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received: 21 April 2016

accepted: 26 July 2016
Published: 22 August 2016

Overexpression of calmodulinlike (ShCML44) stress-responsive

gene from Solanum habrochaites
enhances tolerance to multiple
abiotic stresses
ShoaibMunir1, HuiLiu2, YaliXing1, SaddamHussain3, BoOuyang1, YuyangZhang1, HanxiaLi1
& ZhibiaoYe1
Calmodulin-like (CML) proteins are important Ca2+ sensors, which play significant role in mediating
plant stress tolerance. In the present study, cold responsive calmodulin-like (ShCML44) gene was
isolated from cold tolerant wild tomato (Solanum habrochaites), and functionally characterized. The
ShCML44 was differentially expressed in all plant tissues including root, stem, leaf, flower and fruit, and
was strongly up-regulated under cold, drought and salinity stresses along with plant growth hormones.
Under cold stress, progressive increase in the expression of ShCML44 was observed particularly in
cold-tolerant S. habrochaites. The ShCML44-overexpressed plants showed greater tolerance to cold,
drought, and salinity stresses, and recorded higher germination and better seedling growth. Transgenic
tomato plants demonstrated higher antioxidant enzymes activity, gas exchange and water retention
capacity with lower malondialdehyde accumulation and membrane damage under cold and drought
stresses compared to wild-type. Moreover, transgenic plants exhibited reduced reactive oxygen species
and higher relative water contents under cold and drought stress, respectively. Greater stress tolerance
of transgenic plants was further reflected by the up-/down-regulation of stress-related genes including
SOD, GST, CAT, POD, LOX, PR and ERD. In crux, these results strengthen the molecular understanding
of ShCML44 gene to improve the abiotic stress tolerance in tomato.
Plant growth and development is adversely affected by various abiotic stresses including cold, drought and salinity. Abiotic stresses negatively affect the crop productivity by limiting their genetic potential1. Plants are prone
to optimum environmental conditions, thus unexpected environmental changes like low or high temperature,
drought, and salinity cause almost 50% losses in the yield of major crops2. Recent advancements in research have
made significant progress to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms of stress towards crop productivity. Scientists have determined different physiological and biochemical pathways to probe the plants stress
response mechanisms3,4. In plants, sub-optimal temperature causes membrane damage and dehydration. Cold
stress-induced physiological and biochemical responses lead to accumulation of compatible osmolytes and reactive oxygen species (ROS), which in turns alter the membrane lipid composition5. Likewise, drought and salinity
stresses adversely affect the ionic and osmotic equilibrium of the cell. The former displaces the membrane proteins and results in the loss of membrane integrity, disruption of cellular compartmentalization, and alterations in
enzymatic activity. Dehydration of protoplasm induces the disruption of cellular metabolism, while, salinity can
cause hyperosmotic and hyperionic stress leading to plant death2.
It is highly encouraged to explore the stress adaptive responses at cellular and whole-plant levels in order
to maintain the environmental sustainability. The bottleneck of this endeavor is to keep identifying the
Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology (Ministry of Education), College of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences,
Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China. 2Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Resources of
Rubber Tree, Ministry of Agriculture, Rubber Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,
Danzhou 571737, China. 3College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070,
China. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Z.Y. (email: [email protected])

Scientific Reports | 6:31772 | DOI: 10.1038/srep31772
stress-responsive genes by genomics technologies6,7. These genes may belong to different protein groups according to their domain. Several studies have reported that abiotic stresses (cold, high salt, and drought) trigger rapid
increase in plant cells calcium (Ca2+) levels5,8. Calcium is a universal second messenger, which regulates the
responses to plants growth and development as well as different environmental stimuli5,9. Changes in cellular
Ca2+ level is being mediated by different Ca2+ binding proteins like calmodulin (CaM) and CaM-related proteins (CML), calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) and calcineurin-B-like proteins (CBL) by binding to
EF-hand domain10,11.
The CaM is a relatively small protein that only contains four EF-hands and acts as ubiquitous Ca2+ binding
protein in plants and animals12. The EF-hand motif is the most frequent motif found in Ca2+ binding proteins,
and it helps Ca2+ binding13. Despite sequence divergence in EF-hands, CMLs behave as unique Ca2+ sensors13,14.
CMLs are the small multifunctional proteins, which interact with a broad range of Ca2+ binding downstream
targets and alter the activities of target proteins by transducing the signal of increased Ca2+. CMLs contain Ca2+
binding motifs and do not possess other functional domains15. CMLs have been identified in numerous plant
species, such as 50 members in Arabidopsis, 48 in thellungiella halophile, 51 in Eucalyptus grandis, 56 in Populus
trichocarpa, 46 in Medicago truncatula16, 32 in rice17 and 52 in tomato14. All the CMLs contain EF-hand motifs but
no other known or identifiable functional domain. Most CMLs in Arabidopsis (31/50), rice (20/32) and tomato
(26/52) are predicted to have four EF-hands as in CaM, but a majority of them have less than 50% similarity with
Various signaling transduction pathways in plant have been found to be induced by CML proteins. It is well
established that CML genes can respond to different hormonal and stress stimuli1822. In Arabidopsis, salinity and
salicylic acid significantly up-regulated the expression of stress-responsive AtCML8 gene23. Furthermore, expression analysis revealed that AtCML9 knockout mutants exhibited more tolerance to salinity and drought by the
higher accumulation of amino acids24. Moreover, AtCaM15 (also called AtCML18) interacts with AtNHX1 and
alters the Na+/K+ selectivity of the exchanger by decreasing its Na+/H+ exchange speed. This interaction suggests
the presence of Ca2+ dependent signaling to mediate salt stress responses25. Another CML gene AtCML24/TCH2
was induced by cold, drought and might be involved in cold-related Ca2+ signals transduction26,27. A novel CML
gene OsMSR2 (Oryza sativa multi-stress-responsive gene2) has been reported to confer the drought and salt tolerance of plants through ABA-mediated pathways in Arabidopsis3. Promoter analysis of AtCML37 and AtCML38
revealed that these genes are responsive to several stimuli including salt, oxidative stress and hormonal treatments28. Recently, Vadassery et al. have reported that CML42 serves as Ca2+ signaling component and is involved
in the abiotic stress responses29. Altogether, these lines of evidence indicate that CML proteins play a critical role
in Ca2+ signaling during plant development and adaptation to abiotic stress. However, the complex mechanism
of CML proteins in regulating these stress pathways is still needed to be explored.
Cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is prone to be affected by environmental stresses. The wild tomato
is known to share adequately rich gene pool for genetic improvement. Previously, S. habrochaites is declared as a
potential genetic resource to enhance tomato cold tolerance30. It has been reported that CML44 gene is induced
in cold tolerant tomato genotypes rather than in the sensitive one under cold stress31, suggesting that this gene
may play an important role in stress mechanism and may be responsible for multiple stress tolerance in tomato.
In the present study, we reported that possible role of calmodulin-related protein ShCML44 in tolerance to
different abiotic stresses. The expression pattern of ShCML44 was examined under multiple stress conditions. Our
findings clearly indicate that overexpressed ShCML44 gene plants exhibit significant improvement in tolerance
to cold, drought and salinity stress by higher antioxidant enzymes activity, lower malondialdehyde (MDA) and
membrane damage, better gas exchange and maintenance of plant water relations. Moreover, transgenic plants
exhibited reduced ROS accumulation under cold stress and higher relative water contents under dehydration
stress. Taken together, these finding can be used for genetically modified plants to improve the abiotic stress
tolerance of tomato in future.


