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Measuring the effectiveness of an

internal control system

by Dr. David Brewer and William List, CA, Hon FBCS
The objective of this paper is to propose a
methodology by which management can
measure the effectiveness of the organisation's
Internal Control System (ICS). In addition the
paper proposes a methodology for recording
Risk Treatment Plans (RTPs), which improve
the communication between risk specialists
and senior management. This methodology
incorporates our concepts for classifications of
The ICS is the way in which the management
deploys the organisation's resources to achieve
the organisation's objectives.
The ICS exists in two basic parts:
Procedures to perform the work necessary
to conduct the organisations business.
These are called operational procedures.
Procedures to ensure that the business
is conducted as expected. These are
called controls.
It is this second part of the ICS which
this paper examines.
All organisations have an ICS. In large
organisations it is formalised; in the very small
organisations it is often implemented by the
boss being involved everywhere. Most
organisations are somewhere in between these
two extremes.
It is axiomatic that things will go wrong people do not always perform as expected,
great new products do not sell as well as
expected, criminals attack the organisation,
acts of God occur, etc. This has always been
the case. The conundrum facing management
is to decide how much resource to deploy to
create just sufficient controls to limit the
possibility of bad events occurring and to limit
the damage when they do occur.
When an organisation outgrows the ability of
the boss to supervise everything management
have sought to resolve the conundrum by
applying (a series of) risk assessments. In
these assessments the probable events are
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identified and appropriate actions to limit

damage are determined.
The question "Is this an optimum
deployment?" still remains whatever controls
are in place and however the need for them has
been identified. The methodology we propose
seeks to assist management in answering the
question. It allows management to determine
by direct measurement whether or not their
actual ICS is achieving the objectives they
want, irrespective of what else is happening in
the world. In other words, the measurement is
neither conditional on the frequency or other
characteristics of events nor how damaging the
resulting impacts might be. It allows
management to measure improvements in the
ICS and to tune it for overall costeffectiveness.
In summary, we propose to measure the
operational effectiveness of the control part of
the ICS using various time metrics. In
particular we propose to determine for each
event the times relative to the time at which the
event occurred (which we describe in our
model as TE):
The time of detection (TD if detected by
the ICS, or if detected by some other means
TM, e.g. reported in a newspaper)
The time that the damage caused by the
event is fixed (TF), should it be
possible and appropriate to fix it, or
otherwise resolve the problem
The time limit after which (TW), if the
damage is not fixed, some impact
penalty IP (whether financial or
otherwise) is incurred.
We use the time measure because it is
independent of the volume of events (which are
totally variable given the threat environment) and
independent of the value of events (which is
random). It allows us to classify the controls as
belonging to one of seven classes. We use these
to determine the operational effectiveness of the
ICS, which for convenience we express as
belonging to one of five categories. We also use
the time measures,
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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

coupled with frequency, to measure
improvement in the ICS. Finally, in order to
optimise the cost-effectiveness of the ICS, we
introduce a set of financial metrics (or
substitute metrics if financial measurement is
The costs of normal operations - performing
the work to achieve the business objectives
(which we describe in our model as cost of
doing business - CBA)
The costs of the controls of whatever form

- access control, buildings insurance,

business continuity planning, IT recovery
procedures, etc. (which we describe in our
model as cost of the ICS - CICS )

The financial impact of any events that do

occur (which we describe in our model as
the impact penalty IP)
The costs of fixing or otherwise resolving
the damage caused by the event (which we
describe in our model as the cost of fixing
the event CF).
Having optimised the operational effectiveness
of the ICS, a set of inequalities using the
financial metrics then allows us to tune the ICS
for cost-effectiveness.
Note that those procedures which are created
to facilitate recovery from an event or to
minimise the impact of an event are
described in this paper as a Business
Continuity Plan (BCP).
In practice, an ICS addresses many different
types of event, and the optimum controls for
each one could fall into any one of the seven
different categories. Thus a real ICS may have
controls belonging to each and every category.
We therefore propose a methodology for
choosing the optimum controls for an ICS that
must address a wide variety of different events
and impacts.
The remainder of the paper is divided
as follows:
The next section presents the background
to this paper
We then recount some true stories and
anecdotes that provide a foundation to our
We next present the fundamental model

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We define the control classes and

categories of ICS
We then describe how to measure/monitor
operational effectiveness and
improvements, and tune the ICS for costeffectiveness, with the aid of some worked
We then present our methodology for
generating RTPs
We finally we present our conclusions.

The Need for Control
Ever since organisations expanded beyond the
control of the "boss" there has been a need for
controls to regulate their activities. For
example the profession of accountancy/audit
grew out of the need for owners to check on
their factors/agents overseas in the 19th
century. As private companies expanded and
brought in outside shareholders (joint stock
companies) the need to regulate the behaviour
of those running the companies grew and the
first set of legislation governing companies
was passed in the early 20th century.
Since the Second World War there has been
very substantial change; the development of
IT, the expansion of cheap communications
(both travel and telephones) across the world
etc. These new facilities have been harnessed
by commerce to create world wide
organisations that can be operated from one
point on the globe. The need therefore to
update the legal framework for the conduct of
commerce (and governments, charities etc)
was recognised and a large volume of laws and
regulations now exist in most countries
specifying standards of conduct and controls
that must be complied with by organisations.
Many of the new laws are a result of scandals
where it was perceived that the investing
public (directly or through co-operative
investments) were being "ripped off" by the
inappropriate conduct of senior executives.
One only has to consider the South Sea
Bubble, Kruger, Salad Oil company, Equity
funding, Polly Peck, Maxwell Pensions, Enron,
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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

WorldCom to name but a few to realise the
potential for mischief has existed over the
centuries and no doubt still exists today.

The Need for Risk


Corporate Governance

Behind the regulatory initiatives there are a

number of international standards, which affect
the processes within an organisation. The three
main standards today are ISO 9001 (and
derivatives), ISO 14001 (and derivatives) and
ISO/IEC 17799/BS 7799 Part 2 (and
derivatives). ISO 9001 addresses the controls
to achieve quality in products and processes.
ISO 14001 addresses the controls to protect the
environment. ISO/IEC 17799 addresses the
processes for information security within an
organisation and BS7799-2 provides the
mechanisms for the management system.

In addition a perception that the public in

general, and minorities in particular require
protection from the large organisations has
resulted in many laws and regulations
governing the conduct of organisations in
relation to their employees and the public.
These cover anti discrimination, privacy
protection, product quality etc.
The result is that organisations require an
ever more sophisticated system to ensure
compliance with the laws and regulations.
In the UK the main documents covering
corporate governance are the series of reports
culminating in the Turnbull report (and now
Higgs) which dealt with the conduct in the
board rooms of UK organisations. These now
are read in the context of the OECD
recommendations on Corporate Governance.
In the US in response to the recent scandals
there is an act Sarbanes-Oxley that requires
inter alia executives to take personal
responsibility for the published material from
In this paper concerning Internal Control we
are concerned about the processes necessary to
implement the organisation's mission,
including compliance with the laws and
regulations, and not with the details of those
requirements in themselves nor specifically the
Corporate Governance issues surrounding
effective disclosure, fairness between
stakeholders and executive remuneration.

Operational Risk
In particular we are concerned with the
processes to limit operational risk within an
organisation. At present the financial services
regulators world wide are seeking to change
the processes within the regulated
organisations to accord with the Bank of
International Settlement's (BIS) requirements
set out in BASEL 2. National regulators and
BIS are issuing guidance on the
implementation to regulated organisations.

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The Treatment of Risk

All the regulations and standards expect
organisations to establish effective controls on
the basis of a risk assessment. The results of a
risk assessment can be categorised as:
Risks which require to be guarded
against (i.e., the applicable risks in the
Audit Practice Board Guidance)
Risks which are either of low impact or
low probability of occurrence where no
specific controls are required. In the case of
the very high impact and low frequency
organisations often include some
preplanning for an occurrence, for example
business continuity planning etc. In other
cases the risk may simply be deemed to be
acceptable or avoidable.
Risk where it is appropriate to transfer the
(financial) implications to another
organisation for example insurance, goods
on consignment etc. To effectively transfer
the risk it is often necessary for
organisations to implement associated
controls, for example to ensure compliance
with the requirements of an insurance
policy and to address non-financial
impacts, such as the availability of office

Types of Control
We assert, for the purpose of explaining our
theory, that a risk materialises on the
occurrence of an event, the consequences of
the event being the damage caused by the
adverse impact (and recovery from that
impact). There are three classes of controls:
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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

View from the veranda of

Sugar Beach

Preventive - which seek to ensure the

impact never materialises. This type of
control either prevents the event from
occurring or affecting the organisation, or
detects the event as it happens and
prevents any further activity that may lead
to an impact.

Detective - which identify when some

event, or events have occurred that could
lead to a materialisation of the impact, and
invoke appropriate actions to arrest (or
mitigate) the situation.
Reactive - which identify the impact has
occurred and invoke appropriate actions to
recover (or mitigate) the situation.

Certain events will not usually be able to be

detected by an organisation's Internal Control
System (ICS). For example, a terrorist alert
requiring closure of the office will be notified
by the authorities. Other events will detected
by the stakeholders - customers, suppliers,
shareholders, employees etc who make
complaint to the organisation when they
perceive that things are wrong (perhaps
incorrectly!). ICSs should therefore include
processes for handling complaints fully including identification of the cause if there
was error on the part of the organisation.

Our Objectives
The problem facing the senior management
with regard to the controls can be expressed as
the following questions:
Do the controls work (including are they
performed correctly)?
Are they cost effective?
Do we have sufficient (neither too many or
too few)?
Organisations monitor their controls in two
main ways:
Investigating incidents (i.e., events and
impacts) and making amendments to
controls as appropriate

problems in a control structure and suggest

additional controls to fill the gaps, as they see
Our methodology seeks to create an objective
set of measures to assist management to judge
the cost effectiveness of the controls in this
ever more regulated world.


