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Civil Engineering License Exam Review

Structural - Session 1

Old Dominion University

Brian Crowder

[email protected]

Old Dominion University - Virginia Applied Technology and Professional Development Center

Bonus Problem

Source: NCEES Practice Exam

This represents a statically determinate structure, which means the solution can be found using the equations of
equilibrium, Fx = 0, Fy = 0, M = 0. The other simplification to support quickly solving the problem is to replace
distributed forces with their resultant. We will follow this approach. The resultant forces are as follows.






Diagonal Length = SQRT ( 202 + 16.5 ) = 25.92

Rdiagonal = 0.45k/ft * 25.92 = 11.67 kips

If you take the sum of moments about the Support B, there are no unknowns except the support reaction at A.
M = RA * 32 - 1k * 16.5 - 2.7k * 29 - 1k * 25 - 11.67k * 16 - 2.7k * 3 = 0 therefore, RA (32) = 314.62 ft-k
RA = 9.83 k ANS (D)

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Structural Engineering
Exam Technical Content
The following structural engineering subjects are covered in the Civil Engineering License Exam:

Structural Engineering Content in the Breadth (Morning) Exam (20%)

Loadings: Dead & Live Loads, Construction Loads

Analysis: Determinate Analysis

Mechanics of Materials: Flexure, shear, tension & compression, deflection, shear and moment
diagrams, combined stresses
Materials: plain/reinforced concrete, structural/light gage/reinforcing steel

Member Design: beams, slabs, footings

Breadth Exam Structural Engineering Content

Old Dominion University - Virginia Applied Technology and Professional Development Center

Depth Exam Subject (% points)

Depth Exam Detailed Topics

Structural (87.5%)

Loadings (Dead, Live, Construction, Moving, Wind, EQ,

Snow, load path / combinations, impact, etc.) - 12.5%
Analysis (Determinate, Indeterminate) - 12.5%
Mechanics of Materials (Flexure, shear, torsion, tension &
compression, combined stresses, deflection, shear
diagrams, moment diagrams, progressive collapse?,
torsion, buckling, fatigue, thermal deformation) - 12.5%
Materials ( Plain/Reinf. Concrete, Pre-stressed/posttensioned concrete, structural/light gage/reinforcing steel,
timber, masonry, composite construction) - 25%
Member Design (Beams, slabs, columns, footings,
trusses, braces, frames, connections, shear walls,
bearing walls, diaphragms) -12.5%
Design Criteria (IBC, ACI, PCI, AISC, NDS, AASHTO,
ASCE7, AWS) - 12.5%

Other Topics (12.5%)

Engineering Properties of soils and materials (index

Soil Mechanics Analysis (Expansive soils)
Shallow Foundations (mat and raft foundations)
Deep Foundations (Axial capacity, lateral capacity and
deflection, and behavior of single pile/drilled shafts and
groups, settlement)
Engineering Economics (Value engineering and costing)
Material QC and Production (welding and bolting testing)
Temporary Structures (formwork, falsework and
scaffolding, shoring and reshoring, concrete maturity and
early strength evaluation, bracing, anchorage)
Worker Health, Safety and Environmental (OSHA
regulations, safety management)
Structural Engineering Depth Exam Content

Old Dominion University - Virginia Applied Technology and Professional Development Center

The following references have been approved for use on the Principles and Practice exam effective with the October
2006 examinations.

Design Standard Title


AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition, 2007, with 2008 Interim
Revisions, American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials,
Washington, DC


Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, 2005, American Concrete

Institute, Farmington Hills, MI

ACI530/ASCE 5/

Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, 2005; & Specification for

TMS402 & ACI

Masonry Structures, 2002, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI; Structural

530.1 / ASCE 6/

Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA; and

TMS 602

The Masonry Society, Boulder, CO (Use ASD except for slender walls)


Steel Construction Manual, 13th Edition, American Institute of Steel Construction,

Inc., Chicago, IL (Can use ASD or LRFD using 13th edition)


Seismic Design Manual, American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., Chicago, IL

(Spring 2007 release)


National Design Specification for Wood Construction, 2005 ASD/LRFD Edition &
National Design Specification Supplement 2005, American Forest & Paper
Association (formerly National Forest Products Association), Washington, DC


PCI Design Handbook, Sixth Edition, 2004, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute,

Chicago, IL


Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, 2005, American
Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY


International Building Code, 2006 Edition (without supplements), International Code

Council, Falls Church, VA

Technical Areas for Structural Engineering Session 1

In this session will first review technical areas that overlap between geotechnical and structural engineering. These areas
can be the subject of questions in either the breadth or depth portion of the Civil Engineering principles and practices
exam. The following subjects will be reviewed:
Shallow Foundations
Retaining Walls

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In order to cover the later two topics, we will need to review basic flexural and shear design of reinforced concrete. So,
first well take a look at loadings and then well move into reviewing some basic concepts in reinforced concrete.

In the NCEES design standards list there are two primary documents defining loadings. These are ASCE 7-05 Minimum
Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures and IBC 2006 International Building Code. Even if you arent taking the
structural engineering depth exam, you should be familiar with where and how to obtain reference dead and live loads. It
only requires a small commitment of time to gain familiarity with the references. If you learn about the documents, you
may find this results in some easy to earn points on the exam.
The tables below highlight the location of some important basic information in ASCE7.