Isolation and sequence analysis of ShCML44. Previously, a microarray analysis has been performed
to compare the gene expression between the cold-sensitive genotype (S. lycopersicum AC) and cold-tolerant
genotypes (S. habrochaites LA1777 and an introgression line LA3969) under cold stress, and it has been found
that SGN-U227216 was more strongly induced in the two tolerant genotypes than in the sensitive one32. This
unigene is homologous to S. lycopersicum Ca-binding protein mRNA LOC101245247 (designated as SlCML44,
GenBank accession no. XM_004237307) and S. pennellii Ca-binding protein mRNA LOC107017137 (designated
as SpCML44, GenBank accession no. XM_015217409). Based on this sequence, the S. habrochaites homologous
full-length cDNA sequence was isolated and designated as ShCML44 (GenBank accession no. KX011024). The
ShCML44 ORF contains 471bp and encoding a protein of 156 amino acids with predicted 18.04kDa molecular
weight and 4.49 pI. Alignment of the three Solanum deduced amino acid sequences revealed that the ShCML44
amino acid sequence has 99% identity with the Micro-Tom CML LOC101245247 (GenBank accession no.
XM_004237307) and the S. pennellii CML LOC107017137 (GenBank accession no. XM_015217409). Only one
amino acid numbered 56, was different between S. lycopersicum and S. pennellii wild species by substituting serine
(in Micro-Tom) with phenylalanine in S. pennellii. Similarly, only one amino acid numbered 78, was different
between S. lycopersicum and S. habrochaites wild species by substituting lysine (in Micro-Tom) with arginine in
S. habrochaites (Fig.1). The ShCML44 phylogenetic analysis indicated the highest homology among CMLs from
other Solanum species including S. tuberosum, Nicotiana sylvestri and Nicotiana tomentosiformis. The ShCML44
showed approximately 97% identity with S. tuberosum CML44 protein (GenBank accession no. XM_006365362),
and 84% identity with both Nicotiana sylvestri (GenBank accession no. XM_009782235) and Nicotiana tomentosiformis (GenBank accession no. XM_009619341). The ShCML44 closest Arabidopsis homologue is AtCML44
(GenBank accession no. NP_564143) (Fig. S2).
Scientific Reports | 6:31772 | DOI: 10.1038/srep31772

Figure 1. Alignment of ShCML44 protein sequence with sequences from S. lycopersicum (SlCML44) and
S. pennellii (SpCML44). Multiple sequence alignments were conducted using ClustalW2. The GenBank
accession numbers for ShCML44, SlCML44 and SpCML44 protein sequences are KX011024, XM_004237307
and XM_015217409, respectively.

Expression pattern analysis of ShCML44. The ShCML44 tissue-specific expression analysis was carried

out using qRT-PCR. Analysis revealed that the ShCML44 was constitutively expressed in all tissues, and the abundance accumulation was observed in leaves and flowers of S. habrochaites LA1777 (Fig.2a).
For microarray data confirmation, expression analysis of ShCML44 in the cold-tolerant S.habrochaites
LA1777 and SlCML44 in the cold-sensitive S. lycopersicum AC were carried out under cold stress using qRT-PCR.
Transcripts of ShCML44 and SlCML44 showed time-dependent increases under cold stress. However, the relative
expression level of ShCML44 under cold stress was significantly higher than that of SlCML44. Exposure of cold
stress for 24h enhanced the relative expression of ShCML44 by 28.44-fold in LA1777, while the expression of
SlCML44 transcripts in AC was increased by 23.51-fold. However, increases in the expression of ShCML44 in
LA1777 were 96.61, 52.51, 40.60, 27.02 and 20.98% higher than those of SlCML44 in AC at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24h,
respectively. The CML transcripts showed a positive association with tolerance to cold stress (Fig.2b).
To further investigate ShCML44 role in abiotic stresses, the transcript regulation of ShCML44 in LA1777 was
analyzed under various abiotic stresses and hormonal treatments. Analysis revealed that the ShCML44 transcript
levels were up-regulated under drought (dehydration), salinity, ABA, mannitol, methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and
ethephon treatments. Increased ShCML44 expression level was induced by drought, mannitol, and salinity treatments, the maximum expressions were observed at 6h after stress exposure. The ABA and MeJA treatments also
triggered the expression level of ShCML44, the maximum levels were observed at 3 h after treatment. The expression level of ShCML44 was smoothly up-regulated under ethephon, the maximum at 9h after treatment (Fig.2c).

Putative cis-acting regulatory elements in CML44 promoters region. To further understand the
cold stress tolerance mechanism, promoter sequence (approximately 1500 bp upstream the transcription start
site) was analyzed to find out the putative cis-acting regulatory elements. S. habrochaites promoter sequence was
analyzed, and putative cis-acting regulatory were identified by PlantCARE32 and PLACE database33. As shown
in Table1, different stress and hormone responsive cis-acting regulatory elements were found, including cold
related elements (LTRECOREATCOR15 and MYCCONSENSUSAT), dehydration responsive (ABRELATERD1,
ethylene responsive (ERELEE4), gibberellin regulation element (GAREAT, MYBGAHV and TATCCAOSAMY),
auxin responsive elements (ARFAT, ASF1MOTIFCAMV and NTBBF1ARROLB) and heat shock responsive
(CCAATBOX1). The presence of these cis-elements suggests that ShCML44 gene is actively involved in plant
growth and development under stress conditions.
Transformation and characterization of transgenic plants. To investigate the ShCML44 functional

significance and physiology effect on transgenic plants under stress treatments, plant binary expression vector
pMV was used to clone ShCML44 cDNA full-length ORF under the promoter CaMV35S control. This construct
transformation was executed into tomato cultivar AC. A total number of 25 independent kanamycin-resistant
(T0 generation) were generated, and PCR analysis was carried out to confirm the positive transformants. Further
PCR analysis confirmed the 20 positive transformants using CaMV35S forward and gene-specific reverse primer
pairs. Among them, 15 exhibited kanamycin resistance as 3:1 segregation ratio in the T1 generation, which possibly because of plants protecting a single T-DNA insert (data not shown) were designated for further CML gene
expression level analysis.
To analyze the transgene expression, qRT-PCR was performed and wild-type plants expression level
(wild-type =1.0) was used to normalize the relative expression levels. We designed universal qRT-PCR primer
(CML, Table S1) for both ShCML44 and SlCML44 because they shared high identity in nucleic acid sequences
(Fig. S1). Hence, CML relative expression level in each transgenic line was the combination of ShCML44 and
SlCML44 expression level. For further investigations, three independent transgenic lines C39, C65, C75 with the
higher expression level of ShCML44 and SlCML44 were selected.

