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Test Paper

I. Read the article about the soaps.

A. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences:
1. The original soaps were TV programmes.
2. The people in soaps usually come from a lot of different families.
3. The stories happen one after the other.
4. Soaps include stories about love, money, and other problems.
5. The characters in reality TV are actors.
B. Put the missing headings (A-E) in the correct spaces. There is one extra
A). Why are soaps so popular?
B). What is the most successful soap?
C). Where does the name soap come from?
D). What are the most recent developments?
E). What makes a successful soap?
The truth about soaps
The original soaps were radio programmes. They first appeared on the
radio, in the USA, in the 1930s. People called them soaps because in the middle of
each programme, there were advertisements for soap powder.
There are three things in every successful TV soap. Firstly, there is a place.
This is for example a street, a hotel, a pub, or a family home. Secondly, there are
the main characters, usually from two or three families. They are like people in real
life a jealous boyfriend or girlfriend, the difficult teenager and the wise
grandmother. Thirdly, there are two or three stories all at the same time. They are
often very emotional and dramatic. Finally, much modern soaps are about similar
things. These include family relationships, money, love, friendship, illness,
unemployment and difficulties at school or work.
The latest type of soap to appear on our screens is reality TV. There are no
actors in reality TV. Instead, the characters are real people in real situations.
Soaps are easy to watch. We identify with the characters and share their
problems. And soaps give us something to talk about with our friends and
II. Choose the correct form.
They have been repairing / They have repaired the road all this week, but
they havent finished it yet.
Im very sorry, but I have been breaking / I have broken this chair.

Sally has been saving / has saved nearly two thousand pounds so far this
Whats the matter? Have you been losing / Have you lost something?
I have always been working / I have always worked in the music industry.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous or the
Present Perfect Simple:
1. She has a sore throat. She _______ just _________________ (eat) two ice-creams.
2. I want to talk to Jack. Sorry, you cant. He _____________________ (sleep) for two
3. _________ you ___________________________ (hear) anything about Jane lately?
4. I cannot get into my own house. I ___________________________ (lose) my key.
5. You deserve a prize. You ______________________________ (work) very much lately.
6. We _________ always ___________________ (try) to keep it a secret.
7. Whats that noise? Jack and Ann __________________________ (argue) for ten
8. He _______ just______________________________ (arrive). You can ask him.
9. Your father ______________________________ (work) on this project for two months.
10.You ___________________________ (not listen). Why dont you listen to me?
IV. Put the following sentences is the Passive Voice:
1. John sent the letter to me.

2. The doctors explained to Mary the symptoms.

3. Adam told Julie the truth.

4. They gave Mark an amazing gift.

5. She offered Sam the flowers.

V. Change the verb into the correct form of the past simple or present
1) Last night I (lose) my keys I had to call my flatmate to let me in.

2) I (lose) my keys - can you help me look for them?

3) I (visit) Paris three times.
4) Last year I (visit) Paris.
5) I (know) my great grandmother for a few years - she died when I was eight.
6) I (know) Julie for three years - we still meet once a month.
7) I (play) Hockey since I was a child - I'm pretty good!
8) She (play) hockey at school but she didn't like it.
9) Last month I (go) to Scotland.
10) I'm sorry, John isn't here now. He (go) to the shops.

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