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Name: Uriel G.


Date: October 15, 2016

Course: M. Ed. English I


Reaction Paper
I. Topic: Mobile Devices: The Learning Disconnect by Rob Stokoe (Teaching in the Real World:
How Do Children Learn)
II. Source / Reference: ESHA Magazine April 2012 Issue pp. 52-55 (European School Heads
III. Synopsis:
Mobile is the technology which has promised so much for so long now, effectively this is
the technology which has cried wolf for over 15 years. The long wait is now over, today things
are moving quickly, so much so that we now effectively have a LEARNING DISCONNECT.
This is when a student says: Every time I go to school I have to power down.
Students, even the very youngest are arriving at our doors with higher levels of digital
skills, able to access, communicate and collaborate, accessing the net, their learning patterns are
not fixed by history, time or place. We need to connect with these skills and attitudes, with what
they can do, accepting them as multi-tasking, connected and collaborative, 21st century learners.
To be successful we will need to weave digital learning opportunities into the fabric of our
curriculum until they are regarded as ordinary. Weve had computers in schools for nearly thirty
years, success and growth have never really matched the promise and potential of these
technologies. Many teachers have struggled to come to terms with ever changing technologies,
the majority have continuously identified opportunity and challenge although all too often
individuals and schools were working in isolation or in small interest groups. The internet came
along and things got a lot closer. This revolution in technology has transformed the way we can
find each other, interact, and collaborate to create knowledge.
As educators we need to embrace the multitude of opportunities now available to us to
empower our pedagogy with digital technology to enable our classrooms to be boundless.

Advocates also say that the availability of technology that can call up the knowledge of the
worlds best thinkers with the click of a mouse that can graph in two seconds what once took
hours, and that can put scientific instrumentation in a pocket-sized computer shows that the shift
isnt coming--- it has already happened. IT IS NOW.
IV. Personal Reaction:
The world is in its fast-paced motion. The teacher is now challenged to motivate, invent
new and useful strategies that would boost the interest of his/her students. He/she has the
responsibility to impart new and informative lessons to the students but keep in mind that the
teachers role is not only limited to that. Being an effective and efficient teacher is a tough
challenge. Future teachers must be versatile, open-minded, creative and resourceful.
A teacher must be able to conform to the changes in time and must able to meet the
requirements of the educational system he/she is following. The students of todays world are
called as the 21st century learners. These 21st century learners are characterized by their
attachment to different trends as well as to their familiarity to new technologies and social media.
Everyone would agree that if not all, most of us have these social media accounts for social
media platforms and networks to cite some of these are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
It is said that technology is a big help in the field of education. In its advent, information
is easily accessible for the internet-abled generation without having to lift a finger or literally,
at the click of a finger. In this thesis, the researcher is focusing on the roles of technology in the
polishing of students communicative skills, creativity, collaborative skills and critical thinking
skills to foster students self-esteem. The researcher is concerned with this issue for the reason
that the present Philippine Educational System employed the K-12 Program accentuating the 21 st
century skills that students of today should possess to prepare them for this new global society,
teaching the core content subjectsmath, social studies and the arts. The program draws
attention to the Four Cs or the four most important skills of the 21st century skills.
The abbreviation Four Cs stands for Communicative Skills, Creativity, Collaborative
Skills and Critical Thinking Skills. These skills are said to help student be prepared to the new
global society and be able to face its challenges. In this research, the researcher intends to know
the roles of technology in the attainment of the Four Cs that will foster students self-esteem

because the researcher is certain that if the students cannot develop self-esteem everything will
be in vain and the K-12 Programs goals and objectives will be sacrificed hence the preparation
of the students to be able to face the competitive world will not come into fruition.

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