Cold tolerance of ShCML44 overexpressing plants. To investigate the role of ShCML44 in enhancing

tolerance to cold stress, transgenic plants of three lines (T2 generation) along with WT (AC) were evaluated under

Scientific Reports | 6:31772 | DOI: 10.1038/srep31772

Figure 2. Expression patterns of CML44 under different treatments or various tissues. (a) Expression
pattern of ShCML44 gene in various organs (RT, root; FR, fruit, FL, flower, YL, young leaf; ST, stem; ML,
mature leaf) of S. habrochaites LA1777 plants. Tissues were collected from six plants to perform qRT-PCR
analysis. Asterisks indicate a significant difference (*P < 0.05; **P <0.01, Dunnetts multiple comparisons
test) compared with the root. (b) Comparative express level analysis of CML44 in S. habrochaites LA1777 and
SlCML44 in S. lycopersicum AC under cold stress at 4C for 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24h. Zero (0) represents seedlings
without any treatment. Asterisks indicate significant differences between LA1777 and AC at every time point.
*P < 0.05; **P <0.01, students t-test. ShCML44 expression pattern in LA1777 seedlings under treatments of
drought (dehydration), salt (200mM NaCl), and exogenous hormones (100M ABA, 100M MeJA, 100M
Mannitol and 1% (v/v) ethephon) for 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12h. Zero (0) represents seedlings without any treatment.
Asterisks indicate a significant difference (*P < 0.05; **P <0.01, Dunnetts multiple comparisons test) compared
with the corresponding controls (0h). For internal control, EF1gene was used in qRT-PCR analysis. Values
represent the meansSE of three biological replicate samples. Each replicate sample was composite of leaves
from three seedlings.

Scientific Reports | 6:31772 | DOI: 10.1038/srep31772



Involved in light responsiveness



Ethylene-responsive element

Heat stress responsiveness


Element number

Involved in gibberellin-responsiveness

Involved in salicylic acid responsiveness


Auxin responsive element


Response to wounding and tensile stress


Wound-responsive element


Involved in circadian control

Dehydration responsive element

Calcium responsive site

Responsive to dehydration


Anaerobically induction element


Auxin response factor binding site


Auxin and salicylic acid responsive site


Heat shock responsive


Cytokinin responsive

Copper- and oxygen-responsive




Ethylene responsive element

GA-responsive element

Pathogen- and salt-induced


Cold-, drought- or ABA-induced

Dehydration responsive


GA-regulation element


ABA, cold, and dehydration responsive


Auxin responsive element

Response to wounding and tensile stress


Phytochrome regulation element


ABA-responsive element


Responsive to wounding and jasmonate


Response to gibberellin, sugar


Responsive to wounding

Gibberellin repression, pathogen response



Table 1. Putative cis-elements identified in ShCML44 promoter.

cold stress treatment. No significant differences in growth and morphology of transgenic and wild-type plants
were observed under normal growth conditions. However, 3d exposure to cold stress (4C) caused wilting in the
tomato seedlings particularly in the wild-type. The ShCML44 gene expression was positively associated with the
increased cold tolerance (Fig.3a,b). Our results indicated a significant correlation between gene expression levels
and cold tolerance.
The rate of germination in transgenic lines and wild-type plants was determined at 4C for 7d. Results
indicated a significantly higher germination in transgenic lines under cold stress than that of wild-type plants
(Fig.3c). Survival percentage was observed in transgenic and wild-type plants at 4C for 3 d and control (25C)
condition. Cold stress reduced the survival percentage of tomato seedlings, however, the transgenic lines showed
significantly higher (52.70%) survival percentage compared with wild-type plants (Fig.3d).
The relative electrolyte leakage, MDA, chlorophyll and proline contents remained similar in transgenic and
wild-type plants under control (25 C) temperature (Fig.3eh). Nonetheless, the cold-stressed seedlings exhibited
prominent proliferation in relative electrolyte leakage and MDA contents. The transgenic lines showed significantly lower electrolyte leakage and MDA content than wild-type, and these attributes were well linked with the
gene expression level (Fig.3e,f). Exposure of cold stress increased the relative electrolyte leakage by 2.72-fold
in wild-type and only 2.09-, 1.96- and 1.84-fold enhancements were observed in C39, C65, and C75 transgenic
lines, respectively (Fig.3e). Cold stress treatment (4C) induced an almost 1.90-fold increase in MDA content in
wild-type and a 1.70-, 1.57- and 1.68-fold increase in C39, C65, and C75 transgenic lines, respectively (Fig.3f).
The total chlorophyll contents in transgenic lines remained unaffected by cold stress, however, the wild-type
plants showed significantly lower (54.26%) accumulation of chlorophyll contents under cold stress (Fig.3g). Cold
stress induced the levels of proline in tomato seedlings, but such an increase was considerably lower in the transgenic lines than in the wild-type. In comparison with control, proline concentrations under cold stress were
increased by 3.30-, 1.98-, 2.01- and 1.87-fold in the wild-type, C39, C65, and C75, respectively (Fig.3h).

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Figure 3. ShCML44 overexpression plants response towards cold tolerance in tomato. (a) Phenotypic
evaluation of transgenic lines and wild-type under normal and cold stress conditions. Two-week-old seedlings of
transgenic lines (T2 generation) and wild-type were treated under cold 4 or 25C (control) for 3 d. (b) SlCML44
relative expression in wild-type and SlCML44 and ShCML44 combined expression in transgenic lines. The
relative expression levels were normalized to the wild-type expression level, which is considered as 1.0, The
EF1gene was used as an internal control. (c) Seed germination of transgenic lines and wild-type plants under

Scientific Reports | 6:31772 | DOI: 10.1038/srep31772
cold stress. Seed of transgenic T2 lines and wild-type were treated under cold 4 or 25C (control) for 7 days.
Comparison of survival rate (d), relative electrolyte leakage (e), MDA (f), chlorophyll (g) and proline (h) contents
in leaves of transgenic lines and wild-type plants under normal and cold stress conditions. Values in (c,d) represent
the meansSE of three biological replicate samples. Each replicate sample was a composite of twenty seedlings.
Values in (eh) represent the meansSE of three biological replicate samples. Each replicate sample was
composite of leaves from twelve seedlings. C39, C65, and C75 represent three independent ShCML44 transgenic
tomato lines. WT represents the wild-type AC. Asterisks indicate significant differences between transgenic
lines and wild-type. *P < 0.05; **P <0.01, Dunnetts multiple comparisons test.
To detect the ROS accumulation, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) staining in leaves of transgenic lines and
wild-type plants was carried out; the wild-type leaves showed more staining compared to transgenic lines after
4C for 3d of cold stress (Fig.4a).
To understand role of ShCML44 in cell protection subjected to cold-induced oxidative stress damage, antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, APX, and POD) activity was examined. There were no significant difference between
transgenic lines and wild-type regarding antioxidant enzymes activity under normal conditions (Fig.4be).
Under cold stress (4C for 3d) treatment, the activities of SOD, POD and APX were significantly increased,
while CAT activity showed a substantial decrease in both wild-type and transgenic lines. The transgenic lines
demonstrated 19.92, 61.54, and 201.80% higher activities of SOD, CAT, and APX than in wild-type, respectively
(Fig.4bd), whereas, POD activity was decreased by 72.98% in transgenic lines (Fig.4e).
To investigate the role of ShCML44 in gas exchange attributes under cold stress, physiological analyses including photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), intercellular CO2 concentration rate (Ci), and stomatal conductance (gs) were determined. Under normal growth conditions, no significant difference was observed in gas
exchange attributes for both transgenic lines and wild-type (Fig.5ad). Under cold stress (4C for 3d) treatment,
all the gas exchange attributes were decreased both in transgenic lines and wild-type plants except the stomatal
conductance (gs) was increased in transgenic lines. The transgenic lines demonstrated the significantly higher
rate of photosynthetic rate (86.11%), transpiration rate (126.21%), intercellular CO2 concentration rate (22.20%),
and stomatal conductance (1165.09%) than wild-type plants under cold stress (Fig.5ad).

