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LIN Data Verification by Establishment/Employer at USSP

User Manual v1.0

Abstract: This document is a technical communication document intended to give assistance to user for
using USSP LIN/data verification system. This user document includes explanation of system and
navigational features specific to accomplish establishment/employer data verification activity at USSP.

Keywords: Online help, user manual, USSP, LIN, data, verification, modification

M/o Labour & Employment Division (NIC)

Shram Shakti Bhawan
Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110001, India

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of NIC/MoLE.

USSP- LIN Data Verification by Establishment/Employer -User Manual

Table of Contents
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................1



Introduction .................................................................................................................................................2

Scope of the Document .......................................................................................................................2


Roles and Activities for Data Verification ............................................................................................2


Process Flow for Data Verification .......................................................................................................3


Prerequisites for Data Verification ......................................................................................................3

Getting Started.............................................................................................................................................4

How to login? .......................................................................................................................................4


How to log out? ....................................................................................................................................4


Navigation on USSP ..............................................................................................................................4


USSP Features ......................................................................................................................................5


General Feature Layouts ......................................................................................................................5


Form Layout .................................................................................................................................5


Report Layout...............................................................................................................................5


Error Page Layout .........................................................................................................................5

Verification/Modification Activity by Establishment Representative .........................................................6


Linking Establishment ..........................................................................................................................6


Link Establishment .......................................................................................................................6


View Linked Establishments .........................................................................................................6


Verify/ Modify Data .............................................................................................................................7


Verify Establishment Data............................................................................................................7


Verify/Modify Establishment Basic Information..........................................................................8


Verify/Modify Establishment Identifiers ......................................................................................8


Verify/Modify Establishment Profile Information .......................................................................9


Verify/Modify Establishment eContacts ......................................................................................9


Verify/Modify Establishment Related Offices Data .................................................................. 10


Verify/Modify Establishment Principal/Contractor Data .......................................................... 11


View/Submit Verified Form ...................................................................................................... 12


Track Verification Process ......................................................................................................... 13

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Annexure ........................................................................................................................................................... 14

Validations ............................................................................................................................................ 14


Send feedback ....................................................................................................................................... 14


Contact us ............................................................................................................................................. 15

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Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)


Directorate General of Mines Safety


A person or an organization that employees people over a

place and pays them in exchange of their work

Enforcement Agency (EA)

An agency identified for enforcement of labour laws.

Enforcement Agency User

Any registered user who is an employee of the

Enforcement Agency has been authorised to perform
various actions on the portal.


Employees Provident Fund Organisation


Employees State Insurance Corporation

Establishment Representative

Any registered user who has been authorised by

Employer/Establishment to use the portal for various
activities on its behalf.


Labour Identification Number


National Informatics Centre

Regional Head

The EA user authorised to verify the Registration Form

filled by Authorised User.


Unified Shram Suvidha Portal

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The Unified Shram Suvidha Portal is developed to facilitate reporting of Inspections, and submission of
Returns. The Unified Shram Suvidha Portal has been envisaged as a single point of contact between
employer, employee and enforcement agencies bringing in transparency in their day-to-day
interactions. For integration of data among various enforcement agencies, each inspectable unit under
any Labour Law has been assigned one Labour Identification Number (LIN).
The establishment data has been taken from different agencies so the need is felt to keep the data
updated by its verification by establishment itself. The portal facilitates Employer/Establishment to
verify/modify data. Post modification the data is submitted to Regional Head of source enforcement
agency for confirmation. The Regional Head can view the data modifications, provide remarks and
approve/reject the changes.


Scope of the Document

This manual serves as a step by step guide to use the Shram Suvidha Portal Establishment/Employer
data verification facility in an easy way with the help of diagrams and screenshots wherever applicable.
For other facilities of Shram Suvidha Portal you may refer their respective manuals.


