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Kevin Nathaniel Lawanto

[email protected]


Master of Science in Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences,

Utah State University


Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Utah State University

Program Evaluator, Department of Psychology, Utah State University, Fall 2016Present
Research Assistant, School of Teacher Education and Leadership, Utah State
University, Summer 2016
Instructional Designer Intern, Center of Innovative Design and Instruction, Utah State
University, Spring 2016
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Instructional Technology and Learning
Sciences, Spring 2016
Graduate Research Assistant, Active Learning Laboratory, Utah State University, Fall
2014-Spring 2016
Brasiel, S., Jeong, S., Ames, C. Lawanto, K., Yuan, M., & Martin, T. (in press).
Effects of Educational technology on mathematics achievement for K-12 students
in Utah. Journal of Online Learning Research.
Lawanto, O., Santoso, H. B., Lawanto, K. N., & Goodridge, W. (2014).
Self-Regulated Learning Skills and Online Activities between Higher and Lower
Performers in a Web-intensive Undergraduate Engineering Course. Journal of
Educators Online, 11(3), pp. 1-32.
Lawanto, O., Santoso, H. B., Goodridge, W., & Lawanto, K. N. (2014). TaskValue, Self-Regulated Learning, and Performance in a Web-Intensive
Undergraduate Engineering Course: How are they related? Journal of Online
Learning and Teaching, 10(1), pp. 97-111.
Lawanto, O., Butler, D., Cartier, S., Santoso, H. B., Goodridge, W., Lawanto, K.
N., & Clark, D. (2013). Comparing Self-Regulated Learning of Secondary School

Students and College Freshman Students during an Engineering Design Project.

Journal of STEM Education, 14(4), pp. 34-46.
Lawanto, O., Butler, D., Cartier, S., Santoso, H. B., Lawanto, K. N., & Clark, D.
(2013). An Exploratory Study of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in a Design
Project by Students in Grades 9-12. Design & Technology Education: an
International Journal, 18(1), pp. 44-57.


Lawanto, K., Close, K., Ames C., & Brasiel S. (2016). Exploring Common
Misconceptions in Middle School Students Computational Thinking in Scratch.
Computational Thinking: Research and Practice. AECT Book Chapter. In press.
Brasiel, S., Jeong, S., Close, K., Lawanto, K., & Janisiewicz, P. (2016).
Measuring Computational Thinking Development with the FUN! Tool.
Computational Thinking: Research and Practice. AECT Book Chapter. In press.
Lawanto, K. (2016). Exploring Trends in Middle School Students
Computational Thinking in the Online Scratch Community: A Pilot Study. All
Graduate Theses and Dissertations. In press.


Martin, T., Brasiel, S., Jeong, S., Close, K., Lawanto, K., & Janisiewicz, P.
(2016). Macro data for micro learning: developing the FUN! Tool for automated
assessment of learning. Paper submitted to 3rd ACM Conference on Learning@
Scale. March 2016. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Paper Presentation.
Brasiel, S., Martin, T., Jeong, S., Lawanto, K., Ames, C., & Yuan, M. (2016).
Achievement impacts from a K-12 mathematics technology scale-up statewide.
Paper submitted to 27th International Conference of the Society for Information
Technology and Teacher Education. March 21-26, 2015. Savannah, GA. Paper
Brasiel, S., Smith, S., Jeong, S., & Lawanto, K. N. (2015). An Innovative
Statewide Approach to Bringing STEM Focused Education Technology to
Teachers and Students. Paper submitted to International Conference on
Associations for Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis,
Indiana. November 2015. Paper Presentation.
Smith, S., Lawanto, K., Brasiel, S., & Martin, T. (2015). Changing Middle
School Teachers Algebra Content Knowledge and Teaching Self-Efficacy

Beliefs Through Technology-Enriched Professional Development. Paper

submitted to 26th International Conference on Society for Information Technology
and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, Nevada. March 2015. Paper Presentation.
Lawanto, O., Becker, K., Lawanto, K. N., & Santoso, H. B. (2013). International
Workshop on Developing Online Education; a collaborative activity among
Universitas Indonesia, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia, and Utah State University. 4th Annual Utah International Higher
Education Summit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. November 8, 2013.
Poster Presentation
Lawanto, K. N., Lawanto, S. O., Miller, L., & Buhusi, M. (2013). Assessment of
Neuronal Activity in a Circuit Underlying Inter-Male Aggression in NrCAM
Knockout Mice. 7th Annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Utah
State University, Logan, Utah. February 22, 2013. Poster Presentation.
Lawanto, S. O., Lawanto, K. N., Miller, L., & Buhusi, M. (2013). Assessment of
Neuronal Activity During Social Interaction in NrCAM Knockout Mice. 7th
Annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Utah State University,
Logan, Utah. February 22, 2013. Poster Presentation.
Miller, L., Lawanto, S. O., Lawanto, K. N., Matthews, A.R., Buhusi, M., &
Buhusi C.V. (2013). Chronic Administration of Selective Serotonin Reuptake
Inhibitor Fluoxetine Changes Neuronal Activation During Anxiety-Inducing
Distractors in an Interval Timing Task. 7th Annual Utah Conference on
Undergraduate Research, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. February 22, 2013.
Poster Presentation.
Outstanding Master of Science Graduate Student, Department of Instructional
Technology and Learning Sciences- 2016.
Department of Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences at Utah State
University Spring 2015 Tuition Award: $700.
December Youth of the Month Award, 2007. The Exchange Club of Urbana,
University of Illinois Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest Winner, 2008.
Makers at Salt Lake City Mini Makers Faire, Fall 2014.
Facilitator and Speaker of the workshop, International Workshop Developing an
Online Educational Curriculum A collaborative activity among Universitas
Indonesia, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, and Utah
State University, May- November, 2013.

Public Relation Committee, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Club, Utah State

University, 2011-2012.
Vice President, Operation Smile Organization, Utah State University, 2010.
Intern, Urbana High School Executive Internship Program, Christie Clinic,
Champaign, Illinois, 2008.

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