Task 3

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Fatima Obaid H00298145

Observation Task 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading

Table 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading

Title: Horse Mujahid
What the teacher does
Introduce the story to the

What the children do

Sat on the carpet and listened

Reading the cover page for the

students by reading the title of

to the teacher.

students make them familiar

the story, the writer, drawer

and the publisher.

with what the story will be

Answer the teacher's questions

about and make them

about the cover page.

interested to hear the story.

Listen to the story and answer

Asking the students questions

the teacher's questions.

while reading the story develop

Ask students different

questions about the cover page.

Read the story and ask students

students' knowledge and

different questions while

Talk about their favorite


character, part of the story and

why they liked it.


Discussing with the students

After finishing the story teacher

their favorite character and

asked students about their

their favorite part of the story

favorite character and their

help them develop their social

favorite part of the story and

skills and language also they


can show their knowledge.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Reflections on Observation Task 3: Teaching Shared/Guided Reading

1. Which concepts about print (CAP) did the teacher focus on?
The teacher focused on what a letter is concept and what a word is concept.

a) What strategies/activities did the teacher use to help the students understand the
CAP concept being taught?
Teacher used point out the concept of book strategy by reading the cover page and the
author's name also she pointed out print concepts in the book while she was reading the

2. Were there any initial/medial/final sounds, punctuation, sight words or word

families that were covered during the lesson? If they were, select (a); if they were
not, select (b).
a. What was the purpose of teaching these concepts? Explain its importance.
c) Provide one (1) activity example of how initial/medial/final sounds, punctuation,
sight words or word families could have been could have been covered during the
The purpose is to teach the students reading and writing. When teacher focused on the
letters this helped students to be able to find new words that starts with the letters the
teacher asked them about. This way helped students to develop their reading and writing
skills. Furthermore when the teacher focused on the word concept this helped students
to develop their language and gain new vocabularies which will help them to develop
their reading and they will be able to recognize the word when they see it in another

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