Drought tolerance of ShCML44-overexpressing plants. To evaluate the drought tolerance capability

of ShCML44 gene, seedlings of transgenic plants and wild-type were exposed to drought stress (15% PEG for 7 d).
The phenotypic responses were observed in terms of germination rate. The transgenic lines exhibited more
tolerance than that of wild-type plants under drought stress conditions (Fig.6a). Germination percentage of
transgenic lines was significantly higher (60.80%) than that of wild-type plants (Fig.6b). The ShCML44 gene
expression was positively associated with increased drought tolerance (Fig.6c).
No significant difference in leaf RWC was observed in transgenic and wild-type plants under control
(well-watered) condition (Fig.6e). Seedlings of transgenic lines and the wild-type were exposed to 15 d of drought
stress treatment. Transgenic lines exhibited significantly higher (40.30%) RWC than that of the wild-type plants
(Fig.6e), indicating the positive role of ShCML44 in increasing the water retention ability. Water loss assay was
performed to further understand the drought tolerance of ShCML44 overexpressing plants. After dehydration
stress, water loss in wild-type plants was increased by 22.73% compared with transgenic lines (Fig.6d), which
confirmed the results of RWC-assay (Fig.6e).
Exposure of drought stress remarkably effect the morphological growth attributes of tomato seedlings including plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, and leaf width (Fig. S3ad). Under drought stress, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, and leaf width in transgenic lines were higher than wild-type (Fig. S3ad).
The MDA, proline and chlorophyll contents were statistically similar in transgenic and wild-type plants under
control conditions (Fig.7ae). Drought stress was found to enhance the MDA accumulation in tomato seedlings;
the transgenic lines showed significantly lower (11%) levels of MDA than wild-type consistent with gene expression level (Fig.7a). Likewise, exposure of drought stress for 10 d triggered the accumulation of proline content,
while, transgenic lines were found to accumulate significantly lower (32.88%) proline content compared with
wild-type plants (Fig.7b). The chlorophyll contents were considerably decreased under the influence of drought
stress, however, such a reduction was more for wild type plants. Under drought stress, all the transgenic lines
recorded significantly higher (71.07%) chlorophyll contents with respect to wild-type plants (Fig.7c).
In addition, the antioxidant enzymes (SOD and CAT) activity was determined under drought stress. There
were no significant differences in enzymes activity under normal conditions for both transgenic lines and
wild-type (Fig.7d,e). Under drought stress, all the transgenic lines demonstrated significantly higher activities of
SOD (15.83%) and CAT (40.09%) than wild-type (Fig.7d,e), representing higher antioxidant enzymes activity of
transgenic lines after drought stress.
The gas exchange attributes including photosynthesis (A), transpiration (E) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were decreased by drought stress, except the stomatal conductance (gs) in transgenic lines. The transgenic lines demonstrated significantly higher photosynthesis (110.06%), transpiration (96.06%), intercellular CO2
concentration (57.82%), and stomatal conductance (1060.69%) than wild-type plants (Fig.8ad), suggesting the
higher gas exchange activity of ShCML44 transgenic lines than wild-type under drought stress.
Salinity tolerance ofShCML44-overexpressing plants. To determine the possible role of ShCML44

gene in salinity tolerance, transgenic lines were evaluated at different growth and developmental stages. During
the germination, uniform germinated seeds of transgenic lines, and wild-type was shifted to MS medium plates

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Figure 4. Comparison of ROS accumulation and enzymatic activity in transgenic and wild-type plants
under normal and cold stress conditions. (a) DAB staining of H2O2 accumulation in leaves. Comparison
of SOD (b), CAT (c), APX (d), and POD (e) activities in the leaves of transgenic and wild-type plants under
normal and cold stress conditions. Six-week-old seedlings of transgenic lines (T2 generation) and wild-type
were treated under cold 4 or 25C (control) for 3 d. For staining fully expanded terminal leaflet of upper leaves
were detached from transgenic and wild-type plants. Leaves dark brown regions shown H2O2 generation. The
samples shown are representative of six replicates. Values in (be) represent the meansSE of three biological
replicate samples. Each replicate sample was composite of leaves from twelve seedlings. C39, C65, and C75
represent three independent ShCML44 transgenic tomato lines. WT represents the wild-type AC. Asterisks
indicate significant differences between transgenic lines and wild-type. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01, Dunnetts
multiple comparisons test.

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Figure 5. Physiological analysis of transgenic and wild-type plants under normal and cold stress conditions.
Comparison of photosynthesis (a), transpiration (b), intercellular CO2 rate (c) and stomatal conductance (d) in
the leaves of transgenic and wild-type plants under normal and cold stress conditions. Six-week-old seedlings of
transgenic lines (T2 generation) and wild-type were treated under cold 4 or 25C (control) for 3 d. Values in
(ad) represent the meansSE of three biological replicate samples. Each replicate sample was composite of
leaves from three seedlings. C39, C65, and C75 represent three independent ShCML44 transgenic tomato lines.
WT represents the wild-type AC. Asterisks indicate significant differences between transgenic lines and wildtype. *P < 0.05; **P <0.01 Dunnetts multiple comparisons test.

