Pack A Waste Free Lunch

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Why Pack Waste-Free?

Make Today and Every Day a Waste-Free Lunch Day

Did you know that every school lunch creates an average

of 67 pounds of trash per school year? That means, just one

average-size middle school creates over 40,000 pounds of

lunch waste a year! By reducing the number of items in your

lunch that must be thrown out, or only using those that can

be eaten, reused, recycled, or composted, you can:

Prevent pollution
Conserve natural resources such as coal, oil, natural gas,

and trees

Save energy

What You Can Do to Help:

Reduce the need for disposal

Be an environmental steward and make
a difference in your environment and
the environment of the future

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Get the Ball RollingOrganize a Waste-Free Lunch Day!

1. Plan a Waste-Free Lunch Day. Before holding a Waste-Free Lunch Day
at school, check to see if cafeteria space will be available. Work with
the school administrators, custodians, and cafeteria staff to arrange for
the proper recycling and disposal services for the waste-free lunch.
Make sure they schedule a pick-up time on the day of the event. A
week before the event, send home flyers or checklists with tips on how
to pack waste-free, along with sample menus.

Waste-Free Lunch Day

Reduce food waste: Feed hungry people with unspoiled, wholesome

food. Donate this food to local food banks, soup kitchens, and shelters.
Provide food to animal farmers or zoos: Farmers and zookeepers can
feed their animals with leftover food.
Compost food to fertilize plants: Composting is a good way to convert
food scraps that cannot be fed to people or animals into a valuable
nutrient source for plants and soil organisms. For school environments,
worm composting, also known as vermiculture or vermicomposting,
may be the best method to use. Composting on a large scale is a com
plicated task. Please work together with local solid waste and health
authorities if you would like to undertake such a task.

2. Get the Message Out! Before the Waste-Free Lunch Day, educate stu
dents and teachers about the event. Students can make their own
waste-free lunch posters in art class, or an announcement can be made
over the school intercom system. Use the school newsletter to educate
5. Measure Success. Use the charts to the right to determine the success
parents about the event and how they can help.
of the Waste-Free Lunch Day. Make note of the items included in each
3. Have a Waste-Free Lunch Day. On the Waste-Free Lunch Day, have
lunch before the Waste-Free Lunch Day to be able to compare the suc
each student and teacher bring in a waste-free lunch (or as close to
cess of the day.
waste-free as possible). Work with the school cafeteria staff to plan a
6. Share Your Story! Help others join the waste-free lunch craze by shar
waste-free lunch for students who dont bring in their own from
ing your success story! E-mail your story and pictures from your Wastehome. During the school-wide waste-free lunch, have students and
Free Lunch Day to EPA at [email protected]. In your email, include
teachers share how they made their lunches waste-free.
your name, your schools name, an explanation of what you did to make
4. Dont Stop Here. While planning the Waste-Free Lunch Day, work
your Waste-Free Lunch Day a success, and any photos you would like
together with school administrators, teachers, support staff, and com
posted on the EPA Web site. Photos should be at least 5 inches by 7
munity public health services to put leftovers to good use:
inches and 72 dots per inch. Make sure you have your schools permis
sion before sending photos to be posted on the EPA Web site.

Did You Pack a Waste-Free Lunch?

Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Use this worksheet to compare which items in your lunch were reusable, recyclable,
compostable, or waste before and after your Waste-Free Lunch Day. The goal is to have
the majority of the leftover items from your lunch in the first three columns, and have as
few items as possible in the waste column.

Before Waste-Free Lunch Day




Ex. 1 plastic container

packaging for cookies,

1 banana peel, 1 soda can

Where to Recycle

Remember: Everything in a waste-free lunch can be eaten,

reused, recycled, or composted. Also, remember to keep foods
that need to be refrigerated cold using a reusable, insulated
lunch box or bag or including a reusable ice pack in your lunch.

Does your school have a recycling program? If so, it will be easy

for you to recycle materials such as soda cans, plastic bottles, and
glass jars from your lunchesjust put them in the proper recep
tacles. If your school does not have a recycling program, but one
is set up in your community, bring home the recyclable materials
from your lunch and put them with your recyclables at home. If a
recycling program is not available at your home or school, con
tact your state, municipal, or county solid waste management
agency to find out what you can do to get a recycling program
started in your community or hold a one-time recycling event.
When a community recycling program is set up, talk to your prin
cipal about starting a program at your school. Until the recycling
programs are in place, try your best to include items in your
waste-free lunch that do not need any packaging, or only use
packaging that can be reused.


Waste-Free Lunch Day

Ex. 1 plastic container,
1 plastic baggie from

1 soda can



1 banana peel

Reduce unnecessary packaging and food

waste. Buy juice, crackers,

and cookies, for example,

in bulk so you bring only

what you can eat in

reusable containers.

Pack Waste-Free and Healthy

Use the examples from Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to create your own waste-free and healthy lunch
menus for Thursday and Friday. You can pack sandwiches, leftovers from dinner, fruits, veggies, juice, or
anything that you think is healthy and waste-free. If you put items that need to be refrigerated in your lunch,
such as mayonnaise, cold cuts, or cheese, be sure to include a reusable ice pack in your lunch box or bag.
Make sure to pack only what you can eat, reuse, recycle, or compost.

