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Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) is considered a leading contender to serve as the next chairman of the
Democratic National Committee. Before an announcement was even made, Ellisons candidacy
secured the backing of Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), outgoing Senate
Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (DMA). Ellison is considered one of the most prominent liberals in Congress and has said he was
inspired by the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. Ellison has a record of extreme statements
and positions, including co-sponsoring a 2007 bill to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney,
comparing the 9/11 terrorist attacks to the Reichstag fire that Adolf Hitler used to seize power, and
anti-Israel rhetoric, including advocacy of the position that there is an Israeli occupation of the
Palestinian state. Ellison is also a stanch supporter of the Iran nuclear deal.


Rep. Ellison Has The Backing Of Sens. Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth
Warren And Harry Reid For Chairman Of The Democratic National Committee
Ellison Is A Leading Contender To Serve As The Next Chairman Of The Democratic
National Committee. Donald Trump will be in the Oval Office in January, and Republicans will
have full control of Congress. Rep. Keith Ellison an African-American Muslim from Minnesota
thinks he can change that. Ellison, a 53-year-old five-term House member, is already running
although not yet officially to become the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
(John Bresnahan and Daniel Strauss, The Man Hoping To Counter President Trump, Politico, 11/13/16)

Ellison Is Co-Chair Of The Congressional Progressive Caucus. The Congressional

Progressive Caucus has changed considerably since its founding in 1991, but its core mission has
remained the same: to advance a decidedly liberal Democratic agenda in Congress. That agenda
hasnt always been the same, and the caucus hasnt always been effective at advancing it. But CPC
members, aides, political consultants, and activists overwhelmingly agree that now, under the
leadership of Ellison and his co-chair, Raul Grijalva of Arizona, the CPC is more effective than
ever. (Sam Brodey, How Keith Ellison Made The Congressional Progressive Caucus Into A Political Force That Matters, MinnPost, 7/21/15)

Rep. Ellison Sits On The House Financial Services Committee And The House
Democratic Steering Committee, Which Determines The Partys Platform And
Committee Assignments. He Also Serves As A Chief Deputy Whip For Rep. Steny
Hoyer, The Democratic Whip. (About, Congressman Keith Ellison, Accessed 11/14/16)

Ellisons Candidacy For Chairman Of The Democratic National Committee Already Has
The Backing Of Incoming Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT), And Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). Donald Trump will be in the
Oval Office in January, and Republicans will have full control of Congress. Rep. Keith Ellison an
African-American Muslim from Minnesota thinks he can change that. Ellison, a 53-year-old fiveterm House member, is already running although not yet officially to become the next chairman
of the Democratic National Committee. Hes been endorsed by incoming Senate Democratic Leader
Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.). Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said it
would terrific if Ellison got the job. Other Hill Democrats are lining up behind him, and an online
petition supporting his candidacy already has garnered more than 8,000 signatures. (John Bresnahan and
Daniel Strauss, The Man Hoping To Counter President Trump, Politico, 11/13/16)

The Retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) Has Also Endorsed Ellison
In A Statement. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid endorsed Rep. Keith Ellison for
Democratic National Committee chairman. My friend Keith Ellison is a terrific leader and a strong
progressive who knows how to get things done. Now is the time for new thinking and a fresh start

at the DNC. Now is the time for Keith, the retiring Nevada Democratic senator said in a statement
provided to POLITICO on Sunday. (Daniel Strauss, Reid Endorses Ellison For DNC Chairman, Politico, 11/13/16)

Reid: Ellison Is A Strong Progressive Now Is The Time For New Thinking And
A Fresh Start At The DNC. Now Is The Time For Keith. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.)
picked up another high-profile supporter on Sunday in his expected bid to become the next
chairman of the Democratic National Committee: outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid
(D-Nev.). My friend Keith Ellison is a terrific leader and a strong progressive who knows how to
get things done, Reid said in a statement. Now is the time for new thinking and a fresh start at the
DNC. Now is the time for Keith. (John Wagner, Keith Ellison Picks Up Backing Of Harry Reid In Race For Next DNC Chairman,
The Washington Post, 11/13/16)