containing 0 and 200 mM NaCl. After 7 days of salinity stress, transgenic lines showed significantly higher germination (39.35%), hypocotyl length (80.74%), and epicotyl length (34.79%) than wild-type (Fig.9ad).
Exposure of salinity stress (300mM biweekly) hampered the morphological growth attributes of tomato
seedlings including plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf width, and biomass accumulation
(Fig.10ah). Under salinity stress, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf width, and dry biomass accumulation in transgenic lines were increased by 15.03, 37.13, 19.86, 20.53, 60.77, and 189.33%, respectively compared
with wild-type (Fig.10bh).
No significant difference in MDA, proline, and chlorophyll contents was observed between transgenic and
wild-type plants under control (without NaCl) conditions (Fig.11ac). Salinity stress (200 mM) was found to
enhance the MDA and proline content in tomato seedlings compared with control; the transgenic lines showed
significantly lower MDA (17.53%) as well as proline (50.65%) contents than wild-type plants (Fig.11a,b).
Chlorophyll contents were decreased after salinity stress in the transgenic lines and wild-type plants, nevertheless, transgenic lines showed significantly higher (40.57%) chlorophyll content than wild-type plants (Fig.11c).
These findings elucidate the role of ShCML44 in enhancing the growth and development of transgenic lines under
salinity stress.
Gene expression analysis in ShCML44 overexpressing plants. To get a better understanding regarding the
role of ShCML44 towards stress tolerance, expression analysis of stress-related genes were carried out in transgenic lines, and wild-type plants under control (25C) condition by qRT-PCR. Different mechanisms related
genes including proline and JA biosynthesis pathways, sugar metabolism, ROS generation and scavenging and
abiotic stress related genes were investigated.
The expression levels of SOD (SGN-U213940), Pathogenesis-related (PR) protein genes (SGN-U215659 and
SGN-U215661), Catalase (M93719), molecular chaperone Hsp90-1 (SGN-U212639), and early responsive gene
to dehydration ERD1 (SGN-U216637) were significantly up-regulated in all the transgenic lines compared with
the wild-type. The glutathione S-transferase GST (SGN-U212747) coding gene was significantly up-regulated in
C65 and C75, while remained unchanged in C39 transgenic line, compared with the wild-type. The lipoxygenase
gene (LOX, NM_001247330), sucrose synthase (SGN-U213118), and ERD2 (SGN-U228034) were significantly
down-regulated in all the transgenic lines compared with the wild-type. The POD (SGN-U215231) and -amylase
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Figure 6. ShCML44 overexpression plants response towards drought tolerance in tomato. (a) Seeding
growth of transgenic lines and wild-type plants under control (well-watered) and drought (PEG 15% for 7 days)
stress. (b) Seed germination of transgenic lines and wild-type plants under drought stress. Seed of transgenic
T2 lines and wild-type were exposed to 15% PEG- induced drought stress for 7 days. (c) SlCML44 relative
expression in wild-type and SlCML44 and ShCML44 combined expression in transgenic lines. The relative
expression level was normalized to the wild-type expression level, which is considered as 1.0, The EF1 gene
was used as an internal control. (d) Water loss of the detached leaves from transgenic lines and wild-type plants.
Water loss is represented as the percentage of initial fresh weight at each time point. Values are means SE of
15 leaves from five plants of each transgenic line or wild-type. Asterisks indicate significant differences between
transgenic lines and wild-type. *P< 0.05; **P<0.01, Dunnetts multiple comparisons test. Comparison
of relative water content (e) in leaves of transgenic lines and wild-type plants under normal and drought
stress conditions. Data represent meansSE of three biological replicate samples. Each replicate sample was
composite of leaves from nine seedlings. WT represents the wild-type AC. C39, C65, and C75 represent three
independent ShCML44 transgenic tomato lines. Asterisks indicate significant differences between transgenic
lines and wild-type. *P< 0.05; **P<0.01, Dunnetts multiple comparisons test.

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Figure 7. Comparison of enzymatic activity in transgenic and wild-type plants under normal and drought
stress conditions. Comparison of MDA content (a), proline content (b), chlorophyll content (c), SOD activity
(d) and CAT activity (e) in the leaves of transgenic lines and wild-type plants under normal and drought stress
conditions. Six-week-old seedlings of transgenic T2 lines and wild-type were withheld water for 10 successive
days (drought stress) or watered every two days (control). The samples shown are representative of six replicates.
Values in (ae) represent the meansSE of three biological replicate samples. Each replicate sample was
composite of leaves from twelve seedlings. C39, C65, and C75 represent three independent ShCML44 transgenic
tomato lines. WT represents the wild-type AC. Asterisks indicate significant differences between transgenic
lines and wild-type. *P < 0.05; **P <0.01, Dunnetts multiple comparisons test.
(SGN-U213712) were only down-regulated in C65 and C75 transgenic lines to a significant level (Fig.12). These
findings suggest the possible involvement of ShCML44 in transcriptional regulation and/or interaction with other
genes to modify transcription factors expression by stress treatments.


In nature, abiotic stress adversely affects the growth and development of tomato regarding germination, vegetative growth, flowering, fruit development and ripening34. Previously, traditional molecular breeding techniques
have been implemented to overcome the stress losses but minimal progress has been achieved due to the complex
Scientific Reports | 6:31772 | DOI: 10.1038/srep31772


Figure 8. Physiological analysis of transgenic and wild-type plants under normal and drought stress
conditions. Comparison of photosynthesis (a), transpiration (b), intercellular CO2 rate (c) and stomatal
conductance (d) in the leaves of transgenic and wild-type plants under normal and drought stress conditions.
Six-week old seedlings of transgenic lines (T2 generation) and wild-type were treated under cold 4 or 25C
(control) for 3 d. Values in (ad) represent the meansSE of three biological replicate samples. Each replicate
sample was composite of leaves from three seedlings. C39, C65, and C75 represent three independent ShCML44
transgenic tomato lines. WT represents the wild-type AC. Asterisks indicate significant differences between
transgenic lines and wild-type. *P < 0.05; **P <0.01 Dunnetts multiple comparisons test.
mechanism of stress tolerance. Recently, genetic engineering is being considered as an alternative approach to
improve the stress tolerance in tomato6,35. In the past, several stress responsive physiological and biochemical
pathways have been documented4. For instance, abiotic stress increases the intracellular Ca2+ levels to transfer
information and stimulate adaptive responses3.
Tomato possesses a repertoire of known distinctive proteins including CML (a Ca2+ sensor)14. Till date, the
physiological and molecular functions of CMLs and their involvement in stress response mechanisms is largely
unknown36. In this study, CML gene family member (ShCML44) was isolated from cold-tolerant genotypes
(S. habrochaites). In our recent investigation14, we demonstrated that SlCML44 is located on chromosome 4, contains 3 EF-hand motifs, 471 bp nucleotide sequence, 156 aa sequence, 4.49 Pls theoretical isoelectric point and
18.01 kDa molecular weight with 30% similarity with SlCaM proteins. The EF-hand motif is the most prevalent
structure motif identified in Ca2+ binding proteins; it expedites the Ca2+ sensors to bind Ca2+ ions13. The presence
of three EF-hand motifs and higher identity with SlCaM44 proteins indicates that ShCML44 might act as Ca2+
sensor and function as a transducer in Ca2+-mediated signaling pathway in tomato.
In a microarray study, the greater expression of unigene SGN-U227216 encoding SlCaM44 has been reported
in S. habrochaites (cold-tolerant) than S. lycopersicum (cold-sensitive) after 3 d of cold treatment31. In the present
study, the qRT-PCR analysis showed significant induction of ShCML44 under cold (Fig.2b), drought (Fig.2c) and
salinity (Fig.2c) stress treatment, which justify the possible involvement of this gene in tomato stress tolerance
mechanism. Meanwhile, ShCML44 tissues specific expression profiling showed diverse accumulation in plant
parts (Fig.2a) which in turn indicates its role in plant growth and development.
CaM and CMLs genes from S. tuberosum, Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis thaliana shared identical
sequence with ShCML44 and are responsive to different abiotic stresses including cold, drought and salinity3638.
The ShCML44 functional investigation will provide the further understating to improve homologs crops
stress-tolerance. To elucidate the role of ShCML44, transgenic tomato lines with ShCML44 overexpression were
generated to analyze the functional performance towards abiotic stress tolerance. The ShCML44 transgenic lines
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Figure 9. ShCML44 overexpression plants response towards salinity tolerance in tomato. (a) Seeding
growth of transgenic lines and wild-type plants under control (0 mM NaCl) and salinity (200mM NaCl for
7 days) stress. (b) Seed germination of transgenic lines and wild-type plants under salinity stress. Seed of
transgenic T2 lines and wild-type were grown under salinity (200mM NaCl for 7 days) stress. Comparison of
hypocotyl (c) and epicotyl (d) of transgenic and wild-type plants under normal and salinity stress conditions.
Data are meansSE obtained from 20 seedlings. Asterisks indicate significant differences between transgenic
lines and wild-type. *P< 0.05; **P<0.01, Dunnetts multiple comparisons test.