"A funny thing happened to me on the way to
the theatre..." This timeless phrase reminds us
that it always worth recounting some true
stories and anecdotes at the outset of a serious
activity. It enables us to impart some of our
experiences that led us in some way to the
conclusions that we have drawn.
There are six such stories. They concern:
What happened to the authors on Flight
Why we have chip and PIN
Tales of the unexpected
becomes unacceptable


Over-reliance on technology

Conducting formal or informal audits.

Software intensive projects.

Both these methods tend towards creating

more controls than the minimum necessary.
Reaction to incidents may be "knee jerk" and
"over the top". Auditors often rightly identify

At the end of each story we make some

observations, which we summarise after
recounting all the stories.

Flight BA122 031122

On Saturday 22nd
November 2003
we relaxed back
in our seats
aboard BA 122
from Mauritius
to London
Heathrow fully
expectant of the
usually smooth
take off as we
rocketed down
the runway at
190Km/Hr. Imagine our total shock and horror
as the Captain forcefully applied the brakes,
just at that point where we expected to be
airborne. We must admit, stopping 370 tons of
aircraft at that giddy speed in less than 7
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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Waiting for the bus at


seconds was impressive, even if it was an

experience we would all prefer never to have
to repeat. As the plane shuddered to a halt
and indeed the vibration is horrendous we
were glad that all the baggage had been
properly stowed and our belts were tightly
fastened. Were we about to hit something? Had
something fallen off? Was this the end? No.
The plane stopped and all was quiet.
The Captain explained the problem. It
appeared that there was an engine fault.
The plane taxied back to the safety of the
apron well away from the terminal building.
Some one hour later, after rolls and water had
been served to the passengers, the passengers
were told that the flight would not proceed that
day. We were at the back of the aircraft and
were held there because another passenger had
to be taken to hospital. Eventually we were
disembarked, passed back through immigration
and customs where we waited for about
another hour to be allocated a room to stay the
night. We were then put into an un-airconditioned bus where the luggage was stacked
onto the back seats and down the aisle. The bus
took us to our hotel Sugar Beach, about an
hours drive from the airport. Some people
complained vehemently that the bus had no
air-conditioning we were just glad to be alive
and thankful that BA knew what to do.
The hotel greeted us with a welcoming smile, a
refreshing drink and checked us in without
fuss. We had the afternoon to ourselves.
England had just won the World Rugby Cup

and it was gorgeously hot and sunny. We could

relax for a few hours despite, as we had just
been informed, that we would be woken up at
the ungodly hour of 4am to get back to the
airport. We were also told that BA would not
pay for alcoholic drinks. We understood that,
settled in and had some lunch, it being about
2.30pm by this time.
That night we settled our hotel bill after much
discussion as to what was and was not to be
paid for by the passengers - it transpired that
lunch was not being paid by BA.
The following morning there were no calls to
wake us up. Those of us who got up early
were not immediately told that the flight was
further delayed although the hotel must have
known at that time, as otherwise they would
have woken us up. Some passengers got a
great fright on waking up about 6am thinking
they had missed their plane. We were told to

wait about for differing periods of time until

about 11am when we were called back to the
busses to take us back to the airport. Then we
discovered that we had to pay for everything
we had taken from the minibars soft drinks
and one passenger even had to pay 3 for a tea
bag! Again the luggage was piled up at the
back of the bus.
At the airport we again queued for the X-ray
machine, the check-in and immigration.
Amused that we now had two exit stamps in
our passports we waited and waited. It was
then announced that the Captain had performed
his pre-flight checks
and had grounded the
aircraft as the same
cockpit warning lights
were lit. This was
indeed an unexpected
surprise, as rumours
had it that an engineer
had been flown from
London to certify the
repairs and they had

passed! We gathered around the gate, however

many hundreds of passengers we were, to hear
the Captain address us personally. We wanted
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to shake his hand and thank him for putting our

safety first, but others were clearly unhappy.
Are we dead? we heard someone say. No,
came a comforting reply we practice until we
all get it right, then we take off. The Captain
spoke reassuringly through his megaphone. He
explained the situation with the engine and
informed us that there were two alternatives.
One to fly out another aircraft from South
Africa, the second to stay a further night in
Mauritius while a new aircraft was flown out
from the UK. BA provided us with a voucher
for some food.
We never heard the announcement about
which option had been chosen but as others on
the plane had left the waiting area, we gathered
that it was the second alternative. We went
back through immigration and again queued to
get our allocated hotel room. We were bussed
to the same hotel and met there by BA staff.
Three buses were required to get us there, and
we arrived at sundown.
We were told that we would be woken at the
even more unearthly hour of 3am to get back
to the airport. Again BA did not pay for
alcohol but this time there were no charges for
items from the minibar.

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Discovering that 3 into 2 does

not go!

In the morning we were woken up, had

breakfast, and then waited for some 1.5 hours
for the busses to come. Why, if it had required
three busses to transport us to the hotel, were
only two buses sent to take us back? There
were insufficient
places on the two
busses to take all
the passengers
and their
luggage! So after
muddle and
much anxiety the
busses left
(others then got taxis) and we again went
through the checking procedures at the airport
and waited in the departure lounge. Indeed the
comment that we practice until we all get it
right seemed rather pertinent. The check-in
procedure was clearly faster, everyone knew
exactly what to do and we now had three exit
stamps in our passports to prove it.
Now, of course, being Monday there were two
flights with the same BA 122 number and the
people waiting for the Monday flight got
muddled up with the people for the delayed
Saturday flight. The tanoy call to board
mentioned the delayed flight but gave a date
not the day, which was unclear to those who
had not been delayed. The different coloured
boarding cards allowed the people to be sorted
out but it caused delay in the line to board.
The Captain proudly announced on the tanoy
that all was well and we would board in 10
minutes so we lined up. Some 1 hour later we
eventually boarded - no one seemed to know
what the hold up had been.
When we got home we discovered that the BA
London information had been telling the
people collecting us that the fight was OK on
the Sunday, which it was not and on the

Monday that there was only one flight!

Fortunately we had a mobile phone so kept
our families informed!
BA had given many passengers a form to
complete. We had to ask for ours on the
aircraft. We completed it and duly sent it off.
BA replied, apologising and offering us a
complementary round-trip ticket to any
destination of our choice. The letter formally
confirmed the delay for insurance purposes and
acknowledged that the passengers should have
been kept better informed, that matter having

plus repair plus cost of plane from SA

and its consequential costs etc
been already taken up with Senior
Management in order to avoid a recurrence.
In business terms the event was One of our
aircraft has broken down in the Indian Ocean;
the impacts, iter alia, being air crash,
increased costs and customer
dissatisfaction. BAs concern for aircraft
safety is undisputed, and the steps taken to
avoid the air crash impact clearly took
priority over every thing else. Having done so,
however, the poor communications and
apparent succession of short-term decisions
gave an appearance (at least at the time) of
minimising increased costs over customer
dissatisfaction. The apparent short-term
decisions were:
Fix the engine locally, fly out an engineer
from the UK in parallel to certify the
repair. The cost to fix is then the cost to put
up everyone for one night plus repair etc.
If that does not work, fly out a plane
from South Africa. The cost to fix is then
the cost to put up everyone for one night

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If that does not work, fly out a plane from

the UK. The cost to fix is then the cost to
put up everyone for two nights plus repair
plus cost of plane from SA and its
consequential costs etc.
Had it been decided to fly out an aircraft from
the UK immediately, and to keep everyone
informed with a single plan that is guaranteed,
would it given greater customer satisfaction?
As the people on the receiving end, we think
yes. Would it have cost more? As things
turned out, probably not, probably
considerably less! Thus, as the story unfolds,
we see an apparent balancing act between the
costs of doing things to mitigate/fix the
problem and the financial ramifications of the
resulting impacts. Part of this balancing act is
getting the priority ordering of the impacts
We invited BA to read the story above before
publication. They correctly pointed out that the
story recounts our experiences of what
happened. It does not necessarily reflect what
BA intended to happen. We must remember
that for much of the time we were in the hands
of BA's agents, rather than BA itself, and the
agents may or may not have carried out BA's
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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

instructions in the way BA had intended. We
do not know how much of the groundside
disorganisation was due to the Airport and the
handling agent and beyond BA's control.
Perhaps BA paid for the bus that never turned
up, as well as footing the bill for all the taxis
called to replace it. Perhaps BA asked for airconditioned buses. If BA was making risk
management decisions in London based on
"safety first, customer second, cost third",
perhaps, like us, it had inadequate
information. A free air ticket to anywhere in
the world is a pretty magnificent gesture of
compensation - but not the best way to achieve
"safety first, customer second, cost third".
In this example, the combination of on-board
electronics and pilot competence clearly
illustrates the ICS was able to detect the
initial event in sufficient time for something
sensible to be done about it. It also shows that
in cases such as this very fast reactions are
required. Subsequently we find:
The initial plan to deal with a jumbo full of
people stranded at the airport worked well.

The transport of the people was as best it

could be in the circumstances.
The communication by the hotel on the
second morning was poor and the payment
arrangements were a muddle.
The communication at the airport on
the Sunday and Monday was poor and
Overall the plan, which started so well, seemed
to fall apart the longer the delay in the flight
took and the more different people were
involved. We deduce that the ICS's ability to
cope with the consequences of further
complications after the initial event was poor
and may have involved decisions made without
full information or without full consideration
of the overall impact.