ASCE 7-02

Dead Loads

Section C3, Pg. 245

Minimum Live Loads

Section 4, Pg. 9

WInd Loads

Section 6, Pg. 23

Seismic Loading

Section 9, Pg. 95

Snow Load

Section 7, Pg. 77

Load Combinations

Section 2, Pg. 5

It would reasonable to find an exam problem that examines your knowledge of where information is located in the
documents and the proper application. In addition, it is reasonable in the breadth portion of the exam to expect you to
be able to determine the basic application of loads and the resulting forces on structural components (with basic
determinate analysis).
Lets take a look at a couple of problems to reinforce some of these concepts.

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Problem S-1

Given the building cross section above (symmetric) and the following additional information, answer the following
questions. (Source: NCEES Principles and Practice of Engineering - Civil Engineering - Sample Questions and Solutions
and Brian Crowder)
Additional Information:
Roof Joists are spaced 24 o.c.
Roof sheathing is 3/4 plywood. Roofing is built-up membrane roof. Roof slope = 0.5 / ft.
Building is symmetric about roof beam shown. Building Length = 100 ft. Girder Span = 15 ft.

Problem S-1A:
The approximate dead load from the roof sheathing and roof joists is most nearly:
(A) 4 psf
(B) 5 psf
(C) 6 psf

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(D) 8 psf

Problem S-1B:
The minimum design roof live load is most nearly:
(A) 15 psf
(B) 20 psf
(C) 25 psf
(D) 30 psf

Problem S-1C:
Given that the total roof dead load is 10 psf, the specified roof live load is 25 psf, and that the central roof beam simply
spans 15 ft., the design moment for the roof beam is most nearly? (Assume no snow load or other superimposed
(A) 11,800
(B) 22,500
(C) 23,600
(D) 24,200

Problem S-1D:
Given the following:
Roof dead load = 15 psf
Non-reducible roof snow load = 40 psf
Average wall dead load = 54 psf
Design wind (pressure or suction) = 20 psf
The total axial load, P, in pounds per linear foot at the midheight of the wall is most nearly?
(A) 60
(B) 980
(C) 1310
(D) 1970

Old Dominion University - Virginia Applied Technology and Professional Development Center

Problem S-1E:
Given the loads in S-1D, the maximum design moment (ASD) in ft-lb per linear foot of wall at mid-height of the wall is
most nearly?
(A) 200
(B) 395
(C) 435
(D) 560

Solution S-1A:

From ASCE7-02 Section C3, Table C3-1, Page 246, you can find typical values of the dead load of various common
construction materials. From this table, it is found that the dead load from the sheathing is 3 psf per inch of thickness.
Therefore, a 3/4 plywood sheathing would weigh approx. (0.75) x ( 3 psf ) = 2.25 psf. From ASCE7 Table C3-2 you can
find timber weighs approximately 35 pcf. 2x12 -> A = 1.5 x 11.25 = 16.875 in2 = 0.118 ft2 . Therefore 2x12 weighs
0.118 ft2 x 35 pcf = 4.1 lb/ft. Since they are spaced 2 o.c., the area weight is 4.1 plf / 2 ft. = 2.05 psf. That gives a total
of 2.25 psf + 2.05 psf, or 4.3 psf of dead load from the sheathing and roof joists. ANS (A)

Solution S-1B:
From ASCE Section 4.9.1, you find that the minimum roof live load, Lr = 20 psf (R1) (R2) where 12 psf Lr 20 psf.
Support area for joist = 2 x 24 = 48 sq. ft. Support area for girder = 24 x 15 = 360 sq. ft. You would use the smallest
value, Therefore A = 48 sq. ft.. For an area this small R1 = 1.0. F = number of inches of rise per ft for a sloped roof.
Therefore F = 0.5. For F4, R2 = 1.0. Therefore, Lr = 20 * 1.0 * 1.0 = 20 psf. Therefore, the appropriate minimum roof
live load is 20 psf. ANS(B)

Solution S-1C:

The total load is 35 psf. The tributary width for the roof beam is 24 ft. Since the beam has several closely spaced
concentrated loads, the moment on the beam will be approximately the same as a uniformly distributed load. Therefore,
the uniform load on the beam is equal to w = 35 psf * 24 ft. = 840 plf. Determinate beam tables can be found in
Appendix 44.A of Lindeburg. On page A-81 the case of a simply supported beam with uniform load is covered.
M(max) = w * l2 / 8 = 840 plf * ( 15 ft )2 / 8 = 23,625 ft lb


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Solution S-1D:
P = 6 ft * 54 psf ( wt. of wall ) + 12 ft. ( 15 psf + 40 psf ) ( load from roof tributary area) = 984 plf ANS(B)

Solution S-1E:
There are two components of load creating moment on the wall - (1) out of plane wind load and (2) eccentricity of vertical
load. The moment will be calculated for each component of load and on a per foot of wall basis.
(1) out of plane wind load - w = 20 psf x 1 ft width of wall = 20 plf

M(wind) = w * l2 / 8 = 20 plf * ( 12 ft )2 / 8 = 360 ft lb / ft (max at mid-height)

(2) axial load component - w(roof, dead) = 12 ft * ( 15 psf ) = 180 plf.

