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Stern Stewart Research

Volume 3 Issue 6 May 2001

The Americas

One Way to Close

the Oil Industrys
Credibility Gap:
John McCormack
(212) 261-0740
[email protected]

Hedge PDP Production and

Buy Back Stock

Arthur L. Smith, CFA,

John S. Herold, Inc.
Aliza C. Fan,
John S. Herold, Inc.

The market values of North American E&P companies have failed to

increase in proportion to commodity prices over the past year and a half. A
joint study performed by Stern Stewart and John S. Herold concluded that
many firms are trading at a significant discount to the intrinsic value of their
proven hydrocarbon reserves.
These valuations reflect a serious managerial credibility gap. Implicitly,
the market believes managers will waste much of the cash flow that these
reserves will generate. John McCormack of Stern Stewart explains that the
logical solution is for companies to commit to paying out todays high future
cash flows to shareholders now. Stern Stewart and Herold postulate that oil
and gas managers could execute a three-cornered strategy:
Price hedge volumes from proved developed producing reserves
Borrow against the present value of those certain future cash flows
Return that cash in the most tax efficient manner to their shareholders by
repurchasing shares
Consultant Stern Stewart & Co. and independent energy research firm, John
S. Herold, Inc. collaborated on this research analysis.

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E&P market valuations

have not kept up with oil
and gas forward prices
over the last year and a

The oil and gas industry, and the exploration and production (E&P) sector in particular, has been
blessed by the significant strength in hydrocarbon wellhead prices over the past two years.
While most E&P shares have enjoyed impressive market appreciation from the low point of
April 1999, they have lagged the even more robust performance of the two commodities natural gas and oil (See Chart S&P E&P index relative to commodity prices). Taking into consideration the mild backwardation in oil and gas futures prices (the forward markets indicate
commodity prices are expected to drift lower by roughly 10%-15% from current spot levels of
$27 per barrel and $5.00 per MMBtu in the future), E&P equities seem quite cheap. Arguably,
many pure E&Pcompanies especially North American natural gas producers -- are trading at
less the intrinsic value they offer based on the futures market. Energy executives are teased by
the strip.

The industry has a history

of wasting windfall cashflows resulting from
jumps in hydrocarbon
Source: Herold analysis, Bloomberg
Why are E&P shares so undervalued? Oil companies have a depressing history of wasting free
cash flows at the top of the commodity cycle. Flush with cash flow from commodity windfalls,
oil executives have historically spent this largesse overpaying for acquisitions (surely, size of
enterprise rather than wealth creation has been the primary driver of executive compensation)
and on dubious growth or exploration schemes.
Also, E&P companies have had a poor track record of spending capital wisely amid strong commodity prices. For example, the short-lived drilling boom in 1997 resulted in a spike in finding and development costs (Herolds analysis found that average FDC in 1998 among large
domestic E&P companies were an eye-popping $10.53/boe). Similarly, prices paid for acquisitions of producing oil and gas properties spike during periods of strong wellhead values;
Herolds M&A Transaction Review chronicled a dramatic doubling of the implied value of

Copyright 2001 John S. Herold, Inc. All rights reserved. Herold Industry Insights is published by John
S. Herold, Inc., 14 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT 06851, USA for the exclusive use of its clients.
Reproduction of this report, even for internal distribution, is strictly prohibited. The information in this
report has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither its accuracy and completeness, nor the opinions based thereon are guaranteed. From time to time this firm and/or its officers may
have long or short positions in the securities mentioned. If you have any questions regarding the contents
of this report, contact John S. Herold, Inc. at (203) 847-3344.

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reserves acquired in North America in the first quarter of 2001 compared with year-ago levels.
(See Chart below) Herold analysts gauge Shell Oils spurned $55 per share offer for Barrett
Resources as equivalent to $9.00 per proved boe Mcfe of reserves ($1.50 per Mcfe ).

Increasing drilling costs

are reminiscent of prior
cycles in which bust eventually follows boom.

Total North American Implied Reserve Value $/boe







2Q '00

3Q '00

4Q '00



1Q '00

1Q '01

Source: Herold M&A Database

A managerial credibility
gap has emerged between
intrinsic values and
market values.

