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Non-invasive haemodynamic monitor

Device Manual


Tel. +49 - 36 77 46 29 0
Fax +49 - 36 77 46 29 29

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Medizinische Messtechnik GmbH

W.-v.-Siemens-Str. 8, D-98693 Ilmenau

niccomo Device Manual

Copyright 2008 medis. Medizinische Messtechnik GmbH, Ilmenau, Germany
Document revision 2.06

The complete documentation of the niccomo monitor consists of:

Device Manual
niccomo Software Manual

Before using the niccomo monitor read both manuals carefully and
completely to ensure that you operate the system correctly.
When you set up the monitor for the first time, check to see if it has suffered any
damage during transportation.

According to the Medical Device Directive (MDD) the niccomo

monitor belongs to class IIa and, therefore, is not intended for monitoring of vital physiological parameters, where the nature of variations is such that it could result in immediate danger to the patient.
The niccomo monitor has to be used only by or on the instructions
of a physician.
All persons using the niccomo monitor must be qualified and have
to understand the measuring method and the operation of the monitor.

If you need additional information or if you have any technical, methodical or

clinical questions please contact the manufacturer by e-mail:
[email protected]
Otherwise you can contact us as follows:
Phone +49 - 36 77 - 46 29-0

+49 - 36 77 - 46 29-29


medis. Medizinische Messtechnik GmbH

Werner-von-Siemens-Strasse 8
D-98693 Ilmenau

In the case of a request we would ask you to inform us about the serial number of
your device which you can find on the type plate on the back or bottom side of the
In case of a software request the serial number of the software is needed which
can be found in the Hardware-Info screen. Press F5-Options in the Patient data
screen and then the F1-Hardware-button.

Table of Contents


Introduction ..................................................................................................... 6
Applications ............................................................................................ 6
Precautions and limitations ..................................................................... 9
Safety requirements............................................................................... 10
Explanation of used symbols ................................................................ 12
Description of the device .............................................................................. 13
Basic device .......................................................................................... 13
Patient cable .......................................................................................... 16
Printer.................................................................................................... 17
Optional modules .................................................................................. 19
Commissioning of the device and preparing a measurement........................ 21
Application of the electrodes ................................................................ 21
Blood Pressure Measurement (NIBP)................................................... 22
Oxygen Saturation Measurement (SpO2) ............................................. 23
Maintenance, cleaning and disinfection........................................................ 24
Basic device and patient cable .............................................................. 24
Service Procedures of the optional Blood pressure module.................. 27
Servicing the SpO2 module .................................................................. 29
Technical Data .............................................................................................. 30
Measurement channels .......................................................................... 31
Scope of delivery .......................................................................................... 34
medis Standard / Extended Warranty............................................................ 35
Manufacturer guidelines and declarations .................................................... 37

1 Introduction
1.1 Applications
The niccomo monitor is a measuring system for non-invasive monitoring of
haemodynamic parameters using methods of impedance cardiography (ICG) and
impedance plethysmography (IPG).
In impedance cardiography, pulse synchronous variations of the blood flow and
volume in the thoracic aorta are determined and used for calculating different
haemodynamic parameters. More specifically, with each beat of the heart, the
volume and velocity of blood in the aorta changes. This produces a change in the
electrical resistance (impedance) of the thorax to electrical alternating current. The
change in impedance over time can be used to measure or calculate stroke volume
and several other important haemodynamic parameters. The niccomo monitor
uses four dual sensors, which are placed on the patients neck and thorax. The
most upper and lower gel pads of these sensors (the outer sensors) are used to
apply a very low constant and alternating current (1.5 mA, 86 kHz) which is imperceptible to the patient. The other four gel pads are used to receive the applied
current and ECG signal:

It is important to note that the ECG obtained and recorded by the niccomo monitor is not a standard lead. It is, however, important for the internal signal processing. If a standard ECG lead is desired, an optional ECG cable can be connected
to the monitor for this purpose.

Different terms are used interchangeably when discussing impedance cardiography, electrical bioimpedance or thoracic electrical impedance (TEB). In this
manual the term impedance cardiography or ICG is used.
The measurement of peripheral arterial pulse wave in extremities (legs, arms, head)
is based on the same principle as impedance cardiography, but it is called impedance plethysmography (IPG). Only four electrodes are used for the IPG procedure, which is also called rheography.
In the field of vascular diagnosis, the terms impedance plethysmography or rheography are also used to describe a measuring method determining the venous
blood flow or venous occlusion plethysmography (VOP). Please note, that VOP
measurements are not available on the niccomo monitor.
The niccomo monitor can be upgraded by additional modules, for example,
non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP), pulse oximetry (SpO2) or an internal database.

Impedance cardiography (ICG)

Impedance cardiography allows the measurement of following parameters:

Thoracic fluid content / inverse to thoracic basic impedance

Pre-ejection period
Left ventricular ejection time
Indexes of contractility: Velocity Index, Acceleration Index
Heart rate

Following parameters can be calculated:

Cardiac Output
Heather index
Systolic time ratio
Systemic vascular resistance (requires blood pressure value)
Left ventricular work (requires blood pressure value)

With reference to body surface area the following indexed parameters can be calculated:

Cardiac Index
Systemic vascular resistance index
Left ventricular work index

The ICG module of the niccomo monitor can be used for following clinical

Non-invasive monitoring of the above haemodynamic parameters including trend analysis

Determination and checking of the haemodynamic state of a patient including management of heart failure and hypertension therapy
Cardiologic diagnosis using haemodynamic parameters and waveform
shape analysis
Optimisation of pacemaker settings

Additional information and a detailed description of the measuring method, the

parameters, the application of impedance cardiography, and its limitations are
given in the software manual.