eccentricity = e = 7.625/2 + 3.5 = 7.31 inches

Maxial,dead (at roof level) = w * e = 180 plf * (7.31 in. / 12 in/ft ) = 109.65 ft-lb / ft

Maxial,dead (at mid-height) = 0.5 * 109.65 ft-lb / ft = 54.82 ft-lb / ft

(3) axial load component w(roof, snow) = 12 ft * ( 40 ) = 480 plf.

eccentricity = e = 7.625/2 + 3.5 = 7.31 inches

Maxial,dead(at roof level) = w * e = 480 plf * (7.31 in. / 12 in/ft ) = 292.4 ft-lb / ft

Maxial,dead(at mid-height) = 0.5 * 292.4 ft-lb /ft = 146.2 ft-lb / ft

Load combinations for ASD from ASCE7 that include dead, snow, and wind are:
D + S = (54.82 + 146.2 ) ft-lb/ft = 201 ft-lb/ft
D + 0.75S + 0.75W = (54.82 + 0.75*146.2 + 0.75*360) ft-lb/ft = 434.5 ft-lb / ft
0.6D + W = (0.6*54.82 + 360) ft-lb/ft = 392.9 ft-lb/ft
So max case is D+0.75S+0.75W = 434.5 ft-lb/ft , ANS(C)

Reinforced Concrete Review

Before we can continue on to review the structural design of footings or retaining walls, we will first need to do a quick
review of flexural and shear design of reinforced concrete.
Unfortunately with the time available for review we can not review the design of reinforced concrete entirely. However, I
would encourage everyone to consider the design of reinforced concrete flexural members and footings to be part of
their preparation even for the breadth portion of the exam. Understanding the basic equations and their use may garner
a few extra points with a limited investment of review time.

Old Dominion University - Virginia Applied Technology and Professional Development Center

I suggest that instead of reviewing your college text on reinforced concrete and subsequently taking that into the exam,
you consider a different reference. Notes on ACI 318-02 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete - with
Design Applications is published by the Portland Cement Association (PCA). With a copy of ACI 318-02 and this PCA
reference you will be able to cover a large number of potential concrete design related questions on the exam. You will
find it easier and quicker to use the PCA reference compared to a typical textbook as the text is organized by application.
So you can quickly turn to example problems of designing spread footings, design of beams, etc.

Important Changes in ACI 318-02

With the 2002 edition of ACI 318 there are a few important changes to be aware of in case you originally studied
reinforced concrete design using an earlier version of the code and you have not had a chance to practice with the newer
code. The following table summarizes the changes. Well take a quick look at these subjects to help you prepare for the




Previous codes provided the minimum reinforcement ratio, min. As of the 2002 code,

reinforcement of

the actual minimum area of steel, As,min, is specified and the equations have been

flexural element

updated to directly consider the compressive strength of the concrete.


The 2002 code now defines reinforcement limits in terms of net tensile strain, t, instead

reinforcement of

of the balanced ratio /bal previously used. So youll have to be more familiar with

flexural element

determining the strain distribution in the cross section and some of the design aids to
know where you stand. The minimum t for a flexural element is now 0.004. This would
be compared to the previous code limit of < 0.75 bal which provided t = 0.0036.

Phi factor for flexure

In previous codes, resistance factor for flexure was 0.90. In the 2002 code, the value of
the factor is dependent on the strain in the tension steel. If the strain is equal to or
greater than 0.005 the section is said to be tension controlled and = 0.90. If the
strain is less than 0.005 the section is in a transition region and the factor must be

Load factors
ACI318 - 9.2

The basic load combinations in previous ACI codes were different than those used for
other materials. In the 2002 code, ACI 318 adopted the load combinations used in
ASCE7. This has the result of lowering the ultimate loads slightly in some situations.
For example, the typical dead load and live load combination was previously 1.4D +
1.7L. This combination is now 1.2D + 1.6L. So make sure you include a review of the
appropriate load combinations in your review. (Note: there is an Appendix to ACI318-02
that allows use of the older load combinations)

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Flexural Design
Lets first recall the basic derivation of the stress distribution in flexure for a reinforced concrete cross section.

(Source: Notes on ACI 318-02 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete - with Design Applications)

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The force equilibrium is shown for a tension controlled section, i.e. the reinforcing steel yields prior to the compression
concrete reaching its crushing strain. Lindeburg reviews basic reinforced concrete beam design in Chapter 50.
It is convenient to make some additional substitutions and simplifications to the equation for the nominal moment in order
to allow the use of some design aids.

further, Rn is defined as Rn = Mn / (b d2 fc)

The PCA reference provides a graph and table as design aids taking advantage of these relationships. These tools can
be used for design or analysis. Since the exam format is multiple choice and that most problems are single part
problems, it is likely that the problems will prescribe all but one quantity about a concrete section and the problem will be
largely an analysis type problem. Therefore, these design aids may enable you to quickly answer some problems related
to the flexural design of reinforced concrete. A copy of these design aids is provided for your information.

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Lets look at how you can use these design aids for a some simple beam problem.

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Problem S-2
Given the following beam cross section, fc = 4000 psi, and fy = 60 ksi, the design moment strength of the cross section
is most nearly? (Ignore the longitudinal hanger bars in the compression region.) (Source: PCA Notes on ACI 318-02
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, with Design Applications)
(A) 135 ft kips
(B) 140 ft kips
(C) 122 ft kips
(D) 120 ft kips

3 in.

