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Close u p

Special Needs Offenders




APRIL 2002

Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism

Federal Initiatives Take on
Cyber Terrorism
The federal government has recently tak-



by Mark Sherman
outside of the district in which the issuing court is located,
thus enabling courts with jurisdiction over investigations
to compel evidence directly, without requiring the inter-

en several steps against cyber crime and

vention of agents, prosecutors, and judges in the districts

cyber terrorism. Cyber crime includes child

where major Internet service providers (ISPs) are located

sexual exploitation, fraud, hacking, and software and record-

amends the computer hacking statute (18 U.S.C. 1030) by

ing piracy. Cyber terrorism, which is conducted by both inter-

1) increasing to a maximum of 20 years the prison sen-

national and domestic organizations, includes politically mo-

tence for hackers who damage protected computers, 2)

tivated crimes designed to generate fear, such as attacks that

clarifying the mens rea required for such offenses to make

lead to death or bodily injury, explosions, severe economic

explicit that a hacker need only intend damage, not a par-

loss, or attacks against critical infrastructures.

ticular type of damage, 3) adding a new offense for damag-

In July 2001 the Justice Department announced the for-

ing computers used for national security or criminal jus-

mation of ten Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property

tice, 4) expanding the coverage of the statute to include

(CHIP) units based in U.S. attorneys offices across the coun-

computers in foreign countries so long as there is an effect

try and dedicated to prosecuting cyber crime. In the after-

on U.S. interstate or foreign commerce, 5) counting state

math of September 11, the White House announced the ap-

convictions as prior offenses for purposes of recidivist sen-

pointment of a special advisor for cyberspace security. In ad-

tencing enhancements, 6) allowing losses to be aggregated

dition, the FBI announced an overhaul of its top manage-

for purposes of meeting the $5,000 jurisdictional threshold,

ment that places more emphasis on counterterrorism and cy-

and 7) instructing the U.S. Sentencing Commission to

ber crime. Included in this overhaul is the creation of a new

amend the appropriate guidelines

division on cyber crime within the Bureaus criminal investigation section.

amends the wiretap statute (18 U.S.C. 2516) by adding felony violations of the computer hacking statute (18 U.S.C.

Perhaps the most far-reaching federal initiative has been

enactment of the post-September 11 USA Patriot Act. While
the Act does not directly affect the work of probation and pretrial services officers, it is a major law enforcement initiative
that amends various sections of the United States Code. With
regard to cyber crime and cyber terrorism, this new law
amends the Electronic Communications Privacy Act
(ECPA) (18 U.S.C. 2703) to allow investigators to use
warrants obtained under ECPA to compel records

About Special Needs Offenders Close-up

Close-up brings the field up to date on recent developments and districtbased initiatives related to defendant and offender populations covered by
the original Special Needs Offenders series. It includes population-specific
news, information on the latest investigation and supervision approaches,
job aids, information about training, and descriptions of practices and innovations developed by individual offices. Close-up will be accompanied by
a live FJTN broadcast and topical discussion on the Court Operations Exchange. Consult the FJTN Bulletin for broadcast information. Both the
FJTN Bulletin and Court Operations Exchange can be accessed through
the Centers DCN site at

The Federal Judicial Center provides this publication to further its statutory mission to develop and conduct education programs for judicial branch employees. While encouraging
court staff to share ideas, views, and resources by contributing information from their courts, the Center does not control or verify the accuracy or completeness of the information.
Nor does inclusion herein of the information constitute the Centers approval or endorsement of it. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and contributors.



April 2002

1030) to the list of predicate offenses for the interception of communications

ing the procedures set out in ECPA (such as a search

Use of computers, networks,

and connected devices alleged
in planning and financing of
terrorist attacks

warrant) rather than those in the wiretap statute (such

The following incidents illustrate that members of ter-

as a wiretap order)

rorist organizations are using computers, networks, and

connected devices to carry out their work and that such

changes the way in which the wiretap statute and

ECPA apply to stored voice communications so that
law enforcement can obtain such communications us-

amends 18 U.S.C. 2702 to permit but not require an

ISP to disclose to law enforcement either content or
non-content customer records in emergencies involving immediate risk of death or serious physical injury
to any person. This amendment also allows ISPs to
disclose information to protect their rights and property.
allows victims of computer attacks to authorize authorities or others acting under color of law to monitor
trespassers on their computer systems. Authorities will
be able, after obtaining permission from the owner of
the protected computer, to intercept the communications of a computer trespasser transmitted to, through,
or from a protected computer.
requires the Attorney General to establish regional
computer forensic labs and to provide support for existing labs to enable them to provide certain forensic
and training capabilities
Note: For further guidance on cyber-specific aspects of the
USA Patriot Act, see the Justice Departments Field Guidance
on New Authorities that Relate to Computer Crime and
Electronic Evidence Enacted in the USA Patriot Act of 2001,

AO/OPPS Assists Field with

Cyber Crime
The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and its Office of
Probation and Pretrial Services (OPPS) are also addressing cyber crime. In September 2001, the AO published a special issue of Federal Probation about technology and corrections.
The issue contains several articles by officers with expertise
in sentencing and supervision of cyber offenders and defendants. In January 2002 OPPS distributed cyber crime training
materials to all probation and pretrial services chiefs. These
materials, produced by the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) and the National Cybercrime Training Partnership, included the CD-ROMs The Internet as an Investigative