Chip and PIN

Credit card fraud has existed for as long as
credit cards have existed. The payment
associations (VISA, MasterCard etc) are pretty
much on the ball and use quite sophisticated
techniques to track down the culprits whist
protecting their members' customers.
Until recently, however, making suggestions
on how to improve security pretty much fell on

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deaf ears. To the mind of a security

practitioner, the amount of money that was
regularly lost due to fraud seemed infinitely
large compared to the cost of the information
security services that were being offered to
combat the problem. What seemed stranger
was the argument that the loss was small fry
compared to the billions of dollars that were
being transacted every day. In other words, it
was an acceptable risk. However, with the
widespread introduction of "chip and PIN", it
would appear that the risk is no longer
Chip and PIN means using a smart card with
cardholder authentication provided through a
traditional 4-digit PIN. The GlobalPlatform
technology serves as a good, well thought out
example in the context of dynamically
reconfigurable smart cards. Compared to a
magnetic stripe card, the smart card is
significantly harder to clone and persuade to
divulge its secrets (e.g. the PIN).
GlobalPlatform cards are able to defend
themselves against attack and can
communicate with the Card Issuer. Thus:
Individual applications can be blocked, e.g.
for every cardholder, if a security
weakness is discovered in that application.
Subsequently, the vulnerable applications
can be deleted and replaced by a new
version that does not exhibit that
As is the case now with magnetic stripe
cards, an individual card can be blocked,
e.g. if reported lost or stolen, or
suspected as such.
Thus the objective of chip and PIN is to reduce
the number of attempted fraudulent
transactions, by introducing a more reliable
cardholder authentication mechanism, that is
also extremely difficult to tamper with.
By itself chip and PIN will not, and cannot,
reduce the set of attempted fraudulent
transactions to zero. It will not stop the thief
who guesses the PIN, or found it conveniently
written down in the gentleman's wallet. It will
not stop the genuine cardholder from spending
more than the Card Issuer is willing to lend
them. Other controls, which already exist such
as authorisation limits, are necessary to do
that. What is does do, however, is (a) decrease
the time between the event (attempted

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

unauthorised use) and its detection; (b)
increase the reliability of that detection.
In the event that someone forges the
cardholder's signature sufficiently well for the
shop keeper not to notice, the point at which
the unauthorised use of the card is discovered
could be days after the transaction has taken
place. The goal of chip and PIN is to render
such detection virtually instantaneous. Thus
the decrease the time between the event and its
detection afforded by chip and PIN is
significant. It detects the event so fast that all
subsequent activity, which would otherwise
lead to the occurrence of some adverse impact,
is prevented. It is therefore a preventive
control. In contrast, the controls that
traditionally spot fraudulent activity detect the
event too late, the impact having already
The cost of rolling out chip and PIN is not
insignificant, but so is the cost of credit card
fraud. The introduction of chip and PIN
shows that the balance between the cost of
control and the cost of impact has shifted in
favour of greater control.

Tales of the Unexpected

An organisation had built a brand new
European Headquarters which conformed to
the best practice for construction and Health
and Safety regulations. The building was
equipped with sprinklers and extinguishers as
well as being constructed with fire proof
material. Clearly these matters form part of the
ICS of the organisation in that they were costs
incurred to guard against the unlikely
eventuality of a fire, even though most were
compulsory to comply with regulations. In
addition, following previous experiences with
fires the organisation had in place a tested
recovery system for the head office IT systems
and applications and procedures for dealing
with personnel issues, the press, loss adjusters
etc in case of disasters. In effect they had in
place an ICS including BCP, some of which
was in place and some tested but only activated
as required.
Unfortunately there was a small fire in one
wing of the building and the fire procedures
were invoked including calling the fire
brigade. During the course of setting up the
fire fighting equipment the wrong water
valves were used and the sprinkler system was
inadvertently turned off; the result was that the
fire spread rapidly in the roof space to the
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whole building. Now there was a disaster, not

merely an inconvenience because the Head
office had to be relocated urgently, which was
not part of any extant plan!
Controls do not always work as intended, and
in this case with potentially catastrophic

Acceptable Risk?
The Audit Practices Board (APB) presents an
interesting example of acceptable risk.
Basically, the example concerns a small
advertising agency. Small adverts are placed
for cash and the company accepts the risk the
5,000 worth of cash transactions may be lost
per annum, for whatever reason. The APB
example argues that the cost of the controls
necessary to assure each transaction would be
disproportionate to the value of the
transactions. The problem of such loses is
subsequently ignored.
Our question is "How does the company know
when the loss becomes 5,001?" Surely, that
ought to be an unacceptable risk!
What the APB example fails to argue concerns
when this acceptable risk becomes an
unacceptable risk, i.e. when the loss becomes
5,001. First, of course, you need a way to
determine when it does. A reconciliation, each
month, of the cash received versus the
advertisements would serve this purpose. It
would highlight the total loss, albeit being
unable to identify the particular transactions
concerned. However, it is the total that we are
interested in at this stage of control.
If the reconciliation, performed at the end of
month 11, shows that the loss is 4,580 then
the loss remains acceptable (as it is just on
target to come under 5,000) and the company
can be satisfied with its decisions. If the same
loss in reported at the end of month 1, then the
company ought to be concerned that its
acceptable loss is in danger of becoming an
unacceptable loss in month 2, and ought
therefore to take action accordingly. Once
again, it is necessary for the ICS to detect the
event (in this case the metamorphosis of

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

acceptable to unacceptable risk) in sufficient
time for something to be done about it.

Over-reliance on Technology
At a meeting, our client's IT manager asked
why his networks had just been the victim of a
well known virus. We asked some questions
and sent him off to find the answers. During
his absence, a colleague remarked that for
some time his laptop had been reporting that its
anti-virus library was not up-to-date. Others
quickly reported the same. The IT manager
reported back. Anti-virus library upgrades were
being received in a timely manner by the
server but due to a software problem they were
not being distributed to any other computer on
the network. The software had stopped
functioning 3 months ago!
With another client, we asked some questions
to determine whether the anti-virus libraries
were up-to-date. They were, save for all the
directors' laptops. Further investigation
revealed that they were scheduled for a regular
update every day at 05:30. No director had
ever docked their laptop at that the unearthly
hour in the morning. Their libraries were two
years out of date! We asked about their new
web-surfing controls. The QA manager, a
railway model hobbyist, proudly announced
that it prevented him access to his hobby sites,
and having been denied once he had never
tried again. We asked him to try once more,
and guess what - he had access. The software
had stopped working.
These stories remind us that controls do not
always work as intended and from time to time
they fail, but does anyone ever check!

Software Intensive Projects

We were always taught as young computer
programmers of the urgency of discovering
your mistakes early on in the development
lifecycle. A design error found at the design
stage is usually quicker and less expensive to
fix than if it is discovered by the client when
the system is operational! - but that depends on
who is paying. For example, much of the UK
government procurement for software
intensive projects prior to the early 90's was
performed on a time and materials basis, and
quite often overran with a corresponding
escalation of costs, which the client paid for.

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The joke at the time concerned a conversation

between a small boy and a genie. The boy
wanted to get rich. The genie replied "I'll make
you a sultan". The boy asked to be made
richer, and the genie would offer a more
powerful position. Following some iteration
the boy insisted that he wanted to get really,
really rich, whereupon the genie would reply
"I'm sorry, but there are no vacant positions for
defence contractor". Thus, the regime of time
and materials contracts for many government
procurements came to an end.
The initial shift was to fixed price, and in many
cases, even for small contracts (<100K), there
was a requirement for a risk analysis. Thus the
by insisting on a fixed price, aimed to pay
the same amount irrespective of whether
the contractor made a mistake or not.
by asking for a risk analysis, presumably
aimed to gain some feeling for the
effectiveness of the ICS and to assure
himself that there were sufficient controls
in place to guard against non-delivery.

This dramatic shift of risk ownership from

client to contractor met with some problems,
not least what to do if the error was made by
the client. This resulted in other procurement
strategies, such as the Private Finance
Initiative, where the risk is shared.
Quality controls are equally part of the ICS as
are financial, security and environmental
controls. The thrust of good software
engineering techniques is generally towards
detecting errors early enough in the
development lifecycle to do something,
without disproportionate expenditure of
resource, to correct them. Even so, there is a
cost of which has to be balanced against the
cost of failure.

Our observations in respect of each of these
stories have much in common. They are:
Without loss of generality, an ICS must
detect the event in sufficient time for
something to be done about it. (See BA122,
Chip and PIN, Acceptable risk and
Software Intensive Projects.)

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Controls, irrespective of whether they are
preventive, detective or reactive, do not
always work. (See Tales of the unexpected
and Over-reliance on Technology.)
Controls cost money. So can an impact. In
practice deigning the most effective ICS is
likely to be a balancing act between the
two. The priority order in which impacts
are dealt with may also be important. (See
BA122, Chip and PIN and Software
Intensive Projects.)
Of these the most significant is that the time
taken to detect the event must be fast enough
for something to be done to prevent or
otherwise mitigate the ensuing impacts.
Referring back to our opening remarks on
corporate scandals (see page 2), we ask
whether there were any controls in place to
detect the initiating event(s). If so, then clearly
they were unable to prevent the consequent
actions that led to such disastrous impacts, but
could they have done so? If the answer is truly
no, then could they have detected any of the
events in sufficient time for someone to have
done something to arrest the situation? Perhaps
they did, but no one took any notice, or, as we
would like to believe, failed to recognise the
significance. Armed with an understanding of
our fundamental theory (described next) and
some tricks of the trade, such as event-impact
analysis (see page 22), perhaps they would.

In this section we introduce our Fundamental
Model. Let us start by supposing that an
organisation carries out a range of business
activities. Let the cost of such activity be CBA.
Cost may be expressed in terms of money and/or
resources (e.g. volunteer work). It will generate
some business benefit B. If the organisation is a
company, then B corresponds to profit, P, and is
related to the cost of the business activities
through revenue R:

The organisation deploys an Internal Control
System (ICS). This has an associated cost, CICS,
which increases the cost of doing business

In the context of a company this has the effect
of reducing profit, see Figure 1.
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Figure 1: Impact of ICS cost on profit

Let E be a set of events: E = {e1, e2, e3, ... ej,
Each event ej occurs at some time TEj and if the
damage that it causes is not fixed by time TFj,
where TFj is less than some time TWj (where

TWj = TFj - TEj is referred to as the time

window), the event will cause a loss of
business benefit, IPj (referred to as the impact
penalty). See Figure 2.