First well look at the long form calculation, then well examine how to shorten the calculation using the design aids.

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Now lets look at how to shorten this solution using the design aids.
First calculate = * ( fy / fc ) = ( 2.37 sq. in. / 10 x 13.5 ) * ( 60,000 psi / 4000 psi ) = 0.2633
( = 0.0176 )
Now using Table 7-1, go down the left column to 0.26 to determine the appropriate row. Then find the 0.003 column
and go down to that row. This gives Mn / ( fc * b * d2 ) = 0.2222 . Solving for Mn gives Mn = 1619.83 kip-in.= 135 ft.kips
Using Table 6-1, it is found that for fc = 4000 psi , t = 0.2709 and t = 0.01806 (these are the values when the strain in
the tension steel is equal to 0.005, the limit for a tension controlled section. Since < t the section is tension controlled
and = 0.90 .
Therefore, the design moment strength Mn = 0.90 x 1619.83 kip-in. = 1457.8 kip-in. = 121.5 ft-kips
ANS( C) using both procedures.

Shear Design
Shear design of beams is discussed starting on page 50-24 of Lindeburg. Well briefly review this material during the
lecture. There have been some refinements to the shear design equations compared to previous ACI codes, but in many
cases the more complex equations are optional and the more familiar equations remain. Important things to understand
is determining the shear capacity contribution of the concrete and reinforcing steel and determining when shear
reinforcing is not required. In spread footing design, the footing thickness is typically selected such that no shear
reinforcing is required (see page 50-25 in Lindeburg). In slabs, it is difficult to place shear reinforcing. So slabs are
typically sized to avoid the need for stirrups. However, the limit of when no shear reinforcement is required in a slab is
different than beams due to the width of slab sections (See Page 51-3 of Lindeburg). Knowing these relationships may
also help you make an educated guess on a seemingly more difficult problem.

We dont have time to review the detailed calculation of short or long-term deflections of concrete sections. However, a
couple of things you should be aware of is the serviceability guidance for the depth / thickness of beams and slabs. On
Page 50-18, Lindeburg discusses the minimum beam depths required to avoid explicit deflection calculations. On page
51-2 Lindeburg discusses the minimum slab thicknesses to avoid deflection calculations if the slab doesnt support
deflection sensitive components. A question based on understanding this basic requirement would make a good exam

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Problem S-3
Problem S-3A
For a reinforced concrete beam simply spanning 20 feet, normal weight concrete, and reinforcing yield strength of 60 ksi,
the minimum thickness of the beam for serviceability is most nearly?
(A) 20 in.
(B) 15 in.
(C) 16 in.
(D) 11 in.

Problem S-3B
For a reinforced concrete slab simply spanning 20 feet, normal weight concrete, and reinforcing yield strength of 60 ksi,
the minimum thickness of the slab for serviceability is most nearly?
(A) 20 in.
(B) 15 in.
(C) 16 in.
(D) 12 in.

Solution S-3A:
Using Lindeburg Table 50.4 - for a simply supported beam, the thickness, h, should be 1/16 of the span length.
Therefore, h = 20/16 ft. x 12 in./ft. = 15 in. ANS(B)
Solution S-3B:
Using Lindeburg Table 51.1 - for a simply supported slab, the thickness, t, should be 1/20 of the span length. Therefore
t = 20/20 ft. x 12 in./ft. = 12 in. ANS(D)

Moment Coefficients
As discussed in Lindeburg Chapter 47, page 47-19, under certain conditions, ACI permits the use of approximate
moment coefficients for continuous beams and one-way slabs. While these may seem a little complicated at first glance,
they are fairly straightforward. Also it is more likely that determinate analysis or something like these approximate
methods will be encountered in a short multiple choice question than a full indeterminate analysis such as moment

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distribution. So knowing how to use these moment coefficients may allow you to quickly focus in on the right choice in a
multiple choice question with a low burden as far as review goes.

Reinforced concrete T-beam systems are common in practice and they are also common in exam problems. There is
only a limited amount of additional information to review in order to add T-beams to your repertoire if you are already up
to speed on flexural design. Lindeburg discusses T-beams on Page 50-19. The first thing to note is how to determine
the effective flange width per ACI code (Note: for a bridge problem you would use AASHTO criteria to determine the
flange width). When the neutral axis located within the flange of the T-beam the only difference in calculating the capacity
compared to a rectangular beam is you use the effective flange width for the beam width, b. If the neutral axis is below
the flange, then you have to adjust to take into account the T-shape of the compression region (see Example 50.8 in
Lindeburg). As a minimum know how to find the effective flange width and how do a quick check to see if the neutral
axis is in the flange. Well reinforce this with an example problem.

