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Thus violation Kelvin Planck Statement has lead to the violation of

Clausius Statement
CASE-2: Violation of Clausius statement leads to violation of Kelvin-planck statement

Thus Violation of Clausius Statement has lead to violation of Kelvin Planck Statements

Carnot Cycle: Carnot cycle is a reversible cycle that is composed of four reversible processes,
two isothermal and two adiabatic.
Process 1 - 2 (Reversible Isothermal Heat Addition)
Process 2

3 (Reversible Adiabatic Expansion)

Process 3

4 (Reversible Isothermal Heat Rejection)

Process 4

1 ( Revesible Adiabatic Compression)

(Q net)cycle =

( Wnet)cycle

Qrej = We


1. The efficiency of an irreversible heat engine is always less than efficiency of a reversible one
operating between the same two reservoirs.
2. The efficiencies of all reversible heat engines operating between the same reservoirs are the
Clausius Inequality
The cyclc integral of

is always less than or equal to zero.

Mathematically it can be expressed as

. The equality in the Clausius inequality holds

for totally or just reversible cycle and the inequality for the irreversible ones.
Reversible Engine

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