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National Institute of Mental Health Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD

Follow-up: 24-Month Outcomes of Treatment Strategies for

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
MTA Cooperative Group
Pediatrics 2004;113;754-761
DOI: 10.1542/peds.113.4.754

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National Institute of Mental Health Multimodal Treatment Study of

ADHD Follow-up: 24-Month Outcomes of Treatment Strategies for
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
MTA Cooperative Group*
ABSTRACT. Objective. In the Multimodal Treatment
Study of ADHD (MTA), the effects of medication management (MedMgt) and behavior modification therapy
(Beh) and their combination (Comb) and usual community comparison (CC) in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) differed at the 14month assessment as a result of superiority of the MTA
MedMgt strategy (Comb or MedMgt) over Beh and CC
and modest additional benefits of Comb over MedMgt
alone. Here we evaluate the persistence of these beneficial effects 10 months beyond the 14 months of intensive
Methods. Of 579 children who entered the study, 540
(93%) participated in the first follow-up 10 months after
the end of treatment. Mixed-effects regression models
explored possible persisting effects of the MTA medication strategy, the incremental benefits of Comb over
MedMgt alone, and the possible superiority of Beh over
CC on 5 effectiveness and 4 service use domains.
Results. The MTA medication strategy showed persisting significant superiority over Beh and CC for
ADHD and oppositional-defiant symptoms at 24 months,
although not as great as at 14 months. Significant additional benefits of Comb over MedMgt and of Beh over
CC were not found. The groups differed significantly in
mean dose (methylphenidate equivalents 30.4, 37.5, 25.7,
and 24.0 mg/day, respectively). Continuing medication
use partly mediated the persisting superiority of Comb
and MedMgt.
Conclusion. The benefits of intensive MedMgt for
ADHD extend 10 months beyond the intensive treatment
phase only in symptom domains and diminish over time.
Pediatrics 2004;113:754 761; ADHD, attention deficit, hyperactivity, stimulant medication, behavior therapy.
Received for publication Mar 12, 2003; accepted Jul 30, 2003.
Reprint requests to (P.S.J.) Center for the Advancement of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Department of Child Psychiatry, Unit 78, New York
State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University, 1051 Riverside Dr, New
York, NY 10032. E-mail (L. Eugene Arnold): [email protected]
*The MTA is a cooperative treatment study performed by 6 independent
research teams in collaboration with the National Institute of Mental Health
and the Office of Special Education Programs of the US Department of
Education, Washington, DC.
In the cited methodology papers for this study, the treatment assignments
were called medication (MED), psychosocial treatment (PS), combined
treatment (CT), and community-treatment assessment and referral (A&R).
To reflect more accurately the actual treatments, the terminology is changed
for all outcome papers to these more clear and more specific terms: medication management (MedMgt), behavioral treatment (Beh), combined treatment (Comb), and community comparison (CC).
The opinions and assertions contained in this report are the private views of
the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views
of the Department of Health and Human Services or the National Institutes
of Health.
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright 2004 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.


ABBREVIATIONS. MTA, Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD;

RCT, randomized clinical trial; ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; MedMgt, medication management; Beh, behavior
therapy; Comb, combined treatment; CC, community comparison;
ITT, intention-to-treat; ODD, oppositional defiant disorder.

he 6-site National Institute of Mental Health

Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD (MTA)
was designed as a randomized clinical trial
(RCT) comparing well-established and widespread
treatments for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A total of 597 children
with ADHD-Combined type, aged 7 to 9.9 years,
were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: medication management (MedMgt), behavior modification (Beh), MedMgt and Beh combined (Comb), or
routine community care comparison (CC).1,2 At the
end of the 14-month treatment phase, we found that
all 4 groups enjoyed sizable improvement over time,
with significant differences among groups in the rate
of improvement in some areas. For ADHD symptoms, Comb and MedMgt improved significantly
more than Beh or CC. Comb and MedMgt did not
differ significantly on direct comparisons, but in several instances (parent-rated oppositional/aggressive
symptoms, internalizing symptoms, teacher-rated
social skills, parent child relations, and reading
achievement), Comb proved superior to Beh and/or
CC, whereas MedMgt did not. The MTA intensive
medication strategy (Comb/MedMgt) was superior
to CC despite that two thirds of CC-treated participants received similar medication during the
On the basis of these and other analyses,3 6 we concluded that for ADHD symptoms, carefully crafted
medication management (maintained through 14
months) was superior to Beh alone (faded by 14
months) and to routine CC that included medication.
Although Comb showed significant advantages over
CC in every domain whereas MedMgt did not, it did
not prove significantly superior to MedMgt for individual, specific outcome measures. However, Comb
did show modest significant advantages over MedMgt on global or composite outcome indices3,4 that
summed small but consistent advantages across domains. Comb also provided modestly greater benefits than MedMgt for non-ADHD symptom domains
and positive functioning, as well as greater levels of
parent satisfaction.1,5,6 This additive effect was more
pronounced for dually comorbid children, ie, those