Problem S-4
Given problem statement to the right, a slab thickness of 3,
and a span of 20 ft. the design moment strength of this design
per repeating unit is most nearly?
(A) 164 ft kips
(B) 148 ft kips
(C) 152 ft kips
(D) 127 ft kips

(Source: 101 Solved Civil Engineering Problems, 3rd Edition )

Solution S-4:

AASHTO T-Beam Flange Guidelines:

Effective width, b,eff = minimum of:

Interior Girder beff = minimum of:

1/4 effective span

1/4 span = 5 ft. = 60 inches

2(6 x tslab) + greater of web thickness or 1/2 the

width of the top flange of the girder;

Stem width + 16*t = 10 + 16*3 = 58

or, c. to c. girders

or, beam spacing = 34

Exterior Girder beff = minimum of:

1/8 span

Therefore, b,eff = 34
T = AsFy = 60 ksi * 3 = 180 kips

(6 x tslab) + greater of 1/2 web thickness or 1/4

the width of the top flange of the girder;
or, width of the overhang

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a = (AsFy) / (0.85 * fc * beff ) = 180 kips / (0.85 * 3 ksi * 34 in.) = 2.07 in.
c = a / 1 = 2.07 / 0.85 = 2.44 < 3 inches so N.A. is in flange.
= As / beffd = 3 sq. in. / 34 x 12 = .0074
= * fy / fc = 0.0074 * 60 ksi / 3 ksi = 0.1471
From Table 6-1, t = 0.01355, therefore section is tension controlled.
From Table 7-1, Mn / (fc b d2 ) = 0.1342 therefore Mn = 1971.13 kip-in. = 164.3 kip-ft.
or you could use Mn = T * ( d - a/2) = 180 kips * ( 12 - 2.07/2) = 1973.7 kip-in. = 164.5 kip-ft.
Since section is tension controlled, =0.90. So Mn = 0.90 x 164.5 kip-ft = 148 ft kips

Shallow Foundations
In Geotechnical Engineering Session 1 we reviewed the general bearing capacity and vertical pressure distribution. In
Geotechnical Engineering Session 2 we reviewed calculating the bearing capacity. In this session we will take a closer
look at the structural design of the foundation. Lindeburg covers shallow foundations in Chapter 36. The structural
design of a reinforced concrete footing is covered in Chapter 55. Lets examine an example problem that will review the
basic steps of completing the structural design of the footing.

Problem S-5
A 16 in. thick, 10 ft. square footing on grade supports a 12 inch square column as shown. The net allowable soil
pressure is 3000 psf. (Source: Practice Problems for the Civil Engineering PE Exam, 8th Edition).

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Problem S-5A
If the column is not subjected to a moment, the maximum service load that the footing can transmit safely to the soil is
most nearly?
(A) 200 kips
(B) 250 kips
(C) 300 kips
(D) 350 kips

Problem S-5B
If the column has a total axial service load (dead plus live) of 200 kips, the maximum moment about the centroid of the
footing that the footing can support is most nearly?
(A) 140 ft-kips
(B) 170 ft-kips
(C) 190 ft-kips
(D) 220 ft-kips

Problem S-5C
The area of the critical section resisting punching shear is most nearly?
(A) 680 sq. in.
(B) 960 sq. in.
(C) 1200 sq. in.
(D) 1400 sq. in.

For problems S-5D through S-5F, assume the column is subjected to a factored axial force of 340 kips and no

Problem S-5D
The punching shear stress at the critical section is most nearly?
(A) 200 psi
(B) 250 psi

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(C) 280 psi

(D) 320 psi

Problem S-5E
The one-way shear stress at the critical section is most nearly:
(A) 60 psi
(B) 80 psi
(C) 100 psi
(D) 120 psi

Problem S-5F
The design moment at the critical section is most nearly:
(A) 280 ft-kips
(B) 300 ft-kips
(C) 340 ft-kips
(D) 440 ft-kips

In Problems S-5G through S-5J, assume the loading on the footing consists of a factored load of 340 kips
plus a moment of 150 ft-kips.

Problem S-5G
The maximum punching shear stress at the critical section is most nearly:
(A) 220 psi
(B) 250 psi
(C) 360 psi
(D) 410 psi

Problem S-5H
The maximum one-way shear stress at the critical section is most nearly?

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(A) 86 psi
(B) 97 psi
(C) 100 psi
(D) 120 psi

Problem S-5I
The design moment at the critical section is most nearly?
(A) 350 ft-kips
(B) 380 ft-kips
(C) 410 ft-kips
(D) 510 ft-kips

Problem S-5J
The number of No. 6 bars needed as reinforcement for the moment of problem S-5I is most nearly, if the depth to the
reinforcing from the top of the footing is 12 in. and fc = 3000 psi?
(A) 12
(B) 14
(C) 19
(D) 24

Problem S-5K
The one way shear stress capacity of the footing is most nearly? fc = 3000 psi , fy = 60 ksi
(A) 110
(B) 82
(C) 219
(D) 164

Problem S-5L
The punching shear stress capacity of the footing is most nearly? fc = 3000 psi, fy = 60 ksi

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(A) 110
(B) 82
(C) 219
(D) 164

Solution S-5A:
At this point, the only question relates to the bearing capacity. I.e. based on the net allowable bearing capacity how
much axial load can a footing of this size carry. P = 3 ksf * 10 ft. * 10 ft. = 300 kips ANS(C)

Solution S-5B:
Similar to Problem S-5A, this question is only assessing the capacity of the footing to carry axial load and moment given
the net allowable bearing pressure. The total pressure = P/A + Mc/I