Impedance plethysmography (IPG)

Analysing peripheral pulse wave, impedance plethysmography allows the determination of following parameters:

Basic impedance
Pulse wave amplitude (related to basic impedance)
Slope of the pulse wave
Crest time, pulse quotient
Propagation time (related to R-wave of ECG)

The IPG module of the niccomo monitor can be used for following clinical applications:

One or two channel non-invasive monitoring of peripheral arterial blood

flow and evaluation of regional blood flow (e.g., legs (big toe, foot, lower
leg, upper leg), arms (finger, lower arm, upper arm) or head (region of A.
carotis and/or A. vertebralis))
Diagnosis of peripheral arterial diseases or blood flow disturbances by analysing the estimated pulse wave parameters and the shape of the pulse

Simultaneous ICG and IPG measurement

In the case of simultaneous ICG and IPG measurement additional clinical applications are possible:

Measurement of the pulse wave propagation time measured from the opening of the aortic valve, rather than from the R-wave

Determination of the pulse wave velocity in the aorta as a parameter for

the severity of arteriosclerotic disease
Additional information as to the haemodynamic state, describing the peripheral blood flow regulation (for example, in the case of shock)

1.2 Precautions and limitations

The niccomo-monitor allows the examination of adult patients in a resting position. The measured parameters can be used only if the ECG and ICG waveforms
have sufficient signal quality and are without artefact.
If the waveforms are of questionable quality, display the Waveform screen and
ensure that the key reference markers on the waveforms are accurately placed.
Note the hints in the Software Manual.
The method of impedance cardiography (ICG) is based on a theoretical model of
blood flow movement in the thorax (aorta). If the physiological and clinical conditions of the patient are not in accordance with the assumptions of the model, inaccuracies in the parameters may occur (see section Basics of the methods: Impedance Cardiography (ICG) in the Software Manual).
The following conditions may adversely affect the accuracy of ICG systems and
are relative contraindications for the use of ICG systems:

Septic shock
Aortic valve regurgitation and defect of septum
Severe aortic sclerosis, aortic prosthesis
Severe hypertension (MAP > 130 mmHg)
Tachycardia with a heart rate higher than 200 bpm
Patient heights below 120 cm (48) or above 230 cm (90)
Patient weights less than 30 kg (67 lbs.) or greater than 155 kg (341 lbs.)
Patient movement
Aortic balloon or aortic balloon pump
Simultaneous use of electrical cautery systems during surgical procedures

During operations on the opened thorax the current distribution can be distorted
and can lead to inaccuracies.
The niccomo monitor is not designated to monitor infants (babies) because only
insufficient experiences exist for this group of patients.
Impedance plethysmographic (IPG) measurements can be made only if a sufficient peripheral arterial blood flow (arterial pulse wave) exists. Peripheral arterial
occlusions or severe vascular sclerosis may adversely affect the accuracy of the

IPG data. Because the IPG signals are very small, IPG measurements can only be
taken while the patient is not moving.

1.3 Safety requirements

According to the Medical Device Directive (MDD) the niccomo
monitor belongs to class IIa and, therefore, is not intended for monitoring of vital physiological parameters, where the nature of variations is such that it could result in immediate danger to the patient.
The niccomo monitor has to be used only by or on the instructions
of a physician.
All persons using the niccomo monitor must be qualified and have
to understand the measuring method and the operation of the monitor.
The niccomo monitor belongs to the application class BF (Body Floating). Therefore, the sensors can be placed freely on the body surface, but a direct contact
with the heart or vessels is not allowed.
The sensors must not have a direct contact to other electrically conductive materials.
Because of hygienic reasons only disposable electrodes/sensors should be used.
Before monitoring patients with pacemakers, ensure that the function of the pacemaker cannot be influenced by the measuring current used for impedance cardiography. In the case of minute ventilation pacemakers the use of the niccomo
monitor is not allowed if the minute ventilation function of the pacemaker is activated.
If you monitor the patient when he is exposed to high-frequency current, please
consider that the signals may be disturbed because of interferences.
The cables for impedance cardiography (ICG) and ECG are protected against cardiac defibrillators.
Handle the patient cable and lead wires carefully and position them so that they do
not cross over each other or other cables or power cords to avoid signal interference.


