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Reference to CIV-SU-1.15 changed to

FFS-SU-5216. Reference to CIV-SU-1.14 changed
to FFS-SU-5215. No technical content change.




References to ELC-SU-12.03 changed to

DRI-SU-1824. No technical content change.



January 2010 (E) 20062010 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. All rights reserved.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters



Scope ..........................................................................................................................5


References ..................................................................................................................5
2.1 ......Purchaser Documents ......................................................................................5
2.2 ......Industry Codes and Standards .........................................................................5


Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................7

3.1 ......Schematics and Bills of Materials .....................................................................8
3.2 ......Drawings ..........................................................................................................8


Design .........................................................................................................................9
4.1 ......Performance .....................................................................................................9
4.2 ......Named Items ....................................................................................................9
4.3 ......Maintainability of Living Quarters .....................................................................9


General ......................................................................................................................10
5.1 ......Protection .......................................................................................................10
5.2 ......Installation ......................................................................................................10
5.3 ......Quality Assurance ..........................................................................................10
5.4 ......Preparation for Shipping and Storage ............................................................11


Structure ...................................................................................................................16
6.1 ......Steelwork ........................................................................................................16
6.2 ......Floors and Roof ..............................................................................................16
6.3 ......Exterior Walls and Interior Bulkhead Walls ....................................................17
6.4 ......Exterior Flashing and Sealing ........................................................................17
6.5 ......Stairs and Handrails .......................................................................................17
6.6 ......Insulation and Passive Fire Protection ...........................................................18
6.7 ......Helideck ..........................................................................................................20


Components .............................................................................................................20
7.1 ......Interior Partitions and Liners ..........................................................................20
7.2 ......Ceilings ...........................................................................................................22
7.3 ......Floor Finishes .................................................................................................24
7.4 ......Doors and Frames ..........................................................................................26
7.5 ......Windows .........................................................................................................29
7.6 ......Raised Access Floors .....................................................................................30
7.7 ......Prefabricated Bathrooms ................................................................................32
7.8 ......Elevator/Dumbwaiter ......................................................................................32
7.9 ......Carpentry and Millwork ...................................................................................33


Painting and Protective Coatings ...........................................................................35

8.1 ......General ...........................................................................................................35
8.2 ......Coatings .........................................................................................................35


Building Equipment .................................................................................................36

9.1 ......Food Service Equipment ................................................................................36
9.2 ......Trimming and Sealing Equipment ..................................................................37

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9.3 ......Laundry Equipment ........................................................................................37

9.4 ......Furnishings .....................................................................................................37
9.5 ......Materials .........................................................................................................37
9.6 ......Furnishing Schedule .......................................................................................37

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning ............................................................38

10.1 ....General ...........................................................................................................38
10.2 ....Ventilation Requirements ...............................................................................39
10.3 ....HVAC Unit ......................................................................................................39
10.4 ....Ductwork and Air Distribution .........................................................................43
10.5 ....Control System ...............................................................................................44
10.6 ....Chilled Water System .....................................................................................45
10.7 ....Electric Power and Control .............................................................................49
10.8 ....Cooling Sequence ..........................................................................................49
10.9 ....Room Temperature Control ............................................................................49
10.10 ..Air Balancing ..................................................................................................50
10.11 ..Environmental Conditions ..............................................................................50


Plumbing ...................................................................................................................50
11.1 ....General ...........................................................................................................50
11.2 ....Potable Water .................................................................................................51
11.3 ....Piping Materials ..............................................................................................51
11.4 ....Piping Specialties ...........................................................................................52
11.5 ....Plumbing Fixtures ...........................................................................................52
11.6 ....Water Heaters ................................................................................................53
11.7 ....Hot Water Circulator .......................................................................................53
11.8 ....Water Filters ...................................................................................................53
11.9 ....Testing ............................................................................................................53
11.10 ..Sterilization .....................................................................................................54


Electrical and Communications ..............................................................................54

12.1 ....General ...........................................................................................................54
12.2 ....Electrical System ............................................................................................55
12.3 ....Wiring System ................................................................................................56
12.4 ....Motor Controllers for Three-Phase Motors .....................................................57
12.5 ....Circuit Breakers ..............................................................................................57
12.6 ....Loads ..............................................................................................................57
12.7 ....Penetrations ...................................................................................................58
12.8 ....Electrical System Requirement ......................................................................58
12.9 ....Lighting System ..............................................................................................58
12.10 ..Telephone System .........................................................................................60
12.11 ..Radio System .................................................................................................60
12.12 ..Television System ..........................................................................................60
12.13 ..Annunciator System .......................................................................................61
12.14 ..Local Area Network (LAN)/Wide Area Network (WAN) ..................................61
12.15 ..Video Equipment ............................................................................................61
12.16 ..Paging System ...............................................................................................62
12.17 ..Recreation Area Sound System .....................................................................62

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters



Fire Protection ..........................................................................................................62

13.1 ....General ...........................................................................................................62
13.2 ....Sprinkler System ............................................................................................63
13.3 ....Smoke Detection and Fire Alarm ...................................................................63
13.4 ....Gas Detection .................................................................................................64
13.5 ....Range Hood Protection ..................................................................................64
13.6 ....Portable Fire Extinguishers ............................................................................65
13.7 ....Helideck Fire Protection .................................................................................65

APPENDIX I Design Standards ..........................................................................................66

APPENDIX IISchedule Of Furnishings ...............................................................................68
APPENDIX IIIFurnishings Description ...............................................................................78
APPENDIX IVSchedule of Food Service Equipment ........................................................84

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters



1. This specification, along with the Technical Requirements, covers the structural, architectural,
HVAC, plumbing and electrical requirements for a complete Living Quarters Building on an
offshore installation.
2. The Living Quarters Building shall be totally designed, constructed, furnished, finished,
transported, installed, tested and handed over in complete operating condition in accordance
with this specification.
3. Any exceptions to the requirements of this specification shall be submitted in writing for
acceptance in writing by the Purchaser.
4. This specification gives SI units first with U.S. Customary units in parentheses following. The
units are not exact equivalents and the Supplier must work consistently with one set of units or
the other, and must state in his bid which units will be used.


1. The following documents are referenced herein and are considered part of this specification.
2. Use the edition of each referenced document in effect on the date of the publication of this
3. Any conflicts between documents shall be submitted to the Purchaser for resolution.



Purchaser Documents

Helidecks on Offshore Installations


Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings


Squirrel Cage Induction Motors Up to and Including 500 Horsepower

Exception to IEEE Standard 841, 2009


General Electrical Design


General Requirements for Installation of Electrical Facilities


Wire and Cable


Structural Steel and Other Materials


Structural Welding and Inspection


Fire Protection and Explosion Hazard Design Philosophy


Piping Service Classes and Materials Requirements


Safety in Designs

Industry Codes and Standards

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)

Guide for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations


Guide for Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations

American Concrete Institute (ACI)


Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) and


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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)


Manual of Steel Construction

American Petroleum Institute (API)


Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Constructing Fixed

Offshore Platforms

RP 14F

Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems

for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and
Class I, Division 1 and Division 2 Locations

RP 14G

Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on Fixed Opentype Offshore Production Platforms

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)
A 653

Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or

Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process

C 635

Standard Specification for the Manufacture, Performance, and Testing of

Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panel Ceilings

C 636

Standard Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for

Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panels

D 178

Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Matting

E 84

Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building


E 119

Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and


E 814

Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops

Department of the Navy


Deck Covering Underlay Materials


Deck Covering, Latex Concrete

Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES)

Lighting Handbook, Reference & Application
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
Std 315

Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (Including

Reference Designation Letters)

Std 841-2001

Standard for the Petroleum and Chemical Industry-Severe Duty Totally

Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) Squirrel Cage Induction Motors-Up to and
Including 370kW (500 hp)

International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)

Uniform Plumbing Code

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National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)


Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers


Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems


Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems


National Electrical Code (NEC)


National Fire Alarm Code


Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives


Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems


Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning



Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial

Cooking Operations


Life Safety Code

Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors-National Association (PHCC)

National Standard Plumbing Code
Steel Door Institute (SDI)

Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames

Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)


Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard

Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

Fire Resistance Directory

UL Standard for Safety Fire Dampers

Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard (USCG)


46 CFR 108

Design and Equipment

46 CFR 164


NVIC 9-97

Guide to Structural Fire Protection

1. The Supplier shall provide drawings and documentation as listed below, in an electronic
format which is readily accessible by the Purchaser.
2. Within two weeks of the start of the contract, the Supplier shall submit to the Purchaser for
review, a program for the production of the documentation. The program shall allow the
Purchaser sufficient time for review of the documentation prior to construction.
3. Details of test procedures shall be provided.
4. The Supplier shall update all data sheets and drawings to reflect as-built conditions, and shall
provide the Purchaser with two hard copies in addition to the electronic files.
5. At monthly intervals, the Supplier shall provide a weight report, including a tabular list of all
structure and equipment weights. This list shall confirm the status of individual items as to
whether they are estimated, defined, or final.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters



Schematics and Bills of Materials

1. Mechanical and electrical schematics and bills of materials and requirements shall be
2. The schematics and bills of material shall include the following information as applicable:
a. Manufacturer and model number
b. Type
c. Size
d. Capacity
e. Construction materials

Pressure ratings

g. Electrical requirements
h. Plumbing requirements

Heat output

1. Purchaser drawings, building descriptions, equipment schedules, etc., indicate conceptual
layouts and information only.
2. The Supplier shall be responsible for the determination of the final design, based on Purchaser
technical requirements, equipment size, clearance requirements, and manufacturers
3. The Supplier shall prepare detailed fabrication drawings for architectural structure, electrical,
fire and safety, plumbing, HVAC etc., for Purchaser review prior to beginning construction.
4. Supplier shall perform detail design for all systems and incorporate the details included within
the specifications.
5. The Supplier shall provide drawings showing services items in three dimensions to ensure that
there are no conflicts.
6. The internal layout drawing(s) of the building shall be reviewed by the Purchaser, prior to the
initiation of detail design of the building.
7. Detailed installation drawings for equipment and systems shall be provided, including, but not
limited to, the following:
a. Size and location of all system inter-connections
b. Utility requirements
c. Individual equipment weights for major items
d. Total weight of all system components
e. Clearance required for maintenance

Mounting requirements

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters



1. The Living Quarters Building shall be a steel structural frame enclosed with steel plate walls
and roof.
2. For buildings where weight is of primary importance, the floors shall be steel plate, otherwise
floors shall be concrete on steel substructure.
3. Technical areas, such as Control Rooms, shall have raised floors.
4. All areas shall have suspended ceilings at minimum 2.4 m (8 feet 4 inches) height with
sufficient height above to conceal all pipes, ducts, cables and similar.
5. The building shall contain food preparation areas, dining facilities, sleeping facilities,
recreational and exercise facilities, laundry facilities, offices, medical facilities, helideck, and
communications systems, as indicated in the Technical Requirements.
6. The building shall be air conditioned with a positive interior pressure.
7. Air handling units shall be located outside the Living Quarters, with the condensing units in
weather-resistant enclosures.
8. The building shall be equipped with a hazardous gas detection system, fire/smoke alarm, and
alarm system.
9. Sewage disposal equipment, potable water supply system, electrical power source and fire
water protection supply source shall be located remote from the Living Quarters Building.


1. Structural elements, components and installations shall have fire, thermal and acoustic
performance in accordance with ABS and USCG requirements together with API RP 2A and
any additional requirements noted in this specification.
2. Any openings or penetrations shall also achieve this standard, using tested procedures.
3. The Supplier shall ensure that noise and vibration limits are not exceeded, firstly by
minimizing these at source as far as possible, and secondly by insulation as specified.


Named Items
1. This specification references some materials and equipment by specific manufacturers trade
name and model number.
a. The intent is to establish a basis for quality.
b. It is not intended to preclude the use of equal or better materials or equipment.
2. Supplier may submit written request for the use of substitute items.
3. Such substitution or replacement is subject to Purchaser review.


Maintainability of Living Quarters

1. Convenient access to all equipment such as HVAC equipment, elevator equipment (if
applicable), motors, plumbing, piping, valves, fixtures, electrical instrumentation, fire and
safety equipment shall be provided.
2. Any platforms required for maintenance access shall be installed.
3. All shut off valves, main valves, etc., shall be located such that they can be easily accessed
from floor level.
4. Maintenance access provisions shall maintain integrity of insulation and fire resistive
construction using tested procedures.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters






Protection of equipment during manufacture and operation shall be in accordance with

manufacturers recommendations and prudent workmanlike precautions, considering the
conditions to which the equipment will be exposed.

1. Installation of all equipment and materials shall be in full compliance with recommendations
of the respective manufacturers, unless specifically excepted or indicated to the contrary
2. All components of framing members, millwork, window frames, door frames, wall
components, and wall panels shall be plumb, square in proper alignment, and in proper
relation with other trades.
3. All millwork, hardware, furnishings, etc., shall be properly fitted square, plumb, and secured
to the building structure in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.
4. After installation, the Supplier shall repair and touch up any damage and make necessary
adjustments to ensure correct operation of all doors, switches, mechanical equipment, and any
other items not mentioned herein.


Quality Assurance
1. Quality Assurance Provisions shall be in accordance with Technical Requirements and as
stated below
2. The Suppliers standard shop tests accepted by the Purchaser shall be conducted on all
equipment or furnishings requiring same.
3. Tests on materials, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing systems, fire protection
systems, material, and communication systems, etc., shall be conducted in accordance with the
Technical Requirements.
4. After completion of all shop tests, the operation of all installed galley and laundry equipment
and systems shall be demonstrated including the following:
a. All cooking equipment
b. All dishwashing equipment
c. All cooler, freezer and refrigerator equipment should be operated for a minimum of
24 hours at operating temperatures
d. Food handling equipment such as serving pans (hot and cold)
e. Laundry equipment
5. The following checks and measurements shall be conducted, recorded and the results
submitted to the Purchaser:
a. Check of nameplate ratings for proper ampere input and voltage
b. Check of refrigerant piping for proper insulation and leaks
6. After all tests have been completed:
a. All water lines shall be drained and sealed.
b. All switches, breakers, etc., shall be in the off position.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters



Preparation for Shipping and Storage


1. These requirements apply to both domestic and export transportation.
2. These requirements do not cover any preventative maintenance required during either
shipping or storage, i.e., rotating pump/motors shafts.
3. Supplier shall be solely responsible for ensuring that proper and adequate preparations
are made to prevent either damage or loss during shipping or storage. The Supplier is
responsible for identifying and making provisions for any preservation requirements
during storage and shipping such as shaft rotation, etc.
4. Measures shall be taken to protect against breakage, dampness, pilfering, and
tampering during transportation, handling and storage. As a minimum, and as
applicable, the measures described in the following sections (Cleaning, Packaging
and Crating, Export Packing, Boxes, and Package/Crate Marking and
Identification) shall be taken.


1. Immediately upon completion of tests and inspections, equipment shall be thoroughly
cleaned of scale, dirt, and other foreign material.
2. Items shall be drained of liquids such as fuel, lubricating oil, cooling fluid, and
insulating oil.
3. Liquids used for cleaning or hydrostatic testing, shall contain a nonfouling
rust-preventing fluid, or the items shall have been thoroughly flushed with a
nonfouling rust-preventing fluid.
4. If water has been used for cleaning or hydrostatic testing, the water shall have
contained a nonfouling rust-preventing fluid, or the items shall have been thoroughly
flushed with a nonfouling rust-preventing fluid.
5. Before shipment, Supplier shall ensure that all protective coatings used during
fabrication such as masking, masking paper, etc., are removed from equipment such as
instrumentation, packing gland nuts, followers, seal plates and nuts on mechanical
seals, and that the equipment is clean.
6. Supplier shall thoroughly broom-clean inside and outside of the modules and
buildings prior to shipment, including window and opening ledges, sills, horizontal
projections, exterior steps and platform, walkways, rails, and other surfaces.
7. In addition to general broom cleaning the following special cleaning shall be done for
all fixtures, equipment, walls, ceiling, decorated or finished surfaces, floors and
a. Decorated or finished surfaces: Dust, dirt, stains, handmarks, paint spots, and like
defects shall be completely removed from the surfaces. Metal surfaces shall be
cleaned and polished, using only non-corrosive and non-abrasive materials. Clean
and polish natural finished woodwork.
b. Fixtures and equipment: Plumbing fixtures and like items shall be cleaned and
polished. Lighting fixtures shall be free of dust, dirt, stains or waste material.
Equipment and machinery shall be cleaned, serviced and be ready to use after
refilling with fuel, lubricating oil, cooling fluid, and/or insulating oil.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


c. Glass: Washed and polished on both sides, left free of dirt, marks, labels, stains or
spots. Exercise care not to scratch glass.
d. Floors: Remove spots, soil, paint, wash, mop dry, free of streaks or stains.
Resilient flooring shall be freshly waxed and buffed unless no-wax flooring is
e. Hardware: lean, polish hardware for all trades, including removal of stains, dust,
dirt, paint and the like.

Final inspection: Any deficient cleaning operations, as determined by Purchaser

shall be immediately corrected as directed.

Packaging and Crating

1. Items shall be packaged to protect against the environmental conditions specified in
the Technical Requirements or Data Sheets.
2. Items that can be damaged by exposure to a high humidity environment shall be
individually packaged so that no component surface is unprotected. Each piece of
equipment or part of an item shall be vacuum-sealed in plastic film prior to being
crated. Desiccant bags shall be placed inside the vacuum-sealed plastic covering.
3. Small parts that are easily damaged or lost shall be removed from major equipment
components, tagged to facilitate reassembly, and adequately protected from damage
during shipping and storage.
4. Connections for such purposes as instrumentation, cooling fluids, insulating oil, and
lubricating oil shall be identified with securely attached metal tags. The tags shall
identify the purpose of the connection and the instrument or line of the connecting
5. Exposed bolted connections and flanges shall be protected by -inch thick marine
grade plywood cover plates secured by proper nuts and bolts. A polyethylene sheet
shall be placed between the coated flange faces and the wooden cover plate. Plastic
flange covers are not acceptable.
6. Threaded connections shall be protected by galvanized steel plugs or caps. Plastic
plugs or caps are not acceptable.
7. Tapped openings disconnected during shipping and storage shall be dry-filled with
solid, long shank steel plugs.
8. Tapped openings that are normally plugged under service conditions shall be plugged
with the appropriate plug per piping specification for shipping and storage.
9. Components of skid-mounted packages that are shipped unassembled shall have
couplings and instrumentation terminals adequately protected to prevent damage and
to exclude dirt and moisture during shipping and storage.
10. Terminals and assembly screws shall be tightened.
11. Large or heavy items shall be securely bolted or affixed to substantial skids for
12. Temporary supports shall be provided for parts or components that may become
damaged during shipping. High standing pieces of equipment shall be guyed or braced
as required. Temporary supports shall be tagged and marked as Temporary.