exhibited cold tolerance with a significant correlation of CML gene expression level (Fig.3b). These findings are in
line with preceding reports3,38, indicating that overexpression of CML genes correlates with increased ABA sensitivity and stress tolerance. In the present study, the morphological and physiological responses of both wild-type
and transgenic lines grown under normal (unstressed) conditions were statistically similar. Contrarily, under
stress conditions, the transgenic plants showed higher accumulations of compatible solutes, improved antioxidant enzymes activity, more gas exchange rate, and reduced ROS accumulation, which consequently led to the
improved tolerance of transgenic plants to cold, drought, salinity stresses. In plants, abiotic stresses induce the
stress-responsive genes expression3, coordinately, in the present study, ShCML44 transgenic plants revealed significant induction of a number of stress-responsive genes (Fig.12). Taken together, these observations demonstrated
that ShCML44 may be a novel tomato calmodulin-like gene with pleiotropic effects in response to abiotic stress.
Cold stress frequently damage the cell membrane in plants2, which can be determined by relative electrolyte
leakage and MDA accumulation39. In the present study, the cold stress-evoked increments in relative electrolyte leakage and MDA contents were significantly lower in transgenic plants than wild-type (Fig.3e,f), which
indicated that the ShCML44 transgenic lines negated the cold stress-induced membrane damage and lipid peroxidation. CaM and CMLs have been reported to improve the membrane damage under cold stress treatment.
For instance, Yang et al. investigated that fish calmodulin was positively regulated in tobacco to inhibit the lipid
peroxidation, which results in reduced electrolyte leakage and MDA levels in the transgenic lines than wild-type
plants under cold stress40. Moreover, it has also been reported that rice calmodulin-like protein OsMSR2 may
improve the stress tolerance and increase the ABA sensitivity of Arabidopsis plants3.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) including H2O2 and superoxide anion (O2) induce the membrane lipid peroxidation and function as secondary messengers41. Plants contain efficient ROS scavenging defense mechanisms of
enzymatic antioxidant including SOD, CAT, POD and APX to protect the oxidative stress-induced cell damage42.
In this study, ShCML44 transgenic lines showed higher SOD and CAT activities than wild-type plants under cold
and drought stress conditions (Figs4b,c and 7d,e). The increased expression level of SOD, CAT, and GST genes
and decreased expression level of cell wall POD gene were observed in transgenic lines (Fig.12). SOD act as ROS

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Figure 10. ShCML44 overexpression plants response towards salt tolerance in tomato. Comparison of
plant height (a), number of leaves per plant (b), leaf length (c) leaf width (d), shoot dry weight (e), and root dry
weight (f) of transgenic and wild-type plants under normal and salinity stress conditions. Six-week old seedlings
of transgenic lines (T2 generation) and wild-type were grown with 300mM NaCl or 0 (control) for 2 weeks.
Data are meansSE obtained from 20 seedlings. WT represents the wild-type AC. Asterisks indicate significant
differences between transgenic lines and wild-type. *P < 0.05; **P <0.01 Dunnetts multiple comparisons test.

scavenging by dismutating superoxide to H2O2, while GST, APX and CAT consequently perform detoxification
of H2O241 and PODs contribute in the ROS release or consumption42. The SOD has been reported to protect the
oxidative stress related membrane damage in tobacco43. CAT plays a crucial role in oxidative stress tolerance, such
as transgenic tobacco plants with reduced CAT levels exhibited more accumulation of ROS under both abiotic
and biotic stresses44. The pepper POD gene has been revealed to be involved in ROS generation45. The ROS scavenging mechanisms decreased the accumulation of ROS in ShCML44 transgenic lines than the wild-type under
cold stress (Fig.4a). However, higher ROS accumulation in wild-type plants indicates the excessive oxidative
stress-induced cell damage. In transgenic lines, the lower oxidative damage was also concomitant with higher
chlorophyll contents under stress conditions (Figs7c and 11c). Indeed, the ShCML44 transgenic lines showed
higher abiotic stress tolerance compared to wild-type plants, probably due to preventing photo-oxidation of chlorophyll and acting as an ROS-scavenging protein to limit the lipid peroxidative cell membranes damage under
cold, drought and salinity stress.
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Figure 11. Comparison of MDA (a), proline (b) and chlorophyll (c) contents in transgenic and wild-type plants
under normal and salinity stress conditions. Four-week-old seedlings of transgenic T2 lines and wild-type were
irrigated with NaCl (200 mM) or tap watered (control), and samples were collected after three days. The samples
shown are representative of six replicates. Values in (ac) represent the meansSE of three biological replicate
samples. Each replicate sample was composite of leaves from twelve seedlings. C39, C65, and C75 represent
three independent ShCML44 transgenic tomato lines. WT represents the wild-type AC. Asterisks indicate
significant differences between transgenic lines and wild-type. *P < 0.05; **P <0.01, Dunnetts multiple
comparisons test.

