Bantoto v. Bobis

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G.R. No.


November 22, 1966


Crispin Vallejo was the registered owner of a "jeepney" named "Jovil 11 operated by him in Bacolod
City through driver Salvador Bobis. On 24 October 1948, through the driver's negligence, the
"jeepney" struck a 3-year old girl, Damiana Bantoto serious injuries that led to her death a few days
later. AN information charging Bobis with homicide through reckless imprudence was filed. He was,
accordingly, sentenced to 2 months and 1 day of arresto mayor and to indemnify the deceased girl's
heirs in the sum of P3,000.00.
By amended complaint of 8 October 1959, Vicente Bantoto and Florita Lanceta, for themselves and
their other children, instituted the present action against Bobis, Maceda (later absolved) and Vallejo,
seeking to have them declared solidarily responsible for damages, consisting of the civil indemnity
required of the driver Bobis in the judgment of conviction, plus moral and exemplary damages and
attorneys' fees and costs.
Vallejo moved to dismiss on the ground of failure to state a cause of action against him, for the
reason that the amended complaint did not aver that the driver, Bobis, was insolvent. The court
overruled the motion to dismiss. Vallejo answered the complaint averring that the brothers and
sisters of the deceased were not real parties in interest; that the complaint stated no cause of action;
that his liability was only subsidiary; that the action was barred by prior judgment; and that the
liability had been satisfied. Bobis was declared in default.
At the trial, the court admitted as Exhibit " a writ of execution against the driver, Bobis, issued in the
criminal case, and as Exhibit "B" the sheriff's return nulla bona. Vallejo presented no evidence. The
court rendered judgment against Vallejo.
1. W/N The trial Court erred in not dismissing the complaint for lack of a cause of action
(Relevant issue)
2. W/N The trial Court erred in admitting as evidence Exhibits "A" and "B"
3. W/N The trial Court erred in condemning the defendant-appellant to pay to the appellees
the sum of P3,000.00 as indemnity, P1,000.00 as moral damages, P1,000.00 as
exemplary damages, and P500.00 as attorney's fee.
1. NO. The master's liability, under the Revised Penal Code, for the crimes committed by his
servants and employees in the discharge of their duties, is not predicated upon the
insolvency of the latter. Article 103 of the Penal Code prescribes that:
ART. 103. Subsidiary civil liability of other persons. The subsidiary liability established in
the next preceding article shall also apply to employees, teachers, persons, and corporations
engaged in any kind of industry for felonies committed by their servants, pupils, workmen,
apprentices, or employees in the discharge of their duties.
Insolvency is required only when the liability of the master is being made effective by
execution levy, but not for the rendition of judgment against the master. The subsidiary

character of the employer's responsibility merely imports that the latter's property is not be
seized without first exhausting that of the servant. And by analogy to a regular guarantor, the
master may not demand prior exhaustion of the servant's properties if he can not "point out
to the creditor available property of the debtor within Philippine territory, sufficient to cover
the amount of the debt" (Cf. Civil Code, Article 1060). This rule is logical, for as between the
offended party (as creditor) and the culprit's master or employer, it is the latter who is in a
better position to determine the resources and solvency of the servant or employee.
Vallejo invokes Marquez vs. Castillo:
The subsidiary liability of the master, according to the provisions of Article 103 of the Revised
Penal Code, arises and takes place only when the servant, subordinate, or employee
commits a punishable criminal act while in the actual performance of his ordinary duties and
service, and he is insolvent thereby rendering him incapable of satisfying by himself his own
civil liability.
The passage is a mere obiter because the part immediately preceding the quotation shows
that the ratio decidendi of the case was that the accident involved, unlike in the case at bar,
did not occur in the performance of the driver's assigned duties.
2. NO. Supposing that Exhibits "A" and "B", the execution and the sheriff's return, in the
criminal case were not admissible at the trial of the case against the master, they would
certainly be material and admissible when issuance of a writ of execution of the appealed
judgment is demanded. The Court has ruled that in the absence of collusion the judgment
convicting and sentencing the servant to pay indemnity is conclusive in an action to enforce
the subsidiary liability of the master or employer. Since Bobis, the driver, was also a
defendant, the writ of execution issued in the criminal case to enforce the civil indemnity, and
its return without satisfaction, are not irrelevant evidence in the action against him and his
3. YES. The award of exemplary damages was improper. The case was predicated upon the
sentence of conviction in the criminal case. No such damages were imposed on the driver,
and the master, as person subsidiarily liable, can not incur greater civil liability than his
convicted employee, any more than a guarantor can be held responsible for more than the
(Cf. Civil
Attorneys fees should be allowed. Vallejo had reason to know that his driver could not pay
the indemnity imposed in the criminal case, because if he could, or if he had money or
leviable property worth that much, Bobis would be operating his own jeepney instead of
another's. Article 2208, paragraph 9, authorizes the award of counsel's fees "in a separate
civil action to recover the civil liability arising from a crime."
Final Ruling:
Decision modified by eliminating the award of P1,000.00 exemplary damages and doubling
the award for counsel fees, with the result that appellant shall pay the indemnity of
P3,000.00, with interest at 6% from the filing of the complaint, plus P1,000.00 attorney's
fees. In all other respects, said decision is affirmed. No costs.

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