use varies in sophistication. In light of the heightened

federal law enforcement focus on terrorism, it is possible that more individuals with ties, or alleged ties, to
terrorist organizations will be subject to federal probation and pretrial services supervision. Thus, it is important that officers understand how these individuals are
using computers, networks, and connected devices.
In December 2001 the Wall Street Journal reported that two of its reporters purchased a desktop computer from a looter in Kabul that allegedly had been
used by al Qaeda members. The hard drive contained
a memo referring to a legal study regarding the killing of civilians and letters referring to the great value of attacks on Americans and Jews and to an interview to be conducted by al Qaeda members posing
as journalists with anti-Taliban leader Ahmed Shah Massoud. Massoud was killed by a bomb on September 9
during the interview. Other files included a video of
people fleeing the World Trade Center on September
11 and an outline of a project to develop chemical and
biological weapons. A number of files were encrypted
using Windows 2000s standard 40-bit DES Encrypting File System. It took the Journal five days to crack
the encryption keys.
A related story said that a joint investigation by
the Treasury and Justice departments, the FBI, and other federal agencies found that the September 11 operation was financed through wire transfers and credit
card and ATM transactions tied to a bank account in
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
In January, reports surfaced that Richard Reid, accused of trying to blow up an American Airlines flight
with bombs hidden in his shoes, sent several e-mails
about the bombing from a Paris cyber caf to contacts
in Pakistan in the days before he boarded the plane.
Also in January, the FBI issued an alert to law enforcement agencies and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission warning that al Qaeda may have been probing Web
sites, including some dealing with nuclear information.



April 2002

Tool and Prosecuting Cases that Involve Computers and the

VHS videotape Cyber Crime Fighting: The Law Enforcement
ing the possibility of including information on supervision of

Cyber-specific special
conditions: recent case law

cyber crime offenders in the revised Monograph 109.

In United States v. Peterson, 248 F.3d 79 (2d Cir. 2001),

Officers Guide to Online Crime. In addition, the AO is study-

The Center is grateful to OPPS and Office of General

Counsel personnel on the Centers planning committee for

the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit held

that a special condition of probation absolutely bar-

this cyber crime and cyber terrorism Close-up.

ring the defendants use of computers or the Internet

was unreasonable since such use was not reasonably

On-line Cyber Crime Information

Networks for Federal Probation and
Pretrial Services

related to the defendants current or prior offenses,

especially since the defendant was consistently em-

Two on-line cyber crime resources specifically for federal

probation and pretrial services officers are now available. Cy-

failing computer business. He had a prior state court

sex-offense conviction, which had not involved com-

ber Crime Information Resources contains cyber crime news,

puter use.

ployed in computer-related jobs. The defendant had

pleaded guilty to bank larceny in connection with his

discussion forums, an on-line library, links of interest, and a

In United States v. White, 244 F.3d 1199 (10th

substantial forensics and utility software archive. The site is

Cir. 2001) the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit held that a special condition of supervised release

for the exclusive use of federal probation and pretrial services. To apply for access, go to
Supervision of the Cyber-savvy Offender or Defendant is
a listserv (e-mail forum) maintained by the Eastern District
of New York and facilitated by federal probation and pretrial
services officers from several districts. Topics range from
basic to advanced. Membership is open to federal court employees. Topics include reviews of monitoring and forensics
software, development of cyber-specific special conditions
and policies, and training opportunities. To join, register
The Court Operations Exchange is an electronic forum
maintained by the Federal Judicial Center for court staff to
share information and ideas. The Exchange contains topical
discussions related to cyber crime. To gain access, log onto
the Centers DCN intranet site at, click
Court Staff Education, then scroll down the menu and click
Court Operations Exchange.

New Cyber Crime Manuals

In 2001 the Justice Department produced two manuals for
law enforcement officers working cases that involved computers. While both are designed for officers carrying out criminal investigations, federal probation and pretrial services officers have found them helpful in planning and conducting
searches of defendants and offenders computers.

that prohibited the defendant, who had been convicted of receiving child pornography but had not used
a computer to do so, from possessing a computer
with Internet access was ambiguous and remanded
the case to the district court for clarification. The court
noted that the condition was at the same time potentially too narrow and overly broad and did not
comport with either statutory requirements or the
realities of the Internet and its rapidly changing technologies.
In United States v. Walser, 275 F.3d 981 (10th
Cir. 2001) the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth
Circuit affirmed the district courts imposition of a special condition barring the defendants use of or access to the Internet without the prior permission of
the U.S. probation officer. The case involved a conviction for possession of child pornography that had
been downloaded from the Internet onto the defendants personal computer. In upholding the condition, the court stated that the condition of release
is not as ill-tailored as the one at issue in White
[because the defendant] is not completely banned
from using the Internet. Rather, he must obtain prior
permission from the probation office. Thus, the condition more readily accomplishes the goal of restricting use of the Internet and more delicately balances
the protection of the public with the goals of sentencing.



April 2002

Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations provides specific
guidance for carrying out computer searches to comply with
constitutional and statutory guidelines. (Available at http://

Terrorism and national security

amendments to the Sentencing

Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Re-

The U.S. Sentencing Commisions 2001 amendments

sponders provides specific information on different computer

addressed terrorism and national security. While the

amendments do not speak to the use of computers or

systems, components, and connected devices and guidance

on securing and documenting the scene; collecting evidence;
packaging, transporting, and storing evidence; and conduct-

connected devices, they involve offenses in which computers or connected devices may be instruments.

ing forensic examination. (Available at

2L1.2(b)(1)(A)(v) now provides for a 16-level

Click on Law Enforcement and computer-related crime.)

increase where a defendant previously was

deported or unlawfully remained in the United

The U.S. Secret Service and International Association of

Chiefs of Police have developed Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence, a pocket-sized, laminated guide that identifies issues and provides advice and tips related to search and
seizure of electronic evidence. (Available from the U.S. Secret

States after a conviction for a felony that is a

national security or terrorism offense.
2M5.1(a)(1) now provides for a base offense
level of 26 for evasion of export controls if na-

Service, Financial Crimes Division, Electronic Crimes Branch,

tional security controls or controls related to

the proliferation of nuclear, biological, or

(202) 406-5850).

chemical weapons or materials were evaded.