Do not expose the cables to mechanic or thermic impact. Avoid temperatures above 40 C (100 F).
The monitor must be connected by a three-wire power cable to an electrical outlet
that has been properly installed and grounded.
The measuring unit should neither be placed on a surface which emits heat nor
exposed to direct sunlight. Never cover the ventilation slits.
The monitor is not protected against splashing water. Therefore, do not operate in
bathrooms or other areas where water damage is possible.
The monitor is protected against accidentally ingress of liquids. Nevertheless, in
case that water or other liquids ingress into the case, the monitor must be disconnected from the mains immediately.
The monitor is not protected against explosive substance. Therefore, do not use
the niccomo monitor in the presence of flammable anaesthetics or gases.
To ensure that the measurement system functions safely, do not subject it to high
levels of humidity or to strong electrical or electromagnetic interference fields.
Only cables or components specified and allowed by the manufacturer must be
used to connect to the inputs and outputs of the monitor.
The connection to an external network is prohibited if a patient is connected to the
niccomo monitor.
Other devices or components can only be connected to the monitor if they meet all
requirements of the Medical Device Directive (MDD) and the EN 60 601-1 and if
the created medical system meet all requirements of the EN 60 601-1-1.
The combination of the niccomo monitor with other medical devices is only
allowed if any harm to the patient can be excluded.
The niccomo monitor must always be kept in safe and reliable working order
and must be checked regularly.


1.4 Explanation of used symbols

Caution, consult accompanying documents!
Do not dispose with residual waste
Device type BF, Defibrillator-proofed
Device type BF
Insulation class I
Potential equalisation connector
Caution, electrostatic sensitive devices
Device Powered On
Connector for external keyboard
Network connector
Connector for external VGA-monitor
Connector for serial interface


2 Description of the device

2.1 Basic device
The front of the niccomo monitor consists of a colour TFT display with a touch
screen. Except for the operation of the main switch (7) the complete operation of
the monitor is done only by the touch screen. In the Software Manual all details
are explained.
On the top side of the monitor a printer is built in. The use of the printer is described in detail in section Printer.
The following illustration shows the left side and the right side of the device:

1. Integrated printer
2. Socket for patient cable for impedance cardiography (ICG) or impedance
plethysmography (IPG) / left side
3. Socket for patient cable for impedance plethysmography (IPG) / right side
4. Socket for patient cable for ECG
5. Socket for connection of sensor for SpO2
6. Socket for connection of cuff for NIBP
7. Mains switch


8. Fuse compartment
9. Socket for main connecting cable
10. Connectors for computer peripherals (keyboard, network, serial interface)
11. USB-sockets
12. Charge and stand-by indicator
13. Potential equalisation connector
The main switch is used to switch the device on and off, whereby the internal power supply remains connected with the main power supply (for example, to charge the optional battery), even if the monitor is switched off. The charging process
is shown by the flashing charge indicator (12) on the right side of the monitor.
When the batteries are fully charged or the device is in stand-by (if no batteries
are installed), the indicator lamp lights permanently and indicates that the device
is connected with the main power supply.
The type plate is located on the backside of the device. It lists important information about the monitor, including the value for the external fuse and the serial
number of the device. The serial number will be needed to obtain technical service
assistance and warranty repairs.
On the right hand side of the monitor connectors for computer inputs/outputs (10,
11) are located and are labelled appropriately.
The following input/outputs are available and can be used if necessary and if the
connected components meet all requirements of the Medical Device Directive
To the USB sockets several peripheral devices can be attached:


Storage media (i. e. USB sticks or USB hard discs) to export measured data.
External printer to print out reports at A4 or US-letter paper format. Please
note the instructions and safety requirements in section External printer.
A keyboard allows inputting the patient data. If the keyboard is attached
the monitor automatically updates the screen display for use with a connected keyboard.
Analog-Interface for the analogue output of calculated and measured data
for further processing.

This network connector can be connected to a 10 or 100 MBit ethernet network
using TCP/IP protocol. Please note the Safety requirements! A medical network
insulation module might be required and is available as accessory.
The serial interface of the niccomo monitor is a standard RS232 interface and
can be used for connecting additional devices, which must be supported by the
niccomo software.
All sockets necessary for connecting the monitor to the patient are located on the
left hand side of the monitor. These are the sockets for: ICG patient cable (2), IPG
patient cable (2, 3), ECG patient cable (4), SpO2 sensor (5), cuff for NIBP measurement (6). All patient cables are colour-coded as well mechanically coded.
Please note, that the mentioned sockets may only be connected to patient cables,
which are made for the niccomo monitor. The use of other cables is not allowed.
All plugs are self-locking. That means when the plug is inserted, the connection is
secured. The cables can be disconnected by only holding the outer casing of the
plug and pulling it out. Never attempt to rotate the plug while it is in the socket.
The blood pressure cuff connector can be disconnected by moving the coupling


2.2 Patient cable

The patient cables for impedance cardiography (marked with ICG) and impedance
plethysmography (marked with IPG) contain a small box, which includes a cable
splitter with integrated electronics:

On the outside of the box, two small LEDs (green and orange) display the current
function of the patient cable, as indicated below:
green orange

Description of function

The electronic part of the patient cable is not connected with the
power supply; cable is disconnected or the device is switched off

Patient cable is ready to use, but the measurement has not been

Measurement is running; sensor contact is good

Bad contact between sensors and patient: at least one lead wire is
disconnected or not properly fixed; sensors are too dry (eventually new sensors are necessary)

Insufficient contact between sensors and patient: at least one

lead wire is disconnected or not properly fixed; sensors are too
dry (new sensors are necessary)

Patient cable has power but the software cannot access the cable;
software has not been started or is not ready for measurement



LED off LED flashing LED on

The application of the sensors and the connection of patient cables are detailed
described in the software manual in sections Impedance Cardiography (ICG)
and Impedance Plethysmography (IPG).
When two patient cables for impedance plethysmography (IPG) are used for simultaneous measurement on the right and left side of the body it is important to
consider the colour coding of the patient cables (colour of the plug and the electrodes) - the yellow coded cable is for the measurement on the left hand side
and the red coded cable for the right hand side.
If only one IPG cable is being used (one channel IPG measurement, combined
ICG/IPG measurement) always use a yellow coded IPG cable. However, this
cable can be used on either side of the patients body.

