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Wallem Maritime Services et al. v.

Donnabella Pedrajas and Sean Jade Pedrajas

(2014) Peralta.
(1) Petitioner Wallem Maritime Services employed Hernani Pedrajas, the spouse and
father of the respondents, respectively, as Engine Boy on the M/V Crown Jade
deployed in Italy.
(2) Hernani was found dead onboard; cause of death was allegedly by hanging.
(3) An investigation conducted by Italian authorities concluded:
a. Cause of death was suicide by hanging
b. Hernani had been involved in a drug deal together with a Deck Boy Joseph
c. Evidence included
i. Authenticated copy of forensic report by Italian authorities
ii. Suicide notes; copies of which given to the families but the
originals remained in Italy.
d. No other injuries on the person of Hernani, and white paint from the deck
railing was found on his hands, which lends to the conclusion that he tied the
rope himself.
(4) Due to the cause of death being suicide, Willem Maritime did not pay death
benefits in accordance with their POEA Standard Employment Contract.
(5) Respondents challenged this and asked the PNP and NBI to conduct their own
a. PNP and NBI concluded that homicide cannot be ruled out but admitted data
was insufficient
(6) Rulings
a. LA: Ruled that the death was self-inflicted. No need to pay death benefits.
b. NLRC: Reversed LA. Not proven that it was suicide. Burden of proof on
c. CA: Affirmed NLRC. PNP/NBI reports weakened the conclusions of Italian
(7) RE suicide notes
a. CA: Did not give high probative weight to suicide notes because they were
not proven to be in the deceaseds handwriting
b. Respondents: Argue that they are not even admissible for being mere
(1) Which investigation/findings has more weight, Italian or PH authorities? [Italian]
(2) Are the suicide notes admissible? [Yes] What was the probative weight? [strong proof
of suicide]
RE investigations: More credence to Italian authorities
(1) Italian authorities report was more categorical/definite, and based on a thorough first
hand investigation with more access to the evidence (which they still held).
(2) On the other hand, PNP/NBI reports were inconclusive and based on second hand
verbal information from the relatives.
RE Admissibility of Suicide Notes
(1) Yes they are admissible the fact that they are mere photocopies are of no moment.
The technical rules of evidence do not apply to proceedings of the LA/NLRC. They are
to use all reasonable means to ascertain the facts of each case speedily and
objectively without regard to the technicalities of law and procedure in the interest of
substantial justice.
(2) Also, there was good reason why the originals not presented; Italian authorities had
yet to release them.

RE probative weight of Suicide Notes

(1) Handwriting and terminologies between the two notes were consistent as to suggest
that they were written by the same person.
(2) Handwriting in notes also compared with other letters. LA concluded that they were
consistent. CA should have taken them into account.
(3) Information narrated in the notes corroborated by the Deck Hand who was the
accomplice in the drug deal.
Since information in the notes proved to be
informative and useful to Italian authorities, it would only lend more credence to their
genuineness and truthfulness.

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