Insurance: Begins Nov. 1 Open Enrollment

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October 27, 2016

Updates to Riverton
radar tower begin

The weather radar used by

the National Weather Service
Forecast Ofce in Riverton will
be down for three days beginning
Sunday, Oct. 30, for technicians
to install an important technological upgrade. The work on the
WSR-88D radar has been scheduled to minimize any potential
impacts to ofce operations and
will be delayed if hazardous
weather is forecast.
During the outage, some radar coverage is available from
adjacent radar sites including
Pocatello, ID, Billings, MT, Salt
Lake City, UT, and Cheyenne.
A crew will install a new signal processor, which replaces
obsolete technology, improves
processing speed and data quality, provides added functionality,
and increases IT security.
This is the rst of four major upgrades, known as service
life extension projects, planned

in the next ve years to replace

and refurbish major components
of the 20-year-old WSR-88Ds and
to keep the radars operational
into the 2030s. The $150 million investment is being made by
the three organizations that use
these radars, the NOAA National
Weather Service, United States
Air Force and Federal Aviation
Administration. The three other service life extension projects
include refurbishing the transmitter, pedestal, and equipment
The tri-agency Radar Operations Center, which supports
the radars, estimates it will take
about 10 months to upgrade the
signal processor on all 159 operational WSR-88Ds.
A tentative deployment schedule is available:

photo by Cindy Glasson

Countdown to election day

TMS students cleaning up

Fall is in the air and leaves are

on the ground, the perfect time
to get a little help with your yard
from students at Thermopolis
Middle School. The annual Yard
Clean-up Day will be held on Monday, Oct. 31 in the afternoon.
If you would like the students
to come rake the leaves from
your yard, simply call the middle
school at 864-6551 to get placed
on their list.


Hot Springs County Clerk Nina Webber shows one of the computer chips that are sealed inside the voting machines prior to the election. Webber and members of the clerks ofce ran a test of the machines on Oct. 17 before securing them. There is limited access to the secured area where the machines are kept and a fob system
is used that records every person, time and date of entry into the area.

There is no charge for the students to come rake your leaves.

If you know of a friend or neighbor that could use the service,
please call the school and give
them the name, however, be sure
to let your friend know you signed
them up to prevent any confusion
on clean-up day.
Please call the school before
Thursday, Oct. 27 to get on the
clean-up day list.


Homan plays final game with CWC

Central Wyoming College

lady volleyball players will play
their last home game of the season on Wednesday, Oct 26 at 7
p.m. Hot Springs County High
School graduate Haylee Hoffman will be honored with all the
sophomore players ending their
volleyball season at CWC.
Hoffman is playing her second volleyball season for CWC
in Riverton. She was honored as
player of the game at the Pink

Night Game Oct 14 against Laramie County College. She received

an athletic scholarship and recently received the Central Wyoming Ambassador scholarship
in addition to Hathaway and local scholarships. Her high GPA
earned her exemplary honors
in academics from the National
Junior College Athletic Association. After graduating CWC, she
will go on to pursue her degree
in health science.

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Open Enrollment for health insurance
on the Marketplace or Exchange begins
November 1, 2016 and runs through
January 31, 2017.
It is important for Wyomingites to timely
re-enroll and avoid any break in coverage and
to avoid tax penalties for lack of insurance
You must sign up by December 15
to have insurance coverage beginning on
January 1, 2017. January 31 is the last
day to enroll or change a 2017 health plan.
After this date you can enroll or change
plans only if you qualify for a Special
Enrollment Period for certain life events like
losing health coverage, moving, getting
married, having a baby, or adopting a child.
The Wyoming Department of Insurance
(DOI) advises ALL enrollees to shop and
compare their choices as well as to update
their enrollment information. Whether you are
renewing a plan you previously selected or are
a new enrollee, the Open Enrollment period
is an opportunity to evaluate what insurance
coverage you have or to consider new options.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Wyoming will be the only
Marketplace insurance carrier in Wyoming for 2017, but
there are a variety of options from which to choose a
plan that meets your needs.
Talk with your insurance agent or spend some
time on the website: to become
familiar with the oered services and to compare
insurance plans and rates.
If you receive health insurance through an employer,
consider the following before selecting a coverage during your employers open enrollment period:
Look closely for changes
Dont automatically renew the option you had
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Billings Pricing
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Open Enrollment
Begins Nov. 1

before. Employers might have made changes to

your plan and your familys situation might have
changed too.
Take advantage of wellness incentives
Wellness programs may include money-saving
incentives for healthy behaviors such as exercising regularly or not smoking.
Check out tax-free savings
Determine if you may be eligible to open a
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or a health
savings account (HSA).
Businesses with 50 employees or fewer can oer
Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) plans
to their employees, starting any month of the year, not

Wyoming Insurance Department


& Flooring

just during Open Enrollment. For more

information or to determine if your business
qualies for SHOP, go to:
If you are self-employed or if your
employer doesnt oer coverage, you may
still have choices.
Spouse plan
Check about being added to your
spouses or domestic partners employer
Individual insurance
Consider shopping for private insurance. This option allows you to
customize care to your lifestyle, health,
and budget, but be certain to know if the
plan meets qualied health plan (QHP)
If you are unemployed, you were
likely forced to determine how to continue your health insurance. Recent layos
may have resulted in your being covered
temporarily through COBRA. Now is a good
time to review your coverage. If youve been
out of work for some time, your income may have taken
a signicant hit and you or family members might be
eligible for Medicaid or the Childrens Health Insurance
Program (CHIP).
In addition to the private insurers and
insurance agents, the federal government has trained and
certied assisters and navigators in Wyoming to help
you at no cost. Visit: or get a
referral to a Wyoming Navigator for in-person assistance,
by contacting Wyoming 2-1-1 (in Wyoming dial 2-1-1 or
888-425-7138) or visit
Beware of fraudulent websites. Always look for
ocial government seals, logos and websites of the

This public service announcement is presented and paid for by the insurance companies licensed
to do business in Wyoming in cooperation with the Wyoming Insurance Department. For more
information on the states insurance companies, including nancial information, visit the Insurance
Department websites Company Financial Information section.

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