2.3 Printer
Integrated strip chart printer
A thermal line printer is built into the top of the niccomo monitor. This printer
requires thermal paper with a width of 58 mm.
The button of the printer is for paper feed, but is not necessary for normal operation.
Changing paper
To open the paper box, lift the cover up by placing your
fingertip into the hole and moving the cover to the front.

Now you can open the paper box.


Put the paper in the box, paying attention to the direction

as shown in the picture, with the leading edge of the
paper coming from the bottom of the roll. The paper
must come up through the printer slot.

Press down the cover of the paper box to close it and to

fix the paper in the printer slot.

External printer
An external A4 or letter page printer can be connected to the USB-interface of the
niccomo monitor.
If the external printer is connected, all printouts are automatically sent to the external printer and the integrated strip chart printer is disabled.
To function properly, the external printer must meet the following requirements:

Compatibility to the PCL printer language

Following the requirements for medical devices according to IEC 60 601-1

Please note that through combining of the niccomo device with a printer a medical electrical system is constituted which must comply with the requirements of
IEC 60 601-1-1. It must especially be ensured that the leakage current does not
exceed safety standards (also under failure conditions).


2.4 Optional modules

The basic monitor can be expanded by the following optional modules:

Internal rechargeable battery

The niccomo monitor can be equipped with a battery pack including electronics
for battery charging and control. This option allows use of the monitor also
without an external power supply over a period of at least 30 minutes. The length
of time the niccomo may be operated on battery power depends on the device
configuration (for example, internal hard disk, NIBP, ) and the selected mode
of operation (for example, how often the blood pressure is measured).
When the batteries are being charged, the charge indicator on the right side of the
monitor (pos. (12) in section Basic device) flashes on and off. When the batteries are fully charged, the indicator lamp glows continuously, indicating that the
device is connected with the main power supply.
Please note, that generally rechargeable batteries have a limited lifetime and, therefore, must be changed periodically. For that reason we recommend a technical
check after a two-year period. When the performance of the battery pack is reduced and effects the operation time, the battery pack must be changed. When this
occurs, please contact your local distributor or medis Technical Support directly.

Hard disc / internal data base

The integrated hard disc enables storage of the patient data obtained during a monitoring session and enables an offline analysis. The optional niccomo PC
software facilitates data transfer an external PC for further evaluation or data storage

Non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP)

This module utilises the oscillometric method and a pressure cuff to obtain systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure. These data may be obtained automatically, at user-entered time intervals, or manually when activated by the user.

SpO2 module
This module allows the measurement of the oxygen saturation of the arterial blood
and the photoplethysmographic recording of the arterial pulse.


Second channel for impedance plethysmography (IPG)

Instead of the ICG cable, a second IPG cable can be connected. In this case simultaneous measurements from both sides of the body are possible.


3 Commissioning of the device

and preparing a measurement
The following steps must be taken to begin a monitoring session with the niccomo monitor:
1. The monitor should be placed near the patient and fixed in such a way that
the monitor cannot fall down if someone pulls on the cable.
2. Now the monitor must be connected with the main supply (unless the optional internal battery is included with the monitor) and switched on.
3. Depending on the parameters being measured (ICG, IPG, NIBP, SpO2),
the necessary patient cables, sensors and / or cuff must be connected to the
monitor and properly applied to the patient.
4. Before starting the monitoring session, the patient data must be entered
and the mode of measurement selected. Now the measurement and data
recording can be started. Please note the hints in the software manual
5. At the end of the measurement, go back to the Patient data screen and stop
the measurement before switching off the device and removing the sensors
and blood pressure cuff from the patient.

3.1 Application of the electrodes

The application of the sensors and the connection of ICG and IPG cables are detailed described in the software manual in sections Impedance Cardiography
(ICG) and Impedance Plethysmography (IPG).


3.2 Blood Pressure Measurement (NIBP)

It is important to select the cuff size that is appropriate to the diameter of the patient's upper arm. Use the Range Lines on the inside of the cuff to determine the
correct size cuff to use.
Wrap the cuff around the arm making sure that the Artery Marker is aligned over
the brachial artery as shown in the Figure. If possible, do not wrap the cuff over
the patient's clothing. The cuff should fit snug to the patient's arm for maximum
oscillometric signal quality. An appropriate sized cuff should be placed on the
non-dominate arm where the lower edge of the cuff is located 2 cm above the antecubital fossa (interior bend of the elbow).
Control during operation, that no long interruption of blood circulation in the current extremity occurs. Detach the cuff if necessary.