Using Eqn. 55.2, If = (1/12) ( LB3) = (1/12)(10 ft.)4 = 833.3 ft4

Side Note:
Use Eqn. 55.1 disregarding correction for burial qa = (Ps / Af) + c * h + s ( H - h ) + ( Ms ( B/2 ) ) / If
3 ksf = (200 kips / 100 sq. ft. ) + ( Ms * ( 10 ft / 2 ) ) / 833.3 ft4
Ms - 166.7 ft.-kips ANS (B)

P/A Mc/I
A = BL, I = LB3/12 , c = B/2
Mc/I = M(B/2) / (LB3/12) = M(6) / LB2
M = P*e, therefore
(P*e) (6) / ((B*L)(B)) = P/A ( 6e/B) and substituting...
P/A Mc/I = P/A (1 (6e/B))

Solution S-5C:
Leaving room for bars and cover, assume:
d h - 4 in. = 16 - 4 = 12 in.
The critical section for punching shear is located a distance d/2 away from the face of the column. Therefore the length
of each leg of the critical section for a square column is equal to the column width + 2 (d/2).
b1 = b2 = column size + 2 ( d/2) = 12 in. + 2 ( 12 in. / 2) = 24 inches
Ap = ( 4 ) (24 in.) ( 12 in. ) = 1152 sq. in. ANS (C)

Solution S-5D:

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Use Eq. 55.14, to find the resultant force over acting over the area b1xb2. This area doesnt contribute to the shearing
force at the critical plane.
R = Pu * b1 * b2 / Af = (340 kips ) * ( 24 in. x 24 in.) / ( 120 in. x 120 in. ) = 13.6 kips
vu = ( Pu - R ) / Ap = ( 340 kips - 13.6 kips ) / 1152 sq. in. = 0.283 ksi = 283 psi ANS (C)

Solution S-5E:
The distance from the critical sections to the edge is e = (ftg. width - column width)/2 - d = (10 ft - 1 ft) / 2 - 1 ft. = 3.5
qu = 340 kips / 100 sq. ft. = 3.4 ksf.
Use eqn. 55.11 for one-way shear vu = ( ( 3.4 ksf )( 3.5 ft ) ( 1000 lb / kip)) / ( 1 ft * 144 sq. in. / sq. ft.) = 82.64 psi ANS(B)

Solution S-5F:
The length of the critical section for flexure is 4.5 ft. (face of column to edge of footing).
Using Eqn. 55.23 - Mu = qu * L * l2 / 2 = ( 340 kips / ( 100 sq. ft. ) ) * ( 10 ft. ) * ( 4.5 )2 / 2
(This is simply the moment of a cantilever with uniformly distributed load where qu * L is the load. The use of this
equation only applies when there is no applied moment to the footing.)
Mu = 344.3 ft. kips ANS (C)

Solution S-5G:
From Eqn. 55.16,
J = ( (12 in.) * ( 24 in ) 3 ) /6 x ( 1 + (12 in. / 24 in.)2 + (3) * ( 24 in. / 24 in.) )
J = 117,504 in4
Determine the fraction of the moment assumed to contribute to shear stress, v
v = 1 - ( (1) / ( 1 + ( 2/3 ) * ( (24 in.)/(24 in.) ) = 0.4
Using Eqn. 55.13,
vu = ( 340 kips - 13.6 kips) / ( 1152 sq. in.) + ( 0.4)(150 ft-kips)(12 in./ft.)(0.5)(24 in.) / 117,504 in4
vu = 0.283 ksi + 0.074 ksi
vu = 0.356 ksi = 356 psi


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Solution S-5H:
Side Note:
Determine the pressure distribution. Use Eq. 55.1.
q = ( 340 kips ) / ( 100 sf. ) (( 150 ft-lb ) ( 10 ft. / 2)) / 833.4 ft4
q = 3.4 ksf 0.9 ksf = ( 4.3 ksf , 2.5 ksf )
At the critical section,

P/A Mc/I
A = BL, I = LB3/12 , c = B/2
Mc/I = M(B/2) / (LB3/12) = M(6) / LB2
M = P*e, therefore
(P*e) (6) / ((B*L)(B)) = P/A ( 6e/B) and substituting...
P/A Mc/I = P/A (1 (6e/B))

q = 4.3 ksf - ( 3.5 ft / 10 ft. ) ( 4.3 ksf - 2.5 ksf) = 3.67 ksf

Q = ( 4.3 ksf + 3.67 ksf ) ( 3.5 ft / 2 ) * ( 10 ft. ) = 139.5 kips

vu = V/A = ((139.5 kips ) ( 1000 lb / kip )) / (( 10 ft ) ( 1 ft ) ( 144 / sq. ft. )) = 96.86 psi

Solution S-5I:
From the free-body diagram,


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A = ( 3.49 ksf ) ( 10 ft ) ( 4.5 ft.) = 157.05 kips

B = (0.81 ksf ) ( 10 ft ) ( 4.5 ft.) ( 0.5 ) = 18.23 kips
Mu = ( 157.05 kips ) ( 4.5 ft. / 2 ) + (18.23 kips ) ( 2/3 ) ( 4.5 ft. ) = 408.05 ft-kips


Solution S-5J:
Assume section will be tension controlled. Therefore, =0.90.
Mu / ( fc b d2 ) = 408.05 ft.kips * 12 in. / 1 ft. / ( 0.90 * 3 ksi * 120 in. * 144 sq. in.) = 0.1050
From Table 7-1, = 0.1125 --> = * fc / fy = 0.1125 * 3 ksi / 60 ksi = .0056
As = * b * d = 0.0056 * 120 * 12 = 8.1 sq. in. --> #6 = 0.44 sq. in. --> 18.4 bars ANS (C)
From Table 6-1, t = 0.01355 Since = 0.0056 < 0.01355 section is tension controlled as assumed.