2M5.2(a)(1) now provides for a base offense

Cutting-Edge Cyber Crime-Control

Practices of U.S. Probation and Pretrial
In-district resource coordination
Several districts have developed coordinator, specialist, or resource positions in which a skilled officer or
team of officers lead case consultation



and anti-cyber-crime initiatives.

Ohio Northern probation named two
officers as computer crime coordinators who focused on understanding computer crime, collecting information about
computer offenders in the district, examining U.S. Sentencing Guidelines implications for criminal computer use, assessing the risk posed by computer offenders, developing in-

level of 26 for export of arms, munitions, or

military equipment or services without a required validated export license.
2M6.1, which was substantially amended,
now provides three alternative base offense
levels and various enhancements for unlawful
production, development, acquisition, stockpiling, alteration, use, transfer, or possession
of nuclear material, weapons, or facilities; biological agents, toxins, or delivery systems;
chemical weapons; or other weapons of mass
2S1.1 and 2S1.2 were consolidated. Among
other things, the new guideline 2S1.1 provides a six-level enhancement for third-party
money launderers who knew or believed that
any of the laundered funds were the proceeds
of, or were intended to promote, certain types

vestigative and supervision techniques regarding computer

of more serious underlying criminal conduct

including but not limited to offenses involving

offenders, and developing cyber-specific special conditions.

national security and terrorism.

With the approval of the chief, one of the coordinators initiated the Northern Ohio Probation Cybercrime Working Group,
which consists of the chief and members of the management
team, probation officers, and representatives from the offices
automation unit. After the working group identified several
needed tasks and duties, the district created a specialist posi-

For more on the USSCs reasons for these amendments, see its Guidelines Manual Supplement to

Appendix C (2001). A reader-friendly version of the

amendments can be downloaded from the USSCs Internet Web site at



April 2002

tion. The officer occupying the position had served as the dis-

New York Western (combined) and South Carolina

tricts primary computer crime coordinator and has received

probation have informally designated at least one officer in

extensive cyber crime-related technical training from

each district to serve as the computer go-to person on cyber

SEARCH, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

crime cases. In New York Western the designated officer has

(FLETC), and the National Cybercrime Training Partnership/

obtained forensics training from NW3C and the International

National White Collar Crime Center (NCTP/NW3C).

Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) and

For more information, contact USPO Art Bowker at

belongs to the local Law Enforcement Crime Consortium,

[email protected]. Also, read Computer

which maintains a regional computer forensics lab. The des-

Crime in the 21st Century and Its Effect on the Probation

ignated officer in South Carolina has an advanced degree in

Officer (Federal Probation, Sept. 2001), which Bowker

information technology, heads the districts cyber crime task

co-authored with Indiana Southern USPO Gregory S.

Thompson. The article is available at
courtoperations/fcsd/html/federalprob.htm. For more in-

force, conducts in-district cyber crime training, and has completed a needs assessment on cyber crime for the district.

formation on training provided by SEARCH, FLETC, and

For more information, contact USPO Kathleen Horvatits at

NW3C, see Training, page 10 of this Close-up.

[email protected] and USPO Monica

Hampton at [email protected].

New York Eastern probations computer crime specialist

is a member of the districts search enforcement team and the

Arizona pretrial services has designated two officers as

Middle AtlanticGreat Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforce-

computer crime coordinators (special assignment). These of-

ment Network, serves as evidence technician and Choice-

ficers participated in the NW3C Basic Data Recovery and

Point liaison, and represents the district on the New York

Analysis class and will attend computer forensic software

Electronic Crimes Task Force and the High Tech Crime Con-

training in May 2002. They have drafted a computer crime su-

sortium. The specialist received training from NW3C.

pervision and search policy, which is currently under review

For more information, contact Sr. USPO Brian Kelly at

[email protected]. Also, see Kellys article

in the district. The district uses monitoring software to monitor defendants computer use.

Supervising the Cyber Criminal (Federal Probation

For more information, contact USPSO Ruben Morales at

Sept. 2001), which is available at

[email protected].


District of Columbia probation has designated a line ofFlorida Middle probation created an electronic informa-

ficer and a supervisor as automation coordinators. They dis-

tion specialist position. The specialist, who is responsible for

cuss cyber crime issues and determine training needs. The

conducting forensic examination of offenders computers,

line officer supervises the districts cyber crime offenders as

when authorized, is certified in specific types of program-

part of a regular caseload and serves as liaison between the

ming and has received forensics training from NW3C and

offices systems staff and end users. Both coordinators serve


on the districts automation committee, which consists of at

Texas Western pretrial services has created the position

least one member from each unit in the office, (i.e. supervi-

of field automation and electronic monitoring specialist.

sion and presentence officers, SUSPOs, probation assistants,

With regard to automation, the specialist develops the dis-

and the systems group). The committee meets monthly to re-

tricts cyber crime resources, policies, and training and con-

view the offices computer needs related to research and de-

sults on cyber crime cases. The specialist has received train-

velopment of programs, reliability of programs and equip-

ing in computer forensics from FLETC and is a member of the

ment, training of staff, long-range planning, security, and ac-

U.S. attorneys computer crime investigators work group.

countability of the systems group.

For more information, contact Sr. USPSO Lanny Newville

For more information, contact USPO Andre Wilson at

at [email protected]. Also, see

[email protected].

