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VP4 Control Reference

This reference describes the in-game control keys and how they effect mouse movement.
Keys shown are the defaults which can be changed in Settings/Key Mapping.
You can also bring up an on-screen Quick Reference during game play by pressing F1.
Note that the control keys shown are the defaults, you can remap the key/mouse
commands in Settings/Key Mapping.
Keys to Access Menus/Info
Esc In Game Menu
Press the Esc-Key is a toggle that shows/hides the in game menu. The cursor is also
shown so you can choose menu selections. The menu shown is game context sensitive
and varies depending on the game, whose turn it is, if action is running, etc..
F1 Help In Game Quick Reference
This key will bring up a full list of all control keys with a quick reference to their meaning.
Alt Cursor On/Of
Pressing Alt toggles the cursor on and off. Use this when you need a cursor to do
something like selecting a player in the player list.
Ctrl-Z VP4 Website
Pressing Ctrl-Z toggles between the VP4 website view and the game view.
Basic Control Keys
These keys are the most commonly used when playing VP4 Online. The first two, shoot
and aim are all you really need to start playing.
S Stroke Cue Stick Shoot
Hold the S-Key down and move the mouse backward for your backstroke, and then
forward to strike the cue ball. The faster you move the mouse, the harder you hit the cue
ball. Note mouse sensitivity can be adjusted in Settings/Mouse
A Aim Mode
The A-Key puts you into Aim Mode. If you are in Aim mode before shooting, Virtual Pool
automatically puts you back into Aim Mode after you shoot. Move the mouse left or right
to aim the cue. Move mouse forward or backward to change the tilt of the table.
E English: Move Cue Tip
Hold the E-Key and move mouse to change the tip position and apply spin to the cue ball.
Esc In Game Menu

Press the Esc-Key is a toggle that shows/hides the in game menu. The cursor is also
shown so you can choose menu selections. The menu shown is game context sensitive
and varies depending on the game, whose turn it is, if action is running, etc..
Alt Cursor On/Of
Pressing Alt toggles the cursor on and off. Use this when you need a cursor to do
something like selecting a player in the player list.
Ctrl-Z VP4 Website
Pressing Ctrl-Z toggles between the VP4 website view and the game view.
B Butt of Cue Angle
Press the B-Key and move the mouse to change the angle of the cue stick. You will see
the angle degree on the lower left-hand side of the screen. The most common use for
changing butt angle is to shoot mass or jump shots. The angle will return to normal after
the shot.
Left mouse Zoom
Hold the left mouse button down and move mouse backward to zoom out; move mouse
forward to zoom in. The distance is remembered and returned to every time you aim.
M Move Cue Ball
Hold the M-Key down and move the mouse to move the cue ball. Move ball is only an
option when you have ball-in-hand during a game.
X Examine Table
Pressing X gives you a momentary overhead view for as long as you hold the key down.
Use this to get a quick view of the table layout and plan shots.
V View Mode
Press the V-Key to select View Mode and change your center of view (aim view rotates
around cue ball). Holding the V key down and moving the mouse moves the view center
(which you see as a yellow torus). Release the V key and move the mouse and you will
rotate around the new center, you can also Zoom in and out. This allows you to examine
a particular table area closely, such as examining a cluster of balls. Press A to return to
aim mode, your view automatically returns to cue ball centered.

Other Handy Control Keys

These keys are less commonly but you may find some of them useful.
> Amplify
Press to amplify stroke speed. When moving balls (M Move Cue Ball) allows the cue ball
to move over blocking balls.
< Fine Tune

Press to fine tune with controls

Right Mouse Force Show HUD
Pressing the right mouse button forces showing the complete HUD over the game area.
Note this is only useful if you reduced the HUD information by changing Settings/Misc/
Status HUD.
W Walk Back
Press the W-Key to step back and look at the table from a distance. Your view will walk
back a couple of paces and stay there until you release the W-Key. Walking back is useful
for shots where the pocket is not visible, like a bank shot
J Jump Cue
Pressing J toggles the jump cue on/off. You must have a jump cue in your cue case (See
Ctrl-O, Open Cue Case) for this to work.
R Replay Last Shot
Press R-Key to replay the previous shot. You must be the player in control to replay a shot.
+ Increment Replay Rate
The plus + Key (or the =-Key you don't need the shift) increases the replay rate up to full
speed (1). Changing replay speed also changes the replay speed for all players in the
Decrement Replay Rate
The minus - Key will slow down the replay rate to a minimum of 1/32. The replay speed is
shown at the bottom right of the screen.
C Adjust View Center
Hold the C-Key and move mouse to move the window center. The window center maps
the 3D view to the screen. This allows you to offset the view. In other words if aiming and
centered on the cue ball you can change where the cue ball is on the screen.
O Overhead View
The O-Key changes to View Mode and shows a direct overhead view. To return
to Aim view, press the A Key.
Ctrl-O Open Cue Case
Clicking will open up your Cue Case (in VP4 website) to show you the cues you own.
Select which cue from each category (Play, Play UK, Break, Jump, and Shaft), then press
Update. Your cue in-game will update momentarily.
Ctrl-; Show Table Settings