Ellison: The Leftist Congressman

Ellison Has Been A Leading Liberal Voice And Is A Favorite Among Liberal Advocacy
Groups And Lawmakers
Politicos Kenneth Vogel: Ellison Has Been A Leading Liberal Voice For A Form Of
Economic Populism ... Ellison, who is scheduled to speak on a Monday afternoon panel at the
DA meeting on the challenge Democrats face in winning working-class votes, has been a leading
liberal voice for a form of economic populism that Trump at times channeled more than Clinton.
(Kenneth Vogel, Soros Bands With Donors To Resist Trump, Take Back Power, Politico, 11/14/16)

Vogel: As Liberals Look To Rebuild The Post-Clinton Democratic Party On A More

Aggressively Liberal Bearing, Ellison Has Emerged As A Top Candidate To Take Over
The Democratic National Committee As liberals look to rebuild the post-Clinton
Democratic Party on a more aggressively liberal bearing, Ellison has emerged as a top candidate to
take over the Democratic National Committee, and he figures to be in high demand at the DA
meeting. An Ellison spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sunday
evening. Nor did a Trump spokesman. (Kenneth Vogel, Soros Bands With Donors To Resist Trump, Take Back Power,
Politico, 11/14/16)

Politicos John Bresnahan And Daniel Strauss: As Co-Chairman Of The Progressive

Caucus, Ellison Has Pushed Policies Strongly Backed By The Left As co-chairman of
the Progressive Caucus, Ellison has pushed policies strongly backed by the left (some of which overlap
with Trump's) reworking major trade deals to benefit American workers, a $1 trillion infrastructure
package, protecting entitlement programs, raising taxes on richer Americans, universal health care,
stronger environmental protection, drastic cuts in defense spending, background checks for gun sales
and a big boost in health and welfare programs. (John Bresnahan and Daniel Strauss, The Man Hoping To Counter President
Trump, Politico, 11/13/16)

The Washington Posts John Wagner: Ellison Is A Favorite For The Position Among
Liberal Advocacy Groups And Lawmakers, Including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
Ellison is a favorite for the position among liberal advocacy groups and lawmakers, including Sen.
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the runner-up in this year's Democratic presidential primaries. Reid's backing
is the latest sign that support for Ellison is broad. Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), Reid's likely
successor, endorsed Ellison for the job on Friday. (John Wagner, Keith Ellison Picks Up Backing Of Harry Reid In Race For
Next DNC Chairman, The Washington Post, 11/13/16)

Ellison Defended The Occupy Wall Street Protests And Said He Was Inspired By The
In An October 2011 Huffington Post Op-Ed, Ellison Wrote, Occupy Wall Streets Anger
Is Justified, And Washington Bears Significant Responsibility For Letting Wall Street
Run Wild Before And During The Crisis. Occupy Wall Streets anger is justified, and
Washington bears significant responsibility for letting Wall Street run wild before and during the
crisis. But we in Washington should not pretend we are part of the movement or that it is directed

toward one party. We must avoid acting as usual, which means talking instead of listening. If we really
listen to the Occupy activists we will learn that regular Americans are fed up that Wall Street was not
held accountable for the economic debacle they triggered. Regular Americans are frustrated by
continued income disparities and the inability of Congress to invest in jobs. (Rep. Keith Ellison, Op-Ed, Occupy
Wall Streets Real Demands, The Huffington Post, 10/13/11)

In An October 2011 Statement, Ellison And Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chair

Rep. Ral Grijalva (D-AZ) Said They Were Inspired By Occupy Wall Street And That
They Share The Anger And Frustration Of So Many Americans Who Have Seen The
Enormous Toll That An Unchecked Wall Street Has Taken On The Overwhelming
Majority Of Americans While Benefitting The Super Wealthy. The co-chairs of the
Congressional Progressive Caucus, Reps. Ral M. Grijalva of Arizona and Keith Ellison of Minnesota
issued a statement as well: We have been inspired by the growing grassroots movements on Wall
Street and across the country. We share the anger and frustration of so many Americans who have
seen the enormous toll that an unchecked Wall Street has taken on the overwhelming majority of
Americans while benefitting the super wealthy. We join the calls for corporate accountability and
expanded middle-class opportunity. Throughout the summer, CPC Members listened to Americans
nationwide describe how it feels to be on the wrong side of the wall between the rich and the rest of
us. During the Speakout for Good Jobs Now! tour in New York City, Detroit, Milwaukee, Oakland,
Minneapolis, Miami and Seattle, we heard compelling stories of Americans struggling to live the
American dream while CEO's and the super rich were given more taxpayer handouts. We stand with
the American people as they demand corporate accountability and we support their use of peaceful
means to improve America. (Frank James, Capitol Hill Democrats Show Solidarity With Occupy Wall Street Protesters, NPR, 10/5/11)