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13. Packaging shall be suitable for withstanding airplane, ship, small boat, and truck
movement. Items to be shipped by sea if practical, shall be completely enclosed in
waterproof wooden crates. Large items such as cranes shall be adequately protected or
14. All openings, including louvers for ventilation systems, shall be closed with a marine
duty cover firmly attached and all edges shall be sealed with heavy-duty tape.
15. Doors and windows shall be fixed in the closed position and locked. Edges shall be
sealed with heavy duty tape. The exterior face of doors and windows shall be
protected with a marine duty cover firmly attached and edges sealed with heavy-duty
16. Covers shall be designed for easy removal.
17. Loose walkways and handrails shall be secured to avoid damage during towing due to
barge motion.
18. Loose items, including easily damaged items, shall be packaged and secured to the
platform with temporary bracing to ensure its stability during transportation and
handling on the platform. Bracing shall be designed for easy removal with no damage
to any portion of the platform. Supplier shall submit the Loose Item securing plan at
least 30 days prior to scheduled loadout, for Purchaser acceptance.
19. Fiberglass material shall be protected from UV degradation.
20. Tie-downs that will bleed rust on completed decks, equipment, or painted surfaces
shall be sandblasted, primed, and painted.

Export Packing
1. All material shall arrive at its final destination in an undamaged condition.
2. The intent of the packaging standards is to serve as a general minimum requirement
for commercial packaging for export, but compliance does not relieve packers of
responsibility for adequately packing materials, supplies and equipment.
3. The packer will be expected to use good judgment in determining whether the
physical characteristics of the items being packaged dictate packing standards that are
more severe than the minimum requirements.
4. Packaging Materials
a. Lumber shall be sound and well seasoned. Knots are permitted provided the knots
are sound and tight and do not exceed one-third of the board width.
b. Nails shall be galvanized.
c. Metal strapping shall be unannealed steel and applied to all packages with a
stretching tool and secured with crimped steel seals. Cloth or other suitable
material shall be placed between metal strapping and painted surfaces.
d. Only steel, non-returnable export drums shall be used.
e. If sacks are used in packaging, the packer shall be guided by the recommendations
of the manufacturer of such packaging. In general, a six-ply waterproof sack with
one external Osnaburg cloth sack is acceptable.

All boxes constructed with lumber shall be lined with water-repellent paper.
Ventilation holes shall be drilled upward at 45-degree intervals around the sides
and ends of the box. Drainage holes shall be provided in the base of skidded items.
All boxes shall contain desiccant bags.

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5. Packing Methods
a. When consolidating material in a box or crate, items shall be packed or nested to
reduce volume as much as possible.
b. All items shall be braced and/or cushioned as necessary within the container to
prevent damage from shock, vibration and rough handling.
c. It is necessary that all shipping containers be tightly packed.
d. Where voids appear, they will be filled with cushioning material or blocked off to
prevent any movement of contents.
e. Finished and painted surfaces shall be protected from abrasion and damage.

Spare parts and small items not secured to the main item shall be separately
boxed, properly identified so as to associate the separate box with the main item.
The equipment tag number shall be used as a minimum.

g. Each container shall be packed so as to ensure an even distribution of weight

within the case.
h. Heavy items shall be securely blocked and braced to prevent damage to lighter
material packaged in the same box. Where possible, heavy items shall be packed
on the bottom with lighter items on top.



Palletizing techniques, including strapping, will be employed to facilitate

handling large items that can be conveniently secured to a pallet. This technique is
only applicable to items that are impervious to moisture and not susceptible to
external damage.


Bundling techniques shall be employed for those items that do not lend
themselves to other forms of packaging. Such items shall be segregated by length
and size and bundled into units. The weight of a bundled unit shall not exceed
2240 pounds unless accepted by the Purchaser. The bundle shall be bound with
steel strapping spaced no more than 36 inches apart. The strapping shall be
applied with a stretching tool and secured with crimped steel seals.

k. Loose items shall be crated and securely mounted within the confines of the
associated skid to minimize shipping charges. These crated items shall be securely
mounted such that no movement is possible, to prevent or eliminate damage to
skid components by a moving/shifting crate.
1. The construction and reinforcing of a wooden box depends upon the size of the box
and the weight of its contents.
2. All boxes must be strapped with a minimum of two steel bands running parallel to the
3. The band sizes shown in Table 1 shall be used for the noted conditions/weights:
Table 1: Band Sizes

Band Size

0 - 1000#

Use 3/4 in. banding

1000# - 4000#

Use 1 1/4 in. banding


Use 2 in. banding

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


4. Table 2 shows the minimum requirements for various capacities.

Table 2: Minimum Requirements for Boxes

Minimum Requirement

Up to 300-pound capacity

The box shall be constructed using 1-inch lumber or 3/8-inch marine grade
plywood panels for sheathing. The frames shall be made with 14 inch lumber and completely cleated ends. All boxes over 50-pound capacity shall be
skidded using 24 inch lumber for the skids.

300 to 1000-pound capacity

The box shall be constructed using 1-inch lumber or 1/2-inch marine grade
plywood panels for sheathing with 2-inch nominal decking. The frames shall
be made with 24-inch or 26-inch lumber and completely cleated ends. All
seams shall be backed with an upright or brace. The skids shall be made
with 24-inch lumber.

1000 to 10,000-pound capacity

The box shall be constructed using a 1-inch lumber or 5/8-inch marine grade
plywood for sheathing. The frames shall be made with 24-inch lumber and
shall be structurally braced with corner posts, side braces, and stiffening
members. Load-bearing members shall be placed as needed. Top and
upper edge members shall be reinforced with 44-inch by 6-inch lumber to
prevent crushing when the box is handled with hooks or lifting slings. The
floor of the box shall be made with 2-inch thick lumber and the skid base
shall be made with 44-inch lumber.

Open crates

An open crate shall be constructed using the same size lumber for framing
and skidding as the comparable capacity box. Open crates shall be diagonally braced on all faces.


Package/Crate Marking and Identification

1. Weatherproof, clearly visible lifting, loadout, and handling instructions, in English
(and one other language if necessary), shall be securely attached to or painted on the
exterior of all packages/crates.
2. Upright position, lifting points, weights, and dimensions shall be clearly marked on all
packages large or heavy enough to require mechanical lifting.
3. Material shipped separately from the major unit with which the material belongs shall
be tagged or marked with the equipment tag number and serial number of the major
unit. Each package or item prepared for shipment and storage as a separate piece shall
also be identified with the equipment tag number and serial numbers and tag numbers
of the items in the package.
4. Electrical connections for supply to space heaters inside the packages shall be
identified with voltage, frequency and wattage requirements. The electrical
connection for the space heater shall be brought outside the package for electrical
power during preservation of equipment.
5. Packages containing easily damaged items shall on the package exterior be clearly
marked, Fragile - Handle With Care.
6. Packages and crates shall be identified using waterproof ink on two adjacent sides.
The following information shall be included on each side:
a. Project/platform name
b. Final destination
c. Contact name (Phone #)

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d. Purchase order number

e. Item number/tag number

Serial number

g. Package number
h. Dimensions

Gross weight


Net weight

k. Any special handling requirements

7. The weights shall be in pounds and thousand pounds per square inch (kips).
8. A shipping list shall be sealed in plastic and attached to the exterior and interior of
packages and crates. The shipping list shall show the purchase order number and tag
number for each item inside the package. A third copy of the shipping list shall be sent
under separate cover to the Purchaser.
9. Startup spare parts and special tools shall be packaged separately and marked as such.
10. All crates will be marked with two adjacent stripes on the top and two opposite sides.
Stripes will be 2 inches wide each, one red and one blue.



1. Structural design shall be in accordance with ABS requirements, API RP-2A and AISC M021.
a. Subject to agreement by the Purchaser, the Supplier may design the building as a stressed
skin structure.
b. The skid shall be an integral part of the structure.
c. The design shall include all live and dead loads, including lifting, transportation, and
installation, together with all equipment and operational loads, and wind and blast loads.
d. All openings shall be fully framed and included in the calculations submitted.
2. All structural steel and metal components shall be in conformance with FFS-SU-5215.
3. All welding of structural steel shall be in conformance with the FFS-SU-5216.
4. All welds exposed externally shall be seal welds. Floor, roof and wall plates may be tack
welded to structural members internally, provided that butt joints are seal welded.
5. The building shall be leakproof and capable of maintaining positive air pressure.


Floors and Roof

1. All floors and roofs shall have a minimum fire rating of A-60.
2. Floors shall be provided with drains at a minimum of one per 15 m2 (150 sq ft.) in all wet
areas and in all entrance lobbies and any areas where moisture might accumulate.
3. For steel plate floors, steel plates shall be a minimum 10 mm (3/8 inch) thick and shall be
fitted and welded to the floor support beams so that the elevation of the floor, from one side of
the building to any other side shall not vary more than 2 mm (1/8 inch). Individual floor
finishes will vary depending upon the area application and use requirements.

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4. For concrete floors, all concrete work is to be in accordance with ACI 318.
a. Structural grade semi-lightweight aggregate shall be used and the concrete shall have a
monolithic smooth trowel finish.
b. The concrete design mix is to be submitted for review before utilizing the concrete mix.
5. Roof shall be steel plate.
a. Roof plates shall be minimum 6 mm (1/4 inch) thick and shall be sloped at minimum
2 mm (1/8 inch) per foot for drainage.
b. Roof shall be painted with an anti-skid coating in accordance with Section 8.0.

Exterior Walls and Interior Bulkhead Walls

1. All exterior wall cladding shall be crimped steel plate, minimum 4.5 mm (3/16 inch) thick.
2. Crimped steel plates are to have steel closures welded in at openings to ensure seal against the
3. Concealed surfaces shall be painted with rust inhibiting paint, in accordance with Section 8.0.
4. Exterior walls facing process or main deck areas shall have a minimum fire rating of H-60,
including any projecting walkways, stairs and galleries.
5. All other external walls shall have a minimum fire rating of A-60.
6. Internal linings of external walls and finishes to interior bulkheads are to be in accordance
with the room schedule and Section 7.1 of this specification.


Exterior Flashing and Sealing

1. Supplier shall seal weld all penetrations where possible.
2. Supplier shall notify Purchaser in writing where flashing is being proposed.
3. All materials shall be corrosion resistant and able to withstand an offshore marine environment
for a minimum of 25 years.
4. Flashing shall be capable of withstanding wind loads as stated in environmental data, and shall
be complete with all necessary supports and closures to provide a weathertight enclosure.
5. All flashings shall maintain the thermal, acoustic, and fire requirements of the enclosures in
which they occur.
6. All exterior openings, upon completion of installation and sealing with caulking compound,
shall be tested by water spray from a hose approximately 3 m (10 feet) from the opening for a
period of 3 minutes. This test shall be carried out prior to the installation of any interior finish


Stairs and Handrails

1. All stairs, walkways and handrails shall be designed and constructed in accordance with
SID-SU-5106 and NPFA 101.
2. Stair assembly, including handrails and guardrails shall be hot-dip galvanized steel painted in
accordance with Section 8.0.
3. All stairway enclosures shall have a minimum fire rating of A-60.

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Insulation and Passive Fire Protection

1. Insulation shall comply with USCG 46 CFR 108.131(d); 46 CFR 164.007 and .008;
NVIC 9-97 3.1 and 3.2.
2. For pipe and duct insulation, refer to Section 11.0 of this specification.
3. The Supplier shall insulate the inner faces of all external walls and the underside of all floors
and roofs with mineral wool insulation, fixed with welded steel pins, to provide thermal and
acoustic values as required by ABS and USCG and Appendix II of this specification.

Fiberglass Batts
1. Dry fixed blanket type mineral wool insulation, required for attaining thermal,
acoustical insulation and passive fire protection requirements, shall be Thermafiber
flame-resistant, foil faced blankets as manufactured by United States Gypsum (USG)
Company, or similar mineral wool insulation accepted by USCG for intended
2. The insulation shall be 75 mm (3 inch) thick (minimum) and supplied in densities of
not less than 100 kg/cu m (6 pcf) with foil facing. Retaining pins shall be capacitor
discharge (CD) welded pins with locking washers with USCG certification.
3. These shall be stainless steel (SS) where used externally and in spaces without air
conditioning. Retaining pins within the module shall be CD welded carbon steel with
zinc coated or SS locking washers.
4. Pins shall be installed in accordance with the USCG requirements for fire-rated
insulated divisions with the same spacing for all other applications.
5. Pin lengths shall be 50 mm (2 inch) longer than required for insulation thickness.
6. After installation of insulation, ends of pins shall be capped or bent over a minimum
of 90 degrees and shall not interfere with the installation of other elements e.g., lining
panels, electrical back boxes, pipes, supports, etc.
7. Each batt shall measure 0.61.2 m (24 feet).


1. Where insulation is not concealed by a suspended ceiling, it is to be protected by
galvanized steel sheet. The entire underside of the building is to be insulated, and the
insulation is to be protected by 16 gauge galvanized steel sheet fixed with stainless
2. All insulation joints, pins and junctions with steelwork, etc., shall be taped with fire
tape minimum lap of 25 mm (1 inch) on both sides of joint and around pins to form an
integral and continuous layer. Insulation shall be extended full thickness over entire
area to be insulated.
a. Insulation shall be cut to fit tightly around obstructions. Insulation shall be applied
in a single layer of required thickness unless additional layers are required to
make up total thickness.
b. Insulation units shall be applied to substrate, complying with manufacturers
recommendations and as outlined in USCG NVIC 9-97, Section 2.1.
3. Loose material fiber insulation shall be stuffed into miscellaneous voids and cavity
spaces as required. Insulation shall be compacted to approximately 40 percent of
normal maximum volume.

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4. Where structural members and service supports are integrated within a fire rated
division or external wall, then the insulation shall cover the member as necessary to
maintain the fire rating of the division/wall.
a. A structural member or appurtenance (e.g., a beam or service support, etc.)
adjoining a fire rated division shall have the insulation dressed back along its
length for a distance of 30 cm (12 inches) minimum, from the division.
b. Appurtenances within 30 cm (12 inches) shall be totally covered.

Exterior Passive Fire Protection

Provision and application of spray, trowel or brush applied exterior Passive Fire Protection
(PFP) coating material on walls and decks to achieve an H-60 fire rating shall be as
described in Section 8.0.


1. Firestopping materials consisting of sealing or stuffing material or assembly placed in
spaces between materials to arrest the movement of smoke, heat, gases or fire through
rated walls, decks, ceilings and partitions shall be provided as follows:
a. Firestopping in rated walls shall comply with USCG 46 CFR 108.131 (d)(4) and
46 CFR 164.012.
b. Where not covered in above, firestopping shall comply with ASTM E 119 and
ASTM E 814.
c. Sealant material for firestopping shall be Nelson Firestop Products, CLK Firestop,
or Purchaser-accepted USCG-certified equal.
2. All conduits and cables, cable tray, piping, and ducts which penetrate draft stops,
decks and other fire rated bulkheads shall be firestopped at the bulkhead in order to
maintain the bulkhead fire rating at the penetration.
a. The sealing method shall utilize cable transit frames such as MCT Brattburg or
Nelson, or accepted plate/sleeve with fire caulk/mineral wool combination.
b. In all cases, the method used shall be USCG/ABS accepted and shall maintain the
fire and blast ratings of the bulkhead penetrated.
c. If used, all exterior cable transit frames shall be covered with marine grade
plywood for shipment.


Joints in or at perimeters of interior walls, floors, ceilings, door frames, windows and penetrations shall be continuously sealed so as to establish and maintain air tight, fire stopping, acoustical and waterproof conditions in the building on a permanent basis within
recognized limitations of wear and aging for each application.


Poured Deck Insulation for Steel Plate Floors

1. Steel plate floors shall have poured deck insulation of trowel-applied magnesium
oxychloride cement compound containing lightweight aggregates with built-in
insulation and fire resistance qualities, such as Dex-O-Tex Decklite on Magnabond #3
on Marine Navy Formula 150 Primer.

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2. Prior to pouring of deck insulation, provide and install 1.6 mm (16 gauge) metal clips,
25 mm (1 inch) wide 65 mm (2 1/2 inch) long (minimum) with 35 mm (1 5/8 inch)
depth. Clips shall be seal welded to steel plate subfloor at 300 mm (12 inch) on center
to provide secure fastening surface for equipment and walls.
3. Deck insulation shall be installed continuous around and under all floor-mounted
equipment to ensure proper insulation of floor.
4. Sand and clean finished surfaces and apply two thin coats of sealer as per the
manufacturers recommendations.

The Supplier shall design, supply and install a helideck above roof level on the Living Quarters, if
noted in the Technical Requirements, in accordance with the concept drawings and CIV-SU-1.28.
The type and number of helicopters to be accommodated is stated in the Technical Requirements.




Interior Partitions and Liners


1. The partition system shall meet ABS requirements to stability, fire rating and sound
reduction (as modified by Appendix II, Table II-2 of this specification) and NFPA
2. These requirements apply to the full partition assembly, including all penetrations.
3. In addition, the following partitions shall be 1 hour UL rated:
a. Exit corridors
b. Partitions separating bedrooms
c. Shaft walls
d. Laundry and storage rooms
4. Fire test certificates shall be provided for all fire-rated partition systems. Components
installed within the partition and ceiling systems, such as hatches and light fixtures,
shall be certified to comply with the applicable fire and acoustic ratings.
5. The UL spread of flame rating of all partitions and liners shall not exceed 25.
6. All partitions with fire or acoustic ratings shall be continued to the underside of the
deck above.
a. The form of fixing shall limit the amount of noise transmission from the deck
above in accordance with the acoustic rating.
b. As guide in the choice of system, the laboratory sound reduction index shall be at
least 5dB better than the field requirement.
7. Partitions to wet areas (Galleys, Laundry Areas, Restrooms, Bathrooms, etc.) shall
be designed to prevent noise and moisture transmission to adjacent living areas.
8. Floor and ceiling tracks shall be permanently attached to the structure.
9. Stud spacing shall not exceed 400 mm (16 inch).
10. Door frames shall be attached to studs.

