of the screen then
they lose. The last player to survive wins.
In order to avoid the rollers players must hop into holes in the conveyor belt. If players get into a hole too
soon or stay in their hole too long then they will go off the edge and die. If a player makes it under a roller
safely then they must maintain their space between the two rollers until the roller moves over enough to go
under without going off the left side of the screen. Conversely if the player waits too long then theyll be
forced off the other side of the screen if they arent crushed by the roller first.

1V3 possibility
A 1v3 twist on the game could be one player controls the direction of the belt and rollers. The rest of the
game is mostly the same except only three players are dodging the rollers. The single player wins by
smashing all the squareballs and the other three players can win by surviving a 30 second timer.

2.5 Ice Melter

Player Distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Conflict/Skill
Game Flow Summary:
Players run and jump around on a giant ice platform thats made up of single ice blocks floating on the
water. The longer a player stands on a single ice block the more melts. After a block is fully melted it sinks
into the water. The player has a short amount of time to jump off of a sinking block but if they wait too long
they fall down and die. Players cant move through each other so they can purposely wait on a space to
weaken it or to stop a player from jumping across a gap so they sink. The last player to survive wins.

2.6 Paint Roller

Player Distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Mostly Skill. Some Conflict.
Game Flow Summary:
Players try to paint the most squares on the grid their color. Players win if they have the most spaces filled in
after a 40 second time limit.
Each player starts in a corner. The board starts completely white. Players roll around the board as if they are
a heavy ball. Rolling over any space whether its white or colored will paint over it with the current players
color. Rolling on another players spot is more beneficial than a white spot because it takes 1 point from that
player and adds it to the current player effectively adding two points to the difference in score. A set of graph
bars will let players know who is ahead.
Periodically paint bombs appear randomly on the board. Running into a bomb explodes it, causing paint
droplets to fly randomly onto the board. Bomb paint automatically becomes the color of the player that got to
the item first.

2.7 Spot Square (Cutting)

Player Distribution: 3v1

Game Emphasis: Skill
Game Flow Summary:
One Players goal is to point out all of the other players in an arena full of NPC characters.
The other players need to try to act as much like the other players while in the light, or just avoid the
spotlight all together.
When the spotlight player feels that he has found one of the players, or happens to find one, he can intensify
his beam, and freeze the player. This player can only has a limited use of this, so he must be certain or
careful how he uses it. He has a certain time period to freeze all of the players.
The players will walk normally. But will have a sprint button if they feel that they are getting close to being

2.8 Plank-Ton

Player Distribution: FFA - 2v2, 1v3 could also work

Game Emphasis: Skill and Conflict
Game Flow Summary:
Players try to shoot balloons that float randomly across the top half of the screen. The balloons have bombs
attached to them that when popped drop their bombs straight down. The goal of the game is get the bombs
to destroy the four planks above each player and eventually the players themselves. Be the last player to
survive to win.
Players hold A to charge their cannon power. Tapping A has a base fire power for quick firing but it wont
shoot far enough to hit the farthest balloons. Players can fire their cannon at will. However not taking time to
aim or charge the cannon correctly will result in a miss.

2.9 Stack em

Player Distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Skill
Game Flow Summary:
The game plays in a 2D orthographic side view. In a shared space, the players must take consecutive turns
stacking blocks/shapes. The goal of the game is to place the block on the tower in a way that the entire
tower will remain stable. If any block falls off on the current players turn, that player is eliminated from the
game. The last player standing wins the game.
To complicate block placement, players control a cable-crane, when the players adjust the position of the
crane, the block its carrying will sway with the follow-through of the movement. There is also a timer before
the block will automatically drop creating stress for the player. Additionally, potential shapes that may drop
include triangles, rectangles, polygons, spheres etc to further complicate safe placement and keep players
within flow.

2.10 Conveyor Terror (Not Finished)

Player Distribution: 3V1
Game Emphasis: Skill
Game Flow Summary:
The game is a 3v1 where there 3 (the runners) must avoid being pushed off the edge by the remaining
player (the operator). the playing field is a mesh of conveyor belts that the operator can control. When the
operator presses in any given direction, all conveyors facing that direction will activate pushing any player
standing on them. The players can free-roam the level, however if they fall off; that player is eliminated.
Occasionally, barriers will spawn on the on the conveyors disrupting the players movement, these will
increase in intensity as the level plays. If there are still players present on the playing field when time is up,
the game is over. the operator will win if all players are successfully eliminated the from the level.