Roles and Activities for Data Verification

User Role

Common Name



Regional Head

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Enforcement Agency


Link establishment
Verify/Modify establishment data:
1. Basic information
2. Identifiers
3. Profile information
4. eContacts
5. Related offices
6. Principal employer/ contractor
View/Submit data for verification
Track verification process

Verify data to link LIN

View revised data
Reject or verify data with reasons

USSP- LIN Data Verification by Establishment/Employer -User Manual


Process Flow for Data Verification

Below figure demonstrates the verification of Establishment/ Employer information process at Unified
Shram Suvidha Portal. Process involves two users, Establishment Representative and Regional Head.


Prerequisites for Data Verification

There are certain required prior conditions need to be fulfilled by the establishment representative
before performing establishment/employer information verification activities:
Employer/ Establishment Representative need to be registered at USSP, if not registered then
signup at portal.
The establishment representative must represent the LIN verified establishments at USSP. The
user may search LIN through know your LIN option provided at Portal main page.
If establishments LIN already exists user need to link the LIN with establishment by
choosing Link Establishment option at left side menu after login.
If no LIN exists, user must create owned/represented establishments and request LIN
from them through Establishment option at left side menu after login.

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2. Getting Started

How to login?

To get started using the Shram Suvidha Portal right away, just type the following address into your
web browser or click on the link below.
Below screen will be displayed, here enter login details (user id, password and verification code).
Click on the submit button to view the landing page.


How to log out?

Once you have successfully logged in, you will see landing page of your account. To exit from your
account click log out option at far right of your screen.


Navigation on USSP

Now that you are at your account landing page, you are able to choose various features of USSP
and perform various activities. At far left side of your account is main menu having a list of options
to choose from.

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USSP Features
Multi-language support
Email/SMS Integration
Alerts/Reminders through SMS/Email
Digitally Signed documents
Information Traceability
On-line help
On-line Feedback
Multiple roles support

General Feature Layouts

The System has a user-friendly GUI to provide ease of use and effectiveness to you.
2.5.1. Form Layout
The form allows the user to enter the specific details. Validation is performed on each field
before save operation. The common features included in each form are:

Every form has a header which clearly specifies the Form Title, Form ID, if it is a new form or a
one for editing the available content.
All the forms will have an option to Submit.
Similarly every form has a Back option to go back to the pervious page.
The controls provided in each form allow you to Reset the form contents.
The form allows only tabbed navigation using keyboard.

2.5.2. Report Layout

The common features included in each report are:

Every report will have a header which will clearly specify the Name of the Office, Report Title,
and Date.
All the forms will have an option to Close/return to main screen. In addition each report will
have an option to Print report.
The controls provided in each report will allow a user to Navigate the report pages.
The report footer will display details like report version and report acronym.

2.5.3. Error Page Layout

The interface allows you to view error related details while login session is available or not.

Error Code
Error Message
Possible Solution

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3. Verification/Modification Activity by Establishment Representative

Here you will learn how to perform activities of data verification Process as an employer/establishment
representative. This section descripts the steps you need to follow to link establishment LIN and then
verify/modify data.


Linking Establishment

If you want to be a representative of any establishment currently represented by other employer, you
need to link establishment LIN. After linking establishment you can verify/modify establishment data.
The steps to start out this activity are as under 3.1.1. Link Establishment
Once you logs into the Unified Portal, left hand side menu displays the Link Establishment option.
1. Click Link Establishment, you will see Link Establishment Form.
2. Provide the details- LIN, previous representative mobile number and email id. Click on submit.
Portal sends an OTP on previous employee mobile number and a link on email id for
3. If there is no confirmation received from previous representative within stipulated time, you
have to provide the LIN and click Generate Authorisation Letter button. Take the print of letter
and send it to specified regional head.


3.1.2. View Linked Establishments

Once the LIN is linked with establishment data, you will see increase in the number of establishments
represented by you and name of your establishment in establishments list and verify data list.