PEDIATRICS Vol. 113 No. 4 April 2004

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with both internalizing (depression and/or anxiety

disorder) and disruptive behavior disorders (conduct or oppositional-defiant disorder).7,8
A major question for an RCT is whether treatment
effects persist.9 12 Here we examine the status of the
randomly assigned groups 10 months after the end
of the treatment phase to address this question.
Building on findings from the primary and secondary analyses at the end of treatment, in the follow-up
analyses presented here, we use a set of orthogonal
comparisons (ie, nonoverlapping analyses that test
no more than once for potential differences among
any of the specific groups) to help understand any
overall treatment effect. Also, we use a parsimonious
set of outcome measures across 5 areas of functioning, and, when possible, we combine related domains (eg, symptom ratings of Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity) and sources (ratings by
parent and teacher) to reduce the number of analyses
performed.1315 For these analyses, we continue to
use the RCT gold standard, the intention-to-treat
(ITT) approach (which uses all available subjects in
the analysis, even if they failed to comply fully with
the treatment assignment) to determine whether initial treatment assignment had a persistent impact on
outcome at the first follow-up (10 months after the
end of treatment, 24 months postrandomization).

Table 1 shows the demographics of the 540 participants who
were assessed in the 10-month follow-up, which are not different
from the demographic characteristics of the originally randomized
579 MTA participants described elsewhere. The only statistically
significant difference among treatment groups was a trivial difference in age (MedMgt was 0.3 years older than Beh). As a check,
the first analysis below was repeated with age covaried; it made
no difference. In addition to all children meeting criteria for
ADHD-Combined type at baseline, parents were interviewed with
the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children16 for other child
psychiatric disorders. The ADHD Diagnostic Interview Schedule
for Children module was completed face-to-face with the childs
principal caregiver by trained research interviewers.

On the basis of experience from 14-month analyses and statistical advice, we selected 5 measures from conceptually distinct
domains that were likely to be affected by treatment: 1) parentand teacher-rated Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Scale (SNAP)17
ADHD symptoms, 2) parent- and teacher-rated oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms,17 3) Wechsler Individual Achievement Test reading score,18 4) a negative/ineffective discipline
factor,5,6 and 5) parent- and teacher-rated total social skills from
the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS).19

Univariate analyses of the 24-month means were performed
with baseline covaried, with 1 main test for each of the 5 symptom
and function domains, using a mixed-effects regression mod-

Demographic Characteristics of MTA Participants in 24-Month Assessments


Participant variables
Age (y; mean [SD])
Male (n [%])
Ethnicity (n [%])
Grade (n [%])
WISC-3 IQ (mean [SD])
Parent/family variables
High school graduate (n [%])
Employed (n [%])*
Welfare (n [%])
Income (n [%])
Married (n [%])
Family composition
Parent (n [%])

Totals Whole
(n 540)

(n 138)

(n 128)

(n 139)

(n 135)

Range Across
(P Value)

8.4 (0.8)
107 (78)

8.6 (0.9)
105 (82)

8.3 (0.8)
110 (79)

8.5 (0.8)
108 (80)

329 (61)
105 (19)
46 (9)

82 (59)
23 (17)
14 (10)

84 (66)
23 (18)
11 (9)

79 (57)
36 (26)
12 (9)

84 (62)
23 (17)
9 (7)

84 (16)
226 (42)
163 (30)
66 (12)
1 (0.2)

20 (14)
60 (43)
43 (31)
15 (11)

16 (13)
47 (37)
48 (38)
16 (13)
1 (0.8)

29 (21)
63 (45)
33 (24)
14 (10)

19 (14)
56 (41)
39 (29)
21 (16)

8.48.6 (.01)
72%88% (.06)
Overall 2 (.0001)
Overall 2 (.01)

8.4 (0.8)
430 (80)

100.6 (14.9)
101.4 (15.8)
101.0 (14.8)

100.6 (15.6)
101.1 (16.0)
100.7 (15.2)

98.7 (14.0)
100.1 (14.7)
99.1 (13.6)

100.9 (14.4)
101.5 (15.8)
101.1 (14.5)

102.2 (15.2)
103.2 (16.5)
102.8 (15.7)

96.4104.8 (.01)
95.1104.9 (.001)
95.2105.1 (.001)

505/536 (94)
385/423 (91)

131 (96)
106 (94)

116 (91)
88 (86)

130 (95)
95 (91)

128 (95)
96 (92)

87%100% (.01)
79%99% (.0001)