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Partition System and Finishes

1. Partitions and liners shall consist of 15 mm (5/8 inch) fire-rated gypsum board panels
(finished as below) fixed to a corrosion resistant structural framework.
a. All services including cables, pipework and ducts are to be concealed within the
b. Visible fixings are unacceptable.
2. All visible boxes, switches, sockets, grilles, speakers, sprinklers, light fittings,
detectors etc., shall be flush-fitting in factory-supplied surrounds. Any surfacemounted items, such as fire extinguishers, shall be incorporated in recesses in the
3. All insulation shall be of the dry fix type properly fixed in position and sealed with a
membrane to prevent any fibers or fiber dust from being admitted to the environment,
including at termination details.
4. Finishes shall be as listed in the Room Schedule.
a. Steel face sheets shall be Clad-Rex Apollo or similar Purchaser-accepted,
minimum 0.7 mm (24 gauge) thick galvanized steel complying with ASTM A
653, finished with factory applied Bordens vinyl laminate or accepted equivalent
material, with matching joining strips.
b. Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) face sheets shall be 0.9 mm thick by
Sequentia or Glasbord or similar as Purchaser-accepted, to comply with ASTM
E 84 Class C, with matching joining strips.


Joints, Wall Bases and Corner Guards

1. The wall system shall have splash-proof joints in areas defined as wet rooms.
2. The joint between the partition wall and the floor finish shall have a coved detail in all
wet rooms as described in Section 7.3.
3. The partition wall faces shall overlap wall bases to form a drip nose detail in all wet
4. A full height and flush mounted brushed stainless steel corner guard shall be installed
on all exposed partition wall corners.
5. The corner guard shall be an integral part of the system, with minimum 1.5 mm
(16 gauge) thickness.


Hinged Inspection Panels

1. Hinged inspection panels (or doors) shall be provided where inspection and
maintenance behind the wall is required.
2. The inspection panels shall blend with the wall and shall be labeled as required and
shall be rated to match the partitions.
3. The panels shall be hinged and lockable by use of a snap lock or a hexagonal key
4. Hexagon or square keys for inspection panels in walls shall be of a standardized type,
or suited to the master key system if required

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Installation and Protection

1. All types of services such as pipes, ducts, cables, boxes, switches, sockets, grilles,
speakers, sprinklers, light fittings, and detectors, shall be coordinated with the setting
out of the panels.
2. All supports for fittings and equipment shall be incorporated as necessary.
3. Finished surfaces of partition systems shall be covered with a heavy duty transparent
removable protective foil which shall not be removed before the mechanical
completion phase, unless advised otherwise by the project.
4. The protective foil adhesive shall not discolor the permanent finish, if removed at
different intervals. The protective foil shall be easy to remove.


Folding Partitions
1. Folding partitions shall be manual operation Soundmaster 80 as manufactured by
Modernfold, or a Purchaser-accepted equal.
2. Outer covering shall be selected by Purchaser from manufacturers standard fabrics.
3. Provide manufacturers standard grip latch with latch only function.


Toilet Partitions and Toilet Room Accessories

1. Prior to installation, Supplier shall prepare and submit for Purchaser review all
manufacturers data sheets clearly indicating the specific items to be furnished and
indicating all means of attachment.
2. The furnished items shall be standard products manufactured by Sanymetal Products
Purchaser, Inc. (Toilet Partitions) and Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. (Toilet
Room Accessories) or a Purchaser-reviewed equal, all as described in Appendix IV.
3. Colors and finishes to be selected from the manufacturers standard range of colors
and finishes, unless specified herein.
4. Heads of visible fasteners shall be spanner or theft proof type with satin finish.
a. For walls, use toggle or molly-type.
b. For thru-bolts where both ends are exposed, use hex-type or finished cap nut.



1. The Supplier shall install ceiling systems complete in areas as shown in the Room
Schedule to include the following:
a. Exposed tee grid suspension system
b. Scheduled panels
c. Hanger wires
d. Runner channels
e. Hold down clips, as required.
2. The Supplier shall furnish the Purchaser with test Certificates showing that the ceiling
will provide fire and acoustic ratings as required, including all light fittings, HVAC
outlets and other items incorporated in the ceilings.

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3. Ceilings shall be minimum Class C fire rating with UL spread of flame rating not
exceeding 25.
4. All items of different supply shall be fully integrated in the ceilings with appropriate
and compatible factory made surrounds.
5. Ceiling access panels, with appropriate fire rating, shall be provided for access to all
HVAC dampers, operators, valves, etc., located above ceilings.
a. The panels shall be an integral part of the ceiling system.
b. Locking shall be by hexagon or square type key, of same type as used for
inspection panels in walls.
c. The panels shall have a safety chain against accidental opening.

Suspension System
Exposed Tee grid system shall conform to ASTM C 635 and be installed in accordance
with ASTM C 636. The grid shall be USG series 3/4 ZXA fire rated exposed grid or
Purchaser-accepted equal, hot-dipped galvanized steel with 23 mm (15/16 inch)
aluminium flange face and low gloss white baked enamel finish or stainless steel finish
where stainless steel panels are specified.
1. Clips shall be stainless steel.
2. Wall angles or channel shall be straight edge, galvanized steel with same finish as
main runners.
3. Hangers shall be minimum 2.5 mm (12 gauge) wire on resilient fixings, to avoid noise
transmission between from deck above.


Ceiling Panels
1. Acoustical panels shall be 60060015 mm (24245/8 inch) thick lay-in panels,
square edge, 100 percent inorganic mineral fibers in a ceramic bond with a white
2. Moisture resistant panels shall be Conwed Heritage pattern ceramic perforated
panel, or Armstrong Ceramaguard panel, or Purchaser-accepted equal.
3. General ceiling panels USG Auratone fire code Rock face or Purchaser-accepted
4. Stainless steel faced lay-in panels shall be USCG and ABS acceptance.
5. Tiles shall be clipped down to allow hand cleaning while in place.


1. Layout of ceilings shall balance border widths at edges.
2. Lighting fixtures shall be independently supported by hanger wire on all four corners.
3. Fixing of hangers to service installations will not be accepted.
4. Finished surfaces of partition systems shall be covered with a heavy duty transparent
removable protective foil, which shall not be removed before the mechanical
completion phase, as for partitions.

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Floor Finishes

1. The Supplier shall lay floor finishes laid in areas as listed in the Room Schedule.
2. Floor colors shall be selected by Purchaser from manufacturers standard range colors.


Epoxy Flooring
1. Fluid applied seamless epoxy floor covering and underlayment shall be provided in
accordance with NVIC 9-97, Section 2.82.9.
a. Epoxy flooring and application shall conform to MIL-D-3135 and MIL-D-21631.
b. Underlayment shall be trowel applied and feather-edged to 2 mm (1/8 inch)
thickness and shall be sloped to or dished at floor drains.
2. Floor finish shall be PolySpec LUX as manufactured by PolySpec LP or Dex-O-Tex
Terrazzo M (fine) as manufactured by Crossfield Products Corp. or similar
Purchaser-accepted thin-section seamless deck covering comprised of colored
ceramic-coated quartz granules embedded in a clear, catalyst-reacted epoxy resin
binder, laid in full accordance with manufacturers instructions.
3. An integral wall base in wet areas, dining room, galley stores and vestibules shall be
formed utilizing epoxy floor finish dressed up walls with minimum 25 mm (1 inch)
radius cove to a 2 mm (1/8 inch) terrazzo zinc strip bonded to wall surface.
a. Wall base height shall be 100 mm (4 inch) in all areas except janitor rooms,
laundry rooms, galley and galley stores where it shall be 150 mm (6 inch).
b. Internal corners shall be coved 25 mm (1 inch) minimum and external corners
shall be rounded to avoid a sharp edge.
4. Epoxy flooring surfaces shall be prepared by careful and thorough removal of latents,
grease, bond inhibiting curing sealers and other foreign matter, and shall receive a
polyurethane topcoat and wax sealer applied in accordance with the manufacturers
written instructions.
5. Location of floor drains shall be determined during the detailed design phase. At a
minimum, all vestibules to the outside and wet areas (laundry, galley, change rooms,
etc.) shall be provided with one floor gulley for every 15 m2 (150 sq. ft.) or less of
floor area.


Synthetic Rubber
1. The enclosed stair landings, treads, and risers shall be finished with resilient synthetic
rubber, as manufactured by Roppe or Norament, minimum 2 mm (1/8 inch) thick flat
sheet bonded to underlayment.
2. Stair treads and risers shall have an integral 25 mm (1 inch) cove and a flexible
non-slip nose. A matching wall base 65 mm high shall be provided.


Grid Matting
Synthetic rubber grid matting shall be provided in addition to the epoxy flooring to the full
area of all vestibules and the gymnasium. The Supplier shall submit a sample for review
by the Purchaser prior to installation.

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Ceramic Tiles
1. Ceramic tiles shall be standard grade, impervious ceramic, porcelain type 5050 mm
(22 inch) with at least one self-finished edge for abutments to other material,
American Ocean Tile or Purchaser-accepted equal.
2. Floor tiles shall be slip resistant; wall tiles shall have matte finish.
3. The tiles shall be coved and turned up 100 mm (4 inch) at walls to form wall base, and
be finished with a rounded edge at the top and external corners.
4. Tiles to be fixed with adhesive as TCA Method F-113, and grout to be waterproof and


Rubber Mats
1. Electrical equipment rooms shall be provided with 10 mm (3/8 inch) thick nonconductive matting.
2. The matting shall extend 750 mm (30 inch) minimum in front of equipment.
3. The matting shall be Switchboard Type 1 conforming to ASTM D 178, Type 2,
Class II.


Resilient Flooring
1. Resilient flooring shall be vinyl composition floor tile 3 mm (0.125 inch) thick.
a. Flooring shall be free of asbestos.
b. Flooring shall be Armstrong custom Brigantine vinyl floor tile or Purchaseraccepted equal.
2. Flooring adhesive shall be Armstrong cement adhesive #N4S-89 with S-180
underlayment, or Purchaser-accepted equal.
3. The wall base shall be 100 mm (4 inch) extruded anodized aluminium.


Carpet (Offices and Berthing Areas)

1. All carpet shall have the following fire resistance values:
Flame spread


Fuel contribution


Smoke density


2. All adhesives for carpeting shall be as recommended by the carpet manufacturer and
shall be suitable for a fire rated application.
3. Carpeting shall be nylon loop, stain resistant, commercial grade with factory applied
soil protection. Minimum values will be as follows:
Finished pile thickness

3 mm (0.112 inch)

Stitches per inch


Production yarn weight

1125 g/m2 (28 oz. per yard)


9,000 oz. per cubic yard

Electrostatic propensity

>3.5 KV (permanent conductive fiber)


10 year commercial

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4. Carpeting shall be shrink proof and shall remain stable under humid conditions.
5. Carpeting shall be rendered permanently antistatic (as noted above), and shall retain
high wear resistance and steam cleaning properties.
6. Carpet pad (where required) shall be fiber type, minimum weight of 50 oz, with a
density of 11# per cubic foot. Minimum thickness shall not be less than 3/8 inch
(10 mm).
7. Carpet color/style selection shall be by Purchaser from manufacturer-provided
8. All carpet/adhesive data sheets and fire resistance values shall be submitted to the
Purchaser for review.
9. The wall base shall be extruded anodized aluminum.

1. The Supplier shall use construction procedures and controls that produce a completely
level floor without local undulations.
2. Where one floor finish abuts flooring of another material, a self-return edge shall be

7.3.10 Protection of Work

1. Newly installed floor coverings shall be temporarily protected during construction
with heavy gauge plastic, plywood, or other material deemed to provide appropriate
2. At completion of all work, all damages to new floor coverings shall be repaired at
Suppliers expense.
3. All tile surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned, polished, and sealed.

Doors and Frames


1. Doors, frames and hardware shall comply with NFPA 80 and USCG NVIC 9-97,
Section 3.10.
2. Whole door assemblies shall meet all requirements for fire, thermal and acoustic
3. The Supplier shall submit full door details for Purchaser review prior to manufacture.
4. A schedule of fittings for all doors together with a catalog cut of each hardware item
shall also be submitted to the Purchaser at the same time for review.
5. The Supplier shall ensure that door assemblies operate quietly and do not exceed
specified noise limits.


Exterior Door Assemblies

This door assembly shall be used at all exterior locations.
1. The door assembly shall be ABS, USCG, or Lloyds accepted, Rapp Bomek or
Purchaser-accepted equal. The rating of the whole assembly shall match the wall in
which it is installed, and shall be certified and labeled accordingly.
2. The outside skin shall be 3.5 mm (10 gauge) stainless steel plate and the interior skin
shall be 1.9 mm (14 gauge) stainless steel plate.

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3. The inside of the door shall be channel reinforced.

4. The door shall be mounted in a 3.5 mm (10 gauge) stainless steel frame. Finish of door
and frame shall be US32D.

Interior Door Assemblies

1. Doors shall be 1.3 mm (18 gauge) galvanized steel with 1.6 mm (16 gauge)
galvanized steel frames.
2. Doors and frames shall be factory primed and field painted by Supplier.
3. Doors and frames shall be DE Series, as manufactured by Republic Builders
Products, or a Purchaser-accepted equal, and constructed to conform to ANSI/SDI


1. Glass shall be supplied in exterior and interior doors with the following general
a. Bedrooms
b. Toilets
c. Change rooms
d. Storage rooms
e. Mechanical/electrical rooms
2. Glass shall be approximately 625 sq cms (100 square inches) and the assembly shall
have the same rating as the door in which it is fitted.
3. Glass shall be PPG heat strengthened glass or an accepted equal.
4. Glass in exterior doors shall have a gray tint.
5. Glazing compound shall be non-hardening and appropriate spacer blocks shall be


Door Hardware
1. Hinges
a. Butt hinges for all interior doors shall be heavy duty stainless steel, US32D.
b. 4 1/24 1/2 inch full mortise template butts with non-rising loose pin button tips
and ball bearings.
c. One and a half pairs required per single door, three pair minimum required for
double doors.
d. Double acting hinges shall be center hung pivots, floor mounted, for doors to
300 pounds.
e. Rixson-Firemark #370 center hung pivot set or a Purchaser-accepted equal.
2. Locksets
a. Locks or locksets/latchsets shall be provided on all doors, except double acting
b. Corbin cylinders shall be furnished on all doors equipped with panic hardware.

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c. Locksets or latchsets shall be furnished for all other doors.

d. Locksets shall have keys stamped with room number.
e. Locksets and latchsets shall be Corbin 400 Series, US32D or a Purchaseraccepted equal.

Cylinder locksets shall be installed on all doors except doors to the galley, toilets,
and change rooms.

g. Toilets and womens change room doors shall have privacy latchsets. Mens
change room shall be provided with latchset.
3. Closers
a. Closing devices shall be provided to ensure barriers from weather (exterior
doors), fire (fire breaks and stairwells), and noise (common living areas such as
Laundry, Recreation Room), and shall be of the size recommended by the
b. Closer shall be by LCN or a Purchaser-accepted equal.
c. Closers shall be mounted on the inside face of exterior doors.
d. Door mounted closers shall be fixed with a minimum of 6 bolts.
4. Panic Hardware
a. Exit devices (panic bars) shall be provided on all exits to the building exterior
and interior egress doors, (i.e., at stairs).
b. They shall be mortise type, in stainless steel, Von Duprin 88 series, Monarch
XXRT Vanguard US32D, or a Purchaser-accepted equal. Use #8858 TP US32D
(active or single door) with #582 or #583 strike as appropriate.
5. Rain Drips
Rain drips shall be extruded bronze, Pemko #345B or a Purchaser-accepted equal.
6. Surface Bolt
Surface bolts (for use on the inactive leaf of a pair of doors) shall be Model #454, F2C
with universal strike, Ives Hardware Co., or Purchaser-accepted equal.
7. Door Stop
a. Door stops shall be dome type in stainless steel. Use Quality Hardware or a
Purchaser-accepted equal.
b. Doors without thresholds, Quality #331-ES
c. Doors with thresholds, Quality #431-ES
8. Kick Plate
a. Kick plates shall be provided on all doors double acting and doors with push/pull
b. Plates shall be stainless steel 1.3 mm (18 gauge), beveled four sides, 200 mm
(8 inch) high by door width less 37 mm (1 1/2 inch). Use Quality Hardware #48 or
a Purchaser-accepted equal.

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9. Push-Pull Plates
All push-pull plates shall be stainless steel, 416 inches, Quality Hardware or a
Purchaser-accepted equal.
a. Pull Plates Quality Hardware #4520.
b. Push PlatesQuality Hardware #2300.
10. Keying of Doors
a. All locks shall be master keyed.
b. Keying system shall be tied to and coordinated with grand master keying system
for other buildings located on same platform/complex. Provide two keys for each
lockset, except where otherwise indicated, and three master keys.
c. Each bedroom/office door shall be individually keyed.
(1) 10 keys shall be provided for each four-man room and
(2) 4 keys shall be provided for one- and two-man room and offices.
d. Electrical and water heater room shall be keyed alike.
e. Storage rooms shall be individually keyed.

Exterior entry doors shall be keyed alike.


1. All windows shall comply with NFPA 80 and USCG 9-97, Section 3.10 and be
furnished complete, including:
a. All window frames
b. Glass
c. Flashing
d. Sealant
e. Fasteners


g. Finishes as required
2. Whole window assemblies shall meet all requirements for fire, thermal and acoustic
ratings of the walls in which they are fitted.
3. The Supplier shall submit full details for Purchaser review prior to manufacture.
4. A schedule of fittings for all windows together with a catalog cut of each hardware
item shall also be submitted to the Purchaser at the same time for review.
5. Windows shall be provided where indicated on Purchaser drawings.
6. Mini-blinds shall be installed at all window locations.

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1. Fixed double glazed, grade 316 stainless steel framed windows. Use Model Heavy
Commercial F-HC as manufactured by the Ventilite Purchaser of Bogalusa, LA or a
Purchaser-accepted equal.
2. Sizes shall be 2436 inches (600900 mm) high.
3. Glass shall consist of grey tinted heat strengthened glass minimum 1/4 inch (6 mm)
thick. Use PPG Ind., Inc. or a Purchaser-accepted equal.
4. Mini-blinds, shall be as manufactured by Levolor-Riviera or Purchaser-accepted equal
and shall fit within the cased window opening.
5. Window weatherstripping shall be factory installed internally and externally around
perimeter of sash members.
6. All glass shall be in a thickness to resist the designated load and deflection criteria.


1. Frames shall be square, plumb, and in proper alignment.
2. Frames shall be secured with stainless steel fasteners as required to meet design wind
and seismic load criteria and to ensure a weathertight enclosure.


Raised Access Floors


1. This section covers the supply of the proprietary computer floor system to be provided
in areas as indicated in the Room Schedule.
2. The system shall allow a clear space of 600 mm (2 feet), or otherwise as indicated,
from the underside of the raised floor structure to the top of the sub-floor.
3. Steps and handrails shall be in accordance with the SID-SU-5106 requirements.
4. The Supplier shall submit details, including samples of materials and elements, for
Purchaser review before installation.