Ensure that the air hose from the monitor to the cuff is not compressed, crimped
or damaged.


3.3 Oxygen Saturation Measurement

The sensor is indicated for use for continuous or spot monitoring of non-invasive
arterial oxygen saturation monitoring.
The sensor is placed on the fingertip. The sensor should be disconnected
every 2 hours to check the blood circulation and to realign the sensor if necessary.
Applying the sensor

Select a suitable site for the sensor. The patient's first finger is the preferred location. Alternative sites recommended are the thumb, large toe, or
little finger.
Fit the sensor as illustrated. The patient's finger must be inserted right to
the end of the sensor. Direct the cable along the patient's finger and parallel to the arm. Affix with adhesive tape if required.
Connect the sensor cable to the monitor or to the patient cable and verify
proper operation.


4 Maintenance, cleaning and

4.1 Basic device and patient cable
The niccomo monitor is a self-calibrating system so that external calibration is
not necessary. The proper function of the system can be checked using a special
signal generator (part no. N1101 for ICG channel, N1102 for IPG channels).
The measurement system must always be kept in safe and reliable working order
and should be checked regularly, at least once a year. The check should cover a
function test and the measurement of leakage currents (see DIN VDE 0751).
If you discover that the measurement system is faulty and/or unsafe (for example,
if any of the lines have insulation or breakage defects), repair the system and/or
replace faulty cables immediately.
Repairs may only be carried out by persons or workshops authorised to do so by
the manufacturer. Otherwise, general liability for improperly operating the measurement system and for injury, damage and consequential damage resulting therefrom will be passed on to the operator or to the persons or workshops that have
not been expressly authorised by the manufacturer.

Replacing the external fuse

Warning! Before replacing the external fuse on the unit, disconnect the unit from
the main power supply by pulling the plug out of the wall socket.
Use only the prescribed type of fuses as replacements (see type plate). Do not use
repaired fuses or short-circuit the fuse holder. Please contact medis Technical
Service if the external fuses fail repeatedly.

Cleaning and disinfection

It is recommended to clean and to disinfect the monitor and its cables regularly.
Warning! Before cleaning or disinfecting the measuring unit, disconnect the unit
from the main power supply by pulling the plug out of the wall socket.


Clean the unit and the cables with a soft cloth. Do not use any abrasive or corrosive substances. We recommend neutral cleaning agents or disinfecting substances,
like ethanol (70 80 %), propanol (70 80 %) or aldehyde (2 4 %). Ensure
that no disinfectant gets onto the contact points of the plugs and sockets, and that
no liquid seeps into the niccomo monitor.
Caution! Never gas-sterilise the patient cables. They are covered with a PVC
shroud that can react with the gas-sterilisation procedure to form a highly toxic
ethyl nitrite. Sterilisation in an autoclave, with ultrasound or gamma rays is also
not permitted.


Calibration of the touch screen

A recalibration of the touch screen may be necessary if you touch an enabled button on the screen and:
the selected function is not activated or another function (located away from the
selected function) is activated.
you hear the normal click sound.
To calibrate the touch screen please carry out the following steps:
1. Turn off and turn on the monitor. (The calibration function can only be activated on a freshly booted device.)
2. When the patient data screen is displayed, touch the screen on a random
place and continue pressing the screen (for approximately 5 seconds) until
the calibration menu is displayed (see next picture).
3. The calibration menu will prompt you to touch every corner of the screen
display. The touched positions will be saved as the references for the following touch screen operations.


4.2 Service Procedures of the optional

Blood pressure module
Pressure Transducer Verification
International standards for automated NIBP devices require that the maximum
static pressure accuracy shall be 3 mmHg. This is a stringent requirement and all
test equipment must be in excellent working order to properly perform this test. It
is important to verify the calibration before changing it. Although experience has
shown that the transducers rarely need to be re-calibrated the annually pressure
verification is required.

Calibrated Manometer
Pneumatic "T" Adapters
Volume (500 mL bottle or regular-sized cuff wrapped around a solid object is suggested)
Hand Bulb
Connection Tubing

NOTE: Volume is added to the pneumatic system so that the user has more
control of the pressure increments when using the hand bulb. If no volume is added, it is quite easy to cause unwanted overpressure errors using the hand bulb.
1. Connect a manometer, volume and the hand bulb to the Module using "T"
2. Inflate SLOWLY when adding pressure over 200 mmHg.
3. Apply various pressures (between 0 and 280 mmHg) to the Module with
the hand bulb. Verify that the Module pressure is equal to the manometer
pressure (3 mmHg).
If the Module pressure does not agree with the manometer pressure and need to be
calibrated please contact our support.

Leak Test
International standards for automated NIBP devices require that air leakage within
the pneumatic system must not exceed 6mmHg/minute. During manufacturing
acceptable air leakage is less than 3 mmHg/minute when using a 500 mL rigid
volume. Both of these pass criteria will not affect the performance or accuracy of


the NIBP module so we suggest using the 6mmHg/minute pass criteria with a
500 mL rigid volume.