Newvilles article Cyber Crime and the CourtsInvestigating and Supervising the Information Age Offender

Kansas (combined) has formed a High-Tech and Com-

(Federal Probation, Sept. 2001), which is available at http://

puter Crime Team consisting of three officers from different

offices and staff from the districts systems department. The



April 2002

team, which serves as a computer crime resource, takes the

seizures, see the Centers August 2000 Special Needs Offenders

lead on development of in-district cyber crime policy, train-

Bulletin: Introduction to Cyber Crime (hereafter, Introduction

ing, and practice. The district has developed a search policy

to Cyber Crime), which is available at

that incorporates information on searching offender comput-

47.230:8081/newweb/jnetweb.nsf/pages/66. For opinions of

ers, a computer restriction and monitoring program for of-

the AO Office of General Counsel on cyber crime search and

fenders with a cyber-specific special condition, and training

seizure policies, go to

for both probation staff and the court.

Kansas (combined) has developed a search policy that

For more information, contact USPO Shawn Brewer at

[email protected], USPO Michelle Caples at

incorporates searches and seizures of computers and con-

[email protected], or USPO Bryce Beckett

nected devices. The AO Office of General Counsel has issued

at [email protected].

a positive opinion of the policy.

For more information, contact USPO Shawn Brewer at

Information gathering

[email protected], USPO Michelle Caples at

New York Eastern and Ohio Northern probation have de-

[email protected], or USPO Bryce Beckett

at [email protected].

veloped forms to gather an offenders computer and Internet

data. The forms contain questions about the offenders com-

Arizona pretrial services is developing a computer crime

puter hardware, software, and Internet accessibility and use,

supervision and search policy to help officers conduct

including passwords and ISPs.

searches pursuant to special conditions ordered by the court.

For more information, contact Sr. USPO Brian Kelly at

The draft policy includes sections on statutory authority, pur-

[email protected] or USPO Art Bowker at

pose, policies, plain view, consent, conduct of searches, and

[email protected].

processing evidence. The draft policy has not been reviewed

by the AO Office of General Counsel.

Computer search policies

For more information, contact USPSO Ruben Morales at

[email protected].

Some probation offices have developed search policies that

address searches of computers and connected devices.
Similarly, because the practice by courts in some districts
has been to order search conditions at the pretrial stage,
some pretrial services offices have developed cyber search
Development of computer search and seizure policies
by federal probation and pretrial services officers should be-

Special conditions
New York Eastern probation has developed a bench guide to
assist judges with such issues as classification and wording of
special conditions. The guide includes the following cyberspecific special conditions:
The defendant is not permitted to access a computer

gin with the Criminal Law Committees Model Search and

or connected device (except a landline telephone) at

Seizure Guidelines. The Guidelines are based on the premise

any time.

that while searches by probation officers may occasionally

The defendant is not permitted to access the Intranet/

be justified, they are disfavored and should be discouraged.

Internet or bulletin board systems at any time.

Searches or seizures of any kind by pretrial services officers

The defendant is not permitted to engage in the use of

are not authorized by statute and are not included in the


Guidelines. They should not be performed unless ordered by

the court.
Part of the Memorandum to U.S. District Judges, U.S.
Magistrate Judges, and Chief Probation Officers on Searches
and Seizures (May 3, 1993), the Model Search and Seizure
Guidelines are contained in the Federal Judicial Centers
Search and Seizure: Training Reference Guide (1995). For more
information on applying the guidelines to cyber searches and

Writing in Federal Probation in September 2001, Sr. USPO

Brian Kelly, New York Easterns cyber crime specialist, noted
[h]ow restrictive [computer and Internet usage-related] special conditions should be is based on the severity of the instant offense and the offenders criminal history. For example, a first-time offender who
has committed an isolated denial of service attack



April 2002

against a former employer may not warrant a full

prohibition from computers and/or the Internet but
rather a condition prohibiting any contact, including
computer contact, with the former employer, as well
as employer notification if the offender plans to obtain employment within the computer industry.

ers computer hard drive may constitute a search. However,

using a Web-based application to monitor a defendants or
offenders operation of a Web site merely constitutes surveillance.
Improper or inappropriate use of monitoring and forensic
applications can result in serious adverse ramifications for of-

This point is particularly important in light of cases such

as United States v. Peterson, 248 F.3d 79 (2d Cir. 2001), where
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit held that a
special condition of probation absolutely barring the defendants use of computers or the Internet was unreasonable
since such use was not reasonably related to the defendants

ficers and agencies (e.g., civil liability) and the public (e.g.,
harming or causing the loss of electronic evidence that could
be used in a future prosecution). Experienced officers advise
that under no circumstances should such applications be used
by an individual who has not been trained in their use and advised about their appropriateness.

present or prior offenses. (See box, page 3.)

Ohio Northern probations Cybercrime Working Group
has developed a draft Cybercrime Manual for probation staff
that contains information similar to that in New York East-

SEARCH reviews five

computer-monitoring programs

erns bench guide.

As an alternative to listing cyber-specific special conditions on a case-by-base basis, some districts are developing
computer restriction and monitoring programs akin to the
successful electronic monitoring program. (See Figure 1,
page 8.) Ohio Northern probation, Kansas (combined), and
Texas Western pretrial services have developed similar approaches for defendants and offenders subject to a single cyber-specific condition with the program incorporated by reference. Texas Western pretrial services has created a compan-

SEARCH, the National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics, has evaluated five commercial computer monitoring programs available for use by probation and pretrial services officers. The five
products tested were Boss Everywhere 2.3,
Desktop Surveillance 3.6b, Eblaster 2.0,
PC Activity Monitor Pro 4.0, and STARRtm PC and Internet Monitor 3.02 Pro.
The evaluation report is available at

ion Officers Cybercrime Quick Reference to assist officers

in supervising defendants accused of cyber crime offenses,
including those subject to the computer restriction and mon-

Officers must remember that a cyber-savvy defendant or

offender can circumvent even the most sophisticated moni-

itoring program.
For more information on questions to ask cyber offenders

toring applicationespecially if it has been installed on the

during presentence investigation and on cyber-specific spe-

defendants or offenders hard drive. Thus, officers with exper-

cial conditions, see Introduction to Cyber Crime, pages 1112.