Fire Requirements
1. The cavity floor construction shall be non-combustible having a spread of flame rating
not exceeding 25 on the underside (void).
2. Fire and smoke barriers shall be provided in the floor voids in accordance with ABS
requirements. Materials to be used for this purpose shall be manufactured from highdensity compressible mineral fiber of a suitable thickness to achieve the protection


Floor System
1. The Cavity Flooring System shall consist of 600600 mm (22 feet) modular
galvanized steel floor panels of reinforced construction supported on adjustable
galvanized steel load bearing floor pedestals restrained by a lateral support grid
designed with cross bracing as necessary to hold panels in place without allowing any
2. The pedestals shall be adjustable in height to ensure that the finished floor does not
deviate from level by more than 2 mm (1/8 in).

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3. Tiles shall be of the totally encapsulated type.

4. Core material shall be fire, moisture, fungus and insect resistant. Core material shall
be fully bonded to the steel casing to ensure delamination does not occur and the
integrity and loading capacity are maintained.
5. Floor panels shall be finished with factory applied finishes in accordance with the
Schedule of finishes.
6. All finishes shall have anti-static properties.
7. Factory applied finishes shall be accurately cut and securely bonded to the floor
panels and trimmed at the edges so that the finish does not de-laminate during lifting.

1. The flooring system shall be capable of supporting heavy loads.
2. A concentrated load of 4.5kN or a UDL of 5kN/m2, shall be considered as acceptable
unless otherwise specified.


Electrical Properties
1. Conductive floor systems shall be grounded in accordance with requirements and the
manufacturers instructions.
2. Non-conductive floor systems shall be insulated in accordance with requirements and
manufacturers instructions.
3. Electrical resistance between the floor surface and the platform steelwork should in
this instance be between 1 M ohm and 1000 M ohm.
4. Conducting/isolating properties shall be verified prior to commissioning.


HVAC Requirements
1. If required for air distribution systems, panels shall be securely laid and located on
pedestal heads to ensure a tight seal between panels and at perimeter.
2. Perforated floor panels shall be installed where indicated.
3. Perforations shall be suitably finished to maintain the physical characteristics of the


Equipment Supports
1. All instrument panels and equipment shall be independently supported on steel
a. The floor design shall be provided with facilities to trim round heavy equipment
which is supported from the sub-floor on its own frame.
b. Field cut panels shall be corrosion protected and be provided with appropriate
edge trims.
2. The entire cavity floor and support structure shall be provided by the same
a. Panels shall be interchangeable, easily placed and removable by a portable lifting
b. The Supplier shall provide two sets of lifting tools for each location.
3. Emergency access for fire fighting to the under floor void shall be provided via panels
with permanently attached recess lifting devices.

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1. Before laying commences, the Supplier shall condition materials by unpacking and
spreading out in the spaces where they shall be laid for the time recommended by the
2. The system shall be complete with temporary protection during installation, to be
removed after commissioning.


Prefabricated Bathrooms
1. The use of pre-fabricated bathrooms, if proposed by the Supplier, will be considered by the
2. The bathrooms shall conform to the requirements of conventional bathrooms included in this
specification and shall contain the same fittings and accessories, or Purchaser-accepted equal.
3. All ABS and USCG requirements for fire, thermal and acoustic performance shall be met.
4. Floor pans shall be in one piece and shall prevent the passage of water to adjoining spaces.
5. All pipework shall be concealed from within the bathrooms, but shall be accessible from
corridor areas outside the bathrooms.
6. Walls shall be reinforced as necessary for the fixing of equipment.
7. All equipment shall be wall mounted.
8. All internal finishes shall be easily cleanable and inaccessible internal corners shall be
9. The Supplier shall submit an outline proposal to the Purchaser before preparation of layout
drawings, and if accepted, shall provide data sheets for review.
10. A full size prototype shall be completed for Purchaser review before production starts


1. Supplier shall provide a complete, tested and operable elevator/dumbwaiter assembly in
accordance with the Technical Requirements.
2. Supplier is responsible for:
a. All design, engineering, materials, fabrication, procurement, testing, review, and
installation of the elevator/dumbwaiter assembly.
b. All interface with the accepted elevator/dumbwaiter Supplier.
3. The entire hoistway assembly will be constructed as a fire-rated assembly, including fire
protection for doors, penetrations, and ventilation equipment.
4. Elevator/dumbwaiter shall be electric, with all motors and related equipment located in an
upper penthouse above the hoistway. Penthouse will be accessible from the roof area of the
Quarters structure.
5. Car speed shall be as recommended by elevator/dumbwaiter Supplier and accepted by
6. Power supply shall be 480 VAC, 6 Hz, 3 phase. All electrical devices and installation shall
conform to NFPA 70 and applicable codes and standards.
7. Penthouse, hoistway, and elevator car shall be ventilated as required by applicable codes and

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8. The following manufacturers have been noted as an acceptable guide to material quality and
service. Unless noted otherwise, alternate manufacturers may be submitted for Purchaser
a. Millar Elevator Purchaser
b. U.S. Elevators
c. Dover Elevators
d. Otis Elevators
e. Montgomery Elevator


9. Signal devices will be provided at all landings, including car arrival chime/indicator, car
location indicator and car direction indicator.
10. Car will automatically level to each landing height. Car level will be maintained during car
11. All door opening sills will be provided with sill plates to facilitate loading any rolling carts and
equipment into the car.
12. All automatic safety devices will be provided in accordance with all applicable codes and
13. Elevator car will be provided with emergency shutoff, telephone, and automatic return to first
floor landing as required during fire or similar emergency.
14. All door opening features will be completely automated.
15. The Supplier shall ensure that all elevator installations operate quietly and do not exceed
specified noise limits.

Carpentry and Millwork


1. Supplier shall fabricate and install mill fabricated and/or stainless steel cabinets,
including but not limited to the following:
a. bathroom cabinets and countertops
b. recreation room bookcases and cabinets
c. kitchen wall cabinets (stainless steel)
d. laundry room cabinets
e. storage shelving


g. clothes lockers
h. bunkbeds, complete with their required accessories, in locations as listed in the
Technical Requirements.
2. All items shall all be fabricated with core materials and laminates accepted by the
Purchaser and USCG in accordance with NVIC 9-97.
3. Combustible wall coverings, wood paneling, trim, or cabinets shall not be used.

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4. Any textiles and upholstery foam shall be self-extinguishing.

5. Dust traps and recesses shall be avoided.
6. Sharp corners and edges in exposed locations shall be rounded to avoid injury.
7. Supplier shall submit a complete set of architectural shop and installation drawings for
Purchaser review before fabrication.

1. Resin-based worktops shall be DuPont Corionor Purchaser-accepted equal, with
color from the manufacturers standard range.
2. Laminates
a. The exposed or exterior surfaces of mill work shall be covered with a NEMA
GP-50 noncombustible embossed textured laminate finish where indicated on the
drawings or in this specification.
b. Interior surfaces shall have liner grade laminate finish.
c. Colors shall be selected by Purchaser from the manufacturers standard range of
colors and finishes.
d. Approved manufacturers:
(1) Westinghouse Electric Corporation Micarta Type PFR-1
(2) Exxon Chemical Corporation Nevamar Type HR-6
(3) Wilson Arts - Plastic Laminates
(4) Formica Brand Laminates
(5) Purchaser-approved equal
3. Adhesives
Adhesives shall be highly water-resistant type, as recommended by the laminate manufacturer.


Cabinet hardware shall be as follows, or Purchaser-approved equal:
1. Adjustable shelf supports shall consists of a steel standard pilaster, flush mounted,
adjustable in 1/2-inch (13 mm) increments and steel supports, adjustable in
1/2-inch (13 mm) increments. Use Knape and Volt #239 supports and #255 standards.
2. Drawer slides shall be 60# rated, full extension, universal, with lift levers for drawer
removal. Use Knape and Volt #1455.
3. Hinges shall be wrought steel pivot hinges with satin clear anodized finish. Use
Stanley pivot hinge #342.
4. Magnetic cabinet catches shall have a stainless steel case. Use Stanley #41.
5. Cabinet pulls shall be wire pulls, stainless steel, 3 3/8-inch (86 mm) centers, satin
finish, 1-inch (25 mm) finger clearance. Use McMaster-Carr #1726A11.
6. Provide keyed cabinet locks at all doors and drawers in bedrooms. Coordinate keying
requirements with Purchaser.

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Fabrication and Installation

1. All dimensions are the responsibility of the Supplier and shall be verified at the job
site prior to fabricating any millwork.
2. Work shall be preassembled at the mill, as far as practicable, and shall be delivered
and installed after the building is closed in. Recommended moisture content is to be
maintained at all times.
3. Materials shall be handled or worked in the best manner known to the trade.
a. Joints shall be by mortise, tenon, dowel, or block and glue to avoid the use of nails
as much as possible.
b. When used, nails and screws shall be concealed (i.e., countersunk and filled).
4. Cabinet bases shall have base trim to match scheduled room base.
5. All cabinet units shall be provided with closed backs.
6. Adjustable shelf standards shall be recessed into cabinets and screw anchored as
7. All shelving shall be constructed of steel or noncombustible material.
8. Where plumbing enters cabinets through back, a removable access panel shall be
provided cut to fit plumbing rough-in, so as to be concealed by plumbing finish




1. All metal surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned and coated in accordance with
COM-SU-2.02, using coating systems as listed in Section 8.2.1.
2. Surfaces or items (i.e., hardware) not scheduled to be painted shall be protected by masking or
removal, where possible, to prevent paint spatter, overload, or damage during painting
operation. Any items removed shall be reinstalled upon completion of painting.




Exterior and Interior Surface

Interior surfaces to be covered by insulation

Coating System 12.1

Interior surfaces, not visible, not covered by insulation

Coating System 1.4

Interior and exterior surfaces generally

Coating System 3.1

Roof access (non-skid coating)

Coating System 4.6

Exterior H60 surfaces (fireproofing and topcoating)

Coating System 4.4

Galvanized stairs and handrails

Coating System 3.6

1. All painters equipment, supplies and debris shall be removed as soon as application is
2. All traces of paint from areas not scheduled to be painted shall be removed. All glass
shall be thoroughly cleaned.
3. The Supplier shall furnish two gallons of each color of paint or finish for field touchup of the building.

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Food Service Equipment



Shop Drawings
1. Supplier shall prepare and submit for Purchaser approval shop drawings for all items
of work necessary for a complete installation.
2. Drawings shall show:
a. All dimensions, details of construction, installation and relation to adjoining and
related work requiring cutting or close fitting.
b. All reinforcements, anchorage and other related work for the complete installation
of all fixtures.
3. Installation shall make allowance for maintenance areas and possible replacement.


1. Supplier shall prepare and submit for review and approval prior to purchasing two
complete sets of catalog cuts in bound form.
2. Each brochure shall be a complete accounting for all specified buy-out items.


Equipment Schedule
1. The equipment list included in Appendix III and is are provided to form a baseline for
bidding purposes.
2. Responsibility for the selection of equipment, subject to Purchaser approval, shall
remain with the Supplier.


Materials and Workmanship

1. All stainless steel shall be Type 316 SS, No. 4 finish.
2. All exposed welds shall be ground smooth and polished to match.


Fabrication and Installation

1. All kitchen units, wall cabinets and work surfaces shall be stainless steel, all welded
construction with rolled edges and required reinforcement.
2. Work surfaces shall be 1.9 mm (14 g) thickness.
3. Shelves shall be 1.3 mm (18 g) thickness.
4. Side panels shall be 1 mm (20 g) thickness.
5. Work surfaces shall be one piece welded construction, reinforced on the underside
with stainless steel channels welded in place.
6. Work surfaces shall have 50 mm (2 inch) turnup at junctions with wall surfaces, with
10 mm (3/8 inch) radius bend. Front and return edges shall be rolled to 35 mm
(1 3/8 inch) diameter.
7. Within the galley, stainless steel splash guards shall extend from the countertop up to
the underside of upper cabinets or to the galley area ceiling.

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Trimming and Sealing Equipment

1. Spacing between stationery equipment and walls, ceilings, floors and adjacent stationary
equipment (except portable unit) shall be completely sealed against the entrance of food
particles and water with strips, welding, soldering or suitable commercial joint material.
2. No exposed screw or boltheads will be permitted on fixtures or installation materials.
3. Ends of all fixtures, splash backs, shelves shall be filled by forming the metal or welded
sections to finish entire rear of fixtures flush to walls.


Laundry Equipment

See Appendix II and Appendix III.


All equipment shall be:
1. Installed and connected to utilities in accordance with the manufacturers
recommendations and requirements.
2. Firmly anchored to the floor and wall in such a manner that ensures no building
vibration occurs during operation.



1. Supplier shall procure, inspect, store, assemble, and install all furnishings for the
Living Quarters Building as specified herein and in accordance with Technical
2. Supplier shall receive Purchaser written approval prior to placing orders for


1. All colors and, where required, type of covers, shall be selected by Purchaser from
manufacturers standard range of products.
2. All metal, except legs, on office furnishings shall be painted black.


Furnishing Schedule
1. Furnishings shall be provided, installed or packaged and stored for shipment in designated
2. Detailed schedule and description of equipment is included in Architectural Schedules.

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1. Supplier shall design, fabricate, and install the buildings heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) systems (one operating, one 100 percent standby) consisting of skidmounted packaged HVAC units, exhaust, and make up air systems including the following:
a. all refrigerant and drain piping
b. ductwork
c. grilles
d. registers
e. air handling units

condensing units

g. cooling and heating coils

h. exhaust fans

make up air fan


motor starters and controls

2. If feasible, the two units (one operating and one on standby) shall be mounted on a single skid
to facilitate a single lift.
3. The work includes installing, starting, testing and balancing all units.
4. Installed systems shall conform to the requirements, with current amendments, of NFPA 90A
and NFPA 90B, to ELC-DU-12.01 and ELC-SU-12.02, and to ASHRAE Handbook
Fundamentals, latest edition, and to the manufacturers specification. Installations within U.S.
jurisdiction shall conform to NEC standards, all other installations shall conform to IEC
5. All bolts, washers, and metal screws shall be stainless steel.
6. Air handling units shall have the same hazardous area rating as equipment exterior to the
building and AHU fans must be non-sparking.
7. Two types of systems are suitable for use with the Living Quarters building; direct expansion
(DX), and chilled water. Select as follows:
a. For building capacities between 90-100 persons both systems should be evaluated by
Supplier based upon economics, size/weight, utilities requirements, power consumption,
reliability, etc.
b. For buildings with a capacity of less than 90 persons, Supplier shall furnish DX systems,
unless noted to the contrary by Purchaser drawings or other Technical Requirements.
c. For buildings with a capacity of greater than 100 persons, Supplier shall furnish chilled
water systems.
8. Supplier shall furnish design calculations, fabrication and installation drawings, testing
documentation, and load balancing data for the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
systems including detail maintenance instructions and parts list for all equipment associated
with these systems. Design calculation shall include resulting system noise.

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9. Air conditioning shall consist of two complete system installations, with condensing and air
handling units outside the building and reheat coils inside.
a. Conditioned air distributing ductwork from the systems shall enter the quarters building
between the suspended ceiling and the floor of the second floor.
b. The installed unit and all systems, including the ductwork, shall be capable of
withstanding the transportation and installation forces.
10. Supply air shall be constant volume reheat system with ducted supply and return air.
a. Ductwork shall be low velocity sized by equal friction method based on
0.125 inch/100 feet friction maximum for main supply ducts and trunks at
0.10 inch/100 feet.
b. Electric duct heaters shall be provided in each rooms air duct system to provide an
adequate temperature control system.

Ventilation Requirements
1. A minimum 20 CFM per person of outside air shall be supplied to the building.
a. Individual exhaust fans with backdraft dampers, activated by a wall switch, shall exhaust
2 CFM per square foot of floor area from each toilet room into an exhaust duct discharging
b. The range hood shall discharge outside the building.
c. Door grills shall not be used for return air.
d. Return vents shall be located in the ceilings.
2. Exhaust for the range hood shall be designed by latest edition of NFPA 90. Make-up air supply
from the room is to be provided from filtered outdoor air for 20 percent of the total exhaust
hood requirement.
3. The design of the system shall include a quantity of outside air to maintain a positive pressure
in the building of 0.10 inch wg under test conditions.
a. Test Conditions shall be defined as periods during which all operable exterior openings
are closed, and mechanical ventilation equipment is operating.
b. The building pressure shall be limited to 0.15 inch wg (maximum).
c. Positive pressurization is to be achieved by modulating outside and return air dampers
continually positioned by a motor.
d. Outside air damper is to be closed when system is not operating


10.3.1 General Requirements
1. The heating, ventilation, and cooling system shall consist of one modular
skid-mounted packaged combination air-cooled air conditioning and positive
ventilation units.
2. The structural frame supporting the air conditioning equipment shall be designed for
lifting and safety of handling. The structural design, welding and inspection contained
in FFS-SU-5216 shall not apply.

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3. The package will be mounted on the roof of the living quarters.

a. All electrical equipment exterior to the building shall be Class I, Group D,
Division 2.
b. All electrical enclosures exterior to building to be NEMA 7/4, or NEMA 4X
(316 stainless steel for terminal boxes).
4. The packaged unit shall be by DWD Engineering, Inc., of Houston, Texas, USA, or
Purchaser-approved alternative.
5. Two 100 percent capacity systems shall be furnished. Each system shall consist of one
direct expansion air handling unit linked to one air cooled condensing unit.
a. The features of the units are described in this specification and the Technical
b. Duct heaters shall be located in the supply ducts at each room.
c. Return air shall utilize the space above the suspended ceiling.
d. Rooms without lowered ceilings shall have other provisions for return air.
10.3.2 Air Handling System
1. One DX air handling system shall be furnished to provide 100 percent of the total
cooling requirements.
a. The unit will have a nominal capacity that exceeds the building calculated cooling
requirements by 5-7 percent.
b. The evaporator coil shall include a 316L stainless steel frame, copper tubes and
copper fins.
c. The coils (to be row split into 2-stages each) shall have separate thermostatic
expansion valves, each connected to its separate compressor, thereby
automatically providing two separate and independent stages of cooling, with
suction pressure operated unloaders on the first stage.
2. Supplier shall provide one centrifugal blower section to provide 100 percent CFM
a. Provide with variable pitch V-belt driven with TEFC, IEEE Std 841 motor.
b. The blower section shall be constructed of non-sparking material.
c. Wheels shall be in static and dynamic balance at all speeds.
d. The fan shaft shall be of cold-rolled, ground and polished steel and shall be
painted with a rust-resistant coating.
e. The bearings shall be heavy duty, self-aligning ball type selected for minimum
200,000 hour life with pillow block type ball bearings.