384/537 (72%)
353/418 (84%)
100 (19)

93 (68)
94 (85)
28 (20)

86 (67)
87 (86)
24 (19)

105 (77)
89 (86)
21 (15)

100 (74)
83 (81)
27 (20)

105 (19%)
224 (41%)
200 (37%)
350 (65)

26 (19)
52 (38)
58 (42)
93 (67)

23 (18)
58 (45)
43 (34)
86 (67)

30 (22)
56 (40)
52 (37)
81 (58)

26 (19)
58 (43)
47 (35)
90 (67)

62%79% (.06)
71%95% (.007)
10%40% (.0001)
Overall 2 (.001)
53%72% (.09)

145 (27%)

34 (25)

28 (22)

48 (35)

35 (26)

21%37% (.12)

SD indicates standard deviation. Attrition from MedMgt was marginally greater than from Beh (P .05, with Bonferroni-corrected
significance level being .008). Most of the MedMgt attrition (13 of 16) occurred immediately after randomization, before beginning
* Refers to that proportion of sample whose parents hold full- or part-time jobs.
Means proportion of sample with intact, 2-parent families (married or common-law).
Note that treatment groups differed significantly on only 1 variable (age), whereas sites differ significantly on almost all variables.

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el.20 24 We set the significance level at P .01 for each of the 5 tests
to maintain an overall P .05 significance level. Within each
domain, we performed orthogonal (nonoverlapping) contrasts
that were developed to decompose the overall effects at the end of
treatment. Three statistically independent questions were addressed4: 1) Do children who were exposed to the MTAs intensive
medication strategy (Comb or MedMgt) show persisting superior
outcomes over children who were not (Beh and CC)the MTA
medication algorithm effect? 2) Do children who were assigned
to Comb show superior outcomes over those who were assigned
to MedMgtthe multimodality superiority effect? 3) Do children who were exposed to intensive Beh show superior outcomes
over those in usual CCthe behavioral substitution effect?
In addition to these 5 domains of effectiveness, we obtained
measures from 4 domains of services used during the follow-up
phase (use and dose of medication, use of specialty mental health
services, and use of special education services) from a structured
interview developed for this purpose, the Services Use by Children and AdolescentsParent Interview (SCAPI). The SCAPI asks
the childs caregivers about any services that the child may have
received since the previous assessment, including medication,
physician or therapy contacts, and school services. We calculated
the percentages of participants in each treatment group who received the respective service between 14 and 24 months and
performed 2 tests to determine whether these percentages differed across the 4 treatment groups. Last, given the highly significant effects found at the 14-month endpoint as a function of the
MTA medication algorithm (Comb and MedMgt groups), we repeated any of the above analyses that showed significant differences between groups at 24 months, this time adjusting for participants medication use in the 14- to 24-month interim and in the
30-day period before the 24-month outcome assessments. These
analyses were done to parse out the extent to which any persisting
outcome differences might be fully or partly explained by participants current medication use, rather than their original group


Table 2 shows the results of the ITT analyses for 5

effectiveness domains and the 4 services domains.
The overall treatment effect was significant for the
ADHD and ODD ratings but not for academic
achievement, social skills, or negative/ineffective
In the decomposition of the significant ADHD and
ODD effects into nonoverlapping components by the
orthogonal contrasts, the MTA medication algorithm
contrast was significant but the other 2 contrasts
were not. In other words, the average for Comb and
MedMgt was significantly superior to the average for
Beh and CC, but for the other pairwise contrasts,
Comb was not statistically different from MedMgt,
and Beh was not statistically different from CC. For
the symptom ratings, the main effect of rating source
was significant (parents rated their children better
than did teachers), but the source-by-treatment interactions were not (ie, these differences were present
regardless of treatment, and relative treatment differences were similar regardless of source). For the
significant ADHD and ODD outcomes, we calculated the effect size (Cohen d, estimated as the difference in the means for CombMedMgt vs
BehCC, divided by the pooled standard deviation).
For ADHD ratings, d 0.30; for ODD ratings, d
0.21, small effects.
Medication use showed differences between
groups on both the proportions using medication at
any point during the follow-up period (86%, 85%,
44%, and 69% for Comb, MedMgt, Beh, and CC,
respectively; 2 77.2, df 3, P .001) and in mean

dosage of the stimulant-medicated participants

(methylphenidate equivalents: 30.4, 37.5, 25.7, and
24.0 mg/day, respectively; F 13.15, df 3, 363; P
.0001). However, from end of treatment to the first
follow-up, the percentage of participants on medication decreased for Comb (87% vs 70%) and MedMgt
(93% vs 72%) but increased for Beh (23% to 38%) and
CC (55% to 62%). Other services use domains
showed no significant group differences. Therefore,
only medication use was used as a mediator for
subsequent analyses.
Mediator Analyses