tise in supervising such defendants and offenders note that

simply because a technology is available does not mean that

Monitoring and Forensic

Several districts have begun using different types of technology to assist in
monitoring defendants and offenders

it should be used and that an application should never take

the place of traditional supervision approaches. Monitoring



technology merely supplements traditional, tried-and-true

Finally, commercial products do not necessarily come
cheap. Prices of monitoring software packages range from

computer use and to examine their hard

$50 to $175, while forensic software packages typically cost

drives. Understanding variations in com-

from $500 to $1,700.

plexity and invasiveness among monitoring and forensic ap-

The following reviews of monitoring and forensic appli-

plications is critical for the officer and the court. For example,

cations were contributed by officers who have used them. Of

monitoring a defendants or offenders computer use through

course, inclusion of these reviews here does not constitute

software installed by an officer on the defendants or offend-

endorsement by the Federal Judicial Center.



April 2002

Monitoring applications

therefore are susceptible to alteration or deletion. Spector

works on Windows and Macintosh operating systems; E-

Spector and E-blaster. Spector is a screen-recording pro-

blaster is available for Windows only. For more information

gram that can be installed on a hard drive and configured to

on Spector and E-blaster, go to

capture screen images at specified intervals and store them in

Reviewed by Sr. USPO Brian Kelly ([email protected].

an encrypted file. It can store up to five or six days worth of

gov), and USPO Monica Hampton (Monica_Hampton@scp.

activity. E-blaster, which can accompany Spector, automati-

cally e-mails to the supervision officer the defendants or of-

Echo. This tool is a remote Internet monitoring applica-

fenders chat activity, URLs visited, processes run on the com-

tion. After installation and configuration on the offenders

puter, and any images accessed. The tool is limited in that in-

hard drive, the offenders system sends real-time information

formation must be retrieved frequently because the file may

of all Internet activity (e-mail, chat, and Web site access) to a

become too large and delete old information. Also, applica-

designated server. The application requires limited hard drive

tions and files are stored on the offenders hard drive and

space, operates hidden, and can be monitored from the of-

Figure 1. Example of a Computer Restriction and Monitoring Agreement

Ohio Northern probations Computer Restriction and Monitoring Program is invoked with the following special condition:
You shall provide the U.S. Probation Office with accurate information about your entire computer system (hardware/soft-

ware); all passwords used by you; and your Internet Service Provider(s); and will abide by all rules of the Computer Restriction and Monitoring Program.

General Provisions
1. I, ____________________ , have been placed in the Computer Restriction and Monitoring Program. I agree to comply with all program rules
set forth in this agreement, and the instructions of my probation officer. I understand that this agreement is, by reference, part of the order setting
conditions and that failure to comply with its provisions or the instructions of my officer will be considered a violation of my supervision and
may result in an adverse action. I agree to call my officer immediately if I have any questions about these rules or if I experience any problems
that may hinder my compliance with this program.
2. I understand I must complete the Computer/Internet Data Form and return within seven days.
3. I shall possess and/or access only computer hardware or software approved by the U.S. Probation Office. I shall obtain written permission from
the U.S. Probation Office prior to obtaining or accessing any additional computer hardware/software or making any alterations to my system.
4. I shall only use Internet Service Providers(s) approved by the U.S. Probation Office. I shall obtain written permission from the U.S. Probation
Office prior to changing ISP or entering into agreements with any additional ISP.
5. I agree to allow the U.S. Probation Officer to install software/hardware designed to monitor computer activities on any computer I am authorized to use. I understand that the software may record any and all activity on my computer, including the capture of keystrokes, application information, Internet use history, email correspondence, and chat conversations. I further understand that a notice will be placed on the computer
at the time of installation to warn others of the existence of the monitoring software on my computer. I agree not to attempt to remove, tamper
with, reverse engineer, or in any way circumvent the software/hardware.
6. I understand that my supervising officer may use measures to assist in monitoring compliance with these conditions such as placing tamper resistant tape over unused ports and to seal my computer case.
7. I will notify all individuals that have access to my computer system that it subject to monitoring and/or search/seizure.
8. I shall not create or assist directly or indirectly in the creation of any electronic bulletin board, ISP, or any other public or private network without the prior written consent of the U.S. Probation Office. Any approval shall be subject to any condition set by the U.S. Probation Office or the
Court with regard to that approval.
9. I understand the U.S. Probation Office may determine a Web site and/or material is a detriment to my success in this program and therefore prohibit future access to said Web site/materials. I will abide by this decision pending any ruling by the Court to the contrary.
10. I understand that my officer will use telephone calls and unannounced personal visits to monitor my compliance. When I am at home, I agree to
promptly answer my telephone or door.
11. I will provide copies of credit card billing records or other financial records monthly and will not open any new lines of credit without authorization of my supervising officer. I understand that my supervising officer has the authority to request my credit history information to confirm
my compliance with the conditions of release and these program rules. My signature on this document signifies my consent for the release of the
credit history information.