Figure 2: The onset of an impact penalty

expressed in terms of financial loss

The impact penalty may take a variety of

guises. For example, it could:
arise in the form of liquidated damages
or the cost of borrowing money to
replace missing revenue or assets.
correspond to reduced revenue because
customers do not pay for goods or
services already received or in production
(e.g. as with a stage payment).
contain hidden costs (which accumulate in
CFj, see below), for example because
customers demand more attention.
be in a form that is impossible to interpret
in financial terms, such as loss of life,
loosing the election or a court case.

Moreover, the event may also have an

immediate impact on the net worth of the
organisation, for example because property is
destroyed or money is stolen. For simplicity,
we model these asset losses as an impact
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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

penalty. As shown in the insert in Figure 2,
there may also be consequential impacts, for
example other customers in the future do
not buy, the stock markets collapse, there is
a general strike, etc.
The objective of an ICS is to control activities
and detect unwanted results. An ICS is never
perfect and therefore certain events will not
be detected by it. Those it does detect are
detected at times TDj (where TEj < TDj ). See
Figures 3 and 4.

Figure 3: Detecting the event in good time

to avoid the impact penalty. Impact
expressed in financial terms

Figure 4: Detecting the event too late to do

anything about it within the time window.
Impact expressed in financial terms

If the ICS does not detect the event,

Management is deemed to be cognisant of the
event at time TMj (where TEj < TMj). See
Figure 4.

The impact of the event depends on when that

event is detected. Specifically:
When TFj < TWj the impact is CFj. See
Figure 3.
When TFj TWj the impact is CFj + IPj.
See Figure 4.
Note that in this second case the time at which
the event is detected TDj (or indeed T Mj) may
be within TWj. The problem is that the event is
detected too late for anything to be done about
it within the time window and consequently an
impact penalty is incurred as well as the cost of
fixing the damage.
The impact of the event could have a
widespread effect until the situation caused by
the event has been corrected; in extremis
putting the organisation out of business, and/or
causing widespread damage external to the
organisation. In these cases, see Figure 5, the
effect is generally referred to as a disaster and
the steps taken to fix it are generally referred to
as a Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Despite
the successful deployment of an appropriate
BCP, it may be some time before the
organisation and/or the environment recovers
to a satisfactory state. Indeed, the impact may
be such that the organisation/or the
environment never does.

Figure 5: The onset of disaster. Impact

expressed in financial terms
Having introduced the basic parameters we are
now able to describe the seven classes of

The cost of the ICS detecting the event is

included in CICS.
The cost of fixing the damage caused by the
event is CFj. See Figures 3 and 4.
The damage cannot be fixed unless the
associated event has been detected, i.e. TDj <
TFj and/or TMj < TFj. See Figures 3 and 4.

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system


Class Time Metrics

soon after
TMj is greater than TWj , there is
an appreciable delay before TFj
TMj is greater than TWj , there is
a significant delay before TFj
Table 2: How the time metrics relate to
control class
Note: means time relative to the time of the
event, e.g. TDj = TDj - TEj

Control Classes
We define seven classes of control, see Table
1. They fall into three broad categories of
control, traditionally known as preventive,
detective and reactive. Class 1 is higher than
Class 2, etc.
Class Ability to detect the event Type

and take recovery action

Prevents the event, or
detects the event as it
happens and prevents it
from having any impact

Detects the event and reacts

fast enough to fix it well
within the time window

Detects the event and just

reacts fast enough to fix it
within the time window

Detects the event but

cannot react fast enough to
fix it within the time



Fails to detect the event but

has a partially deployed

Fails to detect the event but Reactive

does have a BCP.

Fails to detect the event and

does not have a BCP.

Note that TWj cannot be measured directly. If

there is no impact, all we can say is that TFj is
less than T Wj . If there is an impact, TWj equals
the time at which the impact occurred. All
others can be measured directly.
We will now explore the relationship between
these control classes and the behaviour of real
ICSs. In particular we examine control failure,
self-policing procedures and unanticipated
events and impacts. This examination allows
us to specify the criteria for operationally
effective ICSs and thereby categorise them into
different levels of effectiveness.

Control Failures
It is important to recognise that all controls
may fail, as exemplified earlier (see page 9).

Table 1: Control Class Definitions

They are directly related to the time metrics
defined in our fundamental model. These
relationships are presented in Table 2.

Class Time Metrics


TDj and TFj are very very small

TDj is sufficiently short for TFj to be

comfortably within TWj

TDj is such that TFj is close to TWj (i.e. a


TDj is too late TFj being greater than


TMj is greater than TWj , TFj follows on

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Figure 6: The potentially disastrous effect of

control failures
We should note that it is possible for detective
controls to be downgradable. A particular
failure mode of a Class 2 or 3 control is that
the time to fix the problem takes longer than
anticipated. The delay causes the control to

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

behave as if it was of a less effective class, i.e.
a Class 2 control may behave as a Class 3 or
at worst a Class 4. Likewise, a Class 3 may
behave as a Class 4. In the case where a Class
3 is really "just in time" before the expiry of
the time window, downgrading is quite likely.

Self-Policing Procedures
The defence is to have some other control to
address failures in the first. In practice there
will be a sequence of controls as illustrated in
Figure 7.

problem flag is raised and sent to a higher level

of management. Thus, falsely claiming to have
fixed a problem or not fixing it at all does not
silence the alarm but merely escalates it to a
higher level of management. This is a rather
well-honed example of a fail-safe self-policing
procedure. Note, however, that if corrective
action is never taken, the overall procedure
degrades to a Class 4.

Unanticipated Events and

If there is an unanticipated event or impact it is
possible, by good luck or sound judgement,
that the ICS will contain something that deals
with it most satisfactorily. If not, we need,
almost by default, a Class 7 control to deal
with it. Such a control, in some circles, is
referred to as an ad hoc procedure.

Effectiveness Principles and

Extremes of effectiveness and

Figure 7: A sequence of controls to defend

against control failures
Such a sequence is known as a self-policing
procedure. It is a sequence of controls that
have been constructed so that any error or
failure perpetrated during execution is capable
of prompt detection.
Initial detection is performed by a Class 2
control. It must be Class 2 in order to
guarantee prompt detection and give
sufficient time for the appropriate action to be
taken before expiry of the time window.
As an example, consider a network monitoring
system. When there is a failure it raises a
"problem flag" and automatically sends this to
the engineers responsible for fixing that type of
problem. When the problem has been fixed,
the engineers clear the problem flag. The
engineers can falsely claim to fix the problem,
but they cannot clear the alarm that raised the
flag in the first place without actually fixing
the problem. Think of this as a safety interlock.
In addition, if the alarm is not cleared within a
specified time, another

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Let us start by imagining what the most

operational ineffective ICS might look like:
Whatever controls it did have, if they
did not work you would not find out
until it was too late.
Indeed, all the detective controls would
be so slow to detect an event that the time
window would always expire before the
problem could be fixed.
There would be no BCPs. When an
incident happened, management
would always be unprepared.
In contrast, let us imaging what the most
operationally effective ICS might look like:
1. Whatever controls it had, if they did not
work you would find out immediately
and be able to take appropriate action
well within the time window. In fact all
of the controls would be fail-safe selfpolicing procedures.
2. Indeed, all the detective controls
would work so fast that they would be
Class 2 non-degradable. The reactive
controls would all be Class 5.
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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

3. The BCPs would be so comprehensive that,
when an incident did happen, management
would always find that its existing Class 5
BCPs would deal with the problem

position, which we wish to exclude. Likewise,

we can consider an ICS that is above average
as being one that exceeds one of the middle
ground criteria. Well above average therefore
exceeds two or more such criteria.

Each of these two extremes describes three

principles by which we can judge the
operational effectiveness of an ICS. We call
them respectively robustness, speed and


The robustness of the ICS in the event of a

control failure
The speed at which the ICS can react to
The ability of the ICS to deal with the

Some middle ground

We hope that no organisation ever has to suffer
such an ineffective ICS as described above. In
the categorisation below we will therefore
exclude it. Likewise, we exclude the most
effective ICS described above as it is too
perfect. We therefore postulate some middle
ground, which ideally ought to reflect good
practice, and base our criteria around that. We
propose for the middle ground:
There would be some self-policing
procedures, some of which may be failsafe. [robustness].
There would be a mixture of Class 2, 3 and
even Class 4 detective controls. The Class
2 and 3 controls that were not protected by
fail-safe self-policing procedures may
degrade to Class 4. [speed].
There would be at least one Class 6 BCP
dealing with some catastrophe such as
fire. Other incidents would be dealt with
through an ad hoc procedure.

Above and below average

If we now think of the middle ground being
some average, then we can contemplate some
ICS which is below average and one that is
above average. Below average, would perhaps
mean that the ICS fails one of the middle
ground criteria. Well below average would
imply that it fails on two, but not all of them
because that would describe our worst case
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The middle ground criterion is:

R1 - There are some self-policing procedures,
some of which may be fail-safe.
A stronger criterion is:
R2 - There are some self-policing procedures,
at least one of which is fail-safe.

The middle ground criterion is:
S1 - There is a mixture of Class 2, 3 and even
Class 4 detective controls. The Class 2 and 3
controls that are not protected by fail-safe selfpolicing procedures may degrade to Class 4.