Solution S-5K:
= 0.75 (new to ACI318-02)
vc = 2 * fc = 2 * 3000 psi = 109.5 psi
vc = 0.75 * 109.5 psi = 82.1 psi ANS (B)

Solution S-5L:

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= 0.75 (new to ACI318-02)

vc = ( 2 + y ) * fc (Eqn. 55.17)
y = min ( 2, 4/c, 40d/bo) = min ( 2, 4, 8.9) =2 (Eqn. 55.18 (a consolidated version of several ACI 318 Eqns))
vc = ( 4 * 3000 psi ) = 219.1 psi
vc = 0.75 * 219.1 psi = 164.3 psi ANS (D)

Note: Solution to Parts K and L suggest that for the higher load of 340 kips, a thicker footing is required since vu oneway = 96.9 psi and vu two-way = 356 psi both exceed the capacities just calculated.

Problem S-6
A square, reinforced concrete footing is installed so that the footing bearing surface is 5 ft. below the soil level, at a point
where the allowable soil pressure is 3500 psf. Other than the soil above the footing, there is no surcharge. The soil unit
weight is 100 pcf. The footing is located at the corner of a building and is loaded through a concentric 14 in. square
column. The column transmits a 125,000 lb service dead load and a 175,000 lb service live load to the footing. The
dead load includes the columns weight but does not include the footings weight. The compressive strength for all of the
concrete used is 3000 psi. Assume a footing thickness of 24 inches. Answer the following questions. (Source: Civil
Engineering Sample Examination, 5th Edition)
Problem S-6A
The minimum footing size is most nearly?
(A) 9 ft x 9 ft
(B) 10 ft x 10 ft
(C) 11 ft x 11 ft
(D) 12 ft x 12 ft

Problem S-6B
The critical (plan) area contributing to two-way punching shear is most nearly?
(A) 60 sq. ft. or less
(B) 70 sq. ft.
(C) 80 sq. ft.
(D) 90 sq. ft. or more

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Problem S-6C
The nominal concrete shear strength resisting punching shear is most nearly
(A) 350,000 lb
(B) 450,000 lb
(C) 550,000 lb
(D) 650,000 lb

Problem S-6D
The ultimate two-way punching shear is most nearly?
(A) 350,000 lb
(B) 400,000 lb
(C) 550,000 lb
(D) 650,000 lb

Problem S-6E
The critical area for beam-action shear forces is most nearly?
(A) 20 sq.ft.
(B) 30 sq.ft.
(C) 40 sq. ft.
(D) 50 sq. ft.

Solution S-6A:
The weight of the footing must be added to the dead load. The allowable soil pressure is given for the 5 ft depth. The
allowable soil pressure does not require a factor of safety. The net allowable soil pressure is
q(net) = pa - tconc = 3500 psf - 2 ft. * 150 pcf = 3200 psf
The applied load is not factored in calculating the footing size. The approximate area required is:

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A = ( Pd + Pl ) / q(net) = (125000 lb + 175000) / 3200 psf = 93.75 sq. ft.

Since the footing is square, sides of 10 ft would work. ANS (B)

Solution S-6B:
Typically you would expect two layers of tension steel, one in each direction, plus 3 inches of cover. Assume the tension
bars are approx. 1 in diameter ( #8 ) .
d = t - dia #8 - (dia #8 / 2 ) - cover = 24 in. - 1 in. - 1/2 in. 3 in. = 19.5 in. say 19 inches.
The critical section for two-way punching shear starts at a
distance d/2 from the column face.
d/2 = 9.5 inches
The length of each side of the inner periphery of the two-way
punching shear area is

l0 = 9.5 in. + 14 in. (column) + 9.5 in. = 33 in.

The critical perimeter length is

b0 = 4 * l0 = (4) (33 in.) = 132 inches.

The critical area for shear force lies outside the critical
perimeter. The critical area is
A critical = bw2-l0 2 = [( 120 sq. in.) 2 - (33 sq. in.) 2 ]/ ( 12 in/ft )2 = 92.44 sq. ft.

Solution S-6C:
The nominal concrete shear strength is given by Lindeburg Eq. 55.17.
vc = ( 2 + y ) * fc (Eqn. 55.17)
y = min ( 2, 4/c, 40d/bo) = min ( 2, 4, 5.8) =2 (Eqn. 55.18)
vc = ( 4 * 3000 psi ) = 219.1 psi
Vc = vc * bo * d = 219.1 psi * 132 in. * 19 in. = 549,500 lb. ANS (C)

Solution S-6D:


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The footing area is, A = B x B = 100 sq. ft.