Ellison Was Critical Of Media Coverage Of The Superdelegate Gap

Between Clinton And Sanders
In A March 2016 Interview, Ellison Argued That The Medias Coverage Of The
Superdelegate Gap Between Clinton And Sanders Gave The Impression That The Gap
Is Much Bigger Than It Really Is Between The Delegates
VIDEO: During A March 2016 Interview With CNNs Chris Cuomo, Ellison Took Issue
With The Medias Coverage Of The Superdelegate Gap Between Bernie Sanders And
Hillary Clinton. CNNS CHRIS CUOMO: So, when you're thinking about Bernie Sanders, the
delegate count right now, we can throw it up for the audience, combined pledged and those super
delegates, they count also, yawning gap. 1074 to 426. What does that mean for the way forward?
KEITH ELLISON: Well, Chris, I wish you guys wouldnt set up the numbers that way. They're not
accurate. The fact is that the super delegates and the pledged delegates are different. The supers can
vote for whomever they want. And I guarantee you that at the convention the super delegates will not
take away a victory from whoever has more pledge delegates because they know that would wreck the
Democratic party. But you know, with -- if you just compare Sanders to Clinton on pledge delegates,
they're actually pretty close then -- I think that this is a gap that certainly can be closed. But Chris,
that's not even the main point. (CNNs New Day, 3/3/16)
VIDEO: Ellison Argued That The Medias Portrayal Of The Numbers Gave Viewers The
Impression That The Gap Is Much Bigger Than It Really Is Between The Delegates.
CNNS CHRIS CUOMO: But let's just - absolutely, but also let's just be very clear here because we
don't want any suggestion of it being unfair. KEITH ELLISON: Right. CUOMO: First of all, it's a
big gap between regular delegates also, pledge delegates, 600 to 400 basically. And nobody is saying
that super delegates are going to take the race. Everybody wants to win with the pledge delegates.
ELLISON: Right. CUOMO: But super delegates count. They count, Congressman. ELLISON: But
when - but when - but when they're presented as, you know, this - this - when -- when you add the
supers in, it gives the viewer an impression that the gap is much bigger than it really is between the
delegates that really count, who are the pledge delegates. So I humbly request they be broken out.

CUOMO: They all count, though, Congressman. They all count. That's all I'm saying. ELLISON:
Well, but the supers can go in either direction depending on where... CUOMO: Assuming assuming you win the pledged. Right now he's now winning the pledged, he's down by 200. You
know, shes 600... ELLISON: We have a plan to change that. CUOMO: That's what I'm talking to
you about is that plan. ELLISON: We're going - we're... CUOMO: Now... ELLISON: We're going
to - we're going to - we're going to fight on. You know, the message is resonating. The more people get
to know Bernie Sanders, the better Bernie Sanders is doing. He did really well in my state of
Minnesota, Oklahoma, Colorado. You know, things are -- I think we have a lot to be proud of in this
race so far. (CNNs New Day, 3/3/16)

Ellisons Anti-Israel Rhetoric

As A Member Of The 2016 Democratic Platform Committee, Ellison Said He Advocated
For Stronger Language Against The Israeli Occupation Of The Palestinian State And
The Humanitarian Crisis In Gaza
In A July 2016 Democracy Now! Interview, Ellison Said, Well, I Think That It Is
Important That, You Know, The United States State That We Dont Think That The
Occupation Of The What Will Be The Palestinian State Should Continue.
DEMOCRACY NOW!s AMY GOODMAN: Can you explain what you would like to see there,
Congressmember Ellison? REP. ELLISON: Well, I think that it is important that, you know, the
United States state that we dont think that the occupation of thewhat will be the Palestinian state
should continue. I dont think theres any fear of using the O-word, if you will. I mean, Ariel Sharon
used it. You know, the U.N. uses it. I mean, its a commonly used phrase to describe whats going on. I
think we could have also made some stronger statements about the GOODMAN: What is that
word? ELLISON: Occupation. (Rep. Ellison: Why Is The Democratic Party Afraid To Mention The Israeli Occupation In Platform?
Democracy Now!, 7/11/16)