A stronger criterion is:

S2 - There is a majority of Class 2 detective
controls, with possibly some Class 3 or
even Class 4. The Class 2 and 3 controls
that are not protected by fail-safe selfpolicing procedures may degrade to Class

The middle ground criterion is:
A1 - There is at least one Class 6 BCP dealing
with some catastrophe (e.g. fire). Other
unexpected events incidents are dealt with
through an ad hoc procedure.
A stronger criterion is:
A2 - There are a variety of BCPs (some of
which may be Class 5) dealing the failure of
control or some catastrophe (e.g. fire). Other
unexpected events incidents are dealt with
through an ad hoc procedure.

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Categories of ICS
We can apply the criteria and determine the
category of the ICS using a simple marking
scheme. We award 3 marks for each of R1, S1
and A1 and award 1 extra mark if it is
The resulting categorisation is:
Well above average (AAA rating) 11 or
Above average (A*) 10
Average (A) 9
Below average (B) 6 - 8
Well below average (C) 4 or lower.
Example 1
To achieve a AAA rating, we need to satisfy all
three criteria and surpass at least two. Thus we
gain 3 marks for each criterion that is satisfied,
giving 3 x 3 = 9, plus 1 mark for each criterion
exceeded, giving 9 + 2 = 11. If we exceed all
three criteria, then the total mark is 9 + 3 = 12,
i.e. for AAA rating we need to score 11 or
Example 2
To achieve a B rating, we fail one criterion, but
we might exceed either or both those that we
pass. We achieve 3 marks for passing a
criterion and 4 if we exceed it. Thus, for a B
rating, at worst we just pass two (i.e. the total
mark is 3 + 3 = 6) and at best we exceed two
(i.e. the total mark is 4 + 4 = 8). If we pass two
and exceed one, the total mark is 3 + 4 = 7.
Thus the range of marks that give a B rating
are 6 - 8.

Management needs to know whether or not the
current ICS, i.e. the one actually in place and
working now, is achieving the objectives they
want, irrespective of what else is happening in
the world. In other words, the measurement
should not be conditional on whether or not
anyone is trying to attack the organisation or
Page 15 of 28

defraud it, etc., how frequent those events or

how damaging the resulting impacts might be.
They therefore need a measure of the ICS
which is direct (i.e. it is a measurement
performed on the actual implementation, rather
than the design) and is independent of what the
world is doing. We refer to this as operational
effectiveness. We have identified the metrics in
our fundamental model. They are the time
The time of detection (TD if detected by
the ICS, or if detected by some other means
TM, e.g. reported in a newspaper)
The time that the damage caused by the
event is fixed (TF), should it be
possible and appropriate to fix it, or
otherwise resolve the problem
The time limit after which (TW), if the
damage is not fixed, an impact penalty
is incurred.

Measurement of operational effectiveness is
straightforward. It takes the form of:
Determining the actual control class of
each control, using Table 2
Applying the criteria specified in Table 3.

Table 3: Summary of ICS Categories and

R1 - There are some self-policing procedures, some of
which may be fail-safe.
R2 - There some self-policing procedures, at least one of
which is fail-safe.
S1 - There is a mixture of Class 2, 3 and even Class 4
detective controls. The Class 2 and 3 controls that are not
protected by fail-safe self-policing procedures may
degrade to Class 4.
S2 - There is a majority of Class 2 detective controls, with
possibly some Class 3 or even Class 4. The Class 2 and 3
controls that are not protected by fail-safe self-policing
procedures may degrade to Class 4.
A1 - There is at least one Class 6 BCP dealing with some
catastrophe (e.g. fire). Other unexpected events incidents
are dealt with through an ad hoc procedure.
A2 - There are a variety of BCPs (some of which may be
Class 5) dealing the failure of catastrophe (e.g. fire).
Other unexpected events incidents are dealt with through
an ad hoc procedure.

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Table 3: Summary of ICS Categories and
Award 3 marks for each of R1, S1 and A1 and award 1
extra mark if it is exceeded.
The resulting ICS categorisation is:

Well above average (AAA rating) 11 or higher

Above average (A*) 10
Average (A) 9
Below average (B) 6 - 8
Well below average (C) 4 or lower

Operational effectiveness does not necessarily
imply cost effectiveness. To determine the cost
effectiveness of the ICS we need to apply other
metrics, e.g. CICS, as identified in the
fundamental model.

A Worked Example
Consider a small software company that
produces bespoke software system for its
clients. The company relies on an ICS that is
predicated solely on program testing. In
particular, there are no formal design/code
reviews. There is a reliable backup system that
verifies that backups are restorable and
complains if they are not. However, there is no
BCP covering anything outside of IT. What is
the operational effectiveness of this approach?
A typical development schedule is shown in
Figure 8. The "program testing" control takes
effect late on in the schedule. It may start to
identify problems as early on as month 6, but
some problems might not be detected until
month 12. If the control identifies a top level
design error then the later it is detected the
greater the chance that it will be too late to do
anything about it before the expiry of the time
window, which we will associate with the end
of the development period. Thus, the "program
testing" control is Class 2, potentially
downgrading to Class 4. It does not tell you if
it fails to find an error and therefore it is not
self -policing. The backup control, however, is
self-policing but is not fail-safe.

Measurement in this case is effected by taking

each control and comparing its financial
parameters with those that would apply to
controls that belong to other classes. There
may be a variety of objectives in undertaking
these measurement. Some of the most
important, albeit general questions are
summarised in Table 4 and discussed in the
ensuing subsections. Other objectives may be
very specific. Our worked example is a case in
question and considers the design of an ICS to
maximise the profit on a particular contract.
# Question
1 Should we be using be using a preventive
Ask "Is the cost of using a preventive control less
than the sum of cost-to-fix and possible impact
penalties for all the events that the preventive
control is designed to detect?" If the answer is
yes, then there is indeed a case for using a
preventive (i.e. Class 1) control.

2 Should we improve the efficiency of our

detective controls?
Upgrade from Class 4 to Class 3
Ask "Is the cost of the upgrade less than the
average impact penalty times the number of
events?" If the answer is yes, then an upgrade
from a Class 4 to a Class 3 control is worthwhile.

Figure 8: A typical development schedule

Upgrade from Class 3 to Class 2
We have a self-policing procedure (R1
satisfied, score 3). There is nothing to suggest
that there is a majority of Class 2 detective
procedures, but the control under discussion is
Class 2 degradable (S1 satisfied, score 3). We
have a BCP (A1 satisfied, score 3). The total
score is 9 and therefore we can rank the ICS as
Category A.

Ask "Is the cost of the upgrade less than the

average reduction in the cost-to-fix times the
number of events?" If the answer is yes, then an
upgrade from a Class 3 to a Class 2 control is

3 Should we pre-deploy our BCPs?

Ask "Is the cost of pre-deployment over Y years
minus the business benefit prior to invocation

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Detective Controls

# Question
less than the reduction in impact penalty, minus
the loss in business benefit, multiplied by the
number of times the BCP might be invoked in
that period of Y years?" If the answer is yes, then
pre-deployment is worthwhile.

4 Should we have a BCP?

Following consideration of the impact penalty
and likelihood of occurrence, ask "Is his an
acceptable risk?" If the answer is no, then you
need a BCP.

Table 4: Determination of cost-effectiveness

Preventive Control
Should we be using a preventive control? The
answer is likely to be yes if the cost of using a
preventive control is less than the sum of the
cost-to-fix and possible impact penalties for
all the events that the preventive control is
designed to detect, i.e.
Cpreventive control < all events, j, that the preventive control
detects (CFj + IPj)
The cost of using a preventive control includes
the cost to buy/develop, install, configure,
commission, operate, train people in its use,
audit its use and maintain it. We have not
included in the above formula the cost of the
controls that would otherwise perform the task
of the preventive control as we recommend
that they be retained in case of a control failure
in the preventive control. An impact penalty
will only occur if the corresponding existing
controls are Class 4 or lower.
Note the summation over all the events that the
preventive control is designed to detect. In
practice, this number will be an estimate as it
concerns the future. If the cost-to-fix and
possible impact penalty for each event is
constant (or can be considered approximately
so), the inequality becomes:
C preventive control


N * ( CF + IP ) average

where N is the number of events. If this

number is very small and average cost-to- fix
and impact penalty is also small, then it is very
likely that a preventive control will not be cost
effective. On the other hand, if either N or the
average cost-to-fix and impact penalty is very
large, the use of a preventive control is most
likely to be a very good idea.

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Should we improve the efficiency of our

detective controls? If the control is a Class 4
then it detects the event too late for it to be
fixed within the time window. There is
therefore a cost-to-fix and an impact penalty. If
we convert the control to a Class 3 then there is
no impact penalty. Thus, for the upgrade to be
worthwhile, the cost of the upgrade must be
less than the average impact penalty times the
number of events, i.e.
Cupgrading <

N * IP average

We have assumed here that the cost-to-fix is

about the same for the two classes of control.
This is a reasonable assumption if the Class 3
allows the event to be fixed just prior to the
expiry of the time window while the Class 4
fixes it immediately after. The cost-to-fix,
however, may be dramatically reduced as we
reduce the time taken to detect the event,
thereby moving from a Class 3 to a Class 2
control. This upgrade is worthwhile if the cost
of the upgrade is less than the average
reduction in the cost-to-fix times the number of
events, i.e.
C upgrading < N * ( CF in Class 3 case - CF in Class 2 case)

If we pre-deploy all or part of a BCP there will
be an associated pre-deployment cost and a
maintenance cost. Pre-deployment costs may
include equipment purchase/lease, building
purchase/hire, insurance, extra staff, training,
commissioning, regular tests and practices, etc.
Prior to invoking the BCP there may also be an
associated business benefit, BBCP, which will
offset the pre-deployment costs, Cpre-deploy. For
example, a redundant IT installation, kept in a

state of readiness in case the main installation

fails, or is otherwise rendered unavailable,
could be used for other purposes, e.g. systems
development. Of course, when the BCP is
invoked this benefit will be lost, hopefully for
a short time but it will be lost. We need to
factor this loss into our cost-effectiveness
considerations. We will do this in a moment.
Let that loss be BBCPloss.
By pre-deploying the BCP we gain time.
Recovery from abnormal to normal operations

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

will be quicker, and the impact penalty will be
reduced. Let that reduction be IPreduction.
Arguably for pre-deployment to be costeffective:
Cpre-deploy - BBCP <

IPreduction - BBCPloss

Invocation of the BCP ought not be a frequent

event, otherwise we should be considering Class
2, 3, or 4 controls as our main line of defence.
Suppose we estimate that over a period of Y
years the BCP is invoked N times, our
inequality then becomes:

Y years ( Cpre-deploy - BBCP ) < N * (

IPreduction - BBCPloss )

BCP Need
Do we need a BCP? The first question to ask
is what would be the impact penalty if the
unthinkable was to happen? Having answered
that question, the next question is "is that an
acceptable risk". If it is not, then you need a
Surprisingly, in response to the second question
the answer "if I am still alive, I'll just start up
again" is a Class 6 control. The question is then,
how much of this plan should we pre-deploy
(clearly following carefully consideration and
suitably refinement of this somewhat
embryonic/flippant BCP!).

