Abobon V Abobon

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Donations Propter Nuptias

Abobon v Abobon
An appeal on the decision of the Court of Appeals affirming the resolution of the MCTC and RTC
whereby rendering judgement in favor herein respondents, Felicita Abobon and Gemina Abobon,
declaring them as true and lawful owner and possessor of the land in question and ordering herein
petitioner, Numeriano Abobon, to vacate the premise.
FACTS: Respondents took action before the MCTC for recovery of possession of a 4,688 Sqm
riceland which was situated in Poblacion, Labrador, Pangasinan, and covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 201367 of the Registry of Deeds of Pangasinan and averring that they
were the registered owner; that they had allowed the petitioner, their first cousin, to the free use of
the land out of benevolence; and that they now immediately needed the parcel of land for their own
use and had accordingly demanded that petitioner should vacate and return it to them but he had
The petitioner alleged that he did not vacate the premise because he was the owner of the land in
question. He asserted that if the land in question related to the unirrigated riceland with an area of
3,000 square meters that he was presently tilling and covered by tax declaration no. 2 in the name
of his father, Rafael Abobon (Rafael), then the respondents did not have a valid cause of action
against him because he had inherited that portion from his parents; that he and his predecessorsin-interest had also continuously, publicly and adversely and in the concept of owner possessed
the parcel of land for more than 59 years; that in 1937, his grandfather Emilio Abobon (Emilio), the
original owner, had granted that portion of 3,000 square meters to Rafael when he got married to
his mother, Apolonia Pascua, by means of a donation propternuptias; that since then his
parents had possessed and tilled the land; that he himself had exclusively inherited the land from
his parents in 1969 because his brother Jose had received his own inheritance from their parents;
that the possession of his parents and his own had continued until the present; that assuming that
the respondents were the true owners of the land, they were already estopped by laches from
recovering the portion of 3,000 square meters from him.
The MCTC ruled in favor of respondents stating that the land in question was purchased by
respondents parents Leodegario Abobon (Leodegario) and Macaria Abata from Emilio with the
conformity of his other children, including Rafael (petitioners father). The MCTC further found that
the 3,000 square-meter land Numeriano referred to as donated to his parents was not the same as
the land in question.
Petitioner appealed before the RTC. Likewise, it upheld the decision of the MCTC. Still dissatisfied,
petitioner appealed via petition for review before the Court of appeals, and the court affirmed the
rulings of the lower courts. Hence this appeal before the SC.
Issue: W/O Numeriano Abobons claim on the land in question is the 3,000 sqm land he is
referring to that was donated propter nuptials to his parents?
W/O Numeriano Abobon inherited the land given to his parents as donated propter

Donations Propter Nuptias

Abobon v Abobon

1- NO. All the lower courts uniformly found that his evidence related to a parcel of land entirely
differentfrom the land in question. According to the MCTC, the land for which he has presented
evidence to support his claim of ownership is entirely different from the land the plaintiffs are
claiming.On its part, the RTC held that the land, subject matter of this controversy is all of 4668
sq. meters and bearing different boundaries from that of the donated property and was already
registered under OCT No. 28727 as early as 1926, such that the subject property is separate and
distinct from that property donated to the defendants parents in 1937.Agreeing with both lower
courts, the CA declared: (i)n fine, what these decisions are saying is that petitioner may have
evidence that he owns a parcel of land but, based on the evidence he had presented, the said
parcel of land is different from the one he is presently occupying.

2NO.TheMCTCstatedthatin the donation propternuptias, Emilio had stated that the parcels of
land thereby covered had not been registered under Act No. 496 or under the provisions of the
Spanish Mortgage Law, whereas the land in question had already been registered; that even
assuming that the 3,000 square-meter land was insidethe land in question, his claim would still not
prosper because the donation propternuptiasin his parents favor had been invalid for not having
been signed and accepted in writing by Rafael, his father; that the donation propternuptiashad
also been cancelled or dissolved when his mother had signed as an instrumental witness and his
father had given his consent to the sale of the land in question then covered by Original Certificate
No. 28727 by Emilio to Leodegario; and that his parents assent to the sale signified either that his
parents had conformed to the dissolution of the donation propternuptiasin their favor, or that the
land sold to Leodegario had been different from the land donated to them.

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