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A Primer of OILWELL DRILLING Sixth Edition A PRIMER OF OILWELL DRILLING A Basic Text of Oil and Gas Drilling Sixth Edition by Ron Baker published by PETROLEUM EXTENSION SERVICE The University of Texas at Austin Continuing & Extended Edi Austin, Texas, “ali in cooperation with INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DRILLING CONTRACTORS Houston, Texas 2001 Library of Congress Cataloging: in-Publieation Data Baker, Ron, 1940- A primer of oilwelldrilinga basic text of ol and gas dling / by Rom Baker. — 6th ed. pm, ISBN 0-88698-194-8 alk paper) 1, Oi well deiling. 1, University of Pesas at Austin. Petroleum Extension Service. I. Title. “TNS71.203162001 622.3382—de2l oo-011902 CIP {© 2001 hy The University of Texas at Astin All rights reserved Fist edition published 1951, Fifth edition 199% Sixth edition 2001 Drintod in che United States of America “This book or pars thereof may noche reproduced in any form without permission from Petroleum Extension Se vice, The University of Texas at Austin. Brand names, company names, rademark, or other iden tifying symbols appearing in illustrations or text ae wsed for edlveational purposes only and do not consticure an endorsement by the author or publisher. Catalog No. 2.00060 ISBN 0-88608-194.5) ‘The University of Texas at Austin isan cual opportunity inetzaion, No stat a: feds seere wo prin bis Bok

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