The fans shall be connected to the motor by means of a V-belt drive with a
variable pitch motor pulley.

g. The motor shall be mounted on an adjustable base.

3. The unit cabinet shall be all weatherproof construction minimum 16 gauge stainless
sheet steel, and 316 stainless steel hardware for corrosion protection in highly
corrosive environments.
4. The entire air handling section shall be insulated internally with 1 inch thickness
(2 layers) and 3# density fiberglass insulation, having a neoprene coating.
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5. The drain pans shall be single wall with 5/8 inch insulated external space constructed
of 16 gauge type 316 stainless steel, completely seal welded.
a. Drain pans shall be designed to extend the entire length of the cooling coils,
including headers and return bends.
b. Drain pan shall be piped to a trapped PVC drain.
6. Automatic blade fire and smoke dampers with power to open spring to close motors
shall be provided as required by the Project construction requirements. Fire dampers
shall be flanged type and shall comply with UL 555 Standard.
7. Outside air should be drawn into the unit by means of a weatherproof louver or hood
fitted with a bird screen.
8. Washable air filter 316 stainless steel (2 inch thick pleated) element shall be provided.
The filter rack shall be readily accessible.
9. A disconnect switch for each blower motor, mounted at unit, shall be provided.
10.3.3 Condenser/Compressor System
1. Compressor/condensing system(s) consisting of compressor(s), air cooled condenser
coil(s), fan(s), motors, charging valve, and refrigerant charge and controls shall be
2. Each of two air cooled condensing units shall have a capacity that matches or slightly
exceeds the building cooling requirements.
3. Each will have direct driven propeller condenser fan with TEFC severe duty motors.
4. Additional requirements include:
a. Valving to isolate instruments or safety devices for maintenance without causing
loss of refrigerant charge shall be provided.
b. Each condenser section shall have copper fins mechanically bonded to seamless
copper tubes with an integral sub-cooler. The design of the condenser coils shall
be based on an outside ambient temperature of 97F (36C).
c. Condenser coils shall be copper tube copper fin construction and coated for
marine application.
d. Expanded metal guards made of 316 stainless steel with framed edges shall be
provided to protect exterior of condenser coils.
e. The compressor shall be field serviceable, semi-hermetic type and shall include a
crankcase heater, spring vibration mounting isolators, a hot gas muffler, suction
strainer, suction and discharge manual shut-off valves, and a force feed lubrication
system utilizing a positive displacement oil pump.

Controls shall be factory wired and located in a separate enclosure for the
compressor/condenser system.
(1) Safety devices required shall include high and low pressure switches, compressor overload, short cycle timer, contactors and external overload protection on all motors.
(2) The units shall be complete with all electric controls and motor starters.
(3) A NEMA 12 enclosure shall be provided mounted in the building.
(4) Refrigeration pressure switches shall be installed inside NEMA 7/4 enclosures located at the unit.

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g. If multiple compressors are required, each compressor is to be piped separately to

a stage in the evaporator and condenser coils. This will prevent cross
contamination of the refrigeration circuits if a malfunction is experienced in one
of them.
h. Gauges displaying suction, discharge and oil pressures for each compressor shall
be provided.
(1) The gauges shall be liquid filled with a stainless steel movement.
(2) The gauges shall be mounted on a stainless steel panel located on the skid.
(3) The 4 inch diameter gauges shall be Ashcroft Model #1009 with 316 stainless
steel liquid filled case, or a Purchaser-approved equal.
10.3.4 Mounting/Housing of Compressors, Condensers, Air Handling Units
1. The cabinets shall be fabricated of not less that 16 gauge 316L stainless steel with
suitable interior reinforcing members.
2. All other steel parts, including evaporator coil and condenser coil, shall be coated with
a Purchaser-approved urethane acrylic coating system.
10.3.5 Refrigeration Piping System
1. Refrigerant piping requirements include:
a. All refrigerant piping shall be refrigerant grade ACR type L (with manufacturers
shipping seal). Piping shall be coated for corrosion protection.
b. All refrigerant piping shall be mounted and properly braced to the unit structure at
least every 6 feet.
(1) Supports to be fabricated out of 316 stainless steel Unistrut channels or an
equivalent method.
(2) Lining at supports shall be provided to prevent wearing of the copper tubing.
c. All refrigerant line brazed fittings shall be wrought copper. All ells in the hot gas
discharge line shall be long radius to alleviate stress.
d. Inert nitrogen shall be passed through the pipe when brazing to prevent scaling.
All brazing material shall be virgin metal (not reclaimed).
e. Flare fittings shall be forged brass.

Refrigeration seal shall be used on threaded joints for refrigerant piping.

g. All refrigerant piping shall be pressure tested to at least 150 percent of working
pressure for a minimum of 4 hours.
2. Drain requirements include:
a. PVC shall be used for drains.
b. Condensate drain piping shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 inch diameter. A trap shall
be provided in all drain lines.
c. Drain piping shall be insulated with a minimum 3/4 inch closed cell foam plastic
insulation suitable for this application.

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10.3.6 Refrigerant Piping Insulation

1. Suction line insulation shall be 3/4 inch thick closed cell expanded elastomeric plastic
flexible tube insulation such as Armaflex II.
2. Insulation shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
All butt points shall be reinforced with tape.
3. Insulation shall be coated with Armstrong white finish #853 or Purchaser-approved
10.3.7 Electrical
1. Electric motors shall be in accordance with DRI-SU-1824.
2. The HVAC system shall have the capability of the two refrigeration circuits operating
independently. The electrical power system shall be designed to allow the
disconnection of power from one circuit without affecting the operation of the other
3. All wiring outside the building shall use cables and insulation as discussed in
ELC-SU-12.13. Conduit shall only be used inside the building.
4. All electrical cables for the HVAC skid shall be type MC supported by fiberglass tray.
5. The cable gland shall be suitable for MC cable and covered with heat-shrink tubing
coated after cable gland.
6. All motors rated at 5 HP or less shall have a 240 volt rated space heater, but operated
at 120 volts.

Ductwork and Air Distribution

10.4.1 Ductwork
1. A properly designed, fabricated, and installed galvanized metal air supply ductwork
system shall be installed. All ductwork shall be constructed in accordance with
SMACNA standards and shall be externally insulated to prevent condensation with
fiberglass insulation which meets or exceeds NFPA 90A requirements.
2. An adjustable splitter or similar damper shall be provided at the junction of the main
duct to each branch duct. Dampers shall have adjustable locking type quadrants.
3. Flexible connections shall be supplied to prevent transmission of vibration to the
4. Turning vanes shall be used at all turns of more than 30 degrees. Extractors shall be
installed at all duct branches and these extractors shall be fitted with locking
5. Transition sections shall be constructed so that the included angle for a converging
section is less than 15 degrees and for a diverging section is less than 10 degrees.
6. The ducts shall be hung from the roof framing members by means of threaded rods
and steel angles (16 gauge minimum) or fabricated brackets installed on 6 foot
centers. After installation the duct system shall be able to withstand an eight way
directional movement.
7. Opposed blade dampers shall be installed at all duct take-offs to a register. These
dampers shall be used for primary air volume control and shall include locking
quadrants installed outside the duct.

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8. Where fire dampers are installed, the duct shall be provided with hinged access panels for
damper inspection. These panels shall include gaskets to insure an airtight fit.
9. Fire dampers shall be provided at all fire rated partitions.
a. These dampers shall be fabricated from galvanized steel and be UL listed and rated
1.5 hour.
b. The fire dampers shall be spring loaded low leakage type and include a 165F (74C)
fusible link.
10. The duct system shall include the necessary grilles and registers for proper air distribution
with no apparent drafts or excessive air movement.
a. Exact location of all registers, grilles, or ceiling outlets shall be approved by Purchaser.
b. The supply air registers shall include opposed blade dampers for final air volume
c. The grilles and registers shall be an aluminum curved blade type as manufactured by
Titus, Air Guide or a Purchaser-approved equal fabricated from anodized aluminum
extrusions with aluminum finish.
d. The supply registers shall be selected with a maximum noise spectrum rating of NC-35.
11. The kitchen exhaust ductwork shall be fabricated out of 16 gauge stainless steel and shall be
100 percent welded to prevent any grease leaks. This duct shall be sized for a minimum air
velocity of 1600 feet per minute and is not to be insulated.
12. The exhaust ducts from the restrooms shall be fabricated as above described, however
insulation or seal welding is not required. Air velocity shall be limited to 800 feet per minute
to minimize noise generation.
13. Ducts installed outside the building shall be fabricated from 14 gauge 316L stainless steel
insulated in the fashion described.
a. All duct joints shall be assembled utilizing flanges and gaskets (Ductmate type
preferred) so as to prevent the entrance of water inside the ducts.
b. As further protection the joints shall be hard casted after installation.
10.4.2 Electric Duct Heaters
1. Each zone shall be supplied through Indeeco duct-mounted, electric-resistance type heaters
with fin-tube type medium watt density elements, UL listed, 2-stage control (minimum)
above 5 kW, and 3-stage control for above 30 kW.
2. A 24 VAC control circuit, loss of air flow switch, high temperature shutoff with accessible
manual reset, and a non-fused disconnect switch for each heater and mounted at unit shall be

Control System
10.5.1 General Control Requirements
1. The zone controls shall consist of a thermostat for each zone.
2. The compressor/condenser system shall be provided with factory-built control panels, direct
expansion, air conditioning systems.
3. The control wiring shall be tagged with the same designation on each end.

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4. The air conditioning unit Supplier/manufacturer shall prepare a one-line HVAC

controls diagram showing the control components locations, controls terminals at the
air handling units and electric duct heaters, and condensing units and remote
annunciator panel.
a. A complete bill of materials and a sequence of operation description on the
One-line Diagram Drawing shall be provided.
b. This is to be provided during AFC stage of project.
10.5.2 Sequence of Operation
1. The air handling systems shall have two centrifugal blowers.
a. Only one of the blowers shall run; the other shall be a stand-by.
b. With the blower starter in the automatic position, fan F-1 or F-2 is started.
c. Cooling shall be staged in two incremental steps through a temperature sensor
located in the return air stream.
d. Cooling may be locked out completely by throwing a switch to the cooling disable
2. The ionization detectors shall turn off all blowers and air conditioning equipment and
close the automatic smoke/fire dampers upon sensing the presence of products of
combustion. HVAC fire detection shall be connected to the building fire alarm system.
3. Each electric duct heater shall be controlled through its own low voltage 2-step
a. When the space temperature drops below the thermostat set point, Stage 1 of the
electric duct heater shall be energized.
b. On a continued drop in space temperature, Stage 2 is turned on.
4. Gas detection systems shall be able to de-energize the entire HVAC system.

Chilled Water System

10.6.1 Air Cooled Water Chiller
1. Supplier shall furnish three packaged air cooled water chiller units.
a. Two units running with the third unit providing 50 percent standby capacity.
b. The units shall be installed on a skid for ease of handling and installation in
accordance with Technical Requirements.
2. The cabinets of the chillers shall be fabricated out of 316L stainless steel (16 gauge
minimum) fastened with 316L stainless steel hardware (self tapping screws, if used, to
be 410 stainless steel).
a. The following package shall also include two each 100 percent capacity
centrifugal, chilled-water supply pumps, each directly-driven by an IEEE Std 841
TEFC motor.
b. The pumps shall be pre-piped, manifolded, and terminated at the edge of the skid,
so that either pump can be selected to operate with either two of the operating

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3. The condenser section shall be air cooled, self contained, piped and wired.
a. The compressor(s) shall be of the serviceable semi-hermetic type.
b. The air cooled condensers shall include integral sub-cooling circuit.
4. The unit shall be provided with a NEMA 12 control enclosure for remote installation.
a. This enclosure shall contain the necessary IEC (NEMA) size starters, overload
relays, control power transformer, switches, annunciator lights, non-cycling
pumpdown logic, five minute anti-short cycle circuit, and all the necessary control
devices required for the operation of the unit.
b. The control circuit shall be relay logic. Solid state devices may be acceptable,
however they must be submitted for approval.
5. Terminal strips shall be provided and numbered to match those terminal strips in the
unit to provide a point to point interconnecting wiring in the field (wiring by others).
6. All wiring and installation shall be carried out in accordance with specifications. Any
exceptions proposed by Vendor shall be submitted to the Purchaser for consideration
and approval.
7. Two and one half-inch (64 mm) diameter 316L SS liquid filled gauges displaying oil,
suction and discharge pressure shall be provided for each compressor. These gauges
shall include manual isolation valves.
8. Supplier shall provide annunciator lights for indication of all shut down functions.
9. All motors shall be TEFC IEEE Std 841 in accordance with DRI-SU-1824.
10. The refrigeration compressors shall:
a. be Carrier, York or Trane serviceable semi-hermetic type.
b. include thermal overload protection, positive displacement automaticallyreversible oil pump, spring mounts, suction and discharge service valves and
crankcase heaters.
11. Vendor shall provide sufficient valves to isolate instruments or safety devices for
maintenance without causing loss of refrigerant charge.
12. The refrigerant components shall include a hot gas muffler, high pressure side relief
valves, sight glass and moisture indicator, liquid line solenoid valves, thermostatic
expansion valves and an adequate oil return system.
13. The direct expansion evaporator shall be of the shell and tube type selected for
0.0005 ft2/btu/hr fouling factor and include copper tubes, removable heads,
thermostatic expansion valve(s); and 3/4-inch (19 mm) thick closed cell urethane
external insulation.
14. The air cooled condensers shall be fabricated out of seamless copper tubes with
copper fins.
a. Fin spacing shall not exceed 15 to the inch.
b. The condenser section shall be arranged for horizontal air intake and vertical air
discharge; if required, deflectors shall be installed in the discharge to prevent air
recirculation due to platform obstructions.
c. The condenser coils and their associated refrigerant tubing shall be coated for
marine application.

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d. The base frame of the unit shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with
(1) Note that the frame should have adequate structural soundness for the purpose
of which it is intended.
(2) The frame shall be provided with removable type lifting eyes.
e. The structural steel base frame and any integral structural members of same shall
be sand blasted and coated for corrosion protection as per specifications.
10.6.2 Air Handling Units
1. Air handlers shall be of the continuously-operating draw-through type complete with
outside air/return air mixing box, air filters, chilled water cooling coil, belt driven
centrifugal blower and TEFC IEEE Std 841 motors.
2. The mixing box shall include manually operated opposed blade dampers to enable the
blower to maintain a positive building pressure of 0.1 inch wg when all building doors
are closed and mechanical ventilation systems are operating.
3. The unit shall include a high velocity air filter section fitted with 2-inch (51 mm) thick
permanent filters fabricated out of stainless steel mesh and frame.
4. The cabinet of the units shall be of the double wall construction fabricated from
16 gauge or heavier 316L stainless steel construction (exterior panels) and 18 gauge
galvanized steel (interior panels).
5. The unit shall be installed on a structural steel lifting frame fitted with removable
lifting pads.
a. The frame shall be sand blasted and coated for corrosion protection in accordance
with COM-SU-2.02.
b. The interior of the unit shall be coated with rubber based undercoating material
for corrosion protection and sound attenuation. Walk or grating shall be non-slip
fiberglass grating by Fibergrate, XFR type, light Oliver gray. Thickness to be
1 inch, mesh 1 inch square.
6. The drain pans shall be fabricated out of seal welded 316L stainless steel.
7. Access doors or removable panels shall be provided in all the sections to facilitate
maintenance. All doors or panels shall be provided with sponge rubber gaskets to
insure a proper air seal.
a. The blower housings and fan wheels shall be fabricated from galvanized steel.
b. The housing shall also be thoroughly sprayed with rubber based undercoating.
c. The fan shafts shall be fabricated out of cold rolled steel ground and polished.
After assembly, the shafts shall be painted with a rust resistant coating.
d. The blowers shall be provided with heavy duty, self aligning, pillow block type
ball bearings with grease fittings.
8. The fans shall include fixed pitch cast iron pulleys and the driver motor shall include
adjustable variable pitch cast iron pulleys.
a. Anti-static V belts shall be used.
b. These belts shall be capable of transmitting 130 percent of the required fan brake
c. The pulleys shall be coated with a corrosion resistant material after assembly.
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9. The cabinet of the unit shall be of the double wall construction and shall include two
layers of 1-inch (25 mm) thick 1.5# density rockwool insulation. This insulation shall
meet the requirements of NFPA 90A for flame spread and smoke generation.
10. The cooling coil shall be fabricated from copper tubes mechanically expanded onto
copper plate fins.
11. Fin spacing shall not exceed 14 per inch. The coils shall be coated for marine
a. The cooling coils shall be fitted with electrically operated mixing valve, manual
isolation and balancing valves.
b. Coil piping shall include pressure and temperature measuring stations (Petes
Plug II), permanently installed pressure gauges and thermometers fabricated out
of 316L stainless steel, automatic air vent with isolation valve, drain valve and
necessary unions to permit replacement of the various valves.
10.6.3 Chilled Water Piping and Insulation
1. All chilled water piping shall be fabricated from Schedule 40 seamless carbon steel
pipe. The use of 3 1/2 inch diameter pipe is to be avoided.
2. Piping having diameters of up to 2 inches shall be provided with threaded
connections. Piping 2 inches and larger is to be provided with flanged connections.
3. All flanges shall be ANSI Class 150 raised face type. All flanged joints shall be
secured with 316L stainless steel hardware and rubber gaskets.
4. All piping shall be insulated with 1 1/2 inch thick closed cell urethane insulation with
a vapor barrier. Insulation shall be fitted with a 0.016 inch thick aluminum jacket
secured with 1/2 inch wide straps on 12 inch centers (maximum).
5. Piping shall be supported from the building structure by stainless steel U bolts
secured to angles or channels welded to the structure.
a. A section of 1 1/2 inch thick insulation shall be installed between the pipe and the
b. In addition, a section of rubber 1/8 inch thick is to be installed between the U
bolt and the pipe.
10.6.4 Chilled Water Pumps
1. Two independent 100 percent capacity chilled water pumps shall be furnished. The
pumps shall be mounted on the water chiller skids complete with interconnecting
piping, valves, fittings and instruments.
2. Pumps shall be of the end suction centrifugal, non-overloading type with 416 stainless
steel shaft, mechanical seal, and welded steel base plate.
a. The housings shall be adequate for a minimum working pressure of 175 PSIG.
b. The pump coupling guard shall meet OSHA requirements.
3. The pump impeller diameter selected to produce the specified capacity shall be no
greater than 85 percent of the largest impeller offered with the housing furnished.
4. The pump shall be driven through a flexible coupling by a 1760 rpm TEFC IEEE
Std 841 motor in accordance with DRI-SU-1824.