2.11 Square Planes

Player Distribution: 2V2

Game Emphasis: Skill/Conflict
Game Flow Summary:
In Square Planes, the players are separated into two teams. Each set has their own airplane. One character
is in the cockpit, and controls the pitch (up and down) of the aircraft. The second team member is on the
wings, running from side to side, he can control the roll and side to side movement of the airplane.
The goal of the game is for each team to coordinate their flying to fly through rings that appear randomly
around the cloudscape. The team with the most rings at the end of the time limit wins. Only one ring is on
the field at a time. The first team to fly through the ring gets the point. As each ring is collected it disappears
and another one appears. An arrow at the top of the screen will point players to the next ring. Crashing into
clouds slows the plane down.

2.12 Cut Out (Not Finished)

Player Distribution: FFA
Game Emphasis: Conflict and Skill
Game Flow Summary:
This game is a Free For All where all the players must avoid being pushed off the platform by fitting through
a hole in the wall. In a shared space, each player must align himself with the appropriate sized space. If one
fails to fit through the gap, then the wall will push the player off the field. The last to remain on the platform
Players must accurately judge which gap they can fit through, before the wall pushes them off. Each player
will be able to push each other, as they battle for the gap of their desire. Some gaps will require the players
to work together to fit through.
The speed of the wall will begin slowly, then gradually increase with each round. There will be various
shapes in the wall such as: rectangles, circles, stars, snowman, etc. Some gaps will be big, others small and
can be placed both high and low. The complexity of the shape holes in the wall will increase with every
Occasionally, the position of the gaps in the wall will flip sides when it crosses the halfway mark. This will
create stress for the player as he must quickly relocate to the chosen gap or risk being shoved off the edge.

2.13 Flyby (Not Finished)

Player Distribution: FFA or 2v2

Game Emphasis: Skill (and Conflict if FFA)
Game Flow Summary:
Players work in teams to safely navigate a ship through an asteroid field. If a player crashes into an asteroid
they die. The first team to die loses.
Level progresses as players move right at a constant rate relative to the screen as asteroids and other
objects move passed the players. Asteroid size and speed varies. Players can only move up or down but
stay in the same place right and left. As the game progresses their horizontal speed increases (Which really
means the asteroids move faster.) but their up and down speed remains the same.
In each team one player controls the down motion with the A button on their controller and the other controls
the up motion also with the A button on their controller. Players will have to coordinate to safely navigate the
asteroid field. If players push both their buttons at the same time then they cancel each other out and move
center or maintain their current trajectory. Players only need to hold down the button to move up or down so
no tapping. There is a slight acceleration of force when holding the button. The longer the player holds the
button, the faster they fly up or down. Holding the button for too long might shoot them straight into the
ceiling so balance is key. If no players are holding a button then the ship returns to a neutral, horizontal
position. Might also make it continue on its current course and the other player has to correct.
The main obstacles in the level are asteroids but there can be other things too. Sometimes there might be
gravitational fields that will pull you in another direction if you get too close. As the level moves right at a
constant rate players are only pulled down if above the field or up if below. The fields can vary in size.
Another obstacle could be faster asteroids sometimes colliding with slower ones causing them to break into
several smaller asteroids to dodge.
In the FFA version each player can control their own ship and interact with each other to inhibit safe

2.14 Melon Smash (Not Finished)

Player distribution: FFA
Game Emphasis: Skill
Game Summary:
Each player must press the correct button in their own sequence to smash a melon. The player to smash
the most melons before time runs out, wins.
Pressing the correct buttons (X, Y, A, B, Left & Right) in the correct order, will allow the cubes to gain height
with each bounce. When the sequence is completed properly the player will have enough height to smash
the melon upon landing (They could smash other types of fruit/vegetables as well such as: bananas, grapes,
apple, pumpkin, etc). Pressing the wrong button will cause the players cube to mess up and lose altitude.
The time limit is 30 seconds. As the players successfully complete each sequence, the patterns will become
more challenging. This will add stress to the game as the players will have to be fast and accurate to win.

2.15 Ready Set Jet! (Revised)

This game has been redesigned to increase players actions within the game and decrease monotony of
Tapping A no longer propels the balloon forward. Instead players have a combination of controls to
effectively maneuver the balloon. These controls, however, must be used in sync to prevent disaster. The
following controls have been revised.
The left Joystick : Each player controls the throttle to their own engine. Up increases fuel supply, and down
will decrease fuel supply and therefore power.
A : This if held down for 2 seconds will boost that players engine for 1 second (Cool Down for 5 secs). If
done out of sync the balloon will quickly turn until the other players boost kicks in, or will continue to turn
until the boot runs out.
Boosts last for 2 seconds of a higher speed, not available through normal throttle inputs.