To test whether any differences found were attributable to differential medication use during 14 to 24
months, we repeated the 5 univariate analyses with
interim medication use covaried. We used 2 approaches to test for the effects of medication use,
based on whether the participant took any medication prescribed for ADHD at any time during the
10-month interval or whether the participant was
taking any of these medications in the 30 days before
the 24-month assessment. (Medications in this analysis included not only the psychostimulants, which
constituted 90% of the medications prescribed
across all 4 groups, but also bupropion, tricyclics,
and -agonists.) A third approach was briefly considered but rejected, on the basis of the advice of our
statistical consultant: medication dose, in methylphenidate equivalents at the 24-month assessment.
Examination of the data distribution showed that
this variable was too skewed for valid use.
Table 3 repeats the first 5 analyses from Table 2 but
with medication status covaried: whether the participant took medication for ADHD during the 14- to
24-month interim. In addition, these same analyses
were conducted using the medication variable
whether the participant took medication in the 30
days before the 24-month assessment. There were no
substantive differences between these 2 sets of analyses, so only the first set is shown here. These analyses generally reveal a significant main effect of
medication (the covariate) on ADHD symptoms and
tend toward such an effect on ODD symptoms and
social skills. These data suggest that whether participants took medication mediated significant differences in outcomes and that differential medicationtaking after the intensive 14-month randomized
treatment experience explains at least part of the
persisting advantage of the MTA medication algorithm (Comb and MedMgt). Note, however, even
after controlling for medication use (both for the 14to 24-month interim period and during the 30 days
before the 24-month assessment), the advantage of
Comb/MedMgt over Beh/CC remained significant
(P .002) for ADHD symptoms and almost significant (P .016) for ODD symptoms.
Clinical Significance

To measure clinically satisfactory response (near

normalization, a treatment success), we determined the proportion of children within each treatment group with an item mean 1.0 (just a little)
on a composite of parent and teacher SNAP ratings


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F 3.08 (P .08)
Parent 1.02 (0.029)
Teacher 0.95 (.030)
F 0.94 (P .42)

F 5.04 (P .0019)

F 5.67 (P .018)
Parent 1.08 (.025)
Teacher 1.16 (.025)
F 1.38 (P .25)

F 7.66 (P .0001)

MTA meds vs not:

P .0001; Comb
vs MedMgt: P
.56; Beh vs CC:
P .25

Rater means



1.17 (.29)
1.11 (.29)
1.09 (.28)
1.12 (.28)


F 2.48 (P .06)

F 9.99 (P .002)
Parent 1.14 (.012)
Teacher 1.09 (.013)
F 0.52 (P .67)

F 1.16 (P .30)

F 4.08 (P .001)

0.94 (.28)
0.92 (.29)
0.91 (.26)
0.94 (.28)


Social Skills
(SSRS Total P&T;
Mean [SD]*;
n 522;
Higher Better)
1.45 (1.59)
0.86 (1.78)
1.05 (1.64)
0.99 (1.47)

F 2.60 (P .05)

F 1.56 (P .08)

F 0.76 (P .58)

0.14 (1.68)
0.24 (1.81)
0.07 (1.55)
0.07 (1.50)


Negative Ineffective
Discipline Factor
(Mean [SD]; n 481; More
Negative Better)
98.99 (14.17)
99.17 (15.94)
97.84 (13.96)
96.41 (13.29)

F 1.03 (P .38)

F 1.33 (P .18)

F 1.37 (P .23)

96.50 (14.61)
96.11 (13.82)
95.30 (13.66)
95.15 (14.04)


(WIAT; Mean [SD];
n 510;
Higher Better)

2 Tests Below


MTA meds vs not: P.0001;

Comb vs MedMgt: P
.56; Beh vs CC: P .23

2 (3df) 77.35 (P .0001)

2 Tests Medication Use

1424 Months



Medication Use
(% on Medication)

% Receiving
2 1.15, (P



% Receiving

2 1.19 (P

MH Services



% Receiving
Specialty MH

F 13.15
(P 0.0001)
MTA meds vs
not: P
.0001; Comb
vs MedMgt:
P .0013;
Beh vs CC:
P .44

F 0.73
(P .60)
F 1.31
(P .19)

30.43 (14.46)
37.47 (17.70)
25.69 (13.03)
24.00 (13.15)


Last Dose
(in MPHEquivalent
n 367)