In A July 2016 Democracy Now! Interview, Rep. Ellison Said The Humanitarian Crisis
Going On In Gaza Could Have Been Identified Much More Clearly In The Democratic
Party Platform. REP. ELLISON: I think that there is a humanitarian crisis going on in Gaza. In
fact, you know, thebecause of the electricity power plant has been destroyed, the sewage is not being
processed, and raw sewage is going up into the Mediterranean. In fact, its so bad that its flowing up
into north, and the Israeli desalinization plant is not able to use itsthat plant, because of the sewage
that is in the Mediterranean coming from Gaza, because Gaza cannot process their own sewage at this
point, because of the horrible situation that is going on there. So, there are some moreso, things like
that, I think, really could have been identified much more clearly. (Rep. Ellison: Why Is The Democratic Party Afraid
To Mention The Israeli Occupation In Platform? Democracy Now!, 7/11/16)

Ellison Has Been A Prominent Critic Of Israels Actions In Gaza

In A November 2009 Politico Op-Ed, Ellison Defended The United Nations Human
Rights Councils Goldstone Report On Violations Of International Law Related To The
Gaza War, Which Israel Opposed And Which Congress Was Scheduled To Vote To
Condemn. Who is afraid of Richard Goldstone? No one should be. Not even the U.S. Congress
yet it is poised on Tuesday to condemn the United Nations Human Rights Councils Goldstone report
on violations of international law related to the Gaza war of late 2008. I agree with my
congressional colleagues and with Goldstone that the initial U.N. resolution of Jan. 12, 2009,
calling for an investigation of abuses committed during the Gaza crisis was one-sided, focusing
exclusively on Israel. That resolution was used by some countries to criticize Israel without
acknowledging the abuses by Hamas. Goldstone initially refused to lead the investigation because of
the original flawed mandate. But Goldstone pushed back. He succeeded in expanding the scope of the
mission to include an examination of the actions of both Hamas and Israel. (Rep. Keith Ellison, Op-Ed, Read
Goldstones Report On Gaza, Politico, 11/3/09)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Has Since Called On The United Nations
To Retract The Goldstone Report. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the United
Nations on Saturday to retract the Goldstone Report following the regret expressed by former
jurist Richard Goldstone regarding the damning report on alleged Israeli war crimes during the
Gaza war. Everything that we said proved to be true, said Netanyahu. Israel did not intentionally
target civilians and it has proper investigatory bodies. In contrast, Hamas intentionally directed
strikes toward innocent civilians and did not conduct any kind of probe. (Barak Ravid, Netanyahu To UN:
Retract Gaza War Report In Wake Of Goldstones Comments, Haaretz, 4/2/11)

In January 2010, Ellison And Jim McDermott (D-WA) Drafted A Letter Signed By 54
Members Of Congress Calling On President Obama To Pressure Israel To Ease The
Blockade In Gaza. Fifty-four members of the U.S. Congress have signed a letter asking
President Barack Obama to put pressure on Israel to ease the blockade on the Gaza Strip. The
letter was the initiative of Representatives Jim McDermott from Washington and Keith Ellison
from Minnesota, both of whom are Democrats. Ellison is the first Muslim congressman.
McDermott and Ellison wrote that they understand the threats facing Israel and the ongoing
Hamas terror activities against Israeli citizens but that this concern must be addressed without
resulting in the de facto collective punishment of the Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip.
(Natasha Mozgovaya, 54 U.S. Lawmakers Urge Obama To Press For End To Gaza Siege, Haaretz, 1/28/10)

Ellisons Support For The Iran Nuclear Deal

Ellison Praised The Iran Nuclear Deal As A Triumph Of Diplomacy Over War
After A Final Agreement On Irans Nuclear Weapons Program Was Reached In July
2015, Ellison Said In A Statement, The World Is Safer Thanks To The Patient
Diplomacy And Determination Of President Obama, Secretary Kerry, And Our P5+1
Negotiating Partners. Rep. Keith Ellison applauded the P5+1 negotiators after they reached a
final agreement to end Irans nuclear weapons program. The historic agreement reached today proves
the power of engagement over isolation we can choose peace over war. The world is safer thanks to
the patient diplomacy and determination of President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and our P5+1
negotiating partners. In the coming weeks, the focus will be on the U.S. Congress to see if Republicans
take this deal away from the world. We will stop those who want to push us closer to war. (Rep. Keith
Ellison, Rep. Ellison Statement On P5+1 Nuclear Agreement, Press Release, 7/14/15)