As previously mentioned, the company usually

relies on an ICS that is predicated solely on
program testing. In particular, there are no
formal design/code reviews. In costing the
project, the company anticipates using a full
time team of three analyst/programmers of the
same grade and salary costs. Expressed in
terms of some arbitrary monetary units (MU),
the cost of the project is therefore 36MU plus
some allowance for overhead, charged at 5MU
per person per year. This gives a total of
51MU. To remain competitive the company
wishes to charge the client 60MU, yielding an
anticipated profit of 9MU. There is also a oneyear maintenance component of 10 MU, which
applies for the 12 months following client
acceptance. Its purpose is to fix program bugs
that manifest during the operational use of the
From experience, the company realises that the
most likely worst case scenario is a top level
design error (the event) that causes rework
affecting 1/3rd of the program modules. It
estimates (see Figure 9) the cost (in MU) to fix
the problem as a function of the month in
which the error is detected by the ICS. Past
experience also indicates that all of the 10MU
maintenance provision is used up, resulting in
effectively no profit or loss.
Before agreeing the contract, the company
considers alternative forms of ICS. It also
notes that the revenue penalty is quite steep,
being 5MU for any overrun, increasing
thereafter by 1MU per month.

A Worked Example
The foregoing allows us to answer general,
albeit important, questions about the
effectiveness of our ICS. By way of our
worked example, however, we look at
something very specific and entirely in tune
with what the focus of cost-effectiveness for a
commercial organisation ought to be. i.e.
Let us suppose that our small software
company is being invited to bid for a new
project. The contract is for a fixed price with
stage payments. The development is scheduled
to last one year. The final payment is due on
satisfactory completion of the project. If there
is an overrun, there is an impact in the form of
a revenue penalty which increases with the
extent of the overrun. The agreed schedule is
shown in Figure 8.
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Figure 9: Cost (in MU) of fix as a function of

month in which event is detected
It reasons:
Case 1
Based on past experience, the company
believes that if the event occurred, at worst it
would be detected in month 11 during the
integration testing, but no later. According to
Figure 9, this would correspond to a cost to fix
of 6MU. The company also realises that, given
the late detection of the event, there would be
an overrun of 2 months, causing a revenue loss
of 6MU, together with an overhead component
of 3*5/12 = 2.5MU. Thus, the anticipated
profit margin of 9MU is at risk of being

Gamma Secure Systems Limited,

Wm. List & Co., 2004

Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

reduced to a loss of 5.5MU, should the
event occur.
Case 2
The company argues that through the use of
certain more sophisticated testing techniques,
at an extra staff cost of one extra
analyst/programmer, half time from month 5
onwards, plus a one-off software purchase of
2MU, at worst the error would be detected in
month 6. The company also believes that the
improved testing techniques will have a
positive impact on the maintenance phase,
which ought to result in a profit of 5MU,
whereas usually there is none.
The increased costs of the ICS are, in this case,
5.7MU. The cost of fix, should the error occur
is 1.5MU. Thus, the overall profit (inclusive of
the maintenance component of the contract)
would be 6.8MU should the event occur and
8.3MU should it not.
Case 3
The company recognises that an alternative
approach would be to entertain design/code
reviews. The company decides that this can be
accomplished with the proper use of certain
overhead resources on a very part-time basis in
order to moderate the reviews. The project
team must, however, be trained in the
techniques that are to be used. The training
cost will be 2MU. In the worst case, the event
should be detected by month 3.
The company also estimates that these
techniques will also have a positive benefit on
the maintenance component, but perhaps not
so great as Case 2. They estimate a profit of
The increased costs of the ICS are, in this case,
2MU. The cost of fix, should the error occur is
0.25MU. Thus, the overall profit (inclusive of
the maintenance component of the contract)
would be 9.8MU should the event occur and
10MU should it not.
Case 4
Alternatively, the company argues that it can
dispense with the training course and use a
more experienced person - a chief
analyst/programmer - in exchange for one of
the analyst programmers. The chief
analyst/programmer costs 25% more than an

analyst programmer, but is competent in the

required techniques and is also experienced in
providing successful on-the-job training. At
worst the event again should be detected by
month 3. The same benefit should apply to the
maintenance phase as in Case 3.
The increased costs of the ICS are, in this case,
3MU. The cost of fix, should the error occur is
0.25MU. Thus, the overall profit (inclusive of
the maintenance component of the contract)
would be 8.8MU should the event occur and
9MU should it not.
In summary
Profit (MU)





Table 5: The bottom line effectiveness of the
four candidate ICS (fixed price)
The company decides upon ICS#3.

An alternative scenario
It is interesting to consider what might happen
if the contractual situation was quite different.
What would happen, for example, if the
contract was time and materials and there was
no penalty clause. Suppose the company elects
to charge its analyst programmers at a daily
rate, equivalent to 1.67 MU per month, and its
chief analyst programmers at a daily rate,
equivalent to 2.09 MU per month. These rates
allow for overhead and profit.
Ignoring maintenance, as that being on a time
and materials basis, it would appear that the
greater the number of bugs, the more
maintenance work is required and therefore the
greater the profit(!), we have:
(no event)
(event occurs)
(no event)
(event occurs)
(no event)










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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

(event occurs)
(no event)
(event occurs)
Table 6: The bottom lineeffectiveness
of the
four candidate ICS for the development
phase (time and materials)
Note that in each case, the company makes
a greater profit when the event occurs - it is
almost as if they are being paid to do badly.
ICS#3 is now the worst option, as it always
results in the least profit However, it does
represent the least cost to the client.
With regard to the maintenance component of
the contract, the company would charge 11.8
MU, resulting, in Case 1, with a profit of 1.8
MU. In Cases 3-4 less work is involved and
therefore less profit (in fact 0.89, 1.25,
1.25MU respectively). In view of this, the
company could elect to go fixed priced for
Cases 3-4. The anticipated profit figures (and
client charges including maintenance) would
therefore be:
(event occurs)
(no event)
Profit Client
Table 7: The bottom line effectiveness of the
four candidate ICS for a mix of time and
materials (development phase) and fix price
(maintenance). Note: ICS#1 is time and
materials for both phases

Note that ICS#2 is the best from the

perspective of making a handsome profit,
whilst still not being the most expensive
option from the perspective of the client. What
we see here is the interplay between the client
taking the risk during the development phase
and the company taking the risk during the
maintenance phase. The company is prepared
to do this because of the superior ICSs
involved in Cases 2-4. Note also that in a
highly competitive situation, Case 3 wins as it
allows the company to offer a low price whilst
still demonstrating good value and

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Just who takes the risk in these situations is an
important decision. For ICS#1 (see Table 7
above) the client takes all the risk. If the
company (i.e. the contractor) makes an error,
the client pays for it. With ICS#2 -4, the
company has a better ICS, which in Cases 2
and 4 does cost the client more. However, in
all cases the client pays less than in Case 1 if
the company does make an error. The question
therefore is "is it in the client's best interest to
pay the company to improve the effectiveness
of its ICS?" Table 7 suggests that the answer is
not only "yes" but also that it can be done for
next to nothing (compare ICS#3 with ICS#1).
Perhaps this example gives us an insight as to
why customers do put pressure on large
suppliers to introduce management systems
(whether for risk, or subordinate areas such as
quality or information security).

If the current ICS is not achieving
management's objectives, management needs
to be able to determine what needs to be
changed and plot a course of action to
implement those changes. As the ICS evolves,
management again needs to measure the actual
ICS to see how its effectiveness is improving.
Apart from the overall ICS, management may
focus attention on particular controls. This
may be in response to incidents or changes in

There are two types of improvement:
An improvement to the overall ICS
An improvement to an individual control.
Measurements are generally made using the
methods previously described, i.e. using Table 2
to determine the actual class of a control, using
Table 3 to determine operational effectiveness
and Table 4 to determine cost-effectiveness.
However, individual

Gamma Secure Systems Limited,

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

improvements may require additional
metrics as discussed below.
What data do I need?

Time to detect, time to fix, time window

(either for individual events and/or
averaged across many events of the same
Cost of fix and impact penalty (again either
for individual events and/or averaged
across many events of the same class)
Number and frequency of events
Cost of control, cost of ICS
Whether controls are protected by selfpolicing procedures and whether those
procedures are fail-safe
What incidents there have been that were
not anticipated.

with similar improvements in business

The first step would be to identify the controls
that are candidates for removal and then
monitor/measure how they work. Can you
establish, for example, the number and
frequency of the events that each control does
trap? The second step is to establish a back-out
plan such that, if removal of a control
harbingers disaster, the control can be speedily
put back! The third step is to remove the
control and monitor/ measure how the other
controls behave to establish confidence that the
removal achieves its objectives.
Increased cost effectiveness

Improvement to the overall ICS

There are a variety of improvements that you
may wish to make to the overall ICS and
conform by measurement, e.g.
Advancement to a higher Category
Removal of redundant controls
Increased cost effectiveness.
Advancement to a higher Category
In implementing such an improvement you
will undoubtedly know what changes need to
be made to effect the transition. Theoretically,
you only need to re-measure the control class
(Table 2) and re-apply the criteria (Table 3) to
the changes. However, it is prudent to identify
what criteria are borderline and monitor those
as well. In that way, you can check that the
operational effectiveness does not decrease as
a result of changes made.