Tx indicates treatment; Sx, symptoms; SSRS, Social Skills Rating System; PT, parentteacher; WIAT, Wechster Individual Achievement Test; MH, mental health; MPH, methylphenidate; BL, baseline;
ANCOVA, analysis of covariance
* The baseline and 24-month item means for the first 3 measures (SNAP and Social Skills) are for average of teacher and parent ratings.
Medication doses last reported during the 14- to 24-month follow-up period for those who took stimulants during that time Comb: 117; MedMgt: 106; Beh: 58; CC: 87), with other stimulants converted
to MPH equivalents (eg, 10 mg of d-amphetamine 20 mg of MPH). Mean doses were not significantly different by site.
Wald 2 was used to test the orthogonal contrasts in a logistic regression model for the percentages taking medication 14 24 months and in the 30 days before the 24-month assessment point.
The medication use percentages on medication show 1) proportion of participants BL on ADHD medication before study entry (not significantly different between groups at BL); 2) proportion of participants
with any ADHD medication use between 14 and 24 months (O2 77.7; P .001), and 3) the percentages using medication in the 30 days before the 24-month assessment.
Significance level for the mixed-effects regression models and ANCOVAs was set at P .01 to adjust for 5 analyses. Only the first 3 analyses have dual raters nested within subject. In the absence of dual
raters, a standard ANCOVA was performed.
As expected, site differences emerged on 2 measures as a result of differences in local populations. The lack of significant site-by-Tx interaction shows that these did not affect validity of the Tx comparisons.
Similarly, the lack of rater-by-Tx interactions shows that rater differences did not affect Tx comparisons. See text for more on rater effects.
# Because age at baseline was significantly different between MedMgt and Beh (Table 1), this analysis was repeated with age covaried as a check. It made no practical difference. Covarying age resulted in
treatment significance of P .0003 instead of P .0001 and rater significance of P .02, the same as without age covaried. The site effect (P .13), site x treatment interaction (P .16), and rater x treatment
interaction (P .32) remained clearly nonsignificant with age covaried.

MTA meds vs not:

MTA meds vs not:
MTA meds vs not: P .17;
P .001; Comb vs
P .09; Comb vs
Comb vs MedMgt;
MedMgt: P .081;
MedMgt: P .05;
P .03; Beh vs CC:
Beh vs CC: P .41
Beh vs CC: P .52
P .32

F 1.56 (P .083)

0.83 (.70)
0.96 (.76)
1.04 (.81)
1.06 (.79)


F 1.44 (P .13)

1.34 (.81)
1.42 (.86)
1.40 (.79)
1.42 (.80)



1.17 (.66)
1.21 (.68)
1.38 (.69)
1.40 (.68)


(SNAP; Mean [SD]*;
n 524;
Lower Better)

F 4.35 (P .0007)

2.01 (.56)
2.06 (.53)
2.05 (.56)
2.02 (.58)


(SNAP; Mean [SD]*;
n 526;
Lower Better)

24-Month Outcomes: Symptoms, Functioning, and Services Use

Mixed-effects models
2 or F (P value)
F 2.9 (P .014)

Tx group


Mixed-Effects Models and ANCOVAs of 24-Month Symptomatic and Functional Outcomes With Medication Use Status
During 14 24 Months Covaried (See Table 2 for means and SDs)



F 2.6 (P .025)

F 4.0 (P .001)


F 1.48 (P .11)

F 1.57 (P .07)


F 5.75 (P .017)

F 2.58 (P .109)


F 1.46 (P .23)

F 1.01 (P .38)


F 5.13 (P .0017)

F 3.49 (ns, P .016)

24-mo medication
main effect*

F 9.98 (P .0017)

F 3.43 (P .065)

MTA meds vs not:

P .0003; Comb
vs MedMgt:
P .86; Beh vs
CC: P .16

MTA meds vs not:

P .008; Comb vs
MedMgt P .17;
Beh vs CC: P .26

Social Skills
(SSRS Total
F 3.73
(P .003)
F 1.19
(P .27)
F 10.66
(P .001)
F 0.73
(P .54)
F 1.66
(P .18)
F 3.98
(P .047)

Negative Ineffective
Discipline Factor
F 0.74 (NS)
F 1.56 (P .08)

F 2.51 (P .06)
F 0.35 (P .56)

F 1.37
(P .23)
F 1.32
(P .18)

F 1.02
(P .38)
F 0.00
(P .99)

Significance level for the mixed-effects models and ANCOVAs was set at P .01 to adjust for 5 analyses. NS indicates not significant.
The mixed-effects model was used when dual raters were nested within subject; otherwise, a standard ANCOVA was used.
* The interaction of medication status 14 24 mo with Tx group was not significant for any of the 5 clinical outcomes.
As expected, site differences emerged on 2 measures as a result of differences in local populations. The lack of significant site-by-Tx
interaction shows that these did not affect validity of the Tx comparisons. Similarly, the lack of rater-by-Tx interactions shows that the
significant rater differences did not affect Tx comparisons. See text for more on rater effects.
Pairwise differences computed only in the presence of a significant Tx main effect