Calibrated Manometer (optional may use pressure values supplied by

NIBP module)
Pneumatic "T" Adapters
Volume (500 mL rigid bottle a blood pressure cuff is not recommended)
Hand Bulb
Connection Tubing
Timer (i.e. Stop Watch)

NOTE 1: Volume is added to the pneumatic system so that the user has more
control of the pressure increments when using the hand bulb. If no volume is added, it is quite easy to cause unwanted overpressure errors using the hand bulb.
Also leak rates are exaggerated with extremely small volumes.
NOTE 2: Blood pressure cuffs have large variations in size and materials which
can cause large amounts of variation in the leak test results. To limit this effect,
we strongly urge to only use a 500 mL rigid volume.
Test Method
1. Connect a manometer, volume and the hand bulb to the Module using "T"
2. If using a hand bulb, make sure the exhaust valve is closed.
3. Increase the pressure to approximately 250 mmHg using the hand bulb or
the pump on the module. It is difficult to slowly increase the pressure in
the pneumatic system with the pump so a hand bulb is preferred.
NOTE: When applying high pressures, take special care to increase the
pressure at a rate that will not cause unwanted overpressure errors
(300 mmHg).
4. Start the timer and wait 60 seconds for the pneumatic system to reach its
pressure equilibrium point. All pneumatic systems have some degree of
expansion and rebound which are effected by the several factors including
volume, material types and material durometers.
5. After the waiting period, record the pneumatic pressure level (P1) and wait
another 60 seconds and record the pneumatic pressure level again (P2).
NOTE: Safety circuitry on the module only allows the pressure in the
pneumatic system to remain above 10 mmHg for 180 seconds. When this
safety time limit is exceeded, the valves will open and the module will be
disabled. To reset the NIBP module, it must have the power cycled or it


needs to be set to its sleep mode and awakened. Not all NIBP module
customers have the ability to use the sleep mode.
6. Open the hand bulb valve to exhaust the air from the pneumatic system.
7. Subtract P2 from P1 and this is the leak rate per minute.

4.3 Servicing the SpO2 module

According to the standard ISO 9919, the approved pulse oximetry sensors are calibrated and evaluated against dyshemoglobin-free reference measurements,
which were determined from CO oximeter data and do not contain saturation
components of the hemoglobin fractions SaCO and SaMet. With these values, the
functional and fractional O2 saturation are identical. Using this method, the reference data falsification, caused by dysfunctional Hb fractions, which occurs often
with smokers, is eliminated for the most part.
Regarding to the standard ISO 9919 the calibration for the authorised sensors is
carried out with a dysfunctional haemoglobin free reference method which consists of no SaCO and SaMet fractions. Because of this the functional and the fractional O2-saturation is the same. With this method inaccuracies with dysfunctional
Hb-fractions (e.g. smokers) can mostly be avoided.
With the help of this data the SpO2-modul is calibrated in the rage of
70 %100 % SpO2. Servicing or recalibration is not necessary.

Function Check
If the module detects an error or non-allowed states, these are reported. The module should be given a function check at least once a year or if malfunctioning is
suspected. A function test should be carried out with a finger sensor within the
normal saturation range (95 %98 % SpO2). Alternatively, a simulation device
(e.g. BIO-TEK Index 2 or METRON deag) can be used for the saturation range
from 70 %99 % SpO2 and for a pulse frequency range from 45 bpm250 bpm.
Please note that this function check can not be used to verify the accuracy of the


5 Technical Data


Mains Supply

90 260 V AC

Supply frequency

50/60 Hz

Power input

< 60 VA

Battery (optional)

internal NiMH-rechargeable batteries

Capacity > 30 min

Fuses external

2 x T 1.0 A

Electrical safety

IEC 601-1 (EN 60 601-1)

MDD class IIa
Insulation class I
Classification for patient protection BF

Electromagnetic compatibility

EN 55011 - class A
EN 60601-1-2

Insulation voltage

Patient - Main supply: 4 kVeff ; 1 min;

50 Hz
Patient - Signal I/O: > 1.5 kVeff ; 1 min;
50 Hz


10.4 TFT-Colour
640 x 480 Pixel, Touch screen

Dimensions (W x H x D)

290 x 320 x 140 mm


(approx. 5 kg (with battery pack))

Signal I/O

Serial-I/O serial interface, RS232

USB interface
Network 10/100MBit Ethernet, 100Base2
Keyboard input for external keyboard PS/2
or USB

Operating conditions

Temperature: 10 40 C
Humidity: 30 75 %

5.1 Measurement channels

ICG (Impedance Cardiography)
Measuring principle

defibrillator safe


4 medis-Z-TECT disposable sensors

(solid gel)

Measuring current

1.5 mAeff; 85 kHz; Sinus

Basic impedance

0 60 ; 0 0.2 Hz

Pulse wave

1 ; 0.2 100 Hz

IPG (impedance plethysmography)

Measuring principle



4 standard solid-gel disposable ECGelectrodes

Measuring current

1.5 mAeff; 85 kHz; Sinus

Basic impedance

0 200 ; 0 0.2 Hz

Pulse wave

500 m; 0.2 15 Hz

Max. input voltage

10 mV AC voltage
defibrillator safe

Frequency range

0.8 160 Hz

Common mode rejection


> 90 dB

Noise voltage

< 10 V


NIBP (non-invasive blood pressure)