The idea here is to measure the cost

effectiveness of either the whole ICS or a
selected subset of it, by first acquiring the data
necessary to apply Table 4. If improvements
are required, the changes to particular controls
are then identified. These are discussed below.
On making the changes the measurements are
repeated to confirm that the changes have met
their objectives. Note that the removal of
redundant controls is likely to have a positive
impact of the overall cost effectiveness of the

Improvement to an individual
There are a variety of improvements that you
may wish to make to an individual control, or
group of controls, and conform by
measurement, e.g.
Advancement to a higher Class or
within Class

Removal of redundant controls

Adding/changing self-policing and failsafe properties to groups of controls

A control may be redundant if:

Increased cost effectiveness.

The events that the control is designed to

trap are universally trapped by some other

Advancement to a higher Class or

within Class

The control does not trap other events.

Moving from reactive to detective/ preventive,

or moving from detective to preventive, is
generally implemented by removing one
control and replacing it by another. On the
other hand, moving from one reactive class to
another reactive class, or moving from one
detective class to another detective class, is
generally implemented merely by improving

The latter condition ensures that controls are

not removed because they are redundant with
respect to one event but not some other. If a
control is truly redundant its removal should
lead to improvements in cost effectiveness
(which can be gauged using Table 4) together
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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

the particular characteristics of the control
rather than changing it beyond recognition.
For example, moving from Class 7 to Class 6
may mean documenting what we did last
time (or should have done in hindsight).
Moving from Class 6 to Class 5 requires predeployment of some parts of the plan. The
plan, however, is essentially the same in each
Likewise, moving from Class 4 to Class 3 and
hence to Class 2 may be accomplished by
improving the time to detect and/or the time to
fix though educating and training staff, and
essentially little change to anything else.
In each of the above cases we need only to
measure the time parameters to indicate
improvement or not as case be.
Self-policing and fail-safe properties
The value of a self policing procedure is that it
promptly detects a control failure, allowing
some other control to take over. As shown in
Figure 6, if a control is not protected by a selfpolicing procedure, a control failure may go
undetected and ultimately manifest itself
following expiry of the time window. Is there
evidence of this happening in the ICS? If there
is, you not only have a need for a self-policing
procedure but a means to monitor its effect.
Once implemented the number of events
trapped as Class 7 should reduce, ideally to
zero. Note that self-policing and fail-safe
properties are requirements of the higher order
categories of ICS.
Increased cost effectiveness
Advancement to a higher Class or
improvements within class are likely to have a
beneficial effect on the cost-effectiveness of
the control. Other improvements may be made
by paying attention to the costs involved, in
particular the cost of the control. Note that
reducing the time to detect (see our costeffectiveness worked example, page 18) may
automatically result in a shorter time to correct
and a lower cost of fix. Use Table 4.

A Worked Example
(continued again)
Let us return to our software company example
and this time consider the candidate ICS
identified when we were considering the costeffectiveness problem. The category for ICS#1
is A, as determined previously. The chosen ICS
(#3) adds a new control, which is Class 2 nondegradable. By itself this is insufficient to
change the category of the ICS. However, it
was chosen because it ought to increase the
cost effectiveness of the ICS. We need to
monitor the cost of the control, the cost of fix
and any impact penalty to confirm this. We can
also monitor the improvements in the control
itself by recording the time to detect and the
time to fix for the events that it discovers.
Other questions that we ought to monitor are:
Are there errors that it was designed to
detect that escape detection?
Are these trapped by the software
testing control?
What proportion of these escape detection
and are ultimately found by the customer?

In this section we propose a methodology for
generating Risk Treatment Plans, which makes
use of the fundamental theory which we have
just discussed.
We have used the methodology extensively in
the information security arena. We have taught
senior managers/risk owners how to use it in
various parts of the world and they have been
able to apply it, not only in the context of
information security but also to other
business/governance concerns. We therefore
believe that this methodology works and is
teachable, repeatable and reproducible.
We start by saying a little more about events
and impacts on which the methodology is

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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

The events referred to in this paper are bad
things that cause trouble. The insert (below)
lists those events, which in our BS7799 work
we feel are common across many businesses.
In addition we would add other events that
were specific to that particular organisation.
An example would be "one of our aircraft
has broken down in the Indian Ocean". We
told a story about this on page 4.

develop a simple methodology for applying

our fundamental theory. Figure 10 shows a
fragment from our stylised form of a BS77992:2002 Risk Treatment Plan (RTP).

Events that are likely to be common across

many businesses are:

Acts of God, vandals and terrorists
Regular fraud
IT failure
Denial of Service attacks
Breach of the law

Typically, any occurrence of such events

would be reported to management, the speed of
reporting being a function of their severity.
Think of the event as a newspaper headline.


Figure 10: A fragment of a stylised Risk

Treatment Plan
The process of producing the RTPs can be
described in terms of a series of steps.
Step 1 - identify the events
Name the event and briefly describe it. Our
usual approach is to start with the standard
events described above and augment them with
client specific concerns.
Step 2 - identify the assets

Likewise, it is possible to characterise the

damage, or impact of an event in a standard
manner. The insert (below) lists those impacts,
which again in our BS7799 work we feel are
common across many businesses.
The occurrence of an event may give rise to
Impacts that are likely to be common across many
businesses are:

Customer dissatisfaction
Adverse press coverage
Loss of revenue
Unanticipated costs
Inability to carry out some or all of its business
Loss of the monetary value of buildings
and contents
Failure to prosecute
Court action against an employee or the business

several impacts and may also trigger

other events.

We usually start with a generic list that

includes such things as:

Buildings and contents

IT hardware and networks
Infrastructure and application software
Computerised data concerning the
organisation's business
concerning the organisation's business
Supporting data, documentation and
We will add to this list and otherwise modify it
as necessary, the idea ultimately being to
derive the assets that require protection from
the analysis, rather than the other way round
(which unfortunately seems to be the
conventional way of carrying out a risk

Risk Treatment Plans

Risk treatment is an ISO term that is means the
"treatment process of selection and
implementation of measures to modify risk
[ISO Guide 73]". We can use this concept to
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Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Step 3 - identify the impacts
Our usual approach is to start with the standard
impacts described above and augment them
with client specific impacts as required.
Step 4 - identify the threats
We usually start with a generic list of threat
agents that includes such entries as:
Fire, flood and other forms of natural
Power and other utility failure
Customers and suppliers
Disaffected staff
Vandals and terrorists
Errors and mistakes.
We will add to this list and otherwise modify it
as necessary.
Step 5 - produce the RTPs

A useful starting point (which we illustrate

in Step 5a below) is to consider some way
in which a given threat agent can cause, in
the context of the event, the impact under
consideration. Once this thread has been
considered, the next thread would consider
some other way in which the threat agent
can cause the same impact. Finally, we
should include a thread for which the threat
agent is unknown.
Quite often RTPs become repetitive. We
obviate this as much as possible through
the order in which we deal with the
events and through cross references
between RTPs, where the procedures are
the same albeit dealing with another
thread or event/impact pair.
Step 5a - identify the risks leading to a
particular impact (or impacts if the
impacts have the same priority) for
known threats
Consider the event and the impact(s).
The first question to ask is "what is being done
about it already? ".

This step is repeated for each event.

First (see Figure 10), write down the
description of the event and list the assets that
are affected. Augment/modify the asset
inventory if there is an asset that we wish to
refer to that is not already in the list.
Second, document the applicable impacts and
order them in the priority they are to receive.
Record if any are to receive equal priority
Third, list the applicable threats.
Fourth, repeat the steps 5a - 5d below until all
the impacts have been dealt with. If the
impacts are listed in priority order, take them
in that order. If two or more have the same
priority, take them together.
Note also that:
In practice the analysis for a given eventimpact pair will break down into a number
of "threads". Each thread takes some
particular starting point to its logical
conclusion, which is a statement of
acceptable or unacceptable residual risk.

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Unless we are really starting from a clean sheet

of paper (which we might be doing in the case
of a new system), there will already be
procedures and technology in place to deal
with the event-impact. Even if we are
considering something new, there may be
policies that we are obliged to follow that
dictate what procedures and technology we
must put in place. If not, then we are free to
identify what we need. In all three cases we
will assume for the purpose of describing this
methodology that those procedures/ technology
are (or will be) documented.
We then ask, what do these procedures and
technology accomplish in terms of this
particular event-impact? and write down the
answer. We find it best to tell it like a story.
Say how a threat agent, in the context of this
event, could bring about the impact under
consideration, e.g. "A hacker could bring
about the inability of the organisation to carry
out some or all of its business by mounting a
denial of service (DoS) attack on the network."
You then write down, in as few words as
possible, what the (established) procedures and
technology will do about this, e.g. "The first
line of defence against such an attack is the
firewall." Note that this is a Class 1 control.

Gamma Secure Systems Limited,

Wm. List & Co., 2004

Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

We then document the risk, e.g. "Our ISP
provides this firewall as a managed service.
We do not therefore know whether this firewall
is always correctly configured, or if is under
attack." Note that this is tantamount to saying
"what if the first control does not work?".

and document them. If none can be found

decide whether the residual risk is acceptable
or not.

We then ask if this risk is acceptable or not. If

it is acceptable, say so and say why, e.g.
"Nevertheless, this lack of knowledge is
considered to be an acceptable risk because
there is a second line of defence, which lies
in hardening the network components in
accordance with the IT policy for Hotfix
and service pack upgrades". Note in this
example the introduction of another control
to address the failure of the first.