(range: 0 3), a standard achieved by 88% of nonclinical classmates.4 After consideration of alternative
methods of measuring normalization, such as calculating movement toward the normal mean,25,26 we
selected this criterion as most clinically meaningful.
Although more stringent than moving half the distance toward the norm, this criterion was attained by
68% of Comb children at 14 months.
The proportion of children with SNAP item means
1.0 (near normalization4 or excellent responders)
at 24 months was 48%, 37%, 32%, and 28%, for Comb,
MedMgt, Beh, and CC, respectively. In a logistic
regression, the medication algorithm contrast
(Comb/MedMgt vs Beh/CC) for these percentages
was significant, but the other 2 contrasts were not.
More in-depth analyses of normalization will be explored in a subsequent paper.

On the 2 symptom measures of the 5 domains

assessed, the ITT analyses revealed a persisting superiority for exposure to the conditions that included
the MTA MedMgt approach (Comb and MedMgt)
over the conditions that did not (Beh and CC), but
the effect size was smaller by half at the 24-month
than at the 14-month assessment for both the ADHD
(effect size 0.3024-month vs 0.6014-month) and ODD
(effect size 0.2124-month vs 0.3914-month) outcome
measures. The medication algorithm did not significantly affect negative parental discipline, social
skills, or academic achievement. Intriguing nonsignificant but consistent trends in numerical superiority of Comb over MedMgt were noted for ODD
symptoms, social skills, and parental discipline, as
well as in overall rates of normalization, a situation
similar to the 14-month outcomes of these domains.
Although the pattern of statistically significant dif758

ferences across the MTA treatment conditions

(CombMedBehCC) endured, the magnitude of
this medication algorithm effect was reduced by approximately half during the 10-month follow-up. The
modest size of these persisting group differences on
clinical symptoms contrasts sharply with the striking
group differences in the use of medication during the
follow-up. Most of the Comb and MedMgt participants (85% 86%) continued to receive some form of
medication (principally stimulants), whereas fewer
Beh and CC participants (44% and 69%, respectively)
were medicated during the 14- to 24-month interim.
Among those who were medicated, doses were
higher in MedMgt and Comb than in Beh and CC
(see Table 2). These findings, along with the significant main effect of medication use in the mediator
analyses and the loss of significance on ODD symptoms by covarying medication status, suggest that
part of the continuing advantage of the MTA Comb
and MedMgt treatments is mediated by differential
medication use in the 14- to 24-month interim. However, it does not seem entirely mediated by continued medication, because the advantage of the Comb
and MedMgt groups for ADHD symptoms withstood statistical control for interim (14 24 months)
and endpoint (at the 24-month assessment point)
medication use. These analyses suggest that some
Comb and MedMgt families may have continued to
benefit as a result of their early intensive medication
experience, regardless of whether they continued to
take medication after 14 months. Findings should be
interpreted cautiously, however, because self-selection factors for medication use after 14 months may
cause the medication covariate to misstate actual
medication effects.27
The continued symptom benefit with reduced effect size may have resulted from some participants


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continuing to do well after stopping intensive MedMgt, whereas others deteriorated. An obvious partial
explanation for such individual differences in trajectory might come from some participants stopping
medication, a possibility explored in the companion
paper. Because medication use does not seem to
explain all of the continuing benefit, we should note
that not only did the MTAs 0- to 14-month medication approach for the Comb and MedMgt groups
result in higher medication doses by 14 months than
CC-treated participants (31.2 and 37.7 mg vs 22.8
mg/day in methylphenidate equivalents, respectively),1,2 but also during its implementation, the medication algorithm included an initial double-blind,
placebo-controlled titration (a method to yield optimal symptom reduction and minimal side effects,
tailored for each child); performed sequential testing
of other medications if the child did not respond well
to methylphenidate; provided monthly half-hour office visits with the pharmacotherapist to review caregiver concerns, evaluate progress, and provide advice and support; communicated regularly with the
childs teachers via monthly telephone calls by the
pharmacotherapist; and readjusted medications if
the child was not doing well. Apart from the higher
doses produced in Comb and MedMgt participants
by the 14-month treatment endpoint, these activities
are likely also to have offered supportive benefits to
families. Once these nonspecific supports were withdrawn after the MTA treatments ceased, some loss of
benefit need not be surprising. Our analyses controlling for 14- to 24-month medication dose do not (and
cannot) take these factors into account. Such nonspecific but potentially therapeutic influences can be
appreciated visually by inspecting the differences
between the 14- and 24-month endpoints (ie, loss of
benefit) for Comb and MedMgt participants, a topic
of the accompanying report.28 Nonetheless, research
in other fields suggests that such factors can and do
function as a type of social support, even providing
an incremental part of the therapeutic benefit of an
efficacious medication program (via the therapeutic
alliance with the physician).29 In sum, these findings
might suggest that some children and families receive maximum medication benefit only when it is
accompanied by fairly intensive support and regular
contact with their doctor and/or a behavior therapist, whereas others may continue to benefit even
after this support is withdrawn.
At follow-up, MedMgt participants dose levels (in
methylphenidate equivalents) were significantly
higher than in Comb participants (Table 2). These
interesting results suggest the possibility that early
Comb interventions might allow reducing overall
medication requirements during later periods, consistent with findings that others have reported.30
This deserves future study as a possible way to keep
doses lower to avoid side effects.
Results should also be understood in the context of
the actual medications taken by participants in each
of the groups over the course of the study. Although
level of use of medication differed as a result of the
MTA medication algorithm versus no structured approach in the Beh and CC groups, group differences

