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Biomedicine is an emerging field in whicht the principles of natural sciences, especially biology, are applied
to solve problems in clinical medicine.
During the one-year masters in Biomedicine, you will learn to integrate fundamental disciplines in natural
sciences into medical problems. The study year will give you a good understanding of the molecular and
cellular processes that take place in the human body at both normal and disease conditions, with a special
emphasis on genetics, tumor biology, endocrine control systems and pharmacology.

As a result, this one-year program will provide you with scientific training required for the development of
future diagnosis and treatment methods. The program includes a set of compulsory as well as elective
courses, mainly in form of lectures complemented with laboratory work and seminars. There are also
research practice courses included in the program that are designed to provide the students with advanced
methodological skills. In this program, special emphasis is given to the principles of scientific reasoning,
ethical considerations, multidisciplinary collaborations and, in summary, to prepare you for an independent
and professional research profile within the field of biomedicine. Upon completion of the curriculum and after
defense of the thesis, graduates will be awarded a one-year Masters degree in Biomedicine.

Career Opportunities

This education allows you to continue deepening your knowledge in a career within academic research or in
the pharmaceutical industry.

The term biomedical career encompasses a broad spectra of professions that generally interface with
medicine and health. They include professions such as academic researcher, research engineer, analyst,
laboratory supervisor and other leading positions in the fields of research and development. Many people
who have taken their degrees in biomedicine are employed at universities, research institutes,
pharmaceutical industries, biotech companies, as well as at laboratories at county councils and public

The training included in your studies may provide you with a good opportunity for pursuing other careers
rather than the traditional career in research and health. Some examples for such positions are medical
writer, journalist, patent-engineer, patent-lawyer, or hold a position in one of the control and inspection
authorities. Many Biomedicine graduates, however, choose to continue with PhD studies at academia.

Molecular Biology / Biomedicine

If you for some reason want to cross breed your programs you turn to the department responsible for the course your are
interested in and contact the course responsible. You must be cleared for the course by the course responsible before
you hand in the registration form. Forms are available under the link Course Registration Forms. The coordinators and
Directors do not help you out with this as the courses are not our responsibility.

Program layout and courses offered

The one-year Master program (equivalents to 60 ECTS) is divided into two semesters and four periods. Each
semester corresponds to 30 ECTS. For each of the periods 1 and 2, you will have to select two courses (a
total of 15 ECTS), which are given simultaneously. During the second semester (i.e. periods 3 and 4) you will
do your Master thesis work (30 ECTS). The one-year Master program in Biomedicine is offered twice a year
and there are slight differences in the syllabus of the two admissions as follow:

Program start in the Spring

Period 1
Endocrinology, advanced level (7,5 ECTS)
Bioinformatics introduction, basic level (7,5 ECTS)
Genomics, advanced level (7,5 ECTS)
Experimental Biomedicine (7,5 ECTS, optional)
Period 2
Human Genetics II, advanced level (7,5 ECTS)
Experimental design, advanced level (7,5 ECTS, limited number of students)
Molecular markers for diagnosis and prognosis (7,5 ECTS, limitednumber of students)
Period 3 & 4
Master thesis (30 ECTS)

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