Supervising Officer




April 2002

fice. However, it monitors only on-line activity, requires a

combined with ChoicePoint or Lexis databases. For more in-

dedicated server, and is susceptible to alteration or deletion

formation, go to Reviewed by Sr.

by the offender. Echo works on Windows operating systems

USPO Dan Wieser (Florida Middle) (retired).

only. For more information, go to

Anonymizer. This application allows the officer to visit

Reviewed by Sr. USPO Brian Kelly (Brian_Kelly@nyep.

defendant or offender Web sites anonymously without having

any unwanted files or code placed on the officers computer

and without revealing the officers computer Internet proto-

Other monitoring technology

WHOIS. This free web-based tool enables officers to look up
a registered domain name and obtain information about the
owner of a particular Web site. There are several WHOIS sites.
The most popular, Better-Whois and VeriSign Global Registry
Services, combine searches of the various registries. For more

col (IP) address. The tool can serve as a deterrent if the defendant or offender knows the officer could be watching at any
time. The basic application is free. For more information, go
to Reviewed by USPO Monica
Hampton ([email protected]).

information, go to or http://

Forensic Tools Reviewed by Sr. USPO Dan Wieser

EnCase. This forensic software tool allows the officer to con-

(Florida Middle) (retired).

duct non-invasive investigation, including drive imaging, pre- This Web site helps officers monitor the

viewing, word searching, and scripting. It features a graphical

activities of offenders who have their own Web sites. It pro-

user interface that enables examiners to easily manage large

vides ping, WHOIS, and trace route information and shows

volumes of computer evidence and view all relevant files, in-

how to use these and other features to find the owner of a

cluding deleted files, file slack, and unallocated data. The

Web site and the sites location. SamSpade works best when

officer can perform initial previewing of a target drive, acquire evidentiary images, search and recover data, and obtain
reports within the same application. Use of the tool does not

An on-line briefing for judges

alter data. EnCase has a report feature which generates re-

Texas Western pretrial services has developed a self-running, narrated on-line

briefing for the districts judges: Computer Searches and Access Monitoring Tools.
The briefing serves as an example for
officers in other districts who want to
provide judges with such information. A
PowerPoint presentation, the briefing includes
an overview of legal issues
discussion of special conditions
discussion of computer restriction
and monitoring programs
an overview of monitoring software tools
playback simulation of Spector
monitoring software
a search continuum flowchart
To view Computer Searches and Access
Monitoring Tools, go to

integrity of the original data with a chain of custody. For more

ports and extracts documenting the investigation results and

information, go to Reviewed by Sr.
USPSO Lanny Newville ([email protected]).
ComputerCop Professional P3. The P3 CD loads in
the offenders computer in Windows and searches for images
or keywords. It will also search RAM and file slack and zip
files, but at increased search time. P3 locates hidden
graphic files where file extensions were changed. The useful
crime category option allows approximately 7,500 words
and phrases in 25 crime categories to be selected for searching. The software also allows the officer to search his or
her own buzzwords. If images or keywords are found, the
files can be downloaded to diskette or an external drive for
further review in Case Manager, which compiles a report
complete with audit trail. For cases involving a large number
of images, Case Manager can also deliver a timed slideshow
presentation. The software is fast and easy to use. For
more information, go to
Reviewed by USPO Scott MacNichol (Scott_MacNichol@flmp.




April 2002

ComputerCop Forensic. This tool allows the officer to

view of monitoring software and computer forensics. The

access information from an offenders computer via a parallel

training includes several handouts and a guest lecture by an

port cable without risk of alteration. The offenders system is

agent from the Montana Criminal Investigation Bureau.

booted from a DOS diskette. The software allows viewing of

For more information, contact USPO Wes Estep at

all image files, text files pursuant to a keyword search, deleted

[email protected].

files, and file slack. The officer can pick which files to save
into the Case Manager feature and allows various reports to
be submitted. It can be installed onto a laptop for examinations in the field. Easy to use, the tool is not a true forensic
application: The user cannot pick and choose which files to
view and must perform a scan first. For more information, go
to Reviewed by Sr. USPO
Brian Kelly ([email protected]).
Ilook Investigator. This program can be used to examine
images obtained from any forensic imaging system that creates a straight sector dump of the imaged media. It may also
be used to examine Safeback image files, EnCase image files,
ISO and CIF CD images, VMWare virtual disks, and ILook image files. Ilook, which consists of a main executable file, runtime files, and on-line help, will run on Windows NT and
2000. The application has a steep learning curve but is available free to law enforcement. For more information, go to Reviewed by Sr. USPO Dan
Wieser (Florida Middle) (retired).

External Training
The training programs described below are advanced. Information on introductory and basic technical training can be
found on page 14 of Introduction to Cyber Crime.
National White Collar Crime Center/National Cybercrime Training Partnership. NW3C/NCTP, a Department of
Justice-funded organization, offers Advanced Data Recovery
and Analysis (ADRA). This in-depth, 40-hour course, which is
taught only at NW3C headquarters in Fairmont, West Virginia, covers large hard drives, new partition types, Windows
NT/2000/XP NTFS, advanced imaging, alternate media, transient data, and Internet issues. It is free and is limited to 20
students. Prior computer forensic training is required. Several
federal probation and pretrial services officers have participated in NW3C courses. For more details, see for more details.
FLETC-SCERS. This two-week advanced course exposes
participants to a variety of imaging and forsenic tools. Not
only do individuals learn important skills, they are also provided software and hardware to complete forensic investigations. Software is available exclusively to those who complete

Internal Training
Kansas (combined) conducts a oneday program for officers about types

the course. Until recently, the course was offered only at the


Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia,


but it is now available regionally. Participants must have com-

of cyber crime, computer hardware, the

districts search policy and special conditions, and monitoring software and how to use it. The districts chief also conducts a presentation for judicial officers.
For more information, contact USPO Shawn Brewer at
[email protected], USPO Michelle Caples at
[email protected], or USPO Bryce Beckett
at [email protected].

puter investigation expertise. Fees range from $1,500 to $6,000,

depending on where the course is held and what software and
hardware will be provided to attendees. Seating is limited to
30 students. To date, only three federal probation and pretrial
services officers (from Ohio Northern probation, Florida Middle probation, and Texas Western pretrial services) have attended this course. For details, go to
SEARCH, the National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics, offers a variety of courses on computer
forsenics and Internet investigations. According to several

Montana (combined) conducts an introductory cyber

probation officers, it is one of the most respected training or-

crime program for officers that covers origins and types of

ganizations in the field. Courses range from approximately

crime involving automated devices, issues related to officer

five days to two weeks. Most courses are held only at

duties in report writing and supervision (including develop-

SEARCHs facility in Sacramento, California. Fees for courses

ment and enforcement of special conditions), and an over-

vary. See for more details.