in the types of medications used were minimal. For

example, although MedMgt and Comb participants
were begun during initial titration on methylphenidate, by 14 months, only 73.4% were being successfully maintained on methylphenidate, 10.4% on dextroamphetamine, 1.4% on pemoline, 1% on
imipramine, 0.3% on bupropion, 0.3% on haloperidol, and 3.1% on no medication. Similarly, at 14
months, among those CC participants who were taking medications, some form of stimulant (methylphenidate, pemoline, and amphetamine) composed
89% of medications prescribed, with tricyclics (6%),
clonidine/guanfacine (4%), and bupropion (1%) constituting the remainder.1 At the 24-month follow-up
study endpoint, although the groups differed greatly
in the proportion taking medication, among those
who were taking medication, medication types were
fairly evenly distributed across the groups, with
stimulants (methylphenidate, amphetamine, and
pemoline) composing 88.5% of prescribed medications and tricyclics, bupropion, and clonidine/guanfacine composing 4.5%, 1.2%, and 2.1%, respectively,
of other medications prescribed.
Not unexpected, rater differences emerged on 2 of
the 3 analyses that had dual informants, with parents
rating their children more favorably than teachers on
both measures. However, both raters tended to show
the same differential rating of the treatments, documented by the absence of significant rater-by-treatment interactions. This supports the validity of the
findings across raters, despite differences in raters
perspectives of the child. These findings suggest that
it is appropriate and valid to include in the same
analysis some participants with parent rating but no
teacher rating and others with teacher rating but no
parent rating. We propose that this nested mixedmodel method be considered for the standard approach to analysis of parent and teacher behavior
ratings in ADHD clinical trials. Similar arguments
were advanced recently by Kuo et al.24
Limitations and Cautions

First, there were slight differences in attrition

across groups. Thus, attrition for MedMgt (16 of 144)
was marginally (P .05) different from Beh (5 of
144), so the results could be slightly biased by the
poorest medication responders dropping out. Such
bias is not likely, however, because most of the attrition in MedMgt (13 of 16) occurred immediately after
randomization (disappointment in assignment), before drug response could be known. Second, the
primary findings are mainly from nonblinded parent
and teacher ratings, which could be influenced by
biases about treatment. However, any such bias was
likely opposite of the findings because Beh fared
significantly better than MedMgt on a parent/
teacher consumer satisfaction survey at 14 months.1
Furthermore, the 2 symptom domains with enduring
significant effects incorporated ratings from teachers
who were not involved with the original treatment,
likely unaware of original treatment assignment
essentially blind, although not by design. Third, results should not be interpreted to mean that behavioral therapeutic approaches are ineffective. In fact,

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56% of parents of the children in the Beh group left

their children unmedicated, suggesting that a substantial proportion perceived their children as functioning well enough to make medication unnecessary (despite recommendations at 14 months for 74%
of them to supplement with medication) or at least
not worth the perceived trade-offs entailed. Moreover, our orthogonal contrast analyses revealed no
significant differences between CC and Beh on any of
the 5 outcome domains, even though many more CC
participants (69%) than Beh participants (44%) were
on medication during the follow-up period, more
evidence that concomitant behavioral treatment allows less medication with results at least as good at
the group level.
Fourth, failure to find significant incremental effects of the Beh intervention (either by itself or in the
Comb intervention) at this first follow-up should not
be understood to mean that Beh does not add some
advantages under more ideal and ongoing implementation circumstances. Instead, our findings
might best be considered in view of the ease with
which medication is delivered and continued, in contrast to the greater challenges in maintaining a behavioral intervention. However, examination of the
9-month data relative to 14-month data suggested
that the Beh generalization and maintenance procedures with parents had succeeded in maintaining the
Beh response after fading of the professional contact
at 9 months,31 and the lack of deterioration in Beh
participants from 14 to 24 months suggests that this
continued beyond 14 months. If more effective and
efficient means to assist families in continuing behavioral interventions become available, then future
studies may find even better Beh outcomes.
Last, because the original study was powered only
for the .05 significance level and significance in this
report was set at .01, the marginally significant (P
.05) persisting differential treatment effect on negative/ineffective discipline, apparently as a result of
the multimodality effect (the Comb vs MedMgt orthogonal contrast in Table 2; P .03) on that measure
may be prone to type II error. Consequently, future
studies may need to explore further the possible
benefits of the Comb over and above intensive MedMgt alone in this and perhaps other areas of functioning.
Clinical Implications