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5. The pump shall be:

a. Factory assembled with a motor on a steel base plate.
b. Guaranteed by the manufacturer to deliver the specified quantity of liquid against
the head loss.
c. Furnished with curves based on tests of actual production model pumps.
6. Pumps shall be installed and piped such that they vent freely (without air pockets)
back to the expansion tank.
7. Pumps shall have case drains, isolation valves and gauges.

Electric Power and Control

1. Electric service conditions are shown on the data sheet. If voltage is required at levels other
than shown on the data sheet, transformer shall be furnished by the Supplier.
2. The Supplier shall furnish the necessary control panels and devices for system operation and
3. All wiring in the air conditioning unit shall be run in metal clad multi-conductor armored cable
(Okonite CLX or similar). Cable penetrations shall be furnished with brass glands rated for
installation in the area classification specified.
4. All junction boxes shall be fabricated from 316L stainless steel and/or fiberglass. Boxes shall
be rated for installation in the area classification specified.
5. The controls for this system shall:
a. Consist of controls for the air conditioning unit.
b. Shall be electric, and when the air handling unit is turned off, its outside air dampers shall
be driven to the closed position.


Cooling Sequence
1. The system thermostat shall control the air cooled chiller to maintain a constant return water
2. A controller located in the control panel will cycle the compressors as needed to maintain this


Room Temperature Control

1. The air handling units shall be fitted with a thermostat sensing supply air temperature. The
thermostat will continually position the mixing valve as needed to maintain supply air
temperature at 55F (13C).
2. Each room shall be provided with a finned tubular type slip in duct heater and a room
thermostat to enable individual room temperature control. The heaters shall be sized for a
maximum air temperature rise of 25F (-4C).
3. The duct heaters shall be UL listed.
a. Their frames shall be fabricated from galvanized steel including stiffening ribs and
b. The heater elements shall be constructed of 80 percent nickel and 20 percent chromium.
4. The heaters shall include 24V control circuit, automatic and manual reset thermal cutouts,
differential pressure type air flow switch, disconnecting contactors and non-fused power
supply disconnect switch.

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10.10 Air Balancing

1. Prior to loadout, all mechanical systems shall be put into operation, all control functions
checked, and air handling systems balanced.
2. Prior to the start of balancing work, all air filters in air handling unit should be replaced with
new, clean elements, identical to those permanently installed.
3. Air balancing procedure shall include the following:
a. Test, adjust, balance, and record final readings of all components as per design
requirements in the various systems and as listed herein.
b. Air Handling Units: Record blower RPM, motor rated and full load amperes, and suction
and discharge air static pressures.
c. Adjust main duct, branch ducts, and individual equipment dampers for relevant supply,
return, exhaust, recirculating, and outside air CFM.
d. Record both entering and leaving air temperatures.
10.11 Environmental Conditions
1. Site conditions are as shown on the project information sheets.
2. Inside design conditions are as follows:
Sound pressure

See Appendix I, Table


72F (22C) DB +/-2 F (for occupied areas)


50% 5% relative humidity






1. Supplier shall furnish complete domestic water and sanitary (Black and Gray) piping systems
including plumbing fixtures and accessories, water heaters, testing, and sterilizing of the
potable water systems. Installed systems shall conform to the requirements of the latest
revision (and amendments) of the PHCC National Standard Plumbing Code and to the
Technical Requirements.
2. All work shall be completed in the building in Suppliers yard.
a. All systems shall be tested and sterilized (potable water) in Suppliers yard.
b. No work shall be covered or concealed prior to inspection by and approval of Purchaser
3. Kitchen equipment specified under other sections of the Technical Requirements shall be
connected by Supplier, including water and drain.
4. Piping shall be installed to uniform grades to insure drainage of the systems.
a. All piping shall be concealed in walls, ceilings, and partitions.
b. Piping shall be adequately supported with straps, hangers, and pipe supports to prevent
vibration in use or damage in transport.
5. Supplier shall furnish design calculations, drawings, procurement and documentation for the

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6. The hot water system shall furnish 120F (49C) water to rooms and showers and 140F
(60C) water to the laundry and galley.
a. The hot water system shall be of the continuous circulating type.
b. Laundry and Galley areas shall have hot water systems segregated from other living
quarters areas.
c. Water heaters shall have crossover manifolding with isolating valves to maintain reduced
operations if one unit is down.

Potable Water
1. All water piping systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with the IAPMO
Uniform Plumbing Code.
2. Potable water shall be the water supply for all plumbing fixtures; i.e., water closets, urinals,
lavatories, showers, Galley and Laundry.


Piping Materials
Materials for use in these systems follow:
11.3.1 Hot and Cold Water System

Hard drawn, type L copper


Wrought bronze with soldered joints


Bronze 150# with soldered joints, Crane No. 1334 or equal

11.3.2 Gray Water System


Sch. 40 PVC (inside building)

Sch. 80 galvanized steel (outside building)


Sch. 40 PVC (inside building)

See piping specification (outside building)


Cast carbon steel, full port, fully opening, 150#,

gate type valves with raised face flanges

Pipe (dishwasher drain)

Sch. 40 CPVC (inside building)

11.3.3 Black Water System


Sch. 40 PVC (inside building)

See piping specification (outside building)


Sch. 40 (inside building)

Sch. 80 galvanized steel (outside building)


Cast carbon steel, full port, fully opening, 150#, gate

type valves with raised face flanges

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Piping Specialties
1. Floor and shower drains shall have 2 inch IPS bottom outlets, adjustable round polished nickel
bronze strainers, and cast iron bodies with clamping collars.
2. Drains shall be Josam #3000-A strainers or equal, with 1/8 inch neoprene gaskets.
3. Floor clean-outs shall be 99 inch square Josam #58644 or equal with access covers.
4. Dielectric unions shall be IPS to solder joint transition, EPCO Model GX or equal.
5. All pipe and tubing shall have bronze unions adjacent to each fixture or control valve for
future disconnection.
6. Water hammer arrestors shall be installed for each battery of fixtures or single fixture. Size and
location should be in accordance with PDI Standard WH 201.


Plumbing Fixtures
1. The plumbing fixtures to be furnished by Supplier are specified by particular manufacturer
and model. Similar fixtures by other companies may be substituted, subject to Purchaser
2. Valves shall be arranged so that various supply lines may be shut off for repairs.
a. Drains shall be provided with vents and accessible cleanouts at bends.
b. All flush valves, shower heads, risers, mixing valves, faucets and traps shall be chromiumplated.
c. Watertight joints shall be provided in outside walls.
d. All piping floor penetrations shall be made watertight.
e. All piping penetrating partitions shall be provided with collars.
3. Water closets shall be floor mounted Crane Model #3-325E Whirlton or approved equal
white vitreous china, elongated bowl, siphon-jet type with flush valves and open front seats
with Sloan Model #111 Royal 1.5 gal/flush, low consumption flush valve, and Beneke
Model #527-CH open front seats.
4. Urinals shall be wall hung, Crane Model #7-150 Royal vitreous china, siphon-jet type,
complete with Sloan Model #186-1 Dolphin low consumption flush valve, and adjustable
carriers manufactured by Wade, Zurn, Josam, or Smith and bolted to the floor decking.
5. Lavatory basins shall be oval, counter top mounted, Elkay Model #LLVR-1916 stainless steel
with interior soap dish with #LK-4417 single lever center set faucet, 1/2 inch angle supplies
and stops, and 1 1/4 inch cast brass satin finish P traps.
6. Mixing valve and shower head shall be Leonard Valve Purchaser Model #Pam-II-ST-F
pressure actuated mixing valve to equalize hot and cold supply pressure with shower head
Model #H-03, 2.5 gpm maximum flow rate.
7. Hospitality sinks shall be counter top mounted, Elkay Model #BLR-150-C stainless steel
15156 inches deep, with Hi-Arc bar faucet with two solid brass wing handles and strainer.
Faucet height 12 3/8 inch (faucet #LK-2223) and strainer #LK-36, 1/2 inch angle supplies and
stops, and 1 1/4 inch 17 gauge cast brass satin finish P-traps.
8. Service sinks shall be Elkay Model #ESSW-2118-C stainless steel wall service sink, 14 gauge,
type 304 stainless steel with Elkay #401CP faucet for mounting on wall above sink,
3/4 inch spout, hose thread, pail hook, and vacuum breaker, with Elkay #LK-173 (3 inch)

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9. The pot sink (Galley) shall be furnished under the Architectural Schedule. The plumbing
scope of work includes provision of the sink outlet and tail piece, P trap, faucet, and hot and
cold water potable water connections.
10. The vegetable preparation sink (Galley) shall be furnished under the Architectural Schedule.
The plumbing scope of work includes provision of the sink outlet and tail-piece, P-trap, faucet,
and hot and cold water potable water connections.

Water Heaters
1. Water heaters shall be Rheemglas Commercial Electric Model #EG 45-120-FS, each having
an input of 45 kW at 480 volts, 3 phase, 60 hertz, and a recovery rate of 184 gph at a 100F
temperature rise.
2. Water heaters shall be prewired, factory tested and UL listed.
3. One-hundred twenty (120) gallon storage tanks shall be lined with a double coating of high
temperature glass and furnished with a rigidly supported anode rod.
4. Tanks shall be designed for 150 psi working pressure, equipped with boiler type handhole,
insulated with heavy blanket insulation, and covered with a steel jacket.
5. Units shall have 3-step immersion thermostats and fuses for each heating element.
6. An ASME T&P relief valve shall be provided for each water heater.


Hot Water Circulator

1. The hot water circulator shall be a Grundfos Model #UM 25-18SV, stainless steel, sealed type
circulator, capacity 5 gpm at 4 foot head, with a 1/35 HP, 120 volt motor.
2. The pump shall be equipped with 3/4 inch bronze half unions on inlet and outlet connections.
3. Supplier shall furnish hot water calculations for usage in the building.


Water Filters
Water filters shall be AMF Cuno Aqua-Pure as distributed by Flick Supply Purchaser,
New Orleans, Louisiana, installed in cold water lines as follows:
1. One #API610 filter containing #AP117 taste/odor cartridge shall be installed at the ice
2. One #AP2610 filter containing two #AP117 taste/odor cartridges shall be installed at the
kitchen double sink.
3. A valve shall be installed directly upstream of each filter to shut-off water during cartridge
4. A complete change of spare filter cartridges shall be furnished and shipped with the building.


1. Water systems shall be hydrostatically tested before the building leaves Suppliers yard at
100 psig for two hours without indication of loss of pressure or revealing visible leakage.
a. The sanitary system shall be tested with a full head of water to the building roof, and shall
be tested with smoke or peppermint.
b. All tests shall be conducted before pipe is covered or concealed, and shall be witnessed by
Purchaser representative.

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2. Hot water heaters shall be tested for hot water temperature recovery rate by simultaneously
running hot water in showers, Laundry, and Galley areas of the building. Supplier shall
prepare a test procedure and submit it to Purchaser for approval.
11.10 Sterilization
1. All potable water piping shall be disinfected by a mixture containing not less than 0.6 pound of
high-test calcium hypochlorite, or 2 pounds of chlorinated lime to each 1000 gallons of water
to provide not less than 50 ppm of available chlorine.
2. The mixture shall be injected into the system and retained for not less than 12 hours.
3. The system shall then be drained, flushed with potable water, and capped prior to transporting
the building.



1. This section describes the minimum requirements for the electrical design and construction for
the Living Quarters Building as well as the procurement of all electrical materials and
equipment required for the building.
2. The building electrical system shall include the following:
a. all service equipment
b. power distribution
c. lighting
d. LAN/WAN distribution
e. cable distribution for televisions


g. wiring
h. conduit

junction boxes


distribution panelboards

k. lighting transformers


m. support systems to achieve a complete and functional installation.

3. The Living Quarters Building service entrance equipment shall consist of two NEMA 7/4X
disconnect switches located on the exterior wall of the building as shown on the drawings.
4. Two power feeders shall be provided to the building from platform (essential service) power
sources. Power feeders shall be as follows:
a. 480 volt power for HVAC system, water heater and Galley equipment.
b. 208/120 volt power for lighting, communication system, etc.
5. Individual NEMA 4X stainless steel interface terminal boxes shall be provided for page party,
fire detection, and gas detection systems. Purchasers cables to the platform systems will
terminate in these boxes.

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6. Supplier shall furnish design calculations, fabrication, and installation drawings, testing
documentation and load balancing data for all electrical systems for the Living Quarters
7. Electrical drawings and documents shall incorporate the graphic symbols illustrated in
IEEE Std 315.
a. The standard English system of measurement units shall be used.
b. Wire size shall be designated in American Wire Gauge (AWG) units or in circular mils.

Electrical System
1. The electrical system shall be designed so that it will withstand the marine climatic conditions
to which it will be exposed.
2. The Living Quarters Building electrical facilities shall be designed and constructed in
accordance with good engineering practice and in strict compliance with the National
Electrical Code, and all local building codes and regulations.
3. The installation shall be designed and installed in accordance with ELC-DU-12.01,
ELC-SU-12.02, and ELC-SU-12.13.
4. All electrical design and construction work shall be coordinated with work of other disciplines
trades (e.g., architectural, HVAC, instrumentation, fire protection, plumbing, etc.).
5. The electrical systems shall be designed for continuous, reliable service, safety to personnel
and equipment, and for ease of maintenance and operation.
a. The power system design shall provide coordination for the isolation of electrical faults
with minimum disruption to the associated system components and other services.
b. Design considerations shall also include minimum power losses and the interchangeability
of material and equipment.
6. The electrical system shall include the following:
a. Power
b. Lighting (exterior, interior, and emergency)
c. Receptacles
d. Feeders to various appliances
e. Air circulation and conditioning (cooling, heating, exhausting)

Fire detection and gas detection

g. General alarm (paging, sound of various type of alarm conditions) integrated with
platform P/A system
h. Telephone

Marine, aircraft, radio (FM, VHF)


Satellite receiving system and entertainment system

k. Local area network/wide area network (LAN/WAN)

7. The electrical system shall conform to all applicable requirements set forth in the latest edition
of the NEC.
8. All interior wiring shall meet non-hazardous location requirements, and all exterior wiring
shall meet the requirements for a Class I, Group D, Division 2 area.

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9. Particular attention shall be given to proper grounding of all appliances, lights, equipment,
outlets, etc. Separate neutral and ground conductors shall be run to all appliances and
10. An as-built electrical diagram will be required of the Supplier showing complete
identification of all wires, cable and conduit runs. All as-built documentation shall be
provided in editable electronic format (i.e., diskettes, CD-ROM).
11. An on-construction location test shall be required of the complete electrical system with
480 volt, 3-phase, 3-wire, and 208 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire, 60 Hz AC power, with power
furnished by Supplier. This test shall also include functional test of the telephone system, TV
system, alarm and paging system, fire detection system, and LAN/WAN system.
12. Unswitched circuits shall be provided for exit, stair, and emergency lighting.
13. Separate circuits shall be provided for any motors larger than 1/4 hp and heating elements
larger than 660 watts.

Wiring System
1. All interior wiring shall be copper with type THHN insulation in EMT conduit.
a. Minimum conduit size shall be 3/4 inch
b. All EMT shall be secured to framing members using properly sized one-hole clamps
located as required by the NEC.
c. All boxes shall be securely fastened in place separate from supports.
2. Conduits shall be installed on racks. Conduit schedules shall be furnished.
3. All exterior wiring shall be 600V, MC multi-conductor cable with aluminum sheathing
(Okonite CLX or RockBestos Gardex), with approved termination fittings fully supported in
tray. The cable installation shall comply with NEC 501.4 (b).
4. All radio, general alarm, fire detection, telephone, LAN, paging and television cables shall be
run in EMT. Gas and fire sensor circuits shall be in separate conduits.
5. Supplier shall install power panels as follows:
a. 2 -480V Westinghouse POW-R-LINE IV with main breaker and 24 volt DC shunt trip
where indicated, 24 volt DC power supplied from the MCC building by others.
b. 2 -208/120V Westinghouse POW-R-LINE I with main breakers and 24 volt DC shunt trip
where indicated, 24 volt DC power supplied from the MCC building by others.
6. All power and lighting panels shall be complete with at least 25 percent spare breakers.
a. All distribution panels shall have main circuit breakers.
b. Branch circuit breakers for lighting and receptacle service shall generally be 20 ampere,
single phase.
c. Maximum load connected to a 20 amp, 120 volt branch circuit shall be 1600 watts.
d. For purpose of panel loading, the following shall be used:
(1) 180 watts per receptacle, 6 receptacles per 20 amp circuit
(2) 1000 watts per spare 20 amp circuit
7. Platform shall supply power to each of these four panels in the electrical room via 3000#
couplings and bulkhead plate.

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8. Controllers for single phase motors shall be manual motor starters except in cases where
magnetic contactor type starters are required.
a. Short circuit protection shall be provided by a circuit breaker located in a receptacle or
power panel.
b. Enclosures shall be suitable for the area classification in which they area installed.
9. The minimum size conductors allowed shall be:
a. No. 12 AWG for power wiring, motor feeders and lighting
b. No. 14 AWG for control wiring

Motor Controllers for Three-Phase Motors

1. Controllers for three-phase motors shall be combination type consisting of a molded case air
circuit breaker and a magnetic contactor. Minimum contactor size shall be NEMA Size 1.
2. Each starter shall have three thermal overload relays and a 120 volt AC control power
a. Motor controllers for indoor installation shall be grouped in metal-enclosed, free-standing,
electrically dead front, NEMA 1A type motor control centers with NEMA Class I Type B
b. All NEMA size 1 through size 4 starters shall be plug-in type.
c. All NEMA size 5 and size 6 starters shall be bolt-in type.
3. Circuit breakers in combination starters shall have adjustable, magnetic, instantaneous only,
type trip units.
4. Circuit breakers for feeders shall have thermal magnetic type trip units.


Circuit Breakers
1. The protective functions of circuit breakers on switchboards, panels, or controllers shall be
rated for minimum 65 KA interrupting capacity to isolate any fault in the power distribution
system resulting in minimal interruption of system service.
2. The system is so designed that the main breakers shall be the last to open.
3. All main and branch breakers shall be of the thermal-magnetic type.
4. The magnetic trips on the main breakers shall be adjustable and set to five times the breaker
5. Breakers shall be properly sized to protect the wiring connected.