April 2002

Cyber Crime Investigation and

Supervision Tips

Searches or seizures of any kind by pretrial services officers

are not specifically authorized by statute and are not in-

When investigating and supervising cyber-savvy defendants

cluded in the Model Search and Seizure Guidelines pro-

and offenders, officers should do the following:

mulgated by the Criminal Law Committee; they should not

Continue to use traditional information-gathering

techniques, identifying cues, and supervision techniques. Even the most complex monitoring technology
can be circumvented by a cyber-savvy individual.
Obtain appropriate training and expert probation- or
pretrial services-related advice before using any monitoring or forensic technology.
In the case of a hacker/cracker, ask questions designed
to determine the defendants or offenders level of ex-

be performed unless ordered by the court.

Searches by probation officers are disfavored, and alternatives should be used whenever possible.
Searches of a defendants or offenders computer, where
authorized, should be conducted only by highly trained
Automation personnel should not be taken into the field to
conduct a computer search.
If the court orders the use of monitoring software and ex-

pertise. For example, is he or she a script kiddie? Was

pects officers to check it randomly or regularly, it should

the person using social engineering? What is the per-

specifically so order as part of the condition.

sons technical education and employment back-

The damage in a computer search, such as the loss of im-

ground? Does he or she have a history of hacking/

portant data, could be far more serious and costly than the

cracking? Does he or she belong to hacker groups?

physical damage that might occur as a result of a tradition-

Be aware that cyber individuals accused or convicted

al search. If technical incompetence or negligence on the

of nontechnical offenses may not be categorized as

part of the searcher causes such loss, the potential for lia-

cyber defendants or offenders. In such situations it is

bility is much more significant. Another potential for liabil-

important for pretrial services officers, presentence of-

ity is a computer search that is broader than necessary to

ficers, and judicial officers to review the (alleged) con-

accomplish its purpose. Caution and technical expertise

duct that led to the offenders indictment to determine

are necessary to avoid these problems.

whether cyber-specific special conditions should be

recommended and imposed.
Fashion cyber-specific conditions that are related to

The Privacy Protection Act (PPA) and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) both create liability for
computer searches that violate their provisions. However,

the defendants or offenders (alleged) offense conduct

neither of the acts will apply in the vast majority of situa-

and convey an understanding of the uses of computers

tions in which a probation or supervised release search

and computer networks.

might occur.

According to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts

Office of General Counsel, with regard to search and seizure,
probation and pretrial services officers and judges should be
aware of these issues:

The PPA (42 U.S.C. 2000aa et seq.) specifies that government officers, in connection with the investigation or
prosecution of criminal cases, may not search for or seize
work product and other documents intended for public
dissemination unless there is probable cause that the per-

Installation and use of monitoring software on a de-

son possessing the materials committed the criminal of-

fendants or offenders computer most likely consti-

fense to which the materials relate. It is, of course, unlikely

tutes a search.

that the information in an offenders computer in which an

A computer search is analytically similar to a regular

officer has an interest will be intended for public dissemi-

search in terms of third-party liability. If performed

nation. Furthermore, court-ordered or consensual search-

pursuant to a valid search condition, some invasion of

es conducted by probation officers are for the specific

privacy of a third party and some possibility of damage

purpose of ensuring the offenders compliance with court-

to a third partys property is inevitable but should not

ordered conditions of supervision, not the investigation

result in liability unless negligent or excessive.

or prosecution of a criminal offense; therefore, it is likely




April 2002

that section 2000aa-6 would be inapplicable to any search

by a probation officer. This view comports with the purpose of the Act, which is to protect individuals First

pervision: rehabilitation of the offender and protection of

the public.
The ECPA has two parts. Title I is an amendment to

Amendment privacy rights. Of course, for individuals un-

the wiretap provisions at 18 U.S.C. 2510 et seq. and

der probation and supervised release supervision, the ex-

deals with the interception of transmission. The term

pectation of privacy is diminished. When conditions im-

interception has been very narrowly defined, and

posed under the authority of 18 U.S.C. 3563(b) and

nothing an officer is likely to do would constitute an

3583(d) impinge on the right to privacy, they are valid so

interception. Use of software that records communi-

long as they are reasonably related to the twin goals of su-

cations or sources of communications is probably not

More Cyber Crime FAQs

Q: What are the pitfalls of using monitoring software?
A: It can be very easy for a defendant or offender to circumvent monitoring software. The defendant or offender
can boot from diskettes, CDs, external drives or other storage devices, or he or she can simply use another computer
thats not being monitored. Monitoring applications are similar to an EM program where the defendant or offender can
remove the bracelet and the officer is not able to tell when
it is off or on. Monitoring software can create a false sense
of security for the officer. It also generates a large volume
of information to sort through and, therefore, creates a lot
of extra work that can require the officer to spend a dispro-

district but would like some guidance from the field. Has
anyone in the system put together a district policy for cyber
crime or cyber offenders?
A: The following probation and pretrial services offices have
developed or are developing cyber crime programs of varying complexity in their districts: Texas Western pretrial services, Arizona pretrial services, Kansas (combined), Florida
Middle probation, South Carolina probation, New York
Western (combined), District of Columbia probation, Ohio
Northern probation, and Montana (combined). Contact information for lead officers in each of these districts, as well
as for other officers who have developed individual cyber
crime expertise, can be found throughout this Close-up.

portionate amount of time on the case.