The level needs to be radically designed for longer straight areas and for sharper turns. Landscape could
possibly be changed to a canyon to more believability to obstacles.

2.16 Treasure Hunt

Player distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Skill/Conflict
Game Summary:
Players run around the island collecting treasures that are revealed by the falling tide and return them to the
chest in the center. Players with the most treasures at the end of the time limit win. There are two types of
treasures: Coins and Jewels. Coins are worth 1 point and Jewels are worth 5. As the player collects more
treasure, as shown by numbers over their head, they slow down making it harder to avoid the tide. The tide
continuously rises and falls. If the player is caught in the tide they die and respawn by the chest. Any
treasures on them will drop onto the ground.

2.17 Smash-A-Box

Player distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Skill
Game Summary:
Players run around a board with changing lights like a Vegas casino. Players need to avoid standing on red
light panels. Players are fine to walk across red panels but if the red light panel begins to flash then a
second later a giant piston will crush the player. All other colors are fine. Lights have a predictable pattern
that they change on but they will seem somewhat random to freak players out. The last player to survive

2.18 Wrecking Balls

Player distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Skill
Game Summary:
Players feed their wrecking ball metal cubes to make them grow bigger. The player with the biggest
wrecking ball at the end wins. Players feed their wrecking ball by maneuvering their magnet crane over the
moving conveyor belts and then pressing A to drop the crane. The crane automatically comes back up. The
crane moves slowly so they player will need to predict when to drop their crane in order to time it right for
grabbing a metal cube. If the player is successful at grabbing a metal cube then the must move back to their
ball and drop it into their mouth. Players can also feed other balls although its a bad idea to do so. Cubes
come in stacks of 2,3 and 4. Larger stacks will grow your wrecking ball faster.

2.19 Roulette

Player distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Chance
Game Summary:
Players try to guess which of the 4 cannons is empty and which ones are have a cannon ball in it. Players
have a short time until the fuse runs out to decide. Players choose which cannon to stand in front of by
pushing the corresponding A, B, X and Y button. If players choose wrong or are indecisive and dont choose
at all then they die. The player to guess correctly wins. If players choose a spot but then decide to change
their mind they can push the button of any remaining empty spaces and move there.

2.20 Foosball

Player distribution: 1v3

Game Emphasis: Skill/Conflict
Game Summary:
1 player is the ball and the other three are the kickers. Kickers try to knock the ball into the goal on either
side of the table. The ball is able to control the direction it rolls and is trying to avoid being kicked into the
goal. If the ball is kicked into the goal before the time limit ends then that player loses and the other three
win but if the ball is survives the time limit that player wins and the others lose. Players kick by spinning their
set of players by pushing and holding A.

2.21 Carve-A-Ball

Player distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Skill/Chance
Game Summary:
The game is split up into two phases: The carving phase and the rolling phase. During the carving phase
players tap the currently displayed button rapidly to carve their squareball into a roundball. As players tap
the button it will change to another random button. The goal is to make the ball as round as possible. After
the time limit ends the rolling phase begins. During this phase the balls that players sculpted are rolled
down a hilt to a finish line. The rounder each players ball the better it will roll down the hill. The first person
to the finish line wins.

2.22 Bombs Away!

Player distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Skill
Game Summary:
At the beginning of the game a player is randomly assigned to be the bomb. Players try to pass the bomb off
to another player by tagging them before the fuse burns out. Players must run and jump around the level to
avoid being the bomb. If they the fuse burns out then whoever is currently the bomb explodes and another
player is randomly assigned to be the bomb. This continues on until there is only one player left. The last
player wins.

2.23 Big Block Sumo

Player distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Skill
Game Summary:
Players rapidly tap A to build up strength as they try to push each other off the edge of the platform. As the
game progresses the platform shrinks. The last player remaining on the platform wins.

2.24 Log Rollers

Player distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Skill
Game Summary:
I have absolutely no idea what this game is about. I think youre trying to jump across across the different
platforms and collect the coins. If players time their jumps incorrectly then they will get hit by spinning log
rollers and knocked into the water. Players that are knocked off respawn in the center. The player who
collects the most coins by the end of the time period wins.

2.25 Tidal Wave

Player Distribution: FFA

Game Emphasis: Skill/Conflict
Game Flow Summary:
Players try to hide behind rocks to avoid the oncoming tidal wave. If players are hit by the wave then they
are washed away. The last player remaining wins. As each wave passes one rock is washed away
lessening the amount of places to hide.

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