For more information on waste-free lunches, check out
the following resources:

U.S. Composting Council

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pack

a Waste-Free Lunch

Provides a unified voice for the growing composting

industry. This site features links to numerous publications
and other Web sites that focus on composting.
Provides additional information on packing waste-free
lunches, including a sample letter to send home to
parents and printable versions of the activities on the
back of this poster.
Waste-Free Lunches
Provides information on how to participate in or start a
waste-free lunch program.
Laptop Lunches

Tools to get more nutrition and less waste from lunch.

Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance
Information and success stories on reducing waste that
can be applied to other schools.
Tips for a Waste-Less School Year

Reuse + Recycling = Waste Reduction:

A Guide for Schools and Groups
A step-by-step how-to guide for setting up a waste
reduction program in schools.
Feeding the Hungry and Reducing Solid Waste
Through Food Recovery
This document by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency explains
how to start a Waste Not Want Not program at school.
American Forest & Paper Association


Did You Pack Less Waste?

Compare your findings from your lunch before Waste-Free Lunch Day to those you collect on
Waste-Free Lunch Day.

Add It Up!

See how much waste you would avoid if you packed waste-free every day!
After one week, how many waste items would you avoid if you packed waste-free every day?
_____ (Hint, multiply the number of waste items avoided in one day by the number of days you
attend school during the week.)
After one month, how many waste items would you avoid if you packed waste-free every day?
_____ (Hint, multiply the number of waste items avoided during one week by the number of
weeks you attend school during one month.)
After one year, how many waste items would you avoid if you packed waste-free every day?
_____ (Hint, multiply the number of waste items avoided during one month by the number of
months you attend school during one year.)
Wow! You could reduce ______ items of waste in one year if you packed waste-free every day!
Just imagine how many resources you could be conserving!
Shares information, including environmental policies and
recycling initiatives, about forest products such as paper
and wood.

Solid Waste and Emergency Response

January 2006
Recycled/RecyclablePrinted with vegetable oil based inks on 100% postconsumer, process chlorine free recycled paper.

Offers a number of ideas for creating less waste.

Waste-Free Lunch Day

Did You Pack a Waste-Free Lunch?

Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Use this worksheet to compare which items in your lunch were reusable, recyclable,
compostable, or waste before and after your Waste-Free Lunch Day. The goal is to have
the majority of the leftover items from your lunch in the first three columns, and have as
few items as possible in the waste column.

Before Waste-Free Lunch Day

Ex. 1 plastic container




packaging for cookies,
1 banana peel, 1 soda can

Waste-Free Lunch Day

Ex. 1 plastic container,
1 plastic baggie from

1 soda can



1 banana peel


Did You Pack Less Waste?

Compare your findings from your lunch before Waste-Free Lunch Day to those you collect on
Waste-Free Lunch Day.

Add It Up!

See how much waste you would avoid if you packed waste-free every day!
After one week, how many waste items would you avoid if you packed waste-free every day?
_____ (Hint, multiply the number of waste items avoided in one day by the number of days you
attend school during the week.)
After one month, how many waste items would you avoid if you packed waste-free every day?
_____ (Hint, multiply the number of waste items avoided during one week by the number of
weeks you attend school during one month.)
After one year, how many waste items would you avoid if you packed waste-free every day?
_____ (Hint, multiply the number of waste items avoided during one month by the number of
months you attend school during one year.)
Wow! You could reduce ______ items of waste in one year if you packed waste-free every day!
Just imagine how many resources you could be conserving!

[Insert Date]
Dear Parents,
[Insert School Name]
is holding a Waste-Free Lunch Day on
______________. On our Waste-Free Lunch Day, students will be asked to bring lunches that
include as many items as possible that can be eaten, reused, recycled, or composted and as few
items as possible that must be thrown away.
You can help your child pack his or her waste-free lunch by including only what your student
can eat, using reusable containers or bags, or buying non-perishable foods in bulk. In planning
your childs waste-free lunch, remember: if you pack any items that need refrigeration make sure
you include a reusable ice pack to keep the items fresh. If your child cannot bring a waste-free
[fill in proper alternative]
lunch from home, ______________________________________________________________.

Waste-Free Lunch Tips:

Sandwiches in reusable containers.
Whole fruits without packaging.
Drinks in containers that can be
reused, such as a thermos, or
recycled, such as a can.

Snacks purchased in bulk and

brought in reusable containers.

Reusable ice packs.

Dont Include:
Individually wrapped snacks
Plastic baggies that are not reusable
Disposable forks and spoons


And dont stop after just one day of packing waste-free! Pack your child a waste-free lunch every
day and pack your own waste-free lunch for work.
If you have any questions about the Waste-Free Lunch Day, please contact
[insert name and contact information]
For more information
on waste-free lunches please visit
[Insert School Name]
Thank you for your support, and please help __________________________________________
make today and every day a waste-free lunch day!
[Name of school principal, teacher, or other administrative personnel

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