The findings reported here provide new evidence

that exposure to the MTA medication algorithm produces long-term beneficial effects on ADHD symptoms, even after families are left to pursue whatever
treatments seem to fit them best and the intensive
study-delivered treatments have been handed off
to community physicians. Although definite statistical differences persisted from the original MTA treatment assignment after subsequent medication use
was statistically controlled, the clinical significance
of the medication algorithm may be modest. Of
course, even these modest effects may have substantial public health impact to the extent that widely
prevalent chronic conditions may be ameliorated by
earlier, intensive interventions. The possibility of

larger effects for any of the treated subgroups will be

explored in future analyses.
Viewed in the context of our original outcome
reports,1,2 1 major finding from this report is that
some children (particularly those in the MedMgt and
Comb groups) lost some of the initial benefits during
follow-up. Our companion paper explores this issue,
particularly the impact of interim medication use
and switching between originally assigned treatment groups, as well as relationships between childrens subsequent medication use and growth.
This study was supported by UO1 MH50461 (Drs Hinshaw and
Elliot), UO1 MH50477 (Drs Conners, Wells, and March), UO1
MH50440 (Drs Swanson, Cantwell, and Wigal), UO1 MH50453
(Drs Abikoff and Hechtman), UO1 MH50454 (Drs Greenhill and
Newcorn), and UO1 MH50467 (Drs Pelham and Hoza) from the
National Institute of Mental Health (Bethesda, MD).
The National Institute of Mental Health collaborators are Peter
S. Jensen, MD (Office of the Director); L. Eugene Arnold, MD,
MEd (Department of Psychiatry, Ohio State University); Joanne B.
Severe, MS (Biostatistics and Data Management Unit, Division of
Services and Intervention Research); Benedetto Vitiello, MD
(Child & Adolescent Treatment and Preventive Interventions Research Branch); and Kimberly Hoagwood, PhD (Office of the
Director). Principal investigators and coinvestigators from the 6
sites are as follows. University of California, Berkeley/San Francisco: Stephen P. Hinshaw, PhD (Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley), Glen R. Elliott, MD, PhD (Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco); Duke
University: C. Keith Conners, PhD, Karen C. Wells, PhD, John
March, MD, MPH (Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences); University of California, Irvine/Los Angeles: James Swanson, PhD (Department of Pediatrics and Cognitive Science, University of California, Irvine), Dennis P. Cantwell, MD, deceased
(Department of Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatric Institute, University
of California, Los Angeles), Timothy Wigal, PhD (Department of
Pediatrics, University of California, Irvine); Long Island Jewish
Medical Center/Montreal Childrens Hospital: Howard B.
Abikoff, PhD (Department of Psychiatry, New York University
School of Medicine), Lily Hechtman, MD (Department of Psychiatry, McGill University); New York State Psychiatric Institute/
Columbia University/Mount Sinai Medical Center: Laurence L.
Greenhill, MD (Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University),
Jeffrey H. Newcorn, MD (Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai
School of Medicine); University of Pittsburgh: William E. Pelham,
PhD (Department of Psychology, State University of New York at
Buffalo), Betsy Hoza, PhD (Department of Psychological Sciences,
Purdue University). Helena C. Kraemer, PhD (Stanford University, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science) is statistical
and design consultant. Robert D. Gibbons, PhD (Center for Health
Statistics, University of Illinois at Chicago) is statistical consultant
for the follow-up. The Office of Special Education Programs/US
Department of Education principal collaborator is Ellen Schiller,

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Many doctors and the drug industry promoted use of hormone therapy a few
years ago despite the lack of evidence from clinical trials. But now experts say that
experience has taught doctors and society a lesson in the need to exert extreme
caution in introducing new therapies.

Altman LK. New study links hormones to cancer risk. New York Times. August 8, 2003

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National Institute of Mental Health Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD

Follow-up: 24-Month Outcomes of Treatment Strategies for
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
MTA Cooperative Group
Pediatrics 2004;113;754-761
DOI: 10.1542/peds.113.4.754
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