In the wake of the sharp rebound of drilling activity from the depressed 1998 1999 period, preliminary 2000 data indicate finding costs are creeping up again. With nearly all E&P companies
planning to raise spending, Herold expects that North American finding costs will surge again in
2001. Anecdotal evidence from Houstons Louisiana Street points to a 30-35% advance in
drilling and completion costs this year. Thats right, spend 35% more for the same level of
activity as last year.
The boom/bust track record of the petroleum sector over the past two decades continues to haunt
oil executives. Only a handful of E&Pcompanies have managed to create wealth for their shareholders, (i.e. a better than 10% Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for investors on common shares
over the 1980s and 1990s). Consequently, despite the solid profitability of E&P companies of
late, Wall Street investors are taking a cautious even cynical approach to the sector. This
should be no surprise. If investors reasonably expect a large amount of future cash flows to be
squandered, they will heavily discount the present value of future cash flows in E&P company
valuations which has precisely been the case.
What can be done to close this so-called value and credibility gap? Herold and Stern Stewart
have concluded that one logical answer would be for E&P companies to commit to paying out
todays high future cash flows to shareholders now. By paying out cash windfalls to shareholders in a tax-efficient manner, companies can create tremendous wealth for shareholders, while
holding on to the upside of future growth and development opportunities. To accomplish this,
management could execute a three-cornered strategy:
Price hedge those volumes from the proven, developed, producing (i.e. PDP) layers;
Borrow against the present value of those now certain future cash flows and, finally;
Return that cash in the most tax-efficient manner to their shareholders by repurchasing shares.

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E&P companies can

enhance managerial credibility and reward shareholders with a threepronged strategy.

Not all reserve value layers lend themselves to such monetization strategies. Reserves that are
both hedgible and monetizable are generally Proved Developed Producing (PDP) reserves
(i.e. with established production decline curves and therefore relatively little volume risk) in
politically stable environments such as North America and Europe. To a certain extent, Proved
Undeveloped (PUD), Probable and Possible reserves are valued by the stock market, but these
reserves are too soft to be used aggressively as collateral in issuing debt securities. Reserves
in riskier third world countries also have equity market value but cannot be monetized nearly to
the same extent as hedged reserves in the more developed nations.
We refer to the hedgible and monetizable reserves of North American E&P companies as the
hard value layers (HVL). North American companies also possess another tier of semi-hard
layers of proven, undeveloped reserves (PUD) which are partially hedgible and monetiziable.
Beyond this are soft-layers of generally non-hedgible/monetizable reserves (e.g. exploratory
real options). The soft layers should continue to be funded with equity.
To identify upstream companies that would be best served to hedge PDP production, we sorted
through our database and ranked a group of 15 companies by HVL to Enterprise Value (EV).
E&P companies with higher ratios indicate that the present value of their PDP reserves exceeds
their EV. (We used PDP reserves from U.S. and Canada only in our valuation of HVLs.) Our
analysis assumes that 12/31/00 PDP reserves were the same as those in 12/31/99. The adjusted
EV deducts JSHs 1999 valuation of non-North American reserves, since they arent considered
hedgible and monetizable. Also, our 10-year oil and natural gas price assumptions do not
account for hedges already in place.

Hard-value layers are

the key to executing the
1. Hedge prices
2. Monetize via borrowing
3. Repurchase shares

Companies with a HVL/EV ratio or one or greater -- Burlington Resources, Cabot Oil & Gas,
Berry Petroleum, Pioneer Natural Resources, Belco O&G, PanCanadian, Louis Dreyfus
Canadian Hunter and EOG -- are the best candidates to implement the three-pronged strategy
outlined above. Theoretically, these companies could hedge all of their production from PDP
reserves, then use cash proceeds to buy back all outstanding shares (effectively taking the companies private), and pay down all their debt. Afterwards, these companies could focus on turning their PUDs and undeveloped leasehold assets in producing assets with the money left over.
Burlington Resources tops the list of companies that could implement this strategy. BR has an
estimated HVL/EV of 1.4, which means the imputed present value of its PDP reserves is valued
at a 40% premium to its Enterprise Value. Burlington Resources also has the highest estimated
remaining EV of more than $4 billion, or the level by which its present value PDP reserves