The distribution and utilization voltages within the building shall be as follows:


Interior and exterior lighting systems

120 volt, single phase

Air conditioner/heater system

480 volt, 3 phase

Water heaters

480 volt, 3 phase


480 volt, 3 phase

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Deep fat fryer

208 volt, single phase


208 volt, single phase

Clothes dryer

208 volt, single phase

Ice cream machine

208 volt, 3 phase

Steam tables

208 volt, 3 phase

All other loads

120 volt, single phase

Control power

120 volt, single phase

1. Penetrations between the building and electrical devices mounted on the exterior of the
building shall be specified in detail drawings provided by Living Quarters Supplier.
2. Supplier shall supply 3000# couplings and bulkhead plate for all cables passing through the
floor of the Electrical Room.
3. All cable passing through the 3000# couplings and bulkhead plate shall be laid out in a neat
and organized manner so as to minimize cable crossing and bunching. Cables shall be
separated from each other by separation distance to meet NEC requirements.
4. Cable tray runs shall be provided with the Living Quarters Building to link the outside air
handling units to the panels inside the maintenance room.
a. All cable trays shall be minimum 12 inch fiberglass, 6 inch deep with 9 inch rung spacing.
b. Supplier shall provide the necessary supports for the trays.
5. All unused openings in the bulkhead plate shall be filled with spares and fill-ins.


Electrical System Requirement

1. The power distribution system consists of the HVAC equipment, water heaters, air handling
units, elevator/dumbwaiter, appliances used in the Galley/dining room, entertainment system,
and battery chargers for communication equipment.
2. Every piece of equipment and appliance shall have a separate circuit provided along with its
own disconnect.
3. A ground bar shall be supplied in each panelboard. A ground wire shall be run to each piece of
equipment and appliance.
4. All non-current carrying metallic parts of the electrical installation and equipment shall be
effectively grounded in accordance with NEC Article 250.
5. The conduit system shall not be used as equipment grounding conductors.
6. Power wiring shall be as described in wiring system above.
7. The main breaker on the 480 volt panel and one 208/120 volt panel shall be tripped upon
detection of fire anywhere in the building.


Lighting System
1. The lighting system shall be designed consistent with the IES Lighting Handbook.
2. Lighting fixtures shall be as located and specified on Supplier-supplied Issued For Approval

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3. All overhead lighting shall be fluorescent fixture, 4 foot indoor, unclassified, 120 VAC, with
two 40 watt lamps complete with acrylic lens and diffuser, Pauluhn #FTD-240 or
Purchaser-approved equal, using suspended ceiling grid system.
12.9.1 Lighting Control
1. Overhead lights in all rooms except the stairs and hallways shall be controlled by
Leviton #54501-I or #54502-I (3-way) specification grade silent switches at the
rooms entrance doors with stainless steel cover plate or a Purchaser-approved equal.
2. Exit lights shall not be switched and shall meet Class I, Division 2, 120 VAC, CrouseHinds #EXL21-AC type lighted signs. Exit lights shall be on UPS circuit.
3. Emergency escape lights with battery and charger shall be wired with unswitched
power, so that the emergency lighting will only activate upon loss of power to the
circuit lights.
a. They shall meet Class I, Division 2, 120 VAC, Crouse-Hinds #H2LPS6422 or
approved equal.
b. Emergency lights shall be installed in hallways, stairways, Galley, Recreation
room, and Dining areas and at all egresses.
c. Emergency escape lights shall be on UPS circuits.
4. One light fixture in every bedroom, one light fixture out of four fixtures in corridors,
recreation room, and galley areas shall be on UPS circuit. Stairway lighting shall be on
UPS circuit.
5. Lighting in hallways and stairway shall not be switched.
6. Outdoor lighting shall be suitable for Class I, Division 2 and provided on the exterior
of the bunkhouse. These lights shall be mercury vapor fixture, 175 watt, Class I,
Division 2, NEMA 4x stainless steel, 480 VAC, pendant mount; Crouse-Hinds or
approved equal, feed-through type.
7. Each bunk shall be provided with its own light.
12.9.2 Lamps
1. All fluorescent lamps shall be Duro-Test Vita-Lite series (inside lighting).
2. All incandescent lamps shall be Duro-Test clear lamps or approved equal.
12.9.3 Receptacles
1. All 20 amp, 120 volt receptacles shall be Leviton #5262 HGI hospital grade duplex
receptacles with stainless steel plates.
2. Each piece of installed equipment (e.g., toaster, etc.) shall have a single receptacle on
a separate circuit with a stainless steel cover.
3. All receptacles (including any on mirror fixtures) in the bathrooms, countertops at
kitchen and for water fountains shall be on GFI circuits.
4. In the case of receptacles on the mirror fixtures, these receptacles shall be rewired and
separated from the light fixture circuit. The receptacle shall then be wired from the
feed of the GFI receptacle mounted next to the lavatory.

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5. Circuit distribution for receptacles shall be logical, with a maximum of six receptacles
per circuit.
6. Number of receptacles needs to be as per NEC.
12.10 Telephone System
12.10.1 Quantity and Location
1. Supplier shall provide telephones.
2. Quantity and locations of phones shall be as indicated in the Technical Requirements
and Architectural Drawings.
3. Supplier shall install phone lines and jacks in every room.
12.10.2 Wiring Method
1. The main telephone cable shall enter the building into the Electrical Room and will
terminate on terminal blocks mounted in the Telephone Junction Box located in the
Electrical Room.
2. Individual EMT conduit runs shall be made to the various telephone locations on the
first and second floor.
3. Each telephone cable shall be 4-pair, 24 gauge, Belden #1585A.
4. The telephone junction box shall contain punch down blocks on which the telephone
cables shall be terminated.
12.11 Radio System
1. The radio systems will consist of marine and aircraft radio equipment mounted in office or as
noted in Purchaser drawings or other Technical Requirements.
2. Marine and aircraft radio system equipment shall be shown on Suppliers drawings.
3. Purchaser shall provide Motorola extended local remotes for installation in the Living
Quarters which shall be installed by Supplier.
4. All wiring shall be Belden #1585A, and shall be run in EMT.
a. Cables shall be terminated at the remotes in flush mounted junction boxes with Leviton
#64000 series stainless steel plates.
b. Cables shall be terminated on a barrier terminal strip shown on Suppliers drawings in the
radio junction box in the Electrical Room.
12.12 Television System
1. Supplier shall design and provide a complete digital satellite TV receiving system as detailed
on the drawings and consistent with current Purchaser systems.
2. After installation, the video distribution system will be tested using the VCR as a video source.
3. The satellite dish shall be shipped in its original container or crate and assembled for
installation offshore.
a. The entire satellite system and distribution system will be tested after installation offshore.
b. Supplier shall provide all components for a complete and operating system, and distribute
wiring to every room in the building.

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12.13 Annunciator System

1. An annunciator shall be provided and installed by the Supplier in the Galley office.
a. Supplier shall provide one 1-1/2 inch empty EMT conduit from the annunciator location to
the annunciator junction box in the Electrical Room and one pull box.
b. This conduit shall be shown in the as-built drawings, including the pull box location.
2. The junction box shall be an Allen-Bradley non-metallic enclosure with a 60 point terminal
strip. Terminals shall be Buchanan Cat. #625, 300 volt, propylene, rail mounted.
3. Supplier shall also provide one 3/4 inch empty EMT between the annunciator junction box and
the Gai-Tronics equipment cabinet.
4. Stereo music system shall be located in recreation room.
5. Supplier shall provide detailed maintenance instructions and parts lists for all equipment
associated with these systems.
12.14 Local Area Network (LAN)/Wide Area Network (WAN)
1. Supplier shall provide LAN/WAN distribution wiring and cable terminations.
2. Individual EMT conduit runs shall be made to the various termination points from the
Electrical room.
3. Each cable shall be 4-pair, 24 gauge Category 5, Belden #1585A.
4. Cables shall be terminated in flush junction boxes, and wired to Supplier-supplied RJ45 jacks,
mounted in Supplier-supplied faceplates.
5. RJ45 jacks shall be wired to TIA/EIA-568 wiring standard.
6. RJ45 wall terminations shall be provided. Quantity and locations of wall terminations shall be
as indicated on the Technical Requirements.
7. Supplier shall terminate cables in a Supplier-provided Category 5 TIA/EIA-568 Patch Panel,
located in the Electrical room.
12.15 Video Equipment
1. Television sets of the indicated sizes noted in the Architectural Schedules.
a. Multi-system PAL/SECAM, MESE CAM/NTSC3.58 NTSC4.43 Sony or
Purchaser-approved equivalent.
b. VHS Video Cassette Recorders (VCRs) Sony or Purchaser-approved equivalent shall be
furnished with the television.
c. The television shall be color, with large manual controls on the lower portion of the front
face, and shall have cable ready connections for a 75 ohm coaxial RF input.
d. Televisions and VCRs shall be PAL, NTSC1, and NTSC2 capable.
e. Full-function, wireless remote controls shall be provided for the televisions and VCRs in
the recreation room.

Each remote control shall be capable of operating the television and the VCR.

2. Televisions in bedrooms shall be permanently mounted in locations that provide unobstructed

viewing from all beds and all chairs.
3. Each bedroom shall be provided with a 19 inch screen multi-system remote control color
television and VHS VCR, Sony or a Purchaser-approved equivalent.

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12.16 Paging System

1. Paging system speakers shall be installed in all common areas.
2. Speakers shall be furnished with 4-channel selector switches and volume controls.
3. Paging system speakers shall be independent of the Platform Alarm System speakers.
4. Paging system speakers in hallways, Galley, and Recreation room shall be connected to the
platform alarm system speakers.
12.17 Recreation Area Sound System
1. Theater/television rooms shall come complete with surround sound and associated compatible
audio equipment.
2. Audio equipment shall be compatible with provided television sets, VCRs, DVD players, CD
players and receivers.
3. The surround sound equipment for each area shall consist of:
a. 1-subwoofer (RBH 12 inch INW or equal)
b. 1 set of front speakers (INW 650 or equal)
c. 1 set of rear speakers (INW 650 or equal)
d. 1 center speaker (INW 650 Ct or equal)
e. Receiver (Sony STD-DE835 or equal)
4. All speakers shall be flush mounted where applicable.
5. Exercise room, recreation areas and dining area shall come complete with flush mounted
speakers and associated compatible audio equipment. The number of speakers shall be
commensurate with the size of the area.



1. Supplier shall obtain the services of a consultant skilled in the design of sprinkler and fire
alarm systems.
2. The complete installation shall comply with FPM-DU-15.11.
3. Fire protection systems for the Living Quarters Building shall consist of the following:
a. Complete sprinkler standpipe coverage of all spaces.
b. Smoke detection in sleeping areas.
c. Gas detection at HVAC make-up intakes and building exits/entrances.
d. Range hood protection in the Galley.
e. Occupants hose stations in corridors, and portable fire extinguishers. Passive fireproofing
and architectural fire ratings (if any) are specified in other sections. All design and
installation shall be in accordance with:
(1) API RP 14G Fire Protection Offshore
(2) NFPA 70 National Electric Code
(3) NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code

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(4) NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems

(5) NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems
(6) NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers
(7) NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial
Cooking Operations
(8) NFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
(9) NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning

Sprinkler System
1. The Living Quarters Building shall have complete sprinkler coverage, hydraulically calculated
at 0.1 gpm/square foot.
a. The design shall be based on NFPA 13 for light hazard.
b. The sprinkler system will start at a 4 inch ANSI Class 150 flange interface point at a
location to be determined during design to be best suited not to interfere with operations.
c. This interface will connect the Living Quarters Building sprinkler system to a sprinkler
water supply feed main from the platform or facility.
d. The sprinkler system controls will be provided by the platform fabricator and will be
located at the platform deluge valve area.
e. The sprinkler system will consist of hydraulically sized pipe, fittings, and sprinkler heads
suspended on pipe hangars concealed above any finished ceilings.
2. The system will be designed as a dry pre-action type system for use with sea water.
a. To prevent trapping sea water in drops, sprinkler heads shall be 1/2 inch dry pendant-type
brass with recessed chrome escutcheons.
b. Pipe materials shall be non-metallic FM approved or UL listed for fire sprinkler service or
FRP in accordance with Technical Requirements.
c. Hangers shall be listed for fire service.
d. The sprinkler system riser shall serve as a standpipe and shall be at least 4 inch diameter
through the roof of the Living Quarters Building.
e. Class II automatic standpipe hose stations shall be located on each floor of the Living
Quarters Building with at least 100 feet of 1 1/2 inch diameter rubber lined fire hose.

Unlined linen hose is unacceptable.

g. The hose station valve in contact with sea water shall comply with PIM-SU-3.0.
h. On the roof, the standpipe shall terminate with a 2-1/2 inch roof hydrant made of the same
materials as the hose station valve referenced above.

Smoke Detection and Fire Alarm

1. An addressable fire detection control panel shall be provided for installation in the Living
Quarters Building.
2. The platform communication/alarm system shall serve as the audible fire alarm and is
specified elsewhere.
3. The Living Quarters fire alarm panel shall be networked with the platform fire alarm panel in
the control room.

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4. The Living Quarters Supplier shall include the cost of addressable fire alarm devices in the
Living Quarters as described in this specification.
5. The actual manufacturer and compatibility of the devices shall be determined during the
course of the work as soon as the fire alarm panel manufacturer is known.
6. As a minimum, smoke detectors shall be installed in all areas that have provision for sleeping.
7. Other areas requiring coverage shall be specified in the Technical Requirements.
8. Manual pull stations shall be installed indoors at all means of egress as close as practical to
exits and their discharge.
9. Duct smoke detectors, if required by NFPA 90A, shall be provided.
10. The detectors will be powered locally and shall be connected to the fire alarm system with
addressable modules for reporting alarm and trouble.
11. All smoke detectors and manual pull stations and the range hood protection specified later
shall be 24 volt low voltage and addressable.

Gas Detection
1. General Monitors Model S104 combustible gas detectors, with display calibrated to methane
and listed for service in Class 1, Division 1, Group D atmospheres, shall be installed at each
make-up air intake to the Living Quarters Building.
2. In addition, a combustible gas detector shall be required on each side of all exterior doors. The
combustible gas detectors shall be powered from, and dialog with, a 4-20 milliamp analog
circuit from the platform control room.
3. The detector shall:
a. Be mounted in the plenum area of the intake.
b. Be in position to detect any combustible gas in the vicinity of the intake.
c. Have the necessary accessories to calibrate the detector from a convenient walking surface
without a ladder or step and without having to open the detector enclosure.
4. Each gas detector shall be wired in conduit in accordance with manufacturers instructions to a
common junction box located to interface with the platform controls.


Range Hood Protection

1. The range hood and exhaust system cooking surfaces, broiler, and fryers shall be protected by
a listed sodium bicarbonate-based dry chemical fire extinguishing system.
2. The system shall have:
a. A manual actuation station located along the path of egress approximately 50 feet from the
hood and cooking equipment.
b. An alarm switch and addressable module to communicate an alarm to the fire alarm
system by the pair of wires specified for the smoke detectors and manual stations.
3. When the system is activated (in addition to discharging fire extinguishing agent) the system
shall switch main breakers in the electrical load centers feeding the cooking appliances by
releasing under voltage trips.
4. This action is in addition to any power shut down control based on fire detection in the
building and specified elsewhere.

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Portable Fire Extinguishers

1. Portable fire extinguishers with UL 2A:10BC minimum ratings shall be provided near exits on
each floor.
2. Additional fire extinguishers shall be provided as required to meet travel distance
3. 20# carbon dioxide fire extinguishers shall be located at each electrical room.


Helideck Fire Protection

See Section 6.7 of this specification.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table I-1:

Approximate Lighting Intensities

Illumination (fc)*





Storage rooms


Dining area




Recreation/game room


Cooks office


Toilets/change room




Enclosed stairs


Exterior stairs and walkways


Electrical/mechanical rooms


Roof equipment areas

Office/communications rooms


Workout room


Taken at 30 inches above floor level or at working


Note: See API RP 14F for minimum recommended lighting levels.

Table I-2:

Thermal Insulation Requirements


U Factor

External walls


Floors with external exposure




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Acoustic insulation requirements to be generally in accordance with ABS 105, Section 4, modified
as follows:
Table I-3:

Noise Criteria*


Maximum Ambient Noise Level dB(A)

Crew spaces and open deck recreation areas

Cabins, berthing and sanitary spaces

45 see note ** below

Medical facilities


Dining spaces


Recreation spaces


Passageways in living quarters


Open deck recreation areas




Management and control spaces

Radio room


Central control room and emergency command





Service spaces
Food preparation (i.e., galley, scullery, butchery area, thaw room)








Passageways between service spaces




* The design noise level at the exterior of the building is 90 dBA.

** Acoustic rating of rooms to limit sound transmission between rooms to 30 dBA measured 300 mm
away from wall.

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Note: In the following tables, use the quantities and items listed unless the Technical Requirements and
Architectural/Furnishing schedules require differently.

Table II-1: 1-Man Room with Toilet

(Refer to Appendix III for the furnishings listed below.)


Single man bunk w/storage drawers below


Room desk

Arm chair

Desk light

Clothes locker (1 double tier)

Wall mounted TV shelf

Wall mounted book shelf

Shower stall

Water closet

Wall mounted bunk light w/shelf

Lavatory mounted on a vanity cabinet

Wall mounted mirror

Wall mounted light above mirror

Waste receptacle

Toilet paper dispenser

Soap dish/tooth brush holder/glass holder

Towel bar

Life jacket

Multi-system 19 inch color TV

Multi-system VCR

Coat rack

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules.