Measuring principle

oscillometric with arm cuff


systolic and diastolic pressure, arterial

mean pressure (MAP)


0 280 mmHg

Transducer accuracy

3 mmHg

Patient safety
Max. cuff inflation time

75 s

Max. BP reading time

130 s (Adult mode)

90 s (Pediatric mode)

Redundant safety
Max. cuff pressure

300 mmHg

Max. time with inflated cuff 180 s

SpO2 (pulse oximetry)

Measuring principle

pulse oximeter with photoelectrical sensor

Measuring range SpO2

50 100 %

Accuracy SpO2

1.5 % at SpO2 > 85 %

2.0 % at 75 % < SpO2 < 85 %
3.0 % at 50 % < SpO2 < 55 %

Influences on accuracy
The following factor may negatively influence the accuracy of the SpO2-module:


Ambient light

A normal amount of ambient light on the sensor can be

compensated by the system. Strong or fluctuating ambient
light (e.g. direct sunlight or OR lamps) can falsify measurements.

Motion artifacts

The system checks for motion artifacts, and suppresses

them for the most part with various algorithms, and indicates when they get too high. Still, false data due to motion


artifacts cant be ruled out (especially ones of long duration).

Dysfunctional hemoglobin, intravascular dyes

If the concentration of dysfunctional hemoglobin is too

high, the measurement can indicate a normal result,
although the patient is hypoxic, since less hemoglobin is
available to transport oxygen. In such cases, a pulse oximeter, which uses two wavelengths to measure the functional
oxygen saturation (like the niccomo-monitor), cannot be
used. Intravascular dyes, such as methylene blue, indocyanine green or other dyes, falsify the measurement dramatically.

Pulsation strength

The pulsation strength (and therefore the oxygen saturation)

is negatively influenced by the use of blood pressure cuffs
or arterial catheters, arterial occlusion or if the sensor is
applied too tightly.
Venous pulsation or defibrillation can also falsify the measurement.

interference immunity

The SpO2-module is not suitable for operation near MRI,

NMR or x-ray machines.

Time intervals of data update

First reaction
Final value reached after
First displayed
value after application


Accuracy / Comments

approx. 2 s Measured at desaturation / resaturation between

96 % and 84 % SpO2 under favorable measurement conditions. The values can be extended by a
approx. 8 s bad pulsation strength or motion artifacts.

36 s

Measured at default settings. The worse the measurement conditions, the less reliable the first
displayed value.


6 Scope of delivery
To the scope of delivery of the niccomo -monitor the following components

Measuring device niccomo monitor

Power cord
ICG Patient cable
5 rolls thermal paper
niccomo Device Manual
niccomo Software Manual

Depending from selected device options the following components are delivered:

NIBP-Cuff (normal size)

SpO2 finger sensor
IPG patient cable
2nd IPG patient cable (for left and right IPG channel)
CD-ROM with the niccomo software

Accessories and und expendable items


medis-Z-TECT sensors (part number N1201)

Blood pressure cuffs for the following arm circumferences:
o 23 33 cm (Adult, N1304-1)
o 31 40 cm (Large Adult, N1304-2)
o 17 25 cm (Small Adult, N1304-3)
o 38 50 cm (Thigh, N1304-4)
o 8 13 cm (Infant, N1304-5)
o 12 19 cm (Child, N1304-6)
Cuff hose (N1304-7)
Thermal paper for the integrated strip chart printer (N1308)
ICG / IPG simulator for function control of the measuring system (N1104)
Medical network insulation module (N1107)
Digital to Analog converter for analogue output of the signals

7 medis Standard / Extended

medis Medizinische Messtechnik GmbH (medis) warrants that the niccomo
monitor or CardioScreen ICG System (System) and the System Software
(Software) shall be free from errors / defects in materials, workmanship, and
programming that cause the System not to function in accordance with the accompanying written specifications provided with the System at the time of installation. medis will provide this Standard Warranty on each System for a period of
thirteen (13) months from the original medis invoice date. This Standard Warranty
shall exclude the System external patient cable(s) and (if applicable) the external
inflatable blood pressure cuff(s), hose(s) and sensors, which shall be covered under warranty for ninety (90) days from the original medis invoice date. medis
and/or its Distributors liability and obligation, and the End Users sole remedy
shall be, at medis option, to either repair or replace software and/or System or
any part thereof. It is the responsibility of the End User to notify medis or medis
Distributor (if medis requests the End User to notify its Distributor) by telephone
or in writing of any problem experienced by the End User within the thirteen (13)
month Standard Warranty Period and no later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the warranty period. This Standard Warranty does NOT apply to dual
sensors, fuses, ink cartridges or other consumable or disposable items that are
used in conjunction with the System.
An Extended Warranty is available for sale, which provides the same warranty
coverage as the Standard Warranty in twelve (12) month increments. Under Extended Warranty, the System external patient cable(s) and (if applicable) external
inflatable blood pressure cuff(s) and hose(s) are not covered.

Standard / Extended Warranty Coverage:

Customer / Technical Support is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.

to 5 p.m. German Time, at +49 - 36 77 - 46 29 - 0.
medis will repair or replace any components of the System that cause the
System to not function in accordance with the written materials provided
with the System at time of sale.
medis will provide free shipping and freight charges for warranty repairs
performed at medis or a medis Authorised Service Centre.
medis will provide subsequent operational software upgrade disks and installation instructions at no charge to the customer.