Ca2+ is a critical second messenger and calmodulin-binding proteins including CaM and CMLs are broadly
studied Ca2+ sensors mediating plant response to abiotic stresses through protecting enzymes and interacting
with other downstream target proteins3,24,26,38,46. For example, ERD10 and ERD14 are well-known marker genes
sustain normal functions under abiotic stress aggregation to inactivate citrate synthase, alcohol dehydrogenase,
lysozyme and firefly luciferase substrates47. Liu et al. reported that CaM can up-regulate the hsp26 and hsp70
marker genes expression in heat-stress, indicating the involvement of CaM in the wheat HS signal transduction
pathway21. Similarly, CuCOR19, a natural scavenging protein demonstrated protection on oxidative and freezing
stress by inactivation of lactate dehydrogenase and catalase in plants48. Our findings showed that ShCML44 overexpressing lines recorded significantly lower proline contents under stress treatment than that of wild-type plants,
but no difference was observed in control group (Figs3h and 7b). Expression analysis also indicated the reduced
levels of marker genes related to proline and metabolism (including sucrose synthase and beta-amylase) in transgenic lines than that of wild-type under normal growth conditions (Fig.12). Rice calmodulin-like (OsMSR2)
gene improved proline accumulation under stress conditions but no expression alteration was observed in proline
biosynthesis genes under normal growth conditions. Probably, OsMSR2 act as chaperone to improve the proline
biosynthetic enzymes stability and stimulates further proline accumulation3. In the same way, ShCML44 may act
as chaperone-like protein to strengthen the structure and protect the enzymes functions under stress conditions.
Leaf water-retention capacity is strongly related to the stomatal conductance and transpiration rate in
plants49,50. Under stress conditions, our results indicated significantly higher stomatal conductance and transpiration rate in ShCML44 overexpressing lines than that of wild-type plants (Figs5b,d and 8b,d). Stomatal conductance and transpiration rate contribute to improving photosynthesis and intercellular CO2 concentration rate51,
our findings demonstrated significantly higher activity of photosynthesis and intercellular CO2 rate in transgenic
plants compared to wild-type in stress conditions (Figs5a,c and 8a,c). Furthermore, higher gas exchange attributes play a critical role to improve relative water content by higher root water uptake50. Under drought conditions, our findings showed lower leaf water loss rate and improved RWC in transgenic plants than the wild-type
(Fig.6d,e). Previously, in agreement with our results, calcium-sensing receptor (CAS) regulates transpiration,
photosynthesis, and stomatal movement by regulating WUE under drought stress in Arabidopsis52. Similarly,
CML24 (a potential Ca2+ sensor gene) was highly induced under drought and salt stress conditions by regulating
gas exchange and stomatal mechanisms in Arabidopsis26. In addition, it is well established that cytosolic Ca2+ and
ROS play dynamic roles in mediating stomatal closure mechanism in response to water stress and induce various
stress adaptation responses53,54. Stomatal closure is directly related to gas exchange attributes and water-retention
capacity41. Therefore, the ShCML44 overexpressing plants with improved gas exchange rate and water-retention
ability suggest the involvement of this gene in plant water relations.
It is well stated that CaM and CMLs are most widely studied Ca2+ sensors to do hydrophobic and electrostatic
interactions with downstream targets proteins. The previous investigations have established that CaM and CMLs
act as multifunctional regulatory proteins and play crucial roles in regulating signal transduction or gene expression in plants38,55. Transcriptome profiling of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) showed that 19 Calmodulin-like
protein were significantly affected by drought stress, which were involved in regulating endogenous hormone
biosynthesis and signal transduction pathways56. Our data exhibited that ShCML44 transgenic lines altered the
marker genes expression, modulated the antioxidant enzymes, reduced the accumulation of ROS, and improved
the gas exchange and water relation attributes under stress conditions. ROS accumulation is crucial for plant
complex signaling networks, and excessive accumulation alters the expression of ROS-responsive genes. In this
study, JA-responsive gene LOX was down-regulated, and two PRs were up-regulated in transgenic lines (Fig.12).
Previously, it has been documented that Cam (SlCaM2) and CML (CML37, CML38, and CML39) proteins in

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Figure 12. Transcript level of reference genes in ShCML44 transgenic lines. ShCML44 transgenic lines showed
diverse transcript levels of SOD, GST, Peroxidase, LOX, PR1, PR2, sucrose synthase, Catalase, -amylase, Hsp90-1,
ERD1, ERD2 genes. Six-week-old seedlings of wild-type were used to collect samples for RNA extraction. For
internal control, EF1gene was used to normalize expression. Data shown are meansSE of three biological
replicate samples. Each replicate sample was composite of leaves from twelve seedlings. C39, C65, and C75
represent three independent ShCML44 transgenic tomato lines. WT represents the wild-type AC. Asterisks
indicate significant differences between transgenic lines and wild-type. *P < 0.05; **P <0.01, Dunnetts multiple
comparisons test. SOD: SGN-U213940; GST: SGN-U212747; POD: SGN-U215231; LOX: NM 001247330; PR1:
SGN-U215661; PR2: SGN-U215659; Sucrose synthase: SGN-U213118; Catalase: M93719; Beta-amylase: SGNU213712; Hsp90-1: SGN-U212639; ERD1: SGN-U216637; ERD2: SGN-U228034.
tomato and Arabidopsis were the positive regulator of MeJA and JA28,57. As expected, our data also showed the
rapid and strong induction of ShCML44 expression after MeJA treatment (Fig.2c).
Taken together, our results demonstrated that ShCML44 overexpression plants enhanced the abiotic stress tolerance of tomato plants, possibly due to improved cell membrane integrity, reduced chlorophyll photo-oxidation
and accumulation of ROS, lower membrane damage, increased activities of antioxidant enzymes, improved gas
exchange and maintenance of plant water relations. All these studied variables were concomitant with higher
Scientific Reports | 6:31772 | DOI: 10.1038/srep31772

expression of stress-related genes (Fig.12). Growing evidence showed that CaMs and CMLs bind to a variety of
CaM-binding proteins (CBPs) in plants including kinases, phosphatases, receptors, metabolic enzymes, transcription factors, ion channels and pumps, and cytoskeletal proteins11,19,55,58,59. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that ShCML44 act as a multifunctional regulatory protein and its functional significance is materialized
through the actions of its downstream target proteins in plant responses to abiotic stresses. Further investigations
are still required to understand the ShCML44 functions through binding to downstream target proteins.


Plant material and growth conditions. In the present study, S. lycopersicum (cv. Ailsa Craig, AC) and
cold-tolerant S. habrochaites LA1777 were used. Seeds were sown in plastic pots (10 cm diameter) containing
soil, vermiculite, and peat (v/v/v=1:1:1). The plants were grown at 2428C/2025C (day/night) temperature
regime under natural light and 7080% relative humidity in a greenhouse for 5 weeks. Plant roots, stems, leaves,
flowers, and fruits were collected. All the samples were quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen to store at 80 C until
further analysis. For cold and drought stress assay, T2 generation homozygous C39, C65, and C75 lines along with
wild type (WT) AC were used. For cold and drought treatment, seeds were sown in plastic pots and seedlings
were grown under 14-h light/10-h dark photoperiod at 252C temperature and 6070% relative humidity in a
controlled greenhouse. At the stage of seedlings with six fully expanded leaves, functional leaves from the same
position were used in stress tolerance assay.
Abiotic stress and hormonal treatment. Six-week-old seedlings were shifted to growth chamber
under 14-h light/ 10-h dark photoperiod with 252C temperature with 200mol m2s1 light intensity. For
stress and hormonal treatment, seedlings with six fully expanded leaves were used after five days of adaptation
period. Various treatments including drought, salt, abscisic acid (ABA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and ethephon
(Eth) were carried out under the same conditions as above. For cold stress, seedlings of LA1777 and AC were
transferred to a growth chamber at 4C. For drought stress, seedlings of LA1777 were uprooted, thoroughly
washed and dehydrated on filter papers. For salt stress, seedlings of LA1777 were irrigated with 200 mM NaCl.
For hormonal treatment, seedlings were sprayed with 100M ABA, 100M MeJA or 1% (v/v) Eth. Seedlings
mock-treated with water were used as the control. Functional leaves from the same position were collected at
indicated (0, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12h) time points after the treatment. For all the treatments, three biological samples
were collected and frozen immediately in liquid nitrogen to store at 80C for RNA isolation.
Isolation and sequence analysis of ShCML44. TriZol reagent (Invitrogen, USA) was used to isolate total

RNA. To synthesize the first-strand cDNA, MMLV reverse transcriptase (Toyobo, Japan) was used as per manufacturers instructions. By using the leaf cDNA of LA1777, the full-length open reading frame (ORF) of ShCML44
was amplified. The sequence specific primer (ShCML44, Table S1) were designed according to S. lycopersicum
full-length cDNA LOC101245247 (designated as SlCML44, GenBank accession no. XM_004237307.2). To clone
the amplified PCR product, pEASY-blunt cloning vector (TransGen, China) was used and consequently the
recombinant clones were sequenced to identify the correct sequence. For gene prediction online SoftBerry tool
( and for sequence alignment ClustalW2 (
msa/clustalw2/) were used.

