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Worksheet 1

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do you use Adobe Photoshop? Give any three

2. What is the use of a toolbox? Explain the tools for

zooming an image.

3. What is a color mode in Photoshop?

4. What are layers? Give any three features of layers.

5. What are the steps of creating a new layer?

B. Answer the following questions.

1. What is DBMS? Give example.

Cambridge University Press, 2014

2. Suggest two ways to assign a primary key to a field in a


3. What are database objects? Name any four.

4. Write the steps for inserting and deleting fields in a


5. What are data types? Name all possible data types that
can be used in MS Access 2007.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do you use Visual Basic? Give at least three

2. What is an event and an event-driven programming


Cambridge University Press, 2014

3. What is IDE? Name all the components of Visual Basic


4. How do you save a project and a form in Visual Basic?

5. What are the three different ways of executing a form?

D. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the purpose of a Toolbox in Visual Basic? Name
any five commonly used tools for designing a form.

2. How can a message be displayed on the form? Name any

three properties of the tool used.

3. Name and explain any five common properties of all the

tools featured in the Toolbox.

4. How can you draw different shapes on the form? Which

property enables these shapes?

Cambridge University Press, 2014

5. What is the use of a Timer tool?

E. Answer the following questions.

1. What are variables? How do we declare a variable in
Visual Basic?

2. What are the rules for creating a variable in Visual


3. What are data types? Name all the possible data types
that can be created in Visual Basic?

4. Which data types are used to store numeric values with

and without decimal? Explain all with examples.

5. How is string values handled in Visual Basic? Explain the

data type along with declaration and assignment of the

Cambridge University Press, 2014

F. Answer the following questions

1. Explain the three types of programming constructs that
are supported by Visual Basic.

2. What is the use of comments in VB? Give examples.

3. Why is the End statement used? Which tool is similar to

the End statement?

4. Can you use both apostrophe () and Rem for adding

comments in the same program? Justify your answer with
an example.

5. What is Repetition Programming?

G. Answer the following questions

1. What is the use of a conditional statement?

2. How many types of conditional statements are available?

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3. What is the purpose of if then statement? Give a

small code.

4. When do you use Select case statement? Give a small


5. Explain IFTHENELSE statement?

Cambridge University Press, 2014

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