Standard / Extended Warranty Service is void if:

The System and/or Software has been maintained, repaired, modified or

altered by any person other than an authorised medis representative or
without prior approval from an authorised medis representative.
The System and/or Software has not been properly operated or maintained
in accordance with medis then applicable written operating and maintenance manuals.
The configuration of the System and/or Software has been altered by, but
not limited to, the addition of any other computer software to the System.
The failure of the System and/or Software has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication.
Note: There are no user-serviceable components in the niccomo monitor
or CardioScreen ICG system.

All units must be returned to medis or a medis Authorised Service Centre for repair or replacement.
medis does not warrant (either expressed or implied) the correctness or validity of any output information or data provided by the System, including, but
not limited to, any information relating to any medical diagnosis/treatment
or to the health and safety needs of patients. medis does not warrant that any
output of the System will meet the standards or requirements of the End Users medical practice. End User expressly acknowledges that End User is
solely responsible for verifying that any results produced by the System are
free from error and suitable for the applications for which they are to be used.
medis and its authorised Distributors shall not be liable for any special, incidental,
indirect or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the
System. Under no circumstances shall medis and its Distributors liability under
this Limited Warranty exceed the purchase price of the System and/or Software
paid by the End User.


8 Manufacturer guidelines and

Electromagnetic emissions
The niccomo monitor is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment
The customer or the user of the niccomo monitor should assure that it is used in
such an environment.
Emissions test


RF emissions

Class A

Harmonic emissions
IEC 61000-3-2

Class A

Electromagnetic environment
The niccomo monitor is suitable for use
in all establishments other than domestic
establishments and those directly connected
to the public low-voltage power supply
network that supplies buildings used for
domestic purposes.

Voltage fluctuations/flicker emissions Complies

IEC 61000-3-3

Electromagnetic immunity
The niccomo monitor is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment
The customer or the user of the niccomo monitor should assure that it is used in
such an environment.

Electromagnetic environment

6kV contact 6kV contact
discharge (ESD)
8kV air
8kV air
IEC 61000-4-2

Floors should be wood, concrete

or ceramic tile. If floors are covered with synthetic material
the relative humidity should be
at least 30 %.

Immunity test

Electrical fast
transient / burst
IEC 61000-4-4

IEC 60601
test level

2kV for
power supply
1kV for

2kV for
power supply
1kV for

Mains power quality should be

that of a typical commercial or
hospital environment.


IEC 61000-4-5

Voltage dips,
short interruptions and voltage
variations on
power supply
input lines
IEC 61000-4-11

1kV differential mode

2kV common mode

1kV differential mode

2kV common mode

(>95% dip in
UT) for

(>95% dip in
UT) for

(60% dip in
UT) for 5

(60% dip in
UT) for 5

(30% dip in
UT) for 25

(30% dip in
UT) for 25

Mains power quality should be

that of a typical commercial or
hospital environment.

Mains power quality should be

that of a typical commercial or
hospital environment. If the user
of the niccomo monitor requires continued operation during power mains interruptions,
it is recommended that the niccomo monitor be powered
from an uninterruptible power
supply or a battery.

UT <5%
(>95% dip in (>95% dip in
UT) for 5s
UT) for 5s
Power frequency (50 Hz)
magnetic field
IEC 61000-4-8

3 A/m

3 A/m

Power frequency magnetic

fields should be at levels characteristics of a typical location
in a typical commercial or hospital environment.

NOTE: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.


Electromagnetic immunity
The niccomo monitor is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment
The customer or the user of the niccomo monitor should assure that it is used in
such an environment.



Electromagnetic environment
Portable and mobile RF communications
equipment should be used no closer to any
part of the niccomo monitor, including
cables, than the recommended separation
distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance:
d=3,5 P


3 Vrms
kHz to
1 Vrms
3 V/m 1 V/m
MHz to

d=3,5 P for 80 MHz to 800MHz

d=7 P for 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
Where P is the maximum output power
rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d
is the recommended separation distance in
Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters,
as determined by an electromagnetic site
survey, should be less than the compliance
level in each frequency range, Interference
may occur in the vicinity of equipment
marked with the following symbol:


NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio
broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To
assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the
location in which the niccomo monitor is used exceeds the applicable RF
compliance level above, the niccomo monitor should be observed to verify
normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may
be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating the niccomo monitor.
Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than
1 V/m.


Recommended separation distances

Recommended Separation Distances Between Portable and Mobile RF Communications Equipment and the niccomo monitor
The niccomo monitor is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment in
which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the
niccomo monitor can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining
a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment
(transmitters) and the niccomo monitor as recommended below, according to
the maximum output of the communications equipment.
Separation distance according to frequency
of transmitter
in meters
Rated maximum output power of transmitter

150 kHz to
80 MHz
d = 3,5 P

80 MHz to
800 MHz
d = 3,5 P

800 MHz to
2,5 GHz
d = 7 P



















For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in meters (m) can be estimated using the equation
applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output
power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.


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