If a thread terminates with an unacceptable

residual risk we need to do something about it.
We usually approach this by having a "To-DoList". We decide what needs to be done about
the unacceptable risk - which at the very least
will be to investigate the options - and append
it to the To-Do-List. It is then a question of
project managing the To-Do-List. Of course,
whilst a particular problem is being resolved,
we are running an unacceptable risk. It is
possible that we cannot do anything about that
apart from keeping our fingers crossed.
Otherwise, it would be appropriate to introduce
some short-term measure.

The analysis proceeds in this way until all of

the controls that are used (or are to be used)
and their effects have been documented, e.g.
following on from the previous example the
RTP might say "However (a) Currently the
internal network IP addresses are public
addresses. This presents an unacceptable risk
and therefore we need to convert these
addresses to private addresses; (b) There is a
risk that a hacker could still exploit some
known vulnerability for which the Hotfix had
not yet been applied or exploit some other yet
unreported vulnerability for which there is
currently no Hotfix. At present, this is an
acceptable risk because of the low profile of
our web site and those that it hosts for our
Note that this "thread" terminates with both
an unacceptable residual risk and an
acceptable residual risk.
The next thread might consider hostile code
Step 5b - identify the risks leading to a
particular impact for unknown threats
It is prudent to ensure that appropriate controls
are in place to deal with the situation where the
event has occurred for some unanticipated
reason, i.e., the threat agent and/or the attack
method was not known or anticipated at the
time the analysis is performed. It is possible
that these will have already been identified
during Step 5a, in which case Step 5b merely
identifies what they are and explains how their
workings are independent of threat agent
and/or attack method. If the controls identified
in the Step 5a threads are not suitable, check
whether others exist in the ICS that are suitable
Page 25 of 28

Step 5c - dealing with unacceptable

residual risks

Step 5d - optimising the ICS

The RTP thus far describes the control
structure that exists and, via the To-Do-List,
also that which is planned for the future.
Identify the class (1 -7) for each control.
Sometimes we also find it useful to draw the
Venn diagrams to show how the controls
interact along a given thread.
Use the event and impact data and Table 4 to
determine whether a different class for a
particular control would be more appropriate.
Make your decisions in the context of the other
controls, in particular the other controls in the
same thread.
If we are dealing with a real life situation, the
decision to change the control structure is
recorded by making the appropriate entries in
the To-Do-List. We refer to such changes as
If we are dealing with a future system (for
example, if we are in the process of working
out the ICS requirements for a new IT system)
then we would merely change the control
structure and iterate steps 5a - 5d.

Gamma Secure Systems Limited,

Wm. List & Co., 2004

Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Step 6 - tidy up
Once all the risk treatment plans have been
developed, there may be a certain amount of
tidying up to do.
First, check that all the assets in the asset
inventory have be used. If any are left over,
ensure that that is not because of some
oversight and, if not, remove them from the
inventory. Note that new ones, not present in
the initial list, may have been defined on the
fly. Ensure that all the RTPs that ought to refer
to these additional assets do so. Note that in
this way we use the original list merely as a
starting position. Following augmentation and
tidy-up we effectively finish with a list that is
derived from the risk assessment. In other
words we identify those assets that require
protection in order to ensure acceptability of
risk rather than assume what needs protection
and use the risk assessment to identify how
they should be protected.
Second, check that all the impacts in the
impact list have been dealt with. If there are
any discrepancies, or additional impacts have
been added on the fly, proceed as in the case of
tidying up the assets.
Third, check that all the threat agents in the
threat list have been dealt with. If there are
any discrepancies, or additional impacts have
been added on the fly, proceed as in the case
of tidying up the assets and impacts.
Fourth, ensure that all event-impact pairs have
been dealt with.
Fifth, check that all threads end in a
statement of acceptable/unacceptable risk.
Sixth, check that all control failures have
been considered.
Finally, check that the To-Do-List entries
remedy all unacceptable residual risks and
implement all identified improvements.

This paper has set out:
the methodology to measure the
effectiveness of the control element of an

Page 26 of 28

a methodology to present risk options in

the form of a story as a RTP to improve
communications between risk specialists
and senior management.

Internal Control system

An ICS is a mandatory requirement to meet the
obligations of Corporate Governance and the
legislation, throughout the world, requiring
Directors and Senior Managers to maintain
effective control of the organisation and to
demonstrate positively their involvement in the
control of the organisation.
The ICS can have a material impact on the
ability of an organisation to meet its
objectives. The paper shows that you can have
an ICS that inhibits an organisation to meet it
objectives as well as an ICS that assists.
Almost certainly all organisations will need to
be able to react promptly to unexpected events.

ICS Metrics
We propose two sets of metrics for use in
determining the effectiveness of an ISMS
within an organisation. The first set of metrics
is independent of external factors and is
therefore a true measure of the effectiveness of
the organisation's procedures and management
Operational effectiveness is determined
solely by measuring the time parameters.

These metrics are Time dependent. They are

the time to detect an event and the time taken
then to rectify the consequences. We anticipate
that analysis against these metrics will be by
class of event. This led us to see clearly the
view expressed on empirical evidence that
prompt detection of potential events is the best
solution and the optimum position is that a
procedure is constructed so that any errors
made are automatically detected (for example:
the old fashioned double entry bookkeeping
system). They are useful in designing an
appropriate ICS and verifying that the
implementation accords with the design.
The second set concerns costs and impact
penalties and is useful in deciding whether the
ICS is cost effective.

Gamma Secure Systems Limited,

Wm. List & Co., 2004

Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Classes of ICS


We knew that all business operations incur a

cost. We divided the cost into four categories:

We believe that this methodology is applicable

to all risk situations whether these be the risks
of doing business, information security,
quality, environmental, legislative/regulatory
compliance etc.

Cost of doing business

Cost of having an ICS
Impact penalty from a control failure which
will materialise if the event is not detected
within the time window where rectification
is possible
Cost of rectification following
the manifestation of an event.
We postulate seven classes of controls with
differing properties. These range from a
procedure to immediately detect an event and
stop the event impacting the organisation
(clearly an optimum position) to a catastrophe
situation when the event may cause a
business failure.
This categorisation enables people to consider
the nature of ICS procedures necessary to
address identified events in order to optimise
the cost effectiveness of the control
procedures. It must always be remembered
that some events will be outside the control of
the organisation, therefore prevention is not an
option and the ICS procedures are forced to
address rectification only (if this is possible at

Risk Treatment Plans

The use of Risk Treatment Plans (RTPs)
expressed as a story of what organisation has
put in place to address risk events (of their
choosing) in relation to the possible impacts of
that event allows everyone from the Board
downward to understand what risk
management issues are addressed and how.
The granularity of the RTPs is a matter that an
organisation (or part thereof) may elect to meet
their needs. The story will always address the
questions 'Suppose the control does not work?
What do we do then? This enables a thorough
systematic decomposition of the procedures in
place (or proposed) so as to enable people to
confirm that the controls are just sufficient for
the purpose.

Page 27 of 28

We trust that this paper will make a substantial

contribution to the ongoing debate on how
Information Security (or Assurance) can be
achieved by organisations in the future.

We would like to record our thanks to the very
many people, all over the world, who have
over the years taught us about Information
Security and Internal Control structures.
In particular in respect of this paper we would
record our thanks to
Matthew Pemble of RBS
Richard Hackworth of HSBC
David Spinks of EDS
Harvey Mattinson of the UK Cabinet Office
Michael Nash of Gamma Secure Systems
Leslie McCartney of Reuters
Ted Humphries of Xisec
Marc Kekicheff of Visa International
Regina Brewer of Konami (Europe)
We trust that our contribution will be seen as
our thanks to them for their training to us.

[APB guidance] Briefing paper - Providing
Assurance on the effectiveness
of Internal Control issued by
the Audit Practices Board July
2001, see Copies
from ABG Professional

Gamma Secure Systems Limited,

Wm. List & Co., 2004

Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Dr. David Brewer

[email protected]


The Bank of International

Settlements, the New Basel 2
Accord, see
Information security
management systems Specification with guidance for
use, BS 7799-2:2002

Review of the role and

effectiveness of non-executive
directors, Derek Higgs, 2003,

[GlobalPlatform] The GlobalPlatform Card

Specification and the
GlobalPlatform Card Security
Requirements Specification,

[ISO 14001]

Environmental management

systems - Specification with

guidance for use, BS EN ISO


Information technology - Code

of practice for information
security management, BS
ISO/IEC 17799:2000

[ISO 9001]

Quality management systems Requirements, BS EN ISO



Organisation for Economic

Co-operation and
Development, Corporate
Governance, see


Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,

USA Congress, an Act to
protect investors by improving
the accuracy and reliability of
corporate disclosures made
pursuant to the securities laws,
and for other purposes, see


Internal Control, Guidance for

directors on the Combined
Code (The Turnbull Report),
Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England and
Wales, see

About the authors

Dr. David Brewer is a founder director of Gamma. He has been involved in
information security since he left university, and is an internationally recognised
consultant in that subject. He was part of the team who created the ITSEC and the
Common Criteria, and has worked for a wide range of
government departments and commercial organisations both
at home and abroad.
Mr. William List, CA hon FBCS, is the proprietor of Wm. List
& Co. He has been involved in security and audit for some 40
years. He has been involved in the development of secure
business applications and the development of various
William List, CA,
hon FCBS

accounting and IT standards. He retired as a partner in KPMG. He is the

chairman of the BCS security expert panel.

Both are currently part of the international team developing the 7799 family of standards, and are two
of the driving forces behind the Part 2 ISMS standard. They provided training in implementing
ISO/IEC 17799 and have assisted many clients to build ISMSs since 1998 in Europe, East Africa and
the Far East.

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Gamma Secure Systems Limited,

Wm. List & Co., 2004

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