Q: Our management team foresees problems if cyber crime

Q: What are some red flags I should be aware of when

cases are not assigned to an officer who is technically

savvy because of the issues that might arise when a viola-

supervising a cyber-savvy defendant or offender and using

monitoring software?
A: One way of circumventing monitoring software designed
for use on Windows systems is, simply, not to start Windows. Therefore, you should keep an eye out for DOSbased Web browsers on Windows 3.x, 95, and 98 machines.
A defendant or offender can press F8 when the computer
boots, bypass Windows, go straight into DOS, and use Web
browsers available for DOS without detection.
Q: What resources exist for learning more about Linux in
the context of cyber crime?

tion hearing is held and defense counsel asks questions

about the nature of the violation. We are trying to solve this
potential problem but arent sure how to go about it. What
districts have created automation specialist positions or
taken other less formal steps?
A: Some offices, such as Ohio Northern, Florida Middle,
and New York Eastern probation and Texas Western pretrial
services, have created automation specialist positions. Others, such as Texas Western pretrial services have a combined automationEM specialist position. Still other offices

A: Linux is a popular operating system for drive imaging

(e.g., District of Columbia probation, New York Western

(combined), Arizona pretrial services) have designated of-

and searches with utilities such as dd and grep. A good

resource to learn more about Linux is The Law Enforce-

ficers who are technically competent to serve as computer

or automation resources. These officers may be assigned

ment Introduction to LinuxA Beginners Guide. It is available at

cases involving cyber crime or asked to consult with line

officers supervising and conducting presentence investiga-

Q: I recently completed NW3Cs Basic Data Recovery and

Analysis course, and Im putting together a formal propos-

tions on such cases. They may also be expected to perform

computer searches (where such searches are authorized)

al for my chief and management team. I have a general idea

about how I want a cyber crime program to work in my

and to serve as liaison for systems personnel, the U.S. attorney, and professional development organizations.




April 2002

an interception and would not be covered by title I.

Title II (18 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.) applies only to the access
of communications electronically stored in an electronic
communication service such as provides computer storage
or processing services to the public. It requires a warrant
and advance notice for most searches covered by ECPA.
The Act is designed to protect the privacy interests of the
innocent users of such services. The act would cover, for
example, intra-company networks, electronic bulletin
board systems, and other on-line systems. It would not ordinarily include personally owned, or stand-alone, computers, even though they may be used to send and receive
communications by means of an electronic communications service. Accordingly, for purposes of these statutes,
the search of personal computer records may be accomplished as any other probation officer-conducted searches
in most situations that officers are likely to encounter. Of
course, it is possible that an offender might be in the business of providing an electronic communications service to
the public. If this is the case, then Title II of the ECPA may
apply, and the officer should refrain from searching without advising the court and, perhaps, consulting the U.S. attorneys office. If the operation of the service presents a
danger to the public, the officer might consider recommending to the court a special condition that restricts such
The lack of officer expertise in handling contraband, and
the lack of appropriate facilities for storing it, provide further reasons for the caution embodied in the Criminal Law
Committees Model Search and Seizure Guidelines. The
Guidelines provide that officers handling seized contraband observe chain-of-custody procedures and turn the
contraband over to appropriate law enforcement officers
as quickly as possible. If this is impossible, contraband
such as child pornography should be handled pursuant to
chain-of-custody procedures and securely maintained.
The court should be advised of the existence of the contraband as well as how it is secured. The maintenance of lawfully obtained evidentiary material by a law enforcement
agency should not result in criminal liability to officers of
that agency.
Finally, districts are eligible to become partners with the
National Cybercrime Training Partnership of the National
White Collar Crime Center to receive assistance in developing training programs for officers.

Additional Information on Cyber Crime

Blyth, Andrew, and Kovacich, Gerald L. Information Assurance:
Surviving the Information Environment. New York: Springer
Verlag, 2001.
Caloyannides, Michael. Computer Forensics and Privacy.
Norwood, Mass.: Artech House, 2001.
Casey, Eoghan. Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic
Science, Computers and the Internet. Burlington, Mass.:
Academic Press, 2000.
Casey, Eoghan (ed.). Handbook of Computer Crime
Investigation: Forensic Tools & Technology. Burlington,
Mass.: Academic Press, 2001.
Federal Probation: Special Issue on Technology and Corrections
(September 2001). Washington, D.C.: Administrative Office
of the U.S. Courts.
Kruse, Warren G., and Heiser, Jay G. Computer Forensics:
Incident Response Essentials. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2002.
Painter, Christopher M. Supervised Release and Probation
Restrictions in Hacker Cases. U.S. Attorneys Bulletin
(March 2001).
National White Collar Crime Center. The Internet as an Investigative Tool (version 2.0) (CD). Morgantown, W.Va.: National
White Collar Crime Center (undated).
Prosise, Chris, and Mandia, Kevin. Incident Response:
Investigating Computer Crime. New York: McGraw-Hill
Professional Publishing, 2001.
Sammes, Tony; Jenkinson, Brian; and Sammes, A.J. Forensic
Computing : A Practitioners Guide. New York: Springer
Verlag, 2000.
The Honeynet Project. Know Your Enemy: Revealing the
Security Tools, Tactics, and Motives of the Blackhat
Community. New York: Addison-Wesley, 2001.
Vacca, John R. Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene
Investigation. Hingham, Mass.: Charles River Media, 2001.
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
National Institute of Justice, National Law Enforcement and
Corrections Technology Center. TechBeat.;
(800) 248-2742; [email protected] (newsletter available
on-line or in hard copy).
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
National Institute of Justice. Electronic Crime Scene
Investigation: A Guide for First Responders. Washington,
D.C., 2001.
U.S. Department of Justice, Computer Crime and Intellectual
Property Section. Searching and Seizing Computers and
Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations.
Washington, D.C., 2001.

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