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Players :
Narator : Islaminati Anna
Geppetto : Delta Amara Juliet
Blue Fairy : Fibrika Isqi Tamara
Pinnocchio : Eny Indriani
Man : One Ari Agustin
Cat : Angeli Maharani
Fox : Nanda Aulia
Boy 1 : Revia Yunviar
Boy 2 : One Ari Agustin
Neighbor : Revia Yunviar


Narrator: Once upon a time there was a kind carpenter named

Geppetto: I feel very lonely I have nobody to talk to. I work
all day making chairs and tables.. but now, I will do something
different. Something I have never done.
Narrator: So he took a piece of pine wood and started making a
puppet. He worked all day carefully carving each detail.
Geppetto: How beautiful it is! How I wish that he were a real
boy. I have always wanted to have a son your name will be
Narrator: That night when Geppetto was sleeping, a Blue Fairy
came to his house. He
stared at the puppet and said.
Blue Fairy: Pinnochio, it is true, you are beautiful and with my
magic wand I will give you life.
Narrator: Then the puppet opened his eyes and started moving
slowly. And the fairy added.
Pinochio : can I walk ?
Blue fairy : yes you can .
Blue Fairy: Pinocchio, I want you to be a brave, honest and
generous boy so every time you tell a lie, your nose will grow,
and when you tell the truth, they will be normal again.

Narrator: Then the fairy disappeared then Geppetto woke up he

heard somebody calling him.
Pinocchio: Father father
Geppetto: Whos calling me?
Pinocchio: Its me Pinocchio.
Geppetto : oh ! Pinokio ? ... What ?!! Pinokio ???
Pinocchio : yes father . Dont you recognize me?
Geppetto: It seems like I am dreaming Finally I have a son!
Narrator: next morning Geppetto started thinking about
Pinocchios education.
Geppetto: Pinocchio, you need to go to school.
Pinocchio: But father I want to be with you always.
Geppetto: So do I, Pinocchio, but you have to learn. I want you
to be an intelligent boy. I can not teach you many thing that you
can only learn in school.
Pinocchio: Then, I will go to school! I will study hard so that I
can have a good job and
earn a lot of money.
Geppetto: We dont need the money, Pinocchio. We are happy the
way we live.
Pinocchio: I know father, but I want to buy you a coat.
Geppetto: Very well, but now, go to school, its getting late.
Pinocchio: Good-bye father!
Geppetto: Good-bye, Pinocchio!

Narrator: When Pinocchio was on his way to school he heard a

man shouting.
Man: Come in! Ladies and Gentlemen! Come and see out puppet
Pinocchio: A puppet show? Wow puppets like me I have to
go and see them.
Narrator: So Pinocchio instead of going to school, he went to see
the puppet show.
Pinocchio: Oh, I am so happy that I want to dance with them.
Narrator: And he climbed onto the stage and started dancing. But
soon he realized that
they were not real puppets like him.
Pinnochio: I can dance and sing better than these puppets and I
dont need strings like
they do.
Puppet Master: Get off my stage!
Narrator: Then when the audience saw that he didnt have strings
they started shouting.
Audience: Hooray, hooray!
Puppet Master: They liked him! boy, do you want to be in our
show? You can earn a lot of money!
Pinocchio: No, because I have to go to school.
Puppet Master: Then take these coins. You danced very well.
Pinocchio: Thank you, sir.

Narrator: And Pinocchio left the theater and started walking to

school. Then he heard someone calling him.
Cat: Well, well, well! are you in a hurry, little boy?

Pinocchio: Yes, I am going to buy a coat for my father.

Cat: Oh, come on thats not enough money to buy a coat.
Wouldnt you like to have more?
Pinocchio: Yes, but how?
Cat: Thats easy. If you plant your coins in the Field of Miracles,
a plant will grow and it will give you a lot of money.
Pinocchio: And where is that field?
Fox: We will take you there.
Narrator: So the cat and the fox, who in fact were two liars, took
Pinocchio to a far away place.
Pinocchio: Is this the place?
Fox and Cat: Yes it is. This the place where you will give us your
Pinocchio: But you said
Cat: I know what I said!
Fox: Didnt they tell you not to trust strangers?
Narrator: Then they took Pinocchios money, tied him to a tree,
and left him there all by
Pinocchio: Help! Help! Somebody help me! Please!
Narrator: But nobody heard him. Then the Blue Fairy appeared
but Pinochio could not tell her the truth.
Blue Fairy: And where did you lose the coins?
Pinocchio: When I was crossing the river.
Narrator: Then Pinocchio felt strange.
Pinocchio: What is happening to me? Why is my nose growing?

Narrator: And he started crying.

Blue Fairy: I once told you that every time you tell a lie, your
nose will grow and when you tell the truth, it will shrink. Now, go
straight home and dont stop for any reason.
Pinocchio: Thank you good fairy, I will never lie again. You can
be sure of that!
Blue Fairy: I hope so, Pinocchio.
Narrator: When Pinocchio was on his way home, he met two boys
that were laughing and playing.
Pinocchio: What is happening?
Boy 1: We are going to Fun Land.
Pinocchio: What kind of place is that? I never heard of that
Boy 2: Its a place where theres a party every day! There are no
schools and no teachers.
Boy 1: Do you want to come with us?
Narrator: Then the Blue fairy appeared.
Blue Fairy: Didnt you promise you would go to school?
Pinocchio: Yes, I have been there.
Narrator: And then his nose started changing.
Pinocchio: Uh, uh I am sorry I lied again.
Blue Fairy: Go home, Pinnochio!
Pinocchio: Yes, Blue Fairy.
Narrator: He went home, but Geppetto wasnt there. Then he
heard someone calling him.
Neighbor: Pinocchio! Pinocchio!
Pinocchio: Whats wrong?

Neighbor: Pinocchio, I was at the beach and I saw Geppetto

going into the water, when
suddenly a big whale swallowed him!
Pinocchio: Lets go, I have to save him!

Narrator: Both went to the beach.

Pinocchio: You stay here, I will go into the water and find that
Narrator: When the whale appeared again, it swallowed him too.
When he was inside the whale he saw Geppetto and both hugged.
Pinocchio: We have to get out of here. We will burn a fire so the
whale opens its mouth.
Geppeto : but how pinocchio ?
Pinocchio : we can submit the wood and make a fire .
Geppetto : ok. Pinocchio lets do it .
Narrator: And they did. Finally they can go out side from the
whales mouth and they swam towards the beach. Then the Blue
Fairy appeared.
Blue Fairy: Geppetto, your dream will come true!
Narrator: And the Blue Fairy touched Pinocchio with her magic
Pinocchio: Look at me father! I am a real boy!

The End

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