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exceeds Enterprise Value. Cabot Oil & Gas also has a HVL/EV ratio of 1.4 times, which translates to $405MM in Remaining EV. It would also be a smart move for oil producer Berry
Petroleum to hedge all of its PDP production, as its HVL value is trading at a 40% premium to
its Enterprise Value. PanCanadian would have $1.4 billion left over after buying back shares
and paying back debt.

Companies with high

HVL to MV ratios are
especially well-positioned
to exploit the strategy.

Companies with high

HVL to MV ratios are
especially well-positioned
to exploit the strategy.

A low HVL/EV ranking does not mean that an E&P company would not benefit from the PDP
forward sale strategy. Rather, a lower ratio indicates that the stock market may have already
applied a premium to the share price in anticipation of successful exploration drilling, or other
factors, above and beyond the value of their HVLs. Moreover, since the objective is building
per share value, share repurchases funded by the PDP kitty would concentrate more value
in the hands of shareholders focused on the drilling and new resource development function.
We emphasize that with any valuation approach, however sound the theory, there may be pitfalls
in the actual implementation. First, we have applied a recent forward market 10-year oil and natural gas strip to our valuation of PDP reserves. We realize that it would be difficult, if not
impossible, to hedge 100% of production from PDP reserves over the next ten years. A more
realistic hedging program could entail 75% of PDP production in the forward three-to-five years
and 50% thereafter. Secondly, even if it is feasible to lock in prices for 10 years of future production, we realize that plowing all of the cash flow into share buybacks will expose the firm to
potential financial distress* (a not uncommon problem in this industry). Thirdly, if commodity
prices weaken further (both oil and natural gas have declined appreciably from their recent
peaks), the valuation of PDP reserves (which assumes relatively high natural gas prices compared with historical levels) will be overstated in our estimates. Finally, transportation differentials, a.k.a. basis, especially for natural gas, are a particularly difficult issue. While todays
tight demand market for natural gas has led to a narrowing in regional transportation differentials, basis is subject to great volatility that must be recognized and taken into account.
Returning cash via share repurchases appears to make the most sense under the U.S. tax regime,
especially for E&P companies whose shares are relatively undervalued. The realities of corporate taxation make paying out cash dividends over time prohibitively expensive. While interest
payments on debt are paid out of pre-tax cash flows, dividends must come out of after-tax cash
flows. Furthermore, individual shareholders must pay personal income taxes (at graduated, ordinary income, rates) on common and preferred dividends received. Gains from selling shares
back to the firm are taxed at the lower (currently 20%) long-term capital gains tax rate (if held
more than one year) and then only on the gain rather than on the entire amount.
To summarize, North American E&P companies faced with the dilemma of undervalued equities relative to the future value of reserves should consider hedging the value of their PDP
reserves, and returning the cash to shareholders via stock buybacks.
For further information, contact John McCormack at Stern Stewart & Co. (212) 261-0600 or
Arthur L. Smith (713) 651-1399 and Aliza C. Fan (203) 847-3344 of John S. Herold, Inc.

*On the other hand, Harvards Michael Jensen, a proponent of financial engineering and leveraged buyouts, has argued the merits of the discipline of debt.

Past Issues
Why So Many Dotcoms Failed
M&A: Why Most Winners Lose
The Equity Risk Measurement Handbook
EVA & Strategy II: Value-Based Strategic Portfolio Management
Herman Miller: Growth in the New Economy
Best of Times, Worst of Times
The New Math 4>8
IT Outsourcing & Shareholder Value
EVA & Production Strategy: Jonah is Back!
Compensation Strategy for the New Economy Age
EVA & Strategy
Internet Valuation
Applications in Real Options & Value Based Strategy
ABC, the Balanced Scorecard & EVA
The Value of R&D
The Capitalist Manifesto
Lessons from Gorbachev
U.K. Remuneration Practices

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