The ultimate load carried by the footing is
Pu = 1.2 PD + 1.6 PL
Pu = 1.2 ( 125000 lb ) + 1.6 ( 175000 lb ) = 150,000 lb + 280,000 lb. = 430,000 lb.
The factored soil pressure acting on the footing is
pu = Pu / A = 430,000 lb. / 100 sq. ft. = 4300 psf.
The ultimate two-way punching shear is
Vu = p u

* A critical = 4300 psf * 92.44 sf. = 397,492 lb. ANS (B)

Solution 6-E:
The critical area for beam action is located a distance d from the column face.
The length of the critical section is
l = bw - bw /2 - bc / 2 - d
= 120 - 120/2 - 14/2 -19
= 34 in.
The critical area for beam action shear force is

A critical = bw * l = (120 in ) ( 34 in. ) / ( 12 in/ft )2

A critical = 28.3 sq. ft.

Retaining Walls
In Geotechnical Session 1 and 2 we examined the lateral pressures applied to retaining walls and the stability analysis of
retaining walls. Now we will add the structural design of a reinforced concrete wall. It is important to note that the same
flexural and shear design techniques reviewed previously can be used to solve this type of problem.

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Problem S-7
The retaining wall shown supports a 400 psf
surcharge in addition to the active backfill loading.
3000 psi concrete and 60,000 psi reinforcing steel
are used. The specific weights of the backfill and the
concrete are 100 pcf and 150 pcf, respectively. The
active earth pressure coefficient is 0.5. Rear face of
wall is vertical. Answer the following questions.
(Source: Practice Problems for the Civil Engineering
PE Exam, 8th Edition).
Problem S-7A:
The factor of safety against overturning is most
(A) 2.0
(B) 2.1
(C) 1.5
(D) 1.6

Problem S-7B:
The minimum theoretical heel depth is most nearly?
(A) 28 in.
(B) 30 in.
(C) 36 in.
(D) 24 in.

Problem S-7C:
Using a heel depth of 30 in. and No. 8 reinforcing bars, the required bar spacing in the heel is most nearly?
(A) 12 in.
(B) 10 in.
(C) 9 in.
(D) 8 in.

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Solution S-7A:
H = 18.25 ft. + 1.75 ft. = 20 ft.
The soil pressure resultant is:

Ra = 1/2 ( 0.5) ( 100 pcf ) ( 20 ft )2 = 10,000 lb / ft of wall

Ra acts at 20 ft / 3 = 6.67 ft. up from the base.
The surcharge loading is

Rq,h = (0.5) ( 400 psf ) * 20 ft = 4000 lb.

Rq,h acts at 20 ft. / 2 = 10 ft. up from base.
Split the wall, fill, and surcharge into areas to calculate the forces and moments. First find the forces and distances from
the heel.

length or area

q or

(ft or sq. ft)

(lb / sq. ft. )














F or W (lb)

r (dist from
heel) , (ft)

24,895 lb

Now take the moments about the toe, where x is the distance from the resultant force to the toe.

F ( lb )

x = 14 - r

moment ( ft-lb )














Ra * ya = (10,000 lb ) ( 6.67 ft. ) + ( 4000 lb. ) ( 10 ft. ) = 106,700 ft-lb. (moment of lateral forces about toe
F.S. (overturning ) = 222,535 / 106,700 = 2.09


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Solution S-7B:
heel weight = ( 8 ft. ) ( 1.75 ft. ) ( 150 pcf. ) = 2100 lb / ft of width (use toe thickness as initial heel thickness est.)
Vu = (1.2 ) ( 2100 lb/ft + 14,600 lb/ft ) + ( 1.6 ) ( 3200 lb/ft) = 20,040 lb/ft + 5,120 lb/ft = 25,160 lb/ft
The nominal shear strength of concrete is

vn = vc = (2) ( 0.75 ) ( (3000 psi ) = 82.2 psi

The required heel thickness, without requiring shear reinforcement and neglecting the soil pressure beneath the footing, is
(25,160 lb / ft ) / ( ( 82.2 psi * 12 in/ft )) = 25.5 in. Round to 26
Add at least 3 of cover and h = 29 in.


Solution S-7C:
With a heel thickness of 30, the heel weight becomes
(8 ft.) ( 30 in. / 12 in/ft ) ( 1 ) ( 150 pcf ) = 3000 lb/ft
Take moments about the stem face.

F ( lb )

distance ( ft. )

M ( ft-lb / ft. of wall)








The ultimate moment on the heel at the stem face is given by Eqn. 54.10b

Mu = 1.2 * ( 58,000 ft-lb + 12,000 ft-lb ) + 1.6 * ( 12,800 ft-lb ) = 104,480 ft-lb / ft. of wall
Use Eqn. 54.13 in Lindeburg or design aids presented in PCA reference.

Mn = Mu / = 104,480 ft-lb / ft. of wall / 0.90 (assume) = 116,089 ft-lb / ft. of wall
for b = 12 in. d = 26 in. ---> Mn / fc bd2 = 0.0572
Using Table 7-1, = .059 = * fy / fc ----> = 0.059 * 3000 psi / 60000 psi = .0030

As = * b * d = 0.92 sq. in. / ft. of wall

As,min found using Eqn. 50.16, As,min = 3 * fc * b * d / fy 200 * b * d / fy
As,min = 3 * 3000 * 12 * 26 / 60,000 = 0.85 sq. in. 200 * 12 * 26 / 60000 psi = 1.04 sq. in. / ft.

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Therefore, As, min. governs at 1.04 sq. in. So spacing provided, s, can be found from -> 0.79 sq. in (#8) / s = 1. 04 sq.
s = 0.75 ft. = 9 inches. So #8 at 9


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