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Verify/ Modify Data

It allows you to verify data for the establishments represented by you and then modify the data if
required. Modifications are verified by the regional head and then updated in the USSP.
3.2.1. Verify Establishment Data
As Establishment Representative you can update the establishment related details by selecting Verify
Data option from main menu of Unified Portal. USSP establishment data is organized in 6 forms for
verification and modification.
1. Click Verify Data, now you will see Verify Data dashboard. The Verify Data Dashboard lists the
establishments represented by you with corresponding details and modify option under
Action/Status column.
2. Click Modify option to edit the establishment data and submit it for verification.

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3.2.2. Verify/Modify Establishment Basic Information
Once you click on modify option under Action/Status field, you can verify/modify establishment data
divided in 6 forms under different categories.
Basic information is establishment data provided by an enforcement agency to generate the
establishment LIN. You can update Basic Information Form by filling fields under New Data column and
click on next option to update other related details:-

Verify/Modify Establishment Identifiers
Identifiers are the unique code given by enforcement agencies for an establishment, for e.g. Permanent
Account Number (PAN) is a code that acts as identification of person/establishments, those who pay
Income Tax issued by the Income Tax Department (EA).
Once you click next at Form 1, system displays the Identifier Form.

To update identifier value click existing value of the identifier.

To update establishment name as on identifier, click identifier name.
To delete new entry, click new under action.
To upload identifier documents, click new identifier value.
To add new identifier, click on the Add New Identifier.
Click next or previous to edit other establishment details.

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3.2.4. Verify/Modify Establishment Profile Information

Profile information is data about establishment describing its type details and other details.
Click next at Form 2, system displays the Profile Information Form as under. Update the field data under
New Data Column. When you choose Economic activity, system display new fields related to economic
activity selected:-

Verify/Modify Establishment eContacts
eContacts are establishment contact details like mobile number, email, fax, Facebook id etc.
Once you click the next on above form 3, you reach the eContacts Form as under.
1. Click on contact values to edit them.
2. Click on the create New Contact link to add new contact type.

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Fill the Add New Contact form and click save.

3.2.6. Verify/Modify Establishment Related Offices Data

Related offices are other employers associated with establishment as its head office, branch, local office
Once you click next on form 4, you land to Related Offices form.
1. Click relation to edit existing details.
2. Click Add related offices link to add new relation.

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3.2.7. Verify/Modify Establishment Principal/Contractor Data

Principal/Contractor form is for relating establishments principal, contractor or sub-contractor
Once you click next on form 5, you land to Principal Employer/ Contractor form.
1. Click relation to edit existing details.
2. Click Add related offices link to add new relation.
3. Click View & Submit button to view all the changes you have made and finally submit the
changes for verification to Regional Head.

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View/Submit Verified Form
You will see all the changes you have made at all the 6 forms.
1. Click printer icon to print the details and click the pdf icon to download the pdf.
2. Please select the declaration Checkbox provided above submit button.
3. Click submit button at the end of pdf to finally submit the details for verification.
You may submit the forms later on also at Verification dashboard by choosing the submit option under
Action/status column.

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3.2.9. Track Verification Process

You can track verification status at Verify Data Dashboard. Verification status may be modified, rejected
and verified. Click on verification status to view the remarks provided by the regional head. You can view
identifier verification status under identifier status (it may be under verification, rejected or verified).

This ends the verify/modify data activity from the establishment representative perspective.

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You need to consider below points while filling the forms at portal to validate the accuracy.

Form fields marked * are mandatory.

Special Characters not allowed except "." (Dot) and space.

Valid alphanumeric character includes special characters- Dot [.], Slash [/], At [@], Comma [,],
Hyphen [-], Brackets [(and)] and Space.

Date Validation Criteria

a. Should accept in Day, Month and Year format.
b. Day, Month and Year should be numeric.

Email- Alphanumeric, DOT, @, hyphen, underscores.

B. Send feedback
Here you can give us your feedback and suggestions which can be used as basis of improvement
and help.
1. Once you are logged into your USSP account, at the top most bar you will see the
Feedback option.

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2. Click the feedback option; you will see Feedback & Suggestion form. Fill and submit the

C. Contact us
You can also send your feedback or any queries to Shram Suvidha Portal Team at [email protected] .

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