In A July 2015 Yahoo News Interview, Ellison Said He Believed That If We Dont
Do This Deal, I Dont See How We Can Avoid Military Conflict With Iran. In an
exclusive interview with Yahoo News, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., said he believed that Congress
voting down the deal would almost certainly pave the way for American military action, an
outcome that he and other progressives who entered Congress on a wave of anti-Iraq War
sentiment in the mid-2000s is eager to avoid. I clearly prefer diplomacy over warfare, and if we
dont do this deal, I dont see how we can avoid military conflict, Ellison said. Because if
[Republicans] do manage to scuttle this deal, clearly Congress is going to increase sanctions and
Iran is probably going to be afraid, and so theyll probably accelerate their production of a nuclear
weapon. If we detect [them] doing that, were going to issue an ultimatum for them to stop. If they
dont, were probably going to bomb them. (Meredith Shiner, Killing Iran Pact Could Lead To War, Rep. Keith Ellison
Warns, Yahoo! News, 7/22/15)

VIDEO: In A July 2015 HuffPost Live Interview, Ellison Said Iran Was Not A National
Security Threat To The United States. ELLISON: Oh, and by the way, the U.S. has military
installations in Bahrain, in Kuwait, all along the Gulf. Thats on the west side of Iran. And on the east
side, were still in Afghanistan. So theyre basically surrounded. And so, and then we have key allies in
Israel and Saudi Arabia. I mean the bottom line is, theyre not a national security threat to the United
States. (Rep. Keith Ellison: Democrats Waffling On Iran Deal Because Of Netanyahu, HuffPost Live, 7/20/15 ) Minute 3:05-3:31

After Democrats Secured Enough Votes To Secure Implementation Of The Iran Nuclear
Deal In September 2015, Ellison Touted The Deal In A Statement As A Triumph Of
Diplomacy Over War And Said That It Proves Negotiation Is An Excellent Method Of
Peacemaking. Rep. Keith Ellison released the following statement after Democrats secured
enough votes to ensure the Iran Nuclear Deal will be implemented: This deal is a triumph of
diplomacy over war and proves negotiation is an excellent method of peacemaking. It throws a
wrench in the war machine and tells those who profit from conflict: we choose peace. The world is
safer thanks to the determination President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and our P5+1 negotiating
partners. This deal turns the page on failed policies of isolation and war; I am hopeful it lays the
groundwork for future engagement to strengthen human rights and promote peace and security in the
Middle East and around the world. (Rep. Keith Ellison, Rep. Keith Ellison Statement On Iran Deal Vote, Press Release, 9/11/15)
In A July 2016 Op-Ed For The Hill Marking The One-Year Anniversary Of The Iran
Nuclear Deal, Ellison Praised Its Quiet Success As A Victory For Diplomacy. This
week, we celebrate a quiet anniversary one thats probably far from most peoples minds. Its the
anniversary of an agreement thats been a quiet success. A deal that keeps a nuclear weapon out of
Irans hands, and makes the world a safer place. Today marks the one-year anniversary of the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) the Iran nuclear agreement. We should all celebrate how
diplomacy, not military might, won the day. (Rep. Keith Ellison and Kate Gould, Op-Ed, At One Year Mark, Iran Deal Has
Already Made World Safer, The Hill, 7/14/16)

Ellison Has Said He Is Not A Guaranteed Vote For Sanctions Against Iran
At The 2013 AIPAC Conference, Ellison Warned He Is Not A Guaranteed Vote For
Sanctions Against Iran. Rep. Ellison pushed for further negotiations with Iran, and while he
supported Americas right to defend itself, he was vague on whether hed support military action in
Iran. Unlike the speakers at the AIPAC conference, he did not seem very supportive of military action
against Iran should they reach a certain level of uranium enrichment. He approved of the sanctions
overall, but warned that hes not a guaranteed vote. (Bradley Machov, Congressman Ellison Speaks His Mind About Israel
And Palestine, MinnPost, 3/11/13)