Pressing Ctrl-; opens up a window with information about how your table is setup in the
game you are playing.
Ctrl-G Show Game Rule Settings
Pressing Ctrl-G opens up a window with information about the game rules setup and
handicapping. Note that the basic setup is not shown here as the HUD overlay has all that

Game Specific Control Keys

These keys only apply to certain games.
Ctrl-C Call Shot
Ctrl-C brings up the Call Shot dialog. The normal use requires selecting a ball and a
pocket, but depending on the game and situation it could be just a ball or a pocket. Not
all games require call shot and the custom rules setting allow turning on call shot for
many games that by default do not call shots.
Ctrl-M Miscall Declare on Previous Shot
Virtual Pool 4 uses the honor system for calling most shots as calling them all the time
gets tedious. If you pocket the wrong ball or put a ball in the wrong pocket, you can
declare a Miscall by pressing Ctrl-M.
Ctrl-P Push Out
Ctrl-P is only available after a break in 9-Ball and 10-Ball. The player who has control of
the table has the option of calling a Push Out. This allows the player to strike (push) the
cue ball to anywhere on the table, and does not require the player to hit any ball or rail.
The next player then has the option to take the next shot by shooting, or pass it back to
the player who originally called the Push Out by pressing Ctrl-P.
Ctrl-[ Call Safety
Pressing Ctrl-[ calls a Safety shot. Call Safety is only available in Straight Pool, World Rules
8-Ball. You do not need to call a safety unless you intend to pocket a ball on a safety play,
and have the turn pass to your opponent.
D Designate Ball On
D-Key brings up a dialog for selecting ball on. Designate Ball On is only available when
playing Snooker. This is used to select the ball the player is attempting to shoot. It must
be specified when shooting a color after pocketing a red ball. Note that the common way
of doing this is just aim at the colour you want to pot and press S and the ball is autonominated. You can also use the number keys to nominate colours.
27 Select Ball On
When playing Snooker, and having made a red, pressing the any of the number keys
between 2 and 7 nominates the colour with that point value. Note that the common way
of doing this is just aim at the colour you want to pot and press S and the ball is autonominated. Also you can use D Designate Ball On to pick from an overhead view.

N Nominate Free Ball

N-Key brings up the select free ball dialog. Nominate Free Ball is only available when
playing Snooker. This is used to specify a free ball. A free ball can be selected when
your opponent fouls and leaves you snookered.

Chat Control Keys

/ Chat
Press the /-Key to send a text message to a remote player. Pressing Enter when you are
done sends your message to the remote player. Pressing Esc cancels the current
Down Chat Scroll Down
Scroll chat window down one line.
Up Chat Scroll Up
Scroll chat window up one line.
Page Up Chat Page Up
Page chat window up.
Page Dn Chat Page Down
Page chat window down.
Ctrl-Up Chat Expand
Expand chat window by one line.
Ctrl-Down Chat Shrink
Contract chat window by one line.

The Rest of the Control Keys

Ctrl-A Set Adversary Shooting View
Sets the camera view used while remote player is shooting. Go into View Mode, change to
the view you want, and press Ctrl-A. To activate this view you must select
Settings/Camera/Adversay/User Defined.
Ctrl-U Show Adversary View
This moves the view based on what is set in Settings/Camera/Adversary. When your shot
ends this operation automatically occurs. But if you do some viewing (using something

like V View Mode) while you opponent is shooting and you want to return the the
Adversary view, press Ctrl-U.
Ctrl-0 Save Last Shot
Pressing Ctrl-0 after a shot allows you to save just that shot. You also have the option of
posting the shot to the VP4 Online website and/or Facebook. Note that this is only
available to the player in control.
Ctrl-Q Quit Current Match
Ctrl-Q quits the match. You will get a confirmation prompt.
Ctrl-R Resign Game
Ctrl-R forfeits game for the player shooting and your opponent gets a win..
Ctrl-T Change Player Turn
Pressing Ctrl-T causes the shot to go from one player to the other without movement of
any balls or assessment of any fouls. Typical use is if a player bumps his mouse or does
something accidentally and you feel sorry for them.
Ctrl-W Set Momentary User View
Sets the camera view for user momentary view (Y-Key). Go into View Mode, change to the
view you want, and enter Ctrl-W. To see that view in game any time, see Y Your
Momentary View.
Y Your Momentary View
Shows the user configurable momentary view while the Y key is held down. To set the
view, see Ctrl W Set Momentary User View.
F9 Frame Rate
Toggles frame rate display. The frame rate shows in magenta colored text on the lower
right part of the VP4 window. Note it is instantaneous so to get a true reading do it while
the balls are rolling.
F11 Screen Shot
Takes a screen shot and store it in My Documents\Celeris\Virtual Pool 4

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