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Mahatma Gandhi- FAKEbook Profiles

Title of Unit

Curriculum Area
Developed By

Collaborative Lesson
Grade Level 7th Social Studies
Mahatma GandhiFAKEbook Profiles
Mrs. Neal
Stallings Island Middle
Collaborative Lesson with Time Frame 2.5 class periods (hours)
Mrs. Neal
per class (4 classes)
Emma Stephens

Identify Desired Results (Stage 1)

Content Standards
Social Studies Georgia Standards of ExcellenceSS7H3 Analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia
a. Describe how nationalism led to independence in India.
b. Describe the impact of Mohandas Gandhis belief in non- violent protest.
Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms
effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase
the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard
format for citation.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection, and research

Overarching Understanding

-Students will understand how to utilize

FAKEbook on
-Students will begin to use correct research
practices and understand how to ethically use
-Students will gain a greater understanding of
Gandhis life and his role in the independence
of India.
Related Misconceptions

All websites are acceptable for researchincluding Wikipedia

All online pictures and videos can be
copy, pasted and used
Books are no longer viable sources

Essential Questions

-Why is it important
to use credible
websites, books
and informational
texts in research?
-How can being an
ethical and correct
user of information
set up students for
-How can using
web 2.0 tools such
as FAKEbook
encourage learning


-Was Gandhis
relevant to the
man he became?
-Who opposed
Gandhi? Who
were his allies?
-What role did he
play in Indias
from Great
-How did

and research?



Students will know

Students will be able to

-The necessity of citing sources

-What makes a website an acceptable source
-How to summarize information correctly,
ethically and in their own words.

Gandhis nonviolent beliefs

shape the way he
is remembered?

Locate and utilize credible

sources from websites as well as
Document the sources used
Utilize FAKEbook as a research
presentation tool

Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)

Performance Task Description
In 2 and a half class periods the students will research the life of
Mahatma Gandhi focusing on significant life events and his role in
Indias independence. Students will utilize FAKEbook to create a
profile for Gandhi that includes but is not limited to, 10 posts with
a minimum of 3 sentences (6 including pictures, 2 including
relevant videos), basic background information, 6 people in the
friends section. a profile and cover photo. The students will work
in groups of 3-5 to research and complete their profiles. The
students must complete a research graphic organizer where they
must document the use of a minimum of 6 sources with at least 3
being books.
The students will be under the guidance of their Social Studies
teacher Mrs. Neal and the Media Specialist, Ms. Stephens with the
Role final outcome being a completed FAKEbook profile on Mahatma
Gandhi and a completed research graphic organizer.

4 periods of 7th Grade Social Studies students

Students will be split into groups of 3-5 and will be in the Media
Center the entirety of the project.

The final product will be a completed FAKEbook profile on

Mahatma Gandhi and a completed research graphic organizer. This
Product/Performance profile and research will count as 2 formative assessment grades
for the social studies class.

AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner

1.1.4 Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer

1.1.5 Evaluate information found in selected sources on the basis
of accuracy, validity, appropriateness for needs, importance, and
social and cultural context.
1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers
to guide own inquiry process.
2.2.1 Demonstrate flexibility in the use of resources by adapting
information strategies to each specific resource and by seeking
additional resources when clear conclusions cannot be drawn.
2.3.3 Use valid information and reasoned conclusions to make
ethical decisions.
2.4.1 Determine how to act on information (accept, reject, modify).
3.1.6 Use information and technology ethically and responsibly.
4.3.2 Recognize that resources are created for a variety of

Other Evidence
Students will fill out an anonymous survey on their group members to ensure everyone contributed

Learning Plan (Stage 3)

Where are your students headed?
Where have they been? How will you
make sure the students know where
they are going?

They are headed to the 8th grade next year and

then high school where correct research practices
are expected. This lesson/ project was meant to be
the beginning of the process to help them become
ethical digital citizens. They have been in the habit
of not practicing ethical research in the way the
utilize information. Mrs. Neal and I will make sure
that as the students continue in Social Studies (an
all subjects) projects in the future that we will hold
them to a higher standard because of the
principles they learned through this assignment.

How will you hook students at the

beginning of the unit?

I have will have the Weebly site pulled up on the

big screen that reads Fakebook Profile- Mahatma
Gandhi- the Leader of Indias Independence We
will also begin with a hook discussion of
Facebook and other social medias to establish the
end goal of this assignment.

What events will help students

experience and explore the big idea
and questions in the unit? How will
you equip them with needed skills and

Going over proper research practices and what

constitutes a reputable source will help the
students to utilize different texts as well a credible
online sources to gather and organize information
into at least 10 historically accurate FAKEbook

posts. Mrs. Neal and I will be available during the

entirety of every class period to assist with and
encourage proper research guidelines. Mrs. Neal
and I will co-teach the introduction of this
assignment and will discuss our research
expectations and the research graphic organizer
they must turn in.
How will you cause students to reflect
and rethink? How will you guide them
in rehearsing, revising, and refining
their work?

During day one Mrs. Neal and I will introduce the

project. Mrs. Neal will remind them of the research
practices they have applied so far this year and I
will introduce FAKEbook, show an example and
establish the requirement for each profile and the
research expectations. The students will have the
remainder of the first class period (45mins) to
research. They will have the full resources of the
media center at their disposal to research and
bounce ideas off their group members, Mrs. Neal
and I about the content of their 10 posts. The
second day they will take their research and apply
it in the creation of their Gandhi FAKEbook profiles.
The last half- period they will present their
FAKEbook profiles to the class.

How will you help students to exhibit

and self-evaluate their growing skills,
knowledge, and understanding
throughout the unit?

The students will be working in a group of 3-5

students and will be reminded to encouraged each
other but to be evaluating their group progress
throughout the research process and in the
creation of their FAKEbook profiles.

How will you tailor and otherwise

personalize the learning plan to
optimize the engagement and
effectiveness of ALL students, without
compromising the goals of the unit?

The first aspect of engaging our students in the

unit is utilizing FAKEbook. This is an exciting and
relevant tool that students will enjoy and that has
built in requirements to ensure retention of
relevant information.
Learning Activities (Model/Practice)

How will you organize and sequence

the learning activities to optimize the
engagement and achievement of ALL

Day One- Research

-Class discussion of social media, its usage and
the varying types
-Introduce FAKEbook on
-Show example JFK FAKEbook
-Sources- requirements and expectations
-The students will then begin their research and
filling out their graphic organizers
-The students will begin to draft their 10 posts and

find relatable and historically accurate

photographs and videos.

Day Two- Apply the Research

-The students will set up their FAKEbook profile
-The students will begin to type their posts and link
relevant media
- The will complete the about me section, upload
and profile and cover photo and complete the
friends list
Day Three- Present the Research (FAKEbook)
-The students will use the first half of their period
for each group to give a brief presentation on their
FAKEbook profiles.
From: Wiggins, Grant and J. Mc Tighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (ppk)

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