Ellison Has Previously Opposed Toughening Sanctions On Iran, Saying They Would
Kill Any Hope For Diplomacy. While Minnesota's senators remain undecided, the unrest
among Democrats has long been on display. When the House voted 400-20 last July to toughen
sanctions against Iran's nuclear weapons program, Minnesota Democrats Keith Ellison and Betty
McCollum broke ranks and voted in the minority. Ellison has said that any new sanctions would kill
any hope for diplomacy. (Kevin Diaz, Iran Sanctions Put Minnesota Senators On Spot, Star Tribune, 1/14/14)
In July 2016, Ellison Raised Over $17,000 For His Reelection Campaign At A National
Iranian American Council (NIAC) Action Fundraiser
In July 2016, NIAC Action Hosted Its First Fundraiser For A Member Of Congress For
Ellison, And He Raised Over $17,000 For His Reelection Campaign At The Event.
Iranian Americans raised over $17,000 for Congressman Keith Ellisons reelection campaign last
Thursday in what was the first political fundraiser event organized by NIAC Action members for a
Member of Congress. Over seventy NIAC Action members donated to Ellisons campaign as part of
the event, which was held in McLean, Virginia. (NIAC Action Members Host Fundraiser For Congressman Keith Ellison,
NIAC Action, 7/22/16)

NIAC Action Was Formed In July 2015 As A Sister Organization Of The National
Iranian American Council To Enable Iranian Americans To Organize Efforts Around
Elections. (NIAC Action Members Host Fundraiser For Congressman Keith Ellison, NIAC Action, 7/22/16)

NIAC Action Has Praised Ellisons Defense Of The Iran Nuclear Deal Against Those
Working To Unravel It And His Opposition To Visa Discrimination Against Iranian
Dual Nationals. Congressman Ellison highlighted why it is so critical for the Iranian-American

community to be engaged in the political process in the 2016 elections, including the need to defend
the Iran nuclear deal against those working to unravel it. Ellison has been a staunch supporter of U.S.Iran diplomacy and has worked to increase people to people connections between Americans and
Iranians. He is also one of the most vocal opponents of H.R.158 visa discrimination against Iranian
dual nationals. (NIAC Action Members Host Fundraiser For Congressman Keith Ellison, NIAC Action, 7/22/16)

Other Extreme Statements And Positions

Ellison Cosponsored A 2007 Bill Calling For The Impeachment Of Vice President Dick
Cheney Even Though His Spokesman Acknowledged He Had No Illusions That This Is
Going Anywhere
In June 2007, Ellison Signed On As A Cosponsor To A Bill Calling For The Impeachment
Of Vice President Dick Cheney For High Crimes And Misdemeanors. Democratic Rep.
Keith Ellison signed on as a co-sponsor to a bill calling for the impeachment of Vice President Dick
Cheney on Thursday. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, urges Congress to
impeach Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors. Ellison joins Democratic Reps. William Clay of
Missouri, Janice Schakowsky of Illinois, Albert Russell Wynn of Maryland, Yvette Clarke of New York,
Hank Johnson of Georgia, and Barbara Lee, Lynn Woolsey and Maxine Waters, all of California. (Jake
Sherman, Ellison Signs As Co-Sponsor Of Bill To Impeach Cheney, The Associated Press, 6/29/07)

Ellisons Spokesman Said He Had No Illusions That This Is Going Anywhere But
That He Basically Signed On Out Of Principle. Rick Jauert, a spokesman for Ellison, said
the congressman has no illusions that this is going anywhere and thats fine. Weve got more
important things to do that affect peoples daily lives. He basically signed on out of principle, as
an expression of the importance of the rule of law -- that nobody is above the law, not even the vice
president. (Jake Sherman, Ellison Signs As Co-Sponsor Of Bill To Impeach Cheney, The Associated Press, 6/29/07)

Ellison Controversially Compared The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks To The Reichstag Fire,
Which He Said Put Hitler In A Position Of Total Authority
In July 2007, Ellison Said The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks Kind Of Reminds Him Of The
Reichstag Fire, Which He Said Put Adolf Hitler In A Position Where He Could
Basically Have Authority To Do Whatever He Wanted. Americas first Muslim congressman
has provoked outrage by apparently comparing President George W Bush to Adolf Hitler and hinting
that he might have been responsible for the September 11 attacks. Addressing a gathering of atheists
in his home state of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, a Democrat, compared the 9/11 atrocities to the
destruction of the Reichstag, the German parliament, in 1933. This was probably burned down by the
Nazis in order to justify Hitler's later seizure of emergency powers. Its almost like the Reichstag fire,
kind of reminds me of that, Mr Ellison said. After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the
Communists for it, and it put the leader [Hitler] of that country in a position where he could basically
have authority to do whatever he wanted. (Toby Harnden, Bush Like Hitler, Says First Muslim In Congress, The Telegraph,

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