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Table II-2: 2-Man Room with Toilet *



Double bunk w/curtains and storage drawers below


Room desk

Arm chair

Desk light

Clothes locker

Wall mounted TV shelf

Wall mounted book shelf

Shower stall

Water closet

Wall mounted bunk light w/shelf

Lavatory mounted on a vanity cabinet w/ integral soap dish

Wall mounted mirror

Wall mounted light above mirror

Waste receptacle

Toilet paper dispenser

Towel bar

Medicine cabinet

Multi-system 19 inch color TV

Multi-system VCR

Life jacket

Shelves by the sink

Coat rack

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

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Table II-3: 4-Man Room with Toilet *



Double bunk w/curtains and storage drawers below


Room desk

Arm chair

Desk light

Clothes locker (four double tier)

Wall mounted TV shelf

Wall mounted book shelf

Shower stall

Water closet

Wall mounted bunk light w/shelf

Lavatory mounted on a vanity cabinet w/ integral soap dish

Wall mounted mirror

Wall mounted light above mirror

Waste receptacle

Toilet paper dispenser

Towel bar

Medicine cabinet

Multi-system 19 inch color TV

Multi-system VCR

Life jacket

Shelves above TV

Coat rack

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

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Table II-4: Mens Change Room *



Water closet


Lavatory w/soap dispenser

Wall mounted waste receptacle

Toilet paper dispenser

Wall mounted mirror

Wall mounted light above mirror

Water closet partition

Shower compartment

Shower rods

Shower curtains w/hooks

Shower bench

Locker bench

Wall mounted soap holder

Lockers (double tier)

Electric hand dryer

Shelves (janitor storage)

Hat and coat rack

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table II-5: Womens Change Room *



Water closet

Lavatory w/soap dispenser

Wall mounted waste receptacle

Toilet paper dispenser

Wall mounted light above mirror

Water closet partition

Shower compartment

Shower rods

Shower curtains w/hooks

Shower bench

Wall mounted soap holder

Lockers (double tier)

Wall mounted mirror

Electric hand dryer

Hat and coat rack

Sanitary napkin disposal

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

Table II-6: Camp Boss Office*



Office desk

Swivel chair

Arm chair

Desk light

Metal file cabinet with four drawers

Waste receptacle

Coat and hat rack

Life jacket

Office bookcase

Wall clock

White board

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table II-7: One Man Office*


Office desk

Reference table

Swivel chair

Arm chair

Desk light



Office bookcases (full wall)

Waste receptacle

Life jacket

Wall clock

White board

Metal file cabinets with four drawers

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

Table II-8: Two Man Office*


Office desk

Reference table

Swivel chair

Arm chair

Desk light



Office bookcases (full wall)

Waste receptacle

Life jacket

Wall clock

White board

Metal file cabinets with four drawers

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table II-9: Recreation Room/Dining Room*


Wall mounted dart boardBristol

Set of darts

Dining tables

Game table, 3636 inch

Video games

Table tennis

Fusball table

Stacking chair

Multi-system 36 inch TV

Multi-system VCR

Stereo system

Wall clock

Waste receptacles

Folding partition between recreation room and dining area or between recreation area and TV
area in recreation room (if applicable)


Bulletin board 3 ft. wide 4 ft. high

Entertainment center w/base cabinets, open shelves above and suitable space for electronics
listed above

Coffee table

End table

Modular sofa unit

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table II-10: Entertainment Room/TV Room/Classroom *



TV/VCR cabinet

Lounge chairs

Coat/hat rack

Multi-system 60 inch color TV

Multi-system VCR

Wall clock

Trash can

Wall-mount bulletin board

Surround sound stereo with receiver, cassette and CD player

Entertainment center w/ base cabinets, open shelves above and suitable space for electronics
listed above

Ceiling mount pulldown projection screen

Electronic white board 6 feet wide

Ceiling mount overhead projection system (PC compatible)

4 feet high

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

Table II-11: Exercise Room*



Ceiling mount TV/VCR stand

Wall clock

Coat/hat rack

Multi-system 19 inch color TV

Multi-system VCR

Stereo with receiver, cassette and CD player

Fitness center (universal gym)

Recumbent bike

Elliptical trainer


Barbell set

Dumbbell set

Curl bar

Free weights

Ab cruncher

Leg press

Adjustable bench

Hyperextension bench

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table II-12: Laundry Room *



Free standing (front loading) industrial type clothes washer

Free standing (front loading) industrial type clothes dryer

Folding table 3096 inch

Wall mounted sink (double)

Stack chair


Wall mounted board

Standard steam iron

Industrial steam press

Cabinet, floor to ceiling, 48 inches wide

Shelves above washer and dryer

Waste receptacle

Laundry bagsheavy duty cloth type

Laundry bins on wheels

Heavy duty commercial flat wire finisher

15 inches deep

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

Table II-13: Janitorial Closet *



Wall mounted shelf

Mop sink

Bibb faucet w/support hanger

3 ft. long hose

Tool holder

Custodial cart


Mop bucket w/mop

Commercial grade wet/dry vacuum cleaner with attachments


Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table II-14: Linen Storage


Built-in shelves

Table II-15: Utility Closet


Built-in shelves
Service sink

Table II-16: Dry Storage Room


Built-in shelves

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Ab Cruncher
Flex Model F-608 or Purchaser-approved equal
Adjustable Bench
Multi-Adjustable Bench, Flex Model FBR-716 or a Purchaser-approved equal
Arm Chair
Seat width 19 1/2 inches, seat depth 17 1/2 inches, fire retardant foam seat and back, with
ultratouch vinyl cover, walnut finish armrests, and satin chrome legs.
United Model #C232, side arm chair or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Beds shall be a minimum 42 inches wide 84 inches long.
Beds shall be steel or custom millwork (noncombustible) units.
Each double bunk shall have a ladder. A two-drawer storage unit shall be provided under the bed,
or bottom bunk.
Supplier shall provide 120 percent of total mattress requirement for Living Quarters Building with
each mattress to be innerspring unit of 14 gauge steel with helical tie construction (Sealy Posture
Pedic, Serta Firm, or equal).
Pillows shall be 2026 inches or queen size, whichever is larger.
Beds shall be firmly wall anchored in an approved manner with imperceptible fasteners without
wall damage. Each bed shall be provided with a reading light above the headboard.
Bed Linens
Quantity to be twice the number of beds provided.
Bookcase shall be steel or custom millwork (noncombustible) unit. Unit shall be as large as
Bulletin Board
Bulletin board shall be 4 ft wide 3 ft high, aluminum framed, surface mounted, with cork panels,
manufactured by Claridge Products and Equipment, Inc. Model #AC3648 or a Purchaser-approved
Bulletin Board Cabinet
Bulletin board cabinet shall be 4 ft wide 3 ft high, aluminum framed, surface mounted, with
locking glass doors, cork panels and continuous hinges. Claridge Products and Equipment, Inc.,
Model #4120-B, or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Clothes Lockers
Clothes lockers shall be double tiered steel or custom millwork (noncombustible) units and shall
be 24 inches deep 96 inches high. Width shall be maximized based on space available. Each
locker shall have a shelf, hanger rod and two full-size drawers. Clothes lockers shall be firmly
secured to wall with suitable fasteners inconspicuously placed.

January 2010 (E) 20062010 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. All rights reserved.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Coffee Table
303016 inches high with wood grain plastic laminate self-edge top as manufactured by High
Point or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Dining Table
3648 inches with wood grain plastic laminate top and vinyl T-mold edge. Base shall be T-style
stone tone finish with spring self adjusting guides. Top and base as manufactured by Falcon or a
Purchaser-approved equal.
Elliptical Trainer
True Model 750 TE or Purchaser-approved equal
Game Table
3672 inches with wood grain plastic laminate top and vinyl T-mold edge. Base shall be T-style
stone tone finish with spring self adjusting guides. Top and base as manufactured by Falcon or a
Purchaser-approved equal.
Heavy duty commercial clothes dryer, Whirlpool Model #GCE 2900XS (without coin operator), or
a Purchaser-approved equal.
Premium rubber, solid hex, two pair each in 5 pound increments beginning at 5 pounds through
100 pounds, Troy Barbell or Purchaser-approved equal.
Dumbbell Rack
2-tier, Flex Model FBR-712 or Purchaser-approved equal.
Electric Hand Dryer
Surface mounted touch button operation, Bobrick #B-701, or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Electronic White Board
Erasable electronic marking board. Panasonic Model #KXB630 or Purchaser-approved equal
6 ft width 4 ft height with four sets of four markers and 10 sets of printer paper.
End Table
242416 inches high wood grain plastic laminate self-edge top as manufactured by High Point or
a Purchaser-approved equal.
Entertainment Center
Entertainment center shall be a custom millwork (noncombustible) unit. Unit shall be sized as
required for the television, VCR and stereo system. Cabinet shall have doors to enclose VCR,
tapes, and stereo system for storage and dust protection. Finish shall be a laminate. Unit to be
Heavy duty commercial flat work finisher; Finish Rite Flatwork Finisher Model 60 or a Purchaserapproved equal.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Floor Mat
1/2 inch thick black rubber to cover the entire floor of the Workout Room.
First Aid Kit
OSHA-approved First Aid Kit.
Each floor to have at least one First Aid Kit located in the hall corridor.
The total number and size of the First Aid Kits shall be commensurate with size of the Living
First Aid Kit to be provided by Top Safety Products or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Hat and Coat Storage
Hat and coat storage rack shall be a single rack, cast-aluminum shelf brackets enameled shelf with
metal hooks. Color to be selected from manufacturers standard range of colors. Use Vogel
Peterson Model #DL21-3 Hookshelf, 36 inches wide 6 3/8 inches high 12 1/4 inches deep or a
Purchaser-approved equal.
Hyperextension Bench
Flex Model FB-313 or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Leg Press
Flex Model FL-114 or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Lavatory Counter
Lavatory counter top shall be resin-based, one piece, seamless backsplash and bullnose no-drip
front edge. Front skirt 9 inches high, Corian brand or equal.
Lockers (Metal)
Lockers shall be Heavy Duty double tier, expanded metal, steel construction, with baked enamel
Lockers shall have low noise construction, with double prong back hook, single prong side hooks,
polished aluminum number plates, with black lettering, flat tops, closed base, and standard locker
handle for padlocks.
Lockers shall be minimum 300 square inches in cross section by minimum 60 inches high.
Colors will be selected from manufacturers standard range of color.
Lockers shall be manufactured by Republic Storage Systems Purchaser, Inc. or a Purchaserapproved equal.
Medicine Cabinet
Medicine cabinet shall be recessed mounted type with mirror. Satin stainless steel finish with
adjustable shelves; Bobrick #B-398.
Stainless steel angle frame mirrors with shelf and concealed wall hangers, 1/4 inch plate glass
mirror; Bobrick Series #B-292 2430 or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Multiple Station Exercise Machine
Flex Fitness Center, Model F-618 or a Purchaser-approved equal.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Office Bookcase
15 inches deep 60 inches high shall be steel or custom mill work (noncombustible) unit. Width
shall be maximized based on space available.
Office Desk
603029 1/2 inches laminate flush top, one side to have file drawer, and single box drawer, other
side to have three box drawers, center tray, recessed pulls, solid end and computer compatible. Use
Hon Model #38055 with center drawer #38080, or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Reading Table
48 inch diameter table, with wood grain plastic laminate top. Use Sams Furniture #E-07 or a
Purchaser-approved equal.
Room Table
36 inch diameter table, with wood grain plastic laminate top. Use Sams Furniture or a Purchaserapproved equal.
Room Desk
Room desk shall be steel 483029 inches high with one side to have three box drawers and a
center tray.
Shower Compartment
Fiberglass stalls, 3636 inches, complete with tempered glass door and anodized aluminum frame,
piano hinge, magnetic safety catch, and gaskets. Shower stallKimstock Inc., Model #3636 INS.
Shower doorAqua Glass, Model #6000 Aqua shield swing door, or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Side Chair
Seat width 18 1/2 inches, seat depth 17 inches, fire retardant foam seat and back with ultratouch
vinyl cover and satin chrome legs. Steelcase, armless side chair or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Soap Dispensers
Soap dispensers shall be wall mounted, satin finish stainless steel, liquid valve dispenser, 40 fluid
ounce capacity, Bobrick #B-2112, or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Three person settee 712623 inches, fire retardant foam seat and back, with vinyl cover, heavy
wood armrests and legs. High Point #C7903 or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Stack Chair
Falcon Model #R-208, or Virco grade 3 vinyl with stonetone finish on metal frame, or a Purchaserapproved equal.
Recumbent Bicycle
True Club Recumbent, Model 750 R or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Stereo System
Stereo system shall consist of an AM/FM stereo receiver, dual deck cassette recorder with auto
reverse, CD player, and shortwave receiver. Speakers and a wireless remote control capable of
operating the receiver, cassette recorder, and CD player shall be provided with the stereo system.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Swivel Chair
Seat width 19 1/2 inches, seat depth 17 1/2 inches, with 27 1/2 inches back, fire retardant foam seat
and back with ultratouch vinyl cover, walnut finish armrests, casters and back with ultratouch
vinyl cover, walnut finish armrests, casters and satin chrome pedestal. High Point Model #C8551,
or Steelcase swivel chair with posture back, or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Toilet Paper Dispenser
Toilet paper dispenser shall be surface mounted satin finish stainless steel, with combination shelf
and ashtray. Bobrick #B-2994, or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Toilet Partitions/Urinal Screens
Toilet partitions shall be stainless steel type 304 with #4 finish. All mounting brackets, trim and
hardware shall be stainless steel. Sanymetal Products Purchaser, Inc., Century toilet partitions
and Type C stainless steel urinal screens or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Towel Bar
Tower bar shall be 3/4 inch diameter satin finish, stainless steel. 30 inch bar extending 3 1/8 inches
from wall. Bobrick #B-6747x30.
Towel Hook
Towel hook shall be satin finish stainless steel, extending 3 1/4 inches from wall, with 22 inch
flange, concealed mounting bracket. Bobrick #B-6777.
Trash Can
21 gallon fire-resistant trash can as manufactured by WITT D Model #WITT 15D TSS stainless
True, Club Model 725 P or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Vertical File Cabinet
Hon Model #314C with lock, four-drawer legal size, gray color.
Wall Clocks
Seiko, Quartz 120 VAC, white.
Wall Mounted Waste Receptacle
Waste receptacles shall be surface mounted, satin finish stainless steel, Bobrick #B-3649 or
Purchaser-approved equal.
Wall Shelf
Wall shelf shall be steel or custom millwork (noncombustible) unit. Provide a shelf (618 inches)
convenient to the head of each bed.
Heavy duty commercial clothes washer. Whirlpool Model #GCA 2781XS (without coin operator),
or a Purchaser-approved equal.
Waste Receptacle
27 5/8 quart fire resistant trash can as manufactured by Rubbermaid, Model #RUB 2543.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


White Board
46 foot erasable marking board, soft gray colored porcelain enamel on steel writing surface as
manufactured by Alliance Wall, Model #QRT 897 with four sets of four markers #QRT 9500. Add
marker tray 6 ft long 4 inches wide.

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table IV-1: Schedule of Food Service Equipment (1 of 3)
Item ID


Self Service Center

Commercial quality, custom fabricated, 14 gauge stainless steel. Countertop with push
back glass filler and drip pan, T&S Model #B-1230. Base cabinet with doors and drawers.
Wall cabinet with doors.


Galley Counters
Commercial quality, custom fabricated, 14 gauge stainless steel. Countertop and base
cabinet with a combination of open shelving and enclosed storage with doors and drawers.
Wall cabinets with a combination of open shelving and enclosed storage with doors.

Work Table (Island)

Commercial quality, custom fabricated, 14 gauge stainless steel. Countertop and base
cabinet with single compartment sink and open shelving below. Provide with overhead pot

Serving Counter

Tray slide
Duke, stainless steel, #3BTS-FX

Overhead Open Shelves above Serving Counter


Commercial quality, custom fabricated, 14 gauge stainless steel


Pot Shelf
Commercial quality, custom fabricated, 14 gauge stainless steel.

Plate Dispenser
Lakeside Model #774

Tray/Silverware Dispenser
Lakeside Model #603


Range Hood
Commercial quality, 14 gauge stainless steel. Provide with additional in-line supply fan (fan
to provide room make-up air comprised of 80% outdoor and 20% indoor air), lights, grease
trap and washable filters (for range, griddle and fryer).


Range Hood Fire Suppression System

See Section 13.0.


Hobart Model #LX39H with 6 kW booster heater


Reach-In Hobart Model #QS-1-50A stainless steel inside/outside


Reach-In Hobart Model #QS LF-1


Ice Maker


Vulcan Model #E-60-FL


Double Oven
Hobart Model #MN-42

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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table IV-1: Schedule of Food Service Equipment (2 of 3)

Item ID



Toastmaster Model #1435, counter unit Toastmaster Model #1424D, stand with door and
6 inch legs for Model #1435 only, convert 1435 fry kettle to floor model, stainless steel


Medium duty, electric, elevated, Salamander Broiler, Vulcan Model #ESB36


Hobart Model #A-200-5011A, bench model, 115 volt, 60 Hz, single phase, 15 minute timer,
nickel/chrome plating, 20 quart stainless steel bowl, 20 quart aluminum beater, 20 quart
stainless steel wire whip.


Microwave Oven
Sharp Model #R-21FC


Pop-Up Toastmaster Model #TP120


Hobart Model #1612P-1


Milk Dispenser
Silver King Model #NSF-SK-2


Juice Dispenser
Jet Spray Model #TJ-3


Coffee Maker
Bunn Model #CWTF-15-TS


Ice Cream Machine

Soft serve counter mounted, SaniServ Model #501K


Trash Compactor
Exterior compactor, Enviropak Model #3000 with Galley Grinder. Provide with 500 trash


Can Opener
Edlund Heavy Duty manual can opener


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Design and Installation of Living Quarters


Table IV-1: Schedule of Food Service Equipment (3 of 3)

Item ID



Walk-In Cooler/Freezer Unit
Manufactured by Bally Refrigerated Boxes, Inc. or a Purchaser-approved equal. Unit shall
be NSF and UL approved. Unit shall be configured as indicated on plan drawing and
8 feet-6 inches high. All panels shall consist of 4 inches thick foamed-in-place urethane
insulation with 20 gauge, type 316 stainless steel skins on each side except floor and
ramps which shall be 16 gauge. Doors shall be similar in construction to panels and shall
be provided with stainless steel hardware. All doors to have two anti-condensation and
defrost heaters, toggle switch and pilot light on door panel. Freezer door panel to be
provided with heated pressure relief port. Provide six interior vapor proof lights. Roof
panels shall be covered with membrane roof cap by Duro-Last. Systems shall be Class 1,
Group D, Division 2 rated. Cooler shall be provided with a 2HP, R-22 remote hermetic air
cooled compressor with matching off-cycle defrost. Freezer shall be provided with a 3HP,
R404a remote hermetic air cooled compressor with matching electric defrost, low profile
evaporator coil. Minimum temperatures shall be 35F for the cooler and 0F for the freezer.
Each compressor to have pre-wired control panel and outdoor weather housing. Each
system to be complete with the following:

Expansion valve
Temperature control (thermostat)
Sight glass
Liquid line dryer
Low pressure control
Solenoid valve
Time clock (on freezer coil)
Low ambient controls
Crankcase heater, L shaped trap for oil
Freezer and Cooler labels at doors



Stainless steel complete with shelves, posts and S hooksas manufactured by Metro or
a Purchaser-approved equal.


Ice Dispenser
Stainless steel, Model #M45 as manufactured by Servend or a Purchaser-approved equal.


Water Dispenser
Stainless steel, counter mounted with drain pan with push back valve.


Potato Peeler
With mobile stand and peel basket, Model #6115, as manufactured by Hobart or a
Purchaser-accepted equal.

Or as required in Technical Requirements and Architectural/Furnishing schedules

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