Plant transformation and molecular characterization of transgenic tomato. The pEASY-blunt

cloning vector containing the correct and complete ORF was double digested using KpnI and XhoI. The recovered fragment was ligated into the plant binary vector pMV digested/cleaved with KpnI and XhoI. The resulting
construct allowing the gene to be driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The construct
was transformed into Agrobacterium strain C58 by electroporation and used for transformation on tomato AC
via the standard leaf disk protocol60. Primary tomato plants (T0) were selfed, and T1 seeds were collected. These
transformed plants were confirmed by PCR using CaMV 35S promoter specific forward and ShCML44 reverse
primer (Table S1). Segregation analysis was performed to select homozygous lines as described by Pino et al.61.
For expression analysis of CML transgenic lines, quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was performed. For further study, three independent homozygous lines (C39, C65, and C75) of ShCML44 with higher expression levels
were selected.

Abiotic stress tolerance assays. Cold. To determine the cold tolerance at an early stage, pots with the
seedlings of WT and transgenic lines (C39, C65, and C75) were moved into a controlled cold chamber at 4C.
After 7 days of treatment, photographs were taken, survival and germination percentage were determined.
For cold tolerance evaluation after 3 days of treatment, the fully expanded second and third leaves from the
top were collected and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen to store at 80C. These samples were further used
to determine the gene expression, membrane permeability, MDA, proline and antioxidant enzymes activities. The
MDA content, proline content, electrolyte leakage, and the activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, CAT,
and APX) were determined according to the methods described in Liu et al.6. This experiment was repeated, and
20 plants of each line were used each time. To determine the gas exchange attributes and measure the photosynthetic system under cold stress, two months old plants were exposed to cold stress for one week and the total
chlorophyll, photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), intercellular CO2 concentration rate and stomatal
conductance (gs) were measured. The detailed methodology for the measurements of gas exchange attributes and
total chlorophyll content is described in Zhao et al.50.
Drought. To evaluate the drought tolerance at an early stage, seeds of WT and transgenic lines were sown on MS
medium plates containing 0 and 15% PEG solution. After 7 days of treatment, seedlings were photographed, and
germination percentage was determined.
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The drought tolerance experiment, seedlings of WT as well as transgenic lines were divided into two groups:
drought treatment (DT) and control. DT group was kept unwatered for 10 days, whereas, control group watered
after every alternate day. After 10 days of treatment, fully expanded leaves of the control and stressed plants from
the top were collected and ground in liquid nitrogen and stored at 80 C. These samples were further used to
measure the MDA, proline, and antioxidant enzymes activities as well as to determine relative water content
(RWC). The RWC was determined according to the method described by Shekhawat et al.62. For water loss determination, fully expanded leaves from the top of WT and transgenic lines were harvested and placed on filter
paper under room temperate and white florescent light. These leaves were weighed periodically at an interval
of 30 min up to 6 h. Water loss was expressed as a percentage of the control. Gas exchange attributes and photosynthetic pigments were determined after exposure of two months old plants to drought stress for three weeks.
Salinity. To perform the salt assay at germination stage, seeds of WT and transgenic lines, sown on MS medium
plates containing 0 and 200 mM NaCl. After seven days of treatment, seedlings were photographed, germination
percentage and seedling length was determined. Four weeks old seedlings grown in pots, were irrigated with NaCl
(200mM) and samples were collected after three days of treatment to measure MDA and proline contents. To
evaluate the salinity effect on growth, six weeks old plants of WT and transgenic lines were exposed to 300mM
NaCl biweekly. The control plants were supplied with tap water. Morphological attributes including plant height,
number of leaves, leaf width, leaf length and plant biomass, were measured. In another detached leaf salt assay,
leaf dishes (1cm diameter) from top fully expanded leaves were floated in 200mM NaCl concentrations. These
samples placed under white light at 252C. After 72hours of treatment total chlorophyll content were measured. This assay was repeated twice.

Expression analysis by qRT-PCR. The qRT-PCR was performed to analyze the expression pattern of

SlCML44 gene in different plant tissues of LA1777. Further, CML (ShCML44) gene expression under stress
treatments was quantified. Moreover, expression levels of selected novel genes in transgenic lines were also
evaluated. LightCycler 480 instrument (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland) and SYBR Premix Ex TaqTM
(TaKaRa, China) was used according to the suppliers instructions to perform real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The
thermo-cycling conditions for real-time PCR were as follows: 95C for 30s; 40 cycles of 95C for 5s, and 60C
for 25s. All the experiments were performed in triplicates. The identical qRT-PCR primer pair for SlCML44 and
ShCML44 was used. Tomato actin gene (GenBank ID: BT012695) was used as an internal control. Real-time
PCR data was analyzed using 2CT method63. The primers were designed by Primer3 (
primer3) and listed in Table S1.

Statistical analyses. Data was analyzed statistically by using GraphPad Prism 6 and SigmaPlot 12. CML
genes relative expression under abiotic stress and phytohormones are the meanSE of three biological replicate
samples. Composite of leaves from three individual seedlings considered as a replicate sample. Expression level
at control time point (0 h) was defined as 1.0 for each treatment. Expression level difference between LA1777 and
AC under cold stress, and each treated time point (1, 3, 6, 12, or 24) and control (0 h) under stress and phytohormones were analyzed statistically using the Students t-test and Dunnetts multiple comparisons test, respectively.
The data for MDA, total chlorophyll, proline and antioxidant enzymes activities are meanSE of three biological
replicates. Each replicate sample was a combination of leaves from twelve seedlings. RWC and leaf water loss are
meansSE collected from 12 leaves. The values for fresh weight, primary root length, and lateral root number
are meansSE gained from 15 seedlings. Gas exchange attributes were determined by sampling three leaves of
each plant, and 10 plants were sampled from the transgenic lines and the WT plants, respectively. A significant
difference between each transgenic line and wild-type was distinguished by Dunnetts multiple comparisons test.
Asterisks * and **indicate significant differences at P<0.05 and P< 0.01, respectively.


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This work was supported by the grants of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31572125), CARS25A-02 and Wuhan Applied Basic Research Plan (201420101010070).

Author Contributions

S.M. and Y.Z. designed the experiment, S.M. and S.H. carried out experiments, analyze the data and drafted the
manuscript. L.H. performed the isolation and transformation experiment. X.Y. performed expression analysis for
stress experiments. S.H., Y.Z. and B.O. revised the manuscript. H.L. provided advice during the experiments. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Additional Information

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Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
How to cite this article: Munir, S. et al. Overexpression of calmodulin-like (ShCML44) stress-responsive gene
from Solanum habrochaites enhances tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses. Sci. Rep. 6, 31772; doi: 10.1038/
srep31772 (2016).
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